THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 18GG. 8 . SCO T T, .7 K.f ?. SOOTT, JR., AUCTIONEElt. '13 J AUCTIONEEK. A. IMPORTANT SALE MPOHTANT SALE- OP WORKS OF ART. WORKS OF ART. m 5 f If 795 'S SIX'ONH EXTENSIVE SALE SPLIKDID AND VALUABLE AMERICAN AND FOP'jq oil Paintings, In Elegant 0WmentJ Gold Gilt Frames WILL TAKE PLACE AT Nb, 1)1 0 CI I.E8NUT Street, ON "WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY KVEMNOS, APRIL 18 and 19, At Hall-past 7 O'Clock TUi' following 5s a partial List of tbe names of jfcrtlefs repve-ented in this important collection: CALAMI?.. I'lCHJbL. J1IKV1CII VOIi BP13MEK. LAURENT DE BVEL. KOE1L IiOEK. steinikk. jacohsos. iungheim. LIT SCII AUEIt. , SCIlOLTEM. CKCIKSIIANK. VAN DIEGIIEN. UASSELCU AP. 'VON KKBUN. SEIUNAC. VAN LAMPl'TTEK. HOSIER. ARIUF1ELD. It A UN. 8FBKCKR. DALBV. morris. iia6eltine. LKICKBT KfcVADX. r VON ELLEN. BOVCI1EZ. MARIS, 1)K VOOSL. PAUL WliWtU. WOKAS. DXISTRE. HAMILTON. BAUMGAUTNER, SC1IULTZK. VON IIAMMK. BODDISGTON. JIENRV. GABE. The public are respectfully invited to visit the -'Clallerics; where the Taintiugs are upon EXHIBITION, FBEE, DAY AID EVENING, Until lO O'Cloclc. A, SECONB GIL PATIMGS, hVESINCS SALE. J Alter (Jreu7X), "The Milkmaid.'1 2 Alter Greuze. "The Flower Girl." 3 Alter Murillo. "The PruH Vtndt ns." 4 "Still Life." C "Ecco Homo." (i "Burnt Peter." 7 Rainse.. "The Lock." ? Ramsey. "Landscape Hheep." 0 Janice Hamilton. "Niagara FallB.'' 10 Ream. ' Still Lite Poaches." 11 R. II. Reed. "The Little Wondercr." 12 Otter. "Landscape in Delaware county, Pennsylvania." 13 Dibdcn, London. "Larrtscap?." (Water Color Drawing.) 14 Dibden, Londou. "View near London." (Water Color Drawing.) 15 Lindell, Berlin. ' The Concert." 1(5 Lindcll, Berlin. "The Lecture.'' 17-E. Bott. "Kotest near Windsor, Eng land." if: Jacoby. "The Harvesters." 19-Moran. "View on the Delaware." n K. iiovQiix. trench School. "The Little I'Ctfc." 21 Alter Meyer Von Bremen. "Sle p, Baby, S)-ep." 22 Alter Gerard Dow, Pans. "iMy Chickens lev Hale." 22 K:itneey. "English Cottnae." 24 Ramsey. "Companion to lingluh Cot- toue." i.-Dretems, Munich. "Swiss Town." '2(1 i:. D. Lewif. "Sketch Study from Na ture. V7lnnl Weber. !enaany. "Chew's Mansion ( eniiiinlown.' 2H Reed. "Hide and Seek." 29 Dewott. "The Cickeu ritcber." 30- Frapneau, Paris. "Meet Me by Moonlight Alone." 51 After Brooke. "The Mother's Dream." 32 Atter BrooVe. "Tbe Believer's Vision." 33-E. D. Lewis. 1 'Sunset in the Catskill Si ountains." 34W. Sheridan Yomiir. "Landscape Near C.erniantown." 35 Williams. "Partridge SbooUusc." 3G W. S. Haselth c, New York. "Newport;' 37W. S. Haseliiue, New York. '-Companion 10 No. 3(i." 38 H. Mulley. Antwerp. "Norwegian Laud- scape." 3!t Lazerge, French School. "Matoflolla Rosa." 40 Mario, Talis. "White Crapes." 41 Mario, Paiis. " Black (."rapes." 42 Fmgneau, Paris. "The Mornings Ride." 43 After De Eevaux, Paris. "Arabian Steed " 44 After Dc Devaux, Paris. "Arabian Steed.'' 4i- James Hamilton. "Coast Scene." (Water Color Drawing.) TqnWrilHr in offering the f comeof the most celebrated ami favorite MODERN ARTISTS, public as a deeirnlle opportunity for IHE SALE WILL TAKE PLACE,: WITHOUT RESERVE, AT aja h A It G E SALE "01? Sl'LENB.lD IU ELEGANT ORWAK1ERJTAL GOLD CATALOG TJ25. 4C-Boucber., French School. "The Fisher- man Coast Scene." 11 Reed. "The Toor Boy's Christmas." 4fl Lciclicrt, Berlin. "LandscnpiJ in IIol- land." 49 Fragneau, Paris. "Game.'' CO "General Washington." 61 "Lady Washington." 62 George BenselL "Winter Landscape." 53 After Richardson, London. "The Old Ford." f,4After Richardson, London. "The Old Bridge." 55 Ridell, Liverpool "Cairo." 5011. J. Bodington, London. ' The Village , "The Old Sctoul." 6711. J. Bodington, London, Jlili." fit E. 1). Lewis. "Lake George." 69 F. Brest, Brueseis. "View near Con stantinople." CO Alter Willems. "L' Accouche." 61 Kruseman Von Ellen, Flemish School "Twilight Landscape." C2 Von Dcighen, Brussels. "Sheep." C3 Von Stben, Dresden. "A Shady Corner." 64 Muicet, Paris. "Landscape, Westphalia, Getmiuiy." i6 Kronev, Paris. "Landscape in Loraine." 6tl Alter Sant. "Shakespeare at Ihe Age of Twelve." KTAltpr Sunt. "Milton at the Aire ot Twelve." 66 Haine. "Land-cape in Lucks County, Pennsylvania." OH George Bensell. "The Approaching Siurn.." 7(; H. C. Cisphivin, Philadelphia. "Land seape, with Cattle." 71 E. Moran, Philadelphia. "New York Harbor." 72 Fi-RjrKMU. Paris. "The Lovp Letter." 73 All- r Guido.( "Ecce Homo." H After Corrcgsio. "Na.ivity of Christ." V., Berlin. "Return from the Bath." 76 lachardixm. London. "Lake Luzerne." 77 Kuuiitt, Berlin. "Lake Maggiore." 7S Btiser, Munich. "The Fust Snow." 79 Alter Murillo. "Immaculate Conception." 80 S. J. Ferris, Philadelphia. "The Lilies." 81 Lepotvien, Antwerp. "Marine Boat and Figures." 82 After Rembrandt. "The Duke of Glendon and his Father." 83 Alter Reidcl, Cologne. "Judith." 8-t-Van Severdouk, Berlin. "Sheep." 85 Vuu Severdouk. Berlin. "Chickens." 86 Litschauer, Berlin. "Huntsman." 87 -Vincent, Bru8els. "Road in the Forest." 88 . L. Henry, New York. "The Road to the White Mountains." 89 Alter Meyer Von Bremen. "Sleep, Baby, Sleep." 90 Alter Koek-Koek. "Winter Scene in Holland." NOTICE. above collection of FINE PAINTIN GS for public ccxnpctitioi,, ivouM observe obtaining really FINE HCTURES. WEDNESDAY 'AND I III) Jl DAY EVEMWiT MALE. I'l GroKtjuo. London. "Landnciipo Tyrol." H2 Wilson, Ghiegow. "Landscape with Fig ure." 93 Cnnache. "Saint John." (Old Italian Painting.) ! 4 Mullen, Pari". "The Mother's Joy." 95 Albert. "Landscape with Cattle." 1'6-Wilcox. "The Charter Oak. 7 After Gcrorne. "Almee." MWiNon, New Jersey. "Dorchester Cuitle." ! 9 Herbert. ' "Moonlight-Grmiewald, SaH iteiland." 100 F. Dnntre, Dunneldorf. "Lake of Tliun.'' 101 Champe. "Blw-ksmith Shop." 1C2 T. DunUe, Duseldorf. "Steamboat Landing Lake Luzcine." 1C3 Gmdo Rcui. "Beatrice de Cenci." 104 Van Scverdonk, Munich. "Sheep." 1 05 Van Ifevcrdink, Munich. "Companion to No. 104." 106 Schultems, Dresden. "The Morning Vi.-it." 107 Armficld, London. "Sportsman'? Fa vcrites." 106-Brothardt, Paris. "The Coquette.'' 10t Baunipartner, Brussels. "Lake of Thuu." 110 Baumgartner, Brussels "Isenthal.", 111 Atter Krausman, Pan?. "Tril of Pa tience." 112 After Krnusman, Paris. "The Knitting Lesson." 113 Van Lamputteu, Dresden. "Chickens." H4Schultze. Dusseldorf. "Lake Luzerne." 115-Rosslu, Berliu. The Young Chickens." (Very rue.) 11C l ament de Bu l. "Lanilsc-.ipe, wiia Cattle." 117 Iungheim, Dresden. "Luke of Orients" llGabe Paris, "tatcbinc Game." 11C H. A. Kock-kcek, Dif-den. "Landscape View K' i:r l;riisstls." 120 C. F. de Vogel, Antwerp. "Landscape Scene ii. Geimany." 121 C. F. de Vogel, Antwerp. "Landscape Compiimon to No. 120." 122 F. Von Scben, B.rlin. "The Bird Calcheis." 123 Van Hiimnie, Berlin. "Interior View With I'igtues." 121 F. Duntre, Dusfchlorf. "Winter in Geimany The Forge." 125 Th til ley. "Fruit." 126 Tbullcy. "Flowers." 127 Alter Raphael. "The Holy Family." Visiprowu, New York. "Spring." 120- trow n, New York. "Summer." ISO Crown, New York. "Autumn." 131 Brown, New York. "Winter." 132 De Heem, Cld Master. "Flowers." 133 U. II. Reed, Philadelphia. "Into Mis chi"t." 134 Thomas JToran, Phila3clpbia. "Coast of New Erunawick." 4 135 Ait'-r Kr.ulbach. "The Ansel ol Peace." 136 George F. I.en-ell, Philadelphia. "7aith." 137 E. D. Lenin, Philadelphia. "Autumn Leke George." Studios direct. Trusting from their Very Respectfully, THURSDAY EVEKEGS, ... G8TT FRAMES. 18f-A(teT Corifctablc. "(loing to Church." 139 Weiueit. "Scene in Devonshire," 140 Aftrr Corregrtk). "Reading Magdaline." 141 Carlo Dolce. "Mater "Dolorosa." 142 Armficld, London. "Setter and Phea sant." 143 f3. Jncobson, Dusseldorf. "Landscape Winter Scene." 144 Van Severdouk. 146 Van Severdonk. Uii Charles Stewart, "Goati." "Sheep." Capture of Plymouth, N. Y." (driginal Water Color Drawing.) 147 Van Lamputteu. Ch'tkens." 148 Van Laniputten. Sheep." 11!' Alter MuriUc. tion." "Landscape With " Landscape With ' Immaculate Conccp- 150 James Hamilton. "Coast Scene." 151 Ream. "Still Llld-Arples." 152 Alter Frost. 'Una and the Wool Nymphs." 153 James Hamilton. (Water Color Draw big.) "Delaware Bay." 154 Charle Stuart, London. "Fruit and Flowers." 156 Van Severdonk. "Chickens." i 156 Pichel, Parit). "The Smoker." 157Meyer Von Bremen. "The Little Co quette." 15R-Heine Steinlke. "Landscape Scene In the Tyrol." 159 W. Uahn, Dusseldorf. "Tho Pet Bird." 160 Seignac. "The Soap Bubble." 161 Van Lamputten. "Landscape with Chickens." 162 G. Gastlschap. Storm." "Shelter During the 163 J. A. Oeltel. "News from Home.'' 164 F. L. Smith. "Winter Landscape." 165 V. Crnikshink, London. "Bird r.nd Blossom"." (Water-Color Drawing.) 16C Pottin. "Tho Morning Prayer," 167 Rosslter, New York. "Contemplation." 1C8-J. S. Hill, Philadelphia. "A Covey of rarlridge." 169- J. C. Morris, London. "The Hireling Shepherd." 170- II. Von Scben. "Flying the Kite." 171- L. M. Spencer. "The Pet Parrot." 172- J. Dalbey. "Fort Dcbais Italy." 173 J. Dalbey. "Missalonghi Greece." 174 Calame, Paris. "Landscape The Road." 175 Armficld, London. Chase." "Ready for the 176 After Meyer Von Bremen. "Grand moihcr s Darling." 177 "Landscape Swmmer." (Puinted on Metal.) 178 " Landscape Winter." (Painted on Metal.) 179 T. Shuit, Amsterdam. "Winter in IIol laud." 180 W. Sanford Mason, PhilaJelphia. "Time of Peace." 181 Groslyne, London, " Landscape Ploughing." that the Catalogue comprises the best that it may be duly appreciated by the A. S. ROBINSON. THE STORE OF A. 8. ROBINSON'S SECOND EXTENSIVE SALE OF SLPE33DID AND VALUABLE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN OIL PAINTINGS, In Elegant Ornamental Gold Gilt Frames WILL TAKE PLACE AT. No. 1)1 0 CHESNUT Strek on i . WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 18 and 19, At Half-past 7 O'Clock. The following is a partial List of the names of Artists represented in this Important collection : calami:. t FICHKL. MBTEBVOXBREMEX, LAVItKKTDBBl'EL. . KOEK KOKK. ' S1KIMKE. I JACOBSON. ILXGHEIM. LIT KCII AVER. SCIIOLTKM. i'RVlKSIIAKK. TAN DIEGIiKN, UAKSELCIIAP. VON skbi:. , SEIGNAC. VAN LAMPVTTKN. . HOSIER. A11.UFIELU, KAI1N. , ' SPF.NCEK. ' DALBY. MOHH19. IIAS1LTIKK. LKirKE&T. DEVAl'X. VON ELLEN. BOUCIIUZ. MABI8. EE VOGEL. PACL WEIIKIt. 4- MOHAN. DISTEE. II ASH LI ON. BAIDIGABTNEH. Stlll'LTZE. VON IIASI.tlE. BODOINGTON. HENRY. GAUE. The public are respectfully invitod to.vUlt t a Galleries, where the paintings are upon EXHIBITION, , FREE, DAY AND EVENING, Until 10 O'Clock. . " ' .. , .... JVPIUt, 18 and li), JSJV HALF-PAST.,7 O'CLOCK. A. S, EOBI8S0N, JR., AUCTIONEER. A. S. ROB IS SON, No. CIO CHESNUT Street. arw mtn No. 010 CHESHUX Street, i 4 4 mm A Jw