8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1866. MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Street Cleaning. The following wpre the propositions lor donning the sire ts of camion, rectntiy made to ( ouiidl t David Crecvy, II50 Charles O'Neil, 800j John Motjlouchlin, t700 ; Jonathan Kutbnde Jr , sM50 t J. H. Wood, Jr, (666 I Campbell Jb Brother, 340. leeae (renfe ten being tho lowest bdlers, ot course received the contract, and cave act ihomsetvos to work In earn, cat In cleaning; the streots. ' Thin is an it should be. for tbe rauld approacti of hot, weather, and tbe near approach ot the oholera, demand that all the streets shall be kept olean and unencumbered of garbage and offal. ' TowNPnip Statements. By a law passed tT the lfgis attire ot New Jersey a year airo, town ship elcrks are oolired to publish lui' statement of the rccipta and expenditure" of their respoo ive townships, under a pona'ty of a tine ot flitv dollar Thia in a good law, as itwiH enable tho taxpayers to ascertain what becomes of tne money raised for tho public oko. To br MirsTEBD.D Out. The friends of the members of tho Thirty-fourth New Jery Vol ante rs, manv of them beinir trom Camden cifv and county, are anxiously awaiting tselr arrival homo 1 hey are on their way hiihor tor tho purpose ot being mustered nnt at. Trenton Directuorb' Meeting. The annual meet ing of the stockholders of the West Jersey Kailroad will be he In on the first of May, in Camden, at which time thirteen director will be cboson. CITY I NTELLI GENCE m For Addiliona I City IntcUigmce see HardPage. The Girakd Row. It Is within the recol lection oi inauy of our citizens when tbe tine row of buildines in Chcsnut street, between K even th and Twe fth streets, bad wo existence; but the lot itselt was turround.nl by an unattractive boaid fence. Our treat model merchant, y .eph n (, Irani, was then its owner When tuo nne residence were ereoiea, many prophtsiod that tncy were too far from the trade centre of the city ev r to he vory profitab e but as business has gradually crept westward, fol lowing the star 01 empire, ilies costy mansions nave been demanded by the devotees ot Mammon, and aircady two have bom wrested from privacy and converted into splendid mercantile establish mcnts One will shortly be opened by the ISelio maker Piano orto Company, and Mr J. 11. Scio maker and II, H Gray pride themselves upon tho fact that tbey will eclipse in maruilioenoo any similar establishment in tho country, lbnre will here be ample room to display tbe line Instruments of the Company. The oilier store, which is ap proaching completion, wiil be occupied by Mr. Mitchell, the well-known confectioner, and will be a iirst-c'ass establishment in every particular. At tbe expiration of the current leases other changes will be made. Kumor affirms that a portion will be convened intoapraud art gallery, aud that a first-class conceit ball will be constructed. The retail busintss is steadily marching up Chosnut atreui, and in a short time it will be a continuous avenue oi stores, from the Delaware to Uroad si rent. As an indication of the prosperity of the city, tbe lact is gialilylng. Fair In Aid of tiie Home for Little Wakdkkers. On Monday evening a puolio hair will be opened at No 2118 Green Mroet, in aid of the atovo-naincd institution. Tbe display wi 1 be worth Boeing, and wo trust, tnat thi residence wi I be pro perly "warmed" with patronage during the week. Kev. Mr. Siegfried, Doan ot the Homo, will have the "Little Wandeiers" at the Fair throe evenings dur ing the week," to sing and otherwise entertain their friends and patrons 1'onatious of money, groce ries, fanoy goods, and any attractive and salable articles are earnestly soliciied Tor the Fair, and may be sent to tbe care ot Mrs. atson or Mrs. Gardner, Ho. 2118 Green street. We hop onr friend will do all in their power to assist these and other lady managers to make the affair completely successful. The WeAtiifr. The vernal breezes are afloat to day, and Chosnut sj-oot is a moving mass of bumamtv enjorinir the pleasures oi tbe Promina te. 'lhe sugeeBtivelv cool attire of the ladies, and (he natty appearance of the beaux, recalls to onr re membrance the face that solsticial heats are olose noon us, and that Atlantic City, Cape May. ann the choiera, perhaps, m y be expected soon. Ihe retail dry goooB clerks were driven to tbe verge of distrao tion by tbe thronps ot beauties preparing for a Change of ctstumc, ai-d purc.ia.serg of spring limto rial. Phe air, though simo vba heated, is deliglit lul, and even body soem to enjov it. We congratu late "etberial mildness" upon his sudden but most we, come arrival Where bomk Stolen Meat was Drsco Vkkd. Kesteiday attornoon a nmn named Henry 'Williams, who resides at No. 1204 Parrish street, was arrested on the charge of recoivinz stolen woods. It appears that yesterday morning Mr. 15or-ff's butcher nop, on Thirteenth street, near Mount vernon, was entered by petti n in thejbick way, and a quantitr of beef, valued at C800, was stoien. Ahorse and wagon, belonging to Mr. Boretf, was stolen at tuo same time, and the meat carried of)' in it. Subse quently tbe stolen meat was discovered in the pos sesion of Mr. vvillianrs, at his residence, and he not being ab e to give a very s itiRlactorv account of how be came into possession of it, was held in SlUOO bail by Aloorman Cloud for a further hearing, A Bobber and Would-be Murderer. last evening a desperate character named William JtoiTinlov robbed a woman ot two dollars, In a low drinking establishment, at Front and Dock streets. The woman discovered her logs and acoused Mo dule y of robbing her, whon the fellow pulled out a TiiBtol. and flred tbe contents at his acouser. Fortu nately tne ball just grazt-d tbe woman's head, and .lodged tn tne wall. MUinlev was at once arrestnd. lie subsequently proved to be a hard case who jobbed a man on Front street some time back, and tiie police hive been on the lookout tor him ever ince. Alderman Butler committed him in deiault of 12W bail. Suspicion of Larceny. A girl named Ji.ate kubbcii, who belongs to that class ot so ciety known in certain circles as "lernale bum mers," was arrested last evening in the not very aristocratio neighborhood of Seventh and Bea- ford streets, haviDsr in her possession two rolls t rag-carpet. Not being able to give a very sausiactorv account) oi now she became nos- eessed ot said articles, the inference was that Bhe stole them. Acting under which belief .Alderman Tltlermary committed Kate to prison. Death of an Estimable Citizen. Kr. Edmund Brewer, a well-known resident of the Seventeenth Ward, died ot consumption on Thurs day evening. He was especially a iavorite amour a host of friends, in wboae company his goniali'y was marked He was an exemplary and honored Past Master oi Lodge No. 8, Ancient York Masons: Past Chief Fatnarch of the Grand Encampment I. O. of u. . ot renrjByivatna; secretary ot runty Lodge. bo. 826, 1. O of O. F , and a member ot the Kotiool Board ot tbe Heyenteenth Section. Tha funeral will taxe place on l ueaday at tot noon. Arrest of a Supposed Forger. A man who gave the name ol William Foster wag arrcBted at Btoona ano itace stree , yesterday evening, nnder very suspicious eirenmstanccs. He had lu his TotwesBion aoout wortn of chocics. bonds, etc. He undertook to sell a number of coupons ot the Cape May and Milville Railroad for 2 aniec.e. when it is stated that Ihe par value is 15. The checks! bonds, etc., found in possession ot tbe defendant were drawn on Cincinnati and other cities. It is enrewoiy guspeoted tnat tne onecks end hnnrla am forgeries Alderman Hurley held Koitor in $2000 iur a luriuer i. earing. A Female Thief. Margaret O'Brien is a pedd er, and last evening she went into a grocerv store on l ronton avenue, and while tne uuck ot tbe proprietor wag turned she at tempted to rob the money-drawer. She wai soen, tiowerer, when she ran out of the store and into the ol next door. Marearot was taken bofore Al dor- wan Cloud, bo held berin S100 bail to answer. . Defacing Property at Fairmount Pabk. Yesterday afternoon four vouna nin were anested in Fairmount Park, charged with defacing the public property there, by cutting their names, etc., on tbe summer-house. The arrests were made by Oiliccr Thorn, of tho Park j'ouce. Alderman massey neiq them to bail. Eun Over and Killed. At an earlv lour this morning a boy named Mooney was run over oy a miikwuron, at rjierhtu and Mar- . Tiot streets, and so seriously injured tbut he died. NlW DaSRB-lf AKItfl KSTABI.I8HMENT. At the vrreut solicitation of numerous valued patron, wa have opened a department for Ladies' Ureas-making, with suitable reception rooms for the tittm, etc., where we are now Di-euared to execute all orders in the beat and latest European style, with the utmost promptuesg. Ladies need fear no dlsannolutmont in rearard to their orders being delivered punctually at the time Jiromised,! J. W. PRocroa k Co., i m, wy viiwam Direct, Tna Gueat European t;ofBOTERST, Austria "Yon let thotn bits of gro ind alone, louca not a single Duchy," rrwtio '''Why, all this pioperty 's my own ; You need not be so touchy," Juttria lours, is It f Very we'l we'll see; This spree ghatl oo.t you dear, If you don't let mv denies wig be. And band that Holstoin here." Prutsia "My love of fighting nought can tatnet t o threat my nerves appal ; And woli established i my tame, As that of lower Hall." We have All-wool Fancy Cassimere Coats, as low as. ...S6 00 Panta ' .... 4 001 " " " Vests " ... 2 60' Making an n yie all-wool fancy suit for 911 50 All-wool black t-nck fonts as low as $11 00 Casihiere Pants " 6 0() t'loMi Ve ts " 4 00 Making an entire all-wool black suit tor 20 00 All-wool good stvle Fancy vasslroore Suits, to match, lor SH C0. i Astonisiiinr as tliepo prices may soem, compared with those to which wo have boon accustomed tor several years, they aio not jtnttiinuatee, have the gnorii in quantities, at the prices mentioned. We make no no trnh they are all seiviceable good'. Advancing trom thofe rates we have a ods ot all prades, uo to the very finest fabrics, comprising by far tbe largest and most complete assortment of Clothing in l'hiladelpliia;inen's, youths', and hoys'), rnrnaped hy none, and ee-nalled by low, In stylo, make and fit, at prices guaranteed lo ver than tho lowest elsewhere, or tho money refunded. To Clothiers Our purchases for this season having been delayed, waiting the expected decline in goods, we have now on band the largest and bost assorted stock ot Clothing In Philadelphia, pur ctiBFcd for cash exclusivty, at the very lowest rates of the season, which enables us to realize a fair profit and sell at prices lets than the co?t of same goods in most other establishments We can supply clothiers doing a fine city trade, with goods adapted to their sales, at prices so much lowor than the cost of tholr prcccnt stocks, that, by making an avorage of the wbolo, they will bo enabled to dispose of thoir goods at prices covering tho average cost, and oven paying a profit. Bknnktt fc Co., lOWKR. 11 ALL, No 618 Market Street. Pirrt & Co. 's Lecturk on Grumbling. They lecture on grumbling, and, pant all doubt, 1 heie's enough jum now to grumble about, 8ugai at twenty cents a 1 ound Js one item tor gruDitiiinir to oe ioono. 1 he price of tea, and cofl'ee. and rent, V ill occasion some mtie discontent, And the cost ot whisky distilled from grain Would make tne veriest toper acstain: We surely at prices may grumble and irown, When the goods are all up and tho greenbacks all f ten; And grumble folks will, of either gender, Till so d and stiver's the legal tender. But notwithstanding this grumbling style, It's rather relresbing, onco in a while, I n find there are people bofb great and small, Wh , somehow or oiher, don't grumbie at all! Ihexe are tbe people who visit tne -star, And their laces, complacent, te.l who tbey are. Thru are lhe reonle who wisely so To purchase their clothin oi Perrt & Co. A bout yaiue oi currency wisely inuiu, Whilst buying a chep kd stylish buiti And thus cheaply obtaining suci fashion and stylo, They afterwards crumble .mt "onco in a while." So ct all who in tasty erBiso oarmbmts would sliiro, Ccai-o to grumble and visit Six Hundred and Kink. Which in Chebnut Stbei'T is, that mighty storo, W here the grumbler, onco suited, will grumble no more. Nothing is more apt to cause ill temper than to feel that one's gaiments aro of bad style or ill FiTTiao. It is the traud objeoc ol the "Star," While solliUg ITS OOODH AT LOWER PKIOBS THAN caw be obtaised ELBKWiiEKB, to give its custom ers durable goods and garments of the latest style. which tit accurately, we preier losing a saie ratner than to sell a bad y fitting garment; therefore, all can deal with confidence at tbe "Istar," knowing ltx goods Will rove as represented. We emp,oy only the most exuert cutters in our custom depart- Kent. Call and see us. MAR CLOTniNQ EMPORIUM, Low Phicks and Fasbionable GOODS, NO. 609 CHLBMJT BTRtliT, 6I6S OF STAR, . l'SBRT & CO, "W. & B. Oak Hall, Clothing, Sixth C if and Market," t Jf This is the Clothiitft Jlnuie ot the City, itf Popular because of Low Prices ahd Good t if Goons. Itf- A i:asn Dunnes or immense matnituue ju.nif iff firs very motlerate prices, this ts ihe reason t ff we sell so cheap. Our Clothing is FASHION- jff-ABLE, Elegant, and Serviceable ; and iff those who owe try our beautiful styles and ex tffcellent workmanship, are convinced that they J f never have been suited so well. The following 5 ff List tmlirnces a few of lhe leading prices: I If All-wool Cussimere worktha Pants 8600 i'sf JJo do do do 6 00 t if Do do second dress do 6 60 3fJ ine f ancy uassimere Jrrcts aa i w Iff Do do do do 8-00 t tf Handsome do do do 9 00 Iff Elegant do do do 10 00 t.sr-uooa iiiaCK uassimere j-ams o iw ... . n I ffUne do do O OU 10 00 Iff Super do do .... fff Vests,. for every any wear fr-Fancu Casimere Vests, for dress 260 8 60 4'60 ff Super Cassimere Vests, fine quality l tf Handsome Black Cloth Vests 600 760 ff Light Cassimere Hack Coats t-ifltirk Cassimere ack Coats.... 8 60 f if Melton Cloth Sick (oats 90) tff fancy cassimere aaca vmus iuuu I if Pine Black Sack Coats 12 00 tr ir Tin do 14 U0 1500 16 00 iff Elegant Dark Sack Coats p- JJO uu t fi" Super Dark Sack Coats tsr-Jiluck Frock Coats 18 00 WOO G if Black p'rock oats, 9H up to $10. tst 'lnestt are oreui jiaruams. ana ure seuma ff rapidly. Wc are enabled to buy cheap, and Iff therefore sen cneap. Call and Examine. Popular Ciothinq House, "Oak Hall" S. E. , corner Sixth and Market streets, Constitutional Consumption, From trust- worthy data it has been estimated that at least one- fourth of all who are boi n in the United States have at birth lungs in a tuberculous condition, and In congeqnenoe are predisposed to Pulmonary Com plaints ; yet it is equally well established that this predisposition need not end in Consumption, Asthma, or any o'ber Lnng Disease, if due cure and watchtulness be observed, and all exciting causes are promptly treated as they arise. It is in Just inch cases Dr. Jay tie's Expectorant exorcises the most beneficial ollec's, and has produced the largest proportion of its cures. Bosidos pcomptly removing Coughs and Colds, which, whon loft to themselves, are tho most common cause of tuber culous development, this standard remedy allays any inflammation which may exist, and, by promo ting easy expectoration, cleanses the lungs of tho substances which clog tliem up, and which rapidly destroy when suluircd to' remain, Prepared only at No. 242 Chosnut street. "Lyon 8 Kath aihon." The gem of every lady's toilet, the niota dclnrh'tu) hair dressing in tho world. it ciauicaies suurt and dandruu.i It keeps tho head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, sou, and glossy. It prevents hair fioin turning groy. It keeps it from lading off. It restores it on prematurely bald heads. No wonder it has a world-wide reputation. John Locke onco encountered a blind man who took his idea ei scarlet (rooi the sound of a trumpet. On that philosophy, why may not a near man be re minded, on seeing a hoop skirt banging out at the door, of the peal oi a boiler And while on the sub ject oi dres and undress, we must refer to the hand- omo aKsortment ot spring uiotuing at iiuaries Stokes & Co.'s under the Continental, lor both dress and undress occasions. The Clothing Olfyretf at this houee biu no vjual iu thin eity, lint, AKD How wt Nuai.yoT It fhnnsands of perrons are now sufloring from Catarrh, Throat, Lane, and Chntt Affections, or irom rome disease of the organs of respiration and clron a turn, or diges tive orrsns, h.ch, however g'tgl.t it may appear at first, will, if neglected, become (prions. 1 ho means of restoring these orpans to a healthy condition is now within their reach. The testimony of the most eminent physicians, and tl e medical pro8 of Enrope ano mis country, show tnat tnt svsiom lntroanceu by Dr. Von Moscfazi krr, ot this city, will undonht eoly reach the veiy aat ot the disease and eradicate it. This "Atomizer" is a most valuable and com plicated apparatus, and all who have examined it and WitnetKod the mode of application, have, with wonder and tonlihmcnt, aoknowlrdirnd It to be of tbe most inirenlnus construction and utmost va no for the tkoibI treatment of those ma'ad es. We ad. vice all who need the Doctor's services to can at n s office. No 1081 Walnut gtieet, and sen lorthitn- selves, and, however slight they may think their ail ment, we would urge instant attention if nle is vaintd. ' , Window Shades at On Dollar 1 lie country peop e come, v ' The city peop c come, . , 'lhe Western people come, ' k Tbe bouthern people come.. Cheapest shades tor all at PATTUN S, No. 1408 Chosnut street. Terry Davis' Paiw Killer. This old and woil- known remedy, which has acquired a world-wide renown tor the cure ot niddon oolds, cotiwhs, etc., week stomach, general debility, nursing sore mouth, cankered mouth or throat, liver complaint, dysp-p-sia, or indigestion, cramp, or pain in the tom.io.i, bowel complaint, painter's colic, Asiatic cholora, diarrhoea and dysentary, hag lost none of its tooa name by repeated trials) but continues to occupy a pi eminent position in every family modiclne chest. Upholstery. Lare Jobs of Upho'stcry done with a quickness truly astonishing. A'o delay, no dinoppointnunt feuflioient bands put on a job to liBkli It wnen promised, i nargos monorawj at , . TV . nr.riKT X aiilii a, No. 1403 Chosnut street Abtonipiiino. To all who have not studied its nieiits, the euros effected by Hasheesh Candu. The woist cases oi iliroat, Lung, or nervous Lnseaaes jioid to its sootning power. For salo bj all drug gists. Ncttinoham CURTAINS, one dollar, lieal Lace Curtains, to dollars. VV indow hlmce-, one do lar. Another Auction lot of Curtain, at one dollar. Patten's, No. 14C8 Chcsnut street I you want a good cui of Coffee buy one of Hude's Patent Aroma saving Coffee Browner, ion can get one at any respectable Hardware or liouse Furnishing Btore in the city Use it according to the direction. After one trial you wi 1 never buy anotber pound of ready roasted Coffee. Piocure one at ence j they cost but a triflo. Lace Curtains. Now 1- tho time to purchase. Curtains were never sold cheaper Very heavily worked Lace Curtains at from six to twenty dollars, at W. Henby Tatten's Curtain Store, Ko. hub cnosnut street. PnoTOOHAPHS of superior execution ; CartcM de Visile, six tor 91. Large size Photoe-rantis, 81: large size, nl colored, at leduoed pnoes. B. F. Koimcr's, No. 624 Arch street. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The world's great remedy for Colds, Coughs, and Consumption. Window Shades, one dollar. More of them at Patten's, No 1408 Chesnut street. Compound Interest Notes 7 810 and 6 20a wanted. Do liaven & Brother, No. 40 8. third street. 5-20 Coupon, Due May 1st, Wanted by Drexel to Co., No. CI South Third Street. W.fcB., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. & B , Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. t B., Good C lothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. fc B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. fc B Good Clothing, Oak Hal' ,dlxthand Market. W. ft B.. Good Clothing. Oak Hail, Sixth and Market MARRIED. WAENOCK-K.K AMER. On the 13rb instant, at the residence ot the bride's lather, by Rev. P. S. Henson, Mr. WILLIAM H VAKNOCJv to Miss L1DIA, eldest daughter of Fiancis Kramer, Ejq., all of this city. Nocarus. DEHAVEN TOWERS On Thursday evening, the 19th instant, at the residence of tbe bride' pa rtnts. bv the Roy William B. Wood Pastor ot the Hancock (strict M. E. Church, Mr. WILLIAM DK HAVEN, of Chester county, Pa , toMiasSALLIE XOWEuS, of this city. DIED. ' A BRA M. On tho 17th instant, AB RAM ABEAM, In the 70th year oi his age. The relatives and irionds of the lamily are invited to attend his iuneral, from bis late roidenca. No. 4027 I'rankford street, Frankford, on Monday aftor noon, the 23d instant, at 1 o'clock, lo proceed to Cedar Hill Cemetery. BAKER. Suddenly, Mr. GEORGE F. BAKER, in the 25th year ot ms age. The rolatives and trieuds are respectfully, invited to attend the funeral, from the resdenco ol bis brother, Jacob Baker, No. 1609 Marshall street, on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. lo prooeed to Bridesburg. BOARDM A N. On the 19th Instant, JOSEPH O., son of William and Anna E. Boardman, aged 8 years and 7 months. The relatives and friends of tbe tamily are invited to attend the Iuneral, Irom tne residence of ms parents, No 133 Orchard street, Bndedburg, on sun day afternoon, the 22d instant, at 2 o'olock. BROWN. On the 19th Instant, after a lingering illLebs, WILLIAM BKOWN, iu the 68th yer o. his age. 1 he friends of the lamily, members of General Warren Lodge, No. 120, i.O. ol'O. F., and Mount Zion hncanipinent, No. 24, 1. O ol O F., tbe Rig gers' Union, and the rigours in general, are respeo; lully invited tn attend the funeral, from bis late residence. No 182 Bock place, on Sundav afternoon at 8 o'clock. To prooeed to tbe umou Ground. J CONSID1NE On the 19th instant, at era linger ing illness, MAttY COitSiOLNE, wife of Sylvester Considiue, in the 88th year ol her age. The relatives and mends ot the lamily are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, W. E. corner of Second and, Shippen gtrei ts, on Monday morning, the 22dm stent, at 8 o'clock. DOR LAN. On tbe 18th instant, Miss CAROLINE, daughter ot Johu and Uaohel Dorian, in the 25th year of ber age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to at. end tho funeral, trom t:.e residouue of ber iiatunla X' r. 1 1 HR stint'L-Minii fnn BtrAot nil Mnntatf 6 afternoon at 8 o'oiock. lo proceed to Hanover otioet T BUI L. RIDGWAT. On tho evening of the 20th instant, HENRY. W .. i-ou ol the late William and Hamitth Ridgway, In the 47tU veai ot his age. Due notice will be given 01 tne iuneral. $ 1?EICK'S PATENT NEWSPAPER FILE WILL securely bo d eltner one or ntty newspipers so as to be conveniently reierred to. for saie bv TltU.M AN A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) MAKKEX t, below Sinth. PORTAP.LK GAS I1EATE11S FOR ATTACII lna to ordinary burners, so that you mav boll. heat, or coo W sniull articles in the nursery or chamber, are for sale by TUCMAN k hllA W. So Bn (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET St.. below Hlnth. TAILORS' SQUARES (SCOTT'S, WILLIAMS', to ) liourd Measures of several kinds, Bales, Yardsticks, Tape Measures, etc , 'or sale by TRUMAM B SHAW. JJo. 8S5(ElgntThlrt.v-flve) MAKKKT Wt. below Ninth TOR DAN'S TO NIC ALE. M JOUDAN'8 TONIC ALE. JOktlAN'H TOISIO ALF-. JORDAN 8 TONIC AI.E. It Is recommended by physicians ol this anil other places as a 'upeiior (cntr, and retpilies but a trliU to convince the ruoet skeptical M its iireat me It. lo b bad, wholesale and retail, of H. I. JUKI) AN, ' , No. gUOl'EAJI Street. Champagne Cider, by the dozen, bottled, or by t(i barrel . U Wj B. No. J. WILLIAMS, 16 North SIXTH Street, MANUFACTURER OP VENETIAN BLINDS, AND W IN D O AV SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the city at the lowest prices. C4 4 fcnrp eiOfifi SJUDE8 MAP AND LETTERID, INSURANCE COMPANIES. QIRAHD FIRE AST) ' MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, N o. 415 W ALS CT STREET. rniLADELPIUA CAPITAL PAID J5. IN CASH, nO,(CJ. This compary ccntlnuet to write on Pm Rokt only Its capital, with a gocd surplus, Is safely Invested. 701 Losses by fire bavt ben promptly paid, and more than 9500,000 Disbursed on this scccunt ithln the past tew years. For ll.e pn rcnt the ofl.ee of this company win remain at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to IU OWN nuiLDiao X. E.t OKNER BEVEKTH AND CHE8NTT 8TRF.ET8 Then as now, we rball be happy to Insure our patrons a such i at ts as are consistent with safety. DIBECTOHS, J 1 1 1 ,w n v j n r. , HKJUAN" tbEITATRI), 1 hOn. VA KH.l.AK. JOb N NIJl'l'Lh E. 3C)i,S W L (iHOPN, MII.Aft VFLkKK. Ja.. far-TV, as i i-u i rtv iLmt I) f. HlbLETT, N . LAWRENCE. ( nARI.KS I. tH I'ONT, I1KNKY F KKNNK.Y. Jt!H'U KtAPP, M.l. TMOWAB CRAVEN President A I.FRFI) a tlllLITT I resident and Treasurer. JAMJH B AI.VOLD. Beeretsrv. 1 19 I J It O S P E O T 17 S OF THE C -A. II S O IV OAPITAL SU OCK-500,000 XV MB Kit Of Sit Alt ICS, 50,000. Jp.r Value End Subscription Price, $10. , ' . i . VOEKIX,G CAPITAL, $.10,000. t) FFlC K 11 S : PBESIEENT, COLOXKL WILLIAM Ii. THOMAS. ptci.tTAKY and iitEASTjitEii, pro tern, J. HOPKINS TiRR SOLICITOR, r 1 WILLIAM L. HIRST. KSQ. PIBECTOltS, COLONEL WILLIAM Bj THOMAS. CHARLES S. OGDEN. EDWIN tolDDLKTON, ALEXANDER J. IIARPKRV WILLIAM BERfiER. lhe Laid oi this lenipan) cauriMk ol about 120 Acres. In ft ecklrnburg county ortu Carolina, about ih miles iroui ibe town ot Charlotte. On this property tit ten abaitsor pits have been opened anusunk to various deaths, .rum lu to t)A teet. deuiou- trulliiK the eiioltnce ol ihree uuranei veins ot ore ot about i itet in ttidth una tbout la icet apart, converging to a couin on centre ai tne aeptn o aoout mu icet. 101m ing one Inmense mars or vein oi ore. extending iu lenrtn ihroukU ne property more tuan uair m mile. 1 bei e are airo on this property otner veins ot or aa Dlored e ll tbese ores are known as the lirowuorw, anu ate i rv uch yielding un average ol about t2oQ par ton in (old tbe i.bove results bavlug oeeu dumuu stro eu hv the rude working of the mines (or several vearu iiust. tbe rick ot inveMment In ondeveiooed nro tu rtv ts not incurred, aud hy the application ot modern mining and recucmp machinery 'he oinpanv antlulpate an inneuiaie iiuu iniite iriuroior ineirmuuev, ' I'avlng nn ore that readily yle.ds 2U0 per ton, some esiimaie c;.n ue uiuoeor it'evuiue ot ms propenv. wita toe preKeni uiipeiiect system oi mining, ten tons ot .ma ore con be taken out and reduced daily trom every sbatt onenra. at an cxpence not excceuiiiK 91a per ton, ieav loKBiu t (iaiiy proUt of Sl"Sl ior eacn shaft worked bv the Comnauv 'ihe lurne working capital reserved will enable the Company at once lo procure quo erecttbebestuiode.il nucblneiy tormAniultttiiK the ores, by means of which the yieiu win De la gciy mcreasca. lhese nines, whilst they produce ores richer than tbusr oi Coloiado or evada, have many advantages over tii in, pariiiuiarri in an anunnance i iun ana cheap labor, and the facility with which they ean he worked durirg h, entiie year; whilst ti ose ot Colorado and Nevada can only be worked during the warm weather. A test assay ot an avci age (specimen of the ore from the Carson mines was maue as laie as too inn oi January ot 1 lie nrt sent year, as win snoear Irora the tot lowing certllkate ot FioiestoM lloolb and Uarrett the ABsayers oi me ruiiuueiuma mini : I'bilapelfbiA. January 17. 1863 l eflrBlr: We hsve carciullv assayed the sample of ore .loin 'Carson Aline." .Norm Carolina, ana una li to yield tt n ounces nine pennyweights ot pure iiold to the ten of ore 'the coin value is tliirolore 2lti'W per ton oi ore. Tours, rospectiui y ROOTH GA RKETT. Dr. M. E. Tailor, Ho. td Wa'nut street Fhilad. Subscriptions to the Capital buck will be received at tne umce oi tne t ompauv.ro. w iyalhui otreet w here samples ot the ore may be ecu. and lull lntorma tlon given. . 23 IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AM COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. state oi LAMH'd Minors. The Aadi'er appointed by tbe Court to audit. Settle, and adjust tho first and tint account of O. iv. DaVIS, liuaraian oi r am i l,h siahi n i.mu. tniiu WAY I.AMb, and BESiM It LaMH, minor children ol i LAY iON B. LAMB laieoi the city ol Pbiladetpbla, deceas- d, ana t report distribution of tha balauoe la the bands ot tba ascoaotant, will Beet tha parties Interasted for tbe parpBs oi bis appointment, on THfJltKDAY. May 3, las", atf o'o ock P.M., at hit Ofilce, No.2M Houth Fiftk street, Room No. II, iuthecltvot Phlla delphla. 1 21 stuthftt ,Arrs FOR HARTFORD, CONX., aitoSliSdlrect. via the Delaware and Railtan Cauai. ihe steamer "SOoAN," captain Vandeveer( now loauiug at second wliart below Hpruaa street, will leave with despatch, bateslow. Appl at No. lit 8. Dt LAWAKE Avenue. 421 St i WILLIAM M. BAIRD CO. ICE I ICE! ICE 1 INCORPORATED 18GL ICE THOMAS E. CAHILL, President. JOHN GOODYEAR, Keoretary. iiENIlY THOMAS, Superintendent. COLD SPRING ICE AND C0U COMPANY. Dealera iu and Ship era of Ice and Coal. W e are now prepared to furnish best quality loo, in large or small quantities, to ho tela, stevnboats, ice cream saloons, lamllles, olliceg. etc.. and at the lowest vabket bates. I co served daily in all paved limits ot tbe cousolinated city, wVet Philadelphia, Mantua, Rich mond, and Germautown. Tour custom and influence is respectfully solicited You can rely on being served with a fi'be article and rsouPTLY. Bend your order to OFFICE, No. 435 WALNUT STREET. ( DEPOTS. H. W. corner TWELFTH and WILLOW Streets. North 1 ennsj lvaula Railroad and .MASTER BLreet LOMBARD and TWENTY-FIFTH Streets. l'INE Street Wharf. Mihuylklll. 4 7 2m4p irT- A REDUCTION OF TWENTr-FIVE lXT 'per cent, or from al'25 to aaoo n,t upon each iurtrument Un our Regular bchedu Prices. DeHliIng to reduce our largo giook of aupnrlor f r,d hluh y improved richly finished seven ooiave Rosewood PIANOs previous to the removal to our ne1 store, Glrurd Row No. 1103 Chesnui street we have conduced to oiler them at tho actual cot to maiiutaoture and at prices equally as low as we sold Urm peiore tbe yfST. ,.... . Then initrumenU have been awarded the hlgheat preiDibins at all the principal xhlh,0i)B ever hold In this country, with numerous testimonials irom the first artists in America an fcurope. "k'hey are now the lead in i Pianos, and are sold to all pn, 0f tba world . . Persons detnrlng to purch rfe a nrst-olass Piano, at greatly reduced rates, stiouiu UO tall to avail them selves of this opportunity, (.irouiars of the regular schedule price, with pr .hie cuu of the styles of our Pianos, can be bad at (he waieroont. aud, on applica tion, wlU be teut by nir,n. . , , l , bCHOM ACKER & CO., I f Warerooms, 421tn ( 0. 1W1 CHE6NVT btreet. INSURANCE COMPANIES TVELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANC Jf CdMPANY, IJiCOJtruKAi r i r ihe i.r "inuaxi kjs PENNSYLVANIA. 183S- OFFICE 8. E. CORNER 1 Hi KI AND WALNTJ I Binrn s, I'HiLADtLI'llIA. . MARINE INSURANCE ON VKH8EL8,) CA finii, J. To aU parts of the w islawd ivpritATfrir.s On Ooodi by B1vt canal. Lake, and Land Carriage . an rsris ot ins tinion. , Fl R E INSURANCES On werrhsnfllse jenerailv. On Btores, Dw eding Houses, etc ASSET S OF THE COMPANY Novemi er 1, m:. too (UK) Cnlted States per cent, loan, Tt....en-, (khhk l0 " 8 " fH....,lis luonl WS.OUii 1 1-10 per cent. loan. Treasury Notes ,n -n, 100 0C0 State ot i enusylvanla Five Tar cent Loan go 55iy S4,000 State ot Pennpylvaula Six Per Cent. Loan , S3 2A0' 125 00aCHof Plilladelph'a Six Per Cent. I.osn ,. U2 81 81 20 Of0 Pennsylvania Rliroad First Aiort- Rate six Per Ohiu Bonds OOi'llt iti.ttO Psnn!Tlvanla hnwstiad t-erond Mort yie sia Per cent, Ronrt 23 7B0 i ki "it u estem ennsrivanta ai roau Mort ' c rye Six Per Cent, ltnnds , 2$,7S iS.OfiO W'li Shares stock Ocrmantown Gag ''hiimi principal and ln'erest Ktinranteed by the ( Itv ol Phlla- ...,. J delphla.... 1J.WI 41 i.iwivi Miareii fiock i'cnnsyivai.u nail- . ... roi.d t onipany 8,S80M 5,flC0 ICO Shares Stock North Pennsylvania 1 ' Railroad Company S SAO-Oo 4u,0ffl Deposit with I nited States Goveru- ... mcnt subject to ten nays' ca 1 40.0Onti JOCO State ot Tennesaca Five Per Cnnt. ... Loan 18 900 00 iiu iw Loans on lionds and M ortaite. tint Hens on City Property K0.700 0 1 fJi'.SOO Par. Market value ! .ViO 00 iteaijiBtate 36 Oil 00 jiiiia reeeivaDie lor in uranees made, lil.013 r r.aiancesoueat Anencies.-I'rrmlums on M .Tine Policies Accrued Inte 1 rest, and othel debts due tbe Coin- psny.. 40HI u "urip aim Mtocs or sunary insurance aud other ( nmnanlra i l: .v i.il mated value... 2 910 0 . un in Hanks tsajra s b In Drawer M8 4S so.fnsr, tl 2j3 tlSECTORS. I'lOH'Sl i,. II i , John v , Davis f.uniDRd A. Sonner, Theopbl.us Pauldma, John K. Penrose, Jsmes Iraquair. Hsnry C. Lallett. Jr.. lan es C. llond William C. Ludwiif. Joep0 h. Seal, George C. Lelnar, Huxb Craig. Pohert Lurinn. Samuel n. stotea. J. S. frnlstau iiflnry loan, William . Boultoo Edward Darllnaton, H. Jonei Brooks Fdwanl Laiourcads, , Jacob P.Jones James H. ilcFarland. Jovhua P. Eyre ' Spencer Mellvaln, J.B. Semolo, Plttsbnra, . It Bemer. P'ttsburit, tl . T. "M nrvml Plllitltiirii John 1 Taylor -j ; ""'ia w c. ti. Nj), fresiuent, t. ' JMN C. DVIH Vice Piesldm. HEritT Ltlbi-bk. secn-tarv. 12 k jVUKTlt A1EHICAST TRANSIT INSDHANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street j ' PHILADELPHIA. ' Annual Policies issued against Gomral Accidents all descriptions at cxceedh glv low rates. Insurance effected tor one year In any sum from $10 to elO.000, at a premium of only cne-half per cone. securing tne tun aruoont Insured In caw of di-ath. and a compensation each veok equal to the whole t niium paid , Diion unw iii-aois ior i, s.D i, or iu auys. or l 3. or 6 months, at IU cents a dav, Insurlnu In tho sum o, S3 ICO, orglvlrift $16 per week It disabloa to be had at tno General Ofl;ce, No. 133 S. FOURTH Street rhl ad el pbla, or at tbe various Eollioad Ticket ofllces. Be euro to purchase the tickets of the North American Transit Insurance Company. tor circulars and further information appivat tno General OtBce, or of any of the authoilz-d Agents ut the Company. '. LEWIS L. HOCPr, President. ' JAM KM M. ON ItAD, 'treasurer, . . ItEiiBY C. BKOWN. Socre arv. . JOHJS C. BULL1TI. Solicitor ' I lliki: i OR-t. L. L. Houpt. late oi VeonKvlvaula Railroad Comoanv . JI. Bnird of M. Baldwin & Co. 'a. Samuel r. ratmrr ( ashler ol Commercial Bank. Richard Wood. .No. iiUH Market street James M. Conrad, No. 673 Ma.ket street J. E. Kint:Bley, ontincntal Hotel H. O Lelsenrintt, Nos. 237 and '3! Dock street Samuel Work ot Work, McCouub Jt Co. Ceorge Martin, No. 322 Chcsnut street 11 3 lS.Gfl- CII AUTElt PEE PET PAL FIIANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE, C0MFAN1 I .' OF PHILADELPHIA. Aissets on January 1, 1800, 82,5OG,851"t)0. Capital Atciutc Surplus... Premiums .4oo on. .l,llj'i.3o LN SETTLED CLAIMS), 11.4(7C3. INCOME FOB 1866 UO 000. LOUSES PAID SINCE 18SO OVEB 85,000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIBECTOR9. Charles N Bnncker, Tobias Warner, Samuel Gruni, George W. Richards, Edward C. Dale. George Fales, Alfred Filler, Francis W. Lewis, 11. D. Peter McCall. Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. HAM'Kklt Prnslriant. EDWARD V DALE, Vice-President J AS. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary protein, i i U23 T H E PROVIDENT LltE AND TRUST COMPANY. OK PHILADELPHIA Incorporated by the state of Pennsylvania, Third Month 21. lbtrt. 1NSCRES LIVES, ALLOWS IN TEREST ON DEPOSITS, and GRANTS ANNUI TIES. CAPITA I., 8130,0(10. DIltKCTOBS. ' Samuel R Shipley, , hiehard Cadburv, i Jeremiah Backer. lienrv Haines Joshua II. Morris, 'I . WiSiar Brown, Richard Wood, j WI Hath C. Longs tretU, i Charles F. i othu. HAMVtL R. SHIfLEV, PreslJent. R0WI.AKD Pabby. Actuary 1 285 Vtl-K E. Ao IU S. FOUJiTIJ 6TJIEET. I )HO!.KIX 1N8URAKCE COM l AN IT OF PHI J LADI LPUIA. INC OLPORa'I ED lfiOt-CIlARiFR PsHPF.TTJAL. . No 2'M WALNUT Street, opposite tho Exchange. Inaddlilonto MARINE aud IN LA D INSL'HANCE tbis Comnany insures irom loss or damato oy Flttri, on liberal erins on building!., meiehanilise. laruiture. ete., tor limited periods, and permanently vn buildings, by depolt ot piemium - - lhe Company bas been In ao'lve operation for more than t'l I 'i YEAjtK, during which a.l losees havs boeu plomptly adjusted aud pahl. John L Hodge. untAViUS". Lawrence Lewis, Jf., M. ii. Alahoney, John 1'. Lewis, William S. t.riint Robert W Learning, 1). Clark Wh(on, Samuel Wilcox Aaviu ijewm, r l!eiijiiiln Et ing, 'lhouitt.il Powers, A. H. Air, Henry Edmoud Ca-tlllon, Louis O. N orris JOHN WUcUKREB, President SAnrEL Wilcox. Secretarr m tiUHK iNbLKANCE RXCLUSIVELY.-THH r PENNSYi-VAMA FIRE INMt'RANCB COM. PAN V-Incorporated 182ft tihaner Perpetual no. iu VV A I.N CP street, opposite Independence -quare. This Company, lavorably known to the community for over tortv years, continue to insure apalnst loss or duuiaie by lire on Publio or Private Bulldmiis either permanent' v or ior a limited time. - Also on Furniture, (tucks of Goods and Merchandise geneially. on llLeral 'helr Capital, together with a large Surntug Fund, ts Invested In tbe most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security la ti e case ot loss. ' PIBKUTOB" Daniel Smith. Jr.. John Devereux. Aloxaiiuer Hanson, Isano lla.lehurst, Thomas Smith, -jlenry Lewis. J Gilllngham Fell, t uanioi nanum. . u , ' ' DANln-L SMITH, Ja,, Presldont. William O, CkowsLL.ftecwtary W i " '' ' ' . I E 1) I C A L Y Tf KC T !t I OIT Y 1 AVciuIcrfnl ScientlUc Dlscovcri. D. S. V EECKWITH'S ELECTKJCAL INSTITUTE, So.! 1220 WALMUT STREET, For fli Trratinrnt of AfarV sif OhronlO i Ilitf. Electrical Investlga lon has proved tbat the human bony acts n the pilnruple of the galvamo battery. The brain mucous and sorous niembranes, the skin. timuis. und llu'ds. constitute tho negative and positive forces. Kvery i ctlon, whether mental or physlca'. Is the result of these antagonistic forces. Digestion, resplmtlon, clrculution, secretion, and excret.on are due solely to i lectrlcal Inlluenoe. 'I here Is a uolar action estnb Ished throughout the nervous system wnlch coonocts With every part of the body, establishing and preserving a prer buaace ot the electrical element. which constitutes hcilth, and a dNttirhanco of which causes (ll-.en.se. There are strictly but to conditions of Olf ease one of Inflammation, or positive! the other weak, debilitated negative t and as Electricity contains these two conditions In tbe action or tho positive and ' negative currents, all we have to do Is to neutralize tLo diseas and restore proper healthy action. We do not wish to convey tko Impression that we euro all diseases in all conditions. We cannot cure consumption after tho iuns are vl destroyed t yet wa do aiscrt, and are prepared to pracUoally den.unstrate, tl. at hundreds ot Cases ot almos. oveiy lorm oifchronle ' Uiec.scs, pronouucod Incurable by the best medical practitioners of tho country, have been . rmiicar'y ' Ot Bi:D,somo ol thoin In aa Incredibly shdr ' time by ' our Elcc.rical treatment IU great s ope riorltj over other practice in tho euro of disease is a so uttered In tlietacttlist. wi hln tho p.ut nvd yoars over foi'iitcek mot sam d patients have been treated at ihig otllce, suffering from a most eveiy form and condition of disease common to humanity, nnd lu nearlv all ctiei a benefit or perfect cure has been encored. Pa sy . deaf ness, blindness rheumatism dyspepsia, caucor, and nil tho old knotty diseases hat are a physhian'j ourse, as it proves his inability to eradicate, aro bv our scien- , title method comparatively ea.y of cur. Soscimena of tumors ol lar.e growth extracted by means of Elee- irlcity alone, witl out puln. without tbe use of tbe ' knits, lltialures, or any other means, may be seen at our office by tbose Interested 1 heretoro, with these Vacts to prove our theory and treatment ot disease. we are willing to undertake, an of the 10I. owing Ols- ' easts, with everv nope and prosuect of succuss. wltn yec many others not here enumerated: 1. InSBAI BS OFI1IE RK.UM AMD NnavoUS PVSTEM. pliepa, iiiorca. or el Vitus' Oauoe. PiuatysiS dlenip evlai. Neuralgia, llvntria, Nervousuesa, x'aiul lation oi the Hear. Lock-Juw eto il vl.OA.NH iSD J1SS1 KB COMNkOTRD WITil TH DlOES- iivb vs-iEM. Soia lluoav l)suepla, ijiarr.iuia i svnter, obstinate Cirrs. ii'aih.a Iliemoirhuides or I il.s HI lnus. F ml ulr lit aim Painter CoUo aud alt Lttteiloen 01 the Liver ami -ple'B. 3. IlKsriiiAiOHY tJHUANh i mi,r, h Cough, Influenza, Asilmia ( tit u nolcauseU bv oigaulo ueuM4 oi the lu art, bronchitis, Heu.isy 1'leuni.iymu. or Rlieuma lihiu nl the ( ust Consuinptioii tn tho earlv fl'aed , 4. Flutters AMD Mubci.la Ststbm.- Itheun atlsm, i out. Luuihaiio Siiil ,ook, .--puiai urva ure, Hip Liia'ts, i uncers. in mors. ft. L'LinAKr and l.KMiii Orc ams. tiiavol, Diabetes, aud tliiticv Compialuu. Impotence and seminai Weak iitss. . lhe laitei coiup Bin a uever aii to ylewt rauldiy to this treutmcn 6 IdSKAcKH Peccliar to FsiiALBa. Uterus Cora plaitiis involv ng a lnai oosltlon, aa i'rolapsus Antro veiaion, Rurovusloii, intiaiumation Ulcerntlon, and ' ts ioua other klieo lous ol ilia Womb and Ovaries 'J O l.AluhS we can recomtnenu tnis irauneut as one ot TJNVaRII'D SUcOKSS Almost Innumfliuhle cases hae como under tnuitnert at our ottiue who can tosnty ' to ib'siuct. lira, l.i CK VU'H nas eniire cuarve ot the" ' Ladies' leputiuiei.t, nd al octioocy wil, be used . tow arils thine who entrust tiien.selves to her care, lu leniaU utscates.as mtutioueuV n the nhove list, '' with ethers not inent oned, she bas bad a Iaige expe rience, and can conUuisut.v promise ihe most gratny-4 In).' results. IU THE AFFLICTE1 The tnadnent Is mild and " ffutle, pionuciug no rhout or unpeasant sense lou wtatever. Our pri.lesaioual inteicourse with the Billeted will eter be cliaraeterir.ed by periect candor and hoiie.ty, and those wtiwti complaints ar" Incurable, or co not aamit ot umiboiatton wUl be frankly told so, ui.d not acctplid lor trea uicnt It mutters uoi what muy be y our complaint or liow long you umy have Bar tered, or how much, or what course oi treatment yon may have bi eu subjected io. or what disantu'lniments loupivyhaveeApurieuced.it tbe system la not worn out U sun cien vituli y remains lor roacuou there is a air prospect oi lecoverv P.EfcEltkM i s. be diseased and all lntorested are reerred to tho lo lown k-uauied tieuteinen. who have' Ltcn treated una vituieseu our troutm-u oa others, at 0. 12'.0 wANNTJl' SM'f u A. J. rlcasonton Brlt.ndler.lenera' No. 918 Soruoo street; W B. smith, iron loundcr, Nn. Mli Hanover Mrcett i.eo t-e Dcuu'asv l.o"l -i.pre s Company, 1 i-tn street above 1'hennut; J. W. Bradley, puu.Uher. no. t6 N Fourth stroet; Robert Woik. No. 51 N. third Street; Cornel T. V. Swieney ASb.Bor Second Dls tnct Phlludeljihia. Walnm a reet, bi low Eighth t t.norge vans i I'.vhIis A; Hassatl) uilllUrv tioods. Arch street, bnow Flub ; Wr Pc ouzo, t'pe founder, third and Cbesnnt t-tie tsj Ed jtlcLnne, manufacturer cotton grtds-allot t'.isclt.v. A. Pleaeonton Krl, adler Gene ral, St. LoutF.Slo.t Jacob Vandegrlit. Odessa Del K.A. Srmple spool cotton manufacturer, Mount Holly N. J., with very ii any others I h.t siemns or students desiring to have Instruction In the coirect application oi Klcoiricitylor tbe cure of dis eases can anp y at the office. Corisul'ntion tree. Descriptive olrcu'ara of cures f recteo. wif numerous releionces, can DB bad by ap plication at the office. , . All letters addressed to ' DR. . W BEflCWI'H, No, li20 WaLNUi Street, 4I3thsm2m8p Phildelnbia. N I C K E E BOCKE II ; , ICE COMPANY; E. P. KFBSH0W, . AuIIUtfT,- Wholesale sod Befall Dealers. . i IMPORTERS OF EASTERN ICE. OFFICES AND DEPOT3: .. .' ' Son. US nnd 120 Roriti BltOAO Street; ' W1LLUW STUEET WHATtF, DKUWAliE AVENUE. Having secured a lull tuptly of the best quality ot ICE, are prepared io furnlsn it througliout the entire eeaion, as usual, piomptly. at tbe lowest market tates. 4 . lioteis, Ccnfcct loners, and Ehipplng supplied with large or cmal Quuiitlties. Particular sttentlon given fo tte delivery of ICE to Families, Stores. Ofilcea, eto It E served daily in West Philadelphia, ilautua, Rich mond, 1 loga, and al' parts oi U city , y our older rcspectlully soliciied. 4 14'nwrplm P I N E SHIRTS, Money Refunded if Not Satisfactory, MADE OF NEW TOI K MILLS MUSLIK, only 4 00 ueual price 8 80. MADE OF W AMSUTTA MUSLIN, omv 3'75, usual price 5'00. j , BOYS' SHIRTS on band and made to order. A literal dcductlontobotsale trade. j ., T. I... JAC013S, ;' 7 "o; IJ526 CHEFMTJT Street, ' 89 llista 2i'iro Philadelphia. ,1. i ' . ' FOB BA1L1) U3,i STOKE FP.ONTS, ' '. , , ( ' v . J . CC'ARDS, PABTmOSS, ETO' IRON BEDSTEADS, AND WIRE. WORK,,,. '"' j In variety, manptso ured by ,-; , Mi WAIJSKK tfc ISONS.' ,, ?ftCm8pJ , No 11 North SIXTH Btreet. XARGE NEW COUNTRY . TRODrCE AND BUTTER STOR". All kinda of the verv best PRODUCE AND PEO Yl10No oi tho very lowest cnuutry prices. Fresh Pou d Ruttor R.,11 Uu'ter, eto. received daDy t Poultry, Etn, Choice Meate, Groceries, Fruits, eto, AT .No. UU it AC la Htr-'et, ' 4 20 Ct ; Near Eighth. -jj J'ARAOLS AT $1'2R. flT.O. $1-75, AND T-J. sua sun tnibreiias, SI 41), ei W, 1 H HI von.. 4iewlm No. 21 8. EIG1I1 a street.