SKIIOH AND CORINTH BATTLE-FIELDS. TIr PrMfHl 41 h amity Apptirano The Bone af l'2,ooo 4Jureitrate Soldier BlvnciilOff AImsv sMrounrt. Corinih ( Mint. )VorrtnKmae ce of tto Memphis Argun Not tbe lant memorable of the "pitcho'l battlPR" of the lute war was that which was loiifrot in front of this iir-and "intrenched camp" that we call Corinth, ou the 3d and 4tu days ol October, 18;2, t During the pnt two davit, a portion of my aojonrn hero has been ppen t in a partial explo ration ol that pirt of the baUlo liold which lien in the northwes'ern antrle ior:nea bj the croiw inp oi tne Memphis and Charleston and Mobile and Ohio Rullrouds. The aicfhH that I saw, ol' vast numbers of Contcdernte ' bones," who'c skeletons and parts of skeletons, lying; exposed and bleach'nar on the licld, in the bushes, and on the hillsides, mi.lcr lours, and on mumps; ot the neatly inclosed and well-marked gravus of Federal Holdieni, U buried at the proper depth, and of tbe forest trees, in all directions, rent and torn by hhot and shell, nnd all the "storms of furious war," and of many separate and dis tinct desperate conflicts, hand to hand, and muzzle to muzzle; all these "Hitrhts," I say. are v eil worthy of a brief record. besides, I have Hiiuthct object in culling attention to the battle field ol Corinth, apart irora tho graduation of public curiosity; and that is to urp,e upon our people the propriety ot collecting the bones of their dead brci hren, at some suitable poi near this place", and pivlnsr them decent interment. It ectimated bv intelligent ccatlcinen ot this town, that unon the two lields of Shiloh nud Corinth, in this vicinity, there are not less th.iu J 2,000 "Confederate dead," whose bones, lor the inott part, lio bleaching above ground. Ol all the Conloderate dead on this field, Colonel Rogers is, i am told, the only one who wns properly buried; that is to nay, the only one who was buried deep enough to prevent (he . rains from washing the dirt away and exposing the bones, lie, it is said, was burled under tne immediate Mipervii.ion ot General Kosccrans. In the north wer.tarii angle formed by the crossing ot the railroads from Corinth out to d beyond the outer line of works, throe and a 7"iV ,ti. '. 'tant tne whole oft1 . . ' hulf miles ma..- . . th ...g grout hnttlo ficld is dotted, here ana l-rela 0luc plares thick as meadow mole-hills-i'V tne graven 0f Fedeial and the exose rf,mafn3 ot- Confede rate dead. The Confederate dea-L, it clearly appears, were merely covered up on tho ground where they ,vn. i:l0 Federal dead were all neatly iuerrcd, in the usual wuy, with head and lot-botirds in every instance, and in most Wes, 1 believe, .were enclosed with wooden Rulings. I saw bill one Federal grave where the bones were at all exposed. I saw but one Contr.dei ate tutnulns where the bones generally the skulls were not more or less exposed and scattered around us in all directions. At the outer line of infrenchments, where a portion of Mauiy's division made the apsauH, I saw two human skull-bones, one pelvis, and two Jaw bones, lyin on a stump, with no trace of a grave or tumulus uearei than fifty or a hundred yards. In front of the outer breastworks, not tar lrom the same spot, I buw t vo tumuli, where some six or eight Coniederote dead had been uncovered by the uctioii ol the elements, aud were lying around upon the grouud, already bleached perfectly white, and. of course, crumb ling rapidly to decay. The condition ot these tumuli, I am told, by gentlemen residing iu the vicinity, who have examined every pari of the field, u a fair specimen of all the rest. In one place as I was iulormed by Captain Mask, ol this town, who, with Colonel Folk, rode over the field with me the bodies of two or three Confederates were placed side by side of a log to save labor, I suppose and a little dirt thrown upon them: tho dirt had all washed away, aud there the skeletons lie, wholly exposed aud tin cared lor, "litre the beasts that perish." FIENDISH MURDER. A Man Warder ll in Divorced Wire H-od TUea Cats lit CuruiU from 12 fir to Er. A man named Slolloy, recently divorced from bis wife at St. Louis, followed lier to the resi dence of her brother, Mr. Buucnuati, living at Lake Station, thirty-six mlies from Chicago, on the Michigan Central Railway. What the cuuse was that led to the separation of Molloy Htid his wile has not yet been made public, but it must Lave been something vciy aggravating, tor the ieclings ou both sides appear to have been in tense, lie ues'ired to have her out of existence, and with such an intent, openly expressed, lol- Jowtd her from place to place, breathing ven geance. 10 escape mm sue sougut reiuge v, uu iier brother. fin TnofcHmy ttvemnrv cho vnc en aionrviwi af lieariug ot his arrival al her brother's hotel, that ne tied to iter apartment and locked the door. At the time her brother wi s absent. Molloy do mnnded admittance to herroom, but was re fused. He departed, and Mrs. Molloy dismissed from Jier mind all apprehensions, as ho took the Iran tor Calcaao. and she went about her cus tomary duties, on Wednesday evening she was . uittinc in one of the upper rooms ot the hotel. with two of her brother's children, who were kneeling belore her with uplifted hands, repeat- jug alter her their simple evening prayer, when a footstep was heard ascending the stairs and stealthily approaching the door. Mrs. Molloy turned round in ner cnair, the door suddenly opened, and ere she had BuUlcieut time, to fitter H bcreuui, the man whom above all she dl-eaied to meet Btood before her with a revolver pointed at her head. Almost simultaneously he lired. The shot whizzed pa:t lier and, lodged in the opposite wall of the apartment. " The children, alarmed at the report, and at the appearance ol the man, screamed franti cally, und rushed into a corner of the room, where they remained terror stricken aud almost v insen Bible. Finding that the shot had missed its mark, Molloy drew a large sheath knife from ,'his belt, and rushing upon the defenseless woman, seized her by the hair, and bending lack her head, plunged the blade into her throat, completely severing the wind-pipe and jueufar vein. The dreadful deed was accom plished beloro any alarm could be given, and the murderer, his garments besmeared with the Wood of his victim, nibbed to tho bottom of the tuirg. He passed through the bar-room, where a number of men were Heated round the stove, Touched the door, and shouting "Now I am revenged," fled from the houao, aud disappeared In the adjacent woods. So quietly was the thing done, and s,o com pletely were the ltmat?s ot the house taken by burpiire, that no attempt was made t bar his passage. Mrs. Molloy, as soon as she had re ceived the fatal stab, stagcered out of the room and down the ttuirs, when she fell a corpse on the lloor. Then a scene of unparalleled excite jnent took place. The women and children screamed, and the men rushed in all directions in pursuit of the murderer. The telegraph and hand cars were use in endeavoring to intercept the assassin. On Thursday morning a large party organized and scoured the woods in every direction, with the avowed determina tion ol bringing him in, dead or alive. In the afternoon he was found deud within two miles of the house, with his throat cut from ear to tar. Th9 iutiumeut ot death was the same iuilo with which he killed his wl'e. When found the body was utill warm and bleedina? freely, from which it is inferred that, fearful of being intercepted, no concealed himsolt, and upon the approach of the scouting party, cut las throat. "Daddy." the pauper warder of Lambeth workhouse, described by the "amateur casual" of the x'ali Alali Gazette, discharged niumclr from the workhouse on Monday last, and tramned iuto the city of London. It appears that a pho totrraoher had applied to him for a sminc. and he accordingly allowed a likeness of himself to be taken, receiving nve smuings ior nis irouuie, Considering that tho photograph was immedi atelv advertised all over London, and had 8 larve sale, the remuneration riven to "Daddy" was certaiuly inadequate, bo ne seems to have four.d It. for. after livincr two davs outside the workhouse, he asrain UDnltcd for admission. On , Friday morning, however, be again "discharged lilmcalf II and ,t iu li'tufad flint. huftHltai- hau hppn or will be engaged to exhibit himself at one of the metropolitan music hallo, THE DAILY EVENING TELEG R APH. PHIL THE LOSS OF TKE "GENERAL HOOKER." Tbe Arconnt or th Fir and the Lots ef Liicbt iive. The Charleston Daily New of fie 22d instant publishes the following, in relation to tho do Atmction of the steamer General Uooktr: The Pteamcr General Hooker, Captain Davld fon, which has been plying as a packet lrom this port to Georgetown, 8. C, tor several months, left Boyce & Co.'s wharf, in this citv, on Wednesday, about 8 A. M., aud about one hour later, when the steamer was otf Urcech Inlet breakers, Mio was found to be on tire in and rear tUc coal bunkeis. Although a stream of water was immediately played ou it, and every cllbrt made to put out the flames, they lucrcsted rapidly; aud in some fifteen minutes the entire upper part of the steamer appeared to be on hi o. The boats were got ready, and tho steamer pointed for tho beach, but there was a heavy sea rolling, which, with the confusion among the passengers, interfered bcriously with the use of the bouts, and tlually capsized aud tilled them with water, causing; the drowning of Beveial ladies, and perhaps others, lho fire progressed so rapidly that the tiller ropes were burnt before tho Hooker could be pot to tbe beach, pnd she consequently bncume un manageable. While In this position passengers took to the water, and hung witU tenacity to any object that would support them. ihe steamer l'Uot Boy, Captain Payne, also on her way to Goorgetoan, and which was about one arid a half miles oil', put about and came to tho aid of tho Hooker as soon as her situation was known. Captain l'avue, on reaching the spot, anchored his steamer to keep her head to wind aud ten, pot out his life-boat, which was tnken chnr.'O ol by Captain John Fenruson. who, together with Captain Davidson, of the Hooker, who wan in a half-sunken boat, and Mr. Doanc, pilot, succeeded In placing some twenty persons on the l'ilol Hoy, by which means they reached thie) oily about 11 A. M bringing the first news ot the disaster. Tho following are the names of those who came up U me x uoi Moy, as near as couia be asccr tained: , J-N itlnlry, wife, an sister, pahsenrcrs jooTge (own, S. '!.;W. llurke, paasencrer; 8. li. poote, passenger: master Jusn, pHHse-ll5cr Gcorae town, K C.; Mrs. Davidson and. chi)d, wife of the captain oi the Hoof er; F. GH Ootlin, mate of tho liooktr: A, r. JJoaue, piiQu ,f ttin Hooker: four other white piwfengers; the body ef Miss Bush; two nrcmen, eie ura, waiter, una deck band; aiso, inreu or lour coiorca person, one a woman, badly burned. The; hollowing la.idc don BilHvan's Mand: Captain Davidson; Mr. Long, emineer; Mr. ltot tcreuu, purser; and two dwk hands. The following areloct: Mrs. Uhodes, passen ger, ot Georgetown, B. C,; Miss Belle ltihley, of l'hiladelphlo. Miss lhi-h, danghterof the Mayor of George town, Pouth Carolina, who was just returning home from school. Her body was kept a'lout by her clothing, and she w as picked tip, but life whs extinct when she was got on board tho steamer. The number of colored persons drowned wc found it impossible to learn, and placing them at four or live, wc do so only conjectutally there may have been a greater number. The Hooker has burned to tho water's edge, and ha3 floated ashore on Hullivan's Ibland. The bodies of Mrs. Rhode and a colored woman floated ashoro on the beach yesterday, and others will, no doubt, f-oon find their way there. Cnotains Fertnii'on and Payne, and Mr. Doran, pilot of the Hooker, are particularly spoken of in refer ence to their eilorU to save the lives of the un fortunate. The General Hooker is a tew boat, and is owned by Messrs. McKay & Aldus, of liast Bos ton. A woman in Detroit found a diamond In a codfish she was cooking. More vol imc-tof pocy bv American writei.s have r.ppnurc t 'ub.ia twelve montus than dm'ncruny pioviou6 live years. A Western "local" acknowledges the eKt of two bouquets, "smiling in Ihelr paper frills as do gills' ince.i vithiu their luncd uifjut-cup.s." M. fuul Fcva! is enured upon a immmotii novel, "Uu'i do Jerutnleui," lho locaht in qucj tion Lcim; t e polico l-ea i juarleio of Paris. It is po Itively stale 1 that M. Vie.ior Ilnio's forthconi'r.g novel vdl be a t;il"-, and noi a vehicle ior publi'iliing philOoOjihictl or pol ibai notioue. WW I!''" 11 ill MANUFACTURER, N0 DtALCR IN iiiiU 51 potojjraplt Albums, BOOKS, BIBLES, PRAYERS, Magazines, Novels, and all the New Publications. CARD, MEDIUM, AND IMPERIAL PKOTOCRAPHS. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Pictures of aH lindi FraraJ to ordfr. 803 CHESTKUT ST. 80S Til 1EVENUE STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS J.i li,VEUK Sl'AJUPB, cm an aetcnpiiunH, Oi all OcacripUoug, Always on band. Always on h-itul. AT riOBKXCB FEWIOMACniKE CO.'H OEKITE. AT I'LOJtKJiCB f-EWI NO W A( HI N E CO.'d OFFlClC, ro e-, inr.rt.Mix oireei. No. ;10 CIlKBNUr Btieet, One door below Seventh street. Ote door below Heveuth itroeU Tbe most liberal discount allowed. The uiont liberal ditcount allowed. 2 S RANDALL & CO., AND IMP0HTEES, PEIHUMEES No. 1302 CHESNUT Street. Fine Knglieh Toilet Soaps, IN GREAT VAB1ETV, JU8T EEC EI V ED. Alto, Triple French Extract and Terfumea. W have constantly on band every variety ot PERFUMEBY ASD TOILET REQUISITES. F.irracts. Powdera, Colotmes, Pomades, Toilet Waters, Bhavliig CreaJUB, lirushos, etc. - - T. Coeinetluuee, Tooth Pastes - . 1 2 Sm DEAFNESS. BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH. J. 18A ACn, M. !., Proiessor of tbe Eye and Ear treats all diseases anoerulnlnf to tbe above memnen with the Dtinost success. Testimonials from theuwat I enable sources in tbe city oan be seen at hlseftloe, tia. 6 11) PINK Ktreet The Medical Eaculty are Invited to accompany their patient a it has no secrets in his practica jf' TEVENUE 8TAMP8, KKVENUE STAMPS, J.V K.VENU STAMPS, , Of all deseriptlous, Ol all descriptions, ' Always on hand. Always on band. AT FLORENCE PEWINC1 M ACHIN G CO.'H OFTICR, AT l'XUUEJICB dKrtlM) MAC11INK CO.'B OFFICE, No. :i CHp.hNUT Htreet, No. tSU I II ESN UT Htrret, One door bniow Neventb sueet. due door below revuuth atieeU - H he most liberal o'kuouut aliowod. Theiuot liberal duouulallwwad, ; : m p:i,.m ii m U P II O S P E C T TJ S OV THE ' C It- SON i i cold imm COMPANY. CAPITAL, 8TOCK....D0O,O0O - i NUMBER OF SUAJiXS, 60,000. Par Value and Subscription Price, $10. WOB KIN 0 CAPITAL, f 50,000. i t OFFICERS: i l'REBIDENT, ' COLONEL WILLIAM B. THOMAS. tF.CBETABT AMD TREASURER, pro teUJ, J. JIOPJUNS TAKR. . noticrroB, ! WILLIAM L..1I1RSX, ESQ. PIRECTOR3, COLONEL WILLIAM B. TUOMAS, CHARLES S. OGDEN, EDWIN 5iIDDLKTONr ALEXANDER J. HARPER, WILLIAM BERGER. Iht Land of this Company consists of about HO Acres In tt ecklrnliurij county, oitb Carolfua, ttbout ih mllculrom the lnwu oi Ctiarlutte. On tlif property flfecn shaft or plu bave been opened eiidsuuk 10 vurioUH UeptliH, iroiu 10 to Si luut, dumou mrutlLn the exlvtt-nco ol ibrco voidioI ore of bout i ltd lu TviOib mill HDout 16 Icet apart, convertilug to a comn ou centre at ibe Oepib oi about 160 leet. louu tng ooo luiiiicLuc luaf-n or vein ol ore. eitendinK In length through ,)ie ptopirtv uioro than halt a mile, 'i ho e are aieo on this property oiner reins oi ore unex plored 'AlltbeHe orn tire known at ihe Drown ores, fcuU are Tcrv rich, j leia.iir an average ol about 2i)0 per ton in told, tho above uauita haviiiK leeu uviuou Btiaud liy the rnue working of the mines ior several yctirs poht, the rli-k oi Investment hi undeve loncd pro perly lit not ircorreil, aud by the application ot modern Diirlru ud i eoaciriK lnailnui rv the onipunv autkiloa.e u Imuiediaie and large return lor their money. Havlrifran ore that readily ylc'fls 1200 per ton, some estimate can he maile ol i be value of bis property. With tbo present iniperltct sjetcm oi mining, ten tons of thia ore cun be taken out ami reduced daily lrom nverv ghu t opened, at uncivenwiioi exceeding ii utr turi. ioav lnt! a net daily prulit ol 1760 for eacu shul't worked by the Couipunv Ibe laree working capital reserved will enable tho Company at once 10 procure and ereot the best inotloiii vtitchfreiy lor inui;i:nli.linu tbe ores, by means ol wUch tl.c yield will ho la c.cly iiicieascd. lheso mines, whilst t:ey produce ores richer than thosi' of Coloiado or Nevada, havo many ailvantttg.: over them, paniculuriy in an abuiulunvo . t lud und cheap labor, and tho lacillty with which tboy eitn be woraed Uurloft ihv entile ycari wbiluttbose oi Colorado and Nevada can only be worked daring the warm weather. A tCBt assay of an avei age (specimen of tbe ore from the Carson Ailneg was tnado as late as the 27tii ol January ot the present year, as will npoear from the lol lowii'M eerilltt an- ol l io csfflrx booth und Oarrett. the Assay era ol the l'hilailelphla Alint: riirxaDKLriiiA. January 27, 1866 Dear Sir: We hove ciirciullv aHfnvcd the stimiileof ore lrom "Carson Mine," JNorth Carolina, und tlnd li to yield ten ounces uino Dcnnywelijhts oi puro gold to tho ten of ore. 'J he coin valuo in therefore 621002 per tou oi ore. Yours, rcniiocuully. i'.OOTH GABRETT. Dr. M. B. Tatlor, Ko. 4C4 Walnut sireet, Phllud. Subscriptions to tbe Capital Stock will be received at the Ollite ol the C oinpiiiiv, t o. 401 WALNUT htrool, v hero dimples ol the oiemay he acen, and iulllmorina tlon given. 2 8 LIQUORS. QHiS AIT GKDVE WHISKY. No. 225 North THIRD Btroet. If anvthlDK was wanted to prove the absolute parity of this Whlsfcy, the loliowlng certificates should do it There Is no alcoholic eilmulant known cppiinaridJngsuoli twnimtndaUon iioni mch Wish boukci i- t Ipiladkliuia, September 8, 1858. We have earenjlly tested the samn a of (ilRSMIT G1.0V1-. WHISKY which you send us. and find that It contains kokk of tup. I'oisokots si ustancf known oa LBii.oii,. which Is the eliarauterittio and lnjurioua Lu- greuicut oi tne woihkich in central use. uuuiu, ee cam.i, Analytical cheuilsts. Nw Youk, Roptember 3, 1R58. ' 1 have analyzed a nmnl ol CIlHSMl'l' ilunvK V H1SKY received Iroui Air. Charles Wharton, Jr., of PhlHUle.pbla: and having carefully tested It, 1 am pleased to state that It is entirv.y fhkc viiom roiHONOua uk DF.LKiKLioi subHtaiices. it la an unusually pure no iUie-llavorcd quality of whisky. JAHE8 B. CHILTOW.M. I)., Analytical Cuemhit. Boston, March 7, 1W9. I lave made a chemical analysis ot commercial sam ples of CliKSKUT GKOVK Wril.sK V, whtch proves to tie free from the heavy 1- unil Oils, and perfectly pure and UDadullerated. 'I he fine flavor of this whisky la durived li cm the grain ufefl iu manufacturinir It Itespectiully, A. A. HAYES, M. D., is tale Aasayer, ho. 10 lloylstou eticct For r ale by barrel, dernllohn, or bottle, at No. 226 North. 1H1RD Street Pbliadelphla. 8 3 J V. II A M M A It, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign BRANDIES, WINES, AND PINE OLD WHISKIES, No. 02O MA11KKT STltEET 1 Mm PBILADELIHIA. KATIIANS & SONS, IMPORTERS OF OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. No. 19 N. FRONT STREET, ' PHILADELPHIA. WOSR8 NATHABS, HOBACK A. NATHANB, OBI-AN DO D. NATHANS. 1 1 9m LEGAL NOTICES. TN THK OIU'HANS' f OUKT FOR THE CITY L ANL COUNTr OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate oi ItOUKBl LAUCUL1N, doo eased. IT!.. l...i:.n. .1 l. . .1 i ....m. ... anlll. JllO It I' U 1 1 1)1 .ipuiUlU 0 Ilia 1 UUU W Bum,, aii,iir, and ailiust tbe account uf JAMES 111. LI, and hubl 1!T Id. I.OCAN, xecntora under tbe last will and tutuuient oi ItObElt'l' LAUUllLIN. arocaiied. and io reDort distri bution oi tbe balauce in the bauds of the accountant, will mret the parties inteiested lor olhls apiiolnttnent. on 1VEKDAY, JUarcb A. I ). 1H6H, at 4 o'clock P. M at the office of KOUr.BT M. LuuAN, i-pil.No. 4M TH11SD btrect, in the cuv ot rnn' dtlphia. 1 17 stuthit TESTATE (IK RICHARD W. MEADE GRAHAM, .1 J 1 )ACftH4Plt. I eners of Administration havlnn been crsnted to be umltTfiKiitd, upon tne eataie oi hi riAbi W. MEADK (iKAHAM ilenuafd, ail persons inilwutrj to the said estute v.1'1 msVe payment, and those havlug claims ajjaiusi tna Same wi I tirerni tuem io CHAPMAN LIl'liLK. Administrator, . 2J(ltut No. lal South F1H U Street Q 11 E E N. T E A S, ' GRBEN COBN, FBESH 1'KACnES, KKESH TOMATOES, PLUM8 Kto, ALBERT O. ROliERTS, IiFJlLER l)i FINE GROCERIES 22 4p COK.IXBVENTH AND VLNE BIS, AD ELPIII A, TUESDAY, MILLINERY, MANTUA-MAKING, tVo r E M PL EOF T A S II I O Ji. Importations lor the Spring and Summer oi I860. MRS. M. A. BINDER, No. 1CS1 CHtSNTJT BTKEET, PHILADELPHIA, Importer of Ladles' Press and Cloak Trlmmlnani also, Pans l atteriis in 'Jlssue Paper, ior Ladies' aud chil dren's Lreff.s I rieclre to call your attention to the above card, and rtiall be pleased to have you call add inxrtoct hit stock, audi think you will find it the most choice and elegant assortment to select lrom My laelllties lor obtaining the most desirable novel fes ot the European market are now nnsurpaised. and sulpmeme per m arly every steamer add frrphness and variety to tbe collection. 'I he most desirable styles el Ornaments, Hut ton., l.aoea, Fringes Colds. lacla. V elvet hlbbol s, Heltluir. Patent Hooks and Eyes, Knnrh Corset 8hlelds. Drexs Kle vatora, Pads, Hoop Hklrta of onr own and Madame Htmortsi's make. Hamping Uratdiug. and Emhroidur Irp; French t lullnR and Gauflerlnft. Persian Iiresa and t'loak laklntr In all Ita rarlet'es. f.adich furnish nit their ricn and cnatly materials mar rely on being artistically fitted and tholr work flulalied 1 n tbe mosi prompt and efllciont manuur, at tbe lowest possible rrlces. ( uitlt.R and Hasting at the sborlest notire. hots ol Patterns now realty tor Merchants and Dress jnakeia. All the Fuahion lliok for sale. MliS. M. A. BINDER, IlSlm No. 10S1 CHFPNUT Street Philadelphia. 1866. SPUING. 1S66. v OPENING Tuesday, March On AT MRS.E. KEYSET'S CHILDREN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 1227 CHESNUT Street, S 15 Imj Below Thirteenth, North side, Philadelphia. fjj MRS. II. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has handsome arsortmentof KPRISO MIXLINEBY; SUssca' and Inlanta' 11a: s and Caps, silks. Velvets, Crapes, Itibbons, Feathers, Flowers, Frames,cto. C3 IS 4m FURNITURE. GEOKGE J. IIENKELS, THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT STS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. A large assortment ot Rosewood Drawing-Room Furniture Walnut Drawing-Room Furniture. Walnut Dinlng-Room Furniture. Walnut Library Furniture. Walnut Hall Furniture. Rosewood Chamber Furniture Walnut Antique Furniture. Prices are as low as the Quality of the work will admit of. GEORGE J. IIENKELS, 3 2 lm Late of Nos. 8H9 and 811 CHE8XUT Street TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I h ave large stock oi every variety of Furniture v.Lkh I will tell at reduced prices, consisting of TLJ1N AM) M AKBLK TOP COTTAClE 8UIT9 WANDT CHAMBEK SUITS. PAKLOIt SUITS IN VELVET PLUSH. PABLOB BtUTS IN HAIB CLOTH. Pablo b suns in heps. Bldcboaids, ExtinslcnTablcs.'VVariUolits Book-casea Uatuesses, Lounges, Etc. Etc. 1 P. GTJSTINE, 1 15 3m S. E. Cor. SECOND AND BACK 8TS. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES rj;iJEFIREIN CHESNUT STREET Letter from Wells, 2?argd & Co. SlO.ilflO SAVED 13 HERRING'S PATENT SAFE. Philadelphia, January 2, 1806. Wessbs. Farbrl, FBBMiia A Co. Gentlemen tWc have just opened onr Rafe, one Qf your manufacture, wbiih passed through the ilcntructlve lire in Chesuot a reet lastnhtbt The cafe aa In our otllce, No. 607 which building was entirely destroj ed. The bate was la a warm pluce, as you may well auppose, and was red hot whin taken out of the embers. We ar5 well satisfied w ith the result of this trial, and And our books, papers and some ten thousand dollars in money almost as per lect as wheu put in the bale. Nothing Is injured, 11 we except tho leather bindings of th' hooks, wbloh are steamed ; the money and papers are as good as ever. Truly yours, WELLS, FARGO & CO., Per J. n. COOK, Agent The above Eafe can be seen at our store. EAKEEL, HERRING & GO., DTOlm No. 629 CBE8NUT Street SH5RTS; FURNISHING GOODS, &o Jt W. SCOTT & C O., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, No. 814 Chesnut Street, POCB BOOKS BELOW THE "CONTINENTAL," 8 2G$rp PHILADELPHIA. PATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY AND GENTLEMEN'S .FURNISHING) STORE. TEBFECT FITTING BlilHTB AND I)BAWB made from meaturementut vrry ehort no' Ice. A II other articles oi Uii.MLfc.MiiJ 'tt i)hk.6S OOUCS in lull varluty. W1NCIIF.STKR & CO., 624$ 7ll CIi'.iKUT ClKEUiT RAILROAD LINES. 0Kt RANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. trKlnswill run .between WaHhinntou and Lv nclihurif, connecting at lioruoutvi le wiui v ireinia utnuoi imu road trains to and iroui Richmond as follows i WAIL 1KA1N. It ave Washington dany (oundav eTo.'ited), at t"45 A. M , ana enive at Lyncbbu rg at 5-4h P. Is. Leave 1 ynchi'urg at 7 a. J4 aud arrive at Washlnz- -"'"'"mpbfwtraw. a an,D Leave Wellington fluy (incluilln Sunday) at 6 05 P. M. and arrive at l.ynchouig at 6 U0 A. M Leave Lyochhurg at tt SO Al. and arrive at Waening ton ai 10 A. M. . , . . loth trains making close connections at I ynchDurg fot all points South and Souihwust, and at Wasnlngiou lor Norih and Northwest. ,w, Flrst-olass sleeping ears will be atucbed to the night Th'road Is attractive, not only for Its eorn'orlahle accouiuiudatious, but lor the fact that it panees tha new hl-tono localities of Fairfax, l.u'l liuu. Alauaiwaa, Una uumiMiiHnmiek. cultieuar Orauuo. and (lor'iti.iinvlilB.' nlacua ol iiuLerlbbuUlo inteiust In the I.,.,. .In.l 'fiiroiiuii flokets to all points aouih ai-d Honthwost may he had in Bostou, Now York. PhlUiU'lulilt, and Baltunoru, and at the ofllcea ot the road in Wadiinjs.)U AieaaudiiSk ,,J " 1 r ' . ' Weueral Bupc IntfnaeBt. MARCH 27, 18GG. INSURANCE COMPANIES. ST ATEMENT OF TIIK Kc -England Mutual Lire In surance Company, , , FEBRUARY 1, 1HOO. B al K state t ah on tmnn . .. tm la .. (cio,6.i ..1 M.W m in s ..i.Oin.M.i Ponds ana AtortRaveR Punk, and othpr Htoeks , B oeks held collHtrl tor loan.... Premium JSotes seciued b Pa.ioles. Total aimets Loe Cue and nnpald Losses reported aud not acted upon . .11,0U1 ,...2 0H) ....1U.&00 . l,O0A 90S . liH.fiOO T2.S0U Tremlams received..., Interest received Losses paid lie urn i rv mmnm LxpenBSi) ol al) kiuds. 1,184,403 ...334 m ... i..'.in ...131 s;w am im4 Tbe New England Life Company Is tbe ommt In the I ritfd bthtca. It has always ranked a No. 1. It bas vtvi-r rrKortpd 1o law. It la litieral to policy holder... Premiums may be paid either In cah or hall cash and lull note l.oMra prump ly pniil by the airmt UlVlUrM)S Yi ILL BE PAID AN HALI T. Thou Vho pay raKh ylll receive a c ash return. Those who give a nnte can apply the dividend to payment, of nolo. Dividends may a so be applied to reduction ol premium, or in atidina to the amount lusurtd. Perrons dcslrlns to eflect insurance on their lives should make application 'o this Company Kxamlna tims ilallT lrom 1 to 2 o'ciock. Liberal commissions allowed. BENJAMIN ' bi EVENS. SFCKF.TART. JOSEPH M OIBBEN8. PIUKOTOKS, Hewell Tappan. JameaS Amory. WarHiiiii P. w ilder, ( han!s liul baid, !eo run H. Poiger, Prauos C Lowcil, Homer Psrtli tt, James Muttm, John A. Andrew. Bcujamin P. Stevens. BRANCII OFFICE, No. 425 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. W. D. 8TBOTJD, M. D., MEDICAL EiAMINEB. The nnderslgned-Is tbe only authorlxod Agent In Peunfylyanla. WIJLiIAM GETTY, 13tuf3w . AGENT. rjIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OPFI CE, No. 415 WALNUT 8TBEET, PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CASH, $200,100. This company continues to write on Fir SitU only Its capital, with a good surplus. Is saiehy invested. 701 losses by Are have ben ptomptly paid, and more than f?500,000 Disbursed on this account v iihin the pant few years. For the present the of this company will remuln at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, But witbln a few months will remove to Its OWN BUILDING N. E.CORNEB SEVENTH AND CnEBNTJT STBEET8 Then as now, we shall be happy to Insure our patrons at such tales as are consistent viltb safety.. DIBUCTOHfl THOMAS CBAVEN. ALFRED . GILLETT, N. K LAWKEMCK, IIAltLF 8 I. DfJPONT, II K N KY F. KENKY. JOrtLPH EXAPP, Al. D. UPMAS fcHEPPARD, TI OS. JHA( KFLLAB, JOHN SL'PPLtE. JOHN W. ( LAG1IOBN, HILAS YF.RK11B. Jb.. THOMAS CBAVEN. President. ALFRED 9. OILLF1T. V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B- ALVOBD, Secretary. . 1 19 J F RE IN8URAN C E, ur riin.Aiii' l.ruiA, No. 150 8. FOURTH Street. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, 1500 000 i'ald-iiD Canlial. ll:0.(iin. Insures acrnlnst lors or damnae by F1RR on bntl'llmrs, elll er n rn Hnent ) or tor a L1M I I fe'l) period. Also on Mt.BCll AND1SE getieialiy and Household Furniture, cuy or couuuy. PIBBCTOF9, Brown, Charles A. Duy, Wm. D. Lewis William 13. BuDoce, Wm. f. Needlea, Thomas Klmber. Jr.. Lemuel Collin, J. Hlllborn Jones, John W ooduide. Wm. O. l.onnHtreth, J. N . Hutchinion. 4 pun u, i aj'ioi, JAMES BKOWK, President CHAM. A DCY, vice President THOU 8 NEILSON, Secra SHIPPING. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. 'AMCHOBLLSTE OF UTEAMFBS." UlbKItNIA," "COLPjililA, niltllllHllll U A V KU I A BBJTAKA'IA," ' V "INDIA.' iaVEBI OOL LONDONDEBBT, BELFAST, DUBLIN. 1st W'KY, COPK, AND Of.ASOOW. BaTE- OF PAi-SAUB. PAYABLE IN PAPEB CUUBFNCY. ' CABINS 90, 180, and 170 bl'UliBAGE .aao '1 Hit PAID C.& 1 1 Kit ATKS iffued for biliiglng out passengers iroiu tiie above points at LOWEB BATES THAN ANT OTHEB USE. Also, to and from ALL hTA'UOSS ON THE IBISH BAILWAYH. EPLCIALkOIICE Passengers will take particular no'ice that the "Anchor Line" is the only line rrantlng thioui'h tickets at the above rates, from PhUadehihla to the points named above, and that the undersigned is the only dily authorized Agent in Philadelphia. , Apply to, W. a LliMII.T,, i Sole Agent for "ANCBOB LINK," 1 li Mo. 217 WALNUT Ptreet. 4trmu FOR' WILMINGTON, N.O. AND SAVANNAH, Ga. , The. well-known and favorite Steamship " E. C. KNIGHIT," CAPTAIN DESBY. Will sail for Wilmington, N. C, direct, ' ON THDB8DAY, MAKCH 29.AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON. For freight, apply to f WILLIAM J. TAYLOR & CO.. S 24 4t No. 'i08 SQPII WHARVES. VTJTT-k FOR NEW YOKK. PHILADFL JferTr4delphla Bteam Propeller Cofniany I) tiuaicu bwilisurn Lines, vlit Delaware aud Karl tan Canal, having dally at 14 At. and S P. J., connecting with all ortheru and Eastern lines. For freiuht. which wl'l be tsken upon accommodating firms, aiply to MLLIam M. 1:a Ittn & f'O.. t U No. Ui B lt-LAW AUK Avenue , FTo SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. THE Jl undersigned having leased tbe KENBI.NQIOS KCBiW Dut'K.bego to in orm his friends and the patrons ot the Dock that he is prepared with inoreuseo fuel Itlej to accommodate those having vfsse s to be mined or repaired and belun a prac.lcal shlp-carpentur and caulker, will give personal attention to tbe vessels ea trusteo to blu ior repairs l t. tains or AgenU c bio Carpenters, and slachln'ata having vescels to repair are solicited to call. Having the agency for the sa e of "Wetterstadt's miiIir i ciiiinnnitioii" lor ( onner Paint tor the pie nervation of vessels' boitoms. for this city, 1 am pre pared (o lumixu luesama on iavuroio iru. JOHN H. HAM MITT, Kens niiton (tcrew Dock, U T'FLA WARF Ayentlo. above t.AUKEL Htreet. HATS AND CAPS. E M OF FASHIOIV. Siiiall Proms. HATS ' AND CAPS. Quick Bales. NEWEST' STYLES. XOWLViT FKICES IN TUT CUT. Ialutiii8ni tC. 0 K, SlXlii UTBi-Ef. INSURANCE CORIPANO; TiELAWARE MUTUAL I? AFETY INSURANCE J 9 company, JNCUKFOBATrU FT THE iir.'lIOlATWJrUB HFFICE 8- E. tOKNFR 1HIHD AND WALK T "' v , S1KMI . rUILADKLl'tllA. i L r,MARIKS LNaVBAAOJi ... . ON VFS8a,Lb,l CAKOO, To aU paru or the w , FBEIOHT 3 ISLAND INMTBAlrClCS " On Goods by Blyer ( anal. Lake, and Land .... flllnnrisol fh flntnn. . rrlag t FiftE lNSCBANCJiit , ' On Merchandise cencrallv. , . , On Stores, Dwe ling Houses, etc, AB8ET8 OF THR COMPANY ' ' Noremrwr 1, lHtift. .v 1W) noo Cnlted Sutes 6 per cent loan, 71....a,eerMW StW.OW . 7 1-10 per cent, loan, 1WW Treasnry Notes im tram 100 000 Slate ot lennsylvsnla Flva Per Lent "',ew l oan 00. IS- 64,000 State of Pennsylvania blx Per Cent. Loan MfSO 120,000 Cltj or Phhadelphla but Per Cent, Loan no BHSB 30,(W0 Pennsylvania Hal. road First Atort- inOW rpiiiinj'ivaiiii, nnuiuRii rriuuu ami aniie Hlx Ptr ( ent. Bonds. ...v li 000 w esteni I ennvlvsnia Kal.road otort grae Six Per Cent, Bonds 23.750 -Ot 23,76 16,000 JiiO Shares Htock 4iermantown Gas Ccmpsnv. principal and interest naranieea by die i tty oi rhll- 7,180 14 i hares Stock Boll- rond t.ofnnanv o kq i 8,000 ICO Bhares Stock Korta rennsylvaniA V .r ... Bailroad Company t.ISO-OO 40.000 Deposit with United States Oovern- ment. sub lect to ten oays' n;l tf.OOO-00 30, 00 State of Tennessee Five Par Cent. , Losn lS.fMO-OO Ji0 700Losns on Bonds and M ortgate. fiiat - liens on City Property 170.700- $1,080,880 Pr. Market value.. .998.560-00 , Bills receivable lor In u ranees mad'e.' lil.OlS JI iialaiiccsdneat Agencies.-PnmlonM w con-tin n a mm roucies Accrued Into. uu ouiei ueois Que the Com r"uJ Bcrlp and Ntock of sundry Insuonoo 40 611-44 uu uuivr ivmpauies, f 1KL fcstf Cash in Bank Cash In Drawer..., sivtrv v .m.bmi m .. mum 66,36 S7 I 1 2oi,(yll8 IECT0B8. Thomas Ci. H s i . Samuel E. HtnkA John C. Davis, dinnnd A. fonder, 1 Pauldlua . ' Jobn K.Penrose, James Traquair, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., J times C. Hand. William C. Ludwlg, Joseph H. Peal, t-ieorae C. Leiper, Hugh Craig. Bob ert Burton. - J. F. Penistan. . Henry (Sloan. William O. Boulton. f-uwoni xariiiigion, H. Jonos Brooks, Fdwanl Lafouroada. Jacob P. Jones, Jsmes B. McFarlaad, Joshua P. Kyre, Hpencsr HcUvaln, J. B. Bemolo, Pitfbnrg, A. B. Rerger. pittbunr, ll.THnriri. Plll.hnn, JohnD Taylor, ti i . JOHN C. DAVIS, Vlca-Piesldent. Hesry LTLBnFK.hccretary. 12,13 1S29-C1TARTER FEIIPETUAL FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY FIRE OF l'HILADELlUIA, ", . Assets on January 1, 180Gr , 82,50(851-90. ': Capital........ .' 400.000 00 Acciuet. burplus 1H4 64.1 15 lremlum l,lJ,3U8 8i LNSETTLED CLAIMS, U 107 53. INCOME FOB 1806 310 000. ; LOSSES PAID SINCE 18QO OVER 65,000,000. ( ; Perpetual and Tem porery Policies on Liberal Termg. DIBECTOEfl. Vn?.rlc,..H Bsncker, i dward C. Dolet t nl.lii. H ( na, 1 1 it- , . T Samuel Crant, ' deone W. Jtichards, George Fales, Aiirtu fitior. Francis W. Lewla, M". D, P.. tor M.C.H ' UllCiifA, CHABLF.S .'. Hivfirtp Tot!... isu W ri??; ILK,Vlee-Prealde"n jab. v. wcALLIslLB, Becretury protom. 2 8U231 JkTOUTH AMEPvICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 S. FOURTH Street ' PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies Issued against General Accidents o descriptions at exceedingly low rates, Insurance effected for one year, in any sum from 6100 to 110.000, at a premium of only one-half per cent, seen ling tbe full amount Insured In case of death, and a com pensatlon each week equal to tha whole premium paid. bhort time 1 lcneta foi 1, a, , 6 7, or 10 dava, or 1, 3, or 0 months, at 10 cents a day, Insuring in the sum or J300O or giving $le per week li disabled, to be had at the Gone ralOOce.Ko. 133 8. FoL KTH Street. Philadelphia, or at the T.irious Bailroad 1 lcket oOlcea. Be sure to purchase the tickets of the Korth American Transit Insurance. Company. '. For ciieulars and further Information apply at tU General Office, or of any of the authorized Aventa at t. Company. LLWI8 L BOCPT. President. JAM I S M. CON HAD, Treasurer, . . ., BKMtY C 11UOWN, Secretary. JOHN C. BV1L1TT. Solicitor, , DllibClOKS. ' . L. L. Houpt, late ot Pennsylvania Bailroad Coo-oan r. M. B;'ri. otM. W.bai(lv.iu Co.'s. baniuel C. Palmer. Cashier oi Commercial Bank. Plchard Wood. tit. SOO Msrket street. James M. Ccnraa, Bn. fii Market street. J. t.. Binfsly, Coiuininisl BoleL H. G. Lelrenrlug, us. aud )9 Dock street. Fsmuel W ork. ot Work t'c ouch & Co George Alanln No. Slti Cbetnut sheet. ' 11 f n E r R O V IDE NT Life and Trust Co., OH l UlLAUtLl hlA. Incorporatert oy theSiate of PennsvlTanlaThlr t2d. It-oft, XKtiLHLsi LIVt-N ALLi'W JNTB81 DEPOblTH, iSH (.BlvTS AN M'lTIs' 8. CAPITA VjtplOu.OOO. pirScTi ramnel B. cihlpley, i Kichard Cadbnry, Jenniitli Huckei, llemy Ilainus, Jurhuail Moirls, T NV is. ar Brown, Bivbard Wood, I Will iuai C. LougsVeth, . f Charles F. ( ofliu. : HAHLLL B fcHlPr.Ey, President Bowiahv Pabi.t, Actttury. ... . . ovvjcb. C7 2SS i- Noi 111 H. FOUItTH Street. IJIKFF'X INSCRANCE COMPANY O PEijJkDFLPlilA. ISvOl.1 oltAltD 18t4-CHAKllfK PaVKPtTUAIb So. 24 WALMJT ftreet opposite tie J-xebsnae in sddiilMi toliAKIS)' and I M.AM D IMsl 11AJPTCK this Companv inxures rom loss or uamsue by 1UK, am liberal lein.s. ou buildings, turrchnncise luraltur" etc, for un.l'Kl veriods aud peruiuneutly on buildings, ojr deposit ot premium. 1 he l omi any has been m active oneration lot mora than MXi Tl VK,. KH. uurlng wuleh all iu.sua havu tieea promptly adlusted and paid. B1MOTOBS. Lawrenor Lewis, J. lavlil Lewis I Keiiiamiu tuln. Joan L Hoove. 11. K. Uahouey, Job . 1. Lewis, W llliam K. Grant. Kol ert W l.eauilng, " 1. Clark Wuartou, Samuel Wilcox. ' Thomas U. Power, A ii McHenry. 1 diuoud ( aHtlllOB, I, ou Is I'. K orris. Jl I K WCi hoxb. rresia-Tii. Bamcki. Wilcox, he retarv. tit) FIRB INSURANCE EXCLDSIVELY. TETB P EjNKhVLVA - Ia riBK l.sBCBAjiCK COUPANY in coruoiatcd 18.'5 Charter Perpetual UK, till WAL M T B reet, oppoaite luueneiideucs Bouaie. Ihia 4 ouipaus. lavorab y kuown to lueeommunltyfof over fort) yeur. continue io Insure against loss or damage by Ore ou puulcor Private Buddings, either Jieimaocnt y or tor a limited time. Also on k urnitura, liocks of Goods and alsrchaudlse generally, on Ubojal '"hJir Capita , together wt'b a large Snrplna Fund, tt Invented lu the uiost can ul maimer, which emtlilef tueui to ohvr to tbs lasurau au audoubted seeunvyl the cess ! loss OIEIOTOHS. ' Daniel MnUU, Jr , i . John Devereoa. Alcaander llnuaoa, 1 b'lliia HmllU, l-aac Var ihurei, I f jTiry Lev, i. Thomas Bol'Uis. I jr. Cllllughau FelL Daniel Haddot . Jr. ' 1N1kL SMITH, Jb., President, WilXiAM 8. Caowati, flsoietary. I