THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL Id, 186G. 5 (Our Paris Correspondence.) KtTUESlE'A MTfr WHIN. Paris, March 15. T!ie fashionable fomalo world Will be astoun lod at the latest whim wbicii ha sol rod tbe beautiful Empress. For iomo time odd rumwa bare been orcu ntcd, which are now thought to bare had an origin in the far-roachlncc poller ot the Emperors', rather than tn any change in the tastes of the Empress. Visitors admitted to the privilege of seeing their Majesties in tho retirement of domestic life have ex pressed their astonishment lit tbe simplioityol dress adopted b Eugenie. A plain dress without t'linnvne, end worn with only a linen collar and cifTT, w u said to be her costuino on one occasion. In the recent Si.cech made by trie Emperor before the Corps Legislatif, be declared lilmself lired of hearing about more liberty for Franoe. What FraDco wanted was not more liborty, but greater nmplicitv, virtue, and nawinoss. To this speecft Jules FaviO nmdo a terrible reply. He Showed that, under the Empire, virtue and happiness were not to bo lound: thut Idleness nnd luxury bad taken their p ace; .hat vlso und wanton noes stalked shsiiieics-'. abroad nt 'nM-ilny in Paris, and were openly copied and couiiteuanccd by tlio leadors of Parisinn poc-ely. i Ihe efleet of this ecuthmg robuko has been Home, wnat neutializco bv on incident which occurred the othfr da?; and whioli baa been industriously crcu lated. A deputation of Lyons workmen waltod upon her Majesty with a samplo ot antique and vt-ry costly brocade, winch she was requested to bring 1 nto fashion. "1 am very soiry I cannot comply wi.h your wishes," said tho Kmpress, with her pecu liarly charming mnlle, "but there are many ladies whose husband could not afloid lliuin toilett s ai expensive. 51 t own is among tho number." Of course the dupuiiitiun lelt piuzicd, bewildered, a tho Emperor's por rty, l.ut coiup etely fascinated, I have not told you vet. nowevor, of the hit est i 111 perial whim, which has tuken tho direction of Sewing Mac iiupH. A lew weeks ago the Kmpiess issued an order for several different kinds of Sewing Machines ono of whim, a very beautiful Orovi-r & liaktr, captivated her Inncy, and it la faitl that she bss not only become au oxpert operator herself, bu that, greatly to the disgust of her ladies, she ordered soveial moro ot the samo kind, und insists upon an hour's practice as one ot the doily morning recrea tions. A cert of Court hewing fociety has been thus tormed.the substantial results of which are to bo given to the poor. Tho news of this now whim of the Empress bos been received with enthusiasm in tudnonabto quarters, and an innuenso ruth created lor jour Grovir & Uakor Machines. It Is to ba hoped the new wl ini will last long enough to clollio soiuo of the miserable poor of Paris. ' AMUSEMENTS. "KW ClIKRMUT STIiEKT TflFATRlt. MifS .losio Orton baa a very fino houso last niplit ut her benclif. and received several bouquors, besides a basket of uoweis as big as a final, arbor, ironi tho manager. Married Life was the mo't sueensslnl pioce ot tho evening. On that verv stage Juiuet's admirable French company have played tho oiiginai ot the Lute Duel, or Ladies' JUutle. They are tne same, and we contcss that the Englisn periormuneo did not compare favorably wich it. Tho Latin a' Battle will be given this atterncon. and this cvemnir tho Octn rixn,Dwith tne uauticul"auturday night" drama of 1 ho lied Jlorer. Walkct trket TiiKATKK. Mrs. Ilowers gave lor her last tenelit 77ie l'tep of Day, a piece that is always a favorite with the public. It will be repeated this evening. Tho simp e puthos of the Irish girl "iiiathltcu" is most touohingl' given by Mrs. Bow ers, who iossosses aiove all other talents, Xnn ma jestic womanly gentleness and tenderness that on sure her the sympathy of heraudieuco. Mrs. Dow era leaves this evening lor liullulo, where she opens on Monday evening Academy oir Muhio. There will be a Matinee to-day here, at which "Young America" will ap pear, together with Antomo and (tabrioi Ravel In the evening a new ballet, entitled tao Alchymist. with Mad'lle Popita in a charming rule, will be given. Perm-li's Opkra. Linda will be charmingly sung by Perelh'g pupils on Monday evening next, the cast embracing the names of some of tbe most distinguished ol the master's best pupils. Miss Hewlett's splendid voice and finished execution will show to great advantage in the florid music of the heroine, and she will no doubt acquit herself In a mauner worthy of herself and the beautiful musto she will be oalled npon to interpret. The otbor characters are all in capablo hands, and we antici pate a genuine musical treat from the performance of the delicious opera. Nofmib db ilAKGUEiiiTTES lhis young lady was, last evening, serenaded at the residence ot her mother, by MeClnrg'S full brass band. A party of gentlonien accon panied the musicians, and thevleit was a most flattering one to the young debutante, whose success has been so brilliant. Mr. Jarvib' sixth and last Matinee Is to bo given At 4 o'clock 1'. M. next Thursday. Ihe programme is a splendid one, and well fitted to elose suoli a bril liant series ot concerts. It may be found at the mutic stores, where tickets may be bad also. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local Items sec Tb ird Paje. Important to Gas Consumers. The equable distribution ot gas from one sjurce o supply to many points of outlet, extending over a large area, involves a greater expense than is con sistent with commercial interests, aud the conse quence Is, that consumers are compelled to submit to the inconveniences of over aud under supply, or in dividually to apply the remedy. The bond which forces through the supply mains the necessary amount of gas lor oonsumers, is called "pressure," and is measured by the number of tenths of inches ot water which it wi 1 support in a syphon tube. Evory service pipe that conveys gas trom the line ol a great nain deprives the remain ing portion ol a certain amount of pressure; the coneeguenco is, that when large amounts of gas are to be passed, the pressure at the source of supply and at the terminus, is very far from equal, so that it is utterly impossible for gas companies to lurnish a supply without a sensible difference between tbe souice and extremity 01 use, and the consequent wasteful conaumption by the consumers. There are two moans ot remudyiug this difficulty. One is to place in tho house ot each consumer a Gasholder of sufficient capacity to contain the supply tor a night, and allow it to tx filled during tbe day, and then shut oil' from the street pressure, ana bura trom the holder. Tbe other is to place in each house, alon? with the meter, an instrument called a JlegulUir, which only shall furnish the needed amount of gas required tor each burner, and with a unilorm pressure. The first would prove expensive, offensim; and dangerous. The second is the plao generally adopted, and of the number ot devices contrived for this purpose, neany all have proved failures, owing to their use of Mercury, or the Flexible Uiuphrmm. The two essential qualities 10 be attained in an efiicieut Regulator, are: first delicacy ot adjust ment, with reterenoe to some flxod standard; aud, btcoud, the ability within the instrument iu-ll, to increase the treasure when tne greater quantity of gas is required. These qualities, with other peculiar advantages, are combined in tbe Regulator invented by Or. C. M. Cresson. 1 has been used with irreat success in Philadelphia duriuir the past two years, always pro ducing a steady light wliti a saving of trom twenty to thirty per cent, in the amount 01 gas consumed. Thk Fink Arts. Two extensive sales of pictures ty auction have unquestionably given an Impetus to art matters in our city. Mr. Robinson, the well-known picture dealer, at No. 910 Chesuut rt-et, has a flue collection of palutings, which are to be sold on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next. An examination of the cataloguu will show tbe value of the works. Specimens of tbe fiast native and European artists are on view at his es tablishment. There are some real gems In ihe col lection, and connoisseurs will do well to examine them during tbe early part ot the coining week. Mr. Rotduson has selected the pictures with great care and conscientiousness, and bis long connection with fine art matters is a guarantee that nothing of an Inferior character will be exposed for sale. As the pna.iugs are all airangad lor exhibition with vrvut taste aud judinnent. nersous Interested in tbe Kits have an ample opportunity to closely inspect them. The "Commercial. List." This admi- Tab'e mercantile loornal contains in (bis week's Iwue a fine eat of the new Corn Exchange building. Mr. Winslow, the proprietor of the List, is a wide awake business man, and bv individual enterprise has made the List to individual institution. Ca re May. We arc often teroptccl to be ll' vo that mankind are peculiarly unfortunate in entertaining so preat a diversitv ot oninion in mat ters w h ch relate to the preservation of heal in 1 but our bi tter Judgment convinces us that, however pre judical it may prove to particular lnterets, it is, nevci Unless, a wlo provision ot the Crettor for eqi a izing the pecuniary prlviloces of ills erestu'ts, and forestalling those petty jea.ousies and conten tions which are so apt to mar their haipines. hi tot our charitable leelings IneUne us to wish hea'th and long lile to tho wbolo human family, thev are still at liberty to enjoy their natural I rlvilego in tho selection of such localities to srcid the hot snmnier nion:hs as their judg ment or Inclinntt u may dictate to be the most beneficial. Tbe cho'era tcourge, whloh c are assured will visit tis tbe coining sea on elo out nilv rienands that preparation should be made loi pure ccenn air and sea-site oatlnng. In tticso t'esnablo objects Cape M ivjtistiv ranks hich, and tears 110 com) arison, if health, comfort and luxury he the a m ot solstitial jaunts. Ample accoiiunoda tiens orj being provid- d bv tho propne'ors ot the I oitiml ia, Congross lid, Lotted States, Atlantic, m.d liity others equally well known to our ronders Aor are ttio West Jersey und conneeilng rail rends at all behind in their prcnarnrions tor ihe con.ine treason. Those roads I ave been put in excel lent order, ears renovated, sdditlonal motive power nudtd, ni.d everything done that can contri bute to the cotnlort of their patrons. Ai ranci uients havo abo been mude to nc conniortato excursion parties of lrom three to eiLlit hundred persons. A drliirhtlul morning or evening ride ot tline hours will enub e the ex-baii'-ted citi7Ti to luximnte In tho cool groves around Cat 0 Island, tumble like a porpoise, in tne bieakeis tliat wash tho beaoh, or plough tho deep in snn.e last sailing vessel, where tho saline pnrtio'es in Ihe atmosphere, inhaled by the lungs, introduce a tittiPutiin; ecsmcy into the blocd. I he invigorating nirs liint come laden vith old ocean's ineenso sweep Boress tbe island, and are like wileau's ba m to the enervated sjstem. Scattered et short intervals a on if tbe shore are beautilul roves, where the pl-ca-tor. h1 adventurer has but to drop his line to seduce tbe linny inhabitants from their na ive element. In sliort if man is capatle ol ci jojineut.ho can secure it at Capo May. St. Acgi rtine's Fair. The following is the voilng ior a hose carriage at National tenants' Iloll: Vigiluut, 9('3; Columbia lloso. 2H7; Fair mount Engine, Ko. 82 !!0; Assistance, 31; Hibernla, 1; lieliuiice, 2; South Penn, 1 ; Northern Liherty Kuril e, No. 1, 2; V ovauiensing, 2; Humane, 4; Xnliprnt, 1; Itobert Morris. 1. T to following is tbe voting for the base balllm 11W merits: Central, 4t'9 ; Vigilant, l&Ki; Neptune, ,1)1 The votini? e osed last night, and the prize was taken by the Central. Attfmpted Bubglary. A man named .loliu t-niail was airested about 2 o'clock this morn ing, bv 0 iHccr John I.tltle, for attempting to breok into a cor v store, at Twentieth and Hannstend streets. '1 wo men got over a tenco, and in through the back door, when Sinull wai arrested, and the other cfcopcd. Alderman Swilt ed Small lor a further hearing. The Anti-IncktjStatoh. We call the special attention ol scentilio men to tho new method oi removing scale from boilers and engines. Mr. t riFSou, who is i'resideut of the Company, hus thoroughly rested the matter, and many of the ex peris ol this city testifi to thoellicieucy ot tho n ode. I Le lull stalen cut w 111 lie found in another column. Takt OF A IIvmax Bony Fotjnd. Part of the sheultler of a mou was found this morning at biinpson & NelU's wbart, on the Delaware river. It i hi lived that it is thought to belong to the mm whose arms and hand were found in the Fame vicin ity icccntly, and who was believed to havo been drowned. Meeting this Evening. General Kufus Snxton and Hon. Horace Mavnard arrived in the eltv this morning, aud will address t tie peopln of Philadelphia this evening at Nationa liali. It will be the only opportunity 01 our citizens to sej or hear them Drowned Man Found. This morning, at an early hour, the body of a drowned man was found in the water at pier "So. 89, Port Richmond. Ihe Coroner wes notified. Savio of Gab. Every householder will acknow ledge that the price of aas is a heavy tax, and a serious portion of the annual expenditures; but tew are aware thai a eouudcrub'e portion ot what is paid tor is really wa-ted. Dr. Cie-son has invented a Kesrulutor by means ot which this unnecessary ex pense can be avoided. An advertisement in anothor column explains tne wnoio tiling, and t.110 certiocatos of several distinguished scientific gent'emon show that it is enfrely meritorious. It is not only eiri clent, but is comparatively cheap, and will it pay to Introduce it into every residence. Thk Xkws Stakd, S. W. corner of Sovnth and Chesnut streets, has become one of tho in tilut'ons of the day, and 7 hk Evenio Telegraph, with the other morning and evening journa s, ot our own ai d other cities, may be always obtained there as soon us possible alter the hour of publication HoMosbpATHy in Knglanp. Two gentlemen in Bivmiuahnrji, Enelnml, have each 8uhcribed one thousand pound lor the erection ot a new homo:opathic hospital in that city. The Lapse op a Landghavate. By the death of Prince Ferdinand Henry Frederick, Laud erave ot HWse Ho nib 11 re lor the past eighteen years, that little (lerman principality, tamotiB lor its licensed pramins-hotises, lapses to the Grand Duke Louis III of Hesse, in delimit of a male heir. Tbe new ruler proclaims himself from Darmstadt, under date ot March 24. The addition to his revenue, by this accession, is about $400,000 a year provided he confirms tbe licences of the Baminp-honses, which have yet twenty-five years to run. The respectable part of the inhabitants are erivinu expression to a hope that these dens of vice will now be broken up, but it is doubtful whether Duke Louis will throw away so laree a share of th profits en joyed by his predecessor. A Hokrible Accident. A little six year old girl named Mary Nepper, living in Cleveland, Ohio, was so severely burned about sunset, Monday, that she died in four or five hours thereafter. She and several little girls had built a small bonfire in the road in front of her father's bonne. The mother discovering it, put it out, but the children kindled it asrain. While holding a kind ot lairy dance about the burning Silo, Mary's clothes caught tire. Her screams rew the mother to the scene, but the ilames could not be put out. The clothes were burned off the body, the whole surface of which was completely baked. The mother, iu attempting to rescue her child, was so severely burned that she is no':, expected to recover. A Telegraph Decision. The general term of the Supreme Court of New York, held iu Roches ter lust month, madp an important decision in the case of Ilruce A Mumlord against the United States Telegraph Company. The suit was brought to recover damasres for an error com mitted in the transmission of a t"lraphic des patch. In March, 1S65. Georee W. Cn.vier, of Palmyra, acting lor plaintiffs, telegraphed to Cammann fc Co., of New York, to purchase $700 in gold. The despatch, as tecoived, read $7000. end on this order the larer amount of irold was bcucht nt 171. The defendants claimed tbat they were not. responsible for the error, lor the reason thiit their office blanks contain a stipulation that despatches shall be repeated before the comnnuv can become liable. The court ruled tbat Mhis was a pood defense, giving Judgment tor the de fendant?. Assault of a Madman iton a Prixst. On Monday afternoon a man culling himself Lam bert called at the Catholic St. Paul's Church, in this city, desiring to see the Bev. Herman Ferendine, pastor, but this sentleman being too ill to leave his apartment, his aged uncle, tho Vicar-tieneral Fercndine, proceeded to wait on the applicant. A conversation ensued, from which it soon became apparent that Lambert was afllictcd with a species of insanity, the prominent symptoms being a fixed belief that his life was soucbt by various patties, and a disdain for all food and drink, lest there be poison in it. The venerable Vicar endeavored, in a kindly way, to dissuade him lrom iris fool ish notions, and gently took htm by the arm, saying, "Go home; rest assured no one intends to aunoy you," Etc. Hereupon the mnniac ran into a frenzy of denunciation, accusing the Viear ot complicity in some plot to take his (Lamberts) lile, and smuinir the Vtcar vio lently in the face several times, felling him to the ground. The Vicar flying from his antago nist, tbe hitter proceeded in his mania to smash and demolish things indiscriminately about tbe room. The police were attracted by the noise, arrested tbe furious maniac, and placed him in confinement in the etation-houte. Cincinnati Gazette. THE HALDEN ' UUHDEEEU. rarlleyilnra ef hu Kaecnlloia Em CiMnbrlflfft, Him Terrible Oenthi of tb Cesdsmufd Man The Hop ton I.nfftanrt Inn feet Drop to theilrooad ft'lnnl Ncenen In th Trnarnriy, Ete. THK LAST I.E.TTER 0 THE PRIKOSBR. Portox, Ap II 13 On the day preceding his cxa cmlon tiicen handed the lol. owing, loiter to Ut. Wade, the turnkey f Hie Jail: East rAttnniDUit, April II To nUi H. Wsde. My I ar frienui As theilsyis so near at hand toueostt my life in in lis fanhlv hnlilist on I oes'rn to wilte to you a lew patting worus. It Is beyond my power to rewsrd 5 our kiiKlne.- to nie. please arrept mt beartlelt thanks for tl' mm? kind lavrts yvhlch 1 hsve received 110m you durin: the past twenty 11 months which Is the time I have hi en 1 ndrr vour cons ant csre and cliarire and yna may he sarn that I anprnclute your kindness bejona snrtlilng I can cxntens to you. I must ssy that you hsve (rested me in every respect with al'irtnem. and d nc a I in your power to make my situntlon comfort Mile nd pleasant. I or all 1 ieel very grnte'Ul to od. Ten have mv kind reynnls and ticrft wishes for y 011 r inture weitHie omI prosierl:y. Hn 1 will now bid you a larenell aclitu. Tunis, most leipectfnlit, KUrt'AUD W. (iltF.EN. his r.ASt nooas. ir. en's ?a.t hours wore spent cli'efly in prayer, in reseimg the words f eouso ntion writ'en upon every pstfe of the (i, od Hook, and in wntinu louoninir lirewell letter? to h'B C arest triends. All duv yes fertlay be wos attended at his own request b clera-'-ii' en. who prayed many times with him and con verse d about the hidden clones ot the other word, which would to soon be revealed to nim. The con demned man mnmta nod an outward calm andseren" tempernment, apparently resigned to bis lalej. but there was plainly visible an inward ezo tement that was betrayed Dv Ihe. lestless exprotsion 01 his eyes and the alternate flii.ih and pallor which muuticd his eenntenanee. iliirniK the aftt rnoon of yesterday the noise of the Itn-v hammers ot tbe workmen emruged upon tiie f rertii.B of tne allows was waited to tL. ears ot ihe condt inned msn, und the ominous sonnds uis;ielied even ihe last glimmer ol hope, 10 which he c'iiii j with pcrthioeious tenneily a'tnnat to the dny au pointed lor bis execu lon Tae wrelnheu man for the moment pave way to the anguieh that was 111 his heart, and weot tcildlug tears. BF.FOnK THK GALLOWS. The time for the execution, as stated nbove. was somewhere between the hours of ten and twelve. 'I hoi"!' tenons 10 whom titkots had been lurnlahcd by betl Kimball bean to auseinb e bniore nine o'clock, to the nn i.ber of itilly lour hundred. I'i'e doots wero thrown 0xn at nine o'clock, und tho ticket-bo'dcrs passed through the oflloa into the aid. w here they rtruained un il tiie scene was over. The shops conLi'cted wiU the prison wore closed, all woik was suioeiiocd, und the pnsouers wero conlined in their cells. Among those present wero Mr. Gideon llaynes, Warden of the C'hatlestuwn Mate I'rsonj (shenlT Clsrk, ot bulloik, and all of Slienli' Klinlm I's uepntius. eitfhtoen in number, who preserved order in the yttid aue' superintended all ol the minor details of the execution,' repiesentntives ol the pohco depart ment of Boston and numerous other ciii is in this vicinity, ihe press of Boston, Lowell, and othir cuies was larirclv repre.-eut"d. All tho window in the Jailor's oiliceand tho hospitul were occupied by interested spectators, .horiry telore the last sceno was eoinrucncea the clouUs w hich had boon lower iiijr all tbe nionunp. as if in sympathy Trith the soltmnity ot ihe r ending scene, opened and poured loi'ih a, cniifinir the lor unule it-w who Jioa-Pii.-ed nmbreh'us to unfurl ami muke use oi them. THE PltOCKSSION TO THE MALLOWS. J'he hands 01 iheooclc rointnu to a quarter to 11 when a proce-sion wus obsoiVod bv tue soectutors Iw-uing siowlv trom the jail. It was led on by Deputy Mier. IT Iiancroit of Lowell, wnu was lol lowid by hiph sherifl' Kimi a l und tho prison r, supported by bis spiritual adviser, Key. .Mr. Adams, ot .Lowell, and fo.iowi d by tluee dcpu.y fherifls, ana A.C'sr. Adams end Wado, the nihc.jrs ot the jail. Orecn wos orested in s-rcy pants and ve?t, u biuck can ui.d a lieht pair ot slippers. W'uh a lira s.ep he walked up tho avenue to the scaflo.d, his eyes finely fixed upon the ground, apparently nonomj- no one but the ciernrvuian ut hm Mdo. ilis hands were liinily bound with a leutuer stran, and subi queutly his legs andfect wciebounatiwt .11111 .hes.:uic way. lie wa krd up tho tulal steos to the Fcttioul with the same firm t-tcp, anil took position imon tho elevated trap through wh.uh be was to tall. liuv. J. ii. Adams then said : "I have been requested to say, lor Edward W. Green, tnat tho crime lor nh . Ii no is to btiflv.rv.D8 not comonttcd in cols quenco 01 any pro meditated uiaiico against, tho ouo wriose I lie w as taken; tnut he bad no toclincs of ma'ioo, uc is to die in recouciiia iou with a'l men, aud, as ho trusts, with his God." Ihe clergyman ncx lead appropri ate selt ctions f rom the Scriptures, Green tho mean time standins motionless upon the drop, h s eye in tently fixed upon tbe ground. At tho conclusion of the t-cripture readings Rev. Mr. Adams oltiTed a most iervenr prayer ior the soul of the mau aiout to die, saying that as siniul as he may have been, as gnat as was the enormity ol biser mo and as deeply as bo may have transposed, God was still his .lu'lge and he bopea to receive mercy trom Hiro. At tho cioscot the prayer the cicravman stepped forward aud shook baii'ts with (.roen. ;dr. Wudo did the same, 't hen Sheriff Kimball steppe d lorvaid and lead the warrant ior the execution. THK FALL OF TUE DltOP. During the readinir of tbe above the deputies upon tbe scaffold, adjured the rope around the necK ol tne criminal, and placed the black oap over bis eves, shutting out the lidit of this world torover. "When Sheriff Kimball bad finished reading the war rant he stepped lorward a little, and sayin, ' In ac cordance with the instructions of the waft-ant I shall new execute the sentence of death unou Edward TV. Green," pressed his foot uoon the spring-. Tbo drop f e 1 and an involuntary sbuddor ran through the spectators at the terrible sight of the body swaying to and tro in the air. The full was at least six leet too far by a low inches for tbe beiirhtot the scaftoid. The rope, being a new one, stretched to such an extent tliatt.10 leet of tbe man touched the ground, and it was a uec-Ssary and tainlul duty of tho deputy to draw tho oorfy uo lrom the ground and hold it thus suspended until be judged hie to be extinct. It was a truiy horrible sight to those who witnessed it to see the b&nicing muu dmw bis logs uo several timts, and nervously twitch bis bands aud Uutrer-t tor over six long minutes. His noon was noKbroken by tee lull, and it appeared as if he was literally cboked to death. Alter banging about half-an-bour be was examined by lrs. Hooker, l ay lor and Hall, who found a slight beating ol the heart Lie then hun about ten minutes longer, when be was lowered Into bis ccfhn and convei ed to th prison hosoltal, from where bis remains were subsequently taken by his li lends and buried beside thoso ol his father in tbo village cemetery in Maiden. THE END. And this is the final end of a matter which has been discussed in al! classes of the community for over two yeais. Notwithstanding the shudder which involuntarily passes over one at the idea of strangling to death a fellow-man, there are very lew even among those who knew and associated with. Green, who would have made a single etrort to do feut bis execution. Those who have labored so in dustriously in his behalf arc only thoso who are op posed to capital pnulsbment iu all cases. In tho midst 01 ail appeals tor mercy, the terrible enormity of his crime overcame the sympathy, which in most cases would have been excited. There anoear to bo no mitigating circum stances. He cruollv deprived a young mau of bis lile in the jov and promise and hope ot his youth one who bad given him no provocation, who bad no suspicion 01 danirer hom his presence, but who lelt in him tbe confidence of neighborly secu rity. It was such a voung man as this whom Given hent to bis final account without preparation or w amine-, and if such a crime has auv extenuation or palliation it appears to have oeeu the prevailina wish that it shouid be exercised by the Great For giver to whom ba has been consigned for mercy .rat her then by the Executive JJenartiuont or the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. It Is to bo hoped that thn iruilt v v retch will obtain forgiveness from fliin who will not despise a broken and a contrite heart. Important Arrest, A ALIKGFD FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE TiJEFT OF C0,600 in gold John Lambert, an English-nan. 24 years of age. was aries'cd bv tretoetivo Ofncors Hcriue't and Coylo, chargod with being a tugitive lrom Caliior nia, whore it is al ei'Cd that he stole $20,00(1, In cold, from Vv 1II10111 h. Adams, a Government Collector in that State, the lands being tbe property of tho United States Government. l.rnibi rt.wbo had been employed on the stenmshtp Omjov, made bis escape, and took passaae for this city on tbe steninship Sunfingo de Culm,, and on tbe arrival ot tbe steamer at this' port, was arrested, la his possession the officers found 11520 in gold, t-9'Q in greenbacks, und $10,000 in gold and silver mining stocks. Tbe prisoner is detained at Headquarters, awaiting the requisition from the Governor of Call iornio. Aew Yurie Evening Ezpres. B'.(EMEK On the'morniug of the 14th Instant, .fiisU'li A , youngest child of Juaenh A. and Eliza- beihW. Bremer, aged 8 month'. !Ibe relatives and h-iends of the family are invited to attend the luuerai, lrom the residence of his parents, No. 928 N. Fillh street, on Monday after noon at 2 o'clock, without further nonce. F.VAN8.-OB the 14th instant, KOYYLAND E. : EVANtf, Ktq. IMPORTANT TO. '. ' GAS CONSU ME It S. The equal distribution or gas lrom one source of sup ply to many points of outlet, extending over a large area, Involves a greater expense than Is coailstent with commercial Interests, and the consequence is, tbat consumers are compelled to submit to the tnconve- nfonces of over and under supply, or Individually to apply the remedy. The head which forces through the supply mains the necessary amount of iras for consuuwrs, Is called '7ml" mrs: and is measured by tbe number of tenths of Inches of water which It will support in a syphon tubs. Every service pipe that convoys gas from tbe line of a great main deprives the remaining portion of a certain amount ot pressure 1 ctoo consequence Is, that when large amounts of gas are to be easied, tin pressure at the source of supply and at the terminus Is very fartrcm equa',so that It is utterly Impossible for gas companies to furnlrh a supply without a senib'e dlf fivenca bets-sen the source and the extrem'ty of use, and the con'cqent wasteful consumption by the cou suiaara, There arc two means of remedjlBs this difficulty. One Is to plaee In the home of each consumer; Qat h'lldrrot sufficient cspacpy to contain the supply tor a nl? lit, and allow it to be tilled daring thu day. and then shut oft from the street pressure, and burn iron the holder. The oilier Is to place In each bouse, aloux with the meter, an Instrument called a ReguUtU r, wnlch only shall lumlsh the needed amount of gas requirod for each burner, and with a uniform pressure. The first would prove expens'i)?, (ffutaiw, and dan gertvi. The second Is the plan generally adopted, and of tbe number of devices contrived for this purpose nearly all have proved lal lures, owing to their use ot Jlerciirp, or tho Flexible Diuphragm. Ti e two essential qualities to be attained In an eltl elcnt Regulator arcs t'lhST. delicacy of adinstnicnt, with rclcreece to some fixed standard; and Hr.coso, the ability, within tho Instrument itself, to Increase the pressure when th greater quantity of gas Is re qidrcd These qualities, with other peculiar advantages, arc combined in the Begttlator invented by Dr. C. M. Cresson. It has been used with great success in Phila delphia during the past two vcars. a wavs produ dig a steady liyht, with a saving of from twenty to thirty per c nt. In the amount of gas consumed. OFFICE AND SALES-ROOM, MASONIC II ALL, No. 715 CHESNUT STREET. 4 II I'ii Sp FAIRBANKS, EW1NG & CO. gIMON . COLTON & CLARKE. M'c offer for sa'e upwards of ONE HUNDRED CASKS FINE TABLE SHERRY WINE, (20 trallons in each cask). This wine Is consldored VERY FINK, and is sold at very small advance on the cost of Importation. Also, SfcVEXTY HVE CASES of SALAD OIL, Our own importation, ordered of the best qua' by, with. out regatd to cost, for sale by the case ut wholesale prices. AlSO, HEIDSIECK & CO. CHAMPAGNE. At the Importer's price in New York, in any quantity. Also, WIDOW CLIQUOT, MOET 4 CHANDOS'S. JUIX8 Ml'MM'8, SPARKLING RHINE, 110CK9, JiCROrKDY, SAUTERNE, CINCINNATI. CA TAWBA, and CALIFORNIA WINES. GFXL'INK FREXVU LIQUEURS AXD COU DIALS. Also, 400 Caacs FINK TAELE CLARET, Our own Importation and Bottling, for sale at whole sale prices. Ail these Wines are warranted genainc and pure. ' SIMON COLTON & CLARKE. 4 14 6t 4pJ f. W. cor. BR'IAI) and WALNUT. g r r 1 n a. BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, wiioi.ksail: and ' retau,, AM) M ATIUUALS I'OK TBE SA-VK. JIKST QUALITY AND STYLK OF ' SrjRING M A T T II E B S E S. J. S. FULLER, 4 HsiuthSm No. 6. tiEVENl'U Street. w T. CAK1) TO XII 13 PUBLIC THIS IS fKiEsal0 cerllr mut J. . RtTLON nurniiiMiid of J. M. Ilall tbe htiick nnd (luod Will of his Undertaking buslnens, at No. lain VINE Htreet be giving me the use ot bis name 10 secure bis cuxtom, assuring me also that h would not aain go into salu busiue In this city. Yet he the said John M. Hull, has commenced the Cu dertaklng business within three squares ot the oldstanu. I would, theretore, respectfully iniorm my friends aud the public 1 hut I hold a lease of the establishment tor a term 01 vearn. and will continue the business alone and liulcpeuileutly, all repot ts to the contrary uotwitbstaud Ing. JOHN C Bl'LON. Undertaker, tiucce4orto John U. Hall, i 1J Jt UlS VINEBtroet. ROVER & RAKER'S IMPROVED SHUTTLE OR " LOCK" STITCH 8KWINQ MACHINES. No. 1 and No. for Tailors, Shoe makers, Ptirtdlera, etc. No. 780 Chesnut reat riiilaOell'lna; No. 17 Matket atreet, IIurrtbur C Ii ESSON'S GAS EEGULAT0R, INVENTED BT Dr. Charles M. Crosson, (Late Manaping Enjrlneer PliiladolpbU Ga Works). Patented In the rnlted Ntatan anil Ear iMBd, Ie. 13.1H6 I, and April II, 1S05. Manufactured in all Sizes Suitable for PUBLIC BUILDINGS, FACTORIES, STORES, DWELLINGS, AND OAS WORKS, BY THK AMERICAN METER COMPANY, Of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. The Adcantugen of this over other Regu lators are:' 1. The peculiar form In whlqh It Is conducted, giving vroatcr delicacy than la possible with other form. 2' The free motion of the Kcgulatlng Vatve, governing wider range of consumption. 3. It has the ability, within tbe Instrument Itself, to In crease the pressare when the greater quantity of gas Is required. 4. It does not use MERC CRT or FLEXIltLS DIA- rUBA-GMS. 5. It will produce a steady light. 6. It will lave ncra TWENTY to THIRTY per cent In tne au-oiut ot gas consumed. 7. it la not liable to get out of order. At our SCALE WAREHOUSE, In tills city, can be teen the finely constructed test anparatua, which was art up tn the FKAKKLIK INSTITUTE, to show the effect of proseure, V 1 b and without the Regulator, and also to demonstrate the amount 01 saving 0 fleeted bj the Regulator. FAIRBANKS. EWIttG & 00., MASONIC II ALL, No. 715 CHESNUT Street, CI 14 s2Wp PHILADELPHIA, PA. GREAT TRADE SALE. THREE HUNDRED CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BR0GAAS, ETC., COMPMISING TUE S10CK OF JAMES B. II A II M E 11, To be Sold on tbo Premised, No. 13S North THIRD Street, ON THURSDAY HORNING, 19th Inst., COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK. PUILir J? OllD & CO., i 14 4trp AUCTIONEERS, O GEORGE J. 1IEXKELS, THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT STREETS, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP ROSEWOOD DRAWISQ-ROOU FURNITURE, WALNUT DBAWIN(i-RO0U FUBXITBRE, WALSUT DIXISG-ROOM FURNITURE. WALNUT LIBR1RT FCRXITUR5, WALXCT HALL FURKITUBE. ROSEWOOD CUA1I13EH FUllSITUKi:, "WALSUT ANTIQUE FURNITURE. .Prices rre as low an tiie iiuiillty oi tbv work will admit oi. (5E()R(iE J. IIENKELS. 4 liluj. JUte of So. SU-1 ana 811 CHESNUT Ktr 115 NEW LOTS OK GOODS OMSUIinHTOK, XT ' W. H. KARLY'S. 0. US . MN'Tll Htri" ilrYy Dice raftera HanTToom Lum ""' Kll cents. White Linen Towe'.a. ?-25 ner 1(. nn7cn While Hiifii Towe . trinited. 8r.iiS?u A i cents nur White Linen Huck, for -elill,' il LenM pur Uahlheached Uuck, lor "or jard. . REK8 OOODB. Valency M oz.nit'?. VX5 5:" Hilk tuibroider":." k 'i .,nb.. One .aneyarii , iiH.f.iinaa. rei,ulai 2ft dozen B "IU "Vusiru rp" v) ueuu. ' B. HUNTER, No, 44 N. SEVENTB sriT mftTC STT.rtERT. PHILADELPHIA. Acknowledged e o ar'ti interested uhj lr tb ACl" MOST slcCthSFUL PHYSICIAN in th treatment i Instates in A M .9?J TIIOKOUGH and permanent ewes guaranteed In evrf I;L u1eibM ftKV HUNTER 8 Celebrated Remedie 4 n. tskyih'iu Bi'tet, ab t Ubert. u EXPERIMENTAL- TIUAL OF TUE CRESSON BEGUrATO? AT THE Franklin Institute, October 18. 18C5, COPV OF KEl'ORT. An ezncrlmcntal trial was;thennailo as to the qaan tltj of pas consamoJ by the burners when under rcim Ui Ion to their maximum economy, and also tho atnou it consumed by : be snme burners when su'jjoctol to tUo ordinary arlatlons of stroot pressure. The result showed that with the Regulator there Wl unl.'ormly 78 cublo feet of gas per hour consumed, being an average of 1 7 10 cubic feet per burner. Wlillit with out the Regulator the same burners consumed from 101 to 140 cubic feet per hour, the averago being 123cubk feet, org leet per hour to each burner." We Hlfrt the Following from amove Tboae who liav tUU BirnlMtor In Una In thlit City, and to Wliotn we defer. UNITED STATES I'OdT OFFICE, Chosnut.'beloaf Fltlh. f'ONl INEKTAL IIOTKL, Mnth and Chemut. MERC II A NTS' IIOTKL, lonrth, abore Market. a C0HNEI.IU8 & BAKER, No. 710 Chesnut. MAHsF.T. COLLINS & CO.. Tenth aud Filbert. THOMPSON BLACK & SON, Broad and Chosnut. JOSEPH HARRISON, Jo.'a Works. Cray's Terry Road. SMITH ALOUDERBaVcK.No. SIS N. Third. WILLIAM WELSH, Esq., No. 1122 Spruce. W. t'. HOUSTON, i:s( No,VU42 Ol.osnuU C. A. WALBORN, Kso., No. 1E01 Oreeiu K. W. CLARK, Est;., School House Lan. E. N. WRIOIIT . Esq., School House Lano. ALAN WOOD, Fsq..No. I.'i28 Arch. L. LADOMU8, Esq., No. 8C2 Arch. ANTHONY iHItKEV, Esq , Gcrmanlown. JAS. S. EA RLE, Esq., No. 816 ChcsnuL II. O. KERN, Esq , No. lr2 N. Broad. W. L. OERUON, Esq., No. 1)14 Arch. .1. 1). TAYLOR.'Esq., West Philadelphia. UNION LEAGUE HOUSE. Broad, below Chesnut. PHILADELPHIA CLUB, Thirteenth and WaluaU UNION CLUB, No. Jll 8. Twelfth. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, No. 820 Chesent. MISKEY, MERRILL 4 THACKARA, No. 71S Chesajxt, FINCKEN & WILLIAMS, No. 416 Crown. AMERICAN PULP COMPANY, Uunavunk. NORMAN KERR A CO., No. 2n N. Fourth. RCHRACK CO., No. 611 Chesnut. WM. MANN, Esq., No. 1711 Orcen. H. I1AR1 SHORN E, M. D., No. 1701 Filbert JOHN A. MIS KEY, 1(.. Philadelphia Oas Works. GEO. W. PLUMLEY, Esq., Fourth, above Raoa. WM. 11 OWELL. Esq., West Philadelphia. WM. G1LLEBPIE, Esq , No. 1300 Arch atreet. H.B. TATB AM, Esq., No. 1102 Spruce. J. W. WILLIAMS, Ksq., No 146 S. Elghitt. F. A. KOONS, Esq , No. ft 9 Vine. CHARLES 8UARPE, Esq , No. 1711 Locust. N. KULON, Fsq., No. 1028 Chesnut E. A. HENDRY, Esq., No. 2005 Arch., FAIRBANKS, EWK0 & CO., No. 715 CHESNUT Street, 4 14 S'2t5 rillLADELPlIIA, TA. . J M. 'HAPLEIG II, Xo. 002 CIIESXUT Street, r WILL OPEN ON , j MON DAY, AP11IL 1 CASE MORE BLACK ALPACAS, 25 CENTS. 1 ADDITIONAL CASE, GOOD QUALITY BLACK SILKS, $1'25. ALSO, P.EAL SHETLAND SIIAWiS. REAL LACE POINrS. GRENADIN SHAWLS. lOOr'.RIIETLAND LACE SHAWLS, JUST 01D. . 4 14a:r0 QllOVEll & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK. STITCH SEWING MACHINES, with latest Im provements, No. 730 Chesnut streot.Philadelpbla; No. 17 Market street, HarrUburg. j j 3m4p PCHE8NUT 8tM