The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 31, 1866, THIRD EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Kepcbmcajt Meetiko. The Republicans
ml ull others interested in the cloction of a
L'nited States Beuator, in place ot lion, .lonn
r. Stockton, liRve called a general man meeting
Bt the Ctfun House, In Camden, thin evening,
for the purpose of ffivlnfc an expression of -inti'
mcnt on the subject. The question is one which,
at thu trenent niduient, has become intensified
by thf nttltude U assumes in the State Senate,
and Uie Union Lratruen and Republicans of Cam
den county marr-teHt a profound In donation at
the action on at there. Delegations from the
various townslupg of the county wili be present
at the meetiup:, and able sneakers will addrcfS
the people.
New Cisriicn. Tho Methodists are cott
tcniplatiiis; -and will soon commence the erec
tion of a now and hanclHotno churc h edifice on
Cooper Btrertf, which will bo completed at nn
early day. . A number of members formerly
belonging 'to the Third Street M. E. Caurca
have this enterprise in hand, and have formed a
Telieiona association for thttpnrpoao. The new
editice will be a "pew clmrcb," or a church In
'which tho pews are rentrii.
Tuk Drpens art. This Institution will
be opr.ned on Monday, aud every day thereafter,
where medical advice and medicine Will be triven
out .fratnitouslY to tbe worthy ioditrent sick.
Dr. II. Cenet Taylor, of North Ward;"Dr. J. H.
Stevenson, ot Middle Ward; and Vr. A. Marccy,
of South Ward, lmv been appointed to act la
th matter.
House lions eit.- A. lew evenings since,
thre ho were flcovren in a house on
Cooper's Hill, Jiirtdlo Ward, while the futility
were absent, and thev were arrested, yester
day Mayor Bndd committed them to the couniy
jail, to await the action ot the Grand Jury, on a
oharpc ot attempting to tod.
1?e vital. During the revival In the
Methodist Church at Atlantic City, about titty
now members have been added." The pastor,
,Tiev. Mr. North, has labored diligently in the
work, aud bas'been very successful.
licr Additional Local Jtcmt get. Third Fage.
DcNcrlpClon or a Magnificent Philadel
phia KSiabllaUiueut Uonnets and
'llie-tr Hrttei-iala Favorite tend Fasb
lountbto ifotlo.
Wood &, Cory's, Choenut street. This establish
ment Etiy .! called an emporium ri'her than a
millinery store. Here are bonnets ot every strape,
pneo, and sixs, fashion and form, and If ever fashion
varied (hefo-wg of hats and bonnet?, It is this year.
So nuncrou and so varied are the?, that special
names have not been lound lor the various diatlno
tiousof heal irear. . .
fctruw is" -the favorite material. Some of these
straw bonnets are mere tramps, which th9 silk
crowns and tho trimmings complete. They are
here in ,pies and pyramids, in white, black, black
andj.vt Into, prey and brown. Here is the Empire
shape, a smalt close-fitting bonnet, suitable to young
faces and. to faces of which yoath Is not theprin
cinal recommendation. Then the Gipsy, whicn is
picturesque and elegant, especially suitable to agos
varyinpr from, ten to twenty-five.
B Tbe Japanese hat is between tbe Empire and the
G ipsy , and the straw trout?, wiih tall silk crowns, and
only strap; of straw, are moat ologaut and tasteful
Fa Lion has got over the cold fever. We are happy to
I sav, that, no more tinsel is used, but instead tho prot-
tiestand .most blooming ot all ornaments, flowers.
bnt ot the -ery finest sort chaims in jet and silver,
oxydized silver and bronzed, both in tbe dork and
in tho Florentine greon. .These ornaments are used .
to fasten the lonj; birds or the bouquets with whleh
the bats are trimmed, and have a most charming
Messrs. ; Wood; & Cary have imported a great
number ol French hat, Iroin the very best houses,
but with geod jm lenient tncy have modified them so
as to suit the cxi gencies of our country, while pre
serving the graci) and ttylo which only a Parisian
milliner can inv ent. Romo of those hats are mre
patches on the top ol the head, sufficient to attach
the flowers, lacer and tullo ot which the bon
net is composed. Almost all have veils of
tulle and tbe dead silver and cameo ornaments.
Some are neatly trimmed with a fringe of maraDout
and oxydiaed si:vc r but one color is used in tbe
bonnet. The lavorite flowers are violets, daisies,
and field flowers, with, ot coarse, roses in rory
shade. The heavy tropical and exotio flowers ior
merry so much worn, bare given place to tho
flowers of tt)6 field, harebells, wild roses, (trass,
forget-me-nots, daisies, and all tne flowers tha
spring brings spontaneously from mothor earth, A
specialty ol this house is tho variety ot hats for
young girls; those pretty round liati which leave
tho oval of youth without tho trammels of tulle,
' flower or strings.
We have first, as a novelty, the Medallion hat,
modest, yet coquettish, shading the .face, but turned
np on o tie side,, where a medallion appears to fasten
S plume or a bunch ol flowers. Some have a veil o'
crepe I Use, a material long out of lasbion
but ntnr restored to favor. It is thicker and
farmoro enduring than illusion. Tbe Sailor hat is
tho csson ce of simplicity, hav lug nothing but a rib
.bon tied at the side.
Tho Derby hat Jn straw, the same shape that was
worn in tl te winter, comos out trimmed with narrow
velvet ol a 11 colors and flowers of every hue. Some
of those ha ts will have the Englisn pbcasaut and the
sea-gull on one side; bnt these are fit only for tho
next two -months, and would be too heavy lor
Lass oallod Clunoy lace is muoh used. This lace
Is ma Jo in profusion in the Prussian Bhinish pro
vinces. It is a very good imitation of old point, and
put on witn a ribbon under it, in bands, forms a rich
fjAt tho establishment of Messrs. Wood & Carey,
every mtte.nal tor Lata and bonnets can bo bought.
With a liberality that desorvos great praise the
stylos are-shown, and after thefram9 Is solected,
erory malarial is furnished, both in the form and In
tho exact 9 lantlties required.
The price 1 thiB year are considerably reduced,
according to the fall in gold and the size ot the bon
nets. A visit lo Messrs. Wood & Cary may bo made
with satisfaction by the rich and those whoso means
' are not equal t their pursoB; lor the most extrava
gant, .as well as the most economical, materials can
bo bought there, aud the obxupor goods are as beau
tilul as the extravagant ones, differing only In
ArrROPBLAX'Ka Mojcey. Yesterday af
ternoon a luou who gave the name of Jesso
liuber, a O'eiinus., was arrested at Third and
Thompson streets, on the char 20 of appropri
ating money to his own use, The accused, it
was alleged, bad been entrusted with a large
number of Cigiirs to .depose of lor a firm In this
city. After -making tales of the clears, instead
of returning the sum due his employer, be ap
propriated it to bis own use. lie had a hearing
before Alderman Tolutid, aud was finally com
mitted to answer in the sum of $2000.
A Desperate Character. AJerander
- Iloss, a lame man on crutefces, created a disturb
ance yesterday at Third and Noble streets. De
tective benjamin lteeder, who attempted to
arrest "Ross, was struck by him with one of bis
crutches, causing a severe wound In the band,
which he was suffering with this morning. He
'aino threatened the life of snv one who attempted
to Interfere with him. AMoriuan Toland, on
bearing the evidunce, held the accused to Answer
jn the tmia of $12U0 bull,
What a rniLADEi,rmAjr invented. ,
The determination ol the United Stales Govern
ment to have a representative place in the great
Paris Exposition in 18H7, has naturally created
borne rivalry between the different State aa to
which shall have tne finest exhibition ot inven
tions. We have noticed in several Hew Yor'
lournals a statement of what the Empira City
could furnish, and the tactot their boasting has
iinimaliv caused us to think what l'hliadlphiff
could put forward as her proud trophv of mo-
chanical skill. There naturally occiMs to the
mind the name ot little Invention, not larger
than your three angers, which Im secured a
world-wide reputation for tha philadelohian
Who was its oriuiuutor. ctrfer to tho "Der
ringer Pistol." A hittory of ts existence, and
a sketch of tho li'o of our fellow-townsman,
Henry Derringer, Kaq., Iroin whom It derives its
name cannot but be interesting. We notice in
the Culiiomia pupers unanimous decision of
the Sunremo Lourt ol that Stale in tne case ot
lJeTrimrer vs. Piatt, in which Piatt wad lound
gnlltv of lorglngtlie trademark of Derringer,
ana was senrencea to Dotn une ana imprison
ment. This suit is but one ot a uo.en which it
is necessary to continually institute to protect
the original Irmn the hundreds of spurious in
ventions which are being continually brought
out, both In this country and hi Europe, under
tne name 01 tne "iiernnger." lue taet teat si
many efforts are ran io to (ecure good imitations
1b the best -evidence that to a Philadelphian
belongs the crlit of inventing the best pistol of
tbe age.
It is curponUy circulated by tbe dealers in the
false articles that Henry Derringer Is dead, and
that bis secret died with him. We are glad,
however, tor the Eake of truth and be
assured that the inventor Is in health, and that
but a tew weeks tancc he presented a newly made
pair of his pistols to a distinguished national
oilicial. For the last fifty years tho name of
"Derringer" has been familiar to nil pporting
aud moie particularly duelling characters. All
ot the famous duels, iong before even the Cilly
Webb aflitir, were (ought with hi pistol. Wo
were recently told by a distinguished surgco-i
that it 'Was never known to tall, and that all
wounds produced by it were fatal beyond all
aid. A General, now in charge of a corps,
recently wrote to a son of Mr. DerrlnL'er: "I
have always been ambitious to be twPpos-essor
of this arm, for which even 'Pistol Shot' has a
respect bordering on adoration. This r.btaius
peculiarly in the South and Wpst, in both of
which tho name is a camp-hold word." Mestier,
the master armorer ol Galveston, says in his
book? "Whilst the Colt is immortal in its Inge
nuitthe Derringer is mortal in his effects." The
first arm manufactured by him was made iuls4,
in this city and in Virginia in 1807. During all the
warol 1812 allot Une Government arms were made
by him, and it w as one of his rifles that shot
Koos in Baltimore. Virginia, Maryland, Penn
sylvania, and New York have had all their arms
ior years made by his contract. Tte Indian
tribes, the Cberokeea, Oliickasaws, Pawnees,
and others have all been supplied by bira. In
1847 be abandoned the supplying of the Govern
ment with anus, after a continuance ot over
lorty years.
The invention itself is a small .pistol, single
barrel, rilled, large bore, raneing in size iroin
tin inch and a holt to lour inches; the charge of
-.powder amaU, aud the aecret ol its powerful
torce is still most religiously kept. Mr. Der--ringer
is now an old man, living guietly in our
city, universally respected as a public-minded
citizen, honored by the present, aud feeling
contented with the friendship of all f our lead
ing public men, from the time of General An
drew J tick sen down to to-day.
We ccxft the laUowin? complimentary
notice from the Press ot to-day, which we lully
Thb ELKftwopATHio Inbtitttioh. Among tho
manv valued luxtitutioustnat our j.ood city contains
tnere is nono that is more raoidly rising in publio es
timation ttian the above, which is now permanently
located at No 1.30 vv aiuuc street, ono door east of
1 lilrtei titli street. Tin- institution, wbioli has tor its
.object the cuuug of all curable diseases, by the differ
ent moaiucaiionB 01 electricity, galvanism, and mag
netism, is under tho charge -of Xr. MJ. Galloway,
the well-Known medical electrician, assisted bv other
physician of marked ability. The Doctor has labored
with untinug energy tor everal years in tuis
dei Brtment -ai therapeutics, ior the .purpose of
establishing this system of practice on a reliable,
soientitio basis, llm hiubut hopes haw bean real
ized, judging lrom h suoooim iu comrollinn dis
eased conditions, which is so Generally known in
our city that comment hore is unnecessary. The
imponderable agent in his hands is mild and pleas
ant evil to the most delicate and sensitive parsons,
producing no.paiului or dicagreoablo mo'ings. We
visited ihi thriving institution a fowuys sinoe, aud
tho manner in which it is conducted, ..fitted un and
jarranired lor the comfort and well-being of patients.
united witn the skill and experience-f tho physi
cians, cannot tail to be oi vast boneiit to the sutler
lug of the community.
Yesterday a large number of .the members of
tiie Corn i'chauee assembled at their rooms,
when Mr. 1M. S. Bulkley was preseuted with a
purse of iliree tbousanu -dollars. It was a tri
bute to his faiUif ul eerviceu to the coal trade
during the twenty-two yeura that ho was in
the employ of the Leading Eailroad Company,
which he jAow leaves to assume' the Presidency
of the Preston Coal Company. Mr. John Rep-
nlicr presided .lit tne incciiag, nna made tne pre
seiitation in a handsome speech. Mr. Bulkley
responded, lleuiarks were made by several
gentlemen of the board eulogisUe of Mr. Bulkley.
whope transfer from the scene of his late labors
they exceedingly regret. Hon. Henry D. Moore,
Messrs. Pearson. Hunter. Van Dusen. Sinnick-
son. and other prominent members of the trale
led in the cxpressiona of regret at the trausfer
of Mr. Bulkley's 4iseluints to another held.
.Murderous .attack. Li&st evening a
disturbance took place in South street, near
Tenth., among a cumber of ruthans.
Officer Samuel Curmichael, hearing the dls
turbanie, atU'inprrod to interfere and restore
order. He was at once set upon by tho despe
radoes ana aangexousiy neaten.
William Birch, one of the perpetrators of the
Jeed, wa subsequently arrested by Sergeant
Jeif and taken before Alderman Titterroary,
who cotnmitred him without bail to await the
result ot the injuries intlictcd on the officer.
It is alleged tluit the accused struck the
officer three times Jn the head with a two
pound weight causing dangerous if not fatal
TnE Ca3 of riiQFEssoa Magcire. In
conpequence of yesterday being Good Friday,
the committee appointed to investigate tho
charges prehrred against Professor Maguire nieeUtig. The next meeting will take
place on Tuesday atiprnoon. at hall past three
o'clock, at the Hiuh School Building. The lol
lowing are correct names of the committee;
Samuel Scheide, of the Fourteenth Ward; Wil
liam C. Haines. .of the Twentieth Ward; William
M. Levk k, ot the Twelfth Ward; John B. Green,
of the Thirteenth Ward; Kuthan llilles, of the
Twenty-third Ward.
Lieutcuart G. W. Paulhn offered his resigna
tion to the Mayor this morning. He has served
theSeventh aud EipLth Wards with much fidelity
for a long period, aud resigns Lis office to enter
into a more profitable business, the pay of police
officers being so snuiU that it was not a suffi
cient inducement tor Jibn to remain in his posi
tion. He was much respected by his brother
officers, and bis resignation was the cause of
much sincere rwrret.
A Female Pickpocket. A woman was
arrested yesterday a'teruoon, in Second street,
near Callowhill. on tbe charge ot picking the
pocket ol a lady who had been in close proximity
with ber. he was examined in regard to the
mutter, the stmnge. evidence being that the
money contained in a porto-monnaie was found '
lying at her leet. ilie matter will be further
Accident to an Aoed Man. About 11
o'clock last, us an aged man was passing
over the camage-wuy at Eleventfi and Pine
streets, be was knocked down by a passenger car,
and much injured. A crowd eoon collected, and
the injured man wa? taken in charge and safety
removed to his reniueuce, at Eighteenth and
Catharine streets.
D.Tn or an Officer of the Corn1
Excu angb. A meeting of tho Corn Exchange
Association was bold th's morning at 11 o'clock,
fj take action on the death of Mr. Herle, tho
Assistant Benctary. Mr. Charles Cumnilngs,
the Presldtnt. said: "Gentlemen, we are
railed upon for the first time to mourn the loss
ot one of the most faithful officers of this asso
ciation.' Our most worthy Asp tats nt Secretary
riled this morning at 3 o'clock. Hifl past his
tory, hit entire life, are so well known to us all
that they need no words of endorsement or
eulogy lrom me. It Is our duty to take appro
priate notice of all such events, and I presume
that 1 evolutions have been prepared to that
Mr. S. N. Winslow sald:-Mr. President, I pre
sume there Is no one within hearing of my voice
who was more intimately acquainted with.
Mr. Plerie than mypelf. I have met htm daily
for twenty-one years past. During all that time
bis life was ono of worthy deeds and kindly nets.
1 am sure, sir, that the announcement of nls de
cease will occasion no greater anguish lu nuy
besrt than in mine.
Mr. Picric commenced mercantile life forty
years ago. He first entered a counting house lu
1824; subsequently be became a merchant.
Unlortunatciy tho vesel containing all his for
tune was wrecked, and with it vanished his
hopes of success. In 184.1 he became con
nected with the Untied States Gazette, under
Joseph li. Chandler,
When tbe Gazettew&a sold to the present pro
prietor, he was retained in his position a part
ol the special contract. I teeb sir, that I cannot
command proper Janguage to exoress my feel
ings 01 so worthy a gentleman, and therefore re
spectfully submit the lollewmg preamble aud
Wh rmn, It has been the will of an tnsorutable
Providence to remove from our midst Mr. William
H. Pierie, the late Secretary of the Hoard of .Mana
gers ot this Association, and
Whereas, It is 1 miuently proper that we should
place upon record some appropriate expression ot
our recognition -and appreciaUou ot his sorvices and
character, there foro
J!naolvd. That the announcement of tliedmifo
of Mr. Pieile, however anticipated by his long aud
severe illness, lias awakened wuhin oar bosoms
lmlings ol profound and universal grief, as his high
moral tone, his vaiuab-tetsxperience in the collection
ol statistical intoinistion. his assiduity in tho per-
foinianco ol all his duties, and bis unswerving
fidelity to tho intcrcsu ot thia institution, htvo
secured lor him universal esteem aud respect; and
in wliofe drceasc society at large has lost a vaiuod
aud useiul member.
Jtesolvcd, lliat a committee of three do appointed
to tender to his bereaved family our sympathy in
this deip afllic ion; tlrat tho members be Invited to
attend his lunorai ; an i that tho above preamuie ana
rceo'utions be entered upon the miuutos ot the
The preamble and resolutions wore unani
mously adopted, -hud 8. N. Winslow, Joseph S.
Perot,' and Job S. lvins appointed on the com
mittee. Tektii Extracted Without Paix.
Almost every one has suffered more or less lrom
what Burns calls "The hell o' ail tne diseases,"
the toothache The malady .has many poiuts
of peculiar nrtrravntiou. In the Qrst place, it
w ill be adniiued that it hurt, and that in most
instances, up;ess the provoking cause is re-,
removed, it has tbe gilt ol continuance.
Most ol ourvfcaders can recall occasions when
a grumbling molar banished sleep from the
softest ot Allows, and when with distended
countenances we nursed the throobing nerve in
many layers of flannel, redolent of camphor and
chloroform. It is not necessary to go
into the '.matter very deeply, ai most per
sons have an experimental knowledge that
is much more emphasized and pointed thau
any word painting can possibly Ikj.
In the course of rporierial duty, we disco
vered thnt a philanthropic individual had found
out a mode by which an nchinir tooth could be
wrenched from its socket without any severe
shock to the nervous sstm. and entirely with-
out pain to the subject. The anuoiineetnent was
an attractive one. The reporter ot Tub Tele
graph concluded to examine this new anesthe
tic agent iyirrowly, and be personally satbitie l
as to its results. The dental portion ot his
organization being In good order aud condiiiou,
he was hnrdly a bt subiect for the operations of
the dentist; but having a feuiale acquaintance
Berioubly afflicted iwith the scourge, he deter
mined, to i-minly his curiosity as an inquning
savun, and bring grateful relief to u sintering
friend at the same time. Filled wita this bene
volent resolve he called upon the lady in ques
tion and represented the wonderful remedy in
those glowing terms which only an experienced
repoitcr is master of. His eloquent appeal was
succcsBiul, and the lady, not without a demur,
consented to submit to tho operation. On the
day appointed, the pair presented themselves at
the apartments of Dr. Colton, on Walnut street,
near. Kighth, and were ushered into the temple
of mystery. There is nothing particularly notice
able in the rooms excepting an enormous, black
bng lying upon the floor, one end of which is or
namented with brass-tipped valves and other et
ceturaa. ' The lady made anxious inquiries. as to
whether H was necessary to recline upon the
bed ha wder to undergo the operation, but was
somewhat relieved by the polite proprietor
announcing that It was not used for that purpose.
After some little delay our lady friend was in
duced to take her seat in the capacious chair,
and then commenced a series of questions iu re
gard to the satcty of the agent, and as to how
many hu6 died while inhaling the nitrous
oxide. All proper questions were politely
answered, 1 nd one of the gentlemen In attend
ance taking a smaller bag, drew from the capa
cious reservoir a small amount ot the gas and
applied the escape-valve to the mouth of the
lady, who after a few inhalations of the subrle
fluid reclined in entire unconsciousness upon the
cushion, the laws having been previously sepa
rated by the-Insertion ot a cork. The other gen
tlemen then applied the forceps to tho unruly
member, and in the twinkling of an evetthe
raging tooth was extracted without the slightest
feeling upon the part of the sufferer. This aiw
method of overcoming a long-time difficulty is
one of the victories of science, and we commend
those who have need of his services to the ten
der care of Dr; Colton and his assistants. Great
experience has. shown that it is entirely harm
less, and leaves no unpleasant consequences.
The effect passes oil" immediately, and loaves no
ill-reminiscences behind. The timid need have
no fears, as no '.accident has ever yet occurred
iromjts une.
F Condition of Marshal Blackbubx.
Mre Marshal Blackburn, who hai been confined
io his bouse lor .several days by a dangerous
Jlness, was much better this morning, and
strong hopes are now entertained for his reco
very. Should he cortinue to improve, his phy
sicians think he will be able to leave bis house
some time during necst week.
Rev. W. T. S abuse. We learn with much
reeret that this earnest and zealous young
clergyman has accepted a call to take charge of
a new; church enterprise in the city of New
York, aud that his olosing service will be
preached in the Church ol the Covenant to
morrow -evening. His rare pulpit abilities will
be much mJfsed in our city.'
Oun itFACEBS win do veil to bear in mind
that Messrs. Clark & Biddle, No. 712 Chesnut
street, continue to give their customers the
benefit of liberal discount. Their slock of
watches, diamonds, jewelry, silver and plated
ware, etc., are of recent purchase, and selected
with great care.
A Bbioht Idea
00 what It is to help yourself !
ThU, Jtrsey's btockton noted, (
And rathor than go on the shelf,
For his own stay be voted
In his Senatorial place,
And thus, by one step, won the raoo,
' Each man his own requirements knows,
And claims what's in his power;
Bo vote yourself that suit of Clothes
Ton need so, from the Tower.
Our stock of Clothing the largest and mnt com
plete in this city, turpatned by none in mtUeriat, ttyle,
and lit, and luld at prices guaranteed lower than the
lowest, TowKK Hall,
No. (18 JUaiuckt Hxhbkt,
Bjuinirrr & Co.
Alicb Bbowh.
1 bt l. d. barbodr.
In The snburbs of the city
I) welt a country elown, '
Cose beside him what a pity
Lived tweet Alice Brown
What was most to be rogrettod,
Alice and hor aunt
Were to thli same man Indebted
Kich old David Grant.
1 f'Allce looks'more like a fairy t
Than a country riri,
Flitting through the oottags dairy,"
Said this stupid churl.
'The maiden aant may keep tho farm
Kent tree all ber lite,
If she will make for 'tis no harm
- Alice bo my wifo."
To him slio never would be wed,
Alio firmly did deolare,
Though she'd no place 10 lay hor head, '
hot second gown to wear.
Forelve the maiden who would not?
For her heart was sono
Vrtto a youtn wi.o passed tho cot
Every summer morn.
Such a tale at we are telling
iiow we hate 10 mar;
David Grant lound e were selling
Clothing at the tjtar.
We told him a suit of olotbing;
r-oid it, too, so cheap;
Alice lookel no more with loathing
On his purse so deep. ,
But slio changed her mind, 'tis said,
Ot strayed lrom the truth
Promised he would David wed
boou lorgot the youth.
The loyer saw what changed the clown,
Ami visited tno Mar;
Then for tbe tnDirbs 01 the town
He took the noaiest car.
And having choucod to reach the church
, Itckire the knot was tiod.
Ho lett o'd David "in tho lurch,"
And took away the bridu.
N. B We have he most tastefully cut and
trimmed, and best made uo stouk of ready-made
. lolhiiig to be lound in this oitv, which we sett at
lower prices thau -the "idop shops" as tor inferior
(hix. Also piece goods in every variety, uur cus
tomer department is conducted by tho best artists.
' Pkuby & Co.
CCJT By reamn of our ability to 'purchase, for -JT
KJ?"cath the ntire balances ofstock of several$
$-ifprontinent Mills, and being also enabUd atJg
fcifthese time to close out lots of goods frommJg
$3Flarge-incrtin(i homes mt very low rates, we3
Z3fhave the pleasure to offer our customers aJJ
$3r"splendid line of Reaity-made Clothing ftrf3
.WT Gentlemen and Youth, at pbioks far lessjJ
;5"&tuas rns actual cost of productioj..C2
c really have tvtry thing a feuLeman curtf3J
.fSFu-ant. J)ress suits 2i (tele Pants, excellent
Z2sT'quality, as low as 0-50). Business suits JJ
&ff' Working Pants, for common wear, 85'0U).,i3
tT'Spi itig Overcoats, Boys' Clothing, ami on3
SfexcdJent line of hamUome goods in the piece&$
Effo make up to mrder in our popular CustomfiJl
JST" l'e try to stud 'y our customer s' interest, mj$
V3raiul are determined to give them the benefltmjft
XST'of.rill our Sptcial Bargains. Please callf
lfaiui examine the goods. .
Wanamaber If Brown,
, Popular Clothing House,
"Oak 1MI,"
iS. E, corner Sixth aud Market streets.
'A Ccbiosity fob TnE Ladies. There is on ox
hil.ition at the aa e'roam of Messrs. WhAler & Wil
son, So. G2o Bioadway, the liivt machine
0 o. 1) mailo by that company, tho present number
being 120,000. Let the interested compare tho ma
chine sold in 1861, foe $125, with those now offered
tor $56. 'ino former owner ol tins machine gives its
history as follow:
"ibis machine was finished early in 1861, and I
learned its use lrom Air. Wilson himse.t. I was
thusvou sre. tho lirst to work the Wheeler & Wil
son machine, and learned on the first machine ihoy
"In 1HC4 1 earnod with the machlno S295, lioddeg
doing my own housework ud taking care of my
bubv. In I860 wo came to Davenpoi , and brought
tho machine with us I believe it is the lirst machine
ever bruugbt t i Iowa.
"1 ran that machine almost constantly for more
than iourteen years, on ail sorts of work, lrom tho
iinest drea-makiug to the heaviest tailoring, i
quilted a luil-sizod white bed spread with it, which
lias Oen exhibited three times at the fair. It took
me three weeks to do it with my other work; but it
could Lottbavo beendone by hand in at many years
1 have even siitched la:ber with it. and at tne timo
I exchanged it (in lor Mo. 192 3-0, it worked
just as well as wLen made.
"It is, perhaps, nnneoessarv for me to add that I
boheve tho W heeler fe Wilson to be vastly superior
to any other machine mono.
"ours, respectlully, P. E. B."
P. S. rhiiadeUilua office, No. 704 Chesnut street.
Pat'iB Eookomy.
"My income" said Tat, for the year '05,
Whs over $000, as 1 was alive;
But, .be jalers, 1 hope 'twill be under this year,
Andithin ol the Income lax, 'lalih, I'll get dear."
Fat's economy is pi soused by those who bay low
priced ana nearly valueltsa olotbing because it Is low
priced. A suit of Clothing to be cheap must look
nell until tt is worn out. Such goods can be had
at low hgifrea at Charles Stokes & C'o.'s one-price
Clothing Store, under the Continental.
EEF.r Tour Feet Wabm. An old baoholor re
marked to a lady that soapstouowas excellent to
keep tbn eet warm in bed. "Ye-," said tne young
ladvt who bad been an attentive listener, ' bat tome
gmtlcuien have an impiovement on that, which
yon know nothing about." Iho baoholor turned
pale, and at ouco decided to gut married, to go to
housekeeping, and buy bis coal of W. W. Alter, at
Ko, W67 tsottn Ninth street, below Giraro avenue.
Br so doing be gets the bost coal in market at the
lowest prlco, has good fires, and never has to wait
for li s meals. You may ordor ooal at Alter't Branch
Office, Sixth and Spring Garden.
Lack Cubtaikb. Slightly damaged real Lace
Curtains, htavny woiked, some of which are the
most elegant ever introduced in this market. Also,
Nottingham Curtains lrom auction, some as low as
ono dol ar, selling oQ'atratteu's Curtain btore, Ho,
1408 Chesnut street. '
Sun Shauks and Fabapols Of those goods,
Mr. John 1. Finn, at his stand, southeast corner of
iseventn and Aicb streets, has now opon a hue
assortment, of the best materials, beaut.luily orna
mented with designs iu beads, Also, children's
goods, in pretty colors. -
Fhf.ncu Woven Cobskts Attention is Invited
also to tiese roods, ol which Mr. Finn has now a
tU'l assortment 01 the plain asd embroidered, raug
lng in prices lrom gl 40 to $5 60 per pair. 1 hey ate
baviua a very iaige tale.
Nottingham.! ACBCuKTAiMjAr.DEMBaoiDEBKD
Muslims, in large variety, can a so be seen at uis
ittand, at exunme.y low rates, jran lng from 82 76
per pair and up. Kemombnr tho address, John
il. liDu, soutUeaat corner of Seventh and Arch
Employment I L'tose who wish employment
Shoald study themartt oCllasfteenJi Vamly, cirou ate
their kuowledue aud thut benefit, tho world. Tint
great Oriental lludiriue is now the best in use tor
the cure ol Nervousnews, Neuralgia, Asthma, Hoarse
ness, toreuess ot the Lungs, and all throat disoase.
For tg b by all Druggists.
Wimiow EriADUi Sellino Ow. Window bhado'
oflered at tacnlices, from ono dollar upwards, Tnoie
in netd of shades would do well to select them now,
whhe the stock Is complete aud prices low, at
l'attcu'o, tfo. 14o8 Chesnut street.
Beucckd Pbices (jo to No. 624 Arch street, B.
F. HeiBier's Ua lery, and ohtsiiifspleudid specimens
of Photographs all stylet. Now is tne tune. A rare
We should not sullor lrom a Cough, which a few
doses ol Ayer't Cherry Pectoral will cure. Time,
commit, beakn, are all saved by it.
Ukbma ob Euptubb treated with professional
ski I, and trusses 01 approved construction applied
by C. H. Needles, cor, of Twelfth and Jiace tUtteU.
B-20'a. 10-40'n. mm'H.
Comi'ocnd Iwtkrkst Notes.
Cold aud kilvkk, Bouobt and hold bt
Dbexkl Sc, Co., No. 84 S. third tiroet,
0-20 Coupons. Due Mat 1st,
MAItCit 3l, 1866.
?f7j Beductioi! HbdcctiosII
V.7 -
ft Co.'t 626 llanot for tr.M.
Bavcn & Bacon's,
a .1
Haines Brothers',
4 V).
' m.
J. S. Gould, 1
; Seventh and c hetnnt streets.
W. k B., CowlUofhlng, Oak Uall, Sixth and Mai et. ,
W.fcB., 6ood Cloftiag, Oak Uall, Sixth and Market,
W. B., Good Cloth in r, Oak Uall, Sixth and Market.
W.fcB., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market.
W. A It., Good Clothing, Oak Hal',oixth and Market
W. It B., Good Clothing, Oak Hail, Sixth and Market.
ETJNTAN THOMAS In Belvldore. cn the lt
instant, by Kcv. H. 8. Ottivrn, Wr 8 IAN. D. KUN-
TAN, of I hiladelphia, to Miss ANNA B., daughter
ol Mr. Alfred 1 nomas, ot Beividore.
tONDA BABNCM. On the 28th Instant, at
tho residence oi tho brlde't sister, rs. Jamns
l'oolev. No. 2 '87 R'dgo avenue, bv te Key. John
irowcll, sir jkshe COM) A, or Saratoga, N. Y.
to Mitt tLlZABKlU J. BARMjjI, ol this city. No
ABCDKR. On the 29th Ins'snt, REBECCAS.,
hp oi .birth d. Arcner, in tuo mm year ot her see.
Her relatives and friends are resnectfullv invitnd
to attend the funeral, from her husband's rosidnnoe.
No. 122 Mlckle ttiett, Camden, on Sunday afternoon
next at 2 o'clock.
BOYEH. Snddenlr. on the flfflli Instant. nri
ANN BOYEK, relict of the late James Boer, in tho
COt ti year m her age.
lbe relatives and friends of the family are respect
lully Invited to aitt nd the funeral, lrom tier Int rnt.
dnce, York road, below Branchtown, on luesday
morning, April a, at it o Ciocx. 10 proceed to Ur-
maiitown Cemetery.
EYBE. At i hester, Ta., on the evening of tho
J;0th instant, BEBKCCA 1. EYBE, relict of Wl.liatn
r.yre. or
Future notice will be given of the funeral.
LOWRIE-Ontho 29th Instant, MICHAEL, in-
lant tun oi v ill am and Mury Ann Lowrtu, .a the
4th year of his aire.
1 be relatives and frionds are Invited to attend tho
funeral, lrom the residence of his parents. No. Iu7
Catharine street, on fc'UHlav atternoon at 1 o'o ock.
lo proceed to Cathedral Cemetery.
O'CONNER. On the 27th instant. MARY, daueh.
tor ot 1 nomas and annah O'Connor, in the liKh
year oi ner aire.
i no reiauves and mends of the faniuv are resncct-
lully invited to attend the funeral, from her pareuts'
residence, in inning piaco, cnton street, letwecn
fceron.i and Ihird.on tunday afternoon at 1 o'clock".
wiinout lunuer notice.
PIEKIE.-ThiB morntng, afler a lingering illness,
w i i.L.iAai o. rituit, iu t'ie uki year oi nis age.
Duo notice will be given of tho luueral, J
RICIIARDSON.-On the 81st Instant. JAMES C.
KH'HAKLiMJIN un the 4Uth vcarot nig aeo.
nis reiauves ana rnunas are inyitud to attend tho
funeral, lrom his iafe resdence, No. 813 Gaskiil
stroot, ou Tuesday aiternoon, April 8, at 8 o'clock.
and members of EAaTFKN SI'.tK LOU iE. No.
1H0. A. Y.M .the tiRAND LODGE Oh FE.VN SYL
VAN JA, and tho members ot the Order gouorahy,
are fraternally requested io meet at the Han. CHEs-
NUT Street, on Monday next, at 8 o'clock P. M., to
attend tne innerai ot their deceased brother, J Ail lis
Vt . L.r.1 tflM, r. Al.
By order of the W. M."
KJ irg Tories, Calllrors.i Compasses. Plncsra. I'lyers
muu n uo dippers, ir sale at toe uiiruware si ore o:
Ko 8.H (Etpht Thirty five) Mi BKKT 8t bolow Ninth
IO Sash Fasteners, Lifts, Knobs, and a general variety
oieui.ucuirukruware, loriaia tw
No. 88S (Fight ffhlrty-flve) M aUKET t . bolow Vlnth.
tacheil to tlie nose of anrnnlmal iu a few seconds
without the necessliy ot slittinic the cartllaKe,. giving
you the entire contiol ot It, and a so preventing cut Iq
lrom lnetktng down lences. For sale, with stel null TliUWAN M SHAW.
No. RasnrUrhtThlrtv-flve) MARKKT Ht.. Uelow Ninth.
It f iMnnnffldM by physlvluns ol thl and otlmt
Ilac s. as puntrior rn. and renulies but a trial 10
oonvlnce tho moHt skeptical oi iu great me n. lo be
bad, whokusala and retail, ot e. tjoitnts,
No. 220 I I-. AH Slmni
Chnmaegne Cider, by the dozen, bottled, or by the
norrci. ? MS
A re the best and the only lumlly machines warranted to
give- enuie satisiaciiftii, or money returuea.
N. B. All k in us of fine Sewing and Stitching promptly
done in tbe ni latest. manner.
Operatois t aught cn tbe Florence, without charge, at
tho office. 8 5tt
In-rarfety, manufactured by
m:. walker & sons,
8J!6rnRp Vo. 11 yorth BTXTH Ptreet
11MK TA11LE.
Comnientilnr MONDAY, Marcn 26, 1866, Trains will
'cavu .uepoi corner O' l ituAii eitreet ana wabu
IMiTOi) jt venue, as lollnws i
Ixoreis Iram t 41ft A ii. (Mondays excepted) lor
xianunore ana wsrninguin, etopping at neiter, w u
unniitaii, f-erryvllle, Havre de-Grace, Aberdeen, l-erry
man Mannm. tAutt-'s and su-imuer's Kun.
lcli.waie Kiiilrosd Train at H 15 A. is eHiinilavs ex
cepiict) lor l'rluouss Anne, Allltoid, and luteruiedlaie
01111 II DC.
Way Mall Train at 9 16 A . M. (Sundays excepted) lor
liul niiro, ntjpplng at Chester, Tmriow, l.lnwood).
i la incut, a nd all ivgular itailom between Wilm ugton
anu iii.iiiuuiv.
f-kpRtca Irain at 11 4 A. 11. (Sundays excepted) tor
IlaliliiMire n I Wmlilnutuii.
l.xpn-M Train at 'i 4ft P.M. fSnndajs excepted), for
Baltimore antl WatdioiKton. atopplng t ( liestor, i lay
iront. WllniliiKtou. Aewark, Klkton, -lortheast, Peirr,
vu e navrt'-oe-ornoe. Aocraeeu, A'crrjuian a, juifeuo
lia. ( liaso fsnl httmuncr's Hun.
Kigl.t ExpretM at II DO P. M. for Baltimore and Wash
ington raFserBers by Boatflrom Baltimore (or Fortress Mon
roe iior City l'ouit, and liiotimoud, will take (ho
11 10 A. m uam.
BtonplnKtt all stations between fhliadilphla and WU-
mi un lo ii :
Liave I tlladolphla at a 15. IMS A. M , J 8n 5'SO.ard
ll'iiu r. JM. i lie JiWir. M Train connects wlin Unlu
are lullroad for HarrliiKiou aud . lntermeiia'e
Leave Wilmington lit, 815, and 9-W A. M. , 3 00 ind
s (in v. h
Trains for Xew C&atle leave Tblladelphla at 8 15 A.
il on 8i u P 'iv l . ai,
Leave Wiln.-liiKton at IS M . 4 an. an.i lu V. M.
tea(besteratH'il.-UI, and W 14 A. tt-, 12 37, 1 43,
v i'l. u v-t .nnu j j uu x . m
leave Haltlniore H SO a. M. Way Main 110 A. f.,
Expwjss; 1 10 P. il., Expteaw : i 35 P. hi., Fxpresm 35
P. 4J., Lxprcsa
Leave Chestir sU 4 49 imdO 52 A. M.,nLd 1-2 f M.
Leave WUmingtun at 5 il anl 10 83 A. Ai., and 4 P. It.
Express Train at 4 1ft A. M.t,.r lialflwore and wash,
tnifiou, atoppiug at lhester, WMi"'f l',)Ui PorirvlUe,
Kavro-ile, Aherdeuu, i'erryuiuu a, Alagnolui,
Chafe's ami Slammer's Hun. ,., ...
Mi;li Express ll-oo V. At. rW Jltlmore and Wash-
teiixoainiodatlon Train atll'S V. M. for Wilmington
andltteriui'iltaiesiatlons. itiupdh
Leave Ba tuuore at 8 li P ,M , ltoPP'"t a Havre-de.
Grace. Peiryvii e and WiiOilUKton Also stopa at Klk
ton and Newark (to tse pnen!er lor Pulladelphla,
and h ave raa.enors iroinl WaBliluglon or liaitlmora),
aud (.'Lester to itave passtugera jroin Balilmore oi
HAWi1liluciaT'trln will leave Wilmington for PhllaJcl-pblaaiidiii't;riiiedial8itionat-8llP.M.
Irehlit Trains. 1 asUior Car attached, will
leave VVIlin iiktnn lor Perrvvila and intermediate sta
tions at 6 ill) P. at Ifse Kuh'niore tor Uavre-de Urace
and InltruiediaW Stations at 4 45 Y U.
aiuiiuernieaiawo g iiiNSfiy.BoperlnUaaeut.
1, 1
TT( i rllltA ilUU BIA TO Til K IFTEBTO Ot
rf.SIU.M, 1UK S( fITJYI.KlI.
' 1V11 mvriuivi V 1 t f l t7n '
i nwxTTcn uAn. i -
Al R'Ofl A. H. Tor Hra.llnir l .tiannn tfarlahnm a4.
Vil e, 'l inear, Te Taniaciua, Hunbmy, Wll lam.poTt,
Finiha. liucheMer Mcara Falls KnAlo At'entowal
U'l RMllirr.. lMtlalnti V r, rb f . .1 1. 1 n
BFrerrtiwn etc. etc . I
' his -rain Cnnrnla at nKATifKO with 'V ITaat Tm
0T,vania Uallroad tialns tor Aileni' wn. e'o. i and wit
tie I.etnon Vallev train for HarrlshnTa eto.1
PORT (HMON vl'h Calawiwa Hailroan train!
WllilnrDKport, Lock Haven. Klini a, etc, at HAB a
Klf-BI HU Wth orthtrn Centra'. ( uniherland Vallmit
and Relmjlk!1! and Biifqnelianna trnlris for North
nml.eilund. WUUarnsport, York, tlhainbersburg, lln.
grove, ,.
I.rave Plllladellihla ar I In K h .inr Unndlno
Hlf, H.rnshurr, etc., connects wlta HMOlng and
t olumbia Kallrnad train lor (.'olnrotila. etc. and wiUi
iwissa nai roan train lot Milton.. W UhaiaSpert.
tlailia, BOffn o, etc.
nr.AiiNU in iiM MOUAIipn,
Leaves Heiullnu at ( .10 A. M. itnnntnir at all
eiations, arrives iu Phllaoe iihln at-:tl A. it.
iv uming, u-aves roi auoiphta at 4 S0 P. M.. arrives an
Renflinn ai 1 Ii0 P. Al.
iraina tor Philadelphia cava rtarrtehnra at 7-15 A. H
nd Pot'svlle at 8-30 A. M.. ainvinir In l'hilndelnhla at
l4tl P At. Afternnnn tialrt. Viva t!np.UiKrA mt Ui
P M. an rottsvllle at J iv P.M.j arriving at Phila
delphia at 7 U5 P. M.
bariiiiliiirii AcRiiinirirMlAtlnn 1, jivi kAatn a u a
M.and Harrlshiiro at (HOP M
Maiket tra.a with a Pasef gir ear attached leave
Pbl artelphla at 2 4V nooi. tor Heading and ail wav sta
tions' leaves Heatlluu at li'3tl A. il., and Dow niuglon at
t . w m . m . . x ui aut iiium aiiu an w ay stations.
All the above trains ran dally Hrooj s excepted.
K nnriav trains Ipava PntfavlflA - a u tKU-
delpbia at 8-15 P. il
t valli;y kailroai.
Passenpem Inr linwnmitrtvn anil In!:ti. nnln
take the fc-OO A. l.anl4 :ill V. M. train, fnnm I'hll.H.I.
returning lrom Dow ninutcn at 7 05 A. AI. aa4
23l fion.
w r n i
1 eavia Kew York atS-tO a. M. anrt a-nn 9 u .......
Keadlna at 10 A. A., and 1-48 I . li ..nnkVtinu .T
liairisl.urg tth 1 eiirsylvsnla end .Northern Central
Kiulliao. lxnrhs Iraina or lit-.hnr i ),i.,.n u. i -
liBirsiKirt, Flmlra, Baltimore, etc '
he liming, V xnri'sa Train leaves Hnrrtal,nra nn ..rival
oi 1'e'insylvanla Express irom I'lttiharg, ai s and .'
A. M.. pamlrg Ueedina at 4'4fl and in 82 A. M . arrmn
at hew York at IU A M. and tl'4.1 I' m. Miaenin fa
ocivDiDant tiiv these trains -.hrunu laiwaan Janaw i(.
inn Pittsburg witLou tharue
aiau irain ior tvew tcrk ter.rra HatTisparg at I
P M. AlaU Train lor llarilahuia leaves N'nw Y.,r at 11
Tialns leave Puttsvl le at 6-45 and 11-00 A. M.. and 1-1
P. il., t tumlnii Mom 'lamauuaatl 85A. M. and I -0 an
4 15 P H.
Trams leuve Atiliurn at 7D5 A . M 'or Pint urciVA ana
Ranhbinu. and at l'Mi P. Ji. tor I'lneerove and 1 rpmont
returning iroin HairUburg at 400 P, U.. and from Tre
mont at 7 00 A. At. and b tu P. At.
lit ai. j p.
lhrouph ttrst elsss tt kets ard err.lirrant ttckctitoall
the principal points In tbe Korib and Vt est and ( annda.
1 In- lollowillll tieke.. are nriiaiiii'd nn rat 1lia fllllr
el h liiadford. Treasurer, Xo til Fourth s revt l'lilla
iKlptia. ot ot U. . Mcollt, ueccral bapeilnttndeut.
J3. I'AJIOJ. in ttia.
At 23 pe. cent oil count, bctwtou anv aolnta deslroaV.
for aui.llci eno flin s
Cm d for 2(00 mile, between all point, at W-60 eaca.
tor laml ie and amis
fefcAtaON TH K.ETU,
Fo three, six nir.e or twe've months, for holds
rnly, to a! points it reduced rates
he'ldinc cn the linn nf ilia vnnd will be furnished with
(arils. tnUtlhig llitn.selvc. and wives to tickcia at Uall-
From Phi adi iiihia to urtnumal stations. KOOd for
ntuiduy. hundny ana Monday, at redn -ed fare, to be
iiau only ai tea t Mtet umce at 1 blrteentn ana cauow
tiillstreeu. ..i
dncdsoi ai: descrti.tkna lorwardedto all the above
point i rem the Company's ew Freight Pepot, Bread
and vv blow (trees
Ltave I'hllndflplila flai:y a- 6 30 A. M..1J 45 noon, ana
6 to A M . tor heading I.enunon Harrliourg, PottevUle,
I'oi' rnnton, anu an poin.a tievuna.
(. lose at i ha Pbfsdeinhla lost Office for all placet on
the rend ar.A lis brunches at 8 A. V- and tor ail principal
Btntlons only at'i ltP. AI. 8 15
JT Atibo.vaLd Vtlladclihia and Trenton Rallroadl
Coniperv's lines
ano wuy n.afea. irom w auj,u. .u . wliari, will leave U
,uiivH vlt. . wmw
At A. ai., t a Canicentand Ambov Accnniiuooa
tlon 1' 25
At s A. Al., via I auictn aud Jersey Utv Express... 8 00
At2P At via Can dn and Aniliov Expreas ,225
at Vi AI. (noun.1 and 8 P. Al. via Camden and Am
loy Accommodation (Frelnht and Passenger).... 12J
At 0 and 11-Mi p. Ai. .via Cauiuen and Amboy.Ao
commodatlon (Fielght and Passenger), 1st Class
ticket .-2S
td C ass Ticket 150
t ekd 10 A. Al. 1 mid A P. Al., for Mount Holly,
Kwaii.vil e, piniherion and Vlncentown: at 6 A.M..
and a V. At., lot Freehold
At b and 10 A. M., la 51., s (l, 5 6 andl)' P M.. for Pal
n jra, Riverten, Ieiiico. Peveny, Edgewater. liur
l'ngton. Florence. Bonientown etc. 'I be 10 A. At. and
8 1 Al. llms n n direct thiongb to Trenton
At 1115 A. Al.. 4 SO and 8 45 P. Al., via Kensington
find .)( rniy City Exu ess 83 -0
At U P. AL iKIfclit) via Kensington and Jersey City
xpresa i'2J
" lie 6-45 P. Ai. Line will run daily. All oilier hundaya
AtTSo'end 1115 A. M.. J, 8-80. 4 Sfl, 8 and 1 45 P. At., and
12, lorliristcl Trenton, etc.
At 7 A. Al.. 10 50, 3, 6 aud I' il. lor ( ornwells, Torrls-
dale, llonieshuig. Ta ony Wlsslnoining. Bridesburg
and Frunkiord, snd at B P. Al for lloliuesburg ana
Intermediate Maiions
gor the Delaware River Valicv, Northern Pennsyl
vania, and ew York t-ta e anu the Great Lakea.
Two through trains daily (Sundays excepted) front
Kensington liepot as follows:
At 7 8u A. Al . aud 3 ! P. V.
W 111 leave rrom foot of Cortland street
At 12 M. and 4 P. At., via Jersey Cltv and Camden.
Ai 7 and lo A At , b P. At. aud 11 ltibi, via Jersey City
anu RcnslnKten. ,
From Pier Ko. 1 North river, at 8 A. AT. and 2 P. M., Via
f ml cy and C amden.
At 12 Ai. 3 and 6 P. il . (Freight and Passenger), via
Ambry and t amdi n. -
Murch 12 1H6. WILLIAM H. OATZAfEB. A geat.
-Itt EST J LUSEY K A 1 L R O A DL IN E 8.-.
T rcm loot oi MARKET fctreet (.Upper Ferry.
Lal'y. except r-uud s
Cinninc'ngVKDt.l)AY, November 15, Itfttf.
Ft r Bridgeton. Halt in. and all Stations on West Jertef
and ;iiit liailroaila, at A. Al. and 3 SO P. M.
Fo. is il vllle and a 1 Intermediate btaUona, at 8 A. If.
r d 3 i . M
tor tape At ay and Intermediate Stations at S A. If. to
Alillvllle. conticl ug wiih t n It lu Train Passenger Car
atturbed lor Capu A.ay, due 345 P. At., aud 8 P.M..
lliroutb i'at-senger oue 8 P. tl.
lorti lamiioro and intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M
kid 3 30 P.M.
Fur Woodbury, Gloucester, etc at 9 A. M., , I SO
and 5 p. M.
Freight wnl be received at second covered wharf below
Yi alnut street, lrom 7 A At . uni 1 6 P. Al.
1 reight received before V . Al. will go forward tome
Freight delivery, Ko. 22H S. Delawnre avenae.
J VaK Nknshki.a ER. ttuporintendentv
will attend to all the usual branches of express tiustnee,
r crive, deliver, and forward througB other respotnlbla
rx press (. ouinamai. io all parts e the aounu-f, anj
art cle intrusted to tbi m.
A r-pecla) Veiwercr accompanies eaei throufb trahi.
Oflioe No. 6 Wuinnt street 9 18 tiu
I ODD EOAI). Iblsiircat hue traverses theonh-
... v. . i. i ,r t-.,. ,.i.,,i. ...( a. . .
r I II K1IU UIIU.CBl MIUUMM ' . .llu.Jlinilin
. A 1. ln t ..a L rin It. tl.. hdi... i.u.J
Arrive Eaatvi ard hrit Ala'l Train, 7 A. Al. Erie Ex
press Train, I P At.
Leave Wastward-lrle MaU, 9 p. AI ; Erie Expres
'pafsince'reara run through on the Erie Mall and Ex
press trains boik ways between Phllude phla and trie.
leave Kew Vork at A At., arrive at Erie 9 15 A. AT.
Leave t r'e at 1 58 P. Al .ianlve at Kew York 8 4u p. M.
Eleean' Sleeping Cars on a 1 the night trains.
For inionnatlon respecting pahsenger bu.iuess, apply
ai corner THJK'ilETli aud A1ARKKT Streets Phl.a.
And lot buslnete. of the ( ompanv a Agent. S.
Vl lln..atnn Iv ' D ' , . 1 ....... . . . ... .
r. niii,.ivii.,il,viuDi xuu'uuiiiu anu Aiaraei srreeia,
Philadelphia i J. w. Reynolds, iriei William Biown.
Agent K. C. B R., Baltlmoni.
it. r, ni'i iu., uenerai rreigtit Agent, l'htia
. H. W. OWIMKFR General i li Ket Agent, PUUu.
A. L. TYLtB.Uene.ral Hvji't, WDIIaiu.port. J
Ul ail descriptions,
Ot all descriptions,
Always on hand,
A la - ... t .1
no. t n kmmi r Mreet.
Ko 6a0CHK8NUT Htreet.
One door below Heventb street,
Oae deor balow 8eventli street.
The moat lD-eral discount allowed.
Tte most liberal dlseouut allowed. - JJ
At ri r.KKl OITOK K.
UTAH I'M d f N.VK V nvaPVItHTTnu nnva- . v
A?Pa2KT,ii OK1HW.KT. aki Tint rAKADAs;
W till H A 1 Ha h GKM Of F AHHOFR 1 RA I
listing the CfinirsnT't l'-pot, tt THIKTKENTH
Snd ' Al LOW DILL streets, 1 nUtdelpbia, at tb fuUew
Iny DtiarSfl