THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 18CC. feting tlegtajrti Jt published every a f (moon (Sundays exceed) al No. 108 S. Hard sired. Trice, Ttiree Cents . Per Copy (Double ifteti), or Eighteen Cents Per Week, payable to the Carrier, and mailed to SubscrWers out of the city at Nine Dollars Per; One Dollar and Fifty Cent s for Two Months, invariably in advance for the period ordered. To insure the Insertion of Adtertifcmenls in all of our Editions, they must be forwarded to our office not later ttian 10 o'dock each IJorninq. SATURDAY. MARCH 17. 1808. The Financial Attack on the Secretary by the Comptiollcr. The attention of the publ'c, especially those who, through either tasto or business, have given their time to the examination of finan cial questions, has been directed for several weeks to the attack being made by Mr. Free man Clark, Comptroller of tie Treasury, on the official veracity of the Hon. Hugh McCullocii. It seems that Mr. Clark accuses Mr. McCclloch of wilfully and per sistently misrepresenting tbe assets at the control of the Government, and supported Lis charges with the following allegation, ' which we take from a morning contem porary : Amount in Treasury by Mr. McCnl- loch'B statomt ui .5110,013,031-24 Add compound Interest and leital lenders retired in il.ircn Add beven- birtl-.s kit with pre- 6,403,833-00 coeds ot Five-tw lines exceeding tbe par of tho latter 1,233 .303 00 Add the ami'iint ol money on ceposit in National Buuka 23,090,003 03 Adcftlie pitmium wluon Kind on uund would bruis, it soJu 16,000.030 00 $106,789,101 21 Mr. Clabk, after presenting these tijrure.s, pro ceeds to show ibat, according to his own eUt mate, independent ol' the Secretary's return, this amount reully on hand was $170,10G,3")0. He iiiiidc up that amount in th:s manner: ' Amount In hands of Assistant Treasurer, New York S100,000,000 Ui.neU Mates notes ruueivou uud tuiU I cloro March 1 G 4W.830 Aniuunim liauasol other s ib-troasuror, etc 12 001,003 Cold prt-iniuii V 0 0,030 .Amount iu L.uu.,0 ift 000 003 Tctal S170,4iJ,8j3 In reply to this grave accusation, we And that Mr. IIoopeb, of Massachusetts, ono of the leading flnanciera in the Ilouse, took tha floor, and explained, in a lew words, all of the allegations of Mr. Clark. Tb.3 compound interest and legal tender notes had been on the 1st ot March retired, and could not, therefore, be considered as part oi the avail able funds of the Government. Again, tiio 7-30s bought with C-2l)s were also retired, and hence the profit on them could not, with legality, be included. Iu his calculations, Mr. McCclloch had already included the money in the National Banks, and the law would hardly allow its duplica tion. As the cold which was owed by the Government has not been sold, but is still in the vaults cf the Treasury, its pre mium could not be counted as a part of the assets. Here then is the last of the wonders discovered by Mr. Clark, and paraded by him before the woild as proof either of gross stupidity or dishonesty. In addition, it may he said that Mr. Clash's estimate of tbe available means in the Sub-Treasury at New York is wrong. The amount is subject to outstanding draits, to deductions for cancelled securities counted as cash, and temporary loans paid, but not yet deducted, awaiting warrants to reimburse, and other items, which really reduces the amount available to the United States to $32,773,312-23. Thus ends the last of the Clark chargss, and with them ends the difficulty, so far as the Secretary-is concerned. But the Comp troller cannot thus easily shift the responsi bility, lie mad a distinct charge against h's superior he made it openly and publicly. He has failed to substantiate it, and has by his officious interference, and his gross igno rance, brought such disgrace upon him self, as to make it apparent to all, that the sooner the place ot Comptroller is filled by an able and fa".thful man the better fjrthe nation. He has been guilty of an act of the grossest Insubordination and most shame fal financial stupidity. He has attompted to wrong a superior by an open charge, and has en deavored to injure the public credit by shaking the confidence felt in the head oi our monetary system. Had he any fault to find, or any imaginary error to correct, it was bis duty to report the facts to the Secre tary, his chief. If no notice was taken, then all responsibility was shitted from his shoulders, lie bad done bis duty. But to come before the public iu an attack, as ho has, is a display which totally unfits him for his post as Comp troller. No chargo made by an inferior, and without any substantiation, can shako the confidence lelt by all classes in the financial ability and personal probity of Uon. IIugh McCclloch. His course has ever been that of wisdom and honor, lie has been correct in his estimates in the past, and we will trust him unqucs tioningly In the future. A financier, a patriot, arid a gentleman, his credit cannot be injured by the insolence of his subordinates, or the malicious slanders of bis personal loes. He comes out after the attack with his talent shining brighter and hit honor more evident than before the assault of the Comptroller. What a Day Way Diing- Forth. Today is notable for a national as well as a mysteriously promised deed, for the occur rence o'f a certain, as well as the possibility of -an anticipated event. On this, the 17th of March, the Reciprocity treaty heretofore ex. feting between the United States and the Canadian Provinces terminates, as under the original draltof the contract, eiiher of the parties could nullify It on giving one year's notice to the other. The United States, this flay 1805, gave the required notice ; and as a consequence, '.the treaty so falsely named Is now a matter of history. Nor will any of our readers who have been familiar with its prac tical workings' regret its end. A more unjust arrangement was never devised than that into which the operation of the contract has gra dually degenerated. Its name was a most singular misnomer. By a littlo technical evaclon tie true spirit of the instrument was violated, while the verbal agreement remained Intact. It Is not oar purpose to show how It was that a discriminating tarifl was forced upon American importations either by exces sive freight or enormous clia- ge for storage. Suffice it that the Government waj deprived of millions of justly claimed revenue and the Canadas enriched at the expense ol the States. In accordance, therefore, with tin demands of justice and Kelf-interest, tb Re ciprocity treaty hns ceased. It would have been well for our neighbors had they remem bered the fable of the bag who killed the gooso that laid the golden egg. The consequence of this abrogation is, that each nation charges what it denu proper ar.d most exorbitant duties will bo tbe result' So heavy, indeed, will be the new tariff, that a considerable proportion of the gains ot the trader will be swallowed up by the taxes. The result is obvious. A gigantic system of smuggling, which has already originated, will be continued and enlarge!. It will eeaso to be a desultory effort to hurry through gcods with the Custom llouse inspection, but will become an organized plan of importation. Unless the two Governments speedily como to a renewed understanding, much evil will re sult, and much income will be lost. The next question which will commence to-day to agitate our people, will be the fishe ries. The motion of Mr. Tike, of Maine, to despatch a naval fleet to protect our fishermen in ihcir rights, guaranteed by tha treaty of 1783, is but a rejoinder to the proclamation of the Governor of Canada,orJcriug a'l Americans to keep away from the fisheries alter to-day. The belligerent character of the inhabitants of the pine forests of Maine render such a compliance ns the Governor expects ex tremely improbable. Wc anticipate, as wo have before stated, before a weak Is past bearing of bloody engagements on the bor ders. An immediate settlement, on an equi table basis, would pievent any conflict and save the effusion of blood. The contesting Governments are responsible. While, therefore, the Canadian public may well fsel exercised over the . vast commercial era upon which they have this day entsred, they entertain, with or without cause, a dread of a far greater danger in the shape of a Fonian invasion. To-day is St. Patrick's, the time selected for the iTuniau movement on the Province, and ii any attack is contem plated, now is the most likely time for it to bo made. The enthusiasm which this day will cause among the Irish will bo something analogous to that which fired the ancient Romans when they selected the birthday of Castob and Pollux as the date of the Lake Regulas Battle. Thcptesence of their national saint will be suuicient to foreshadow vic tory. The combination of all those events have naturally had a depressing and an ex citing effect on our neighbors over the border. They have reached a climax oi alarm. Litticr ty to-morrow the danger will bo past, and they calmed, or else the telegraph will inform us of the dreaded invasion having takon place. The time is, under any circumstances, fraught with great events. Truly, "Who can tell what a day may bring forth?" The compensation which the DuchieB are, to pay to the Danish Government amounts for tbe present year to i, cib,m3 tnaicrs, bjq ior ioji 10 ajas.zautnaicrs. The Prusiau journals announce that anotlvr historical memorial is about to disappear. The tiimous windmill ot sans aouci, wnicn the great FieJerick had respected, aud which his dee$ud- ants Lud enclosed in the park at Potsdam as a monument of their respect for legality, is about to be pulled down by tbe Kind's order. The cattle nlncue havine shortened the sup- dIv of meat in the Enzlish markets, poultry be comes a stanio article 01 100a. in oraenoiur- nifh a belter oualitv and larger stocks, the agri cultural societies are increasing the displays of fowls at their exhibitions, aud announcing larger premiums for the. best. M. Duprez has brought befoi-e the Academy of Belenees of Belgium aome questions con nected with the construction of lightning-con ductors Ills expeiimcnts lead him to call serious attention to dancers which may attach to the employment of sharp-pointed conductors, especially when attached 10 gunpowder maga zine. in the French Chamber of Deputies there are 68 lawyers. 65 mayors. 31 officers ot rank. 18 merchants, 17 literary men, 12 bankers, 9 magis tiates, C'J phydeiuns, 4 chamberlains, and 2 equerries to the Emperor. Eighty-lour of tho members are in the habit of addressing tho house, and of theso only thirteen are good speakers. This is a personal in vitation to the reader to ex anilue our now stvle oi DI'UINO LO I HINO. Csssluiere Suit loralB and Black Suits for tn Muer halts, all uric en np o ;5 W A N AM A K Kit A BIWWN, OAK HALL, ROE'! HhAtiT COhNF.B 61X111 and MAUK.LT Bts. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Office or thb Evening Tui.KOTurn, I Saturday, March 17, 1800. ( The Stock Market was rather dull this morn- me, but prices continue steady. Government bonds ore firmly held at the advance, with pales of G-20s at 103J for Cs of 1SS1 at 104J; and 1-309 nt 9!J; 00 was bid 10-40. City loans are without change; the now issue sold at 0192. Railroad shares ore the most active on the lir-t. Cntawi?sa preferred sold at 30f7g30?, the latter rate a slipht anvanc; Philadelphia and Erie at29.S, no change Reading at 50 31-100, a slipht advance; Camden and Amboy at HGj, a decline, of 4; Pennsylvania Railroad at 66$, an advance of ; and Lehigh Valley at 02 no rhaiiRc; 2S4 was bid for LUtle Schuylkill; 53. for Nonfotown; 54 for Minchill: 23 tor Elm ra cntnmon; 25 for Catawisra conitnan; and41J for Nosthcrn Central. In City I'HBPcnstcr Railroad shares there is very IitUo doin. Ilestonvilie sold at iiy, 10 was bid for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 31 for Sj;rr.ce and Tine; and 25 for Givard College. Bonk shares continue in good demand. i'hilndi lphla sold at 140; 205 was bid for North America; 24 for Formers' and Mechanics'; 2-. lor Mechanics'; 100 for Kensington; 64 for Penu Townhip; 31 for Manufacturers' and Mechan ics'; C2 for City; 10 for Consolidation; 63 for Commonwealth; C3 lor Coin Exchange; uud 66 for Union. Canal shares are rather firmer. Susquehanna Carat sold at 13; 21$ was bid for Schuylkill Na vigation common: 23 preferred do.; Ill for Minis Canal pre-ferred; 52 for Lhigh Navi gation; 34 for Delaware Division and 53 ior Wyotrlng Valley Canal. Oil El.ares are dull and lower. Ocean sold at 10,. the former rate a decline of 1; Caldwell a; ; and Sugar Creek at 2. ' rini.AM'.T.NUA STOCK EXCHANGE RALES T0-l)Y .Reported dv Dollavcn & bro., No. 40 S. Third street lfiKST Hoard j?6000U 8fig81..rej 1044! 200 sb. Ocean". ...Ml lf 1000 v a 6-M 62. . . .1033 800 sh do.. .aSwn 19 81600 U S 7-oOs Juno OOj 100 sh do bSO 10 STGOl'i'v tie. ...eas 874 7'M sti ao iu 100 nh do b30 10 203 sh do 10 (1000 City 6s, new.'.. 91J IM0 do..b5..1ots 92 iUO do i)U mh do.....b2! 10. (1( 68 do 06 i2 200 sU do b30 10 t-St'O do mnu ta COOsh da iew..t83 91 VjO N J'a 6 4 100 en Keailinir. .b5 60-fil 100 rh do....s5..50-3t 6 all Cam & Am ...ll'lf 200 en Cata pt.lotdsSO 801 H O Mi ao 0 80J! 1(0 Kb. do 4-i 1M) sh do 16 Mii j lilOsh do SOjjl liOuli do b;)0 30,! 100 nil Misn fan 13 HO sll l'onu K 5n( 100 lb da.ilOwn.. ftjt 100 sh Leh Val....s3 fi2j 800 oil Caldwril.. lots i 100 (Hi l'hilfc R..150 3!S z sn l'lina isk. . . ,.ii i 2.;0sh Hostonv. ...Is 41 8u0 h oiigar Ck.lota 2 RF.iWEEN BOARDS. ttS'jn 1 1 r .-jus ii. . , . iu;.if i &1300 Readme 111 tin. 871 &KM1 l'a K 1st mt... 9r SiOOO Citv 6s. old.... 87.' Sd sh l'cuna R 551 83 th do 6:1 J 45 sh do 6!U lio sh do 55) 100 sh llestonv.. b30 41J 100 sh do 41 J1 100 eh do 3d 41 zoo sh catawissa pt. 100 sh do.......b 100 sh do......bS 200 sh I ntnwissu 2C0 sU Susq Can..b3d 13 K0h Ocean b30 10 1 PHILAD'A GOLl EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. in a -m laij 19 -st linn u a! m'.. "I"!".'.. .!'.iao'! ip. u !!.".!i3ol HAnriui. DtfiiKEY Si Co. ouote as toilows:- lliurina. He'l na. American 1.01a lou 13114 American tiilvcr, 4s and i 125 12S Americnu Mlverlimes aud Halt Uinion 121 VSi renrjcvlvania Curreucy 8 k Now Y rlc Exchange 1-20 par. Amount of coal transported on tho Philadel phia and Reading Railroad during the week ending Thursday, March 15, 1S03: Tn: Cm I. From St. Clair 18 813 08 1 Port Carbon 8,447-16 ' l'ottaville 318-04 ' Schuylkill llavuu 25 H11 ' Auburn 96119 ' Port Clinton, 8,461-13 ' Li arrisburg and Dauphin B'OO Total anthracite coal for woek 02,951-11 liit'.BJinr a coal from JiarriaDnrs and iiauijhiB for wek 5, 6,0 -04 Total ofall kinds for wock 68,629-15 x roriousiy tuia year 001,101 ui Total 720,284-02 T same time last rear 651 15 114 Philadelphia Trade Report. Paturdat, March 17. There is no shipnln demand for Flour, but there it steady inquiry for the snpply ol tho home consumers. About 1500 bbls. were -disposed of, mostly Northwestern extra fnmiiy, at SC39 25 t hbl., inclndintr small lots of fupcrfine at 80-257; extra at 87-258; Pennsyl vvuin and Ohio luinily at $010; and fancy lots nccotuir.r to quality, itye ilonr sens slo.y at to to. i rices oi corn .ueal aro eut'reir nominal. There is some iuauiry for cood Wheat, but com mon quality is not wanted, bales oi lairanu ohotue 1 cnnsylvnnia ana western red at 210a2 80, an whito at 2 402 75. Kve is in limited rounest: wo ciuoto 1 euuovirania atsac. ana uotawaro at ioiJi j. uorn is comine tornaru more ircoiy, ana tha t :- mund is cood tulos ot 10 000 bash, voliow at 70o. afloat, and 6S0. in store. Oats aro uuohanirud. iSai'S ot ViOi) bush, l'enn.ylvauia at 60o. 1) triey rrpes from Too. to Si, aud Hurley Malt lrora VI -bO tO fcl 16. There is nothinr rtolnjr in Qnercitron Bark; a tale of chcstnnt at 21 60 i cord. Ihcre is more neuiand for Cloyersotd. and 703 bnnb. sold at (5 60a(j 50, the la'tor for very choice : Timothy Is steady at 43 75: aud Flax-end at 2 75. Whisky sells slowly witniu the ranco of 2' i'its ior renns yivania ana unto. C Both branches of the Newfoundland Legis lature naie Hcccpiea tae yueuoc bene me or con federation. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. K"GKEEN ST. M. E. CHURCH. TIEM1AY F.VEXIJIO, 201 hi Insf., REV. WILLI A 11 BUTLER D. D.. rOCKDEEAND LAI E M PKUIN i ENDEST OF M. E. AilBblUMH IN UDU. ON PEBSONAL REi'OLLECTIOXS OK T1IK PF.rOY RIIIELMOU. It AND INCIDENTS OF aIISSIOa LITIS. rSgT" SWEDEN BORG1 AN, CORNER BROAD ' sncl KUANliV WINK St routs Sermon bv Hnv. B. F. BAUKE IT In the Morulas: fiubiect. ' Inhmaol. or me w nu aian. ' in tne Evening in tne seBHiun-room, beading aud Oonvorsatlon. Huhjoct, '-the B aspheiny ualnut the I'o'y Ghost." A ltvhoieul an mlero.t aro comiany invited. HTJV. S. II. GIESEY, PASTOR OF Fifth German ioformod Church. OkERN Street. near Bixtnenih, will i.rencli ou KnatUy, i8th last., at 1 u ' a.m. ana i r. iti. suti ect in tie evening tne Chullengc and Answer by Fire," bolngthe e ighth otthe eonre on i-.iijnti ami uis Times, birangers welcome. rrr" "SOCIAL UNION."-PJTBLIO MKHT- ion on Ntonilav f vnnlnir. l'ltll Inst., at tlnl M(- KAVIAN 1 lltliCU. corner ol 1'UANK.LIN aud WOOD btrceu. All Invited. W. M. ABBEY, Recording Secretary. EST" atiove (.'nllowhlll. services at UK A. M.. and I and 1H I'. M.. the Attoruoon being for Deaf Mutoa. Tha fuv. Dr. GALLAUDKT will otUuiaie To-uiutrow at au the services. Heats irea C3T NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SIXTH Street, above Greon. Rev. K. W. HENRY. D. H.. Pastor, sorvicea at 10 A. M. and 1H P. M. Rev CllAHLVS I. KKAUTU, D. D., will preaca lu the evening, p. y. ffTr- PREACHING AT ST. PETER'S (RSO- L1811) LUTHERAN CHDRCH. CURISTIAN Btreet, below Sixth, babbatb Morning at 10H A. M., by tne ev, r. mibhh.ikh Hoats iree.Aujmv'W)u. KEf REV. DR. DTJRBIN WILL PREACH To-morrow, at 10(4 A. M.. and Kov. JACOB TODD at 1H r. .. In the TABERNACLE M. K. CliCltClI, LLEVENTU btreet, above JaUeuou. 'M RELIGIOUS NOTICES. 1ST. CHILDREN'S CHURCH. TIIK NEXT wirmnn to 'ha Yonnir on "Blnle Jewel." in the CIHJB' H OK UIH til'lFUANT, To-morrow noon, at o clock. " REV. W. M. CORNELL. P. D.. WILL rrctch To.morrnw U 1"H A.M. and 1H P M., at WF.Sr AKCli 81BUSV CUUBCU (late lit, Ed-wardu-) REV. J. R. GATES FRENCHES IN Dll.IOENT fabbath, at 10 A. H. end 7H P. V. All are invite. LOGAN SQUARE CHURCH, TWEN- TIFTH unit VINE MrcoU.-KeT J. L. BEMAN, To-morrow at U)H and at7M o'clock. SPECIAL NOTICES. Jggp AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. mCCONHTUUOTION. T1T. FKNKY W.iIlD Will do Irer bis atput I f otnro on tho above lnteretni( suoiwi n Till R-l)Alf tVEMSU, March it, undor the auspices ofiho . , I OH Ml MI-N'S I'HKiailAN ASSUtlAllU-1, Tic kets, lie W)c. and Tftc. 1 ! fale 01 I Ickets will commence on Wo lnen, i nn Inpt.. at 9 o'clock A.M. The north hail o the house at AhUttrAI) F.VANs'.N'o. T24 1 He nut street, ana the lou.A half at J- 8. CLIaIUN 6. Ho. We (Joesiiui stifot. S 1 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JOBS B. OOUUH. 8Q.. Will ilolIrcrTwo Lcoturos unnortUe ausnlcrs of tho MAKC'H W, Hnlnact "II AMI 1." 1 AK( H W. Huhkct "T.MPKIIA.NCR " Te sa'e of Tickets tor fio h Lt j'ures ivl'l cumimnco on lucmlaj Mornlni. 2(nh at r. o'clock. No tickets wll Dc fo a or ontineu uciore mat nour. rrlce zac, oo.. ana ino Tickets for the soutn hat of tha honse will be sold at J. . ( (axton's No WHi L'htsnut alroet. anJ lor tho north hall at Asnmeaa a t-vsai-. o in (. u "nut s reet- 3 n ACADRMY OF MUS1C YOUKG MEN'S CUTtlXTIAN ASjOCIAIIOX LfcCTt Kt-:. March y-Tlev. Ilc.MtT WARD UKKCnEIt. 8ulicct UCCON9TUUC I ION. WarcliM JOHN B. (1OU011, Esq. Subleot HARIT. March 20-JOI1N B. uOCOIl. Esq. buhject TJSJsPEUAiICK 310 lot rrpT" CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICR. fJ-'' To Hotel. ltes:aarsnt and Tavorn-keeDors: App'lcatlon tor roacwal of Llceuse to sell will be re ceived by the City I'otnn.tssionors, ns follows: lirct Second. Third, and fourth Wards on tho 6th aud 7h of March. 1 ltth and sixth wara an tne win ann ntn or jinrcn. KoT.nth, Rkhtli, Muih, and Tenth Wards on tho lflta and 12 tb ot March. E leventh and Twciitn warus on tno 13. nana ntnor March. 'I hirteenth,' Fonrtcenth. Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Wards on the 15th and loth of March. Kevertteenta. J iKnteentn, anu jMnetccntn warns on tha 17th and ll'th 01 Mnrci. 'I wcatieth. '1 wentv first. Twenty-soconif, andTwenty tlihd Wants on the JUtli ant 2i.-to' .M.iuli 1 werty-iourtti ,'i wenty intn,auu j wcnty-siiin narus on the 'id and i'M 01 March. j' iia y 1 1, 1 1 '3 , 1 TIB M ah PICKSON,; City Commlssloneri. JOHNGIVKN. 3 14 'Kxcr.r.sioii sock" spiiinij. sara- TOOA UPRINGH. New York The water 01' this very superior surius Is aneqnalled in lti medicinal qua Itles. A. if. ij k ? itr,.v r ot . . Fnratota Sprlnss. S.T..and So. 2 BAUCL kY Siroot, Sow 01 k city. solU at n Doicsaio in rui sncipnia uv WHlTALLi X. TI'M X ( . Bl LLOCK CRKNSKAW, CIIWtLKS K L18. SON at 1 O., and retnllcd by the leading Drugg'siS. Hotels, anc urst cluss Grocers. J 10 swlmrp Z. RIG JONE5, M. D., FORMERLY Rnrnpon II. S. Volunteer for four years his reputr.ed practice at No. ibii Cal owhid Siroct. 3 17 4i BATCHKLOU'8 II 1 R DYE. 1 Tiir 11 111a niMiL.i. Baimlcss reltnhln in tsn'anoons. The only perfoct dye. Ko disappointment, no ridiculous tints, bu', true to na'ure, binck or brown OhMlML IU IsIG NE1- WILLIAM A. BATCUELOR. ALi-li. Reeanarallnc Fx tract 01 M lliiflcttrs restores, prrwervos and bcautltles tho hair, prevents ha dnsss 8o'd by sll Lrusjalxts. factory ,81 BAECL tY -t. N. Y 3J JUST PUBLISHED By the PkTslclans of the NEW YORK MU4ECH. tbe Ninetieth Edition 01 their ruuu L,tui i;itr.3. entitled riui.usui'H 1 vr m uUAur.. To be Bad free, lor tour stamps, by addressing Secretary fw ion museum 01 AitaioniT, 7 17 IT Bio. 618 B KCJAI) W A 1 , Hew 1 ork. rrZ3 DI N I N (J-llOOM. F. LAKEMKYKK, ih-J CAKTFK'fl Alley, would respectluliy Inform the Pnhile avnviallv that lie hss leitnothtns uudone to make this place comfortable la every respect lor the aoooin nioumlon ot paosts. He boa opened a large and coin nioillouB Dliilng-ltoom Iu tho sccoad s ory. Uis SIDK, BO.Utl Is mrnls'icd with BRANDIES. WINKS, WllibKY, Etc.. Etc.. 61 SUPERIOR BRANDS. II A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MAR- SIAGE : t'ontalniac nearly 300 Danes, and I'M fine riatos and Engravings oi the Anatovnr of tae Human Orcans in a Mate ol Health and DlueaM. with a Treatise on Early I rrnrs, Its Deplorable Consequences upon the Mind and Body, with tne Author's I'. an or Treatment the only rational and snccess'nl mode ot ettre, as shown by the lerort of c sites treated. A truthful adviser to the nmrrlid. and those canteiavlatlnE msrrUeo. who enter tain doubla of their physical condition Bent froe or Dostake to auy auuresa, on receipt oi -it cents, iu sunups - .... l . - Tla T . ,.111, k- . . Or pohliu curreucy, vj nuure.siuif XJl u invu. aim. I he author may he consuitea upon any or mo uisvaaes apon which his book treats eitaer pern-nal'y or by ma. I, ana n euicines sent 10 auy pan 01 um norm, no iu TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT AND FURNITURE L FOB PAI.K. A eentlcmania desirous ot KeutlnB. ou reasonable terms, ais House, situated in tho bet ourt oi the cltv, provided he cau sell bis Furniture, which Is f the most modern siyle, at a lair valuation. Address FlKMil at. otneo- norm Amenoin. - a n di- I FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. A 1 -'I Trmiaa H'eimntlT fnrnlsia.l. In one of the mot do iruh e and tashlonabla tiaartersot the cliy. Address HOUSE, Box &io r ost OIllco. 3 Li l- LOST. 10?T. ON WEDNKSBAY, 1IT1I t Lady's Black Lac Veil, In going fr INST., A from Walnut street barf to ft Paul's Church, ou Third stieet or lu a Walnut stret ear. between Third and Broad streets. The finder will be liberal y rewarded by leaving lt at lOPKHIl-LA WILSON'SIClothlng Store, No. 603 t HEr.ii UT Btreet. a 15 Jt QLA11K k BIDDLE F-c w H tn O ft. c o 'Si o f ABE OFFERING THEIR STOCK OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS Jewelry, tiilverwave, Etc., AT A DISCOUNT t" l nlly Equal to tbe Ticsent Decline in Gold, TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY X AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Atitarn or kwhi-kt i.i iih .in. tioneasea. The Auditor snitolnted bv tbe Court to audit, settle, and adiunt Ilia account af JAM Kri 111. 1,1. and KOUF.ltf M. l.otlAN.r xecutora under tbe last will aud testament or uuttlsHT LAUGUL1M, Oeoeased, and to report utsiri butlvn at the balance In the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties luteiested tor the parpoaos of his appointment, ou 1 L'EriDAY, Aiarob 37, A. D. 1883, at 4 Mock r. U., at the ettlce of KOBKRT M. LutitN, sq . No.484 N. TillKD btreet, la the cltv ol Phlla de lphla. 3 17 stuthH QROYER & BAKER'S FIRST PKEMIUM ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCn SEWING MACHINES, with latest tin provenients.No. 7 JO Chesnut street.Prii'.adelphiaj No. 17 M arVet street, HarrUburg. 1 3m 4p J. L. CAP EN. PHRENOLOGIST, Su -censor to Fowler, Wells Co., elves written and verbal descriptions ol charac ter with Charta, dally, at . FINANCIAL. "yu oftku ron sale Central Pacific RIt. 7 per Cent. Bonds, JnUrest payable in Gotd, In the city of Nm York; TJ. C5'S, 1H05, Issued to (lie Pacific Railroad Co., Interest payable In currency. The cheapest (torero ment Bonds on the market, rooeWea by United 8 tttcs Trcasnrer at 80 percent, as security forNa'.lonal Bank Circulation. Morris and Essox Railroad First Mortgage 7's, Due 1014, strictly First-diss Bonds for tale lower than other Bonds of the smne c'ass. Oovornnicnt secur.tlcs of all kinds bought and sold. Stocks and Gold bought and sold on com mission In this and other mnrkcts. Interest allowed an acposlu. E. W. CLARK & CO., Bankers, "8 Ko' 35 S- Thlrd St.,Ph Mad. 5-20s CITY WARRANTS. 73QS O. A. ItAIIM & CO. BANKERS, lio. 52 SOUTH THIRD STREET BCY CITY WaRRANIS at lowest market rates, an allOW BACK 1NTEKK8T. Hut nnd tellUMIED .STATES LOAN'S at best market i ices. CGMTOUXb INTEREST NOTES wanted at a ras- Mll M ('OLLKCTICNS made on all accessible nolntsln Mie Union. STOCKS, etc. bought and sold at the Board of 2 '10 tuibslmrp Brokers. II E AMERICAN BUREAU OF MIXES, No. 64 BROADWAY. Mines, Mineral Lands and Ores examined and reported noon. Cempettnt Engineers iuinlsbeu to Alining Com panies. uonsuiiaiions anoruea ou an Mining, metallurgical anu intuiicui ynrsuon, at ine omce ot in Bureau, GEO. D. II, GILLESPIE, President. DRAKF DE KAY , Secretary. 3 10 tuths rp DRY GOODS. A lt 33 TJ 11 T O N ' S , No. 1004 Chesnut Street. NEW SrRING GOODS AT EEDCCED TRICES. MILLINERY GOODS. Sl'.ks Crapes. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, 1-ruiues illusions, Jiiuliuez, ltitchcs, yul lings, Etc, REAL LAOE GOODS OF THE NEWEST DESIGN'S, t fo.nt Ca7 Collars nnd Sets. Brussels Point Collars and Bets, Vaienciennes Collnrs and Sets. Olunr Collars aud Seis 'I bread ol ais and Sets. Barbcs. Berthas, Velis, ColHres, Udk;s. Etc REAL LACE GOODS BY THE YARD, ALL WIDTHS. Point Cazo, white Blond. Black ThrouJ, Gimpure Inse.r lngs of ail kinds, Boadlugs, Elo. lunv. Valenciennes, Bruspels Apnllquo, iuglibh thread, LACE GOODS. Imitation Laces of tho choicest quality and newest deplxns. pioin ana riRarc- r.ets, wiao illusions. Joined lllonil, Footings, Ouilllngo, etc , a lure sssort- mcnt. EMBROIDERIES. Collars, Sets, and Handkerchiefs, Jaccnet Edg ngs and Irsortinca, bwiss Edgings and Insertlngs. WHITE GOODS. Jaconets. Cambric. Nainsook. Mult. Pinld fltrlned. Figured, Fane , v. Iss. French to us. lu two yards wide, Taiieians. Sheer French Cambrlo Lluen Uundkerchie.s all at greatly reduced prices. GLOVES. Kid, Bilk. LIslo, Berlin, etc.. for Tattles, Gentlemen, aud Ch ihlren, ot avery variety, quality, aud co.or, of .the best mako FANCY COODS IN GREAT VARIETY. WARBURTON'S, 1004 CHESNUT STREET. 1 17 BtulbsiUp No. SEGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. qEN FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. 1ST DEAN X a wars has bis store full ot customers Why? Be cuane be keeps the best stock ot aegars and tobacco In ibe I'nlted Hiates. aud sails at least trotu 35 to At nor cent. 1( ss than you can buy elsewhere. Co to DEAN'S, so. 413 t UtBNl I Street. 2d. Why Is Ittbattlio ciy tobacconists aro down on Dsun? Because he sal s a bet ar nality ai tobacco and se gars at a much lean price than they can sell. Goto Dean's, No. 413 Ckesnut street. 3d. '1 lie reason why ke can sell so cheap Is because Ms retail sales ate over 3di per dy, and his wholesale trade Is over iOUH per dav. Ha Can utlord to sell at rom 3 ta 8 per cent, protlt while others cannot live unless tasntrom U to 100 per cent. Go to Dsuu's, No. 413 t ho.LUt s reet. 4th. Dean sells prime Imported Havana sonars for six cents esch. Genuine Kara lor ten reata. and makes a liberal alscount to those buying bv the box. Go to Dean's, No, 413 Cbesuut street. 6th . DcMUBu la the best navy, of six dderort kinds torBO. f6 aud ID cents per pound. Dry navv 40 cents per pound, with adUcuvm to those buying five pounds or upwards. Ga to lean's. No 413 Chesnut street (lib. Doau sells al kiada of smoking tobacco from 30 cn s per pound to 1 W per puaud, atil a discount ou S peimils or upwards. 'I ry lt, you wll 1 like It Go to Dean's, No. 413 Chesnat struct 7th. Dcau's Store Is No. 413 hi snnt street. If yon Inquire ot some toliacconlsts they wl l toll you they don't know him. au4 don't ackiiowleage him to be In the Duflnt-ss. Wbr don't they know hliu f Booause he sells so cheap, he Is killing the business. Ge to Dean s. No 413 Chesnut street. Stk. Some tobacconists' jea ousy makes them mean, but Dean can afluid to be IJeial t Mb trade Is alwayaon tbe inciease. 'j hat's what troubes tbe Spanish Jowl and red noses. When you want prime tobacco or aegars at a (air price, go to Desa's, No. 413 Chennut street. 8th. Dean's Yara Herat's are the only genu'ne Yara tn this city, all otheis are ot Interior quality. Dean Bo cured the whole crop of Yara this year an! lor nail year. If you want genuine Yara Segars, go to Dcau's, Ho 413Cnrsnut sirvot. 101b. The largest a-iorhn nt ol segars In any one store In the United siaies you will find at DKAa'S, No. 413 t HESNUT Stieet. N'. B. For cigarettes apply to the Government Nun: ced 2311mrp WANTS ri IIRER GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO 1 act In Important locations for the New Yort Acci dental Inrnrauce Company. Active un uot good address, apidv to FRANK O. ALLEN, Brunch Oulce, Ho. 4t0 CHE8N IT Street Aoply soon 821 FOR SALE. FOR SALE DESIIt ABLE PROPERTY on Davanord straet. below Thlrtv-slxth. West Philadelphia. Large and convenient house, with large and weli-iegulatcd garden, In good repair. App y to LOI'H DRFK.A, lt No. H33 CHE8N 11 r Street FOR RALE. DESIRABLE THREE-STORY i Brick PMeuuig House, no. 14U Wa ana striuit. arlv posstsslou. Apply to J. K. BHOADS, lliet- ro. IK AUCU btreeu i o 5 2 - H 'Si Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Tiixcliino Co- , o. tao CHF.3NUT S'IKGKT, PniLADELPBIA. to 5 15 s; r-. m t a w o H W 'S, Gj o Co s. o E3 w 5 a NEW PUBLICATIONS. R S. SOU T II W O 11 T II S NEW BOOK. FVBLISnED THIS DAY, THE FORTUNE S EEK Ell. By Mis. EMMA D. E. N. SOUriIWOTlI. Complete in one large Duodecimo Volume. Price $150 in Paper, or $2 00 in Cloth. TnE FORTUNE PF.EKER has been pronounced by all critics who have read the work lu proof sheets, to bo tally eqnal, 11 not superior to the "Lost Beltess," or any Of the other lormcr works by Mrs. Southworth. MRS. SOUrKWORTH'S OTHER BOOKS. Pries oi each 150 in Paper, or $2'00 in Cloth. THE'FORICNE SEEKER. By Mrs. Southworth. ALL WORTH ABBEY. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth THE BRIDAL EVE. By. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworih" THE tESfcRTID WIFE. By Mrs. Southworth. THE FATAL 1IAHBIAOB. By Mrs. Southworth. .. LOVE'S LABOR WON. By Mrs. Southworth. THE LADY OF 1 HE ISLE. By Mrs. Southworth. THE MISSING BRIDE. By Mrs. 8outhworth. THE TWO 8ISTEE3. By Mm. E. D. E. N. Southworth. THE THREE BEAUTIES. By Mrs. Southworth. D18CARLED DAUGHTER. By Mrs. Koutrnvorth. INDIA. By Airs. E. D. E. N. Sonthworih. THE WIFE'S VICTORY. By Mrs. Southworth. V1VIA. PFC'KRT OF l'OWEB. By Mrs. Southworth. XETKIHUTION. By Mrs E. D. E. N. Southwortu. '1 HE 11 Al'NTl D HOAlKvilCAD. By Mrs. Moutuworth. THE MOTH I K IN-LAW. By Mrs. Southwoith. THE CI'RSE i iF CLIFTON. By Mrs. t-outhworth. 'I HE LOST HEIRESS. By Mrs. K. D. K. N So.ithworth. THE GirSY'S 1'ltOPIU.CY. By U rs. Southworth. Price of each ol the above, S1-S0 In paper, or $2 In cloth. Copies of any or all of tha above popular books will be sent to any ol,c. free of pottage, on rccslpt of price. Address all otdcrs to the publishers, T. B. PKTERSON & BROTHERS, Ne. tC6 CHiSNCT Street. Philadelphia, Pa.. Ana tney will receive prompt attention.- It JfEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I ASH MEAD & EVANS, No. 724 CHESNUT STREET, Are receiving t very dny; loth Amorlcon and English books, to which they Invite the attention of Book buyers. Among those Just arrived are LIVINGSTONE'S EXPEDITION TO THE ZAUBESC AND ITs IKIBL'TAKIKS, UiaMi4. ril ed with maps and Illustrations HOLCiiMBE'H LITERATURR1N LETTERS. AN ilHrNK ON. In a letter to the author of "Tho ( bristian Yesr." By t. B. Pusey, D. 1). An into - resting book to all church peon e. THE lEMPOIlAL MISSION OF THE HOLYGIIOSTj or, Reason and Revelation. By Henry Edward, Arch bishop ot Westminster. MRS. MGOVRN EY'H LETTERS OF LIFK. IHE OKIGI OF THE LITE WAR. By Geo. Lunt BCLWrR'S I.O-T lALl-S OF MILETUS. Uis new Poem, just received In theTauchnltz edition. MADAME FON1ENOY. By the author ot -Madoraol- F6 le More. " ' AGNK8. A New Novel by Mrs. Ollphant. LUCY ARLYN. ByJ. T. Trowbridge, authorot "Cudjo'a Cavo," ate. JF.AN INGt LOW'S STORIES TOLD TO A CHILD. With mattv beautiful lllustnitlons TAUl HN1TZ EDITIONS OF aiNOLIPH AUTHORS. Wa baveucct iitcd the Agency tor Phi adclphla. and the trndo wlil in tuture bt supplied on tho sumo terms asbereto'ore by air. LeTo dt. An ong those late y received are -Ntble LI e " "Mutual Friend." -'Love ( ontllct," N ovels "Loved at Last," and many other f-ew 3lstn-Jt Q ROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED SHCTTLE OR " LOCK" STITCH SEWING MACHINES. No. 1 and No. 9 for Tailors, Shoo makers. Saddlers, etc. No. 730 Chesnut street Philadelphia; No. 17 Market street, Harrlsburfr rf"-rP STEIN WAY & SONS' 'gBAND, SQUARE, AND UPRIGHT; PIANO-FORTES have taken th!r y two First Premiums, gold and silver medals, at the prlrcloul Fairs held In this country within the last ton years and In addition thereto they wera awarded a First Prize Medal at tha Great International Exhibition In London, 18;2, In competition with 269 Planot (Tom all parts of the world That the great superiority of those Instruments Is now anlversally conceded Is abundantly proven by tha FACT that Messrs. Stein war's '-scales, Improvements, and pe aullarlilea of construction" have been adopted by the great major ty of tha manufacturers of both hemi spheres (al ctoirly at c u d be don tctthout nfrngnnmt cf patent right), and that their Instruments are nsod by the most imlncnt plaalsta of Europe aaa Amerloa, who pre er tkem for tbtlr own publlo and private nse, when ever acoesslble. . STEIN WAY A SONS dlreet special attention to their PATENT AGBAFFlt AKBANGEal KNT, which, having been practically tasted In all their Grand arc Hlghi st-priced Square PIANOS, and admitted to bo one of the greatest Improvements of modern times, wljl , hereafter ba Introduced in nvrjr Piano manufactured 6 them without inereaie cf evtt to the purchaser, m order that Ail, their petrous mav reap Its benefit TEINWAT 4 SONS' FIANOrt are the only Ame. rlcan Instrnmants exported to Europe lu large nana bers, and nsed la European eencert-rooma. Warerooms at 1 10sw8t4p BLASIUS BBOIQEIlS No! 104 CHESNUT Strait (JIIALLENGE LIGHT I Paragon Oil and Safety Lamps. BRIGHT LIGHT THREE HOURS ONS CEN'Tl No chimney t No smoke I No grease. Bold by Inventors, KELLY A NEEL, No. Oil MARKET 8tret AGENTS WANTED. Also, Dealers In Soaps and Coal Oil. Machluety Olls wariautod not to gam or chill, f 1-24 par gallon, t U