The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 31, 1866, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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1 JTLdlLdl
VOL. V.-No. 18.
Deprived of Its Horrors by Purifying
and Enriching the Blood.
There Is None Equal to Helmbold's
Highly Concentrated Fluid
Extract Sarsaparllla.
It detective vlUliratlon ol tbe bluud, and when the blood
OSes Its
It eiusrs relaxation of the contractile oowr ol the
Hood tettrtt ol tbe bony, and the intestines ope their
tnyrtnd Kind rettelt. and a I the albuminous orflesh
DiaKlnn material passes oirirom the bunols.
Andwlillc lhereinoy he no occasion for alarm, thobe
ttimpurt blood ute mobt llublu to suller.
II Mil
nun nun
mm linn
IN 'THE BrKlXO MONT38 the system naturally
ndcu-ova a rlianue, and H 1 li BOl-Db HlUilLY
la an assistant of the ttrvatest va ur.
CIV 11 0 IsLOOto '1U 'J lit l'ALLID CHEEK
1 ' ;KE
- El. K
EEE. .
8( ALP and K1N, vhlvli so dihflnuro the a,prarauue,
PURGING the evil elect ol mercury and removing a 1
talnta..tht reniiiantsot DIEAE hereditary or othci--wlKe,
and Ik taken by ADULTS and CHILD at wltb
v... ...j'A ui 1
,' ,i , LLLLLLLlXtLL
- f
Kotafewof the wont "INordors that afTcot mankind
arise irom the corruption that accumulates In tbe blood,
Ol all the discoveries that ha ve been trade ta purge It
out, none can eiiaal In eiloct Hoiuiuold's Compound Ex
liaot oi Hars.uarll a it cleanses and renovates tbe
blood. Instils the vigor or beulth Into tbe sys era, and
purges out tbe humora which make disease. It stimu
lates ihe healiby luiicilcins of t ne body, and expels tbe
disorders that grow and rankle in tbe blood.
II 11 11 M
11 MM
11 MN
Al M M
MM it
M ta M
i :
11 AIM
l MM
11 MM
Scrofulous, mercurial, and svpUllltlc diseases destroy
whatever part thev may attack. . 'I honsanda die an
nually irom protracted diseases ol this claaa, and from
ihe abuse ol mercury. Visit any hospital, aayiuin. and
prison!, and satUly yourself oi ue truilituluesg of tliia
aserion. Hits snitw uci idbibiii um mruuua oi ineae
diseases by a judicious combination ot Tunica. .
Helmboid'a Highly t'oncentrnted Eima Extract Sar-
aparllla Is a Tonic oi the greatest value arresting the
most Inveterate disease after the ghinda are destroyed,
and the bones already attccted. 'iliig la the testimony
ot thousands who li"Y9 used and prescribed it for tbe
last 16 yean.
lilt 11 HUB .
BBlt 11 It
BB11 BbB
AN 1NTFRE8TISO LETTER Is Dnbllshed In the
Medico-Chlrurnleal Review, on the. subject of the ox
traot of f-arsapurtila in vcneieai allectlons, by Beulaiuln
Traven, F. K. S.,etc. bpeaklng oi Syphilis, and disease
arising irom tbe excess of mercuiv, ne stutea, Thai no
remedy i$ iqual to the extract of Sartaparittat itt powi-r
U extraordinary, mi re to than any oilier drug Jam ac
quainted with. It it m the ttnetett tente a tunic, with
thil invaluable attribute, that it it aflicab'e to a ttate
of the tytttm to sunken and yet to irritable at ren
Art other tubitancei uf the tome c an unavailable or
OOO ooo
000 OoO
OOO 000
TWO TABLESrbONPFUL tt fhvj Extract orBarsa
parilla, artel';- to a pint ol' water, it eual to the Lisbon
Diet Drluk, aitd oue bottle U eijuai to a gallon of tho
Hvr'jp of hamaparlila, or ttaWiecoctlon as usually made.
The decoction la exceeding troublesome, as It la necea- 1
aarv to prepare It fresh every day, and tbe avniD Is atHl
more objectionable, as h la weaker tbnn the decoction;
tor a fluid saturated wltb sugar Is susceptible of holding
In solution much lesi" extractive matter than waier
aJont. and ihe ayrnp la oiherwlse bjectlonable for tire
patient is Ireqiiemly nauseated, and his aiotnach aur
Itjtted, by the large proportion ol sugar he Is obliged to
-take with each dose ol ttarsaparil a. and which Is ol no
sue wtiatovcr, except to keep the decoction from spoil
ing. ' Uera tbe advantages and superiority of the Fiuld act in a comparative view are strikingly manifest. 4
Ll.L y '
LLL - . M
Helmbold's EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Kidney Disease.
Helmbold s tXTKACT BUCIIIU Cores Rhtumatgaj.
Jlelmbold's KXTRACT bUCHU CuresUrlnary Diseases.
Helmbold's EX I R tCT BUCHU Cures Gravel.
He.mi old's EX TRACT BUCHU Cures Strictures.
Helmbold's I X I KaCT BU( HU Cures Dropsy.
For the diseases named above and for Weaknetwes
and Pains In tbe Back. Female Complaints and Dis
orders arising irom excesses of any kind, It is lu
HUE IN THE UMTK.D HIA'iES A KM Y. and are uiao
In very general use In all the State HOHI'lI'ALd and
l-UltLlC HAMTARY INS 1 ITU HONS throughout the
land, as well as In private practice, and are considered
ha lnvaluab'e remedies.
Principal Depot HKLMBOLD'd DRUO AND
Hold by Druggists everywhere.
l etter from Hon. James M. Scovcl.
To tile Editor of the Evening Telerraph?
Camden, N. J., March 31, 18fi0. My attention
hits tais tnornintr bceu called to your extract in
yesterday's pitpcr, from the State Gazette. It
contains many slanders on what the Pre. e
pleased to term my "erratic character." But I
nave no time tor personal attack or defense. I
was thirty-two years oi ae on the liitb of Janu
ary last.
I have never yet been driven inlo a course
which had not tbe sanction of my reason or ray
onucience, or both. I cannr.t be driven. Now
what are the facts at. the. bottom of the contro
versy into which I have iTcen so unccrcnionlouBly
A plurality rule was offered by a Ttepnbllean
In tbe.loint meeting of the Js'ew' Jersey Legisla
ture which elected' John Stockton Senator.
1 opposed it bitterly. It parsed by Keoublican
votes in joint roeeuutr against ray protest. At
the next ballot John Stockton received a plu
rality of the votes, and was declared elected
by the President of tbe joint meeting. I went
out of that meetintr and made up my mind
then and there that alter the adoption of this
plurality rule, as a man of honor I could
not lake part in an effort to oust him when Re
publican votes alone made his election a possi
bility. I opposed that election like an honest
man. But when that election was had, as an
honest man and a lawyer, believing him by law
entitled to his seat, I have persistently refused
to enter into the adventure to drive hurt out of
the Senate.
In mv view of the law of the caic, I am sus
tained by Trumbull, Poland, and six out of seven
tit the Judiciary Committee of the United States
Senate. Enough on that point.
Now about the joint meeting; and I will not
pause or descend to notice the sinister allusions
of the Gazette.
A man with an empty pocket can defy the
world, the flesh, and the devil I
I requested that the caucus should name the
man before I agreed to co Into joint meeting.
My motives have been doubted.
Men always abuse an adversary when they
cannot answer his arguments. The Legislative
journal of Friday correctly reports ine as fol
lows: "Mr. Scovel opposed the resolution. He had
lust returned from Washington alter consulting
the toremost Republicans in the country. He
undei stood the i-ituution. He agreed with Mr.
Trumbull, Chairman ot the Judiciary Committee
of the United States Senate, six of which Com
mittee, out of seven, reported In favor of Mr.
Stockton's rlqht to a seat. Mr. Stockton is my
political foe, but I will be lust to him, and true
to my sense of what makes a Republican gentle
man. I can truthfully say: "Vhnt am I to Hecuba,
or Hecuba to roe, that I should weep lor her?"
But I will do what I believe to be right, while. I
would gladly bend to the request of the Union
League just handed rue. I am for seudintr a true
man to Washington at once. Hon. John Van
dyke; Judge Richard S. Field, Dudley St. Gre
gory, or any distinguished soldier who has
served Ike country, can have my heartfelt sup
port. Though threatened at my room within an
hour by a member of a powerful political ring, I
now giory in taking this responsibility and
gladly again take my appeal from tho politicians
to the people whose servant I am, and w ho, by;
the grace oi God, 1 will never betray."
1 did consult with the best and greatest men
on the side of the Union in Washington, and I
meant what I said aud said what I meant wnen
I remarked, "I am for sending a true man to
Washington at once."
' One ol the greatest men of the nation In Con
gress said to me, "Scovcl, better that the. elec
tion of Senator go over than t send a timid,
hall-hcarted Republican."
I think, Mr. Editor, lam old enough, to dis
tinguish between the worship of man and devo
tion to principle,
The difference between the mere tuan and the
principle is sometimes the diticrence between
hell and heaven.
I am right within the doors of my own con
science, and who dares to sav that 1 will not go
into joint meeting for Field, Vandyke, or
Giecorv t Has auv onnortunitv been ottered me?
I say that I will, if the Republican caucusj
nune ou any oi moe men atreauy namea, or on
Hon. A. K. Hay, of Camden, or Judge George S.
Woodhull, of the Supreme Court. I will go into
Joint meeting at 10 A. M. (or any other hour)
on Tuesday next. I want to send a true man
and a statesman to Washington, and I am ready
to make my words good by inBtant action. Mow
let my enemies answer that.
These Christian geuiiemen, these unselfish
patriots (?) who make ud this political combina
tion which has hunted me like a partridge In
the mountains, and charts me with daily vio
lating all the ten commandments, can never
dictate to me. Let ft candid world udre be
tween me and them. The tyranny which drove
me irom one party is as odious to e ta another
when it demands that I submit to insolence and
injustice combined.
If (J'orl rrmiipH ma with n VkTliTri 'tvhifh ta not
Wind to injustice, and a heart wuch sides with
a man when he is oppressed, I do not chooie to
apologize for that.
v ours, Jakes M. Soovel.
T. 8. I did not vote for myself on the organi
sation of the Senate, and am not responsible for
any reporter's statements in the New York
Litre UL J. M. S.
Let tar front Beverly Tuckeri
The following is a letter from Beverly Tucker
"which has been sent to the editor of The Vostno
politan: Pabis, Mareh 12, 1800. I have just read your able
and eloquent leader upon President Johnson's inter
position of tho constitutional veto to the "Freed
men's Bureau bill" bocomtng law, You are right.
The principles and spirit of this masterly Executive
message commend themselves to the Indorsement ot
every patriot within, and every rational man with
out, the country. Private gnevanoes, even thoacrli
they have culminated in onerous and unjust exile,
should be forgotten in admiration for the stupen
dous achievement that has crushed ont, as it wore,
at one blow, the purposes of a wicked party, seeking
politically to oppress, and personally ta dograde, the
white peoplo of eleven sovereign States I The cud of
bitter disappointment must be chewed by those who
were the authors of the awlul warfare of sections
that has deluged a land with blood, and made the
graves of a moiety of a vast empire "heave but as
seine passing waves." They have sowed tho whirl
vvmd and they must re&o tho atom I
It is no less a Christian duty to forgive, than a
patrlotlo cllort, at least, to forgot individual wrongs,
w hen opposed In the scale by the restoration of the
personal rijjhts and political status of eight millions
of white ueonle: and this ollioial aot of Pro-ddeut
Johnson must be accepted as a happy harbinger of
thai butter spirit wnicn is, we nope, to luspira the
future councils of the present Government at YTajU-
lima much I deem it a grateful privilege to say.
and I beg to join you in tbe anticipation ot the good
that must flow from this resolute and timely cheek:
to thednatruetlva anirit ot radicalism, which, a ure-
tisted, would ere long have sapped the very sources
of human himrtv in that distracted country.
For invaoif albeit I must look a home In some
foreign laud, and must yot live, perhaps f jrever,
without the nrotMfltinir seels oi that graud old Com
monwealth I love so well, I shall ever, as a Vir
ginian, l ook with flli.l and affectionate interest to all
that touches tbe future houor and happiness of her
noble veople, and shall caeristi m my heart, la all its
Junes, torce, me beauhlul ana soiaoing truiu,
"C'ceVum non aniiuum mutant qui trans ware our-
ruu',,-- saitujuuy jours,
VTanra W Alton l. lA..l.lttnTi flAvurnnr
of Louisiana), who has edited tbe Mexican
jme since us atuvi, was at lust dates aoom to
visit Cordova and the new American settlement
tnii pQrlritn nnrl thon tt Puria Lv t.llA
new French steamer Panama, which was to
leave Vera Cruz for San Nazariue. via Havana
I U, 'I'U ..... n .I.a 11. Y. !..!
Is J ante Ntrpkena In Hew York?
It is the belief of many persons that the Irish
revolutionary chief. Jaruej Stephens, is at pre
sent secretly concoaled in this city under the
protecting wing? of Head Centre O'Mahony.
wailing to f-eo if the British Government will
claim him as a refnaee from Instice, or a felon
ous jail-breaker under the extradition treatv
between this country and Great Britain. A
mysterious-looking personage came over on the
s'eamer Fulton, wuicn reached this port from.
Havre on Ihtirsd ay last.
This individual was noticed by all tho pasen
ecrs on the Fwton Irom his somewhat reticent
and partial resemblance to the published por
traits of the Irish Mazzlnl. Whether he un
bosomed himselt to his fellow-Fenians on board
ol the Fulton, and declared himself to the simon
pure, bona fide nrtirlc, or C. E. L R-. it is not
known, but It is certain that tne engineers, Bre
men, and many oi the paseneers of Fenian
proclivities, believed the stranger to be James
Stephens, and on the arrival ot the vessel at her
dock, a close car race appeared on the wharf,
as if by appointment, and tho mysterious
stranger, leavinar the side of the steamer.entcred
the carrince, closed the blinds, and the carriage
disappeared in the sinuous streets leading from
the North River. It Is asserted by some of the
Fenians in this city that Stephens is closeted
with O'Mahony, and that there is a deadly strug
gle iroing on between tho Head Centers for the
spoils, which ran only have one resuP, namely,
the confinement of C." E. I. R. to the lowest dun
peons ot the O'Mahony mansion. It is believed
that Stephens will attempt to take the direction
of affairs into his own hands, but it is also sup
DOFcd that John O'Mahony will make a des
perate Cght tor the position he has held so man-
It is presumed that Mrs. Stephens is also In
the city, as it is stuted that Head Centre O'Ma
hony has purchased one thousand dollars' worth
oi leweiry, consoling oi necklaces, a eoia watcn,
and some olhr coBtly articles of bijouterie for a
lady's use. These articles are to be presented to
Mrs. 'Stephens, if that lady has not already re
ceived them. Mrs. Stephens is described by the
Fenians who were acquainted with her in Dublin
as a lady about twenty-five years of age.
Mri. Stephens is the sister of George Hooper,
a merchant, of Dublin, who was deeply implica
ted in the Fenian conspiracy, and was sentenced
to two years imprisonment" Mrs. Stephens is
also the cousin of Mrs. Marquis, the wife of the
Foveinor ot the Bridewell, from which James
Stephens escaped. It Is presumed that Stephens
will be compelled to give an account of his
stewardship to the Brotherhood as soon as he
makes his public appearance In this city. JV. Y.
Kasson Divorce Case The Other Side.
Des Moines. Iowa. March 17. Editors Mis
souri Democrat: I notice in your publication
ol tne 14th instant, what purports to be a his
tory of the Hon. John A. Kasson divorce case.
as given by an Iowa paper. Being familiar with
the facts of the case, I am prompted, through
uieuuiup tor our uuie xveprt-Meiiuitive in con
gress, to correct some of the statements in such
published account of the unhappy atl'auv
mr. kasson maao no comcsss'.on oi guilt ot the
charges of infidelity on his part. Ho did not
meet his wife in thin city on I'his return from
Washington, and confess to her the truth of
certain charges against mm ot adultery with
certain pcrtone.
The attorney of Mrs. Kasson notified her hus
band by letter of the intention of his wife to
commence suit tor divorce, ana that the Dill
would charge him with adultery with certain
peseons named, and with others unknown. "
. On his (Mr. Kasson's) arrival in this citv. late
on Friday evening, he went directly to the office
of the attorney ot his wife, lor tho purpose of
seeing the petition lor uiverce ana the charges
aaalnst him. Upon examination he found
cLarges of adnltcry by him with certain persons
namea, w nica ac aemea, aua staiea ne should
rcsiwt such accusations. .
Ho finally agreed with tho attorney that if
his wife would strike out the objectionable, part
of the petition, that he would admit the general
charge of adultery. This was agreed to. The
next day Mr. Kasson and the attorney of Mrs.
Kasson together went to Indianola, in Warren
county, where tbe petition wa-? Bled. Notice
being waived. Mr. Kasson tiled his answer.
briefly as follows: .
"After seven years of domesticiroubles. which
I hove tried in vain to arrest, I now take the re
sponsibility of admitting tho allegations of the
petition, and join in tho prayer for a divorce."
I am of the opinion that a large majority of
the constituents ol Mr. kasson will never believe
him guilty ol adultery, and sympathize with
him in the extreme course he has been obliged
to rtwrsiie In nrdivr to fre himKplf from hi
jea lous und unhappy wife. Respectfully,
. Li. H.
Suspension of National Banks Who-Pay i
me notes r
A despatch reports a small panic on account
of the suspension of several national banks in
the oil regions. By the following extract from
tbe National Banking Law it will be seen that
noiuois ot national iiaiiK notes, when the Dunks
lailor stop, are entitled to look to tho Govern
ment for the full payment of their notes. As
tne law now etami. a national uaut gets ail tho
protits, and the Government takes all the risks
of a banking enterprise; and the note-holders,
wnen tney apply to a suspended national bank,
are quietly direoted by the suspended director
to apply around the corner to the Comptroller of
tne currency, rtaving maae an tne money they
could, thev have no further trouble or responsi
bility in tne matter.
"That if auv bucu association shall, at any
time fail to redeem, in the lawful money of tho
United States, any ot its circulating notes, when
payment thereof shall bo lawfully demanded,
during the usual hours of business, at the otiico
ot such association, the holder may cause the
same to be protested, In onev package, by a
notary public.
Vthat on receiving not ce that any suon asso
ciation has failed to redeem any ot its circu
lating notes, as specified In the next preceding
section, the Comptroller of tho Currency,
snail, wit inn tnirtv auvs alter ne auaii nave re
ceived notice ol such failure, declare tho United
States bonds nd securities pledged by such
association loneitea to tno umtea states, ana
the same shall I Hereupon ne- lorleitea accord
inerlv. and thereupon the CeruDtroller shall ira.
mediately give notice. n aucU manner as the
Secretary of the Treasury shall, by general rules
or otherwise, direct, to the holders of the cir
dilating notes of such associations to present
them for payment at the Treasury of tbe United
States: and the same shall be paid as pre
efntcd." . .
1 Rev. ChAtles Kingsley has written a letter
ti the subictat of tho game laws to a friend In
"Newcastle, in which he says : "For my own
part, 1 wish to Heaven there waa not a hare or
rabbit in England. Pheasants aud partridges
do wood to the farmer and not harm. But the
Dresent over-breeding (I don't call it preserving)
of pheasant offers a terrible temptation to
inany (chows, ana must tie put aown ny puono
opinion. Meanwhile, the oulv cure will be to
abolish the game laws, aud put the beasts of the
wood on tho' same foutuiL' as other nronertv.
But I say that 11 I were a squire I would never
breed or leca a single pneasant. 1 would exter
minate bares and rabbits,,. If my farmers chose
to keep u tew hares for coursing, let them; aud
then I would have (it I cared for it, which I
don't);eapital Bhooting, and my tenants glad to
see me. That is done on many estates now, and
the consequenees are excellent morally, and
muca wore rem sport ouituueu,"
Special Uopatchet to The Evening felegraph.
Washington, March 31.
General Hancock's Board, now engaged in the
examination of models for breech-loading fire
arms, are still In session, and will continue to
receive new improvements for several weeks.
Over thirty patterns have now been entered.
Epidemic In an Almshouse.
A malignant form of typhus feyer has broken
out at the city almshouse, which building has
been abandoned, and tho inmates removed to
tents furnished by the War Department.
Tbe Proposed Negro Celebration at Rich
mond. General Terry having asked for Instructions
about allowing the Freedmen at Richmond to
celebrate the 3d of April as a holiday, it being
the anniversary oftheir freedom day as well as
of the fall of Richmond, and that officer having
expressed an opinion that said celebration would
not be tolerated by the whites, it is understood
that the President has directed it to be sup
pressed; and simulaneoVisly with tho report,
the Sth Regulars received marching orders, and
moved this afternoon towards Richmond. A
resolution of inquiry . into the matter will be
offered on Monday, in the lower House.
Potislble Trouble on the Newfoundland
In view of the possibility of the occurrence of
difficulties between the British and American
fishermen off the Newfoundland coast, ia conse
quence of the termination of the Reciprocity
Treaty, the monitor Miantinomah. has been des
patched to the lishlng banks to protect the
Interests of American citizens.
Knuiurs ot Cabinet Changes.
The newsmongers of the city are circulating
reports again of impending Cabinet reconstruc
tions, and, as on all former occasions, pretend
to have confidential but Indubitable "evidence
that it must certainly occur. Secretary Scward'j
health is to afford him a sufficient excuse.: Stan
ton, Speed, and Harlan are to plead a want of
harnrtmy with the administration policies, and
graceiully bow themselves out; Postmaster- ,
General Deuison's letter to the New Hampshire
official is to be an excuse for intimating that
he is not ia such complete accord with the
Presldery, as Is imperatively demanded by the
exigencies of the time in short, McCulloch
is the only one likely to remain, according t6'
these latter day Cabinet reoonstructionists.
As yet rumor has assigted no successor to any
one but Speed. Recent eventa point to, Hon.
Henry Stansbury, Ohio, as the man on whom
the Attorney -Geneial's mantle will fall, if any
ch'ange he made.' Russell Houston; of Teunes-g
see, was mentioned soma weeks ago as likely to,
be designated for tbe place; . but it ia uncertain
whether he could afford to accept it. His friends
assert that he could have the vacancy on the
bench oi the Supreme Court, but he boa thus far
considered it not to his interest to accept the
position. General Stcadmau's friends are equally
confident that he can be Secretary of War when
ever he desires the place. It is also thought by
many that of all others mentioned Governor
Morion, of Indiana, stands first on the list. I
give the rumors for what they are worth. Pos
sibly no changes arc contemplated. It Is only
certain that there is a popular expectation of a
The May Interest on tbe Five-Twenties.
Tho statement that the May interest on the
Five-twenty bonds wil be paid In April Is erro
neous, on the authority ol the Secretary of the
Treasury, it may be said that tho payment ot
the May coupons will not commence until they
are due. Per contra, it may be said that the
gold that is In the Treasury for that.purpose
will have to be kept for that use, and that no
good reason is apparent to outsiders why the
payments should not be made immediately.
Pennsylvania Politicians.
Governor Curtln, of Pennsylvania, ia in the
city, and in close communion with Senator
Cowan. Report says tho object of these inter
views is to kill otf General Cameron as a candi
date at the next Senatorial election, and pave
the way fortho Governor.
Indian Treaty.
The President has proclaimed the treaty made
with the headmen and chiefs of the Blackfoot
band of Dakotau and Sioux Indians, similar to
the treaties recently mado with two other bands
of the same Indians, by which they pledge them
selves not only to preserve peace towards the
United States, but to withdraw irom the Over
land route. In consideration of these stipula
tions they are V receive $7000 for twenty years.
Consul Recognized.
The Presid ent has recognized Gerhard Jausen
as Consul of Oldenburg at New York.
Nkw Y.oek, March 31. In the San .Francisco
despair Ji, published this morning, the shipment
of treasure Is largely overstated. The true
flguiea should be fiSl'SB, of which $30!,459,44
waa for New York. The error was occasioned
by tire fact that the cents were mentioned, a very
unusual occurrence, and that being transmitted
in figures, a wrong pointing was made some
wherejon the route, as well as by the copyist
The Opening of the New York Canals.
Albamt, March 30. The Canal fpmmlssioners
met to day to discuss the time of opening the
canals. The twenty-seventh of April and the
first and third of May were suggested. The pro
bability now seems to bo that the first day of
May will be fixed upon.
Descent on a Gambling Houso.
' BoflTOM, March 31. A posse of State consta
bles made a descent last night om a gambling
house No, 15 Brattle street, and captured thirty
five men, and all the implements of the concern.
The friends of Mazzinl in Genoa having
commenced preparations to celebrato his elec
tion for Messina by a publio manifestation, the
police authorities intimated that they would not
permit sny demonstration, aud would, if neces
sary, disperse auy assemblage oi thin kind by
anued torce,
Tb Street Cleaning Centraet-Iojnno-tlon
Against the City.
Court op Common Plbas President Judge
Allison and Judge Pearce. McKinlcy et al. vs.
The City of Philadelphia, Morton McMichacl,
Mayor, and Joseph R. Lyndall, Controller of the
City. Opinion ot the Court oy Allison, P. J.
Ihe complainants, who are owners of real
estate and taxpayers, ask an injunction tore
strain the execution of two several agreements
entered into by the Mayor, on behalf ol the City
ot Philadelphia, tor the cleansing of the streets
of the city tor a period of five years, undor an
ordinance passed the day of March, 186.
The rcitet asked is threelold:
First. That said ordinance may be declared
to be unlawful.
Second. That the Mayor be enjoined from tbe
execution of said .contracts, and be required not
to atiix the corporate seal of the city thereto.
Third. That Joseph R. Lyndall, Controller of
the city, be enjoined Irom countersigning auy
warrant tor the payment of moneys required by
the terms of any contract made In pursuance
ot the aloresaid ordinance.
The 20th section of the act oi 1856 requires
that all goods, merchandise, and any article of
any kind, aad abor and teniae required for the
city ot Philadelphia, in any department thereot,
snail be purchased and contracted tor only in
such manner as shall be prescribed by ordinance;
and lor that purpose the Councils are roqtured
to direct by ordinance the manner and time ot
making the yearly estimates by tho several de
partments of the said city, and of receiving
sealed proposals for such supplies, as aforesaid,
which proposals shall be preceded by advertise
ment, and no contract shall be awarded to any
but the lowest bidder who shall give tho requi
site security therefor.
In the case of Comlcy et al. vs. 'the City
2 Philadelphia Reports; 194 tuts section of the
act was commented on la considering the ques
tion rai&ed by the bill filed by the complainuut
in that case. The object of the law, it was said,
was to guard against corruption and favor
lteism in the contracts which the city ot neces
sity is required to make irom year to year, tor
its supplies of labor and- service, at well
as of various kinds of personal property
of which it is a large consumer. The
guards thus fought to be thrown around
the public treasury, it established and carried
into etlect, as contemplated byUue act, would
doubtless correct abuses charged to have been
earned on to an extent which called for roiorra
in the disbursements of the ruonovs ot the cltv.
The Court further says a broad and liberal
construction snouia De given to an act whoso
provisions are ot so wholesome a character, aud
if possible it should be enforced, not oulv bv its
letter, but also iu accordance with its reason
and spirit.
The contracts now soucrht to be restrained.
both as to their execution and operation, we
noia are covered by tho requirements ot tho act
of 1806. They stipulated tor tbe furnishing of
supplies ot labor and service, which are required
to be pcrtormed' lor a department of the city of
Philadelphia; ana they are ot such a character,
that their want is an annually recurring want,
and therefore covered by the direction of the
law, that thev shall be awarded alter an oppor
tunity shall have been anordea to Diaaers to
put in sealed proposals for the same, which pro
posals shall be preceded by advertisement, and
ine contract oy tne terms oi me iuw must ue
awaraea to tne lowest nude.
It is attempted to be set un for answer to this
conclusion, that the city has complied with the
directions of the act, by the ordinance of March
, i), out the ropctloti to this answer w,
that the ordinance does not provide tor a yearly
estimate by the Department - ot streets ana
Highwavs. or bv tbe Street Cleaning Depart
ment of the dry, for the furnishing or this ne
cessary supply of labor and service, which can
under no circumstances oe dispensed wun lor a
tingle year, and is therefore capable of being
Anticipated as an essential and annual want ot
the city, lor which either department named
can make a yearly estimate, and this h peremp
torily requirea to oe aone.
Uut the objection is equally strong, that mere
is no pretense even of a compliance with tho
duty enjoined by the act to advertise for pro-
IioBitls lor tho furnishing of such supply of
abor and service, and that upon an oppor
tunity thus offered for competition, the con
tractnas been awarded to the lowest bidder.
Nor is it set up lor answer to the prayer of the
bill, that competition tor the cleansing ot the
streets was ailorded to any one by advertise
ment or otherwise. The ordinance of March ,
18(i6, empowers the Mayor to enter into con
tracts with competent persons for the removal
of all dirt, etc, from the streets lor five years, at
a rate ot chnrge not exceeding ninety-five thou
sand dollars per annum.
The whole matter of the contract subject, to
the restrictions contained In the ordinance, U
referred to tho Judgment and discretion of the
Mayor. It would be ditllcult to conceive of a
more palpnble disreeard ot the clear aud posi
tive command ol thaaet of 1851). Nor is it a sutli
cicnt answer to say, that this discretion has
been honestly and judiciously excrc'sed; this
no one thinks of calling in question. Tho
confidence reposed by Councils in the Mayor
is no more than a just tribute to uis
wellefctabluhed character for integrity and
ability, but this only makes a departure- from
the protection which i. sought to be thrown
around the public interests the more dangerous
as a nrecedent. and reauires us to do that which,
under tho circumstances, we regret to be com
pelled to perform.
The imnortanre of Tiromnt nrovlslon for the
cleansing of the highways of the city, in view off
the near approacn oi warm weaiuur, u mu
now objectionable condition ot many of our
streets, and of 'the impending cloud which has
Ttnon rirnwinnr nnnr tn 1IH. charged With DOHtl-
leBce and with death, are most serious and im
portant considerations, to which we are not in
sensible. Hut oor duty yet remainbtu ucuiia
th lnur on ura hnlinvn iind understand it to be.
and as it has been invoked at our hands. We
have no other alternative allowed to us but to
grant the injunction prayed for.
The following opinions were also delivered by
thn PreRidpnt Judi?e: Estate ot John Y. Clark.
Exceptions to auditor's report. Exceptions
fllmlQanrl anrl mnnrt p.nritlrmpd.
Charles Bard's Estate. Exceptions to audi
tor's report. Exceptions sustained and report
lPfr-Mfiil hark to auditor, with Instructions to
correct his report, by charging the accountant
with the amount claimed oy exceptants.
Uber vs. Hickson & Clemens. Certiorari.
BradUeld vs. Reiin. Certiorari. Judgment
reversed. ...
Skelton vs. Mason. Certiorari. J uagmeni re
versed. ,
Cook vs. McDevttt. Certiorari. Judgment re
Dickensheets vs. Ilotchklss. Certiorari. Judg
ment reversed.
Beulah vs. Beulah. Divorce. Report of Ex
aminer affirmed.
Cary vs. Cary. Divorce. Report of Exam
iner affirmed.
;Cotjbt op Qtjabtie Sessions Judge Ludlow.
Habeas corpus cases, ana omer inwocimueuiu
cases incident to the cloBingof the February
Term, occupied the session ot to-aay.
Charge of Embezzlement aa Consignee
John W. Fox is chanted, under section 128 o
the Revised Penal Code, with embezzlement as
fnnularmn of thirtv sacks of blue army shoddy,
valued at $12J8'25, which was cousigned to him
with authority to sell on commission, the con
signor being James Dalton. Fox had a hearing
mi urir uf imhi'im coiniiB to-dav.
The lacts as testified to by Mr. Dalton are that
Fox represented to him that he had oMored
some 6ouO pounds of the same goods, and had a
market for and could sell 10,000 ponnds. Mr.
Dalton being Influenced by this statement, de
livered to Mr. Fox his 6000 pounds to sell on
commission. This was in October and Novero
ber last.
When called upon to account for the goods to
the consignees, Mr. Fox denied Dalton owner
ship, and said he bad been instructed by Mr.
Sheard, the manufacturer of the goods bing at
Little Falls, Herkimer countv, New York, to
sell them on his (Sheard's) account.
The prosecutor dec led that Mr. Shcard had
ever given any such instructions, and showed
that on the contrary Mr. Sheard held him (Dal
ton) responsible for the value of the goods, and
had instituted suit for their price against him.
Under this state of facts the Court refused to
discharge the defendant, and remanded him for
trial. Edward J. B. Thomas for the prosecutor;
Pierce Archer, Jr., lor the defendant,
Joseph Alexander, convicted ot the larceny of
a pair of boots, the properly ot John Essler, was
sentenced to four months in the County Prison.
Office op the Evening Telegraph, f
Saturday, March 31, 18C. J
There was more disposition to operate ia
stocks this moraine, and prices have an upward
tendency. Railroad shares continue tho most
active on tho list, About 3000 shares of Philadel
phia and Erie sold at 29.31, the latter rate an
advance of 2J; CatawUsa preferred sold at 27JO
27j, a slight decllue; common do. at 27Jf$23, the
latter rate an advance of 4; Camden aud Am
boy Railroad at 119 J; Pemsvlvauta Railroad at
50, an advance of J; Norri; town at 52. no change;
Reading at 60, no chantro; North Pennsylvania
atSCj, an advance of 4; Lehigh Valley at 624, no
change; and Northern Central at 44 JA no change.
284 was bid for Little Schuylkill, and 64J for
Minchill. ,
Government bonds are firmly held at full
prices, but the transactions continue limited.
7-30s sold at 100. ' 104 was bid for Cs of 1881;
104 for 6-208 ; and 92 for 10-409.
State and City loans were unchanged. New
City Cs sold at 91 J; and old do. at 87J.
City Passenger Railroad shares are unchanged.
Ilestonvillo sold at 42.' 70 was bid for Second
and Third; 40 for Fifth and SLxth; 51 for Tenth
and Eleventh; and 25 for Girard College.
Bank shares are iu demand, but we hear of
no sales. 208 was bid for North America; 140
for Philadelphia; 124 for Farmers' and Mecha
nlcs'; 90 for Northern Liberties; 23 for Mecha
nics'; 100 for Kensington; 53 for Girard; 62 for
Tradesmen's; and 65 lor Union.
Canal shares are in belter demand. Schuylkill
Navigation preferred sold at 28i29, the latter
rate an advance of J; Lehig'a Navigation at 52,
no change; aud Delaware Division at 45 , a
decline of 1; 20J was bid for Schyulkill Navi
gation common; 114 for Morris Canal preferred;
and 12 for Susquehanna Caual.
Oil shares" contiuue very dull. Dalzell sold at
14, and Maple Shade at2j, a slight decline.
Keported Dy De Uavon & Bra, No. 40 S. Third street
tOOOU 8 7 80s Aug. 100 I 2t,suphllt E..U0 811
ftfiOOUitrB. old.... 871
100 U
100 8tl
100 sh
100 sh
.BO Olf
.b6 81
9800 (10 lots. 87
1000 do mun 911
f .00 ' do., new Is 92
S1000 Cam. ft Am. 89 83
(2000 do..m 63, 89 94
100 Kb Ph. & E o 29)
do 81
do nao u
100 sh
do ait
100 Q Cata ut....bl0 27 J
100 sh do 27
100 sh do 27
100 sh
do c 29
100 sh
100 sh
100 fh
100 sh
16 sh
2!K sh
100 sh
100 Bb
100 sh
100 sh
100 sh
100 h
100 sh
100 sh
100 sh
100 Bh
200 eh
100 h
100 sh
H O ah
200 sh
do blO 30
00......C 80
do blO 30
100 sh do BiJO 271
700 fh do lots. 2d
600 Hh do 23
loom Sch N. nf.bGO 29
do iSOJI
do bl5 ) J I
do 80
do.. lots... c 80f
do 80 5
do.'. c 80j
(to 80
do o 803
do b80 81
oo 60.. 801
do 16 81
do 81
do f6. 81
do 1)6 811
do b30 81
do BOO 81
do e80 81
do BOO 81
do.. lots 680 81
142sn do lots 284
66 sh Lchiirh Nav is 62
150 sh Morris CI 70
100 th Dalzell 1
28 sn Cam & A .1H.119J
7 sh do m
100 Bh Pcnn K...10U 66
16 sh Host'v'e 11...0 42
45 sh Norrlstowu.lg 62
100 Bh Maple Sh..10 21
600 sh ao....lots. 2
100 sh do slO 2i
lnO Bh Reading o 60l
16 Bh Del. Div 451
100 Bb do ial
100 h N l'enna 8rtl
1 sh Loh Val 62
9 sh N Centr 44
10 A. M
U A. M
1271 12 M 128
128 i IP. M 128
n mm DrrRN iv He Co. nuote as lollows:
liuvina. nellin
Amorlpun Onld mi UN
Ain.rlinn Kllvor. lnnd i 1211 122
American Silver Ulnios aua liau uimet in no
1'eiinBvlvania Currency .1.
New York Exchange 1-19. par.
Amount of coal transported on the Pluladel
phia and Reading Railroad during the weeK
ending Thursday, marcn as, iouu;
From St. Clair ,
Port Carbon... 8,661 -00
" l'otuville 665 MH
' Schuylkill Haven 21 622 08
" Auburn 673-02
Port Clinton 8' c
" JUarrisburg and Dauphin o'Vl
Total anthracite coal for week eO.UelT
Bituminous coal from Uarrisburg and
Dauphin for weok 5,488 'U
, Total of all kinds for week.
' Previously this year
6 R04-08
Total ! 844,689-12
To same tune last year 820 260-13
rhijndelphla Trade Report
Saturday? March 81. Ihe BnatistuQ4 Market
ont nues xtroniely quiet, but Buppiies come lor.
ward klowly, and prices remain without quota'ilo
change. There in a total absence of any shipping
demand, but about 1000 bbls. were takou bv the
home oengumors, chleflv extra y, at 88 609 26
for northwestern, and 89(ttl0 for Peunsylvnia and
Ohio, including small IuIb of superfine at 86 757-25,
extras at 87 60 8. and lancy from 11 to 815. email
sale of Kye Flour at 84 76, but there is very little
demand. , ...
fcPnci-8 of Corn Meal are nominal.
The market U entirely bare ot white wheat, and
rrimn is Bcarcfl Sales of 4000 buabela oboice red at ,
82 87fa2-40 : 8500 bunhels on necre iermi aud 600
biwhol interior at 81 70. Rya seliB In lota at 90o.
Corn is In good reouoKt. and pneos are well main
tained. Sales ot 3000 bushels yellow at 71o. atloat,
and 70o. In tore. Oats are nnctiaDged. Sale in
Iota at 49j&60c. In Barley and Malt nothtnr doing.
There is very little Quercitron Bark here. Ihe
last sale ot No. 1 was at 829 p ton.
In (jroconet and Provisions there Is a Tair trade
do'ng at Btoadv prices.
WiiiHkv is dull fcmall sales of Pennsylvania at
f 2-25(&2 28; and Ohio at 82-28.
Markets by Telegraph.
New York, March 81 Cotton quiet at 40ji?llov
F.our quiet and uncbai-Ked ; sales roaoh 6"00 bula.
Hales ot 660 bbls.. Kou'Iihtu at nncliantred prices,
Canada quiet; talifl ot 980 bbls. Wheat held burlier.
Corn qtnot nd steady. Beet quiet. Pork dull aud
lower; S26w'36'ti-4 lor Muss. Lard dull and uo
changed. Wuisky quiet but steady.
New York, March 29. blocks are dull. Chicago
and Keck Island, 118 ; Michigan Southern, 84;
New York Central 91; Reading, 101 ) ; Virginia 6,
68; Minsouri 6s. 72 ;Erte, 77 ; West.TU Union. ftt
United SUtes Coupous.lbUl, 106; ditto, 1Hi2 1041 1
Ten-iorties vii iroasury i5evuu-iiiiriios,.iwiiiiwj
bold mimi.
' t