THE DAILY 'EVENING eKa rariilLADELPna, 1 TntJIiSlUi;. : MARCH 15, 1SGC. The New York lribunt of yesterday published lit following special sJespalcLes from Wash- igton: ' ' ' - ,0UIBIANA DKLEOATIONfl TUB KB W ORLBAN9 xictiov. I ;,.,'., Two Interesting committers have lately bepn ore from Louisiana seeking to make a tavora- tie impression upuu mm i resident respecting 'airs in tnat state. ' Baou or these committee presented, Inteuse Connerriearl and Ttehel in. tacnee, but had d ffereut obieeti to aecemDlliih. ine of taein consisted of three members ot the ouisiana Leartslnture, " and was ostensibly are to present the President the "loyalty1' solutions ot that body, and counteract sosno k the representations of Goverior Wells. All If these fien'ilcmon were officers under the Rebel overiiinent. ut. tjoussan, 01 mtw uriaans, baa lao been here in the interest ef Governor fella, and In opposition to these committees. ieir respective constituents: but the oalside Vaprcssion is that thry wet with nosneoial (aver a practical Mature, aithouth politely listened i dt me president aid sieoretary ot Bute, ot particularly satisfied with their work iey fett the city last week, and were be loved to have gone hone, but tamed up nro aguiu mis morning, naving oeen, it oDearb. only to New York. What ther are low al ter is ot precisely known, but willdonbt- Ms soon Dccome manned, in tue meanwhile lie Senate is keeping a sharp eyo on all appoint- ests lor Louisiana, eviaeatly determine'! that is recommendations of loyal men shall be re- fpectcd, and that, in the language of the Prcsi- sot, itcDiiiB snail do mau to take oaeic toatn." bile speaking of Louisiana politics, perliap. may be well to note the laot that a despatch is been received boro statin that John T. lonroe was elected Mayer ef New Orleiins on londay. Mr. Monroe held this portion at the cot tlie capture ot the city bv General But- and Admiral Farragut is 1862. and was very olent and obstinnte in all his intercourse with iepe oflicers. General Butler scut him to ort Jackson, and bo was afterwards released lid allowed to pro ie to the Coutedrw:y, wkore e displayed some sense in teliiag the people iat "neeros would make g-ood soldiers." overnor Welle and his friends, bclievia? in the stimerit expressed by Mr. Jnhason in his letter Senator Purcell ol New Orleans, that "Leval len, and they ouly, should be elected to and nil uiuce, win, lk is ucuoYvu, attempt, to pre nt Monroe from artinz as Mayor; bat as the relative commissioners new here are under- ood to bo urgiui' upon the President the rro- riety ot allowing hiw to take the oath ol'ollici, ,ey yvui prooaoiy not d successful. tOB COUP D'ETAT OP TUB JOHNSON aVSPCDLICANS. Some additional facts have couie to litrht to- fy rc-pectinc; the action of certain members of e National Union Executive Committee ot the Jtituore Iicpnbl can Convention. Mr. Georiro Center, of Cleveland, Ohio, has returned me to day: and Mr. Georire B. Wright. Chair- lanol the Ohio State Ctmti'ul Committee, t!ie lineman 10 wnom es-uovernor uox aauresaed 3 letter of a few days eince, descriptiTe of bis terview with the President, has arrived. Tho sign ol Mr. Kayniond, ot Now lork, Mr. Cainp 11 and Mr. Center, of Onio, atjd those con cted with them in the movement to obtain the lintrol ol the National Committee in Mr. Jolm- n s imercsi, is to endeavor to counteract tne tiou of the Coniii'Ciisiocal Uxecutive Com- littee, vbo aro cufiUKcd in raia 115 fuudn and otlintr home documents which will presout eir position fairly to tne conntry. To carry it their indention thofo centlcmen Mr. Rav- oi.d. ctu. buve ordered jointed a very lardo limber of Mr. John"onrs celebrated and ,oild-ronowned speech of the 22d of Februarvf revised ana remoacuca oy nim. Tne C?on csfioniil Committee an much pleased with iis action ef the President's friends. ad will fcbiles also r rder many copies of the Fame ech as It was actually delivered and reported rDatim, as tuey oeneve tnat document not ily a valuable coufiibution to au privute irary, but the inost useful campaign publica- fion tnat can be obtained. RELIGIOUS ITK3IS. WISCELIiANEOUS JOTTINGS. Bislion Colcnno hs addressed a lona letter b the Archbishop of Canterbury, complaining (the way in which he has been treated. The ,rchb;fihon replied: "I have no heritation iu yowin" that according to my belief you have en cjuiy ana cauomcaiiy deposed )rom yonr ipmtunl office, according to thu common law of se L linrcn ot ClirtPt, as ect fortb In the conclnd ng parceraph of the twenty-sixth article of tho nurcn of hnxland; and 1 must decline to hold lyselt responsible to you lor entertaining such a euei." Tlie Kortlixeestern Christian Adaocita of February 28, reports ona thousand one hundred Secessions, witbiu the bound of its circulation. lesiaes tins number mere are two hundred and iirty accessions reported from Fort Wayne, Ind., ince lust November. ' Tho London Presbytery of the Enallbh Pro3- fyteriuii C'Uuich Ima resolved to raise five thou Junil pounds sterling', darlns the next live years. tor the purpose oi aidins; new conereatious in ne metropons in sccuiius the services of able ninlsios. The TiiRht Kev. John W. Williams, Bish lp lect of the Catholic diocese ol Postoa, was tncecrated last Sunday, in the Chnrch of St. ames, Albany street, tho MostKev. Archb.shDp CLioMiey ouiciaune. . A recent arrival announced the death Lord Auckland, li shop of Bath and Wells, s well as that ot Dr. lloirarth, Homan Catholic ishop of Ilexarn and Newcastle. Dean Ramsay, of Edinburgh, e.-timatcs that herc aie eeveni j -Bye thousand sermons preached I Eneland and Scotland evtry Sunday, or about uur u.iinoiiB cerj vur. iiirnisoNnp jii?tiojtAKiE3 in aiiyssinia. Tlie KlrtR of Abyssinia has for a Ions; time lm 'rtsone.d two agents of the KuRiisu Church Mis ionarv Society Kev. II. A. Strn and II. Kosen- Mial i'or;a purely construetivo and unlnteetional rutDii'. 'xney are connuea in a loathsome place. ad loaded with fetters of a peculiar and cruel onstiuction. . The last, royal measase sent to aeai, m responke to their protestations of inno- ence and appeals lor reiier, was, i Know you re not afraid to die, but 1 shall not kill you; on he contrary, 1 ohall at rearulur intervals torture ou till the fleih falls in rotten pieoes from your fody." Dr. Beke, as the representative of their elatives, ana Mr. Katsam, ae a represeatauve el he lintih Governmet, have probably by this irre reached the Abyssinian court. ailB AMKBICA UK1TAKIAN ASSOCIATION. The executive committee hsve issued an appeal o tho chinches ot thai faith tor iresh con trill ions. "More than three-fourths of tho year for v;hich. oiie hundred thousand dollar was eo nerotisly Riven has passed, and plans have en entered ppon by the executive board of the sociation. in accomplishing which the entire nount will be exhausted before the year shall ave closed." bince tue is 01 juay, more man ieventv-Cve thousand doiiard have been ex tende d, one of the results has been "a new cou tidence. and earnestness, and vimor, in eypry fl.iiraof our oreaalx.ed entirety." But tho real sresult will not b seen "until tho sefcd sown shall luave becun to rio w." They farneatly ask that the contributions shall all be closea Dy Aptu oU, he end ot the financial year. TIIH HIE LB IN ItUBSIA. ! Jlore than two hundred thousand copies of the iNew Testament, la tho ituBiian vernacular, re said to have been sold Ln that empire in tne ourse ot the last two years. IT ALT. The Bible Society's aeent in Italy reports that lurincr three months more than one thousand onit!sot the Scriptures have been disposed of jLuiong Italian soldiers in the northern part of the kingdom. Tli a elieanness of the Swiss uewsnaoers is Iremaikable, eva in tbls aero of cheap literature. n 01 them, the 1'e'enrtif, whicb contains the ! ordinary uwount of matter published in a weekly I paper, cost one lranu n jti, i uoi quno The town of Newport, Maine, has cleared off all its debts, and has bow a balance of assets of $iC22'5,r. The people had courara enough last year to assess a tax of ten. per cent, upon them selves. ' The Reeklnpham (Ya.) Register states that a oompany of iisltimon ana nave bought a tract of mineral lands consisting of forty thodsand acres, in Giles niid Llarid ceuuties, Virgiuia, for the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. The Sandusky (Ohio) Rtqistcr says the re ceipt of fish at that place amount to from five to eight tons per day. When navigation opens the receipt will not be less than forty tons per day during the entire season. Ia Sostoa the vsluo of real estate is dally aucntentine, notoaly by sales, but by the proat activity prevailing among architects and build ers, and the vast number of projects for improv ing buildings by remodelling. A Russian cupiiieer has discovered an ex tensive cesi-Bcld about ninety yersts from Tur kestan. The coal is said to be of excellent quality, and the Knssians will now be able to carry out their plan of establihlB a fleot ot steamers on the Syr Daria, which has hitherto proved impracticable in consequence of the want of fuel ln those parts. The literatare of craniolopy is accumnlatinc Mr. tiTcenwell is about to issse, in London, "A Decade of Skulls from Ancient Northnmbria," containing ten lithographic plates, each giving one view of a skull, half sire, and two other views, quarter size, together with a detailed account of the circumstances under which each was found, with wood-cuts of urns and'olher associated objects. Tha Inrteptndance Beige complains that at a recent amateur dramatic performance at BruS sels for an Snelish. charity, which was attmded by a mixed audience of English and Belgians, the Inglisb insisted on all landing, uncovered, while ' 'Ged save the Queen" was being played, and then put on their hats and hurried out noisily when the band struck up "La Bra b&nconnc," the national air of Belgium. The editor and printer of a paper called the Gazette de I'Jndustrit have been fust sentenced by the Paris police court to a Month's imprison ment eack, arm three hanqred Irenes fine, anil the suppression of the papir has been ordered, for having introduced political topics into their commercial artieles in order to explain the varia tions of the Bourse and of trade in general. Tho paper, it septus, was not authori.ed to treat poli tical topics, and it had lodged no caution money. A cenaino case of franco is reported frotn Guildford, England. An old lady, after being for a long time in a low state of health, sank down suddenly, and was pronounced by a sur geon to be dead. Tbe cofiin was purchased, and the body put into it, but it is said that just as the undertakers were about to screw down the lid the supposed corpse started bolt upright, to the great teiror ot tlie bystanders, and, getting ont of I'.i coliin. walked across the room. It is added thutg"the cli lady is now hale and fctroner." Tke Boston Transcrijl says that a survey for a ra.lroad around and over ihe lloosac Moun tain has been completed, and estimates made by which it is computed that instead of tunnelling the mountain, the State may relinquish the tun nel to the Troy and Greenfield Company, end proceed to build tho new roid for a much less amount ef money than has already been sunk in the bore, it is said that the road over Vixi mountain could bo completed within a year. The plan contemplates gein nearly to the top of the mountain, and then by switches making a detour of ive miles. The Detroit lribune incutions the final set tlement of a caso that was in court over three hundred years. About the year 1"GQ August Troutwein, livieg in tho northern part of Ger many, loaned n sum of money to Count Mans field, who died without paying the debt. Nearly all the claims were contested by tho heirs of Count MtiHsiicjld, and the whole estate. Leing iu debted to a great extent, was pat tinder seques tration, and has ever since been under the ad ministration f the Prussian Government. Lately, howevfr, the case has been settled, and the money loaned three hundred years ago, with accumulated interest, amounting to over a million ot dollars, paid to the heirs of Trout wein. One of these heirs lives ln Detroit, aud he received his share, which was an eight hun dred and fortieth f art of the whole sum. The Pan Francisco Bulletin contends that that city can compete on advantageous terms with St. Louis for the vast tradof 'Idaho, Mon tana, Utah, ani Arizona. It speaks of a pro ject to lorm a company lor the t-hipssent of goods to Colville, on the Colorado river, some lour hundred miles lrom Salt Lake, where it is pro posed to establish an agency. It adds that during the previous week there had beeo an ar rival at Montana by way of Los Augd?. Spve jhI other ttams were expected by the same M-mitii fillip if. ia taut hat f lfi nrwrmTit .,) rrnnAa it be despatched in that direction this spring will riot tall short of tbruo hundred thousand dollars. The teams are let I. at Los Angeles, and the goods despa'ched to that point by steamer. The time occupied in rtaUmg the trip from Montana was less than Hxty clay"; forage was reported plenty, and no hostile luciisns were encountered. The followim is a list of A-nericans recrU- tered at the otlice of Messrs. Bowl's, Drevet A Co., No. 24 Kite de la Pali, Paris, lor the week cadhig I'l'bruaiy li): flov. T. H. Means and wifo. Dorcheslor; Mr. PUvens. New Yoik: Dr. C. M. IV Wallazz. John K. (jowtu, wile, and faml'y; 11. At. Uskou, wile, and fninuyjT B. Aloors. Boston; A. H. Bur liu'liam, ri'or.HBsor EU. Kinornon witu. and lannly. John S. Kennedy, hi-u Julia linker, I. N. liroes- chcl, Aftw I oik ; 1 amjiii A. D Tver, San Antonio, Texas; W. N. Mates; I'eter Chrvsial, Pan Vrau ciFo.e; Ceorpe Dexter, Cambndao, Mass.; Hon. Miliard Fillmore, V. (. Warren, Buffalo; T. H. Fin nner, Wilminrten; C. M. Hitchcock, California: T. H. Jiurch, Joiiu Usury iarnuru, t inea; hi. Arahltmld Keunedr, tila'ow; (ieor B. I nrnum, Jew Usven; C. Uppiiioolt, l'iiilodolpli'a ; M. C. Younglovo, Cli ve'and; Charles tie Luze, Bordeaux: ii. uoweii, Jinw lorn. PROPOSALS. INTERNAL REVENUE. u Nil ED STATES HEVENUE STAldTS PEOI08AL8.. SEALED TEOrOSALS, IN duplicate, will be received at this oil co until 12 il .il UNBAT. the 10th day of April. 1868. lor the delivery ! 6U0Obesd ot BEhlT (JAlTLKon the hoot, lor the use ef captured Indians, lbe cattle to tie flelivered the A. C. 8 , ferlaaiaas at Fort Sumner, New Mezic. ------ Xha first delivery to be en the 1st day of July, 1806, and to eensiot of COO fctad of cattle: tho sub.iequnnt deliveries to t In such numbers and ot suoh times as may bn required tde BBdersijjd. 'Iko cattle meat be fr tlirea to live years old, ne1 mast weigh at least 400 pioaads net (their wetunt te be aoertaiae4 aceordipf to Manner laid down in the Hubs. Bejrn ntioDs el 188), ana to t r the best marketable quality. Ne blags, Bulls, Cows, or hellers will be received. .... Whenever, is lbs aplnioa ef the A. C. S. for In dians, at Fort trimmer, tke cattle resented do. not luliil the conditlans iere set farm, as many as de not will be rcjitcied. "lea ir cent, of money due rontraetors will b retained antil the contract is lul nllcd. ' Two responrlbie persons must elftn each bid, marai toeing that if ihe contract is awarded to the party or parties therein pranoiing. they will entor ml o ample bonds lor tne lalihtu) lull! mont of the eontraot, and wben tbe parties tbns otTerrng as sureties are unknown te tae undersigned, thnr ability to rrlmbu se the Ions to tke United titates, which would acorue in case of lallure, must bf attested bolore a magistrate or other officer em powered to administer oaths. . The parties te Them thin contract is let will beex 'pscted te ail the contract themselves any sub-letting ot the tortract will be coneiriercd as a tailure te eon ply with the contiaut, anil tbe eonuraolor will be hold reeponsible tberetor. . Lndorue on the envolope 'Tropoea's for Bool Ca.tlii, at Fort Sumner, New Moxicu " - W. H. BELL. Captain and C. S. and Brevet Mnjor, U. S. A. ' Cffice 1 uruh&Hii'g eriel Pepot C. S , ljstrict ot New Mexico, fcacla re, K, M February 7, 18G0. 8t2ot FE1 ESH BEEF AND VEGETABLES BCliEAT OP relS108 AM CLOTniHO, J Mtrcll 6, 181. ) Kea'eit Trepetals, endorsed "ProposslB lor Fresh Eetl srd Vegetables," will be received at thiaBnreau uniil 2 o'clock 1. M , on the lfith day ot II arch iLBlsLt, ltr the supplv ot Filly lliouaud pounds of IRKMi It KEF and Fifty Thousand roundx of I lti&H Yl.bEIABLEai, at the 1 hiladolphia Navy Turd and Station, as required. . J he cet and Vegrta'les mt be of goo quality, and the best the market aCords, tfta each article must be eflered fer by tbe pound. 1 he Beef to he ia equal proportions, fore and hind e,nartors. i Bonds, with approved reeuriry, will be required ln ene-ball tbe estm.aied arasant ot the oontract, and twomy per cent, in addition will be withbe.d from ibe ameunt of sacti t ajmeiit to be made, as collatetal peenruy lor the due performance ol the contract, which will, on no account, he paid until it isiui.y complied with. Cverv ellermndo mast beaccon panled by a written guarantee, s ncri by ono or more responsible per sons, that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within live days, with pood and tullieicnt sureties, to lurnish tbe articles proposed. A'o proponal will be covfitttrtrt unlvit ttcrnmpamied ly fiuvh guarantee, avd by satisfactory evidence thit, the biildir is a regular dealer in the articles prnpo&ed mid hits the iici vxe required by act of Cvnyress. The lupartnient reserves the right to reject ar.v proposal not conquered advantageous to the t.ov viiuueiit. 8 5IUt COYFiiNMENT SALE OF SUBPLUS BAKU BUB61ETENCE OrriOB, U. S. A., :nce OrriOB, U. S. A., ) No 8 H. (i ay Street,' J rk, Sid., Te rnary 27, 1S60.) i duplicate, will tie received at Battimork, Seated Proposals, in this until KATBKDaY, March 17. 1806, for the purchaso ot surpius HAUL) BRUAD on hand at this depot Prop opals mupt state that the ofler is made under advertisement of this dale. J hi.' bi end is in boxes of lifty (50) pounds each. No pioi os-als recoived lor less than twenty (20) hexes. Purchases will Le delivered on board of transports w.tliont exi cuso to the purchaser. 1 ayniont required ln tiovernment funds on notill cation ot acceptance of bid. Twenty days s lowed purchsstrs to remove Blares. l'ropotals to be endorsed on tbe envolope, ' Propo sals ler iiard Bread," and address d to THOMAS WILSON, Brevet I.t.-Col. and V. S. U. S A., 2017t Bievet Briy. Gen. Volunteers. FfTCIO OK T11K COMMISSIONER OF CITY rttorER'ix. Pnn.AnBi.rrtiA, March 12, 1866. TROPOKaLS IOtt COAlj. Proposals for a supply uf TW u llt;jSlEED TOSS ot Rcli uv IKill Coal wl i bo received a; tills oillce, from mlucroouJr, until 12 o'clock on HA IT aDAT, 17ih lust. CI1AKLHS IMXKY. 3 13 4t Comniksluncr of city Property. MEDICAL. JPOll COUGHS AND COLDS USE DR. C. G. GARRISON'S EXPECTORANT. FOR DYSrEPSIA AND DUBILITY USE DR. C. (1. GARRISON'S BITTERS USE DR. C. G. GARRISON'S. ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PIIjES For Chilis and Fevers, Bilious, Billions Keiuittent, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Uepiesslou ot Spirits, Coughs, Colds, and all diseases that rcqulie a purgative For sale, wholesale and retail, at my store, , NO. Gil S. KiailTIt STHKKT, Below Walnut. Philadelphia JOHNSON, IIOLLOWaY A COWlitN, Wholesale Agents No. 23 N. SIXTH btreet, l'ullaita. C. G. GARRISON, M. D., V Treats patients lor all diieases at his Office, io. !ill bouthi-KJUrnftreet All conpultattcns free 3 7 am TEA FN KPS, BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH. JL J. IMli o, m. I'., rroiensoroi me una irrpu nil dlfenKH BiinpT 'alnlnt to the above member! Willi tlie utmost yucceHS. Tt'stimonials Irotn theiuott relltallr Fotirce In the Ity can be seen at Iilsouice, M) A in 1-1 Nk Mri et. I ne Jiedlcul Kncuitv are Invited to acicnipany tbelrvaiicnts a be bus no secrets In bis pructlce .DMTED STATES REVENUE STAMPS. I'BINCirAt DEPOT, No. S04 C11ESNUT STREET, ' CENTRAL DETOT, No. lOH S. FIFTH STREET (One door below Chesnut.) XSTABLIBUEO 18C2. . REVENUE BTAMP3 of every description con. stantly on band, and ln aay amount. Order by Mall or Express promptly attendod to. United States Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia or New York, or Current Funds received In pay. went. Particular attention paid to small orders. Ibo decisions ot the Commission can be consulted, ai d any Information regarding the lew cheerfully Riven. The loliowing rates of discount are allowed: Ou all orders of $2&,two per cent discount. On all orders of 6100, three per cent, discount. On all orders of $00, four per cent, discount. AH oidcrs ehould be soot to IIAEDING'S STAMP AGEH0Y, ' ' , No. 304 Chesnut Street, PUILADIILVaiA. 1(J GOVERNMENT- SALES. , . ., . k A L ki O' BTKAM UKISr'MILIi AT Till CAVALRY DEI Of, till!B06o, D. 0., . VAIiTKBtlA81KB (ir.MKUAL'S OFF1CB, ) Finer mvipiow, I WAPhuiotok.-D. C , February 211S60) T f order ot the Quartermastr.(icnoral, there will be sold c n tbe prenntes, at public aneiiou. under the dneotioa "t ( spteln tieorge T . Browmijir, A. j. AT, on Yi rJ)KI'DAY, April 4, ltiflfl, at, twelve o'cloes M , the loliowma described public property, ON IS Tl) 1 STEAM J GRINDING ' AND FEED MILL, fire me, with maselve fratute feundatlnns),40 by 80 teet, with coal, bay, and eiifrine bouiios attached, all const tuotrd of the very b'.et material, and in tho meat suhslantial manner. A. no, at tbe same tine and place, the tnucldner aid r ppllaaces ot tbe mill, constating ef ONL (1) XUlSiii, OF MO BORsE POWF.U, with cylinder ot twenty-two (22) inches diameter and twcaty-lour (24) inches slrere, set noon a heavy cast iron bed-plate, with cold and bat water pumps and beater, and a cat iron fly-wheel, with driving j tilleys ol tbe same material, ten (10) feet ia diame ter and twenty-lour (21) inches lace, with Judsen's t stent srovrrnor. 1YVO () BW1LF.ES, ef 8IITY-HOKSE POWER SAtU, made ol tbfltxt boiler iron, five-sixteenths (5 16) of an inch in Uilcknees, five (6) feet in diameter, and lonrken (14) Icet nve (6) inches in lenrth; each boiler containing seventy-six (7til lap welded fluoi, each three (8j and one leurth (i) inches ln diameter, wuh all the reiujite aprcnaagos. IN (10)l AlIt.-HjK,hKED'!S PATENT BUCKI SO- HAJi TklKl 1 (iXJ)lNCHE.t bPKlNU MILLS, constructed ef solid French burr millstone, and set in heavy, well-balanced frames, with hay cutters, eh vators. and conveyors sulhciont to cut and bandlo the bay, (train and prepared feed on the most eco nomical and lubor-saving plan. Ihe rbafting is ot mshed wrought iion, and the pulleys ef cast-iron, fnood and balanced, with banters Rnd boxes, tufficient to drive ton (10) pairs ot bum, etc. The main drlvlnr-bett is of tour i4) ply rubber, and twenty-feur (4) inohes wide. The bt Its lor driving tbe mills, etc., are of the best oak tanned, patent atreiohed leather. Jlio Engine, Loiiers, Machinery, and Fixtures of every description, are ol the very best materials and workniunship, and aro still, in excellent condition aud lino working order, the mill having been iu ope ration only about tiitewi months If deemed Advisable bv the agent of the Govern ment on the day ot sale, tho builems will be sold separately. Terms Cash, in Government tun da. Purchasers will be required to removo their property bcloro the first (lnt) day ol .May next, uniess othciwieo arranged with the owner ot tho mounds. A boat for Giftbero will leave tho Sixth street W nail every hour d urine the duy ot sale. Any further information that may be desirod will be given upon a i I cation, in person or by letter, to Captain liF-OKUK 1. LKOWN1NU, A. O.. 11., Oius Loio, or to this othce. JAMES A. EKIN, i'revot Brigadier beneral, 2 EC Clt In choree First Divisiou Q. M. O. O. OF O R h N A N C E. AVY llEPAUTMKKT. ) Washoton t t'ty. JMsrch 2 I860. 1 SALE OF NAVY l'UWDKltS AT TUB NAVT 1AII, ItKOOKLYK. N. Y. There will bo sold at l'uhlio Auction, to the highest bidders, iu the cilice ef the Inspector ol Ordmauco oi iro oavy i are, jironKiyn, in . I , at noon, on tne iid day ot April, lSGb lour thousand lour hundred and ninety nme (44'JU) barrels Navy Powders. these Powders will be fold by sample, in lots ot oiie hundred, two hundred, and three hundred barrels. Purchasers to furnish burrels into which tbe powders muy be emptied from tho tank. 't ernie One halt cash in (.iovernment Innds, and the remainder on the lemoval of tre Powder-, lor vt hich a period of ten duyswill be allowed 11 not then removed tho Powders will revert to tho Govern II. A. WISE, S Sswl4 1 thiol of ltureau. REVENUE STAMPS, RKVENUE STAMPS KK VENUE HTAUPB, Of all description. Of ah deocrlptlons, Always on hand, Alwava on band, AT FlOHFNf'E 8F.WINO U ACHI m K tiO.'S OKKlCF, AT iXOMENCK BKW1NO Mvt'HINE CO.'d OfHlI No. Site CHKBNTJT street, No.MOCUMNOT Htreot, One door below BerentU street. One door below Seventh street. The most liberal dlsooiint allowed, lbe most liberal discount allowed. 1 GOVERNMENT SALES. DliltKAU JL) Navy Iiepautmukt, REMOVAL! HEM Q VAL!I OLD DRIVERS' ICE COMPANY, IlEMOVJtD FROM N. W COENEIt SIXTEENTH AND It ACE, TO Broad Street, Above Kace, East Side. Orttcrs respectfully solloltcd, ani promptly attendod to at the lowest market rates. llEbS, JOHNSON & DAVIS. OLD DRIVERS' ICE COMPANY. The undersigned, (eel lug exceeding thankful to his many Inends and ctmtomer for their very liberal patron ge txtended to him during tbo laiit seveuteeu years, and having fO'd bis entire InWiest to M KSr-KS, UllfS. JOHNSON & DAVTS, Takes pleasure in rtcomuiendiuir toeui to bin former pa rons. an they are gentlemen of well-known Integrity, andvtill undoubtedly inntrtuln be renutntlon of the OLl iBlVKUl' H E COMPANY, and lu everf war act to as to give entire sutlninotion to all who mav kind y lavor them with their ousiom. Uespoot ally, etc, , 3 J3m A. DBOWS. ALE O F MANURE. Quahteemabtkii Ofntiral' Office, ) X 1RBT DIVISION, "WAeniKOTCM. IX C. February 23, 1801 Will be to!d at the Cavalry Depot. tiit boro, D. C, a laige quantity of stock-yard MAM HE, which will be dehverid to purchasers on the ground, or iu barges or bents to be provided by them, ui lorty (10) ce iita per cubic yard. 1 wo or more bouts (according to size) can bo loaded per day. 'J erms Cask, in Government funds. By order ot tho QuurtermaBter-fienoral. JAME.S A. ERIN, Erevet liripadier-Uenoial, 2 57 2ft In clinrge First Hivicion Q. 11. G. O. V R E A U OF ORDNANCE. IfAVT DUl'AH'rMKNT. 1 WAenmcTOK City, February 28, 1800. SALE OF NAVY rowDERS AT THE NAVY YAltil, POUISMOOPU, N. Jl. There will bp sold to tho highest blddors, at Publio Auction, at noon, the 12th day of April, bv the Ordnunco Oflicer at l-e l'erti-.nioutb Navy Yard, N. li , one hundred and eiehtv-fivo thousand nine bun. lied and sixty-nine (lSGJCJ) pounds NAVY POVY litlt, as iollws: 181,600 pounds Cannon Powdor. 29 21U - Kille " 26.160 " Muxket " Thote' Powoem wi.I lo divided into lots of one Inn d red barrels each leims. one-half cash in Ciovernment iunds, and tbo reinHinder on the removal of the Powders, lor v Inch a reasonable time, but not more than thirty days, will ho allowed, tho purchasers, however, to malio every exertion to remove the Powders sooner. H. A. WISE. SltfmVJt Chief ot Bureau. EF1CE OF ASSLVl'ANT QUAKl'EKMASTEU, ' Wii.mimitos, Oel., February 12. lS'JO &ALECF6C0 M liPLUiS GOV KKN t.EJST MULES, All uooit and f-orvicouhle. Will be fold nt public suction, at Wilmington Dol., (lul'.VtUi riiiimi ouriug tne moiitn oi Jiarcn, ONE 11 UN DK ED MULES. The cnecial uttcntion of uurchaaers is Invited to tbo luct ihat thtso e ules are lar;e, well paired, and in excellent condition, being tho surplus team. Dilutes ot V arhiiigtoii Depot. Animals old singlv. ' rales to coinmeuceat 10 A. M. Ti nun-Cash, iu United fctutos currency. Hv order ot 2 27 tHiLSO Bvt. Brir.-Gen. JAMES A. EKIN ' ATtOE PALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER T MASTER'S SIOEES. SJl . CBIE QtJAKTmM ASTEU'S OfPtCB, ) Depot f WAsnixoTON, J WAPiimoTON, 1. C, March 8, 1M0. ) ' wi . oId at I nblie Auetion, ac Linco'n li)iot, w 111 be , . jj, c.. under the r ircctiou ot Brevet wanbingteK Tompkins, O. Jl . on lUEnDAY. Colonel C) ,t 19 0ilock A. M.. a lares lot of March 17, if o rttrm aster's Mores, eonxistiug of: coneemntd ti. , Wheo larrows, x 2fi0lbs Paints, . 7' . Type,'6H ib- Lead Pipe. Printing IVOJS.aai . ' 18fi0 f.c.rnp Cast Iron, Blankeig, 46,20 lbs fcorap Wrouht Bndlts, i ' Iron, Chains, 'co.OOO Vs Iron Tiro, Horse and wagcnCorrt.. van. n,. intw w .. .... . " Vw " sini viT i i-A Eecd irongkB, llalt.ia, t-sddles, , i Lirif, W aeon Vhcels, llnbs, and Hodios, Drug Mill, Auv.l-, Tne Bender, Fortab e Forges, hmitlis' Bel.ows, I'lancs, ban s, Cauldrons, ' Fire and Water Hose, Hydrants, Bake Ovens, Platfoim ecalos. J lie sale will be continued lrcm day to day antil all ilio propeity is (told. Tbe stores must be removed w.tluu live days from dnioofsale lerius Cash, in Government innd. I). 1 1 KUCKEh, Breyot Msj.-C.en. and ( hiet t.uar ennastor, 8 9 16t Depot o! Washington. lbs. Hope, lK ,nCcraP8tCe'' 1 Buggy, 26 Cans, 3 Slop ( sat, 'agons, 18 two-hi'iso u r i n g 10 two-iorse b. Wocot'S. -1 n g 2 four-horse Spi 12 "V heeling" Ar 7 Wagons, ) 18 8rmvenier Wagons, 1 Water V agon, Etc. GOVERNMENT SALES. SALE OF STFAM POILEB, I ORCJE PUMrS, WA1ER I'll E, rlKE I'LL G Etc., oom- 'lBEWATEK WOKK8 AT CIESBORO, D. C. QVALTiBMAtTER'GKKKRAI.'S CrPIOE, ) FUiBT DiViBlOU, T.'APniSGTON, 1. c Ftbiuary 26, 18C6 ) By order ot tho Qnartermattor- eneral. there will be bold en the premises, at puHic am.tiou, tinder tle direction of Captain George T. Lrowmvg, Assist ant Cueitei master, ' On 'IHUBSDAY, April 5 1800, at 12 o'clock M., tbe following desenhed publio pro perty, to wit: ONE STEAM BOII.i'.lt, SO feet long end tntce leet in dir.n.. ter ( with two 12- inch icttirn flues), made of f-incii boiler iron, with ail tbe necc&bury appurtenances, i eluding caHt-iron trout, gatie cocks, giote valves, lu u pump, smoae stuck, and bood, steam gaiie iAticrotVs patent), yratc-bars, pipe, plugs, reducing; pieces, etc , all in Bi on oi oer. TWO W OlvlUlNCiTON SlEAVi 1 OECE TUMPS, No. 6, 18-mch cylinder, 9-inch atreke, t6 horse powor finch, and each capable or pumpit g and lorctmr niu 0C0 gallons el waier per dav. CuLiu cted with them are tae requisite vaives, giantis couplings, ronas, elbows, double-valve oil cups, e'e. These Pumps ore comparativelyr"-: ,t, aud in coniplote working older. A largo quantity ot .Alt it l'u e. as toiiows: 6,li2 leetti-iiich tast-iiou Wa.ti Pipe. 12 M0 " 3-uieh " t-00 " 2-nicli wrouKht-irou Ct4 " 11-inch casl-uon " ICiO " lj-inth " 1.C00 " 1-inch " 6 00(1 " ' 3-incU " " llilRTY-fcNE CAST-lEO:- ) IKE PLUitS. (Ay res' patent), with all tho uetvury conuuctious, such us 'i 's, . Jientis, Slop-cocks, I Elbows, Eour-waV nieces. V.ic. nil in rxcelltnt condition; together with ALL IHE lOOES, ETC., required lor making alterations mm repairs in water pipe, such as X lpe-cniting jhucii i.cb, Taps and Dies, flyers, Ciabs, Drills, lunches, Caulking Tools, Lie Terms Cash, in Government i tun's. Deliveries will be mttde to puu.'.mts on or bolore the firht lls-ti dnv ot ftlav next. A boiit for Gieboro will leave the Sixth Btreet wbnrt everv limn during tho di. i l eah). . . - . . ... . J - . , .1,1 .any luriner intoimaiion itiat i:;ay u ocbuou win be given upon application, iu pt. ou, or by lotti-r, to Caelum George T. LrowiiiiiK, .v. O.. M., Giesboro, D, C, or ut i ins cilice. .TAT . . J. A. EKIN, Bvt. Brig n , in churo, 2 28ta4 iirsi i, v-., y,. At G. O. s. B1LBERMAN & CO., IMPORTERS OF FANCY GOOB8. . e. 19 r rm nin cuni, rmtADEiu-niA Portemennalec, Pocket Books Purees, Travilne Bana. Pftuha lrelng Canes I -allies Coinpamona, Wrttius Deaka. Pertlolina, Work Boxa, Jewel Boxes, rho o trauh Alrun s. Opera G'aabOS, leld Glane peetcles ard ( aaea t hlna and Gilt Omaiuenu. Pocket Catlerr, ytnrom t oiuha. braatiea, Periuuierr, HoaM, Fana. Hair eta, Hair Oraanitnta, Pteel Jewelry, Jet OoimIs. Cor nelian Oooas. BiacelcM, Keck sees Be t Claupa, Htudk bleeve Buttons hcarf flus. Bcart HIdis. hllk V, mub (iUMida, Leather Guards Mtrel aud Plated c balna.Watob Keys. hawl Pip a Vloltn Mtrlnt Ieada oi all klnua, Dolls Hutiber Iialla, I'onilnoea, lltce. I Lett-men Clinaa Boards, Baektaninon lioRrds, 1'iarlr.g arda. Fockst t lanka Drinking Cupa, Tobacco Plpea, Tobaoco ltoxei, Tobaoco Boucbes. Alalch Boaua, flpa bteuia. Ha lubes, Ciar f -. 1141 RANDALL & CO., riHITJMEllS AND IMP0ETERS, tlo. 1202 CHESNUT Street. Fine linglish "Toilet Soaxs IS CHEAT VAEIETY, JU8T BECEIVED. Also, Triple French Extracts and rertumes. We have constantly on hand every variety of rEEPUMLBY ASD TOILET BEQUISITE8. 1'x tracts, rowders Coloiinoa, romades. Toilet Vaters. fcbavmg Cieams, CoametUues, loo til rastcs, Brushes, etc. ALE TF CUDEMED .EDICAL AND UCM'jTAL FBUPHtl l. Wasdikotoh, D. C , Maroh 10, 18GG. Will bo sold nt Ptitilio Auction. Cn TDUKbDAY, the22d any of March next, At 10 o'clock A. i , at tho Purveying Depot, Lighiei-utn and F streets, in this city, a larje quitnt tr ot Coi, doomed Medical ana xioapitai I rojerty, consisnii oi piiui Air ttubber Cushions, riutcs, Clocks, Inkstands, Water Coolers, t-noons. Kn.vcs ond Forks, t-paiulns, t nniiels. Lamps-and Lanterns, Tin cups anu r.aies, butta Percha Bed Covers, 1 Moat, Vt ater Beds, coo. t?heepakins Dressed, 'Bedi. Foitv-eight hours allowed l move property, 'lei nib Cash, in Government CHARLES : Surgeon U. 8. A C 3 14 Tt j 1UUII il,'.lOL-, lrus: ( ... Wort in s, Medir i:ii Pannier Cheats, buap-it'ks aud Fluid Com anions. Leailm liucets, rots, Basil Iron usbstands, Bott Hods .ik- ' aides, ;H!.S, Utensils, , uto. ui chasers to re- i!s. 11 EE LAND, (Ileal Pnrvevor. BtlTELEk, Auctioneer. QU A R T E R M A T E 1 NiwYi: JOHN II. DEAFER & CO , j without reserve to the nighc Basin, Brooklyn, on '1HIIRL 'clock A. M., Iho lollowi.: Bttaincrs, to wit: ILLINOIS, side-wheel : EM rlRE Cl i Y', fide-wheel. . McCLrLLAN, aide-wheel.... 1 liOMAH COuLYEK, 8iUe-. JOHN KUE, propeller All these vesaela, with the c are fully equipped and ready 1 The THOMAS COLLY EH is sorvice on the found and rivei-, Ten per cent, to Le paid do i delivery, in tiovernment lHnd- Also, will be sold at the same tlie stesmer Harriet A. Wot., tto. ot tho steamer Delaware). 1 niKvts., 8 13 lOt , Brerct Jl:i' T ' S OFFICE. , -i Maroh 8, 1860. .. lioneera, will soli dder. ac te Eno Y, March 22, at 11 mid Govern uiuut 2123 tons. 1761 tuns. 10U8 tons. ' ol.. ... 440 tons. 78.1 tons. i.tion of the first, mniediato service, m rubiy adapted for .'id the balance on -i tho BOILER of mid tjUAFllNCi, VAN VLIET, ' Gen. and Q. M. i.M'S AND TENT illn 4 AND , & I & No. 1204 CHESNUT ST. Have Inst received fit n GOTEEKMtKT JAVA COKKEB, .XTSA sMiMCH BMEAKFAbT T1A, ?l rH PiKYUNK Ming, ' f4N. BblUl liiXF AMD TONGCEB. tuem l.yhl.'L'E STAMPS, ErJVKJSUlj; olAMl a, Br.VKMJli BIAAire, f all doscrlutluuii, f'l all deacriptions, . . Always on hand. Always on hnmC ATFLORFNC! BKWINO fcfACHINK t O.'H Ok rTCK, AT i'LUUUNCB SKWIMI WACI11 NK CO.'B OFilCE, No. 6H CUF.HNl'T Street, No. m CUK.sNUT Street. One door below Seventh street One snor below Beventb street', the most liberal dlacoiuit allowvd. Ihe moatlibttittldlscouutallowsd. Ti.n's Offiob, 1 orcU 6,1808. I i n, IHUBSDAY, 7il , at the Govern. ; t , llu'tnuure, Aid. le, worn, and con .hinting iu part as LABGB SALE OF ARMY . ; FLIES. Depot Qcaiitt.r.i- . ' ; Baltimokk, Mo n Will to sold at Public Ai i, March 22, 1800. at 10 o'clock . n ent storekousu, No. CO Cenwt 6200 (more or less) unset viti dcuintd TtiiU and Tent Hie.:, follows 7ta osiutai ie 61 a Wall 2767 Common ' ' ' 66 Sibley " 1 2061 shelter " I 8H2 Hofpital Tei'l Flics. I 407 Wall Tent 11 . a Five (6)'days allowed for rcniuvul of property. 'I'crmt Cash, in Goverumen' lui ils. tt W. 3BADLEY, i ' Colonel, Chidi t.'uiiriertnaster, 8 713t ! Middle Mi.i aiy Department IABGE BALE Ck UAKTEUMASfEB'S j blCiLES. C HI EF CUA T.TT ri A STEIl'S OFSlOB, LH'OT OF U 'AHIIIHOIXIN ( i v WASliiwoTON, D C ihiruli 2, 18(50. ) t 111 be sold at l'ub io Auction, untie, mo dwea tlrn oi' Brevet Lii utc olond JAVEt At. JlCOliE, A. J.., bi. Waichouyo No, 6 on f ew York ovt nne, Lei vi con Eigtib enth and iticteeiub stitets, Whiiiftoii, D. t: , on JUESDaY MaroU 10 1660, at 10 o'clock A 11., a lareo lot ol Quarter- uiaoiia ciiv,i-?, I-,ifll,tirig OI 10 Jl til 10 tic lbs Acid. 19 Ades, assorted, 102 m.Ioiis Alcohol, 4 AlviIs, 1 86 ugers, esrorted, W2 Aes, assorted, SOBioad Axes, 1U1 Hin d Axes, Hi Balls and Chains, 22 C a r a e n t c r s' Bincbek, 1C0 Wood Benches, 8 Wash Braids, 19 Copper Boilers, lit) Dooi Bolts asaor'd 800 Spring Window Bo ia, 82 lbs. Botax, C,C(0 ( opptr Bottoms, 4 Piunil' Bobs. 6 Circular Boilers, 4 Steam Boilers, 2 Marking Brushes, w 38 V hitcwnth Bru'e, ... ' Paint Brushes, as- sortce, gel Tv ,1i' Hrushts, 3Dns.'1,'u,!,hc?r IttC otK ltrunlj. 2 0elCblels. "'f.0;,1d;, 6 lb. FicBt, tbulk, 1 HO Pick hsudl.,,l 6,0t0 pairs klmgei1 afl a ported, j t3("ast lien lloppe."s,' 26 (( 0 lbs. Iron, norteO.. 1,600 Bnoi s, assorted, 2 Gts I b Lead, 2tt:6 In t I oeks, 8 6(J0 Cupboard Locks, 400 ftlallcts. 112 (tO li . ut Neils. 10,000 lbs Wrought Jsolls 1. COoFrjIngl bus, 2, 0 lbs M rouuht ripo, 4S1 V nnes, assorted, 60 Tin l'umps, us- sor'cd, f CO lbs lion Rivets, fctO lbs. Bods, W ire, 14 Poik Barrels, lli'lKIWH, f2 Itevi., 132 lei I Loather Belt ing. , 33 feet Rubber Bell ing, 1,2?1 B.fs, assorted, 18 Blocks, assorted, 0 t oilin Boxes, 8 Wod Boxes. 12 Diedgtug Boxes, 1 Urnughung Board, 225 Cha r Bopooss, 125 Cl air Backs and Arma, 100 Chan-Backs, 1"8 Chair Leg -, 8 or0 t na.r Stroich-is. 000 i amp Chiinno.s, 1 OOO lbs. Fno (lay 1000 its ( oopcr, -'tOVO DUul.l, 400 Oiuira, ssiorted. 4n Fienl Dock. 100 Otlii e Desks, SCO Puckotfcurs, S.23'1 Fi es, assorted, l.i'40 Bastard Fnos, 10 000 LiffbtaOluss, 2(v0 aucepnii Handles, 1,5:114 Chiol Handles, 1,641 Axe Handles. 2 000 Window SaMi, 8,000 press rciews, as sorted, 1 100 Shovels asserted, 20 (M) lbs. Spikes, 1 OOl) ,.o Feet. 2,0110 IDs Csat btcel, 700 boxes 'I in, 1,0N Lami Tubes, 105 t a t Iron I raps, 4'Ovnrds Silver Tinsel, 6,836 Papers lacks, as sorted, 100 Wl.c' lbarrows, 4 GOO lbs. Wire, fcO.00'1 ;ia. mo, C,W)0 Escutcheons, 3110 lubles, Hsiortcrt. The tule will be cont mwd Horn duy to duy unbl all of llio property is sold. 1 he Mores must to removed vitldn fivo days from date ol rale J rin r ( bp n. in Govtri.mcct fuud. By order of Brevet Major General D 11. RUCKER, Cliiot Cjiiarleriunster, , Depot of Wii hiujrton, CHARLl'S H. TOMPBlKS, S 8 ICt Brevet Co onel and (Juartcr.nastor. ri'O SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS THE X undersigned having leased the KENSINGTON f CRt W DUO K.bega lo in orui bl tni nds and the patrons oi the Dock that he la prepared w lib lncreanoo foci, (ties to accommodate those having vmse s to be raUed or reuatred. and being a praoiloal hlp-oarpenter and t aulker, wl lglve personal tateaUon to the vesaels en trusted to hint lor repair. Cautnlns er AsntH. Hblo Camen era, and VachlnlBts having vessels to repair are solicited to call. Having the auuncy for the iu.e of Wetterstedt a fatent Aletallie t oiupesltlou" toi opper Paint, for the pieaervatioa of veanela" boitoms for title city, I am pre nued to lurnUh the same on favorab'e leriua. pweu m lumaw JOUN 1L HAMtflTT, Keue nnton fcorew Dock, I U DELA WARE Avenue, above LA UBEL btreet. SALE OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINUS, i A I' LBS, PENC1NG, WHARVES, EIC. AX GIESBORO, D. C. QUAETtEJIAtTllt-GKAKrtAb'S OFFICK, ) Flit T J 'IVIHIOM, Wakuinotos, D. O , l-eliruar 1:7, 180G J By ore'rr ol the l;iiaiicini8iter-l.eiiorR) there will be hold ou the premises, ot. Public Auction, under the ouection ol C upturn George Browning, A Q. M , conimencmg on JiUM. Y, April 2, 180(1. at 10 o'clock A M , and continuing from tuo hour euch duy (ixcept EDNliSDA Y and IDL'IitMJAY, Apnl 4 and 6, on which duy. tho Mill and Water W oiks will Lo so n, until the whole shall have been dispocd of, the following described pub lic piojcrtv, to wit: En ven (ll)OFJHES(frame): 28x140 (two stories), 16x1.0,10x38 two 20xU) (i wo stories), lox28 (kitchen adjoining, 10x10), 1232, 16x10, two 20x20, aud 2fcx76 Eihtj -iiino (80) LABORERS' QUARTERS (iian.e): cevenli -lour 10x18, liimceu lZxl4, und obe 10x10, with shed adiolniug, 8x14 len (10) DvtLLLlNoS (frame): 28x50 (to stoiics, with back buildings, 12x82). tour lux24, 16x40, 10x32, lox'.'8 (witn wing 10x17 und two knebens aojoiniug, bxl2 and 10x10), 10x!c0 (witn wing 10x14), !l4x24 (with shed ut Joining, 16x40) Kite (0) ME.s liGUhLS (iruiue): 28xlii0 (two stories), 16x00 (witu wing 10x2o). 2Hxl40 (iwo s ones), 18x130 , (with udditious, 10x12), 8x140, 28x60 (two siorics), 10x60, 10x31, and 28x40. 'Jbirtj-nvo ici!) MAl,l.l.,s (IriuiK!): I wcnty-lour 28x432, fix 2txb00, one 11x62, una one 13x20 (iviib, 14x60). Cbe(l)l O. P1I AB STABLE (frame), with 627J lineal leot ol stabling. One (1) Bre L IN tt STABLE (trame), with 312 Liiicul lect ot stubling Iwenty (20)1 Lll.DINCS (frame): 8x32, 8x6(5, 18x8, 18x81, 36x05, lOxlti, four 10x60, tour 9x22, 2tx4u2, 8x140, 21x48, 8x 800, 0x6, and 17x17. . BLD1NG, 7768 lineal leet Jhut.two (32) WA1EK TANKS, 4vlC,twoleot deep bevcnty-olKLt (78) 1.ANGLES, Sixlfj, tbrcc-acd-a-hallietdcep. 'iwentj (0 I ITl'-HOUoFS. One (1) BAY (SHKD, 112x812 Ore (1) GJtaIN BO USB (iramel: 56x220. "1 hrte (3) V HARVEs : one 40 181 sqtiure feet, ono 11,1CU squaie leet. ana one 2-80 Kiuare lect. 1ENC1AG, V8 9h0 lii eul uci Obe il. ti . Oht HOU.K (liutne): 52x160. To Bl ACE-i-Mll Hia' SbOl'S (frame): 48x100, and 18x100. One (1) BNGINE HOUSE, 17x82. Iho bin will be sold singly, ond must bo re lieved wi niu li.ti en uavs. '1 be bui.on gs will be taken down at tho expound ot puichusors; but tho lumtcr will, if desirod, be de IvikU by iht Go von mont, free of churge lor trails ponation, on he depot whurt. lei me Cusb, in Government Binds. A Lout lor Gii i-boro will leave the Slxtn stroct wbarl every hour during tbe duy of sale lor lunher information, apply in person or by lttttr to Copmin GEORGE 1. BEOWNJNtt, A. Q M, Giesboro, D. C cr to this oUco. JAMEh A. EKIN. Brevet Bripsdicr-deneral in charjro 8 2 Ct 1 lifet Division, O. M. G. O. tALE CF GOVERNMENT PEOTERI IT IO AT MACON, GA. By direction of the fcLCKEl ARY OF WAR, all lie LUIDLNU MATERIALS, blLAM BiNGHSLH. MALBlisFRT, TOOLS, IB ON, COPPEK, LUMBER, AKD STOBtB OF VABIOUb KUM18, which wire aollrcted at Maoon, Ga , by the Con lederate Govtrbment, for ttio erection and perma nent opeiatioii ol a large armory, laboratory, and; and also 1COLS, MACHINERY, AND MATERIALS colli cud trim iron works and armories iu tne titatca ol Alabama and Georgia, will be sold at PUBLIC) AUCTION. Among tlie articles to be sold are: 0,0(O iLs. Copper pigs. 42,000 Its. Copper i ound rod. 38,000 lb. Copper bar. 0,000 lbs. Ccppor heet. iOO.ftO its Wtourbt Iron bar and rod. R0 tons Pig Iron ' 760 Jous Cast Iron unserviceable sbells. 4,000 lb-. Lead piss 46.CO0 lbs. Tin block an si sbeet. 4,000 lbs. Chain crane and cable. 16,000 yards Cloth t ottun, EuglisU Serge, oiled and enamelled. 82,000 lbs Powder. 8,000 met Bolting gum and leather, assorted BIZ-8. 200 Machines Drills, Planers, Milling, Screw i cutting, Steam aud Trip-haiumers. UoBidOB : Harness, TTUE STAMP AGENCY, NO. 'Ml CHESNDT I .BTREET, AHOVK.XHIKD, WILL BE CONTH.CEU AM HUlKIOFOKM BTAWPB of EVERT DFSCRIITIOW C0N8TASTtT OH BAND AMD IS AY AMOUNT. lilt 35 Unserviceable Cannon, Iron and bronze, Laboratory btorej and Materials, Spare Parts (new) for Ipringheiu snusKots ana Colt's Revolvers, and an assortment of Saddles. Ha a Linl,imnnld Infantry and Cavalry Ac coutrements, maiiKots, 1 Wagon and Gun Canlage Irons, 80 broken Gun Carriages, PAINTS AND OILS. The attention oi northern buvers is called to this sale, wbioh is a large ouo, and of valuable property. FuU printed Catalogues of the propertv to be sold can be obtained from the Chlet of Ordnance at Washington, 1). V.. and from the Comaumdinff Oilicer of tbe Augusta Arsenal, Ueor-la. The sale will commenoe on WEDNDSDAY, April 4, 1868, and continue every day until alt the property 1 "'ierina Casb, in United Ptatos currenoT D W. 1 bAuLKK, Captain Ord. Brev. I t -Colouel, 8 1 72t ' Com. Aueusta Arsenal.