THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 18CC. Is published ft fry afternoon (Sundays excepted) at No. 108 & Ihird etrert. Price, Three Cent Per Copy (Double Sheet), or Eighteen Cent Per Wtek, payable to the Carrier, and mailed to Subscribers out of the city at Nine Dollars Per Annum ; One Dollar and Fifty Cents for Tim Months, invariably in advance for Vie period ordered. So tnmire the Insertion of AAtertisements ina of our Editions, they must be forwarded to our office not later Uian 10 o'clock each Morning. SATURDAY. MARCH 81. 1868. "The Scovel Defection." We publish elsewhere a letter which haa been banded us by Mr. James M. Scovel, in which he endeavors to justify his "eccentric behavior" a few days since, or rather, we should say, he utters a wild philippic against such persons as have been tngaglng In the field sport of hunting him "like a partridge to tho mountains." We have cheerfully opened our columns to the gentleman for his own defense. We know of no one who Is supposed to be more able to make an excuse than Scovsl, and we therefore give room to his own argu ment to the detriment of that of his new trlcnd, the New York World. That the writer has utterly and entirely failed to justify his conduct Is evident to any disinterested observer. Dis letter is a tissue of misrepre ; scntations, wild denunciation, and useless appeals to his own conscience. What ice appeal to is the enlightened intelligence of the citizens of his native State and the opi nions of ever) honorable man, we care not what may be his politics, and not to a moral monitor whose perceptions have been per verted by treachery and Ingratitude. Let us look, however, at what the honorable Senator says in extennation of his desertion of party and violation of promises. He goes back to the election of lion. Johit P. Stock ton, and examines the record la regard to the election bv a plurality rule in the joint convention. What may be his object in so doing is hidden from us. What had Mr. Scovel in February, 1808, to do with the original election of a gentleman : whom the United States Senate had declared not entitled to a seat on its f oor ? Who author ized Jamkb M. Scovel to sit as judge and releree on the action of the highest delibera tive body in the land and yet this State Senate ; or, inflated with conceit and intoxicated with vanity, presumes to say that Mr. Stocktoic was wrongly ousted by a majority of the upper house of our national Legislature! The audacious assurance thus evinced would do honor to Balzac. But passing by the impropriety, the irrevelance of tbe quota tion, let us eee what the writer says of tho Convention which elected Stocktok. He Bays, "It (the plurality rule) was passed by Republican votes in joint meeting, against my protest." lie thus endeavors to throw the blame of the illegal election of Mr. Stockton on the Republican party, totally ignoring the fact that in a joint convention which could ehct by a lurgc majority a Democratic Senator, the Democratic party, having the power, must be responsible for any law adopted. II the Re publican votes, without the aid of the omnipo tent Scovel, was able to pass the plurality law, then why was it that they were utterly unable to) elect their candidate? No, Mr. Scovel, the Democrats, who were friends of Mr. Stockton, used their influence to secure the plurality rule, and on them, and not on the Republicans, rests the responsibility. But while taking the trouble to set Mr. Scovel right, we cannot see that tho ques tion of the legality of the election lest year has anything to do with the present case. The Senate has unseated a member from New Jersey. It, and it alone, is judge of its actions, and all that the Legislature of oar neighbor has to do is to quietly proceed to 11 the vacanoy. So much lor the first part cf the letter. t "A man," says this modern Solon, "with an empty pocket, can defy the world, the flesh, and Jthe devil." This is curious. Such a statement reminds me of a little story we heard attributed to tho agent of the Camden and Amboy. A man applied for the position of a conductor. He was refused because he did not possess a watch. The next applied with the article and received the coveted post The agent shrewdly explained his : "If a man has a watch and all the paraphernalia oi a gentleman, then he will be satisfled with his salary; but if he lacks these ornaments, then the Company will be robbed in order that he may secure them." Go to the agent, Mr. Scovel; consider his ways and be wise ! A man with an empty pocket is the one who desires to have it filled. Tut money in thy purse" is a motto for hungry legislators. W would rather trust a rich man than a poor one in the possession of political trust. It is evident that Mr. Scovel has Inverted the order of his premises. But enough of this foolish saw invented by the Senator from Camden. "I require that the caucus should ; name the man before I agreed to go Into joint Con vention." A Dajuel come to Judgment. This dictator, this arbitrator of the fate of the Union party, is to sit quietly in his chair, to which he was elevated by his colleagues, and wait until the choice is made and sub mitted to him for ratification. Suppose he sees fit to veto their nomination, they are to go back and eelect another, and bo on until tbey choose one of the four men named by him. And who constituted him the Judge, the ruler, the king of the Union caucus ? This man was sent as a Senator one of a dozen. As a constituent part of the caucus he has his due share of power, and it M 9ftlj tbQ necessities, tug ttccldeatal arid un fortunate difficulties to which th party is subjected, that has enablad him to dare to ask such regal privileges. ' ' ' . ' ' . "I am right within the doors of my con science, and who dares to say that I will not to Into Joint convention for Felix, Van dyke, or Gbeoobt?" That is not the question. It Is your business to go for any one whom the caucus may select, and if the choice fall on any of the gentleman named, well and good if not, whoever may be the candidate. That is all we have to say on that point. If Mr. Scovel made any limitation be behaved with unwarranted Insolence, and deserves the worst epithets that even those who bunt mountain ( ?) partridges could heap upon him. By-the-by, who docs "hunt par tridges in the mountains ?" Long residence in. Jersey has made Mr. Scovel form vague ideas of mountains. Probably b refers to the mountains of his native State, for any ot greater altitude, strange to say, do not abound In that particu lar bill. The Senatoi's knowledge of political truth and hunting are about equal. The letter fails utterly to set Mr. Scovel right in the eyes of honest men. But now to something else. Did not Mr. James M. Scovel produce this morning, cn the boat in ichich he crossed the Delaware river, a letter direct from Andrew Johnson, signed by the President, in which he (the President) promised tf givl Scovel any position under the Government, provided he could secure the election of a conservative from Jersey, or prevent the choice of . a radical t Did not Scovel show the letter to a gentleman from Atlantic City ? Does not this form an explanation of the strange conduct, or the "eccentric behavior," of that honorable gentleman? We say em phatically that it does. That such a letter was exhibited, and that the solution of Mr. Scovel's conduct, appears probable in this light. We can prove what we assert. But we must now leave the gentleman to his con science and his constituents. The unanimity with which the Republican press ol both New Jersey and our own city have condemned his conduct must have shown by this time to him that his hopes of success in bis ambitious scheme are. ill-founded. Having broken his most solemn pledges to gratify his pr3onal vanity, who will trust hereafter a perjured, man? Having by bis conduct, at ones infamous and dastardly, sought to compel his own election, what party will hereafter receive this for swearerof promises Into its ranks? .When the day comes that the Republican party is willing to send as Senator such a man as James M. Scovel, may that day be the signal for its destruction. Within three days he has forfeited the respect of every honest man. He has turned his popularity into con tumely; he has excited a storm of indignation which will sweep befoie it this juvenile com pound of treachery and vanity. lie has per formed an action within the last three days which has placed him almost beyond the pale ot reconciliation. On Monday will be the crisis of his fate. If he retracts, if he apologizes, and gives an explanation1, the party may re ceive it as an excuse. If he changes his vote and casts it in favor of going into joint con vention, he may regain a place in the political ranks. If he does not, then good-night to Scovel. The scorn and contempt ofj every honorable man will follow him into the walks of private life, from which he will never more emerge. Of all foul political beings, may we be protected from contact with a renegade I Trus is a personal In vitation to the nodor to ex amine our new stvle-i ol JPK1NG CLOTHING. Cassluiere Suits tore 16. and Slack Suits for 2 finer Halt, all prices up to S76 WAJSAMAKLK BUOWN, OAK HALL, BOOTHkAKT COhNER 81X111 ana MARKET 6U. 3 -t m C3 9 o x o H H ) J H H H O Si W CO M O 3 Willcox & Oibbs Sewing M. cbine Co. No. 720 CUEaNUT STREET, Philadelphia. i fe . 2 33 W o b w a 5 too f- e s - s S ; S - 1 1 RELIGIOUS NOTICES. , 139 ' FIFTH OKUMAN KE FORM ED fei vice on taster Sunday bv tha Pastor. Pev. . H. M.IHS A. M. and 74 P. it- H'ornini, Con- fllTU umiiuu mnu vonmnninn. eunieot m in r.Teing, njan a r iignt into tne w lldemena." t.oaimlttee win on Wednesday evealnit r receive paw renta and let m . RlrinitaHip.lnv (.il alt pew rj$r WEST PH1LADKLPHIA INSTITUTE, THIRTY NINTH. hn M AUK KT iitront Lfrturabr PratrMor UBNKY MoBTON.ol TUtSDAT KViJINO iDrM imoVlMk SubJect-UALY ANIsM. To be illoitratod witn lipsrl- . mtuu. Ticket tor the Con mo si. Mnn'e tleknta, t5 centa. Foraale rt the UliRiST. at M ARK'H DKUU wTOBE. COOJMBE'S DKUU STORK, and br lurol the Iloar l ol Manastra t HI tt frT' . REV. J. C. FLETCHER, RECENTLY retnrned from South A mm lea. will adHreaa tha Hanbatti Sofoola of tho Hecond Prexbrterlan Church BKVIM11 Street, below AlluII (Her. Dr. Beadie'a), saoDatu Aiierooon. at 3H o clock, on tne present pro uren'ot the Uoanel in r.rnzll. A cordial Inrliatlon la extended to ail ol the Habhath Hohools In tbe cttr. rC7" THE REVIVAL IN FRANCE ON account of the Work ot Grace In Paris, under the labor oi HKUIKA1D KAliCLIr'F. Kan., a Lavman oi the Church or Knxland, will beKlvnn In 4be UI1URC11 OFlHElMKRCKdHU Hurlng Uarden atree', bi'low UroaU, by the motor, J. W. flOMlAAl, on Sunda even ing, tcrvlce to commence at 1 30. HK2?T" REV P. S. HENSON WILL DELIVER -x-r his ectnre on the "Secret et Hnecesa," In aid of the Buiulny School, at tne HKOAD STKEKT BVPllST C'HUKCH. corner ol BKOD and IUtO i'N btree i, on TlHt-DAT Kveolnr, April a. Doors open at 7. Lecture tu commence at 8 o'clock.- tJ&T' FIFTH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CmTRCHflleY Mr UA SXA'fl). TWEN I I ETU and BUTTON WOOD streets Preaching To morrow, at lnJl, morning) Communion Service a; 3H. afternoon, ani Preaching by her. lit 1AIN, oi t'annontburg.Pa,. atj H, evening. 35F COIIOCKSINK PRESBYTERIAN Church Preaching To-morrow (Sabbath) by the Pastor, Key. . ALbXISJiKK MUTCHMUKB Hcrvice in the horning at 104 o'clock. In tbe Kveulng, atiH o'ciacr, he will deliver the first of a Course of Lectures to Yaung Men. frpT" THE QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE a1-2-' (Sunday School MItonarr Society of the Spring Garden Uapttut Church, THIRTEENTH Htroet, above Wallace, will take p ace To-morrow (Manday) Afternoon at 3 o'clock. Addreu by the Kev. U. A. PtLTZ, Pastor oi tue laocrnacic uaptiHi . uur.u. Kjgf ClIURCn OF THE COVENANT, FIL BEBT Btreet above Heventeooth. EaSTEB SUNDAY- Communion aerrlce at WH o'clock A. M. Evening service at 1H o'clock P.M. Sermons, morning and evening, by Kev. W. T. 8ABINK. fcgr SCOTT M. E. CHURCH, EICUTII. above Tasker. Preaching, VtH ; .Raster Sermon. 7K, Paul's thorn in tbe flesh, by Be v. T. B. M1LLKU, Sacrament at 3 o'clock. Revival still In progress. WESTMINSTER CHURCH, BROAD and FlTZrTATEB Streets Praachlni br the Bcv. JOHN .H. liAMNA, at ha.f-past 10 a. M. and half pasts P. M. ft-jST CHURCH OF THE N KW TESTAMENT, ILLVENTU and WtrOD Street, T. U. STOCKTON, Pmtor. Pabbath. SH P. M. KENSINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHDHCH Communion (To-morrow at 10X A. V. Preaching at 7H evening. REV. B. II. NADAL. D. D., WILL nreach in TRINITY Si. E. CUTJBCli. to-mor. jowat luX and7tt o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICES. I See tht Second Page for additional Special Sotices.) TrST" ' OFFICE OF THE VAN DUSEX OIL ss' COM l'AKY, So WALNUT Street. PiiiLADKLfHiA. March 29. 1866. Amcotlngof the Stockho uers of tbe VAN DU.EN OIL lOMPANY will bt hold at the Oiticeof the Com pany on MONDAY, the lGUi ot April. ltkW, at3M o'clock P. .v.. to act on the proposition to uxesa upon each share of the Capital stock of said ompany the sum of Jt'IVE cf. NTS. By order of the board ot Directors, 3 3l8wtn4t K. B. Vlcl) OWK LL. Mecrctary. JEW LINEN GOODS, Just Eeceived Direct from Europe, At MILLIKEN'S LINEH" STORE, No. 828 AECH STREET, KETA.IL, ' . AT IMPORTER'S ' PRICES. ' LINEN LAWN DRESSES, New Styles, very Handsome. , LINEN TRAVELLING DRESSES, Entirely New Design.. NEW PRINTED LINENS, landldg from steamer "Propontls..' GOLDEN FLAX IRISLT SHIRTING LINENS, all tbe numbers. These Linens are of extra weiebt and quality. POWER-LOOM TABLE LINENS, from 87 cents per yard. BLEACHED TABLE LINEXS, New Patterns, very cheap. CHEAP NAPKINS, landing . from steamer "Helvetia." TABLE CLOTnS, Rare Styles, with NAP KINS to match. . , TOWELS, of every kind, from 23 cents to $125 each. ! . NURSERY DIAPERS, All the Widihs Ro quired. TOWELINGS by the yard. ; CRASH DIAPER, BUCK, ETC. LINEN DRILLS AND DUCKS, in White, Colored, and Fancy. J LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Every Kind, for Ladies', Gents', and Children. SHIRT BOSOMS, of very Superior Quality. BIRD EIE AND OTHER DIAPERS. ; LINEN CAMBRICS AND LAWNS. Linen Buyers will save time and money by coming aireci to ! MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, 881 Btudi No. 888 AROH Street. ECONOMY TO ATTEND TO IT EAKLY. fMmd.Mil.n Eflectna ly prevent lnfury to clothes, etc., from Moths and cheaply enough If yoa attend to it now. Every drUBdlst has C. C. HAHRIS A CUAPMAN, Boston. YN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR' THE J. C1TI AU C'UUKTY OF PHILADELPHIA.. t state ot UAVI1) It AY. Deceased. The Auditor appointed bv the Court vo audit, settle, arid aatuHt the account of WILLIAM BAY, Kxeeutor under the last will and testament ot David Kav de ceased, and to report distribution ot the baianoe In the hands of the accountants, will meet tha"' parties in to rented for the purposes ot bis appointment, on MON DAY, the 9th day of April. A. D. I8(j, at 4 o'clock F M., athlsoftlce. No. 204 k. UFTII Street, Boom No 11. lu the City of Phiiadelph'a. laiBmtSt T STEWART DEPUY, NO. 263 SOUTn I . BEt'ONB Htreet. PblladelpbU. Is new selling from oneot the largest and ben asxortments oi Carpota. Oil Cloths, jMattiuxa, Window fliadiis, Ac, io that he has had for many years and at very reduced prices. 31 1 P TitTNER WANTED W 1TH $350u7TO BUY font a retlrinit partner. Mnst be enterprUIng and respectable, business established, p'eaaant, and very profitable. Address "Wesley," I'osi Olbce boa lftH. IT BEING THE SEASON OF THE It. RAltitRNT woulil rAMiifCttnllv rmlnrl tliosa almn having their PIANOS PUTIN ORDK K, thai bis orders, are received at MASON A CO '8 8 CORK. No. Wl CllKH M'T Htrei t Kepalxlhg tlwrgunbly Cvue. aud geneially Tt IrUvut leiugylm. W Y OF SILK CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, 1 On Monday, tho 3d of April. EDWIN HALL & CO. ct si at No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET. AT RETAIL JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT Street, Ilavo made extensive additions to tliclr popu lar Stock oi SILKS AND DEESS GOODS, WHICH . THEY CONTINUE TO SELL At Moderate Prices. WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. 3 81 1m QPEIVIIVC DAY. L. LEFEVEE, WILL OPEN On Tuesday, April 3, 1800, HIS SUMMER MANTILLAS, AND ; " ' i DRESS:' SUIT, 3 812t4p No. 1202 CHESNUT Street. T ADIES' LIGHT CLOTH SAOOUES. A J IS ALL '1'HPJ POPPT.AB FLES Or CUOlCit MAXJCEI4L. ANU M ADB UP Id THIS BRitl MANAU. BLACK BTLK COATS. BLACK 8 ILK I OATS, 111. A 'H MLKiACQTJE.' as. BLACK MLK SACQUES. BLAC K SILK CIRarLATJ8 EfO., f" P BLACK SILK CIRi ULR3, ETC. mer CT7RWEN 8TODDAKT ABKOTIIKB, IP" 1 Nos. 4iU.45i,and LA N. StCJND 8TRKBT. SI 3t ABOVE WILLOW. CLOTHS AND OA9SIMERE8 FOR LADIES' SACQUES CLOAKS, AND COAT8. Al ORIATLY KKDUCKD PRf(?r,s. ' CUWE 8TODDAVT BROTHER. . . Kos. 430, Hi, and4Mil.Sal( ONI) STKEHT. 31 3t ABOVE WILLOW. If A N C T CASBIMERES, ' FANCY COATINGS. ' MIXED CA8STMERE8, LA1K8T 8TVLI? CASSFMERKS, GOODS FOR MhN'S AND BOYS' WiiAB, AT REDUCED PRICES. CHRWEN 8TODDAKT BROTHER, . Nos. 0, 4M, and 151 N. SECOND tTRKET, 818t AbOVE WILLOW. TICH BLACK SILKS IV AT RI DtTCEO PRIOR'. LARGE PTJKCHANhS AT 'I HE PHILADEL PHIA AND SEW YORK AUCTION'S CNaDLcI US TO EXHIBIT A SPLENDID LINE OF I'AKls TAFFETAf. GKO DU RHINE, , UROS GRAINS, ' GKOSDE L'VFRIQUE. CrRWEN RTODDAR1' BROTH KR, Kos. 450, 462, and 4M SECONO 8 TRK KT, 3 31 8 ABOVE WILLOW. JJm S SANITARY COMMISSION, No. 1307 CHESNUT Street. THE BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT bat still regis tered on their books a large number of unemployed, honorably dischare-ed soldiers and sallorn, disabled or otherwise. Employers are most respectlully notitled that they can obtain any amount of skll'ed or unskilled labor by applying to this office. 11 any or these men are in very needy circumstances, and should haveemp'o.c ment Immediately. All In formation iurnisbod gratui tously. 3 31 It t JOHN W. WILSON, Secretary linrean of Employment. spring. ofny j Pvtrt. WILLIAM D. EOOERS, COACH AND LIGHT CARrUoB BUILDER, ' ' Nos. 1009 and 1011 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. 'tffiftnlp $15 nnri and tio.noo to loan on .UUU Mxrtjfige. Apply to I.E H H REDNF.R. MCHESNUT 8TO pW AMERICAN AND . FOREIGN BOOKS, PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY J. B. LIPriNCOTT & CO. LIPPINCOTT'S PROXOtrnfCIWO OA7.KT TKBK OF T1II0 HUKL1). Revls-d edition, containing wn thoonand new notices Edited by J. Thomas, M. D., and I. Baldwin. In ine Imperial octavo volume Price, aiu. LU'FlNCOTT'a PBONOIO.OLNO GilFTTEna OIVBS I. A Doscrlotlve notice or the countries Is'ands. Blvers, Mountains. Cities, Taunt, etc.. In evry part of the Uiobe, with the most recent and authentic lniorma- uuu- II. The Names of all Important Places, etc., both In their Native and Foreign Lauguaues, wl.b the Pronun ciation oi ttasamo a teature never attempted .In any other work. HI. the Clas leal Namea of all Ancient Placet, to far as they can be accurately ascertained Horn ilia best Authorities. fc IV. A i omplete Etymological Vocabulary of Uoo granhlcal Names. ,,4 , An elaborate Introduction explanatory ot tlia Principles ol Pronunciation of Nauiea In (he Pinlnh, Duich, French, Uermau, Greek, JUumtarian, Italian, Norwegian. Polish, 1'orluguose, Bussiau, Spanish, Swedish, and Welsh languages. TIIK I1AIL.T PlTBlTip SCHOOLS TN THE UIVI I IlU STATES, lvol .Bvo. tl 50. "No man goeth about a more godly purnoso than he that is Diinmul of a good bringing up, both ot bis own aud other men's chl dren." 8ocratas. "I soinetlmra am tempted to doubt whether any one who trios to open people's eyes In science. o I las, or religion. Is to be reckoned as a dubilma martyr, or an egregious fool." Robertson' Life and Letter. KCC K HOMO. A Survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ. 1 vol., Bto. Nearly ready. BRACTON AND IIIsHKLATIOW TOTtiB ItOMAM LAW. A Contrloution to the Illstorr of the Roman Law In tbe Middle Ages. By Cail (iuteroock, Frelessoi of Law in the University ot Kttnlgsberg, 'translated by Brlnton coze, hvo a 2. TML olj butiKi Words and 1 unes from !th best Poets and Musicians, Mo'.ectcd and arranged by John Hulloh, Professor ot Vocal Music, King's Col lege, Loudon. lHmo. si'iS. TII FOBM8 OF BORRKT BTJRVS. Kdlted, with a Preiatory Memoir, by Alexander Bmith. a vols., I8111O. 160. TBE: RKPUnLIO OK PLATO. 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If It were, it would be worse than useless, fur the hlddoBduptlm.'ot whictilt reveals a gl'mpse, are no Ot subjects .or a romance. "Prefaoe. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHY KIOLOOi V OF TI1H VUniKllltATK ANIMALs. Bv Blcha'd Owen, F. tt ., D. C. L. In three volames. Tbls work win be ll'oitrated bv npwarosof UM engraving on wood. Vol.I. .Nearly keady. ' NEW EPISCOPAL HYMN BOOK. ' Just published) ADDITIONAL lit MAIM set forth by the ' House of Hiehops," at the request of the "House of Clerical and Lav Deputies." in lienerul Convention, October li-CS, to be used 10 the Congregations ot the Protect ant EplHCopal ( burch In the United States of Ame rica, lbmo. 34 cents. . GLOBE EDITION "of KIIAKSPEARE'S OHICls. Complete. 1 cap Hvo. volume, lacludlna the PLAT", POEMS, SONNETS, and a COM 1'hlCTK GLOSSARY. hdlted by (Vltllain George Clark and William Addla Wright, of Trinity College, Cumbridwe. t2'60. THH HISTORY OFljSURY, trom'tlie earliest period to the present time, together with a brief state nentol general principles concerning the conflict of the laws In different Mate aud Countries, aed an ex amination Into the policy of Law on Usury, and their elleot on commerce. By J. B. c. Murray, 1 vol. Hvo. WILSON'S PRW-lilSTORIC MAN. ' ' Be- senrches into the Origin of civilization lu tba old and Kew W ortds. By Dunlel Wilson, LL. D.. Prolejaor of HNtorv and Enicish Literature in Unlversitv 1 'o lege, Toronto, author of the "Pre-Hlstorlo Auuuls of boot . land," etc. 2d edition. 8vo, o.otn. 1C- J. B. LIPriVCOTT & CO., it ip PUBLISHERS, Nos. 715 and 717 MARKET Street INSURE YOUR LIFE in Youii oAvivnoME coMPAiinr, - TUB I AMERICAN, OP PHILADELrniA, i S. E. Corner of Fourth and Walnut Sto f I Insnren In this noninan, h,n ha .rill..i .u. I t of tbe CAPITAL STOCK all paid op IN CASH, ' which, together with CASH ASSETS, now en haaS amount to . 81.143,87414, Invested a follow t i I0O.O0O D.H. H" Bonds , i lUV.OtHl city of l'blla 'elnlila Loan, 6', new 1 t 70.0M U. rt '1 reamirv Notes. 7 30 25 PW) Allegheny County Bouda 15 000 1. K. loan of lHhl 10 Kt Wvoming Va ley ( anal Bonds IS.711O ompound IntereatTreaaury Notes 10,000 Philadelphia and trie Itailroad Bonds 10,000 Pittsburg, Fort Wsyoe and Chicago Krllroad Bonds 1C,V City 01 Pittsburg and other Bond. S.lsiO Heading Hal road Bonds 1 QUO shares Tennsrivanla Kali road , . 460 shares Corn Lxooange National Bank 107 shares Fanners' National Bank of Beading; shs. Cormolftat on Na'lonal Bak 142 shares Wl liamsport Water Corn nan v aCl,00t-4 ' Mortgage Ground Kenta and Real La at Loans on co.laiera aimily secured Premium notes seeured by policies sjh In hands 01 agents secured by bonus.. Cah on deposit with U. S Treasurer Cash on band and In banks Accrued Interna and rents due Jan. 1 , ..14T1IM-JW ..lbatMl-q .211 904'. . S2 4o-l . ,. 21i,0NI' f .. 65 824 14 . 10.22101 INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 044,49a'9a. Losses Paid During the Tear Amounting to t $87,6363 1. LOP8EH PAID PItnMPTI.V. ' DIVIDENDS MADE AMli PALLY, tha aiding tk UBurea to pay premium. ; ine last jjiviiitKB on ail Mutual roilelefmio January 1,1008, waa FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount ot PREMIUMS received during thi year 1865. Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens In onr midst, 1 entitling It to more consido ration than those whose I manager reside In distant cities. Alexander Whilldln, J. Edgar 'thorn son, George Nugent, lion. James Pollock, Albert :. Roberta, P. B. Mingle. Samuel work. William J'. Howard, hamuel T iiodlua, John Aikman. Henry K.. Bennett, lion Joseph Al ison, Isaao Uaziehurau ALEXANDER TTHJLLDI5T, PiesldenL SAMUEL WORK. Vloe-7 resident. JOHH C. 8IM3,Aotuary. t ? JOHN 8. W10, Secretary and Treasurer. ' Jt few flnt rate canvassers wanted, i 16 thstu2m4t STEINWAT & SON. GBAKD, SQUARE. AND UPBIGHX I. PIA5JO-FOBTE8 J : have taken thlriytwo First J'rcniluns, goia and ilra medals, at the prlrclpal Fairs held In th Is country within tbe last ten years and in addition thereto they were awarded a First Fi izo Medal at the Great International Exhibition in London, liing, in competition with $9 Planus from nil parts of the world 1 hateho great superiority ef these instruments Is noir fi universally conceded is abundantly proven by the rAOsj ) that Messrs. htelu war's '-scales, improvement, and pe eullarltle of conauruoiioo" have been adopted by tbe great , majority of the manu actarao r twin nemt-. spheres (as elotrly as c uld d. tnthout infringemrnt , of fount righte), and, that their Instruments are used ky the most eminent pianist of Europe and America, who prefer them lor their own public and private use, when ever accessible. j STEIN WAT A SONS direct special attention to their PATENT AGRAFFE ARRANGEMENT, which, having been practically tested In all their Grand ' and Hight st-priced Square PIANOS, and admitted total one of the greatest Improvements of modern times, will hereafter be Introduced in evtry Piano manufactured bf thrtn wittout increate of cult to the purchaser, In orde ? that all their patrons may reap its benefit. 8TEINWAT fc sOSb' PIAKO.S are the only Ame rican Instruments to Europe In large num bers, and nsed in European concert-rooms. ; W arerocm at 3 10w8i4p BLA8IUS BROTHERS', No. 1000 CHi.SKCT Btieet. QrOVErv;& BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWLNG MA CHINKS, with latest im provements, No. 7J0 Chesnut 8treet,Plii!ailelphia; No. 17 Market street. Horrinhurg. 2 1 3m4p LdOKINQ GLASSES, if GP.EATLY REDUCED I IN PEI'CE JAMES S. EAIILE & ml li 21 W No. 81G. CHESNUT -STREET. UY FUHNITUR At GOULD & OO.'S i CS ION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street ! ((Opposite Christ Church), Ann cornerornin n ana mAKKt. 1. i The largest, cheapest, and best stock o . . FURNITURE a . M I. A IV. a,A.lJ lA IMCrerj utjpi;ripiiuu 111 1110 wunu. m iv v v . III. bliUJjJMAJlK UU., Nos. 4 and 6 North EIGHTH Street ARB KOW OTEKING A BPLEKDID ASSOETilENT 01 CHILDREN'S 6LOTIIINO. IN THE LATEST PARIS STYLES, Unsurpassed for elegance of orkmanshlp and material 1 CJMmwslmlp ' The publlo are Invited to call and examine. (JROYER& BAKER'S IMPROVED BHUTTLE Oil LOCK" STITCH BEW1NO MACHINES. No. 1 and No. 9 for Tailors, Bhoel mnkpra. Baddlers. etc. No. 730 Choanut stretif PliUadelpUlai No. 17 Mmkct btrcol, HurrUburi 1