THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 18GG. UITY INTELLIGENCE Fr Additional City lntellxgtnct Fiflli ragr. PHILADELPHIA and Eouthebu Mail frtiMRBiP Compant. Last evening-, at Pan-ioni Street Hall, a meeting, was held of the auk MTibert and all Interested in tie tstablishmoat of lines of steamship to bout a era porta. TBI meeting; wu railed in reference to the mm ol $600,00(1 bavtng keen subscribed to the enter- J rise, aad with the purpose ot eruriag am addi ion of $400,000 to tbe capital Mock. John WeUh, Esq., was called to the chair, and Georee N. Allen was . i.iintd Secretary. Mr. Weleh briefly adverted to the necessity of establishing Itesus communication between 1'b.i ladelphia and the Hontb. Mr. Edward C Knight offered the following: Wkertai, lh establlsha est of lines of steamship to (he pnuoi, al por s o the Southern fetates has be erme estentia to the pro-pet tr 01 Philadelphia; and wlerHu, the nb-oclpnoBS land for thai pur pose now amognt ng to near 6C0,C;X am inadequate tor toe lull development of 'In enterprise and its enccesslal mainteiuLnoe, therelore Keflvtd, lbatwe deem it of art-eat importance 'that iabfcrpilns beob at ed mcreailoir the capital stock ot tbe Phi adelpbia and Houthern Mail bteara ship Company to one million ot dol.ais, and recom . mend that sacb measures be adopted oa tbe organi sation ot tbe owpany, soon to take place, as will se em e that atnour.t. Xnoived, That wo resard tre enterptise as ms ' deeply involving the inture sncca of our business eommaalty, aad witboat it a large and Tamable tilde will be lose to as. We berefore urge upon menn'actarers. nisrcba.t. arrlsuae. and owners of real eeta'e to proesntly come forward ad sasiain it Wt'h their means sad personal o '-operation. Jieiolved. 1 hat we earnestly so felt larce subscrip tions to the stock by the railroads, insurance and other corporate companies of Philadelphia, whose snccoss Is dependent oa that ot our commercial and mabnlsoturiDK interest, ans who are authorized in express terms by tbe liberal charter recently (ranted fcv tbe Lerialnture of Pennsylvania to subscribe for and bold any number ot shares of tin capital sioak of tbe company. Mr. Cat tell seconded the resolution, and advo CBted the establishment ot a permanent com merce. Philadelphia held one of the best com mercial positions in the country, aad great and unsurpassable wealth of iron aad coal, and bad built up au aggregate of manufacturing estab lishments that would enable ber to supply the -whole country. In no tetter mode could 11,000,000 be invested than in developing an in terchange ol products with the South. Through : out the terrible devastations of the last tour jours the industry ot Philadelphia was undis turbed, and 6 he ofiered shelter and employment to all. Philadelphia ha3 great natural and ac , quired facilities. 6he only needs steam communication with the South and with Europe; and to guarantee the success of the latter, the former must be secured. We never in the past lacked the means to supply outward freight to the European steamers; but we bad not the supplies of Southern produce to complete the cargoes. Every steamer needs a certain portion of keavy carco; bat altar having obtained that, it is most profitable t complete the carjro with lieht freights. To obtain these, even at the present time, Mr. Mcllenry's steamers sail partly laden Iron this port to Mew York, at an expense of several thousand dollars, to obtain the balance of more profitable carriage. Mr. Cattell adverted to the fact that it was not now proposed to build luxiuious steamers for passenger travel, but comiortaoie, fast pro-, pollers tor tbe stanaard trade. If toe steamers were profitably and rightly managed they must pay; but beond the mere dollar and cent view, the cost, it any, would be ret aid many fold by the enhanced value given to all tbe of Philadelphia. The held is now open for our en terprise, and there never was such a favorable opportunity for the extension of Philadelphia commerce. Mr. Buzby explained at length the purposes ot the entetprise, and the stairuation that must result to the interests of Philadelphia should her business men be content to sit supinely by and aline? her carrying trad to be controlled by tcore enterprising rivals, who had grown richer by the traffic. The people had a right to expect that tbe corporate bodies located here, the banks, insurance companies, c, should come , forward and extend their aisstance to ibis end. . Mr. Edmund A. Souder adverted to the known fact that many Southern firms are prepared and willing to do business with Philadelphia mer chant, provided they are not subjected to the burden ol additional transportation to receive their goods. .Mr. Finnic, who has spent the last nine montbs'in tbe Beulb, travelling through Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and South Caroliua, asserted that business - men throughout those districts were well aware of the manufacturing powar of Philadelphia, and were willing and ready to transact their business with ber if he merchants would afford the proper facilities. Colonel Fitzgerald traced the growth of the great reloims of the city, and the opposition each had encountered at tne outset. The pre sent enterprise was no exception, and he trusted it would achieve as great success as the preced ing ones. ' Mr. Rene G iillou humorously portrayed the advantages to be achieved by the present enter prise, lie felt it should be c nsidered i.ot only , a necessity, but a privilege, to participate in the subscription. To the uve soutnern ports witn which it is proposed lor Philadelphia to communicate, Ktw York has now ruuning torty five steam propellers. By the income returns, the profits of our citi zens are shown to be but one-third less than those given in Mew York, thus revealing that our city has ol capital to use. Toe amount ot goods tnat are being constantly transported irom Philadelphia to New York, to be transshipped South, is really enormous, and would astonish all, if figures coald be shown. The Wtss is extending her facilities for manu facturing, so that within t enty yeais we will find oar market cl. si-d iu that district. The South alone appears to luruUh an opening to baUnce this loss, and If U is not obtained at present it never will be. Mr. Georsre N. Allen, Beeivtp.vy, stated that the subscriptions were aoout s o'.uo ). lie read a letter lrom William Seiloi' Aj Co., increasing their subscrip ion lrom $dil.) to $10,000, and a letter from Asa Whitney & Nj.w, increasing their subscription to $10,000. Mr. Bouder moved that the Committee on Manufactures be increased, huh was adopted. Mr. Henry Winsor, atreut of New York and Boston line of steamers, our.bled his original sntiscriDtion of $.r)000. JIu-fov. Collins A Co. doubled theirs, and IndiV'.duuHy Mr. Maasey rave $2500 more. Mr. i.r-ieased his $2500. Randolph A Jenks gave tin; nal $5000 to com plete the required ctpi'al r f So'J0,00t. Mr. Allen, on the part of bis committee, gave $1000, and for tbe Jewellers' aksociiuioi $ u. jaruej u. Hand A, Co cave 2(l00 udiiir. oual. making? 4000. Several gentlemen alerted in glad terms to tbe success attending the eutcrprise, a:id de clared they believed there wat the dawning of a brighter day for Philadelnlil i. After the announcement that on this (Wednes day) evening a msetine would bt held to organ ize the Company, n accordance with the charter, at the Board ot Trade Kooui.i, the meeting ad journcd. Offickbs of ths Mane antilb Li b abt. The annual election lor oliiners of tlsi Inst tu- MUU una v i .1 iu...' . .''. niu i vy 1 1 ty . 1 1 1 gentlemen were elected : For President, T. Mor ris Perot; tor Vice-President, John D. Watoon; lor Recording Secretary, John A. McAlli-ter; for Correspondiag Secretary, George Corliss; for Treasurer, A. 8. Letch wo-th; tor Directors, Josenh C. Orubb. Richard Wood, O. H. Wilson. J. Wi'tar Evans, ClaudmR B. Linn, ProUssor Josech W. wiuon, John II. Watt, Oliver Evans, 8. K Harlen, John C. (iruuger, Oharlea M. Taylor, William A. Kolln. The National Umiok Clttb to Tisit TT . n.i.nnan Hlta Kftlirtntll TTlllAM rilnK ftf this city have mode arrangements to pay a visit to Ilarrisburg on tbe 7th of Marsh next, and will remain there during the continuance of the T.(A fii.U ritnvunllnn. 1 tiA I llllbk nilmtirfl lilJivti ri.w ..w.. .w , , . - over twelve hundred members, and it is expected that me ereaier puniun wi iuem iiwi.ipvc in uie iMiuitiuu, Tjis Boaedf Trade. The flrit stated meeting ot ike aewly elected Executive Conned took plaee on Monday evening, 19th instant, with a full attendance, President Welsh in the chair. A communication was received tro-n the Department of State at Washington, Inclosing the correpondence with France in regard to the Paria Exhibition, and a plan or tae building and a view of the ground, which was referred to a committee of five, together with a letter from tbe Hew York Chamber of Commerce, on the same subject. A preamble and resolutions were adopted that, as the funded debt ot Pennsylvania is shown to be $37,471,6G!)-3fi, or which the amount over dae is $24,4frl,H6-2H, and the Ktate, at a moment of great financial i eccsslty, imposed a tax upon her own loans, which necessity no longer exists, that the Legislature be therelore requested to remove this great cause of dissatisfaction, by the creation ot a new five per cent. loan, payable at. such periods as mav suit the Urancial conveni ence of the State, and tree from State tax, to be issued in exchange for the exlstmc loans ot the State, at the pleasure of tbe holders thereof; and that a committee be appointed to place the mat ter before the Governor and the LegMature, and to ak their earlv and lavorable coualdcratloi 0' it. The standing committees for the year were then amoun?ea by the Chair, as follows: L.ghts and Harbors Tatham, Ilan I. and Wetae rill. Inland Transportatlin Fraler, Busbv, Stokes, Townsend, and Sparhawk River Fton'ts Merrick, Souder, Butcaer, (Jrubb, McCammon, and Patton. Finance Wheeler, Marnnll, and Campbell. On League Island Navy Ifard Tatham, Buzby, Hand, and id. J. Watts. Meeting of the IIoRTicwLTrjRAi. PociEiY. A stated meeting of the Horticultural Society was held lat evening In their hall, fouthwest corner ot Broad and Walnut streets, D. Roane? King, Esq., President, la tbe chair. Theierortot the Treasurer for the six months endue January 16. lSGtt, was rea I and adopted. Durinr that time the Society received $184885; expended $157071, which leaves a balance in the treasury of $27814. The following resolu tion was presented, and, after considerable debate, adopted: Whereas, A large hall, suitable for the annual and oiher exhibitions of this Society, as well as to accommodate public meetings, couce;ts, anl other assemblages has now become nbaolutely necessary: therefore, be it liesohed. That a committee of five members ol this Socety be appointed by the President to apply to the Legislature ot this State for an act oi incnrpoiation to accomplish th s object, and that tbe details of this act bo prepared tor the adoption ot this Society at a special meeting to -be held on Tuesday next, 27th inst. The exhibition of floer plants, etc., which a1 so took place last evening, was quite large aud varied. The specimens were beautiful, and equalled in effect those exhibited at any previous monthly meeting. Fibfs. 'I he trimming store of Messrs. Rosenbaum A Co., south a est corner of Eighth and tilbert stieets, wes slightly damaged by tire aboat six o'clock lust evening. A large stone barn on Ma n street, near the depot of the Philadelphia, Germ an town, and JioiriBto" n Railroad, German'own, Twenty second Ward, together with its contents, was entirely destroyed by fire about eight o'clock last evening. Loss about $900; no insurance. A numDer of norses were rescued without injury. Alleged Fobgeby. Three younz man. giving tbe names ot W. II. Lynch, Frauds Re baut, and F. H. Lane, were arrested yesterday afternoon, upon the charge of having forced several checks on a Mr. Montgomery, upon wmcn it is aiiegea tney ootamea JfSH'J. Tney were committed for a further hearine. at the Central Station, this afternoon. AMUSEMENTS. KlfeLEY-S CONTINENTAL NEWS iXflLiUGK. inoicernaatt to an p aces ot Amassment may as nod op to CM o'ciock any evening. 1 81 ly CiIIOICE SEATS AND ADMISSIONS. Ticket can be had a t."i So 4S1 CHfcBMJT Street. ODDoilts tbe Foa KWTlc. for tbe C'beanat, arch, Wllnat, and Academy of Munlc, np to 6 o'clock, every evening. 1 t KTEW CHE8NUT STREET THEATRE. 11 CUKSfcTJTBtreet. above Twelfth. LEUMAHU WHO V JLH s WILLIAM. K. BTN2i. Lesaees ana Manager. THIO EVtMNO, THE GOBQLUUa FA1KY LEOEWn TOE ICE WITl H 1 TU r. 1G WITC n 1 THE I E WM H 1UE U K WIT lit iiit, ila. wiiiui xut. iv a wirca; THE SEA KI.vG'8 BKIDE, 'J Hp. SKA KIND'S BK1DB, THE. SEA Kl.NG'S BK1BK. prod need after AT AN EXPESt OF tMk 0. IN TRK THE ICE WITCH; THE PEA KI!G'S BRIDE. the strength of the Company wl 1 appear. . m it jjai Ai'ibKMiuA, f eornary GUAM) 1-X IRA MATINEE, IN HO OB OF WABHI:xGlOiM BlBlUDAf. First day per.onnance of ' 'J HE I' E WITCtf. THE lCli Will H. The Tee Wltcb. 'I be Ice Witch. SATURDAY AFTI'BVOON, Februa-y ll. KIN ! TY 'l IUKD l.KiND FAMILY MAiIKEE, Second day per.rmmce oi inc. he. vriiii. THE ICE WIt H. Tbe Ice Witch. Tbe Ice Witch. Admission to evening performance, IS cents, SO cents. nd .... Poors apen at -4. unrtain ruai at i . NEW CHE8NUT STREET THEATRE. New Cbesoat Street 'theatre. new i Deflnm Bireei iueairw. - -WASHINGTON'S BIRTH D T, Washington's Blrtb Day, Washington's Blith Bay, Wa)iii)Ktou's i-hth lay, Wasblnston's Blrtb Day, Wasuiuijton uiriu ll'. v asiuiiiiiuu jirui vay, 1UL ULUftivuo oiaiu a IMM OETA l'w a8 B INOTON In.mcrtal WashitiRtoQ Immortal Wa'hlngton ln.niorial warning. on immurtai waatiigtua laiuiorlal WaahiiiKton Immortal Waalilugtou WILL t. JJtLI wJ!.L.laAlir.U Attbislbeatre, by A GKAKD EXTRA MATISTKE, AOUitlii KXTBA MAHNKK, a UH4ND XI HA MATIN If K, TBTJBSDAY AFTEKNOON F -BRUABT 2i, 'I bundav Aiternoon, Fe roary 22, TtiurHday Alternuon, Februarv '11, Tliurt av A turuoon. February 'tl. when fflll be yresentfld ; UK UUHUF.UUH S PlCTACUL AK FAIltY LEGEXD Entitled THE ICE WITCH," The Ice witch. The Ice Witch. Tbe Ice Witch. The Ice tich. The Ice Wltcb. lee Wi cb. T be Ice Wltcb. Tbe lee Wltcb. THE FIRST DAYLIGHT PEKFOB d ANCE. AdmlMlon 3 cents, to all parts of tne ha ins. lilklren 26 cents. Doors open at 1 15. Curtain rises at 240. J 31 It WALNUT STREET THBATR 15. Ji. E corner KINTH and WALNCT Streets. fifth wekk of tjlk glorloailysacceatuleni-aiement of MR JOHN a OIaK. 1HKKK Bi'LENDID FIECKS. CLABKE as ..Major De Boota CLAbKE oa Timothy Brown VV JLU - r. D If V I , commences with tbe g orlout Comedy of EVERYBODY'S FRIEND Major Wellington de Boou Mr. J. S. CLARKE Alter wnicn tne uco'tul ( omoniei a or I1Y NEIGHliOR'd WlFli. Timothy B own Mr. J. 8. CLARKE io conclude wrn the Fairy Fztiavaganza or Tflt IsVlSIHI.h'. PIMNCK. Will e produced In a few day a new American Pity, ua lour aw, via uw pvurj vj ttiiukui uatieu TUB M MbKd FROM I'IKB t R. JOHN DREW'S NEW AliCIl STREET LlJ THtATKK. negini at 7 X o'clock. ABK1VAL OF "SAM." THIBD SIGHT OF TH K GltKAT CQABACTEIt A ( TOH MR. ('HA -FBU. Aided by OLIVF LOUAN, C. h. PARS LOB, and tae au.nor. nr. it aiih- n . MONDVV ND EVERY EVKNIVG, ltk. WALDKN'a FIVE ACT' COMEDY OF SAM." Sam Mr CHANFitATT Laura OI.IVl. LOO VK Dick, ham's Tiget C T PAK-L'K Bill O'oraeit DRW LIKM (irnerel Konlyo , Mr F. F Mackay J amen Flushley Owen Mar own M' Kupliemia Bus yu Mrj. Thavcr FuJly ( muiev., Mrs T. A. Oreoae SKUi.MY, lltM.I JT OF 41 K i IIAMl BAr. AMUSEMENTS. A MLRICAN ACADEMY OF MDSIO. LIOXABD CBOVIK M , . .'. Director A Btier seasos or GB VtB'8 GBA77D GaRMAS OF IB A COMPANY. LIMITED TO TEK NIGHTS. Commencing MOKDA Y, February 26, 1B6C I he Company at pneent embraces I M'lle t-LVlKA N ADDI, Madame JOHANNA BOT 1 1 R, . avail L Eh HA JOJiA,n.kKN al'i rtOFill K WUBa. Al'.ie Mtkl IKIINAZ.I, Madame FitE kt KA HAl'I'lM.VN. FR.NZ HIMMfe.ll. JOI1 V S Al fc AND lHEOrORE II B LMAN AN ON VIK ht.1 K, JOMi I H HAKMANN8 Jo F.FH WEINLICU, B11NRKH RlElNEl Rh, OiTO LEHMAN. 1 lit repertor neiectrd procnui r n ILLl a M TKuL, Hoiinl! S IREILLE. Gonnod ffcA 111 AN OLD sutler i 1, tot F.nO IS, Meyerbeert FA I ST t.ooDont KOht.RT, In e re beer. MARTHA, and "ROM 31 ADAIR'' act of LA DAME BIAM HK, tame nlyh . 10 UI('VANAlDd MHOlCFirT'': Mosa-t. t e Operas are n ountrd and cottumed Viltb the MAGMFlCHiTliKl'SH' Jl.WLLe, THOPH'FM, and PR.U HtBN 'LIA of the CFtFEKATI P F.Sk I RAt.DA WAKDROHK. The loilewlng fiiniHcaot brlet qnotlion auiu most crc orlveiT li e claim ot tbe comlnn eeanon i lie WanMnfifin hionic e" : And ao c.obm what aetiayjii y clironlol an the tne't brilliant anrt 'at'it lacti i y scaton nbich baa ye. taken pl;e in Waah- iitton." li e l;a tlmore"flniidy Te:egram" : " With ths per oniaixeot taut nixht cosed (eanou. and tlio il Mitorniay Wen take nrh'e In tbe result Certain v a iraton in many respect the in t plranlui? ami aatls ac orr huh we have eDjoyed for years, lis ouiy delect nil Its lirevltv " He 1 lillarelMa Me-cnry" : "We heard fieeom ranv but just now In italtlmore, an l -nny are ocrtalnly sniilng uch bei,er man at any former seanoa ol Gor mtn Opea." Ilie Director has tbe gratification to announce that h" REASON HALF. Commenced on MONDAY iOBNINO In a most oTkious and flat e lng mannm Ry lar the greatest limner ol Seaou reat naveoeen secures wtncn jjavo et been ro d In a aing e 6nr. THE ttLABON HAL'' l'H 1 IMU B8 AX '1 EU al'Li-R'rf. fCALE Oa PPICBSt PECDBED SEAT FOB TEN SlGdt?, TKH DOLI AIS. SECURED 8AT FOR FIVK NIGHTS, al'ernat'ng wlh either First or Second Opera SIX DOL..AR". It will ba observed that the piloei selected aie THK LOWEbT AT WilCU TUB GBAND OPERV HAS BEEN PBESKNTF.D at any time since the altered condition oi the ennene; . J-JANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY THE OBAXD ORATOhlO OF ELIJAH Will be repeated at the ACADEMY OP MUSIC, On FBIDAY EVENING, February 23, 1868. In consenuence of the tiro encasement of Mr. Ita. dolnbren. the eupulat Bauo oi M. uxugtlne's Cburoi. Mr Jean Louis has bee engaged Mr. Simpson Mis Atci uflrey, and Hiss Alexander will take tbe otlisr natta as sung bv them at the Munca Fund Hall, and the entire Germanla Orcbea to. The whole under the direc tion o Carl entr. 'I ickets ier the Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony-, with secured seals, SI 00. Kami y Circle and Amplil-U-eatie (0 cents t oiored pemons to 'be Amphltboatre 60 cents. 1 he Oratorio nil commence mV4 o'c oca. preclse'y. Bos iheet now ooen at C. W. A. TrumDler's ana at the Aceuemy la 6t J E E C II E R NOTICE. SECURE UB SEATS EARLY FOB HENRY WARD BEECIIER'S GREAT LECTURE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. 21. A limited Bomber of COICB BF.SERVED SEATS, BOOKSTAND. CONTINENTAL SOTKL au2t COSTUMES! COSTUMES I A splendid assortment ot COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES. FOB MASQUERADES, Are offered to tbe attention of tbe bail-golni pub'le at this gay and festire season, at tbo COSTIJMERY, Cf twenty-five years' establishment. No. 9 1 7 RACE STREET. North Side. Every effort will be mode to piease the tos;eof thn'ie who attend the CarUval Balis of the Season. W. C. DESMOND, 1 20 lm No. 917 BACK Street VIEW AMERICAS THEATRE 1 GBAND N ATIONAL CIBCTJ8. WALNUT Streei abOTa Elgata. , LABI W.r.fW U IllCj EQTJKS'IIUAN VERFORMANCB. LAST W El E OK WILLIAM. F. WALLETT, BfAPFFAKANC'fc. OF M AS1 KB B RRY. WODlKFLL SOUTH AMERICAN B80UKH3. EVtBV tVEIvG. AKD ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AfTEB STAB EQUKSrRI AN TROTTPF. BRILLIANT 6 TTD 6 HORshS, PONIES, MULES, ETC. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. CORNER f of TENTH and CHKbNUT Streets. FIFTH WEEK. FIFTH WEEK. A( tne aigsnt request or many ciiizena, tne i f AE FAMILY PEAK FAMILY SWI-8 BELL R1NGEBA SWISS BELL KiKGiOtS bay e consented to remain one meek longer. UllAMiC Ut IB lliKlttai. 'WO Grand Ma'lnees WEDNESDAY AS D 8TL'BDAV AFTK.NOOSS. Canls of adii'lssioa SS cents Reserved Seats. 64 cents Children 26 cents. No hall price to reserved seats. 'I lokeis for sale at Chants W. A. Trumpler'a Music Store and at the Ball .... Seats can be secured three days in advance. Doors ODen at 7 o'clock. 'I o commence at 8. After noon doors open et I. To commence at 3. l.nnuren aum ittea to tne Mmiuee lor 10 oenia. ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS, CIIESNUT Street, above Tenth. Open irom 9 . M. till 6 P. M. Benjamin West's great Picture of AJHB18T BtJECTED ' still on exhibition 1 1 j RM A N I A ORCHholRA. PUBLIC RE Ji hearesls everv StTlBDAY AFTERNOOK AT MTJHK AL FUND HALL. IU o'clock. F.ngaements ma ac ty add resting GEO S C B H AS IE RT. A gent o. Vi3i MONTjtREYjiatwMnJttajiMdina lit lm FURNITURE. JJUY FURNITURE AT GOULD & OO.'S UNION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street, KOppoalte Christ Cbarcb), And Corner of NINTH and MARKET Tbe largest, cheapest, and be f FURNJTJR ieveiy de crlptlon In the 210 ly TO HOUSEKEEPERS, I have a targe stock of ertry variety of Furniture which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN A D MAM5LE TOP COTTAGE SUITS WALNUT CHAMBER SCITd. FA BLOB SUITM IN VJLVtCT PLUHH. PA BLOB 8CITH IN HAIB CLOTH. PABLOB SUITS IN REPS. Ideboards, txiaueton Tables. Wardrobes, Book-oases M sinenses LouDges.EtC t-to. I. I'. .OITSTINE, I Kin' N. V.. Cor. SD AND BACK 8T3. SHIPPING. ttHirfK KOTICE TO NEW YORK BHIP- MUiViAto. PERH -l XPBKMR STEAMSHIP COW-i.ial-lhl strsmrhlp W ASniNGTuN la receiving IreHiht at first ban btiow Market st-ee and wit aai. n rATUBDAY, l.lll WM. P. t LVI'E to.. lit at No. U a. Wiiakves. :s TTtP. fll.TVRtTATlf .tft faTFin 7Vrl!. LLoiPF-NDtNT OT7TSIDK UhM FOB NEW lOhK. Is reclvinn Frelchts dall at low rates, EtCOD WAhF Bt LOW FRU 'K SFBECT, and will tnsara ai low rtes. . P. R CLAKK, Arfent. lm Hps 114 and Sl6 fc. DKLVW RK Avenue r?&Vls HAKilLLfs PASfcUOB OFFICE. 7LLUV "ANt HOB LINE OF HIEAWFRH" 11 F-llblA." 'OOLCjihilA." ' 1 HI AN til A ," "INDIA.1 Ptesm to alVABI OOL I.OMOKDtBBT. BtLFAST DUBLIN. . M WRY, CORK. A-D Ul .SUviW. R T. OF P 8AOE PaYaDJLE IN JrAIERCUaBfNCY. i ABINe ago 8fl, and?0 Jl i Ba.i.E s:iu Seaimblp "UlblRviA" leaves t A 1 1 BD A x Jai.uaiy 1HV. PAID CER iri ATK urned for bringing out paarcniicra Irom the above points at lOWI-Ji R TF.8 THA i ANY OTHER LIE. Also, to aiid ircm ALL TaIIONS ON 1BF IRI-n HAILWATS. IHl IAL r Ol ICE reanergrr wl 1 tuke particular re M e tl st oe Ancl.or Line" is the only ,lne .ranting tlimui b Ickeu at tlie above rates from Philadelphia u i he points named aboe, i.iid thai the undersigned la tbe suly olIt huihorLtd Agini In thlixdtiplna. Apply to W. a H MILL, BoleAgtlit tor"AKCHOa LINE " 115 No. 211 WALNUT Ktreet. STEAM TO LI VERPOOL.- Ca Una atll. t'Et N'i OWN. The Inman Line. .....i. K nni-w tifcir , currjlug the Inl'cd btates Alans. l II Y OF LIMEriCK. Wednesday February 21 C l I i Of LONDh.n, rtaturua). Feliruaiy iA. I 1TY OF DUBLIN, WeUnowlay E'euruary O. CilY OK BaLHAIuR. sslu day, Alarch . At noon, lioin I let t ortli liht r. BA I EH On l"A-h GE, PAYABLE IK OOLD. First Cshln uo du S eerae 3(Whi F rt aliln to London, bo-id bleerave to London .. Ill Ou First ( ai In lo I'MrlK. ..K'.MU Ht eraxe to I an. 41 tsi 1 sent.ersalso foraardtdto Uavro.UaniUuig.Rn muU ec etc.. at n idirale rates. , l asai.e by the W ennerday steamers rt'aM-i agoOu hlei ra.e tMl payable lu Unl ed rti.tes currtner. Bicume psffBff itoni Liverpool or -ui eni-town. S10 gold or it equivalent Tliketa can be bought hereby perrons ei tifng l r ibclr ileads For lurthtr Iniorn.ath a app y at tbe Company's Of) res. . Ji.L.v (i D LF, Agent 12 No. Ill WALMJi Btieet, EhllaUe.phla. LIQUORS. J W. II A M M A R, ' Importer and Wholesale Denier In Foreign IIIIAIDIF.S, WINES, AND IINE OLD WHISKIES, No. 030 MA1IKET S'J 11KET, 1 8 3m PHILADELPHIA. NATHANS & SONS, 1MPORTEKS OF OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. No. 19 N. IE0NT STREET, PH1LADELPEIA. HONES NATBAWS. HUBAt F A. NATHANS. Ohl sMlO V. NATHANS. 110m FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. T. J. McGUIQA Importer and Wholesale Dealer la FA NCT GOODS, NOTIONS, ETO, FIREWORKS, FLAGS, Etc MATCHES AND BLACKING, NO. 8 STBAWltEHRY 8TREET. First Street above eecond between Atarketoiid Chesnut Ot r BlLAOaLrilLI , COAL. COAL! COAL!! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES AT COAL YARD, NINTH STREET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BRANCH OFFICE CORNER OF SlimAJiD SPBlJvG GABLED B1RET8. 21 J A M E S O'BRIEN, DSAL& 5T LEHIGH SCHTJTLKILL GOAL, BV 1H CARGO OB SINGLE TON. Tard, Broad Street, below Fitzwater. Mas eonstanllj on bsnd a competent ioppl t tht ibove superior loal, suitable lor famby ase, t m tcb be cals tbe attentios of bis fheads and tbi sublic eentaFliy Older lelt at Ro 206 S. Fi'th street. No 82 6 jeventeeuth street or through Despatch or Pot' Ufllce, pronjitly attended to A 6CPFEIOB QUALITY OF BLACKSMITHS UOAL. 7 81y OBEIIT P. BENDER, COAL DEALER, S. W. CORHER B110AD ASD CAXL0WUILL STREETS, FBILAOKXrUIA. None bnt the best WEST LEHIGH, all slies. from tbe CreeiiW ood Colliery, on band, and for sa.e for CASH ONLY. 2 II Sua Also. IlNOIHE HFATEB, AND FPBVACB COAU RAILROAD LINES. ORAKGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROATV On ai d ar er MONDAY February 12 two daily tran s will run baiween Washington and L nohlmv, cooncctliiir at Gordousvl le with Virginia Cmtral ltall road trains to and from Blcbraond. as to. lows s MAIL TU IN. Iave Wsshlngton duly (sundav exc ptel), at 645 a JM , ana hnlveai Lyncnbnrgat o'4ft P. tu. Leave I ynchnurg at 1 a. At and arrive at Washf au tonat2P At. I EXrKVSt TRAIN Lesve Washington fl.lly ilnnludlnir Enndayl at fl 65 P. M and arrive at l.ynclina at ti 00 A. M Leave Lynahburg at (3d r. U and arrive at Washing 'oa a' 6 10 A M. l oth r.lns making close connections at Lynchburg foi all poluta South and Southwest, aud at Washing. on lor Nor h and Northwest Flrat-elasa sleepiny curs will be attached to tbe o'ght trains. Ibe road Is attractive, not onlv for ita com ror able accommodations, but lor the fact that It pues the now bl tone loca lurs of FalrCx, Ba I Knn. Atanassas, Bns toe, ( at'ett's. Bappabannock. nlpeper. Oratiye. and Gord.nsviile places ot unperisbable Inteteat In the popular rnlud Tbrougb tickets to all point ou h and South wet ain he Tbad In Boston, New York, Phllad lulila, and Itn'tliiuire, end at tbo offices of the mad In Ws.hinxton and Alexandria. W. H. Moiuffektv. 216 Osneial BaperUitendeot RAILROAD LINES. HEADING RAILROAD. 41RF.AT TRSKk I.ITI1 rfiOM PRIL.l)m.LIBlA TO TUB fRTFttlOt Ol rirom, .m the hvi X LK1LL. SffCl SBAMIA I TJMBt BLAND, A-, ..iliD WYOM NO VAIXKYS WlKTrU Ba.-OI HI NT Of P rNOKR TBAIN&. "'ft ne oa.psn t r epot, at Tmr'B .1 "0 A I LOW HJ LI k tree is Pblladelpbla attbael- FiOKMNO M Alt At It A. H. er Utiurnt Lebanoa Hoiishara, Pou ti e Ttnesi. Ve Tamanna auBbov, Wll lamsset , 'ia kotlienet Mavara Pal a Hnia Alentnwr, s i le.tsrra, I'ltntoa Yeik orllala "haaberbn UiiMii.vtn eu-. ete. Its rsln c nnrets a RRaII" with 'he Aant Ten i Varna Ral roud nalns or a lentown e o. and wu he LelkLou Vsller train for Hariiahiiri etc. i J'ORl 1'LlMON l k Cntawlssa Kallroa tralm VVu.tivniM'f'rt, Lock Havee Kluil A eto ai H B ai t kt, wth on hern Cen-ra , umlierand Valle id Sriuiikll and Sustjiirhanna trams l.r N rifc ai lei land Wllllaiospori York Vbamberabanr Ptr rve. a. r r rnoo y xPBEBt! ieve. Pnllsceipbia a I f )'. al ,,or aeadltig, r le, H rr-lur, etc , connect with KeaOlng anl lonobia Railroad train ror i olomla etc. and wiU s-aiaa fcal reao tain 'or Hilton Wlli.aciaper 'lie I Ufa o etc. kkAI'IhO A ' OMU0IATlO. hesillng at S 10 A. M. stooping at all i fiii,. trrlv.s :u f Mlace Phla at 9-HA 4. M. kt uipii.g leave tbi odelvhla at 4 10 P. M arrives t Lrrcni a F Iritiiif ioi I I lladrlphla -ae Barrtehnrg at A H an. 1 ui sl le al e 30 a. tl oirivma m Thil-depblaa r.l F fu. Aitrrmon islrs 'rave Bsrrlsture at 1-ei i k i '" " ' arriving at Pblla- t-.ii f i urn Acioino eoauon Uavea leading at T U U. ai,d HarrisLur at lil t P At Maikit ira n with a Casre ger ear attsched leave, 'hi si.elrl la at 2 4 noou lor Reaulut and ail at at tiers Ksves heofllrs a 1 '30 A td.,and Honning on at liiliOP . 1 hi acelrhla arm au ay stations 4H the above trains run dally Scnnn rxcepted orOny tr.lns eave FoctsvUle at 8 0. A. M.f and t hb. le sola a -16 P hi L ttSl I B V ALLK Y BaILBOAI . rarrxTgrrs or I ov.niU(iton aud in ermedia'e potn iske hcfcM.0 A II. and 4 P. Al. trains Irom Pliliade phiaretnrnlng trous DownJnkton at 1 05 A. W. ant K(W Toil KXraiSB FOB I'lTTSBVBt) AD TBI WKSi 1 rates New York at9- a. M. and 80 P. M nuilti titaobig st It a A., and I 4 P. In connecting au bi rnsiorg with I ni ejivanla and Nortbora Centra Im.I1isi I pris 'I rains er Fittaborg, bleogo Wl immtport t.lmtra, Baltimore, e'.e. tte U'Pmg, t iprfss Train haves Harrtsborg on arms 0 lfiDslvanla rxprcs- rom tttsharg, a S and tot A M pas lug Beadlpg at 4 49 and 10 M I, M ,anivit. It1' York at IS A M and 2 H Al Sleeping t a mas tsi bir tl ese trains .broug tei wotn Jr ey CU nd 1 ItuLnig charge Bal iralii lor Ne tjrk leaves BaTtsburs at I 4 P 11. ldall 1 rata lor HanlsbaJg leaves New ork at IS SBDTLK1ILTALLF.YRAII.BOAD. 1 tains leave I'otisvl le ate tA and 11-00 A. At., and 7 I rl' 'u,llillli""n amaquaail 35 A. bt audi '40 an i III 1LR1L1 AND SrsOUhB NNA RAILRO D Iransleave Auburn at 75 A. 14 or F negiove ant rienlbiirg, and a: 1-ai. P H. lor Plnes.-ove and "remnni? reluriilnu rom liarrlsburg a 400 P. At. and too Trs- oxntat l 00 A M. and b to f. At. il( Kr in. l br OKI) flrrt class tl kes and emlirrant tickets to a. we prtudpa points In tbe North and W est and anadai Ibe lolloviiuu tlcke are outs. ned on y ai the Otllo 01 f Lrailtord lrtasurer.No 227 S. Fourths reel Phlla i.elphia, or ol O. A. Nlcoiis Oeneral buaetintsndem fleaolng. OMAirTinON TIi KF.TI i II re cent discoont. between any points dosiret 'or amities ana tlrn s UlLEAUE TICKETS. Cord 'or 2(00 miles, between all points at gSi&O eacr tor laml les and Dims S ASON TIi KETH, Fo three six nine or tvcelve months for bold nly to a I points st reopced rates CLi hUTklhN Ke'ldlm on the lira of the road wll be rnrnleued eviti .-.Hrds. entl lLig themselves and wives to tlcke at ha. ir F.X CB8ION tl KET8, From Phi ade phla o principal sto'lons gooo ioi aiuicay r-unday and Words, at reda-ed fare, to b. had only a tbe Ticket Office at Thirteenth and Callo. hiU streets. IBEIOHT. unods oi ol deeerlptlona forwarded to all the abo.i loipts irom tbe Company's New Freight Depot, Broar and W blow streets FBFIQBT TWAINS Leave Philadelphia dai v a 6 30 a. if., 12 45 noon anc to t M lor beading Leoanon UarrL-Ourg FottavLU for Clinton, aud all potn a bet ond. ki 1L8 Close at tbe Phi adeiphla Post Office tor all p aees Oi die rosd and lu branches at 6 A. Al. and .or Al prlnclna Stations only at 216 P. At. 814 4. OR MAV YOHK.THE CAMDEN AND I An. boy and Philadelphia end Trenton Baiiroad i ompaiiy a unes VhOM PHILADEIPBIA TO NEW YORK and y p. aces, Irom Walnut street whari, will leave as toiiovrs viz. r vabjs At 6 A. At., y a Camaca and Amboy Accommoda tion 12 24 At I) A. M., vl t amoen and Jersey Cltv Express.. I 00 Ai2P l via Can den and Ambok Express 2'U it 12 If. (noon ' and 8 P. at. la ( amden and Am boy Accommodation tFreluht and Fassengcrj....! 221 t t anu 11-iili F. M. via Camaen and Amboy Ao con modatlon (Freight aad lasbenger), 1st class ticket M 2-2 2d .ass Ticket 1 60 U S and 10 A. At., 2 and 6 P. M., for Mount Rollv, Ewanrvll e, Pi mberton and Ylncentown i alt A.M . and 2 P. M. tor Freehold its and It. A. Al., 12 M., 1-20,6 6 and 11- P M. lorPal n.yra, Blverion, Delauco Bevery, Edgewater Bur l'nfeion Florence Bontentuwn etc. n be U U. and 6 P Al. Iln run direct thrmiub to Trenton UJSE- FBOAt KE 81 .-GTON DEPOT WILL LEAVB AO FOLLOWS -1 11-16 A. Al., 4 80 and 0 46 P. Al.. via Kensington and Jersey City txo ess (3 '04 At 12 P Ai iMght) via Kensington and Jersey I ity txprrss t'2 be 6-45 V M. Line will run daily. A'l others Sundays except' d Vt 1i.0t.nd 11-15 a. At. 3,130 4 30, 6 and 1 45 P. M., and li Uidntbi, rorllristel Trirton eto. tl A. At. 10 60 3,5 and P M. lor ornwells. 1 orris dle, iM mesLuig Ta ony Wlsslnonilna Brldesburg and Fratkiord, and at 8 P. Al for Uo mesburg aad Intermediate Matlons L LV1DFBE Ji LAW A HE BAILKOaD, For tie Delaware River Vallov, N on hern Pennsyl vaina and hew York Ma e and the Great Lakes 1 wo through trams daily (Sundays excepted) frort Kensirikton txpotasfol owsi it 7 SUA Al and 1-30 P.M. UNA FKOAi EW iOKK FOB PHILADELPHIA W 111 leave lrom foot ot Cortland street At 12 M and 4 F. At., via Jersey ( ltv and Camden. A' 7 and 10 end 11 S A AI , 6 P. M. and 12 Mghi, via Jer e t Ity anu Kensington. From Pier No 1 North river, at A. 14. aad 1 P. V., Vis A ml cy ai'd I amden. At 12 Ai. t and 6 P. B . (Freight sad Passenger), via Amloy and tamden. Jan. 16. IHbfi. Ti ILL! AH H. GATZMEB, Ageat EfcT JEB6EY RAILROAD LINES. rem loot o MABKET Street itpper Fenjri al y, except i-unda- s f ALL A LI wiaun iiuiuiaLm, ten ntncnv "ft ED LDA1 . November 16 I Boo. For Lndfcton Salem, and a 1 Sta lenson West Jerso.- and ru Ballroads, at ( A. M and 3 80 P.M. Fo Mil vine and a. tnurmtdlate stailons a. I A. At ai d 3 1 . AI For t ape Kay and Intermediate Mattons at 0 A. M U UllivlTe cndifclmg wltli krehht Train l'asxenger ' ol atUrbed ior ape Aiay, due 3 46 P. at., sad I P. M throutb I assenger oue 8 P. Al. ForU'assuoro and Intermediate Siatlons, at 9 A M. ki d 1 30 P. Al. For Woodbury. Gloucester eto., at t A. It. I I and 6 !i6 P. At. Freight train wlii .eave Phi adelpbia irom Bondlord' hort. at 10 A. M and Cun denat 12 u. i v N H NSSEL EB Superintendent TBE WE, T JfcBSEv FXFB 8 CO, f -M lll attend to all the usual branches of express bualnest, receive, deliver, and torward through other responsible xprera ( ompsniea 10 at1 parts 0 the country, an ort'cle ic'runed to hem. t A Special Messenger accom ) an ie eack tbrourh trail Ofhce No 6 Wainut street 9 16 8m o't I' UI LADELPHIA AND ERU lOllO BaILBOAD This great Mne tratersea tbe ortticru and sortnae. counties o Ferinsy vanui o tbecr ol rie oa Lati "lie. It baa beeu leased and It la operated bv tbe Perm a.ivenla Baiiroad 1 onipauy. riMK " F ..'6E.--0. M T H A I A 8 A 1 FHILaDEI FBI Arrive Fsstwa.d- in kali ra n 1-00 P. M Erie Expresa iram 11 19 A. M 1 Leave Westward Erie M'fl Train, 7 20 P. M f ' Erie Ex ress train, 7'0 A. M. Pastengei ears run tbrougb on the trie Mali ans Fx press Trains without eiiauge, botb wejs. betweei "hilsdelbbla ao" Leave New York at 6 OoP d..arriveat Erie at I T7 A.I Leave Erie at 1 '5 P M. arcfVe at New Yotkl It t At Jso change o ears between Mie and sew York. 1 legant sleeping ( a aoo all Night trains. For Iniormation respee uis nassentrer business, app a TH1RTI11B and MaB&1 St eeU, I hi adelnhia. tnd tor freight business ol the ' orapony'e Ageuta i. B Kingston it., toniai THIBT- U .nrt v . R. (ET Mreeta Philadelphia J. W Beyno as, Erie; WU Urn Brown. Agens o. ti . . ,1'"u',"1,h,,., . H. f- HOtlr-, ON, General JrelgMAgent Phlladeiphii H. W.OWIFNEB Oenaral Ticket Agent.Phlladelfb!' JO" P. POITS Oeneial Manager. Wll lamsaort A I.FBED L. TYLB Oenerel Supenntondent KLEN(JE STAMPS, REVENUE ST All PS, Bt-VEMJL STAMPS, ot all descrliitlous, Ot ail deacrlpiiins, .. . . a Always on band. Always on band. ATFLOEfNCW. BE WINQ MACHIVE t O.'S OKKrfK, AT' I'lOBENCF. SEWING M CHINE CO 'SOFFICK, No. ') 4'HESMjr Street,. N.. fr0 CHK-SNOT Streat One door below fevenlh street. One teor below Seventh stree.. the moat liberal discount allowsl. The Bioet liberal diacowut allowed. 2 9 RAILROAD LINES. 1 1U1LA DEI .M1IA. WILMINGTON, AND BAL I Ilk-OhE BAILROAjt. TlAlk 2 ALL! tommtnclng MONtAT JannarTfi, ltfct 'I rains roll leave Dcpvt, emer of BBOAD street ai d WishlkU i ON A venue as to. lower kx press 'i ra.n al 4 06 A . 14 (Unndays excepted), for Balilinnre and Washington stopping at Wilmington, lrrrj'ile. lisvre-de-tirace Aberdeea, t rrymao's, k-s. noils and Mi mn.rr's Kun l-aawar B-1 road Tram at S ID A. C. (Handay ex eepted , for Balltbiry, Hi ford ana Intermediate sta tins. v. ay Mall Tram at 1 15 A At. ("undsj s excepted i, for Pe tlu.ore Stoppins at t'kester, Ibur ow i.lnwood, (. lay mont, and all regn ar stations between Wl mlngioa kid liail mote 1 press Train at 2 46 P.M. iSnndrs excepted), rer I a tin ore and Washington, atofiping at frr ClsjiTiont, Wlmlnt.ton. Newark t kton North-enst l iny vi art Havre oe Orsce, Aberdeen Terr uiau'a, s'sk'io Is nnd : u minor's Hue. MMt Ixprens at IPII P. W. for Rslltmura and stlitngtoj, stopping at Chrster burlow. I.lnwi,4, ni nt w lluiliitus Nevark Elk on, Nuiib KjSi. Fenjvl lesnd Havre dt-Uiace. Pornncera by Boat Irom Ba'tsmore ror F. rtrei Vr rirre, t-oi nil, ity l ulnl anu Kichmond wil tike tl.s 0 16 .. Ai. Ir. in. a an additional aceommodsti 'n ror those hold ng t brunch T U kets for Ba timore. Washineton unit ou-ii-ern o.nls. a Mptclal I ar v leave the PMla 'e phla Fepot at Il-ia A. A., connecting at Oray's Ferry wim the Morning rare a'l rain lroti vawVork. W1LMI GTdN ACOOMKOD ulON TRAIVS MopiMbg at all kUilons between Philadelphia and llnnnftnn. Ltave Phl tdeipbls at i 15 and 1115 A. and $ 30. 610 snd 7 W P M T (80 P. M. train coimecu with Lele-sare huliroad ior Ml lord and Intermediate nations. I rave Wilmington at 7-SU 6 16 and 30 A. At. , and i 00 aid 60 l M ' ra ns tor New l astle leavs I'l Uadelphfa at 8 16 A. M.. I 20 and s-tio P, Al UlltOt OU Itlfl FROM BALTIMORE leave W ilmlnt,tm at 1.-00 v. ,) 4 30 d t-x, p. m." ' I I11H k R FOK PHIt.. 111. I.l'lll Leave Chester at SDf.S 5s, and 10T4 A. M., and 1230. S ta 6 01 6 44 ami 10-211 P. Al. ' H A' r AL1 JAIOIt' TO FHlLADF.l PftlA Leave Baltimore 8 26 a AI. Way. Mailt I'lO P.M., Eaprcrsi SS6 I M. xpress 9 2.1 F M Fx press a n Accon modatlon Ttaln lor Itavre-de-Orace nn1 ln ttrmtdiute stations wl 1 l ave La tlmnre a 4 10P. AI. I BAIN-FOH BA L JAIORn. I rave bertrr at n . M 9.1 .nil 11 SAP. u . I eve Wtmlngton at 12 27. 5 T3 and 10-33 A. M., and 4 1 JbI . BTJNIlAY 1 RAINS. , Express 1 rsln st 415 A. M or Baltimore and Wash Ineion stopi Ing a' W'lmlng on Perr. v le Havre-de-t.rsce. berueea, Ferryman's, Magno la, andStumiaur's jnllU. Mghi ExpretwlllSP. M , Icr Ba timore and Wash Ini Ion, stopping at t hester Hair ow 1 In wood, (Trv nit nt, Wllnlngton Newark r.lkton. Northeast, Perry vile. nd llavr-de-Orace. t A srer'al train wl I leave Philadelphia for Wilmington tor Inter a.ediate statu as a n P. Ai. L . L II OKI ton PIULADSLPBIt. Leave Baltimore ot 0"A P. M. stopping at Harro-de-. t race, Perryvill and w liming on. Aio slops at E k ton and K ewark (to ,ake pas!euera or Pliliade phla and leae passengers lYerai WAfbington or Baltlmorel and better to leave passengers irom. Baltimore or Wash ington. specla train win leave Wl'mlng'on forPhradelohla and Intermediate stations at 6 2o P M train, wi.h passenger car a taened. will leave hi mlnmott lor Perryvile and Intermeillate 8 atlons a C4P.11. II F. KINNrY, Sunerlntendont. ItENNSILVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD i w iNft It aRKAOEM sM Ibe irains 01 the Pennsylvania eulral Bat read lesva tbe ew 1epot, at 'iliihilE II and AJAEK.C T Streets The cars o the Market Street Pavsenger Railway run 10 and lrom ibis Lepot .bey leaa Iron atreet even two minutee commencing one boo previous to the tluie 01 departure of each Train and al ow about It. nilno es lor a trip Their cars ate in alt nt sn the arrive 01 each Train, and cnnecllon are made t h all rpsns erosiiug arar'a irei On t-uiiua car. erne a. r'en h and M arket streets at 6-46 P ti. to connect with PI sbuig and i-rl. mii end at 10 25 P. M wl fe 1 hi adelpbia ..xpress. tiaun's KsKgageExprew Is ocuitu. (o 81 8. fClorenth stree,. Panli dcelrln Ba;yag taken o Uie trains caa ouve it done at retropubic rate upon apo icatiou 10 htm R..USLFAVV i) BhlVK J OEPO. 1U11 I uavb. 1 rle 1 xrress st 7 Jo . u null Train hi V m' tao I Accon. modatlon. No 1 "It 00 hM UDe woo rarkesi urg , " 1 no p af . Barrjsburg Accommodation g &i '. lancAMer Accommodation 4 on ' Pioll train No i " 6 80 PI tsl.nrt. anil t rl Mail.. . m ua u Philadelphia Expreaa 1,1 m AKHIVB CTncinna l Expres t 1 30 A AC. I tii adelpbia xj.tess , 7 10 1 Paoll Aceouimouatloa. So I " 8-jo Parkesbnrg I rain " 9 3u - Lrie Lxprees g,, h l.ancae e. rain u 30 p. tt, l-aoli Accommodation So. i io BarrtHhura "eMmmoiiatonV.V.V.V.V.V.V.".V M 8 40 " I Ulla.erpkla t xpress leaves daily Pittsburg and Erie Aiall leaves dall? (except Saturday) AU tlrec tra'nsdoly (cxcei tsundari Ibel ennsy raola Baiiroad Company wfll notaaaame Vy.r,f? o'Baage except lor Wearing Appare.and Un it their reponslbllitv to One Bandred Do Ion ! seine. 11 eapiage excee 'lng that amoun ra ra ns win oe at tbe risk of the owner, nines taken by special coo tract ' iHOMAh B. PABKF Ticket Agent at the Depot. An .emigrant train runs dal y (except Sunday 1. For fall Lufoimatlon as to tare and seeommodatlon a onlv ta FRANCIS rtVK No- 187 Dock sSeet VORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Al Dtpoi. THIRD Street above Thompson. For BETHLEHEM. DOYL1STOWN. MAtfCH CHCNK KASIOB wlLLLA M SPORT, and WILKL? oAUtit At 7 30 A. At. (1-xpress 1, for Betbiebera Allentowa, Maucb bunk, Elozleion Wtaiumspoit. and wtlkeav borre. A 3-30 F M (Express, 10, BeUehera, fas ton, ate., reaching Faston at S'4i P. M. ' U 6l6 P. M. lor Bethiebem, Alentowa Maaoh Chuna Danville and Ullumspoirt 'DtQWU- For Dovlestnwn at 8 36 a M.,2'30 and 4 1 P M rot Fort Washington at 10 A At. and U p M. For Lansdale at 61ft P. M. White can of the kiuvwiii and Third At., t iH. . i Pun nger t rs run direct to the depot TR.1I:8 JOB PHIL DELPHI A, . Leave Bethlehcno at 6' 26 A At and 10 02 A.M.. and f 15 P M. Leave Doy estown at 6 30 A. M., -16 and 6 30 P. M Leave L am dale at 618 A . U ' Leave Fort Washington a 106 A M.andMtP v Oji M-DAYS uW"r Philadelphia tor Beta enem at 0 A M. Pbiladelph a for Doy estown at 8 P. M Doyiestown for Phi adelnhia a. 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem 'or Philadelphia a- 4 P. M. -2hfi,,"'b Tlokeumusi ba pioouied at the ticket erfce. TBfBD street or BEHA8 Street. DI.I8 CLAEK. Agent HEIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND a I tbe Stations on tbe C MDl.N and aMBOY and 'IHF CAMiEf AAD AMBOY ItAlLROAD AND TBANBrt'B ATION COMPANY FBEIOHT Lift K 8 lor Few York wUl leave WALNUT Street Wharf at i o'c ock P. Al., doiiv (Sundays excepted) Freight must be delivered ba ore 4)4 P M. to be 'oa warded tbe same day. Beturnlng, the above liaes will leave New York at 12 noon, aud 4 and 8 P. M. Frelcbtfor irenton Princeton, Kingston New Brans, wkk and a I points on tbe t amden and Ambov Ball, roadialso on tbe be vlurre Delaware and Fleming, on) il.e New Jersey iha Freehold and Jameaburg, aa the Burlintton and Mount Holly Kal rooda, reoeived and fi.rwarded up to 1 P. M. The Lelviaeie De awse Baiiroad connects at Phil lips!. org with iheLehlkbValey Baiiroad, and at Msnun kachunk with all points on 11 e Delaware Lackawanna, and W eMera Baiiroad, forwarding to syrocusa, Buffa o. nnd 0 ber peluu lu estein New York. 1'be New Jen ey Bal read connects at Elizabeth with tbe vew Jertey Centra Billroad and at Newark w'tk Ibe Morris ana Essex Baiiroad A itap n errorandum speoliylng the marks and num ber shipper and consignees must In every t si mice, be sent with esc load ol goods or no reovtr 4 will be ivn Increased fsctlltles have been mae lor the tianspor atlon 01 Live Stock. Drovers a Invited to try 'He rcule When stuck is furnished in jUaiitHles of two ca-load or more, It will be delivered at tbe 'oot ol ror leth stree near the Drove Yard, ft at Her bo. 1 ? ortli river as the shippers m y des go .re at the time o I sblD nit nt For terms, or other lnfrry .atlon, apply lo WALTi B FREE AN F eight Agent, v II 1 No. 228 K III L WABE Avenr PhiladeipliiA PHILADELPHIA, G ERMA jITOWN. AND NOBRLS'lOWB KAlLBOAD. On and a ter WEDNESDaT, Momber 1st 1865, until tut ber FOH Ol BMANTJWN Leave Philadelphia 6. 7 8,(1, .0 11, It A. M.,1. 2, I'M, 3H 4,6 6K, 7. 8 9, 10. II . V M Leave Oermantown 6, 7, 7X, 4, 8 20, 9, 10, 11. 12 A. U , 1,2 1, 4.4K (Ml 8,9 10 'l P. M. be H 2. oown train, and . and 6K ap trains will not stop on the Oeraiantnwn V ench. ON SfAlDsYS. Leave Philadelphia 9'1F A Al., i 7 JOH P. U. Leave Jwmantown8 M. 1 6 OH P M t lil.BNf' FILL BAILUOAD. Lr sve PJilUdolphli; . 8,10 12 A, U.,2, 8, tH 8k, 7, 8, "Leavg't bemnt ITid 719 minutes, 8, 940, H 40 A. M. '40 8 '0. 6 40. 6 40 S 40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. ON SUDAYn Leave Philadelphia 010 minutes A. M.,1 and 7 P. If Leave bonu at Ulll 7 40 minutes A. Al 12 40, t 40. aud 9-2imlnu es PBMoHof-KEN NORBI8TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6 8-35 mlnu en,, 11-06 A.M.. Ik I. 4M bH, 8 08 minutes, and 11H P. M I eave Ncrrtttowo 6fe. 7, 7 60. t, U A. M., IX, 4H, 8, and 8PM iheoM P. M. tiain will stop at School Lans Wl. blckcn. Manayunk, Soring Atlland t onsbeboc ken eniy, ' Leave Phl'a'elphla 0 A. M. 2 and 7 P.M. Leave tsorrlauiwn 7 A M, and 6 P.M. FuB MAN Vt'NK. Leave Philadelphia 6 8 38 minutes, li-05 A. M . 1, I, 4)s 6H,6 8116. andllX P M Leave lianoy uuk ) 7. 6 20 0, HJi A. M.. I, I IX Dl "La VI ON HI NHAT8. Leave I hlladelphla 9 A. M. 2 and 7 F M. eave klanayunk 'iH a. kl AM ana 8 F. M 1 W. S. W)L ON. r.eneral Superintendent l'ti ot MM U audOlitXN htreeta 1