THE DAILY EVENING. TELEGRAM. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 18G0. CITY INTELLIGENCE For AddiXiorud City Iru'elince see E.'ghu rag?. A Fine Masosic CEEKJiomr. A few day since wo noticed ttie death of WMiam II. Adams, Efq.who lor long: time hud toen the Grand Socre. tary of the (x.and Lodgeand CiiandUbeptoroi Free ' Basons ol the Stale of l'frinsylvana. Boies maoh i.tinrni.hed tor his crmm-un m tho Order and lit devotion to in interest, n vus determined to hold in bis memory a 1 Lodge oi borrow." fhe mombon ot Washington Lodpe, and of Jerusalem Royal Arch Chapter, with Loth ol which organizations Mr. ioiini wai coni.eoted, after deliberation s looted ' yes'enlay alternoon as trio limn at which the Lodre should be be d, and tlio ceremonial was conducted conjointly by thotfflcorj 01 botu bodies. upon the oeath ot uu eminent Mason in the Old jr oild, has bet n seldom beld iu America, and is of very rare occurrence in Philadelphia. -At it tbe dir ' nitarics of the Order, lopeiner with all the com panions of tho deceased, in testifying to his virtues, lamenting his loss, und nrgina; each other to profit by ois pood example. All tbe omp 01 core monial for which the Order is ro celebrated is em ployed la making the scrvioos solemn and impres sive and aiLB'C, both vocal and iiudruinentul, adds to the solemnity. Tho Lodge was hold vestet day afternoon, in the Grand Liodgo room at the Jiaaomo ila'l, in Clireuut street, l'litladeiphia, and won conducted br William J. Kelly Woirlilptul Aia-tcr ol Washington Lodaro. kannureda 01 Masons wore present, aniouir. them many of our most eminent aud iiiflii' ntial citizens. lbi inetruinentul mus e consisting of an orchestra ot forty pieces, was under ttie direction ol I'roli swri I unniiigton and ftitier, and mo vocal music uudor tbu uirt ctiou ol rrolessor Anion lay lor. Of course none but Masons were pie ent, ana all who tooc art wore connected witb tno Order. Aitor opening tho I.ouo in d ae form, William B. IUed, 1'ast Master of Wa-hiuirUn Lodiro, oll'orod a terns ol resolutions couituouioiuiive of thtj virtue of W il lam II. Adams, anu ex pressing deep sorrow at Ins loss. They were eeconnod bv Henry J. VV htte, ol Jerusalem lioval Arch 1,'baptor, and were adopted. Iho lluster o' te I oige thon be a an the ceremonies bv reqnestins- tho Chaplain, Rev Kobort A. i'atiison. to oiler up a pi aver. Attor the praver tuere was in isic, aud then te cctlons of Scriptures were read. For fully half an hour tl: Masonio ceremonies continued, solemn mosie interspersing; the exhorta tions of the otticers, as ouo alter another the great lubta of Masonry were extinguished in to-timony to the sorrow all "lelt lor the dead. Tue members (resent thou formed in procession to pay tbe last Alaronie honors at the tomb ol tbe deceased. This Vomb, reared in ilie Lodge-room, was beautifully tleeoiated with natural floweis The scene, as ttie huuoreus present perlormod the last sad honors the light darkened tho orchestra playing; a solemn dirge, wis iinpre eiveiy i rnnd. When the ceremony ' calnnnaied. and each Musou laid tbe evergreen npon tbe tomb of the rioad, many droppod a tear, so deeply were they alloc ted. Then followed the exhor atlons to profit by the pood exainp e of the deceased, and anthems swelled in glory to God for Hi' goodness. As the ceremony ptocceded the lights wern re-lit, to show thut toe mourning was ended, and after ail was over, tbe Chaplain announced "Iho will ot God is aocom plislied. B essed be the name ol the Lord." An interesting; eulogy upon tlio docoased was then pronounced by samuolC. I'orkins, Esq., tho Grand High l'riest ot tho Grand Chapter ot Pennsylvania, alter which the large aseotiiblaTo dispersed, much affected by tho ceremonv thiouirh which they had parsed I he great excolleno of the music, both vocal and instrumental, added very much te the in terest oi tho occasion. A New and Palatial Dry Goods Esta- blihhmknt. l'nssing along Second street, below Mar ket, yesterday afternoon, our attention was attracted to a business improvement In that locality which de serves more tbuu a passing notice. We allude to the new and magnificent Silk and Dry Goods llouso of Ed' win Hall it Co., No. 28 South Second street. For four teen years past this enterprising tlrm have transacted business at No. 24 South Second street, but their ope rations of late years have been off such an exten sive character, particularly In both tbe wholesale and retail silk trnde, that their old establishment, although a large store, was found to bo totally inadequate to their constantly increasing business, their silk trade alone being fully as large iib thut of any house in Phlla rinlnhla for several veara nast. In order to meet the greatly increased business of the firm, an enlargement ut space, was found to be an. solutely necessary, and Mr. Hull negotiated for and ourchused the two adioliiing properties on tbe south and has converted them Into a truly nalatlal place of business, and the firm have the proud satisfaction of fiOHbesslng one ot toe nuesi siik una urygoous estao isliments. on the longest, most noted, and crowded business tuorougniure in mo Lulled butiw, wnion Second street undoubtedly Is. There are probably more dry goods stores on, Second Btreet than all the other Btreels of 1'lnladelphla combined, and the busi ness of the street is constautlv on the Increase, and stores are continually being added to 11 both north and south. Tbe supposed extension of ousiness westward does not In the least allect the trade or Second street. and, Irom Its geographical position, it must ever re main a great uuhiiiuns iiiurougiimrt. The new store ot Kdwln If ull Co. presents a strlk Ing appearance. As completed It displays a flnebrlck front of four Btorles. with Immense bulk windows ' furnished with single plates of clear French grass. The store extends from Second street back to strawberry street, and 1b divided into three compartments or stories. The arrangement lor light Is admirable, and is r ortncloal feature of the establishment. Two im mense transepts in the roof pour a flood of light over every department of the store. Apertures ot such size have Deen cut tiirougn me umerent noorings to the transept mentioned that, standing at the front door, the eye can penetrate to the rear of the third story. The first floor Is devoted to the Bale of silks, embroideries, white goods and dress goods of every style and variety, many of which are Imported by the firm; and also for the sale of ctotbs, casslmeree, hosiery, table linens and furnishing goods generally. A dark room, furnished with strong gas lights, has been lifted up at tbe rear of the first floor, to display Bilks by gas light, a novel and useful ooutrlvance. The second floor, front. Is used as the cloak depart ment, most of which are manufactured lor the firm The centre of the second floor is the shawl depart rnent, and the rear of said floor Is devoted to wholesale business. The entire spacious third floor, tbe entrance to which is on Strawberry street, is used only for the wholesale trade. The firm employ; nearly Ally assist ants, and one secret of tbe success of the house con tdstH in the fact that employees and employers have a reciprocal feeling of Interest in the success and wel fare of each other. The com tort of the employees Is . ..attended to, for the firm have had a large room In the rear of tbe third floor neatly lined up as a retiring room for the lady attendants of the store, where they eat their meals and pass their leisure lime pleasantly. Altogether the new store Is an honor to Philadelphia, and reflects great credit on its projector. It will be opened for the transaction ol business ou Thursday morning. . Ajuotal Commencement. The Eleventh Annual Couimouceinont ot tne tiahnemanman In stitute was held last evening, in tbe Hall of the ' Houiceopaihio Medical College ot Pennsylvania, Fil bert street, ai ore Eleventh, in the presence of a large and intelligent audeuce. Dr. C. JD. Walters, President, occupied tbe Chair The Valediotory Address was delivered by J. Beber feuith. It waa received with aiuoh favor by the audience, and at the cauoiunien the speaker was , greeted with applause. The following is a list of the graduates : I, V?,L Airowomith, W. D. 8. Lewis H. WiHard, fe low Fever. 4. Edwin H. Anderxon, Krysipelas 6. Isaiah Dever, M. D , Kxan nation ot the Sick. 6. Benjamin C, Woodbury, Purpura. 8. bniuaer H. Boynton, Buhaomannlantsm. the true Science ol Homoaopathv. 8 Aquila B. Llopinoott, Dysentery. i ' 10. Joseph J. Currle. Typhoid Fever. II. Silas Griffith, the Uomosojjathlc Law of Cure,' 12 Ziba D. Walter. Placenta 1'rievia. 18. Jacob G. Streets, Physiology of Impregnation. 14. Kutns K. Balding, Man and Disease. 1A. Kdwin H. rcgo. M. V . Acute Peritonitis. 17. George II Paraell, The Liver and its Diseases. 18 Ke. David Packer, Philosophical View ot tue law of Cure. - 19 Mi ton D. Llchtenwaluer, Proving ot Cistus CanadenrK 20. David Ii. Drelbelbis. Tho Blood. 21. John , Barnaby, Euibryouio and Fcotal Cir culation. 22. Edward P. Small, Tbe Influence of the Soul on the Body, 28. J. Beber Smith. Puerperal Mania. 24. i harlesS. Wilson, Phhtl Pulmonaljg. 26. I. Benson Voak, Dyson terr. 26. R chard T Harman, What Shall We Eat f 27. Harry E. Williams, Typhus Fever. 28. licv. Charles D. Ilorbert, A. M., The Pheno mena of Taking Co'd. 29 Maximilian YVerdor, Embryonic and Fcotal Lite. 0. Thomas II. Smith, Homoeopathy versus Koso- m Tharles Arthur, Dystocia. 82. James B. Owens, At D., Dutisof the Phy sician. . , 1. Katban Wiggin, nomcaopathy and Allopathy 1 rnntnmti'rt - 86. John C. Richards, M. I)., Double. Inclined : Plane. 86. Clarence T. Campbell. M D., Anatttbesla . . ifl rianrva H. Sawtelle Hor attua. 83. Allied Shepherd, M. D Ihe Duties and Con dBCt or tbe Pbysiotan. 40. J. Emery Voak, II. D , Oar Mission. Action of tbe Board of LT k altii. The oljict ot byviene, at tbe piesont, is one ol pstsmount importance to (he people, and any aotion on the part ot publie bod'os mint prove to beot general Interest. Tbe Board ot Ilea lb, whose pro ctniiLgs are nicessaiiiy anu Jurtly pnvato. have given the subject much attention, and at a meeting ot tbu bodv, beld yesterday, the lol owing preaiub e and rt solutions were acretd to: Whtrtat. I Lo ptibie feeling, in view or tne possi ble visitation oi cholera durinv th-? ensuing season, has been manitesily looking to this Hoard tor me in stitution ot all Dreckuilonai v measuies at their eom- msndiand H htrrat, A des're to avoid all appearance of in erferrrco with tho action ot Councils has hitfterio induecd ibem janon'ly to await p oviston by mat brunch ot the ottv Government lor thorough and SMdenialic cleaning ot the streets, until now too months ot tho ourrent year have cxplrel i thrdore Jinnlviti. Ihaiuion enmnlaint of the sanitary In. rpeclors ol the w arcs of the city, the Board hereby declare the strerts in their cres-nt flllhv cenditioa nuiaances prejudicial to publio health; and in con lot mity with the written opinion of the proper law ofl cer on file in this oilico, the President is horebv authorized and instructed unless Councils at their next stated meeting institute measures for ibe imme diate removal of the nuisance complained of. to ad vertise for proposals and proceed forthwith to effect this work of necessity. Jtmolva, mat a copy Ol mo foregoing preamuie and r solutions be transmuted to eacb branch of Counel a Ly tbe Cierc of this Board. HATS AND CAPS. 13 M E OF FASHION. Small fronts. QnicR Sales. HATS AND CAPS. NEWEST STYLES. LOWEST PEICES IN THE CIIY. BOURNE, 'o. 40 N. SIXTH STREET. 118tuthf3ni CARPfeTlNGS. Ao Q A 11 P E TINGS. A LARljE STOCK OF PHILADELPHIA MANUFAC UUE, In stole and constantly rocolvlng, AT VERY LOW PRICES. GEORGE V. HILL,. 21tbstu3m Ko. 126 Korth THIRD 6 tree t s U R V E r NOTICE, AU persons bitereKted in the plan of tbe 1 ui l n ar.ctius OF TUB TW'ESTT-SECOSD WARD, Bounded as follows : fortheast by Sten on avenue, v . J Northwest by Merma'd avenue, .no. tw-- (iontneBst bv (lorn as street. r sonthwe Bt by Gerniantown avenue, are notified that the Court of Q tarter Sessions for the city ana county ot fhitsueipina. nave nxea THURSDAY, March 29. lSti6, At Id o'clock A. M., at the Court-room Main Bul'dlng of the State Tlouse, to consider said plan and any oojectlons against the same, wblcn may oe uiaue oy any ireenoiuert anu in tne mean while tne sata pisn may ne seen at tne utnee oi me ve Dartment oi BU'vevs mr uie jiiy oi rnuaaeiDuia, No. 212 S Firm Stree.. anc a Duplicate tbereot at tbe oillce ot JKKSf LIOHTFOOT, Burveyor and Regulator ol tbe Ninth Uurver District, Benot llulldln? Uennantown F, CARROLL BRK!tTK, Solicitor of the City of Philadelphia (Docket S, page 37.) 2 24 lawt3 29 s D R V E Y N 0 T , I C E, All persons interested In the plan of the OF TUB T WET TT SKCO.SD WARD, Bounded as follow : oi th east h v Green street, ,. lna J Northwest by Careemer street, 1,0. uo. Hnntheast bv W. Washingion avenue, ' ( Southwest bv Wlssahlckon aenuo. are notified that the Court ot Quarter f-csdons for tbe City auo cou nit ot I'm aueipnia uave uxea . TBUBSDAT. March 29, 18i6, At 10 o'o ock A. M., at tbs Court-Room, Main Building of the State House, tii ennHlitnr said man and anv obie?tlons against thi same, vhlch may be made by any Freeholder, and in the meanwhile, the said plan may be seen at the Office of the Department oi surveys iorine uu oi rm,aueipaia, o. 212 outh FIFTH Street, and a Duplicate thereoi at the Office of JESSE LIGH1F00T, Surveyor and Regulator of the U loth Survey DU net, OerinantowB. F. CARROLL BRKWS t'KH, Solicitor of the City of Fhliadelohia. (Docket 5, Page 3D.) 2 34 lawt II 29 ' S U E V E Y, N 0 T I C E . All persons Interested in the plan of the , laflin r&Liiua of rna FIR9T WARD, . Sounded as follows : (Oa the Korthby Wolf afreet J On the East by Delaware liver, xo. . 0n the Sonth by curtin street, (On tbe West by Fifth street. Are notified lihat the Court of Ouar'er Sessions lor tbe City and County of Philadelphia, have fixed n II, - ti,-T. 1 r . , I, , ' at iV o'clock A. it.. At the Court Room. Mam buldlnc of the B'ate House, to consider said plan, and anv oblectlons against tbe sam which may be made by any treebolder, and In the meaawhlle the taia p. an m' be seen at the Office of the Department of Hurvevs tor the City of Philadelphia, ad. u a. fir in Bliwi, And a Duplicate thereoi at the office of L'HARLh.fl H. CLOSE. Surveyor and Regulator of tho Second Burvey District, jid. ji nr. r u nrrcei F. CARROLL MRF.WST ES. Solicitor ol the City of Phllaael phis. (Docket t, page 3A.J 1 24 lawtS 29 U R V E Y NOTICE. All persons interented In the plan of the F1F1U SKCXION or THE TWESTrY-8LXiH WARD, Bounded as fo lows : "North by Porter street, ,, J West bv Twenty sixth street, o. W3. 80Uth by Curtin s reet, I East bv Broad street. are notified that he Court of Quarter Sessions for the City aud county ot I'miaiielpwa have nxea THURSDAY, March 29, 1866. At 10 o'clock A.M., at the Court-room, Main Building of tbe State House, to consider said plan and anv oujeotions again u the same which may be made by auy ireeboder, aid in the mean will e the said pan may be seen at the OtTlcB of the Department or Surveys lr the city of Philadelphia, , .no. is n. Eirin ntroec, and a Duplicate thereof at the OtMce of THOMAS ALT, Burveyor and Regulator ot the first nurvev Oiitrlct. xio m.i tv9ui!iiiiuji avenue. F. CARROLL BREWSTER. Eollcitor of the City of Phllade psia. (Do . .) iMlawti2 Q.AS! GASH GASH! RED UCE TO UB GAS BILLS. Stratton's Regulator fof Gas Burners, (Patented November 21, 1B6S.) It Is a matter of considerable Importance to gas con sumers generally, aud ol espeuial uunoritnoe to ail kei'iiers of hotels and large buamlng housaa, to have ni h aas burners as will admit 01 being eaaliv and oer- Diaoeutly adjusted to suit the special reiiulremuota of ma locality 01 eaeu 1 uaeaute (iiuee wno nave uoi to pav the bills feel but little or no Interest In economizing the gas, aud sometimes carelessly, or thougbtleaaiv, turn on twice or tbriee as much as woul.i answer their needs. Call and examine, or send yoar orders to STItATTON A CO., AT TUB FLORENCE cFFK B, - No. 630 CUE3NCT Btreet, Pbllada. Retail price , 15 cents each. 1 13 mwflfa AMUSEMENTS. lIfcLEV'b UOMINKNTAL 8EWB IS IXrHAMiK. ( i oirf Krtti to an p sera oi naseuisni may v nae p to kt o'c idt evening 1 M ly tn.t'U tjc-i 'i'U ivil A nil tfiflTAUIl 1 1vkets can had a i! 'inuionni ufrtifc. Ko 4X1 rPHM T Street, onnnalte the Pes toffee for li e ( hfM it. inb, Wimut, and Academy ot Muale, op to o'cletk. eftv evtnint. ' " WEW CHKSXL'T 8TKEKT TUEATBE.- ' ( IIK.HMJT Street, above 'litelfth. I.KOAIU hOV.K A WILLI- E. SINN. Leasee. lai.ak.r. . AKKILLIAKi "no p.nni SF.i UD WEKK OF T II K IlK WITCH. ilUS EVtMUG. will te repeated lllK urr.ll hit ur jnr. omuj i Ttie trauniflcent sotnlo Drama. In lour ae s. 11(1 ICi Win Hi 1HI'. ICrt WITCfTt liEliEVlKHi J li II IS wilt lit hE l'l W1H lit. Tin. It K WITCH I UK JCK IT. H THK 11K Wl I tlil nr. k e witf" i . ice; witch ; 1UE H K Wl fClIt TUC ICE WlfoJI TI E FFA KING'S BRIDE. 1111. Si A KINt.'S KRIDK. THE KEA MSG'S HK1DE. T11K SKA KING S JIHlDii. 1 IlK r-EA KINti'S BRIDE. TliK BEA K.IhU'8 HKIDK. It villi te nre.ented with Us Beautiful Scanerv. bv Cliarlra H. tieiz, Kirpnnt Appoin'menta, Sarneiiing ranaicirniat nna lharniina Jlu-lo. wonuenui a lilae'lle lnr Wood and Corns oe Ha let. the in I .tteng h of the Star Cempany. an t everv othor attrao tivn lLat during the oaatneek ana he p'd It to Its present t'Mtij ailmi run l. a nil i PATT RDAT AF1ERNOOV Ma-rl) . KISk.1 Y-FIFI H GRAND KAMILY MA IINI.E. THE II E WITv.Il AOmlmlon to Jlatltiei a. 30 cenls to all paris of the Ili.uae children, 'Hi cents. . v Iiciors optn at Tin. ( una in rises at Atlnilnalon to evenirg nerformanoe, 25 cents, JO cents, and a l (Hi. Doers open at 6 4S. cuttain rises at t 7 AI.NUT BTUEfciT f H E A T R E. N. E VV enmer NiMH and WALNOT Streets Uegins a 754 o'clotk . . .... . . . 'J 1 e iSHt nlKH'S oi no on I'onv neagenioni oi MR. J. 0. CLaRKb, arc drawing near T,I.T,.r IVM'itunlfai-'l'VUUUC, Uil.U, Thenewiocal Comedy. THP. MK.VBER FROM PIKK. TliK. MKkiULli r UOM 1'IKK. Derrnsthenes I orrent Mr. J. S. CLARKE ihetavente o uiomcayoi FUL PRV. "I've just popped In " FaulTrv Vl'.J. S CLVKKE 'JlilRSDAY-TllK MKMCEU tEOu 1'IKE, wltb othr entertainment". EhlDA Y A HILL U1T UBtsat YAKlfcl l, for the benefit ot ant j. n. t LAnac, M K?. JOHN DREW'S MCW AKCI1 STREET TiiniiiK, Hecins at 1 o'ctoca. EXTRAOHDIMARY oUl't'ESt OF SAM." C M Wl IK OF MR. HVNFR U. M. Aided bv OLIVF LOOAH, 0. T. PAUSLOE, and the au hor. DK WALDI- M. ; MONDAY U1ULT.AND EVERY NIOllT BAM." 'SAM." -HAM." "SAM." "SAM." "8M" "SAM." "SAM." -SAVl" Fan, Mr. CHANFRATJ Laura........ OI.IVK LOGAN Dick, am'B TiKCr J. T. P ARsLOE bill Crockett IK WaLDEN i:nnmi Uo.ivn Mr. F. F. slackav James l'lunhfey Owen Manowe Miss Euphonila Eesyn Mrs. Thavar Kmlly I ronley Mrs T. A. Creese HII Y HKrl r.lvl T ur I UA- r n Vt 1 O MK1BT-CHANFRAU'S "BAM.." IN EW AMERICA. THKATRE WALNTT STREET ABOVE EIUH1H BEisT ESTLKT aInMENT IN TUE CilT. K Vh KV l-.VKM.Nl. AKD OS WEDNESDAY A1.D 8ATLRDAY AFTER- SPLF.UD1D BALLETB, BRILLIANT COMEDIES, Laughable burlesques, Humorous rarces. Uellkhtiu bal ads. Comic Pantomimes, . R n IT! KOVELTY M liHIT. Amnipmpn I a nf all nations combined. Star DratnatiO Companv. Orand Corps de Ballot. Ethiopian and Panlnimma I orna J-veiling Doors open at 7 o'c'ocki commence at 7 i VIlR IIlK A( I.OMMOOalIN OF LAlJlllS AND ClllLDRKN Matinees will be given everv Wednesday and Saturcay aiteruoons. Doors open at 2 o eiock; comnif nee at i ou kRILLIANT ARRAY OF ARTISTIC TALENT. BIO OKA J0VET1A, THK UREAT ITALIAN DAJJ- BKUE8K. V, .1 w Rmllk and tila srand Corni-de Ballet. M r. G. Johnson. Mr. R Butler, Mr. 8. Hemple. Mr.J.PIl iritm. iho Snn ti American brothers. Mr. f. H. Ma. thews atr. J. M. Mortimer,' Mr. Ii. Keily, Mr. J. Rea gan, Vaster Barry, etc. AJEW rillLADELPIIIA MUbEDM, NO. 833 i.1 HARKLT Street. tXIRAOttniKARf ATTBACTIOT. EXTRAORDINARY ATT RAO HON. WILD ATJt-TRALlAN CHILDREN. WILD AUSTRALIAN CHILOHKN TTX THE WAMMOTH bABY. TI1REK. TEARS OLD. THK MAMMOTH BABY, THREE YE R OLD. WEIGHING ONE HUNDRED AND XIIIRTY-XWO AND A-UALk' POUNDS. And one thousand othor .wr. LIVING C'TJRIOSITIDa. 276t P.ObTUMES I COSTUMES! A splendid tssorlment ot COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES, FOR MASQUERADES, Are oflercd to the attention of the bad-going public at this gay and festive season, at the COSTIIMEItY, Of twenty -five years' establishment, No. 917 RACE STREET, North Side. Every effort will be made to please the taste of those who attend the Carnival Balls of the Season. , W. O. DESMOND, 8 20 lm No. 017 BACE Btreet A CADEMY OP FINE ARTS, CILESNUT X Btreet, above Tenth. Open irom a. m. tin 0 r. m. Benjamin West's great Picture of - 4JHH18T BJUECTED . still on exhibition ' 1 11 Gti RM A N I A ORCHJ-H4TRA. PUBL.IO BE- bearssls everv 84TLBDAY AFTERNOON AT ktthK'aI. KTTNT HALL. SH o'clock. Engagements maoebv addressing GEO HGE BABTERT, Ageut. NO. iU HOHi-Ktl street, oetween Baca auu v me. intia INTERNAL REVENUE. TTJNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS. UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS. PRINCIPAL. DKPOr, No. 304 CUES NUT STREET. CENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 R. FITTIi STREET, (One door bolow,Chetnut.) ESTABLIBHtS 1862. EEVENUE STAMPS of every description con stantly on hand, and In any amount. Orders by Mail or Express promptly attended to. . United BUtes Notes, Drafts on rhiladeljihla or New York, or Current Fundi rooolved in pay mont, i Particular attention paid to small order. The decisions of the Commission ean be oonsulted and any information regarding; the law cheerfully given, ; 1 he folio lnit ratea of disoount are allowed : On all orders of 25, two per cent, discount. , On all orden of $i00, throe per cent, dlsoonnt. On all orders of f 300, lour per oent. discount. All orders should be sent to i . - HARDING'S STAMP AGENCY, ' No. 304 Chesnut Street. , rrjILADKLPHIA. 210 WATCHF8 AND JEWEl RY. X.EWI3 LADOilTjg DIAMOND PEALEU & 3YYT. LELV WtlTllltS, J1WELRT SILVER W4RR, .WATCHES and JEWELRY E?AISED. . Hsi Jnst received a large and splendid assorbnet ef LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, Some In plain eases, others beautifully enamelled and' tnfcraved, and others Inlaid with diamonds. Purchaser! wishing IIANDKOME LADIES' WATCH Will do well to call at once and make a selection. Trices moil e1 ate. Ah watches warranted. Also, a large assortment oi GENTLEMEN'S AND BOYfc,' WATCHES, IN iiOLD AND EILVErt CASKS. 124 (JllOICE HOLIDAY GOODS. Large and handsome assortment of CCLD AND SILVER WATCHES DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. BILVEIt AND PLATED WARK CLOCK b, BROSZES, ElC. CLARK & DIDDLE, tiucoessors to lhomas C. Garrett, 1 22 rp Ko. 713 CHKaMJT 61KA.ET. Ii I C II JEWELKY JOHN B REN NAN, SEALER IN DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRH Etc. Etc. Etc 2C Wo. 18 8. EIGHTH 81 KEET. Philada. 1IENRY HARPER, No. BJ20 AIIC1I STKEET Manotaetorer aud Dealer la fine Jewelry, Silver-lJlated Ware, AMD 8 8CJ Solid Silver-ware. COAL. QOAL! COA.L!! EEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S COAL Y A Ii D, NINTH STREET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BRANCH OFFICE CORNER OF SIXIH AND BPK1JNG GARDEN 61RJTETS. 21 f a M E S O'BRIEN I V v DEALER IS IEnibH AND SCHUYLKILL O O A L, BY WE CARGO OB SINGLE TOX. Yard, Broad Street, below Fitzwater. Baa constantly on hand a comoetent suddIv ot thi above sniierior Coal, suitable lor family use, tc wlileb be calls the attention of his friends and th public generally Oidora lelt at Ro. 206 S. li'th street. No 82 a fieventeentb street, or tbronsh Despatoh or Fosi uucs, Drompuy anenaea 10 A SCPE&iOK bOALXIT OF BLACKSMITHS ROBERT P. BENDER, COAL DEALER, 8. W. COBHEB BROAD AND CALLOWHILL STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. None but the best WEST LEHIGH, all sizes, from the Green-wood Colliery, on hand, and for sale for CASH ONLY. . me 6m Also.EKOIKE, BEATER, AKD FTJRKACE COAL. T FURNITURE. UTJY FTJTtNITTTTl.'R I J) X " ' A . GOULD & O.O.'S ' UNION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street, KOpposite Christ Churob), And Cornerof NINTH and MARKET The largest, che apest, and best stock of 1 FURNITURE Of every description In the world. 3 10 IV T0 i I have a HOUSEKEEPERS. ilargestocv of every variety of Furniture which 1 will sell at reduced prices, consisting of I LAIN A1.D MARBLE TOP COTTAGE fcTJITS WA-MJT CHAMBER 8ClTd. PARLOR BTJIT8 IN VELVET FLUSH. PARLOR BP ITS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR (SUITS IN REPS. eldeboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes Book-cases Atattiesaes, Lounges, tc Etc P. P. GUSTINE. 1 U Jm V. E. Cor. SECOND AND RACE 8T8. RAILROAD LINES. ORAKGB AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. On and aner MONDAY, February 1J, two dully trains will run Between wanninuton ana LMicnnurir. oonnectiiia at le wltb Vlrvlnla Central Itail- roau trains to ana irom iciirnonu. as toiiowsi ' MAIL TRAIN. Leave Washington dally (feuuilav excepted), at 6'45 A. M , ana sriive ai Lyncnuuru ai o-w r. at. Leave 1 ynt Imurg at 7 a. M aud arrive at waalilutf- tonatlio-.i CAi l lirt 1 .1 Leuve Washington d.llv dncludlni Bundavl at 6 05 P. M. and arrive at LvnchhaiB at 6 0U A. M i Leave Lynchburg at 8 30 r. At. aud arrive at Washing ton ai Ki A M. both trains masing eiose connections ai i.mcnourg for all nointa South and SoutbweaL aud at WuhuiKtou tor Norih and Northwest. ... . firev-fllaw Aieepiur vers wiu oe attae&ea to the n'gnt . trafna Tba mad fs attractive, not only for iu eomror'aoie - aecommoditions. but lor the fact that It nausea the now niHorlo localities or rairiax, nun kuu, aiauaiwaa, uris to. Oatlett'a. RaDDaliannook. Culpeuar. Oranae. aud uordonsviiia. places ot uuperuuauis mtereal ui uie bonular mtnri. Through tickets to all points Booth and Southwest mav be Lad In Boston, New York, Phllad -luhla, aud Jtaitlmnre, sno at Uie 0 luces or ins roau in vramiKiou ana Alexandria w. u. aoi;Arri.Kii, 216 tisneral Buperluiuudent, RAILROAD LINES. I IULAPF.T.rHl A, WILMJUGT0N, AND BAI, J HVOhK LAlLHOAI. TIldL 'IAI1LK tomrnrncInK MONVAT. Janusrrl lftt i rsln 11 leave lirput, eorner et LROAD ptreet ai d WAKhlMJ iVt A vrnue. as In lew. i Vaprrss train at I0AA.H (smnda) s exempted), for Pnmmcre and wsMnptnn S'crpins at Wilmington. irrrjviie. lisvre-de-tirare Abenlern, irnolla ard ftrnjiu r r's Kun. I'eanare Br I read 'I ram at 815 A. M tepinl , for Pallet ry. Ml. ford, soa ferryman', (t umlay x lnurinedlat v sy M(llTrsinat91AA M. (an"flajs eneeptefli, for Batlinnra Slopping at Chester, Ihuriow Llnwond, I la mont, and all regular stations between Wl nilnrion tl 0 llait more 1pics Tra'n st '.' iti T.M. (Sunrlsvs exeeptedi, or l a lln oie and Wsshmgion, stopping at 1 es.t r C'Uinonl, v i mlncion, twark. r. kton North-rust 1 in j vl ii . Havre op Urtce, Aberdeen, I'err muii's SI nu ao Is and ten ner' Rue. Nlgl t Kxpress at 11-15 P. f. for Baltimore and v arMniitou, stepping at CheKter i hurlow. i.lnwn"l, snijnt Wilmington. Ken ark, Elk. on, Xoiih Kast. feriyvl leind lisvre de-Crsce, PKfnKer by Leat irom Pa'timore tor Fi rttes lii urcf, .' or cl, iity l'olnt anu Klchmoud will tike tLe 0 1 A. i. Tr. In. . s an aililitlonni accommodation for those hold'ni i hroUfili 1 ii sets lor liaitiniore. Wsslnni toii rnin o ili ern loints. a fpvclal t ar vl leave the I'hiiar oh'a lepflt at II 3D A.A., cornecllng ai dray's Kerry who ttc Morning "pre slrain Irom New York. W1LM1. CTUN A t IIMlOD VIION TRAINS Ktopp rg at all Stations between Philadelphia and Vt llnnnkion. Iav- I hl rde plila at 1.1 and IMS A. V.. anil 11, t (id. and 7 be 1' M The J SO P.M. train connect Willi 1'elnwaie. Railroad lor Ml lord and Imormrdlato tation 1 eave llminitton at 7 00, 8 16. and ( Hi A. At., and i 00 aLdi-tiV I' XI ra ns lor New ( aslle leave Pllladelphla at 8 IS A. ., S 30 and t l'.M IIIROt (ill TB'INS FROM BALTIMORE. Leave Wilnnnnton at 1.-00 vi.. and 4 90 and ti-ui p. M. lilH.rR FOR rilILIKl.llll V. Leave Chester at 8-01. 8 As. and ID U A. M.. and 12-.1A l ii 6 01 S 44 ami 10 -ill V. M. ! l HALUV.URl TO PHIL4HF.I PHIA Leave Rait ,moro 8 iS A.M.. Wav.Sialli I 10 p.m. EaprrFSi til r AI. . I press 9 2. P M Kxpress. an accon mooation nam for liavre-ne-ursen anl In termediate stations wl I have lla tlmnrnai 4 10 P.M. I RAINS FOR UAL 1 IMORr 1 esve f hrjtcr at HI) A. M.. a t and 11 K0 P. K. Leave Wl liilnuton al 12 27. S-1.1 anil i0':13 A. M.. anil P M. . SUNDAY TRAINS. Ex lire n Train at 4iiS a. M mr Kaltlmnr nnilw,,h. ington, stopping, at W'lmlngion Perrvvne. llaviT-ilo-(race, Aberuevu, l'crryuiau's, Magno la, aud Stammer's AiUU. ... Muht Express II 15 P. M , tor Ba tlmore and Wash miit on, stopping at ( hester Thur ow i Inwood, t'lnv mont, Wilmington Newark Llkton, Northeast, Perry. vil.e, tnd llavri-de-(irace. A r lal train wl 1 leave Philadelphia for Wilmington fer Intermediate statu n a 0 P. M. HALilMORK FOR PHILADELPHIA.. Leave Halllmoro at 0 2A I'. M.. atonulnu ut Havre-tin. tirace, I'erryvllla. and Wllmlng' on. Aiho stops at Eik- ton ana isewam (to take pasenvers or Phliai.e phia and leae passengers Irom Wanhlngton or Baltimore! and I heater to leave passengers from liaitiniore or Wash lui'ton. matt A speelal train will leave Wl'mtngton for Philadelphia and lutennedlate stations at 6 3u P. M Freight irain. wnh pansenger car attacned, will leave Wi mlngtou lor PcrryvUie and Intermediate s atlons a 04 P.M. H. F. KfcNN Y, Suuerlnteudont 'PENNSXLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD A W l-M I- AKUAMJtM KM'. ine trains oi tue x ennpyivania I enirai Kal road ie the.iw liepot, at 'I H1R1 IE i H and MAHK.M Htreeta The cars o uiojuaraei etreet fassinger Railway rui to ana from this Depot i bey leav Vrum alreei every two minutes, commencing one hou preoui to tne time oi aepariure oieacn Train and al ow about Sli mlna es tor a irla. Their cars aia In walHn An .. arriva, oi each Train, and connections are made wt h si roadt Trotting Market itreet. On bnnuajs-tar leave a.ieTn n ana Market streow stV-46P M. to coBoect with Plishuig snd iris Mai and at 10 2i f. M wl n I ui aaeimns KxpreM. Mann's HsggageExprtsels ouitoi. jlo.Sl 8. Blerontl; street. Parties desiring Batgagt taken to the trams cat have rt done at reasonuble late- npon ape leatlon to him. 1RAlH LJCAVa, AMAKR1VK Al i-Ki'Oi Hl i UAVB. trie Express at 7 30 .v Mall Train n. Caoil Acooo.modation, tio 1 J0 0O rast Line 12 00 IS, 1 00 P. I -s ' 4 00 ' ' 6 80 . ' 7 30 II l - 1 srkesl urg Uarrlsburg Accommodation... Lancaster Accommodation.... Paoll I rain No i PI tul.nru and Erie Mall Philadelphia Express , ARK1VI Cincinnati Express at 1 SO a fc rm aaeipnia j xnress , " 7 10 1 Paoll Accommodation, No. I '- 8"2it Parkesiiurg Train 9 3u " trie Express n a,i Lsncas er train " U 30 P. h Kasi Line j-io Paoll Accommudation, No. i " 4-40 ' Day I xpress 1 45 Uarrlxburg Accommoda Ion , " H 40 i -aiiaoe psia express leaves dally. Plt'.sburg anc r.rie Mall leaves dallr (except Saturday) All oriiei trains dal v (except Hundavi The Pennsylvania Railroad Compaay will notassumt any risk ior Bsgvave. except for Wearing A p pare, and limit tneir retponslbUlty to One Hundred uo lars tc fume, au Baggage exceeding that amount In va at will be at the risk of the owner, unlaaa takan k snaoia eon tract IHOMAR H. FARKK Ticket Agent at the Depou An KmlKlant Train rnna dal'V excant Hun,lai Vm fall infoimatlon as to tare and accommodation, applr tf FKANC1H FUNK. No. 137 Lock Htreet VORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. IX Depot. THIRD Street above Thompson. EOT BETHLEHEM, DOYLIBTOWN. MACCH . Hl'NK. EA810N. WILLIAM HPORT. and WII RKH BARRe. At 7 30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Al lento w Msuch bonk, Bazleton, Wiillaiuaport, and wilke: barre. Ail-wr M.(ExpresB, Rf Bethlehem Fantnn. ate.. reaching Easton at '43 P. M. At hli P. M. tor Bethlehem, AUeotowa, JMsaot tlhuna Danville and Ullamsport r or Dovlestown at 835 A M. , 330 and 415 P.M. Foi Fort W aehlnxton at 10 A At. and 11 P. H. For Lansdale at 6-15 P. M. While cars ol the Second and Third Stmata T.lna r lii Passtnger Cars run direct to the depot. -1KA1M4 1UH f tJlLiAUrLf UI A, leave Bethlehem at -M A. M. and 18 M A. at., inn 618P M. lare uvy vnioiru hiwa. am., S'lD ana 0 oU r. M Leave Lenhdale at ti-l(l A. M Leave Fort Washington ai 10-ft" A. M , and t It P. M ON HUKDAT8. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at OA. M. Philadelphia for Doy lestown at 1 P. M. Doy lestown for Phi adelphla al 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem tor Philadelphia at 4 P. M. T brouah Tickets must ba mocuied at the tlnkat nfttaa. TBIRD Street, or BERKS btreet l ... . X1.L1H ulakk. Agant li HEIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND X a 1 the Stations on the CaMDEN and AM BOY and tonnectliiK Railroads Increased despatch. A: . 1 BE CAM1EN AND AMBOY itAILROAT AXT1 TBANSroR' ATION COMPANY PREIUHT LINES f(.rew York will leave WALNUT Street Wharf at f o'o ock P. M., oallv (Sundays sxcented). Freisht must be delivered beiora 4H P. M.. to lm fi warded the sartie dav. Returning, the above linaa aim leave New York at VI noon, sod 4 and 8 P. M. Freight for Trenton. Princeton, Kingston New Brum, wlek . and a 1 petnts on ths Camden and Am boy Kal, . road i alto, on the Belviaere Delaware, and Fleming. on i the New Jersey, ihe Freehold and Jarnesburg, aa the Burlington and Mount Holly Hal. roads, received and forwarded op to 1 P. M. Ihe Belvioeis De aware Railroad eonneets at Phi llpsliurg with the Lehlub Va ley Railroad, and at M anuo kscbuuk with all points on tie Delaware Lackawanna and Weetern Railroad, forwarding to Syracuse, Buffao snd O'her points In eslern New York. fhe New Jertey Ralroad connects at Elizabeth wltt Ihe 1- ew Jercey Centra Rullroaa, and at Newark wltt tbe 11 orris and Essex Railroad A slip memorandum, specltylng the marks and nam fer shippers and consignees must. In every instance, be sent w ith eaoli load of goods or no receipt will bs vivtn Increased facUltlea have been made lor tbe transporiatlon ol Live Stock. Drovers ae Invited to Iry tbe route When stock is furnished In quantities of two ca-loadt or more. It will be delivered at tbe toot ol sorleth street near the Drove Yard, or at Her Ko I J orth river as tbe shlpi,eis m y des gnate at the time ol shipment For terms, or other Inmnuatlon, apply U WALTJ R FREES A N F.eluht Agent, II I No. KB r. I La WARE Avenue PhlladeiDhia, PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NORRIS'IOWB RAILROAD. On and a ter WEDNESDAY, November 1st, 186S, until kur her Notice. FOR OlRMAN TOWN Leave Pbhsdelpbla fi. 7 f, fl, 1U 11, 12 . M.,1. 2 1-10 H 4, 6 8K.B 7, 8 9, 111, 11. i P M I.eaveOermanlown8,7, 7H, !,Sffl, 0,10, 11, 12 A. M l.S 8, 4,4k. bH 7 8,0 10,11 P. M. The 8 . oown train, and SH and tK np trains will not stop on the Ueroikuiown Branch. ON SUM DAYS. Leave Philadelphia 10 A IS., t. 7 10H P. it. . Leave UeiniantownS A M. 1 6 fit P M. t liEKNUT BILL RAILROAD. . Leave Philadelphia 6. 8, 10, i A. M.,2, ,iH 6H,7,i and 11 P. M Leave Cheroot Hill 710 minutes, 8, 40, 11 '40 A. M. -40 'i J0, 6 40. 8-40. 8 40, snd 10 40 minutes P. U. ON SUNDAY. -Leave Philadelphia 010 minutes A. M., S and 7 P. U Leave ( besuat tiiti 7 40 minutes A. At,, 12. 40, 6 40. au ,to"'RUCON6HOHOCKElI AND NORRI9TOWN. leave FhilHdelplila6. 8-36 mlnuies,, 11-04 A.M., lH,t 4H 6X.BH. 8 Oft minutes, and HHP. M. m 1 eaveNoirlatowoOH,7.7M, , 11 A. M.,1,4H, 6, an4 IP M. Ihe Mi P. M. train will stop at School Lans Wlaa blckun. Manayuuk, Hpring Mill, and tousliohocken enly ' OS bUNDAYS. Leave PhllarlelpblaO A. M.,2W and 7 P.M. ' , Leave Norristown 7 A. M , and 8 I'-M, ... . W " FOR M ANA Y CMC. . ' . Leave Philadelphia 8. 8 38 miuutes, 1104 A.M., 1H,I 41 H,6W, 8-vA, and IIM P. M. Leave Manautik Ik. 7. 8 20, OJl. Wi, A. M.. 1, 5.IM 8HP. M. ... ow srirnAYH. ' ' ' Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 2)4 and 7 P. M. Leave Manayunk 7M A. kl . bit, aud I P. M. ' ' W. b. W1L-ON. Oeneral Superintendent Depot NINTU audUUEEM Streets RAILROAD LINES. E A I) I N ( RAIL ROAD. tIRF.AT TKPK LIU I! FROM PHILADELPHIA 1 0 1HI IHTF.RfOB OW mHILVM. TUE HI HTJYLKLLIi, HUSO! KBAMA ( rtlllKKLANi), AI WYOMNO VAIXI-VH. AFD NOBTM, 0K1HWET, AM THK CAADBT. W 1NT H a Ha f Or M EF.T 01 PaHM-NOER TRAINS. Lcsvtnf the CmnninT '1 Depot, at THIRTf-F.N I'tE snd AlLOWHILLtitreets Philadelphia atUiefeUew lov hourly . . MORMNO MAll. Al l-oe A. M. ior Heaiilng Lehannn Vartahor:, PatU vll s, I'lnei, v, Tamaqaa. Sunbn.v, Wll lamspart, Hiirlia TKccherter Niagara fal a Bna'a Al entiiwi, J 1 ke.hsrte, I Ittston York artlsla "haabenbara, UtrrMwn etc, etc. hie tain e nnects a KRaDI with -Be Haat Pen Turin bal rond tialnt or a len wn e 0 and wst the l.ei aiion Valley train tot Dairisln rt tn.t x, wi'.a laiawiMfl Kauroa- xraHi' Wii ien..port. Lack Haven 1.1ml a am a. .B IU U l.t, w th orthern Centra, omlter'and ,'alley in "iinimii sr.o ritisiiuvbsnna trains :.,r UD'leiland Wllllainsport. Yirk. f'hanibersiaiv t e c ,F , FRNOO'' r XPREne. t itv,.. I-Mnceii bia a 1 1 1: It , r Hemltnu. rto- llia. orts- f 't, H rnluri, etc, connecl'ng wlto Keaill-i;i luri:; ana v v u'l i.ia Ksiirnaa irnm lor ( olumila etc and with a kwtr.a Hal r ouo raln K a lia 1 Ufa o etc. or aiiton. avert. HEADlhO A ' OM MODATION. l.eaes Resiling at ti SO A. M. ptotiplna at al tsay t atlons. srtlvtk :u rhllsoe phla at f)'.HA a kl. Kr urulng leave- I' hi aueli'hia at 4 30 P. M. amves hi tli i'dln a. 1 tl) p V Tniins lor 1'hlladelphls :ae Harrlshtirg at 7-2-1 A kf.. si.o I'otisvl le at 8 3d A.M ainving In lhil-de oh la at 1 .! P M. Aliermon mlrt rave lisnleburg at 1 '44 I' V. ana I'ottsvlllB at It P.M.t arrlvlug at PMUt- ui-i'u'p m t vo t ai. nori niuru Ace(iniBiintion leaves Keadlns at T 14 au M.nnd Harrlsburai9-iP M klatketlran with rasse-er ear attached leave thi aoelpl la at 2 4. noon tor Reading aud all war ata- tlurs- leaves Uesdlng a: L'30 A M.,and I'owning.oaal lH&OP t . I hi adelphla anu a1 ay stations Ail the shove In. In. run dally Hundaa excepted KnTidav trains .eava Vnctavilla a hu,. A. U. ,1 r hill. deipbla a' 3-lft P M. (ULtlltS I1LLI I Jl A 1LUOAI , f SFSenvers ior liuwmnutown slid Imermailiata nntn take beti-dO A. M. and 4 3u P.M. train, trnm I'hliailnl. phia, returning from Downlngton at 7 04 A. M. and 2-3ii Hc.n. EEW TORK EXPBEBH FOB PITTftBvRQ AND fSM TT r.BI l eaves New York at 9 0 , M, aud 8-00 P, kl., naaetnC htaolng at 10 A A., and 1-48 P. l . connecting at biirnn org with leniisivanla and Northern Central keiheaa lipnn Irslns or Pittsburg, ihleago, Wh lumsport Elaiira, Baltimore, etc. l.o inning, r xpre.s Train have. I1 rg oo arrival 0 l eiinsyivaola Fxpres rem Ittsburg, ai land 9 0 A. M. paa-lng Reading at 4 40 and 1(1 ii I,M , amvui at New York at 10 A M snd V-41P M S'eep'ngCa sci c mi.DMnif tl ese trains .hruag cetwsen Jar ey CUT sid 1 Itnlnrg witlou charge 41 all Iraln for Kcw York lea-vea FtatTliiburg at 1 4f P M. Mali Train for Uartlsbuix leaves New York atll B BUTLK11.L VALLEY RAILROAD. Tialns leave I ottsvl le at 6-44 and li-00 A. M., and 7-1 P. ki., tt mining Horn latuaquaail 34 A, M. and i-4Jan 4 14 1' M . e 111 YLK1LI AKD StSCUl B NNA RMT.IiOsD. Trans leave Auhurn at 7 M .il or Paegiove and linn lel uiK, tnd ai l'M P M. tor I'lnegrnve and 1 remontt rvtiin.lnB rom liairisburg a 41W p. U. and flora Tre uitnt at 7 09 A M . aud b l0 P. al '1 bn nth flrft class tt ke.s srd emigrant tickets to all the prlM-ipa points in the North and Uest and t anadaa. Ihe lollowinii iltke k are ootained on y at the Otlloe 01 h l.runiord. Treasurer, No 227 S. Fuurlh street I'lilla cilplua, or ol O. A. Mcoils Ueneral Superintendent. Rctolug, vOMML'TriON TI KF.TH. At 24 ne cent discount, between any points desired, for amities and ilrms ailLEAUE 1 ICKE Co d 'or 21 00 miles, between all Hits at (42-40 each, lor laud ics and Aims ' be AttON TIi KE7, Fo three six nine or twelve months, for botde tnly to a I points M rtoured rates CLl LOYMKN Ke."lrllnc on the lli.e of the road wll be rurnlsued with curds, enti U-ig themselves and wives to tlukeai at half lure t Xt UBSlON 1I KLTS, From Phi ade phia o principal stutlons, gooo fof r atun ay. tundsy and Mondav at redo aed tare, to be tii'd oi.l) a tbe Ticket Ofhte at Thirteenth and Ca;low hlU sueeta. FREH.BT. Unodsot al descrli tluns torwarrted to all tbe above poll te iroru the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Wl.low streets IRMOUT Tfc'.INS Leave Philadelphia dai i a: ft 30 A. M., 12 44 noon anc j -t.o 1 si lor heading Lebanon HarrLourg, Pottavtlle, Foi' f'.lnton. sndall poln b heiond. 4..-1L8 Close at ihe Phi ademhia Post Office tor all p aces on the road acd Us brsnches a: till, and .or ad piinclpsi Stations OLly at 214 P. M. 8 15 OK NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN AND An boy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Contrary's lines FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK and way p. aces, irom Y aluut street whari, will leave as follows ViZ. I . VAUi At 8 A. M,, v a Csmaen and Am boy Accommoda tion I2-2S At 8 A. M., via t anintu and Jersey City Express., 3U Ai 3 r M via Csn.den anu Anibov express 124 At 12 M. (nooni and 8 P. M. via Camden and Am bov Accommodation (Freight and Passenger) S 22S At 6 ana ll-iin P, M. via Csnmeu and Amboy, Ac commodation (freigm aaa i assenger), 1st oiass ticket 1-2 2d C .ass Ticket I SO At 8 and 10 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M., for Mount Ilollv. Ewansvll.e, Prmherton and Vlnceutown i at 6 A.M.. and 1 H, II, tor Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M , 12 M., I 30,8 6. and 11-fKip M for Pal myra, Rlverton, Delanoo. Beveny, Edgewater Bur lington. Florence Bordentown etc. '1 he It, a. M. and 4 PM. lines run direct through to Trenton. LlNEt FROM KESlOTON iEl'OX WILL LEAVfl AM FOLLOWS :- At 1114 A. il., 4 30 and 6 44 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City Exp ess S3 -Of At 12 P. M (Night) via Kensington and Jersey I lty Express 2'2 r he -44 P. M. Lone will run daily. A 11 others Hundays excepted At 7-!)0 and 11'15 A.M.. 3,8-30 4 30, ft and 8 44 P. M., and 12 MiUnlabt. ior Bristol Trenton, eto. At 7 A. M 10 40. 9, 4 and 8 P M. lor Cornwells. TorrlB- dale, Ho mesbaig. Te' ony Wlsslnomlng. Bridesbara; and Frankiord, and at 8 P. M. for Uoimesburg and Intermediate stations LELV1DERK DI-XAWARE RAILROAD, For the Delaware River Vallev, Northern Pennsyl vania, snd New York Stale, aud the Great Lakes Two through trains dally (Sundays excepted) irons Kensington Depot as foLows: At7'3UA. M.and 8-30 P. M. LINES FROM NEW YORE FOR PHILADELPHIA, Will leave trom loot of Cortland street At 12 M. and 4 P. M.,vla Jersey titv and Camden. At 7 and 10 and II h A. M., 6 P. M. and 12 Night, via Jer- sei City ana Kensington. From Pier No. 1 Nortb river, at I A. M. aid t P. M via i Amloy and Camdeu. At 12 M. I and 8 P. M. (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. Jan. 16. 1866. WILLIAM H. OATZMEB, Agent 7 EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES.-. from loot oi MARikEi street ( t pper eriy). Dai'y, F 'ALL AND WINTER ARRANOEUENT. rnmnirnclns WEDNESDAY . November 14. lHtfft. For Bridgeton. Salem, and a 1 Sta Ions on West Jersey and Haien. Railroads, at 9 A. M and 3-30 P. M. Fo. Mil vllle and ail Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. 1C. srdJi. M For ( ape May snd Intermediate stations at 0 A. M. te Mill vllle. connecting with FreUht Train Pasecnger Car attaehed for t ape May, due 9'44 P. M., and 3 P. It., through 1 assenger cue 8 P. M. Fortilassboro and Intermediate Stations, at ( A. udlsnP.M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, eto. at I A. M., t, 9 30 '"Freight train will leave Phi adelphla. rrtjnj Sandlori's wharf, at 10 A. M ., and Cmrden at 12 M. J V NN KV NSSKLaER. Superintendent. THE W Kr T JERSEY EXPRi CO. PnA will attend to all the usual branches of express business, p ceive, deliver, and forward tliruuga other responsible rxprers Companies to all parts oi th country, any article inrusied to i bem. ' . , . A Special Messenger accomjames each throucb trahs. Ofbce No t Wainut street 9 16 9m Ofc, I' TJILADELPIIIA AND ERIE) lOOO RAILROAD This great line traverses the northern and crthest sountlesoi Pennsylvania o the ct v ol Kris on Lake File. It has been leased and It la operated by th Peua- Arrive Ea-twatd-.j- Ma.M r..n f P. M Leave Westward-Erie Mnfl Train, 7;20 P. M u x Erie Ex res. 1 rain, 720 A. M. Passenger ears run throunh on the Kile Mail and Fxpreas Trains without change, both wajs, between Philad.lpbl. CONNFCTIOV. . Leave New York at600P M.,arrlveat Erie at 31 AW Leave Erie at l t P. M.. arrive at New York 1 14 P. M. No Changs 01 cars between I lie and ew York. I legant bleeping a s on all Night Trains. ror IntormafiorT respeo ina paKsefliier business, apply at'THIKTlET H and MARKET St'SfcUi, 1 hliudelphia. And lor freight business of the ompany's Agent S. B Kingston Jr., comer THIBTKK rft iinflllK SET Streets, Pbtladolplnai J. W. Reynolds, En WU lam Brown. Agent, N O. k. i Saiuiuoio. H. P HOT s i ON, Genera' Freight Agent, Phi'adelphla. H. W. OW INNER General Ticket Ageni.Phlladelsui joa 0. POTTS General Manager. Wll' 'amnBO't ALF BED L. TYLER. Geoarsl Superintendent . FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. ; j. , m c a u ta;; 'A n, ' importer and Wholesale Psajer m , T. FANCY G9OD8 SOTIOMS; T0. FIREWORKS, Fli AGS, "Etc ' i - ' 1 MATCHX8 AKD BLACKIWO, 0 ' ' KO. 3 riTRAWltKHHY STltF.KT, First EUeet above Second between Market and Cbesnut 14 Pmi.Auai.riuA.