THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, I860.- V PENIANISM KAMPANT. ftt. lharlea 111. i rraiis KHllchcol ma by sfeti Hubert 1'a.rl) Tlie) O'Jla.iiouy ! Mmfktiitii Dowk-Aa Km rtiliK Tim. Lent evening about eight o'clock, an immense crowd ot Irishman assembled In iront of the Ht. Charles Hotel, on Wood street, for the purpjse of serenading George Franola lraln, B. Doran Klllian, Father Curley, and James McDermott, representatives of the O'ilahouy faction ol the i eniau Urofherhcod.- A brass band was In at tendance, and alter teveial patriotic air bad bet,n pcnomied the lour gentlemen mentioned appeared on the balcon j and were received with loud cbeeis. Mr. Train ' thanked the audience for the eourtrsy extended, 'and inquirod what they wanted him to apeak about. (A Toice "Ireland ' and ttie Fenians.") He stated tnat he was a friend ot Ireland, and had devoted much of his time ant means to her service, and was willing to do more. He was hire tor the purpose of tlo llTerlrjg an Address, the proceeds of which were to be devoted to the Fenian canio, but ho was sorry to see that the President of the Congress, now in session in this city, had gone out of hU way to say that he (Train) did not speak for the Fenian cause, lie denounced this assertion as a libel npon the Rood snse of Irishmen. Although not a Fenian himself he had espoused the cause, had travelled through the country giving lectures in their behalf, aad the funds realized had been religiously' applied towards the project of liVeracing Ola Ireland. He was the Fenians' friend even In London, where he had been imprisoned for delivering a apeech favorable to her independence. The American people were In favor ot the liberation ot Ireland from the tyranny of Enlicli laws. Irishmen are not in this country on sufferance. They were here at the nation's birth, and the names ot nine natives of the Emerald Isle conld be lound attached to the) , Declaration of Inde pendence. The very moment Ireland fires a gun, America will acknowledge her as a bellige rent. He was not a Fenian, bat thought it wax high time every Irishman was. Two hundred thousand Irishmen had died through England's cruei laws, and now is the time lor revenge. He was sorry to sea contentions among Fenians. An enthusiastic Irishmen in the crowd in quired why he was not a Fenian, when a sotn of great confusion ensued. Cheors, intermingled with' hisse", made it impossible to distinguish what was said. At thit moment voices called out, "hut the perjurer, McDermott, otf the bal cony," "Down with the apo'tate priest Curley," and similar expressions. Train endeavored to regain order, and had partially succeeded, when a mam standing in the middle of the street, who announced himself to be "Ed. Carey." cried out that no man could be an advocate or Fonlanlsm and vet be a Fenian. Train replied that he had shown himself to be a staunch friend ot Ireland, and had aided to fill the cotters of the Feniau Brothernood. A cull lor "Morrison" was then raised, bu.t Train, with his accustomed coolness, continue j to sneak. It being apparent to him, however, that the crowd had concluded that his speech had been finished, ha stepped back upon the balcony. Father Curley then made his appearance, and was received with hisses and shouts ot derision. The Reverend Father endeavored to prevail upon the crowd to bear bim, promising to detain them only cne moment, but his effort was unsuccessful. 1 Mr. McOermott then advanced, smilingly, to the front of the balcony, when the dissatisfac tion of the crowd reached the utmost point, and he retired in conlnsion. The cries ior "Morrison" still continued, and upon his appearance at one of the hotel win dows, deafening cheers were given for him. His entrance upon the balcony was, however, dis puted by the O'Mahony faction, who informed him that the meeting belonged to them. Morri son's lriends interfered and pushed him forward, when the proprietor of the hotel presented him self, and said that ha would not permit any fur ther speaking from the balcony. . Morrison, however, perslted, and was about proceeding to speali, when the proprietor seized hold of him and informed him in a very em phatic manner that he was in earnest. Soma one proposed that Morrison could speak from the steps in front oi the entrance to the hotel, and thither he and his party departed. Just at that time an omnibus drove up to the door, when Morrison mounted to tha roof and commenced to harangue the crowd. He said he bad some respect tor Tram, who had done eminent ser vice for Ireland, but not for the company he keeps O'Maboay and his infamous clique. "McDermott i a perjured man; let me tell you kis history." McDermott, who had maintained his position on the balcony, characterized the charge made against him as a lie, and ottered to prove it 11 the opportunity was afforded htm. The crowd, however, biased him down, and Morrison con tinued to denounce the O'Mahony faction. McDermott, who appeared determined to have his say, again interrupted Morrison, and held up a slip ot paper which he said was a telegraphic despatch 'from General Logan, recommending the Fenian Brotherhood to give their support to President O'Mahony. This announcement was received with hisses and ciies of "a forgery," when three cheers for President Roberts and General Sweeney were given. McDermott looked uneasy for a moment, but he soon recovered hit equanimity,' and crossing over to the landlord, who was still on the balcony, told bim if he did not order the omnibus to be driven away ke would force the crowd to listen to him. The landlord, who was greatly excited and feared a row would occnr, promisedf to do so, and sent a boy to tell tha driver to remove the vehicle forthwith. When the driver received the orders he drew up the reins, and, to the evident disgust of Morrison and his friends, drove away. Calls were then made for Train, but that gen tleman, apparently being satisfied with his for mer reception, (ailed to make his appearance. An impromptu meeting was held on the street, ;wbicii was addressed by a young man, who related lhat be had been a member of the Fenian ' Brotherhood in Ireland, and also In this coun try. Funds had been contributed in Ireland and sent to O'Mahonv, who gave them to un derstand that a fleet of vessels was being fitted -out to prey upon the commerce of England. , O'Mahony pocketed the money, and distributed , it amonit his satellites, a delegation ot whom i were in this city endeavoring to throw a tire- -brand into tne congress now in session. He characterized O'Mahony as a perjured villain, and accused bim of sending agents to Ireland to hetrav the cause. Upon the adjournment of the first meeting, the representatives ot the two factions met in the hotel, and an anirry altercation took place between them. One ot the Roberts men informed McDermott that in New York it was as much as a man's lite was worth to raise any objection to ' O'Mahonv's rule, but the case was different In Pittsburg. A pugilistic Fenian then struck at . McDermott, when Mr. Train sprang lorward, ; And said the delegation came to this city on a . neaceable mission, but the treatment they had received at the hands of those who shonld have been their friends, was such that they would hereafter be mortal enemies. He abjured the Koberts faction, and said his respect for them had departed forever. He thenrefired with his three friends to a private parlor, while the other party remained tne masters or tne around. Considerable leeung was maniiested by our Irish citizens, last evening, at the conduct of the Roberts party. While no doubt could exist as to the tact that the disturbance of the meeting was preconcerted, many were wining io over look it. on the ground th at the end attained 1 ustl. fled the means adopted. Be that as it may, all hope of harmony between the two factious I now at an end. and the success of the project may be cons derably retarded thereby. Pitt ' fmrg Cotnmernal,.aaturaay. Professor Man son, a man who makes a specialty of Milton, who has lectured upon the A hsnn for vears preparing an elaborate . life, laughs at the story of filial piety writing "Paradise Lost" from parental dictation. He aa th diving tr fit Miltnn pawned bis tinnka. wished him dead, and conducted themselves generally in tne most uncounormuiu manner, i CITY ORDINANCES. . - r-1 N ORDINANCE TO Mate an Am ronrlallnri to (he Department of City property lor the )ear 18U6 fipc.ion 1 the hoiect and Common Connors ot the City ot Philadelphia do crdain. That the sum of one hBLdred and nine thousand nine hundred and tiny-three do larsand twcntyiPht enis (fliiO 9o 28) ba and the same is hereby appropriated to tha De partment ot City Fropetty to par the expensos of that department for tl.e year 1366. as loilirws: neni i ror me Maries oi me comnrssionar, Oik, and Messenger, time thousand six buudred VBtuui ooiiars jiera 3 or the aiaries or the Supcrmtennen s oi Indi ptndenee, Cermai.ton, West- Philadelphia, and r-prina Garden Halls, and the Janitor of the Giand and Petit dory Booms, three thousand aud fifty S0C0 dollars. Items, tor the salaries or the Superintendent or Stale bouse, Boli-nner, two Janitors of Staie House, and two Cleaners of Courts, three thousand ix bundled and thirtt (8630) dollars. item cor inn salaries oi csupenntonnems oi in dependence, Frank in, Washington, Kittonhoone, lenn, Logan, Jcflcrton, Korns, aud Hliackamaxon bquares, atebmen ot 1 arade Ground, tiupenu ti ndoi t of Fnlrmonnt Turk and CIit Burial Ground. seven thousand eight hundred and fifty (97860) dol- ars. Item 6 For salaries of Keepers and llcfulators ot pnblio clocks, fire hundred itbUO dollars. Item 6 For salaries of house Cleaners, and all other ezpens- a to ke incurred in keeping pubho bails clrau, tlte hundred and fifty (660) uoliurs. Item 7. for olbce exones, stationery, and inci dentals, four hundred (2400) dollars. Ittm 8. For lurther improvement of Fairmount Park, twenty thousand (i,000) dollars. item 9 l-or lurther improremoutol Morris Square, one ti uusand ($1000; dollars. item io. toi lurther imororomoni or Hunting laik fire hundred (ttfCO) dollar Iicm 11. For fur her improvement of Parade Grc und, fire hundred (S500) dollars. item iy f or labor at puuno squares, eigni won- land (i 8000) dollars item its. t or manuring ana souaing, one tnomanu (fh OOi dollars. item It For cleansing cesspools, six hundred (fOCO) dollars. - item lb. nor reoam io ana eieanninir court rooms, District Attorney's rooms, and Jury rooms, four thousand (84(X.O) dol ars. item 16. For repairs to and Improvement of pro perty belong in to the City, tiro hundred (8500j dol- ars. . . . ... Item 17. For clean-in r and ropnirlnir the pud- lio clocks, three hundred and lil'ty i$360a dol lars. . w Item 18. For pavlnr in front of property bolonxina to tba City, one thousand (SkOOOi dollars. Item 1W. nor coal, kindling wooa ana mei. nve thousand ($6100) dollars. Provided, That ad coal used shail be Schuylkill, and mall be obtained lrom miners or shippers only liem 20. For ient ot offices in Philadelphia Bank, Giraid Bank, Law Builuinc, and buiidm oelons inn to the American Philosophical Society, eleven thousand eight hundred and sereuty flve ($11,876) doiiais. item 21. For around rents and interests, elelit thousand three bundled and thirty-six dollars and seventy cents wm vu). Item 22. For expenses of gas tor public halls, cflices, and squares, including s'xteen statton houses, thirteen thousand four hundred (813,400 dollars. Item 28. For extra repairs to Mirinr Garden uau. twelve hundred and titty ($12601 dol.ats. Item 21 For alterations in Urand and Petit Jury rooms required ay the Judges of the Courts, one tniurard (tfiuw) aonars. Item 26. For repauing roofs on State Houue Kow, two thousand five hundred (92600) do lars. Item 2S. tor n nuirs to City f roporty used as Police btation Houses, three thousand (93000) dol lars. Item 27. For repairs to west Philadelphia uau, fire hundred (8600) dollars. Item 2R For con, missions to Architect at Fair- mount Park, iu accoroauoe with contract, eight buiidred and sixty dollars ano jix cents taoou uo). Item 29. lonav H. W. Churchman the balance due bim on h!s contract to build a summer house at airmount Park, five hundred and nlty (6o0) dol- ars Item 80. For advertising and expenses of auc tioneer in selling a strip ot BTOundatt'hackamaxoo street wnarf, three imnurea and nitj-one aeuars ana flit n A-nnnta (8361 621. . l.em 81. For alterations and repairs to the offloe of tne f rothonotar. oi tne conn oi common i leas. sixteen hundred ami nity (tueou) oonars. Item 83 For removing snow and ico from pave ments in front ot tstate House and;, from Pubho (squares, one thousand (iiuu) oonars. -Item 88. For rcDairs to the Tobacco Warehouse. eight hundred and fifty ($860) dollars. Provided, That belore the Controller sha'l countersign any warrant drawn by the Commissioner of City Pro per v (except for salaries) the bills shall be approved Lv the Committee on City Property. Section a. For Planting 'trees, three hundred ( J300) dollars. The expense tnereof to be derived from the fund bequeathed by iUliott Cresson to cue City or 1'nlladelunia, to Da expenueu acooraini; to the provisions oi an Ordinance approved June 20, section 8. warrants to be drawn py tne commis sioner of City Property. President of Common Council, Attest Jonw EcKBram, Clerk ot Common Conaoil. JAMLS LTND, President of beloct Counoil. Approved this twenty-sixth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-six (A.D. lbC6). 2 27 It . Mayor ot Philadelphia. A NOHDINAMC'E J. Making an Apuropriation for the Arrest and Conviction ol tne Muroeror oi aiary ju. wait. Section 1. Ihe tjo.ect and Common Councils of the City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That the sum of five hundred (f&OO) dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated to pavtBe reward onerea Dy tne aiayor on the sixth dav of January, I860, for the arrest aud conviction or tne murderer oi Mary u. watt. Section 2. Warrants lor the payment ef the same shall be drawn by the Ma, or in conformity wlih existing ordinances. i reBiaeui oi cuiumou vounuu. Attest Adbadam Stewart, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. JAMES LYMD, President oi Heloct Counoil. Annroved this twentv-sixth day of February. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. 18U0). 2 27 It Mayor ot Philadelphia. a N m PROPOSALS. A K M Y a U P. I 1 X s . . MlLiTAfcY DlVlSIOH or THB lXRMKSSBSl, Nabittillr. ienn February 81, 1308 ' RKAllcnrRriPosai.M. which most be m uuplicaie, itlth a copy of this ad yerfibeni.nt attacfend to each, will bo received at this ctlice until 12 o'coek M., ' 'llililt..DA V . Msech 15, 1860 ' for scpplytua FKltSH BkEK, of good and mar ketable quality, in equal proportions of lore and h na quarter meat (necks, shank-, aad kidney tal low to be excluded) lor issue to the troop ana others supplitd by the Government wlthra iono, at Ihe followmr posis in Ihe Military Tliyhion of fen lieaste: Atlanta and Maoon, Ga , Naakville, Chat tanotiva, Itin j Uunti-vtiie, Ala. and at all Jposts diavtina sui plies fiotn the above-named pests. , Contiacitobe in loicesix months, commencing cn t!ie 1st da of Apr), lttSft, aad ending tne 80tu day of September, lhflO, or such lss time as the lommissary-Geneial o fiubslstauoa may direot. 1 he necks ot thecaitle slanghu'red lor beef to be cut oft' at tie fourth vcrtcbial Joint, and the breast tiimined down, ; 'ihe shanks of fore qoarlers to be cot oft from three to lour inches above the knee joint, and of bind onaiiers nom six to eight mobos above the gambiel or hockjo nt. l'avtneni will be made monthly, or as early there alter a luiids may be received thnrelor, and in such mud as nay be furnished by the United (States. , . dei arats bids will be received for each of the above posts or out biu may include them all. ho bin will bu received lrom persons who eome under the exceptions of the President's Amnesiy l roc sniation. Ivor will bids in which such persons ara inter su d, eitbes direetlyfor indirectly, be re ceived, nnlne they can produce the pardon of tha president i Bios from all other persons under said Procla mation auitt be accompanied by the Amnesty dam. Proposal must gnaraniee, sigi ed stating that it a be accompanied by a proper contract is awarded they wH enter bonds for the raituiui luiniment oi uiii oon- tract. Ibe nndersmned reserves the right to reject any ana a i Dias cuereu. Indorse envelopes "Proposals for Fresh Beef,' and audr as the same to the undersigned. M P. SMALL. Brevet Colonel and C. 8., 2 26 16t Nashville, Tenu. fi OVEKNM1NI BALE OF bUBPLUS HARD VJI bhh.AU. bPBBiSTxitcK Office, U. S. A , ) No 6 . Gat Strkrt, ( BATTIVORB. Md.. Fa rnarv 27. lHrtfl ( . t t s iujbPBiR, iu uui'iunii, win us recolTPQ Ht this i until bAl'liKD a Y. March 17 18fi. for th, E.aI. 1'., . . .. n i. ... . I . . .1 . 1 1 .... . . purchase of UAKD BlitaD on baud at this depot Proposals must state that the offer is made urn' er advertisement of this date. Thi bread is m boxes of fifty (601 pounds each. No ptoporais received tor loss than twenty (20) boxes. rurcnases win te aenverea on poard ol transports W'tnout exi en bo to tne purcnaser. l'anient required in Government funds on notifi cation ot acceptance of bid. Twenty eays allowed pnrcuasera to remove si ores. Proposals to be endorsed on the envelope, "Propo sals ior xiara xreaa," ana aaaressea to- - 1 DUMAS W1L.HON. Brevet Lt.-Co). and C. 8. (J. H. A.. 2 26 17t Brevet Brig. Gen. Volunteers. OFFICE OF CHIEF QU A RIEKMASTER, Military Division of the Cult. New Orleans. La.. December 2. 1866. Sealed Proposals are Invited and will be received at this olhce until 12 in., March 1. 1866. lor the pur chase ol sixty -six (66) camels, the property oi the united states, now at camp verdo, near ban Anto nio, lexas. Bids maybe made, lor one or more ot these ani mals. Each envelope containing a Md should be realed and addressed "Colonel C. G. Sawtello, Chief Quar- termkster. Military Division of the Gulf, New Or leans. La " Ihe Government reserves tne rigutto reject any bids deemed too low. Payment to be made in On' ted states currency upon the acceptance ot any proposal and prior to the delivery of the camels to the successful bidders, at ban Antopio, lexas. C U. BA W I tLLli, Colonel and Thief Quartermaster. Military Divi sion oi the Gulf, Brevet Colonel United States Army. GOVERNMENT SALES. UREAL) OF ORDNANCE, fliTT JJEPAKTTKITT, I Washington City, January 18. 1880, j SALE OF SERVICEABLE AND UNSIRVICE- ahle navi rowunits ai the united STATES MAVI XAHVj MOKFOJLK., VIR GINIA. There will be sold to the highest bidders, at Pub- lio Ancnon. at aeon or tba 15th dav of March. I81J6. in the office of the Inspector of Ordnance, at the Norfolk Narv lard, fcu lamce. five hundred and thirty four thousand tour hundred and three (034,108)pounds ot DAY X I'UWUUiS, as to, lows: oox.oou pounas temnnuis. 7,877 " condemned. 19,618 " damasred. 4.618 " compressed. As only about two hundred aad seventy -two thou- sana turee hundred and fitly- five (272,855) pounds ot thfse cowdon are in barrels, purchasers mart pro- viee Darreis into wniou tne rema'nuer oi tue pow ders may be emptied from the tanks, tor whlob a neiiod ot thirtv iBOl davs will be allowed. The pow der in parrels, nowever, must oe removea wunin tea days n om tue dav oi sale, otnerwise mey win revert to the Government. . . . Term Cash, in Government tun est one-nan tua- purchase money to ke deposited at the oompletiou ot thesalo, and the remainder belore the powders are removed. H. A. wise, . ' 2 26 15t Chiet of Bureau. s ALE O F M A-N U R E. QPARTEBMABTER GBNXRAL'S OFFICE, J JCIB8T JLIV1BIUH, Will be told at the Cavalry Depot, Gieboro, D C., a laige quantity of stock-yard MANURE, which will be delivered to purchasers on the ground, or in barges or boats ta be provided by them, at forty (40) cents per cuuio jaro. 1 wo or more toais i acooraini io sizejcaa naioaoeu per day. leilliH V noil, m uuvcrouiuut iuuus, By order ol the Quartermaster-General. JAMEd A. EKES', Brevet Brlgadier-Geneial, 2 27 2&t In charge First Division Q. M. G. O. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUAR1ERMASI EH, ' Wilmijioton. Del., February 12, 1806. BALE OF 600 MJKPLDd GOVB.KN -ENT MULES, Ail Good and bervioeauie. Will he sold at nublio auction, at Wilmington. Dol., ouEValti iniUAi during tne montnoi marcn, UE HUAUK1.U JlULi.S. Tbe especial attention of purchasers is invited to tha fact that these amies are large, well paired, and in excellent condition, being the surplus teuuii.ules of Wanning ton uepoi. Animals old singly. bales to commence at 10 A. M. Tirm Cash, in United states cum ncy. Rv nTdernf 2 27tmh80 Bvt Brlo.-Gen JAVE3 A. EKIN. V OVEKNMENT HARNESS AND SADDLES." VJi AS IHattHoB Jim i vw KADDLE". BBIlli-VS. COMJtBS REINS. HAL1ETW and OHAINS, 8BE1B TENTH, WAGON COViBS, i-OBTABLK FORGES ETC. El C. Wurh of this Harness Is new all Inspected work and ulied to all kinds oi city, trues, or lann purposes. Vt ho.e.alo or Keiaii. . GBEAT BABGAINS. PITKIN A CO. 1 1 in No. 339 U. FltOUT bUeet CO 8 y , ; GOVERNMENT SALES. JJANIKL H. BUUPETT, AUCTIONEER. ; UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT VESSELS At auction. 1 JnniDETT; JONES & CO., ' WILL SELL. . ON THTJESDAY, XIAtlCII 1, 1SG8, AT 12 O CLOUK, NOON, , At th Biooklyn Navy Kurd, Ciooklyn, By order of the Navy Department, the followinjr named vessel-. r t MUM TUO '-MARIGOLD." Lencth, 83 feet; breadth, 19 teot depth, 8 feet 8 inches one vertical enmne ; diameter ot cybnder 26 inchts) stroke of piston, 26 inche; one tlueacd return tubular boiler BTEAJi 1UO "LABURNUM." Length, 100 leet ; breadth, 81 feet 8 inohes$ dpth, 0 feet) diameter of cylinder, 83 molios; stroke, H2 inches; one boiler, wo lurnaoos, flue and return tube. I tK MS Twenty per cent, on the day of sale, the balance within aix days, when the vessels muet be itmoved lrom tha yard. 2 22 6t C II. BELL, Commandant. SALE OF STEAM GRIST MILL AT THK CAVAUItl PblVI, UlUiUUKU, LI. C, C.UAKTtiUiAn.a GaaKuAL'e Ovaica, ) FlUST OIVIIO!, I WAeniaoTON. D. C . February 21. I860. 1 By order oi the Uuarlermastor-General. there wHl be sold en the premises, at tublio auction, uuder the dncction ot Captain George 1. llrown.cir, A. Q. M , on WEDNESDAY, April 4, 1864. at twelve o'clock M , tha following described publlo property to wit: ON 14 (1) STEAM) GRINDING AND FEED MILL. Mrame, with massive prauite foundations by 80 feet. hh coal, bay, and engine houses atiaoned, alt const rucicd ot tue very e st material, and in tne moat satistantial manner. at tbe same time and place, tne machinery and appliances oi the mill, consisting or OM. (1) ING1ME. OF 10HOKE POWER, wilh cylinder ot ttvenly two (22) inohes diamoter and twenty-lour (24) inches strode, set noon a heavy cast iron bed-p ate, witb cold and not water pumps and heater, and a ca-t irou rjv-wheal. with dnvna pulleys ot the same material, ten (10) feet in diame ter aud twenty-tour (24)' inches lace, with Judsou's patent covcrnor. ivU (i) uoii-i-a, ot EACH. made ot thinnest boiler iron, live-sixteenths (5 16) of an inch in thickness, live (6) feet in diameier, and lourutn (14) feet are (5) inches in lenrm; aon boiler eontaimnr sevouty-six (76) lao welded flues. each ihree (8; and one fourth U) inohes in diameter, wn n an tne requisite appenoages. 1 . ( 1 U ) I' A I U MUFtM h.lJ ' M' A 1 1 IS 1 15 U C li. I U h A AI lHlHll (aO)lKCHlt-. 8PK1NG Ml LLH. constructed ot solid Fren&h burr millstone, and sot in bravr. well-baianced lrames, wltn nay cuttsrs, eh vators. and conveyors sutliolent to cut and handle tba hay, jrrain and prepared teed on the most eco nomical and laDor-savinft pian. ine snaiunir is ot nn snea wrouxnt iron, ana tne pulleys of cast-iron, faced and Balanced, with banners and boxes, sufficient to drive ten (IU) pairs ot burrs, etc. The main driviur-beit is of tour i4j ply rubber, and twenty-lonr tnenes wide. The tit-Its lot dnmr the mills, etc.. are af ihe best oak- tanned, patent stretched leather. i lie Ensrive. Boilers, Maniiinery, and f ixtures-oi. every description, are ot the very best materials and workmanship, and are still In excoilent condition and 11 e working order, tbe mill haying been in ope ration only about liiteon montns If deemed advisable by the agent of the Govern, ment on the day ot sale, the builowgs will he sold separately. leims cssn, in uovernmeni iunas. Purchasera k ill be reuuired ta remove their properly belore tbe first (1st) day ot May next, umesa otherwise arranged, with the owner of the grounds. A boat for Gtesboro will leave tha Sixth street w bait every boar during tbe day ot sale. Any lurtner information taai may oe aesirea wiu be riven nno annPcatlon. la person or by letter, to Captain GEORfoE T BKUVYftiNCr, A. U. M Uies- boio, or to tnis otnee. t a- wn a srjt ra.T Brevet Briaadier General, 2 26 81t In charge First Division Q. M G.O. IO tt ' ORES AT GIEsBuKO, D. O. UUAKTlJtlCABTan-UIIiaBAl.-B UFFIOB, 1 Flbbt Division. I , Wabbinston. D. C February 23. 1806 I Will be solo atGli SBORO, D. C, at Puhlta Auo- tlon, under the direction of Captain George T. Browning, A. C. M , on WEDSK8DAT, March 7. 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M , a large lot of condemned QUARIERtf ASTEK'b SlUKka. consisting ol: horseshoeii. Riding and Cart Saddles, Manilla Rope, Neck-straps, Mircingies, Four-horse Ambulances, ecrap iron, Beusceaos, Benches, Cotloe Boilers, 'i in Cups, Knives and Forks, Aimy Wagons.tour-horse waons, two-uorse, Iron Water-wagons, wnips, Padlocks, 1-adlts, Camp Kettles, putou Ovens, Disbpanr, .Bottles, iShooing-boxes, Punches, Files, Hammers, Mevs-pans, Tin Plates, Coal scuttles, Jb arner-liuives, Pincers, i Rasps, Hpoens, cooking and Beating; btoves. i Blankets, longs. Whitewash Brashes, Gilndstones and l rames, I Picks, Lanterns, , .Bridles, Horse Brushes, LVaadle Blankets, ni AifTiriat. a, t. Ploughs, Rakes, 1 bhovels, ' ktpadsa, j Wheelbarrows, Bridle-bits, . i. I Tire Iron, Chain, . : boraD Leather. I Buckets, Casks, ' Horse Collars, Bead Halters, Anibulanae Harness, Kour-torse Harness (setsj, Hay-racks, Lines,' -1 Martingales, Coal Oil Barrels, ate. etc. Tha si ores must be removed by the parehaser with In five days trom the day ot sale. I Ihe barseshoes, rope, and scrap iron will, tfvde slred, be delivered by the Government, free ot charge for transportation, on tne depot wnari. i Tintin i asn. in liovernment iunas. a ht for Giesboro will leave the Sixth street whart every hour during the day of aa'e. 1 Brevet Bngaditsr-l-reneral, 2 27 7t In Charge First Division, Q. M. G. O. O MEDKAL DEPARTMEMT OF I UK ARMY, Washwiotom, D. CFebinary 9, 1806. J ! An auction sale of valuable Medicines no longer required by tbe Medical Department, U. tt. Army, will be held in mis city on inuasuai, tne tat oay ot March next, and succeeding days, If necessary, at 10 o'clock A. M ., at tne Warehouses located on judi ciary Square, Filth and E streets, back 01 the City 1 h'n Medicines are in tho orivlnal packages, and the attention of the trade is invited to this sale, which will embrace the loiiowmg principal arn- Ci8 Vials!- 1 Etner, buiphurto, 6C0 Its., Dover's Powder, 260 lbs., Alcohol, tOO bottles, Cod Liver Oil, 1000 hot Compound Spirits of ties, nA . Ether, 600 IDs., anipnor ri.; iuvuuo, Simple cerate, 1000 lbs , Com pound CathartlcPilie, Chlorofoim, 600 bs., I 8000 dozen, ; lmd Extract ot Buchu, Opium 11118, 1000 dozen, 260 lbs., ilodine of Potassium, 00 Fluid Extract of tin- lbs., j chono 600 lbs., I Rhubarb, 600 lbs., Fiuid Extract ot Ipecacu-, powdered Rhubarb, 250 anba, 260 lbs., lb., iluid Kxiraotol Rhabarb, Syiup of Squills, 600 lbs., i0 lbs., CoinuouBd Spirits of Lay- Mass Hyurarg, 260 lbs., ender, 600 lbs., ' Beside oiber articles. Upwards of sixty artidos of tbe Materia Mediea, in lots similar to the above, will be offered ior Cats' ofsues containing a complete list, with full particulars, will be ready by the 17ta Inst. ; '1 ei ui- Cash, in Government funds. Five davs will be allowed to purchasers in re moving their property C. SUTHERLAND, Suraeon U. S. A , Medical Purveyor.! C. W. B0IELE8, Jb, Auctioneer. 2 9 17t AT QUEEN'S NEWB STAND, b. W. coruei SEVENTH and CHliSNDT Strests, A1X TUB DAILY AND WEEKLY R. PkHlODICALfl, Kip., May bs obtained at cunen tates, GOVERNMENT 8M.CS. tiALK OF. COVEbNMENl' bif.AiiEllS AND ) VE.fcEL fcEC l8 Dror QoABTKUMAPTiR'a Omoa ' I' ,' P ai.tijhohu. Jid. Fwtnurr. 10,1869 I ' Will be solu at Bat 'more, H d . ni.der diroot.on Of Captain A. M. Lemmings, A Q M. ON THUKSDA T,' MARCH 1, 1P0, -AT- W O'CLOi K A. M.. af the Government wharf, south ai of baalit, lh following named teasels and other efleut belonging to the Government, v a i i HE "ESCORT." . Side-wheel steamer of 44D tons, wooden hnTI, and boitom Diets. led: length on deck, Id fet ; breadtb et learn, 26 leett over all. 50 feet i draft 61 foot i has no low-ptesstue beam ermine; diameter oi eyltnder, w mcnes ; stioka oi piaioa, 10 levt ; caaait ol caape, IV 0 barrels, rlin is in fine running order, and well found in all tier omfl's. THE MANHATTAN." Stde-wbeel s earner of RIS ions, wooden bnf): length npon dcak, 120 feet; breadth of brain. 86 feet; ever all, 66 I Ret ; depth of hold, 10 foot; draft, 7 feet; has one low-pressare eng'ne; diameter of eyhndnr; 84 indies ; sjro of piston, 0 feet; capacity of oargo,. i()0 barrels. Mia is in good order and well tound in a.l her outfits. THE "J3DN FARBON." Pldewheel sieatner of 814 tons, woodea hull; length npon deck, 150 feeti beam. 28 feet: ever all. 42 leet; dtpth ef hold. 8 leet; draft, f foot i Biu ona low-piesrnre beam aneinc; diameter of ovllndor. 86 inches; atroke of pinton. 8 feet, and is woll found in anchors, ehains, and general outtii. Tim PE ON1C." 6de wheel steamer of S13 tone, wooden hull, Iran fastened and meialled in 1868; louvth on dock, 158 lert; aieadtn or bear, 26 loot; over all, 40 feet; Ciplhol fold, 8 feel; diaft, 41 I set; baa one low- crersure benm enginot diamoter of cylinder, 81 luchsr stroke ot piston, 10 leet; aapaolt' ot oanao, nio parreis : nun, eng re. and Doner all ta good con dition.laud well ioond is her oiitfiie. THE "HUGH JENK158." Safe-wheel stoamor of 306 tons, wooden hnll, and bottom meialled i lenirth on d-r.k. VQ fnt! breadth of beam, 37. i eet ; overall 48 feet: dop'lt ot hold, TA icet; arait, ay leet; liae one low-proseuie oeara engne; diameter of cylinder. 82 inohes: stroke of pihtnn 101 feet; capacity of oargo, 1200 barrels; nachiner in pooo condition and vessel well loundt in all hei outfits. TIIE "STAR." fclde-wheel steamer of 281 42 06 tons; wooden hull: length on dCOk. 160 icet: breadth ol beam. 261 feet i ever all, 66 feet; depth ot hold, 7 foot; draft, 6( foot ; bas one low pressure beam engines diameter of cylinder, 86 inihkS; stroke ot piston, 8 feet; capaoity ot cargo 1000 barrels ; vessel m good repair and well loand in all hov outflis. ' THE BALLOO!." Side-wheel stsamor ot 204; tons; wooden hull; leLgth on deck, leu fcei; breadth of beam, 19 loet; over all, 87 leet; depth ot hold, 6A feet; draft, 41 fact; bas ona lOW-pressure beam enmne:. diamoter of cylinder, 9 inches; stroke of piston, 11 ieet cne nas recenay uen put in nuM inorouga rnair, and is wen tnrnished aud fitted up as a statT-boat; having abundant enects in all departments u board ior immediate uje. TBE "IOLAR." ' Stda-wheel steamer of 164 7.96 tons wooden hull; lengta on dec, W) feet; eretd'h or beant, 21 leet; overall. .'8 feet; depth of bold, 6 feet; orat, 4 feet; has one square law pressure eng ne; diameter of eylinde , 4 InohM; stroke ot pistan, 6 feet; capacity ot car o, 400 ban els. Weil lound in anchors, oiuuns, leola, ato. etc. THE "JAMES J3RCME." Sorew steamer of 163 03-06 tons, wooden hull; length on decs, 1)6 feet; breadtbof beam, 22i feet; osptbot hold, 9 leet; draft, 4$ teet; has one high prcfsure engine; diameter of. cylinder 2i inches; stroke ef piston, 22 inohes; capamty of cargo, 1900 barrels. Vessel in good running, order, and well lound la all her oatllts. THE "CECIL," Side-wheel steamer of 130 tun wooden hull,, and bottom metalled ; length on dck, 126 foot;, breadth ot beam, 18 foot; aver all, 82. feet;detn of hold, 6 teet; dralt. 6 feet;: has one low-proesure bearm en gine; diameter ot cylinder, 20 tnches; stroke of piston, S leet; capacity of cargo, 276 barrcte: Ves sel in good order, and well lound in all her outfits.. THE "L G. CANNON." ' Screw steamer of 200 tons, iron bull, built in 1862; drait, 6 leet; has one high-pressure engine;.diamo ter ot oylinoer, 22 inches ; stroke of piston, 2 feet. Vessel in good repair, and wall loand in all her omfits. THE ''IRONSroES " Screw steamer 6 192 tons ; iron hull, sheathed with wood: length on deck, 126 teet ; breadth af beam, 28i leet depth or hold, 6J teet; draft, 4J laet; has one nigh-pressure engine; diameter oi evlinder, 24 inches; stroke of piston, 2 teet;; capa city of cargo, 1800 barrels. She bas a new boiler and engine, rebuilt in 1862, woll xoand In all her outfits. THE "FANNY GARNKB." Screw steamer of 100 tons, wooden bull -r length on deak, 160 feet; breadth of beam, 26 feet: depth of bold, 1 feeti drait, 71 feet; has one higb-ittesaure engine diameter of cylinder, 4 inches; stroke of piston, 2 teet; vapaoityof cargo, 160 barrels, fche is in good running order, and well round mi all her ouifita, ' THIS TUG "TIGRESS." Sorew tug-boat ot 70 tons, wooden hull; length on deok, 63 teet; breadth of beam IS. leet; dralt, 9 feet; bas one high-pressure engine;, diametor of cylinder, 20 inches; stroke of piston, 20 Inches; hull, engine, and boiler In good order, and vessel well found in all her outfits. THE TUG "KATE." Screw tug-boat of 86 tors;, length on deck, 60 feet; breadth ot beam, 10 feetK depth of hod, 6i leet; craft, 7leot; bas one h gh-pressure engin. ; diameter of cvlmdcr. 164 inchest stsoke of piston. 18 inches; engine and boiler in good Order, and versel well founded in all her outfits. MISCELLANEOUS. ONE IRON RUDDER, Made of 2 Inch round iron, 11 feet 8 inches long; plated with 8-16 inch iron on the back; made of the best material,. and in the most thorougn manner. . This Rudder was made for st amer L G. Can non," but no found necessary for her use. ONE SUPERIOR lUBIILAU BOILER, Taken trom ihe steamer "t. R bpauidiug." and now lying at Poole and Hunt's vard, foot of 'I hamcs btraat, 16 feet 2 inches in length. 16 feet 0 inohes in width, and weighing 79,400 pounds. Ihia Boiler is in coniDlote order, and ready for immediate ase, having been repaired at a cost of 7000, with tbe view of patting it in the steamer 'Ben Deiord." and not nseo, as tue "JJeiora- was sold by the Government boiore its comple tion. Also, from the Government storehouse, south side of the basin : Superior Chronometers, Marine Glasses, Metallic Lite-boats, Engineers' Tools, Ship Storos, Ship Furniture. Manilla ICopoe, tc , fcto , Kto , Too numerous to mention in detail, some of which are entirely new, and all in serviceable condition, being surplus stock reserved for offering at final sale of vessels at this Depot. - j The above named vessels and their effects are only sold for want ot further use ty tue uovernment. Ternu Cash in Government funds on dav of sale G. W. BRADLEY, Colonel, Chief Quartet master, 2 19 9t Middle Military Department, MMELIA1 ELY AFTER THE ABOVE SALE J O bTKAMEKS, WK Wll-lj t,L.u sitAJl r ERR I BOAT "B AAiTlJiOHia," MH.AM rKCh PELLER "THOMAS SWANN." STEAM PR04 PELLER "CONURESS," as lollows: The Steam Ferry Boat "BAL1I MORE." side-i wheel donbla-end terry boat, of Vo4 tons. Length on deck, over all, 183 feet 4 inches; beam, 12 leet; ever ail, 61 leet; depth of hold, 9 feet 11 inohes; has one low-pressure Peam engine, diameter oroyunueroa inches; strove ai piston, a loei; araurut, o icetr nm, in neriect order, iron fastened, and metalled in 1868 1 well lound in otains, anchors, tats, boats, and life- preservers; engine aud boiler also in perfect oroer. and now ready for service: with everything on board that the law requires, having been inspected by a Government inspector during the last month. Tlie an-am Droneller "THOMAS SWANN." ot 866 tons, wooden bull, iron fastened and metalled; length on deck, 120 feet 6 'nchoe; beam, 27 feet 7 laches ; depth oi lower hold. 7 lees 6 inoheo; between ri.k 7 teat 11 inches t drait. 8 te Jt 4 Inohes : bas one direct acuug low pressure engine; diameter of cylin oer, 28 lnohrs: stroke of piston 30 inoues. Boiler, machinery, and hnll all in perfect order, and well lound in ancnora, onains, toois, poaia, iiie-pre-servers, etc. and everything tbe law roquires. with be ding, furniture, and crockery, and cooking uten sils ter twenty-lour persons; now ready ior sea liavinir been fitted ud and inspected by a Govern ment inspector during the last two months. Capa city lor carrying Zf.oo rouna uaxrria. 1 ha Steam Pronoller "COGRES." Ot 472 tons wooden bull. Iron fastened;- length on deck, 130 feet; beam 26 feet 6 incnes; depin oi lower Bold, 11 teet; between decks. 7 feet 8 inohes; draught, 9 feet 6 inches. Built iu 1863; has tliree masts, with fore and aft sails, in good order. Hull, engine, and boiler in perfect order, and well supplied with anchors, chains, tools, boats, and li fe-pre servers, ammir for frmirht.4000 barrels, having beea fitted up the last two uivuths, with full complement of bedding, lurnituie, erooaery, utensus ior per sons. AOWreaav ivr nm, sou iubpsuhhi vy uu. erimeut luspecWt lu the last two montns, v ADKEOK h CO , AuQUifri GOVERNMENT SALES. ' . . , i. JARGE GOVERNMENT HALE OF OCRAff j and river i ka i, id.., cjchoon- PR 8, FfchRY-BOATs,- KIV Orrics C nirr C)v a utkiim ASTgR, ) MILITAKT DlVlAIOM VW TUB UrjriiS ' V , . XliW fill! WAfea I. 1. ul.r.i r tr 7 I the ''following -named vessels belonging to the IS vnarreimaewi- Department, uuiUmI etifc-s A my, will bo soiu at Pabno Anutlan; to tlie highmt bidder, on the 28m day oi February, 1A at tho otiiee ol lha ( luet Ljuarlermasier, Lalaette sqaare, ,No , 11$ Cuaip sinet i , , . , Sieamship. ' Crescent, " registered 1219 ' tons, irou bteamsbip "St. Mary," regis.ertd 1218 ions, Iron tessei. . leamabip "Clinton," registered 1230 tons, (ran Testel . , Steamship ''Alabama," registered 630 tonal Steamsliip "deefge Peabody," regiHerod 1013 tons. , . Steamship Convoy," registered CS tons. Susminp "piauUir," registered fsH) tonav. Prop. Her "Corinthian.' registered 8Wtoa.' , Propel er "8tani on," regisiered 8i0 ton. l'ropaller ' Fool," regvierea 470 tons, propeller "r.xaot." regiaiered 266 ton. , lYope'ler "Porttr," tepisiend 4K3 tans. Propeller "Uuxxar," registered 450 tons. "Ailianoe," registered 89 tonsy iron Vessel Siee-whrel towboat "St. Charles'" register 668 tons. Side-wheel steamer "J. v. Hancock registered CCD tons. Sice-vt heel steamer "Diaaa," registered 700 tons.-hide-wheel stvamer 'Col. fealcouib," registered 223 tons. Mue-vthecl steamer "Mustsnft," registered 17S toss Meru-wheel s( ainer "Altamont," regleleied 291 tons. fctern wteel a, amer "Emma," registered 189 tana, Mem-wheel stoamor "Co. one! Bouodiot," roguv tered 181 tons. Vi keel in icoesa steamer "Taraanlipas," registered SS4 tens, iron tossel. Mbel in recess steamer "Matamoras," registered 834 tons, iron vessel. Centre-wheel steamer "Colonel Colburn," regis tored 126 tons, larpo railroad feir.-boat. CMire-wneei stimer "ienert Kansora, regis tered 104 toils, large ral'road ft rry-boat. Centre-wheel steamer "Reper," registered TO tons, larpe railroaa terry-boat. 1 ug "Perry," registered 166 tons. Tug "Jennie," registered 14 tons. Tug Oeveland," reristerod 87 tons, lug "Belie Darlington," rtgitcred 95 tons. Schooner Electric," regsteied 147 tons. Sotioonor"U D Adams." registered 112 tone, Schoouer "."-cout," registered 126 tons. Schooner "Union," registered tons. Schooner "Winona," registered 117 tons. Schot. nor "Annette."reistored 186 tons. ' Scnoener "Highlander," registered 840 ton Model barge "Co.ouol Muihgau." registered 12(k tans. three (8) lighters. Onellltiatboat. Ten (10) small boats. i Ibreel&i barges. . mine (U)vawie. A full oesenution of these veeels can be had on an. plication at tba office ot Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel K, fc. ALLEN, Assistant Cluartermastor, Tohoupitou las street. New Orleans, and mast of them can. b seen at thk port or vicinity. I rms t ash in United States snnency, or audited transportation vouchers; fifteen (16) per cent, of tho purotaase money to be paid on bidding ofTeaoh boat, . aud tlie balanoe to be paid within eight (8) days there- . alter. , . By order of the Quartermaster General. C. G. SAW TELLE, Colonol and Chief Quartermaster, 2J!S14t Military Division of the Gulf. C LE OF SUBSISTENCE STORES AND COM- KJ Aii&aAKi rucn .ui I. OFFICB XIXPOT VOMMIRSART or ScnsisTBNon, OB, ( IBET, t 0, 1868 , i NO 401 N. SlXTKKWTH Bthbet Philadhuhia. Pa.. February 20. IS Will be sold at Publio Auction, lor icsount aT the United States, at the Government Storehnns. No. 401.N. SIX i EENTU 8' reet, on VT KDNEsDAY. tbe 241 h day of FeUnary, 1866, at 10 o'clock A. M , tba following condemned Subsistence. Stores and Commissary Property : 1316 lbs. Bacon Shoulders ! 4109 lbs. Bnaiu. ansa lbs. Hard Bread, 8SO lbs. Hams 1 ttOratii x. Commissary Chests, Soring Balances, liquid Measures, Dry Moasures, Faucets, Funnels, Moiaests Gates, Scoops, Cleavers, Ha'cbets, Hammers, , Meat-saws, Meat-hooks, Butcher-knives, Butcher-steels, Tap-borers, Hyad-ralsors, Punohes, Ad sea, dimlets, Drivers, Bung-starters, Bung-screws, ; nieves- g Ladles, Bake-pana, Pan-peels, Cauldrons, Grate bars, Co flee -mills, Yf betatones, Platform-aoales, Beam-soalos, Counter-scales, eta. eto. Vises, Most ol the above articles are fit for use. and. can be seen for two days previous to the sale. lav ment to be made la Government lunds at bme of sale, and good to be removed as soon aa prastt- cab.aiberealier.. y oroer oi . ueneraic.Xi iciA.BUKN, A. C. G. S. and Depot Commissary. G. BOLTON NEWTON, 2 2 7t Brevet Major and C. S. V. -ALE OF ltARN. ESS. 5 ASSIBTAHT CiUABTBBHABTBB'S OgMCK, I . Pbhaeblshia Depot, February 21, 1866 . j Will be sold at Public Auction, at toe United State Government Warenouse,. Hanovei1 Street Wharf. Philadelphia, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, February 28, IbiaU, commencing at 10 o'olock A. tbe lonowing described ilARNESS, via.:, 7c9 single sets lead-mule harness, worn. 472 single sets wbeei-mu a harness, worn, 42 single sets lead-horse harness, good. 66 sinple sets wheel-horse harness, good. 60 single sets lead-ambulance harness, good. 11 single sets wheel-ambulance harness, worn. 1 em s oi sa!e-Cash, in Govtrtiment funds. By oroer ot Colonel WILLIAM W. MoEJM, , Chief. Quartermaster, Philadelphia Depot. ' HENRY BOWMAN, ' 2 21 8t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. OALE OF NEW HOSLTTAL CLOrUTNG, BE0. C5 DING, ETC. ' i . Fisdioai. PTjBrrron'a Ovnon. ) Washington, D. O , February 13, 1866. ' An extensive sa e ot HospitiU Clothing, Bedding, itc , entire.v new, and in the original boxes and. bales, wilt ' held in this city, at tbe Judtoiarr r-quare Wan eouses, Fifth and E streets, back of City Hall, t u THURSDAY, the 8th day of March text, at 19 o'olock A, M- Ihe following articles will be offered for sale, via. : . ,. : hhirls. .... .40,000 Dravtera. .a ...... .20,000. Socks, pairs M - ,.,.20,000 Slippers, pairs. . , 80,000 NOWD-V a ( a a a a a a a a-a a a 80,(K)0 Beo-sack ....20 000 Pillow-ticks. aa. .eeasia 10,000 Pillows, Hair 4.0K) Towels, Hand 10 000 The attention of the trade and the publie at large Is called to this sale, as the goods will be sold in loni to suit both large and small purchasers. Quantities) as small as one dozen wJl be sold. Goods will ba delivered to purchasers within (6) days lrom termi nation of sa'e. Teims Cash, in Government funds. C. SUTHERLAND, Surgeon and Purveyor, U. 8. A. C. W. BOTELER. Jr.. Auctioneer. 2 14 19t OF ICE Otf ASSISTANT QUARTER MAS1 EE Wilmington, Delaware, February 12h. 1866. f SALE OF SURPLUS GOVERNMENT MULES. All good and serviceable. Will be sold, at PabUo A notion, at WTLMIXQTON, Delaware, on , RI D Af, the 23d of Fobrewy. FR1DAX, the 24 of March, Two hundred serviceable MULES. Ona hundred on each day of sale. Tbe espeeial attention ol purchasers is invited to, tha net that these Mulea are large, well paired, and in excellent condition, being the surplus team Mule., of Washington Depot. Animals sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M TermsCash in United Statu currency, By order of Brevet Brigadier General JAMES A. EKIN, In charge 1st Division Q M. (. O. C. H. GALLAGHER, 5J 14 14t Captain and. A. Q.Wu JtlDESBUBO MACHINE W0BK8, ornoB, So. as B. yaoax 8TKEXT, VHrLAnm.pHiA. Wi are prepared to nil orders ta any exteat for ear 5 ACH1SEBT FOR flOTTOJT ATSTD WOOLLEN MILLA isicluillug all reoant haprovamsnu ta Oaralng, Spluulng. and Weaving. We invka Iht attentioa. ai inaaafkotarars to ear extent "W . , AiffREO 4 80. J Z-J .I''.. '-