KVIEWETO ITTiTr TOTiTTr A TO)TTTr JLM.J12A VOL. V.-No. 62 13I-IILA.DE1LT?KCIA., TUESDAY, MARCH 13, I860. DOUBLE SIIEET--TIIREE CENTS. Tb Fenian Alarm Over tho Rortler Orrterof Uovcrasor-Ueneral IHitr - Oat tti MtKt'it fitmrng I.nna;ise;e lined by XI (in ttxrltssr mtn Conatry llrt IK'uuhbckh Ihu jtratlel AttieUe Orstnikfred lit llm Twrrltory Melcti borluy I'owh''iUj liiiwdCli bk AM to Itfcpel I,Atr Invnftern as to (loll Back lta I'ldn tr LxHImi1 Wnr Tfc Entire PoHlAifwa Jdeatfy to lrd Thlr Connlry - Co- daued Ipatcki rTro( 10 l'rouilrir, t- (c. Tono?T3, C. W., J'e-ch 17. Ihe Fenian ex citement has coirewLat subsided m this city, but still lagrs oa tbc frontier iu all llj fuvy. CSovcrnniCLt ra3 not ie!s.-:cd iti pvepa 'alious to receive the. invade, s stwhave? no'i tiey may show thcmccc'.vcs. Tue cit.y is ttM full of volun teers, who are oiupy'V a to wnr uuiibrin and side arms a all titne, ivder penalty ot arrest. Inlortr.i Lion received hrre cays that a number of regulars are on the ..v ay up Uoui Quebec, aH tbe torts be ? empt'ed, leaving th women and children preparing tor a (?i'gc. The tioo,is daily prrslo aad drill to leu'dy inakoyfout'i, and the city looks like a place besieg-jd. The forces are moving towards tan frontier a3 fa-it as they nnivc, and are organized aid cqirpoed. Tiie magazines and rrr-er.als are jardel night and day by picked men. Numbers of the men, be liev!ntr there was no danger of a Fenian tnva- inn. rptwd'-il tn tn n nut., mill vpr hntulfV.iflVv-l and marched off to the barrr-cks. Some few,N alarmed, nod to the luterio:-, while another small detachniestlolttorthoStnt.cs. , Tokokto, March 12, P. M. General orders kave lust been issued irom the Governor-General's ollica placirg the whole volunteer force ander martial law, and ruukiner Lieutenant general Michael commander. The Governor General says the Cotuniaid3r-ir-elii2f relics with confidence on tho loyal spirit of the Canadians to meet this extraordinary state of facts, and feels assured that, if necessary, the entire popu lation of the province would come lorward to reBist the invasion t the country. The Commandcr-in-clnei says that he knows it 18 not necs-Rry to address an ob.ervaiion to the offices and men now called out for active service on the impoi.ance of strict attention to military duties, and is convinced that should the threat of attacks be car; led into eil'ect that the Canalinn volunteers of the pi-scent day will, with (iod's ble-'siuf, meet with as much success in repelling such criminal and wanton outrages agatnist humanity aud cvili.ation as was Riven to their ancestors, whether they were called to roll br.ck from their teii.toriei the tide of legi timate war or repulse the attacks of lawless in Tadeis. The Leader of this morain'j has ten columns cf news ot Fenian uioveincats of the Canada mili tarv for deiense. . Tiie following is the disposition of troop3 so far as I can learn: Ten companies at Windsor and six at Sam'a; one regiment and one com pany of aiallery at Stanslcad, D. E.; ten com panies at Prescott; about tiu hcadrca men and ' artillery at Urocrvi'le wsftkier- about four com Pamirs, 'ihe balance are held in reserve at Toronto, Hamilton, London, Klus3ton,ilentreal, and Qnebce. Aluige force ha been collected for tha dc tense ot Ottawa. Voluntters are pouring into all the intenor twi. Much enthusiasm Is manifested, and recruiting is coiner on rapidly, lien are coming in from tha country and volnn teeirnghere. The troops were Tiarated and marched to canrch yesterday. 1h toe Catholic chnrches lSmliop Lynch's letter ss rad, aad some priests called apon Catholic, for the sake ot the peaee of the city, not to walk on Hi. Patrick's day. Parliament will meet during the secoud week in Apiil. The Hi 111 I CMIed nt. ll PORTA NT (JED M 9 0 THE C0VEHN0B-GEMIRA1, Ell.OSO LANCnAGB TO UNITED HTTI'J 'PIRVTIOAL ATl'ACUB I ."iOM TU3 TEUniTOiY OF x nncTiBOUiso rowan" " lawless ia- VADIiCS," KTO. March C, 1806. His Excellency the (ioveraor Ceneral and Comraaniier-ii C'iief directs tne.t the following named corps be called out lor service, and that the eald co.oi be itumediate'y assem bled and billeted at their re'-pccllve healruiar tcrs. there to await sveh orders for their move ment as may be directed by the Comiaauder-in-Chief. (Here follow the name? of one hnr-.dred and eixty oreanisations, comp.l.in nearly tweuiy tho'".aTia men. j And his Excellency further directs that the eaid volunteer iorce nhal!, during the time it re mains on active seivice.be ploced under the command of his Excellency, Lieutenant Geneva! Sir John Michel, comoiana'S!; her Majcstj's iorccs In North America; that it shall be 6ub',ect to the Queen's regulations and orders for the army, to the rules and articles of war, to the act ior punching mutiny and desertion, end to all other laws now applicable to her Maiesty's troops in this province not inconsistent with the acts respecting the volunteer militia. OpDES ko. 2. The rates of pay and allowance of the foce so called ont for servica are tixed for the under mentioned officers respectively as iollowi: 7?(in.'. Eateper day. Allowance, etc Xlentirant-Celoiel i' 3 1 03 Major 8 ' 100 Payni?Or 8 05 0 BJ Adit., witu l-i-jk of i,ieui. ... 2 41 0 W Ao'it., v.Un rank ot i:.jign.. 213 0 91 Caulnrn 2 S2 0 .6 L-tu'.ougat ICS 0 72 Ensign 1 28 0 60 And the rates of pay lor each non-commissioned ollicer and una shall be as follows: Bank. Vateqfl'aj. Prttant major 60c. QnaiteruiRstcr ercant 45o. tayinrster's elrk 45o. Order y room clerk........... io. Moepltal eerveant... 45c. l ay erjraut' lOo. fcrfrriiiiia ""). Corporals 80s. tifr!er jo. friva.es 25c. And noncommissioned oHictri and privates shall receive either itee lofl:,;us and rations or an ellowance in lieu thereof. u mny In difl'reuf caieo be depined most adieable, aad, in ca s where an allowance is named, suca pllowuuen shall not exceed the rale of lit'ty cents per dies tut each non-coinuiii ioned officer and man. or.Dr.j, no. 3. The officers In command of the different por:ti where the above-named coinpamcs may be sta tioned, bhall receive all order from the Lieu truant (Jtneral coiumaudiu":, aud make all re coils direct to tuch olliccrs as the Lieutenant- General may appoint, with the exception of Tliatters relating to nuance aim prouiouon, which are to be relwrcd direct to the Adjutant General ot militia. orbksko. i, ' The Comroander-in-Cl'iel" rearets that he is compelled, as a measure of precaution, to call for the active services of so laige a number of the volnnteer lorce. Th's step does nut result from the existence of a condition of war between our sovereign uud nu (oreiL-n fetate. ft Is rendered ncccssarv. in the performance of the duty which has devolved on the Govern . ment, of niakintt Vrov'-'O'i ,or protecting the lives and prepeilirs of the inhabitants of this l.rnv'uie against the threatened piratical attacks of lawless men who use the territory of a noih 1 niwr for the Dumoue of openlv onraut- yAuf euteipriees againut the sovereign iichls of our Queen ana me wcuruj ui uci lumwu, The CeiaiMadr-ia-caiet relies with confidence on ihe leva! spirit of the Canadian to meet this r xlvaordfuarv state ot lac's, and feel? ai-and taat, H necrs-'pry, the emire population ot the Province woold come lorward to realist any invasion of the country. The Commander in chif knows that it is not necc'sary to addrr?s any observations to thb oilicere and men now called ont for active r vii e en the importance ol strict aUonliouto their mil. t ary doti'.s; and he is confident that 6ho ild the threats of attack bo cunled into effect the Canadian voliiit.-.frs of th'' present day will, with (iod's Mcssir.z. meat with as much sagocss in repeli'Bj such a cri3!ual and wanton outrage azavist hunmiity i-nd civil'ation ns was giveu to tlie'r anceteis hp ttiey were called 1. pan to rell br.ck irom their territoiies the tide of legitimate war, or to repulue tho attacks of law kf.s invaders. Hewsimper At'ConRls. TfEVOLri.TFKR MCSTrt IX MOSTaKAL cah:5et COUNCIL IN SESSlOU ALll'S TO B1C EXPfiLLED TBI counTav. Montreal (March 9) despatch to Toronto G'abc. 1 The volrnteera tnrned out strong last nlht. The 'l'rince t Wales" corps nlono had 400 mo?, ard the greatest enthusiasm prevails r.r.oiig then, lhe force mcet3 to-ni,;ht to get instriiciions. l i he crack cavalry corps known as "The Goidcs," composed of gentlemen of means, turned uut to-day ttnd passed through the ttreels. lhe Montreal volunteer cavalry a'so trmed out on'pimrd at the reudeneea of Sir John Michel and General Liadiav. Several Cabinet ministers have arrived here to attend a Cabinet Council, and to consult with the commander of the force:'. The city volunteers are to be sent to the fron tier, and the country ones are te be kept here lor a lew ('ays. It is exDr'ned that the large number of Btianucrs new in the city are btycio of articles, purchrsins; all they can before tne Reciprocity Treaty comes te an end. The second-class hotels are crowded. A general desire is expressed that the Alien act should be carried oat. THE TOEOXTOHIAKS GKOWItO KZBVOTJS. l'rtm thi Toronto Ltader, March 10. We have no doubt the Adjntant-Gcneral and the Government are quite alive to the necessity of binz prepared to arm any number of men tha't may be required for the defense of the country. Toronto being a central position, audit being yet unknown what force may be needed, It is desi rable that there should be no rtiat of arms. Probably there is no occasion for the hiut; but as every able-bodied citizen may have to sheulder his rifle, the Government should be ready to put arms in their hands, if nccessnry. ORDERED TO TUB FRONT. Irom the Toronto Globe, March 10. A telerram was received last night by the Commandant, from the Adjntant-Geeeral at Ot tawa, to the effect that a relment must bo sent to the front thin morning, and aocordin.ly six companies ot titles, viz., tho e from Barrio, Col iingwood, Whitby, Rcarboro, Columbus, and Brooklyn, will leave by the Great Western Rill way to-day at 11 o'clock, and, as far as yet known, wiil he sent to Port Colborne and other point of the Niagrra frontier. NfcGRO "VOLUNTEERS. ' From the Toronto Globe, March 10. We understand that one hundred and twenty young unmairied men of our colored population, cleiirous of showing that they are ready to de feud the country, have enrellou names sufficient for two companies, and Intend forwarding tliena to the Government tor acceptance. TROOrS FOR WINDSOR AND BARNIA. London March 9) telegram Toronto Lender. Ten companies leave in the morning for the following points: For vTiudsor, the inersoll, Eiubro, and North Oxford companies, of the Oxford battalion; for Sarnia, the Delaware, St. Jouus, Lucan, Wardsville, and Karnetsvllle com panie'i; and for Paris, ths Drimbo and the Princeton companies. Most of these companies are now in Ltndon, and the rest are expscted ia the course 01 tho uierht. BISHOP LYNCH 3 PALxORAT. KOT SATISFACTORY. From the Toronti Globe, Mareh 10. We arc bound to sy that the Bishop's letter dce3 not go far enoujrh. We folly expected that Bishop Lynch, under existing circumstances, would have felt it his duty Jo point out to the people of bit diocese the tfanijurof disorder on St. l'at.ick's Hay, if tho usual procession of the Irish cocietics through onr streets should be per sisted in, and to call on them lirmly and earnestly to relinquish all public demonstrations for ill's ear. vve vet nene tnai Diknon ijyncn will do this, and that his utmost influence- will i be vsed to give the sutscstion etiecc. no is 110 crly person who can do it, ana wc are sure taat elut'.il.l l-atiri-iDima unln: .Sinmnlv nnrur whiph one tirm word Irosa bun might have averted. the Bif hop would himself reiet for years alter that that word was not spoken. " BILLINSBGATB FOR TJ1 CNITSD TATJS. I"rom th Montreal Gazette, March 10. The United Stacs ere ceitalnly earning fresh titles to the eratitude ol the people ot this coun try, y the way in which they have seen fit to deal with the b'enian organization. For all the tronble and expense that this country is now cfcllrd npon to ineur the United States Govern ment is to be than ted. it that government had chosen to icsue a proclamation, and to use decent dilisfnee ia putting down disgraceful demonstrations offensive not only to Uniwd States laws aud the comity of nations, but to. common sense, aud the poor dupes who are swindled out ct their money by appeals to their preludices this wretched Feuiau tarce would long aeo have been "played out." l'Le United States Government has allowed the open eneraving and sale of Fenian bonds for the plain purpose ol swindling excited an i igno rant people aud paving for murder and robbery. It is too absurd tor argument to suppose that the Fenian or "lush Republic" caii nave the juopt remote chance of skcccsb asainjt the power ot Fugland, or that it can establish a foothold In these provinces. But beyond swindling poor dupes out ot their hard earnings, it may cause much blood to How. Yet in thie faco of these plain facts the wrttched farce Is winked at, if not directly encouratred, by the "United States Government. A Fenian deputation was re ceived, avowedly aj such, by President John ton. United Ktates troops have attended in uni form at Fenian meetina,s in New York. An ofllcer of tho United btates army iirigadier General Swcuey has travelled over a great part of . the Union, in the United States uniform, intending IVn'an meetings, at which be has openly offered to lead organized lands ayaii'st a peaceful neighboring country, without any provocation, the etlectanct object of which couid enly be uiurdor ami. rob bery as s'mulf and brutal as tho world has ever teen, and which would be iubt as much a dis grace to civilization and humanity as the killing of women Vy butcher knives in India at the re quest of Nana Kahib. For all this open and avowed intent to commit brutal outrages the Un'.td States Government i responsible; and for every drop ot blood that is shed, it will for-1 ever have aillxed to it the stain ol murder, which It mi'jht have prevented, which it did' openly encourage. And for every house broken iuto and every dollar stolen.it is as if its own members had pocketed the ill-gotten gain. The poor wretch who was so horribly done 10 death !n cold blood In Dublin would to-duy have been alive hut lor the encouraaHiueut and crimiuul paiticipaUca ot the United States Government in the organisation which oaused his inanter. It is probable that the Lnitfid States Gjvern ment have made thpiiieclven responsible lor fill this, in order, if not to win our eductions, to in duce us to give up our allegiance to the Queen," and to loin our lot with their blessed system. The calculation must be that the people of this country tie cowards and sneaks to give up their tllesiiece and their nationality under the eflci of such terrorism. Need we indien'.e the an swer lhat Hill be given either to the pohrieal etfrmnt or to robbera and murderers who come here f We have spoken simply of tho United States Government in tbese remark', hut we hive in formation, which we consider quits authentic, that a Governor of a e'-;hboi1ii New knglnnd Stat?, sooner other important personages, has snbsc.ibtd his fifty dollars to tho Fenian fund a fond for the encouragement of piracy and robbery. THE FEMIAM FRIGHT, Terrible FxcKlMfat In lTftirtUtftw, . TT. Incendiary Fires ItavlUK ('ousrlla Host of thm Tortrm tor SJatuadlait De fenwenUpoNlt toner tke Trfto dean ral Ordt-r by the Cmmiler-Iu-Ctiief Tb I'eupte f Qaebee Preputials- for Siege, Etc. Hamilton, C. W., March 12. The Fenian ex citi ment is sbrll on tho increase, without any ope of rpcedy abatement. A grnud Feuian r.".'d is exfccled at any moment, and ihe entire volunteer force ot the province has boon placed vnder the authority of the Commander-in-Chief, S.r John Michel, who remmauds the regular torcc of tho Crown in the province. Volunteer companies who p.re not required to drill at lea-'t two hovrj a ay will not receive any pay irom the Gove.nment for their services. Whenever the Government sees fit to send companies on oetached seivico from their homes, they will bo compelled to observe the discipline and per form the duties of regular treops. All delin quencies will be penished by court martial, and the ptaaltlcs adjudged will "be strictly enforced. A number of suspicioin looking characters, with rather soldierly beaTing, have been discovered wandeiing around the suburbs of Hamilton. They are suppD3ed to bs Fenians, and a strict waich. and surveillance is kept upon their movements and actions, as well as their larguage, by the public authorities. To Rdd to the ' general contusion and nlarji, several Incendiary tires have occnrrcl (itninff the lat two days, and one is now burn ing while I write. The tires are believed to be the work of the Hamilton Fenian, who abound in this locality, ld on by emissaries irom the United States. The wildest excitement, border ing on frenzied panit, is tho remit of these in cendiary fires. A feeling of insecurity and dread pervades the eutire. community; and to add to tho general distrust, the sliyh'?st md most trivial events are inagnid:d by the authorities into indications of Fenian uprisings and revolts. The Chief of Police, with the entire force at his disposal, made a descent on the suspected qaarter and nirrsted a man,. who has been brutally mal treated by a cowardly mob of Orarremen. Tjg mob, enraged to madness by the rumors of Feuian atreeities, followed the poor wretch to the police-3tatien, and on inquiry ascertained that he had been employed m the manufac ture of corn salve and not Fenian cartridges, 11s had been charged azainst him, und lor which cou.e the man was nearly murdered. The chief of police wa9 one ot the first to charge the unlucky individual with belug a Fenian armorer. A masi meeting is to be held immediately. Resolutions will be offered at the mealing to embody the whole male population of Canada in an armed organisation to serve as a home-guard. It is probable that Ciptain .lcrols, of this city, will command the home guard of Hamilton. 2r. Y. World. The riesloVnt's Restoration Policy and tbe Action ! Congress. The New York Hera d of to-day gives placo to the followinj: "A gentleman 1nst returned from Europe called at the White House to-day and had an ia terviow wiih the President, which resulted in a free conversation that took a wide range. The latter was assured that the Executive opinions and politics were well understood abroad among intelligent men since the publication of' his du lerent" mepsages, speeches, and addresses to delegations from Southern t?tat;'3, aud that they (tho commended themselves to nearly all Europeans who were at heart friendly to a per petuity of omr Union and institutions. The President replied that he hoped so, that he never had any concealments, and taat he tried so to express himself as to be understood of all men. In fact, he considered that he was understood by all except such as were deter mined to misunderstand him. He desired to restore the Union m luct us it already was in theory, and to secure to all the States, North ana South, every constitutional right they were entitled te; but he was now met by men who v.'cre lconociiv.-ts, wno opposed an 111s pians of reccnstrBctien. and never submitted any ti their own. "Why, Bald he, "Congress has now been in session nearly lour months, aud wnat has it done T What is its policy 1 Can any one answer? It seems to me apparent that it nas l.ene. It puts itself into ihe position ot cavilling lit an propositions irom any one cine, ami 01 lailinar to originate any of its own. It is doing loihing whatever in the work of reconstructioa. Texas is at tni? instant organizing a State Gov vcrnment ot its own. It Congress Is opposed to mv plan of reconstruction, aud b lieves " this Ptate not only out of the Union, but its citizens not in a condition to exer cise the right of self-government, why does it not depone the Provisional Governor, oust the officers elected by the people, and impusa some other and better lorm of government t Why does Con press adhere to tnis dog-in-the-manger policy of refusing to recognize the only Government that State has, and yet declining te give a belter oner Hf men referred to Mr. Jjincoia s system ot reconstruction, and asserted that Tennessee, at least, was entitled to exercise the constitu tional prerogatives of a State by virtue ot her nr.tlon in Dtii'&unnce of Mr. Lincoln' eollcv. ece. His remarks will hud ai echo in the awakened Judgment ol tiie peoplo." An Assr sanation Hepoit. Tbe Press and Times of Yesterday prints the following dnpatcjh, and the same was furnished to the Louisville Can itr aad the Cincinnati Commercial fiKV-NAOA. Mississivkl. March 6. 18iiG. To His Excollciicy (iovciuor llron ulow: rlewara! A plot lor jour fttKif itnatiou has kiu"ii eurorvd lu'obypir- i.CJ living lu in is oiium 1 uiu en win vrtiu&. W. K. H JlCTiCl'KU, Cspain E8th U. is O.T . Conrmnntilnir tttauon of Grenada, Miss. Why psrties living in Mississippi should entor iDto a plot to Hfsussina'o Governor Browulow passes comprehension, since lie is por.crless to do them harm, if so ditpostd. The publicity fiiven to tho matter, if such a plot leally existed, will give tho conp"! razors ample warning to ret out ol the s V. The tiling smacks of the sciua- tional, but 1f such a plot really exists, the par t'es ta it oiurht to be arrested aud severely pirn. lhed. Nothing ot the kind must be tolerated in .LI . S.A,., Tl.ons.s.Ji All, mis eouuirj. J.vi(oituti3 iiwtu,, im. ARRELT OF TUB COJ.STBUCTIVB ASSASSIN OH GOV ERNOR I.ROV,'NLeW. The following telegram has been received irom .Nashville: "CimniDA, Miss., March 9, 1SG3 Ilia Excellency, fevemor MroxonloTM 1 liave iho nmu who cuutuin pV.ttd vour a.:sasainauon lrt me hear trem vou iMjLttddiajB.T. Capfiin W. 11. hjntkk, "ConinaBlline fetation at Grenada." General Thomas has ordered the accused to be brought Immediately to Nashville lor trial by a Military Commission. The above telegram and one which announced the plot, a ew days ago, are not canards, as reported, but are verita ble telegrams from ollieial sourevi. TBI HI) EDITION "VVVSIIIIVGJ TON. t'pecial Vetpalches to the Evening Telegraph. Washington, March 13. A. II. Stephen oa liie Way t the Na tional MI. Alexander II. Steehees, of Georgia, is new oa his way to Washington. Frduacik'a Laud In the Neath. An order has bera is3u?i by tbe Assistant Commissioner of Frecdnien's Aflairs at Charles ton, m wlisch it is said that grants of land to the freed people, in compliancs with General Laer roan's special field orders, will bo regarded as gcod and valid, while arrangements' arc to be made to r.ccomaiodate the former owners on other lauds not otherwire appropriated. ('iflrsuHtin ot Uenerale by tbe Sen.fe. lhe t enate Las confirmed the following named Ei'i:;kdier-Gcncral3 to be Major-Genera's by brevet, lor meritorious and gallant services dining thelatewar, vi,'?.: Seth Vil''.ams, Samuel S. Carroll, John S. HaiLaalt, J. B. Klddor, Jo-.eph K. Hawley, Kobcrt McAllister, John Rrmsey, Stewait Van Vliet, Clinton B. Fisk, and Wager Swaync. Ninety-eight other brevets have been conCrjied. Canadian HuinKCliar. The Commissioner ot Customs to-day received alvieca from an officer recently eent out to the Canadian frontier for the purpose of investi gating smuggling operations, in which he says the Customs oQicers are manfully fighting the contraband traders. Notwlthjtandins; the largo ember of arrests and confiscations made .by these officers, smuggling still contiuues to a con siderable extent, and spirituous liquors are being brought over in spite of every precaution taken to prevent it. The iaspectiag officer also btates that the population on the trontier for jaerly en gaged In smuggling are greatly demoralised, and when dctectsd by onr officers do not hesi tate to perjure themcelvcj to escape tho penalty one their crlmcj. "From recent reports from the Southern coat the Commissioner doco not ap prehend any great aatount of smuggling during tlie coming snmmer. Kotlonnl Bank In Operation. There are now 1G13 national banks in opera tion. The Comptroller of foe Currency is daily receiving a large number of applications for the establishment of national b.iaks, all of which are filed, but npon which no action will be taken until Congres.1 make 3 an appropriation autho rizing an increase in the circulation of tie banks referred to. HatlOJial Cnrreney leaned. The amount of national currency issued during the week ending March 10 was (2.123,900, making the total issue up to date $200,000,750. The total amount suspended, cancelled, ets., up to date is $510,010, leaving a net circulation ol $2G0,01,740. Money in the Treaanry. There are now in the vaults of the Treasury abont $140,000,000 in netoi and coin, whlct ?s the largest sum iiej have ever bofori contr.lnea. Certificates of Indebtedness Issued. Certificates ol indebtedness amountio.-r to $122,000 were last week Issued by the Trcnary Lcpmiment. Diebnraeme&ts and Transfer. The disbnrsemeuto and transfers of the Trea sury Department for the week ending March 10 r uiounted to $12,773,2' 783. Securities cf National Banks, The ' amount of bonds held by the Ualted BtatC3 Treasarer in trust for Nat'.juul Baiks as security for circulation is $l,'J2ii,100, and t'oe amount of security for Government deposits $:j,023,500. Resignation. Mr. L. D. Reynolds, who on Satarday resigned his position as Chief Clerk of the Division of Ileeripts and Expenditures iuthe Treasury De partment, wai presented by his fel'.ow-olerks of the Register's Office w ith a beautiful copy o "Webster's Dictionary," as a token of thoir per sonal esteem. Fraetlonal Cnrreney. During last week fraitional cnrreney amount ing to $157,500 was issued by the Treaiury De partment, most of which was 6ent to the North ern and Western States. DlHbnreensenta of the Treasury. The disbursements of the Treasury Department for the War, Navy, and Interior Departments, during the week end! ug Saturday, March lu, were as follows: War Dcparlment $3 94."'! r.vv UTU..ment 1,110,8.J interior Delia. tiuenl 4oseii Total 5,G33,6a3 The California IjeglMlaturo. Senator Conness received the following tele gram yesterday irom Governor Lowe, of Cal'.for nia, nddresced to the Union delegation ia Con pre. s from that State Sacramento, Saturday, March 10, 13GC To the Hon. John Couuess. William flight, Johu Lidwe'l, and D. C. McKr.er, Wr.shinr Jii, D. C Gentlemen: iae Lciu lature inviu1? passci iuo lollowing re-olutlou, 1 am requested to send yoa u copy by teterapn. F. F. Lowe, Governor. "7?eso:'a bv the Assembly, the Senate eon cutring. that we heartily indorse tho coursu ol those of our delrgaiiou in Coirjre s who voted inr the nasatre of the bill known a the Freei- iu' n's Bureau bill, and tnat we indorse the course, of the Hon. John Ccnnc:s in voting against sus tairlug tho President's veto of the same. "F. F. Lowe, Governor." Srnutor tout, although supposed to bo convalescent, Is yet very feeble. Colonel Ytstvan's Apartment. Colonel Eitvan, from Mexico, tho repute! con fidential Bjcnt of the itaperor Maximilian, has lifted up an olice aud reception room in a very aiinptuous manner on Pennsylvania avenue. Robbery at Schuylkill Ilayen. Scncvi.KiLL Haven, Pa., March 13. A pay. master of tho EchujlklU Navigation Company wrs robbed kit nipht of ttlf'OO in money and cheeks for iS'.iOO, at a public house at which h" was stopping ever right. Tho checks aud empty poekst-book were subsequently picked up, but no clue has been obtained to the money, er how the robbers accomplished tbe theft. IROM NEW ORLEANS. The Mnnlrlpal Flection-Snreesa of the national Dfmrrnl, Kie. Nhw Orleans, March 12. John T. Morave, National Democratic candid ite fov liayor, has been elected over Mooie (Nutlonal Union) by S18 majority. Three of the font Recorders elected are National Democrats; the ienrtU is a National ULlomst. From Portland. Portlakp, Me., March 13. Tho iVoca Szotian palled this morning for St. Johns, N. F., te load for Liverpool. liEGAli iai'lFXWf;EeT2. Suprkme Court op Prnbstlvania Justices Strong, Kad, and Agnew. Hol'!agworth'e appeal. Opinion by head, J. Decree affirmed so lar as trustee is called on to trans.br to pen sioner 10 ner own rigui, and tne ;ecora is re mitted for tie Orrhars' Court to nroceed in conformity to the opinion of tlrs Couit. lnomas f. t;ayard vs. The Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bai.k of Philadelphia. Cer tincate iiot Nift Prias. Tho cse stated set 1 forth that Henry D. GUmo, late of this city, de ceased, held m his lifetime S12,403-l! of the ave per cent, stock ot the Commonwealth, ot Pcnn- f.vlvania, created and issued utder and by vntue ot certain acts of Assembly, lor which stock certificates were duly issued to him by the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, a agents of the Commonwealth; $10:iti-53 in the name of Henry D. Gilpin, trustee; $33(iG'7G in ine name ot usury v. unpin, trastce ot Alary D. Gilpin. Henry 1). Gilnin died in or nbont Jannarv. liiGO, and. about tho month of June succeeding the Court ol Common Pleas of this city ap pointed Thomas F. Bayard trustee of Mary D. Gil pin, wno gave bona injsnuioutor thetaithtiilper tormnnce of his duties. The executors of Ueury D. Gilpin assigned the whole ot this $12,40349 to Tkomas F. Bavard as trustee of Mary D. Gil pin, and the bank issued certiiicates to him as such trustee, and be has ever since received the 1'iteicst thereon. Mary D. Gilpin died in April, lsci, and since then tlic trustee sold 1000 of the stock and gave a letter of attorney, duly exe cuted, for i's transfer. The bank, however, refused to permit the transfer to be made until the terms of t'10 trHst were sr.bmitied to their attorney and he should co sausnea 1 11 tit tne sale was made in tbe execution of the tru?t. The trestee declined to refer the bank or their attorney to any official record of any deed of trut, will, marriage settlement, or other instrument of writine.crcatinff the trust for Mary (iilpia, or any evidence us to tne mooe in which the trust was originally created, or the terms or provisions of the same, insistincr that he was nut bound bv law so to do, aad the defendant thereupon de clined to permit the transfer to bo made. it the Court shall re ot opinion tnat nnon thece tacts the plaintiff is entitled to recover namepen tor the rctt'uil ot tho defendants ta per mit the transfer te be made, then iudffment to ho entered in lavor of plaintilf tor $510, to be oiscnargea upon tne trauoier being allowed by defendants; otherwise judgment to bo euteral for defendant. Argued by George W. Biddle, Esq., for plaintilf; E. Spencer Miller, Esq., lor (letendant. SuPKEME Court at Nisi Piius Justice Thorn pkon. Kicbard McCormick vs. The Presi dent, Managers, and Company of the Schuylkill Navigation Company. This was an action to recover damages tor injuries snstained by plain tiff through the alleged neslieenco of a lock tender ot the defendants. The plaintilf alletes that on approaching the lock, having: given the usual notice of his approach, several ot the wickets of tho lock were drawn sp, but ho was tuld to He up hio bnl. Owing, however, to the rapid current caused by the:e wickets improperly being up, he was m-able to secure his boat immediately, and while engaged in endeavoring to secure it his hand was severely injured, so that one of the lingers had to be amputated. Tbe defgnse deny the uesliereace. and chanro that the olaiutitf was himself gnilty of negligence in not having the proper ropes to snnb up his boat. Oa trial. J. Thomas aud W. L. Hirst, Eiqs., lor plaintif; Tilghman and J. B. Townsend, E3qs., for de fendant. A lotti ry rc.icY CiE. Coup-t op Quarter Sessions Jude Ludlow. Frank J. Monaghan fs etr.rged with selling lot- tary policies at ao. s. tsixth street, and the trial of his case was begun yesterday test before the adjournment of the Court. Officers Smith and Burns, ot tbe Mavors police, tcstlded tha in September last, under instructions fro:a hed ruarteis, they repaired to the house in Sixth direct, lust speeiued. and that one ot them. Smith, bought a lottery policy of three numbers ior six cents. Tnese numbers were 21. 44, 53. and were wrl ten lu ficrure3, on an ordinary slip of writing paper, whieh was likewise stamped with the name of the vender, aad the date of the transac tion. There was also upon the slip curtain ab rept to the Initiated, it would be difficult to explain. Testimony was offered to show that ome 1 tneEC ngures were to tne eiiect that it the holder of the "policy" made a "hit" he would te eatttled to receive $4 in return for his investment of six cents. This paper was put in evidence. Judge Parsons, for the prisoner, set up as a ce'erse: t -Tit. That tf e defendant did not sell a lottery policy, as charged in the indictment; Kt-cond, that he is not the principal, but a mere clerk at a salary; and third, that tho Diisiooss of i-ellinir lottery policies carried on at No. 523 S. iixta street is regularly licensed by the United States, and tnat lor such license, issued to one .1. v. uouins, ior wnom tne ocreniiani is actinar. the bum of $100 was paid the Collector of Inter- iial Kevenue. 1 This license, neatly framed, was produced and was lu evidence. Uiiior'unately for the last gronod of defense. the Internal Kevenee luw contains a proviso that "nothing therein shall be conwtrued to le-ralize any lottery." In charging the lury Judge Ludlow rad from the Internal Revenue Law that part which fixes I lie tax spun lotteries, but Baid.tbat it was plain to his mind that it was never tne intention of i.'oiieress to letraUze anv buiness or pursuits lorbiddrn by iJtate enactment. Could Con frere tay that any man commit tins: a felony or miEriemesDdr in Pennsylvania should not be convicted aud punished ior it under local laws? In this connection the Jndre explained very eoncUelv and hanrnlv the relative nowers of the Federal and' htate Governments, and how1 ; moolhly ihctystein opeiatca bsn ttie30 powers were properly wielded. He closed by charging vUe lur.y s inatier 01 i:iw inat a license irous toe united btutes 10 sell lottery policies dirt not legal 'ze the business in Pennsilvania. Jury out, Blnrkcts by TetegraiA. Niw 1'ork, Maruti IS CoitBii is dull at 41q. for lcldriliiiio. Ktut Hour las aooHncd 10c : sales of Vf.lK) Imrre's a' ffl 75 8 20 for state: H011 for Ohio; -U6V8U0 lr Western; 88-7rj(;t5 oO for Soiillieri:) and 7 V fell 76 lur Canadian. Wheat lias a (lei'lliiiuv tundeucy, with su-ull slis. Corn it lii. iuwt-r fur white; snlrs umniporluut. Beef hte.idv. Pork heavy at Slits lor moss. Lata tirm IV'l.ixkv dull. St. i,ocis. March 12 F!ear heavy at S3'9DJT7 25 for finale fXtius, ami WWi'y.Yi ior douUlo exirai. Whest dull at SI 6iiv.l 85 lor eommon to srood fall Corn n mj yellow 6'lc., wbito f!(ilo. Oat 1 firmer at 41 J " lio. Pork ilrmer at $2i tor prune wes ; haeon quiet at 18 '.o. ; phonlrfoia, 111 r!8 J 0. ; clar sides ijiiiot. J.ardlinu at IHuduto. Whiskv, f2 25. Jshw Okleans, March 13 Cotion is quiot. Sales of 100 bales of middlings at 43c. Ktoeiiit to-day 2100 bales. Gold, vx. sterling, W, Hw xork cuects par. , FINANCE AND COMMEKOE Office o the Kvbninq Tbleoraph, ) Tn-sday, March 13, 18C6. J The Stock Market open?! very dull this morn. ing, but prices are without au.v material e.haege Eailroad shares, as we have noticed for seve ral weexs rant, continue the most active on the list, rbilnde'phia and Erie sold at 29, no change; Konist iwa at 61, no change; North rennsylvau!a at 35, no change; Cataisa pre fenrd at 28(a29, an advance ot i on the closing price lrst cve.iiug; Kyrthem Ceatral at 4.', no change; and Lehigh Valley at C2, no change; 64l was bid for Peecsylvania Katlroad; and 22 (or Cntawicsa common. In Govei nment bonds there Is very little doiag, but prices ere looking up. 10 10s solJ at 90; and 7'CCi at f9:29.U for Jcue and Anunst: 103i was bid for E 2"s; aud 10 U for (is of 1CS1. City loans are rather better; the new issue told at, 01, an advruc of . City Passenger Railroad sharjs continue very dull, wad we nesr of eo sale. 72J was bid for Second and Iblrd; 61 for Tenth and Eleventh; 19i for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 35 lor Heston v lie; 25 ior Girard Celleje; and 14 for Ridge avenue. Bank shares are firmly held at fell prices, with sales oi Mechanics' at 28.'.; and Commonwealth ai,6ij; 205 wps bid for North America; 140 ier Philadelphia; 123 for Farmers' and Mechanics'; 53 lor Cirard;54 for Commercial; 63 for Ctiy; 40 for Consolidation; and 62J for Cera Exchange. Canal shares are without change. Lehigh. Navigation sold at 62J; and Susquehanna Canal at 11; 21 was bid for Uchnylkill Navigation c am nion; 28 for preferred ditto; 114 for Morris Oanal preferred; S3J ler Delaware Division; aud 53 for Wyoming Valley Canal. Oil shares re dull and neglected. McElrath sold at ; and Ocean at 10. The New York 2ribun this morning says: "Money on call was more abundant after the bank statement was mr.de known, and at 6 per cent, a good deal was loan:d among brokers. There is more disposition to loan by the banks, but they preter short engagements. The Increase in letal tenders has been made at the expense of tbe best, where the complaint is general of a w ant of currency and of staznating trade. For commercial paper the rates are 7J ior beet, 839 lor goou.snd lo15 for ordinary. There is paper to be bad at even hitrher risks, but it can only be claimed as extra hazardous. Sterling bills are quoted 108108 i for 6J daw, and francs 6'21ia 6-164." ihe Jfew TSrk Times this morning say "The bank return points to an easier supply of aioLey on the heavy inercae 111 legal-tender notes, wt'c'u iu common with National Bank cr rencv are tendig to New York irura the in terior. The mai'set for money te the Stock Kxchunge is already down to 66 per cent., aad very (.nine merchant paper finds lavor at 7 per cent. There is not muju disposition among lenders 10 buy sccond cla paper, even at much higher rates of interest, prcerring to leave their balances at call iu Wall street., or to Ouy.Uuited States 7'3()s and gold-bearing stocks." A despatch from Washington says: "Qnite a spirited couteit occurred in the House yester day morning up; n a resolution oilered by Mr. Spalding, ot Ohio, providing that the Internal Revenue act of Juno 30, 1864, shall not he so construed as to exempt from Utate and munici pal taxation United 8tats notes not bearing j terest held by individuals as money, or, in other vtuiu, mat iibK tvuJvi .i.b.u...A held as cash iu the safea or pockets of individuals or as a deposit in bank, shall be subject to State and municipal taxation. Alter a struggle lasting nearly half an hour, it was referred to the Com mittee of Ways and Means." The question of reissuing to the owners Treasury notes or Government bunds irrecover ably lost by disaster at sea, is now engaging the attention of both Hons s of Cougress. A num ber of important claims ot this character are. now awaiting action. The Senate Comaiittee on Claims have just made a report ia the case of Goldsmith Brothers, bankers, of San Francisco, California, who asK the reissue ol ten thoiuanit dolluis in seven-thirties, lest on board the JJrcther Jtnatha.i, wrecked in the Paeitlc ia August lest. TheCommit.ee say that a princi ple of common equity, not to say common honesty, requires the Government to make good tuelo. ,iu case the Ions of the sccunties bo proved beynnd all doubt, and requisite bond of indemnity bo given by the claimants. Another case involving tho loss of sixty thousand dollars in compound intere t notes, by tae wreck ot the New Orleans steau'-er liepuVio, lat fall, has just gone to the House Cemaiitiee oa Claims. 1'HILABELFfllA STOCK E' CHANGE SALKS TO-DAY ltepeMed ftv ix Haven k, lire., N. 4 8. Third street 8200 U 81!Mt 90 1 l;j6U Eeadhu li,'J U H 7 80s Aur . b'Jj : h ix do. . . K'jO do. ...June 9ui; luOh Pinna 10 0 CUtv e now.. e 91 1 HH) 8k Cat lit.. ....6 49, 41H 85T ..slO 29 BlH0l)gcnvl.3au. Bl 30 sh Aicfclratn loi ' 100 all do. . ...WO 'iH e 2a b5 29 j- 100 sh V )th 1 J sh ll)8h ee. do., do. do. Bii u eri.uuu len je iOOsh N Y k Hid... e 29. 8 eh Hh. 21 21 eh Lehiph Sav.. 62 ... 29 i do. lts..b30 2J uu en l 11101 i.anai.. a lwonpn. & a...t-ej 19 luOsh de bl!0 V 10 sli fnw. CI..16J 11 6 sh Jtorim'n C ... 61 I IO ah Uo.sSOwu.. 201 K9h H Central... h5 44 In sh Coin'ith Bank 6h PHILAD'A 601.U KXCHAStiE QUOrATlN8. 10 A.M 113? 12M. ... U A. ll I2i, IP. M. Hari-kk, Dcrhe? & 0. quote 1 American Gold 129J 12JJ follows : tiu'ing. Helling. .. mi 180 .. li!t 125 American Silver, 4e and i American Silver D'ltion aud Half Dimes 121 122 feuiiBvlvaula Currency i I New l'ork txeoance 1-20 par. Philadelphia Trade Report. Tueedat, March 13 -The receipts ot Clovcrseed continue imall, end tnere is a geod Uquiry for prime lots, but oltitr descriptions are notwantod. Kales of 400 bushels, common to choico, at S5 696 75 per buthol. In Timothy no change to notice. We quote at S3 7C1. Flaxseed continuos quiet, with small sales at $2 75&2 80. Cetton is held with more firmit4s, bat there is not much d jinn. ' The Flour Market continues extremely qniot, there beinr a toial absunca of any dtmand for shipment, snd ths only sales repotted wore a fw hundred bar rsls for the supply of the home trade, at S3 257 25 lor supe'flne; t7'25S3?5 for extrpsj ?S.9 2 for Nertbwcteru ex ra luuiliyi fS60.:13 60 iorPoau ylvunia ui'd Ohio do. no ; d .! 1,15 for Ikiic 1 rautis, ucu'dinj to qnnliiv In Kyo Flour t;ut liltie dump, ton all sales at t'i 7o r 5. Kothiu.e uoiug 111 Cora Meal, aud pnoos are n.timua). The receipts aad stocks of Wheat aro verv small, end 1 limo quality is fa f:ir di'maud, bnt iutorior 1 b'.nely nci;.ec'(jJ. a es ot 12ij0 bublie fair aud choice red at S.2 2(V2 80. Wnit) rars from f v 0 to S2-u0. Kvs in null and canuot bo quoted vor i-5o. tor l'uimsylvaum, cd Ujo f&r Now iorlt. oru is very dud, with mnH ss'es of vcllow at C2;a70i!., in store nd I com cr, oud 15,000 bushvls 1, tltiat at 70o Outs are vry quiot, but pr o -s are v'l'udy at Mo. 20S0 bunhels Burlty .JuU sold at tuo. Iu Wliltkyno new tnovemmit to notioe. 8mall calm pt I tiimsvivauia and Woattrn at (2'Lik2 27. Victor Hugo's new novel, "Les Travailleurs de la Mer," is being translated into Kuglish, bj Mr. Moy Thomas, oi London.