THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 16G6. AMirSKBlKNTf, rxnn.Li'8 Opkha.- fhe last but one of tho series ol operas that has t"en delighting us this winter look place last cvenm a repetition of Linda. Miss Deneero nes recovered from her indis position, and Hie opera mi tnereiore given coin I'loto. Miw Hewlett has very tiiuch improved! alio lias gained loroej her voice has lost its. crane ton"S, aud ia bo v Kiuoo'h and mollow. Her execution in " period . y even. All tliut Alls Hewlett wants is ex pression to wake Jier, a pleasing- as woil ai a line V'slngor. X'lie degree ol perfection to whloii Mis Hewlett lias attained, sno vs iho (rrtmt service r l'ereili'f 01 era ara dome- tor the proems or muiiO i and tbe influence they williiuve on our future. ; lliey must wcvituoly liad to a foundation 61 a musical school which will bu ot immense advantitnre to our populat.ou, and raise Phlaileiolii la tbe rank ol ci tin. Miss Denegie's voioo and tnannor uie utterly changod from when we hi at heard taqr she Is last becoming; an artirt SQo tiM euil 10 guard KB'nst an incxae Iios of intonation, tbe bm-tjnx tiotoot ol oomralio voices. Mi . WctimidU'i oolici'o and sympathetic voice uUetoa a little Ironi his recent .U'lioss, but still lilsHtDgnw Is mosta'roeabie Dur.ind gave us ail tiie musio with h:s usual perlojtion: nis maled ctiou soone wus greeted wi.n thos(Kn!a- i neoua enthusiasm sucb tiuo, powerful, ait int. o act ing is siiro to (xoite. Ibe flavor iu tbe lust aut was ' as cflootivWy suur as it ever wui on any operatio stago. Mr. AeMian' d e.1 tones are msnili eiit in fcuon morrem x I hi itio.m wa excellent. I lia largo and la-uionallo audience wont away wit'i a profound rerrvt tiiat inis opera wan si nar the end ol these enie'ian menig, 1'liere ia one more ooera to be given favoriia, witii til m or I'enilu. Abch Sirht 1 ntATKK. Mr. Barrett tr&re for his beuetn 'lie Marble heart. His lispnaol" was intense, earnos., and pathotie, and increased his reputi'tion. 'Ibe play was well put on tho naze, and the difficult statue scene exceedingly well managed. Iniserouiuv Jiu laird IU will be given. ' the concluding pi'rlormance ot Mr. Durrot.'s en gu.ea en. uu Monday Madame Celeste will coin . ( Walnct Street Tukatrb. This will bo Mr, HroutiL.nus iusi iiiKhi i or itie season, a oircuin Bianco which tno puhno wt 1 much regret. He ha oitun immense houses throughout the whole o bis two engagements, this evening be give ns t'tuying huh J ire, and the burlesque of Mala mora. , A cam my or aiumo . ibe Ravols give two per foi mantis to-oay . At the Blatlneo, as well as t the even ilk pci lornuncr.tlie three brothers Havel willap ' j esr, and M'lle Vepita, Y oung America, and the Mar tini tti luiii'ly. A1 tno young people, freed Irom siiiool lo-tiay, patronize the Ravel Matinee.. Am rio ah Tbvatbe. Tbe wonderful perform ances oi the boy 1 Nino home are nioe ing wltu a Just appreciation both iu i he numbers, that are in attendance and in the aoluuse with wsloh tliev aro nightly leoeived. .The Fowier bitters aro also oeau tilul pcriormors. Mr. Heron, the new tenor, is a great addition to the corps. . New Chksnct Strut Thkatbb. The lost op ' '' portuuity ot seeing Juiss M.icneU in ber popular creauon of "Faucuoii" will be to-night, us on .Uou dav cue will appear in another play, 2'Ae ttarl of Savvy- - - - Tbb 6ackiio ot Altamcbk. 4 private view was given last evening, at i. Gabrj lowitz's Phila delphia Art (iallerv, iS'o. 1305 Chesnut street, of Cammarana's great Historical i icture of toe Sitoking ol A.lattiuia by Cardinal Itufl'o, in 1799. Quite a nunitK'r ot connoisseurs in painting were present at tbe exhioinon, inoiudiiig a large sprinkling ot the niemlcrx of the pres, who were all onanimoualy agreed as to tbe tiuonty, historical accuraov, and wondennlly meritorious qualities of tbe picture As a work! art it certainly stands unsurpa-Bud in the school ol which it is a rplondid illustration: and as long as gonius shall be admired, so long will Cainma rana's nume, as tho producer oi such a work, bo held in tbe bigbeBt eteeni. Mr, jnlin (Sartain, of this oity, has received intiuctions to engrave the picture in the beet style known to tl,e . river's art, and in the meantime tbe wont itse'f will remain on exhibition at the Oabrylewitz Gallery for tbe inspection of the publio. ' CoMPLrMBKTAKY Benefit. Master E. B. Dan iels, tbe boy who distinguished bimsulf as the drum mer ot the 68th Peuns lvama Kegimont, raised by Colonel Havvksworth, of this city, will bave a Dene fit on Wednesday evening. April 25, 18tit5. 1'be brave bov deserves to be romemoerod by those who can appreciate real merit. Tbe inimitable Blitz will bo on band upon tbe interesting occasion. The editor of tbe Eu'letin writes : "Partly in a spir.t of scientific inquiry, and con r ' .atrlntvhlw TYinmnrlfh t.hA rtpairA in vnr. Fid nf a trmtnla some stump of long standing, we visited Dr Cotton, at bis office, Ho 787 Walnut street, this morning, ' "We inbaled the gas, atvd woke up in a minute or two irom a pleasant dream, feeling as ireali and well -.. A fK-rIttiiw iKn mwAtniinH nlna aurn aF saaln n our old tormeutor fast in tbe grip ot the forceps of . tbe operator. We absolutely telt no pain whatever . jliiHnir thn nnnrfLfinn f' . , p. H Vender Weyde, Proleasor of Chemistry in Oirard Colloge, wntcB to Or, Colton : "I know ot no case in which I should consider the nitrous oxide gas unadvisable, exoept in a stage of consumption so far gone that the excitemont attend ing tbe extraction of a tooth would be unsafe without any anastlietio " Office of Colton Dental Association, No. 787 Wal nut street. 1 Dr. Colton manufactures tbe gas every day, and tests its purity before administering it. He baa administered it to 13,693 persons without failure or accidont In anv cae. ' 1 Ttfii.' fiHESNTJT STREET. ! ' AfiE OFFERING DAILY ' ALL TjrtE LATEST NOVELTIES "''' IN ! HATS AND' BONNETS, 1 INCLUDING THE POPULAR ..JAPANESE' AND MEDALLION HATS. i Jil tmrv ' 1 MISS O. O'BYENE, . In her New and Elegant Store, No. 807 ARCH Street, i ' - ' i uas uok open a lame atocx oi tne caoiuit KHENOli MllililNKUY ' A youu Parislenna (from one of the most eminent of nn iu 1 1 1 ix. c r. vHiaijiiBuiutuiis qi i miiMj iias cnata of (he U;iinrilu.: Iiupartnient - .; hirtiy tyle and kiud of HAT or BONNET ot in jasuiim v. iu iw iuuuu in Biuv. ik juirp Jlli; 'II A Kill S 0 N B 0 I LK R . A SAFE STKAM BOILER. 'Timi attention of manufacturers and eihers nslng pim ii couDusnuy caueu to tnis news team uene. rlir, M combining B8entlal advantnues "in ahsolut icty irom explosion, in cheapness of lint cost and oost vi rmalra, In eoonomy of luel. facilltv ol' cleanlnv and trnnsp.'rtaUun. etc., not posaesaed by aay oilier boiler . " " i uyiiri iiiifiuivu uj ( VUVUlUUklUU III ciiHl-iron Hollow spheres, each suhcre eight inches ex t.niKi diameter, and turee-elKtiths or an Inch thick. lu ft- are beld toaatber by wrounht-lron boitl, with Mt-uiiv one hundred of these Boilers are now In onera t'.m (ruoie of thein in th oeet sfatbiishmenu In this . (.,1V. ' ' tt r drscriptlvs circulars or price, applv to JOSEPH iiWKIHuN. Jr. llanlson Boiior Worts. GkAV'H M.RV Hojd, adjoining U United Htates ArwiiaJ, I uMieiiuia- i ti l iu tlriuutp HOWELL & BOURKE, I 1 ,n' i MAN UFACTUIIER8 OF PAPER HANGINGS i. . AND WINDOW SHADES. N. El CORNER 0 FOIRTH AM) MARKET STREETS PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE AND TO RENT. FOR SALE, To close an F state. A BK. UTIFUL LOT, at the 8. E. comer of KOBTiETH AND LOCUST Streets, West Philadelphia close Co Ht. Mart's Episcopal Church Would niiike a line location tor a large mansion, or could be divided Into smaller lots, havln three fronts. ' 1 ' CM. S. LKSLIB. 4 16 lOt No 7V7 KAN KOM Street k WRST rillLADRLrillA ELK0NT PRO- k rmrt,. on llavarlnrd street below Thlrtr-slxth. Jlanlaa For sae, lanre and convenient ilouw. In very Rood orilor. With large and well-cultivated srarden, with a olinlce selection ol pro lUcfiuU trees Kraon vlnes, and flowers Apply to LOI IS IiKBKA, lt o, 1033 t;hE-ur mreoi. HOUSE FOR SALE, WITH SIDE YARD. No. IM7 North MXTH -trcet above i'oo ar. Kliiht rvvui, gas and hath, hot and co d water, ranve, water closets, etc, ail in goo.i mpalr. Lot ID (net bv HO. Uar- aro lnia out wim sp.enuiu grap vinM. rue uunnrs. hiubbery, trim trees, uox-Dusnea aroun.i me pavea waits, t-tc. Trice only tblW. Clear possession soon. Appy on the premlir.. 4 m iw d? sto llulldlnK FOR SAT,K--A DKSIRAI1LE THREE- stoiy Dwe line, with thiee-storv dnnb'e Back K on iwi i.nit M'rnet above Uroon. All nioitern imorovemouts. summer kitel en heater, etc. rTire. SbliOU c.ear. AddIv at this Oilh-.e bet waen 9 and 12 AM. 411 FOR BALE OR TO RENT.-l FODR-: Story Stone Mill, with valuable water-oower, and two none dwelling honei. wltu lorty-tbreo acres of (round, on the Wlssalilcknn creek, known as He t's Mill. Asoly at No. 711 WALNU C Street. 411lt FOR SALE A STONE COTTACJE IN L West rlilladelnhlat or the House and Furniture for rant for the summer, fries model ate Adores I . I) H., Wfst Philadelphia Tost Office. i It ( ARCH AND TWENTIETH, NEAR ST. LJ Clement's C hurch. buporler dwelling. No 142 N r WKNT1KTH Htreet lor sals ehcn. Cull from In H to UH. 1,0 WANTS. 1IIREE GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO act hi Important locations for the New York Acci dental iDsuranre Company Active men ot Rood adureBS. anMv to FBANK O. ALLEN. Branch Olllce. No. 4IP C11F.8NTJT StrceU Anplysoon 2 21 AUCTION SALES. B SCOTT. JR., AUCTIONEER, NO. 1020 CHLSMJT STBliET. , SALE OF AOATK, BAR.I()LIO, AND CASTKLLINA VASKS, UAKU Kh.Ui.lVt.KM, ALAUASTfili OTATU LTi8, tTC. ETC.. On Tuesday Evenlnff. 24th Instant, at 7H o'clock, at tlio Art asl'ery. No. 1021) tHKSNUi Street, will be sold a I a rue colectlon of slena. aua'e, bardlffllo, and castellina vases, hisiiue figures, ot Roman, tireulan . and Ootblo desigm, ot tbe luiporiaiion oi Aiessrs. vi'i liros. 'I he assortment will be arrauued for examination on Monday a ternoon. 4 2l3t IIARLfcS C. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER, NO. ij&j UAKKt, t street, Between I bird and fourth. LARUE SALE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN tilt A SITE AND C. C. WARfc., BOCKI tUdAH it ait . On Tuesday fornlni?, AtflX o'clock, uiiwanls of WW lots of assorted ware, idapted to cll and eonntry retail trade. TA15LB I LTLEItV WrtlTKU. ETC.' a-v, ' vi vr UIMJIO, ltWaWi, B.U1TC3, spoons, tin ware Imnn CPAlno 4ft cozpn bpwt qua Ify Inilt Jar. - 4 21 2t FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES QUE AT FIEE IN NEW YORK, newin WARVIN A-Co , 263 JJroadway Gentlemen : We have just opened tho Alum ami Dry Plaster Safe We bought of ton a short time since. It was In the second story of tbe bulldlnr corner of Broadway and Barclay street, and fell Into the cellar, and it gratides as very much to be able to say, that evert book, pafbb, and BAhK bill is in oood oitoEB, very mach better tban we could have exp;ctod, after the Intense beat. We shall want another and much larger one of the same sort very soon. Yours truly, WILLIAM A. DBOWN fc CO. I KbwTobk, A prill, 1866. ' A full assortment of the above SAFES, : Perfectly Dry aiid Thoroughly Fire-Proof, And furnished with tbe Best Locks, for sale by MARVIN & CO., No. 721 CHESNUT Street, (MASONIC HALL). Call before purchasing, or send for Illustrated Cats logue. 4 lOtnthsetSp REDUCTION IN PRICE OF TDK AMERICAN WATCJrlFiS MADE AT WALTUAM, MASSACHUSETTS. In consequence of the recent great decline In gold and silver and all materials used In tbe manufacture of our goods and In anticipation of a still further decline, we have reduced our prices to as low a point as they can be placed , WITH GOLD AT PAR, So that no one need hesitate to bay a watch now from tbe expectation that it will be cheaper at some itature time The test ot ten years, and the manufacture and sale of MORE THAN 200,OOQ WA TCHES, nave given oar productions the very highest rank among time keepers. Commencing with the determination to make only thoroughly excellent watches, our business has steadily Increased as the public beoaine acquainted with their value, until lor months together we bave been unable to supply the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged our iactory bailiirngs unit they now cover over three acres ol ground, and give accommodation to more than eigh hundred workmen. We are tullv justltlcd In stating that we now make MORE THAN OtfE-HALK OP aLL THIS WAITHKd 80LDIN THEL'ITiiD Sl'ATLS. Tbe different grades are distinguished by the following trade wans engraved on the plate : 1. "American Watch Co.." ""altham. Mass. 2. "Appleton, Tracy A Co.." Waithiim, Mais 3. P. S. Vaitlett," Wultbam. Man. 4. "Wm. tilery" 6. OUR LADI18 WATOII ol first quality is named "Appleton, Tracy & Co.." Waithain Moss. 6. Our next quality of Ladles' Watch. Is named F 8. Bartlctt." Waltham, Muss. .These watches are furnished in a great variety or sizes and styles ot eases. . ( The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass. authorizes us to state that without dlstlnctloi ot' trade marks or price. ALL THE PRODUCTS OF IJIEm FACTORY ARB FULLY WARRAVTED To be tli best rlme-kecpers of their clasi ever made in tills or suj otuer couutry. Buvers should remember that, unlike the guarantee ot a foreign mater, wbo can never be reached, this warranted is good at all times against the Company or their agents, and that tt.afier tbe most thorough trial, any watch should prove do fectlve In auv particular, it may always be exchanged for another. As Uie American Watches niale at Wlthan are for Sale by dealers neutrally throughout the oountry, we do not sollolt orders for single watches. - ' CAUTION.'1 . The high reputation of out watches having caused them to be extensively counterfeited by foreign makers and sold In this cuuutry is genulno. the public are can tioned to bay only ot respectable dealers. All persons selling counterfeits will be exposed and prosecuted. rtODlilNS & APPLP-TON, AOKNT8 FOB THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPAVV No. BROADWAY. il.T J M POltTANT TO i OAS CONS U M E R S. " The equal distribution ot gas front one source of sap- ply to many polot of out et, extending over a large area, Involves a greater expense than Is ooaslstent wltb commercial Interests, and the consequence Is, that consumers are compelled to submit to the inconve niences of over and nder supply, or Individually to apply the remedy, : ' The head which foroes through the supply mains the necessary amount of gas for consumers, is called "pref ur, ' and Is measured by the number of tenths of Inches of water which it will support in a syphon tabs. Every service pipe that conveys gat from tbe line of great main deprives the remslnlng portion of a certain amount ot pressure) the oonsequenoe ts, that whan large amounts of gas are to be passed, ths proisureat tbe source of supply and' at thel terminus Is very far from equal, so that it la utterly Impossible for gas eompsnles to -furnish a supply without a sensible dlf ference between the source and the extremtty of use, and tbe conseqent wasteful consumption by the con sumers. There are two means of remedrlng this difficulty. One Is to p ace In the house of each consumer ja Oat- Aodfr of sufficient capacity to contain the supply for a night, and allow it to be filled daring the day, and then shot off from the street press aro, and burn from tbe holder. The other Is to place In eaeh houso, along with the meter, an Instrument called a Regulator, which only shall Inrnlsh the needed amount of gas required for each burner, and with a uniform pressure. S h en The first would prove txpentivt, pffentive, and dan- gerovt. Tbe second is the plan generally adopted, and of the number of devices contrived for this purpose nearly all bave proved failures, owing to their use ot Mercury, or the Flexible Diaphragm. The two essential qualities to be attained In an effi cient Regulator are : F1116T. delicacy of adjustment, with reference to some fixed standard 1 and Second, the ablflty, wltbln the instrument Itself, to Increase the pressure when the greater qiantity of gas Is re quired. ..... 1 , . . 1 . These qualities, with other peculiar advantage!, are combined In the Regulator Invented by Dr. C. M. Cresson. It hs been used wltb great s icaess in Phila delphla during the past two years, always producing a steady light, with a saving of from twenty to thirty per cjnt In the amount of gas consumed. OFFICE AND SALES-ROOM, MiSOjflC IIALL, No. 715 CHESNUT STREET. FAIRBANKS, EWING & CO. N A V r D E P'A li T M ENT. BiraxAU ov Yabbs and Docks, I Apni 11, istjo J Sealed Proposals for each building separately,' endorsed "Proposals lor repairing buildings at the Aorloik Kavv Yard," will be rcooived at this oflice unUl 12 o'clock AI. on the 15th day of May, 1364, at which hour the openintot bids will be oommsuoBd lor repairing tbe entrance building, known in the vlan ot the yard as Nos 19 and 87; boat-shed, No. 20; timber-shed, Ho. 80; tiiuber-nhod, No. 81, and tbe carpenters' shop, near the cirydock. The offer tor Nob. 19 and 87 will be embraced in one bid, and those for the other buildings must be separate. Bidders will be require a to state the amounts for which they will furnish all the materials and com plete each building, accord, ng to the plans and specifications to be seen at the yard, using sucb ma terials as are on band for eaoh building, which have been purchased by tbe Government, as per schedules at tbe Yard. taob bid must be accompanied by good and Buffl dent guarantors, approved by an officer 01 the Government known to this Department, that the bidder will, if bis offer be aooepted, enter Into con tract to perlorm tbe work bid for; and tbe Depart ment reserves the rlarht to acceptor rejoot any or all ot tbe bids, as tbe Interest of the Government may require. Binders are requested to name tbe time In whioh tbey will engage to complete anv or all of tue build ings, and it tbeir offorx are accented, they will be beld to a faith ul execution of their comraot, under a forfeiture in case ot lailure Person" desiring to bid mut neoessaiilv visit the yard and examine the present condition of the works, and can there see ibe plans and Bptcitlcations 10 enable them to bid undertan(llngi . FOK1I OK OfFEK. Tbe undersigned (here insert tbe name or names composing tho firm wbo bio) of (name me town), in the State of (name the State), hereby otjor to furnish, under yonr advertisement da'od f date of advertise went 1, and subject to ai tbe reqtirmcnts of the tame, all the materials an i workmanship iiooessary lor 'be comp ete and oDt re reconstruction of buiid ing (name 'be bu ldlni) in tbe Norfolk Navy Yard, accurding to tbb p'aus and soeciiicAtions exhibited at said Yard, for tbe sum of (write out tbe amount). And I (or we)encaa t" b 've the sai l work fully completed in days, exc uaive of 8u days and beliays, from the dine of the contract Should my (or ourj offer bo accepted, I (or wo) request the con tract may be prepared and sent to the Paymaster at (name the place) torsitrnnture and certificate (llere tbe bidder or biduers and eacu inuinbcr of tbe firm to alien tlv ir oiler ) H OUAt OK UUAltAN 'EE. Ibe uneersioned (name 01 guarantor) of (name the town), and btro of (name the Mate), and (name f second yuurautor, eto ), hereby guarantee that the ubevu named (naui die b del or or oidders) will, it his(ortneii)oileraa above be accepted, enter into cuiitrac with, tno United states, witliin teu davs aner the receipt 01 the contract at the post olllce named or navv agent designated ; aud in case the said (tame tbe biduer or biddors) sha 1 tail to enter mto contracc. we guarantee to make wood to do Lnited States tbe difference between the oiler of tne raid (name the bidder or bicdor.)and tliacwbicu may be acceoted. And we hereby declare that neither of us bave been defau'ters in anv contract pievUusly made with the Navv Department. (Signature ot guarantors.) (Witness.) J certity that the above named (bere name tbe cuaiantors) are known to me to be Rood and responsi ble ptiaruutors in tbiB c'ise. and that tho above declarations ot tho viis run tors to this offer ure to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and reliable (Sis-nature.) To bo sinned bv tbe District Judge, Di"tiict Attor iiej , collector l'a. mas er, or some person known to the ltureuu to be responsible. i 21 s4t D iU. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH eTREKT, ABOVE FILBERT, PHltADKLT-HTA. l.nsnil bv all nariirt raiMvirrd as oj w ui HOST Br'Cj..SFuL P1IYH1C1AN Itl lh. iMalmMilfll hlMfOMtM klM tltTifiaitl. QUICK TliOUOl'DH, and1rman m rur I qiiuranid Inevrry esse, "emember OH. HUWTKlt 8 l eiebrated Kemedl ran only I 1 'l ji nuiiie at bis oid establisSed Onlco No. 4 4 N. Bi-Vfcii'lH B-eet, abvvs Uonrt. 4 2101 j GAS REGULATOR, . IA VENTED BY Dr. CharloH M. Crosson, (Late Managing Englnr Philadelphia Oaa Works). I Patented In tk4 Unltttl ftttsj and Knsr- laid, 13,19f, aad April II, IH05. 1 i . Manufactured in all Sizes Suitable for rUBLIC BUILDINGS, FACTORIES, ! . -i 1 STORES, ' j . DWELLINGS, AND GAS WORKS, BY TflE, AMElilCAN MLTEU COMPANY, Of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. The Advantage of thi over other Regu lators are: 1. The peculiar form In which It ts constructed, givln j greater delicacy than Is possible with other foros. 2' Tbe free motion of the Regulating Vaive, governing wider range of consum jtloo. 3. It has the ability, within tbe Instrument Itself, to In crease tbe pressure when the greater quantity of gas Is required. 4. It does not use MERCURY or FLEXIBLE DIA PHRAGMS. 8. it will produce as tea y Ii UL , ' 6. It will save Irom TWENTY to THIRTY per cent In tue amount ot gas consumed. 7. It Is not liable to get out of order. ' At our SCALE WAREHOUSE, In this city, csn be seen the finely constructed test aDparatus, which was get up in the FKANKLIN INSTITUTE, to show the effect of pressure, wl.h and without the Regilator, and also to demonstrate the amount of saving effected by the Regulator. j FAIRBANKS, EWING & CO., MASONIC HALL, v No. 715 CHESNUT Street, C414s2tt PHILADELPHIA, PA. JJEAD & S M Y T II, I MAUUFAC'UKKRS OF 1 FIXE SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 910 CHESNUT Street, j PHILADELPHIA, 44 tr FURNITURE. JjTJY FURNITURE AT GOULD'OO.S i US ION DEPOTS, j Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street ( Opposite Christ Church), I And Corner of N INT H and MARKET1 The largest, cheapest, and best stock o. ' '. FURNITURE, . ! Ol every description in the world. 1 10 dp ROSEWOOD, CHAMBER, AND PAltl.Olt SUITES, AT i . GEORGE J. HEXKELS'," ! THIRTEENTH AND CHESNDT 8rP.EGTS, 4141rr Formerly of N os bm una 811 CHESSCT St. WALNUT CHAMBER AND PAEI.Oll SUI TEri, Either Polished or Oiled, AT GEORGE J. 1 1 EN K ELS', i THIRTEENTH AND CIIlNUT STUEKT. 4141m: Formerly ofKos olA and 811 i UE3NUT 8t. i THE EYE AND EAR. 4- DEAPNERs AND BLINDNESS, THROAT, Lt'SU Clir.MT ll(r.ASE OA 'IAHK11, ASTIiMv, NtltVOUs AKFlie' TIONS ilil) li-ASE.- OF 1 HE D tiHrt- HVE. tJeA..- iu. VON .MOS bi8 KKK 8 new and unrival m rysienis of treatlnu She above ilALADIFh with li.r 1 A 101I1SK.R." lias re ceived the very blvbent apj 'oi utlon irtin the bem medi cal men of all SCHOOL", mm the IKIIOK.-EMS'NT ol the entire medical PKEi. These, with TK8TIMO MA I. b irom nd It r'Ll; Nt h,- to responsible (T ' I ZKt S. ean be examined h ul nhu renuiie his proilrs slonal Services, at his OiFli i ana UJitilWKN K f o. llWlWAl NUT Street. 3-' lai'rj S A P E V O R, A SECOND H lSD SALE. 'M Farrel & Herring Fire-Proof Safa iOK 8ALK. APPLT AT THIS OFFIr1 4 5rp &JR TO $15 FOR A SUIT OF BLACK OP tIPtJsJ fancy colored clolhi aruiyand navy c'o:':!a : tlo., In style unnurpsssej. . 4 rp fAliK,o. lMTU8t., above Chesnat. I KX PERI ME NT AL TRIAL i ' . , s , OF THE n ORESSON REGULATOR, AT THE . I Franklin Institute, October 18, 1865. t i 1 i 1 s COl'Y OF KKPORT. "An experimental trial was'then'made as to the quan tity of gas consumed by the burners when under regu lation to their maximum economy, ana also the amoait consumed by : be same burners when subjected to Ux ordinary variations of street pressure. '"I he result showed that with the Regulator there was uniformly 78 cubic feet of gas per bour consumed, being an average of IT 10 cubic feet per burner. Wbllit with out the Regulator the same burners consumed from 101 to 140 cublo feet per hour, the average being 124 cable feet, ore test per hoar to each burner." Wfi he Following; from ansesttt TIiimsa who bars this Kpfrnlator la Vmm 1st tfols City, and to .Whom wo Refer. UK I TED BTATKS P06T OFFICE, Choanal,-below . Fifth. CONTINENTAL nOTKL, Ninth and Chosnut. UERCUANT6' IIOTKL, Fourth, above Market. R CORNELIUS & BAKER, Mo. 710 Chosnut W A8SKY. COtfLINS A CO., Tenth and Filbert. THOWPRON BLACK A SON, Broad and Cheanut. JOSEPH HARRISON, Ja.'s Works. Oray's Farry' Road. SMITH A LOUDERBACK, No. 318 N. Third. ' WILLIAM WELSH, Isq., No. 1121 Spruce. W. C. HOUSTON, Esq., No, 1041 CI.esnuU C. A. WALBORN, Esq., No. 1901 Green. E. W. CLAFK, Fsi., Bchool House Lane. E. N. WBIOH1 , Esq., Hchool House Lane. ALAN WOOD, Esq., No. 1028 Arch. L. LADOMUS, Esq., No. 802 Arch. ANTHONY MI-KEY, F.sq , Germ an town. J AS. 8 EA KLE, Esq., No. 816 Chesnut H G. KF.RN, Esq , No. 1520 N. Broad. W. L. GERU ON , Esq., No. 914 Arch. J. D. TAYLOR. Esq., West Fhllsdelpbla. UNION LEAGUE HOUSE. Broad, below Chesnat. PHILADELPHIA CLUB, Thirteenth and Walnut. UNION CLUB, No. 211 H. 1 wellth. ADAM9 EXPRESS COMTANY. 'o 20 Cheaeut. M1SKEY, MERRILL A THACKABA, No. 718 Cbesnat. FINCKEN A WILLIA1IS, No. 418 Crown. AMERICAN PULP COMPANY, atanavunk. , NORMAN KLRR A CO., No. 2!) N. Fourth. SCHRACK A CO., No. 611 Chesnut. WM. MANN, Fsq., No. 1711 Green. U. HAR1 snORNE, M.D., No. 1701 Filbert JOhN A. MISKEY, Utq Philadelphia, Gas Work. GEO. W. FLUMLEY, Fsq., Fourth, ib rsBac.-. WM. H OWELL. Esq., West Philadelphia. WM. GILLEOPIE, Esq , No. 1509 Arch Street. 1 H. B.TATB A V, Esq., No. 1102 spruce. J. W. WILLIAMS, Erq No 146 S. light. J F. A. KOONc, Esq , No. tut Tine. 1 CBARLES SHABPE, Esq , No. 1711 Locust. . N. RCLOf, sq., No. 10x8 Chesnut E. A.HEKDBY, Esq., No. 2008 Arch.: ' ' " FAIBBARKS, I.WIKG & C0 .. . ' No. 715 CHESNUT Street, .'. . . ; i 'i PHILADELPHIA, PA. h jDTILL GREATER REDUCTIONS Iff HO- BBOTHK RS,U" G00aB' Gl0Tc8 etc" EAMBEBOISR HOSIERY. HOSIERY. We are determined ti sell all kinds ot goods lower than any other store In the oltr. Mt HOSIERY. ' HOSIERY. " V Ladlev very fine and heavy Hose, at 20, 2S, and HOo.t extra heavy at Ui and 40c. best full regular-made, from 60c. up. Men's very heavy Half H'.se at 25, SO, and 15c t tbe best Anglian I u.lrogulai-inade Half Hose at Ho., worth. 75o. Children's, Misses', and Boys' Hose of every descrip tion and quality, very low. , KID O LOVES KI" GLOVES. 1 he very best qna itv Eld Gloves, warranted, only 1 2A anew assortment soruiK colors. Lisie Thread and Bilk Ulovos, now styles, very cheap. .. COBSKT. 1 COR9ET8.' The very best Freneh Corsets reduaed to 1 40. Ibe beat looth H.Ufhes,B,8, and lm.s Hair Brushes. 25c. up. a: . ' 4 2'3t5p BAMBFRUElt BROTIIKItS, No. 105 North EIGH TH fit , third store above Aroh. 5.IOKRENE, LIFE-BEJUVENATOB. BTBESGTH TO THE WEAK YOUTH TO THE AGED Ibis preparation Is nneiieared as a rcjuvenator and re storer ot wasted aud Iner. funotions i ' ne feeb e, the a tied aud all thone who have In any way Impaired their vitality by excessive menial or physi cal Hjiplication,will tluu the k.lokrene to be what, ltvnsma imiillet a li e rejuvenator, which, wkile It builds up the shattered constitution, will also Impart to tho leelliigi the briskness and energy wi ich belong to itli , No matter by wbat cause anv organ has baoome enfee bled In Its functions this supu'b preparation will remove that cause at once and lorever. BlOKitENE cuies C!enial DoMllty Ioipotenoy; Ner vous Incapaeltv, DyipejiBln, UeuresKion Loss or Appe tite, Low xpirl's, Imkeuillty. Alental Indolence Emacia tion. Ennui It Las a most de.iKhttul. desirable, and novel ell ec upon the nervous system, and a i wbo are In auv wav proxtra ed by nervous riualilil'.les are eurBestly eflvUeil to seek a cure in tills most excel. ent aud un euuiilled preparation. BIOKBl.KL Iho Feetile, the l.aegnld, Hie Despair Irg. ibe Old. should give this v i.uMc dl.wuv 'r a trial; it wl'l be lound tota ly uiileieiit irom a I other articiea lor the same iiurrOHC. . O FE.MALEt. I his preparation Is luvsluabie Irj ner vous weakneHes o ail kiii'is. as f will res tor j tho wasted strength with o denul neiniaii.'O-'o. ii In Iho a Liand 'lunie, and wM giv ra lot' m Dyspep sia W illi the tf'-t dOKe. A brief in rls eiice in l' usa will lenovate thtomaeH to a degree ot perlect-health, anl bnlh Iiyspetfia lorever. ''oiiar per Bottle or Nix bottles 'or S. He d br liruti -isis yeufrnl v nt lv exureKt anywhere by ad dietaing Hl'TCHINiiS A HILLYEU rropr.etors. Xo. its i ei aireet, .e 10m. Hold by JOHNSON. HOT.LOWAY COWDKf. No No lb H1XIH Street. P1U C'l'. 419;bstiirp o N. !?(. USD ot. I EUROPEAN TAN BATHS' IXSTITUTB. -i under iha supervision ol UK PUNIIZ. No U X. NIN IH Wtret ' For the cure oi Gout, Kbetuiiatiinn. Paralysis. Hva terio or Enlleptlc convusioua ana all ma mliea oii-lnatlim from defecia In tne lio ly, oi the bio id, fiieh as Pi es. Tetter, oneu WounOs etc. obtuse or W 11 he red Limbs recover their sensibility, and flesh Itf healthy form. Pattenu. while under treatment, can be accommo dated with board at the Institute. ' f4 it lmro A CARD TO MY'iVLV9 WrWHO Huvlng sufTcred ior a. period ol eight years with rera'yels. and having experienced the trunnont of a number ot ubyslvians both in this counrrr and Kurooe all ot which ireatmenui had laired to per o m a cire I take great pieaaure In reeoiiimenillng t e IAN HtTHS oi Dr. PLAMIZ, No. 12 .N. ITli 8trw. . froia the uxe ol twelve oi bis ba hs I have completely renamed my health, niy system at ttietioio ot the r couinience ment being thorouahiy poloned rom tbe una ol druna and miners'B wblch had been given me 1 am too happy to say that my blood, throughithe treatment Of Or, Planltz, Is now thoroughly cleaus-d rd uiv lnulis, over which I had no oontrol. are atronir and heaitny n abort, I am now a woli roan and If ny suilerers wish further Imorniatlon, I wl'l cheerfullv five It on application to me. , rp No. 47 S I . WAT1S R 8 treit. TRUSSED sr'ITORTKRS. DTtACES .T7..-li ii.T.1. V.. "..r.".M ""' ne moat It V.:t I.I.N AtllAN. Mn'Q depaitmeut by a comiie, tut surneou. IMIiur f OK 16 6tn