THE DAILY- EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APKIL 1G, 18C6. AMUSEMENTS. Abch Bthmt Theatre. tfr Lawrence Bnrrott in a man of rouius. (i all our younir actors aiirinir to m Mc a rank, ti liaa Die f roatpst cnanoe 01 future frrtmM. He lis intenut. power, patties and a tine voice All bit creHtlona boar evldi-nc of intel lect tboucht. W e Tore rejoiced to hear of hi engar ment. He comes reily and v e rzneoted to see him in something hat would hare displayed the rroareM his genius lias mu le, but he ba Judged the rbiladelphia pub 10 omy uo to the standard ot sprotaou ar diania, and probably, aa far aa the con eralpu"llo is concern' d, he is rljjlit. Toe Vuke'i ifottn, therefore, wi I be pipannted th's evening with II the p en dor and taste fur which the Arol Htroet J boat re is renowned Ir has bwn twice preionwdj'' in mix cn, wiui vnpatie, and aiiorwarat wna Vestyaii but probatm it will on ecdiioeilv better presented at the Au h on this ocoas.onthan it baa been at anjr ot: er ilmaim. """"V ' Nrw CnKRNUT t-TRKET Thbatrb. Mlaa Madrid .Mitch 11 cornuiei oea an cturafrniont this eyeninr, her first appearance niter en absenos ol five rears. Mil All olieil l as a world-wide reputation In the part of Kanchon," and no doubt she will be rreetod enthusiastically Mr. J W. 4 o lir has been en trased bv Mis Mitchell to support her in the part of "Landry." 1 he play will be put on tho siaue with new ai d appropriate topnery, for which tho Cbcenut bas been pr pi lop tor ronio weeks Walkut rTP.UT THKTBit. Mr, Broo'liam quaint refined, le iphllul Brouelmm com n back to es for six ninhtu on'y He commeuons with tne comedy of l'luynig with '"'(.which was i-o auooesa. ful at bis last tn pavement. This week the bill will be chanied every evening. Axkbjcah Tdkathb-. Durtrnr the present week the attractions that have nipbtlv crowded the American for the past eleven weeks will continue. El iimo Ktldie, the boldest and most a-raoeiul of tight-rope 01 eretoia; the mapnnlcent skater, M.ina Cattle Aogoeta alooie; the Fowler Hist' rs. interior to none as dm cere ai d vocalists; and the wioiiUb e Harry, are always sufficient In attract the people ot l hl adelpliia. The crow variety of the entertain ment is its great merit. Academt cr ftlppir. The Ravola are In great strength to-rich. The three brothers, the Illus trious I no. wi'l once ' be together. Robert Mucaire will be given by Antotne and Francois, an Inimitable perfor nance l'oune Amorioswiil give his matchless imitation of a fiog, and Mud'.lo Fepita will nance, an entertainment which has groat and varieo attraction Fkiielli 1 bo charming and wonderful amateur operas will be resumed this evening when Linda will be presented. "Linda" being performed by the original prima donna ol the.-e opera, MUs Hewlett, whoi-e finely cultivated voioe and wondor lul facility are admirably suited to the mujio of Linda. Mr. 8'bmitz will ling the tenor part Mr. Durand will resume bis magnificent part of "Anto nio," in which be has shown himself so great au ar tist. Mr. Nathans and Miss Denegre are also In the cast. Tils will be a mot oe'iehtlol mooting of tho tipper ten and the trtistio world. American Manufactures The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass. Every one knows Hint tti mechnuisni ol' the best manufactor16 of this country is unequalled In any other part ot the world. The genius of American mechanics, produced the cotton gin, the mechanical reaper and mower, the scwinz machine, and last, but not least, the wouderiul machinery of the American VVatoh Company of Waltham. This Company waa established In 1850, and has grown in proportions which entitle it to a first rank among the manu facturing enterprises of the Now World. It employs between HQO and 1)00 artisans of superior skill and character, and a large and thriving town has grown up in ius viciniiy. The factory covers over three acres ot ground, and as an illustration of its extent, we may mention that it is supplied W th more than 6u miles of iron pipes, and pro duces an aggregate o nearly 75.000 watches per annum. The founder of this Company believed that the tame delicate mechanical processes ' 'which had produced such remarkably perfect results in larger machines might be applied with even greater advantage To the produc tion of the watch. The foreign time-pWces are made principally by hand, and, except when of high cesi, an imperfect article, often out of repair, and of little value, is the result. Abrcad, those mysterious and Infinitesimal organs which, when aggregared, produce the watch, are the fruit or .slow and toil some manual processes. In the results, there must, of course, be lack of that perlect uniform Ly which is indispensable for correct time keeping. The constituent parts of the American watch, ou the other hand, are fashioned bv the . most delicate and accurate machinery. Wheels pintonb, springs, screws, absolutely uniform in weight, circumference, dimensions, and in every pot sible particular, are turned out in myriads by unerring fingers of steel, and their proper combinations and adlustment by skilful work men have given the Company its high reputa tion. Its watches not only go with the trade, and go in the pockets of 200,000 people, but they go right, and go everywhere. Exchange. Aubtbian Railways. The Osldeutsche Post says that plans have been drawn up for the con struction ol a large railway network to embrace the whole ot the interior of the Austrian Kid pi re. The expenses are to be defrayed by the heue ot railway bonds to the arqount of 300,000,000 flo rins, bearing interest ut eight per cent., and re deemable within thirty-two years. . Parisian Luxury. A French paper says that on the return from the Vincennes races on a Sut-day of last month, the luxury displayed in the carriages and toilets, especially of the demi monde, produced some manifestation on the part of the Inhabitants ot the faubourgs. The erf of a las le8 aristos, which eeems to be an echo of 1848, was even heard. i Thb Suez Eouth to India. It Id reported in Pans that a company Is about to be formed for establishing a direct line of communication be tween India and France and England, by way of the Isthmus of Suez and Marseilles. A new rail way is to be constructed tor this purpose In a direct line from Marseilles to Calais, by which nearly two hundred miles will be saved. Bath Houses. Bostonians are preparing for a general immersion all around through the coming season. The City Fathers have just ap propriated $10,000 for city baths, and men, women, and children are expected to betake themselves forthwith to the aqueous element, and there remain until the work of purification is complt-te. Shabby Recruits fob tub Fore The com mittee which lias been formed in Holland und Belgium lor the enlistment of volunteers ior the Pope has sent one d throe hundred and lilty recruits to Rome, and has promised to send more. The Papal Covtrnment, however, is not much pleased with its new defenders, most of whom have deserted alter receiving their bounty money. Rush fob Western Land. A wonderful rush for land for actual settlement is now tuking place. Reports received at the General Land Office show that over 40,700 acres were entered at the District Land Ollice ol Booncville, Mo., the greater portion for homestead actual settle ment, a part cash sales, amounting to $lo.4G2, and the residue bounty land locations. At La Croese oOice, Wisconsin, 7436 acres were taken up, and at Topcka. Kansas, 6000 acres were taken up, making in all 06,102 acres. Oysters in Old Salt Makbhes. An English paper says thut an experiment in the cultivation of oysters in the old Hilt marshes near Lyniing ton, Hanls, is successiul. Many thousands of oysters taken Irom various grounds are laid down, and some time hence means will be taken to secure the spawn. Old oyMcr shells are for this purpose strung on cords stretched across the pond j near the surface; to these th rislug generation will dutifully adhere, if all be pro pitious. Thb Prussian Pboplf. Thirty members of the Liberal party in Prussia, mostly deputies. have opened a Bubscrip'.ion ior the benefit of euuerers in tne constitutional struggle Detween crown and parliament. The proceeds are chletiy intended to support Liberals deposed from office, and to assist persecuted newspaper editors. The anniversary ol tho 18th ot March. 1848. was this ?ear kept by many who had lone wixhed to bury a oblivion the dav when Berlin erected barri cades against its King, and tor twelve hours tought its own Prussian army. The cemetery in the Filedrichs Hain. where those who lell were nterred, was crowded all day. llJE A D & SMYTH, MAN UFAC I (JUKES OF FLE SILYER-PLATED WARE, No. 910 CHESNTJI Street. PHILADELPHIA. 4 4 tf AUCTION SALES. GREAT TRADE SALE. THREE THOUSAND CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BUOGAIVS,. ETC., COMPllISIKG THE S10CK OF JAMES D. II A R M E II, To be Sold on the Premises, No. 138 North THIRD Street, ON THURSDAY MORNING, 10th Inst., COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK. piiii.ip rbRD & co , 4 14 4trp AUCTIONEERS. CHARLES C. MACKEr, AUCTIONEER. NO. 316 MARKET Street, between Third and Fourth. VERY lAItOE PALK OF ENGLISH AND AMKRI rANAVUI IK GRANITE Ai C. C. WABti, GLAtj.i W ARK, .TL'., In open lota, adapted to tbe wants of Cltv and eonntrj retail atorea. On Tuesday Morolnp. At9H o'clock, at Mackey'i Auction Rooms, No. 326 Market street. I'urubaserH lor country trade can get tholr Roods carefully packed at Uia Auction Rooms. , 4 133t B SCOTT, JR.. AUCTIONEER. PHILADEL- . 1'HIA ART GALLERY, No 10J0 CHK8NDT htreet. A. B. ROI3ISSOVS RF.CONI) GREAT BALE OF OIL PaISTING!, On WodncHday and Thursday Evenings. 18th and 19th InMunt, at7X o'c.ock, at bi Gallery, Ho, Dltf cliognut Sireet. - 4 li 7t Open Day and Evening, free, nntll nlifht sot sale. FOR SALE AND TO RENT. ROOMS TO RENT Large, Well Lighted and Ventilated HOOMS, ON THE 8EC0XD AND THIRD FLOORS or TUE "Evening Telegraph" Building! No. J 68 South TIIIltD Street, TO HElSTT. APPLY IN THE OFFICE, FIRST FLOOR. N. B. "WITH OR WlinOUr 8TEAM POWER. 7S VOU SALE A FRUIT AND L'ilGraln Farm of 17J Acres. In Kent county.JL. Iiflawure. a quarter of a uilie ea-st of Keuton, a station on llie Mnry land and Delaware Ral road, and about six nillcs south of Smyrna. The property is haudnomely Biiumeu, wen improve a aim prouueuve. 'l ne aweiung a neat ituint, containing eleven (11; rooms. The barn one o i' I lie unest In the county. At present, land suntclcnt to keep one band employed, and a pardon well supp led with fruit, end planted Abundantly with vegetables, are reserved with the dwelling; tle spring tillages and harvests are runted on pharos. A purchaser can there tore take nossosslou im mediately, without embarrassment to himself or the operations of the farm. It is llrut-class proporty. in ahbjhlv Improved nelirh borhood. and la offered below tho present market price of such land. Price, kie.OOO: one-half cash. Address UEVRY JOHNS, 4 Hwfml2t Kenton, Delaware. PUBLIC SALE. WILL BE SOLD AT Public 8a e or Vendue, on TUKSDAY Aonl 17th. tt6. at 10 o'clock. A. M . at 8PIUNO GARDEN HALL. Iblrtecn.h and bprtng Garden streets, third story, all that cenain lot or piece oi gronno, witu tne two miee storr brick messuaces or tenements thereon elected, sltna'e on the south side ol nrri'-b street, at tho dUtance of 1H4 iret eastward from the east side of Broad street, in the Fourteenth Ward of the city ol Philadelphia, con taining in front or breadth on the paid Pirrisli street, if feet, and extending in lenuth or depth southward of that width 11 test, more or less, to Atniore street, beized and to be sold lor United Mate tsxei by I). It. BKtiWN, collector, It Fourth District of Pennsylvania. FOR SALE, To close an Estate. A BE DUTIFUL LOT, at tbe 8. E. corner of EOHT1F.TU AND LOCUST Streets, West Philadelphia close to Ht. Mary's Episcopal Church. Woald make a fine location lor large mansion, or could be divided into smaller lots, bavin t'treo fronts. C M. H.LESLIE, 4 16 lOt No. T-7 BAOM Street' O'f. FOR RENT. HANPSOME COUNTRY i BEAT, modi rn improvements, statilloir. etc. within one hour's drive of the city t uccossible by Rail road.. Kent 2i 00 per annum. App v to fAlltlHMKMS tZ KAMJ, 4 116t'ip Jvu. 82 Noutli THIRD Htreet. t ARCH AND TWENTIETH. NEAR ST. fT viviJK'iii o nui v ! uncniiiKj a u us WLMIE'IU Wtieet. lor sale cheat), tall from lH to D fll l....nk a...nnHl... tmnlllH.. XTi 1J) XT VM. ItfV LOST. 1 OST OR MISLAID. A PERPETUAL POLICY J t OF INSVltAM K, iiirurd by tbe Fire Ansuciut'on, of riilladt-liOila. to JAt Oli iJASLtR, ior ilbtK, dated July li, lbWi. Any mioniiuilou ihereoi will be received Altoruey-ntiBW. 811 lirrp No. 407 North FIFTH 8t WANTS ri IIREE OENEUAL AGENTS WANTED TO J act In Important locations fort lie New York Acci dental Insurance Cvmpary. Active nu n ol good address uppiv to ruAMi u. Ai.ii.J, nruncn uuice, no. n CJiL'SNUT street. Apply soon. 3 '21 $ A REDUCTION OF TWENTY-FIVE I 'nor cent., or from tl2A to S200 less upon each n.irniwnt tlmn our Keuular tjuheduie fiices. Dealilng to reuuee our laiyo stoca oi supenorana hlcb'y improved, richly finished soveu-ociave Rosewood I-IaSoh previtus to the lemovul to our new store. Clraid l'ow. So. J 103 ('hwt)Ui street, we have conduced to oner them at the actual cot to manufacture and at prices equally aa low aa we sold them beiore the War. Ibepe Instruments have been awarded tha hlghobt Preniium n ti,a nrtiioloat rxhibliloiis ever held in this countiy, with numerous tesilinonlals lrom the first arttHts in America and fcurupe. Ther are now the lead luff Planon muA until In all nana ol the worid I'trsous OcmiIiik lo purciiitiie a nrst-viaaa risno, at grtatly reduced rales, shou d not fall to avail tnein w vet of this oiiportuulty. I ircu ars ot tha reaular sclicQule price. lth procU outs of the sty en ol our Wauos. can he lied at the waierooms, aud, on app.lca Uou, will be scut by mall. bCHOMAC'KER O., Warnrooms. 46'atrp mo. 1021 CUEbMl'T btreet. MEDICAL KLECTI11CITY. - i Wonderful Scicnlinc Dlscorery. DR. S. W BECKWITH'S ELKCTKIOAL INSTITUTE, No. 1220 WALNUT STREET, For lb Tnrntmfint of Aeote and Chronlo Electrical Investigation bas proved that tho human body acta on tba principle of tha galvanio battery. The brain, mncoos and serous membranes, tha skin, tissnea, and fluids, constitute tbe negative and positive lorcea. Every notion, whether mental or physical, la tha result of these antagonistic forces. Digestion, respiration, circulation, secretion, and excretion are doe solely to flootrlcal Influence. Thero Is a polar action established throughout the nervous system which connects wltb every part of the body, establishing and preserving a praser ba'ance of tha electrical element, which constitutes health, and a disturbance of which causes disease. There are strictly but t"0 conditions ot oleoase one of Inflammation, or positive; tbe other weak, debilitated negative and as Electricity contains these two conditions In tbe action of the positive and negative currents, all w have to do la to neutralize the disease and restore proper healthy action. We do not wish to convey tbe impression' that we cure all diseases in all conditions. We cannot oura consumption after the lnnga are all destroyed i yet we do assert, and are prepared to practically demonstrate, that hundreds of cases of almost every form of chronlo diseases, prononnccd Incurable by the best medical practitioners of tha country, have been radioally Ct'BKD some ot them In an Incredibly short time, by onr Electrical treatment. Its great superiority over other practice in tha cure of disease Is a so attested in the fact that, wlihln tbe past ova years, ovor foubtek thousand patients have been treated at this ollloe, suffering lrom almost every form and condition of disease common to humanity, and In nearly all cases a benefit or perfect cure has been effected. Palsy, deaf ness, blindness, rheumatism, dyspepsia, cancer, and all the old knotty diseases that are a physlolan's curse, as It proves bis Inability to eradicate, are by our scien tific method comparatively easy of pure. Bpeolmens of tumors ol large growth extracted by means of Elec tricity alone, without pain, without the use of the knits, ligatures, or any other means, may be seen at our office by those Interested Therefore, with these acis to prove our theory and treatment ot disease. we are willing to undertake any of the following als eascs, with every nope and prospect of success, wlta very many others not here enumerated : 1. Diseases or tub Bbaih and Nkrvot-r BTirm - X.pllepsy, chorea, or nt Vitus' Dauce. Paralysis (Hempieglai, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, fai.l- Ittiiuu ui iuv uevrt Liuca-uaw eiu. '2. IHOA-K8 AiD IIKBUKS CONNECTED WITH TUB DlOBS TivK noiEM.-hoie Throat, Dyspepsia, Diarriuea. oj Bcnicry, Obstinate Corsnpailun Hicinorrtioldos or i 11' a Bl.lnus. Flatulent, ana Palntei's Colic, and all auectiuim ui uimjonrniia npieeu. 3. REsfiaATOkT UKOAN8 i atanh Cough, Influenza, Asll.nia iwbn not caused br oruanlc diseuses o th heait), bronchitis, Pleuiisy, Plenroiiynlii, or Kheuma- tibm 01 tne i uesi consumpuon in me eanr stages 4. FiBiioi's and M tact lab Ststem. Rheu i.atlsm, Cout. Lumbauo 8lin .Neck, nlusi l urvaiure Hin Diseases, l ancers, tumors. - ' ft. UitiNABX and Genital Organs. Gravel, Diabetes, and Kldnev Complaints, Impotence and Bemlnal Weak ntss. I he la ter complain. s never tail to yield rauld.y to this treatment. D DISEASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES. UtCrUS Com plaints. Involving a uial oosttion, as Prolapsus Antro version. Itetroveislon. Inflammation. Ulceration, and vailous other afleo.loiis of tbe Womb and Ovaries J O I.ADI we can recommend this treatment aa one Ot UJsVaKILD 8U(CtfcS Almost innumerable cases have come under treatment at our otllce who can tes ity to mis irci. mrs. atua n iiu nas eutire cnarge 01 tne Ladies' Depanmeiit, ind al oelicacy will be used towards those who entrust tnemselves to her care. In Kinale diseases, as mentioned in the above list, with others not mentioned, she has had a large expe rience, and can confidently promise the most gratlt ing results. TO TUE AFFLICTED -The treatment Is mild and gen lie, producing no shock or nnpieasant sensation whatever. Our professional mtcioourse with the filleted will eer be characterised by perfect candor and honetty, and those wnose complaints are incurable, or do not aumlt ot amelioration, will be frankly told so, and not accepted for treatment, It matters not what may be Tour com plaint or how lona vou may have sui- tered, or how much, or what course of treatment yon may nave neen auujecieu 10, or wnai aisanpoiuiments you may have experienced, if the system is not worn out 11 sufliclcnt vitall y remains lor reaction there Is a lair prospect of recovery. litt'ERhUCtB. The diseased and all Interested are re erred to the followli.g-named gentlemen, who have been treated and witnessed our treatment on others, at o. YliO WANMJT Htieet A. J. rleasonton. Brigadier-General. No. 916 Boruce street W. it. bmith, Iron lounder, Xn. 1022 Hanover Htreet 1 Oeo ge Douglass. Local jCxpre-s Company, Fiitu street above Chesnnti J. W. Bradley, pub.lsher. o. bfi N Fourth street! Robert Wotk. Ho. 51 N. Third streeti Coionel T. W. Sweeney. Assntsor Second Dis trict Philadelphia, Walnut atreet, belew Eighth! Ueorge It vans i Evans A-.itassail I mlllUrv soods.Arch street. below Flitht Air Pe.onze, t.tpe founder, Third and Cbesnut stie tsi Ed. idctane, manufacturer cotton goods all ot this city. A. Pleaaonton. Brlgadler-Oene-ral, 8t. Louis, Mo. ; Jacob Vandegrift, Odessa, Del. ) R. A. ftemple spool cotton manufacturer, Mount Holly N. J., wit b very many others. Physicians or students desiring to have Instruction In the coirect application of Elec.ricity for the cure of dis eases can app y at the ollice. Consultation tree. Descriptive clrcn'ars of cures eflecied. wit numerous references, can be bad by ap plication at the office. All tetters auuressvu m T)B. H. W BF.rKWITH, Ho. 1220 WALNUl' Street, 412themfm8p . Philadelphia. A NEW INVOICE OF OOLONG TEAS, FOR 8ALE AT THE Market Street Tea House. BOYD S CO., 4 9 mwllm Ko. 1141 MARKET (Street. p .A-TErS T WIUE W ORK FOB EA1LIXG8, 6TORE FROSTS, , . GUARDS, PARTITION S, ETC IRON BEDSTEADS, AND WIRE WORK, In variety, manufactured by M. WALliEU t& SONS S 21) fmf p No. 11 North SIXTH Street. IDROIEAN TAN BATII3' INSTITUTR, J under the supervision of DK.PLINIIZ. No. H N. NINTH ritroet. . For the cure oi Uout, ltlieuinatlsni. Paralysis, Hvs terlc or Epileptic Convulsions, ana ull uia'.id'rj oiirinating from delee s lu the boiy, ot the blojd, audi us PI es. Tetter, open Wounds etc. obtuaa or W ithered Limbs recover ihulr sensibility, aud tae llesh Its heultliy lorin. Pat-ents. while nnder treatment, can be accommo dated villi board at the Institute. 4 13 ltnrn A CARD TO MY Kl U,OW-t 1 1'IZRXS SUFFtRINQ FROM PARXLV8IS. Having suffered ior a period of eti;ht years wltb Para ysis, and having exoerieiii'ed the ireatmont of a number ot physiciana both in ihH country and Europe, ail ol which treatments had lulled to per o-in a cure. I take great p.easurc In recoiiimendlng t e I AN BATI1M ol Dr. PLANIIZ, No. 12 N. ,INTU Street. From the use of twelve oi his ba hi I have completely regalued uiv bealtn, inv system at the time oi lliolr coiniuuco ti ent being thoroiu hty uoloned irom tbe use of drugs and minerals which had been given me 1 am too hoppy to say that my blood, through the treatment ot ir. Planitz, is now thorourhly eieanaed, and niv limbs, over which I had no control, are strong and beaitny. Mi short, I am now a welt roan, and if any eulierera wish further iniormatlon, I will cheerfully give it on application to mo. H. FRITOHE, 4 13 8trp No. 47 N. WATER Street. TKUSSKS, SUPPORTERS, BRACES, nil All otlier RnrLflr.Al AnnllAnecyi Of tha most - . ( V ! .w4 u l,,tlnl,Alu - I n,k.H mt M It IniM'IUTV. i,,..u,,...i.....:.t o I HJ1 ,U Mil VI "i . - - - 611 Norm SEVi'M'U Street. Ladles attended by Mrs. Dr. Mol'LF.NACUAN. Male department by a compe , tent surgeon. JWJmrp TO $15 FOR A SUIT OP BLACK OF SlIpOO fancy colored olotbi army and navy do., fn ptvle tnsurpasse.1. 4 rp FARR,o.l8NIDTHBt,lbovCl oiouuu,- Cbesnat. CARPETINGS. JUST KECE1VE17, TABD-AN D-A-HALF-WIDE VELVETCARPETS, NEW DESIGNS. t J. F. & E. B. 0111VE, No. 904 GIIESlNfUT STREET. 3-4, 1-8, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, WHITE, RED, AND FANCY UANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. OltNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B. 0RNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. 500 tieces NEW PATTERNS EN GLISlITArESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. 0RNE, No. 904 . (3 20 3mrp CHESNUT STREET. m t (JEO. A.. COOKE IS SELLXKG THE I PRESTON COAL., Which ia the very beat SCHUYLKILL COAL coming to this market, Egg. and Stove sizes at $7 per Ton. ALSO EAGLE VEIN Same size, at same pticos. pellverable to any part of the olty, porlootly clean, and free of slate. Orders received at No. 114 South THIED Street. EMPORIUM, 318rp No. 1314 WASHINGTON Avenue. f GEORGEJrTfENKELS, T TIIIKTEENTII AND CHESNUT STREETS. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. A LABQB ABSOBTMEKT OF EOSEVTOOD DBA WING-BOOM FUBNITUBB. WALNUT DBA WING-BOOH FUENITCBE, WALNUT DIN1NG-BOOM FTJBNITUBE, WALNUT IIBBABT FURNITUBE, WALNUT HALL FURNITUBE. B08EWOOD CHAMBEB ; CBNITUBE, WALNUT ANTIQUE FUBNHCBE. Prices are as low aa tbe quality ot tae work will admit ot. GEORGE J. IIENKELS, 4 14 Ira Late of Nos. 609 and 811 CHEtJNUT Street. KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. E. P. KERSHOW, A. HUNT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. IMPORTERS OF EASTERN ICE. OFFICES AND DEPOT9: No. 118 and 130 North BltOAB Street; WILLOW STREET WHARF, DELAWAKE AVENL'E. Having secured full supply of tbe best quality of IC14, are prepared to furnlsn U throuKhout the entire season, as usual, piomptly . at tbe lowest market rates.) Hotels,- Confectioners, and (Shipping supplied with large or small quantities. Particular attention given to tbe delivery of ICE to Families, Stores, OSlces, etc. ICE served dally In West Philadelphia, Mantua, Rich mond, 1 logs, and all parts of tbe city. Y our oider respectlully solicited. 4 UsmwTplm a r CARD TO THE PUBLIC THIS IS T"Viin,"wg (o oertlfr that J. il. KULO.V nurMiaincl of J. M. Hall the btock and (iood Will of his Uuuertaking business, at No. lain VISE Htreet heglviug me the use ol blJ nume lo secure bis cuntom, usmirlng me also that he would not aaln go Into aaiu bualnest lu this c('y. Yet he tbe said Jobu M. Hall, has eommenced the Un dertaking bUHlness within three squares ol the old stand. 1 wuuld, therefore, respectully iiuorm my friendi and ihe public that I hold a leune of the establishment lor a term oi year-, and will continue the bo.iuegs alone and independently, ail repotta to the contrary notwlthstund epeauwiujr.iui c KL,L))(( undertaker, feucoesaorio ,ionn m. nan. 4 14 if No VINE Streot. WEST C.KOVK BOARDING. SCHOOL y forGirla at WEST GBOVE STATION, Fbliadol pbla and ba tlmore Ceniral ltallmad. Chester oo., l'a. Tbe bummer Term oi full twentv weeks wlM com mence on Second-day. the lib ot tth mo. next. The course of In. truotion Is complete and thorough, competent Instructors are en-ployed, and Improved me thods of teaching are adopted. Tbe promotion of tbe health and bappiuesa of the pupils is a hjudlug olijeot For circulars, addiess tbe Frfix liml. THOMAS P. TONABD, itbm20t WEST GBOVE. Fa. iR, HUN TEE, Ko. 44 N. SEVENTB unvm.-wr . n rW f TrniBT pmT.ADKLFITTA. Acknowledged ey all partirt tnltrrtt'd as by t tba HObl bl'CCiUfeFt'L PUYSll IAN nmr!Ir In the treatment or Dtuattt in An silf- QUICK, case. Hemember DU. HUN I KB B Celebrated Kemedla csn only be had senulne at bis oid established Onto ho. 4K.liVWi'iUBfwtlauvveliUbert. 4Ufi DRY GOODS. 113 PRICE A WOOD, H3 N. NINTH 8TREKT. APOVK ARCH. Have Jnst opened: A new lot of Bonnet Ribbons. So. 4 and I Corded Edge ttlbbonj. Black Velvet Wlbbons. Bargalna In Uelerv and U loves. Ladles' and Gents' Linen Cambria Hdki. Genu' Keck Ties, Shirt rronts. and naspendera. A new lot ot Flouncing , Edgings, and Inserting. wnirs GOODS. WHITE GOODS. White Flqnes, 75, 90, and at 00 a yard. Polt finish Cmbilo aau Jaconet Mnstlna. Nainsook Muslins 95,38. II, MX. is, so 65 ap to 80. Tlotorla Lawns and Swiss Muslins. Stripe and Plaid Muslins. Large Plaid Nainsook Muslim. Hair Cord Mrtp and P.aid Maillot Whit Brll lantes, an auction lot, 55 oetits. very cheap. Marseilles, Honevoomb, and Lancaster Quilts. C leached and Unbleached Muillna, at tbe very lowest market prices. Htst Bleaohed Muslins In th olty at 15 cents. Very heavy yard-wide Bleached Muslin, tlH cent. P est make Heaohed ttusllns. Heavy yard-wide Un bleached Mail ins, 34 ct per yard. Pillow Case and Sheeting Muslinr. Just opened, one bale All-wool Flannels, li cents per yard. Fine quality all-wool and Domet Flannels. UN EH GOODS! LINEN GOODS I Table Linen. Napkin and Towels. Linen Napkins, very cheap, 92)3, 3 4 150, 3 00, 13-75 and J 00 per dosen. Linen BacksbaoK by the yard. Handsome Damask Towels. 75, B7K, and OI-00. Scotch Diaper by the piece or yard. Shitting Linen, from 60 cent up to 1'40 per yard. Pill OK A WOOD. Ko. 118 N. NINTH Htreet, above Area. K B. Will remove to the N. W corner Eighth and Filbert streets about the last ot April. 414 LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND ELEGANT SACKINGS FOR LADIES' ALSO, COATINGS AND CASSMERES FOB GtNILEMEN. Just received, and for sale undor GOLDEti I'BESSCBE, br 4 8 12t WILLIA3I T. SXODCRASS & CO., No. 84 S. SECOND Street. gATIN STRIPED GRENADINES, JUST OPENED, AT REDUCB D PRICES. CDKWEN 81 ODD ART & BROTHER, Hot. 45(1, 462, and 464 5. SECOND Street. 414 8t Above Villow. QOLORED AND WHITE GROUND M Oil AIR FOULARDS ' " ' OF CH0IC 8tVLt8, AT HEIUCKO PRICES. CURWEtf STODDART & BROTHER, No. 400, 452, and 464 N SECOND Street, 4 14 8t Abovo Willow. 8-4 black; darege hernanis, FBOM A UCTIO !f , .. AT REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 464 N- SECOND Street, 4 16 2t Above Willow. RICH BROCIIE FIGURED MOIIAIKS, FHOII AUCTION, AT BEDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452. and 454 N. SECOND Street, 4162t Above Willow. (J-4 NEAT SILK PLAID POPLINS, FBOM AUCTION, AT BEDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Koa. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street, 10 3t Above Willow. jT RETAIL., ! 1 JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT Street, . Have made extensive additions to their popu lar Stock 01 SILKS AND DRESS GOODS' WHICH THEY COXTINCE TO SELL At ModerHto Prices, j WHOLESALE liOl.JIS DP STAIKS. 8 811m yfM. II. U0It!iTMAO & S0JS, FIFTH and CHERRY Sts. PHILADELPHIA. mPOHTKUS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LADIES' DRESS j AND CLOAK TRIMMING, FLA IN AND FANCY BUTTONS, j l OTTOii miUMIKGS, BLACK A1.D COLOKt.D GALLOONS, CLUB Y LACES, BELTINGS, ' 1 GUIPURE LACES. ( BALMOKAL THIMKINGa, 1 GIMPS AND OKNAMK.NTsJf COLORED VELVET RIBBONS J DEAD NETH, ETC. I MALI WARES Aft D ZEPHYR WORSTED. We are conatantlv receiving tie lateat NOVELTIES of tlia Euiopran oarkeii b.tldea our own production et varloutit) lei lu NEW ITIMMINGS. Our pricei a'e reduced to tbe very lowest Gold rate. 1 4 Smrp DRY GOODS. J M . II A F L E I a II, No. 002 CIIESiVUT Street, WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1 CASE MOHR BLACK ALPACA?, 25 CENTS. 1 ADDITIONAL CASE, GOOD QUALITY BLACK SILKS, $1'25. ALSO, REAL SHETLAND SHAWLS. REAL LACE POINTS. GRENADINE SHAWLS. 1000 SHETLAND LACE SHAWLS, JUST OPENED. 4 14 itrp gHAWLS AND MANTL 13 6. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND Street. NOW OPEN, A FULL ASSORTMENT Of SHETLAND SHAWLS. LAMA SHAWLS, BILK AND CASHMERE 8HAVTL8. LAMA AND PUSHER LACE POINTS AND BOft SOUS. . LATEST STYLES C413Str CLOTH AND SILK MANTLES AND SACKS. lit NEW LOTS OK GOODS J 1J OPKXKU THIS WEEK. AT 115 W. II. EARLY'S No. 115 N. NINTH btreec tfeavv Dice Patters. Hand Loom Table Llnon, ooEr adeem bite Linen Towe I 2-2A ner dozen White Linen Towe a. trinirod, J214 per dozen. White Linen lluck, for Towe. lug, il cent per yard. Halt Bleached Hack, lor Toweling, 22 and 2 oeata per yard. ... DRESS GOOD8. Valencia, Mozambique, and De Ualoea. li cent.. Bilk Embroidered Po ka Dot Mohair, 31H ceuta. One '.ate yard wide Knxilsh Chintz, it centa. ii dozen Men'. Bro Hail-How, regular r madau cenu. 4 14 6iTU jW"YORK ACCrDENTAL-; INSURANCE COMPANY1 FOR INSURING AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KIXDS. Capital, Q50,00O President, WILLIAM A. BAYLEY ' Secretary, EDWARD GREENE. INDUCEMENTS. The rates of premium are very low The plan la io simple that any one can comprehea. all tta working. Pio Hetlleal Emlnflon 1m Ucqnlred. And those who have been rejected by Llf Companlee) In eonneqnence of hereditary or othor dlKeaae. can effect Insurance in this Company at a verv small cost. No better or more aatlsiactory use can be made of sx smail a stun. POLICIES ISSUED BY LANCASTER & GASKILL, N. W. Corner Fourth and Walnut Sta . I IQrp OENEBAL AOEMTS FOB PNNSTLVASIA J J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North SIXTH Street, MANUifACTTJREE OF VENETIAN BLINDS, WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment In the city at the lowest prices. C44 Sioirp BTOBB fcSHADEB MADE AND LETTEKED. "PHILADELPHIA DEPOT OF THB KNOX TAUIT FARM AND NUB8EKIE8. We have established a branch ot our bnilneat In Phlla delDhla, wbera onleis lor all oor nt ck, Including GliAPf VI1SK, UASPUe-RKlf hi 11A WBf lilt V, and KLACKBI KBY PLANTS, CURKAKT aud UOOOEVEUUT BCSUbd, elo. etc sill icveive prompt attention. JtCURDA-OUK Ho 700 8TBVWBERRT. Ihe most valuable Strawberry oi wliitli we tave any knowlodtse A good supply ol' Plauta coustantiy ou band. Also , ' , AORICULTUBI3T, And all other desliab e kinds Hants grown In 'O IS or BOXES, for bearing FIRST SEASON, ot the above two uaoieil kinds, oau bo fur nished in any quantity, Price Lint fee o I charge , DKKC U1P11 Yai AJi D ILLUSTRATED f T 4 LOGUE, 10 eents. , J. KNOX. I21lin Ho. 727 MABKET street, l'hiludelphia. BALSLEY PATENT 8T E P-L AD1 B R.. Having eemmenced the manuiacture of TBB BALSLEY FATES T 81'EP-LADDEa in phiLadklpitta, we are fully prepared to fill orders to any amount. Sizes from t to lu leet DEALERS are partloulalry requested io call andse tnem- 1. KNOX. No. 727 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. Liberal discount made to alera. I U wu