T7 fTTT VOL. V.-No. fi5. PHILADELPEilA, FRIDAY, MAECH 10, 18GG. DOTJI'LE SHEET THREE CENTS. i y V IQi .NM JL tor - f J T BLf ST 1 A Temporary Iall in tlio Ex citement in Canada. CAIIEET C0T7ECIL 13" MONTREAL. Twenty-flic Tfconsand nflclfl K!flcs Sent to Upper Oula. THE AGITATION IN QUDEC. Movements of Troops Alons the Frontier, CANADIAN NEWSPAPER "KEPORTS. Etc., Etc., c. liio., i&tc. Etc, Etc. Montukai., March 13. There is 1cm excite ment to-day, although preparations to resist attack a re 'actively proceeding. A Cabinet council wis held here at noon, pre sided over by tho Governor-General. During this meeting, two telegrams were received, one lrom the Governor-General ol New Brunswick, and the other lrom tho Governor of Nova Scotia." Tho lirst announced Unit a resolution ad isincj confederation hao, just neeii carried unanimously by the Upper House of the L'jislr-.turo in that province, and that a similar iebi.lt was expected in the Lower House: T'no becoad despatch ex pressed a beli.it that the measure was now sure Of sncces in Nova iecotia. Thib Morning the militiviy authorities ordered the powder ia private aaaiKes to be removed to Mt Hclca's Island, a place ttrongiy fortilied and which eomujaads th city. The citizens who are unconnected with the volunteers are rapidly enrolling themselves, ho that they may guard the city hi the event of the troops beiug Jiecucd Rt tue frontier. Similar steps are lakou in Ottawa, Hamilton, Tomato, Kingston, and Quebec. Yesterday 25,01)0 Enfield rL'les were sent to . Upper Canada. Last evening the mccTing of the City Council was brought to an abrupt ierainauon y a re port broiiaht iu by cue of its members', whose name 1 known, that a coiapaay of tlio Prince of Wales' Hi giu.e!t of Vuliikteera had reiased t orry amis. To-day the oitucerg waited upon the Government, and assured it that the rumor "was wholly without foundation. The men of the regiment have threatened ta mob this Councillor , if they can lay bauds oa him. FeniwHlNiii matl Friiiaoary. . APDTtKSS op Tin: okasd first rnirrcieAL Off CANADA TO THE FllJIEMASONS TilE DUTtf OK1 LuYAl'JT, To tho Freemasons of Canada. Brothers and Companions: iho Montr' al True Wi'ncts, dated yesterday, publishes the tollowiuir; "According tu a ai a.'raiiti In tlia Dublin Iriihm&n ' it would seem Una the dliicers ol the JSorUiora ai uiy, lately sent over to Ireland, report unfavorably lor a movement at the present time. It is addtd, how ever, as eucouramng, 1 hat ad tuo Proi ostauts of tuo North of Ireland lue Femuus, lh..t nearly all the Fieemasoue nro Fenians, that Stephens is a Free, mason, and lbi moffoi tiie ollicers win come lima America are Freeinitsons. .Nice aiiies t.iose lor Cathoies!" T he two latlor ass' rtions ntav or may aoi bo true; the two loruicr aie cuiuniinoHs), uuj mijrlit nnvo a Iiroader name with jvroiu.oiy. It m to on regretted that the above lias heeu t',fci'!a'e(i in Canaila, parli cnlur.y at Iho time wLi u cvi ry loyal Imiistu euojnut i anewurinit to the call of oar Uovemment, and eatrcr to aid in protctiusr our con-.iaon country from a threatened attack, to be mauu tiy a put of men wao are under no rot;alar autuority, over whom no o!!ioer liui any real control, or j owei to cnlor o uiscipime, and whose objLCt, iu d uturhiiig CauuUa, lia.4fnhius to do wiili tho wroiiK" ot Iruiaad, bat tueaad piuu ler, arson, ruurder, and the i-3.io!o uithouur of oar women! iiy oljoct, s one ol your chief liuais. in thus ad dicaiij you (iyr iieeiiuit,oi;iy m not obtrntivc), is that you may nee and know what ib pahl shcd aud to iniprfts upon you in evcy way 1 car, 'having also tuf lionnr ol cur Oiucr at heart), to bear in lamd youi alluiance and loyalty, so lhsisu'd ufun by i'r. eiwaoi.rv, and e.vpre.ily emhouiod im our "ancient charirct." ai.d tiff you to ram-mber tha our "greatest liiriit,mtho Bitilu, in ik inspired yRos. tolls lui-n that, to d-ht iu deionse 01 tuoir hom", their altars, and thoue taat are di ar to tliem, asaras: ioreien attacks, is not only a privilege, hut ineuui bent upon tUcm us a amy aud is therefore rigat in the ej en cl tho t,reat AfLliilnct ot the Univeise. ' Vouis, itatoraally, X. liOUOX.AS Hakikotos, Oraua i'irst l'rinoipal, tte. Otfr.wa, llarch 10. Mtnv.M. CHARGE OF J0DCE AttVBTUOX TO TltK GltA SD JPRT. LI T Til KM COM E IK U'llLV UAIllt." Extract.l The Grand Jury wtre also awar that, from tlissatufuction atuoiiff a clasn on the o;hor sule of the ,incs, with tho present statu of thlnud on this side, wu arc at pre sent put to a great deal oi trouble, from one end of the laud to the other. JNovr, In truth, of the ptrtons endt avorinir tu work niisclu.i to us we had i.o fear or drrad. llioro wes not the siiKlitest symiiatay with tnein. oo th part of the Caaadiaue, irottt one end oi tho country to tho oihci ; and if tUoJ-e-maus were mad enough to attempt to carry on tuo:r wild ooii;ii, he wu ntisll.d and loft convinced tliov would mem with such a Tcceptiou as would detor them lrom viaiiiuur m a Bfcuad time, 'iheioyal'y ot the country wa oro verbial; the ilrni-crt.andud attachment to our laws and insiitutioiiK wan universal m Canada, in the lautiuae ol &ir f rancis Head, that (taiiuut littlo man we had lioro at one time: "Let them coiur, if (hey flare." fie (the jadroi did uot share, hinisell', m any api-rchenslou at any l ate not 1o tho eaufo ex tent a otners in isaaru io tin- nialter. Ho did not tielievo tho 1 emails could do u mucu injury ; their threm were a I oamliast and nonsense. 'J'hey would not trouble is At the same nine our Govern ment had wisely taken on tliemelvM the resuoti. Biui ity ol oruuizn,r tt large military iorco, in order to bo fully pn paivd. Be concierturt by "ta'injK that th cullant Canarliaa volunteer., lacked by tho tnvincibl power of Great llrilain, wi u!d always ue found ca able ol defending their liors, and liurliue lack any invader. Ifruaio bad alwayB been victorious, und her sous were no Ich-. hmveaad patinma now lhau lu loriner da.s. Ho bclrcved ti-rre wos no icason whatever lor apire benslon as to the lesuU, a'iu tuat tiio Ihiusu i'ro viuces weuid, af i" fays cone by, emerge lrom any Btiugirle iu d( fiTise ot thoir uboitioB and home. crowned with victory. (Applause.) i TU Ut'TV OIT Til AMKntCAN OOVEUTTM KMT LET HWKl'ShV 1!U NirPKD IM Til K BLOHBOM. From the Montrtal Tdtyraph, March 14, t We (jive np a lare portion or our ("pace to-day to i'tniatia, l.ui.a the history, tiua or lalso, of tho pro cress ot the couspuaey m t e Cuited Stales, aud the most authentic evidence availab'a of tho eucoarave menl given to it by ail c anaes ot the American peoplo. United biales journal say that Canada is friirhlouod tiy a shauow ; quiet, earnest preparation i no proof of tin; lit, tlioiiKh it is evideuce ol determination ; and it Fcnianlsm as it now xists iu tho ntiieliburm? re public, petted and eucoaruged alike by Gowrutnent and people, is a shadow, it is a very substantial one. It i possible that Americans may believe that alter having fomented undeletion this eoa eplracy to tne puint ol an attack on Canada, they can, by virtue ot a proclamation, restrain its lurtner movement, and extinguish it. 'J'hey inicat as well attempt to stop a prairie fire with a squirt Wot only will it become unmanageable from its weir tit and Impetus, but the cxiiruncies of political parties will jJiuflJjzo retftrituaipg action, t tbt onu nand the Executive nnH hli supnorrts wilt b'i afra'rl to Incur the oil nm and opoosllion of acting In t!ie iatnro.-t nt Great Jtritam; and on the otnor, his opnoneuts in onrrets will fenr to enlist against thum the pow erful JlisU and wni-Hrltlsri votp. Th I Irmt of the Feninu Nolillery. Two lull companies of one htindrert men each for the Irish Ari'iy of Liberation, were mustered into tbe serflce of the republic last evcnitiir by Ma)r Willtani Mnngati, Adjutant General ol tiie State of Kentucky, Tho ollicers of tiiese pioneer companies have been appointed, and will re ceive their com missions in a low days. The men of the two oreaniJitilious paraded yesterday pveninff previous to their master in at the Krr.tinld ilall, on Fillli street. They made a decidedly luilui.ry appearance. From all indi cations, the l'en Ian War Department id making earnest and active preparations. Met are en roiliag by the score, and it is confidently ex pected that the city of Lou; ville will iur.ush at leant one -complete regiment for tlio army of General Sweeney. Americniirf as well as irish men are rhowins their anxictv to smell gunpow der, am) oilier me nssiat the Keniau cause. The tieusury ia this city is receiving donations con eUintly,' and the Irientis of iieluud express great htpeiiiliie of ultimate victory. LuuisoUle voumal, Monday. A 1m1w I'Mfimlor X'roolunmf lon. The t pint of the Irian Fenians is illustrated by tho ;ct that proclamations, derisive, aud ocoa s onidly ot a more iormnlablo character, appear po: ted m cOiiHpicunas places iu spite ot the pre cautions of the police. 1 The loilowiar is a fair Barnple of one of those proclamations 'posted up at the Court Ilcuse aud. liridge ol Athy, in the county ilildare: 1,'oTicx. Jod save Stephens! God save the Griiea! 'oo(teheui.o (Karl Woouoliouse, Lord Lleutonaut ), hurrah ! Whereas, a certain Act, called thn hi be .is corpus, has heo-i suipindod in the dowa-troddou isle, I, by virtue ot tho samo, cjin arrest aay person or persona suspected ol bomjr an Imlniian, or sym patuizing with Irishmen, and I can cast them into prisou without judgo or juiy, or any trial whatever (Gou blesd the mark), and 1 can send Uiem to Wpiko Island, or imprison them as lona as I think lit, with out oven making known to them the charge pre ferred against tnom, or without thoir having broken the peace or committed ay overt act whatever. Oh! 'what liberty undor the atorious IJrilish Crown!) I, therefore, command a.l my white slaves and so-fg to return to their allegiance, or 1 shall make Ireland a larnuica tne second. I lurthur command liiein to submit to every insult, such as tho J'rotestiut Ki mW;s anient, l'cuunc Wroug, and Kuglish Enucatiou, e c To At a. .Lakkiukh. (jiven at Torrnption Casfe, Dublin, this 2i 2-38, I'Cine the la.-t yearot our blessed, tyrauuicai and ox tcriiiinaiina ru e in f'.r.ii no-Praa'i. Ged save the Green! lTh Irloveineutm iu , Cjml rontliitied l.eteitn nt a)bk tf'H Hrlor J; ral Kair nned lu Command of tlio Vjiper Prtnluce, Unerl JMntey f ilio Lnwer-SalrniKH Lines) teitdlar all Alouar tbo Frontier, JKtc. CrEirii, C. W., March ir. Iu the interior toyns of the province the exeitenieat ha3 nearly disappeared, but raj;es on the frontier ia all its knee. VcUrateeia are still being organised in every village and Camlet in the country. General Liad.sey ha; leeu placed in command of the trnopa oi the lower province; General Mnpier oi the upper province. At all points on tbe frontier there avo skirmish linos extending many ral'.es. Reports a.-e current of arrests in Lb-yer Canada for treason. The organ ot toe Hiber nians speaks ol' Ihe volunteers' response to tne c;dl as. follows: Th.'s perhaps would bo highly oomtnondablo did we not know lor cn tuinly that many ot tne suuie volun teers had te bo brought up to the mark at the point o the bayonet, and in several case draaircd hy the fee a lrom undor their beds. Ale up also leignud sick ncsH, and a u-w leu lor outs uakuowu. ihis, how ever, is uot bo had as now the call was responded to in KittL'stou, tho city oi rrinoe of vv ales notoriety, whore the alarm whs sounded lor hours during the night, and where Out torty volunteers responded to the call. Iho tables have bueu turned in C'upaca us tar as bounty jumping is concerned. 'J hero hrs hi . n as ntueh as ooo hundred and lilty do lurs olioretl lor a suiistitato. i'oor a lizuro as Lppcr Canada mado iu this Dasiness, Lower Canaoa is inuoli worse, as we aro crodibly mlorniud the 1'ieuch Canadians utterly reiusetl to take the oath, and the Irith tu uoiieral are looked upon witn sueoiciou. As to tho loyalty ot tlio reirular forces In Canada, we cau sa that ou a late occasion tho oili cms ol the 47th Kocrimout, stationod at Toronto, had themselves to pertorm dnty as ooinniou sentrie) naon the niaeazincs, and no lator than Inst week there were three privates floated and afterwards sent to prison for, throo mouths lor expressing Ionian sentiments. TKE CAKADIAW PAHSC. I.wlORt litegjorts AH' Qnlct Nw. Kw Yok. March 10. The World ha3 re ceived a special Montreal despatch, stattiiff that there ia less excitement there, though prepara tion to retibt an attack lira actively proceeding. A Cabinet coupcil was prciilecl over by the Lieu-teimnt-General, durinp; which telegrams were received lrom the Governors of .New Brunswick and Nova S:'cotia. The Unit, announced that the resolutions ad vising confederation had passed the upper House of the Legislature unanimously, and that ti similar result was expected iu the lower House.' The other despatch expressed the belief that the measure was aurc of success in Nova Scotia. The powder in thc private mligaines has been ordeied to be ivmoved to St. Helen's Island, which is Htroiisly loitiiied, and commands the city. The citizens of Montreal are rapidly enrolling themselves lu Montreal and In The other princi pal cities for guard duty, in. the event of the troops being needed at the. front iurs. Yesterday 25,0(10 EtiUeld rifles were sent (to Upper Canada. FifilONliE of n KftiubrShell atnl.nnatle As j Icon Jlajor- Uvueritl UUeat(ifi,s) W-rtilBK Kotel Itebels i'jreseiil uu tlio Oeeaaiou, FIc. Kasuvili-b, March IS. The river is tivc feet on' Ihe shoals, and rising. Heavy rains all last night und to-day, and u further rise niay be expected. Cotton is dull, with small sales. At the Lunatic Asylum, seven miles from this cily, to-day, a bomb shell was being handled by tome persons connected with the establish ment, when it exploded and seriously injured several of the lunatics. Major-Geuerul 13. V. Cheatham, lute of the army of the C. S. A., was married to Miss Anna B. Kobeitson, of David-ou county, last evening, at the First Presbyterian Church. Among those piesent wero Major-Generals S. B. Buckncr, Bushrod Johnson, W, B. Bull, John C. Brown; Lieutenunt-General J. B. Hood; Brlcrudier-Gfiiie-rals Georg", Maury and B. E. Anderson. Bislnp Quiutard, of Tennessee, perlortned thocc rcmony. Atalal nipeling of the Londou Chemical Society paper were read "On PyroDhosphotria--mic Acid and Its Halts," "On Dtethylaie i Formic Aldehyde," und "The Constitution ot Glyoxylio Acid ...... Uieciiiifv ofilio Ionioci'titic Stluio Coiiveiitioii. MR. VOOKIIEES AND PRESIDBNT JOHNSON TAKLN CARE OF. Lcsolutions in Favor of Liquor Drinking and Sabb?.th Violation. 2tC. XCltO., KtC, XCtO.e . IStO. Indianapolis, March 15. The Democratic Stale Convention to-day nominated candidates for Keeretury, Auditor, and Treasurer of the fetate, and Superintendent of Public Instruction. The first resolution passed by this'body denies the ritflit of secession; the second approves the reconstruction principles avowed in PresUb'At Johnson's annual message, and solemnly con demns the action of the majority in Congress, cordially endorses the veto, und pledges to the President the earnest, disinterested sappbrt of the Indiana Democracy, iu all bis conflicts with that lanatical Congressional majority. Tho third resolution believes that Ihe sole power of Congires over the admission of numbers is coutined to their election returns and 'qualifi cations; that it bus usurped power by excluding representatives from eleven States ncknou'leosed to br in the Union, by having their voices counted in favor of the ConsUtufilonal Amend ment; that tfce elected members lrom the touth ern States are constitutionally qualified, and should be immediately admitted; and upon tho refusal of Congress, it i3 the prerogative aud duty of the Presided to defend and uphold the integrity of every State now in the Union, and to take care that the law3 are faithfully executad. The lonrth resolution inflexibly opposes a prohi bitory and protective tariff. The tilth declares that taxation and representation sh jnlel go to" getber, aud that Government bonds should be taxed. The sixth repudiates the. Rebel lion. The seventh thanks the soldiers and demands the equalization of bounties. The eighth pledges support, resardle.s of party aililiatien, to any Stave or National oili. cial guided by the principle? avowed in these rctolutiom'. The ninth denounces the conferring of btiflrage on the negroes in tho District ot Columbia. The tenth opposes the repeal of the Constitutional artiete prohibiting nceroes and mulaltoes from settling in the State et Indiana. The eleventh eucuriit;3 emigration. The iweltth declares that eight hours should be a. lecal day's work. The thir teenth favors religious toleration. The four teenth sternly condemns the immense financial and olhcr Irauds of the Abolition Stat'3 and Federal Govcrumeuts. The fifteenth pledges tte party to oppose all prohibitory liquor and Sunday laws. The sixteenth denounces tht e.c expulsion of Voorhces as a high-ban Jed outrage by a profligate and unscrupulous party. l'EWA'e: Y LVjk N IA I.EUISI. ATUKK. Jlouseof Kepres'.HilHtives. JlAiuusisimn, March 1(5. Mr. Hood called up the act rehvluq tiiaa port ot Philadelphia, w hich passed as loll )vs: That t'ae lime tor preparing the map or plan ot the river lrt w hereby extended until June 1, l'-6T. 'Hint the penalty imposed by the provi sions ol .the act or February 7. IS 18, tor extend i;i2 tho wharves into the tideway ot tho river Delaware or Schuylkill, without nrst obtaining a license, shall not exceed $ 0i)(), nor less than Sl(!i,(i, with costs r f suit, where the party so ollemiing fclinll uol be the owner or occupant ol the w lmrl so extended. Mr. Watt presented petitions in favor of the Sou ih Street Bridge, and against tho Lombard ami South streets extension; also one against Sunday travel. I Mr. Freeborn read a petition of Phila JeloYiaas owning lands in Forest county against enlarging the boundaries oi Forest county. The act to incorporate a Western Mining Com pany being under consideration, a question arose as to the clause requiring Fuch eompa n'es tt pay the bonus of half ot one percent, upon the capital atoek. ' J'r. Crosland argued that the legitimate com panies cpuld reti.lily puy their tax, and that bogus companies should not be chartered on auy terms. .r. Lee said that the tax would drive people into other States lor charters, where they could niore readily bo obtained. The amendment putting on the bonus tax was agreed to by 47 ayes to iiO nays; all the Phila delphia members voting against inserting the bonus tax. Keiinte. Mr. Council read bills incorporating the Key stone Hotel Company; allotting the Republic Insurance Company to increase its capital; also a supplement to the iuiiit-teuaut act. Vt. Browne, one relating to marriages. The bill autliori.:in! the Susquehanna Bopm Company to erect a new dam and charge greatly increased tolls was called up and postponed ui'il Wednesday. The act disfranchising deserters passed finally. FROM CALTM3RE TO-DAY. ; A'oinlAallonis of CoMecloa of Internal Kevenue ttml Fostusaater An Jsvciipedl I'riNouer Kearremed, I'ic. Sjxciui Detpateh to the Kooning lettyraph. ' Baltikoke, March 10. There is no doul t Of the United States Senate rejecting the non. Ra tion of Mr. J. V. L. Findiay, for Collect! r ot Internal Kcvenne in tuo Third jDistrict of Mary land, which includes the twelve .upper wares of the city of Baltimore. It is believed President Johuben will renominate him. The conDruiatiou of Mr. I'urnell, Baltimore Postmaster, by tholSenata, is very doubtful. Boyle and Smith, two escaped convicts from the Maryland Penitentiary, were arrested yes terday near Harper's Ferry, and brought back this morning. iJoyle was Imprisoned for an attewpt to kill, aud was also awultiug trial for tho murder oi Captain Watson, near Anuapalis, a year ago, W-ASIIXJVG TON. Special Dmpatchti to The livening Telegraph. ; Washinoton, March 16. Payment or PrnHlo lu Mew York. In consequence of the tneoavenience and hardship which the present mode et paying pen sions at .Kcw York is said to inflict upon Unitod States pensioners, the Secretary of the Iuterior has drspatched Mr. George C. Whiting, of his Department, formerly Cotnaiissioaer f Pen sions, to that city, with authority to investigate the matter, and obtain such tacts and Informa tion n will enable the Department to apply the correct'.sn. The plan adopted by Col. B. W. C. Greene, ia your city, has been under investtira tton by- the Department, and after examination it has been decided that the system of alphabet ical payment? ia tho most speedy, just, and feasible. It is understood that Mr. Wuitin; is deputed to see that the same plan is adopted in the mctropoli". ' ' the Tat OittU la MlNtarl. The United States Supreme Court notv has before it for argument this cases of Dr. Cam ming?, u Catholic priest, who wa3 indicted and convicted by the Circuit Couit for Pike counfy, Missouri, of performing the duties ot his calling without takim; the oath prescribed by the second article of tho new Constitution of the State, and fined $;,0O, with, imprisonment until paid, and that of Mr. Garasche, a lawyer, who was ex cluded from the practice of his profession be cause he would not taku the oath. The judgment in Dr. Cuaimings' case having been affirmed by the State Supreme Court, both cases were brought up on a writ of error tu the United States Su preme Court. The Itonded TVnretione Rill. The President has approved tho act concern ing the withdrawal of goods from the bonded warehouses. 'Ilia reutiHj'Iranlit rtemocracy and tho rtstlvMt. It will he remembered that the late Copper head Convention of Pennsylvania, after nomi nating Mr. Clymer for Governor, passed a reso lution endorsing the President's policy. A sub committee was appointed, to come on here and piesent the resolution iu person. This grateful mission was essayed a few eveaings since. The committee were admitted to an audience with the President, and were proceeding, after the most approved fashion, to ttssore hitu that the Democracy of Pennsylvania had de. signed no empty compliment; that they had watched his recent action vwith no ordinary gratification; and that they should stand by him and his administration so long at -he.so nobly adhered to the sacred Constitution. Before the peroration was reached, tho President broke in upon them with the suggestion that "the wisest thing tUy could do was to go home aud change their ticket." He believed that they had made a fatal mistake in nomiBrjLimr' syoh a man, especially at this particalar time, with many other remarks of a similarly encouraging character. The last seeu of tho Pennsylvania Committeemen they were making for the'Balti niore Depot, in a fearfully demoralized frame of mind. Indemnity to Suldler. rtiil !8Htri. The introduction of a resolution by SsnaCor Crimes some lime since, contemplating indem nity to all ollicers. uud seaman of tho navy for clolhiug lost during tlvj war, has precipitated a perlect avalanche of correspondence upon the Fourth Auditor's oilice. It ought to be knovvn that no such law has yet passed Congress, and there is great doubt if it ever will. Jiecf ljts iroui V in to in The following aro the receipts lrom Customs at the below named ports from the lit to the 10th Inst., inclusive : Ney York, $J,7lH,C0'i'ii7; Lotton, Sj4,l(j(i,;i7; Philadelphia, $K.l,o81,U5; Baltimore, S'Jll.SoS'iiO. I,t;v Uraiited. rermusiou for delay in joining his regiment for CO days lias been granted Brevet Brigadier General G. A. Custar, Captain Cth United Slates Cavalry. MastroI Ont, The Secretary of War, in special orders, dt recta the muster out ot forty-lhreo Assistant Quartermasters of Volantccrs. A Iioyttl North Cfnrollun Potmaster. Mr. G. G. Lynh, a Postmaster in Xorth Caro lina at tho commencement of the Rebellion, whijn communication between that State and the City of Washington was first interrupted, had in his possession between $100 and S2ul) in coin, belonging to the Government, which the buried for safety. 1 Recently the Sixth Auditor of the Treasury lor the Post Oilice Department was infonnod by him of this fact, and that the money was at the order of the proper oflicer. A dralt has aecoraiagly been drawn for the amount' in currency. - Tiie CMluet. 1 here is no foundation for the statdmcit that the friends of th President iu Congress itra urging upen him change In the Cabinet. Nj movement of the kind has been mado, nor is any such contemplated. The Cabinet, so far m its action or expressions of opinion are concerned, is its Mr. Jiie ward said iu Now York, a unit in support of the President. J'ffnuk. tflnir for ollj-etor at St Imli, The President scut tO'tV Senate yesterday tiie nomination of General Frank Blair as Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District of Missouri. The nomination created qsito a sen sation in Executive session. It was referred to the Committee on Finance. Outbreak In Cuba. NJw Youk, March lQ. The Ueralla 'Havana letter reports a revolutionary outbreak by twenty-three young men, at Villa Clara, near S:.j.ua. Twelve of them were .captured by the Government troops, but eleven were stUJ at laree, aud it was expected th.U. tuy would attempt the rescue ol their cornpauioms ia lin ger force. ' A Hoax Perpetrated. Nrw Yobk, March 10. It is stated that tho Spanish vessels-of-war lately here, left in con sequence of a hoax gotten np with the conni vance of" the Chilian Envoy, relating to tho movements ot Imaginary Chilian privatecs. A hocus letter was purposely allowed to fall iuto the hands of the Spanish spies. :u PHILADELPHIA M. E. CONFERENCE. (SEVEN rY-sirii SKSSIOX. THIRD DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. St. GKonoa's Church. ) Fhiday MuttNitio, March i8. J At 0 o'clock this Tiiorniu f tlio rala was Doming in lorreius; but notwithstanding the liicle'iiencr ot tho weatl cr, thoeNurch in wnicti tho Coulerenoe is hild ( t tiporire'ij l was well lll od. a lanro portion f the audieuco biinz lanes, l'ne rnliBiom service.! et the day wero.eonSicted by the Jtev. C. J Croncn, wke rend a lo.-sou lrom tho tenih cU.idiCT ot Aluttkew, ntter winch the couiotalion joiued iu singiuf the 17th hymn, commencing: !"tlfgh ou (he ovorlastlr ar t'trmo , , "The iiina of Saints hti work sarvors." The luiuutus or Journal of tho previous day were read, aud alttr tho correctien ot some unimportant clerical inaccuracies, were approved. lev. 8. Patterson wt transforrod from tke acfiv ittneraacy to tho list ol the .superannuated. Key. Air. VT timer, of tho New Jersey Conference, was introduced by the Presiding Uwhop, aud re ce'ven by tho Con.oronce ut.iuiliiifc. Kev. A. T. feeott prcented a paper in rosrard te certain oisclpiit.ary questions, wnicu was read. I ho following is tlio paper: Does tu nftirmaiivo aiiswer to .the queitlons o pucet2ot the Discip.ino "Are yoa gom ou io l cricetKinf l)n you ep ct to be mado pun -ci ia lovo In this lilof Aro you groauinx attar it?" com mit thc;eisonso answering to the acccptanee ot that special theory ol saBCinicitiou whicU declares thai oritinarily tho.so wao are horn of Uod are not cieaneod from all sin until they have sought dis tinctly and separately lor that hleumaf alvrku r. ScoTr, JOll ltUTU. Kev. Joseph Uason moved to Uy the paper upon the table, a hich was adopted. Hev o. M. Coeper, Presiding K'der of tho Snow llilt District, riludo his report, iu which he stated thodismet desired a larger ntiuiher of preachers, lie thought that if sonv thnnr was not douo that tho district would rather bo dismissed aud take csro of itscli, aiid they felt that, in ,that case, they did not tear either the South or tho uevil to which If shop Ames responded that the parties rei'orrod to were both ouo, The reports of the pastors of fnor Hill District we thou submitted, aud show a very favoratle con dition of re i;pous mutters tum-e. An interesting loiter from tho Hoy. J. T, Graeoy, Missionary in India, was read by th Secretary aud tiled among the recoids of Coilermce. Tne Com miitce was coutmiicd, with instruotiuBs to send tlio fraternal conratu a lens of the hody to iho reverend gentleman. l;cv. Frank Ds llafs, of Washington City, Dr. Crooks, ot JN'ew Vork, and Jov. VIr jjinsehuugN, of iittseurg, were introduced by BlsUep Amos. Ihe report of tho Committee appointed by the Coineicucu in regard tot be CharcU Extension So ciety was taken up. Kev. ts. V. Moaroe, D I),, ike Correspoudin? Secretary ot the Society, made a lull statement of ihe condition el' the bjdy, aud tho importa.ice oi its object and ttoosju Dt Uotiroe entered very lully into the sabjuct, and wai listened to wilh ereat interest b tiie lai v" a'idienco present. Uurinti the coin so of his remarks he gave some practical facts in regard to the duliciilties of tho.e who aro lahortnir in e fle'ds iu the Sou'h and West, and clo-ed bv a stronir appeal lor pecuniary aid in this good work. Aitur Dr. -Monroe's addross, tiio report was adopted by en a,iuo.t unanimotis vote. a he report was reconimittod io the Committee, lor the purpose ot making tLe uotmua iou of otlic-rs of the Society. Kev. J. Cunningham, riesidliiir Elder ot the Wil nilnsrton Distnet, ronorted BBceesslul ell'orts in his Hold. Ono church had been liuished, ihree are in courso of construction, and several in oon'ompia tiou. lie releried to the disin erested labora of the Hv. Mr. France dnrimr the prevalence ot tho rttl pox in his chur?e. Kev. Air. W ay was granted a Huijernnmnrarv nosition without appointment. Ihe oas-o of Kev. Charles F-.-Whittaaor wss lakon up and referred to a special comimtteo ot tliroe. iiov. Dr. Curry, ouitoi of tho hristian AUttocatt (kiii Juuriml, a 'dies.'ert th" Conference 1 u roard to the couunct ana position ot that joaruii, A touimitteo on Military Statistics was appelated After a number of anuoncemut of commit ao aud relh-ioDs uieo.ine'S tho Coiifoienco adjourned v. ith s, iing a doxology and heuedictioii by 1! jV, ill: Dunn. LEGAL IKTELLKEirCE. Supreme Court at Njhi Prius Justice Thompson. Edward Harlan vs. Lavenia l'obcrip, executors 'of the la'st will and teat incut ol James 11. Roberts, deceased. This is an notion to recover damage for ti alleged breac-t ol an agreement enteiett into in ie.y), between plamliti and James H. Roberta in his life time, by which the plaintiif was to superintend tho mtrnntacture of woollen and cotton goods, in consideration ot tne payment to t.im ot OTie-haif of the lift yearly profits of the business, tne capital to carry on which was to be furnished by Roberts. The defense set up was that the plaintiif was entirely incompetent tor the performance ol the duties lie inn u dcitaken, and lor ihat reason was dibehar.ifea by Mr. Roberts in ltitii). To this the pluiiatiff replies, ilcayiar the r !k";ed incompetent nno averring thai u wa (iiseharted belore he had time to perfect tb? machinery lor tiio business. On dial, i'heo (lore Cuiler, Esq., fr - pUiiutiil ; George T. Crawford and U. II. Brew&ler, Eetis., for de lemiants. Chi-hans' Court. President Judge Aile-on liiitl J ndce Pierce. The Court was cngnied this morning w ith the vsual Urphnns' Court business FINANCE AND COMMEKUE IB Office op 7UE Evening TELuaitAim, I Friday, March 10, lcf'iU. The Stock Market opened very dull this irtoru- iiifl, but prices continuo steady. Government boutls are firmly held ut full prices 7303 sold at 0ii; 10i W'as bid for 5-20s; .101$ for Cs of 1W81: and 90.J for 10-40. Slate loans are more active. Pennsj Ivania 5s soli at 85. In Railroad shares there is less activity. ronnf-jlvnnla sold at 65, no1 change; Cata.viasa preferred at 301101, no change; Reading at ft(2a0, no change; Camden and Amlioy at lit;, an advance ol i; vnd Little Schuylkill at 2:;L an advance of .; Gl.j was bi'd fbrMinchill 3." for North Pennsylvania; 1124 for Lehigh Valley; 2G lor Elmiva common; 3D for preferred do.; 21? for Cutuwissa common; 29.'. for Phila' ilel; hia and Erie; ami 41 for Nortnern Central In City Passenger Railroad shares there is vcrv little doing, llestouville sold at i'l, an advance of If on tiie ciojing price of last oven frig. 19 M as bid for Thirteenth and Fifteenth Bank shares continue iu good demnud, but w o hear of no sales. 203 was hid for North. Aran rictt; 140 for Philadelphia; 121; tor Farmers' ami j Mechanics'; 51 lor Commoicial; 2S4 lor Mechan ics'; 03 ior citrnra; oi tor iianuiaci.irers' -una Mectmnics'; C2 lor City; 40 for Consolidation; 53 i i Commonwealth; 63 for Corn Exchange; and 55 lor Union. Cunal shares are flre'l.v held. Schuylkill Na vl':ation commoa sold at 22: preferred do. at 2.-:'; and Delaware Division at 315(533, aa ad advance of 1. Ill was bid lor Morns Canal pre ferred; 52 for Lehigh Navigation; 11 for Sus quehanna Cslnal; aud 58 lor Wyoming Valley Canal.' Oil shares arc dull and lower. Oceaa soli at 111(3113, a decline of U; and Jersey Well at no change. ' Coal shares are dull. We hear of no sales of St. Nicholas; 35 is usked. The sentence in yes terday's paper, said "to be a canard," should have been suid, 'to be a corner," The New York Ti Vmrw this mornin says: "Money on call is abundant to brokers at 5 percent., aud loans above 7 are rare upon any marketable collaterals. The rate tor very prune merchant bills is rather lower, and some names pass under 7 per cent. The quotation is77j; . toed, bQid; ami ordinary, 10JH5 percent. The , disposition ii universal to make short engage ments, anil to keep monev wheie it enn be at once recalled. The movement ot Senator Shci lnaa looking to a continue, I stthpension of specie payments finds lit' le favor, except among Fpecuiators. anxious to cet out oi losing ven tures, tkreugh the continued use ot irredeeni- nDiepaoer money. Kxchnnee is quoted as fol lows: bankers' Sterling, CO days, 108.j31081; Bankers' Sterling, 3 days, BJO;'; Commercial sterling, un(u;w,n brancs. loie.r date, 6'23.i l"tti; Francs, short date, 5"20!ii,j'17i.'' A despatch trotn Washington says: The House yesterday resnmed the consideration of tho Loan bill, Mr. Hioburd takin? the lloor and drawing out Mr. Hoorer of the Finance Com mittee.1" On a n, ties turn as to the reliability ot Controller Clark's recent ltter, Mr. Hooper re plied tiiat a siin-coraniitteo had waited toon Air. McCullf ch. and were tatufled that Mr. Clark was ia error In his statements, and that toe -monthly Liiiance sheets showing the condition ot nie i reu- sarv were accurate. Mr. Weutworth, of Chicago, tollowed in a aomewhut sintular but eminently cutertaining speech, wherein bo advocated the Secretary of the Treasury's policy of resuming tpecie payments at ths earliost 'moment, uui denounced Controller Clark with much severity, and by intimation oharded him with being in league with geld gamblers, speculators, and otliere, apposed to specie resumption, lie an nounced his intention of movtug tor a Special Committee to Investigate the whole mauer. Ihe foreign loan clause of the loan bill was killed, and judtiiug Iroai the expressions of in dividual members, and the. general temper of , tne Mouse to-day, the remaining clauses extend ing the power of the Secretary will be killed. in Cincinnati uazive says: "lhere was a pinch ia the money market again, caused this time by tho call from the Gever traeut on de positories over the river for an increase of se curities or a trauafcr of the excess ot deposits to the United Mates Depository. There was also an lurrensea mercauttte demand, ami bankers were compelled, in many cases, to re luso first-class paper otlered bv customers. Untca ot interest were firm at 10(P12 per cent, be tween bankers and their depo.-itors, and 1518 , in the opea market for good names. There was also a close market tor exchange, aud rates were firm at 5U((76 premium buying, and 1-10 premium sellmf. There were no sales ol bnaker.s' checks above, 1-10, but many ot tuo dealers reiascd to loan except to customers." liREENBACKS VS. UOLO. The 'most important decision made by the General Term ot the .Superior Court of New York, is one respecting the relative value of green backs ami eold dollars. It decided yesterday that a one dollar greenback is fully equivalent to a gold dollar, and that all debts may be satis fied by tender of payment in Ui.i'.od 'otatcs Trea sury notes. The facts of the caso are as follows : T!:e plaintiffs, owners of the British ship Ata tatila, by tbeir agents, George Henderson & Co., in Calcutta, chartered the ship to Gillanrters, Arhuthiiot & Co., of Calcutta. The charter I arty ws made m Calcattn, ami is dated Janii hty 20, 1.-C3. It contains the following clause: ' The (reijfht to be paid on nnluading and right delivery of the cargo as follows, viz.: if ais- hurged in United States of America, in silver and gold dollars, or by approved bills on Lon- , don; it at a nort m a LT;tit":l Kiuj-do;ii, at cus- I touir.r.v." The defendants were consignees of the curtro. Upon the arrival ol the ves sel ot the psrt'ot New York ii Juno, lH(i:-t, the delendaufs twndrred h;vmJn, of the freight, iimounting to 932,d33, iu Un;ted State ; leu:l tcndci notet. The tender was rel'de'd, and pay- ., ii.rnt demanded lu nilver and pold d illiirs, an. tpecilied in the charter party, which wa- re liised. The notion was trie I' bv a referee, who found the tender of the United States local ten der notes, and that at the time of such tender, tae market) valtio thereof was thirty-three and . oni -eighth per cent, less thun that .'of gold or silier unllars. Bv an arrangement, between the parties the plniutifis credit cl the deiojidauts wilh the market value ot the amount tendered, leaving a balance ol 5S7'!S-Iii due. Thorelerca. found the n arkct value of such balance was, in ti.e currev.cy' of the United States, 1 0,230-08. Upon Uie:-o facta the reWeo dooi led that the pluinufid were rntitled to recover said sum of, j lh,23U'0si, with iuteiest, aud rendered judgment aecoKiuiglw IllL4lKld'llA STOCK I'aCHMMK SALES TO-DATf Reported by Dollavon & Jliro., No. 40 S. Third street fc'IKST 15i)AU f lftCO I'a K 1st rat... 9-i ' 1'iOs'i rlost'v 42 U fa 7-20s. Juno iilf" l(w sli no 15 42 f-2 t") do ... Dft; kjOhi, d- sJV 43 -WH'0ra6s .T.'J-l S7 i 4m,lteli 28j- K.4tit.O to .conp.lls 85 i 25 h :o s5 2rt tltt'O Cii Can bs.... 24 1'iti n lieaaiuc. . 4i)J ' 1' ki is l a ( 844 It'-' sh do 2d 4UJ hhhl'eunaK.... 56 K'Ofli do 1-5 50 2U sh Occaa. ...130 11) 4U0 :-u do lots 60 '.00 sli tie lots Hi 21:)s)i Dot iV ...b30 33 8 sk Hainsburg It. 541 6') sh do 81 ll) sh heh. IS 22 2o0 sn Catawissa pi. . 30i Cf sh J'y Well. lots, f Wish de..lots...O 30 21 eti Wy Vsl fti"; 100 sh do o 6UJ 10 su Cam & Aiu.is.lWJ PIIJLAU'A GOLU EXCHANGE QUOTAITONS. 10 A. M 131 12 M 1301 II A. ll 130J, 1 V. l VM Harpkr, Dun net & Co. quoto as follows: MiHiing. Hulling. American Gold l.i;) 1 luj American Silver, tts and is 125 120 Americau Mlvcrli'intis und lla.f Dimes 121 122 1'cimsvlvaiiia Curreucy ; J New York Exchange.'. 120 par. Philadelphia Trade? Report. Fkiday, March 10. Trade is excessivoly dull tc-day, owinir o ihe inc'cmency oi tho weather. Cutton is very ijuiel, with small sales of middlings at 41a. There is veiy H'tlo Clovorsood coming forward, ai.U it ranges lrom So'.'iO loS'G-75, tho latter li..iure for choice quality. ":all sales of lliuolhy at I3-75(1. Flus-seou aolls at f'Z-"Y'i'l 75. Tho Floor Market Uua unden'oun no essential chiigo. There is little or no shirping douiaud, hut 10C0 hh;s. wtro t.'keu h ; the home uousnmorj, chiefly Itortt.wei't-i'u e.tri Ian 'i y . at O-lft-l-o J bhl , lu c uutng 'J0 btils l'en nsri i'ii nia do. do. ut -?t) 50; small lutf ol t-uperfino ntNiti 2',' V ; extras aC Zb'yii', auil limey lols Horn Srll to J-pj I riees of Kv) Fiour and Corn Mesl reina.u us lu.st quutea, biu Ihorj is little or uothinir d uns in either. i Xha receipts ol Wheat con inue small, and there is ro ii'qu.ry txoer t for choico lois winch urO scarce. Sales id luir liui c'.ioice ted at si2 10,2 85, aud HiUO bills Michigan white at fc'2'76 Kyo is sieaJ at 85c. Corn Is very quiet. Sa m ol 8iO-J t-ush y.illownt tisc. ia ttrni, and 70c. alloat. Oar- am steady. 10(10 tusn. I'eiui8 Ivania sold at 4'.''t59o. No c.iauno in li.irley or Walt. Whisky is chill. Small sales -of-Pennsylvania at S-2 22 20, and Ohio at S2 2r, 2 28. Markets by Tcfotjraph. Nkw York, Muroti 10 Co tun ipiiet at 41. Flour uu '1, at 5e. ciechtK 4JLi0 barren sold; fitaie, WsJW.il 8'UU; Ohia 88Mti.ll; vVcite u, DH 50 mi 25 ; Soulheru heavy, 4ru Ibis sold, pnei s uuchauied ; CanaiLan 5c. lower, for common; 257 bo's, sold at Df7 45 11 25. Wheat ou I, common rieohniug. Corn tiuchaiii'ed. llee steady. Pork dill; MeSi, !J2t)12. Lard firm at lii.'-alujo Whisky dull. Pt. Louin, Mare' 15 Cotfoa; middlings 35c. Hour dun ut 7i'7f.O lor. sinile extra; extran, l?a'12i; ardl2for oouii'e exsrti' vl'deat droop Inv nt 81 t'Odl'75 lor good fall; t-l SSfiSS 'or prime; kf2 El) lor xtrt choice Corn higher, ut I50viot)2o. lor yellow, auu COj'.Ooo. lor whito. Oats dull and uu chantred. llws I'ork null at p27. Itscou uuchamed. Lard firm at i7.1UJc. V Uieky, $2 242 25,