1 TOE- DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPti. PHILADELPHIA) FRIDAY, MARCII 16, I860. 8 OUE NEW YORK LETTER. Money, Mlneka, tod Marketa A Chilian lionx irr t'ir Ctaalara It t let 's lie UrwHt aiolibety, Kt. tpctial (Jorrespandertct of re Evening Telegraph, Haw York, March 19. Cold in steady nt 1314 to day. Meney is eay and cheap, and Government sfourittee are hi good demand, lb era is lei excitement in Kail way tharea. Produce and merchandise are in fair rerincit at somewhat nrmer prices. Freitrhl cngi'.scmcuts are moderate. .An amusing account of a hoax practised tipon the ISp:-.nlsb. anthoillics here a few dayssi.inry with the connivance of the Chilian envoy In thli city, Is publi'ihed to-day. A letter purportm t le intended or the Chilian Minister at baenoj Ayic3, and bearing an excellent imitation of Honor 13. Vicuna McSonna'a- alnatare, wai dropped in the e:reet at a 'point where two Kpau'sb. spies ware paisln. Tiioy fell into tho trap, picked at) the loiter, and very soon niter II 3 cntents,wereknoin to the Spanish authorities The pretended information given In tho letter, concerning the movements of imaginary Chilian pi Actcrrs. appears to solve the mystery ot the sudden departure of t'.ie twoSpunisn war vessels, tee Ccrtrc.i and the A-aM ti VcMca, irotn this pjit. The expense to tbe Spanish (ioverainent f the tool's eiir.nd npon which these ve-sels were despatched, oa ins ta the rnso phiyed by the Cai'ten envoy, is estimated at thirty thou sand do''e.j. The s'snmer San Jirrinto, of Maura. Garrison Allen's line of Savannah atcamcii, cviht Ave between two and three o'cloca ye-itorday mora injr, at her pier, No. 13 Noith liver,' aad wm totally destroyed ii her wood-work. The hull, bcl'm cf irou, am filled with watir, and bha now lies on the butt jki. She had on board Ive handred bales inward cargo, and about two thou:ind bi'irels af ilo:'r ior Havpaoau. The Ye.sel wps not insured, and the lof-s on ship mid c?r0 will not .'all short of on kuiirea and lii'i, thousand do'lf ri. Tbe new Health Board coutinnci Uj inroadj on the genius ol pestilence in the Metropolitan dititilct. The street are being cleaned in th vicinity of West Lrne.clway. Since To3day lttit two handred and foaiteeu head of "bob" veal liavo been seized by the sanitary police and dis posed of at the oflal dock. A lare ciaantity of this iiiivtholffsome epeeies of meat was foar.d and taken pos.;eisiou of on Wednesday ah tho Chiimbera bUect station of the Hud. on River liii'.lroad. The litigation about the pold seized In New Orleans by order of Major-Gcncral Untlor was arra'n before tho Court of Com mo Plea yes terday. The ca-e hn inp bc?n nettled, t'uo coun sel for tho sheriff applied to Judge Oardozo to tax'the feea of ike f ucriJ for poundage on ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars; but the matter was cdjoaiflcd, alter soaie arfumeal, to give time for the production of fun her paper J on both side?. . Nothing: of additional Interest IransDired v"- terdny iu le'ution to the allcci whisky frauds. Mr. ii. A. Itollins, Couitateaioiier of 'Internal Rjvcnue, is e..pcrtcd to r.nive in this cuy to-moirow, for ttic pa;voe "f further luveti gatiag: the miatier. A iLau named Joseph Schultz wns broslit iid yes:?ida7 before Coiumisiiouer Stilwell on a cherije cf bavin; pnweti two countsr.'eit fifty dollar t .'rastiry notes upon two persons of the name of 'Rude and F.'sher. It appeared tiat the note passed upon Fibber was so well exe cutrd that ho wa irioiuied by the caihierora bunk and several of the clerks that it was a genuine, tor one. The piisontr wtu reuiauded UTihcr esr-minotiffs. Inero were miners !n the city yesterday tlsat fome oi the million and a half dollars' worth of bonds receat'y stolen from the otlico of lit. Lord, in .chr.ne place, had besu recovered; but tBe.o proved anfoun Jed. no due hrnviug yot Tbeen obtaired to any ot the nriss':o proparty or the thieves, tLouii the pelire are r til 1 vigor ously pro ccui.jt their operations in the mutter. A mnti cut to p'eces last eveainir, between Tlo.iftoa a id Kin ; at reels, by u Irauof the Huc!on Fiver F.airoud cars drawa by a dummy ens'je. Tho remai5 have rot yet bea Idea ti tle J. An inquest will probably bo hold id tie trie t!ay. St. Patrick's Day will be cc-lebrsted by onr TrUh population to-morrow with much tn'rlt and d'.s plsy. There will be a grand parado of a portion of Vbe m'litary p.nd the Ivlhh civic soc'etle; a Vontifieu! hijii man will be celtbruted in St. l'al-ick's Ciituediel, by Archbishoy McClo'ikey; lii?hop Lynch, oi Charleston, will delivur a pane gyric on bt. fatiiek; and in the evemnj the Kuihtn of St. Pi'tricl: will b'.ve a baTKjuet at the iiaisoii Dome. The day wi!l be obvnnl in like Dianntr in liroeklyn, Jersey Ciiy, and IIoloken, also, no doubt, tLKouqhout the couutry. A iiicctlncr wits held in the Uu'.versal'st church, No. 6if Droadwav, lf.it evening, tor the purpois of rpisins Biibvipt'cus to promote the Mission ary work in thh coiintry. Several a li1ree vero delivered, p. tier which a ehui of 51219 was anuouacd as tho auiourt of the cajtributious lvoui soveral ladies aud genlleueu pre.ient. n iut 'iejt:3 cr.;e was tied yesterday ii tle Ha-ine Couit, bcieie Judpe Alker, iuvoivur ta Home ext?st the righti arid F.abi'uics of tab tenants, or taose wko hire rooms oa tho r.?c:jd or third lloor. Aia'aajetA. Wheelwitcat, ta owner of houf-e Ko. li.O Monroe street, Droajht a:i r.ciion ran'ust Mr. Ii. iteroard to recover the sum ot -5U0 damages al'erd to have been sus tained by r?ason ot a forcible eatry. An old cutlema'n naiud Wachrstey reu'efl, a.id with lois wile occupied the sccoad floor of lbe premises. Od the ISth of October last they were informed tkat a son was very ill at Jamestown, N. Y. They locke.j up their rooas and went thither, ariivins i'ut in time to witness the death of their roldier bov. The lather telegraphed lion Jauc iowa t this city, fsk'ag cerliiu persons to notify a aociety, ot which deeeased was a member, te attend tfce fu-neral oa the 22d October, at the rooms of the father, No. 150 Monroe ptveet. The members of the Lociety and fiicnds of the family atitved tit the place at tho appolatsd Lour so did the coip3e. Tne coffin wai tkea trom the hearse to flie hteps of the door, when the plpinvUf ht the door in the face of tha mourners and locked it. Defendant the-eupoa broke down the door. It was lor this tLut th action was brought. A verdict was reu deTed for defendant. , At the inquest, lipid ycslejday by Coreaer Wiluev. on the body ol Cuarles.Zccli. who coiu- mitied suicide ou Alonday aiter attempfiui; to kill his wife, in Fifty-third ttreet, tho wile ofde- ceased tetineu in relation totne diuicultv which jesulted in the shooting atlray. It ap;jeared that thev had not lived together for scne tia'3. and that the deceased wa3 a raau of intemperate babits. ilri. ztech is rnpiaiy recovering from , the enects of nr won 'jet. William Hanlon aud Patrick Nicholson quar relled ve? terdav in a erorr- ikop at iio, 8ti -Uul- fceiry street, duiieor which llunlou lire aVnile aud staboed hij ofiponejk ia ttte side, luflu-tin'; a daneerons wound, and ntterwiirds csenned. Klchohoa waT removed t the Xow l'ork Hos pital lor treatment. Fclto:;. Piilacla. Stock Ext JiepcjUd by ie Karsn & I1 ag Sales, L!?r. 18 re., ii. 49 . Thlid btreot ll.A I , M-K 1.1 i;20OO L'n'n C Lb. ... sj 1U0 J'a b ', ?St'W Us S-20sC!rel'.! 2'jOHhSeh JS. pl.hJSJ 2tush do. "Oj Kwih io 1 lOn n d V") :.J 1 It a till Ilcstonv.. l"3 r: 100 ih, da .Lj 42J ?00fhCulif c cOi IwOlU ao 0O C3? o.ii )S. 4D U J'rnn S lUOih K((.n...,') V 1th K3hi do. ..t5. lie.. ..f30 tl 10 h lonsh ?0 j sh ISO It ) ah l'H)(b .fJ0 6') tie. S3 ilo. ..,-, nt V)l do. tW.il 15-18 Uo. fcl r.') oi) m C....iwn (9 $2008 rT S 62. . . ,10'Ji liid.n Kind i nr.. .h.tQ fli lnOUeli iS:MtB t lC30ib du 4 til bOU Wt W..i, PH1 Lntest JIInrLeU hr Telcsrrnah. Uw Iohk, Bfii'di 1 iitooki are stcaity, Dliho's Central, 118; Michiifnul Souta rn, 73j ; K T. Ou tral, 92; lUa.lmg. K)1J; Jludpon K-ver, 10CJ; Onton i'unpimnv. : Hi "ouri Oi, 72: Krlo 3tli: W( tra TDnlou Xe'et raph, 6i) f x-dividciid cosi.ons, HHt, 364! ; do. 1 ii, 10.0! do lli. 10iH ; Tea-lol.lcs, to; ; 'Ircasuuv 7 30. 1CU. Gold, 1C03. JUniuui K, Murch 10. Flour u dull aid nam. Tittl. wtiert uteadv: l"ennvivadia rea, i k.j. Cora Arm; white and ysl'Oir, 6Sjt70u. Ouneu'lnt 4' i. J'iotiriohs )uiet. but bivy. Groqcncl bcavy, VVainky urui at lor v isiern. FOUilTH EDITION LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. A Wholesale Muster Out of Colored Troops. THE FEEEDMEN IN UAHYLAND. Our .Siiocio.1 Iespatclios. WisnmoToN, March 16. VeiHler 0 of 40,000 ,'olor4 l'roaps. It Id rndcr.ilood that tLe Govcvtm-nt latencH, within the next two weeks, io order the muster out of loi-fy thousand celored troops, now sta tioned la the South, to be take from such parti of the several military departmeati as can best spr.je tbero. IInltratmnt of Freedruca. The Frredmen's En -oau br.3 lnforraat'on from CeutrevJ.le, Qacea Anno couuty, 5IaTy!and, that . gaiifts of white rowdle3 are organised to mal treat colored ptoplo, especially reterned colored loldxis. Oa the 7th Instant the tt.ichcra of the colored Echool there were attacked and shot at iy the rowdiei, aad !a-t Sunday niht the co lored choreli ia which Hhe chool is held was binned by them. ' ' CONG-KKSS. Washington, March 16. Scamto. Mr. Stewart (Nevada) introduced' a aeries of resolutions declaring ?n favor of uaivewal suf irae, iti return for -ncivti-jtl amucaty, which were ordered to bo prlnterl. Mr. Wilton intrcriticr d u joint resolution ap proiriatirj Sli.UOO foi- tha pabMeat'on of the medict.1 pad fcarjioal bisiO 'y of the Kebel'ion, which was refei.'ed to the Comtaittsce on Fihitine. Tna ivelieicney bi'l nnder considorat'on yester day was taken up nt 1 o clock. !! Qt attprertatatlvet. Mr. Piles (Iowa) n:.ked lcT4 t oucr the fl loirja: - Whrert3. A dilTiroDre of onluionatid a coafliot of viaw cxit tetwnen the aecrtlnrv of the fl rc?.:vry aud the Compiro'lir ot fio :oir"iicv, which hai kSHiinieu a state citleutuad to iniore ttio liuaucial ia- tri'sfs ol the countrr, t'.:ere"ors Fcsuh'cl, That a ('oui!Tiii'.;e of three ntemberi of the House be appoin'td to tnves'icnle tho cams ot tbe Oitticaity, and to report to tue House. Mr. Eontwell (MnM.) Oojocted unl?s the rege- lution wp3 referred to the Committee of Ways and Mtatis, but subsequently withdrew his ob jection, aad til lf olaiion was egaiu read. wr. iiops (tu.) o0ic:tsa, a.vlu tie thought it belter that the inquiry should be made by the l ;np.3ce Lomnmtse. Mr. I'rre caid the gentleman's colieazue, Mr. V.'entworth, had chailcn-red him yesterday to introduce such a resolution." Mr. Koss I should rather he (Mr. Wentworih) ware chairman of such a cvmmittse than you. I obiect. Mr. Kel?o (Mo.) ir'roductd a bill to authorize the esttibl'sliment of an ocenn tna'! s'.;amship Bevvice between the port cf ChurlcKiOc, 3. C, and Liverpool by way of Quacnstowii, Great Britain. Tiio bill' was read t"ce aud referred to tho Committee on the Fot Ollice. Mr. Tavlor (N. Y.) introduced a ejorution, which wrs adopted, directiaj the becrotary of War to report the iacls in lelation to the pur chase ot tao steamship Jtu,iw, also the Baiues oi the appraisers a ppmated uy me ivuanrdoai-ter-General and Secretary of VTar. )). Steveas (la.) rnked leave to lairouanc a resolution, itistuictitic; the CoarmUlce on Claims to i;:r,i,vre what t!i?rb.-tioa shoald bo made of ihe puulicat'on cau l "lao Atnais ot uoa- :T("-:i" nu uii.iied pyt.uics ,v Kcaion unuer an alleged contract witi the Hou;c, r.tsd to ueter-a-iiro whether Hip i.anio, or any part of t'aem, should be ri'tuiacd; unci if iy part of them should be returned, at what;pi'iee they sUuld Le paifi tcr. Mr. wimn (Iowa) obiected. Mr. Dawes (M;'s.) precnt; t the a:prra ia tho contested election cr. e.of Ft'iler agaii.t Dswi.on. Itfiened to the Coco on tee oa Klec- tiors. Mr. Hubbard (Io-ra), of! ere 1 a rediutloi. wljicli wasi':iiciec', ii-.ttriit tin'.' the Committee on Titian Adair.; to i?!nuive into the exp-ilieiey ot lonccntratin j tae bands of the Dcketa aijd bioux Indians on ore reserva' ion. t. Holbrool: (Idaho) i lUodueed bills to ev tubK h post route f-iom Iihilir City to Crekv b. r in the tmi'ory el Idnho, nd to create the o.lice ef Survtyor-Gineral of the Territory. Herd twice r.ud rofeired. Hie Speaker proceeded to cal commit tec j for reports of a private character. I2.QU CALIE0UNIA. KTemetBt! of Trnunnra Klulutc filoclt Si5 Fbavcisco, Murch 15. The steamship An.trtca, of the Nicaragua liae, ailtd to-day w'.th a larje number of paososers. Two steam ers si lled to-ila.y for Povtland, OiTjon, cru'ryla.? irnny pnserpera aud much freight lor the Mon tana and Idaho miues. The remains of a man fotuid on the raouti- tiubiire behoved to be flio.se of Professor J. G. . Pomeroy, of Pennsylvania, a bo has been miss ing hum tbia city sire a Feptcwber last. The is'.ep.mrr Jierrm 2eeada has arivd ireni Poitland with $"C.rG0 In treasure. Miring ttoeks lri'c.Tnlcr. Opliir, S".0; Savaje, r.f.'i; trown Po'rt, tllfO; Empire, $215; Impe. ria", If 105; Dele her, $J"3; Yellow Jacket, 5755. The strainer ColJ-.n c ".')', with the New York mails Kid pa.tifnjeis ol February 21, haj ar iiTed here. v Chor&cd wlib iForgcry. Hartfokp, Murrh 1G. Henry C. Ward, a trevelhrsr reent of the Nor! a America Fira Issiirance Compaay, has oeea a-rcsled ut C'.eve land on a charge of foifjery, said to have been commuted ia 1S01. The Company has revoked h'l commlss'.on. He i-reiort'd to bme (orleited bis bonds, aad left or pait i unkua.vn. FASHI3KAELE IXTELLtCZSSE. ''lb Tu Ox'Hitil Ui:vi)IIiuh at Was Liu f li.it ibs. Kvnilut;. The New lerk Hcrall of to-day hai the follow i-ij special di'fpatfhej- TBI FKl M-ll MlNiSTB'H UKCJl'TION. Wa&uisg;o:J. Mare 15. Tbe reception clvort tonight by the Aiarouis and Mniehioiieis do 'Montuoiou meu!eo a private party, ami was rtaiavkabio lor tio fi'iiet eu-ganue or an in a; lanijenieuts. Lnliko almoht all such gather ings iu Wfisii'rt!tc i in v, tneve waa no riiKiiuig or clairoi iag t.t tue entrance t the luansiiiu, no unr.oyinc 'uaui-i tous in tue tiars or pa -.sag; .ways aud no impenetrable .crowds to block eitiier lnv,res 1 ov etrress. ' Oarriates rolled lelhiirtly up to the door and divcnaigeil their occupant!", Rcrvmit.s pointed to the stairwavs and drew 'iia-rooijiK, writiae aiaids and uV's.d? vltuuil'Vt were in aMeiul uice to (jive tlie flnishing tom b in innkiujs the g.ie-ts mvsi-utable, and the bun ukU hostess too-.l uiiitine to icceive w.lh a chariuinaf blending of rii(,niiv and simplicity. Owing partly to it beinr the laxt pWbVol Speaker Collas's rc:'eptio, a large prop. iion of the gaefts crllwd there early !n fhe evening, and wre lata In arriving at De Motholon. Dy hall-pr.st'tau the current was turned in the latt?r direction, however, aad a ltvge concourse of people began to c.seiuble. The military and naval departments and ereaut were well teprc sented, and the foreign diplomatic bodies were, with lew exceptions, present. A comparatively small number ol Senators and CoBgrciSiiien were In attendance; but an lncrericd l't-t of civilians f id clii.-ens ot Washington compensated tor their abience. The ladies and gentlemen wero elaboratly created, and the toilel3 ol many vere.unsuipr?:;e(l for brilliancy. " irSAKEU COLFAX'S ECElTIOW. The Irst of the receptions given by Speaker Colia?r, at his residence ou Four-aud-a-hall aU'cet, crmc ell' this evening with a pe.'loct fan. It vat the common eittatatlon, wnen shak'ng lm J wuh the Speaker, 'his Is a wrni re cep tioa," the remark involving a double meaning, 'Uud'iir to the motley outpouring, by way of ettijaette, but really jplyiu to the oppressively lour rr.'ige of the thermometer, i'uis latter brought into reqUition a tree application ef the n-ct c.c.'r, ?al'iciit!g fenens dainrge to anmerons d -plays of alabnter thouldern end dalu.lly t'-nted cheeks. Rome of the ffent'.enien on their rcit made an exposition of te same aiticle, which would have been much more to their credit by belag subjected to a little soap and The rceeption, properly speak'ng, took place it the double parlors, while tbe bament was tet uprrt for posBrtsora of imblo liiaht trained to the kteps of the dauce. Over the door enter ing the parlor, belor which atood Mr. Colta.v, his mother and sister, aa American flag was hue, while over the lold-ng doors between the two r.rlors the Aaieiican aad a Siate flag were croibert. The ' prcsi in the parlors wrs tearful, theto being but one door both for ingress and c res, dace in ihe room it icaubed the mo:t dexterous elbowing to get ut. The daucen below were silurly delicient iu a preper area lor their operations. However, they persisted valiantly pgamst the pressure, by crowding tbroucb tho figures, and particularly walt.ing pon a pivot. . , . " Jimong the distinguislied persons present were Jir. and Mrs. General Banks; Commodore Bridge, accompanied by two beautiful young ladief Mr. and Mrs. Huthaway, of Ctilllora a; Generals Howrrd, Buckland, and Drayman; Eli Perry, of Albanv; Kepresatativo MoiaM; ex- CmHiim Wood, ol Illinois, ana oiueri. anions the latter class we may mention irrepressible lhad. Stevens, lnauueus nppiarei qoui- iuci nating, and madejhimself conspicuous by nttar ing sundry boisterous inquiries for "that one armed ma:i." It was discovered subseqaemiy that be alluded to General Howard, who wea.s an empty sleeve as evidence of his gallantry. ' Suii-ounded bv a galaxy of fo much beauty, and such art unfavorable opportunity of lorm inc a aecision, it is impo-aible to n-k the aunotincemcnt t'je name of tbe Irslle of tha cvcniT . Iho dieer-es of.the ladles made a Lac displav" of the millinery ait. White was the p evai'lirg color imioiig tbe (torgeouoly prrayed of the ti iultr rirs, wlvPe tue Hdarly ot the fashionable ot their sex aderjed the'v aecliniog, beauty by apprcpriate colons. The simple parruents of seve.ul representatives lrom the rural di.-r.icts fo.med q'lite a con trust when compared wi'cU the flash of the h'slilv decorated ladie3 of the c'.ty. Qhc moiority of tkoce pvernt remained but a tew minuUs,' thus keepirir up a constant scram ble lrom the coat rooms installs to the pa.ldrs below, und fee versa. Tho eV.crior of the building as sicng'y besieged by the sable pcpui&Uou, who thoiougbly blocked oat all ven tilation by a solid mua.s of lanifeiors heads, thick lips, fiat iiOhC and c proi'nte d;ph y of ivory. The Colfax receptions have been among the leading attractions of the winter feayeiies ia Iho nat.onil capital. The cdveat af warm weather r.nd the lallmg oiF of the variops faeldoiiable entcrtaiuuien',3 will soon reveil WeshirgtoA life iuto its usual sumuic languor, CITY I N TELL I GE NOE Tpe First Ionian Er?LOiT Grand Naval IaiU An Tjn.-reefs fll Att H.iirr. The FcniunS leaders, haveitincoateiuplution, as part of tlieir programme aaaii:al the Dritivh (!ociunieat, to Ut out privatsevs ami cripple Diitish con.imrce by allackinj aud approiiri tiling to tl.eir own "use tha Cunard wad otiier liiitish f-teaaieis plyinc between Liverpool and New York, it is anticipated that creat trouble will result to the Duiish sUpping by the deter mined action of the Fenian authorities, and pas sengers on board ot English ve.scls will ionrney in con?ta?it diead aad clarui iu conseciteiice of the anticipated laHicr in with Fenian cruisers. We hiive to reroid thli attcrnoou a' hat we be lieve to be the ftrft attempt to fit out a Fenian piivateei, and the bold explcit took place yei terduy a te: noon on t'ae liver lehayikilL The undertaking was not i.iieccr?iul, however, lor wcicb lorluuate clrcmustauee the Diitish Gat e:anient !s indebted to the conrage. watchful iir:i,rt;d energy displayed by a coiiple ot police meu 'viiio do duty ou the 'line of the river ficbuylk'.ll. .-, Tke tact-- cor.nocted with the exeltiiic affair are us tollow: George McCoy. Charles Higcins, mid btuart Higgins, arc all Irishmen, and, per consequence, it. muy be as5umed they are Fe nians. Tee trio, while in the neighborhood jot South M eet wharf, Scbavlkill, eipied a trim, well btiih, and apparently fast milinsr canal Lcat lying ut eald wharf. Thu cralt had no one on bnuni. and dovbtlcs the thought flashed throiigh the m'ni'.s ot the bold and fearless Fenians that by a sudden laid the vessel could ba captured, speedily converted into a privateer, and manned bv the three would-be-bold-buo-caneers, the Delaware corild be reached, Cape May doubled, and with the wide ocean as a field ot operations, then oe to fintish commerce. An elated, tne attempt tanea, lor Albert Jame3, the ownfr ot the boat, wntchd the pro- cc euiuL'g. called in te asBUtnnce ot the pol-ce, t' e bout was reeactureti, and the 'diseomtited Fenians were held by Alclcrmuu LuU ia the Bum ol S'ioou each to auswor." Cui'Kcn lMi''B':v.EWr:3(TS. Duriajr tb? past few uiont'u3 the attendance oa the preaching of the gospel in the Second Ile.'oruied Dutch .Church, of which Rev. T. feivitt Tilaine is pator. bus been greatly increased. Lust Sunday eienincr, notwiTbHtanoing ino dull weataer, the church was crowded in ad pin ts to listen to tha oiicliiding discourse of a ser es of sermons to joung liieu, i hlc'u 'iiave beeu delivered by the eloquent pa.stor. A number of families have beeu waiting for pews lor uevcral months la this church, and the de.lre lor aecouitnoilaLions it very nrgeiit nt the present tine. Fetblij sinter churches have ben aided by members who have colonized lrom this congregation. The pastor annoiiEceii lu-t Riindav that his pulpit woul 1 be supplied next Jiunday by laeml'ers of tbe Metho dt t oiilerence, now iu tetion in this city, aud that on the following Sunday evenias he would commence a cuutj'o jf sermons on the "liecog nit on oi Frieads iu Heaven." The nuniversur of tlie Sui (i;iy Schools attacked to th chucoh will take pluce iu a tew evenings, Tho ex'eici'es will be among the ninat Interesting held in this citv tor some t'uuo ,ut.. Among the syealrers will be Kev. Theodore Cuyler, of Xow York. A Mkktiko in luvor ot the constructiou of a Piis-jt'iirr KliUwhv through tho western pari ot flie cuy vus he'd lun evening ut'L'wmitv fourth and fcprliig (iarrtcu street, at which, resolutions wera adopt.'d ury.biLMipou the Legis latiiiott,e Heredity ol granting a charter for tLat purpose, A (mpy ot the 'resolutions wan O! deved io be sent to ecch one of the Senator.-! aud Keprcti nta'.ivis at Hiirnsburg, from thia city. , ' . Stole a TVatcii. Andrew White and another peraon went. lust e.venimr into a lu v eiliiikiuir esubluihiuoiit ciWlfti) tha golden lie,-, in Curtrr street, above Second, kept by a womau limned Slary IleJiiiinnra, and ttole a f old watch, north $75, tke pi-operty ol a teiuale hoarder. VibiteMis nrrest'd ii'id held 1a $iM0 bail bv Aid' mini Ueitler, but Ills coinpaaion got oil" with the wutch. A ToLicr Drat.er Aukkbted. John A. Collins was beiore Kerordur Eneu this morulng, churjed with selling lottery policies. The prin cipal witness was f rank J. Ilonaghan, who tes tilled that Collins was in the lottery policy busi ness, and he (Monaghna) had received a lloense from blm to sell policies, and Collins said he would be proteetod. Tne witness had paid maney to Collins' agents in different parts of the city, and when any hits were made Collins alwnj-s settled all dioputos. The policies sold were mainly in Kettneky and Shelby. Witness had bad books settled with Collins as lata as March 10. He sold tor and an r cconnt of Collins. On cross examina tion, i;as said he bad retarnod two books oa the 10th of March trom a man on Sixth street. He had nothing to do himself since March 1. He had sued Celtics before Alderman Latz, aad bad him bound over, but he did not appear, and his recognizance was lorfelted. Tais morning witness had received fourteen dollars for a hit made oa the 10th of March. Peter Lent was the next witness. t n was employed by Collins to write numbers' In bonks, etc., abd has been engaged with dtieadant asout three aionths, and received hits from Colons' clerks three weeks kiact. Other witnesses sabpanaed did not appear, and the case was bold ever until Tuesday nest, at i o'clock P. M. Tne Bedford Stbxkt Misstow. The ThiiteeDth annual meeting of the Bedford Street M'eeioii took place last evewng, at the Union M. E. Church, Foarth street, below Arch. The exercises were opened with praver by Rev. Mr. Carrow, pastor ot the Church. The report was read by the Secretary, Mr. John Parker. It allowed tl'at during the year the Mission had been greatly prospered, and that the managers in consequence had purchased a plot ol ground ad)oining their preeut building, measuring 30 by 120 iect, on which they intend ti erect a buildin:: lor the better accommodation of the recipients of this charity. A flourishing Sunday School is attached to the Musion. There is ai,b a duy school, numbering aboat 225 pupils. Thin school has loir teachers, who receive pay for their services. In order to carry through to a Buccossiiil terminntlon their plans, the mana gers will require about $10,COO, which they hopo a generous public will contribute. Tho meeting was, addrecsed by Eev. A. Cookmun aud Kev. James Neill. Pansiojt Agency. The admirable methol adontjd bv Colonel Cre.;ue in tha Davmant, af pensions was snown mis morning daring tha ' invt t ivii itMdf otatm 4 Vi u t ntawn'iii4 4V ah1 4 K a daVt ihourh the crowd was .uiinuuvi'o ni vi 1 1 vuai picvnncu vlllJ Z 11 vii rj more than ordi- nnrily large, faw, if any, wsm forced to remain in the vret, but by the airangements perlected by the Agent ah were comiortably sheltered in adioicing looms. This clearly proves the wisdom of the plan, and will, no doubt, be adopted at other agencies when Its erit3 are so manifest over ine old method. Colonel Oreene deserves credit for his intelligence in marking out aa easv a way of getting through each a difficult and tedious biif.'e.ss. The regular alphabetical list will be clo.-ed on the 2lth, af:er which date all pension- eiswi'lbe puid iadiserinjinatelv. The lack of contusion und noise which marks the whole tiling, is a marked coutrast to prevloue years. Arsc1:. About ten o'clock yesterday morninr smoke was discovered issuing from the upper floor ot the lour-atoried bnildinor. No. 707 Ctt'lowhill street, occupied by W. B. Alexander ab a dwelling. A me.nbar ot the lamiiy pro- cecnrci np stairs, aua louna a wa-nstana on tne fourth fioor m flames. The tire was extincuishad w ithout doing fuiiher damage. Shortly before three o'clock in the afternoon smoke was awn discovered issuing lrom the came room. Thia tirr e a bed was found to be ou fire. After con siderable difficnlty tne flame3 were extinguished. F'.re Marshal Dluckboru was sent for, and on fnesuganng the rasa concluded thut a yonn, colored Eirl. employed in the lamuy as a child's inme, was evilly of the crime. Having charged her and ene at once confessed her emit the eJrl wns tsken into cuotodv, and- will have a heating this alternoon, at the Central Station. pHir.ATiHLPHtA Ff.nians. A large con- couree of Irish assembled on a vacant lot, at the corner ot lifthtli and Fit.water streets, lust evening, for the purpose of organizing thorn- eolves in Circle?. The District Centre, accompa nied bv the . Centre ol Philadelphia CireK arrived on the trroiind at 9 o'clock, aud delivered a patriotic adiirea. The Liberty Cornet Band volunteered their services, and enlivened tho proceedings with national airs. No notice was given of the meeting anlil lu'.e ia) the a-'tcruoon, and coasenueutly there a as not time to invite other speakers, or make tke necessary pre parations. BEFTErcnvK Fire this LTorntso. About C o'clock thi' morning a stone structure attached to the mill of J. Bolton Winpenuy, Fiiiiuted in Manayunk. took fire aud was totally ocdioved. Tae f.rst Boor was oeouplod by the boilers, nad the second floor as a ciryine-raow. A linishing-room and dye-honse ndieining the buildinc was considerably daumzed by water. The entire loss will reach about $31)00, ou which there is an msmauce ot aboat EGOO. Jains llnivi-on, an employe of the mill, iu hia en deavors to subdue the flames, had his hair, eye brows, and arms badly burned, .and made a narrow escape from being fatally Injured. Skkenadk to tub Hon. William D Keilev. At the conclusion ol the Hob. William D.-Kelley'a loctnre, at Concert Hall, luBt eveu- ingj before the Social, Civil, and Statistical As sociation of the Colortd People of Pennsylvania, tlie Delaionico Association, composed of colored men, headed by their line brass band, oro- e'eeded to the residence of the sister of tbe distinguished orutor, on Giten btreet, above Nineteenth, and honorod him with a serenade, Mr. Iveilev appeared and delivered a very ex cellent address, thauking them (or the honjr they had been lit to coaler upon him. Pickpocket As bis ted. A man named' William Moore, hailing from Uult:uiorc, waj arrested about 7 o'clock lu.t eveaiig, iu the neighborhood of TwelitU and Cliesnut streets, charged vib. piv'iiug pockets. He was locked up for a hearing. Elkctiok bt Couare-iLB. Councils met in loint coravent.oa yesterday and elected tho fol- lowlanr otneerc : W. J. Pbdlips, Siipenateudeut of the Police and lire Alurm Telegraph, nad t,aarics cat, sirpennteudeat or lrusis. Steai.ik r iLTVSPAricKfi. A lad aamed Henry McFate 'was arrested vat au early hour this woniiug. cliarsed v.i'h stsuling nawpapers hem the front of dv.elln.e-bonscs. "He wa- o.u- mined by Alderman i .tioiuiur. riilLAPLPUIA.S IN Dr.'JiND.- Our Goverpmeut CTtl ai'y fail A lovul imin to Had , To carry to Mobile lis iimil, Until, with pi uui ut uiind, A Ph'lRdelphiBU Ihoy cho.e Iu wf'oia ail trust laev coalj reoee. Our citizens, we karn fr-ira l.irco, Are pne d fcy tlioH iu power, Ai.d v nil Uity prvve tlieli counnon seuse By ilealing at tho lontr. Ourtlut l: vf (VA.'..i .. tu luroit ani wi)t com- )lete in tilt vily. iHipa-.tcd I y hnuc iu m'tf.rial, wye, mid, At, ami tuitl ut prifvt nunrttnte 'd lower than, llta 6im(. TOWKK llAI-L, ! ' KO. 618 MAUi.PT MIBRT, IlJiSBTT & CO. Dl-TLJMl IN tiOLO 1 IT'OllT.VT NOTIOB TO F.Aiui.lKA W. ! . MiuMocli & "o!, Nu. 115 Moutn I liird btruct. have luducud the oriuu oi all iraoris In tie iiim KiciKi-v uue to oorrcit'OUil witu thu Bient (ecl;nn in cold. Upb:i souib arioios a yory uui tonal lednetion lias been aiuda Suirars, aiiirccs iui smctfl. etc.. aie ull iuucu clieatn-r. The lar.av aod branch ot tueir busiupi.s lias also pHitulru ot the slKimt ecale. Kaidlnes, petit pol8, cliujupprnoni, li-atllm, pme do fines (rraa, I aelikb sanrrs, prirervod eipi'cr, I'arniean cUikhu, olive oil. caixiri. auoliovms. nl;ys farcies, nl, m- ai'cd, every ariielo ol a lauov uataro, tuny bo ob tuitcd at lower ratei. VV e ooiiiiiufud tho storo to hr.usekci-perH, and axmro them tluit a olnt ol euier- pi ib is ei mcvu uvre wormy oi puiruuK. FaoM TBI AMFIUOAH .lOlTRMAI. OF PBHRMAOf. Msy, 1805; edited tiy Wlilinm l'rootor, Jr., rrolrmor of flikimnevin the llillailolphia Colleie of rhnr- mary .'VV ill the fluid oxtrnois go out of tiso owmg io ine niKO pi ice, or can we nave some aatnoniative lodiaoktionn el tiio lormaiM br whicn we eaa make tbem at a nioro reasonable iosif II tae latter, shall the chanie be in tbe qnalliy of the menstruum, or Id the manner of applvmr it, o as to redane the quBBilly rpumiir uun mere bo a con vocation ol the Committee of Revision to authorize torn new method or modification of the pruient rcotposf" wnn rerara io tne eoutrmuia'pa ciianire in tne quantity, or in the mnnatrnum Itself, in the prepara tion of llnid extracts, I would take oootolon to nay that in medio ne tbe health ef the patient is tho great I lie eost ot nmtetiai u sometmnv. bnt whnn tint Into the toals with human lualth. aud often human liio, It is hardly worthy of consideration at all. Mv imcnu (nounuoia n win conunui to be maue as lonnerly, and it it cannot le mamtainod at presnt inci'i, mny win iiayu io do aavanoea to mo: tne advance in Hie once of material. To suoh as tleslro quantity inatead of quality we would eay tnat watrr a cocap commodity, and mar do rcadilv a idou bv the peiKon ticing the medicine if he desires todo so. JU. l. riitLMnoLn, uruirpst and homiat, ' o. 68-t Broadway, Kow York City, And Ko. 101 boutn Tenth etieot, Philadelphia.' Corns ami Cotfons Sodden cuaiiios of olimati are sources of fn'monary and BroruMal ajp rtiotu. Experience havin proved that simple remedies act speedily when lakon in the earlr stage of d incase, take at once "Srown' Bronchial Troches," lot tho Cold, Conch, or Irritattoa of the Threat bo over so aiirht, as by this precaation a more serleus attack may be warded off. . How He Catjoht loi.D.-An emlniut arllit latelv Ubiuted a snow storm so na'uniliv trat ho esnjiht a bad cold by fitting too near it with bit coat eir. If you would avoid taking cold, have vour hoe properly heated wi'h eood anthraoito, aacti a yon are aure to cat at W. W. Altrr's Family Coal lard, Mo. f67 North JSinth street, below Cnrard avenue, uraneii otnee, ruxib and Sprier garden. A Wono TO I-AWD-T.UTimtns. The "Stern Post" ota nm is. not a weekly paper. Ibe lirlht on hnnrddonot nccosarl y add to the census. J no HatchKayt are not lien's nests Pneihsts aro not enaaced to Hon tne ('mxMn . Tho "floats wain does not pipe m i uanuti Willi a mcersulianiu. Huioi are not "rnrgod out" at ftokos & Co.i On Price Store, neither are tliev "boarded'' at the Continental, or any viuer iioiti. SAts of Fikk riCTUass Messrs. Birch tc Son will continue their ealo.thi evemnir. of the valuab o 1'aintincB tnat hnve been on exhibition at their Art liallerr, Mo. 1110 ChoMiut street. Hnny or the finest works aro included iu thia evening's 8ule,which win commence at i o eiecK. Paters Eeddckd All styles Photoirninhs of pnponor cna'acior. striA. exeentioH. and iiuisti nn- surpasxfcd. A raro chance. Modorato eharares. 11. i . licimar's Oal.ory, Ao. 624 Arch street, ue early. HsnaiA oa ItUPTBau treated with nrnfusnional pki 1, and trases or afproyed eonstrectiou ajiplitd uy j. n. fieeeios, cor. oi j weiitn and Kaee strocu. 7'3rs, f.ZCi. 10-40.V 1SSU. Compound Intere-t rtotes. and t.old and Silver henirlit and boM bv urexei x t.o., ro ut .south i niri xiriet. ?"Cf, A Discoui.T or One Uusdred Vov- 1 1 I i.ap.8 and upward! ia the price ot Stock k Ce. and other mako of Plai oa. J. F. Gorjl.D, Sevtntb and Chcanut streets. "-I A llEDUCTION OF IS) TER ORiT 0!f TUE i a I' Eksulab fccnuDULK Pkicks. Desirincr to redace our larace stock of superior and hitiltly flni fltetl Jttimninod Piano, previous to Ihe ro niorul to our new store, lo. 113 Chtsnat street, wo have concluded to oiler them at prices below tho cost to manulr.cmro Tersons dcslrimr to purchase a first class Plane at reduce)' rates, should not fail to avail themauives of th.B opportnnity. 8CUOMAOKEK & Co f Wcrerooms, Ko. 1C21 Cliesnut street. W. fc B., Good Clo hiuK, Oak Hull, Sixth und Market. Tf. & E , 3ocd Clothing, Oaklla!', Sixth and Market. W. & U., tioodC loinlnr, Oiik Lf alt, Wxth and Market W. & B., Good C'etHtig, Onk tlnll, B'r.t'a and Market. W. k B Good Ciothina, Oak Uall.Stxtfiand Mai ket W. & K.. ood Clothing Onk Hal. Sixth and Market. MAKKHOD. CHAMBERS WHITE. 1'ebruarv 17. 1801. by Fev. .Iiinies c'lowe. Ao. 2245 . .Sscand Htro-t, Mr. I'OUKKT CUAiilJa,KS and llrs. EilKLLsli WI1IE, both of tLis city. . KESBLEr.-!-'Ch01IFXD.-On the 18th instant, bv tne Kev. Chnrlts i Ooopor. lHOMAS C. JtEaS- LEU aud MAE! iCHOFlELD. biMIUI CHAMmUtt Jnauar,-8 1856, bv Eev. Jair.ds Crewe, UMiUd by I'v, Alexander smiiti, Jir JOHN .siWlXrlandM'SsJlAtiCliaCiiAilBKKS, both ot ttui city. BAPFR On the mondnff of Ihe It'll Instsa, altera iiiiKi-nnv ilmets, which h bore with manly k.n.tudo, r-Aill tli UADUa.lC, aa old aud well- known e tizon ot Philadelphia Dun 1.01x0 will be givt-u oi tne lunerai. DALLAS. Oa tho llih laalant, PHILIP A'. DALLA.-, son ol'tuu luto (icarau 11. L.i:.aj, Iu tuu 41-t ypur ol Lis ace. Mineral serv ces at St Peter's Chareb, en Meaday the lltih lus.aut, ul 12 u ulvvk U., pauuiimlly. DV.VIKF. Oh the 14th instant, JOHN W. DK- Vli;E. aired 21 vears... lbe reativeb aud irioaus oi mo iainny are ro.spoei- Inbj iriVi'cd to aH'iid tue iimeiui, lrom the ios. deuce oi his remit, Jio. 1012 S. T'ailth ,-ticot, oa fcatnrdny, tbe Jitn mutant, ai b$ o-ciock a. m. FlLlEX.-On UioH.hinklKiit, MAI! T C. FEL- TEfS, vine ei J-cob i'elten, lu the 11th year of hir SUA. l lie rc iitives una mrnui oi uu tawiiv are reimci- luilv in-ited to attend ttio luneral, iieia the ros:- di lice of her husband, No. 1229 X. I ilth stroet, ou Kui.ilav ul crnoon. Uie lrtls ladlant, M'i o'cloc. Io procoi d to Odd lellows' Ceiuetory. ECOl'KS On vvednesncy, the liili tnjtnnt. Miss I'iii(iul i;rvicej at Holy i runty i l aicn. at -4 o'clock P. 11. oa r titurduv, the laU inslttut. lu'er- merit at laurel Hiil Ocim-lery. .KIKTTKK. Oa v "Jii(P(l:;y. tho il"i instant. SAliAU, wifo iti David ineveua, m tho oilia jcarot Hie Irieuds of tl e lomily are respectfully invited to ait nil tiio Itueral. lrom her lato rosiik'uc , tt Y, . eorutr of Uiruru and Seventh atioetj. oa i.aturdny next, the 17 Hi lUbiuat. aiae e.aeK r. n., wituutu luriher rotice. . u'lTl tfiYOn Tn Dftnv TTIftrn'nor H1-:Vr;i- Ei'l A ii , wilo of X hoaias ton lniuu, ami 3aus;!i.i!r 01 Kvim-f.1 lil er. ' i'.crreliit.ved aua lnonusanu iuihh 01 uio 1 iiany are icuuostid to ui.on hit lateral, i-oui io nan- d, lif.i. 01 her bufbuna. .ve. li 10 brc-eu sirei:lt on ar iirnu Biorn:as. at 10 o'o ot k, witlm i' luriiier. nolioe h VfiTtY.h ANDLK TAlsLK AND TEA KN'l ;rE. 1 wl.L cior silver it atod b'a.lp ('atno and Mo-it aivcr.'t. nnu I it)iB steels nuu auiu-r umvas;ior nd , wlih other lauio Luiu-rv. uy ,,, t No SaMI'MglttTklrl.y flve) tlAI.lv.LT m.. tieluw Mutli. 1 k V- -l s tX it 1 1 . V i F , TtPiTOITF.IlKKs' AM) SADDMv- HtM V men a vurlei 01 1'urpct. ltivo , C'.uw, VcnoiTinn, auu nti.er u.-iiLUirio, lor hu e o , ,...- o K!i (x kl'l Tliirt--fiv) VAKKL't -t . bulow Sinth. In! 1 A i nil.V" I A I i , Ii O A 1 t O M -UClOUo I'U: vi'. 11 Puih' .i-p. ru-iiiiir id; ii it siiitu.'i luiies ijno.i- mntrprH' 1'i.iipli P er.-t. Kyiet runrteJ, uaaior- aim Laud ranch... i.raie uy No. P.I.MKij'al '1 hlitv-flvo. MA UK M' St ..Jii-iow Ninth. O P 1 A V T O N 'I O ALE JULDA-N'K TOMf LI'". .-' Ii It II I h'N l il" III A iT,. It Ii ri'cun.riei'Brrt by aluoio :un ot thl aiiU ettiBr .1.... n .... .. ,H , 1. ,i( .in' rp,.niif hut a trial 10 ... tlm ..',. I .H-nHml U'' iU UlC.lt T)W i. 0 bll i J' ' i : ... .:. 1 J.. .11 .., i- 1 .iiikimn. (iiiiuiiuikiin rider, by iLa ddea. boitiou. or uy 11m burri'l i 145 L0C2 A IID E2 OT STITCH HKVVINCx MAOII1NKS, A ro tfe hi'Ht untl the only nunlly muchlnas warraiuaa to jive eatlw ratis'tictlon, or money returaee. SAr.KRftOOM.SS,- .s r:o. gso cHCSfi'JT STuncv. ' N. n. All kUiU ot fiat Krwlnii anil BtltvUiiuj promptly done in the iatst Ditiniu-r . Obciutuia tuushioa ttio Flounce, without oliarge, at UmaUlte. . . : T II E ' G R E A T . ...... - .4 S 1 ! STEEHGTIIEUING T0B1C, (Set a Whisky Treparatlo) HOOFLAND'S 0 E R M A N BITTER WILL CUBE DEBILITY! DEBILITY! Resulting Item any canse whatever. rROSTKATlQM OF THE SYSTEM 1NOCC1B BT THB SHVEBi HAaDSHIPS, KMrOSTJEU, rEVERB, OP f Dteeasee of Camp Lifo. ' 60LIESS, CIILZKys, MAUt OB FEMALE, ADULT OK YOUTH, Will And in till Ht'leni a pare Tonic, nst dependont on but ti,uore lor their tmiil unraomous ellfccui. ZVYSPErSIA, and Diseatics RcBnlting from Disoraers of the Liver and Digestive 3; ns, AKB CCaM) BT UCOFLAiMTS GEB3IAN BITTERS. This Bitters bus wrformoe mnrn cnn. crlvna tuftt satlMncliou, lias more u5ilmony, has moro respectable piori o tu Vtuch lor 1L tliua any oiknr rli.-l.. in n.. market- o ue tfi'fy aay one te rentradlct this assertion, and WILL PAY glOOO To any aaa who wt;l pieduce a cortlUcate publlahed by as tkui la uvt reuuina. . II oolland's G onnan Bitters WILL CURB F.rlBT CASK 0 IUK6X1C OR XERVQU8 DEBILITY, AND DISEASES OF Till! KIDNEYS. F Olscive the following Hyaiptoma, rea!i'n troui Dis- rem tlpf.tion. Inward rilrj Fu ntHS of BUM to tbe term, Acltllty or tfco Utomaub, iauea.'rieaj;buru Lihutint lor rasa, tfu nen or W elKbt la tiio ' Btuuiacb, hour i- ructntlons. HmkiUKor F.ut Uriur at iha Pit of ike ntomueh. fwim imtif cl the head. Uunleil and Iji Hit isrcatlilDir. Ftat'erlugat Uo Besrt. Choking er MtCuuatiag ticiiaatiuitit w bu in a 1 lrttr oorturo, Din ne8 ol VlMon, Bon or Web bi-lore the 81at, I'tytii- end Da l rain iu the Ilea. .LirJch-rtuy 01 ffisyiration. Ife lownws et tLe hkm aud E.vm. l'ala in the fide, J Belt, l.hont. Liui&a. Ltd.. Middea riuma Ot lir.lt llliril.l.r In ,1 HiafjIiiluKa ef fcyll, anJ Ureut Dcurcjiiiiou of riuhits. L UEMEMBHIt, That this BitUrs t' not A'.coh.tUc. eaiiulM no Hum or ll l,islij,aiul cnwtmit Urunicartti, but it the Ectt Tonic in the tcorld KKAD WHO SAYS SCJ. ' Fioni Eev. VT. D Eds rleU, Pastor of Ifloilth BapUit i.niiruu, riiiinucipuia. , tieiitlca en : I hye recently beeu lahonnc nnilnr tun llldirf Beliik fPrctK ol iailiLi iiiiB. acconin.iuie.1 Li a nn.a- irtitiun 01 lbe uervoaasvbtom. oniirou rmmj.tionvere ri'tuu lulidf J by intuitu, auu foiiia ul ihani ira J bat wl tout ri lief l oar IluoriBua s termuu liiiiera wer it con umieu b iii.ni.d ybo had irit-a lucai. ani wha lHVoiab.e uit-uilni 01 tln-je feu-ant uuiul-dj 1110 to ,ry tbi-in 1 iniisi conA n that . ima t.t aversion 10 Cat. ut kieiiiclrit's lrum tke "tiitttuuxit at, J cum" nun.-i; "itit- ttia," -nhoreoitiy aim ?uiu. 10 bo to pa.ui 0.1 d w.wioiioci nr.uurukj.nl nt,uoi -upon tue .euitu;tu ty iu ly way, m.d the ic:ndc?r,cy 01 vriiica I aw, fa 10 make many a ' coruruiad Orniiknru Upon earainy Uiat yours wag lUi yo luiuichiol propartton, 1 look it wi u happy c l.trt. luactioa not ouiv 1 pia fkfl stomoli nut upm llir utrvom fcysitai. w8 Lroiui.1 a.ia cvratuyiui. I tool t hut 1 bare t.rlyc-d (sieai ana prruinueuc bcucQi from ike utt i a Iftw boiiie. Voiy lecpjct ullr youri. VT D f.KI'SFIlfF.D. o. 254 t.hackamaxoa utieot. A From the Hot E.I). Fradall, AstilttanLFaitor Chrutiaa luromcie, jt uimucipnia. 1 bavo derive decide: bfncflt front the ue of Hoof- 1 anc'ii Ceimitn Knien. tn li it a y privi.t;o tora- ciu uieuu u cm us a uiki yaiaauie icbic. loan wnoure tutlriny ircjin kixeitl cjol illtr or lrcui dUiinuceH an.-liiiz lrom Ueriiii,vinieni ot Uio liver. From Itev. 1. Jlcrrlge, Pastor of Ihe .Tasiiyuuli Iluptlit cuaivu. r Qimoe.paia. From It.o huu.v roBectaolr rcomnieTiUtloni clven to J)r tlovruBd'a licfijiian Uittc-rs lwn-c aniluuudto Kiva tkmatr:di. .'.tt' -r u.ni t auvi-rul koit'ect 1 louuJ turcu te be a pt.ou niacuy iot ucbluiy, auo a Inot i-x.-nl eut lmc ivt tUi a.oiu4ck. 1). AltKKlGli Frcr m Tr-v. V,Til!!f-in Pm!tli fin'iorly Tnstor ar tho Vin . J.i fenpilcii c liurf tits. c utoitn and AlLiyuio c'. HkiiiL uiiil In nu lund y u iiuu.oer 01 bolt leu of your H111 lluaa'a Geiiiiiiii miiora. I Lavo .0 any thm 1 ro.jurd itirBi uk im emi em aiediclLe. rpi-e.illy ttai.uicJ to 10 u eve Hi u ui.ca.nt tl.ty cr im i inuii'iidflil iur i bay an-etirilieu and luylieruia th r-ynuiM hin daA ltufiJ, l.UU 4..1' urlltt ill llh Jilidiii Ol lllf iVt.r lusHCl U.'IpOI.'tU, -ti-. 1 bate alio rn unu nited thi u to tcvi rnl ot my '1 r-ei.ilit. VtliO I live inr i infiu . i.ti iohuu ilbiu sreaujr tuiilitliii in ;J v rvMuia ma 01 utu..u. lour.' iru'.y. iLLI H SMITH. ' o.'jwi liuiihkioou atrcot, I'Uil iUa. D EEWAfiE OF COUZTXllIEIISt Pi e tint the R'unaluve of "C. St. JAt KS0 " la on the M rci pn ol tucb Lottie rrticiil MukIo 1'attln Oa ftllr, or m Half PI prttd vein iiiarcut Dnu (tint n t have tke article, de net bt. jui 01' bv miy of tio iulox'ca Ir.p; preparatioiiti ibi-.t mlv l.c ol errd I11 Its pmc. but send to u, and we iU loiviklil. mc-uro. patktl, by uxpruas. PKIiJCII'Al. OFl'ICT. AND MAN U FACTO IlY, R"o. 631 Arch Street,- FhiladelpHa, Pa. JONES & I3VANS, SICCESSOnS TO O. if. JACKSOS, CO), riiOl'IllETOKS. Ft r ale by Dmifeltts and Dealers in every town tn th t'uluil Slates. . . lUntiubl'Jiu