THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. PHILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, lEBUUARY 27, 1866. OITtf INTELLIGENCE For AddttioruU City it.i. .V nee Bit Ififut I'uijk) . . i - - - - i The Philadelphia Water Depart- MINT The annual report ol Henry F. M. Itlrkin. biiio, Chief Engineer Ot tii.i iator Department, baft suomLteil. Tne report utiles that there is do subleot about which tho department Is so solid tout as that oi the eiiaraotor 01 tho water in Kairmount Dam, lrom whicu moro ,iliaa live-sixths of tbe snpply of tbe out m drawn i be rapid increao ol sources from e hick oL'jui liui.nb entailer U drained Into tbe dam to a censtunt aiixoty. flits subject, because ot it" linportuLCe, been urgod in ail nre Tion repoits. pairmoButdaro, bolowtne Columbia bridge, may be coot dered ihe a-ibsieiug ieorvoir ler tbe -works, and iiiUeed ibe i nly one the nuiite capacity ol the icK troirs connected wuh t..o -voiks so smail that tlie water has but Mile t mu for Buuslci-nce, anii as a couscQPOiice ihe wuter tuuilicd from the resor yoirs is about the same as that in tbe rlyer. ' When the ricr is turbid the water luiuWhed lor use is of the gome character 1 be Kchuylknl becomos more frr fluently turbid as tion. This is caused, not only by the tiliaee of tlio land, but no by clnrinr the toiests, which to aoon . suierable extent held back the llooa water, aud pro toctod ibe soil from aenuuaiiou. '1 be accumulation ol mud in the lower parts ot the 'dam bus increased in a much greater ratio this year tbun durum any previous ouo; other duties bav? so occupied the Department toa' no survey oas been mauo. but tbe luorease is o inn kud as to require no actual measurement, to uomouKtratn it. The accumulations oi niu'i vLieh are most objec tionable, aru t mat on the eust Bide of the riyer, be tween the steamboat wharl und tbe Skating Cluo house, and tlmt on tbe wit sid. extouding lrom tiiroro a venue Bridge to tbe i.rowery, cacti cover ing; lrom e ubteeu to twenty acres. There is no doubt tlmt there large an as ot sliul ow water exert a Ueie ttrious effect upon the entire r.vr. l.ares quantities ot oh) oi.nble matter drain into the river tietcen ond Flat Itock Dam, lrom sowers, lactones de wuiks, paper-mills, labo ratory's, aat-woiks, cte. ihe increase of m.'nufaotnrin establish m ats, placed so as to dixobnrgti roluse matter Into tbe duni, oemunds some action of Council, or it will i onh be a question ot time wnun the water of tho t-ibnylkill. now lilfibly prized by our citizens, will be so contaminated as to necessitate tbe abandoning of it for some purer water. 1 It baa been proposed to construct an open canal along of the riyer, by torminjr an embank ment in it, aud carrying tne seworage and refuse , lrom the mi ls, eto , to the overfull' of tbe dam. There aie many obvious objections to such A plan, it, in- . deed, it beat all practicable. The character ol tho wat r ta'or; lrom the Deia- ' ware bas been much improved by tbe extension of 1 r .1 ........ . M...n 1 1 1 n a.tninA I ' iwt. Warten s line, and no cump.aiuu have reached tbe Department of the quality of water supplied. 'Ibe Fail mount dam is in a ddapidated condition; the act on oi the water and looiorover forty years bas, in some places, removed part of the foundation cribs, and washed out much o. tho fading, so that the nam bas suiik in sevcial places, in tbe deepest water. . ibe total amount of Wat r supplied was 1,743, 561884 gallons greater diuiiiir 18oo than in 18uty . being a uaily average moreaao ot 4,776,881 gallons. ,The greatest daily avorago was in Judo, viz., 'do ufift QAA nnllntia Thn itimfn.n in t.hfl amount water lumiahod during 18ii6 hus been greater than in any previous year, ibo 80-iiicb. main laid on 1 oplar ureet bas enablea the Department to fur bish an aduitional amouut oi about two millions ot gallons per day to the district lying north of it. Ibis, bovitver, does not entirely meet tbe wants of this rapidly increasing district, aud there are still lrequont cump.aints. ... lSoiwitbsianatiig tho high price of coal, oil, ana . tallow dnring tne year, there has been a marked sav ing in tbe cost of pumping. In 18G4 the total cost of running the four pumping works was 8169,016-37, being 91718 pur million gauons, or 8U271 6 per mil- lion gallons per annum In 1805 the total cost was 8168 816 69, being 816 27$ per mll'ion gallons, or $5606 00 per million pallous per annum, a saying of $1 91 per million gal ons; a toiai saying of $Ul,9o6 in the running expenses over 1804, if allowance oe made fnr thA Additional nmount miuiitod. Police Matters. Several of the persona wbo have been selling meat lioui market stands in South becond street, contrary te la, have been arrested, and fined by Alderman Pottinger. ihe ordinance prohibits any pe.uon other than a farmer from selling meal on street stands. The line is two dollars. 1 W iiliam tireen, arrestod at Seventh and Lombard ktreeis, n tbe charge ot asoHUit and bntieiy an carrying concealed deadly weapons, was committed ' by Alderman ewiit to answer. Robert Torry was bound over by Alderman Mas aey, on the ebarge 01 reoeivinir some ot the skirts stolen lrom bcbolield's iacory. It is net alleged that be was with tbo party who committed the de predation. ; ' a An eiuuny man was uuiore &iurmiiu uuiiud, Urday morning, upon tho charges of assault and battery and malicious 'misob.ef. It seams that his i son bad been in tbe habit of visiiing a bouse ot rather dt ubtlnl reputation at Brideibnrg, and the 1 accused went there, as be said, for the purpose ot ' tearing it out. lie kicked in the door and used ! threatening language towards the woman who lived , ' in tbe bunding, whereupon she procured a warrant . lor.bis arrest. The defendant was held 10 answer. A young man named Leww Fester was betore Alderman Hatohineoa yesterday morning en the 'charge' of assault aud battery with Intent to kill. He was employed in the locomotive works of H. W. Baldwin & t o . at Fitteeuth and Hamilton streets, and last week tbe loremau had occasion to reprove 1. ; bim tor some neglect 01 woi k. On Saturday, it la alleged, Foster laid in wait tor tbe foreman, and at tacked hint wiilt a e.ub, knocking him down, and -Bounding hint severely upon the bead. A youug man wbo witnessed the occurrence intertered, wbcieupon Foster d;ewa largo mrk-knife, and at - teninteu to nse it. He tben ran, but was captured by Cilicir taun. He was committed to answer at , . youit, u-1 t - r ' The Late Jos.MAxriKiJ),E8Ci. At a late meeting of the Coat Trade, be d at the rooms of tbe phiildelobia Coal Exchange, on Monday. February 2otb, at 1 o'clock P. II., to rive expression to tbe fee lino's or the trade with reference to the lamented ' and sndden death of Joseph Kaxfleid, Esq., the iol- lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously acoptod !-- ...... 1 Whereat, We have reoe ved tbe melancholy in 1 tclligence of the'sunden death of JoBepu Maxflold, Etq , of the firm ot Wannemacher & Uoxneid, tbereiore , Jietolvrd, Tlmt while we bow before that inscru table ITovideuoo which order, the attairs and desti nies of wen. according to tbe counsels of ttisowu wisdom, we cannot' but expiss our sorrow at the sudden removal from our m dtt ot one so long and so lavorabiy known to th ooai trade - Jtetolved. l ht the highly honorable character and conduct of our departed friend through so many yeais.-in all his connections with ibe trade, and bis nnivenai suavity of demeunor towards those with was brought into business rclauous, endear bis memory to us; ana tbnt in his removal from ' among us we have lost one ot our most bigh-niindod and useiul associates. 1 - lletolved, That as our last 1 ad tribute of respect to bU earthly remains, we wiil tuiond bis funeral in a body. ' Jteselved, That we entertain a ad heroby tendar to tbe bereaved widow and children of the deceased ' our deepest-feelings oi imi'iiuy and condolence . with them in this unexpected und irrejaiable loss. ' Jiciotvtd, Ibat tne Becreiarv oe requesiea to furnish an attested cop 01 the above pream ble and resolution to tbe laiully of our deceased friend. Amdksw M. Fabtwiok, 1'residont. Attest Wm lluHTica, Jr. enoroiary. j Philadelphia Navy Yard. Workmen commenced )estorday to put uo tbe lrame for a nrst class sloop-ot-war, to be caned Jntutwi, which w being constructed in tho larire ship-house at the Kavv Yard. It will be ai out 3'JO ieot long, and be ' double-decker, carrying a heavy battry. 1 1 A large torce is at work on tbe sloop-of-war Punk tnataha, which U being constructed in the small - shili-DOUfe. cue reauv lor pmuaiuir, kiiu erders have been received lot her speedy oomple 1 tion, she wiil be pushed loiwurdwitli all possible dei-patcli. 1 . .... t ' On the Iroh-olad mnnitor stcfcami'OJt all the 1 work has been suspended, wrh the exception of prepaniig the iron piutes lor ibo armor. Tbe oar peuters and joiners will probubly resume work in tbe spring. 1 Action of Merchants in ,14eiard to Bboau bTBirr -Yesterday morning, at the Kootng ot the Corn. Exchange Association, a moettog ot merchants was held. Co oium Will atn b. Thoma pies.dine, to uroiest again! thi re'novai oi the rail way tracks from, Broad street A resolution was adopt d to meet the comm ttee oi Councils, that 'members miht IndividuaU outer their protests against such notion.-' '. . , , . .' i j Illness of United States District AT'ioKifST. United Stales tJitrict Attorney, Hob. Charles (iilplo. wi.l suii trout AI-iw York to day by tbe steamer Aforo Cattle, for Havana, Cuba. Mr. liilpin is obliged to make this voyage oq aooount pi" ill bealtti. During bis absence John K. Valontiue. lq , Assistant United hieUs District Attorney, will In ibe Acting District Attorney for this district. ; Dishonest Servant. Sallle D. Lome, fuivant in the employ ot Wis. Mary Duff, No. Sdi 8. ilih street, bad a hsa'ing before Alderman Beit ler ) ttU rday afternoon, charged with tbe laro ny ol bairdnren silver scenns. 8hn was arrested on nun flay aKernron bv Detective 1Cvy, wno rocoverea from ber thirteen pawntickets, With one ol thn tickets theofbeor obtained thenpoons. The other tickets recovered liom the deiendnnt are lor nndsr garments, vtliith, it is alleocd. she pawned. Some 01 tbe articles are marked ' K. O." and ' K H. U.." an 1 tbe detective oflicer is anxious to secure thn owu.ts ot Ibcm. The eelendant was beuud over foraiur ther bearing. A TiTTPnuBOER in Troublk. A , man earned Alan in Cade wa arretted at the Peniuyi yania Kail road oe, w upon the charue of the lar ceny of two hundred and sixty five dollars from a man am,d boiland, in Ilttnhutv t'adey fled to tbis ctv, and bis rule vas to Iol ow lm - He went to the depot on aturdav 10 meet lier, bat was yen pol toly intormeO bya policeman tnnt be u wanted at the c-tatlou llouso Cady bad on three or lenr nnderslitrls. and in ono of them two ban dred 0 ollars In Kn glint! sovereigns wat found sewed dp. Ihe prisoner wasent lac to itisbur for trial. , , 1 . Interments. The remains of Mr. Frede rick F-mhardt, late an inspector of custom under Colleytor ihonas, wore interred yesterday at Ger mantown, tbe place ot his res denco. in rovoct to bis mimory a meeting was held by bic brother officials, at which a senes of resolutions, endorsing bis worth as a man and a citizen, wore passed unani mously. The temains of Lieutenant (leorjro H. Barns, of the loth United Mates Infantry, wore yoaterdav In terred at llonurn- nr, cotro'erv. Ibe doceasad. who pasred lrom t; is life at Moolio, In October last, was well known in Philadelphia, Body Recovered. The body of a man was loiind drowned yesterday at Arch sireot dock, on the Delaware river, upon which the Coroner lie an mqu st, but withoit 1 - arniug the identity of th deceased. Ihe appaieut a.e was thirty-live years Ihe body was dressed in a black rib ed suit, with white fhirt, and had brown hair and iroatoj. I h bony lole evidtnoo of protracted maceration i n tbe stream. Ibe coroner took charge ot it. EriBCOPAi Tratkr Meetings. Tho second ot a series of -veokiy Union Eoiscooat Tracer M'etings. to continue djnng tho Lmten -eaion, will be held this atternoon at 4 o'clock, at ttrace Church, Twelfth and Cbcrry streets, these union tervices of dtvo'lon and penitence are peculiarly aDpropriato di ring Lent, and are participated iu with spirit and profit by tho.-e able to attend. Public Temperance Meeting. A pub lic temperance meeting will be held on Thursday evening, at the ball, N . K. corner ot Eleventh and Catharine slieels, in behalf of the Lincoln Lodes. In connection with the meeting there will be a prand conoert. The fnnds of the onu-e should not tail to be present on this interesting occasion. The Broad Street Railroad. The Law Committee of Councils mot yesterday in Heieot Chamber to boar parties for and against tho removal . of the track on Kro id stieet. and immedintoly ad onrned over till Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. , , , Accident. Jacob Curry, a resident ot llanavuux. was severely injured yesterday by a temporary bridgo ovor the canal giving way while be was wheeling a barrow 01 mortar over it. s U R V E Y NOTICE. AU persons Interested In the plan of the iriiit sctiivs OF THE twenty-second ward, Bounded as follows j ( tortheat by Sten'on avenue. v ma J Korthwest by Merma'd avenue, j0. wo. Koutheast by Gorgas street. I Southwtat bv Gerinantown avenue. are notified that the Court of Q larter Sessions for the city ana county 01 rmiauoipnia. nave nxeu THURSDAY, March 29. 1866, '. At la o'clock A. M., at tbe Court-room Main Building of the State House, to consider said Dlan and any ooiecuons aKalnst the same. which may be made by any freenoider; and In the mean while the said plan may ne seen at tne utnee 01 tne ue sartmant 01 feu vers tor the City of l hiladelohta, r Ho. 212 S FiriH Stre.. anO a Duplicate thereot at the office 01 . JrKSlf LIGHTFOOT, Surveyor and Regulator ol the Ninth Survey District, Depot Bulldlnt. Uermantown. i j 'i - r. CARROLL BKK vVrlThR. Solicitor of tbe City 01 Philadelphia (Docket t, page 37.) 8 24 lawtf 2D g'D B V E Y N 0 T ICE All persons lnteretd In the ' ' BtVISION OF ORDE1? OF FIFIEEN'IH AUD TWiiNTIKl'H WARDS, Bounded as lollows 1 , 1 Mortli b.v-Uirard Avenue, -u. J West by Pennsylvania 4. venue, o. u. H0Utn Dy parriBh street, I F.At hv 1 WAntv-nlnth street. Are notified that tbe Court of Quarter Sessions for tbe City and County of Philadelphia, have nxed At 10 o'clock K. M.. ' tin consider said n an and any oblections against tbe same, whleh may be made by any Freeholder, and In the mean hl!e. tbe said plan may be seen at tthe Office 01 the .Department 01 ourveys tor me vuy 01 i-una- dclphta. No. 212 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, and a Dupllcatethereof at the Otltce of - K. 1. KOBfHTS Surveyor and Reeulaterot the Fourth Survey District, NO. 11U4 SPRING GARDEN NTREET. F. OaKBLL BRKWSI'KR. Solicitor lor the City of Philadelphia. (Docket S, rage 43.) 2 241awU 29 s D R V E Y1 I N 0 T I C E. All persons Interested In the plan of the ' or THB - - TWENTY SECOND WARD, Bounded as follow : , fftoitheast by Green street. ic ma J Northwest by Carpenter street. lmT Hoatheast by W. Washington avenue, (.Southwest by WUsablckon avenue, are notified that' the Court ot Quarter r-es-dons for tbe City and County or Phi adelphla have fixed THURSDAY. March 29, 1868, At 10 'e'eok A. M., at the Court-Room, Main Building of tbe State House, to consider said plan and any obe tions against tbe same, which may be made by any Freeholder, and In tbs meanwhile, the said plan may be seen at the Oftlce or the Lepurtment ot Surveys lor the I'ltv ot Phitadnlphla, Ko . 212 eouth FIFTH Street, an a Duplicate tbereoi at tbe Oftlce of ' , JES8K LIGH1F00T, and Remilator of tbe N lnth S u rvey I) Is net. ' I - Depot Building, ' . . i. . 1 , ' Gnrmantown. F. CARBOLL BRKWSrKH, 1 Solicitor of tbe City of PhliadalDhla -(Docket 6, Page 2 84 1awtliO- s TJ E V E ' Y N O T I C E All nersons Interested In tbe Dlan of the ' 0THK ' ' FIRST WARD, Bountfed, as follows!- un tne isortniuy n 011 "inw. On the East by Delaware ilver, On tbe South by Cortln street, nn tha Went bv Fifth street. No. 179. Are nntlfled I'hat tbe Court ot Onager Sessions for tbe City and County ef Philadelphia, have fixed 1HURSDAY, March 29, Ibtie, at '0 o'clock A. M., At tbe Court Boom. Main Buddlug 01 the S'ata House, to.cousder aala plan, und any abjections axa nat tlie same which may be made bv uny ireeholder, aad In the meanwhile the tald p. an ma be seen at the Oihce of the Ueuartment of hurveys tor the City of Philadelphia, Ko. 212 H. FIF'IH Street, And a Duplicate thereof at the office of CHAHI.K8 8. CLO.SK. Surveyor and Regulator of the Second Survey District, .No 331 KKH) Mreet 1 ' r, t'AKKULli HBf.'ir.n, Solicitor ot the City of Phllanelohla (Dockets page 36.) 214 1awt3i0 U B V E Y N O T I C E. ""All persons Interested In tlie plan 01 the .' FIFIH sau "HON P THE - TWENTY-SIX I U WARD, Bounded OS fo. Iowa: ,, , (s orth by Porter street. West bv Twenty-sixth street, .South by Curtlo s rent, , are notified that he Court of Quarter Sessions for the L lty sua Louuiy oi ruuaoviltum nave ow , 1I1UK8DAY, March 29. I860. ' At 10 o'clock A.M.. ,. Pnnrl.nwm. Main Bnlldlna of the State House to consider aalti piau ana auv oujeoiiuui kiui, uin same which muy be made by any lrcebo der, aad in ma n.annwM the said n in mir be aeen at the Oftlce of the Department of surveys iur Uiu city of PlillHtlAlnhli, No. 212 S. FIFTH "treet, and a Bup.icate thereof at tbe Office of Surveyor and Regulator ot the First survev District ' jo KS WASHINGTON Avenue., ' ' " F. CARROLL BREWSTER Folicitor oi the City of r hl'ade piilft- --(Docket, age 4.) - 241awtl29 AMUSEPtlENTS. lrLEV'H COH TIN EN T A L NEWS 1 1 XriUSfiE; I mre-Ofsts ro all p sefs 01 Amusement may s nae In 'ol H e'e els snv evening. - HI lv I U DICE HEATS ANtr ADM JSBI0N8.- J 1 IckeU can Y hart a f."i Km. h 111 mw flynrR. 1 Fo SlcriifeM'T Street, oneosile the Fos tpfflee, icr II e I t en it. irrb. tVsinui. aud Academy of Mnsio- ap 10 0 o'clock. e erv evening. I1W aw THKSNUT 8TUEET TIIEATBE.- ( H KSNVJT Street, above lwelfih. tKAfcl) UUUMUC WI1.I.1A E. SINN. Lessee ind atanateia. ArlKlLLIl'SUI ' B5)S1 Htit OvD WhF.K. lUIStVRMKU. Wll; be repeated . . llll U't.AT Ml r ur 1 nr. bmihi i Ti e iraanifh eot sotnle ljrama. Id leiir ao s llll 1 WlTtHi Till'. ICR WITCITi 'i 1 1 r . 1 ( E W I ' 1 1 ; THE tcii win it; HE lit Will lit' Tin. UK ill'M int. 1CK l'i'Cn t. TUS. I JK WIlUHl OB TI1E SEA KI0' BPIDE. 'llll-, UKAKIMl.'HlimoB; THE SEA KING' BRIIiK. THK SKA KISO'S BRIDsl It will be rrewinted with Ita Beantlml Scenery, by Charles K Uetz, l-.iegant Appointments Surprising I ransmrniationa t haruinm Alu-to Wonnenni f.iloo a Mao'lle Teressa Wood and Corps de Ha'tet the in I stif ng b 'f tne Star Company, an 1 every other aitrao irat tu n that during tho paat week baa be pad It to It-i piesent n..iPT.T.A t linrvrnii.r.j' lun uaniii. WEDNE-DAT aFTKRNOoN. February 28, (.BAND fXlUA. MATINEE. , Ibe great moral Drama, , . 1KN NlliliTrt IN K BAR-ROOM. PaH HDaY AF1ERKOOX, atftTh J. NINklY-FiF ' II GRAND r AMlLV MAIIKKE. THE ICE W1T.U Admission to Mallun s. 3U cents 10 all parts of the House, children, 20 cent. Doors open at 1 -ll. urtsin nsc sii'in. AtltiilFSlou 10 eienlru performance, 20 cent), JO cants, and St Aii. Doors open at 6 4S. Cm tain rises at vn. V ALNUT "BTKEliT T UEAT RJtfi N. E. If corner NIMH andWAf.MOT streets MR. J. H. CLtHKK in the new American Cotnedv. entit ed 1Kb Mi.vutK rami riiv:;. Tilt-; M MBcli FROM PIKE. which will be repeated r v r. it i .vr. Miti un riij r aui n.'E. Den'osthenes 'lorrent. lrom Pike Mr. J 0. 4JLA11KE Kccne- washitiRion t ity. renoa ine rrcsent. Act 1 A magnificent and accurate view of I-je,NN.YLViM v AVENUE. Act 2 Consultation or Members. Act 9 The apeech of the ( nnpresaman from Tike. Act 4 The Paasace of the Bill. MK. J. S. t LAKKE as Dickey Shark In the new and highly sico-ssiui Lomeuiettaoi DICKr.Y'rt WHOlNG. ' Commence with the comedietta or ' , THE YOOti SCAMP. JSl1 It?. JOHN DREW'S MW AHCU 8XHKET thvaTRK. Begins at 7 o'clock EXTRAOKDIN A KY UM ESH OF "8AM." M-C'M) WrEK OF MR. ' HANFR U. AS "HA M." YO(J KNOW. YOD KKOW." Aided bv OLIVF LOGAN, C. T. PAKSliOE, and theau hor. DK WALDI H. MONDAY NlUuT, AND EVERY NIOHT BAM." 'HAM." -8 AM" "MAM." "SAM" "BiM" "HAM." "SAM." 8A A " Fam Mr. CHANFRAU Laura OI.IVK LOGAN Dick, ham's Tutor C T. PAK-LOE It ill Crnckeit DE WaLDKN titneral Koalyn Mr. F. F. Mackay .1 sines l'lnshlev Owen Mariowe Miss Lupnenila Bos yn Mrs. Thatar Emily Crooiey Mrs. T. A. Creeae IKIDaY BEHK.FITOF (HANFKVU. 'J O NIGHT CUAHFRAU'S "'SAM." N EW AMERICAN THKATRE WALNUT STREET ABOVE EIGH1H I BEST LNTEKTUNMEM IN THE CUT. iVtBY KVBM.Nv, AND ON WEDNESDAY AtiD SATCRDAY ArTER- l)t)8. SPLENDID BALLETS. BRILLIANT COMEDIES, I.augnaDie liuriesnues, Humorous rarces, Aellgbtiu Bol ads Comic Pantomimes, GE IDs NOVELTY M ERI C. Amuaemenis of all nations combined. Star Dramatic Company. Grand Corps de Ballet. Ethiopian and Pantomime Corps veiling Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at 7 31. FOR I UK At COMMODa.IL. N OF LAUICS AND CHILDREN Matinees will be given every Wednesday and Saturcay aitemoons. Doors open at 2 o 'Ctocn? commence at i av. BRILLIANT ARRAY OF ARTISTIC TALENT. 1 8IGN0BA JOVETTA, THK GEE A! ITALIAN DAN SECESK. i Mr. J. W. Smith, and his grand Corns-de Ballet. M f. O. Johnson, Mr. R But'er, Mr. 8. Hempie. Mr J.fll oilm. the Son h American Brothers. Mr. w". H. Ma. thews kr.J. M. Mortimer, Mr. H. Kedy, Mr. J. Kee- gan, Master narry, etc. "NATIONAL HALL, MARKET STREET, 4.1 aoove iweuiu. - , MONDAY EVENING. February 26 and IV BY EVENING DURING TUU WEEK. GRAND MUSICAL JL'BILI ES FOR THE MILLION 'Ihe largest and most popular concert company, the most elaborate, unique, pleasing anu instructive enter fjilnment s ever olfeied tha American neon:e. First appearance since returning lrom Angland of the , FATHER KF.MP'8 ! FATHeR KKMP'8 father kempvs OLD FOLKS' CONCfcPT COMPANY, OLD FOLKS1-1 'ON CERT COMPANY, flT.O FOLKS' Ct)N( ERT COMPANY. conelft'nn of twenty-two ladles and gentlemen, with a Hue orchestra anu spienuiu . BRASS BAND, BRASS BAND, assisted by . EMMA J. NICHOLS, lie .Tntinv T.lnrl of Amnrlei, All oi whom will appear la costumes or one nunarea years apo. idmlasion to all parts of the ball, 10 cents. Family tickets, four for il. Children, 15 cents. Doors openkai 1 1 commence aio. FATHER KEMP, Manager. 2 22 t B. N. TEMPLE, Agent. COSTUMES! JUOA UlUlliiS 1 rtnmTTlinci I A splendid assortment oi COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES, FOB MASQUERADES, Are oflered to the attention ot the bail-going public at this gay and festive season, at the . COSTIIMERY, . Of twenty -five years' establishment, No. 9 1 7 RACE STREET, North Side. Every effort will be made to please the taste of those who attend the Carnival Balls of the Season. W. O. DESMOND, 3 20 lm No, 917 RACE Street ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS, CIIESNUT X Street, above Tenth. Open iroin h a . at. tin r. m. Benjamin West's great Picture of CUBIST REJECTED tttll on exhibition 1 1 i hfiMANIA OKCHHtsTKA. rUBIjlU RE- VI bearsals every SaTIRDAY AFTERNOON A'l MUSICAL. I tMi hall, s o oiock. r.ngauemeuui niaaehy adrirestlnK GEO UGE BASTLRT, Agent o. 1231 mUMlKlx street, neiween Race anu vine, i it) am HAS!- G A S ! I 'GAS!! I RED VIE TOUR GAS BILLS. Etratton's , Ktgulator for . Gas Burners, (Tatented Koveniber21, 1865.) Tt is a matter of eonsldeiable Inmortance to eaa con sumers generally, aud ol especia unuorttnee to ail keepers of hoiela anu larve beaming houses, to have Btiph vhn hiirnersAs will admit oi belua eaalv and ner nianenily adiusted to suit the special requirement of ibe locality oi each ) because those who have not to pai the bilis feel but llitie or no Interest in economizing the pus, anu sometlui es carelesalv . or. thouKhtlessiv I urn on tWICe Or TltnOV OS UlUl U H 1IU1" nunnra lUVU IIOCU. ( Lai anu examine, ur soae jruur viunia iu SHIAT'a ON & CO., AT THE FLORENCE OiTICE. No. 630 CHESNC'T Street, Philada. uetall price, 95 cents each. ! 12 mwrjin TJEVENUE 8TAMP9, RKVENUE STAMPS, XI ice.v iLi.Lii BiiaiD, Of all descrlptiona, Ol all d.aoilp lions, . , . ' , A'ways on hand, Alwavs on hand. at rtnRFVf E FKWINO ACH1N K f 'D.'s Oh iriOK. AT l'LORi.2iC E SKW1MI M AriilN E OO.'S OFt'lCK, flO.kW CHKHMJT Street, No. 6!"J I'HKBMJT street. One door below Hevemh "lieet. One door below yenth atieeU Tt. mna, III.ArMl fl.ilint allOWAll. 1 he mot tiiherai discount allowed. 2 ft rTIIE BTAMP AGENCY, NO. 804 CIIRSNPT J HTRKKT, ABOVETU1RD WILL BK CONT1NUEP AS HP. HKTOFOHK. HTAMPH ot KVKRT DFHCRIPTION 00N8TANTLT ON HAND, Ai JH AJa X iSUUI a WATCHES AND JEWELRY. fDIAM0M DEALER & JETLtll,' WATriiis, ncrrn ware. , WATCHE3 and JEWL?.T EZPAIEED. -, ;r Ess just received a large and splendid assortment of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, f?ome In plain cases, others beautifully enamelled and Bnad, and others Inlaid with diamonds. Purchasers wishing a HANDSOME LADIES' WATCH win do well to can at once and make a selection, rnc motletate. AU watches warranted. Also, a large assortment oi GENTLEMEN'S AND EOYts' WATCUES, IN GOLD AND SILVF.H CASb.8. 8 24 HOICK HOLIDAY UOODp. Large and handsome assortment of COLD AND SILVER WATCHES DIAMONDS, JEWELRY,, fc-ILA Kli AMD PT,ATUD WARK CLOCKS. BROSZE8, ElC. CLARK fc BIDDLE, Successors to lhonins C. Carrett, 6 22 rp No. 712 CUEfeNUP SIKLKT. men JEWELKY JOHN B RE N N AN, DEALER IK DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES. JEWELRi Etc. Etc. Etc. BIfJ Bo. 18 8. EIGHTH 81 KEET, Philada UENRY 1IARPE11, No. Bao ARCH STREET Manufacturer and Dealer ia ine Jewelry, Silver-Plated Ware, AMD 8C Solid Silver-ware. COAL. COAL! COVL!! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATE, AT i ALTER'S C 0 A L Y A It I), NINTH STREET, ' BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BRANCH OFFICE CORSES OF SIZTHA!!D 6PB1JSG GARDEN STREETS. "' 21 JAMES O'BRIEN, DEALER IS LEHIUH AND SCHUYLKILL O O A L, BY 1EE CARGO OR SINGLE T0X. Yard, Broad Street, below Fitzwaten nas constantly on nana a eomnetent euorjiv ot tnt above superior Coal, suitable lor lamliv use, U wLlcn ne cails tne attention of his friends aud tb nublic en trolly, Oldora leic at Ho. 206 8. Fi'th street. No 82 8 Seventeenth street, or through Despatch or fosi Office, oromptly attended to A SCPERJOK OUAUTfY OF BLACKSMITHS COAL. 7 84 ROBERT BENDER, COAL DEALER, S. W. COEKEB BROAD AND CAILOWHILL STREETS, THILASBLFHIA. 1 If one bnt the best WEST LEHIGH, all sizes, from the Greenwood Colliery, on hand, and lor sale for CASH ONLY. , 2 10 6m Also, ENGINE, HEATER, AND FURNACE COAL. FURNITURE. A BUY FURNITURE AT GOULD & OO.'S TJSION DEPOTS,' ' Nos. 37 and 30 N. SECOND Street. 4 ' ((Opposite Christ Church), And Cornerof NINTH and MARKET The largest, cheapest, and best stock of PDRNI TUiiE Olevery deicrlptlon in the world. 2 10 &;T0 T I have i HOUSEKEEPERS. lalargestocv ot every variety of Furniture which 1 will sell at reduced prlcts, consisting of PLAIN AD MARBLE TOP COTTAGE SCIT8 WA-SBT CHAMBtR SUlTsi. PA BLOB 6VIT8 IN ViLVET PLTJBH. PARLOR 81 ITS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR BU118 IN BEPS. eldtboaida, Ixteuslon Tables, Wardrobes Book-cases Matuesses, Lounges, Etc cte. " P. P. GUSTINE, llftHm K. E. Cor. SECOND AND BACK STS. RAILROAD LINES. ORANGE AND ALKXANDRIA RAILROAD. On and ancr MONDAY, February 12 two dally trains will run between Washington and L nchhurir, eonuectlng at unrdousvl le with virelnla Central Rail road trains to and trom Richmond, aatoilows t MAIL lUlbl. It ave Washington dally (ftuuelav excepted), at 649 A. M , era arilve at Lyncnhu rg at 6-45 r. M. Leave 1 ynciiunra at l A. M ana arrive at waalilnn- tonat2tI'. Mi ... rnain. Leaye Washlnglou daily (Including Sunday) at 8 05 P. M and arrive at l.ynulmuig at 6 0U A. M Leave Lyncnuurg at B so r. m. aua arrive at washing' ton at 6 10 A M. Jioth traina making eioae connectlona at Lvnchourg fot all point South and Souihweat, and at Waahlngion lor voi.h aud monnwust. ... Flrat-claaa aieepuig cars will P8 attached to tne n'ght trains. . 'the roan is attraonve, nor oniy tor us oomior aoie accommodvtlona, but tor the fact that It p&xaea the now blttono localities of Fairfax, bu l Hun. Manaaaaa, Bna toe, Catiett'a, Rappahannock, 'ulpeper. Orange, and Oordansviile. places ot iinperlsbahle intereat In tha popular ni hi a i Tbreaub tickets to all points Rouih and Southwest mav be bad In Boiton, New York, Phllad 'Inula, and liaitlmnre, and at the ouicea ot tne road la Wuimutuon and Alexandria. W. H. boiiaFFEKI'Y, . i.W . General BuperuiUtudant . RAILROAD LINES. nillLAnF.T.rillA. WILMINGTON, AND 13 A I. I 1la-OKE 1.A1LNOAJ. TIM. I Alil.l t ou.iiifnrlnir VONTiat Januarrl lltt. 'I Valna I 1 leave liei... corner al HHOAIJ ntreet li d W'AM,lM)iO Avi nne. aa lo.iews! press i ram at 4U6a.11 (aionJaj a exeepled). for halllniore and WasMnston. S'onpinit at Wllmlnvton,' lfrrvl. liavre-ue-lrare . Aberdeen, t-errynian'a, ranona ano Mi mnur a nan I'S aware K I road 'train at R'lS AM. (Sunday x ei.iro, tor dallsbtry, all. ford, ana InurineUlate Holms. v ay Mall Train at 9 la A M. (ueflai a fieeptedi, for Patlmore Stoppint at ( kester, lliunow i.lwood, Claj moot, and all raguiar stations between WI,uiln-ton L1.0 l.iul more ' I i.i 'Jram at 'MA P.M. iFandays excepted i. iol l a lie ore and Washmaiun. aloomnK at es i r ( lj iront, imlni-ion, .-ewara r. kton linyvli". Havre oe Grace, Aberdeen. Terr uun'a as sk io la ana u ninior s hup. Mpl t Fxpresa at It'll P. M. for Pnltrniere and ' atl Irjtau. a'oppina at Chester ' hurlow. I, low..' 't, ami jut limlii, ten Kewara. Elk. on. Noith Kist. Periyvl lelnd Havre de-(lrace. PasMnrera by l'.oat lrom Pa'timore lor FrrtTes fonrne. orol. lty Iolut anu Klcbmond will tike the 0 1.1 A. si. Tr .In. Sn additional accommodation for thoso hol.Iin i hrooph 1 k tela tor 1 t more. Washington unit onMi- ern points, a Special tar 1 1 leave the Phinxle uli'a Jirpot at 118(1 A. A., eernrctlnu at Oray's iViry witu ii. e murning i Tpre-a'i rain irom ow Tr. HI I. Ml L.TIlJt ACtDM mOW VIIdN TRAINS StoiiMiia at all Stations between l'lillailnluhla and Wlln.iniuin. I.iave l hl nbla at Bl.1 and H IS A. M.. ami 1 .1l. fttO undTIUl' il The 8 80 V. M. train cnmiectswlih 1 tin's are Kalirrad lor Mi'tord and hiiennedlato tatluii 1 ave vt llminkton at 1-0U. H lfi and 8 ail A. M.. ami i i,u aLd 6 00 I- Xf ra ns lor New I ast e Icava ri llailelolilfl at 8 IS A. it.. 1 tO and A'to I'.M .'iHHU' liH TJtl rilUM BaLTIMOIlE. Leave Wllnnnklen at 1.D0 v.. and 4 W andU'65 P. M. lir trl IK KOK I'IIILj HKI.l'UI A. Leave Chester at Rill . H 6N. aud 1014 A. U an1 ll-lrf I U B 01 ft 44 ami 10 Vii 1'. tl. H I l l'ALH.MOll' TO FHILATiF.I PHIA Leave Halt, morn ft'J.1 a M. Wav Vain l ie I'M Eaprei-s 6 !I6 I M. a xpresa1 1) Sft V M Kxpress. a n Accon modation lialn for llavro-de-tlraea an I In termctllate stations wl 1 have lla timore a 4 10f. M IKA1K-- rUKHAL IHOIlr 1 eave ( hrMrr at 8 S3 A. M. 8 118 and II 0 P.M. I eave W l mlnatun at 12 41. ft-lll and ,0-ii A. M.. and 4P Al . SUNDAY TRAINS. Exnresa Trarn at 4ti."i a. M mr n.altlmnA inW.ih. Invlon, stoprlnu ai W-lnilniion Perrvy . havr.'-ilu C.mce, a teriiOtu, 1'erryuiau's, it ag no la, and Stjinmer's Mehi Fxpreasll 15 P. M , tor Hn't!more and Wash Inyioo, aioppinfi at 4 heater Thurow i Inwood, ('lav nmnt, 'Wilmington Kewark tlkton, Northeast, Ferry vllie. and llavr-le-iraee. A aneclal train wl I leave Philadelphia for Wllmlm fnn ler Intermediate slatiens a 0 P. M. H.VLilllORK KOR PHILADFLPHI . Leave P. all Imore it 0-28 P. M .. atonnhnr at lUvrntn. (race, Prrryvlll and Wllrulnr on. Alno slopi at E,k ton and Kewark (to take paaseuers or Phlla.e phla and ira. passeniiera irem r amiogion or ttaitimorei and I heater to leave nasaenffera lrom ilaltlniore nr w..h. Inpton. aaaci A special train will leave Wl'mlnfrton for Philadelphia and Intermediate stations at 6 3u p. II rrelpbt irain. wnh passenger car attached, will leave Wi minion tor PerryvH e and Intermediate a atlnna a vf. At. u. jr. iktJSMi Y, Buoerlntendent 1)ENNSi'LVANIA CENTRAL RAILKOAD WIMTUt ARRANGEMENT. The trams ot the Pennsylvania t entral Rot road ieav theft Detot, at 1 11 1 HI It i H and AtAlsKr T Streets i he cars o the Market Street Pasaeniier Rallwav run io ana Hem ibis Depot ihey leave lrom street everj two minutes, commencing one hom prevloui to tne time oi aeparture oieacn Train and al ow ahout SO uilnu es lor a trl Their cars aia In oaltina on tha arrlva oi each Train, and connections are made whh ai roada crossing Marks' street- on tlunuava-car ,eae a,een n ana Market strecu at-4ftP II. to connect with PInabuiK and t rie Mai and at 10 2S P. it l h Phl.adelnhla txprcss. llann'a HapRaae Express Is oeaicaa. 4 o. 81 8. eleventh street. Parties dealrlng Bapag taken to toe trains cat have rt done at reasonable isle npou apo nation to him (KaIMI LKAVK AiiU aKRITK AT UEPOj IUU. i ijsav. i rle xpress Hall Tram at 7 30 a.v ' S'Ou ' " JO 00 ' Cao I Accommodation, Mo. 1 (ast Line..... , farkeat'urify HarrlaburR Accommodation Lancaater Accommodation.... Paoll Iraln ho i PI tsburg and Krie'Mall Philadelphia Express . AHK1VB 12 00 Si.' 1 1 00 I 2'30 P. ' 4 00 ' 8 .SO ' 7 80 11 10 Cincinnati Express l-hi adelphla r xuress Paoll AocommodatloB, ISo. I,. at I SO A a. 710 810 ' 9 30 ' 11 9,1 raraeauurg iroin trie t xpress Laucas er i rain , 12 30 P. M. raa: i.iue " l-io Paoli Accommodation. o. 1... 4-40 Day I xpreaa ' a 44 Uarrlsburg Aecommoda lon 840 " Ihlla. efplila txoress leaves daily. PItisburg anc f rle Mall leaves dally (except eaturdari AU othet trains dal y fexceut Sundavi Tbe Pennsy vanla Railroad Company will notaaaamt any risk orHageaiie except for -Wearing Appare.and 1111111. ftuvir rvepuusiouiiy io una aunureo Lio.iars it velue. All BapKage exceex'lng that amount In a us will be at tbe risk of the owner, an) eat taken by speois contract IHOMAS H. PARKS Ticket A gent at tbe Denou An UmlKiant train rnna dntv excent Hnnilnvl r fall lnfoiniatlon as to tare and accommodation applv t AAOLin f iua no. ii,i tioea ntraei V'ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. A v urpot. i Hijtu ntieet above Thompson, For BETHLAHEM . DOYLI-STOW. MAOCH i ni'sa, isiu, Vt 1A.A.1AM oPOKT, and WILKES BARRi. At 7 30 A. M.Oxnress). for Bethlehem. A11nnnw Maucb hunk, OazleLon. Wbllamspoit, and Wilkes harre. ai s-so r m txxpreas), lot Bethlehem, Fasten, reaching Kaston at 8-4) P. M. etc., -I ft lft P. M lor Bethlehem, ' Allen to wa, Maaoh inuuk Lanvnie anu unanispori. For Dovleatown at 8'34 A M., 2 30 and 41 P. M. F01 Fort Washington at 10 A At. and 11 P. M. For Lanadale al 8-16 P.M. White cars ot tbe Second and Third Streets Lin City PaasiDger Cars run direct to the depot. TRAINS JOB PHILADELPHIA, Leave neuiienem at S'2o A. M. and 10 02 A. M., and 10 r ax. . Leave Doy estown at 8 80 A. M ., -1S and 8 30 P. M Leave L ant dale at 8-10 A. M Leave r on Washington ai lO fto A. M , and 216 P. V ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at OA. M. Philadelphia for Doy lestown at IP.Af, Doy leslown for Phi adelphla at 7 20 A. M, Bethlehem lor Phlladelnhla at 4 P. M. 1 brongh Tickets roust be piocuied at the ticket offices t n 1 haj pireei. or a ntreeu 5 . . ALI.I8 CLARK. Agent FREIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND jl a 1 tne ataiions on tne VAJHUtjN ana AA1BOY and connecting BaUroads Increased despatch. 1 HE , CAM I Eh AAD AMBOY RAILROAD AKD iaaori'B Alius VUMPAWr FKJCIUHT LINES ior tew iorawui leave vv A1.KU1 street Wharf at o'c ock P. it., daily (Sundays excepted). Freight muat be delivered beiore 4)4 P M., to be for warded the same day. Returning, the above lines will jrsTterw a urs at u noon, anu a ana 0 jr. a&. Frelybt for Irenton. Princeton, Kingston Sew Brans, mt a anu an points ou uie lamaen ana AmDoy Kali road: also, on the Belvldere. Delaware, and Fleming, .nn . rlij. V.w Ja.i.v ill VM.hnM .,,1 f....,uV, the Burlington and Mount 11 oily Kal roads, recelveJ and iiirwuucuuMlvif.a. Ibe Belvloeie De aware Railroad conneota at Phi, llpaturg wltn ihe Lehigh Va ley Railroad, and at Mahma kacbniik with all DolutB on tia Delawana Lackawanna and Western Railroad, forwarding to Syracuse, Builaio. snd o her nolnts In r eatern lit York. The KewJertey Rat road connects at Elizabeth wltk ihe ew Jersey Centra Ballroao. and at Newark wltt the Ai orris ana .aaex uauromi A aho memorandum, eneclivlng tbe marka and nnm ber shippers and conaignees must. In every instance, be sent w itb eaoli load of goods or no receipt will ba riv n Increased tacllltlea have been made lor the tiauspor ation ot Live Stork. - Drovers aa Invited to iry ine rouie n uen avoea is luruisneu in quantities ol two cai-loadt or more. It will be delivered at tbe tool ol for win streei near trie urove raro, or st Her No 1 I ortb river as tbe sb Ippets niy des gnate at the time ol shipment For terms, or other Information, apply u WALTiH FREEnAN F.elnht Agent, ii i so. d i-. ,r a.- w tnr. Avenue i niiaoeinnia. pllll.ADKLPHlA, GERMANTOWN, ANC On and a Utr WEDNEiDAT, November 1st. 1865, unti ruruer iouee. FORGIRMAMOWN Leave Philadelphia . 7 8,0,10 11,12 4. M.,1 2 310 o'i 4, ft 01 ,0 1,1 II, 10, 11 . ir AI LeiiyoOeiniHiitowuB, 7.7H. 8.8 20, 0,10, 11, 12 A. M 1 .'i 8. 4.4K.8 tjH 7, 8.0 10.I1P. In. Ibe 8 uown train, and 3h and bK up trains will not atop on the ueraiantnwn nrancn. OH Sl'MDaYS. Leave Philadelphia 910 A 11., i 7 10H P. M Leave CeiniantuwnS A M. 1 8 OH P M i i,l:vrT Ttll.T. BAllJtOtn. Leave Philadelphia 8 8,10 12 A. M.,2, 8, SH 6H,l,t and 11 P. M Leave I besnut Bill 7 10 minutes, 8. 8 40, 11 40 A. M. '40 S U. ft 40. 6 41) 8 40, end 1 4U minutes tr. at OS SDMAY .,! n AlUIPUtiiiia:'lr miuuiw a. ui, una 4 x . Leave i boi-udt llill 7-40 niluuteg A. Al 12 40, ft 40. on4 T .. TlV. I , . I . , n.lik ...I.. AUA mw.Mt D V'iOiriinuesP w B l ONSHOltot jvhk ami ruiiisfuyyii( Leave Philadelphia 6 8-3A mluu es,, UU5A. M., IX, I 4M 1 o, H a w iiiinuios.Biiu 111 r. m I eavoNoimtown ftH.7,7 40. 8,11 A. M..lM,4)il6,an IP u 'IhaftM P, U. riatn will atop at School Lane Wl-aa blckon, alanayuuk, Miring Mill, and couahebocken auly U1 ciKinUA AO. , 'I rkve Philadelphia A. M..2M ana 7 P. M", ' Leave Norristown 7 A. M , and ft P. M. FORM ANA VI'NK Leave Philadelphia 8 8 89'Ot A- H.,1H,I ttJS&to?, ?a0. CH, UH, A. V.. X UH "? 9 " '. OH HI'KDATS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,H and 7 P.M., ' ltaS Manuyuuk "iH A. M bH, and 8 P.M. W. b. W1L' ON. General Buneilntendent Depot MN Til and UBEEki BireetS RAILROAD LINES. V E lINO RAILROAD. 4IRKAT TRt'NV LINE BOM PHIL liK.LlHla IO 111 B 1STERIOB or nHiIlY Mil. THF P( HUYl.KliX, HtfOl a HANA (I'MBI KLAMI, AVD WYOMlNO VAI.I.K YM. 4KD KOKTli, 1OK'IHwK.-T, A fe U TIJa rm AIA. Sa. tUMah.TOrPAa-.(.,MlKR'IRAlN8. Leavlni the f'ompanv's ieiot, at THIlt ' KN I H and AILOwaiU. latrcets Philadelphia at the lollew lav bourse , ' MORMNO lAl... A I 8-0 A. M. lor Heading Lthanon 1arthnr. fotta. vll . -Ptneri. T, Tamatiua Sunba.v, Wll larr sport, Vimlia bochrMer Kiaaara r s lln.'V il entowa, 1" 1 ke.bane, 1 luston York arMsl "hamriftrshara Uaien-u wn etc. eic. his lam ci nneota a KR,nI u wtta aa at fan jv vania I. el ruad lialn or n e o and wat tlie Let si, en Vallev train lor llarrishrrt etc. j IOHI ('Lliv.ON wi h (alawlssa lUilroa Uun' Wi-..unport. Lack Haven Kind a etc a. -IAB HI 1,0 w th oi-thern Con ra , nniher and Vlley aid snd Huautithanna tralaa tur ' ren uu'leiland H lUlamspori. Yerk )hambrarurt line ' a 0. riiiRoo- ijflitne u.ate. I'tiiiaceiphia a 8 8' 1'. Is , ,or teaiKni. ulU v ie, II rrt.ur, etc , connecting with Keadlii'; and to un, l is Railroad train tor olamMa etc. a id with a awtata hai road Tain or '4iKon. wlli eaport. K aili a hufino etc. KUMMI A. OMVODATION. J.esf es Resdlng at .10 A. M. stonplnv at ai way allehs, airirts u ritllsce rhla atD'M. M. ht urnliig leav Phi aileii bla at 4 80 P. M. arrive hi beading a. 7 ill p V . 1 rums lor Philadelphia ;ae flan-lfitinrg at 711 A sf ai.n Potisvl le at s an a. M airiving In I hil- d nhla at 1.1' P M. Aiif nn 00 Halt s cave llanlsburg at 1 44 P Si. ann Pottsviile at 8 , M.j arriving at Pulla- tlelphJB at 7 Oft P. M. natiiviurg AvcommOdanon If a Tea Heading at 7 M A. M. and tlarrlsijur at bi n P M Maikettra n wiih a f aaee-er ear attached lenre Phi ateluhla at 2 4S.nuon lor heaolna and all a sta- tlets' leavea Heeding a l.'tliA M., and liowningonat 2 10 r I l . 1 hi adelnhla anu a, ' way stations All tbe above truiua run dally Hundais exeenied fcamlav trstna rava Pottsville at H lk. A. il.. and hllaa deiphla r H'lft P M . . t llS,tI ! K VALLr I KA1LKOAI'. Pasaengera ior lowniuutown aud in enne.lisie 00 In take hee-10 A M.and4 3u P.M. trains Irom Phiiaoel plus, returning from llownlngton at 7 0ft A. M. and 1 ncn. AJtW YORK F.ZPREBB FOH I'lTTHBCRU AD TSjsl weti Leaves Kew York att'iO . M. anil 8 00 P. U m.air Beading at 10 A A., and l'4n p. la , eonneo.lng al with Itnnsyivanla and Northern Central III 111 (SO iSDftM Trams OT Plttshnrir. I hleairn Wh. I.lnilta, Baltimore, eto. UO inning, xpress Train h axes ParrtahurgOn arrival l'tLnsivanla rxnrcai- rem Ittshnm. a Sandal A. M.. paa-lng Reading at 4 4 and 10 52 A. M .arriving at hew York at 10 A M and ifiV M Hleenina i. aci tmpantlnr tl ese imlna -.broug cetweenjer ey CltT and 1 Ituhnrg wittoui charge aiau train ior new Tort leaves Harrtsonrg at I 4a) P M. Mail train tor Uanlsbuig leavea New York at 12 Noon D BUTLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD, Tiarns leave I'otisvl le at b 4ft and li-oo a. u .nil 1-1 P. Ai.. if turning liom lamnouuai 7 3ft A. it. and. -4 Jan 4 16 1' M tit 11.K11.L and Bt'nicuiH itxa rmi.koad. Trail a lebva Auburn at 1 :'!, A.M or P iwinu and Hcnlshutg. and ai 1 -fiat P M. tor I'lneurove ana remnntt reiuniloK rem lleirisburg a 4-00 p. M. and nom Tre u.tctat TOOA M. and 0 (0 P.M. Ill Sl.iS. 1 ' 1 bn nth first class tt. ke;s snd emigrant tickets to all the prlneipa poluis in tbe JJorih and w est and 1 anndaa. Ibe lollowinK ticket are outamed on v at tbe Ollloe ol hi l.rao ora Treasurer, .No 227 8. Fourth si reet Plilla- Oelpbia, or ol O. A. JMcoila. Cenerai bupeiinundenU nouiiing. 1 vaiiu i 1 iiua A ii jr.i. ' At It pe ' cent discount, between anv nolnts desireL for anii lies and Urn a MILKAUE 1 ICKET8, Coed tor 2000 mllea. between all niiinU at SM-SO aaefe. for Ian. I ics aud Aims Br.AbOJS XI' RETS, to three six nine or twelve nu.nths. for boide only to a I points tt reduced rates CL.I hUTiUtll Ilet Idlna on toe Una of the road wll be mmlsi.ed wltk corns, euu ll ig themselves and wives tv tlcke.s at baii lara t IKMIOM 'Hi KET9. Prom Phi ade.phla 10 principal sta'lens goou for ratuuay. e und ay and Monday at redued tare, to be had only a the Ticket Otiice at Thirteenth and Ca.tow hlU streets. IHHtBT. Goods ot au. descriptions lorwarded to all the aoove points irom the tomnauy's tiew Freight DeDot. broad and V blow streets IKFIUUT TK . IJNB. Leave Philadelphia dam a ft 30 A. M..13 4Snoon and 1 10 1 M lor Beading Lebanon ilprrkourg PottavUle. Por ' llnton. andallpoin a net ond. I"1L8 Close at ihe Phi adoi nhla Poat Office tor all p aeas on the road and lis branches ai ft A. M . and .or ail principal Stations only at K it P. Al. 8 IS OR NEW YOKK.-THE CAMDEN AND An boy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company's llnea , Fl:OM PHlLADEi rUA TO NEW YORK ana way piaces, lrom W alnut street wbari, will leave as lollows Vlg.1 ABB At 8 A. Mu vaCamflen and Am boy Accommoda tion 12-11 At 8 A. M., via t amnen and Jersey City Express.. 8 Ot Alii M via Can.dcn and Ambov Express 2 2ft At 12 M. (noon) and 8 P. M. , via ( sniden andAin- boy Accommodation (Freight andPasaenger;....g 12S At 8 ana 11-30 P.M. via Camaeu and Ainbuy. Ac commodation (Freight and Passenger), 1st Cass ticket I-2K 2d t .ass Ticket 1 ftO At and 10 A. M., i and A P. M., for Mount Holly, Ewansvll e, Ptmberton and Vlncentown i at8 A.M., and 2 P. M. tor Freehold ' At 8 and 10 A.M., 12 M., 8-30,8 8 and 11-30 P M., lor Pat mvra, Rlverlon, Delanco. Beverly, Edgewator Bur lington. Florence Boruentown eto. Ihe lo a. 11. and 5 PM. llnea run direct through to Trenton LlIEh FROM KEHi0'ION 1-Ea-OI WILL LEAVJI AS FOLLOWS I At IMS A. M., 4 80 aud 8 4ft P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City xpess S3 -04 At 12 P M iMgiit) via Kensington and Jersey ( Ity Express 22f 'i he -4ft P. M. Line wiil run dally. Ail others Sundays except' d At 7 30 and 11-15 A. M. 8, S SO 4 JO, ft and ft 45 P. M. and 12 Midnltiht, ior Bristol Trenton, eto. At 7 A.M.. 10 60, 3, ft snd P M . lor ( ornwells ''orris dale, Momesbuig. lsiony Wlsalnomlug. Brtdesburg and Frankiord, and at 8 P. M for Ho mesburg ana intermediate Matlona LELV1DERK Dt LA WARE RAILROAD, For tbe Delaware River Vallev, Northern Pennsyl vania, and New York Ma e and U:e Great Lakes Two through trains dally (Sundays excepted) Iron Kensington Depot as follows: At 7 80 A. Al and 830 P.M. LlNAb FROM NEW YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA, ' W 111 leave trom foot ol Cortland street At 12 M and 4 P. M.,yln Jersey ( lty and Camden. At 7 and 10 and 111a A. M ,6 P. If. and 12 Nlgbt, via Jer- sai City ana Kensington. From Pier No 1 North river, at 8 A. it. aad 1 P. Al., yfa Amtoy and Camden. At 12 M. 1 and 6 P. V . (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. Jim. 1ft. 1866. WILLIAM H. OATZMF.E, Agent EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. From loot oi MARKET t treat ( C pper Feriy ). FALL and WINTER ABRANOFMENT. Commencing WEDEDAl , November 16. I Wo. For Brldgeton, Salem, and all Sta Ions on West Jersey Slid aiem Railroads, at 8 A. M and 8-30 P. M. . Fo. Mil, vllie and ait Intermediate Stations, ait A. il. srdlt. M For ape May and mtermsdlate Stations ate A. MT.te illlivlile. contectlng with inUht Train Paasenger Car stuebedtort an May, due 3 44 P. M and 8 P. It., through I assenger oue 8 P. It. Fordlasshoro and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A HH kid 8 30 P.M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, eto. at ft A. 14.. 1 3 JO and b to P. M. Freight train will ieavePh! adelphla. irom BandforJ'g whart, at 10 A. M ., aud Camden at 12 M. J VAN BV NSSKL ER Superintendent. THE WEfT JfcBsFS EXPRi COai P will attend to all the usual branahaa of express ha sin est, rtceive, deliver, and forward thmuKll other responsible Express ( ompaniea. to all parts oi tba country, any article intrusted to ibein. A Special Messenger accomganles eac thronvb tralai. Oftice No ft Wainut street 8 16 ui ICft I' UILADELPIIIA AND ERIB lOUcJ RAILROAD This great ltne traverses the orlt.wru and orth eat eountleao' Pennsylvania o the envoi i rle on Lake File. It bas beeu leased and tl Is operated by tba Penn sylvania Railroad ( oinpany. TIME Ol F ENQx-BTKAINS Ai PHILADELPHIA, Arrive Eastwaid- rle Mall 'ram 1-00 P.M. Erie Express train. 1110 A. M. Leave Westward-Erie Mail Train, 7 20 P. 84 Erin Ex reaa train, 7'20 A. M. Paasengei cara rnn through on the Erie Mall and Fxpresa Traina without cnauga, both wejs, betweesx Philadelphia and trie. ruuaueijiu f w y0jjjj CONNF.OTIO V. Leave New York at 8 OOP w .arrlveat Erie at 3 17 A.W l eave Erie at l 'S P. M.. arrive st New York 1 i p. M. No o hauge oi cars between T l le and N ew York. ) legant Sleeping t a, a on all Nniht traina. For lulormafion respecilna passeAaer business, apply at TUIRT1K1 B and MARKET steeU, I hlladelphla. And tor freight bualueaa ot the ompany's Agente-a 8. B Kingston Jr.. corner TBIBTHiH sntTVaR CET Streets, Philadelphia) J. W. Reynolds, Ene; WU lam Brown, Agent, N O. M. Baiumute. II. h HOrSi ON, Genera) Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. IN N ER General Ticket Agent,Pblludalula JOR P. PO'IIS General Manager. WIlllamavoTt. ALF RED L. iYLER. General Superintendent 7lAGS, FIREWORKSro. 1t J. M c Q. U I G A N, ' Importer and Wholesale Dealer In ' FASCT GOODS, NOTIOHS, Eto,' FIREWORKS, FLAGS.' Eto MATCHES ANp BLACKING, NO. Q NTHAWnKHJtY STREET, Frst Street stove 'econd between Uarketand Chesnut, ft 4 PuiLAiKLABlA.