"-T"-rr-n-Lfrtirirtirw THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1866. 1 AXISTBIA AND PBTJSSIA. Tbrmtencd Rnpfnr Bftwwn the Two fiima Powova Warlike Freparsw lion. Vienna (March 4) Journal of Frankfort, Military arrantements ef tho irroatost importance, and portending an linpoiullne rapture between tlio two treat Uorman 1'uwora, have been adopted by Austria. In a low days you may expcot to hi aro t' the move mcnt or a larpo AastriRu force toward the l'm'stan Irnniier. An order tor llie concentration ot 100,(00 troops on tho tronticr ot SiloBia has al ready been despatched lroin Vienna. - ; the onisis ArrnoAcuiwo. ' From the Bortenhalle. The tension between An-tr'a and i'rusala bag reached its most txtrnno point. It will bp impossi ble to eonceul mucli lonfcur die sccrot which bun led to the nu itary arrangement which have been adopted by Austria, a portion of which has already been put in execution. THE BRITISH CABINET URGING) MODERATION. From the Vienna Dthattc. Tbe British Cabinet lent a despatch to Benin, pointing-out in ycry strong terms tlio eravo n spon. ubility, wnich would rest upon l'rusnia 11 that power should provoke a war in Eutope. THE PRUSSIAN MILITARY SUPPORT TON BISMARCK From the Cologne Qazttte, March 16. Tbe situation Is soiious, and tho tonslon between Austria and l'russia is ratnvr inoroasiuir than dimin ishing. The poney of ilorr V011 Bismarck is more acceptable in bieh quarters than borctoioru. General IHanteufl'ol has deserted the section of the friends ot Austria, and the mi Itary ciicles around theKinv incline to the side 01 the Tresidont of tho Council, lbe ordtnauco rolstiye ,ott.e plol ot tho Aufuston burg party is a giave symptom, as it may possibly give rlBo 10 a stu'e 01 war. The ui,.louiatisU are busy in every court in Jturopo. Tbe Immediate Cunse or tbe Tronble AnMiiu Tlrtuatljr Onte4 from Hoi attin. From the New tree Prest. Wehaveionff lio-nau d to bcltove that a conflict would occur Let we e u Ausirin und rr.issia aiter the Onsen coi. volition, it sti 1 Bccrns to us maduess on the part ot iiorrVon Bismarck to think of set tling the question of the Due. 10s br tuo sword. Nevertheless wo cannot butrecoguize that the situa tion is b cumins' very serion.i. it is not the military preparations vointr on in 1'ruHSia and in Austua, nor the general notation ot Ge. many, taut Ill s us witb this belict, but we see that Heir Von iiumarck is succeeding more and more in (faming over Kin if Wil liam to bis piuns. A fortnight bko tbe Kina ot Prussia still held aloot from the parties in uis cabinet, and, after having beard various opinions expressed in the Council ot February 28, reserved bis own Judg ment. It was, therelore, to be hoped that the Courts would romain agreed, notwithstanding the difference ot the Cabinets, and that Kuiir William would con line within fixed limits the Catllinian poloy ot ilerr Von Bismaick. Ibis hope baa been violently dis turbeti a.nco the Kin signed tho decree of the 11th inst. relative to puuisbaMe aotsaeainst the sovereign power. It thai Ueo.ee had emanated irtm General Von aiantoutiel, it would have had less importance. General Von a.antt ufliil is the aient ot tho ministry, and;inieht bave been di'uvowed, but the King's aecision is Irrevocable, ibis measure is specia It senoua siiice it oiaims to be applicable to ilol stein, over which the fUg of Austria is flying, and ovor the administration of which oommtndors can bave no autuority, however tho Gastoin conven tion may be interpreted. The ordiuanco ot March 11 is worded as though there were no Austrian gov ernor or general in liolstufn, and as though that duchy were alroady a 1'ru.fiaa province It is not the Piussian ministry which says tins, it la the King; himsell. Herr Von Bisinarca's policy is thus ratified by tbe highest authority in tho fttato. Tbe Prussian Minister has obtained a vioiory that was deemed im possible. All the forces of Piussia are henceiortb at the disposal of Couut Von Uisuiarck. It is this which invests tho situation with eo much gravity. In the present state of things, It is soarceiy doubtful that ii tbe Cabinet ot Vienna rejects, as it must, tbe ordinance of March 11. the coup de mam against Hoistein, p anned by Prussia, will be the immediate remit. Doubt upon this point is no longer possible. The coup de main against Holstoln would be war war in which not only all Germany, but, tn all probability, other countries, would De involved. At the first cannon abot the people of Germany would enter the lists, and not tor ilerr Vou Bismarck, ibis war would not only be a stiugsle for preponderance; it would lead to the radical transformation of Germany. The power which disposes ot thrones and nations may perhaps have chosen a Prussian country 'squlro to : light up this immense conflagration destined to punly Germany. But we still bopo that, in reflect ing uiion tbe calamities which must result from such a conflict, tbe Prussian Government will, at the but XLonicnt, alter its views. Hllltary Preparations for tbe Conflict. Vienna (March 17) Correapyndence of London Timet, Although the results of the military conferences, which bave just been bold here, are kopt trom the knowledge ot tho public, it is a patent lact that preparations for war ore being made in all parte of the empire, in order that there may bo no un necessary out ay, the mon on furlough will bo Allowed to remain where they are until their servioes are required; but they havo received instructions to lie prepared 10 join their respective regiments at a day's notice, it is not hkoly that a large army of ob servation will be posted in Bohemia, as considerable detachments oi troops are being p aced en echelon in the vicinity ot the various railway stations. The officers who naa leave 01 absence nave recoivcu orders to Join their rogimcute immediately, and all . them iwm tn hfi PAirnr fnr ilia nrtnrniir.hlTiir irnw. h thouh they are well aware that the Prussian a. til .,.. 4k.,.., n n.i.ll an..., llmttlm W.....lnn 4ll lory is superior to tnoir own. J he Austnau cava'r is magniilccnt, and should an opportunity preset itself, it v ill baruly fail to render good service, jla Hungary very many remounts bave been purclifiud for tue artillery, and in various parts ot the (em pire lists have been made ot the horses which are fit lor warlike purposos. Miould the. be a war between Austria and Prussia, General Von Bcnodek will command the troops in tbe northern part of the empire, and the Archduke Albiecht will be placed at tbo head of the Austrian army in Venotia Austria will at ones assume the oilensive, should she bo eugatred in a war with Pruseia. If Italy should make common cause with tho latter, the commander ol tbe Impe rial troops in Vouttia will keep withia tlio Quadrila teral, and act strictly on the defensive, lam in formed that an army ot two hundred thousand mon can, in cose oi urgent ntetl, be collected in Bohemia by tbo end of the present month, the immi nent danger of a war with Prussia, has led to such panic that Government Btouk bearing live per cent, interest was estorday 1 noted at 68 80, A cay or two apo a mombor of tho liplomalio I orps asked M. Von Buke, the cbiel of a section in tbe J uuce Department, bow Austria could think of N to war without money 1 Ihe reply to the que that as soon as a shot is fired Austria will i id to isuo 8iato notos (as signals), payable in p, oi tbo nominal value ot liity or one buadred . kus of florins. TneVionna financiers are too dei i. bdtobeabloto appreciate M. Von Boko's wit. Count Larisoh, the Austrian Minister of linance, has jUBt received a proof that Prussia is also making preparations tor war. The Count employed revorai Prussians in some ooal mines which lie bas in Austi.an rjitesia, and a ow uas ago tho mon received ordors to return home im mediately, in order that they might be enrolled in the army. It is here bolieved that the policy of 1'iuBB a in tbe Elbe Duchies would undergo a change if Count Bismarck should quit odice; but, tbe Ger man statesmen and diplomatists, who, doubtless, aro well informed on the subject, are not ot the same opinion. They maintain that the Prussians, as a nation, wish lor tbo annexation of Hchleswig-Hoistein, and that a Liberal Cabinet would prove as unreasonable as a reactionary one. THE liEWBPAPEBS ORDERED HOT TO HOTICB MOVE VENTS OF TROOPS. Vienna Correspondence of the Aug sburg Gazette, If one more proof were wanting that people are sot deotived as to tbe gravity ot the situanon, it would be found in the confidential intimation given to the papers, in accordance with artiole nine of tbe press law, to abstain trom all communications re specting the movements of troops, their strength, etc No more fur.oukhs aro granted in the army, even lor a lew days. ; ' Tbe Foreign Power. I AUSTRIA THROWS ALL TBS BLAHS UPON PRUSSIA, From Vie Parit Steele. It is manifest that both parties la Germany are making preparations to meet imminent eventualities. It w announced trom Vienua that the Austrian Gov ernment bas.in a despatch to the Kuropeuu cabinets, thrown upon the Prussian Government the responsi bility of the war, should a war be producod by its policy of absorption. PRUSSIA TO PORM AN ALLIANCE WITII ITALY, From the Parit Prette. M. Werter, tho Prussian Minister at Vienna, bas actually in bis possowion an ultimatum which at the proper moment be will sutldeuiy luuncn against Austria, -and thai negotiations have Leon going on betweeu Prussia ana itaty witu a view ot lakiug ; cbojmoa action SiiSiruekyAu'Uift, . V,ntt Peiiteti: ACSIBIA ANXIOUS TO PltTTLE THE QUESTIOE WITH" OCT WR. Vienna (March 20) Telegram London Timet. 1 It is stated tttat, besides the despatch to the lion Geiman Great 1'oweM, Austria has addressed a cir cular note to the minor Oiorman States with retnr once to the misunderstanding with l'russia on tho fcchloswiir-Holstein question. ihe Vienna journals assert that it is the intention ot Ausfila to submit tbe question to the doclslon of the German 1) et. It is rumored that General Manteaffbl will shortly arriye here with a letter irom the King of i'russla to the Emperor Franois Joseph. trUFOTJIIKEO BUMORB THE RELATIONS VIB.T CRITICAL. From the London Pott, March 23. We have reason to believe that the tetepraphlo news, to the effect that since Sunday declarations of a reassuring character bare bem rccoived Horn Her lin by the Austrian Government, and that tho approiinnslons oi war bolween tbe etcat German powers bave been therby removed, are totally in correct. J he relations between the two powors oon tiuuo, OR tho oontrar y , to bo very critical. AMUSEMENTS. Arch Street (Theatre. Ur. Murdoch was re ceived with the utmost cordiality and enthusiasm. He was In high soil its, and though ot course timo lias not stood still with bim, his enorgy, buoyancy, and artistio powers are undiminished. Mr. Mur doch's readings and elocution are 1 he perfection of art, cultivation, and truth. His presenoe on the stage gives dignity to the dramat o a-t, and brings with It an atmospbore of refinement, lie was greeted by a very full bouse, and at the close of the perform ance addressed the audience in a somewhat lengthy sptcch, which was listened to with broathloss inte rest. In It be told us be had been tuiriy-live years on tbe stage, and as be said taht we could on y wish that, lor the take of art and the public such talents were immortal. This evening Mr. Murdoch will repeat Wild Oalt. Walkut Street Thkatre Mrs. Bowers made her reappearance amid her lrienda with all rtie charm and grace which distinguish ber. "Pauline" is a part peculiarly suited to her, ono whioh, in Bal timore, alwavs filled the house to its utmost capa city. Ihnre was no less enthusiasm here last night than in Baltimore. Tins evening Mrs. Bowers will appear as "Cannlle," a part to whioh she has given a pt culiar tone, that takes away tuo crudity 01 the French conception. Mrs Bowers, with great good taste, introduces most of tbe Traviata musio in the appropriate scenes. New CnEBNUT Street Theatre Easter Mon day brought a fine audience to this theatre, and, in deed, witb such a ploce as A'ever Too Late to Mend, the houses should be crowded. Admiraolv written, containing a great moral levon, this play should sut flice tor a three months' run, which it obtained in Lon don. This evening we hope to soe tho version at the Clio-nut, where, no doubt, it is as well put on tho stage as in jLondon. Academy of Music The attractions of tho Bavels drew a bouse packed lroin pit to dome, bevcr bave tbey appeared to greater advantage. All tho surroundings, the mite -en tcene, tbe cos tumes, are perfection. Gabriol and Antoiue Kavol are as lu l of lite and fun as over. Mad'lle l-epita is charming; in faot, the whole entertainment was worthy ot the manager, Mr. WhcaHey, the liavois, ano the public FOR SALE AND TO RENT. ROOMS TO RENT large, Well Lighted and Ventilated HOOMS, Oy THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF TUB 1 "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 Soutli THIRD Street, TO yfeBNT. APPLY IN OFFICE, FIKST FLOOR. N. B. WITH.OK WIIHOUr fcTEAM POWER. FOR RALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 Bandsctne uisdern Dwelling, every convenience. ie iiu sirci, aoove 1 nompson. App'V to HORA.CK FRITZ, 9" I No gut) n. SIXTH Street. aPJR SALE OR TO LET A HOUSE sltrated In Twenty-flrflt street, above Fine. For or ihiormation apply or address So. HQ M.MKCOM) Btreet J a HMtrp 'ARCH AND TWENTIRTIT. NRAR RT. V.NTI 1 71 II Ntn.nt tnr aaln rhn. P.Hl'lVnm lliU II l'i'l. 3 oO r- TO RENT.DOUBLE COTTAGE, CON talnlng eight rooms, and Ave In the attic on the !freuton Kali road, one mile below Tacouy, with coach Jiuus nu Biuuie. I 24 2 w Apply at Ko. 717 WALNUT Street. TO LET THREE ROOMS, 20x40, WITH fi4A l.w m. ik. TT a T . I.ln Will 1L3 ... (14 f---" ntCHIII 1 VVCli Ol HID J a AIAtli AlVBi tl aim 26 h FIF'ltENTH Street i 31stu2t J ESLER & BBOTITEB, Proprietors. WANTS. fl HREE GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO JL act in Important locations for the Mew YorK Accl- dentul Insurance Company. Active nienol good adilress, apply to FbAMt O. ALLEN, Brauob OUlce, ho. 410 till 8 M X Street. Apply soon. 321 LOST. JOST OR MISLAID. A PERPETUAL l'OLICi' J Or 1NSI KAKCK, Issued by the Fire Association of riilludulpuitt. to J At ins isaml,i.u. lor aiiiw, dated July 13. lbfcv. Any lulbruiailon tliereof will be received by , C :nglhofeb. 8 21 Imrp !o. 407 Korth FIFTH 8t 1IE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HAENESS MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY, MEEKER & CO., No, 1216 CHESNUT STREET, OFFER OF THEIU OWN M AKTJFACTUEE J 111 GGT nABNEBB, from 22'50 to 190 IIGHT BABOUC11E do 80 00 to S50 UKAVr do do 75 00 to 600 EXPRESS, BBAS8 MOUNTED IUBNES3 27 M to 80 WAdON AND bELF-ADJCSTTNQ 1600 to 30 STAGE AND TEAM do . 8000 to 80 LADir.b' SADDLE, do 12-00 to 160 GENTS' do do DUO to 78 Bridles, Mountings, Bits, Eosetts, Horse Coven, Biuslies, Combs, Poapa, Blacking, Ladies' and Genu Travelling snd Tourist Bags and Bocks, Lunoh Baskets, Dressing and Shirt Cares, Trunks and Valises. 8 9 6uirp No. 1S1G CILKSNTJT ST. QOFFEIIING MACHINES. GOFFERING MACHINES A large assortment of Goflorlng Machines Just received per steamer "fit. George." , FOB SALE BY i ISAAC TOWNSEND, llouhe-Furnisuing 6 tore of 'tbe lato JOHN a MUBPHKY, No. 022 CUESNU1 STREET, I 121i Below lento Street. HOOP SKIRTS. DUPLE X SKIRT FASHIONS FOB 1BC0. ' BRA DLET 8 L UPLEX ELL1P 1 10 (OB DOUBLE 8rBI.NO) HOOP SKIItT. Each Hoop of this TECULIAB SKIRT Is Composed oi Two tinelt-inrlrfd ttrrl ttrtgi, brslded tiobtlt and hviilt together anoa to epok, lorming at ones the Bl KOGEMl and most FLEX IDLE HOOP made 1 dry will nnt bk' n or bhkak like tne single springs, but will rviB i BKt.Bvi their pvrfkct and bkhitivi l phapk where three or lour ordinary skiris will bave been thrown awsy as useless. Their vnndrrlu Aribiiu Anns or.ATT,y to thecoM- rORT and CONVKNIKNCR. OCKlOOi KlvInK INTBNHE PLRAHfltg io the wearkr, as will De particularly erprvncea oy LAniss nttrndlntr cr ttd d rtcft'ont, bain, oprrat. ttc. In fact lor the iromrnade. or h'Vte, the church, thta Irr. or er they are rum bpashf.d. combining comkort, Dt PABii itt and foohomt, with that iLBOAnea ol shape which has made the DUPLET ELLIPTIC TUB STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. Afannaotured excluslvelv bv the SOLE OWNEItS of latent, WESTS, 13KADI.KY & CAIIY No. CHAMBEKS and Nos. 79 and 81 BEADE SU., NEW YOUR. Slercbants will be supplied as above, and by Phlladol plnajobtierx. l Oli HALE In all FinsT-CLASS Brtail Bionns In rats CUT. Inqulietor 214 3intp BBADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC BK.IKT. JJRADLEY'S " DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIIIT Combining Durability with elegance oi shape. New Spring Styles just received. J. M. IIAFLEIOII, 8 10 2m No. 802 CHESXTJT Stroot JJ.R AD LEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, Most fashionable and popular to use. For sale by J. G. MAXWELL & SON. 3 10 2m S. E. corner ELEVENTH and CHESNUT. GEO. A. COOKE IS SELLING THE PRESTON COAL, Which is tbe very best SCHUYLKILL COAL coming to this market, AT, $7 PER TON. ALSO EAGLE VEIN Same sizes, at same prioos. Deliverable to any part of the city, perloctly clean, and free of slate. Orders recoived at Ko. 114 Booth THLBD Street. EMPORIVM. 813rp No. 1314 WASHINGTON Avenue. CO AL! O O A. lull BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT. LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S C 0 A L Y A R I), NINTH STREET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BRANCH OFFICE COKNER OF SIXTH ASD BrElSG GAEDEM IslEiETS. 21 ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODOftTOLOE, FOR CIEANSING AND PRESERVING THE TEETH. , Removes all substances destructive to the teeth, prevents discolorationand the' accumulation of Tartar, and a spongy relaxed condition of the Gums, imparting a pleasant and refreshing fragrant taste to the mouth. Guaranteed to contain no acid, or any substance that will injure or de stroy tb teeth. Its cleansing and healthful proper ties are certified to by prominent Den tists throughout the country. Sold by Dragg-latn, Fancy Woods Deal ers and Perfumers, and at Depot, So, US U11EKTY Street, Mew York. Ask'for ROGERS' FRAGRANT ODONTOLLNE, and take no other. JOHNSON, H0LL0WAY & CCWDEN, 8 20 tuthsMtrp WHOLESALE AGENIS. J? I N E SHIRTS, Money lefunded if Not Satisfactory, MADE OP KEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN, only M 00, usual price 5 60. MADE OF WAHSTJTTA MUSLIN, only $375, Usual price asoo. BOYS' KniRTS on band and made to Order. A liberal dedictlonto wboksaleirada. ' T. L. JAQOBS, ( No. 1226 CHESNUT Street, 29 thstu 2mrp Philadelphia. T STEWART DEPUY, NO. 253 SOUTH J 8KCUUH Htroet. I'blladelphla, Ii now selling from one ot the largest and best asMortmruts ol CarptiU. Oil Cloths. iitttllnuH, Window hbades, 4c, A"., tliut he bss bad for many years, ana at very reduced prices. II 1 J. L. CAPE N. " PHRENOLOGIST, Huocenaor to Fowler, Wells A Co.. Gives written snd verbal uescriutions of charac ter with t'barU, daily at 1 1U luirp HQ, 29 3. TESXB B tieet , CARPETINQS, &o QARrETINGS! OAUPETINaS! AT ItETAIL. McCALLOIS, CREASE & &L0AN, No. 519 CHESNUT Street, orroelTB ibdepkhdenoh ball, Bog loave to Inform the publio that thoy havo now open thoir SPBING STOCK OF C J. XJ, X ETIN CI EW AKD CHOICE DESIGNS OF Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Whioh tbey ofler at prices corrospondinir with THE DECLINE IN COLD. FRENCH AND ENGLISH AXillNSTER. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON. VELVETS, ALL WIDTHS. SUPERIOR ENGLISH RRUSSFLS. TAPESTRY ENGLISH BR USSELS. ROYAL WILTON, VELVET, BRUSSELS, We otter the above in all widths, with bsrtlors for Halls aud Stairs. Also Imperial Three-I'ly Carpet lllxtra Suparllno Ingrain. JUST RECEIVED, WHITE, RED, CHECKED. AND FANCY . Canton Mattings, Or ALL WIDTHS. McCallums, Crease & Sloan, No. 510 CHESNUT Street, OrrOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL. 1824 lmrp JUST RECEIVED, YARD-AND-A-HALF-WIDE VELVET CARPETS, NEW DESIGNS. J. F. & E. I. 0R E, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. 3-4 8, 4-4, 5-4, . 6-4, WHITE, RED, AND FANCY CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT- STREET. ENGLISH BRUSSELS, FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITII EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. 15. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. 500 riECES NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH TArESTRY BRUSSELS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 , 3 20 3mrp CHESNUT STREET. QLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMAN TOWN, PA. McCALLlMS, CIIEASE & SLOAN, jManafttctarerti, Importer, aud Wtiol. ale Dealer l'u CAEPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Etc. WAREHOUSE, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, orpoeiTB tux btatx boubb, PluladolubJa. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 8 6 8mrp NO. BIO CHESNUT STREET. Q A R P E T I N G S ! LEEDOM & SHAW ' Are sow opening a (nil assortment ot Foreign and Domestic Carpets. Thpsa goods will be sold at the LOWEST CASH TRICKS, to col respond with the FALL OF GOLD. f No. OlO .ARCH Street, 1281m AJJQYZ KISIH DRY GOODS. EW LINEN GOODS, Just Received Liiect from Europe, AT MIILIKEN'S LINEN STORE, No. 828 ARCH STREET, RETAIL, AT IMPORTER'S TRICES. LIKEN LAWN DRESSES, New Stjlca, very riandsoiDC. LINEN TRAVELLING DRESSES, Entirely New Design. NEW TRINTED LINENS, landing from Bteamor 'Tropontls..' GOLDEN FLAX IRISH 8IIIRTINO LINENS, all tbo numbers. These Linens are of extra weight and quality. TOWER-LOOM TABLE LINENS, from 87 cents per yard. BLEACnED TABLE LINENS, New Patterns, very cheap. CHEAP NAPKINS, landing from steamer "Helvetia," TABLE CLOTHS, Rare Styles, with NAP KINS to match. TOWELS, of every kind, from 25 cents to $1-25 each. NURSERY DIAPERS, All the Widths Re quired. TOWELINGS by the yard. CRASH DIAPER, UIJCK. ETC. LINEN DRILLS AND DUCKS, in White, Colored, and Fancy. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Every Kind, for Ladies', Gents', and Children. SHIRT BOSOMS, of very Superior Quality. BIRD-EYE AND OTHER DIAPERS. LINEN CAMBRICS AND LAWNS. Linen Buyers will save time and money br coniinn direct to MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, 881 stuth No. 828 ARCH Street. yyii. ii. uoumra & soxs, FIFTH and CHERRY Sts. PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LADIES' DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, PLAIir AND FA1TCT BUTTONS, COTTON TRIMMINGS, BLACK AND COLOBKD QALLOOX9, CXiUNY LACES, BELTINGS, GUIPUHE LA0E9. BALMOBAL TBIMMINQS GIMPS AND OBNAMENTS, COLORED VELVET BJBUON3, HEAD NETS, ETC. SMALL WARES AND ZEPHYR WORSTED. We are constantly receiving ttc latest NOVELTIES of the European markets, besides oar own production of various styles ra NEW TRIMMINGS. Our prices are reduced to the very lowest Gold rates. S .9 2mrp TADIES' LIGHT CLOTH SACQUES, J IN ALL THE POPULAR ATVLE8 OF CHOICE UATEBIAL, AND M ADE VP IS THIS BEST UASiLR, BLACK SILK COATS. BLACK BILK (OATS, BLAC'll MLKlS ACQTJEI. BLACK KILK SACQUES. BLACK SILK ClBl ULARB. ETC., BLACK SILK C1K( ULhKS, ETC. CCRWEN 8 I OI DA UT & BUOTHER, Nos. 450 4M,and 4u4N. StCOND STREET. 8 31 St AMOVE WILLOW. C CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES FOR J La DIES' SACQUES CLOAKS, AND COATS, Al URFATLY Kr DOCr.D PRICKS. CTJKWEN HT( DDART& BKOTHER, Kos. 4W, 4i2, aud454ii.SK( OM STREET. 3 31 St ABOVE WILLOW. FANCY CA8SI MERES, FANCY COATINGS. MIXED CASSTMEREH. LATEST SIVLf CASSIMERE9, GOODS FOB M KN'rt AND BOY-' WEAK, AT BKIU( El PRICES. CUBWEN 81'ODDABT t BROTHER, Nos. 450, ib2, and 4&4 N. KECOND STREET, 3 313t ABOVE WILLOW. I C II BLACK SILKS AT Rl DCCEU I'RICRa. LARGE PUBCIlASl-S AT THE PHILADEL PHIA A'SD NEW YORK ACCTJONS ENABLB US TO EXHIBIT A HPLENDID LINE OF 1'ABlB TAKFETAW. GK08 DU RHINE. CRUS GRAINS, GKOS DE LMFRIQTTE. CURWES STO!DAR V & BROTH KR, Nos. 450, 45U, and 454 -N. 8ECONI STREET. 3 31 3 ABOVE WILLOW. FINANCIAL. yy E OFFER FOR SALE Central Pacific Ell. 7 per Cent. Bonds, Interest payalle in Gold, t Jn tUe city of New York; Issued to the Pacific Railroad Co. Interest payable In ourrency. The cheapest Govern ment Bonds on the market, reoelved by United Btates Treasurer at SO per cent as security for National Bank Circulation. Morris and Essox Railroad First Mortgage 7's, Due 191 4, BtricUy First-class Bonds; for sale lower than other Bonds of tbe same olass. Government securities of all kinds bouKht and sold. Stocks and Gold bought and sold on commission In this and other markets. Interest allowed on deposits. E. W. CLARK & CO., Bankers, 1138m No. 38 S. Third St. Phllad. IIE AMERICAN BUREAU-OF MIXES, . No. 64 BROADWAY. Mines, Mineral Lands, and Ores examined and reported udiiu. Coupeunt tuglucer. luiuisuou to .Alining com panies. CoiiHUltatlcns afforded on all lllnlng, Metallurgical aud Chewiuttl vubhuoiu, at ihe ollits oi ihu Bureau, . GEO. D. II. GILLESPIE, l'residont. DRAKE DE 11AY, BocivUry. I lb tutus rp DRY GOODS.. 113 P1UC13 & WOOD, H3 N. NINTH STREET, ABOVE ARCH, n five Just opened ! 8(XX) yards boat Bleached Mmlin In tho city, for B6 cents per ) ara. Blosched Muslins, 23, 28, 01, 83 and .35 cents. Just opened, one bale Heaviest Unbioaohod Mas lln, vard wido, 24 cents. Good nnbleachud Mucins. 18, 20, 12. 25, snd 23 or. Jnst oocneU, ono case 6 4 Bleached Muslin, 81 i ots. per vsrd. l'iliow-case and Bhoe'inar Muillns. Fast color Calicoes, 15 cents per yard. Pest quality Calicoes, last colors 18 eta. per yard. . mircan Gtnirn.itns and Delaines. French bineiiartH, last colors. Finpqna ity Black Alpacas, 50,66,70,80,00,05, and 112J. . Jus' oix'ned ftom New York, C00 dozon Linen Nap kins, 2 37(, 82 60, 2 G2, 82 75, W BO, $H 60, up to (5'(0 per dozen. Tab e Cloths and TaMc Linens by tbo yard. A large assortment or lluckauack Towols. HnndMomo Damask Towols Iluckabsck and Crash by the yard. Hcotoli Diaper, by the piece or yard. (Shirting Linons, from ibo. up to el 4) per yard. WlllfE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Jo?t opennd, a large lot ol soft finish Cambrlos, 38, 40, 46, 60, CO, and 06 cents per yard. ISoit linisb Cambrics, lull 1 yd. wide. &0o. por vd. Kainsook Muslins, 2o, ol, So, 10,44, 60, 60, 64, up u 80 cents per yard. 1'iald and Htripe Muslins. White Rriiliants, an auction lot, 35 cents, oboao. Pb'rrt'd Muslins, very ehvaii, etc oto. A large assortment ot Hosiery and Uloves, Jaconet Fxifings Inserting, and Flounciuirs. A new lot of Bonnet liibbons, eholos oolors and dood quality. Best quality Hoop Skirts, roado to ordor, expressly for our sales. PRICE & WOOD. No. 118 N. NINTH Stroet, above Arch. N. B Will remove to tho N. W. cornor ElRhth and Filbert slreo's about the last of April. 8 31 AT RETAIL. JAS. It. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHESNTJT Street, Have made extensive additions to their popu lar Stock ot AND DRESS GOODS, WniCH THEY CONTINUE TO SELL At Modorato Prices. WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. 8 811a jyjAEKET AND NINTH STREETS COOPER & C0NABD, HAVE REDtTCED THE PRICES OF THEIR ENURE STOCK TO CORRESPOND WITH VERY LOWEST PRE SENT RATES. SpriDg Cloth Sacques. Wool De Laines, 38 and 50 cents. Black De Laines, 50 and 55 ccnt3. Damask Cloths and Napkins. Soft Finish Cambrics. White Marseilles, 75 cents. Muslins Much Cheaper. C3 29ihsta25. . Best Calicoes, 20 to 25 cents. 3500 yards Best Cassimeres, $1-75. E. Il- LEE' Ho. 43 North .EIGHTH Street, CLOSISO OUT STpCK PBIOB TO ALTERATIONS OF STOKE. Great Inducements to Purchasers. JUST OPEN, sew and men style Parasols. JOUVIN KID OLOV1S8. CHOICE KUADE 8PPISO KID GLOVES. 600 YARDS BLACK GB.UUSD IBON BAEEOES. 6000 YABD8 HOYLE'S WABBAM'ED FAGLISflT PHINTrt. . 3000 YARDS JiEAT PLAID WOI1AIR3, Bargains. ELEGANT LLAMA POISTE SHAWLS, at reduced prices. ' HANDSOME VALENCIENSE TRIMMED UDEFS. (Seal), at teUuoed prices. IMITATION Do. A JOB LOT NEW LACE COLLARS. THE OABRIELT.E HOOP SKIRT. TILE GABUIELLE HOOF .SKIRT, An entirely new adjustmcut, especially adapted for gored dresses, to be had only at E. K. LEE'd. No 43 N. EIGHTH Street. A GENEBAL REDUCTION IN STOCK, AT E. R. LEK'8, S 30 fsta 3t No. 48 N. EIGHTH Street. pilEIFUSS & BELSINOEI " No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, Have Just opened a oumplete stock ot ' SPUING GOODS, CONSISTING Of LACES, embroideries, ano FANCY GOODS. 300 pieces plain and striped Jaconets, the newest style. Shirred and Tucked Muslins, which we are oflering at low prices. (00 dozen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, at old price. 25, 37, 40. and 60 cents. A full assortment of ihe newest deslpn LACE COL LARS and COLLARKT1 Kg, irom 31 eeuu up to 10. GLOVES GLOVES. A complete line of JOUVIN KID GLOVES, to which we invite auentlon, which wj oiler at low figures. OABRIELLE SKIRTS. GABUIELLE SKIRTS. The newest, most doslrablo, and stylish skirts now Worn. 'ICCKF.n SKIRTING, a cheap and desirable artiola or lailies' wear. 1 1 i J CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH STREET. (1KKAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. NEW GOODS OPEHINO DAILY. REAL LACE HOODS. . THREAD Vr ILH. VALENCIENNE, CU NY. AND Gl'IPnitF. LACES. ( AMllnlC EDUINOH AND ISHKBTIONS. A rlioke siock of French Muslins tor Waists and DrexKuN, suiwrloi mak solt-3mli mt) lo, Blriie and 1'laid AaLusuui, at ruunrrkubly iw pricoj, . I M i