THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 180(3. It published etery afternoon (Sundays excepted) at Fo. 108 S. Jhird tired. Price, Three Cent' Eer Copy (Double Slieet), or Eighteen Cents Ter Week, payable to Hie Carrier, and mailed to Subscribers out of the city at Nine Dollars Per Annum ; One Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two ifbnlhs, invariably in adoawe for the period ordered. . To hmire the Insertion of Advertisements in aU of our Editions, tlmj must be forwarded to oar oifice not later Oian 10 o'clock each Morning. SATURDAY. MARCH 3, 1866. Union State Convention. A Ptnted Convention will be held 1n the Hall of ihe Houne of Kuprtisi'nutives la Uarrlsbunr. l'a., on Wednesday, thb Kbvf.nth Dat or 31 Alien, A. U. lfeCC, oi 12 o'clock ll.-, for the put pone ot noininatinff a rnmli'la'o for (iovernor, to bo pupporW by tin trieii'la of th Union.. The oidcul of war ha tried the slrenarth of our Government Its tire lias purified tho railoD. The doiL-me ol the nation's life ta- do mrnstraiftd who were it fritnl8. TUeprlnci plci viiid catr-d in the field ronat bo preserved in Ibe council ot the nation. The arch-enemy ol freedom must be struck oneo more. All the friends cf our Government, and all who were loyul to the cause of tho Union in our late itr'ist trie, arc earnestly requested to unite In sendlnir delogatea t rcp'resoit tlu;m In said Convention. B.v oit'cr ot the Union Stilts Central Coiu Jons Cca.iNA, Chairman. Cvq. W. Hamvhsly, (. secr-tiries A. W. Lemdict. J he-reri1-8' Tho Ferritin Movement. Wa have a great thai of sincere sympathy with i he ( Irish. TtMr history U tha hUtory of a gro-sly wronged aad oppressed people; 11. . 1 1. j i ... . , i n:...A;,.n 4 l,.wt.fAl- tho lesult of their own folly or crime, we shall not undorlakc to say. Mankind may ba lef. to make up their verdict oa tbat sublet the testimony of historian-, which Is as opea to them as to us. ' But with all our teuder and anxitns affjc ' tion lor the Irish, wo must cod Test tbat tha present attempt to achieve their Indopsndence of Great Britain Is as visionary a project as ever deluded humanity. The Briilsh Goverumcnt does not mean to have Ireland Wi'estod from its grasp by a re bellion, and it will put forih, if necessary, all of its enormous military and nava1. force to defeat Buch a design. And it is qirte rm"! lest tbat in such a content the disaflected portion oi the Irish population would icevita blj co under. In this ago of improved war fare, superior resources in numbers and muni tions must tell fatally anst a weak adver sary. Tbat part of the Ir;sh peoplo in Ireland who ore enlisted in the Feu '.an movement, conoined to all those Irishmen In tb's coun try who are pledged t ) a'd them, cannot rea sonably hope to conquer Great Britain in a conflict within her own realm. Tha ideals simply preposterous, and thoe wno entertain it are rather listening to the Bcrsuasioci of a generous and hero'c patriotism than to tbe dictates of common sense. Even if the Fenians were thoroujb'y har innnlnni and united, their enl.p.TDika would bo insane. But they, at least ?a this counf.y, aie divided by intestine differences and coa tentions, which, must coilously weaken the "strength of acauce which, without distraction, would be probably unequal to accomplishing its ends against odds tbat avo too great to ba humanly opposed. j?. The latest news from abroad informs us that tho habi as corpus has been suspended in Ireland, and on the heels of this intelligence Mr. O'Maioit Inn irsued a proclamation in which he tells the Fen'ans in this country that- the time to strike their contemplated blow has arrived, and tbat they must raily ' at once to make good their pledge. What the result of this fle'ce summons will be remains to be seen. How many Fenians will get away from our shorca to wa-ja a re bellion against England, is mora than we can predict. But it really seems doubtful whether a corporal's guard will succeed in passing bo yoid tbe jurisdiction of the United States, to take part in a conspiracy which tsrieusly in volves the good faith of this nation as respects its neutral obiiations, in a content bstwesn England and a number of her subjects who r are in rebellion. We are not bound, it la true, by any sciuoulousncrs that tha British Government and her people exhibited with respect to their blisatioas of utrallty totween our Government and the Southern Rebels, to ob3eive aver careful and vigilant circumspection to prevent Irish men in this country from going abroad to help their brethren on tbe other side of the wats:. But two wrongs never make a right. What ever cause of complaint we have against tha British ministry for permltt'ng Englishmen to run our blockade, aad give aid and comfort to the Southern Rebel, we are yet obliged, in honor, to maintain, in our owa conduct, the principle of International law for violations of which we are now seeking to make Great Britain lndemnif j us. Our duty in the case Is clear, and ti e Government will no doubt perform it faithfully. . We have almost ceased to endeavor to solve the riddle ot legislative action, and yes terday there was instanced one of those Spbynx-like exhibitions of inconsistency. We quote from the report : "An act allowing the city of Philadelphia to sell her loans below par was considered. The bill came from Committee ai follows; . " 'From and alter the pusiaee of this act It shall bo lawlul fcr r&i'adelpnla to sell at market rate all loans now aut'ioi'izeu by any ordinaucs or ordinances of Councils: Provided, That the amount of the said loans so authorized to be mild shall not exeeed 15.000,030: And provided, That the time within which tbe same shall be so sold shall Dot extend beyond the period of one ' year from April 1, ln.' . '-Mr. Davis moved to substitute the tollowln?: 'It shall be lawtul for Philadelphia, wheaever neeessarv to deliaT manunnal expenses, ,to issue ' bonds to the amount of $5,000,000, in samcf not less thn one hundre't dollars eactt, payaoia at such time u inav be directed by the Councils, and bear interest at a rate not exceeding 7 310 per cuut. per annum, and tJ ti'll the same la open market to the hiheet bidder: Provided, Tbat rone of the paid bonds sh'l he' so1! for less than the principal sums named therein.'" The design of the-Commlttae in reporting the law was to allow.the city of Philadelphia to procure funds by throwing a new loan on the market when money was necessary, and selling It balow par if It would not bring its face value. Such wai tbe aim of the bll'. Bat the wisdom, of our Legislators must altar the whole object, and pacs a law totally n seeessary so far ao the original intontloa is concerned. 1 he amendment of Mr. Datis, which was adopted, contains the decidedly Imperlant proviso, '-That none of the said bonds shall li sold for le:s than tbe principal sums earned therein." In other words, wo are authorized to sell fiem to the hlhejt bidder, provided tiut the bonds brln a pre mium. We are at a lo?i to parcolve wbv such an amendment should have been parsed. It grants no new prlvdo which was asked for. It piven rot the needed tsnction of law to tha selling o. a loan at market vj'.ue. It is on acceptable lew se far ps it go-?s, but it does not touch on the ground which it was a3ked to cover. When we a"k for bread we do not desire a .;odo, even if it be one of the moat precious of gerrs. "If Southern nicmbeu and tho-.e who sre for rdn:itt)r; them to their seats constitute ha m i ioiity of the whole Runato, the I'roidout h-H tUe r phi, and by the Eternal he ou"ht ti ciercl -o that l'pht t'o'.whwith, tomorrow, or any other rlav, ta iceo.rrnlze the opnopit.on bore uro th'j S'oiitliem meinoers us u rnajo-ity of the E-juato." , In the spf ech ot Mr. GAttiisrr Davis in U e Senate yostorday we find the ssntimont quoted above. Coming ns it do3T from tha l'l s of one who has always prided himjelt on Lis EC-cc'Ied conservatism emanating a it does ti cm tbe gent'eman who remarked not long since tbat he never did a rad'er.'. action, or Cvored a radical step, in tho whole cour3a of Us public career, we cannoi but espre:j surprise that his indicretlon "haoin his old old ago left him niked to his enemies." For a Senator ot the United SUtos to be so far carried away by his pa"sion bt ,te utter the lorrr.rk ati-iibuted to Mr. Davis is a lmanta ble precedent in the hUtery of Ameilfian politics. Let us look at this sentence lor ono moment. Its atrocity increases with in spection. The Southern Ste.tes have no representa tives in the Senate. A feebio minority is iu favor of granting ndrr'ssion to such of their citizens as cli'm to have baen eleeted, and without knowing, in any official manner, the sentiments of the private citizen, Mr. Davs fr.voia tbe President 'exercis'ns; that rlht to rccogrj'co the opposition hera and tha Southern memt:rs as a majority of th) Senato." Who are the ' Southern member: ?'' We know who ere trying to Iz, bat tbeso cer tainly are not -'Southern members" now. "Exerciso this right." How? Is tho advice of the Southern papers to ba adopted, and the cla'roanta of seats be marshalled into the Ha'l supported by bayoaete, and seated tsneath the protecting &rx.z of mtnket.? ' Are we to bave a cowp d'elct T We can see no other mesning in the Senators words, and yet we are loth to bolieve that any member of S3 b'gh a tcdy as the one in which he sits should, unless under some rjnxcconnfable influ ence, so disgrace himself as to even h'nt at Buch en event. It is time tbat all incend'ary harangues ha abrr.doned. We have had entirely too many of them during the last lew weeks. ( Ths problems before our country are t j be settled by quiet debate and careful examination, not by profane surprlativea nor by violent accu sations. "Cojae, let us reason together," should be the invitation, end in the ca-eTal exercisa .of our delitorative faculties let us the vexed qucotlon calmly settled. Mr. Gabbett Davis has, by losing hh patience and his reason, disgraced himself; but if his example may act as a restraint to others, we will not regret his course. For if one must fall let it be Gabbett Davis, for him the Senate can most easily span, and our nation di&psnSe with without loss. We cordially agree with the Tribune, when it says this morning, "We presume Mr. Davis in making such a proposition aspires to the honors of treason, but he will have to be con tent with the distinction which belongs to a lunatic who is tolerated abroad bacansa, although a nuisance, he is harmless." Editobiaily Paihktic Far be it from us to detract iroui the touching effect of an article which appeared in the Richmond Times, and from which we make an extract. It is tho mourulul wall of the ''Mother of the Presidents" over her eiiing, or at lea" wan dering children. But we would only Beck to incite tha ambition of those Southerners who have gone to a foreign land to ba happy, by regretting that so far none of them have mada the earth resound with their deeds, and ex pressing a hope that .in order to make good the glowing words of the Times, th's exiled band maybe reciaitcd by as mny, if not a1', ot that portion of the chivalry who bave so far consented to remain - beneath "Yankie rule:" "Ami all the vicissitudes of time and plase, the heart of tbe true Southerner will alwava tain with homage to bis rative laid, and melt with eoitne-8 at the thiine of her memory. He will be like tbe aged Bwui, who left his land and Lis laasUHge behind him, and sought a home la the New world. Years went on, and tha time came for tbe old wan to die. He lay upon h's couch. The lights grew dim, for 'thy that looked eut at the windews were darkened.' Level voices were hashed, for 'the daughter! of music were brought low.' His hands wera lolded upon his breast; his lips moved bespoke. Ill old wife bont over him, but the accents were Blranpe. The exile was again a child, and was houcutb the Bhadow ot the eternal mouataias once more. Tbe rush or tbe torrent swelled upon his djiiig ear; tbe Alpine eow brightened in his dying eye. The sons; of uii sister floated out through the open door, from the cot where he he was born and be breathed hla 13 1 prayer in the language ff other days. "Touching Mud eloquent la the sentiment con veyed by thin story of the dyinii Swiss. But there is no Virginian now roaming in foreign lauds, an exile Iron this shore, who, when ho coning to die, will cot teel like this old Swiss. His Inst gaze and his hut thoughts will be to- ware the lovf d old mo.1 lirr of Stitea nn I sta r-i-men, the found r ot eriipircfi r.nd idea.', iind the urn of departed clory and bund frrtalum. Wuo.iit-r oeatb meet Opiu nsaf tli- ha1.! of fie Aloiilf-y.i.nine, or at the baie of lhaAnrlrt fie hen tint Virginians, l.ko the eyes of cr-m Ms huRimei'ans flwi uoon Ilccca in tin hour o' riWolnt'ou, will snvelv turn to the laid of Washington, the arave of Jacksox, aad the home cf Lkr." A Needed Law is New Jerst-t. Ac cording to the Incantation scenes in MJiibelh, a marsive ritual is necessary to exorcise per eecutlnr witehe?, but in our more civi'lzsd times tbe racquitoc, thoe success jrs ol evil fairlesyare to b& annibilaterl by lojialatloo. Two laws have paseed by the New Jersey Legislature, which, if sianed by tho Governor, will act as mro potent charmi than ever fol lowed in the path of necromancy. Oa Wed nesday they packed tha bill granting a charter to the Newark and New York Railrosd Com pany, and yesterday the House aoprovd that providing for the incotpon'ion of a conpany to drain the Pontine Mauls west of Eur pen Hill. Iheca two bil's, therotow, only await the signature of Governor Wahd to be come laws. We hopo the Governor will at ontP grant his approval, and tbat th? corport t'ens will proceed at onv.3 to work, and ipeedily complete tha work they u-o now en gaged to accornpi'rh. At aronceit lut?lv i.'iven at Viennu, for the b;'iir.tit cf tlir Literary Men's I'tind, t.'.i fci no.-rjr ol Aub nil tooV a ticket and paid Z j0 for ll. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. 8. H. (JIB :i H Y, PASTOK O r ii-.-t Koformrl Clmrrh, Ci .nKV Pt-Mt, near 8'xlfeiuli. will ireiiuh oa -.iimlmr 4.H lint, at li'? k. t. nd 7M '. 11. Hn'.irct In tio Kren' k -'Kiil-ti niroiiiiR AliPb ; ' lielng tue Hixtb ol tlic teri -3 on tilja'i tod r e tim a. Ktranccra nhvuyx wc cone. rT "MISSION OF THE SON 07 MAN licv.J f. Mcf'LEiAAVD. of r.rh Streo'. M. K. Cr-rr h on tlie al.-vc suhirf, t Union Mfl. ASlEilC W A'l-.CHAMi S' i.AI-L,, i urn ir FOUlirH aptl (JliUJlCK 8le'.:t8, To-morrow a.'.oraoon . SX o'rlnrk. All Ifiv'trl. 17" COHUCK8INK PR K8 BYTE WAN flirRCH. scrv.cen To-morrow (Kabl:ah). at 10M A.M. aid 7 P. M The .ni.ime it of the Lorl'a Kupnar nil tie a'lni!r!B "iv i in tb ino .lir; by tho I'as nr. Ri.v. S, a iMUiCHAlOUU, tBSlstbi by Roy. ilr. I.) AAlSorir uvil'o. ITS''- TADERNACLB M. K. ClITTRnTI, ' nrVKMH Strofit aboveJrff. run FATH :k KIWr Al DUK Oi.T KOIiKK hm;n cnoo'i-t d to ff-ne i aiioiherwonk, w.n toiuluut tin tin -!'ig In Ihl'i i liuroh ir.-nin. .w. Setvlcci at IvH a. in 7X,J nK" i:ev. lushop simfson will vrorcb ti'e corT6-"l'0" or S1". HTKPHSs'h Jl. I. ChlB ll.O'IUlViO onS-.bbiHU tlio 4 h lnti it ai 1 i o'clock A If.. In aid of I ' rai Oimib. In'e.pif. Troc v b.VVN HAU I at T' f. M. MirRCII ahnva h'T f Vl'VTTt lln.l D. it Inp To-moTow( 'i)at 1X It I'oi'or, Rot. K. A. ilAMKUY I oril's Supper at 3H. t'n on lTfyor Ueet i:igat7. Public fTcclioui o?ylnvit I RC" CHILDREN'S MELTING AT dE. TrALCHlTKCfl. VIN'K ff ro; atnvo i 'WFTrfT Tbls Altc.noon ft li o clock Tcv. BAMUEL IBiVIJT at ar re Cum . i Tn aioi ow Ilo'n'n . PCwr" TAHEitNACLK BAP HUT CHURCH, -z CHFSSfir Si. col, e-tet li"-bfcn'Vi e ,-icn Sc-morrow Moi il i- at MX, a id Iri it t IX o'cit;k. fi.jch'ig by 'ha Pa' ii', 1':t. Q. a. PLVZ. . rjT ST. PAUL'S P. E. CIIURCII.-TIIE nsunl HontMy Se'.aoi to CbVdron will be pf 'ached In IVs urch To-motuw Moni')n. at t o oiofx. - ne voun-gn"a it rr-o irn a'iy nviifd. sZ Jivij.i iinijin i. iiuri'Jil, SIXTH Street, obovo C.-oen. Rnr. R W. KTDNRY I. D . raster. Scrvlcm at 10 A M., anJ 7 P.M. Fou ."i i aiinon f t iVe Yooit Even'nR. SV' T. M. COLEMAN, ESQ., WILL AD-drr'- the UiuJTo-im.. w at the COUKT 1IOCSE, toinerot HlX'l'tt and CUtlNCr 8tr;;-. rjSf" SECOND STBEEr M. B. CHUECH. Ficturat 10 A. M. aid 7 o'clock P.M. lloc;'nT eve.v evtnin; C'Oiue ard help m SHORT SERMOV, BAPTISM, AND v-3t' CotriTiun'oi. tLkVLJi'lU ojd WOOD Stroct ., fabbalh, tli P M J fS IR. SliISS ON THE APOCALYPSE a-3S' xba Evoa EDlatie'; S'o-moi.ow EvL-n-, 7X o'cV k, RACK 8t'.."ti t3iv? 8 lll i" tCJ5f LOGAN POUARE CHURCH, TWEN TIETH and VINE Mroeti. Eov. A. II. JELLY To-mori jw at UH i at 1H o'clock. ir TIESTONVIIiLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURC.-I v WILIAMP. CLARK, To ao: low atHH i -U 3H a'c ook. SPECIAL NOTICES. JSp. UNITED STATES PENSION OFFICE, 5to. 2C: CARTER Street, be'aw Tti -.J, (Old Poet Offlco Bull A'ni. ) NOTICE TO PESSI0NEC9. To aroU waste ot time, proraoto the ge if ral emvr nlfiice ami iccure tlie tpccdr panne it of I.waUin AlO'iHfcRS. WIDOWS, and o br a u oil :t at tbe l'uliailelpbla Ajoucy. tke TTniic.l Ktat Per Ion a Kr it imnouncp3 that the payme it of Fculons duo Wfrcii i 18 J. will ta mado 1j i-'pliabc t cal ord r itiat h to ,a(, mcctrd nq to iA telKr cirmmcming (As lait tin ;i uf thctf rcpT. as A, B, C, &e. Tbore eoinncncluif as 1 ollowi will bo alO ou lb (; js na'Ded and u.i-. t Audi) Uoiday ndl'ueilir, Marti Siliaul ('. and T Wi;'ur. 'a and Thin day Mar b 7th and Sili K and F Filday and BamiJay, Uarc'i 9th and 10 'i. G and H Monduv and 'lucidity, Jk) nob l.'.h and Utj. I.J.andK We lnc:dy, . MarcUHUi. L 'lliuritday, Wuich lith. Mcend M Friilav aud Batiliday, Jnaivb ISih and !7 K, O, a-id P Monday, Ma-.-cb ll.k. O anJ h. Tuesday. AIurbU)ih. H WidncJav and Thursday, Ma-chilst and 22d. T. U. and V triday, Uarob iad. W, Y, rnd Z Saturday, March ?!th. AionlTthonj Per loners gporifled above will be p.tid on lbs days drjlk'uated. all other application wuci ma !e will ba poatpuued to tbeir lcgnlur oiJer. A'l pansloua roaiaiumj uapaid on arck 2.'lb will ba paid at nrewnted a ter taut dale. InvaMd piuloaeiJ who pehalom com iience before lut cb 4, inn, and who have not bea exjinio-J prior to tbe bepteaUier payuieut. or who a-e not eiempt Irom medical exauunatioia. Bunt present Uultod HtuKS urerona' cartlflcattv ai to t ieir dijublilty, wlt!i their peuHlon paper.'. , THE FU.MON OFFICE WILL E OPEVFUOHS IN T11L MOBNINQ TILL 4 IN i BE A T I R MUU.N, For the payment ot Pens onert r.-nidl'ii' In t ie cltr. t.. W. C OKtlfN'E 8 3 3t' V. 9. Pcualon Aent. KDf" IMPORTANT TO THE MERCHANT9 AND ilAaUFAOlUnt-lU Or FUiLADiiL- PBI1. lensr. Edwabd Yocko A Co., Fubllthft, Fk'lt delDbla: br icvlas that the clna'atlna of a book oa the 1H AUK NU MAsCfAl'lUUrS OK PlilLA DLL PH'A wou d. at thia time eaa- ! Uly. wbea neir con -nierclal relation are beiag Htb ' !, f ji'iy beueilt tbe merca-itile and uif TuiatUnuu latere u ai tn 'i c...r, we kareby r.qut toou to ravue the work on tbataou Jict publf tatd by you borae years alnca car -d br iljwln X Preet'ley. aid wo toubt not Ou- Mcu.htnli, Mata iacturei, and we.i'tbv uirn will 1 inure It . extj-'-.lva Ul . tribmlon Hi: .uiih the Sooth and VVcuf. MOLi'OK McMlCH AEL. Mjyor of Pblladelph. STI'.ITIK! COLWKLL, IJ. S. kareaae t.'omin' j'.oacr. WILLIAM II. THOM AS. Co ltcur oftbePor.. 1 AMF.H ROSS HNOWl)N, Peim. Saorjme .'ont. JAM kft POLLOtK. Blrrctv Uu'lcl bl .! i mm. uh.HbA.N j. luwaki:t. l'cnu. K. A Co. Wjl TA AM bELLEUS A CO. JAMES, KENT, SANTfcK & CO. UAY1U n. JSItUW H CO. ItKNJAUIN ltO',LOC'K' hONS. JOHN ll M YKHH 4t Ca ' 1. RODNEY KING L'O. ' PHiLAPULruiA, February. 18SB. . , . lu rccotdunco with tbe rrqueat ol tbri! and other public aulhtud pentlemen wa have undertaken the terl alon ot tlie work reierrel to and wM epa e nupa'c ifi na'teit adajuerreatypeaf theTVaOh ANU MiNO FAC'IUBES OF PHILADELPHIA In U J The t ma laetkcciall aaaroarlato, and It will not be nar l .ult li tha new marchdnta of the Bout i and West are not pustid la legard to tbe entr'.irltluT fl-ml oftbh city. EDWARD YOL'NO CO., St awe St Publinherj.M 0.411 nilttSNUT Htreeu rjST THE DIRECTORS OF THE PETRO- - I.1TJM VAK'R glOVK AND GA9 LIGHT COMPANY bavc, tbla 12,1 an? of Febniarv. lsnfl. d clnred a Dlvldaad of TWKNTY-F1VK I'tM'H alia-e, payable at tbe Ottlce of the Company, tit 'i'ii DOCK t-tn-et. on and alter March 1, IK06 The Traaaier lioeka et the Caiupauy wui be clcaed from February 24 nut' I March I. ' !l24aui6l i If. II. IIADNTJM, Sevretaty. SPECIAL NOTICES. 55?- NORTU AMERICAN MINING COMPANY. CCicc, No. 327 WAtNUT Street. (8R00ND FLOOD 100,000 &lre, Cnpltal Ktork, rr Vatln flO'OO Thla Company ownl In fee ilmple aoreral valuablo Sliver M lnea in Nevada. 50,000 ftbare f r Working rniiltial. SS.OflO to be Hold lu 25 L.tN nt (?5()00 Kavh. J"Suli!-crIi received at tho office nntil March 14. BY Olibtrt OF THE diufctobs. 211 lStj J'. S. KMICRY, Treasurer. PCTJ"' DEPARTMENT OF PUMLIC IUCU y wa, Clilco, tt. W.tointi of Fir fil nnl WAL : TJT Strteta. Pint.Aori.riUA. Fohniarj S7, 13S. NO ICK. TO UOATRUUKWi. f ( a d Tri'i o-a h w ill lie reroived at the oftloeo" tli Clibt. oi..n;l lone-ot nn II 13 o'clock M. . on 1JOMUY, Mnn b S or the conimcliiin of a jt-wor on Hip Une Oi MorKr'l atrnet. irom the w ine of Wyo ming a rert wea aril abont fliroe hundred teet ard connect with the aewer now iai4 In aald Market atroot, at that point, to be built ot brick, two font alx Inolies Inside olfine r, and licn ar In torrn with au.:b tiiou and rrniilK.e aa nay be directed by the chief Lu ginerr aiid Survor. Tbe uutiorntnntliiiK to bo that the oonrraeto' glial! tnke Ml a prepared ai nliit Uie property irontini; on aaiil aiwer. aa autliorled by Act of AuHeiulil and without recourse to ilio city, ao mu h cuiti puld. aa I In lull Icr a I uinountH to bo paid by tlio city lor the counruo Ui n ol Mild new it a bidilor ara Invltp.d to be pnaent at tho time and plsce o oin nliiK tlio aa d propoaa a. i iu h noiuHui will bo in. com wml 'rt by a c-rti(l"aii ttm a bind hna been 11 rd In tin Law lt'partinitnt, an il rci t' d bv orillnniH e of lltr a. lWj li tlm 'ovet bidiier tliiill nntexetu e a con'ro-.t w thin five (inya iiitr the work l nwnnli d be wil bn deemod a (irclliilne. etui will l.e ldd 1 ahlo on hit bond lor tlio dn ler nci- l.e vein hia bid and to next h'tfher bid. Mu c fiei tn lm mriy I liad at Ibo ftcpuriuiont Of Sur vty, wLlch wl 1 bo strlctiy odhen-d to. W W. SM FOLEY. .1 1 St Clilet(ominlB?ioiier ol Highway. rillLADHLPHIA' AND SOUIIiriRN- ' MAII HTl AAINUIP COMPANY. 1 L' till') OF TlUrti'TOHS. x JTo'lfO Is In r'hy riven that a Meetinif o' tho Rloci b drr ot Ihe Plillndrltih'a and h"o'ithcru MnllHttani abln companv will be held at the Roo'iis oi tlio Hoard of Irade.on MONDAY. March S h MU. between tha loan of 10 o'clock A. M. ami 3 o'clock P. M., for tha uroofie of elerrtmir fvn nircctor'. tn numnancn ol a provision of the third section ot theact Incorporailug nuld coninaiiy. . TllOV S O. HAND FREDEUICK COLLINS, , RU.UAKU WO I), A f. I liKS KliRoUGII, V. RUSSELL GI OIiGK L. 11UZBY. WILLIAM MAS-li-.Y, J IHN . JAM ICd ! WILLI AX C.HARUI3. (IttimiEN ALLU'J, HENRY 1M0NS, A. M. i ONGVKIt. W' I.LI M M. WILON', JOII iN 1 HIDCKTON, .. J. CA HKKWOOL), IIbXK' WINSjU, ) . A.SOtJDHt 2 24 7t WILLTAMB. THOMAS, I bliudolplila, Fcbrunrv 24 lil'B. Corporator1?. f-yif ''TlIEVUAlvEH FaTIIERS.'' SFB Coricai.ondeiioo be wecn I1K.VRY PEI-E-'N and tLI K.. PPICI-. I- A GuDliV J. COoIC. BISHOP tl;l'r)N, and oth' r, In tbe dally papera oi Feb iuar 27. T he Lecture wil' be dcllrercd on MONDAY F.VEV Iv.O OXC..RT HALL bCKinnli g prccisaly at nnarter be ore 8 o'clo 'k. Tickets artmlttliiK a fieu lcnnn and lady, prion Flttv Centa Can be ohti nrd nt McA I l-tcr'a. No.72SChpi nut a tree t; Parrish's. N'o 810 Arch a'reets T. B. Pub'a, HlxUi and ( liemut; TJ. Hunt fc ona', No 1.2 N. Fourth atieet. and at tbe door on tho evonln of the Lectu-e. S 2B jit tTZSF' OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO AD aV-3 COMPANY. PniLADBt.riiiA. Feb. 2U, 1886. KOIICE TO BlOKi.OLDKU-S. The Annual lection tor Directors at" this Company will I e he d on MONDAY . the IV h day of Murch, 1HM. at 'ho ofhee ot the Company, Mo 2 W 8 TiliKD Streot. The po'la will bo open irom 19 o'clock A M. until 6 o'clock P. M. Ho share or shares transferred within alxtr onv precedln" the election wl'l entitle the ho uer or holders thereof to vote. EDMUND HMITH i 21 Hit Becietary. Kgff CONCERT HALL. PROFESSOR WIL LI4M U. DAY wi l de'iver the FIFTH LEC TriKult e Coursn betoie the ftO''IAL. ;lft,. AND HTATISTlfAL ALSOCI A 1 ION', TflL BDAY EVe,' IMi, lla-c'l 8. at (ON' at.' , HALL. 4blcct ' IQJAMIY BEFORE THE LAW." The J aok Swan" will sln a tew choice aiu Tlcc't. 31 oeita. Mar be had atT, X. Pngh's, Sir-'h nod Clicmut at eeti, and at tho dui Doom open at 7 : bejli at 8. 3 3 5t Kvf TAKE NOTICE! TAKE NOTICE! ! a5 GREAT LII'KRARY TREAT) 1 1 In CONCEHI HALL, on FRIDAY KVKMNO, March 6th Rev. T. DE WITT TALM AGE will, at the request ot many cltlzenK, de lver his verv poDulur and amusing Lecture, entitled "Grumbler A Co.," for benevolent nur- ?nsea Admission 2A emu. . Reserved seats SU cent's, .ckets at 1. B. Pugh's bookstore, filxtb and Ch -snut streets. 31 8t fjrSSf OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER. s3 Philadelphia. February iB, lhtiti. Notice to Ihe holders ot City Warrant. All Ultr Warrants Issued prior to tbe 'year 18HwiU be paluUon and alter MAKUdlUth. 1HS6, at this ollloe. 3 3 St HENRY BU.UM, City Treasurer. frsnr- DINING-RdOM. F. lakemeyer, sV3j' CARTER'S AI ey, would respeotililly imonn tha Public geneially that he baa lett nothing undone to make this place comfortable in every respect lor the acaont lodution ot guests. He has opened a large and com-, modious Pinuif-Hoom in the seeond aiorv. His 81 DK BOARI Is furnished with BRANDLKB. WINF.3, WHIriKY,Eto..Eto.. 01 SUPERIOR BRANDS. 11 EEIUOUVKY'S TURKISH BAN DOLE MIAN HAIR TONIC. THE DRESSING AND RESTORER OF THE AGE. TURKISH BANDOLEN1AN. RETEOU VET'S TURKISH BANDOLKNIAN. Jletrouvcy's Turkish Bandoknicm. What can be more acceptable than anything that will beautify t that will restore nature' decay by stopping tbe hair from falling out, rttioimc it namral.color, making it to prow in lu&uriauce and beauty, aslet in putting up according to the present style and fashion aud keep it m place f This, Hetrouvey's Turkish Bando Unian Hair Tunio will tie, and for proot we refer you to any person who lias tried it. It Is acknow ledged to be the heautiili r of tlio aao, the only Hair Tonio and Restorer worthy ol th name. In Turkey, In trance, m Engtand, lu America, evorywhere where the Bandolouian is known, it is' pronounced tho "nt pUi ultra" of Ha'r l'ropuratlous. Iioinombor, it i free from all metallic poioona that are contained In most Hair Colors and dressiuiM. It is tlio extract ot rcanv flowei-s and herbs, bcautiiully put un, an ornauient to the Toi'ot. For sale by all DruirgiBte and rerfumois. Wholoualo, "' JOUXtTOK, 1IOLLOWAY & COWDE3T, Dvott & Co., I'riLcipal Doot for Uniied StaUw and Canada. JA1 18 l'ALMKB A CO , No. W Market street. T2 6tutliis8m l'hilaaoipuia rrf A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MAR-IK5-' RIAGK i ontninlng nearly 300 pages, and l,t flue Plates and 1 ntrravlnLSoi the naiomvoi thelluinuu Oreane In a Slate ol Healtii and DUhsbso, with a lma no on Xarlv irors, Its Denlorable C onsequeuoe upon tha Mind and Body, with tiie Author's I .n of Treatment the only rational aud auccexaiul mnde ot our, as show by the ieort ot eunea treated. A truthful adviser to tho msrrbd and those contemplating uiurrlage. who entui tttiu doublB of tbeir phystcul condition Hent iree of poataiie to any address, on receipt ot 25 oenta In ntumiis or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA C'ltOIX No. 81 VA1DEN Lane. Albany, N Y. . The author may be coouu.ted upon air of the diseases spun which his book treats either pertallv or by iu J, and medallion rent to any pan ot the world. 11 8 urn tcE?" BATOHBLOR'8 H A I R DYE. THF BFST IX THE WORLD. rJannleas re'iable In-ttntanoua. Tha only perf-ot dye. N a'sappol'itmeut. no ndicu ous t.nts, but traa to naut'.'- biack or b.own . . GlMlkEla MG NJCD WILLIAM A. BATC3EL0R. AL-O, Fe"enera"nf tract ot AI 11, (flours restores, pnsrvei and beantlfles tu hair, proven ta badness. Bod ball Drjggiita. Factur iio,8l BARCLAY t. N. Y Sii rZZF- JU ST PUBLISHED By the Physicians of the Nf.W YORK UUeKint, tbe KbneUeth kdltlon ot their i FOUR LKCTDKE J, ... entitled- rnnoHOPnY er marriaob. To be had free, lor lour stamps, by adureaaiag Heertitiut dew York Museum ot Anatom ot Anatomy, No. U HR0ADW AY. Hew York. i n ir SPECIAL NOTICES. tT' ('VFIPR OF THE P1I IL M)LPHI A -' AND CUIK T HUH rKTRoLKOM COM PANY. N. IM ALNUf br lekt, Room li A.':ort !. DITIDrND -Th Direc'or ? the P)iilar"e'phla and Cbei.y linn I'e"o'en,n con pun t t.tva bi' iar dc s-ed ft of O K PrM Oi'.si !. outoftbn e. tnlmaol the Ccmpnnv ior the monlh o' Fobrjurir p yabia on and aitoi Mi ich 10. ,'ln.sjci books closos i th-ftLh. Onruon ihelOlh. T. tt.R'IVT, Hrorctarv. y. B. i he Coinonny will raln'n tha'r wotklug oapit;! of lli.UOthntes It BCTT CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE- Pnn.APKr.ri:lA Fobritarr '21, IXUti. To Ilotel-Veepers, Bos au-nts ft'id others rtmimua ot an HiiK llnuora by leaa meaaurd tlnin onniiuart.. Appli cants will apuly at HiN ottb'ii. ti provided livn;'to Av si inbly etiptoved ' prll 20, I M, couiiuciicin j on I'aL'Hd IiaY, Murch 1 IWI. 1HII.IP HAV1LTON ) TH"1AS DICKSON, City Com3)l33loners. JOiiNGlVl.N, ) 2 2i( EST DR. L. D. HARLow HAS REMOVED to.No. 15.0 ARCH Ptioet. 2 278i NEW PUBLICATIONS. (JLORdK SAND'6 N15W I3U01C. VICTOR TiCOOM NEW BOOK. WILKIE COLONS' SEW BOOK. .riBi iantD inis day and for sale by ' T. 13. FETEHSON & UHO nilCUS, . No. 306 CHE8NUT 8TREET, Flillada. JEAM-USV. By George Sand, author of "Cornnnlo," "i ouiitcss of Hodolstadt." 'ItiUluua," "ti'irst mi l True leve," e.c elo. Cooiplcle In ouo Inrno duoiceiiuo vtluine. l'rlue el SO in paper, or ?i lu o o u. awti TUB BRIttAND) lK TUf DfMOV fip TUB NORIH. liv Victor Hiiuo, author ol'-Loa Miserables," One octavo volurno. Price 75 cents. cJl THE QUK.EN'a REVENOl". By Wlkln folllns, no her it the '-Dead Becret," cto. o.c. One Volume ociuvo. Price 75 ce a is. T HE Cf QI KTTK.t OR, THE LIFRAND V KTTBRS OF hLIZA WHAUiCN. A true tile In 'enllle.with nn Ms oriel pre.lnca nulaMemol o the Author. Br 1 1 nil; o M esaacl.usetia. Conr.iote l i one lave duo ccciino voiuuio. Pries tl AO In paper, or ti la c oth. 1H-' I.OT BRIDE. Br T. 8 Arthur author of -Love hi u l ottate " Lovo In Uljih Llie," eti. Pr.oe w cents. H.D All FOR AVE i or, Hue Most rntortunate Man In tbe World. By Theodore Hook. Prico 75 oent ;. A LIGHT AND A DARK. CH RISC MAS. By Mrs. Eenry Wood. Price 25 cen' .. CoRA PALWONT; or. Tbe (lnosre ttrc. A True Storroi ihe Hem t. vomp'cto In one large duodecimo volume. Price PI0 In paoer, or 6i la ciotu. THE TWIiS AND HEART By M. F Tnoper. Com plete In ono large octavo voiumc. Pi Ice 75 ven a THE CROC K OF GOLD. By M. F. Tupnor. Com plete In one :arye octavo volume' Piles 75 co:it;. OCR MUTUAL FRIFND. By Charles Dickons. With a'l the author's II ustratlons. orty la numoer. 1 lu paper or B2 In cloth; or lu two volume j, cloth wun nun. a illustrations, oi. BOANOKV. V. or. Where Is Utopia? A thrilling novel i LileJ By C. U. VV'itby. lliujiiuud. 75 of Houll.uru cents. T HK LOST WILL. By Jlrs. Wool . Pries I) cents. ' I;FD tOURT FARM. ByJIrjWood. Price TI con s. Copies of liny or all of the above popular books will be sent to any oi.e. Ireeo po'tajo. a rcc )ipt ot pv.oa. Address o.l ordrs to ihe pubiinhoia, T. B. IETLRSON & BROTHERS,' No. f06 HESSITT STItEET, PhiUds'lphla, Pa., And they will receive prompt attention. AU Books published In theoountry arc lor sale at PLTEKtOi-is', at publi.bou' lowest cash prloei. Itlp (KOATEi; & RAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC bTITCII AND LOCK STlTCn SEWING MACHINES. itli latest im provements No. 7j0 Chesnut 9treet,Phi:adolpriia; No. 17 Market street, Harrlsburg. 1 1 3ru4p YOUR LIFE AT ROME', IN TBE PENN MUTUAL, NO. 921 CI1ESNTJT STREET. Asset Liable (or leases SI, 500,000 It Is a Permanent Institution, With a perpetual char ter from, and subject to the laws aud judicial decisions ot the 8 lata. The assets lawfully Invested ore large, compared with the. liabilities, and the business is limited to nrst-olass 'risks thus assuring the members of ample security, prudent management, and solid prosperity, and oilerlng superior advantages for Judicious Llle insurance. ' It Is the inlerett, as well as the duty of eveiy citizen to suppartnoua institutions, because, by doing other wise, lis funds are carried abroad to benefit others, inflicting on (his community the same injury as If he went abroad to purchase any article ot merchandise which la manufactured or sold here. Every dollar paid to a lorelgn Insurance Company is a Lose to thb oenb bal capital or this cut the amount already paid woui(J have furnished us with a eoumhlp Lines to In crease Trade. SURPLUS DIVIDED ANNUALLY LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. J Eetura Premium Dividend 59 per conU . Hcrlp previous to 18C1 receivable In paymont of pre. miums. Policies Issued on the various plans of Insurance. TRUSTEES. Samuel C. Huev, 'I lieopbilus Paulding, Edmund A. .-emier, bamucl E. btokra. Henry C. To attend, Thomas W. Duvls. Joseph M. P. Price, tiuinuel A. Hlsphum, Rudoiphus Keui, baiiiuclj t bristlan, ' James O. Pense, Warner ai. Rusin, Frederick A. Hyt, Chilstiau J. Hotiman, John O. Brenner, Beniamin Coatcn, Richard 8. Newhoid. Jiimes li. Mc Far and,, M il. lam P. liackor, Joseph il. Trotter, Wlllium II. Kuril, James Kutia, r.dward M. Needles, Charics Watson, El wood Johnson, John G. Roppllur, John A. Ntiedli'Hi Baltimore. - M CDICAL EXAMINEES. EDWARD HART.SHOKNE, M. D., No. 1439 Walnu street. DV ARD A. PAGFiM. D., No. 1415 Walnut street. In uttt ndanoe at the otlics of the Couipauy, from 1 to 2 P. Ai. , ually. JAMES TB VUU AIR, President HAM 1 t L E. S i OKivH, Vico-l'resldent. JOHN W. HOU . V. P., and Actuary. 1 LiOlfATIO h. bl'EPHENS. Secretary, a 27 tuthsJMp 1 . . . Q ROVER & BAKER'S IMPRO VED SHUTTLE 'OR "LOCK" STITCH 8EWIN(3 MACHINES. No. 1 and No. 9 for Tailors. Shoe makers, Saddlers, etc. No. 730 Chesnut street Philadelphia; No. 17 Miiket street, Harrlsburg ' . )RY GOODS. ' DRY GOODS. f DRY GOODS. NEW STORE. ' ONE PRICE. NEW STORE.' ONE rillCE, NEW LTORE. ONE PRICE. 8MA'.L PBOFiTS. 6M ALTi PROKIf:. SMALL peofitj. ' T. W. REED & CO.l NO. 310 UOILTII EIGHTH STREET ABOVE ViNE. i (Under Reel's New Ealldioj), HOOF BKIRTS MADE EXPEESsf.Y FOR OD2 I SAi.Ei. ttU ta ft) H M H 5 c M . O Willcox & Gibbs Sewing llaclxine Co. No. 720 CIlEaNUr SIREET, PaiLADXLPUIA. H - S1 H m ml " t t- o OO E 3 o bj t-i H M S3 - a M CCIDEMAL INSURANCE C0PJ1PAWY i 1N13W YOItlt. R R A N 0 II O F F I 0 E. No. 419 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. FRANK 0. ALLEN. ManiiRcr. CHARLES r. 1CBXEB.M. D , Consulting Phvslclan, No. 233 8. EIQQTII Street rollcbs and Dat:y Tick ts oovcr erorv description et Accidents, travelling or otherwise. General Accident Tickets, for one to alx Jays, 25 cents perdav, Incurini, (oOCO. and 25 week y compensation. Sea Voyaue Policies to ail parts of the world Issued at low rates. GENERAL ACCIDENTAL POLICIES, , Covering all forms of Dislocations. Broken Bones, Rap tured Teunons. Sprains. Concussions, Crushtngs, Braises, Cuts, Stabs, OuLshot Wounds, Barns and Bcaltls, Bites Of Dogs, Unprovoked Assaults by Burglars, hobaers, or Murderers, tho action ot Llubtnlng or Snn Mttoke, the efficts of Explosions, Chemicals, Floods, and Earth ounk cs, Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, whon such accidental Injury Is the cause of death within three months of the b'pponlng of the Injury, oi ot total dis ability to follow the usual avocations. , THE RATE VAUT ' From $3 to $50, INSURlN'l from $r00 to $10,000, IN CA88 OF DEATn, AND FOB ANY DISABLING INJUBT. By permission, reference is made to the following gen-. tleuit a t ' ' Colonel W. B. Thomas, Collector or tbe Port Colonel J. IL Taggart, United States Collector of I a- ternal Revenue. First District ' . jiirarr niumn., vit, iibuhuhi. B. B. Comegvs, Esq.. Cashier Philadelphia National Bank. M. McMlchncl, Jr., Esq., Cashier First National Bank. J. W Bexton, Esq . ef firm ot Messrs. Jav Cooke 4k Co.' Messrs. Lewis, Brothers 4k Co., Merchants, No. 238 Chesnut street ' Messrs. Tyler & Co., Coal Merchants, No. 323 Walnut strest. . Messrs. Wood, Roberts A Co.. Iron Manufacturers Ridge avenue, below Twelfth street J 17 l4p JNSTJRE YOUR LIFE IN YOUIi OWN ROME COMPANY, .THE " AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Corner of Fourth and Walnut Sts. . Innareri in this Campany have the additional guaran tee of the CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, which, tegetber 1th CASH. ASSETS, now on hand' amount ta $1,143,874'U,' Invested as follows i HMMWO U.S. 6-211 Bonds....."" ivv,vv i.ity ui j uiiaveipnia luaii, o , aew 7,l5t U. ( 'treasury Notes, 7 2D 2S.0VO Allegheny County Bends 16 lU U. Lean of lHHl 11 (iM Wvoaiiug Valley Canal Bonds 12 7l ( caipounn Interest Treasury Not 10,600 PhUadelpbia and Erie Railroad Bonds II 000 Pittsburg. Fort Wa voe and Chicago 4 0 -3 Ir Urllruad Bonds ; . t481.061-4S IV" v iij ui X niKuuri asu uiuoc xiuuua, MI'S Heading Rai road Bonds l it Kal.road 4 shares Corn Exchange National Bank . 107 shares Fanners' National Baak of Reading 22 lha. roiisolldatioB National Bank 142 shares Wl.llumaiiart Watur cm. Danv J Mortgages Ground Rents, and Real Estate 147,3I S9 Loans ou cellaiera amply seenred 1KS.4N1 M Premium notes seenred by policies 217JMI4 &H Cash In hands ot agents secured by bonds 62 4U91tt Cash on deposit with V. 8. Treasurer 2U,WHU'0O Cash en band and In banks , (j",H'.i 14 Accrued Internet aud rents due Jan. 1 10 223 80 INCOMC FOR THE YEAR 1 363, Losses Paid During the Tear Amounting to $37,636-3 1. ToTsES PAID PROMPTLY. ' DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding tho insured te pay premiums. The last DIVIDEND on ail Mutual Policies in force January 1, 1B66, was . 'fifty pes cent. Ot the amount oi PREMIUMS received during the year 1866. . Its TBTJBTEEo are well-known citisens In our midst, entitling it to mere consideration thua those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander WhUldln, J. K-dgar Thomson, lleorge Nuueni, lion. James Pollock, Albert '. Roberts. P. B. MlnKle. Samuel Work, -William J. Howard, httmuel T. Bodlue, John AiKmsn. Henry K.. liennott, ' Hon Joseph Allison, Isaac Uaziehurst. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, Ptesldent. BAMUEL WOBK, Vloe-Presldeut JOHN C. SIMS. Actuary. JOHN S. WJLON, Secretary and Treasurer. A few first rate canvassers wanted. I is tustu2m4p T1NIOM PAPER BOX MANUFACTURING U COMPANY, N. W. .corner RACE and SECOND Stree'u. Invite the attention of parties requiring goods In their Hue to the facilities they have of furnishing BOXEH OF EVERY DE8CRlPTION, which, tor durubility and neatness, they defy compe tition 'I6trp PARIS CO,