The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 10, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. V. No. CO
TO T3 Tin A "TTT F'J H
LJ 1 H ' H- A: i-l-A :LJ 1
WJL&jJL Jill o
In tie year 1846 tlic writer c-.nlia art In tlie DniR
Business In ttie city of Philadelphia, anil while thus n
irnped, made several experiments litre:arl to the most
desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extract. M effort
being euece-tsful the articles being r.pprovecl and used
by tho Medical Fncu tv 1 nu desirous of placing thoin
before tie public, but hesitated for sunn time beere con
c'ndlng to report to newspaper ai'.vi-r.ldng, knowing of
the pnJiKllces thnt cxUted In tho nvncls of w anr aalnHt
Dslng advertised M d ci'.ti, but tlir-tth the advise of
friends and those who bad used my preparations, this
ot)J cctlon was overcome.
Commencing In a sn:all way. after elt'Meen ynr' ex
ertions the l epulnrlty of my articles fas extended to al
parts of the Vnlttfl States, and widely thronphou
Forcltn count rlei and this In the fteo ot machopposl.
lion, livery means has been reported to by unprincipled
(tenters since their merit and sucrrss h- vo been known
such ns adreitlslng larger bottles at lo.s price, censuring
nil etner preparations, and even copying my advirtlso
ments but 1 am happy te state that ontofthe many
who have resorted to this, none huvn Ik en sacccswfal.
The Sclcnco of sicdiclno, Hie tho Doric commit,
ptands simple, jure, and maj ttie, having tact tor
It" balds, induction tor its pillar, and (rath alne for Its
1 contend there In bo business requiring these quali
fications more, as medicines aro brought In contact
with Druggists everywhere. I in also aware that
persons reason In this manner -hat which may be
nefit one may bo of no advantage to another. IIow
mistaken the Ideal ,
A Blood Purifier tor one Is a Blood T irinerfor all.
A Diuretic for one, a Diuretic tor a'l.
A Earcotlo for one, a tarcoiic lot all.
A Turgatlvo for ono, a Purgative fbr all.
Just s much so as whokseire Itod forene la wholcw
' tome looU tor all, with no more dlf.crcnce tata that
some constitutions require more than others, and that
persons In dlsense are given to dcstondcncv-expcctlng
m a few days or weeks, and perhaps wl h a single btt:e
f medicine, to be restored to health, It not to youth
and beauty. These petsons rarely recover, lacking
patience. They' give nothing a fair trial, considering
a few dollars exuended lor the benefit of their health
waste of money. These Mine persons mi ay have
been jenis In breaking down their caostltnUons, and
probablv expended thousands of dollars In dross
and dissipation, and thought nothing of It. Bach
forget that l OOD HHAI.TH 18 TRUE WEALTH.
V lth upward" ot 3H 0O reoominonaaory letters, and
unsolicited certificates, I have never resorted to their
I do not do this from tho fact that they are Standard
Preiaraticntrat Talent Medicines), but open to the
Inspection of all. The Ingredients art not kept tteret,
and are recommended only lor those diseases and ac
companylnv. symptoms, tor which tnc'.r Ingredients are
everywhere recognized as Standard Sitcific$.
The kidneys are two In number, situated at the upper
part of the loin, surrounded by tat and consisting ol
three parts, viz. j -The Anterior, ihe Interior, aud the
The anterior absorbs. The Interior consists of tissues
or veins, which serve as a oeposlt for the urine and con
vey it to the exterior The exterior is a conductor also,
terminating In a single tube, and called ike Ureter. The
ureters are connected with the bladder. -
The bladder is composed f various coverlnirs or tis
sues, dl Tided Into parts, viz.: Tho Upper, the Lower,
the Kervoua, and tho Mucous. The upper expelB,
the lower retails. Many have a duslre te urinate
without the ability, others urinate without the ability
te retain. This frotiueutiy eccurs In c hildren.
To cu-e these affections we munt bring Inte action
the muscles, which are engaged ia their various
functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may
The reader must a'so be made aware that however
slight may be the attack, It Is sore to affect his bodily
health and nisntat powers, as our flesh and blood are
supported from these soutces.
Cout or Rheumatism.
Pain ocenrring in the loins is Indicative ot the above
diseases. They occur In persons disposed to acid sto
mach and chalky coucre'.ions.
Tko Gravel ensues from neglect or Improper treat
ment of the kidnovs. These organs bolng weak, the
wotor Is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed te
remain; it becomes tevcrish and sediment forms. It
from this deposit that the stone Is lorned and gravel
Is aco'lectlon of water In some par! i of tho body, and
bears different names, according to the parts affected
viz. s When genera ly diffused over the body, It Is ailed
Anasarca; vthenot the abdomen. Ascites; when ef the
chest, Hvdrothoiax.
Belmbold's hlghlr concentrated componnd Extrao
Buchu Is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases
f the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsloal swellings,
rheumrttsm and gouty affections. Under this bead we
have arranged Dysvrla. er difficulty and pain la passing
water, scanty secretion or small and irequent discharges
cf water, Sfranguiy or stopping of water, Hematuria or
Moody urine, Geut and Bheuuiatlsm ot the kidneys,
w lthout any change In quantity, but Increase ot color er
ark water. It was always highly recommended by the
.aie Dr. Physic In thcae affections.
This med'eine Increases the power of digestion and ex
cites the absorbents into healthy exercise, by which the
watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural eu
a' well as pa "Ulnflaiuuiation, are reduced,
1 nd is taken by
Directions lor use and diet accompany.
Drug acd Chemical Warehouses,
No. 59-1 Broadway, New York,
jr104 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.,
A'D sx all DuugaieTs.
An Irish Jack-O'Lant
Among the Kanucks.
Terr. Lie TrcldsUcs of l!;e " B!ae
Koses Over the Bonier.'
The Plot for St. Patrick's Day
in the Morning.
Grand Campaign-On Papar.
The Sweeney (o he Kin? of Canada.
narp of Erin Plays "Hail to
Two Chiefs."
"Wearin' Out of the Green."
Fenians to be Welcomed to Hospitable
Graves with Eloody Haiicta.
Etc F.C, JEtO.,, I'.UJ., KJe IKtfl.
ProgrHM of the Fxcitemcut abent tbe
Foitlau Iavaston--x SSlue Daya' Wonder
Already titOHlug Slate lutartHtlna;
Ruuiers Item itae ht. Lawreaes Bar.
doi1 Featlau Arintea) J.ooiulukt 'l'retl
CBiuKly "la tbe Air" lleaa Cculres
Still Hoboobblnif 1m I'nlon Miiuaro,
w York tiein ral F.tllt-t that atio
1 bult) Kxttltemeut 1 tloun-Tbe Cana
dian Militia Wide Awukr, and JUeady
for the "l.lbrjilors."
Ottawa, Canada, March 9. Up bore In the woods
we bugin to ltt-1 liiw lea-pot tempest that oocms to be
di&tui'oiue; jour meronrial poople. Tuu already
know that the Government In s ordered out a lar;
iuico to ii(eud, if ntutl te, the ew Veik aud AIicui
i.TLn bordcis-tiiat arms are trlisteuiag m the pile
March sun, aud trirht nmtoima are astouudtug ike
nrcbiu8 ot all oar gitut towns.
J he ico is our tender point That once broken tp,
no do not leur luvasioi a, but who knows wbou the
hot oirtea lfiais ol Mew or may pounce upon
u by a uh'IU'h maiuh over tbe solid turi'acu ofthee
narrow rivors f It 1. coriain that as soon ait the loo
bieuksup, tte Iiome Gorernment will snue; larjio
leinforcenieiits to the stations irom Quojss t
llackiiiaw, aud ercry rcaKoiiuble procau ion will be
taken to rcpol fthsault. '1 he Government Dulldinrs
and all the banks in Ottawa huve boen placed
n niiury fuard at niirht. 1 bore has been a most
entbiiS'Oktio responne liironxhout Canada to the call
lor volunuers, and ten thousand muu are already
niarchiua; towuriin the Iroutier.
i'ailn intnt bus been tailed to raeot en tbe 10th of
April. ova bcotia and Huvr liruustviuk will nun
dialely accede to a t'outcderation witn tho Canaumn
VroTiiices, aud a common taritt' will bo enacted, to
includo ftewlouidland, and portiaos 1'riuco Ed
w ani's Island. Kuplmh ptnboats liave boon order d
to th tithini' arroauds, in view ot the ubrujraliea of
the Iteciproeitvr 'treaty, those tacts thjw that we
are not quite so dormant as you Xaukoes believe It
mar he that Canada will ho swept awav by a grind
amp lit main, bui not by t ie Uemnorouos wuo euji
fwr your so-called ienian raovtiatnt.
JIomhkal, March 9. i'ne exuitemnnt so sad
douly BpmDc upon us yeuterday by the tiovoru
mt'Di's call lor ten thonana volunteer is not por
ccptib'y abated. You morcuriai Americans, who
explode at the mere supposition of a sreat eveut, do
not apprcciaio oar cooIiichs. We mu.t havo the
very tip-top ot excltomint b.fore our cuirfi.--h blood
can be stiirtd, but whou it u stirred it is not easily
Bmco nay advices to yea yesterdav which, by the
way, I unuenuko to Ruossweie tbe ouly real lasts
couoeruinir the irreat 11. lit that reached the K.-w
York pupori no very BiKiiillcuut event hut occurred.
The aueiui oi your Ainuricuu Associated Trees will
read you a s) nop s ol the real and suppoaoil mtulli
fiuce ut tboir disposal, t.nd I merely subjoin their
(Uepa'chi'8 w tlioui vouching ler anvtlnui
fin tLir City there Is a pecuiur state ot leolinif. As
said yesterday, but a sinull portiou ot our popula
tion would, unaer any circumstances side wit i tho
Feulan movrment. Consonant with the action ot
your human Catholic hierarchy, the magnates ot the
t nurcn in iheke provincus have set their laoo against
the movement, and soma of them have syoke verr
triely in opposition. I hear the Arohbp. ot Quebec,
the actual hcud ol the Churoli in all iirnsh Aiunrioa,
will probably very -oou express his condemnation of
tbe Ken an uovemout. His Grace mny readily be
excused I rem earlier attention to the matter, for it is
scarcely possible tuat a oozuu Feniaus can be found
in all Cunuda below this city.
In this town the tover lias some curious and ludi
nous phuoej 1 he much-courted and petted secoi
eim rclueeg (wine thev had money) who are yet
lingonua- here, and dlsma'iV louirinv lor seme irene
ral BUUientT that niv riVe them leuvo to rovmt the
scenes Irom which tlior so cowardly lied, are now
looked upon with susuloion. The poople who lol
lowed Grecory aed iiird in codaiin ihens men,
are suddenly conHoience-rmitteu, aud find that the
lovely innocents ot tbe as-to-be houthern Contedo
racy are eienhanU of hure proportions, whoie sav.
infra aud doll) irs for the past four years are returning
with compound interest, and mkiu this Cauadlan
Government but little better than that ia London,
so jm M the Uuited b tales are coueerntd,
tt is a slnynlnr phnio of nitlonal 'd'torv, 'lint
V lilln the Uiiiled tJ'ates C( i!ffrtn semi kiudly d,
n si d towards an extension of tli" U ciroBny
iieiity. by vthic1' these l'roviuces hu ira;n"d ru:li
luiii tl" advantages, tl.o Tinviiici tl ia"ior,ties ari
ruis tig nun to rivei an expected ii vasiou Iiom th!
1-lo.a vnrioiK sonic", mtao of not verv (rust
vt'ithv clin'actir, the Ij,,hmiii; iu:iiora oro Ra
t. i d:
lo, onto, W Uarch 0 fin crisis lini arrtveci
li (lie CHnad.aii in nun are beiurr enrji ri audi:
I; expicted 'hey wil. be ca.led one iniiii )li:iroi . .
A oiubteei in companies ami (upi.ida ttie i u 1 iij;;
liiniu liha lack towns lor iho noionno o. lho iron
tn r. Over two thou'imd volunteers arrived heio
list niflit, nnd weie bil etted on tli i citizens. l'.,o
ni opiu are lu Iv nroused and no mm sin ks dutv,
atlmuKlia few have been nrrested tarou ;li a mis- eiition ol tho ordor ilini' t?in out All t no
raiways ou tho liuocf tho irontier are kvi'Inir
pii(!i e' fired up to run off tniins It is es'imatod
Unit !Vj.I(iO iiimii aie now armed, and leadv to much
it n va.-iou takes p nee. I ho autunr.titM are sanvumu
ol ll.eir ability to drive bnA ana d-ie id ih er noiuot
nvnu st aty Fcidau Invaders All tuo troom Uvo
Ltm diiiniiK since two o'clock this morning. A
lu 1 supply of ammunition hni Innu i.-sund to
ihe :kiom. and the railway tia'ns are made up
and icady to move at momeut'snoiice to auv so.nt
o' int.ick ilany re no as aio current, aud oie ,
pretty sen f rally c edited, is that 1'ariiuuieat will be
culieu fouFsouiUo immediate y. nnd tuat tho wric
o. Imhffi.i rorvtts will lio suspended sud iaw
plnclnimed before the oi Jlar-h. llin (ioveru
m lit has taken poxscBmoH ot the Woutreal Tolegrapn
lottONfo, Mi rcli 9, 3 1. M TIio Ohbe this morn
I113 11 akeB tho announcement that tlie tiovcrnineut
llu ncoiVtd m ormanon that on rt. l'atrick'4 Day
a nu'iil cr of Kenians will 0 oss the river, join in the
ptoeession in tho cit es, and create nonie local di
tmtiinciB to attract tho attention ot the military,
while tbe ma 11 teice will striae at difleront points ou
tho 1101. ter. The O'olw calls upon fre.'ident John
sen to in'erfore. It eays: "The people ot Canada
ao abundantly ahlo topi e the rulfians a warm re
ception, but ii is a pi. or repayment to the Canadian
Government tor its action during the Rebellion
in tho Southern States, to be now com
pelled . to spend money and b'ood in resist
ing ontrapes planned in the Sta'es of
the neighboring Hepublic. ll'.e city papers this
niorninif contain two columns ol special despatches
from all part b of Canada, giving newsot military
picpiirations, irom which it "appears that every towu
aiid eity is tuiced outin lull strength, fi-oop were
ai riviritf all last nipht fiom the iuterior towns, and
were billeted on the citizens. Ion ol them wore bil
leted upon a lejtcd Head Centre Murphy. As lust as
tho irooi s arrive they aro organized into battalions,
lliey are to be drP'ed 5 nours per day To-day there
ns n turn oat eu nuisne 01 ti o citizens, to ma. a
demen trillion 01 streni'th. From the alacrity with
wi'icli the call lins boon answerod. it scuiuj that an
ecxuiiou to the United States, and all other differ
ences of opinion succumb to tho daniror of tbo hour.
Hi" excitunent is hourly iJicreat-inR. The troops are
hold in readiness for immediate embarkation. Vol
unteers (ret twenty-five ceats aud rations por day.
1 ho Orange iVatrlnnun ot to day gays that the
Feuinnsot this city will walk nu St. Tatnck's Dy
aimed with pikes and revolver, and it calls npon
tho Mayor to prevent then walking, it is Lelievot
that tho ii.flueucoot peace-loviu Catholics will re
strain the nioro violent men, and that the proces
sions ill be abandoned. Tno nntchman also aserts
tlut bit-hop Lynch lias declared his intention of
lenvingr Canada to avoid th daiuer aua responsi
bility of a outtlo, which may take place on the Irish
national day.
VoiioNTO, C. W., Harch 9-6 P M. The re-ponso
Teste day tor volunteers from all pans of ihe coun
try vi us very enthusiastic. A much larger number
offered their services than was requirod. Tho Globe
to-day has a report that the p ot of the Fenians is for
a body of thom to ciossiuto Camilla to to take part
in tbo pnlilic procossious oa Sr. I'.itnck's Day and
to disturb the peace and distract attention while
armed Feuian bands a ill wake raids on the borders.
Montreal, Jlarch 9. The call lor ton theuaud
men 01 the Canadian militia for active duty, made
en Wednesday evening-, was entausiOcticilly re
sponded to and early on Thursday morning; news
was nceived lrem all parts of the country that their
quotas w re reudy lor active service at a aiomout's
notice. There stems to be no doubt that three or
four times the number could bo had at a duv's no
tice. The whole volunteer lorce ol this city panded
last evenine. gtreni: guards were postea' at all the
armories, and patrols kept moviur ttirouti tho city
all nizht. Every preparation is being made to uard
&jaii;t any Ft nian surprise .
Or,o ol our papers says tlrnt "there is a scarcity af
arms and ammunition here other than purely mili
tary, and the Customs order prohibiting; importa
tions from abroad shuts us ont from the American
marker, where supplies can be most readily ob
tained. The i'lnuneo Minister ruinut erauc licenses
to import to reliublo petfons, on reasonable con
ditions to pi event an evil use belmg made of the
Tho iontreal Gazette of Thursday says: "Last
evening-, in aik. uon to the tli 11 0 rent ctyards at the
armor e from the Cba-seurs, there was'aUo a mala
pnnid ut ti e Central F'ire Station, Crair stieet, and
(.atiols about tho Btieets and at the d.fl'crent banks
alter 12 o'c.ock."
Iouoato, March 9, 8 1'. M. The exciteiaent is us
nhatcu in the l'rovince. Troops are fill pouring; lu
Irom the rural distnols by hundreds The moment
they arrive tl ey are ereauized into companies and
rtiuuds ir drill. Ho creat has been the U. a n unou
tone of tno larve businoss houses m the city that
they bavo been compelled to suspend business during
ui in uours.
liiws iiom tho Irontier Indicate no cause for the
ext inordinary inoveimut, but tho milliard authori
ties uud the v, ho'o poop 0 a prove tbe action ot iho
Government 111 preparing; lor an emergency. Many
arit that tliishubbub is cot up for political reasons,
to arouse 1 ho u posiup factions to a sense ol their dan
C r, so that the annexationists may be si'enced, and
Coiilcdcratmn carried next montn In Parlminont.
1 Irs alarm beinir sounded to soou after the moecunr
oi the Covoiuoia in imntreal la eiiriiidcant, and the
ti e belief thut the ca liug out ol volunteers U tor
tills purpiite, is liomly taking' hold of the publio
mind. It is siiiRu'ar that no troops have been sent
to tho front'er, liotwPhstandins that tho military
forces wiro called from beds yesteraav mornln? at 2
o'clock. It ihis bo the real object of the Govern
nient, it will probably bo euccesslul, for all parties
nccni to have torgotlen iheir po iticai difforouccs, and
rally for united and determined doltnse.
Haviltoh, C. VV Friday, March 9 -Fiom eirht
to ten thousand volunteeis have responded to the
call of the Canadian Governmout. Ihe excitomuui
is increasinx aud volnutoers aro constantly drilJu;,
a d hourly exptct to be ordered to point on the
Noihmg definite is known as to the Infomntion In
ti e possesion of Government which prompted tliu
action, ba' the wildest surmises are still indulred.
ihe Ire inr tliroayboat Western CanaJa runs vory
hii'h, aud us 1 lays a detertainaiion to oppose any
enemv , fi om whatever quarter he may come.
It is believed that the regulars in Toiento, Hamil
ton, acd London, are ander orders, but no move
ments have yet tuxen place. A, Y. Times.
Veloiiteersi roei lur lata the Cities) frena
very Canadian Villus;,. Three er Far
Time Tu Tbonvnutl to be Uud ir tbe
AtUlntf Thlrtj ThouNand BrltlHb
Tris CUer Aruii-Uerole BeUaj
of tbe luvlfcible Ktteuiy Kamercd la
tentlou to KiiMiteatd tbe JIaboas Corpua
Plaintive Wnll fr I Hel Ktata la.
lerfrrcMCS Nt. Albuns Cmuo Ituuie All
iult Aloutr tbe Froutler. F.te.
The Fenias seaie over the border 11 rapidly in-crtasmt;-
All tr e veluutei-rs havo bi ou called oat.
Tbe entire militia lorce wl I, it is taid, e placed
nndernrins, the troops are held ready ler ruarc iinr,
aud there is talk of susiteudiua; tne wric ol bake
cot pus Meanwhile, iroaa the trout. er ao intelli
gence of anv Fouau movement suUiciout te account
lor the alarm has been received ; but our upe 'iat de
ptitches subjoined yive lull details 01 the situation up
to a late hour yesterday.
Toronto, March 9 Ihe crisis has arrived. All
the tanadiuu miiitia are being eniolied, aud, It is
expected, will be called out immediately. Volun
teers in conn mine and seuud are ralh ins fiom a I
tho buck towns in the deluiis ol the frontier. Over
two thousand arrived lust nniht, aud are billeted on
citiriis. lh veop e are lut'y aroused, and no nan
shirks dntv, alih iuvh a few voinutura have been
arrested through unscoucept on ot the ordor calling
tjeni out.
All tho railways on the frontier are keeping tho
engines tired ui , naily to run otf trains ou the first
alarm It Is estimated that thirty thousand troops
are now armed and ready to inarch if the anticipated
Fenian iuvaslou should take place. Tue authorities
are sanguine ol their ability to drive back the enemy
and delend their homes. All the tioops have been
drtllug since two tuu uioruuif. A nail supply of
amrrnnltlon lias been Issued, and trains are marie up
rai'y 'n eo-ivev tho tioops lo tho so-no of action at a
mc merit's notice.
JIany reports are enrrenf. One pretty gonera'lv
Ct edited is. 1 tint Tar lament will be caned toiretuor
immediately, and the writ of hti eas corpus is
pemied here ns in Ireland, and martial lav pro
c n mod 1 ctoie the 17tu of Alarctt, ?t. i a riex'i l)iy
(lovernmi ut l tntuen po.-srssiuii 01 tho Jdontiotl
te.etrnpli lines.
The Toronto (.'.'"'' this moitnuir malic? ths an 111. in llmt the Gcvoi nm -ut I1a31cerlv0.ini
lo.nniilon that oil M.. l'alnck's Da nunibo s of
Feiiiurie will cross the tiver, jom tho usua pioo s
sioi.s 111 tl.o clues, and crea'n loenl dis.ui bancs to
ot'liiit tin) ntteiinon of tho military wlnlo the
liinin ioice wnl strike at dnlerobt points a(oii thu
1 ho (llob calls uron rrcsldeut .ToUuson to inter
ieie, ana i-nvs: The people ol C.inndi aie aim :i
Ct ntly ttb'o to jive tho Fenian ruiliaiis a warm re.
ception; Lut it Is a poor repayment lor Catmliin
t.ovftinmctit action during th" American l bullion
to be now compelled to spend nioimv and b.oud in
res stmir c n'r, .Ii s planned in the 3 uies oi the neigh
boring republic.
The city papura tins morn in it coma n two colurr ns
ot S cciai ileiiatches troin u 1 parts of Canad.i f!'"ln-f
nrws 01 tho military preparations, irom w:iio!i it
appears that in every town aud clt volunteer, are
turning out in mil strength. Troops have boon
an iving uil night from the interior towns, aod are
toil eiel on the oitizens So iewer than te- have
been quartered upon allepud Head i.eut:e Mutphy.
A fast ns they arrive the troops aro organize 1 Into
batia lor.s and drilled five hours por day. To-day
there was a turn out ru masse, to make a demonstia
tion of strength. From tho alacri y wiiti whicli 'he
call was answered by all classes, it seems tlia all rtil
terencee of opinion on the subject of annexation,
coniederatioH, and other topics, nave succumbed to
the dangers of tbo hour.
Ihe excitement is hourly increasing, and the
wholo lorce is held rondy for enihnrkadon at any
moment. The volunteers get tweuty-Uve conis and
rations per day.
The Orange organ, the Watehmn,n, to-day says the
F"enans in this city wpl walk ho St. l'atrick a Djy
aimed wrh pikos and revolvers, and it calls uuou
the jjavor to prevent the proco-siou. It is 'ltoved
tho influence of peace loving Catholics will restrain
the iaor violent men, and that the nsuui processions
will be abandoned 1 he Wa chimin also asserts that
the Catholic Bishop Lyuch, of Toronto, has declard
his intention ol leaving Canada to avoid tue danger
and responsibility of a battle occuniu on the Irish
national day.
Later Aceonats.
Toronto, 8 F, M The excitemoni lis unahatod
hi the piovinco. Troeps aro still pouring in ireui
the rural districts by feuudreds. The moment tney
arrive tbey a 0 organized into companies aud squads
for drill.
So great has teen the drain upon some of tho
large business houses in tho city that th y iiave been
compelled to Buspond business during; drill hours.
News from the frontier indicates no cause for the
extraordinary movement, but the ntili'ary authori
ties and the who e people approve the action of
the Government in preparing for an emvrgenoy.
Many assert that this hubbub is got n lor political
reasons te arouse thejopposmg lao ious to a souse of
their danger, so that the annexationists mar be
sib need and eouledciation carried next mouth in
Fsiliament. This alarm being sounded so goon alter
tbe mooting ot the Governors fa Montreal, is sinili
cu nt and the belief that the cal in? out of volunteerg
is for this purpose is hourly taking hold of the nnblio
unnd. It Is singniar that a tioops have been sent
to Hie frontier, not wi: 1 1 landing taat all the military
forces were called fro n heir bods yestorday morning
at two o'oiock. If i his be tho real object of the
Government ltwdl 1 robably be successful, for all
parlies seem to 1 rgitten tbeir political diffe
rences, and iall to: uuod aud doterruinod defense.
Detroit, Michigan, March 7. Your correspond
out cannot tail to apprec ate the markedly strong
movements and expressions of fooling interchanged
on all bands around in every locality all of a simi
lar piece. I be horetolore divided elemeuta seem to
bo in a condition of lusion and cohesion on the sub
bet ot tho expeo.ed revolutions In Canada and
lieland, and tho pru er is general that both
niav be unqualifiedly 8uccsstul. The public
is Irimtol 01 expectation that, "all thnr are
to become new " In fact, the power, intlu
cuce and ownership of the sol! on this vast con
tinent by European Towers, have probably, if not
most certainly, come to an end, and nobody seems
sorry. Ihe sprit seems to eay, "No matter! The
interests, materia: aud intelleoiual. of our common
umanav universalis will be better sustained and
suhtervrd, and the happiness of the masses be more
beneficially promoted, by tbe great radical chauges
now in progressive advanocuiuut throuhotit the
world," and exocctancy is on tiptoe to catch the
Hret newsot a joyous realization of the universal
prayer that the United States may bo the treat cen
tre of an ui.bioLen chain of republics througtiout
the length and breadth and ei-cui' ot tho o-lobo.
It is rumored that Quoboo is excessively secession
ist against continued connection witn Liurlaud, and
supposes ber comnieroo would bo much iiicrea.e i by
an (xchnnge ot relationship. With a fieet of Undo
Sam's gunboutd alwaNRliyiug around in the Gull
and the wise u en thereabouts aie tr Iking of ociug
up that great pate uguiost Luroi ean Powors cor
tinuly 01 e should inittpino that Uncle ftiini should
corn. ally admire such sound sagacity, and write tho
woid ''approved" upon the record.
The Governor-General, Darcy McGee, and other
BOtakles aro taking quite a.i many precautious (or
their personal safety as possible, tho anderstaud
ins; that they are to be exchanged for the Fenian
pr.soncrs. now in the JaiiB ia .England 1 hero is,
however, a great doal of smiling a I around among
"ti e bono and sinew," who eare very little where
ether 01 thorn may be taken to, and as lit tli to what
uko-uI parpose they may be app'ied, gonio saying
they sheuid be quite well pleased to see thorn en
piiLi d in scrubbing down the sta rs of
by way ol equitable reprisal.
.Holds of the Irish republic are selha? confiden
tially In raaay places in Caaada, aud 1 have heard
n.uuy complaints that there is not a greater number
ol agents and brokers emplovod thiougheut the
western frontier and central cities for their sale.
Aero York Ih ruld.
Winter Davis on Reconstruction
Tha Tol lowing was written by Hon. II. W.
Davis about teu dtivs before his death. It is of
interest as contaiuinp; his views oil the agitated
luestion of tbe day:
Hon. James M. Scovol.Mv Dear Sir:-The ease
releried to is Luthei vs. lierdva 1'. Howard, S. C.
'jPdid not tay that the States were out ot the Unlea
in law bv rebellion or in part by the lesult of arms
(in the contrary, 1 said the Slate governments ceased
to exist in jaw by the Constitution, aud
111 tact by being expelled by armies.
Note the diversiiy. Ihe State are In the Union
or else wo are not bound to giniranleo ropubiieaii
yoveiniucBts. Ihey have not respoasiule govern
n.tnts, and that alone gives Congress the right
to control tbe restoration under tho powor to
Siimrer is retting right on this point.
engress looks hi w, but it mut hj wise ui well as
firm, if we o beior tho people next ia I on a itera
tive is.ue leuvinr Johnson's poverutuout, in poe
s en 01 the Mates aud simply relauo te admit thorn
to t oiigms, we w ill inevitan t be ooateu. Congress
int it auul Johnson governments, lormally pro
gcribii universal sullrace as the cardinal '! no
of n co. nition and nropose to amend Iho Cmistltu
tioa, making it tho supremo law ot the land lor all
Suites, and go to tho county ou these measure, or
the people will accept Johnson's government as a
olu'ieu and (end representatives to admit tneir
representatives. Sincerely yours
' 11. Winter Davis.
Ualt more, Md , December 21, 1G3.
Tlie Messrs. Molon. of Montreal, have
turned tlieir whibky dibtillery into a sur re
finery. It is dow iu lull working order. The
firm eould not stand oompt'tuioii with Upper
Canada, and say that their loss would have
been about S30U.00O wt annum bad they con-
I tinued.
PrrREMK Covbt ov I'ENNsrLVANiA Chief Jus
tice Woodward, and Jtit-tlces Strong, Kea l, and
Atriiew. Ttie Phil.tdelplna list on re a rj; 11 tue nt is
still before tbo Court. The olio wing unpertant
cnp was under arnanent tli is 11101 niu:
Caleb S. Maltby vs. Tun Kcadius; nnj Colum
bia liatltoad Compauv. This is a curtiticalc fV"Ui
the I'ritis Couit. 'brourtt by tho plaintiff as
well lor himself as lor such other cittans of tlie
Un ted States, but non-re?iuont of the State of
rcniisvlva'.un, holders ol'the bonds of tho Keau
inp: find Columbia Railroad Company, seftired
b.v niortRa-re tlaled tho Ur?t dnv of iMfv'rch. A. I).
It02, and the first day ol June, 1SG1, respectively,
or either of them, us agreeing to contribute to
thu expenses of this suit, may become parties
Iu tbo ense of tho Comniouwealth vs. Chris
tian lierper, convicud of the murder of Miss
Vutl, nt GcriBiintOA-u, th! Court rc'tised to
allow the writ of error applied for by detendant's
Tne District Court, President Jul. Shars
wood, nnd Judges hiroud and Hire, was en
pnat tl with the motion list.-", as was alio the C:iurt
ok Common Pi.fas, President Jtulue Allison und
Jutlfie Pieicp. In tho Weaver and Given con
tested election case th" Court referred tho mat
ter t Charles II. T. Collin, E?q., as Examiner, to
tul.e tcetimony.
A SniRFjiE CotiRT at Nifi Prius was held
b.v Justice Thompson, and the motion lut, dis
posed of.
CorRT of Quarter Sessions J ud?e Ludlow.
The dolendaiits, Dr. 11. K. liaton, 1$. P. Wriirlo.v,
II. N. Wrisley, and a man named Wilcocks, who
were the prominent parties concerned in the
manipulation ol the stock of the bojrns concern
known as the "Era" Oil Company, and who, by
their peculiar mode of operatlous, succeeded in
having the stock: put upon the market through
the medium of certain brokers, amonz them C.
T. Yerkes, Work, McCouch & Co., and others,
at between three aud four dollars per share,
when in point ol fact it was utterly worthless,
wire charged by Mr. Yerkes, and aftr
hcat ine;, were held by the committing mais
tni'e lor conspiracy to cheat and deiiand. A
writot habeaj corpus was then taken, and the
case hiivinp beenully heard by Judge Ludlow,
he, this morniriii, rendered the' following
op Dior, remanding tho elefendants for trial:
Cr mnumteftattti exre. B. P. Wrighyet The
Superintendent of rhilatttrlphia County frinon. I he
relators have been hold te answer the oharge of hav
ing conspired lo cheat and defraud the proseontors.
1 siute the ciime alleged to have been cor niitted in
this general and comprehensive way, ueuause,
a though the Recorder bus specified tno parciotuar
method supposed by him to have bean adopted by
tho conspirators, to enab e them to carry out their
pltins, yet if an oflense has been perpetrated, it will
to found to bo the one above specified.
Jtis a very diflicu t matter to define that particular
crime called a criminal conspiracy, and hence th?
tex writer and judges who have endeavorod to do
so have generally contented themselves with a
dc-ci lotion of the ofll-nso. And this very result has
intiodoced a want of accuracy into tho law itself,
and a desire upon tho part of judicial tribunals noi
to io beyond the principles stated and applied in
cafes already adjudicated.
It is too clear for argument that a combination to
do a crimlLtti act is indiotable, and so also whenover
the acieement and confederation is to d a lawful
ao by unlawtul means; beeanse, in the first ms ance
named, the aot being itself criminal, a conspiracy to
do it uiu-t in the very nature of things be alse
criminal ; while inthe seeond instance, the means
being unlawful, it matters not what may be the
na uie ot tLe act to be done.
lint there is a class ot coses in which the act to be
pel formed aud the means employed aro both leal,
as waere stocx is to be sold ana by soveral Indivi
duals; here tl.o act itself and the means employed
ate unobjectionable, tbe aot certainly is, and as was
en d by Air. Cbitty, it is impossible to ooncolve a
combination merely as such to e illegal, aud yet if
ti e object to be acconipiisued is criminal, the law
.will hold responsible those who combine, confede
rate, and agree to accomplish that lilsgal object;
and this i nnc'ple is true, altboagh it may happen
that tno act about to he done would aot be criminal
if pi rlOrmed by asmg e individual.
. hiet Justice (J Ibsen in Commonwealth vs. Car
lisle, Bnchtloy's Kep., p 89, s ated the law with
loice and accuracy, when ho said, " Whire the act is
lawful ler an individual it can be the subioot ot a
conspiracy; when done in concert, only when there
is a direct intention that injury shall result from it, the conspirators to
the prejudice oi the publle, or the oppression of in
dividuals, and where suoh prejudice or oppression
is tho natural and necessary consequence" And
acain: "1 take it, then, a combination is criminal
wherever the act to be dono has a necessary ten
dency to prejudice the publio, or to oppress Indi
viduals, by unjustly subjecting them to the power
oi tlie confederates, and giving e9'oct to the pur
poses of the latter, whether of txtortion orvfmis
chhf .
W itliout going furthor, it Is enough for our pre
sent purpose to say that the law, as abovo stated, has
been settled, and applied In many cases. We will
name but two. lo iaise, on a parttcu ar day, and by rumors, the price of public Government iuudi,
and so injure the purchasers of the funds on that day,
is an indictable e tie use, Hex vs. Do Berenger, 8 ii
at d li. 07. And so also when a knot of men po to a
pub ic auction on the mutual understanding that one
only shall Lid ior any particular article, aud alter
the auction they shall resell among ttoemso'vei alone,
at loir prices, the articles bought, sharing the differ
ences between the buyiug ami selling p-ices; be
Cumo, owners, ofi'eiing foods at auction, Justly ex
ptrt. an open competition irom the public Levi vs.
Levi, 6 Car. and V. 239.
Having thus stated tbe principles by which we
shall be guided, it is cora aratively easy to apply
them to the tacts developed upon the hearing of
tins writ.
Certain individual intending to obtain a charter
ol incorporation lor en oil company from (he Execu
tive Department ot the Commonwealth nnder the
guieral laws regulating the subject, deliberately
send to tbe Governor, under oath, tho required cer
tiiieate, which, so lur as tbe evidence beiore the
con t will enable s to speak, was absolutely false,
upon tho faith of Letters Patent dulyissu-d, an
otiiee is re nted and the business of a stock company
is ca'ried oa, tbe Socreiary ot tho company is lur
n shed with a minute book, In which appears tbe
nu. utisot at least one meeting wbloh never was
held, and ot another said to have been convened
npou the front steps of a building situated ou vVal
nut stieet In this city. The capital ot this company
is fixed at $100,000, and 100,000 shares of stock
c ea'.ed. I he Secretary and Treasurer declares on
tth that the entiie cash lands of this corporation
n' ver exceeded the sum of ,315, two hundred of
vi bich was enolosed to hiar in a letter purporting to
hnvebeeu wiittcn by the Supenuttnnent ot the oun
peiiy at ihe oil properly aud which lottor tepre
si ntid lluit tho compaav would soou be in tlie ro
ce tit of large sums of money lor oil already sold.
. 1 he 100,000 shares of stock are placed iu tbe name
el one ot the relatois. bubniiuunPy 80,000 are by
him assigned to another, and bv him di.pmod of iu
lot. to sun the objects, as it is said, of the conspl
rn'ors. it is unnecessary now to determine how lar these
re ntois were implicated in the formation of this
aipsrently fraudulent corporation, because, as the
conclusion at which wo shall arrive is based chiefly
m en ihe purchase and eale of tne stocf, we shall
not pieiudve the case of anv one rela or by any ex
pression of epiuion upon this urunch of it, espeolally
as he may oi tie obliged to establish tbe faot that he
ma ignorant of any one step taken iu the loriuacton
01 the corporation.
I he original stook of tbe Company stands ia the
nuiuo oi li. N. Wngey; be then assigns 100 300
slates, the entire stock, to It. K Eaton, who. in
ui' n, assigns a large iimibrr of share to other,
among whom are said to be fletio'ous as-ignoes.
lrem Octobei 20, LSC5, to Januar, 8 ISoU a large
number ot shares, In lots of from 100 to 1000 are
eVrjd forsa e by B I. Wngloy, C. H. Moore, aud
fl N Wrifley, while upon the same days B. I',
v rigley, C II Moore, H. K Eaton, a id John Will
cook direct various brelteis to buy sharos of stock
enuul in number to those directed to be sold and in
several iustaace li. 1'. Wriglcy aud C 11 Moore
directing their brokers to buy their own stock.
Accord ng to the evidence beiore u, in every in
stance in which a oertaiu number of shures of steck
were boucht by order of B. P. Wriglev, Moore
Ei ton, sud V 1 loock, a certain sum was deposited
with the broker butlug, as colia'eral security, but in
euch instance, in evidence, tbe buyer nealeoted to
take the stuck bought, and rr fused to make wood
the fllflerence between the value of the stocx and ui
the eollatera. atcunty.
Mow it is true that in any ordinary instaaoe the
transaction Blight be looked opon simply as ooa-
tract of sale and pnrchafe. wlinroiii th" buyer sees
fl to b eak it, or is unable ti coinoly with its terms;
but ia this ease woennnot ib it, our e c to the fact
that in, we believe, each instance, tno buyer neg
lected to take the tock bouLt, and rcltuod or neg
lected to make good tl.o d ftetence between the
value of the stock si.d of the colln'eta'. that
it tie cose of B, P. V rtgh y and C. H. Un,
tl 0 kujer an I solier was 01m and tin sami
er.oii, sud bon."ht and sold exsotlv t e satno num
ber ot shares ot stock, and at ibitai.t. ally the samo
yrire; tl at in the cases of H K. Wriioy aud H. K,
Eros, the shares of stock of this C anpnuy sto d
originally in their names upon tbe books ot tbe Corn
puny, and that r.atou botigtit the exict number of
shnrea sold 011 crtum rinvs by B. P. Wr g ey and C.
H.liloore. whde he intrortuc d Wilouk whn asl diflcrent names at. ditlbr ut timji, and made,
witt Eaton, fa'se ststomen's as to nlme'f, end ac'u
al y boukht, on the 8d of January, 18 ij, ttio iden.ical ,
sbates ol stock so d by H H. Wrigley. $
l f ponsiblo that each relator may explain his
rnnneciion with these irHiiuictious, but unexplained
tbe lucts aeveloped tend so stroiuly to producj the
conviction that t"ee parties by confid 'ration and
agreement intended to make real sab sand pretended
purchases ot this stock in ordor to induce their
brokers te advance large surrs ot nniiov in thj pur
chase of tbe stock and to divide, ti e proceeds ameng
thi'iiifwlves, ubs tliuscluat nnd deliuud the prosoou
tors. that we must sei d each to o jur, there to ut
nut such exptasatieus a-yvilt produce their honora
ble discharge.
My brethren upon this bsnch did not sit with me
at ttie hearing, but the rvldeno produced was sub
mitted to ihoui lor reason-sat sfiioior to niypclf,
aud I am authorized to sav that tlie ti I 'in int no .y
rendered is fie nnunimoi s jndinent of this court.
Lut the relators bj remanded.
Offick or the Eveninq Tkleoraph,
Saturday, Match 10, 18UG. j"
There was rather more diipoMtion to operate
In stocks this morning;; but prices continue un
settled and lower, owiBj? to the further decline
in cold. Government bonds are firmly held at
full prices; but the transactions are limited.
B-20S sold at 1031; and 7'30s at 99 j 104 was bid for
Cs of lfc81; and 00 for 10-409, coupons oft. City
loans are unchanged; the new issue scld at 90.
Riiltoad shares are the most active on the
list. Catawisa preferred told largely at from
28tj2!ti, closing at 29 J, a decline of l;aud a
small lot of common do. at 22, a decline of J;
Beading sold at 48Q!18J, a slight decline; Penn
sylvania at CS, no change; Phila jclohia and Eric
at from 2728ul, the former rate a decline of 2;
Camden and Awboy at 116, no change; Mine
hill at 64J, no change; aud Northern Central at
4ii, no change. 28i was bid for Little Schuyl
kill; 34 for North Pennsylvania; G2 for Lehigh
Valley; 26 for Elmtra common; and 39 for for
prelerrcd do.
f City Passenger Railroad shares continue very
duu. Hestonville sold at 3233:; 71 was bid for
Pecond and Third; and 19 for Seventeenth and
Nineteenth. '
Bank shares are unchanged. Farmers and
Mechanics' scld at 1224; and Commercial at 55.
205 was bid for North America; 140 tor Philatlel
phla; 28J for Mechanics'; 53 for Girard; 31 for
Manufacturers' and Mechanics'; and 40 lor Con
solidation. In Canal ahares there is very little movement.
Delawaro Division sold at 33; 20 was bid for
Schuylkill Navigation Com mob ; 27 for preferred
do.; 523 ior LehisU Navigation; 114 for Morris
Canal preferred; 8 for Susquehanna Canal; and
58 for Wyoming Valley Canal.
Oil shares coutinue very dull, and we hear of
no sales.
Reported by De Haven Bro., No. 40 S. ThiAl street
1000 TJSG-20s64....103 100 sh Catawissa pf. . 29
..oeo ao luyj
910C0 do Vbi
8-1000 do 104
MOO U S 7-30s, July B'.'j
$1000 City 6s, new. . . 901
81000 Cam. A Am, 83 Si
tUOGO Pa K 1st ut... 03
200 eh
100 sli
800 sh
200 sh
200 sh
do s5 2H
do s30 20)
3J 2
. ... zt
.b30 29
.... 29
.... 2S
100 sh
200 sh
100 sh Phil & B..U0 281
.... Wl
.... 2H
..b5 28
..b5 IS
100 eh
ltO eh
100 sh
10O sh
160 eh
100 sh
..ISO. 2S 600 sh
BOO 20 lUll sn
.bSO 27 i
loO th
,100 sh
100 sh
100 sh
100 sh
.... 2HJ
ao eo za
do. ...sown SH)
do b5 2i
do 0 28
do...b6.... 281
do. .sown.. 27
ltObh Keadmg... bC 4Pi
4(0 1I1 do 4S ;
4shTennaK f,5
8sh ( am & Am ... lit!
87 sh Minehill 64V
4sh Leh Val 10 pet IT'
KOsh Del. Div 88 :
13 sh Far&MBk....l22)
100 sh
2sli Com'l. Bank.. 65
800 sh Hcsi'v'e 1. ... 911
lOOsh do.... b6.. &3
100 sh do 5 SH
200 sh do be 83
10 A.M l.Tti
.131 12 M 18')J
11 A. M 12Ji IP. 180
Habfkb, BunHKY & Co. quote as follows:
Jtufrina. me'lma.
AmcrieanGold i:i() 130
Americaa Silver, and i 12'1 127
American Silver D ines aud Ilaif Dimes 122 123
reimsvlvaia Currency j
New Turk Kxchango par. par.
Amount of coal transported on the Philadel
phia and Reading Railroad during the week
ending Thursday, March 8, 18GG:
Tint. Cfl.
From St. Clair , H 141 no
Port Carbon , 8,147-08
" Pottsville 4M-09
" tSchuy.kill Haven 23 0H J O
" Auburn , 1.052'03
" Port Clinton e,n,vj-ia
" liorrlslurs; and Dauphin ; 7 03
Total anthracite coal for week KUUS-OO
Biti.uiini ns coal from liarrisbnrg and
Dauphiu for week 8,609 05
Total of all kinds for week.
Previously this year
To same time last year
.... 67 877 05
.... 694 877-02
.... 661,754 07
.... 612 408-02
Philadelphia Trade Report.
S-atubd 4 y, March 10 The Flour Market present
no new feature, the demand being extremely limited
both for rhlpment and home consumption ; but sup
plies come ferwerd slowly, and tbe stock, particu
larly of the better brands is extremoly light, and
holders are firm in tholr views. Sales of 1030 barre l,
chiefly Northwestern extra family, at 8Jg9 barrel;
$11(514 for funcy brands, according to ouality
Superfine rnnpes from (6 25('tt7i. 'Ihero is but
li tie Bye Flour here, and li sells at -4 75,u 6 p
bnirvl. la Corn Ileal nothing doing, aud prices are
Tlie Wheat Market Is very on'or. There Is some
Inquiry for food to primo red if! 82-23 j-yo (n b jshel,
but common qual'tius can ouy be forced oll'at verv
low uiices. White rauires from 2 25 to 2 76. A
emaU ale of I'cnnsvlvanln Bye at 85 cents. Corn is
loss active, and prices are bare y supported. A sale
01 8000 busnets vellow at 7071eents, iu store, aud
4000 busholB of New Castle at 74 cents. Oats are
fliBi at 4'.i'(X0 cents. No change In Barley or Matt.
A tout 00 bushels Cloverseed so'd at $5 60 to 6 80,
the lutter for choice. Timothy is worth 88 87(i;4-12J.
F axseed commands 2-80.
Whiskey is dull, and lower 1 small sa es of Penn
sylvania and Ohio at 82 20 2 20.
Markets by Telegraph.
New Tobs;, March 10 The CotUn Market Is dull
at 41c or laidd inirs. Flour has aeo mod lOo. lor
Mate; sales of 6000 barre s a d 8( S 20 for State;
88 1S;11 for Ohio; 0 7 8 80 for WeUrn ; 8 V5
16 nO tor Southern 1 and 7Mall 60 for Canadian.
W heat has declined l.uo ; salts unimportant. Cora
dull, wit a small sales. Beef firm at C14 60. Pork
beavy, sales of 1200 bbls. at C2 26&26 871 for wens.
Lara Arm- Whisky dull.
1 i