THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. HIILADELl'mA, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 18GG. String Mcgwpft It pvbliihed etery af.trnoon (Sundays excepted) at No. 108 5. third ttreet. Price, Ttirre Cenl fer Copy DouUe Sltert), or Eighteen Cciiis Per Week, payable to 0e Carrier, and mQed to Subscriber out of the city at Nine Dollars Per Annum ; One Dollar and Fifty Centi for Two Months, invariably in advance for Vie period ordered. To insure the Insertion of Anzertiiemrnts in a'! of our Edition, they muM be forwarded to our office not later ttn 10 o'clock each Morning. THURSDAY, MAKCII 15, 18C6. One Plank o which we all Can Stand. In the riatform adopted by the Un'oi Con tention of rernsylvan'a we fid th loVowrj dec'eratlon : VResolvid, luat. Ccrrcsi tbon's not fail to mako o fquitible mlr-:ient ol bo jrttici aul &"ow aoeu to the brave men wbo wco eut.veJ ia tbo m.'htt'i.Y Be'.v.ce of fie coanlj." TThilolua aeilci of rc.olutiors eipKMlre of Democratic faith, In found n"We me upon Corjrc the prnpi'ety of piOTiiii-(jior the eqiia!':.utiou of bouat n to oar aeldicra and milon.1' Here, thra, so frr n iec'a'ations are con cred, ia a pilnciple upon wliick we caa join wiih our opponent: ia dcslrin that jc'Jce ba done to fiose to whom the nation It wait in debted. Of the corncieue and f?'.tbVue?i of the two parses, bijher pawera tbai we nav.t be the jude. We tr.e fina at t'tieir word, and beJ'ere tf'r litent'ori ara consistent with their professions. As each partj is pledged tD tVis act of jv.l'ce, we are not svipriLcd I'jat the iralter Las come before Congi-ess, although we we:o not a wave, unfl the petition wai presented, that anj of our Teterana desired lard instead of money. It wu'a seem, howerer,tbat either tliey, or some one actios lor them, indicated a dejire to re cei?e some of the broad aerei of pub'ic laad In lieu of the hard cah which was given to their fellows. The miller wut referred to the Commilfce on Pub'ic LaiJi, who repouetl unfavorably te the S'.':.."ii9. A.ny one who w ''. glance at the contents of the reply submitted, will concur wiih us in susti'ig the objec tions. The report sets forth that shou'd the plan be adopted it would swallow up a larjfe pro portion of e!l the land at the disposal of the Government, and at the sa-ne t' tin have a ruinous effect both on the preient setilen and the soldiers themselves; that the sudden throwiug of one hundred and sixty millions of acres on the market wouM reduce al to a merely nominal value, aid open a rast field for specn'ation and Injury; that the fide of emigi'fttior. wou'd be stopped, and stagnation easue. The arguments advanced are all of a powerful and practical character, and merit the attention of tho3e who feel an interest in the subject. Ilowever, although opposed tD giving one hundred and sixty acres ol land to each veteran, they are strongly in favor of a payment in money sufficient to equuMze the present unjvst difi'erenee. It U a most melan choly truth for the American people to gaxa upon, that those ot their defenders who hav done the most to save the nation are those who now receive the least for their devotion; that the men whom love of country anunatsd, and not love of cold induced to enlist, are those who receive notlrnj, wh'le the cowards, the mercenary, Iiesiiau-like re cruits, who wero 3 substitutes, are given their hundreds. We ac glad that bath of the great pollt'ca! pr.rtles of the day have declared in favor of th's .doctrine, and that both stand pledged to Its fulfilment. Although, it may be wrong to give the land, let right be obeyed by a pecu niary recompense, regard'e, of the cost. "Jutiliafta mil caelum." Intel nal'oiic! Tiottct'on to Aulho.j. ow that An:ci:ean books ae b lnj exton ive'y repi'nled in Europe, our authorj end pub'isbera begin to realize the importance, as well as justice, of an international copyright law. Congress has teen repeatedly a :ked to enect sncb a law, for the benefit, more espe cially, of foic'gn v altera who:3 works were" republished in the Urlted States without any pecun'ary advantage to.them; but now that we are tegimiig to create s native Htera'-are that is apprcciattd abroad, and gaia'ng hun dreds of thousands of readers in England and on the Continent, our National Legislatu'.o will be more at than heretofore to favor a policy that w.'ll secure our owa authors and publibbeis aga'nst any violation of copyright outside of the Union. . Nearly cveiy ration t-j already ociet;d laws to protect the inventor or the author, If he VU comply with ceiir.'n prclinvncry con ditions. Labor is the great source ot wealth, .and surely none work hrdr than those who work with their brains. I order to encourage this kind of toll, a partial protection has been tcra'ly eieled out. For a few yea-s the Inventor of a machine, of iac.'cr-'able value to his countiy.'nny own his owa if he wll' go to the trouble of glvlrj so fj'.i a dsscr'ptloaof It that at the expiration of b's patent any mecha nic vi ill be able to apply tho discover y. The eocial condition of the civ. lized world hasbetn changed, the d'sms! predicttors of political economists refuted, rnd the whole human race elevated by Inventions which, through the lavor of a legislature, f re kindly allowed to benefit their oiiginatorj about a th'rd ol their natural lives. The law-making power has gra dually givra Its aid to these rights of invent--ors and authors, until now the physician or the lawyer can recover recompense for his services; rnd hence there is rcasoato hope that literary and scientific-men wl', in time, receive their due l'kewie. The change is preparing for tho acknowledgment of the claims of writers under an lnteraational sys tem that will protect their right j as well trtal ai athome. 0 VThen the nonsense about the expdleacy of encourselnj native gcn'vs hnn giveaway to tie trra doctrine thst a be k belongs to its author wholly and ctnl lj, and that there fore It in rf'shont st t tahe it and ropiint it, and siH It without his leave, one discredita ble habit of tiie age wiM b: re.nved. Tut 1" hra cf forr'pn wo I s wifhojt copjrlght, whether '.i th's co.- ::j or In Ep-ope, may cry cut that they rnd their work men niil be mined by brcrlwng np a praUl'o of I'tti'.j piracy, bjt tkeokloas arwer is, t1, it rob bery, however lur-al've, mrit he stepped SvPKavCtfirn once d:.w a picture of the highwaymen pjtUionlng Pd'ament t boy their weapoas and compera3 them tor b.?is: throw j out of employ aaent by the gs lamps and other Improvements. Iko i'lustralion wi!1. apply t j tho;i wlio, alter making fortunes by piintlnj without authoi.ty the worhs foieiB authou, drnovneo a hw intended to guard piivatepropm, on the g.oana that it will pat an end to that lo of busines. Ijo day, however, crrnot be d'slsit when it wl'.1 be f d t'ttcd t;:at ' br!rt are not like rmb:enfs," rnd when it vi!'1 te hold that the claim of fl- t d' coverer gives us good a tit'e to thoughts it ever d'd to a new country. We have enojgh faith in our peo ple and their repicsent.-.t:vr to bo'ieve that if they w"'l but t': n'; over th's question, and study the b'story of legVation f.bout it, and perceive the injustio that L"n t:en done to the products of mont0' labor, they wl'l ben their int:rfst ts we!' as duty in sanction'n such legislation ei wl'l protrct the American writer in foreign. lanJs, wh"o protecting lore'gn authors in our ovfii. We no longer hear the question, "Wiio read" an American book?" liritish, Fiencb, and Geia-.n pub lishers ere ycp.rly repilnliog the wc.ks of our authois, and taking a'l the proits, oi'y becanse there is no international cupyright law that seccres equal jrst'co to writers on both sides of the ocean. If, then, the present Congrats can find time to conder this sub ject before adjou'iiin'j, it shou'i take some steps, it OD'y inil'ative, lowarc'i tbe cst-.'.bi'sh-meut of such a 1 iw ai we have csmed. not only because lioncisty reqii'rci Ht, but alio because a mefsure of t'ie 1 hid is now nere sary to protect and fostrr our own Jiteratwrj and ."tciary men. Aw IIet:ok ecu Hkigio-js Istlli cejiCE. We have been L'mcVd the fy" conimuricatlon by a member of the Wnt Arch Street Trjisbvterian Church. It con t'rs a loply to certa'n etatemynts made in our iisue ot jeterday. 'ihe reporter who wro'e the religious intelligence received the lacts we published direct f-om a member of the Second PrcsbtTian Church. Having given the statements of one prrty, we ave bappy to open our columns to the other: To the Editor of the Lotning Tvleyruiili- In your ic.ue of ytst-irdsy, ruder fie botid of C ty Itainh, fti iiL'O'cU an mt'clu tbat Uoc li'jutstii 3 ti pos'tion of ttio la!e pastor of the We.t Arch Street l'tesbTtt'i'an Civcb ri well as to the lewj and lteliLgg of the conKreKa'on. A reader not ns quant3d with tlio circuirs'iocr"! of Dr. EJwardj' rcsiecation, ir-ghtiufir tlmt 1 10 i)2op!o oft,!i pas toral chyre woio w!fiBir impa'lentiy lor b's roiia natiou, in ordur to efiot a uriou i.1fa nuut'aor cbuiub orgni::uon. , 1 be wuler of tlie a.l.cls mv.l have t:enm s.n foriucd :'.n itird to tove ' parrci''r-. Ttiospo cial mi etjnr of t':0 Cent'.il Tri bj tut of ruiludel pbia wf not bold Jn the YFcit Arch Street Pi ;sbr terian Chvch, but in tbo SprJujt Garden ri-arto-linn Church. 1'Jio Keetmr was not e.:led to cosiider tho lesifc.mron of Dr. Edwards, bat for other purposes, should t rcJa-'a-oa eorao up in CuDnrcl.on w.t'i olhor tuiiu(.:F, end wi aolsd sptn. In Ttpa'A to tl;e supposed urlon of tho Vc.t Areh wiib the iSecoud Tro bytriaa Church, one word will (bow it to be without foaidutiou. Lut sun-.iacr a' proj'oM'lon for such a union, through the inlueuso c f prouiiiicat meuibeis of tola congregations, wai brouybt beloro both ehvehos, at special nvsiiui ca'lca lor l's coc?idjitiou. It met wiih such dis favor In lolh con;;rc!fi.itions that it was at onca ahan doiitil Altera lu'l dlBcus-ion br tho A Vest Airu Stvett Cbu-cb, in ih-ca or four iu'l nicatins, tha comideiation of the matter was indefiuiteir post. pOLeJ by an clmcst unanimous vole, only three votes blnf counted In the noirative. It met w:th probably ai ninck opposition in tbo tiececd Tresby t.:rinn Church. o cl urch could have toon moro united in kind end e fl'ec'onate regard for itn I'astor than tho West Arch for Dr. Edwards. The touder ol hii rcsljna tion was received with deepest ret ret by the counre nation. Ido immodiala and only cju,3 of Dr EdarCB'r9l,uulijn was his utaultnous elect'oo by the Boerd et Truit;:' of WaHOinvtoa snd Jefurjon Collopo, nWctein Fenasylrama, r.' Prasideut of these unfed instrtations. lnoae lo!'ta:.'or, two of the oldest and ujost honored in the Stto, have been iviitod nndcr one Kovornmsnt. Iu Dr. Edwards thoy w.".l havo a Prcideat ot tloroujrh scholarship, storliuj; inlociit, jrenerom sympathies, rrcat executive ability, and u iquc tionable loyalty. In fie preritst.ti of orr couutrr this last qualification c inot ba uudui'.t3d in i'a portance. Thei.3 considcr.-.iion, together with tho iict of Dr. Kdwarda' appolnt'vent to a pes tion ot high bOBor, more extended vscfulni':s, and lou auxieiy and lab.u-, induced tho rongregation to con sent to tbo tDpural.on. C rhlladelph'a, JJrch 35, 1CC3. "EAriKG wuAiiiii Sowed." Tliere is no truer proverb br "ded dowa to rs from the Oays of the Mo:a'c dispensation t'an the one asserting that, "'Wiia'.-ocver a rrn coweth that also shall he reap." Nor is the assertion of the same limltod to individuals, pi U we'l attested by the convincing evidence of its truth when applied to a people. During fiur yerj of war our Canadian neighbors etcou-aged the rebels against our Government. Thoy afforded them a shelter; shielded thaat fjoaa Jasllce; supplied them with fands; and allowed them to Invade oar territory, rob our banks ; murder our clfcsas, anl- alarm our people with Impunity. The whole conduct of the provincials was of such a character, that when a Southera sympathizer was to be de signated, It was ack nowledged in the assassi nation trie! that they teiaaed him a Cana dian. Their con all v was tho nursery of treason and the hot bed of violation of inter national low. And row they are reap'ng what thsy sowed. Ibe'r cr'crs are towing home to rcost. The Goveumeut rid r:ople ol Cnrda are Ha cold cbi'l of tr . or tor ferr of the Fec'ans. They are abject I t the'r coward'. 3. A'ltr e timidly 0f the mongrel bifed of Ine"f "s and French whieh compose tho population, is con densed ia th's fit of alsra?. It is amusing to see their flight, although It Is disgusting to the admirers of hrraan ralure. IheyfJrly provel in the drtt rnd p ay for tho Interposi tion of out Goveumcnr. They ask that Gov trraaent whieh they insrlted pnd whose ex istence tbey strove to jtopr-o'.-c, to protect tbem froia the fWatened iave-ion of the Featars. Ttey aclur'ly oa". upon the Unltid Sti'cscotts reluin evil forgoci. It is bo cauco we have no 0e.?"rj to Inisr.jpt the eou'.0 of JrsUee, and ore wil'iog to epy evil or eJ, tat we a ? not exet i-g our selves to reprers a movement which, however rb'merical in lKsK, a je t rei 'ibnt'on on tha ccwr-fee end freachciy which charac tered Ibelr co.'ie fo vn while wo wore wrltb'ng 1m the three: of civil war. Tnis Navt Yad at Lkaqttk Island. A. special despatch to the New York Trib.-.e slaies that 'The llouse Naval Comm'ttee to-day besrd Aristsnt Secretary of tie Navy Fox who rrmcst'y advocated tho iromediat j adop tion of Lragoe Island as a ravrl etat'on. lie prcrounce3 it the orly ava-'able lccit'on in the country fit ior the and nees of the iroa-clads. llr. Bbasoaq ee, of Connec t'cut, will teply osi Friday, and suppoii b's preferenees for New Londos. The Commit tee are e.p:cted to conclude th's lonj-vxed question next weok," We hopi that tho quest'on v ill bo immc J'at ?ty decided. Wu'le the New York papers are compWrng of tho peculiar dangar to wt'ch tho vessols at League Islrnd ae at prcent subjected, it secns that they have ent'rely forgotten that t'l tho evils wi'l ts remedied as soon as the sito is accepted. Out of iifl.S.X) chihlrpn born in Paris Hurin 1.1 1 4, ih,'j'..7 m ere lecitimutt; und li,8U8 illyiti iL.ate. SPECIAL NOTICES. Will atliver the MSTII LKL'TCKB of the Course, he Sure tlie fectibl. rivil.nnd St Rt Utteit AMsoclttlon, THCH3DAY BVENIX'j, March 15, AX COJ.CEET TIALL. SUBJECT:, "Ihe Uangcts and Dnty ol the Hour," llio Ulack Swan will Blnu be'.oreand alter the Lecture. Tkicti M c;ts, to be had ol T. B. Tush, Sixth aud Chontit, and at tke door l;oers oprn nt 7. BelnatS. -312 41 CAXNFL. Vr.IN OIL AXI) MISIXG COVTASl.Xo 625 iVAtNCT Street l'lULADELriiiA, March 1, 1366. A Special Meeting of tho Stockholder! of tiie C'AKSfX VHS OIL AD MISINti COilPAKY will 'uc hld on TUESDAY, 20th inst , at 12 o'clock, at Compiiny's Oflioo, to act npon proposition to reduce the ( aiil'al stock of the ( ouip&nf to ONK lit UUKtL) AND TWENTY THOUSAND UUL.t.Ali'i. .john nruoas, - .1. W. ODHE T. . CONWAY. AllK.-l MAGKR C'HAS. I'AltltKK. JO UN DUP-OSS, Director!. 3 13120 22 4t AMEKICAN ACADEMY OF MCSIC. ' llKCONSTIUJCTION. Kev. HK.NRY WJKI) BKECUEK will deliver his I-lent T.ectnre rn the abxve InturestliiL' xaUiect on '1 111 RsBA Y tVEM.SO, lluroh 'ii, under the amplcen oi ine YOUMi SIKH'S UUK1S11AM AMOCI ATIOX. TUkt8. wiih rritrved seitlii. In farnuotie. lur- iiiirtte Circe, and Ba codt 75 cents Orchestra f tuliB aid Stane H taut'.? C lrcio. reutrred ISO cents Ainuhltlieatie 2i onU Tlie eale oi '1 lckets will ceinmenceon Wenosdar.Uth lnt.. at S o'cleck A. M. The aortn half cm tbe honae at ASHMrAD fc KVi.NS'. No. TM chesnut street, and the touih hall' at J. S. CLAXTON'tj, Ho. 0ii Chesnat atiret. le CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE.- To Hotel. Keafanrant and Tavein-keeDers Appuarea lor renewal ot License to sell will bare crived by ihe City Crnnn-iaaioiier. aa tolluwBt First Mtiiiul. Third, and fourth Wards on the Gtli m.u i i ii oi juuri ii. Filth and sixth Wards an the 8lh and 9th of March haventh, Kiphtli, Muih, and Tenth Warda on the 10th nml l'th ol M mcli. F evtnth and i wollth Wards on tho 13th and 11th of JIhtcIi. 'ihlrteenth, Fourteenth. Fifteenth, and S.'xttionth VarJfl on Ilia loth and loth ef .March. (-evi nieniiih 1 ihteenth, and Mnetccnth Wards on the l .'th ami l"lb oi Murcu. 'twentieth. I wintv trsi. Twenty-second, and Twcnty tl.hd Wards on the iOtlt an 1 21tt oi March i werty-tontlh.Tv.eniv tilth, and Iwenty-sUth Wards on the 2-'il arii a l l oi March. FUJI IP 11A MLI ON.) 1HOMAH DICKSO.S, J-Clty CommlBSioners. JOHN UIYK.N. ii4 rT" I'OBT OFFICE, 1'UlLADELPIIIArPA. a" March U, lti6. lha Mail for HAVANA, per steaunr HKNDltlK Ml D.ION. will be elosad at this elite a SATURDAY it K; IMS, 17th instant, at So'cieek. 1 14 3t J. A. WALliOKK, Postmaster. BATCH KLOK'S HAIR DYE. I THK BUST IN TUEWWKLD. Iluimlcss reliahle. in tantanciiiis. Tha on'y porfiet dye. No aUappolntment. no ridiculous tinu, but trae to tit'un, h ack or brawn (itMIKE ia frKi.NED WILLIAM A. BATCH F.LOB. AL0, Beaeaeratlnr Ex tiact oi M lliiflenrs restores, preserves nnd bcantltles tha hair, prevents ha duetts. So d by all Druftglxts. Factory N e,M n BAUCLaY et, N. Y. 1ST JUST PQULISHE D By the Phvalrlans of tbe nr. vr lom, tbe Ninetieth Edition oi their FOUR UCCTUBEli, entltied PHD.080PHT OF MABKIAOE. To be bad free, or tour stamps, by adaruaainf Secretary New York aluseum or Anatomy, 7 17 It No. elH at ttOAD WAY. New Yerk. ltSr DINiMU-KOOM. F. LAKEMEYEB CAKTF Rfi A I ey, woald respectluliy inform the I'ab le ae ei ally that he has lei t nothing uutlon, to make this place comfortable la erery respect lor the aceoia nattia oi gaesta. He had opened a large and cotn tm ttloui DlnUig-Keom In the second h-oj t Ills SIDffi BOAKIt is iurulahed with bliANKIF.H. WINKS, W H IKK Y, Btc. F tc. etrlTPKBlOR BEAN DS 1 1 A C A D K M Y OF M U 8 I C YOUNG MEN'S f'HRISUAN ASjOOIATIOX LECTl' Kr.rt. March Rot. Hf.NRY WARD BKKCHER. Huhjat RIOoNMRDtrilON. March 2b-JOHN B. OUDOH, Est). HABIT. MarohM-JOIIN B. iOI'OII. Esq. ' Subject TEMPER AIC'K- t 3 10 lOt fT3- A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MAB BIAGE i t Btalnlng nearly 100 pages, and I'M) line Plate and F Bgravlutsoi the Anaiein o( ihellurana Oia in a tttute ol llealin and Dlacamt, with a Trttatua Early Ftrora. Its Deplorable t onatxiuencos npon tha Mtrd and Body, with tha Author's l .an at TTeatmaat tbe only rallonal and suoceaaial mode ot aura, as shown br tbe ir ort at vawa treated. A truthful advisnr to the niurrl. d. and Uoae icontemplatlug marriage, wbe enter tain double at thair physical conditlou Sent free of vstag to any addreus. on receipt ot ii ceuu in stamps r aoNtal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CBOIX. No. II fr A1DFN Lane. Albany. N. Y. The author nay tie consulted upon aT of the dlseaaea Bpon which bis book treats either prinallj or by mail, and n edl. lues tent to any part ol lite world. lit 6in QROVER& BAKER'S IMPROVED BHCTTLE OR " LOCK" BTIICII SEWING MACHINES. No. 1 and Ko. 9 for Tailors, Sho makers, Baddlera, etc No. 730 Chesuiit Btreot riillndeljjlili No, 1J Mwket street, llarrlaburg HOOP SKIRTS. DUPLEX S K I 11 T FASHIONS FOR law. JDEADLEYS DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OJt DOVBLR 8PBISO) HOOP HKIUT. Farb Ilnnm r Ihll PKCULIAB SKIRT Id eomixxied TWO rint-irn,piri 4 Hrrl tl fel. bralde Tujbtlt asd F IBM LT lOlieilir EDUK IO Klu, luimiui Ml u. turn h 1 Kn N K.s'i and mi nt FLEX I bl.K tiVOV made 1 he win n.t brmd or Bar AC like tna lui ina((, bnt v,lll KT rKaBa their ptarKCT n bkautifui. mat where tbrte or lour ordinary akirii will hare been ihruwa away as i inleM. 'I heir w. nd'i iul ft x.btlttv Arr" ona ATtT to tbe pom roar unit contkiiikki a bfiiTtieii giving uiTKN8aPLai'iia to ihe tibaiikb, aa will be jart'rmar'r erpervneea nj LAiura attendtnr cr. if at d rtcptioni, iattt. oprmi.rte. In fact lor the rremmaiit. or . the church, Ih-a-tr- orrtr they are i mm PAfK.n coiubialni comjort, M RABiMTT and rroNOMr, with tbat blbuan6 ol ihape whicb baa niaile the DITLEX ELLIPTIC Til STANDARD PKIltr OF THE KASOIOSADLE WORLD. Vana'ae.urc4 exclUBlvel by the SOLE OWNERS ot i'aient, WESTS, lmADEEY & CA11Y Ko. CHAMBERS and Noa. 79 and SI RKADE Sta.. NEW YORK. Merchant will be annblled aa abore. and br rnlladel- pli a .Jobber. I UK BALt, mail FIK8T CLASS 11BTAIL CTORBa in IHII Citt. laauliemr ClUSmrp BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SHIRT. M RAD LEY S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIIIT, Combining Durabl'lty with elegance of ahape. New Spring Stylea just recelred. J. M. IIAFLEIOIJ, !( 10 im No. iKH CHRSNUT Street. jRADLEY'S DUl'LEX ELLIPTIC SKIIIT, Most fashionable and popular la use. For sale by J. . MAXWELL & SON, 3 HI Jm 8. E. corner ELEVENTH and CHESNCT. NEW PUBLICATIONS. yr a r t 1 n ' s HISTORY OF FRANCE. Four volume- of tils valu:.b o work r enow re.iv. T'zt H's'oiy ot I it"" XIV, f "d 1). I leot'tna F.cnc'i Mo'ia. ihy. c .ch cumple' DR. fJIlTU'S AN1 IF.NT HISTORY. 3 vo's. MAlMINEAU'3 H'STORY OF ENOI ND KKBtL'. TON E CtJOUl). by F.ank Wooro 3 vo'. MILITA'Y and naval history of ukbki LlON.l vo'. HEADLEY"8 HISTORY OF THE nr.B1IT.rON. For ale at tho Aiency of JAMES K. SIMON, .No. 33 bout't SIXllI htrcet abovo Cue Tit. U Office of Now An CilciQ cy opa 1' ;. "yUAT 25 CENTS WILL DO! NO. 60 CIIESMT STIIKET. KO. 003 CHKSNUT STREET. 35 CEJ5TS. 85 CBST3. KO. 603 CHESNUT STREET. A. J. IIOYTS, A. J. UOYT'S, 25 CENTS. 25 CENT3. A. J. IIOYTS, GREAT SALE OF RICH JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. A NEW FEA1TJEE. 25 CENTS. A NEW FEATCCB. 25 CENTS. MOTHISO LIKE IT 1.0THIN8 LICK If. The entire stock of a first-class Jowoller aad Fancy Goods Dealer, to be closed out to muko room tor tbo "Ledeer" Oflice. OSLT ONF. ARTICLE 25 CENTS. (LY UE AKliCLB 25CENld. 8011) AT A TIME. bOI.D AT A T1M1U Better than any Gilt Salo. til FT HALIC. GIFT RALE. 25 CENTS. GIFT BALE. TWENTY FIVF. CENTS 28 CENTS TWtsjTV-FIVK CENTS XWEJSTY-FlVli CHNl'S And Oae Dollar is all that Is asked per article, no mat ter ot what Talne It may be. Hy tuis method you may let a gold watch a gold wat cu fow ovv. dollar, fob one vollxh. A BIlTf r Watch . a Bllrer plated Tea Set. a Sliver Coffoe Urn, a hltvr- latca Goblet, taator. lea Fltcber, 11 utter Itltli. Met of Foraa or .spoons, oae dollar, ltlcli Jewelry, ot an toe latest aim most luiprovvu pariorns; upera ClitJ-ceH,! Funs, 'I able ant 1'ockct Cntlrry, bosldes a yrcnt vurlcty ol ether goods. Ail 10 be (iiP'tsd of on a in w man 01 sale at a urica as ouiitliinit te everybody. Inclined in this lot maybe touud a great varioty of arlic es. sorb as (stationery, envelopes. Inn, reus, .Kt es, I'lns 11 111 r rseta, l.mites' Jjoit iiuckics, Tootn Urushcs, rocket Book", unlij. Kaa'r Good and 1'or tuiiiurv. I'nekatif 8 of Taser Collars. Neck T im, Ilrmrav- iitliM, etc. ete i hete goods can be purcbased at 25 cent prr article, according to tlie fol.owlng terms: FlrkU Our pations are required to seieei from the 25 cr in list kucIi an article or anlc es as ther mar desire, lor which they Rive the prlee (twenty Ave cents per nrtleie) which in many InHtanoes is lower than thai at tlie wholesale dra'ers. Second. Immediately alter con- cliKtlng tills paichaso. a registered certlfloate or ordrr w ill be (liven, rrre el cnarife naming n aruo in tne et list, that can ba had noon tha n avment of one dollar. Tbe artle e so specified will theu be sbown, and the correct Information as to its use and iuahtr will be liven. 1 lilrd. It is then left optional whetber the bolder of the certificate pavs the do lar and takes the article or not i.othine is puta tor until you iniiw wnai yon geu Hpcclul att. mlon is called to tbe tact that In no case can tbe Hluhtest deviation from our established terms and riled be made. A ilkll adherence to oar impartial avstein of caadnciing thlj novel sale la necessary, thut all may shata eqna ly the advantage reaaltinc from our liberal method 01 doinff Luslnens. Ily this method no money can be lout. No money Is hazarded. For you do not pay, nenuer are you uouer any 0111 ikhiiohi to pay. Iwr any article, until yon know what you ate to TACClVft. Even bedy receives more than their money' worth, and. as a matter of coarse, everybody will be deiigiiied mlth thii. nnval a'e. A visit fioni 110,8(0 laalca and gentlemen Is expected Vie'ere we close out our immense stock, t.'alt and see for yourselveo. The ladles win ilml a (treat variety of roods particularly aoapted to their uso and will not tall to cull early. This sale is really the latest novelty. Jo. tW'2 t kesnnt street. Kale to continue day and eveuing until all the goods are aisposea or. A. J. HOYT, . Successor to J. H. Blood A Ce., No. G02 CHESNUT STREET, I biladolphla, Pa. NOTICE. Fine Frcach Plata Hhow Cases, Sates, T'esks, Countcts. Casings, eto. for sale. " I IS ths2t pAPIEIl MA01IE GOODS PAPIER' MACHE GOODS. TARTAN GOODS, SCOTCH PLAID , GOODS. 1 A line assortment of 1'opler Maclie Work Tablos, WritiBir Desks, Iukstanda, and Bcolch I'laid Gootin, Just rr coived per the steamer "St. George," too Jate tort'hrifcfmai sales, suitable for Bridal Gilta, oto., will be sold low. ISAAC TOWNSEND, IToneo FumULlnir Ctore of Ihe lale JOHN A, MTJKrilliY, No. 922 CHESNUT STltEET, 13 JMow Ttctb. street, EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 S. SECOND STREET, Would inform their customers THEY HAVE NOW OPEN , A CLOTH DEPARTMENT. CLOTHS FOR LADIES CLOAKS. CLOTHS FOR MEN'S WKA.U. CASSIMERKS FOR MEN'S WEAR. CLOTnS AKD CASSIMERE3 FOR BOYS. C313 tutbtp LINEN GOODS FOR BOYS. EDWIN HALL & CO.. No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, V1LL OPEN TUIS MORNING, 5-8 and 7-4 heavy mesh black iier- kani. RICH FIGURED HERNANI. RICH STYLE GRENADINES. ORGANDIES AND JACONETS. FIGURED riQUE AND BRILLIANTS. riGURED PERCALES AND LAWNS. FIGURED AND STRIPED CHINTZES. FIGURED AND TLAIN WOOL DELAINES. TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. A GREAT VARIETY OF NEW STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, 3 13 tuihlp OF OVR OWN IMPORTATION. riROYER & BAKER'S FIRST riiEMIUM .ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES, with latest im provemcnts, No. HO Chesnut Btreet,Phi!delphla; No. 17 Market etrret. Harriaburc. 2 1 3iu4p I1 HE AMERICAN BUREAU OF MINES, No. 64 EEOADWAY. Mlaes, Mineral Lands, and Ores examined and reported neon, competent engineers iainutuaa i jiujiuguota sanies. C'onsaltatlans aftordefl on all Mlnlac, lfetallurlcal auu CLicujical tne etuce oi in uareau, GEO. D. II. GILLESPIE, President DRAKK DE KAT. Secretary. 3 10 tuthsrp "QLEN ECHO MILLS," GERMANTOWN, PA. McCALLlMS, CREASE & SLOAN, Maunfftctnrern, Importers, and Wbole. atale Dealem la CAEPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Etc. . . WAREHOUSE, No. 809 CHESNUT STREET, opposite run btatx house, rhiladolphla. aaM RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 8 6 8mrp No. 519 CHESNUT 8TREET. QOFFERING MACHINES. GOFFERING MACHINES, : A large absortmont of Gofiorlng Machines Jast receired por steamer "St George." FOB SALE BT ISAAC TOWNSEND, BouaFuroiaUJiig Store of tbe late JOHN A, MUSPHEY, 1 Ao. 822 CHESNUT STREET, 124 Betow Xcnx Otjeot, M hi 5 o o a H M U Willoox & Gibbs Sewing Hchine Co V: 720 CnEaNUT SHEET, Philadelphia.. 5 o JAMES S. EARLE & SONS' Fifth Great Salo of Valuable Foreign and American Oil Taintinga. Tho s entire Importation of James S. Earle & Sons,, selected in the studios of tho best European Artists, by Mr. James S. Earle, in the fall of 18G5, will bo sold at Auction, in the Eastqrn Gal leries of tLc Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, on TUESDAY, March 27, and WEDNESDAY, March 23. B. SCOTT, Jr., ATJCTIONFfcB. 3 12 Et 4o JNSURE YOUR LIFE IX YGIE OWN HOME COMPANY; TIIE AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Corner cf Fourth and Walnut Sts. Insurers In this Company have the dltlonal guaran tee of tho CATITAL B'lOCK all paid up IN CA-SII. which, together itltn CASE ASSEl'ji, now on haad amount to 81,113,87111, Invested as follows : 10,00 U. 8. 6-21' Bonds 1 jvu.uvv i tty oi rDiiaiveipma Loan, o r, bow 7ti,o'jO U. H 'treasury Kotos, 7 30 2&.0UU Allegheny Conm-r llottds 16 m V. n. Loan of 11. 10 CUO Wyoming Valley Cunal Bonds 12 ItiO ( ompooud ImereatTreasary Notes IQ.m Phlladelphta and trio llailroad Bonds 10.000 nttstiura. Kort Wayne andL'hlcaao . Krllroad Bonds...... 461,0fil 10,0" u ui i HinuurM auu oiuor nviiua, tf.t 00 ateadlng Hoi road Bonds 1 UbO shares i'unnsf iranla Kahroad tit) shares Corn .xcitange . JSatlonal Bank 107 shares Fm mers' National Bank of Heading 71 shs. CoiiKillitution Kailonsl Bai.k 142 shares Wl llautsport Water t'om nunv Mortgapea Ground Kent, and Real tsiate 147 SOfl-89 l oans tm collatcra1 amply secured ll9 41t5 I'rentlum notes secured by policies 217 504':g ( ah in hands ol acens seeured by bouus 62 4nj-itj Canh on deposit with V. B. Treasurer I0,(WU-' Cash on timid and in banks Cj 824 14 Accrued Intetect and rents due Jan. 1 10 223-0O INCOME FOR THE YEAR IG33, 541,49209. i T racaa Tin it! T.imv.. IKa V'iim tnA.mtf ha V $87,6303 1. . LOC SF.8 r-AII) PHOMPTLY. DIVIDENDS jUADE AKliTJA LLT, thus aiding tho tcsured to pay prentlums. The last DlVlDKNt on all Alutual Po lcles in force January 1, 18fi6, ntta FIFTY' PER CENT. Ot the amount ot FUEUIU1I9 recelred during tha yeat 18C3. Ita TBTJSTEEd are well-known citizens In our midst, entliling It to mora consideration than those whose managers reside iu distant cities. Alexander TVhllldln, J. Edar Thomson, Ueorae Nuuent, lion. James Pollock, Albert -. ttoherta, William J, Howard, Hamuel T. Bodlito, John AlKanan. Henry K. Bennett, lion Joseph Allison, Isaao Haztehursu B. Minute. tamuel Woik, ALEXAKDEB Wini.tDI!!,, Piealdent. QAiirrrr. wnnir vii.lniMant JOHN C. SIMS. Actuary. JOHN 8. W1LHOH, teoratary and Treasurer. A few first rate canvassers wanted. 3 IS thstu2m4p UY FURNITURE AT U5 ION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street KOppoalte Christ Cbarch), . And Corner of NINTH and MARKET1 Tne largest, che attest, and beat stock ot N FURNITURE O (every description in tha orld. 1 W J. L. CAPBN. PHRENOLOGIST, 8u"cesaor to rowler. Wails A Ce., elvea written and verbal aeauriptlous of charao- ter with Charts, dally, at . g g M I 5 & . 3 g J w cn t VI f IV iUup fV IH DHWX