THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 18GG. Tor The Evening Ttl-jra.h. I'ATKK l-ATRI.K John Mai-Minll, loved and honoro I, long, , Columbia's Chief Justice, strong In eulopmtlc praifle, once stud "Great Washington, m mourned ns dead, Was Brst in War, BrM In Peace, First iu the hearts, that ne'er will cease, To reverence the name and deeds' 01 him, who served our prcatest needs 1" Thus ppnke the suge. now passed away, .To IMn the Mlchtj Soul, whoso sway O'er (ret men, met to celebrate, Throughout the world, this natal date, ' Is as enduring a? the dies; Gborok WasuinutoN, brave, Rood, and wise, Outranks all men wbo outlive time, ; UiB memory iiear to rccry c ime I II. C. L. Philadelphia, February 22, 18CG. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional City IntcUujaice see FiftA Page. "WORK AND WORKMAN." Tlio Dignity of Toll. INTELLIGENCE ITS ELEVATOR. Henry "VVrti'l Jttrcclier't Lecture. Concert IT all was crowded lust evening, on the oc casion of (lie lecture of the llev. Henry Ward Beecher, upon "Work and Workman." Upon Ms Introduction, by IMr. Goorge W. Eddie, and throughout bin address, Cue eloquent speaker wan greeted Willi loud applnnse.t Mr. Heecher said: I am, this evening, to speak to yon upon the subject of Work. 1'ywork, I mean the application of liuninn physical force to matter: any process by which the human body changes visible substances to profitable uses, is work. I thus define It that you may discriminate between brain work and merely hand work. It is band work that I mean. Brain work Is apt to be ;undervalued by the mere handworkers. To the man all day long on his feet, exerting every muscle of lib whole, body to the severest physical results, ihcro Is something real and visible In work. All day long the chopper swings his axe, and at sun down he has something to show for It: trees pros trated, cords of wood heaped up, the ground covered with chips, But the man of thought sits for six hours In his chair thinking writing. The fire burns cheerily, the wind does not bullet hard, and what can lie show for It thai compares this load of wood? And yet they who know both by experience tell us that brain labor in severer than hand labor. Muscular toil Is more toilsome, but brain toll Is more expanding. Besides, the resulting consequences are dillereiil. Work gives sleep; thought rewards Iu Muscular work secures digestion: brain work is apt to Impair It. Bodily work aud health usually go to- freiher, and the poorest man on earth, Willi lieallli. is letter oil' than the richest without It. We carry our purest treasures in our veins, tiivo us health, aua we can spare almost everything olsn. 1 Work, on the whole, declared Mr. Beechnr, has had but a hard time of it In this world. It has built up the (state, but never governed It. 1ilior has been, for the most part, enlorced cither by authority or necessity, and regarded almost always as a niislortiine. some times as a disgrace. In our own more enlightened day, we can scarcely conceive u period In which ma nual labor Hiiould be an obstacle to peaceful honors, "i et. In some ol'the Ureciuu Whiles, lie who had traf ficked could not hold ollice until ten years of probation hud cleansed him Irom the enormity of this. Were politicians now compelled to serve ten years of proba tion ere they could engage in business, what (food might not result to the community. Mr. Beecher traced the progress aud contempt of lnbor In the past, and declared it Is a curious excep tion why husbandry has been an exception: but it ever has been. Labor has ever been a dividing Hue In society; those who could live without It have been the w ealthy class, the aristocracy; those who h id to work have been called serfs, peasants, laborers, and now the working classes. Ho long ns the latter were content to labor patiently, and not repine beyond their station, they were treated civilly, aud received some share of Complaisant kindness: but when they wished for the right of suffrage they were condemned and oppressed. We have seen the like In this country. Many States have denied the right of self-government in our own days to their laborers. But the workmen ol'the North will never stand on (heir true level until all labor is made an honor, for the disgrace attaching to one at taches to all. Mr. Beecher referred to the oppressive enactments which Kngllsh statesmen had Imposed upon the colo nies to prevent the development of all branches of In dustry, and characterizing those oppressions as the one- that directly led to the American Bevolutlon. This present generation has witnessed two of the . greatest epochs, of history. The liberation ot twenty millions of sen's and the freeing ot four millions of slaves, thus fulfilling the prophecy "A nation shall be born in a day!" These acts are not merely individual occurrences, but are the landmarks of a great progres sive movement. The world is moving onward Men long hesitated to accept the doctrine that suf frage, like liberty, is not bestowed by society, but Is an Inherent riuht of man. In Kngland but one man In six votes; and all the politics of i hat land hinges upon this question. It may be said that the door ol the future is to be opened by the Iron key held In the hand of the Iron men of Great Britain. It is now declared that to labor should be given opportunity lor im provement and education. It Is now maintained that ' to labor belongs the right of leisure as well as to capi tal, which now alone possesses It. 1 lie remedy Is not through fault-finding, but de pends upon the action ot the workmen themselves. There are two causes that atlW-t this question. The first is the settled Impression of the public in all ages, and now as much as ever, that all pursuits of labor rank lower than the profession which require more brain work. In support of this proposition Mr. Beecher declnred thai the thought workers must ever rank the hand workers, as the soul ot man Is greater than his body. The second cause Is, while there Is a kind of com- Iilaint at this ranking of things, we shall find that the aboring classes pursue precisely an analagous course. In explanation ot this assertion were stated the dispo sition of the various classes of workmen to Judge o( their respective callings. The principle that solves ' the views that would elevate labor, Is what of his own ml ud a man puts Into his own work that determines its value. . - ' TJntbought, unthinking labor. Is always lowest. Can a man only bring his muscles? The ox can pull much more than he. But has he any education to add to the power of his hnnd T That at once increases the price and the estimation of his work. If a nun mine only the Iron, that work or the collier Is the lowest; the smelter is much higher the smith out-ranks him, and he of the smith, who among Ids compeers, posses sing the most brains, will surely and Inevitably out strlu in power and general Judgment the others Work then ranks itself by Its degree aud kind of mind power. The workman properly Is to be estimated by the la bor which he does; we are only aide ta rank e man according to what he products. A man who sweeps (be street may be a tshakspearo, but we are not bound to presume It. If a man is content or obliged to leave his work represent his capacity, lie must be content to let that be the standard of comparisou. If one is di contented, let him prove his power, and he will be re cognized. It is the development of the concrete powers nf man that must be considered. Thus man who w ishes to rise higher must do It by the Increase oi his own power. It Is the blessing of education that can elevate his position. The thoughtful may say this is a naro unrig 10 say, inav a worKman cuu only rise by raising ids power of intelligent work, when there are so many spheres of work in which a. man lias but little scope lor advancement. What shall lliA lariuer and those of like positions do ? That is a lair attention. Kvery man should be Judged by his work It that does not take all his efforts, let his mind turn Into new channels, fructifying aud improving others, Work may he divided into two provinces. First, . that whose nature Is such as to give scope and remu neration to the whole mind of man. becoudly, that In which the woric has tioisuiiicient compreuenslou or Interest to remunerate a man s iiiougnu. 1 loppy he whose genius is suited with his work so that lie turns his whole snlrit and efforts to It. The professional man has the boon of finding novelty la lils work, aim or having it removed trom the hard, coarse details. Woe to the drudge: woe to the slave, to that most servile of slaves, who contents himself hv serving Ids passions: woe to him w ho binds his life down to labor, and has no braiu-cllorts ot improve ment. , Glorious Is the American world, which opens four sources of Improvement to man outside of labor, the household, the leisure hour, social ambition aud cut Kpiishln. That man who, loving his wife and children, devotes himself to his lowly toil for the support and care of ills uousenoiu, is ennooieo oy ids aauy work. Ill this country the leisure hour is a great boon. Any man who here grows tin poor owes that to his mission. not to his poverty. No doubt ninety per cent, can be declared io oe in us createu. l ne eigui iiour question trill be settled eventually by the great laws of supply and demand. It a man does not put more labor Into the eight hours than be did into the ten, then the vHlue cannot be euuul, Jiut If the extra bouuht InteU ligence of the two hours' rest Is acquired, the result can be achieved by that only, q'he third snhere to which labor can emanclnate It self Is by social ambition. The child of genius, the wealthy, and the like, can lake care of themselves. Foreign labor is content to go out as It came In, but the American laborer is always working on an In clined plane, and working np his family to a higher grade In society. Kvery laborer or mechanlo would lie the better for running into debt at bis first start lu life. Yes. bv running in debt! Let him buv a little lot, and have a home by Incurring debt, and If that does not stir him up and make mm more lively and saving, to pay the Interest and part of the principal, lwithtnir else will, according to experience. 1 This goodly city of Philadelphia Is the great one of the country In this greatest of aspects. I do not mea sure society by the top. but by the bottom. Owning tihtowu nouse. as lie does nere. me worauiau u,auiu, liKttpeuaeut, noueoi ana uouoraoiu. InsHv, the sirect of rltl7."nshlp. Next to the duty of mnii'lo his (iod Is his duly to lilt country. Kspe clally might every workman sen and work In this light. 'I lie ronrt to die Presidential chair U as short from the log cabin ss trom I h lawyer's ollice. A pa rem pssslm; from here who whips his child may he correct lug the future (Senator, Pray let (be whipping be well given. All (he world bowed down reverently and orr iw fully lo honor the honest wood chopper, dead: and now, while the tallorooy is sewing together ilnitai tered garment of the Union, the way Is shiwn Kibe fppen to the lowest citlen lo reacli the like position. Is there siiyiliiii.t more pliiml. Is thtie ii'ivtiilng more wicked than lor tmronls to bring tin children Ig norant ol all ways of doing work? The Jews suv, ' lie who does not tench his child how to work, leaches bun bow to steal. ". Most iiuliiippv Is the poor young man, born rich. Ignorant of nil manner of work, who loses the wealth which was evviythlnu lie was worth. If one Inherits wealth, he mav be excused for not working for a living; but he should not he ashamed of working. Far belter would It Im If all worK"d more. The laboring man Is apt to think onlv ol the body: the professional man of brain, far bet' er lor (hem lo train themselves to a change of occupation a realization. Kvery American child should know how lo use hl hands. No boy Is educated witliom he knows how to do most things. No one Is a true ankeewho does not know how to steal a trade hv walehlng wi(h his eves. Among other poweis h" can wrlie a sermon, or listen to one, or any other kind of drudgery that soci e(y may require. IUr. Beerher paid eloqnenl tribute (o General llinks. the bobbin boy, to (senator Wilson, the cobbler boy, aud to others who bad won their way upward to the highest posts Irom the lowliest stations. How con tern Utile (he dandy fops, who strive to make tnem selvi s feminine, without any womanly grace, affection or purity. lutegardto American homes, we are In a transi tion:)! period. The davs of scrvsiit classes are past. Thev begin now to aspire lo something higher. We are In a transition stale between an Intelligence In ser vants an aspiration for Intelligence. A! oilier and sisters doing the work In the good old tlmiswere healthier and happier In niativ. many rest erts. It the servants In part now go. This will retri nch expenditures and extravaganc : bring families on a truer, simpler living, and we sua! visit to see folks, not to eat their bread. Tills Is peculiarly the age of work and workmen, and now is the time for every pulpit that has preached reliulr n to sound out the necessity of Intelligent first borne of religion. Kvery editor, teacher and schoolmaster should leel Inspired with this great comli g future of this continent, when every man an 1 everv child shall be educated Into the knowledge of the dignity of labor and the nomllty or citizenship. The Jewish Hospital. The first annual repoit of the Jewish Hospital Association of Philadelphia contains many interesting state ments tn relerence to its prepress. The Asso ciation iaa organized on the 19th of February. 18G5, and committees appointed to canvass the city for members. During the year the com mittees obtuined over six hundred and City reliable members, each to pay $3 per annum. E-'oon alter the organization, a lew members of the Board obtained subscriptions for the pur chase of a suitable property, and succeeded In securing a building and about 11 acre ol eroBud. at a cost ot $8000. The present o'r-cu pants ot the property hold a lease, which ex pires in April next, at which time the Associa tion will obtain possession, and, with but little alterations to the buildine, oe prepared to open tue nospnni. since tne organization ol the Association, $10,330-45 has been received Irons clues, iiie-membersmp, etc.. aud $sGll2. has been paid out, leavng a balance in the treasury ol S1710-20, with $:i8f)9 20 to bo collected. It is intended to add to the hospital an asylum for the destitute, aged, and intirm. The fbll"j wine; board or officers has been elected: Alired T, Jones, President; Isidor Binswanger, Vice- President: Samuel Weil, Treasurer: Mayer Sulz berger. Secretary: II. J. Hunt. Assistant Secre- tary; H. W. Arnold, lor the unexpired term of kq win w. Arnold, resumed: wuimm a. liacxen burg, 6. Alexander, Raphael Teller, and Samuel Ilecnt, managers, tor three years. UNIVERSITY OF medicine. ine Com mencement exercises of the Philadelphia Uni versity ot juecicine ana eurpery toon place last evening at the College, .Ninth and .Locust streets. Alter prayer and music, Joseph S. Fisher, Esq.. President of tbo Board of Trustees, conferred tne degrees upon the loiiowlug-natned gentle men: M. Wilcox Pa. Jos. Shrove N. J. J. hi. V Browne, Miss. !H. B. Piper, Pa. L. Atk In. Ind. Robert L. King. Ohio. J. 8. Van Uarter. N.J. C. P. Atkinson, N. J. Tbos. B. Miller, FhlW. Eufns B. Wearer, Puila. C. Bulkier, Pa R. P. Crandall, N. Y. F. D. Gridley, XT. Y l . '. Andrews. N. Y. Itobt iloQuillan, C. W. Robert H Kline. ThHa. Daniel Arnold. Ohio. A.J. Leslie, Ohio Ell J. 1 hayer, Jr , Mass. Cyrus Buboock, N. Y. Wm. B. Jbtoner. Maine. B. 11. Bartlett. N. H W. M Caldwell. Ohio. John Kiu8n?y, N J. W. Lutes, Canada west D. B. Voa Cavauia, Kug, O. L. boutbworth, N. X. ij i . uoan, i t. F. M. Tale, Iowa. A. P Fields, Pa Geo. W. beaohman. Pa Wm. Hargreaves, Pa. P.F lav or. Mich. Jos Morrison, V. West. J. Lewis Compton. Md. J. Ji. wiiiord, n.i. C. W. Ewin, l'a. B. Hobtiel, N. Y. A. lluntmnger, r. x. Eli M. Morehouse, Minn Frakklin Institute Meeting. The stated monthly meeting ot the Institute was hel last evening, at the Hall, 8. Seventh street, Alter the usual nusiness ot the evening. Jlr. J Q. Moore described and exhioitcd an ingenious instrument called the Geoselenean. bv which many astronomical facts can with facility and precision be explained and demonstrated. The Secretary, in the course of his report on new in ventions ana discoveries, exniDitea a oeaniirui set of Gcisslcr tubes. These tubes, containing different gagtes and solids, exhibit, under the in fluence ot tne electric discbarge, tne most beau tiful and wonderful effects of light and color. Some curious novelties were also shown in the shape of packages of paper, a sheet of which, lighted and thrown into the air, burned with bright colored light, without smoke or ashes. Youthful Offenders. Three ladj. named William Henry Lynch, Frank Kihant, and t rancts 11. Lane, were arraigned yesterday atter- noon, charged wita forging the same of John B. Montgomery, to five checks on the Western Dank one for $153, one for $160, one tor $10, one for nu, ana another ior $13Q, making a total or $589. Detective Franklin was notified of the forgeries, aud he succeeded' in arresting Lynch, who had collected the money on the last check. ine oeienaani acknowledged to have been implicated; in the forgery, and also informed rrankiin or ine rum or tne other named lads. Lane was employed in Mr. Samuels' otlice, which communicates with Mr. Montgomery's oflice. The Juvenile? bought watches, liired carriages, etc., ana spent tne money recklessly. They were committed to answer. The Penn Widows' Asylum. A large meeting was held last evening in the Kensing ton Methodist Episcopal Church, corner of Marlborough and Kichmond streets, in behalf of the Penn Asylum for Indigent Widows and Single Women. Addresses were delivered by the Reverend Alfred Cookman and iko Reverend Dr. Alday, appropriate to the occasion. The annual report of the institution presents the fol lowing facts: Number of inmates January 2, 1RG0, thirty-four; deaths during the year, four. Mary A. Freas, Treasurer, reports that she has received during the year past the sum of $683160, and expended $538'2'20. The Legis lature appropriated $1250 ol the sum named, aud the balance, $413150, was received trow contributions, fairs, danationa, bequests, etc. Ember Days. Friday and Saturday will be the ember days which follow the first Sunday in Lent. These days are ot great antiquity in the Christian Church, and are days of solemn tasting. In the Protectant Episcopal and Catho lic ChuTches special prayers are oflered up on this day for those who are about to be admitted into no it orders, and in Catholic oouatnes the ordination ol clergymen usually takes place on Ember Saturday. The object of the observance of the ember days is to consecrate to God the four teatons or the year by "penance" la the Catholic Church, and in both churches to obtain Ills blessing on the traits of the eartb. and to btg r Him wort Dy ministers for Ills Church. During tnis weeit "lnduHrences" can be ob- tained in the Catholic Church on the usual con- d itions. : A Double Criminal. "William Hirst had a hearing yesterday atterneon at the Central Station upon two charges First, with deserting lilt wile: second, who tne larceny or on nan. dred and fifty dollars, tne property of one Win field Baldwin. The prisoner was committed to answer both Dead Infant. A small box containing a dead Infant was found yesterday afternoon on a lot at X wentv-third and Green streets, in heap of dirt. The Coroner was notified. New Pa r ebp. Adams Express Company place us under obligations lor late Southern aud WtMeru papers. A. winch. No. 606 Ubesnur Biree.i, senns us tne la ot received number of All, the Year liound, Otu e-n- IVee CtitneWs F'aper, etc. U. w. meiier, No. f8 Chssnnt etteet, iaors s with lltiritr', Atlantic, and Our oung Folks ior March . ' I John J. Kiomcr, No. 403 Chcsnnt street, bag our thanks lor London Sontty Majrttine, Tilvt iraUd London JVVir.t, Putv.h, Fun, IJtau ifohdc, Harper $. jviie t. (rotteirs. Atlantic, vur l ounn Foikf, aud otlur ningiikines. , , r ' ' i i 1 1 i Abmy CoRHEsroNDEKT8. At the meet tk ol thn Press Club yesterday a tcrnoon, sevo Hi pew members were elee'ed. Alter tne Trans ection ol the rout no business, an essay was read by Air. William t'unn nerton. i ne sub cot m "Armt (,'orreppoudonts." The efcsaflst entered at k'tisrih on the trials, tronoles, bluifci, priva tion. hnrrlBhlns and "hard tack:" want oi sleef.. bresk-neck scenes, dancer, anxiety, etc., which our army correspondents experienced at time during the Kebellion. ' Death or aw Estimable Citizes. The sudden death of Joseph J. Kedner, of thH city, ill be mourned b? a large number ot our citi zens. All hough only in his thirtieth year, he 1 nd long been an active business man, and wan regarded as one of the most industrious mem bers of the Slock Hoard. He was at his othce on Walnut street, above Third, on Friday laei, but upon returning home was attacked with the t!if-ea.s.c of which, yesterday morning at an eatly hour, he died. Slight Fibes. The alaim of fire last evtnp, shortly alter six o'clock, was caused by a Flight tire occurring at the house corner of Jlirpclson and Crecson streets. lhe alarm of lire this morning, alter twelve o'clock, was caused by a slight burning in the second sory ot the heater manuiactory ; or Charles Williams, on Market street, below Klcventh. AMUSEMENTS. V EW CHKSN'UT 8TUEET TUEATiiE. I cnF.PMJT Street, above Twelfth. LEON ABD OKOVt-UAi WILLIAM E. BIXJN, Lo(es (ind .Managers. TBI" EYF.1CINO. Tlir OOBGLOUa FA1KY LEGEND. TnK ICK WITCH I TI1K ICK WITCIIi THE K E WUCIIt THE ICE WIICIH 1UK Hi. WlllHi Tlili ICE WITCUl OB THE SEA KINO'S B11IDE, 1 UK HI.A KI.Nli'3 HKIliK, THE Mi A KING'S BK1DE, prod need sfter . Ol K MONTHS' PREPARATION, AT AN KXPENKk OF ;mOO. Act 1 Scene 1 The lce-boand Coast. Scene 2 occsn Mlsis-t eru ol the Ioe Witch. Pceno 3 The Krozcn Hes. Scene 4 Transformation to (he Vends of Valhalla. Act i bcene I Casde of OrudiiofT Scene 'I J-weno's Castle Hie Abduction. Scene 8 Fall In Swcno's Ca-ule. bee no 4 l'alaco of the Ice Wlich. S1AGH AL C1IAKOE, FKOM TIIK A BOTH': OF UKITDA TO THE NORWEGIAN COAiSl'. Act 3 Ext"rior ot Gruthlofl's a t'e. GBAND PROCESSION". Trial bv l'.sttle Trescherv The Charm. Act 4 Mamas .-wenosnd the Packet, tccne 2 Tenin'e of Odm. the War God. FROZEN SKA AM) TIIK W KECK. AN AKCADIAN SITNSFT. AKD THE ALRIAU SKALMS OF THE SUX GOD. SATURDAY AFTI'.RNOOJT, Fcbraary21, Second day uer.ortnuuce ot THE ICE WITCH. ' THE ICE WITCH. T7 ALNUT STREET T1IEATB IS. M. E. Y enrncrNlSTH and WALSCT Streets THURSDAY , February 22, ceLRHKaTION OF WASHINGTON'S RIKIHDAY. TWEVTT-F.IGHIH NIGHT OF MR. J. 8. CLARKE. First time of lhe Interesting rnllltary Drama of THE 8KNTKY OF THE MG11T. Cocl (the Corpulent Private) Mr. J. 8. CLARKE Last time oi Tom Tsy or's creiit Comedy ol , 'J II K BABES IN THE WOOD. Crand National Selections Handler's Orchestra An sddrcss. written by the eminent lawyer D.P.Brown, Esu.. will be spoken by Miss Effie Germon. CHARACTERISTIC TABLEACT. TBE BTAK PANGLFD BANNER will tie snug by Miss Germon, Messrs. Ws cot, Tawcett, and every ludy and iientlemaa of the Company. To conclude with the naval spectacular Romance of 1HE LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN. FPILaY, BENLFIT OF MR. J. 8. CLARKE. JOHN DREWS NEW ARCH STREET 1TJL' THEATRE. Begins at 74 o'clock. ARBIVAI. OF "8AM." THIRD NIGHT OF THE GREAT CHARACTER ACTOR MR. CHAKFRAU, Aided bv OLIYE LOGAN, C. 8. PAKSLOE, an3 the auihor. DE WALDI -.ti. MONDAY AND EVERY EVF.MNO, Dh. WALDEVS FIVE ACT COMEDY OF SAM." Pnm Mr CHANFRAU Lanra OLIVE LOGAN Dick. Sum's Tiger C. T. PARSLOE Bill Crockett DE WaLDEN itaeral Koslyn Mr. F. F. Mack ay ames riUHhlev uwen Marlowe Miss Euplienila Kosyn Mrs. Tba.ver Emily Cronley Mrs. T. A. Creese fKlllAI, ttEAEt IT Ur AIR. lUArHAV. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE GRAKD NATIONAL CIRCUS.-WALNUT Btroet. above Llijtath. , jjAeti w r. r iv vi r inc. , EQUESTRIAN PEKUORMANCB. ' LAST WE1-K OF WILLIAM F. WALLETT, . ! REAPPEARANCE OF MASTER BAHKY. WODLHFUL UOUTH AMERICAN BR01'HKS. EVERY EVENING. AND ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTETt- STAR EQUESTRIAN TKOTTPF!. BRILLIANT f. I CD OF HOBsES, PONIES, MULES, ETC. JJANDELAND IIAYDN SOCIETY TBE GRAND ORATCBIO OF ELIJAH Will be repeated at the , ' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On FRIDAY EVENING, February 23, 1808. In eonseoaenee of the nre ennaiiement of Mr. fin- dvlptiseu, ur. unnjnt.! if,, of Boston, will sins the part of Elljaht Mr.Slmpsoa. Mls Alec snrey, ana siiss Alexander win take tne omer parts as suou bv them at the Musical Fund nail, and the entire Gennanla Orchea ra. The whole under the dlroo- tlou of Car" hents. Tickets (or the Paiqnct, parquet Circle, and Balcony, with secured scats, 1 CO. Family Circle and Amphl tuealia 60 cents. troiorea persons to me Ampnitneaire. ovcenis. The Oratorio will eominenoe at IX o'clock, precisely. Box fheet now open at C. W. A. Trumpler's and at tneAcaaeny. iiuot c O N C E 11 T 11 A L L, GRAND ENTERTAINMENT, CONCERT AND READINGS, ON lUEaDAY EVEK1NO, February 27, 1866. , AMI'QION QUARTETTE, and - Professor N. K. RICHARDSON PlnnlBt Prof. A. M. GOLDSBOROUQH Ticaeiaw cents. No extia charKS tor reserved seats For sa a at Pusb'a. Sixth and Cheenuti TrumDler's be vent h an tbeauut) anu at Rlsley's Uoolutand, Comlr nentai xiotei. u 'it ABSEM13LY BUILDINGS, S. W. CORNER r oi tenth and cumuT utreets. FIFTH WEEK. FIFTH WEEK", A( tne uiueui request or many citizens, ina PKAK FAMILY PEAK FAMILY BWIhrt BELL RINGERS SWIH8 BELL RlNGKRS hav e consented to remain one week longer. CUANGE OF I -ROLKAUME. i Two Graud Mauuees, WFTiUKSiTlAY AND 8 ATVJ b DAY AFTEN00V8. ( unls of admission, US cenls. Reserved Scais, 60 oenta rhllilmn OA nonts. No hall nrlce to reserved seats. T Ickets for rale at Chories W. A. Trumpler's Musi Btoie and at the uau. ... Hants run i,H u-r.ured three dayi In advance. Doors onen at 1 o'clock. T o commence at 8. Aftet noon doors open at 2. To commence at . ( blldren adm itted (o the M atluee lor 1ft oents. ACADEMY OF FINE Atreet. .Iiata Ten(h.' ARTS, OnESNUT Opon irom 9 . M . (Ill P. M. Benlamln Wesl's great Picture of CUBIST REJECTED still on exhibition 11 ' j RM A N I A ORCHHilRA.-PUBLIC REi VJ hearaala everv 84TIRDAY . AFTERNOON AT MUblCAL FUND HALL. 1 o'clock. Easnemnli niau by adilreaklnn GEO WOE BAB I lliT, Aseut eo. iwi MONTLBEY sutwt, between Rao and Tina llBXia j AMUSEMENTS. "OlfcLEVS CONTINENTAL NEWS 1 t Xt'llANGE. Cleire fttnts to all t scf s ol Amusement tnay b had Bp to 6fc Ci'c.ock nv tvnlnir lllly 1 II ADMISSION . l'lekta rin hi huA s (. w f ' 1'IIIX.KAIIMS BITIII4 So 4SI CHESNIT Street, opposite the Pos tmt. lor the ( besnit arch , walnut, and A aoemj oi flint. b to o'clock, everr evenmj UK G BAND' OKB MAN OPERA,' Ihera e lorthe siason of '''.' UliliyHl S UlKMI Ur.BAI.lS Ulf.nn erntlnnes a Trump er'e Mnslc htore to-rtay an; It J-mor-row. T lie.ale forahig e Operas commenoet A 1 IIR vl. he fraMin commences at Iho AM r Rl 'AN ACADEMY OF M CMC, next MOND Y. February 28. Itn oi tl most popular Oiiorns .,. - -f NO OPEK REVEATFD TXCEPT I ; "WILLIAM 1 ELL." . . . Mecnred sea s fer I en Mxh s, TUN DOLLARS. Five KlKhis aternatlnn. 8IX DOLLARS. (JOSTUMES! COSTUMES! A splendid assortment ol COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES, FOR MASQUERADES, Are oflered to the attention of the bad-going pub Ic at tbls gay and festive aeaaeii. at the COSTXIMEUY. Of twenty-five years' establishment. No. O I 7 RACE STREET, North Side. Every effort will be made to piease the taste of those wbo attend the Carnival Balls of the Season. W. C. DESMOND, S20 Im No. 917 RACE Street SHIPPING. sfltTT-JS run a iuu.jv.'Aitjn nTi Vviiir r - trv rw -v-v s r , v- a m rl 355eta. uu cffiiiruiBliuiffl, . I'CIB nmo auu i.i.ii.1.11 1 anal, ine ttcamers or tneie lines are leaving daily at 12 o'clock aud 6 o'clock I. M., Iron third pier aliove Wamtit street For ireliiht winch will be taken on ar tommodatlni tcitns. apply to WILLIAM M. BAlkD A CO., No. lit 8. LELA WARE Avenoe. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED INDE PENDENT OUTSIDE LINE FOR NEW lOKK. Is recrvlna- Freights dnll at low rates, eLCOMJ WdARF BLOW M'KUCE STREET, . . ana will Insure at low rates. P. R ( LARK, Agent, 2 ft lm Nob. 314 and 310 S. DELVW ARE A von up HAMILL'8 PASSAGE OFFICE. "ANCHOR LINE OF STEAM ERS," nlLF.RNlA." "COLUjiIIIA," "CALEUONIA." "CAM BUT a,, BRITANNIA," "INDIA. Uv'tKl'oOL LONDONDERRY, BELFAPT. DUBLIN, NEWRY, CORK, AND GLaBUOW. HATE- OF PASSAGE. PAYABLE IN PAl'ER CUBBENCY. CABIN'h 30, 80, and t"0 tTEl RA.tiE :iO Steamship "H1BERMA" leaves SATURDAY, January 21. THE PAID CERTIFICATES Ipsued for bringing out passengers from the above poluts st LOWFB RATES THAN ANY OTHER USE. Also, to and irom ALL MATIONS ON 1HE IRISH RAILWAYS. fPEClAL011CE. Passengers will Hike particulnr no'lee tl at ibe ' Ancbor Line" Is the only line vratiting tin out. b tickets at the above rates, from Philadelphia to the points named aoove, ana that tne undersigned Is tne only dt,lv authorized Agent In I bllsdtlplna. Apply to v. A UtJniLL, Ifiole Agent for "ANCHOR LINE," 1 15 . No. 317 WALNUT Street. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. - ' Calllnir atJOUEENST OWN. The Inmnn I.lnn. mi, urn bi.Ml-i,t.Ai.r. curryina tne united btates Malls. . , CITY OF L1MEFICK., wednesdsy February 21. CITY OK LONDON, Baturday, Februaiy iC CITY OF DUBLIN, Wednesday. February 28. CITY OF BALTIMORE, Satu i day, March t. At noon, liom I Ier 44 orth River. RATES Or PASSAGE, PATARLB IM GOLD. ' ' First Csbln D0 00 Steerage. First Cabin to London, flft-10 . Steerage to London First Cabin to Paris... 10ft OOi Nteerate to Paris... . .8301W . 34 00 4 00 Passengers also lorw aniea to liavro.Uaniijurg, Bremen, etc elc, at moderate rates. Pas axe by the Wednesday steamers: Cabla MOO; Steerage aft ou; payable In United Atates currency. Steeiaye passage from Liverpool or Oueenstown, 830 gold, ot its equivalent Tickets can be bought hereby persons sending tor tbelr Irlends ror mruier imormauon appty at ine company's Oll ces. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. 12ft No. Ill WALNUT Bluet, f allade.phla. COAL. (OAL! C O A. I- T V BEST ftTJALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S C O A L Y A R D, NINTH STREET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BBAJNCH OFFICE CORNE8 OF SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN SI RaKTS. 31 JAMES O'BRIEN, DEALER IN ' . LEHIGH AND SCHUTLKILL GOAL. BY 1FLK CAE 00 OB SINGLE T0X. Yard, Broad Street, below Fitzwater. Baa constantly on hand a competent supply of the aoove superior coal, sonaoie lor iamlly use, tc wUcb he calls the attentloa of bia friends and the puDlic jreiiernlly. Orders loft at No. 206 3. Fl'th street. No. 82 8 Heventeeulh street, or throujib Deepatob or fost umce, nronpuy attenaea to A SCPiEJOR VilULJTY OV BLACKSMITHS COAL. 7 81y ROBERT COAL P. BENDER, DEALER, 8. W. COENER EI10AD AND CALLOWHILL 8TBEET3, .. .. rniLADUTBIA. None but the best WEST LEBIGH, all sixes, from tbe Greenwood Colliery, on hand, and for sal for CASH ONLY. J 10 6ia Also, ENGINE HEATER, AND FURNACE COAL. RAILROAD LINES. riRAKGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD, V7 On and alter MONDAY, February 12 two daily train win run neiween wasnmgton ana l ncnnurK, connecting at uoruonnvi le wun Virginia central iiu roau u-auia to auu iivni aicuihuuu. mm iuiiuwb I M A U. Tit I IN. Leave Washington dul y (bandar exepted), at ('43 A. M , and ariive at Lyaubbu rg at A-4A P. fa. Leave Lynchiiurg at 7 A. M and arrive at Washing ton at A 26 P. m i RXTRF8! TRAIN. Leve Washington dur (Including Sunday) at 103 P M and arrive at l.rnchDatsj at 6 00 A. M Leave Lyosbburg at 6 IN r. M. and arrive at Washing tona 610 A M. both train nakmg eloae eonnectlons at Lynchburg ioi an points rioutn anu soutnweat, anu at waauiugioa lor Nor.b and Northwest . Flrst-claa sleeping cars will be attached to the a'gbt traina. i Tbe road Is attractive, not only for Ks comfor:abl secommodatlona, but tor the raci mat it passes the now blHtorlo local lue f Falrtaa, Bull Ran, Manassas, Bria toe, Catlett's. Rappahannock, Culpeper. Orange, and Oerdenavllle. places ol imperishable Interest la the Minular mind. I Throaih tickets to all points South and Bontsweit miriie Lad in tsoaton, sew xorc, rnuaa -lohia, ana Baltimore, and at the offices of tbe road la Washington and AlexaiMlrla. w. u. mccaffehtx, . I Id i ' , Genaral Saperlateudcat RAILROAD LINES. E A D I N O RAIL ROAD. "8KF.AT TTtrNR I.INIt. rsoM PBILADELI'HIA TO TIIK INTKlilOR 0 JIlirlLVMA, IbK S(I1UXLK1LL. J. SDUOUFBANNA Cl'MP.l KLANi), ' AND WYOMlSO VAU.Cf 8, AND KORfll, 0RTHWFT, AKTBK CAN4PA, W INTr H A i HAGEMEf'TOr PA8.iM.nFR TRA1NK. ' LeavlDS (be Conipenr s repot, at TlJIKTh P.STK nd AlLoWUILLbUeet Ptaisdelphta atthefelce. 'v hours ' .. tWOItMNUr MAIU. "''1 li A? () A, M. ior Resiling Lebanon Harfehar, f otl fl'e,,'Plnea.iVe. Tamaquai 8anbn., Wllilanpon, " t a liocbertcr ' MLara al'S Bnto Al eiitev,, s i kerbarre, rituton. , Yark ( arltsl ' daa:berl.iii BtiimtiVkn tic. ete, , - lis rain 0i nneels RBADtHQ with 4he ast Pan ..v uni kal roiid uains or Ailenmwn e o.t and wit kite LetStitiu Vallev train for Harrtiliiir etc t HOB I CLIN i ON lih Calawlssa Kallroa ' traau port, Uck Haven. F.lml a. etc at Fl B Kl: bi ion III ortbern Centra , Omliertand V alls' and Krlitnlkll and (-uegoctunna train ,or N.rtb BQil eiland , WlUlamspon, York, Cbambersborf l'ln triivt. e o. AFlCBNOON EZFREAa lAmvrr r nnaneipnia ai 1 1 p. si., ior leaning, lot. "le, II mliur, etc , connecfnit witll KeaOlne ani Co, un.liia Railroad train tor ( olmnMa etc ana wiU ''SIM Ual.road train 'or Milton. Wlll.amapoti E alia hora o. etc. KEAIilNO At OMM0tATlON, ieaes Iteadlng at 6 30 A. M., stocpinc at aU s- atUint, arrive in Mi I lace nhla at A.M. Kt uinlng, leave.' Phi auelplua at 4 0 P. M.. arrtvea Is hendtii), a, 1 Ml P M. Train lor Pbllailelphla te Barrlsbnra at T-W A M aim Votisvlle at 8110 A.M ainvlnr In 1'hilndelphla a. 1 ill P M. Atterneon Hairs leave Uanlsburff at 14( P M. an rottsvllle at i P.M.) arriTlng at Pbila oelpbl at 106 P.M. tiarnsliurg AccumtrodatioB leave feeding at T W M. and Harrlibure at tl ti P M Market Ira n mih a Pasfer get car attached leave. Phi audi Ma at 2 40. noon lor Hcaulus and ul a sta-tier- leavea heaillnt a 1 '30 A M., and Honning on at 12 SOP . f . 1 hi adelnhla and all way stations All the above trnlna run dally Oundaya eacepted (nnda train lvi Vnitiivllla ! H fh. A. II.. .nA I hlla. aeiphla at t'lft P. M. . . IHIPim ViLliM lt.Ml.KHAI). rarsennrr ior liovninutofi n and interniediare nntn tske'heS-00 A. M. and 4 311 P.M. train from l'huadal Phia, returning from Downlogton at IDA A. M. au4 S-JN" Noon. NEW YORK t.ZPRF.88 FOR riTTPBURG AND TBI w f.l I rate New York at H i 0 a. M. and R-M . la . niuairi Heading at 10 A A., and l'4S P. lu., connecting at lismtLurg witb Ieonpylvanla and Northern Centra' aalheaa ) on u Train or Piiuhnm t hicasn W1 . lianitport i lnilra, Baltimore, etc. tie urning, t xpresa Train leaves Fairlrtmra on amvai c l'ecnaylvanla txpresi irom Pittsburg, a. land ) 04 A. M.. Htadlnif at 4 49 an 4 10 62 A. M .amvini atNeik York at IV A. M. and 2-45 1' At SleeDlnut a acecmpant In, tl ee trains :hroag cat Ween Jvej Cltr and 1'ltlfbnrg. witboni charge man Irani ior Aew lork leaves narrisDurg at I 4i M. Mall Train (or llarilsbuin lcavaa New York at i: Noon. O' 11UTLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Tiatns leave Pottsvl le a(0-4ft and 11 DO A. M.. and T l P. It , m turning Mom Tanaquaat 1 35 A. M. and MO an 4 IS ! M. 8 m 1LJULM. AMI BrpQUr HANTsA RAILROAD Trams leave Auburn at 1 a A.M. tor Pinesrova anJ Hsnlbbutu. and at 1-60 P. M. lor I'lnecrnve and Tn-montt returning rom 11 iiibarg a' 4-00 p. if. and ftom Tr montatl DO A M. and t (V P. M. Thro nth first class (I. ke;s and 'erolcrank llcketa to a , the prindpa points In tbe North and west and Canada The lollop ing ticket are Detained on T at tbe Othos ol b l'.radtord, Treasurer, No 227 8. Fourth street. Phila delphia, or ot U, A. Nlcoils, General buperintendont Reading. , IUSJI1UT11US At 25 re.' cent discount, between anr nolnts desire. for amilies and firms MILEAGE TICKETS, Cor d for 2000 miles, between all nomts. at (HZ-ftO tact- lor faml'lc and firms SEASON TI K.ETS, 1 Fo (hrre six nine or twelve muDtbs or bold enly to a I points t renured rates tti itu i m r.n ReFldlnor on the Una of the road wll. be fumlaued will cards, euU.Ung themselves and wives to tlcxe J at ba: (are F.XCUESION TICKETS. Ftom PM adelphia tn principal stations, good fo: "-'aluitlay, bunddy and Monday at rcdn'ed fare, to b had only a: tbe Ticket onice at TnirleentD and caiiow- bill streets. IKCIOBT. Goods ot all descriptions forwarded to all the boom point Irom the Company's New Freight Depot. Broa4 and Willow streets . lUtlUUl 1M109, Leave Philadelphia daily at ft 30 A. M..12 49 noon. an4 (CO k At . lor Beading Lebanon, tlarrkourg. Pottavllle Pmi Clinton, and au pom nevond. MAILS Close at the Pbl adelphia Post Office for all D'ace Ol the road and Its branches at A A. M. and ior all prlnclpa1 Buttons only at 210 P. M. 10 TjOR NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN AND A Aniboy and Fblladelpbla and Trenton Railroad Company s lines FROM PB1IJLDELPHA TO NEW YORK and way pieces, trom Walnut street wbari, will leave as lollows. viz.: VAaa At 6 A. M., v.a Camden and Aniboy Accommoda- , tlon $2 ft At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City Express., i 00 At 2 P M via Camden and Anibov Express g-23 At 12 M. (noon) and BP. M. , via Camden and Ani boy Accommodation (Freight and Passenger).. .. 228 At 6 and 11 KO P. M.. Camaen and Aniboy, Ac commodation (Freight aid Passenger), 1st class ticket 1-23 2d C lass Ticket 1 AO At 6 and 10 A. M., I and A P. M.. for Mount Bollv, Ewanrvllie, Pemherton and Ytooeutown 1 at 6 A.M., end 2 P.M.. for Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M., 12 M., 1-30,5 6. and 1130 P M., for Pal myra, Rlverton, Delance. Beverly, Edgewater Bur lLngton, Florence. Bordentown etc. The lb a. M. and A M. lines run direct through to Trenton LINEh FROM KEN 81 r GTON DEPOT WILL LEA VI AS FOLLOWS I At 111ft A. M.. 4 SO and 6 45 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City Exp ess t40( At 12 P. M. iMght) via Keneintrton and Jersey City Express t'24 T lie 6-4A P. H. Line w Ul run dally. , All others Sundays excepted At 7 0 and 1115 A- M.. t, I SO. 430, 1 and 1 43 P. M., and 12, ior Bristol Trenton, eto. At 7 A. M.. 10 60, 1, A and 6 i. M. for Corn wells. Ton-la dale, Ho mesbuig. Tai-ony Wlsalnomlng. Brldesburg end Frankiord, and at 8 P. M. for Uo mesburg aao lutermedlate stations I.ELV1DEBE DELAWARE RAILROAD, For tbe Delaware River Vallev, Northern Pennsyl vania aud New York Mate, and the Great Lakes. Two through (rains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kensington Depot as fol.owa: At 1 30 A. M.and 3-30 P.M. LlNEb FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, W 111 leave worn loot of Cortland street At 12 M and 4 P. M., via Jersey Cltr and Camden. At 7 and 10 and 111 A. M.,6 P. M. and 12 Night, via Jer- eej City ana Kensington. (From Pier No. 1 North river, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. At 11 M. 3 and 6 P. M. (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy and Camden. Jan. 15. loti. TV ILLIAM H. OATZMEB, Agent EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES.-. From loot oi MA BRET Street tipper Fenv). ' . lial y, except eunda s FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. , 1 Commencing A EDNEr-DAI , November 1A. 180A. ' For Brldgeton, S alcm. and a 1 Bta- iona on West Jersey and em Railroad, at OA. M and 3-30 P.M. , Fo. Mil villa and aa Intermediate fetation, at t A. H. ard3 i. M. I or ape May and Intermediate Stations at 0 A. at . to Mlhvllle. cnuiecting with treltht Train Passenger Cat! attaebed lor cape May, due 3'43 P. MH utd 3 P.M.. through I'asiieiiger cue 8 P. M. , For Giasahuro and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M., ii d 3 .')() P. M. . For Woodbury, Gloucester, eto. at 9 A. M., t, 3 30 'freight train will leave Phi adelphia irom Saudlord'i vhart , at 10 A. M ., and Camden at 12 M. J VAN HP NSBEL ER Superintendent1 TBR WEfT JF-RttttY KXPRc (. CUkfiAl will attend to all the usual branuhes of express bUBlnesi, receive, deliver, snd forward UirougQ other responsible e'xprees Companies, lo all parts oi the country, any article intrusted to tbem. A Special Messenger accompanies each throush trala Ofhce. No. t Wainut tret 9 16 Sin lOf PHI LADELPHIA AKD ERII lOl)0 RAILROAD . This great line traverses the Northearo and KortbwM. oountlesoi Peunay.vania to the cuv of Erie, on Lak Rile. It ha been leased and It Is operated by the Pens v Ivanla Railroad Compauy, TIME O P EN G t at TRAINS AT PHILA DELPBLl Arrive Eastwa.d-rle Mall Train 1-00 P. M. , . . Erie Express I rain, 1110 A. M. - Leave Westward Erie MaU Train, 7 20 P. M Erie Extras train, 720 A.M. Passengei car run through on the Erie Mall ana Express Trains without cnange, both ways, betweec Hhad,ipbi..nyBK C0NNECTI0S Leave New York at 6 OOP M ..arrl veal Erie at I tT A.M Laave Erie at 1 f A p. M..ariirve at New York 1 15 P. M No change of cars between Kile and New York. t legant kleephig ( a.a on all Night Train. For Information respecting passcPuer business, apply at THIBITET H and MARKET Wtreeta, Philadelphia. And lor freight business ol the ( ompany s Agcuts H. B Kingston. Jr., eoruer THlBTB.i tt anfiaR tET SlreeU. Pbttadelahiat W. Reynolds, Ene WU lam Brown. Agent, N O. at. a. Balumnre. H. h HOT hi ON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia H. W. GWINNER. Getieral Ticket Agmit.Pnllttdelehli joa D. POTTS General Manager, will lamsoort. A I.FBED L. TYLER. General Snponntendeut. OEYENLE STAMPS, REVENUE STAilPS, XX REVENUE STAMPS, , , . Of all descrludona, -Ot all oescrlptlou, -, , :J & ' Always on hand. ' Always on band, ' AT FLORFNC BERING MACHINE ( O.'S OFFICE, AT FLORENCE 8EW1KG MACHINE CO 'S OFFICE, No. 60 CHE8SUT rltreet, . , ' So. 630 CHeSnUT Street , . . One door below Seventh street. ' ' " (me soor below Sevenih street. The mos( liberal dlcouot allowed. . . . lhe most liberal discount allowed. IB RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON, AND BAL J UVOHE KAILKOAll. TIME T A BLI Commencing MONTI AY. January, Hfit. Train wl l leave lep,t, enrnar o( BROAD Street and WAKLINOION Avenue, a follow 1 Fxprvla Train al 4 Oft A M. (Mcnrlajs excepteo). for Bahlmoie and Wathlngton. Slopping at Wilmington, l erryvil e, Ilavrc-de-Gra e Aberdeen, l arrjnian's, J-senolla and Stemnier'a Hun l e aware Rrl rnwl Train at B lft A. M. (Honday n tepted , for fcallf.nry, Mtiford, ana Interineillate ta'lens. , w sy Man Train at 0 It A M. (("andsjs excepted i, for Baltimore ' sioppms at ( dealer, Thurmw i.lnwood, t la.vniont, and all statioua between WHmlngtoa nl Baltmore. . 1 prna , Train at 2-4S P.M. (Sundays excepted I, fbr I s (In. ore and Washington, slopping at ' osier Claymont, W I mini ion. ewark t. k(on Nnrtb-esst l irryvl.le. Havre ue Grace, Aberdeen l'err-man's. Maguo la end Miuimor's Hun. Mt'l t Express at 11 1 P. M. for Raltnnore and S'hlngton, stepping at Chester i hnrlow. I.lnwnoil, c inuiit Wlimhiktoa. Newark, Elk.on, Nmiii East. Terry vl le and Havre de-Grace. Paseenpers by Boat Irom Ba'timore lor V. rttess I'onree, Nor'oik, t ity Point ana Richmond wll take ue v to a. ai. iriiin. . an si'.illtlonal accommodation for (tune holding; 1 brough Ik-act lor Baltimore. Wshmeton and ou'li ern points a hpeclal t or wll leave the Phiiale nhla I'epot at 11 AO A. Ai., connecting at Cray's Ferry wiUt tbe Morning xpre-si rain Irom New York, WILMU GTON ACCOM MOD U ION TRAINS Plopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and V limington. Leave Philadelphia at 813 and IMA A. M.,anlJl, A-00. and 7 TO P. M The I SO P. M. train connects with Lelaware Hal I read lor UIKord and Intermediate stations. Leave W I lining ton at 7-06, 813, and 1 10 A. M., and 1 00 aid ft 00 P M 'i ra n for New Castle leave Philadelphia at 6 15 A. M., 130 and A -Ml P.M. " THROCGH TB MN FROM B s LTIMORE leave W limington at U-00 to ., and 4 30 andO-frftP. M. ( HI8.ER FOR rillL HH.1HI V. Leave Chester at 801, 8 Alt, and 1014 A. M., and 12-36. 143 A01.A-44 ami 10 2! P. M. ' rU M BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore 8 23 A.M.. Way Mailt 110 P.M.. EapreFi 6-36 V M.. x press 0 2-i P M Express An Arconunodatlon Train for IIavrn-d-Gra'e anl In termediate stations wU leave Ba timers a 4 10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE leave Chester a( A2 A. M.. 23 and 11 AO P. M. eny e W i mluiiton at 12 2?. ft 13, and 1013 A, M., and ' SUN l AY TRAINS. Express Train at 4 Oft A. M. ior Baltimore and Wssh Ingion, stopping at Wilmington.' Perrvv lie. Havre-de-C.rnce, Aberdeen, l'errymau's, Magno la, and Stoiuiner's Run. Night Express 1UA P. M, lor Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester. Tlmrow i.lnwon,!, Clar mont, wlln Ington Newark. Eikteu, Northeast. Perry vilie, and Havre-de-Grace. A special train wl I leave Philadelphia for Wilmington lor Intermedlatestatiiins a' 0 P. At. BALUMORK FOR PIllLADFLPniA. Leave Baltimore at 0-23 P. M., stopping at Havre -d ew C.race, Perryvlll". and Wilmlag'on. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to lake pnsseneers or Philadelphia and leae passengers frcm Washington or Baltimore) and ( hester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Waah lUFton. A special train will leave Wilmington for Philadelphia auu iiiieniieuime Biniiuns it tn r, a Frelkhl train, with Dassenver car attacned. will Inava Wi mlnglon for rerryvMIe and Intermediate a atinns a 04 l . At. II. t . AtliMi x, HuuermtendenL PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD Wlri-R ARRANGEMENT. The train of the Pennsylvania Central Rafroail leave then w Depot, at T H1KT IETH and MAkKET Street. Tie cars o the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and (torn this Depot They leave Front street every two minutes, commencing one bou, prevloui lo the time oi departure or each Train and al ow about In mlnu ee for a trip Their cars aie In waltm on tbe arrlva oi each Train, aud connection are made wl.h all read crossing Mart e ntreet. Gn Sunda, Car leave K eren h and Market streets s(6'4AP. M. to connect with Ptilsbtug aud Erie MaU nd at 10 2ft P. M al b 1'bHadelnbls Express. Mann's Rnpgsge Express Is ocatcd a Ao 31 S. Fie Tenth street. Partle desiring Bargage taken to the trains caa bave ttdrme at reasonable latev upon app Ration (o him. TK'L8 LEAVE AND iRKIVEAl DEPOt. IB (J j LBAVC. 1 rlc I xprern at 730 t. Mr. bail Train ' 8 0u Vao I Accommodation, No 1 " 10 00 " Fast Line " 12 00 M. Parkrsiiurg " l nO p. H Barrlsburg Accommodation " 9-5 i ' Lancaster Accommodation " 4 00 Panll Train No 2 " ft .TO PI tsliurg and Erie Mall " 7 30 Philadelphia Express. ' 11 10 AKK1VB Cincinnati Express at 1 30 A H. Pbl adelphia Express 7 10 ' Psoll Accommodation, No. 1 " 82u " Parkesburg T rain 9 3o H Erie Express 11 2 H I.ancaaier l rain " 12 30 F. If, Eas Line , " 1-10 Paoli Accommodation No. 2 " 4 -40 M Day Ix press " tif M Harrtsburg Accommoda Ion " 8 40 " PUIlaiielpkla Express leaves dally Pittsburg and Frle Mall leaves dully (except Saturday) All olbec trains dal y (except Sundav). Tbe 1 ennsy:vanla Railroad Company will not assume any risk 'orBagvage except for Wearing Appare , and limit their responalbllity to One Hundred Do law .Id vulue. All Baggage exceeding that amount tn va'ut will be at the rti of tbe owner, onieai taken by special Con to-set THOMAS H. PARR t Ticket A (rent at the Depot An migrant fram runs dal y (except Sunday). For fall tnroimatlon as to (are and accommodation, apply te FRANCIU FVNtt No. 137 Dock Street VORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. X Depot. THIRD Street above Thompson. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOW N, MABCH l lll SB., J.401U, WiLLOAAlHI-lJltl-, and WILKES BARRE. At 7 30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch (hunk, Hazleton, WUiumspoit, and W likes barre. At 3-30 P M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Eas ton, eto.. reaching Easton at 64) P. M. At 515 P. 31.. tor Bethlehem, ALentowa, Maaoji Chunk Danville and w illlamsport ForDovlestown atB'33 A. M.,2'30 and 4 15 P. at. , Fot Fort Washington at 10 A M. and 11 P. M. For Lansdale at (Tift P. M. White cars ol the Second and Third Streets Line i Ity Passenger Cars run direct to the depot TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Bethlehem at 6 25 A. M. and 10 02 A.M., and 615PM. Leave Doy ertown at A SO A. If., 3-18 and 3 30 P. M Leave Lam-dale at 6-10 A. M. Leave Fort Washington at 10-50 A M , and 1 11 t 3C, ON SUNDAYS. ,' . .. Philadelphia for BettTehem at OA. M. Philadelphia lot Doylestown at 3 P. M, . i Doyleatown for Phi adelphia at I 20 A. M. Bethlehem tbr Philadelphia at 4 P. M. - 1 brough Ticket must be procuied at the ticket omcsai. THIRD Street, or BERKS Street m uc . 1 0,ro.9, JLLD3 CLARK. Agsnf I FREIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND a l the Stations on the CAMDEN and AMBOY and LonnecUng Railroads Increased despatch. THE CAM! EN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND' TRANSPORTATION COMPANY FREIGHT LIMES for New York will lesve WALNUT Street Wharf at o'O'Ock P, M., daily (Sundays exoepted). " Freisht mutt be delivered beiore 4X p. M., to be iot warded tbe same day. Returning, the above hues win leave ew York at 12 noon, snd 4 and 8 P. M. , Freight for T renton. Princeton, Kingston. New Bruns. wick, aud ail points on the Camden and Amboy Hull, road; also, on the beivluere Delaware, and Kleuung. wins the New Jersey, lhe Freehold and Jamesburgaa the Burlington and Mount Holly Hai roads, received and forwarded up to 1 P. M. . Tbe itelviueie pe aware Railroad connects at PhJ'. Upshurg with the Lehlgb Va ley Railroad, and at Uanun kacbnnk with all point on tie Delaware Lackawanna and WeaUrn Railroad, forwarding to Hyracuse Buffalo' and O'her points In V estera New York. Tbe New Jersey Ral road connects at Elizabeth with the kw Jen-ey Central .Railroad, aud at Newark wlta tbe Morris and Essex Railroad A shn memorandum, specifying tbe mark and num ber,, shippers and consignees, must In every instance, be sent with each load of goods or no receipt will be riven Increased (acuities have been made ior the transportation ot Live Stock. Drovers a-e Invited to try tbe route When stock is furnished In qua intlesef two ear-load or more, It will be delivered at the toot ot For, ietb street near the Drove Yard, or at Her No 1 h orth river a the shipper my de gnate at the time ol shipment For terms, or other information, aoulv to , T' H FREE VAN". F.elnht Agent, 11 1 Ko.lr28 H. DELAWARE Avenue PbllaUeiphia. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, vnDDTU'l Atiria tlllTllCiill ' AND J iiflilUfilUTI I InilvlliiAi7i On and aiter WEDNESDAY, November 1st, 1863. nnUl ur her Notice. , ' ' FOR GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia 6, 7. 8, 0, 10. 11, 12 A. M.,1 2 I'M. IK 4,6 AH, 6 .7.8 8, 10. II. i'2 M . Leave Germanlown 6, 7. 7. 8.8 20, 9, 10, II, 12 A, M . 1,2 8, 4.4H.6 bX. 7 8,0, 10,hP. At! . The 8 2o oown train, and 8H and AK np traina will not stop on the Geroiantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. I eave Philadelphia 010 A M., i 7 10H P. M. - Leave Geiuisntown8 A. M. 1 6 f)K P M ( HEHNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave PhlladelpblaO 8, 10 12 A.M., 2, 1.8K AH, 7,1, ai d 11 P. M Iave t heennt Hill 710 minutes, 8 9 40, 11 4o A. M 40 1 40, 3 40. 6-40. 40, snd 10 40 minutes P. M. . ON HUMiAY-t. ' Leave Philadelphia fl'lo minute A. M., 2 andlP If Leave ( bexn at Hill 7'40 minutes A. M 12 40. 5 40 and1 9 2ft mlnu e P M FL B ( ON 8HOHOCK E N AND NORRISTOWS Leave Philadelphia 6 8-uA minu es Hua a.m. lis 1 th AX, (M. 8 Oft minutes, and lilt P. M eave N oirPi (own 6H. 7.7 W. 9,11 A. M.. Vi.iH, 6, anl Tke AW P. M. ttatn will atop at 8c)iool Lane Witta hlcken, Wauayunk, fpriiigAllll, and I ouabebiKken auly. ONfrCNDAYS. Leave Phlta'elphla 9 A. U..'iH and 7 P. M i Lseve NorrlsUiwn 7 A. M , snd A P. M. FOB WANAlUNK ' Lesve Philadelphia 6 8 1A nUuu(es,li'3 A.M .Da.l, 4)i 5X.6X 8-04, und I1H P. , Leave Manayunk 6k. 7V.I2Q. 9X, llh A. U.. 1,1 fi T ' ' ON SUNDAYS. . , Leave Philadelphia OA. M. jh aadl P. M. . Leave Manayunk iH A. M bH, aua 8 Y. M ,' W. b. W1L ON. General f utw-rlnteiidtai ' Depot NINTH and GHEk-M Smeta ' r