THE DAILY EVENING. TELEGRAM. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 1G, I860. CITY 1 NTELLI GE NUE For Additional City lnteUigmce tee El .an raw. J . i The Murder FuKTnER Pabticclahs. During Baturdaf and jentorduy tlio Police lorce was enpaid in tbe tcarch lor tho allcsid accomplice ot Probst. Anion? tbe arrcste made was that of a Gorman, who was taken on Aap kiln turnpike, Twenty-second Ward. Ho told contradictory stories In reenrd to his destina tion and tho jiopsoscion ot certain poods found on his pcisou; hut an examination on Satur day alternoon proved that he was in no wise implicated in the murder, and he was discharged. On Saturday the two puns supposed to, have been taken troin the house ol Mr. Dcaring were found behind the door. i There has been conoldcraMe discussion as to the nationality of Probst. He baa been repre sented as a German, but was stated to have come from Btrasburjr. On Saturday, the police twero put in possesion of letters directed to Probst, and written bv his lather. Thpse letters arc post-marked Tk'ionpen, a yillace in the Circle of Fee, in the Grand Ductiy ol liaden, on the Upper Ithtne. But it matters little where such a man was bom, for it is to the credit ol humanity that no civilized land produces many such. Monsters are exceptional, aud no country should be liuld responsible for any one ol them, I tNvhilo Detective Franklin was couverslntr ith Piobst, alter bis removal to the Moya nicnsini! prhtn on Friday, the quostiou of what hud become ol the axe with which the throati of the victii is had been cut, came up, ,Ono axe, it-will be recollected, was found on the day tho bodies were discovered, and that had but little blood upon it. 1 The prisoner, in his examination before ! tbe Mayor, stated that two axes were used, ! but only one had been discovered up to the time of the arrest, and therefore he was asked about the other. He stated that he had thrown it in the ditch, near the house, and described , the Bide of the ditch where it had lodged. ; Yesterday Detective Webb, in company with Ollicer Mitchell, visited the scene of the murder, and, atter drapginp the ditch lor some time, the axe was found near the spot described by the prisoner; hair was sticking to it, and the handle and axe itself was covered with blood, though, partially hid with the mud of tbe ditch. The axe is an old one, and ta nearly worn out, but it bad been recently ground and sharpened. Borne of the neighbors recosmized it as an old one they bad Irequently Been at tbe place. It was brought to the city by the ollioers. ' During yesterday the late residence of the', Dealing lainily was visited by a large number of persons, but oflicers were stationed about tbe bouse to prevent any cne from entering.! Chict Franklin had another interview with Probst yesterday. The prisoner appeared to be much depressed, and was affected to tears when his relatives in Germany were alluded to. The murder of the Dcanng family was again alluded to, and during tbe conversation Probst said that he killed the boy whilo he was at work near the hay-stack, and that be (Probst) went up behind the boy and drew back tbe axe to strike three times before he had the heart to do it. Probst also spoke again about the killing ot Dearing and bis niece, and said tbat the man who was with him stood behind tne carriage and struck Dear ing as soon as he alighted, lie also stated that he helped to carry the bodies to the barn, but still insists thai he killed no one but the boy.' A shirt belonging to tbe prisoner was found in the bouse yesterday. It was very bloody, and Probst staled that tbe blood got upon it while he was helping to remove tho bodies. A hammer with blood on it was also found in the barn. A man was arrested on Saturday night, who it is said, called at LJokfeld's on Thursday evening and asked for Probst. He is still held for future examination. t Arrival of the Champion Rower. James Haniill, ot Pittsburg, the champion rower, arrived in this city yesterday, accompanied by his brother, John H ami II, Chief Engineer of the Pittsburg Fire Department, and other triends. Mr. Hamlll has challenged tbe champion rower of England, and will leave for Europe on Satur day next irorn New York. Previous to'his depart ure from Pittsburg his friends entertained h4tn and a number of- invited guests at Kennedy's Dining Saloon, on Suiithrield street, with, an oyster supper. Previous to commencing : an attack on the edibles, an organization was effected by electing John McClarren, Esq., Pre sident, and Fred. Watson, Esq., Secretary. Mr. McClarren briefly stated the object of the meet ing to be a mark of esteem for Mr. Hamill aud a slight testimonial of their appreciation of him as the representative oarsman of the United States a well as ot Pittsburg. i When the inner man of all present was made comfortable, Mr. Henry Kane, a well-known Pittsburg tailor, arose and presented Mr. Hamill with a splendid suit of clothes, made in the most lashionable style. Mr. Kane remarked tbat, knovticg it was Mr. 11 am ill's intention in a few days to visit England tor the purpose of rowing the British champion, Kelly, for the championshio of the world, he could not let the occasion pass without testifying his estimate of him as a man by getting up a suit of clothes to be worn by him while in England. . Mr. Kane said he was no great admirer of sportine men generally, but the sport of which Mr. Hamill w as champion in America, fairly won . by him alter years cf toil and perseverance, he was an admirer of, and hoped that it would be more generally indulged in all over this country, as it now was in England. He hoped to hear Mr. Hamill say on his re turn tbat he bad had fair play and a kind recep tion, which Mr. Kelly would' have received if he had come to this country to row HamilL His sincere wish was to be able to take Mr. Hamill by the hand on his return, and congratulate him as the champion oarsman oT the world. Mr. HamiU's proverbial modesty forbade him replying, and at his request, John N. McClowry, Esq., made a briei and pointed acknowledgment lor him. i . Youthful Offendeeb. Two latls lost from New York were arrested at an eating house on Cbesn tit street, on Saturday evening, one of whom had $4000 in gold upon Ills person, besides several hundred dollars in greenbacks. The lad in possession of tho money had been employed in the ollice ot a New York broker, and had appropriated a $5000 gold check, got it cashed, and then started on h.s travels, bringing a companion with him to uelp him spend the money. A detective officer was despatched in rursuit, and arrived here only a few hours atter the tucitive did, and very luckily came upon him beiore he had a chance to (ret rid ot much of the money of his employer. He and bis com panion were taken back to New York the same evening. Body Found Supposed Murder. The body of an unkuown man, in an advanced stage of decomposition, was round on Saturday float ing in the Delaware, at pier No. IS). Port liioti mond. The clothes he had on fell off as the body was lifted out of the water. The panta loons were ot a dark color and bis shirt a white one. There was a ternblo gash in the skull, which looked os if done with a hatchet, and the belief was that he had been murdered. A post mortem examination was made, and an inquest will be held as soon as witnesses can bo ob tained. Deceased appeared to be tifty-tive vears old, had grey bair, aud was five feet eieven inches hich. The body wasthoutthtto have been in the water two or three months. i Bonfires. On baturday night, about 11 o'clock, a trifling hre occurred in the trim lninsr Btoie. No. 769 South Second street. A lmis. burner Ignited some goods suspended too near H. Another trivial allair occurred about an hoar previous.atTwenty-second and Callowhill itreete. -Saturday morniutf there wai a small tire In Front street. The damuge by all three amounted IO IllAIC. 1 Endorsing tuk Nominations. Tho Philadelphia Hose Company has endorsed the , nominsuon oi sir. Terence jjiouu -ker, lor as sixtant engineer of the first o,ro division. The Kluesessintr Engine Compuuv has also endorsed tho nomination of Mr. Josenh H. Young, of the West. Ptiiludelnhia Steam Fire Engine Company, lor assistant engineer of the . mux ore aiviH.0D, .. , , .. , The Anniversary of tub Abolition BociiiY. On Sat.uraay evening quttry a large audience assembled at National Hall to com nir morste the anniversary of tho assassination of President Lincoln. The Hall was well filled, and among the audience we noticed some of our most substantial ettizens. On tho stand we ob served a number ol persons well known as prominent members of the sect ol Friends. The meeting was opened without the usual formali ties of appointing oflicers. Pillwvn. Parrish, Sr., quietly aroe and explained the object of the meeting, m a brief speech, ot which the follow ing is the substance : ' ' . Fellow Citizens ! Tbe members of the renrjsvlv ma Abo Ition fooc'eiy have met on its Ninety-first Anniversary, and have invited yon to Join tnem in a retrospect of tne past, and to share with them the Dopes ot the future. Since onr HDiTfMary one rear tiro t tin Constitu tional amendment abolishing slavery has been rati lied by the legislative aotii n oi two-thirds o I the Lulled htates. and within the nasi wek tbe claims ot the firedmcn have boon still further ackno w ledged by tiiecnFsaraof Mioblll seoni-ln? their civil ngli by the action ot both House' ot Congress. , AU honor to our (Senators and Kopresentativei Whc have stood as faithful sentinels ou tne watch- tower oi freedom. ' . We can scarcely estimate tho Impetus which those.' great event bare eivon to tne came of liberty and equality throughout the wend. Onlyafow woo lu unco the first Anti-Slavory Hocloty- in .Spain was founded at Madrid, with tho avowed objoctof fol lowing our example In promoting the abolition of slavery throughout tho Spanish possessions, and some of tho most earnest men in that country have eiwKieu iu inis great cause. i But altliotiffli clialtell slavery has been abolished trom American Sell, thoso who have beou su'jocts of it are still subjected to many disabilities. There is still. labor to be performed notionly where slavery ex. is ed by State law, but m ourown lamed city aad Com monwealth, where those whooe agio is not colored like our own aro deprived of tome of the inalionable rights guaranteed to every citizen by the .Declara tion ol independence. In the long travel from bondage to freedom, man d faculties must bo oncountred and much suffering rnu-t be endured; but our faith, as well as the nlgns ot the nmcs, encourage the hope- that tho promised land win et bo reached, and that the work lor which our torelathorg prayed and labored will, in the fulness of timo, be consummated. At the conclusion of tho address Mr. Parrish introduced Mr. H. R. Warriner. - Alfred H. Love, Esq., the Secretary of the Association, read a number ol letters, among others from , Senators Sumner and Trumbull, and Generals' Butler and Howard. Addresses wcto then delivered by General Rntus Saxton, of Massachusetts, and Hon. Ho race Maynard, of Tennessee. ' , Tho meeting adjourned at a late hoar. ' i FpiicE Items. A young man had a hear ing at the Central Station on Saturday on the .charge of stealing a quantity of bar and rod iron,- or rattier obtaining it Dy laiso representations, The testimony was that he had represented the iron to be for his father, instead of which be sold it and appropriated tho money to hW own use. The man to whom the iron was sold was also arrested, and both were held for their ap pearance at Court; the latter on tho charge of receiving stolen goods. Alderman Bonsai 1 committed a young girl on the charge of stealing wearing apparel from a house in Green street near Twelfth, in which she was employed as a domestic. ; ' Religious. The one hundred and twenty eighth meeting in behalf of the Philadelphia Tract and Mission Society was held last evening in the Western Presbyterian Church, Seven teenth and Filbert streets. Several addresses were delivered. I The Fourteenth Week of Prayer commences this alternoon at St. Paul's Episcopal Chnrch. 1 The Tenth Anniversary of the Scott Methodist Episcopal Sabbath School was celebrated yester day afternoon in tbe Scott M. E. Chnrch, Eighth street, above Tasker. The pupils sane several appropriate pieces of music, and addresses were delivered by the pastor, Hev. T. li. Miller, Rev. T. T. Taster, and others. I i The Fire Department. The steam fire Anorinn hnilHinir f'ni t na T.lhnrtt rtt rTiii m auKnrrr at the Keystone Machine Works, wid be finished in anout two weets. She ts ot the t&ird-class, with a 4A-inch pump and 9-inch cylinder. i . The steamer of the Philadelphia Hose Com pany will be placed in service this evening. ) The vote for the hose carnage at St. Alolion- sns' Fair stoou as follows on Saturday evening: Hope Hose, "219; Southwark Engine, 197; Marion llof-e, 8; Moyamensing lioo, 54; Uood Intent, 7. At the St. Augustine's Fair the vote for the carriage stood as follows: vinlant. 1200: Co lumbia Hose. 744; Fairmount Engine, 30; Assist ance, 80; Hibernia, 1H; Scattering, 13. i Why IIe Was Committed. On Saturday Sereeant Cron t and Reserve De Haven arrested voting man named Henry Mansfield, alias Wilson, at Filth and (Jerman streets. Tne charge agaiiist him was the larceny ot ahorse and wagon. It appears tbat the accused hired the team at a livery stable for a ride, and it is alleged offered the (horse and vehicle tor sale. Mansfield was committed by Alderman beiuor, in default of three thousand dollars bail, to answer. , ; Naval Intelligence. Orders have been received at the Philadelphia Navy yard to pre pare the gunboat unamrocK tor immediate ser vice. It is generally supposed tbat she will bo assigned to duty on the coast ot Maine, and as she "is now nearly ready for service, she will pro bably sail in a lew days for her station. Com mander William E. Hopkins, formerly attached to the Saginaw, of the Pacific Squadron, has been ordered to command her, , All Abont a Bellows. To show the House of Commons how business is done in the British army, and how corres pondence Is multiplied by the red-tapists, Cap tain Vivian recently rocited tbe following curi ous history of an application for a bellows, and the course it had to run through various chan nels tor nearly six wceiss: , "Alter a long correspondence, the local commis sariat office at ihu Curranh canip on the 121 h Febru arv obtained authority from the War Department to ludeut on the royal cugiueor aepurimeat tor a pair of bellows, urgently required in the camp and ap plied tor them to the district engineer officer. n the 10th the district cugineer officer appiiod to the nulituiy store oilier at Dublin ; ou the 19th the mili tary store officer at Dublin informed the royal engi. ueer ollicer at Dublin that he could r.upply the re quired bellows ou requisition. Ou tho 20th tho royal engineer oKicer at Dubliu lorwarded this information to the royal engineer officer at the Curragh; aud on the 21tt tbe local engineer officer at the Curra?h reulied tbat ho had no foim ot requisition. On the Wid the local eugiuuer officer at the t urragh aelad the loca. coinmitwanut ofCoe if the pro- lotted bellows would do. On the 23d tne iieal commnwariat officer rop'.led, ''Yob." Ou the 24th the local engineer officer informed the local commissariat officer that he must apolv to the roy il euiiineor officer, Dublin, ano accordingly tne local coniniii -anut ollioer applied to Dublin. The mill turv utoios officer at Dublin answered that ho woald supply the hollows on an order from tho War Unice. me local comuiistiariat oiuoer then pro ducer an authority from the vVar Office aud read it to the local engineer officer. Ou the 1st ol March the di.-trict roval engineer officer doulined to have anything to do wiih a rervioe which wm not brought to Ulo notice through the proper Bu llion lies, and the local commissariat officer referred the question to tho commissariat officer in Dublin. On March 2 the cam-miB-ariat officer in Dublin referred the question to iho deputy quartcrniaater-gonoral, Dublin ; and the next duy tho .deputy quarter inasuir i-toue1 al at Dublin reioireu the requisition to ihe quarleruiaster Ucneral, Horse (inures. OntneClQ tlieilorfo Guard reierred to the War Office, aud the V ar Office reierred to tor oorumanding General-in-Chief, London Ou tho 18iu the commanding fipnurai-in-chiui asked tho o Hector of store o give authority, vhioi two cays after wa- producod. Tus director of Mores then statoo. that the o immisoarmt officer bhould ino ud the bu lows iu 'he annual estif mute ; and on the 17th the cuinuiuuding gouurai-ni-clijel wr-jte to Iho lloro Guards and the coiuiniasu liui oflio- r, Dublin. Aiu-r all Uiis correspondence, u ihe 20th ot March the oommisHanat othoer at the Curiairh was still be lowing for hit bellows. If such a large amount ot co-'espnndenoo was neces sary in purchasing a txir ot bellows, u axked avain what would be tbe i'suo iu a case of emer gency I"' . , . ' ; ' Thirteen officers were employed iu this busi-nui-s of the bellows for thirty-si i o ays, some oi them writing several letter on tho subject, Dickens' ridicule of the Circumlocution O'lice mteht be Bpr.licd with equal propriety to this enormous expenditure ot red tape. Red tape in moderation 1j necessary and wholesome but snreiy not so much as this. A lively war would soon show our English cousins tbe necessity of a not less strincent but more speedy administra tion of army business. This case reminds us of an ' old sea story. ' A gentlemanly young middy, wishing to have tho main-top light put out, hulled, "Main-top there!" Birr "Kxiipginsii' that nocturnal luminary i Kirf" Extinguish that nocturnal luminary, confound you I". . ., , , ' "Sir?" came asrain from the nnzr.led topman. 'Here let me," said the boatswain, elbowing the midshipman ononeido; "Main-top tni'roi" Sir?" "Dowse the elnnsi" "Ay. ay, sir," was Ihe cheerful response. A Kovbl Retcbk A Sheffield (England) paper says the following is a verba:im cop? of the form in which a laborln? man, living at Thornelo Fallows, filled ud the tJovernmeut tecbeaulp requning the number of live, stocK In his possession on tne &tn imnno: l, William uooiding, tne truth wid tea . I've got three pigs I wantto sell; I to replace 'em, but that mafcoi me faltsr; 1 can't get 'cm homo If the law does not alter. AMUSEMENTS, UlfcLLV'h COMINKNTAL X(UANJK. , l-r.nii'e'&nt to all p acf ol Amusement D to t.H o'c.tclt buy evening. . , NEWS may be had 131ly I aiOlCli' SEATS AMD 'ADM I SSI ON8. Vy Tickets can te liart t. lKiKiKAMMfc OmCK. So. 3 CnhN( T Plreet, opnnnltn the Pos tOfllc. for tl Cbrsnnt, Arch, Wnlnui, aud Academy ot Manic, an 'o 6 o'clock, everv eveninu. lltf A J) ERIC AN ACADEMY OP MUSIC, CORNER Ol BROAD andLOCCUT Street. Lestee and Al imager W1U.1AM WUEATLEY. EXTRt ATTRVCTIOS. Mr. 'WnF.AILr.Y has neat Dleasurt In tnaoonclag an cngageinont with j jib innr.1 .iniici) FHaMCOIh R VKI, ho will have the honor ot making a first appear anc 3 1 n fl ve l ears m Uil, the city ot til 9 JIAill J i i; 1" i Aim , THT8 (Monday, BVKNIHO, April 16. Toe Tronpe now embraces tbe l'AHIOllU MASlEK-t OF THE WOELD, IHE GRl-UT RAVELS, ((1ABB1EL. ) RAVBL.-?FKa.JOI31 JRAVEL,. (ANTOINK, J , TOl'NO AMERICA. THE MAKI INtrilS (Bli In Knmber), HONOR1NA PEHTA. M. VOV HAMME, Alii) O'llll-RS OF FAMED Cl.LEBUliy. (Monday) tVENIfcl will be presented the Comic Pantomime, entitled . -ROBERl MACAlttE. 1 ANTOINE BAVKL h Eobert Mscalre FRANCOIS KAVt-La Jaiiues Strop ihe Child Wonder, YOTJNU AMERICA. OU the THRKE FLYING 1'RAPEZE. , IBS MARTlliKTTI FAMILY In their GRA(JFCL OR0UPINU9 OF FIVB. Concluding with the new trick Pantomime ot the GOLDEN EUG. Toby ANTOINE RAVEL During the Piece, a verv amusing FROG Bl ENK BY YOUt.G AMERICA. Reserved Heals, Parquette and Faruueite Circle, tl Family t Ircie 411 cents: Amphitheatre. US cents. heats can he secured six dava in advance at O. W. A. 1 ninmler's Music Store. H k corner ot Seventh and l-hesnut streets, and at the Box Oliioe ol the Academy ot Musla iromS A. M. to4P. M. . , Doois open at H past 7 to commence at before 8. On SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April Jl, IHE 1H1KD ORAM MATiNEK wilt be given. Seam can be secured in the Parqaette, Parquet te Circle, and Balcony without extra charge Admission IS cents Boors opn H past 1 ; to commence at o'clock. NEW CHE8XOT BTKEET THEATRE. CHEHNUT Street, above Twelfth. LEONARD GROVKRA WILLIAM K. 8INN. Lessees and Manavera. WILLIAM E. ..Resident Manager. Boers open at 7. Curtain rises at 1 45. 1 MOKDAT AVT TUESDAY EVENINGS, first appearance In Pbisndelphta In Ave years of .ru.j 1 1 1 . . l iii-iniiiiii r ! J1I.1H MAGGIE MITObELL, , MISS MAGGIE MITCHELL, In her great Impersonation ot I ' FANCHON 'I IIS. CRICKET, I In the plav of that name, wlilch wl l be produced with entirely new and aiapnlflcAit Scenery, Beautltul an 4 Approcrlaie Anpoln n enis 1 he per.ormauce will consist of the Flay, in five acts, entitled . FANCHOW, FAN-:llON. THE CRICKET. Fanchon (her original ch racter) Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL Mies MITCUEJaV will be supported by A-R. J. W. COLLIEU and the strenuth of ihe Company. Act l-'l H E LI'lTI.E I RICKET. Act 2 THE MIaDOW DANCE. Act 8-1HE FKS . 1VAL. Act 4 THE BRIDGE. 1 Act 6 THE TH1TJMPB. MEDSESDAY AFTERNOON, April 18, COMICAL COUNTESS MAID WITH THE MILK- Sa'ICRDaY AFTERNOON, April 21, ' math GRANT) FAMILY MATtNEE. the Bomantle Prama, In three acts entlt ed IHE UliXlSG UU1U1IJ11 AM. Admission to evening perloiuiance, 2&o., 50c, and tl. llfALNUT STREET T H E A T R K.S. E. Ww corner NlliTIl and WALNOT Streets Begins quarter to 0. j The Eminent Comedian, I 1 . . j v DuAncniv 1 engaged for six nights on y . will appear '1111 (Mundsy) EVEsil.-G, April 18, ' in but own upro 'Tlonsl laugbahle five-act Comedy of which will be produced under his personal supervision Mr. BROUGHAM for this night only In bis sroat char- aeler Ol j'Ullun narAirn. Change of pertonnance every evening Tuesday. BreuMham's celebrated Dramot l)AVli OOPPERKIEUD. and HIS LAST LEGS. YVednefdsv. Fltzlames O'Brien's Comedy of A GEMLEMAN FllOM IRELAND, AND POCA HONTAS. M RS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at 1H o'clock. TTHKOITAT.T.kD ATTRACTION. Fngagemest for U nights only of the favorite young ' -' MB. LAWRENCE P. BARRETT, TIIIm (Monduy) EYKNIati, Apiil 16, Brongbam's great Play, entitled THE DUKE'S MOTTO. TlonH Am T.vaitArA k The Hunchback... Mr. L. P. BARRETT A'.sor- . 1 nke de Gonzagues E. L. Tliton r .rrirkMirt-iiK Owen Marlowe Pevrolles Stuart Robson Friday-Benefit of Mr. BARRETT,. A GRAND PILL FOR THE OCCASION. Mondav next Mad. CEL'.HTE In a arand SDeclalty. B E ATShECVK ED SI X DYS IN fOYANC b. M E W A fiTlC RICAM THEATRE ll WALNUT Street, above Elirhth. VVKItV KVEMNG. AND ON WEDNESDAY AN U SATURDAY AFTER- 1'L MNO EDDIE, tlie greatest living wonder on the I hiht Rope. '1 HE BRILLIANT FOWLER SISTERS, illa CARRIE AUGUSTA MOORE, 1111. 1 j it n r hk A i if R. GBAXD BALLETS. LAUGHABLE I'OMKDIES, COMIC P.NlOMlMES. B l Kuwuu sn, e,rti. pERELLIS AMATEUR ITALIAN OPERA. nnv-ri-ii'i- TTITT. V-7BIH (MOi-'DA Yi EVENING, prlt 16 ibe opera or LlJl' A will be neriormtd by Miss Hewlett, All-s l'oole. Miss 1 cnetire, Ulr. -clunltz M--. Duraiid. lM t .-NBinnns m ine louowmr eveiuiiK iuepu; u--"'-ZlA BORGIA, with Mrs Davis Mr. A it. laylor Mi I L.nn., r AS . IT - . . 11. V.H....I 1LI M I 1 U A 1 If A ami Mr. Aocilowan in trie cunt Oa Friday eveuluK, tue i;rncKioi mi ?y it'.j id nil. m r. niiiHiits ai ' 20111 mNi.a i,iia tv iii be repeateu. Iicket, aUiniiUiiK one pm ItWlOUi .i.iii tt th tlirpft nerorm- BUI t Hi ma tutLri t ii L' t a sv. I -hii onitn in nn imn tint r m sir. l'erelil's room". No. VIM II KB NUT Street, on Frl dav and r1 atuidai' Irom 2 to 4H P. M., and on Monday, irom A M. to4H P M. 414 2;, A CADFMY OP" -. MUSIC CHARLES H, 1 JABVI- SIXTH AND I AT MATINEE, , , . IlllUSUAr, Aoril ID, .tl dlni.l Admls1on ONEDOI.UTt '1 icK ts and prourunies at the Music nuirus 14 14 4t 1 K8MAN1A ORCH'-alRA.-PTJBLlC RM J hearssls everr TI KI)AY AFTERHOOM Al M I'hK AL ll'ND HALL. Uti o'cioek. EnKagement nisoi liy addreatliigMfcOHOIS HAl'EKT, Ageut. u. " 4 CAUEMY OP FINE 1 ARTS, CIIESNUT 1 street, anoTr iqnin. Optn iroiu 9 M. tin s P.M. ' ! , Benlamln West's iireat Picture ot - , CHRIST REJECTED . . i still on exhibition II 'I IIE STAMP AGENCY, Nfo. 804 OHESNCj I STHEET. A HOVE THIRD. WIU BIS CQU't'lfCW, 4S HF.KEIOFOHE. . STAMPS of EVE T DFSCRIPTlOa OON9TANTL1 PROPOSALS. JJ K O P O 8 A L H FOR MAIL BAU8. I'ost Orrion DrARTMitar, ;' Washikotoh, li V , ApiU 12, m. f ' Sonled Troposais win bo received at this Depart ment until B o'olock A. M , the 4tb day ol June next, lor tnimsbiiig, during t-e period ot one year, Irem and atter the first day oi Julr, 180(1 such oi the fo lowing Kind ot Mail Karrs as may irom time to time be required and ordered, to W,t!" JTJ1E CANVAS MAlLSAf K,' ' 7 1 oi tii Mo. 1, 48 inches in length and C2 Inches In circumlerence; ot size Ho. 2, 1 inches in leng'a ano 18 inches in oircnmerence; oi size Mo. 8j 82 inches lu length and 88 inches in circuniterenco. 1 ' 1 he sacks of size o. 1 are to bo nmko of olosoly woven Jute canvas, weighing not less than sixteen ounces to tho yaid, ot 81f inches lu widtn. tne jams ot the warp to be each counted and twisted, na to weigh one ounce 10 about titty yards, and K not like those ot the warp, 10 weigh one ounce to about eighty-live yards. ' Ihe eacta ol izo Ao. 2 are to he made ol jute can vas, weighing not lo-s than eieven ounces to th yard, ol 24 inches width; tuo warp and went to he nearly rs ahovo desonhen. J he sacks ot sxe No 8 aro to be made Of thinner jute canvas, woighing not less than lour and a half ounces to the ard, ot 1SJ ipcIipr widtn. Ibose of sues So. 1 and So. 2 are 10 be made with a tabling or hem at the top two inches wide, upou which a sufllo cnt niiiuoo r of cvelet holes at learn. Unto ihe former and efghtto the latier are to b veil wrought, and thev are tach to be provided with a goon and sufficient nemp cord to lace and t.e them tnoroughl) and strongly. Unless seamless tries are to to inudo with two scams, secured each with two rows of sewing All are to he tfiarked lu side and out-ide ' United btates Mail," hu lare and distinct letters Any prot osed improvemcpt that may be dew-ran e in the Quality of materials, whether of juto, tlax or cotton, or in maunerot construction, win be con sideicd relatively to prico In deciding the lowest aud Lest hid. . .. JNo proposal will be considered If not aecompanlod with i-pec nieus showing the construction and quality of material- and workmanship of each sm- ol the racks bid lor, and ait-o a written guarantee Irom the persons proposed as sureties (whose resp"nsibility mutt be certified by the postmaster ol the place wlierc tin y tesldel, that they will become responsible on snflioient bunds tor the due peiformance of tho contraot in case such pionosal bo accepted. 'the backs co unacted tor are to be delivorcd, at the expense ot ihe contractor, at llonton, Mow York, l'hi adelpbia, Baltimore, and Washington 1 C, in such quantities and at such times as may be ordered. 1 1 Ihe estimated quantity required will probably not exceed thuty thonsand sacks, including ail sizes; but tbe l'OBtuiaster-Ueueral will reserve the right to order and receive more or less thau such quantity, dining the term ot the contract, as the wants and Interests of the tervioo may seem to him to demand. Ihe specimens must be delivered at this J'purt ment on or Before tbe 4th day of June next, and every one submitted shou d bu well and distinct lv marked with the number denoting its size, and have attached to it a sample of ihe olh or canvas 1 six It ches square) ot woioh it Is made, euch as cau with safety and convenience be nsed in the service will bo paid lor at tbe prices spocilied in the proposals relat ing thereto. ' A decision on the bids will be made on or before tho 9th day ot June next, aud the accepted bidder will le required to enter into contract, with suffi cient bond and security, on or before tbe 1st day of July, 1868 , . , ibe pioposals should bo transmitted lnasealod envelone. and endorsed "i'ronosais lcr Hail Bags," and be addressed to "1 ho second Assis'ant I'ostmas- er -General, Contract Offlco, washinrton, u v. - 41CmRt - I'ostmaster-Uoneral. GOVERNMENT SALES. T ARUE BALE OF GOVERN A ICNT BUILD IiG8. lumber, umber, etc . ap r iE DlSMAHl'LEU iOItrS AROUND WASHING TON. D. (J. ; . Headqrb. Department of Washington, ) UFFICB OF UBIEF UUABTBHMABTEIi. J Washington. I). C. Aunt 12 18C0 I Will be sold at Public Auotion, at the times and nlaces named below, all ot the Offloers' Quarters, Barracks, Aloos-non-es and other structures do oug- mg to the Uuartermastcrs lepaxtmcnt united Hiatee army, in and aoout tne lollowing d.smantled torts around wasninarton. Also, at same times and places, win De soia lor tne Engineer uenartaien. tne iumrjer. iimucr, Aoatas, etc, connected witn eaou tort respecnveiy. 1 ur n,A9 1 naA nuan v a. 6n MONDAY. ADril 23. at 10 o'clock A. H . at Fort Carrol), eleven Frame .Buildings, viz : Three Barracks 1 large rize). one Uosjital Building, three Officers' Quarters, and tour small Buildings of various dimensions. Also viRss-hnuse and Stable of (-tockade. t-AME DAY, at three 1. M , at Fort btauton, four frame Buildings, vn : - - One Barrack, two unicors uuaners. one uook- house. Also Stable and Guard-nonse of htockade. NOltTH OF POIOMAO On 1UE.-DAY, April 24, at eleven o'olock A M., at iort Lincoln, fourteen Frame Buildings viz. ' Five Barrf&ks, four Mess-nouses, tnroe ouicors Oimrtrrs. and two small outbuildings. 1 AIbo. two Htablcs aud lour Outbuildings (stockade) Ol various dimensions, , On WEDNESDAY, April z&, at eleven o'clock A. M.. at Fort lotien, nine Frame Buildings, viz : 1 wo Bui racks, one Aless-house, lour. Ulhoers' Quarters, and tWo Outbnildins. -Also, lour OfCeerr' Quarters, Guard-liouso, Stable, anc Kitchen (stockade), of various dimensions OnlHUKSDAl, Apn. !!8, at eleven o'ooek A. M., at Fort b.ocum, twenty-one Frame Buildinga, ir. : , Five Barracks, font Moss-hou-es, nve Officers' Quarters, two Hospital Wards, two Surgeons' Quar ters, and three small Outbuildings. Also, one Stable (log). ) On FRIDAY, April 27, at 11 o'o'ock A. 51., at Fort Stevens, fifteen Frame Buildings, viz 1 Four Barracks, four iieis-houses, four Officers' Quarters, and tbrco small buildings ol various dimen sions, - ' Ou SATURDAY, ApHl 28, at 10 o'clook A. M., at FoitKeno, loty-six Frame Kuildings, viz : kix Barracks, seven Mess-houses, one Hoadquar ters Bunding, thirteen Officers' Quarters, four Hos- ital Buildings, two Stables (one large size), one lacksmith Shop, two Forage Sheds, OJe Carpenter Shop, one baddlor's Shop, aud eight small buildings of various dimensions. i Also twenty-seven buildings of log and stockade, viz.t ' . MX Officers' Quarters, ibree Storehouses, ono Stable, six Non-com missioned Officers' Quartors, three Mess-rooms, eight small outtuildmgiU various dimensions. . ' . . On AiONDAY. April 80, at 18 o'olock noon, at Fort bumncr, flity-h-ur Frame Buildings, viz. : tight Barracks, ten Mess-houses, twenty OfH crs' . Quarters, two btables (one large size), ono tiflicois' Mes-house, iwo Hosintal Wards, ono Hos pital Cook-bouse, one Dead-bouse, two Surgeons' Quarters, seven small outbuiluiiigs of various dinu-n- ""a b'o, seventeen bnildmps of Iok and stockado, viz: Three Stables, one Wash Houss, three Storo boutas. two Oflioors' Quarters, and eight outbuild ings of various duuousious lhoso sules embrace a large quantity ot timber, lumbor, etc., and iu. rxcolient opportunity is. thus ofierod to mud owners in tne vicinity of VV ashing, ou to secure building aud leucing materials convcuiont to tbeir property. The military guard will remain upon tho promises ten davs alter date of sale tor protection ol property, and purchasers (not owners ot the laud) will bo re quired to remove the buildinas, eto , within titieeu uaj s fi oni the dale ol purchase. , Kuildiugswi l bes la oimriy. Tcrms-tash, in GovernienUmid Colonel and Cbiel Quartormaster, 4 16 8t Departmont ot WaUiugton. hiTf (Tf LvA M A G E D CORN O CHllF QnABTKKWAXTkil'S OKFlOK, IK, 1300 I DIPOT uir iiasuibuii, wiciu'ivttf n . Anril 9 13- jirui.."."" , " - ' vi-.ii 1 - 1-..1.HJ, Aiif.nnti 11 lulr i hp il irttf. 111 I D BfUII Ul UWt.w " 1 V , tion of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J U. G. Leo, A. O, M., on M XI h htreet Wbart, Washingioo, D. nn FltlDA, April 20. lStlli. at 10 o'clock A. M , a large quantity ol damaged Government giuin viz, aL0Ut 13,877 BUSHELS CORN. IN SACKS. ' Tbe grain must bo removed by purchasers within ten davs irom da'e of sale, term Cash, In Government lands. It. XI. ,K.UCK.Ftv, Brevet Major Gen. and Chll Quartermaster, 4 10 yt ' - Dopot of Washington. itVENLE 6TAMP8, REVENUE STAMPS, , - BKVEMJIi STAMPS, Of sit desrrtotlons. Ol all descriptions, Always on band, Always on hand. AT 5ioeScE DEW1JSG MACHINE CO. '8 OVt'lC MUU" So. 6.10 ( HEHMTT Mtreet, No. W CHttHilUT Street. , One door below Seventh sweet ; 1 On soor below Seventh street. ' he most liberal discount allowed. . 1 ho most liberal discount allowed, . : 1 .. u -.. GOVERNMENT SALES. AI.K (J' tjiUVI.Bliti,pT ' I'KUl 'Clil I. On SATURDAY. Anril 2H. st 11 o'clorlt A M . Willie solo, by auction, at the FHI LADKLI'UIA NAVY YARD, the lollowing artio os: ' BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION. J ' 6 lots, eutttnirs of o'd promiscuous Timber. 1' 6 ' While trak Knees. t Lot No. 12 IB lisckmetaek Knees. 1 " 18 4744 rjonnd, more or loss, Dross (Load " 14 Oil Cloth (olu 1. , . 1 lfi-Oldloos. ' 1 , " 1H 4 HsBgings and Wardroom Lampi. " 171 Grind-tone. 18-20 old Boats 1 CREAU OF EQUTTMENT AND RECRUITING. Lot Ko. 19-Oid Blocks and Shells. Dead Eyes, Bull's r.yes, nenrisaiui onoayos. " 20 tV8 Bags and UaminocVs with Bedding. " 21 a pounds Pciap h(et Iron. " 22- 4 o d-tajbioned ualleys. "- 23-24 Manila Hawsois, In pieeos, 8'tons, more or less Manila Kope. 8 tons, mors or loss. Manila Miaktngs, 2 tons, more or le?s, " 24 2000 pounds Wire liupe, more or lesj. " 25 Hi mmock Cloths. ' 26-8 hoods. " 27-8 Tarpaulins ' 28 10 tons, more or loss, Fainted Canvas, consist ingot pieces Hammock (;totlis, Hoods, Tarijaulins. and Coal Bigs " ' ; 2910 tons, more or loss Can. as Jxavs, 1 small nieces. ' 130 Galley Utonsils; 0 Iland Irons. " 81-30 Ltle l'rosorvors. " 820 lengths Hose. " 88 Frapinrnt Foit. . , " 84-2 Copjcr Fumps. ( . ' BUREAU OF STEAM ENGINEERING. J Lot No 86 COO pounds broken Glass. 1. " 86- 1 1 yimoer 10 leot x411 inches. " 87 1 Working Beam lor do. " 88 2 Sido pipes, do. " 8 1 team Chest, do. " 406 l'illar B oi-ka and Brasses, complete. ' 41 14 Wrought Iron Frame Bolts. . " 422 Water Wheel Shafts, with cranks shrunk on, each having arm coutro and two cccentrlo wheels attached. The shaft" are 23 tost long and 12 inenes ammeter. " 43-1 old double crank Shaft, " 44 1 old Crane. " V, 1 lot oul Iron Boiler Tubes. " 40-1 lot old Wrought Iron Boiler Tlates. BUItEAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS. Lot No. 47-2 Ox Carts. ' 48 1 Ox Drav. " 40 1 OnellorfeCait. ' " 60 4Coilais,aud2Blind Ilaltors. ' " 61 Sadaie, llaruess, and Traces. " - 6'2 6 Ox Yokts and Bhws. " . . 68 4U7 pounds Scrap bhoot Iron. " 6412 B ncksmitii's Bellows. . " .66 1200 feet old Jioso. ' 661 Horse., , ' " ' 67 6c0, more or loss, old Bnrre's. " Ten per cent, of tu purchase money mnst be do- tiositeu at the c oo ot the sale: ihe remainder to bu paid ano the goods removed within live days alter the sale. It not so removed the ton per cent, will be forfeited to the Government. Government may suspend the sale ot any lot altet bidding thereon has commenced. ' D. LYNCH, Commander U. 8. N., Naval Storekeeper Philadelphia Navy Yard, April 6, 1866. 4 7 4t p OVEJiNMENT S A L fc DKUG8, CIIF.MICAL8, HOSPIfAL STOKES. J1N1UA JtuntiCK GUOUS, DltUGGlols SUN DhlES, Ere. Will be sold at Auction, at the Medical Purveyor's Warehouse, fublio Square. Nashville, lenn., on WEDNESDAY MOKN1NG, April 25 at 9 o'clock, a large stock 01 the foregoing articles, in original nacaBgee, consoling ui pan 01 : 6,(K0 lbs. Sulpb. Ethor, 1200 ' Nitrous 2 0OO " thloroiorm, 1,000 Canth. 1'iaster, -1,000 ' Carb. Ammonia, . 2.000 " Ca . Liquorice, 1.000 pals. Alcohol, ., E00 " Olive O i. 20,000 os. Sulph. Cinchonla, ' . . 6 000 Tannin, . v ; i ' 8 000 lbs. Extracts, ' .: 6 000 " Cerates. ' h ' 1 , 14 000 yards Adhesive riaater, 1 10,000 " lBinla8 ' 1 .600 lbs. Patent Lint, : 800 " S ine Sponge, 8 000- " Farina, 24 COO " lisence Beet, 600 " Gelatin, 1000 W. W. Mortars, 600 Pres. Soaloa, 8 000 Spatulas, 860 I. K. Cushions, ' 1.(100 G. P. Blankets. Together with a general supply of Chemicals. Medicines, Hospital Stores, Druggists' Furnishing Articles, etc., provided lor uovcrnment uospituis. . tioods can be examined two oai s prior to sate, Catalogues ready. , uuaani riir.itnr,u, Surgeon and Hvt. Colonel U. S. Vols,, Medical Purveyor U. S. A 4 9 lit a UCflON SALE OF UOSriTAL SIOKES J WUltKT, WINEh, ETt..' MlTPlCAL PUBVBYOB'S 0ICK, I Wabbinuton. D. C. March 21 lSttf. I Will be sold at l'ublio Auction in this city, at the Judiciary Square Warebouae, back of tho Citv Hall. on WhD.NE.sOAY, the 18th day of April next, at 10 o clock A M", tbe tol owing articles of Hospital stores ana liquors, no longer required lor tne use o1 ihe Alesicai ucpariment 01 the army, viz. Arrow Koot, ... iu.uuu lbs ucssicatea i"ota- Barley 10,000 " t orn Starch 10 000 " tots 100 lbs Mixed Ioso. do. 102 " Cocoa Chocolate 10,000 " tjinnamou lowd. 1,000 " Farina 20,000 " lapioca 10 000 ' Ext. 01 Keet 20.000 " t oncent'o Milk. .20 .000 " (iinger 1 885 ' Ext. of totiee. . . . 8,T2 gal liiaia (iOOlbs Whmky, quart bottles 20,000 Whisky, in Dbls , gallons 8,900 Sherry Wine, quart bottles. .40,000 Sherry W me, in bbls 60 lerragouaWlno, 1'ea Heana....... 2,800 DOttlCS tu.uvsj 1 be above articles will be sold in lota to suit both large aud sniali purchasers, . Terms Cash. - ' Five (5) days will be allowed to parties In remov nip ii'yir properiy. Catalogues ready by the 6tb prox. l CHAS hU rHERLAND, ' Snreon and rnrveior. 0. S. A. C. W rOTkLEit, Auctioneer. 8 222at o FFICL OF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, Wilmikqton. Del . April 8. 18. Final and closing sales ot sint-lits tiovernuient . MC1.ES AN1 HOIiSKS. . . , Will be sold at WILMINGTON, Del., on , - FRIDAY, the 18th et April, J-K1DAY, the 20th of April, FRIDAY, the 27th of April. TWO BUNUUEU AND TEN MULES. SEVENTY MULES on eaoh dav ot sale. - On the last day o sale, April 27th, in addition to the Mn es, there will be sold - THIRTY ONE GOVERNMENT HORSF.S Tbe especial attention of purchasers is invited 1 1 be above sales. Farmers and others needing good Working Animals will find it to their advantage to attend, as many good bargains may be bad. Animals sold Bingly, Bate 10 commence at 10 A. M. . 1 . ' 1 Teini- Cash, in United States currency. - liy order of brevet brigadier (veneral JAMES A. Kb. IN, in charge 1st Division Q M.. (i. O. C. H. GAI.LAGI1KR. 4C19t Captain and A. M. COVERNJIENT IIARNRR9 AND (SADDLES 7 NEW AM) sLHiHTLY WOKM AN IMMI.MSK STOCK. Ham ens. Saddles. Ha' ters Reins, Lead Lines, ollars, Wagon (lovers, She tor tents. Portable Forger etc. eu., very cheap. A lot of entirely new Oltleor.s' Buddies, ouly SIB, ilated lilt Bridle, 2l. Wholesale and rotall PITKIN A CO., 4 6 lm No. 339 North FRON1 Street, rbllada. U A II N K S S. ; A LABCE LOT OF NFW U. 8. WAGON HAR NESS, , 4. ad 0 horse. Also, parts ol HAU NESS, BADDLE8, COLLARS, UAL1EUS, ete . toaght at the te cent Uovcrnment sales to be sod at a great sacrifice Wholesale or Retail Togotber with our usual assortment of ' ' 1 SADDLER TAND SADDtEli T HARDWARE WILLIAM 8. HANSELL & SONS 2l(' ' NO. U4 MARKET Street.' . I , . I'l - I1.-:' 1 t') t J I LEGAL NOTICES. JSTATF, OF ROIIF.HL li. WOODI3URN, DE- l.ttU rs ol Administration hsvlng been flnly grantml to li e undersigned, all prustms l;idebtd to said mtate Witt DlfRSe IIIJlkA h.t-ntnnf. nnil ih.iMA havlfiv t.l.lm. against tliesnme win present them wi lioiuile a. J Ohtl' H M. I'll, K, Administrator. SlfmBt ho, m w A L N U I' St reel, "Ij'?TATE ' OF KrillJAIM GUCTNKT, DE J'j ceased, late ofTiilted ,- tnies Navy. Letters of admlnlstrstlrn havng neen granted In the above stnte to (iKtlROF. Ul K.rNKY. an persons bsvtng claims agalbst th same will present them to bis Ettnrne-. 1. h. Jihu-h. illlmt No. 271 B THIBO btreet. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. Yimn STEAM SC01ULQ ESTABLISHMENT, So. 510 RACE Street. W bet trava to draw vour oartlentar aiiAnilnn 4n ,.n. new t rench Mi am KronhnK 1- staiiilshn ant ih 11 rat .,,,1 only ore ot Its kind in this City. W e 110 not dye, but hr iiieniicsi nrecess res:ore Iauies'. uentieinen'i. an tliluren's Garment to .heir nlf:lnal sistes wlirum iiuurinu tin ni In tie least, while uient smarlimn,, .ml the ben n a hlnery troin France enuble us to warrunt per'i ei setisiiu tion 10 ad bo may avor as with their enimiiiivc. ij.Miir.M uKrM 1 o' ever asscuption, niih or wltlieat 'inn iii'ni.s, are cleaned ami Unfiled vltliout being tsktu apntt, whether thS colur Is geouiue it not. t'l'era nealis and Mantillas, furtalns. Table Covers, Camels. Velvet I'll. hens Kid Clnvot Hll. rlmnnt .,J reii Med In the besi manner . Oenilemen'a Hummer rnd V Inter t'lpthlre c rnned to nerteeti n wlihmit in. jurv 10 tliestull A so Msgs and banners All kinds of s a ns r n oved wlthont c tsnlrg ilie whole All orders ire f xeciiiett unner onr inmediste aiiuervlslon and Hthfnctlen raarstiterd In every insisnce. A call and uuiiuuui.u 01 nnr nrocess is re.pictluily solicited. ALliKDYU & MARX. 1 Umtlifi No MO RACE Pueet VEW YOEK I)YKIN(3 AND PRINTING iKBTAiailiMENT. btaten Island, No. 40 S. Hi is t-n pany, so long stid favorablv known In New York lr the res lorty-six veais. have opancd an offlca us el eve Ladies' and gent f men's ssrnients and wear ing si i-arei 01 every Kind uved ai d Cl eaned In the most rerect manner Stains and snouremovd imm Mrmanu vtitboui being tipped. Men tin mi- Having soods ot nndesirable colors ean have tl em re (H ed In sum rlor et le 1 i9 mw3m LIQUORS. CUESMT GK0VE WHISKY. No. 225 North TBIKD Street. If snvtblng Vise v. anted to prove the absolute purity of this Wblsly, the feUcwIrg certificates should dolt. Iters Is no alcoholic stimulant knovtncommaudlngsuot . cciir u indutlen bom such blgb sources: , 1 TmLAhKLi'liiA, September 9. 18iS. We have caremllv tested tbe sninn, nr 1 iimmti t l.OV ). V II16KY Vthlehyou send us. and And that II e. nlnins miNE of tub roisosot s sibstakck knownai 11 ul oil vi uk n is 1 lie ciiaractenstio and Injurious In- iiUUJ U, UAKKh.TT CAMAC, Analytical cbemlsts. Niw Yore, Septembers, lftts. I have analysed a samnle m ( nVM!T rii nvie V F11SKY received Irom A, r ( barles Whsrtn.J ni l'Ll nee.rblat and having carefully tested It, 1 am pie. sd to state that it Is entire y mux fhom roraoiinna or hflkikiiioi s suhslances. It Is an unusually pure ana Luc-flavored qua it v ot whisky. w A JuiLD il. HILTON, M. V., , j Analytical Chemist Bostoit. March 7. IBM. I have made a cbemlrat anaiv sis ui commnn-iiti sam ples Ol thl- SNU'l GliOVE Willf-RY, which proves to t e free firm the heavy r'usil Oils, and periectly pure and unadulterated. 'J be one flavor of this wbfsky la derived Ucm tl.e grain usee. In manulaoturtng It -. uespcctiuny, A. A. HATES, ml. D,, Stale Assayer, o. 16 Boyiston Fnr rate l v hsrrel. demttehn. orhnlll. tNn. ooAVnrtTh 1I11ED Street Thfladclphla. .11 , , 1 1 J V. II A M M A R, 1 v ' 1 . . ; Importcrsnd Wiolcsele Tjealcf In Foreign ( B II A IS D I E S, WINE S, . . -AND I ' 'j i . - FINE OLD WHISKIES, : ; N o. 0J2O M A MiET ST ItEET IS 9m I'ElLAPELrrilA. jyt kathans &. soy s, IMl'OKTEllS ,OF op . i 1, . .. . , BItANBIEb, WINES, GINS, Etc. No. 19 N. FRONT STREET, ' rillLADELPR A. MOSKS NATHANS, , Ht'RACK A. NA1HANB, . , . , OK1.ANUO D. NATHANS. . alto CE ! ICE ! ' ICE ! ICE ! ' ICE INCORPORATED 1864. ' j .'. THOMAS E. CAHILL, President. , , JOHN GOODYEAR, Secretary. 1 HENRY THOMAS, Superintendent. ' ', COLD SPRING ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Dealers in and Shippers of Ice and Coal. W e are now prepared to furnish bust qualitt Joe," Id large or small quantities, to hotels, stevnboats.' fee cream saloons, lamllles, offices, eto., and at the towast makket rates. Ice served dailt In all paved limits ot the consolidated city, West Philadelphia, Mantua, Rich mond, and Genuantown. Your custom and Influence ts respectfully solicited You ean rely on being served with a rrjBB article and fBOvrTLT. -r Bend your order to ' , OFFICE, No. 435 WALNUT STREET, " ' '' ' '" -DEPOTS.''. ' " ,' ' 11 8. W. comer TWELFTH and WILLOW Streets. ' 1 North l ennsylvania Railroad and MAN FEB BtreeL ' LOMIiAbD and TWKNTY-F1FTH Streets. i ; PIN R Street Wharf. Schuylkill, IHmlp RANDALL & CO., ' PERFUMERS AND ' IMPORTERS, No. 1302 CHESNUT Street. Fine English Toilet Soaps, .IN GBEAT VAB1ETY, JTJ8T BECEIVED. ; ' Also, Triple French Extracts and Perfumes. : We have constantly on hand every variety ol ' v PERFUMEBY AND TOILET BEQUIfllXJCfl. Extracts, powders, Colognes, Pomades, Toilet Waters, Bhavlng Creams, Cotmetlgues, looth Pastes Brushes, e ' 113m E U H E K Al . 7 THE INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE. THIS IS NO HAIR DYE. TP W JMMFK8F BPOCE8H wHh which this prepara tion 1st met duilng tliethort time It has bueu bvivre the public, ties Induced the thousands and tens ol Uiou lauuswbc bae uted and attested lis virtues to pro noun e u tbe ONLY and 1 kVL Hair Resnirative The turekB has been in i reduced into all the prhiulpal clttea both tat aad Wesi. and baviuti laiibluliy oeriormed all thai is claimed tor it, bataupvnetied ah other Hub-Preparations 1 be I- ureka restores G rev Hair to Us oilflnal to'oi i prevents tbe bail tram tailing oat, br t-aaslug a ln 1 1. v conuitiou of tbe scalp, miuarttng totluihaira sonuess nu g vss aud-yiuthtui appearance ttat no other Hair 1 re j.aiatk u eau nrwluce. 'I lie la rrs I ro in nil Imtmrlttes or l olseuou idrut;s auueanbeuse wiibo-.'t a lung rcalp or Laim. , ; t Uanu'aciurcd an sold wholesale and re-all by . ' 1 bOBRI -.USHER, SoAr.e y, 'V, , , , , FIFTH Htrcet. 8t Louis, ict: "r1 pints tor I enrsjlvsnla, UTOIT & t O. Ho mn M t MJ htiret, .sutipuia laUuuwliu Oil IUllll,l IS AM V tl 1114 , ' . .: I J., a. . . 1. ,