THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH.- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL1 10, I860,; - TUB flPRIKO FAftlUONS FOB 1806. Curia and Tufa, ami Paddlnir, , r Watr rfcl's and Fizzes, i False Maria-Janes, And artificial Llzzlcr, 1 Wool from Merino, Also from the nifrirer, ; Pone In whopping pads And laatlv gtown biggrr. Oh ! were fashions, ever : T Equal to the preenir , m . Halt a sack ot latere " , , - j Thrco(iuarterg of a . Beads as big a crick- Mwont. Buttons large as t-balls, : , llcre'a a pail of r tnen, And there's a ' ft,VrJ'i0, : Ool ol fishes. Cairo with tw ' ' , Mftkea a ' rnnariet Kennel ("s'Vv bat, What .uli terrier, "Won't W thin of that f W .the fathers cluster? W int the husbands wrlpelo vnn ihcv ee the thlnps come borne, And won't the ladies gigRle? xlIE SOUTHERN RELIEF FAIR. AntOKmph I.tterol WAalilng ton, John AiIhiuii, Lnfnyelte, aud Alexauder XIniuillou. 1 The prcut Southern Relief Fair, at Baltimore, or which preparations have so long been jiiaVmp by the Indies there, opened at the hall ot tbo Maryland Institute, lw.t Monday cvenintr, under the most lavorublo auspices. The Bulil moro Sun shjs: The scenp presented was one not easily described. Ihe immense hall, brilliantly iiluminatod bv hun dreds ol pus jot-, uud aaylv decorated with national llatfs, with the vnrions tables nnd ftauds adorned with flowers aud evergreens, displayed, a sight not o.tou Winifred in a lilutiinc, ana was one that could qniy be ut i r cUtcd by being seen. I ho crowd pro sent comprised mobt lesprctable citizens of all classes auu cr ton rilgiom and politics. Aicarlv seven thousand tickets were sold, whil-t hundreds ot jipisoiis were unable to pot within hail ing distance ol the ticket otliw, and wero compelled to return to their homes without gaining admit tance. The Gazette of Tuesday bos the following: J. Howard McHonry, Ksq., has presented to the - Fair four autoi'i-apli letters or Washington, two writ ten by John Adam, two by Lafuycite. and two by Alexander Hamilton, ranking ten autograph letters in all. They are all addrcesod to the lion. Jamos M. Molli nry, tho (rrandiatlicr ol the donor, who was on IbestafTot Washington m tho revolution, and was subsequently Secretary nnder both ol his adnuuis tratious. These letters have been preserved in tho tauiiiy until now. All the letters treat of political ' mutters, wiili tlie exception of tbo two by Lulayetto, which are Jotters ot introduction. fcluo of thee is especially nitrre-tnif, bb introducing to kind attention Mr. Mcllenry M. Michaux, whose work on the lorcxt trees ut America is stUl regarded as the bext extant. (I'rivate.) Mockt Vkiinon, 19ih Oct., 1706. Dear SirYour letti r ot tho 141h caiuo dulv to hand. On the contents of the enclosure I shall mi.o no commcnis till I see yon, which probably will bo on or About the iiist of next month. Let me remind you of what I have botore rcquostcd namely, to have noted against ray arrival a.l tho-to things which will ho tit and proper subjects for my communication to Coueress (in the speech) at tho opening of tbo session, thai 1 may have lime to con sider and digest such o thorn as are proper for that occasion bt lore the meeting of it. 1 am always and sincerely, your affectionate Go Washington. James McHcnry, Secretary of War, Philadelphia. Moukt Vernon, 22d Juno, 1798. Hear Sir I ain not disposed to withdraw your attention front more important matters, or to be .troublesome in any dogre, or to press my corres pondence upon you. But not having ever heard whether my letter, of which the enclosed is taken fromaprest copy, ever reached your hands, lam Induced to mako the inquiry. 1 wish also to know what has been done with a letter of mine, pin under cover to you (early in March last , to Le forwurdod or suppresod, at your discretion, to a air. .lohu Parker, who exhibited pro posals to the public lor coin) l ing a complete edition ol a 1 the journals of Congress, from ilio earliest period oi them down to the present day f V ith rccpoct, I am, dear sir, Your obedient servant, Go. Washington. James McHcnry, Esq. (Private.) Mount Vehnon. 27th Ju!y, 1793. Dear Sir Tho l ray heads of Alexandria, pretty numerous, Jit seems, and composed of ail the te tab, e old people of tho place, having formed them selves into a conipanv, lor the detente oi tho town and its vicmhy, are in waut of colors; and it being intimated that the presentation ut them by Mrs. Wasuington would be flattering to tnoru, I take the liberty of requesting tho favor ol you to have made and send to me as soon as convenient Buch as will bo a) propnato to tbo occasion handsome, but not more expensive than becomes Republicans (not Jiaolute Kepublicaus) is required. If. you think a motto would be proper, tho choice ot one, "chaste and unassuming," i loft to your own judprnont. fiend tho cost, aud tho money shall bo remitted by ) ours, always, Go. Washington. James Mcllenry, tsq., .Infantry. East Chester, 20milos from New York, ) October 16, 17U7. J Dear Sir I arrived with mylanuiy at this place lour days ago, aud proposo to remain here aud at Mew lork, till tho meeting ot Congress. .Letters adoiessed to me, to tho care of Charles Adam), .Esq., Counsellor at Law, iu New York, will soon ni d me. I pi ay you to commit to writing such ihinirs as you judge necessary to be communicated, or recom mended to Cougie-s at the opening of the session , aud convey them to me, as early as possible. And to rive me your opinion, whether tho prevalent sickness in Philadelphia, is so dangerous to tho lives or heaith oi the members as to muke it neces sary to convene them at any other place. With great regard, 1 ain, dear sir, Your most obedient, Jorm ADAMS. James McHcnry, Esq , Secretary ot War. . Vienna, Septombor the 8d. Dear Mcllenry This letter will be dolivorod by M. Uicbaux, whom the King has out to oolleot seeds, trees, and so on, which he intends raising in bio favorite country seat as it is a personal all'air, eveiy assistance ana advice wul be particularly pleaxine and as 1 want them to be satisfied, 1 re commend the beaarer to you, who, lro'n the state of a plain farmer, has rose to have a name among learned men. 1 am on my tour through Germany and with my best rospects to your lady, am your aflectionate friend, Lafayette. Pray introduce him to Tilmangh bmith, and all other lrienos. (Private.) Nxw York, July 22d, 1798. Mv Dear Sir Your letter oi the 20th imttant. en- closing one Iroiu Gen. Washington, came to hand this Oar. Ihe object you suggest in it is ono which, no doubt, deserves a primary attention, and it will be paid to it. liut It will be ui-eiul that 1 should shortly confer with you fu lv on a variety of suiijects. and alter rec iving an ollicial communication ot my ap pointment, 1 shall without delay repair to Phila delphia. 1 connt always upon vour confidence as well in mv personal iriendship lor you as in myzoal for the pubho service ; and having no inclination to spare my sell, it only remains lor us to trace together the plan in which I can best second your operations, aud roiuoiu me Berviee. Yours, with true attachment, A. Hamilton NEW Yobk. .Inlv T1A. 17118 r. 8 Tn ome instances we have missed it iu our llnvarliera. It lfl Vflrv Atinentiikl t h.,PA Bi,r.,ii,4 l,A m mistake abopt tho field otlice-Zeaftiia lentc in your J, Mcllenry, Eeq , eto. (Prlvuto ) New York. Deeembrr M i7nR. Dr. Sir As it may possibly not nave ooiuh to vnu tbrousrh any other channel. I think it we l to inlnrm you that General Huntington has been displuaned at not having received ohreial notioe of his appointment with his commiBsiou. 1 his, it not already so, ounht to be remedied. I hear nomine o( nominations. What malignant uiuuence nanus upon our unuiary anairsr With great esteem and reef rd Your obedieDt servant, A. Hamilton. P. 8. I left with General Tinckney atprojeot of a Military School which he waa to have sent oie. lias he quilted t-hi adtdobiar 11 so, have yon beard auy ining oi nun paper r I want II. i, James MciUnry, Esq. IROM THE MEXICAN BORDER. Another I.vy llpoa the Hatamorna Ster cbanla 9f ntamoraa A I moat I veatad hr th l.lheralt. General arr.a to the Im perial Troops Thty are Meaonght to reraak lha ('anas of tho Empire. Brownsville, Texas, March 20. Ou tho 20th General Me.iiu called a nieettner ol the tneichants of Matnmorns, and inlormed them that on ac count of the non-arrival of lunds. to pay his troops he found it necessary to borrow $tf 5,000 from them, v. ith the promise that it should bo relunded as Boon ns the money arrived; Dut aa this tort ot thing had been resorted to several times belore, they, the merchants, could not see it, but promlred the money If fifty per cent, ot the duties should be removed, and the transit or one-louith duty be restored. Hut flieiia rc lueed, and threatened to remove his troops. A commission whs appointed, and they have been assessed and obliued ti Pny tho money. I pet this ivoni a merchant in Matnmora-, a triend ot mine, and one of the victims. They aro exas perated at these continued forced loans. Out of about 3i00 troops at Mataruoras, Mojia hns not COO that he can rely upon, and he does not dare to go beyond his breastworks. The Liberals are hovering around him, coming within a mile or two of Matamorai, and carry ing off cattle. Tun stage lino between Mata moras and 1'iigdud (linca del Rio) bus been vtitlir'ravui on account of the danger on the load. General Juan J. do la Uarzu has issued the following: J he General Con inanding m Chiot tho Forces of ti e Central aud Southern District ot Tamaulipas to the Iroops ol any nationality sustaining the linpire: holdiers: It is four years sinco you were brought here to liulit us, who only aak to govern ourM-ives according to repnLlican principles. You are made to Ltlievo that the ridiculous throne ot Maximilian can Le consolidated in this country, and you have not been told thut wo aro so lar from accopiiu it, that the only Emperor we ever had ilurbmo paid with his head lor tho title he bore so short a time. Itiu bide was Mex can was supported by Mexi cans; he ha i in bis lavor tho ereat renown which lie juetly ebtameu by making us sjako oil' me Span ish yoke aud yet he loll. Do you think thut a lorcigmr, sustained by toreiirnors, who corai trom Austria been In? tho protection ot Napoleon III to make Inmselt Emperor ot a country which does not even know him, can loni? nurp tho supreme power ot our country f Soldiers, you bav been misled In lieu of a mi nary promenado, v Inch you thoucht to take through our country, you find that everyone of our dehles swarm wuh Liberal lorces, always ready to oppoeo 5 ou, iiany among you have come to make part of the so-called Guard ol the Emperatrez, bin iu placo of the lite of luxury which you expected, you are ob liged to run over Mexico trom one end to the othor, to meet death at tho hands of the audacious guerillas, French, Germans, Belgians, Italians I address myself to all loreisuers who compose the Imperial arm our countri has magnificent lands, which only await laborious bands to repay with nsury the troublo of cultivation. Abandon that army which wares such an unjust war upon us; come whore tho delendcis oi Mexican independence are found. If you with to sharo our tons, you Bhall tnjoy tho same privi!opo as tho ituublicau soldier; it you prefer your jiascpoits lor ihe North, or any oifior foroiirn country, they shall t o lurnisiv d you, with all the ecurmes oi out lea station, liut it you wi-u to set- lie as praceablo citizens ou any part of our lands, you shall be protected so mat you may live euiotiy. Many among i formerly betoupod to tho French army and tho Forei n Legion; they can tell you bow they have been treated. You will then see that I do not mislead you. JUAN J. DE LA UARZA, Gcneral-in Chief of tho independent forces ot the Central and twuthcru Districts of lamau.lpos. ictoria, lebiuaiy .'Z, lbw. , This ia bucked up by the following: Victoria, February 20, 1816. Dear Comradfs: We hereby intorm you that we Btart to-day lor lrontier. You need not be at all troubled about us. From Tula you go to Pal-millai-; tho commander is very pood; ho iurnishos horses and also money to go to Victoria. Horevou are paid threo reals a day, and all you noed if you want to serve; and if you do not want to servo, you can pet a pass to cross tho frontier. You noed not seive unless you want to; so comrades con esoou. Comrades, the uenerai wants you an to come. Your companions ereec voul C. ieinlit, Feofilo llauman, 'Ireilericli Kchwab, Paul erabowky, Peter uoehoi, Eouls "Teorsre, uooruo iicuurer, too jjlo lluzel, Nicolus Manger. tf. O. limes, ithinst. Ihe English Turf. DUTIES, INCOMES, AND TRAINING OF THE QBEAT JOCKEYS. from the Pall Mall Gazette, March 22. A snuabbln between tho if atoms of Ha'tinirs and Grimshaw, the Jockey, has given the uninitiated an msiKbt into the duties and earnings of the small men who ride for tho eieut slakes ol the English tun. Lord liasunats was Grimahaw's first master ' f ., when lr.s lordship slartcd a horo lor araco, G run claw was bound to noe tho animal, bcinu at liberty Vihcn hiB first master did not want huu to ride lor anybody cine who would employ and pay him. lor ibis service .Lord tiastmirs crave urimsuaw a re taining lee of iOOO a year, paying bun besides Xb lor each race won, ana jlh tor eaon race lost. and his travelling cxpsn-es. Tho jockey's income tiom tticbe sources and irom presents mado to mm 1 y backer- or winners riddeu by mm is coniptitod to hare been between 2000 and 3000 a year, liut a jockey's life is laborious, dimerous, aud often brief. In order to obtain eminence in the proles- kion, clear Ibrains, strict honesty and sobriety, and stout Lean, witn a very lean ana active nuoit oi body are required. We read last week of a lad beins called unou to "waste " seven pounds in twenty -tour hours, and doiutr it. Ihe young ani mals which jockeys have to ride aro often vicious and difficult to ninnaee, ana me temptations to which their noncaty is exposed are ex'reme Liord llastintri dismiMed Gnnisha v because he relumed to ride a cult which he i.eemcd uuualo. LKWES COURSE, MARCH 23 A SWEEPSTAKES HALF A MILE. Mf. It. Ten Broeck's b. f. Miller's Maid, by Buc caneer Vellefla, 2 yrs., 6st. 9ib (Graoe) 1 Mr. Baresso's Eugenie, 8 yr., 8st. 6ib. .(Mordan) 2 Mr. England's MoosKose, 8yrs., 8st. 61b. (E. Forster) 8 Mr. W. G. Bennett's Carnizette, 8 yrs., 8t. llib. (iiibberd) i Bottlns 6 to 4 on Miller's Maid, 8 to 1 aaaiiist Moss ltoso. 100 to 15 iii'ttinst Carnizette. The latter tor a lew strides made play, w lieu Miller's Maid (who lost several lenirtna in starting) took up tho running and wou in a canter by four lencrlhs. A leneth toparated second and third. The winner was bought in lor v:io guineas. OBIT VARY. AKOTBER VETEBAH OF 1812 OONE. Ebenrzer T. Andrews, a veteran soldier of 1812, and a most esteemed citizen of Massachusetts, died April H, at bis residence in Charlestown, at tho advanced aue o! 77 ear. Few men have lelt a more pore and nonoraolo re cord than Mr. Auclrew. To tne revidouls of C'harleslown ho was particularly endeared, though uis opeu cnaracter, auu upriiuit, uiauiy actions in all- matters, made him a universal lavonte, and everywhere eaineu lor him tne esteem ot aood men: and the purity ot his character was so eeuerally ap preciated, that through the Wato he was tiuown as "honest old Mr. Andrews of Charlestowu." As a patriot and a so. dier ho took the greatest In tel est in the war lust ended, and. too old aud feeble to fto himsell, he bid his four bous iro and sustain nis dignity aud honor in the hold, saying that il it was tiOd's Will, ho would rather loan them tho nrido ot bis old ace and all else he had, than that one star of mo oia uuaauouiu no aimmeu, or tne least paiticie ol its iilory lost. lo him, and men as lilm, tho country cannot do too much honor. Their names will last over green iu every ueuri. B. K. O. KE1II8, THE AHMTESB MAN. Died at I.apnrz, llollvla. on the 4th dav of Docom- ber, 1866, tt, K U olhs, a well-known citizen of new xoia." jar. .T'.eiiis win De remembered by our citizens as the wor d-renowned wonder. Horn with out arms, he becamo a prohcieut with his foet and aoconiuiodaied hun.e't to nature's deprivation, ex 1 lbitmc Inn. soil throuah the worid at tue advice of sclentiilo aud medial men. He could write what won d be termed a oud band, and as a cutter of profiles and oi nan cnial vaioiitines with sciaaora. Air. Kelli never bait an equal in this oountry. Ihe sreat variety ol hit Leriormances with his leet waa nuly wouoerlu'. air. hellia wxa as famous lor bis (rent en univ im ni.eis and comprehensive mind as for hl woiiii' rlul i ulilhiilons and his family and, friends wi I lonix ecu tiuue to miss the vacant plaoo biade in their inld ' by his demiae. Mr. N ell Is was I born in Meiiteouierv county, ft. Y., and at tbo time ot his death wv in Mie iorty-eiiruta yearoi his aire. ills deatu was cuuseu uy anopiezy. Chika Coino Ur. ThcSlaffordshlre (Eneland) manufacturers ha', o advanced the prices of china and earthenware ut tho rate of about ten per cent., owinif to the enhanced value oi la Dor and mate rials. MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, &o XEJITLE OF FASHION Importations lor tbe Spring and Summer of I860. MRS. M. A. HINDER. o. 1031 CntBKUT PTBF.BT, PHILADELPHIA Imrortfrol I.ale' Dres snd Cloak Trlmmlnin; also, I'srla l ticni la 'ilnaa Paper, lor Ladles' ana Chil dren's Drertes I detlre to call your attention to trie above card, and flisll L plcaatd to have von call and innpect mi ntock, nd 1 think yen will find It the nnwt choice and siftiiant i.nortn eni to 'fleet ironi My iicliitles lor obtaining the n eat olrbie novel les oi Hie F.nropean market are now aDtoiparsrd. and sDiprnenls per m rlv every steamer add IrrrhneKS and variety to Ihe collection. H ..I..I.U a. Ii.DTll. Itiillnn 1 - Frlnrs Cotd. 1 enrels, T civet Hlbbol s, Heltlnv.'r'ateni Boots snd I yes, t rench Cornets Phlolds Drew He- valors, I'tiis, Hoop Hklrtu oi our own ana aiaiiame T)t morrsi ' irske. htkmnlna Pranllng and Kmbroiaer- Irtt French fluilra and (iaiinerlna. rrrUian Itcm and look Maklna. hi all Its varletUc T.(llh liimlsh na llielr rich and Costly nm erinlfl mv relv on belna artliitleiilly fitted and ihelr work flnlnliod I o the men1 prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest poMlble prices. I u imp snd iMinir ai tub BiionrT limine. Sptanr l'llrrii new rrailv lor WerehantS and Urea. makers. All tbe Fashion Hook, lor sale mhw. Bi. a. ai.ur.i J 181m Ko. 1031 CHEf-KUT Street Philadelphia J3EAUTiFUL NEW STYLES. MISSES TIIORXIIILL & BURNS, No. 1208 CHESNUT STREET, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL LOT OF FRENCH IMPORTED MADE-UP UNDEll-GAKMKNTS. ALSO, COVEBED FJtENCn I100F SKIRTS. THE NEW. STYLE TIE, From the Opera "L'Afilcalne." S 21 mwslmr I?IfiIITII STIIEET RIBBON STORE, No. 107 i K,l 1 th'lH Street, lourdoora shove Arch atreet 1 wouia renpecttuiiy announce to ihe ladle generally that I have row open, at greatly reduced prices, a com plete sfKortmeut of MILLlxNKliY AND STRAW GOODS, consist tun of fcjlliAW, 13KAID, AND 1IA1R BONAETS, STRAW HATH, tor I.sdles'snd Children, the newest rtpo and itvles. iiik i MtiUti, CKi m an suaues, with lunoous lo maicn. ltONNKT AKT TTtlMMINQ BIBBOSS. the best tohetound In thlnchv FKKHI U AMI NJiW YOltK BONNET FB.UUE3 at the lowest prices. r ltiu i Luivua, a splendid var'ety. Aiao, llluaions. f.aces, Bonnet OmamenU; in fact, every article used hi making or trimming a bonnet or hat. Orders as punctually as heretofore attended to. JULIUS SI C I IK L, fl.atn Slrhnl Ar. Wevl). 327tuthslmrp No. M ti. tlGUlll IStreoU misses o bryan, no. 1107 walnut V" Street, WILL OPEN TARIS MILLINERY ' lor the Surniit and Summor. 0nTnrnDAY,Aprll5. 4 4 lit BONNETS ! BONNETS ! BONNET OPENING, . WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 28. E. P. CILL &, CO.. 3 27jm No. TlO AUCU Btreet. . MBS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, flasa handsome assortment of sritlSG MILLINERY; Slisses' and Inlants' llais and Caps, Silks, Velvets, Crapes, lilhbons. Feathers, Flowers, frames, etc. C3 154m 1866. s r n i n o. lSbU OPENING AT MRS. E. KEYSER'S CHILDREN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 1227 CHESNUT Street, 3 IS lm Below Thirteenth, North elde, Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Looklng-Glasses, ENGRAVINGS rAlNTINGS, DRAWINGS ETC Manulacturcr of all kinds of Lookins-GlasiB, Portraitt unci Pic ture Frames t,o Order. No. 910 CHESNUT STREET, THIRD DOOB ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PHILADELPHIA. 8 16$ J UY FURNITURE AT " GOULD & C O. S CKION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street KOpposlte Christ Church), And Corner of NINTH and MARKET The largest, cheapest, and best stock o. PDRNITUavE Ol every description in the world. . ' 2 10 pAPEIl HANGINGS, ERANCIS NEW! AND & BON, No. 5a North NINTH Street WALL FAFERS, WINDOW SHADES, 4 51m VKCORATIONS, ETC. OEVENUE STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS, j. . Ks.vtajSLia.trrAAirB, in an uvncnpuonH, Otall d.itcribilous. Always on hand, Alava ou hnnii i r ITT flRFKOK KT.WItJn V imiNK I'D ! Ok ims AX Kl.OKi.21tK hKWINU MACHINE CO. '8 Olfi'ICii .P-IU V 1 ' I ,1 I 1 I'll (.lb, o. S0 ( HKHNUT Ktrfet, One door below Seventh street. One door below neventh stieet. - The most It eml account allowed. Tlieruos UUeral dlwouut allowea. TRUFSE9, SUPPORTERS. BRACES. and all oilier Horulcal aDollaaoes of tli mml Bpi)roHi inas, niiiniieiy superior to an oiiicm, at No. M Mortb -tVr NTH Laulea attended by Mrs, . . . uwiks .,icuii,ii uy aire, ilal doparUuout by a ooraiie IMliurii 1 Jjr. tioi I.r.ln ACUAJ. tvut saraeou. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. DIAMOND PEALER & JEWELTM WATCH CT, JIWILIII a S1I.TKR WAR, WAT0HE3 and JEWELET REPAIRED. , Owing to the decline ot Gold, bas made a treat re daction in price of his large and ws'l assorted stock of Dlanaonde, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Iito. Tbe public are respectfully Invited lo call and examine cur itock before purchasing eisewhere. 3 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL BOXES. A full BMortmoct of nboro (roods constantlr on lariti fit nmrlnt nt a nrirna.t 1a nainnl ui it irom 2 to IU be suulul Airs. rim FARR & BROTHER, Importers. No. KMCIlEsKCi 8TREET, llllfmtl Srp Jkiow fourth. O OUR PATBONS A'D THE PUBLIC. W e arc oCcrlng our stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, AMD SILVERWARE, AT A DISCOUNT, Fully equivalent to tbe heavy decline in Gold. CL.ARK & I3IDDLE, 6 22 5rp Xo. 712 CI1ES5CT Street KICK JEWELRY JOHN BRENNAN, SEALER IK DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELIIY Etc. Etc. Etc. 9 20 No. 18 8. EIGHTH 81 IJEET, PlUlada. HEKRY HARPER, No. RQO ARCH STREET ManulaotuTbr aud Dealer ia Watches, h in.e Jewelry, Silver-Plated Ware, AID 8 8C 5 Solid Silver-ware. TEAS, &o. ri EA8 REDUCED TO 1, AT INGRAM'S J. Tea Warehoufe, Ko. 43 8. 8 ECOM) Street. OASTED COFFEE EEDUCliD TO 30 CTS, atIKOKAM'8 'lea Vt arebouee. ha. 43 B. SECOND oireei. 40 C. BEST MILD COFFEE, AT INGRAM'S l ea w ererouee, o. 43 B. BtllM) street. rrEAS AND C0FFEK8 AT WHOLESALE J. prices, at IKGKAM'8 lea Waiehouse, ho, U a, BECOM) Street, Try tbem. G REEN COFFEES FROM 22 TO 28 CTS. A round atlKGKAM'H Tea Warehouse. Ko. 44 8 OMj Street, irythem. Hi STOVES. RANGES. &o. Q TJ LTER'S KEW PATENT DEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANGES 'OF AEL. SIZES. ALSO, rill EGAlt'S NEW LOW l'KESSUKE 6TKAM HEA1INU AITAEAIUS. FOR BALK BY 64 CHARLES WILLIAMS, No. 112 MaTiKEl STREET, FURNITURE. (ft "TO 1IOUSEKEEPERS. I h ave a large stocK ot every variety ot Furniture which 1 will sell at reaucea prices, consisting of PLAIN AKD WAKBLF TOP COITAUE STJIT8 WAJiCT CHAM BER SUITi. PAULOB 6C1T8 liJ ViLVKT PLCBH. PABLOK Bl1 ITS IN HAIB CLOTU. PABLOB SUH8 IN KKPS. (ildthoards. Extension Tables, Wararohcs Book-cases Harnesses, Lounijes, Etc. t-lc. P. P.. GUSTINE, 1 1ft m K. K. Cor. PfcCOND AST) RACE BT8. DENTISTRY. ISAIAH PRICE, DENTIST, GRADUATE OF Pblladehibla College of lieutal Burgery, claw 183-4, lorn.erly oi West Cbeeler, Pa., bavlng imefl three years in tbe Annv, hai lesumcd the practue of li Is profeMilun Btho 2J1 h. iLKVKM'H Street. Philadelphia, where Le lil endeavor to five satlmaciory attention to all who may requite bis pioltssional services. 11 H 5 JIIE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE A24D HARNESS MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY, MEEKER & CO., No. 1216 CHESNUT STREET, OFFER OF THEIR OWS MASCFACTUKE t BI CCT HiBNEcS, from ......a SO o U0 UQI1T BABOUC11E do M 00 to 350 I1EAVI do do 7$ll0to50! J XPKJSB, BBAB8 MOUNTED lUHKEbS 27 80 to 90 WAON AND bELF-APJUSTIKO 15 00 to SO 8TAOE AKDTEAM do 30 00 to 60 LADIEb' BADDLE, do to 160 GENTS' do do 8D0 to 75 Bridles. Mountings, Bits, Bositts. Horse Covers jliushes, Combs, Poaps. Blacking, Ladles' and Gents Travelling snd Tourist Bags snd Backs. Lunch Baskela Dresilng and Shirt Caies, Trunks and Valines. I 6mrp Mu. lain C1IKBNUT ST. AT QUEEN'S NEWS STAND, B. W. corner SEVENTH and CHE8NP1' BUcets, ALL Tilt DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPKB8. Ph.UIODICAl.8, Kten jlsy be obtained at current rates. " MONUB1ENT8 AND GRAVESTONES. ON hund alarpe anortnient of flmveatones, of varl oumeBkns iimde of the fluent Italian aud American the Warbi. Works of gTEINHETZ, 1 27toths3uj B1DOE Avsnua, helow Eleventh street. CARPETING, &o QAErETINGS t CARPETINQS ! AT IlETAIL. McCALLtMS, CREASE & &L0 V, Ko. 519 CIIESXIT Street, OrrOBlTX 1SDIFXNDIKCE HALt, Sex leave to inform the public that they have now open thoir SPEING STOCK OF CARPETINGS, E'V7 AM) CHOICE DESIGNS OF Foreign and Domestic Mannfacture, Which they ofler at prices corrcspondini; with THE DECLINE IN COLD. i FliEXCn AND ENGLISH AXMIWTER. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON. VELVETS, ALL WIDTHS. UFER10R ENGLISH BRUfSFLS. TAPESTRY ENGLISH BRUSSELS. ROYAL WILTON, VELVET, BRUSSELS, AND TAPESTRY CARPET. Wo ofler the above in all widths, with barders for ii aui auu ciatis. Alo Imperial Three-Ply Carpet Extra Superfine Ingrain, JUST RECEIVED, WHITE, EED, CHECKED, AND FANCY Canton Matting, OP ALL W'IDTUB. McCallams, Crease & Sloan, No. 510 CHESNUT Street, OITOSITE 1NDETEJSDENCE HALL. 1824 lmrp " Q L E N E C II O MI L LS, GLRMANTOWN, FA. McCALLD'iS, CEEASE & SLOAN, Munafactiirer!i, Importer, and WlioI ale Dealer In CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Ko. 509 CHESNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE STATE notTSE; Philadelphia. HE TAIL D EPAItTMENT, 3 6 8rurp Ko. 510 CHESNUT STREET. Q A It P E T I N G S ! LEEDOM & SHAW A re now opening a full assortment ot Foreign and Domestic Carpets Three goods will be sold at tho LOWEST CASH rillCES, to coi respond with the FALL OP OOLD. No. OlO AltCH Street. 4 I 3 28 lm ABOVE KISTH Q A II P E T I N O S. a large stock oir 1'lllL ADELI'HIA MANUFACTUBE in stoie and constantly receiving, AT VERT LOW TRICES. GEORGE W. HIEL, 2 1 thsttiSm No. 126 North THIRD Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. (llvARD FIUE. AND MARINE IKSTJEANCE COMPANY. OFFICE, NO. 415 WALNUT STREET;. PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL PAID IN, IS CASU, 200,(00. 1 Lis ecrupsry ccntlnties to vtrltecn fire JiUki only Its capital, with a gcod surplus, Is a clj Invested. 701 Lotses ly fire Lave tcm rtomptly palo, and more than $500,000 Disbursed on this account wi'hln the past few years. For the present the of this company will remain at No. 415 WALNUT ST11EET, But vflbln a few months will rt move to lis uw.V BUILD1NO f. E. COIiNEn BEVENTH AND CHEHSfT BTBEET8 Then as now, we shall be huppy to Insure our patrons at suchiausasar ccnsltttnt ltb saiety. IllUtCTOES T1IOMA8 CRAVKN, , A LFR1 1) f . GILLETT, w li iu A n, Tt On. VAI KFI.LAU, JOHN StlTLl K JOliN W LCHOBN, HI I. A SI YKUKKh. Jk.. V . I A W t) I. V J u JIAR1.K8I. l)Ul'6NTr HKMtY Y. KENNI.Y, JOrtLI'H KLAPP. M.D. TROM A S rit.AVEN. I'rcsidont. 'ALFRED B (ilUHT V President aud Trea.urer. JAMtS ALV OLD. SecreUrv. I 19 i 1 I H tl 1NSUHANC THE HOME INKCKANCK COjMPANr OF PHILADI-LPHIA, Ko. 1WIH. Fl t'KTU btreet. C har: er Perpetual. Authorised I aiiital, M 00(1 rald-UD Caiiliul. kh.n IK Jnsuie acalnct lots or duuiai'e hv KIRK, on btilMrni.i fltlier pcrn nnentiy or lor a 1.1 M l'l Kl) jienod. Iho on jui jt nA&uin& juifiHiiy ana tiousenoia r uroiture til) or counuy. DIBECIOB8. Jsmee Brown. J bomait Klmber. Jr.. Ihar.'e. A. Duy, V ni. 1. I ewis. William P. Bullock, Vt ni. K. fed!es, I eniurl 1,'cUlll, J. Uilibom Jonea. John i oudmde, m. C Loniifilreth, .1. N Hiiti hin.on ivUniJ. Taylor, JAME8 BllOM h. PrvHltlent. CIlAb. A liCY . Vlrit-President TliOVAB .VKllSuK. fiecreiury. t 8(5 EVENLE STAMI'S, REVENUE STAMPS. rvtiut; n i A M ph. Ill ail uuncriuiiuim, Ol all descriptions, ' Always on hand, AT FLOTtFUCW PF.WINO MA CHINE rO.-'lf OK Kl"PH AT iXOHKh CE E W I K Q M A CHI K E CO.'B OFFICII Ho. 6o0 CHF.SM'T Hi reel, , Ko. 6W CHKoKUT Street ' One door below Hevenlh atretit Ono eeor below Nevonib straot he most liberal rtlirount allowrd. ' lbs moat Ubsral discount allowed. INSURANCE C0MPANIE3 "PVKLAWAUB AIUTUAL WAFETY INSUIIANCS mCOEFOKATED HI the trnisLATtRa l'EWNt-XI.VAMA. IU0O. I , orncr e. r.. (okkr hiiki and wali i 81 HF.KT n. I'HlLAlir.i.riiiA. MAKIKK 1NMJHAJ.C1S ow vrssiLLa, ) cargo. To all parts of thaw FKaiUUT 3 INLAND ISfTRANCTS On Goods by Bivrr. canal. Lake, and Land rriagatS all Harm of the Tnion. ., . F1BK INBLUANCE8 On Vorrhandlae crierallv. ' On Stores, Dwe ling i A88ET8 Or THE COMPANT Kovember 1, ISM. f 100 00 rnlted Btates 6 per cent loan, "n....'M,eof)-0 itnWO " J." " -Hi.... lis iwsyo SOO.OW " ,1 -H per cent, loan, Treasury Note iM aT8 no ' 100 000 Blale ol t- ennsylvanla t lva Per cent. V Loan ., go su. 54,000 Blale of Pennsylvania blx Per Cent. Loan S3 ISO- 125,000 Cltv of Philadelphia fix Per Cent. Loan 112,811'M 20,000 Pennsylvania Italiroad First MorS- fiue rlx Per Ceni. ltonrtn.... 90,00og 26,0(10 Pennsylvania Kailroad seoond liort- anse Six Per Ceni. Honda. 23,750-Ot 18 000 w emin-n 1'enna.rivania Hal. road llurt rte Plx Per Cent. Bonds 23,71 15,000 Soil K hares Btora (ii'rnianiown Oas Crmpanv principal and Infrest . auarnnteed by tbe City ot Phila delphia It 597 M 7,1.014J sbarca Ptock reiuisv.vaLU Ball- roi il i ompsnv 8.5604 5 TOO 100 RhSrre Stock North Peuuxylvanla -..B'"",r'ad romn"''y l.lMHf '.OCODeiiortt wl'h l ulled Httos Onvernr trent. stihlecttotrnanys'cal 40,000-04 80,1 00 State ot lenneexea Fivo Per Cent, Loan 18.9M 0 IiO ,0VLoana ou Boiule and kiorttfase, first Hens on City Property 170,700-09 1,(186,680 Par. Market vain M vw) oo Keal Estate Hi.idflOft Bills ri'ioivahle lor m nrancra made, lil 01J J7 Bamnreedueat Ascnclos.-1'ivniiams on Marine Policies Accrued In to- rent. auu other debt due the Com-' Pny... 40 811-44 Kcrln nnd Ntock ot sundry Insurance and other Companies f 133. Est! mated value 2,910-0 V,"h In Bank i.M.&W 811 Cash In Druwer b7S I8 -. MfiSt 87 1 to8.6J(rl tlEECTORS. Tbomaa I? II . . John C. Davis 1 (inirtd A. Soitrtcr, 1 heopbl us rauldina. John K. Penrose, Jamea IraijUHtr, Henry C . i-a leit, Jr.. Jsmrs C. Hand William C. Ludwlg, Jo.epo 11. beal, Oeorfp C. l.einer, Hnsb Crala. Pober' Burrnn. fHiauelK. Ptoses. J. . Penlstan, Heary Moan, Wiliiarn . Bonltoa, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooks Kawanl l.a ourcada, Jacob P Jones James H. alcKarland, Joshua P. Eyro Hpeni-er Mcllvaln, J. B. Bcmnle, Ptttubnra;, B. Herirer. PMUhniv. John I) Taylor D. T. Morgan. Plttsbnra i;mi AS r' I,AM. Presloent, Henbt LTiariiH, hecretort " - i. 11 v IP. VII c President. Pi 13 1S29"CIIARTER- rE II PET UAL F1UNKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets on Tarmarvl, 180G, 8,5085100. : Premium....f... .V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.Vl.lilsw li LH8E1TLED CLAIMS, en,467 6J. INCOME FOB 1868 110 coo. LOSSES PAIL) SmCE 18J OVER '. 85,000,000. Perpetual snd Tem porsry Pohclcs on Liberal Tsrmsl t.m1 n,ncker- Idward C.Dale, lohlas H ai.ncr, Oeore Fales, bauiuel Gruin ArtrtU Fltler.' uTJSt " ilicllttJ,. Francis W. fowls, Sf. D. ItuacLea, Peter Wclja l. v.nJ,.LES U CKMi. President iii to- mJ. l'' rALE.VIce-Pnldeut J A. VV. lluALLISiKB, Bccrelary protem. 2 tl23I NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE C0KPANY, No. 133 S. FOURTH Street PQ1LADKLPHIA. ; Annual Po'.iclea Issued agairst General Accidents o . descriptions at exceedingly low rules, i Insurance effected for one j ear, in any sain from 100 to 11(1 Ml), at a premium of only out-half per ceuu. seen ring the full amount Insured in case oi death, and a con. pensatlon each week equal to tu whole premium paid., fchort time 'j lcEeu lot 1 2. 3, 5. 7, or lu days, or 1, , or 6 months, at 10 cents a day, Insuring in the sum of asooo or gtvlna ais pcr week h disabled, to he had at the Qons ral Oflce, o. 133 . FOCUTU wtroet. Philadelphia, or at the Tarious Railroad '; lcket ofllces. . De sure to purchase tbe tickets of the Korth American Transit Insurance Company. . k For chculars and turlher Information apply at Ol ComelrBauy0flJt9, 0r' 01 ,lieftuth"-isedAgenUolili LtWIrtL HOCPT Pr.sldont. JAM 1 8 Af. COMMD. Treasurer. HINKY C bPOWN, secntary. JOHN C. BCLLI'l'T. Bollciior. , , , DiliLCiOUS. L Jj. Honpt. late ol Peuntylvanla RaliroadCoa nanv. M. Br. ot At. Vt . baliiw in A Co t. l"UKOa a haniue) V. Paiuier. i ashier oi C nane . ) Kicliard Wood. e. lMy IMaikat street. James 11 t enrao, i,o. 6H3 Mukenuee , r " J. .. Rlhfsly. CoDiinenial Hotel. II. O. LeiseuriE,os. 2i7 aud WODock ' ! GanuonVork ot Work MeloucbdsC ' Oeore Alanln Jso. iii Cbc.nutstie f II E PROVIDENT Life and Trust Co., - OK 1'UlLADKLPrJlA. ' ' Incorporated ov the State of PennsvlvanlaT 22d. IS1.6, lMlhl.h LlV, ALLW -i IN IE REST : CAPITAL, ei&U,OUO. BIEiCTOBB. bamuel B. thlnlcy, Klchard Cadbory, Jen mlah Hackei, lieury llaiuea, Joshua H kioirui, T Wis-ar Drown, hicbard Wood, I VH im C. Lougatretk. - Char es F. ( ofiln. HAJil LL K aU!PLF.T, President Rowlakd Pabbt, Aotuarv. OFFICE. 7 284 No. Ill H. FOURTH Street, niHF"?- JNSDRAKCE COMPANY O 1 PKJA DELPHI A. IM Olil OHAT1D 1H04 CllAKlkB PEKPKTDAL, No. i4 WALMT flieei opposite the Kxchanve. In addition to 51 AM Ni, uuu 1:. LAND JNtiUK.MSCK this Comi any injures rom Joss or uuinase bv F1KK. oa llhersl .fiuis on buildups, uierchandlse luiulturu, etc, lor ilirl to) pcrloas and. pernianently on bui Uluirs. dv deposit ot prcuiium. , ' llietompauv bas been in active operation for mora thanfclXtY VK uurlug wbich all kiwis hare beoa promptly adjusted and paid. DlBEOTuaa. . Litwrenoe Lewis, J lliuvld Lewis Henjuuiin ktitng, Thomas 11. Powers. A tt McHenry. Kdmond C asulioa, John L. Hodge, At. 11. Idnhoney. Job . 1. Lewie. Will. am A. Orant. Robert W Leanilng, D. C:lark Wharton, ......... i a 1 1 Samuel retarr. lis ' 17IRE IKSUEAJJCB EXCLUSIVELY THB V PtKttBlLVAMA riRK 1NHUBANCE tOltr-AMY IntorporaUnl 1SJ4-C' barter Perpetual Hv. Sis WAio Ji I T Bireit, opposite ludeueudeeca Bquare. This Couipeur, isvorab y known to tbe 00 aim unity fef over forty years, continue to Insure against loas or damage by bre en Public or Private Buauinaa, eltbec peunuuent y or tor a limited time. Abo 00 uruitro, blocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, an hberai toThIjr Csp'w:, tosetber with a large Surplus fund, la invested In tbe most ear- ful manner, whlcb siiabln inera to ofler to the InsaraU an andoubud waarlty in Uie oasa ol loss. " 4" Daniel Jmlth. Jr.. John Devemua. Tb imaa HnilU). 't Alexander lien sou, a o usi euurst. Thomaa Bobuia. I f (iUUngham FelL Daniel Haddock Jr. W 1 r AmL SMITH, 3.. pMsldenV William Q. Omowei., beeiatary. ' u . . j1 , r L m w ia. 1