THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 18GG. LEAKNIJVU TO WALK. BT GBOROI OOOPBR. Only bcplnnlnp the Journey, Jinny a milo to go; Little Ket, bow thev putter, Wandering to and fro. Trvlnfc npnin, so bravely. Laughing in baby Rice: Biding its mce In niolber'e lap, Proud as a bnl y can be. Talking the oddf Bt language Ever before was beard: But mother (you'd hardly think so) . Understands every word. . . Tottering now, and fulling, Eyes that are fioitig to cry; Kisses and plenty ol love-worda, Willing again to try. Father of "all, 0 guide thorn! The pattering little feet, While they arc trending the up-hill road, Braving the dust and heat! Aid tliem when they grow weary, Keep them in pathways blest, And when the. journey's ended, Saviour, O give them rest! RELIGIOUS JOTTINGS. FOREIGN. England. The Anglo-Continental Society, at Us late annual meeting in London, Bishop of Elgin in the chair, developed its policy towards the Roman Cutholic Church, which is to create a party in that church strong enough to restrict the Papul prerogative, and thus prepare the way for the onion ol the Enelih and Uoman Catholic Churrhcs. For this purpose they support the Anti-Faal movement in the State Churches of France, Hpain, Italy, and other countries. Germany. The Sunday School work of Mr. Woodrulf, lrom $ew York, progresses finely. The missionaries of the American Methodists have also met with remarkable succeBS beyond the Rhine. They employ twenty-three preachets In the country of Luther, and have 345 com muricantf. they have a theological school at Bremen, and are busy collecting money to build chapels in Germany. Their work extends to Sweden and Norway. Remoiocb Freedom in Switzerland.. The Swiss dovernrocnt has iuHt decided tlitrt through out the whole Federation the tree exercise of their religion shall be granted to all Christian bodies. CniNA. The Roman Catholics are gaining Btreng.h in China. Rev. Mr. Martin, ot Pekin, writes that rhe corner stone of a Catholic Cathe dral was laid in that city In May last. Dr. Hopper, a missionary of the Old School Presbyterian Board ot' Missions, lias completed a translation of the ' Shorter CatechLsiu into Chinese. The Baptist missionaries in China report encouraging progress. , DOMESTIC. Baptist. The growth of this denomination In the United States has been very rapid. Of remi lar Baptist churches there are 12.702: 7sC7 or dained ministers, 1,040,000 members. There are also Free-Will Baptists, with 1053 ministers and 50,738 members; Campbellitee, with 1500 churches, 300,000 members, and 1000 ministers; Anti-Mission Baptists, with 1600 churches, 700 ministers, and bO.OOU members. The Baptists have 23 periodicals, the same number of col leges, and 11 theological schools. There is a Bible Society, Publication Board, a Foreign Mis sionary Union, and a Home Mission Board, all prosperous. The Boston Advertiser saya: "The Baptist Home Mission Society has organised a thousand churches in the West since it began its labors. It has lately appiopriated $48,210 tor the South ern field, of w hich $41,735 has gone to tha freed- men and $1,475 to the whites." Anion? the twenty five candidates baptized in the Strong Place Church, Brooklyn, on Sun day, the 11th of March, were live sons of Baptut ministers. Presbyterian. A great revival is in pro gress in the Presbyterian Churches of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Professor II. B. Smith, D. D., of the Union Theological Seminary, in this city, has been ap pointed to prepare a paper tor the next meeting of the Evangelical Alliance in Holland, on the present state of American Christianity. An appeal is made by a number of Prince ton professors and neighboring clergy for funds to enable students of theology to labor as mis sionaries in the Pines and along the sea-coast of New Jersey during the long summer vacation. At Leavenworth, Kansas, a great revival has been progressing for several months. Heathen at Home. The Springfield (Mass.) Republican snys: "Rev. Mr. Denton, agent ot the Bible Society, has lately explored six wards of the city ol Worcester, and found that 1258 families out of 40!iG nearly one-third were des titute of the Biule. Of these families, 381 re fused cither to buy or accept the Bible as a gilt. Mr. Denton found 634 Protestant families in the six wards who do not attend public worship. The Boston Recordtr gives an account of a parish in Maine (name not mentioned) having a population of 1800, of whom 1G0U do not attend church." Religion in Colleges. The reports from Trinceton, Yale, Dartmouth, Middleton, Am herst, Williams, Rochester, Washiugton, and Jellcrson, and several other colleges and lite rary institution, show au extraordinary degree of relit; lous interest among the students. A large number of young men profess an entire change in their feelings and purposes lor life. Congregational. Before the war there was not a fclngle Cone relational Church in the former slave States. Now Missouri alone has fifteen churches, and among the cities in other btatcs wtner have organized societies are Mem phis, Knoxviile, New Orleans, Savannah, Wash ington, and Richmond. The progress of this movement will interest all the American Churches: for every new church m connection with thf Congregational Church Board U sure to be another bond between North aud South. A letter from Boston ppeaks of the zeal with wnicti the congregational Churches and pastors are carrying out the advice ol tho late Council. Dr. Kirk's chuicn U crowded di.ily to hear preaching, and nearly all the are filled every evening. German Reformed. The number of important churches destitute of .pastors is lamented by the journals of the denomination. A list of such churches is given, showing a want of thirty pastors in East Pennsylvania, twenty in Mary land, and a large number in Virginia and North Carolina. The Synod of the German Reformed Church Is to meet in this city Apul 12. EriccoPAL. The Filth Episcopal Church in '. San Fraucis o, called Kt. James, has been or ganized on the free-seat system, supported by voluntary coninouiious. t Lutheran. Dr. Butler's coneregation is about to erect a spleudid Metropolitan Church at wauhington city, in place ot their present con tracted and overcrowded edifice. A new Ene lish congregation of the same denomination has just been started iu the same cay. . The Lutheran papers complain that their young people are forsaking the Church of their fathers, because thev do not wish to hear German preach in. Hence the eilort to multiply Eng. libti cnurcnes. Methodist. As an illustration of the extent of the revival influence in this denomination we ii' te that for the bust two weeks tho North i western Christian Advocate reports over 6200 i conversions within the bounds of its circula tion. The Pittsbure Advocate elves 2700. and , Christian Advocate 1800 within its bounds; the H estern Advocate over l&uu, and Ziou's Herald 7bo, On the 10th ultimo, at Beeston. England. Mrs. Twiddell, wife ot a collier, who had been lor some time separated lie-in her husband, com mitted suicide by jumping down the nhaitof a coal pit. FOIU3IGN JOTTINGS. Tn New Political Movements in Francis. The new formation of ticrsparii in the legisla tive body has hot been allowed to pass unno ticed by the Emperor. At a dinner given to a number of deputies pt the Tulleries on Tuesday, his Majesty, we are told, said to several of those who had signed the amendment asking for an extension ot political liberty, that ho was vexed at their secession from the majority, and that he had been accustomed to more perfect harmony between hi Government and its prolessod sup porters. Afterwards he took aside M. Ancel, member for Havre, and said to. him: ''M. Ancel, I have always deemed you a friend of the Em pire, in spite of some divergencies of detail, but this is now a question of a really dangerous demonstration. It is just these demands put for ward under an Aspect 6t moderation which intro dure disorder into society." A curious addition to this story, which we give merely as current iu Parisian salong, is that the Empress, observ ing that the conversation was growing some what embarrassing, advanced to the Duke Mar mier, who had put his name to tlie amendment of the "seventeen," and said: "Well, Monsieur le Due, I am only a womnn, and understand little of politics; but 1 know the heart is on the left, and 1 am on your side." This, it Is supposed, is meant ns a further development of tho role of Mane Antoinette, which her Majesty has already adopted so lar as personal attire goes. Marie Antoinette always preferred tho demo crats to the constitutional party. 1'aU Mat1. Gazette. Undaunted Etiquette and Courtesy. In England, during the French Revolution, the Duke of Bedford invited the emigrant Due de Grammont to a splendid dinner, one of those magnificent entertainments which English noble men prided themselves on giving to crowned heads, and their good- feeling prompts them to oiler to exiles. During dessert, a bottle of Con stantia was produced, which for age and flavor was supposed to be matchless. It was liquid gold in a crystal flagon, a ray of the sun de scending into a poblet, it was a nectar which was worthy of Jove, and in which Bacchus would have revelled. The noble head of tho house of Russell him self helped his guest to a glass of this choice wine, and He i.ranimont on tasting it declared it to be excellent. The Duke of Bedford, anxious to judge of its quality, poured out a glass, which no sooner approached his lips thnn with a hor rible contortion he exclaimed: "Why, what on earth is this ?" The butler approached, took the bottle and applied 1t to his nostrils, and to the dismay of his master pronounced it to be castor oil 1 The Due de Grammont had swallowed this horrid draught without wincing. Poisoning with Vitriol. The Court of Assizes of the Churente-lnferieure, Francp, has just tried a tanner nampd Peron, need torty-eight, re siding at Sablonccau, and his servant maid, named Anne Gazeau, charared with having mur dered tho w ile of the tirst-named prisoner by poison. Peron began to maltreat his wife, who was frequently beaten by both him and tho ser vant. In the course of the follow ing month they resolved to poison?her, and administered in her food repeated doses ot blue vitriol, which proved total on the 4th of July. No suspicions were entertained at the time, "but 6ome weeks later Peron gave the girl Anne notice to leave, when she was overheard to say that she would never quit the house till they should both be taken to prison for poisoning his wile. This fact becom ing known they were arrested. A "Legarderb" in Earnest. At one of the theatres ot Lyons, the Tivoli-Lyonnais, the jsossu ot Paul t evat was performed a tow even ings since, when an accident of a perlous charac ter took place. In the fifth act a duel ocsurs be tween one of the personages and the hero of the piece, "iegardere.'" liy some negligence tne sword of the actor who plaved this, part had been allowed to remain without the button, usually screwed on, and in the duel he wounded his antagonist, 'who fell, uttering a loud cry. The audience, thinking that all was simulated admirably, applauded vociferously, and it was not until thev saw the blood flowing freely that they became aware of the reality of the scene. The wound will not prove fatal. Watery Similes. An English journal ob serves that "a good many of our actions may bo described by metaphors taken from the habits of wuicr. e mm is iu av, bouio oi us uon unu foam with passion, sometimes because our cash has 'run out.' and then 'the tide' of success turns, and there is an 'influx' of fresh means. Oarsmen will often tell us how they are obliged to 'spirt,' and Low under that pressure they are 'pumped;' and holomon, who miiBt nave seen a cood deal of it in his lanro establishment, re minds us, w ith a fearfully graphic image, that a contentious wile Is a continual dropping! We fear he must have found his ivory palace worse than the dropping well at Knaresborough; but it was his own choice." Another Alpine Catastrophe. A letter from Chateauvieux (Hautes-Aloes) savs: "A ereat misfortune has just occurred here. Two even ings ago a mass of rock, in which three dwell ings had been excavated, felt with a treat noise. and buried under its ruius three persons, a man named Bourgeois, his wife, and a servant, Mario lsiisset. The three victims must lie buried several days, as lrom the mass that ha iallcu a considerable time will be required to remove tue ruins, in lauine, the. neap ot rocks crushed a house, a stable, in which vas a cow, and a large Duin." Petroleum in Italy. Recent accounts from Leghorn relate that there is a general rise in the price ot toreicn articles imported there, and especially in petroleum, ot which the consump tion is said to be so large in Italy that the feupply is not equal to. tne demand. The price nas so much increased latelv.that companies have been formed at Turin and Genoa tor work ing aud purifying the produce of the petroleum springs win en c.ibt in i'arma and Calabria,. The Latest Cuolera Theory. Madame do Castelraan requests the French Academy to direct its comiuissioners to examine with tne aid of the'; solar microscope the animalcules to which sli3 attributes the development of cholera. and specimens of which she oilers to place at ineir uispogai. Billiards in Paris. In the cafes and other houses of entertainment In Paris there are twenty-seven thousand seven hundrod and ele' ven public billiard tables, some sintrle houses Laving as many as thirty tables. The estimated annual receipts from these is 4,040,000. An Interesting Discovery. Some interesting vestiges ol Jthe ancient Temple of Trajan, adjoin ing hi Forum,' have been discovered by the workmen employed in repairing the foundations ot tne vaientini palace, at Koine. MA It K I AGE GUIDE, BY DB. WILLIAM YOUNG.' MARRIAGE GVIDE, by Hit. WM. YcUNQ. MAKRlAGK Gl IDE, by DR. AVM. YOUNG. MAUKlAUt GCIDE. by 1)H. WM. YOUNG. MARH1AGF. Ol 1DK, by J)K. WM. YOU Ml. MARhlAGK GU1DI., by 1)11 WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE (HIDE, by 1R. WM. YOl'SO. MAKRLAGK GUIDK, by 1)11. WM- YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE, ly DR. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Tilt. WM. YOITNG. M A KM A OK GUI D K. "There are more things t wlxt lien ven and earth, Horatio, than aro dreamt of lu our (ihllnufinliv Let no voting man enter the oblltratlona of married life without reading evtrry pane or Jill. YOUNG'S UaU- Kl AGK GUIDE or, F.veiy One Hie Own Doctor. It uiHoiosei lauta inai every one annual be arquaiub-d with. It contains one hundred engrHvinuB. exDlalnliiif the ana touir ot the human system, both male and leinale, with use'iii laioruiauou mni every onealiotllu anon, rrlce, M cents. Bold at DR. W1I.MAV YOUNG'S OFFICE, 3 17 ( ho. 416 bl'KUCE tttteet, above Fourth. (JIIALLENCE LIGIITl , . . Paragon Oil and Safety lamps. BRIGHT LIGHT THREE HOURS USE CEXT Ko chimney I Noimokel Jiogreas. Hold by Inventors, I KELLY & NEEL, Vo. 011 MARKET Street. AGEST8 WAKTFD. AIho, DenlfiB In Koapt and Coal Oil. Mnohlnoty OI nuiTumtu uov w guiu or turn, tivi per gallon; ' la GOVERNMENT SALES. TT KITED SIAIEfl MILITARY BA1LKOAD3 U 0I01C OF AWIftTAUT (jrjARTFHMAPTKB, I WABFlKtiToif, i. V., March 14, 1800. J ACCTION PALE OF UNITED STATES MILi JAKY UA1LKOAD MATERIAL. Wi 1 be nold at publio auction at Alexandria, Va., on TUESDAY, April 10. I860. 2 firnt-claxa .Loco motive Engines, 4 foot 8-inoh sanres cylinders, 10x22; weight, 26 tons 4 I bmi n(7fr Caia. 50 Dox rreipht Cars. 2 Slock tars. 4 I'latlorm Can. 80 Small Imck Can. 51 1 ruck i lor Freight Call. 18 paiia W heels on axles. 2 isti am Pumping Engines. 1 Stationary Engine. 12 lientH-rson l'umps. 800 tons fecond-hand Kallroad Iron (good). A large quantity of Krogs, Chain, Kail, Mauls, bwilch Fixtures, Axes, t ar Couplings, l icks, Har Iron, , Ptovos, Mirlngs, ' Ellon, Nuts, Sperm Oil, etc 20 Kailrllrigs, from 10x12 to 200x40 hot. Lot ol furniture. Contents of Printing Office. A dirge quantity of new fcuolf Hardware. 1 Herring hale. 1 Saloon car, 4 feet PJ-tnch gaopc, elewttitly fin lHhcd and turnished with black walnnt, trimmed with green plush dovbie trucks, with broad tread wheels. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. 1 crniB cash, in Government foods. 11 L. KOBIKSON, 810tmwl0t Bvf Brig .Gen., A. Q. M U TION SALE OF UOSlUAh SI ORES W I1IMY. W INEls, El'C. Medical I'ur.vEYon's Officii, I Washington, D. C, March 21, 1806 J Will be sold at Public Auction in tins city, at the Judiciary Square Ware lion bo, back of the Citv Hall, on WEDNESDAY, the Lath day of Aptil next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the iol owing articles of Hospital Stores and Liquors, no long' r required for the uso ol the Medical Department ol the army, viz. : Arrow Koot, , .. .ju.uuo it8 Dossicated Pota Barley 10.000 " toes 100 lbs Corn Starch 10 000 " Cocoa Cnocolato 10,000 " Mixed Deso. do. 102 ". Whky, quart bottlos 20,000 WhiBky, in bbis , gallons 8,900 Sherry Wine, quart bottlos.. 40,000 Sherry W Ine, in bbls 60 larmgonaWino, Cinnamon.Powd. " Farina 211,000 " Tapioca 10 000 Ext. ol Heel 20.00U " Conccnt'a Milk..20,0d0 " Ginger. 1886 Ext. ot Collee.... 8,762 gal Bcana COO lbs pea licana 2,800 bottlos iu,uw 1 be above articles will be sold in lots to suit both large and smell purchasers. j erms ian. live (6) davs will bo allowed to Dartios In remov ing their property. catalogues rcaay oy me did prox. CUAS SUTHERLAND, Surgeon and Purveyor, U. 8. A, C. W. rOTFLEK, Auctioneer. 8 22 23t COAL. AMES O'LRIEN, DEALER IN LEHIUH AND SCUTJTLSlLL ; GOAL, BY 2 EE CARGO OR SINGLE TON. Tard, Eroad Street, Mow Fitzwater. Has constantly on hand a competent supply of tha above superior Coai, suitable lor family use, to wnicn ne cans me attention oi nis irionaa ana iu public generally. Oidon left at Ho. 206 S. Filth street, Ko. 82 8. Seventeenth street, or through Despatch or Post Omce, promptly attended to A SUPEKJOK UUALITY OF BLACKSMITHS COAL. 7 8 4 ROBERT P. BENDER, COAL DEALER, S. W. C0DKEE BE0AD AND CALLOWMIL STEEETS PHILADELPHIA. None but the best WEST LEHIGH, all sizes, from the Greenwood Colliery, on hand, and for sale for CASH OKLY. 2 10 6m Also, ENGINE, HEATER, AND FURNACE COAL SHIPPING. HAM ILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. "ANCHOR LINK OJT STEAMERS." TTTiit'Dvii twfil Tla.iiTl "CALEDONIA." . CAtoBUlA "URITANNLA," "LSDIA.' LIVEKl'OOL LONDONDERRY, BELFAST, DUBLIN, M.W1U, I UI1H.A6U ULi&SUUW. BATE." OF PASSAGE. PAYABLE IN PA1EH CLKBFNCT. CABINS !, 80, and 7 blEERAUE M . MHK VAI1 CKRTlFll'ATES Issued for bringing out paggcniiers troni the above points at l.OWFR RATES THAN ANT OTHER LINE. Also, to and lrom AM, hTATlOSS ON THE IRISH RAILWAYS. BrEC'lAL NOTICE. Piiuaengers will take particulnr nni lentli fit ilin 'Anchor Linn" la Ihfl onlv line iTanllriz through tickets at the above rates, lrom Philadelphia U the points ueuicil ttbove, imd Unit the undernamed in the cin.y uiiv uuiuonzeu .afceui. in i uuaiuiiiiiitt. Apply to , W. A HaMILL, i iBoIeAgcnt for "ANCHOR link." 115 No. 217 WALNUT Street. rjiJtlTr FOR NEW YOKK.-r-PIlILADEL-jaiL!iwmt delphia Steam Propeller Company I)e tiuuicii sw iimu re LiiaB.vIa Delaware and liiirlluii Canal, leaving dully at 12 M. and A P. Al., oonuectiiig with all Knrtlit-rn mill EHKtern UnfB. For Ireinhi. Vilikh will be taken upon accommodating terms, at ply to. vt illmii iu. haiku s, iu., 3 10 No. la2H DELAWARE Avenue ri'O SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNER.-TIIJ3 X nnciernljnicd having leaned the KENSINGTON M M hut ' K.brir toin orni hl friends and UicpatMiu ol the Inn k that lie i prepared wltli inoreusea lachltles to accommodate tnoee having venue s io ue raiseu or repaired, and being a practical f hip-carpenter and, Wl I give persi nai aitenuon to uie vebci en tniyt,n tn hitM lor renAlni. Ctti.ttdiiN or At;euin. Ship Carpenters, and Machinists isnviiiu ti rfiiMlr. aro solicited to call. Ha-ving the agency for ihe sale of "Wettcrstcdi's Putent Slctiillic (. oinpoflltlou" lor Copper Paint lor the pieservaiion. ot veHeeV bottoms, lor this cltj, 1 am pre JOHN iL HA MM ITT, 1 Keufington hcrew Doclr, tl DFLAWARK Avenue, above LAUREL Street. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. flJEIVClI STEAM SCOURUG ESTABLISHMENT, ; No. 510 RACE Street. We beg leave to draw your particular attention to our new French steam Scouring Establishment thelimt aud omy one oi lis tum in this city- we uo not aye, um y a chemical procexa restore Ladles', Gentlemen's, and Children's Garments to their original status, wttnout iiilurlug then In the leant, while uieat exDerience and the bent machinery from France enable us to warrant penect salisiactieu to ail who may lavor us with their patronage. LADIES' JlREhSKS, of every description, with or without Irimnilngs, are cleaned and llnlxlied wiwiout oeing taaen apart, whinner the color is goiiuine or uoi. Ouera Cloaks and Mantillas. Curtains. Table Covers. Carpcu, Velvet. Ribbons, Kid Gloves, etc. cleaned and reDulxbed in the best manner. Gentlemen's summer aud Winter Clothing cleaned to pertectun without In- Jury to the stuff. Also Flags and Banners All kinds of stains rtmoveu wuiioui eieaning ine wuoie. ah oruera are executed under our immediate supervision, and stttlffuctlon guaranteed la every instance. A call and examination oi our process is rerpccuuuy eoiiciieu. ALDEDYLL & MAKX, No. 610 RACE Street 1 13 mtnsS THE 8TATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING X . EBTABLISMENT. AT 1BK Ol D STANDl No. N. EIGHTH Street, East side. NO OTHER OFFICE IN TU1H CITY. With the benefits of an experience ot nearly fifty Venn on Km ten Inland, aud facilities unenuulled bv anv other ei,tiiliteuitnt In tliia country, we otter superior lnauci uienu to muse uaviug m-k, w oollen or auuy Goods lor DYEING K CLEANSING. BARRETT, NEPHEWS, A CO.. No. kl N. KItillTH Htreet. Philadelphia, Nos 6und7 JOHN Stret New York., . No. 118 BKOADWAY New York. NO 3W FULTON Street. Brooklyn. ' ' 3 31m Tl M IK WTAM P AfJENCY, NO". 304 CI I ESN t 1 STREET, A HOVETHIRD, WILL B CONX1NUI AS 111 KITOKIUK. IT El) STAMPS ot E V E U Y DESCRIPTION CON8TANTI-T ON HAND, AM U A AHI AUUDM'. 11 IS GOVERNMENT SALES. SALE OF GOVERNMENT riiOTEHTI i i AT JU A CI 10 UA, By direction of the bECULlAEl OK WAB. at the ULILCINQ MATFRIAI, . bill AM KM? in r Mi MACH1N FRY, TOOIfl, 1UON, COl'I KR, DUMBER, asd rrosis oi vaiiodi kisps, which were collected at SI aeon, la , br the Con federate Covcrriment. for the creotion and perma nent opctation of a larpe armory, laboiatorjr, and j wen al: and also TOOLS, MACHINERY, AND MATERIALS collected from iron works and armories in the States ol Alabama and Georgia, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION. A mens the articles to be sold are i 9,CKA) lbs. Copper pips. 42,000 lbs. Copper round rod. 88,100 lba. Copper bar. 20,tOO lbs. CoDt or f heot. 00,(0 lbs Wroupht Iron bar and rod. fit) tons rip Iron. 750 tons Cast Iron unserviceable shells. E4.000 lbs. Lead Dips. 46,000 lbs. Tin block and sheet. 4.0i0 lbs. Cham crane and cable. 16,000 yards Cloth Cotton, English Serge, oiled ana enameiica. 82 000 lbs. Powder. b,000 icet Belting gnm and leather, auortoa sizfs. 200 Machines Drills, rianern, Millinsr, Sorow cutting. Steam aud Xrlp-bamjncrs. - jitmiuos : Harness, 85 Unserviceable Cannon iron and bronze, Laboratory b tore I and Materials, Spare lntts (new) for Sprinirtlnld Muskets and Colt's Revolvers, and an assortment of badtilrn, Horpe Equipments, IntnnUy and Cavalry Ae- otirte monts, Blankets. Wagon and Can Canlago Irors, 80 broken Gun On fringes. 1'AIMK AWJU OIL.8. The attention oi JNorthern buyers Is called to this sale, which is large one, and of valuable property. Full printed Catalogues of the property to be sold enn be obtained from the Chiol of Orunauce al Washington. I). C. and from the Commandina Cflieer ol the Augusta Arsenal, Ucorgja. rue sale win commence on WEDNDSDAY, AprU 4, 1806, and continue every day until all the property so:d. Icrnis - Cash, In United States currency, s D W. ELAGLER, Captain Ord. Brev. Lt.-Colonol, 8 2 22t Com. Augusta Arsenal. BUltEAU OF ORDNANCE Navt Department. J niMimuiui vn i, rcuruary as, isuu. ) SALE OK NAVY I OWDERS AT THE NAVI lAnil, rUKlBMOUIU, N. II. Iliero will be sold to the highest bidders, at Poblie Auction, at noon, the 12ih day of April, by the Ordnance CfliCtTat tie J'ottsn.outh Naw Yard, N. 11., oiio hundred and eighty-five thousand nine hun- otcd and sixty-nine (lb6,80t) pounds NAVY LOW DIE, as JOIIwb: jBi.wiu pounua cannon rowaor. 29 211) " Ritle ' 26,160 " Mufket Thefe Towdcrs will be divided into lots of one hundrod barrels each Jcims. one-half cash In Government funds, and the remainder on the removal of the I'owdors, lor yi hich a reasonable time, but not more than thirty days, will be allowed, tho purchasers, however, to make every exertion to remove tlie l'owders sooner. 11. A. WISE. 8 1 thm!2t Chief ot Bureau, PROPOSALS. "I IKOl'OSALS. SEALED rROl'OSALR. IN X duplicate, will be received at this until 12 si,,wusuAi, the llitn day or April. 1H86, lor the delivery ot 6000 head ot BEEF CATTLE on the hoof. for the use of captured Indians. The cattle to be delivered to the A. C. H , for Indians at i on Sumner, New Mexico. The first delivery to bo on the 1st day of July, 1866, and to consist oi COO head of cattle; tho subsequent auiiveries to ue in sucn numDcrs ana at sucu time as may be reouired by the undersigned. ihe cattle must be from three tofivovears otd. ana mum weigu ai icasi va pounas net (ineir weight to be asctrtainea according to manner laid down in the Subs. Regulations ot 1863). and to be of the best marketable quality. No Stags, Bulls, Cows, or ucnrra win ue ruceivcu. Whenever, in the opinion of the A. C. S. for In dians, at Fort Sumner, tne cattle presented do not fulfil the conditions bore set forth, as many as do not win De rejected. ieupor cent, oi money due contractors will be retained until the contraot is lul' tilled. Two responsible persons must sign each bid. guaranteeing that it the contract is awarded to the party or parties therein proposing, they will enter into ample bonds tor the iuithlul lul 11 men t of the contract, and when the parties thus ouenng as sureties are unknown to the undersigned, their ability to reimDuise tue loss to tne united states, Viincu wouia acorne in case oi failure, must tx attested betore a magistrate or Other ofheer em powered to administer oaths. The car ties to Thorn this contract la let will be ex pected to fi lithe contract themselves anv sub-lottinir of the contract will bo considered as a failure to com ply with the contract, and the contractor will be hold responsible tneroior. Endorse on the envelope "Proposals for Beol Caule, at Fort bumner, Aew Mexico " w. . j'.eijL,, Captain and C. S. and Brevet Ma lor, fj. s. A Cm ce 1 urchasinp and Depot C. S , District ot New Mexico, Santo Ee, H. ii February 7, 1806. 8123C ASSISTANT QUA KTERMAS1ER GENE- XX it AL o UiilLL, Fnii.ADBi.FniA. March 23. 18C8 Fealed rrocosals will be receiveaat this oliice until THURSDAY, thoCth ol April next, at 12 o'clock M , lor immeaiaio aenvery nuns ccuuyitiu Arsenal, in nicrcuiiuiuuie pucKBjiesui , 10 0( 0 Brass limgs, I f inches. 10 000 Iron W ire Snaps illotchkigs' patent), I inch 16,0i0 Iron "D" Umiia, I inch. (jiiO ihs. Copper Kivets, assorted. 600 lbs. Flux bcvtiiiR Twmo. ALbO. 40, COO j ards 66-inch Burlaps j to be delivered at tho rcte ot 6C00 yardb ior week, l'arties ollcrinn coods should make separate cro porals ior each article oflored, tlie quantnv they pro- pcfe to liirnibh, the price (wnicn simuid be written Loth in words aud hurus), and couloriu to tho terms ot mis Buveriii-emeiii, a copy oi wnicn suouio ao conn any eac.1 proposal. bfn.pleB of the articles required maybe teen at tliis oiiicc. ' bnmpies, when submitted, must bo marked and nunibercd to correnpund with the proposals; and the rjumes tlicroto must guarantee that the roods shall re, in every respect, equal to sample, otherwise tho proto-aiB will not ue consiaerea. Bids will Le oieued on Thursday, the 6th day ol April next, at 12 o'clock M,, when biddors aie re quested to be present. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whoso signature must be appended to the puuranteo, and certified to a being good and suffi cient security lor the amount involved by some publio functionary of the Cm tod States. All proposals should be mane out on the regular forme, which will bo furnished on application at this biuce. The rlfht Is reserved to reiect any bid deemed nn reasonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor win bo received. Endorse envelope "Proposals for (here insert the name of the artmle oflVredl " By order of Brevet Brigadier-General GEORGE it. CKOSMAN, Assistant Vuaitornioatcr-tienerai uuited b tales Army. HENRY W. JANES. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, Brevet Major united states Army. Bzatto RAILROAD LINES. rVUNGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. V-f On and alter MONDAY, February 12." two daily trains win run between waMiiuittou anu , ncnnuiv, conuectliiK at Cordonnvl le with Virginia Central Rail roau trains to ana trom jiicnmoun. as loaowi i MAIL TRAIN. Lve Washington dully (humlar excepted), at ('45 A ai , ana nriive at lyncnourg ai o-to r. m. Leave 1 ymhourg at 7 A. AL and arrive at Washlng- ion ai o io r. Ai l EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Washington daily (lncluillng Sunday) at 6 05 F M. and arrive at Lvnchhuta at 6 00 A M Leave Lynchburg at 6 ifQ t. M. aud arrive at Wanning leu B' O IIIA. Al. both trains making close connections at Lynchburg for all points Hoiith and Southwest, aud at Waahliigtou Flrst-claas Bleepiug cars will bo attached to the n'gnt trains. . . . The road Is attractive, not only for its eomftwtabM accommodations, but tor the faet tliat It paawe the now hiMtorie local lues of Fairfax, bull Rtin, Manaiwaii, Bris toe, Oatlett's, Raipuhuuuock, Caipetur. Oriuie. and (itirdousvlile, places ol unperbjl.uulo luteretit hi the peiiiular mhid. ' ' ' Tliroukii tickets to all points Poutti arid Houttiwost nnv he bad In Ronton, New York, l'tilladeliihlB, and Baltimore, "il at the ofllces of the road tn W"huutoa t. AlexaudrbA. - W; ii. Mci!ArKRr vv Seuural Bupc uitvuduut k .- RAILROAD LINES. T EADING RA II. BOA D. J REATTRt NP 111 JTEOM FIIILAHK1.1 UIA 10 HIK JfTFEIOl Ot Iti-rrmjiu, ?l!i; t-' 111 I I KltX,, bVhCt rVAhVK. I'MUVKIJtMl, 1KII WTIiMlKI: vlttlTB V J N 1 1 R A I KA G M V.t.T 0 t VA HP KMiF.1l 1 R A 1 It 8. j. V"" 'empanv's I.epof. at T1I1KTI ENTW and i A 1 LO n BILL btreets. I hliadelpbla atUialollow- V DTI V 1 1C n M.T. At I'WA, M. flor h end Inn. Irbsnon Bafinhnrg, Tetta .! 1VT"' Toms'iua, funbmy, Wllilmpor, Kinilia. rloeheter. Mncara Fal s. Unalo Allentowa, vi kefbarre, I'ittaton, York, 'arllile, '.harobenburi .priipii'nil cw, f IO, ' bli train connects at RKATiINn will, a-.. i Sy.vanm Kalirond trains tor A lcuw wn. s'o.t and v,rt : ,v''C"," Valley train lor Hairlshtirg eto.i PORT CL1MON with CaUvlnwi Kallroarf trains wiiMsmFport, Lock Haven. F.lml a, etc., at H All mZVi u w ,n Northern Central, ( omlwrland Vallerl and Hrbolltl I and Huqnhnna train for KoruS nmbeiland. WlUlamsnort. Ycrk. Chambnl)Br. in, grovs, etc. - Ar I fkjiOON FI1 EEHSJ Leaves rhltarie nhlB. at a sn r u ,r ii..rii.. tm... Ille. H rrmli 11 r ntt- , k u -.. i ! (oonl.ia Rallread train tor olwmbia. etc.. and witk CatBwIsea Railroad train for Milton. Wlliiamapsrt, A-lmlra, Bui a o, etc. ' KS.AW1NO At COM MOD ATI OS. leaves Kemiinn at 8 no A. JJ., hIodiiIhk at all way statlens. arrlvm m rhilade't-hln at fl-M A. Al. i,r, ' m aueiphis at 4 10 r. M arrives to KeiKllnn ai 1'!i0 P. M. 1 TflinB lltr T'lillarir1rkla tiMllMl.l,n,..lf4l t 'W and I'ottSVlTe Bt H :i(f A. II . rrlln In t'hlslnk'l ml rv P. M. Alternoon tialns cave UnrrlKbarK at 1-S iianisnurK Arcommonatlon lraves Beadlns at I U A. M. and Ilariishniy at 90 P M. Market tra.n with a Paaser.pM car attached, leaves Fhl adelpbia at 12 4f.noon lor Keadlna and all way sta tions ' leaves Reading at 1130 A. M., and UowninMtOQ at I'iMT.V. fc: l'hriulelnhla and all way stations a n tneanove trains run daily Handurs excepted, hnndav tmlns lenva VnitivlMo - nii, i u -n,i Phil.. delphia at 116 P.M. r. t VALLKI KAILHOAn. Passenfferi lor Iiowninutonn ami ln:em,e,'iit nnln tnketbest.n a t. ami t iti p i pi.n.d.i. ptna, returning from DownlnuUin at 1 0S A. M. aod 2S'1 Worn. HEW YOEtt EXPRESS FOR PITTSBITRQ AND TBI l eaves Rew York atS-eO A. II. anA a An u Reading at 10 A. fti., and 148 1'. id., connecting al Jlnrrif l.nrtl With Trnnsvlvanla nd Nnnhom 'j.,m Rellroaa FxpreM Trains tor Pittabara. Chloairo. Wti. liftmsport. Klmlra, Baltimore, etc. Re' umlng, Kxpreos Train leaves Farrtshurg on arrival of Pennsylvania Fxprens rrom Pltbibnrg, at J and us A. M palii( Reading at 4 49 and III 62 A, M , arriving i via at IV A. JU. BUU 119 1 Al. Bleeping UB accompam m tcese trains throng cetwecn Jraey CitT and Pittsburg, without charite Mall Train for ew York leaves Banisburg at 1 41 P. M. 11 aU Train for Harilsbarg leaves liew lork at 13 AOOU. nt'ilUTLKILL VALLKl RAILROAD. Trains leave I'ntlHVtilB td-as onrt l wm a u mnA -i.i P. M.. rt tuintna from 'Jamaauaat 1 SK a. M anil i-ia 4 14 P M. " K 111 ILK ILL AM) B u HQI7FB A 1TNA RAILROAD. Trail s leave Auburn at 1 86 A. M. for l'lnegrove and Banlslmrft, and at 1-wi P. M. lor l'lnegrove and Treinonti returning irom llarrlshurg at 4tl P. M.. and ftom iro mont at 7 00 A M. and 6 no P. ii. ' IH'Kl'l K. ThTOUIih first Class tlf ketn rrt emlnranl HrVil tn all the principal points In the North and Vt est and Canadas The following tlckem are obtained only at the Onto of b ltradtord, Treasurer, No. 221 8. Fourth street, Phils delphia, or ot U. A. .Nlcolls, ueneral Superintendent Heading. lUmmt l Aimn Tit KJCTH. At2A Tier Cent lil-COlInt artaill an. nnlnll rfitalra for lamiiles and firms A11LKAGE TICKETS, Coed for 2000 miles, between all points, at S52'S0 each tor families and firms 8F.A80N Til KF.T8, For three, six. nine, or relve months, for holds only, to all points at reduced rates CD uov n m Residing on the line of the road will be furnished wlti cams, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half' lure. TTTrnjflTftv m r-wma From PhPadeiDhla to nrinclnal atnilnna. annd fn. Hattuday. funday and Monday, at reduced fare, to bs tifid only at the Ticket Olllce at lhirteentt) and Callow- um sireeia. FRETOTfT. Goods ot all descriptions tor warded to alt the abovt poinrs irom me company's .New Freight Depot, Broad M1U fi UIU IT BklVC.n FRFIGHT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daily at 6 SO A. M., 12 49 noon, and o w a in , ior Acauing. i.euanon iarru,ourg, rottsVUls, a vii viiuiuu, buubu uumiB ueveuu. MAILS Close at the Phlladelnhla Pml nnt tnr all nlanaa nn the road and Its branches at 6 A.M. and ior ail principal DiatiuuB uuiy Ml ior. Ai. a in Ti OK NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN AND JL Amnoy and Pblladelpnia and Trenton Railroad vompnny a iiuen FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK and way piaces, from Walnut street whari, will leave loiiows. viz : fah At 6 A. At., via Camden land Am boy Accommoda tion $2-M At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey Citv Express... 8 00 At 2 P M. via Camden and Ambov Express it 'is ai ia ju, tnoonj anu o r. jn.,ia aniaen ana Am boy Accommodation (Freight and PassenKerl.... 129 At and 11-30 P. 11.. via Camuen and Amboy, Ac commodation (Freight aud l'aasenKer). 1st claaa ticket 2-26 2d Class Ticket 180 At 6 and 10 A. M.. 2 and 6 p. M., for Mount Holly, Kwausvllle, Pembcrton. and Vlnceniown ; at 8 A.M., nui r,jn,. luircTuum. At 6 and 10 A. M.. 12 M.. 8-80.8 8. and ll-IWP M.. for Pal. n:yra, Rlverton, Delanco, l'evcrly, Edewater. Bur liiiHton, Florence. Bonlrntown etc. The to A. M. and o v ju. lines run oirect inrouyti to Trenton L1NEB FROM KENSINGTON HfcPOT WILL LEAVB At 1115 A. M 4 30 and 49 P. M.. via EenslnEton and Jersey City Lxpieas 9301 At 12 P. M. (Night) via Kenslnuton and Jersey City . Ixprrss j-28 -i ne e-D v. ai. Line will run daily. Ail others Bundays excepted. At 7 110 and 1119 A. W., 8, 8-30. 4-30. 8 and 6 49 P. M and it aim u i.ii i. iui jjiibiui. jremou, etc. At 1 A. M., 10'60, 8. 8. and 8 P. 51. lor cornwnlls. Tnt-rta. dule, llo meshuiK. laony "tt l?slnomiua. Brldesburg aud Frankiord, and at 8 P. M. lor Uolmesburg ana UllDIIIicuiniD c-mnuili iilLVlBLKE DELAWARE RAILROAD. For the Delaware River Vaiiev, Northern Pennsyl vania, and New York Maie. ami theOreat Lakes. Two tbrouKh trains daily (Sundajs excepted) from jeuB!iiKiuii uv,ui kh luuonB; At 'i au A. M . and 3-30 P. M. L1N4.B FKOM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, v, ill leave from foot ol Cortland street At 12 M, and 4 P. M., via Jersey City ilnd Lamden. At 1 and In A M , 6 P. M. and 12 Mkbi, via Jt isey City Bliu jvi-liniOKllin. l rom Pier No. 1 North river, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Anil oy and Camden. At 12 it. 8 and 6 P. II. (Freight and FasBenger), vU -AllllH'J DIlll l HQUll'Tl. Murch 12. lhWi. WILLIAM H. OA TZMER, Agent. ki EfeT JLllbEY RAILROAD LINES. f T Jrcm loot oi MARKE'l -treU (Vpper Ferry). 1ally, txcept f uii(1hh FALL AND WINTER APRANGFMENT. ' r,nn.,n,..n,.UI.'lkLkllit Xnui.n.l.., IK I UHA For ltriiliieton, Kiikm, and i'Ka'lon.ion West Jersey gnu k in Kniiroatis, at v A. ai i: ai, Fo, Milivilleaud ail intej-mcdiute btatlons, alO A. II anil a . M FortapoMay and Inteimeilluic Stations at ! A. Milivllle, collecting Vtith trelt ht Trblu Passenger Car Bttaeutu tor t ape jittiy, title a -io i . at., ana i i. m Uiroutih Papsenaer one 8 P. 11. For tilarsooio and inttruiecllule B'atlons, at 9 A. n it .1 .Ml V M. For W eoCbury, Gloncester. eto. at 9 A. M., S, ISO ,,.! a-Ml 1 11 F'relnht will be received at second covered wharf below W alnut street, lrom 7 A M. um 1 6 P. M. Freight received before V a- will go forward same uav. FrelKht delivery, No, 22 S. Delawitre avenue. J VAN klr Nttf I "i FK, Mupenntendent. TRB WEKT JFltftEl FXPRl-ht- COftipANV will an.nit tn all ilm iihiiul hrmiciies of ex ureas baslness. M-eive, deliver, and forward inrouijfl other responsible Fxprei-s Compauie.". to all putts o: tne country, auy article tntrusieu io ttiein. A 8reciul Messenger accompHUles each thronch trala. tiuice, v. o vvaiuui sireet v id bui ic;i; PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL lcM III. ftOAl. This i-reat Une traverses the North. ern and Northwest tounties of Pennsylvania te tha itv oi Frle on Lake Erie. It has beeu letused and Is operated by the pennsvivtinia i.uiiroau e ompuny. "1THI1)F tAMKBitaKBTKAlNN AT PHILADELPHIA. Arrive Eastward Frle Mail Train, 1a.11.; Erie Ex- press Train, I r. a. Leave W eatward Erie Mail, 9 P. 11 i Erie Express rpa"seng('rcars run through on hc Erie Mall and Ex Dress trams doiii mji I'cmcru i iiiinun iiuia ana crie, P NEW YORK. Ct.Nl-FCIION. T..n Vow York at II A. M. arrive at Krla B 19 A. M i .iva F rle at 1'68 P. M ..Ian h e at New York 3 40 1. M. Eiepant bleeping Cars on all the night trains. For luivnnatlon reHnectiiiR piixseiiKer bumuess, apply ai .,riier THIRTIETH and MARK. KT Streets Phlia. And lot irciiiht busluers, of the ompsnv's Agenu, S. B. Klm-ston. Jr., corner Thlr'eentb and Market streets. Philadelphia l J. W. Reynolds, trie; Wllliain Blown, Aaent N. C. K R Baltimore. B II. V, HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phlla, 11. W. GWINNKB General 'I Icket Auent, PUila. A.L. TI LIB, General Min't, W llllamsport. t EVENVK STAMPS. HEVENDE STAMPS UlEVi-NUK STAMPS, Of all descriptions, Ot all (leseilptioiu, . . ' Always on hand. Alwavs on band, AT FLORENCE PEWINO MC'TI'E CO. 'Ii OFFICE, AT FLOttiiNCK HF.WIG M A CHIaT E CO.'B Of F1C& No. 80 CH ESN ITT Street, j No 6J0 CHI-SNUT Street. I One door below Heventh street, ' Oae deor below Heveutii straoW ' ' 1 The tnost liberal dlseouiit allowed. . T ha most liberal discount al'owed. " 21 ri'HE STAMP AGENCY, NO. S04 CHESNtTl I HTREET. AMOVE THIRD, WILL BE COMTlNUEj AH HI HF. TO FORK. .. .a. . . . ftTAMPfr Of-KVS TDFHfJRtPTIOJtOONBTANTLl CNHAJID.AN , AMX AMOV . 11 II RAILROAD LINES. I.HlLAPIXrHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE HATLbOaD, 1IMK TillLE CcmBitnelnr MONDAY. Manh u torn Train. an leave In pot corner o BROAD Btioat and WA8U INGTOA Avenue BSlollonst 1- XfiiTrS XiBin at 4 1ft A i. (Mondays excepted), for 'alifmore end V. Sflillitton. atolintna at ' baalar. WJ. nmiBlon. Perryville. Havre da-Orace, Aberdoen, Perry- ' man s Matnnnt. bate's and Ktrmmer's Run. l, aie Railroad Irnln nt H 16 A. al isunH.M r. cepiedi tor Princess Anne, Mllioid, and mtoruiediat SfntliBB. W ay Mall Train at 9 It A . M. (Snndavs excepted), fat? Bah tmore, stopping at tbesier, Tnarlow. I.lnwimd), t. ist mom. anu all tegular stations between WUminstod and Psltlmote linraulnln a 11 Ml V H. . . aw Baltimore and WaihinRton. Express Iraln at 2 46 P.M. (Kundays excepted), far Baltimore and Washmnton. stopping at ( heater, tlay mont WllmliiKton, Newark, Elkton, .orthent. Perry, vile havre-de- Grace. Aberdeeu, l'errj uiau's, Mugua 11a. ( base's and Hteninier's Run. . fiiKi t Express at 1100 P. M. for Baltimore andWash Irltow I B-er oer-i by Boat from Baltimore tor Fortrew Moit res. Nor oil. City Point, and R ohmond, will take Ui 1 n a . in irain. uii uivnTnv IrirnutmniTTAv irmtui St or plug at all stations between Phi adclphla and W"B- ui 'iiiiin : Leave I lillniletnbla at ft IS H-l.t A M . -Sn R-IA anAT 11.10 P.M. 1 he 8'3 P. M Train connects with Dela ware Railroad for Uarrinauin and lntermedlata Siations Leave Wilmington KO, 818, and 9-tO A. M.,8 00 an BOi'P. M Trains for Newcastle leave PhUadclphls at 8 15 A M., 3 '80 at' d 8-30 P. M . ItiKoiim l BAIN FROM 1IAI.TIMORB Leave Wilmington at 12 M . 4 W. an.l in p. M. IlKHHK FOR TMH I i ll-'t ll I 1 lifave Chest prat 8-t 1 86, ana 1014 A. M., 12-37, tU. 9 01. 9 41 .and 10-36 P. M. ' " u 1 . 1 ROM J1ALTIMORE TO PITILAPFLrHt A. leave Italilninrn H Sll a. M. V'av Uiin a a i r Rxniessi 1 10 P. M., Express; 8 35 1. M., Express; P.M., Express ik.mib fUKHALIiaiUltri Leave Chester at 4 4B mm 1 ffl A.M..I nd3-23 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6-OT anil 10 33 A. il.,audir. U. UMiAI I RAINS. ExnrefS Train at 4 16 A. M. tor Halllmnro anA Wh. Inn on. slopping at Chrsler, Wilmington, l'orrvvtila, Havre-de t.roie. Aber(!eeu, l errvuiiin's. Magnolia. I -1,-tin'- nn,1 II..n Nlcht Express 11 UU P. Al. tot Baltimore and Waah lngton. Accotiimonatton irnm at iruu i iu. for Wllmlngtoia and Intermedial e station". liALIlAIUUh. rillt l'lULADhLI'HIA. Leave Ha tlmoro at 8 23 P M.. (stopping at Havre-de-Grace. PeirvvMie and W ilmington Also stons at via. tonnnd Newark (to tne l'DSjeneers for Philadelphia, mid leave raancnfr lromWasb)ngton or Ratimora), ami Chcter to leave, passengers irom Baltimore oc ' Vt aKhliiKton. A special train will leave Wllmlnp'on for Philadel phia and In trrmcdlate Ktstlon at t'30 P. M. Freight Trains, with I'BFSenter Car nttarlinil min leave Wllnt naton lor Terrvyilie and Intenncdinte sta tions at 6 8ft P. M. Leave Baltimore lor Uavre-do-Graost and intermediate Btatlons at 4 4ft I' M. 8 12 . ii. . sutMLl, Boperlntendent. PENNbLVAMA CENTRAL RAILROAD. H'KING AhltANUEMKNT. Trie Trains oi tne rennsj ivnnia C entral Railroad trave tbc l'epot. at Ibiriy-firnt anil Market streets, which larcncbed by the cars oi the Market Htreet Pal sender Hallway, running to and from the Depot. Tba ium car icaven riom pireei auoui Mi minutes prior to the departure of each Train. On Bundays Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets 46 minotes the dcpuituie of the tvcnlwc Trains. Mann's itapfrago rxpresa win ca I ror and deliver Bagyage at the lupot. Orden let at the Office No tl31 t besnut street will receive attention IHAIMS LEAVB PEfoT. VIZ. I Mall Train...: at 8-00 A. tC Peoli Accommodation, No. I atlOOa " Fast Line at 12 00 M. PsrkeKhurg at 100P.K. II airlsburg Accommodation at 2 30 " Lancaster AccommoCatlon at 4-00 14 Paoli Train,No. 2 at 8-30 Erie Mali at 9 00 Philadelphia Kxpiesat at 1110 M TRAINS AB111VB AT DEfOT, VIZ. t Cincinnati Express at 110 A. If. Pblludc pliia txpresst at 7-10 Pao:i Accommodation, No. 1 at 820 " Parkesburg at 9-00 " Lancaster Train at 12 30 P. If. Fast Line Bt 1 10 u Paoli Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 4" H Iay Express at 680 Harrlsbtirg Accommodation at 9T0 " Bally, except Baturday. t Dally, t Dally, except Monday. All othef Trains dally, except Snnday." 1 be Penosvlvanla Railroad Companv will not assnm any risk tor Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, amt limit their responsibility to One Hun' red Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owners, unless taken by special contract. TICKET OFFICES nave been opened at No. fc'l Chesnut street. Continen tal Hotel, and Glrard House, where Tickets mav be pro cured to all Important points in Pennsylvania, as well as) iuu west,, rtonnwesi ana southwest: and mil particu lars given as to time and connections by JOHN C. ALLEN. Ticket Agent The Ticket Office at West Philadelphia will be conti nued as heretotore, where all Inhumation resrectlng routcs, as well as Tickets, can he had on application to THOMAS II. PARKE, . , . . Tlckot Agent at the Depot. An Emlcrnnt Train runs dailv (except Hunilay). For full particulars as to fare and accommodations, apply to FR'NCIS FUNk. 3 12 Ko. 137 BOCK Street. XIOKTH PENNSYLVANIA RAIL1JDAD. A" Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLIBTOWN, MATJCH ClirNK, EABTOJi, WlLLIAMSPOKl', and W ILKES ARRK. At 7 80 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Allentown. Muuch Chunk, Hazletou, WUliamspott, and Vfukes barre. At 8-38 P. M (Express), fbr Bethlehem, Easton, ete. reaching Fast on at 8-41 P. M. - ." At 516 P. M tor Bethlehem, Allentown, MaaoB Chunk, Danville, and W llllamsport. i For Povlestown at 886 A. M., 2 a0 and 418 P. IT. Fot Fort Washington at 10 A. M. and 11 p. M. For Lansdale at 615 P. Al. While cars otthe Second and Third Streets Line CIt Passenger Cars run dlreot to the depot. TRAINH JOU PHILADELPHIA, Jesve Bethlehem at 6 29 A. M. and 10 02 A.M., and Leave Doy estown at 6 30 A. If., 1-19 and 8 30 P. M. Leave Lamdale alb'lOA.M. Leave Fort Washington at 10'W A.M., and2'18P. H. ON hUNDATH. Philadelphia lor Hcth enem at 0 A. M. Philadelphia lot Dovlestown at 8 P. M, Itovlextown for Phi adelphla at 7 20 A. M. neilili hem tor Philadelphia at 4 P. M. 'i lirough Ticket must he ptocuiedat the ticket offices. TB1RK Btreet. orBEREB htrett. 6 1 1.1 IH CLARK. A gout Ii KE1G11T 1.1NEIS t Oli NEW YORKAxb ; a. I the stations on the CAM DIN and AM110Y and connecting RaiiroaUs. IncrenFed despatch. 'illE CAM EN AN1 AAIHOY R 1 1, ROAD AND TRAN 6P(iR ATION COMPANY FREIGHT LINES for New York will leave WALNUT Ktreet Wharf at A o'c ock P. M., daily (tnnUajs excepted) Ireightmutt tiedeliicreif heiore 4H P. M., to be for warded the ssne day. Returning, tl-e above lines will leave New York at U neon, mid 4 snd 8 P. M. Fn leht for irentou. Princeton, Kingston N'cw Bruns wick, aud a l points on the Camden and Amboy Rail, road; iiImi. cn ihe Be:viuere, Delaware, and Fleming;. ton -.the New JcrMV. the Freehold and Jiimexburg, an the Burlington and Mount Holly Ral, roads, received and forwaiueil up to 1 P. M. 11,e Pelvtoeie De aware Vnllroad connects at Phil. HpM.urg With the L blub Ya ley Railroad, and at Manua kscliiink Willi all points on tl v Delaware. Lackawanna, and W estern Railroad, forwarding to Hyracuse, Hullalo. Hid oilier poiulB In estcrn New York. The New Jertey Ral read connects at Elizabeth wltst the New Jen-ev Central Railroad, aud at Newark wills the Morris and Essex Railroad A aim mcniorunuuui, specli.vlng the marks and num. htrt , shippers snd consignees, must, in every Instanco be 8f nt with i'bcIi load of goods or no receiptwiu b given. Increased lacllitles have been made for thai transportation ol Live mock. Drovers ate Invited U try Ihe route When stock is furniBhed In quantities of two car-loads or more. It will be delivered at the loot ot t or'.ieth streei near the Drove Yard, or at Her No. 1 North river, as the shippers limy designate at the tlma Of shipment For terms, or other lull riimtlon, apply to a vi triiiiD, ii ouin iita.i)iii(iliL)ill, (tllllljr WALTI-E FREEMAN. Fielght Agent, 8 K. DELAW ARE Avenue. Philadelphia 11 1 No. 228 PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN TOWN, AND NOBRIB'IOWN RAILROAD. On and aiter WEDNESDAY, November 1st, 1868, until luriher Notice. FOR GFRMANTOWN. l eave Philadelphia 6, 7. 8, 0, 10. 11, 12 A. M.,1, 2, 810, 8, 4, 8 .,. 7, 8 9, 10, 11. 12 P.M. Leave Germantown , 7, 7. 8,8 20 , 9, 10, 11, 12 A. If i 1,2.8, 4.4H.8 tiK. 7,8,0. 10,11P. M. The 8 20 down train, and 3H and bY UP trains Wllinot atop on the Germantown Itrsnch. v N SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia .10 A. M., 2, 7. 10H P. If. Leave GeimantownS A. M., 1.8 0 P M. ( HEHNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 8. 8, 10, 12 A. M., 2, 3.3X 5H.7.8, "rLlvf 'rhennnt Hill 7-10 wifnntna. 40. 11-40 A. M. '40, 8 40, 8 40, 8-40, 8-40, and 10-40 miuates P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelnhla O ld minutes A. M., 2 and 7 P. kt Leavs Cbexiiut Hill 7 40 minutes A. M 12 40, 6 40, au4 9-26 minutes P. M F R CONRHOnOCKEN ATSD NORRISTOWIT. ' Leave Philadelphia 8. 8'89 nilnu'esu 11-08 A. M., lM.t. 4H, 6)4, 8)4, 8 06 minutes, and lilt P, M. . Leave Noirlstown 6H.7, 7 50, 9, 11 A. M.,1M,4M,,U4 IP M. Hie 6)4 P. M. tialn will stop at School Lane WIsa hkkou, Mauayunk, Hpring Mill, and Coiuhohocksn only. OS Bl'NDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 2H. and 7 P. M. Leave liorristowa 7 A. M , and 8 P. M. FUBMANAYUNK. . Leave Philadelphia . 8 16 nduutes, 1106 A.M., IX, 45. bH, (i)4, 8-06, and 1 1 M P. M ........ , Leave Maaayuuk 3, 7, 20, e,ll', A. M.. 2,9, 1 M P. M. ON BUKDAYS. Leavs Philadelphia 9 A. M., 24. and T P. M. Leave Mtmayunk 14 A.M. 6H, and 8-P. M.' W. B. W 1L--ON. General Kutlntendei. DeputNINTUaudUliEfijBiBue U . 'I V-' tiff