THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1866. CITY INTELLIGENCE Fer Additional City Intelligence tee F Jlh 2'agr. Tn Wobld Tk Lite Ik. Last eveBlnr, t tho, AcarW-uiv t Mutic, l'rolwsor R. K. Lodgers, M. I)., of the Lulverbity ! Pennsyl vania, diltveied bis fecund icottire for the benetit t the fcoldlcTs' and bailors' Home. i'rofossor Rodders briefly stated tbe actinns rl the various fortes of nature, as explained in the report of the flrst lecture. He declared that In all corn bi natlons and transmutation ol' force and matter into new compounds nothing existing was de stroyed, the materinls simply being turned into new channels. To Illustrate' his statements, Pro fessor Bodgeis exhibited a series of experiments of unparalleled brilliancy. A little rubber balloon, Inflated with onsen and carbon, wag suspended, and bv tbe applica tion of the gases were made to unite, caus ing a great expauslou, so that the balloon vst rent, a vacuum made, into wlvcU the air rushed with a loud report, and a little drop of water the fruit ol the union, By this was explained the theory of thunder; the licntnintr or electric fash passing through the atmosphere caused a vacuum into which rushed the air with tho loud report. To the ladles were revealed the secrets ot the rich Magenta, Solierino, and Royal Purple dyes that enrich their woollens and silks, and the dark coal oil was made to civo It color to tl hank ot wool in a chemical union tnat deUod separation. Electro-magnetism revealed much to delieht. Bars ot iron and hupe niagiii ts wi-re acted on by the electric current, and clenched to their em! race rnils and spikes innumerable, insepa rable until tbe wire connection was sevcied. Tbe idea of the telegraph was strikingly por trayed, eluridating how tbe chemical action of tiie acid and zinc, producing an electrical action, was diverted into motion by passing around a bar of mil iion rolled with wire, so that tbe bar was made to stnke upon a prepared surface. The like motion was applied to a cor which ran upon fs circular ruilwav at a Hiceil dtreetlf con trollable at pleasure. Other experiments fol lowed ol like interest and novelty. The Loyal League. Tbe military order of the Loyal League w ill celebrate Washing.ou's Ituthday at the Academy by a pub'io meeting. The purposes of the organization are thus set forth: Article 3. The obicct of this order shall he to perpetuate the memories aud associations of tho war wiurrd in deieue of the unity and indivisi bility 01 the republic; to strengthen the tics of . fraternal lcllowship and symputhy formed from companionship in arms; to advance the best interests ot the soldiers and sailors of the I mted States, especially of those associated as members of this order, and o extend all possi ble relief to their widows and children; to foster the cultivation ot military and naval science; to protect every where the rictus and liberties of American citizenship; and to maintain always national honor, union, and independence. Article 4. Section 6. The tundamental princi ples of this order being recognized as the only test of loyal citizenship, the discussion of secta rian or partisan topics within the precincts of a commander? is forbidden. In tho order there are tlm-e classes: First, officers and honorably discharged soldiers of the army and navy ; second, the sons of such mem bers, or of o'llieers who were honorably dis charged; and third, such civilians as were of eminent service to tiie government daring; tne war in connection with the army and navy. Ol these latter there cannot, we believe, be more than oue to each eight members of the first class; and as honorary members they are not to be assessed for either initiation, tees or annual eubscription. The Boakd of Subvet. a. meeting of the uoara or survey was netd yesterday morn ing, Strickland Kneass, Esq., in the chair. A pett'iou, asking that Kortv-secovd street. north of Market, may be reduced in width from eiuhiv to sixty feet, was reierred to Messrs. Btnedley, Miller, Albertson, Shedaker, and Ro- Derte, to examine ana report. Petition for a sewer on Broad street, Allegheny avenue ano kisidz Hun lane, was read. Air. bmed.ey presented tne following, which was agreed to: Retnlved, That the Board deani it inexpedient to build tbe proposed sewer at tn present time, be cause of the blub, price of material aud ttie great amount requited to construct It as it will absorb fund needed to baild other newcn ot arrtaterlm- Dortance already reoomineuded in localities where the public health and convenience demand imme- aiate action. Petitions for sewers on Levant street, from Pear street southward, and on Eighteenth street, VI niitni. tf fim'Vkuft warn vamA ri .1 tha v ui j uli u, n vi a will, sewers authorized to be constructed iat the ex pense of the petitioners. A petition for a three leet brick sewer from the east curb-line of Fifth street along Hackley to Fourth, and along Fourth to j.i orris, was read, aud tne sewer au- thoiized to be constructed at the expense of the city. Ad)Qurned. Reception of the Hibrbnta. Aji ad- lourned meetine of the representatives of tire companies intending to participate in tbe recep tion ol tne UiDeruia steam Fire i.netue uom- pany, on the afternoon of the 22d inst., was held last evening at the Perseverance Hose house. Race street above ThiH; the President, Colonel Peter Fritz, occupied the chair. Tbe committee on reception reported that the line of procession would move at precisely two o'clock, over the following route: Countermarch down Broad to Reed street, up Broad to (Jhriitian, down Chris tian to Twelith, up Twelfth to Green, down Green to Second, down Second to Race, up Race to Fourth, down Fourth to Arch, up Arch to Tenth, down Tenth to Chesnat, down Chesnut to Third, down Third to Spruce, and there dis miss. Anotheb Freshet. The freshet in the SchuylkiH about a week ag did not remove all the ice, and that which was raught aDove tbe dams bv the recent cold weather was held last bv the new ice wbloh formed. The rain of Sunday and yesterday caused another freshet in the river yesterday, and last night the water and ice came tnmbli.ig over the darn in larger quantities than at the time ot tbe Grst ono, The owners of the mills at Manayunlc com menced early jetterday to remove all the perish able .roods uom tne Dasement stories ot their bulldiiiSB to prevent loss. The tide in the Schuylkill lost evening was very high, and mauv ot the wharves on b ah sides of tho Scbuvlkill below the dam were overflowed. No great damage Horn tbe ice n apprehended. New Factobies Te bs Built. A permit has been taken out for the erection ot a factory at tiie southeast corner of Tentli atreet and Columbia avenue, which is to bo 40 by 100 foet. and tur-storics hiRh; aljoloroneto go up at Canal aud Taird streets, 6 by 75 feet, three- stories high. Messrs. Eldridtre 4 Uucltley are about erecting a faptory ou Jew Market street, ahove Laurel, which is to bo 55 by 170 feet. The ciio factory to be erected at Allegheny avenue and IUohniond street will be a most ex tensive one. Several buildings are to be put nn. one of which, wilt be '20 bv 100 feet, and three stories In lieipht. Thus fur the number of permits taken out considerably exceeds that of, Ike correrponuin? puriuu ui 1000. Meeting of the Social Union. A pub lic meeting ol the Social Union, which has been formed tor tne la; provenient oi tne social and reiidous condit;on of the vounar nit a of tho citv. was held last evening at the Euisoopal Church of the Nativity. The meeting was well attended." n1 thn Pinrcisra were of a verv intereatlnir rhHracier, including the reading of essays and a debate apon the following question: "Can the Christian Churches exert their whole powor lor good over the masses ot young men la populous ,.,tw without recourse to voluntary auxiliary rcanizatious, wh'ch shall provide the means (or their Intellectual and aortal, m well as for their spiritual luipovemeni t Thb Union Delegate Election. The election ot delecates of the Union party to a convention will take place this eveninir. Tbe deleentes elected will uiet to morrow morning to e'ect deiecates to the State Convontiou to The Ai.MHnotJPE. Tbe regular meeting of tbe Foard ot Guardians of tne i'oor was held yesterday afternoon. The Agent rcportei the following census of the hiuse tor the week en;1 Inn Saturday: Number In the house at 12 o'clock ticcn, 1665: same tunc lest year, 3(116; tncreaoo, HO. Admitted within the lust two weeks, lO'l; births, 16; deaths, 31; discharged, 117; elipd, 29: indentured, 3; number of person" gr.iut?d lodgings within the lat two woclc, 8ii; meal', 2'KI. Vebdict of the Coroner's Jubyj The Coroter held an inquest yeisterday on tbe bnlv of Thomas Couner, who was run over and killed on Saturday evening limt, at Twenty third and Wood streets, by a car on the Hestonville rail way. The jnrvrendererJ a verd ct that Conner was run over and killed by tbe car, without ex pressing an opinion as townetherlt a as acci dental. AMUSEMENTS. iJlfcl.EY'S CONTINENTAL NEWS JA 1 Xr HAKOE. Clioice,'fcesta to all p aces ot Amusement may he hud Up to ( H o'c ock tnv evening 1 31 It CHOICE KEATH AM) ADMISSIONS. Tickets can he bad a PHoi.KAM OFFICE, So. 431 CnV.BN t'T Slryet. opposite the Pos tOflce. for the Chesnit Arch, Wamut, and Acudunirof Mule, up to S o'clock, evert civcnmn. 1 1 it MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LEOKAItD GltOVKH Director A BKIKr fEAlON OP OBJVEK'S GRAND OEBK.VN Of'EBA COJtPAST. LIMITED TO TEN MQ11T3. Commencing MONDAY, Kebruary 26, JS3. The Tempanj at pnnent embraces t Wile rLVIHA NADDI, Madame JOHANNA HOT- TlK, Jladmie HEH HA JOliAN NSKS t'i e HOl'HIK DZIIBA, Al'le MUU I'll ONA..I. Mil lame FitE HhKA llAlTlMxN. Fit NZ HIM M bit JUIH-S AI'MAM. 1HKOPOBE mU'LMAN V, ANiOV VI - FE K. JOSll'U I1E1I.MASNS Jo EPH WEIMLIOU, HUNHHH SJEl.NEl KI-, O I TO LEU MAN. 1 i.e n crioirc aeiecceo prcnenw : WILLI A M TELL, Kolnl i MIKEILLB. Ooanodr FKA D1AVOLO, Aab.r; II tUU ESO 1'8, Meyerbeer 1 FAIIHT Counont KOHEUT, Meyerheor. MARTHA, and "KOL1IS ADAltt" act of LA DAME BLANlHK, same ntt; In. vu uiovANMana a tuiu i xu in. noznrt. 1 he Opiras aro mounted and costumed with the MAUD IF lCI1. NT DKE8MMH. Ji.YVi.LS, 1 KOPUIES, and PAH.APH1CKSAT.IA of the CELEBRATED ICS V I- RAM) A WAKDBOUE. the lollowlnir slcnlllcant hrlef nuotations nam most CoBciunlvelv the C alais ol the comlnv icxon i The WasMiwIon "i hiomo e" i And so cloaen what we may jusi y chrnnlole an the uioit brilliant ami "at's factoiy icatou which baa je: taken pla;e in Wash ington." j lis jnamiuurs nuuuaj' 10 jriui ; tuvii hit iici- fonnanre oi last niirht c osed tne iea"On, and tho Di rector mar well take prl'ie lu the rexnlt Certainly a acaaon in many respect the m ' plnasla and aatls ac- torv v men we nave eujoyou ror years, in ouiy ueioci was in nreTity. Tbe Philadelphia Mercnrv": 1 We beard theoom panv bat juHt now 1b Baltimore, and ihoy are certainly snmlnv much bettet uau at any former season of Uor nmo Oneta." 'I be uireetor nas tne Krat location to announce tnat tbe . . PKAn'II HAliK Comrrifnced YE,1Tr.HDAY MOBN1NO In a most anjplcionn and tlatierinK msnunr. By tar the greatest nnmber of Heaien soat have been secured whicU have ;et been snid In a smice dar. TRUMl'LEll'.-). 10AM Or PBICES. SECURED BEAT FOB TEN NIGHTS, TEN JDOLT.AHB. EECUBED 8 RAT FOB FVE NIGHTS, atlernat'ni with dtber First or Second Opera. blX DOLuARS It will be observed that tho pilcea selected are THE L0WE8T AT WHICH TUB GRAND OPEBV HAS BEEN PRESENTED at any time since tbe altered condition ot the eunenej. JJANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY THE OEA.ND OIUTQhIO OF ELIJAH Will be repeated at tbe ACADEMY OP MUSIC, On FRIDAY EVENING, February 23, 186S. In consenuenco of the ore eneacement of Mr. Bn dulobfen, the Popular Basso oi M. ADKustlne'a Chnrod. mr. iicaa i.uuin um ure.i enKBseuAir. aiuiuun mini ilorsilrey. and UIss Alexander will take the other naita as sung bv tbem at tbe Huntcal Fund Hall, and the entire Uermanla Urcaesira. Ihe whole under the dlreo tion oi Carl Sentz Tickets lor the re nnet, raranet Circle, and Raloonv. with secured scats, $100. Family Circle and Amptil- liicane. ou cents. Colored perHons to 'he Amphitheatre. AO cents. I he Oratorio will commence at? o c ock. precise v. Box sheet now open at C. W A- Trumuler's aud at tne Acaueroy. i i ot PETtEELI'S AMATEUR OPERA LUCRETIA BOBOlAwlll he repeat- d at CONCERT HALL on ICESUAK KVKMNU Febraarr 20. Season ticket, lor tbe remainder of the season, admit ting a semleman and two ladies to eachopeia, alO Muvle tickets. al'Mi. To be had tto n A A. M. to 4 1'. M. on Tuesday, 20lb Instant, at Air PerelU'a Rooms, No. 1228 tbesnut street. til it WALNUT STREET THBATR E. N. E. corner NI'iTH and WALNOT Btreeta. FIFTH VYEhK. OF 1 HIS TJnpreccilentmUv triumphant eiiBaKeraout ot MR. JOHN d. CLa.HK.IS. CLARKE aa Ma or Da Boolii In the great comedy of jLvrni duii i o rnir..iu, EYLRTBOOY'S FRIES D, AMD NEWMAN NOGCIS, NEWMAN NOOO4, NE VMAN SO.U8. In the beantilul Drama, from Pickens, ot MCHOliA- M' hl.KBI, NICHOLAS MCKLEBY. MCHOLA8 N1CKLEBY. Vflll !e oroduced In a few days a new American Pltv. la five atta, with new scenery by William entitled AIR?. John DREW'8 tiKVf ARCH STREET UA' THEATRE. Begins atTH o'clock. ARK1VAI. OF "8AM." 6ECOND NIGU1' OF THK OKEAI CHARACTER Ai 10R MR. 'HA FRAU, Aided bv OLIVF LOGAN. C. &. PAE3LOE. and tbeau.bor. IK WAI.DIV IJL VYALDEN'ti FIVK ACT COMEDY OF 8AM." Ram Mr CHANFRATJ L.ura OI.1VK LOG N Dick, .-am'a Tiger C- T. PAH-LOE Bill C ocke t UK WaLWEN (Kneral Koslyn Mr F. F. Mackay James l'lusliley Owen Mariown M m F.uphemlu Rus yu Mm. tinny t rooiey... ......... am i, . creese t v.m. x , u ui Jan. i. numiu, NEW AMERICAN THEATRE (HAND NATIONAL CIRCUS. WALNUT Slraet. above tlgath. F.QrE-'l lilAN PEBIORMANCH. LST flEI K OF WILLIAM F. WALLETT, I1H APPEARANCE OF M ASTER BVKKY. WO.NDl.RFLL SOUTH, AMERICAN BROTH E iS. EVERY EVEMNO. AND ON WEDSESDAY AND 8ATLRDAY AFTER- STAR FQUESTRIAN TROUPF. BRILLIANT hi I'D OF HORsl.8, PONIES, MCLE-. ETC. AE?ir.IJI UUlLPIHIiH, H. W. UUKWKU 01 lENTd and CUEbNUT Htreets. FIF'III Will k. FIFTH WEEK. A( the uikeul request of mtny cltlrjos, tbe hkak family peak family SW1-H BELL RINUl'RS fcWlSb BELL ItlNUhlH have consented to remain one week lonner. C11AUE OF I R (HVMA1E. 'i wo Orand Mii'inees WFDNESDAY AND SATUkDAY AF l'EKOONS. ( arils of ailii'lwdon, S5 cents. Henerveil Seats, 60 cents. Children 2A canta. No bull price to reserved seats. 'tickets tor xaie at Churns W. A. Trumulor'a aiuilo Store aud at the Pall. Seats enn be secured three days in advance, liuorsonen at 7 o'clock. 'I o commence at 8. Af.or- noon. doora open at 2. To commence at 3. culldreu auiuiltco 10 tue ataunue lor lo ecnta. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CUESXCJT J. Street, above lento. Open irom . M. till f M. Benjamin West's rreat Picture of CHRIST REJECTED . (till on exhibition 11 f K3MAKIA ORCnWolRA.-PUllLlC RE J heaiels everr HTIBI)Y AFTETtiOO! AT VirjSU AL H'M) HALL. SX u'eiock. Enaiimneuia D'ici i.y sflurK,iiiv CEiiacit hasi ibi , geut o. rill MONTI REX stmt, batween ba.a and Vina 1 16 sin AMUSEMENTS. J E E C II B R NOTICE, SECUEE TOCB SEATS EAIILY FOB HENRY WARD JSKECIIEIVS CREAT LECTURE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. 21. , A limited nnajber of CHOICE BE8I.RVED BEATS, BOOKSTAND. CONTIMNTaL nOl'KL 82u2t (JOSTUMES 1 C 0 S T U M E S ! A sidendld arsorlmcnt ol COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES, FOR MASQUERADES, Aiooflrrtdto the attention or the bail-going pub'le at tbla gay and festive season, at the COSTUMKUY. Ot twenty live years' establishment, No. 9 1 7 RACE STREET, North Side. Evcrv effort will be made to plense the taste of those wl.o attend the Carnival Bal a of the Season. W. C!. DESMOND, 2 20 lm .No. 017 RACE Btreot x LW CIIKSNLT STREET TUEATRE.- 1" UliJ'M 1 put". iuov iwfinn. I KO.NAbU OKOAB WILLIAM E. V,U atauasoi'. 8INN, Lsoei T!II EVKMNO, TItF Of'RtiLOUtt FAluY l.EOENIV TTI I'. ICK VtT'lt 111 Xhh 1C K WITCn; TIIK Ii E WI I II t '1 HE I CIS M I . II; illE H E W1TIH; Tilt, 1' E WITCH; on TKE SEA RlMl'H BHIDE, I III. SI. A KINt.'H BRIDE, THE SUA El .NO' j BiUDE, produced after . F OCR MONTHS' PREPARATION, AT A.N i.Xl'E.NSE OF .ilk 0. IN T11K THE ICE WITCH; OK. THE SEA KINO'S BRIDE, the stienfr'h ol ihe Company wl I appeur. E1EDA AFiKR.NOO.N, February Jl. ORAM) KXiKV MATINEE, 'I HE Ot T01:00. THB OCTOROON. 8ATURDAY AFTl RNOO.N, Febrnary24. KIN h. I Y IlilbD CRAM) FAMILY MAlIAEE, Firt day per.ormunee ot '1 H K ICE WITCH. THE ICE Will H. The toe Witch. '1 he Ice Witch. Ihe Ice Witch. Tne Ice Witch. Admission to Matinees, 30 cents to all pane of tbe House inuuren, 20 cent. Iinore otKn at i1a. t nriain rises at 215. Admission ta evening periorinance, 2o cents, M cents. ami ai. Uoorsopen at 6 45. Cnrtaln rises at 7 45. NE W CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. ew Chesnut Htieet Theatre. New I hesnur Street Theatre. WASHINGTON'S BIRTH D T. Washington's Birth Hav, AVashlngton's Blifh Day, WanhlUKton'a i lith Day, ' Washington's Birth Dav, Washington's Blnh hav, Washiiigton' Birth Day, THE ULOBlOTJS BIRTH DaY OF THB immortal Washington Immcrtal Washinaton Immortal Washington In mor al WashiDKion Immortal Wuhii.iton Immortal W'ashiiiKton immortal Waahuiuton WILL BE DULY CELEBRATE t By tbla Ibeatre. by A OKAND EXTRA MATISKE, AGK.JIIi iXlEA M4HNKK, A ORAM) t.XTK A MATIN I"' E, THURSDAY AFTEKNOON. FEBRUARY 22, 1 bursdav Afternoon, February 22, Thun-day Afternoon, February 21, Thnrst av Aiteruoon, February 22, wben will ba presented IHEOORQFOUS SPECTACULAR FAIRY LEGEND Entitled THE ICE WITCH, The Ice Mtch. The Ice Witch. The Ice WltcU. 'I be Ice Witch. The Ice Witch. Ico Witch, 'i he lee Wltcb. Tbe Ice Witch. THE FIRST DAYLIGHT PE RFORM AJSCE. Admission 30 cents, to all parts of tne house, i Mldien 28 cents. Doors open at 115. curtain rises at i ao. 2 io 2t HAIR ESTABLISHMENTS. IjAKER'S POPULAR HAIR ESTABLISH A M hl T Tbe assortment ol Braids V Irs Toupees BanCeanx, Raplllona, Houleaux, Tonduea, Frlsea C'rin pnes, l uric, 1 lunive Heums lor ladles, cannot be equal ed ty any other house in tbe United B hi Lea, at pikes lowerthun eisewhere 18' im Ho. tCBt HFwKUT Street. Philadelphia. PROPOSALS. OFFICE SUFEKVISINO COMMISSARY GULF btalea. J.o. 188 JULIA street, Aow Orleans, La.. February 10. 1830. t ealed I'rouocais in duplieate will be received at this cilice until 12 o'olock M., HAlUttUAY, Feoru ary 24, 1866, lor the tallowing SUUlt 1 ECE HlOtttS lor the use ot the United Status Army, via.: rOTAT OE3 ot tne best nualitv. and in such Quan tities a niav te required during the moutli. of .dtroh and April, in good ordinary, weli-cooperod barrels, Leaf nuea. (JililiS of tne nest nuallty. and In such Quanti ties aa may bu required during tbe niontna of Mtrou and April, in good ordinary, woll-coopcred barrels, lieaa nnea. separate proposals in aup icate mast be made tor eacb article, aud bidders may propose for ono or both i he bids mutt stata tne price per pound at which it 1 proposed to lurnisb th article. Ihe cost of tbe packages to be included In the of the artiele, eacb package to be mvrlced with tne CO uu.ii lb jiruaa, is. e uu uei wuigut, iua aeii yered at such times aa the Uevernmeui may require, at ihe Con military Depot, Orleans Press, ooruer of Uuuter ana Aew Levee stieets, Hew Orleans, La, i be rotatotsana unions will be earetully inspected intuih a manner ax the Uovurnuient may direct boioia beiDfr accepted, ai.d tne weivbt veiiued by he uuveriiiiieui si a:eo ai. wo iuubibiohoo uopoi. No lids will oe consiuered without a guarantee Iroiu two rosponsibe parties I or tlio laltlifui porloim ance ot tbe contiact if awardod. A printed copy or tins advert soment must be attached to eaon bid, and tho proposa.s must be specilio in complying precisely with all tbe ternii. v I'avmenta to lo made in certiflca oi ol indebted ness at the end of tbe mouth. Tbe nnnetsianed reaeiva tne rieht to reject any or all bids otWed ibe nronoaais must be inciorea in an enveioos (pealed), auuietseri to tne uudersigud and endorsed, 1'ioposais tor roiatoos ana uiiious - A. BECKWirii, 2 19 6t Brevet Bngadier-Gouerat and Spt C. 8, H EVEN UK (STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS, 1 REVENUE STAMPS, Oi ail inscriptions, Ot all descriptions, Always on hanl. Always on hand, AT FLORENCE 8FWINO M CHIVE CD 'S OFFICE, AT FLORENl hEWI' O MACUlli E CO 'a OFFICE, Ho. 6J0 CTlhSNO I' tleo No. tM CHI.csNL'T Btreot One door be ow Seventh street, Oxe dror beiow Seventh atreot. 1 he most ll eral dincount allowed. Ibe most liberal diaeouni al owed. 2ft 'I HE STAMP AGENCY, NO. 304 CTIESNUT I STBs ET. ABOVE1UIKD, WILL BE CONTINUED AS HrRETOrOKK STAMPS of t VE HY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AKU B Ani AMUUM. 11 11 BlDEBbUKu MACUIMK WOEK8, urritn. (IO. UN. FUONT HTBEET. 8ILA1)KL1-HI. We are prepared to nil orders to any extent for oui MA( hTiTkRY rOtt COTTOS ASP WOOLLEN MILLS including all recent Improvement In Caralng Spinning, W K.vlnff. We luvlt the attention oi man afkctu rets to oar Sx ten. lyeorka. - ALFBED JKtiKH A BOH, TEVENUE BTAMPH, REVENUE STAMPS, Al Hi oiiaro, Of all descriptions. Ot aUdeaciiptlons, Always on hand, Alwavs on hand. ATFVBFNCE 8EWINO HABIvl. CO. '8 OFFIC. AT FLORENCE 8r.Wl.Mi ' iiinb UU. BUern.lS No 611) QII'."'MJT street. No. fedD OIIKNCT Sireet, Tne door b -low Seventh street One door b ow Pf veuth aireet. lb moft HI e-al dlsoo int a'lowco. 1 he most lli eral duwoai allow "I. 15 1 HE BTAMP AGENCY, NO. 304 CHESNUT J S I BF ET. A WOVE TUI ED, WILL BE CONT1N UED If HtHl'IOFOHH TAVPSolFVEBY DFSCRMTIOW CONSTiSTLT ON BAND AND IK ANY AJdOUiiT. 1111 PROPOSALS. OFFiCK DEPOT COAlXIbSARY; OF BUB blSlFJStE. WASniwoTOW 11. C, Febmar 17, 1S68, 1 l.Ol OSALS FOR FL U It. fealrd r i osaia bio mvi d until MONDAY, Feirnurv 20, lbCG, r.t la o'clock lor lurnubma; ihe i-uts s enco linpan inut wiili ONE ThOUBANU (10u0) BAKKEL8 OF FLOOR. 1 ho piotu.ta'g wl I If tor wi a is known at this depot it if. 1 ai.d 2(600 1 arie i.i eac.i graile) and I ics will be enicitaiced lor an v quantity les than 1I10 whole Bids n uKtl e in dup'Icate, and for each praiaou mi arate rbects ofpnai-r. 1 bo del. very 01 the F our to commence within fiva dai s Irom tiie opening ot Oe bios, and must be do I. vend in etch qitatitittcs, da iy. as Hi') love nuieut II av direct, e ther at tl e Government warehouse lu CcoriM towD, at the wharro orltuilroul Depot in W Bsliii riou. DC. 1 c clcliverv ol all Flour awardod to bo com- p eted within twenty cays front the acceptance of no via. Bi!s will bf rrepivcd for Flour to bo do:ivorod in lit w oak barrels, bead-lined. l ay meut will oe made in such funds aa tlio Govorn It 1 lit may hayo inr tlishnrscniciit Ihe usual Ooveriimeut inspection will be niailo .tust 1'dnre the h our is rroeivcd. and nono will lie ncc ptcd which is not ire h ground aud ol a superior quality. Government reserves tho nxht to reject any bid for any cuiiho Bids to Lo addressed lo tho tindsrsigncd, at Mo. 223 G" street, indorsed "I'nposals lor Hour." K. 1. BRIDGES. 210 fit Brevet Major 0. 8. V. IlItF Qtl aUi EKMaSIF. R'S OFFICE rniLADELPHiA February 10, 18R8. S ruled rroposala will be rocoivcd at thin ollioe until LD.IliV .1... tl'lA IO ..In U f'...B..,.- J'AVILA A , iuv a.j.. lu.inui. pi id V .iui lu. . .... o' t- plying tbe SC't it VLhlLL AKS I.N AL wuh Uu KH- iowilc packing boxes, as may bo requited : EOOW.boes, tlO bootee boxes. Pomp i s of which can bo seen at the Schuylkill Ami, a I, and speoiiicatious aa to Hza, kind, etc, cuu rtf n at this otlice. ' Each bid mut be cnaianterd by two responsible t enons, whose elpnaluiis mutt bo appended to tlio t'uaiantee. ana certiuea to aa Demg noou anu sum cieni security lor ibe amount involved, by some pub lic functionary of the United States. Bids from delauliing conti actors, and those that do not lul y comply with the requirements ol this advei tin nieni. will not be considered. Blank lonii" tor proooaals, embracing tho terms of the iiuaiantee required on each bid, can bo bad on application at this otlice and none other whioh do not embruce this guarantee will te considered, nor v il any proposal be considered woicli docs not stiictly coiiform to tbe requiremuuta iheroin stated. Tbe bids will state the number or quantity ol eaoh kind proi oscd to be delivered. Bida moat be endoi-ed ' Proposals for Boxes," stating tbe particular kind dm tor. W1LLIAU W. McKIM. Co'oncl ana Cbiot Quurieruiater, 2 19 it l hl adeipbia Depot. r HOT OSALS FOU SOAr I Office SuPEr.vieiJ,a Com'ry Gulf States, 1 Ho. U6 Julia street, KewOkleanb, l a., February 6, 1868. Scaled Proposals wlii he received at tins omoo until 12 o'clock Al . MO&DAY, Fet ruary 28, 1800, for luruitiiing t no ciuosiBience oeparimont witn SO 000 l'OUUDS GOOD HARD SOAP, tole mado only lrom pood maierials, lree irom adulteration and unpleasant odor, to contain no more than twenty-live por cent, ol water, aim to do well dried before being packea. Saniplea of the Soan must do delivered with tlr Fronoeals (which are rrauired to be in dunlicatel. and uiUBt bo in neat boxes, luliy labeilod, and not in vauer narco's ibe whole to be delivered on or before the 30th of March. 1866 Ao bida win be received without a guarantee from two rtfponsible parties lor tho laitUlui luifl meat of the contract if awarded. 1 be Dackaae to be of White Pine and made neatly . the cost ot tbe same to be includod ia the price of tbe article, and eacb packago to be marked with tbe contents cross, tare and net weight, the name ot tbe person lurnisbing the article, and the data of purcuase. A primed copy 01 mis aavi msemenr must do at- lacneo 10 eacti ma, ana tne proposals must oe spe cific in complying piecisely with all the terms. 1 be Soap will be caretuily inspeoted in such a man- nei aa the Government may direct be ore being as cented. and conmared with the sumcles retained. it must be delivered tree or oravage. to tbe Uom- misrary Storehouse, coiner Thalia and Ne Levee streets, Kew Orleans, La., or at sach place in this ei v aa may be required ov tne undersisued. .payments to be made in ceitinoaics of indebted ness. The undersigned reserves the right to reject anv or an nici onorea. 1 be 1'roDosals must be enclosed in an envo one (sealed), addressed to the urdersiguod, aud endorsed 'rrovosa.a lor coap." A. BECKWITH. 2 ISllt Brevet Brig.-General and oup'r C 8. 'OVEKMUEMT tSALK OF SURPLUS HARD VJT BKEAl). SUBBIRTCB OVVICB, U. 8. A. ) ho. 8 uth gay Street, I Balti.iIOue. Ma.. January 81. 1883 I Sealed Proposals in duplicate will he received at tin otlice daily, and opened at 12 o'clock XL., on Wednesdays and batuidays during the momh of February, fur tne purchase 01 surplus GOOli tlA.uo liniAU, ou iiuuu a' iuia aupui the bread is in boxes 01 fifty (60) pounds eaoh. All the bread offered under this advertisement has teen careinliy and thoroughly inspected, eaoh box having been opened, examined and then re-ooonered. and no box auowed leplaced which did not oomo up to the standard lor issue 10 troops. Ao proposals received for less than twenty (20) boxes. Purchases will be dolivered on board ot transports without expense to tne purcnater. Payment reauired in Government funds on notifi cation ol acceptance of bid. Twenty days allowed pui chasers to remove stores Should navigation be cioed dunngthis time, tbe Due so lost will not ba coni-idered. Proposals to be endorsed on the envelope, "Proposals for Hard Bread," and addressed to THOMAS WILSON, Brevt. Lt.-Col. and C 8 U. s A., 1 81 2 26 Brevt. Brig. Gonl. Vols. AITICK OF CHIEF OUA ElERMASTEK. J Unitary Division of the Gull, Kew Orleans, La., December 2. 1806. Sealed Proposals are invited and will be received at this otlice until 12 M., Mareh 1. 1886, lor the pur chase ol sixty-six (ti6) oamvls, tb property oi tho United States, now at Camp Verde, near ban Anto nio. exas. Bids may be made. lor one or more ot these an.- n ais. Each envelone containing a hid should be sealed and addressed "Colonel O. G. Sawtelle, Chief uuar- itrmLSter, Military Division of the Gulf, .New Or leant. La " Ibe Government reserves the right to reject any bids dot nied too low. . l av ment to be made In Unued States enrreney upon the acceptance ot any proposal and prior to tbe delivery of ihe cameis to the auccossl at bidder, at ban Antonio, lexaa C G. SAWTELLE. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Military Divi sion oi the Gulf, Brevet Colonel United States Ariry. RAILROAD LINES. ARAK.0E AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. V On ai d arer IONDY. February Vi two dully n an win run oeiween waxninyton anu L ncntiuru-. connictirg at Cordoutvl le Willi Virginia Ovntrul 1U11- road traius to and irom jiicumonii. as loiiowsi MAIL TB 'IN. Iiave Washington dal y (nuudav exc -pteil), at 8 '13 a Ai , ana nrnvr at uynenuu rg ai n-io r. ai. Leave l ynchnurgat 7 A.M and arrive ut Wasbl ig- loDtttitr.a.i KXrEVS- TltAINT Leave Washington d.nv (including Hunday) at 6 05 P. ?d and arrive at l.ynuhou'B at 8 Ou A. M Leave Lynehhurg at 0 30 i . Al aud arrive at Washing'SlOA M hoth trains making e'ose connections at Lynchburg foi all points fcouth aud Souibweat, aud at Waibiugtuu ler Nor h and Norihwest First-clans aleepiny cars will be attached to the n'ght tra ina. The road Is at'raotlvo, not only fbr Its comfbr able ci-i'inuioilHtiuna, tuit lor the tact that It pusses the now lil-toric loca Ities or r airrx, iu I uiiu. Manassas, lins- loe. Cat ett'a. ltiiniiahunnock f 'Ulpeuer. Orauuo and Gordansvllle place ol miperlslmbla lnteiest In the oontilur mtnd Throuub tickets to all point fouiri and Southwest mav be had la Uosion, Now York. Philad, and i.a iiinnre, and at tne omces oi tue mau in vspumtou ami Alexandria. w. h. ci : f rt;it it, i 18 Oeneral Baperinteudent u E VENUE STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS, Of all descriptions Ol all d.scrlp lout A'ways on hand, AT FLORENCE FEWINO MACHTN K CO. M OFFICE. At LOBI.Jii E Eh011 AtTUK OO. 'S OFFICIO, No. Wl! CH.Nrri' Mreet. Aiwavs on nann t;t,i i manr Utrt One door be'ow Beveeth stroet. fne door lie ow eve nth aneeu The most liheral a'scouni a'lowed. Tbe mot tllLera dlAcouut allowed. it RAILROAD LINES. HEADING RAILROAD, GKFAT TRUNK List PBOM PFTTLADELIHIa 10 Hilt IDTF.UTOR OS Ff.Jl.fllV SU THE H' flTJlLKlU,, NCSC'P H NJJ (VlihiH, ND. Villi. VII Villi. VI ASP NORTH, NOlri 11 W Ei"T, KU THf' f'AWADAt. VtlNTl-R 4 hQt SII N.l Or P tH,sriOFR TRAINS. LuTlnu 11 r.imini '1 l.i-iot. at tuiki Hrs Slid - A I LOW HI I. L atresia. Pl.liadalDbta atlha al av. 'n hours vounino Man. A 1 IHS A. 11. for h,-a.,intr f.rhanna WarVihnra .lie. l'lllfll V. Taina.ina Himliit.. K II iiim.ul. 1,,k Liner Minora Kal s Ba,'t( APentovi . A I kti.hBrre. l'ltlatoa. Tftrk I arllsla ':hmhMha,. HiurniMn etc, etc tils rain c nnecta a kk adi o with 'he Fast Pen . jV vumn Kai rond tiains or Ailenivn 0. t and wn he I.rtianon Valley train for Uarrlshi.'s eto. t fOBl CLIN ION wl a Catala Uallroa tralm W iiiiamcport. Luck Haven. El mi a, etc ( at 1MB klli, k, w lb .Northern Centra, 1 omlwr aod Valie, i n fi lm.ilHI and huii.uchsiina traino lor N. rtb ori'leilaiid Wllilaini.ort, York. C'bambenbnrg 11c truva. e. AF I F KNuOy EIFKEUe Utif Fhtlibelnhia ai f . 1". ai.ior lesdli.D. i-oti. " It . II Tn'hurr. etc . enniii,rtna with Haaoins m I o uuil.ta Railroad tram Inr olutnMa eto and wiu a i sa kbi roao train or Jllton. Wlli.amsport K.Hra I uf a o eto kLAl'IMl OMWOriATIOf . leaies liendina at & SO A. M. tntmliiv at ai: ara. .Kllvi.s, srrivrs lu Millace uhla atB-llA a. M. Ill Urnllm. liave Fhl ai!Itlila mt A-AU P. M amvM 1 llmdiiid a. 1 hn F M . ' !or IT.IIailelnhla cate Rarrlabura at T a k liu Vot'SVi le at S :ili A. W lirivlnir In l liil. dat nhla a 1 '.(' F U. Aiterii'vn ialrs lewve Hanlsbura at -V V M. ann rottsvllle at P. M.i arrivlna at FbJli lelihi atl 06 I'. M. haiil'ur( Arcotiimouaiion trarea keadtng at 1 U . M. and tlai rlsl;ur at bt V I W H aiki I tra n with a Pasw arr ear attached laayiu Pbt aueliil la at .2 4S. noon lor Keaiiiut and ail at at. tlont' leaves Ueaiiiiig a L'flfi A H., and lownina:on at Ifvtr y . ti . 1 hi ilelihla and an way stations a II the above trxlns rim daily Hcndai a eaaetited. emllay trains ia m PnciMVllla at H-O A. M.. aiul hli. de pbia a '16 F W ( I1EB1F.R VALLr.T RAILnOAl. Patsercrra ur iii.mtivtiia n and in rrmarliaia Dotn .tike hen to A HI. and 4 3li T. il. trains from l'hliade till la, rrtornlna from Dow nine ton at 7 Oft a. Al. am i-f" No n. MW TOSH FXPIUCE8 FO riTTSBCBf AM TBI Whdl l eaves New York atS iO . M. and flD F. y . baaairi keacli r at 10 A a ., and 14s F. ai . eonnectlDg ai urii with l ent syiverla and Nortliern I'entr auiiitiBu 1 jpim uams cr 1 ittsnurt, t rncago wr linnitport l lniira, Idilllnior", eto. be ummii, t xpnsa Train leaves Parrfshurg on arrlta. luinstlvanla Ixi'res, ireni Htti-bom. a Sand MM A. Id . passing IkadliiR at 4 49 and 111 b'i I, M .arnvint atNew lork at IV A M. and 'i t I' w. HleeDlnst ai aci ( U'l aDi Inr tl ese train '.broag tetween Jn ey C'lt i;iu 1 iitsunrg an)U cnarse r un irnin inr new lira lenvea uarTwnurg at I v P M. Hall Iraln lor Harilshuig leaves New York at l; Noon. B nurLHll L VALLBx BAIT. ROAD. Tiains leave 1'otisvt le at 6-4ft and II -00 A. 14.. and TT . "Mum, iivu .UlHUU L I Oil m . M. HUH 1 U U 4 lo I' H . L .. t.....l.,n 1 . 1 ..... si III ILK ILL AND erhOClH.IVNA RA1LKOAD Trams leave Auburn at I'M A.M. or Fiaegtove auc ilimlshtirg. and at Tfio 1'. M. K r l'lnrgrnye and "reuwnt rriuriunp roui nairieuurs a ny aaa Irom Tra- u.ont at 1 00 A M. and b tit) H. M. i it ai m. 1 br U(.h first class tl: kets snd emlnrant tickets to a: the prim'' pa points In the North and V et and anadas Ibe lollowluK tlcke are ontaned on v at the (Kilo ol h brailford. Tnasurer.No 'til 8. Fourth s rent PbUa mlpliia, or ot O, A. Nicolis. General bupeiintendent Heading. COVMDTATION TI KF.TM At 1t r" cent discount, between any points deairM 'or aniilles and Urn s SIILKAUE TICKETS. Coed for 2000 miles, between all pomta at f2'M eact tor famines and arms BKAbON TIi KETR, To three six nine or twelve months, for holds niy to a 1 aoiuts t re" need rates CLI ItO VMKU HeMdliic on the line of tbe road wit De rnmlsnen writ itirds, enti ling theniselvea and wives to ticket at hai '" FX( TJB8IOH Tit KET8, From Fhl adeiphla to principal stations, good lot atuioay. rSundgy and Monday at redd'ed fare, to at hud only a. tbe Ticket Otlice at Thirteenth and Callow i ill streets. IRKIGHT. Goods ot ai: desert ntiona forwarded to all the abovs points from the Company's Kew Freight Depot, liroirf and v blow streets IBFIGUT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daily a'. 6 30 A. M., 11 45 noon an 0 i M lor Beading Lebunon, HarrLourg Fottsvlile foi Clinton, andallpoln s lieiond. mails t lore at the Fhl adeiphla Post Office tor all places ot die road and lea branches at t A. U. and .or al pruiclpsv Stations only at a is P. 14. mt .OH NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN AND I AnboT and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad f'tmpany s lines FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO KEW YORK ana way p aces, lroui Vtalnut street whari, will leave ai ioiiows viz. i una t 8 A. va camoen .ana Amooy Accommoaa- tioi 12 16 t 8 A. al., via ( amaeu aud Jersey City Express.. 1 00 TIP M via Can den and Auibov Express i IS tia M. (noon) and 8 r. ai. . via raniden and Am- boy Accommodation (Freight and Paasengcrj,.,. t 8 anu li-aii r. . viaianiaen anu jiDiooy, ao conimotlatlon (i and Passenger), 1st dasa ticket 2d t iass Ticket 1-24 150 t and 10 A. M.. and 5 P. M., for Mount Holly, Ewantvll e, Pemherton and Vlncentown i at 8 A.M., and UK M. tor Freehold. 4t 8 and 10 A.M., l'JM.,1 311,8 8 andll-V.p M., for Pal myra, Klverton, lielanco, Beverly, Kdgewuter Bur lington. Florence Bon'.entown etc. Tbe lo a. M. and 5 PM. lints run direct thronkh to Trenton Lll.Rn FBOM KENH1X1TOM lJr,FOT WILL LEAVa AN FOLLOWS i 1 11-15 A. M., 4 10 and 6 45 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City Fxo'ess t3f) At 1' P M iNisht; via Kensington and Jerxey City txpresn 1-24 be 8-46 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sundays excepted 4 1 iiu anu u ia j. ju., o, j jd i ov, o anu d to r. ai,, ana li, ior Lristrl Tnntou, eto. it 1 A. M-. 10 So. 3, 6 and 8 PM. lor cornwells, Tonis- dale, iioniesbuig 'la- ony Wisslnomine. lirldesburg and Frankiord, and at 8 P. M. for Ho mejburg and loterniediate stations l.TLVlHThE J1 LA WARE BAILROAD, For tbe Dt-lawure River Valley, N on hern Pennsyl vania and New York Maie. and tiie Great Lakes. 'two Hi rough trains daily (Sundays excepted) from Kenslnuton Depot as fohowat At 1 30 A. M. and D'SO P. V. USkM FRO M.W YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA M 111 leave irom foot ot Cortland ttreet AtlIM and 4 p. M., via Jersey t Itv and Camden. A- 7 and 10 and US A M ,8 P.M. and 12 Night, vlaJer- City ana Kensington. From Pier No. 1 North river, at 6 A. M. and S P. M., via AuiLoy and Camden. At Vi M. I ana IF. If. (Freight and Passenger), via Atuboy and Camden. Jan. 15. im. WILLIAM H. OATZMKB, Agent WJ EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES.- T From foot oi MARKET Btreet ( ppcr Feny). Lai y, netpt eunda a FALL AND WIN'IIB ABBANOEMFJJT. t'crrnienc ng Vt KDtI'A , November 15. lbfis. For Bridgeton. Salem, and a 1 Sta Ions on West Jersej ai d Ba.eui Railroads, at 9 A. M and 3-30 P. M. Fo. Mil villa and an Intermediate Stations at 9 A. U ai d3 i . M For ape V ay and Intermediate stations at 0 A. M.U tiilivl le. coiiiecting Willi rrelvht Train Passenger Cai attarhed lor ape May, due 3 46 P. M ind f. 11 . il roukh l araener oue 8 P. M. ForOiassnoro and interuieiliate S'.atlons, at 9 A. M., .idlSI'T.kl. For Woodbury. Gloucester, etc., at 9 A. M., 3.1 no A Wi P.M. . , , , ' , Freight train will icave Phi adeiphla irom Sandtord't - hrf . at 10 A. M ., and Can den at vi . J VN HI-NSSt li-EB Superintendent THE WE-T Jr-IiSEt KXPH. S CO.FM a ill attend to all the usual branches of express business r ceive, deliver, and forward through other responsible xpreea Couipauies w ah Dart x the oouuiry, an.' rt'cl ln'ruKted to hem. A f-reelul Vesseiijier acoomuantes eacb tbrouvh trait 'Itlice Ho A Wamut street 918 9m oi't I' H I L A DE L PII I A AND ERI Ol)0 railroad Tbls great line trareraen the ortliMii and ortne nuuntleso Pennsy vania io the cuv ot f rte on Lalr 'lie. It has been leased and II is operated by tbs Peuo- ivsnia Railroad company, VlM a; l ".raWOi BT'BAlNS Al PBILAfEl pbu Arrive Lastwa.d-. rle teall 'ra n 1110 P. M. Erie Express I rain 1110 A.M. Leave Weatward-Erre Mall Ttaln, TA) P. M " E rift Fx resa 1 raiu, 720 A. M faasenvei cars run throunb on the Trie Mall ana Fxpree lraina without cuaura, both wajs. betweei ,b.l.d.lHil..ay0IJK C0NNK0T10N-. Leave New York att'OuP yl.,rr1veBi Erie at t'1 A.M leave Erie at 1 fS P. M..amrveat NewYoikl l f. M No change oi ears between Nile and New York legem .'.leeplua ( a a ou all Night Iralna. For Iniormalion respeoTna pasaepuer biisliiess, ai l tt 1 HIBT1K1 H aud MARKET Ht eets, Iblladeluhia. And lr trelsbt business ot the i oinpauy'a Ageuts ,. B R tension Jr., corne' Tnm f J ,"'1V'R; CET btieeis, Philadelphia t W. Beyno da, F.nei Wd lam Brown, Asenu N O. a aaiumaio. 'TrHorKfoV,"ei,eralFrlMhi . H. W.OWINNKB Oanersl'licket Ajrent,Pnlladlb'' i JOB D. POT1S Oeneial Manar. Wtftanispatt j ALF BED L. 1YLEB. Oeneral Supermtendeiit UtVENLE STAMPS, REVENUE STASirS, BKVEMJE STAMPS, Of all descriutlons, Ol ui der union.. Always on hand. Always on iihihi. AT FLORVNCK BEWINO M CHI E O 'H OFFJflE. AT FlOBENCE BtWlO M ' CfllNE CO '8 OFtlCk.. Ko. 8'0 C JJE-V JIJ, 5lr('e. w,.. h.i0 CHf.MJl Hireat One door below Kevcnlh street. One soor below Seventh stroe . Ihe moat lllral discount allowed. 1 be meat liberal dlmouni allowed. RAILROAD LINES. I)niLArFT.rniA. Wilmington, and bal 11KOHK. BAILHOAI). TIMF. 1ABI.K t oimncing VOXWAT Januarys, lft 'I rslns wl I leave 1pu, e- ruer ot LBOAD Btreet rd WI-L1NOION Avenue asfe'.lnwar VapreM Ira n at 4 CA A M (kti.mlajs exeprnd). for Palilmore and WaiMngton a oiplnn at Wllailngton, Perryvile, Havre-de-Oraee Aberdeen, 1 rniuaa'a, JSafnolla ard Pti n a er's Ton Deaare B-l road Iram at RTJ A M faunrlky az epied , tor tialisbt ry. Ml. lord, and lnuruiexliata autins. way Mall Train at 9 15 A M. ("onrlais exeepted), for Bs Prrore aiopninv at Ckealer, Thurlow t.lnwood, ( ,nn ont.aiicl nil regu ar stations between v7.mingtow and liitn-vi Fpres Train at Till P. M (8nndvs exeepte4i, fbr l a tin ote and Wanhington, at Tamer Clii.vmont, Vt i mtuttori, ."ewark. ktun North-enst ' Tinyvlii-, llavie u Oraoe, Aberdeen. Perr. man's, Msn'io la and Memnier's liut. Mrl t Ixpreiis at 11-11 P. M. for Rnltimnre aid W a.lnkioti, slopping at Chester i torlow. I.lnwuod, ( ktnwut W Umlni-toB. Newark, Elk ou,, Penvvlleand Havre de-4 race. Pswrmrrs by F.oat irom Ha'timore' lor Forttesa Fd.n e, or'oiK, illy Folut and itltbuiond win tise tl.e f) 19 .. M. Tr. in. . s an aildltlonai accommodation for those holding Ibroiivh llekets lor lia.tiniora. W aalunptoti trnd -ou.n-ein Hints, a Hpetlal i ar vil leave, the l'hlia'etnhla J epot ai II 80 A.Ai., connecting at Orny's Ferry with lie M ornlnsl sre s"i ram lrom Nc Vurk, W1I.V1. ClON ACCOM SOD 1 1 KM TltAINS Kfoppmg at all bUUotis- between Pblladclwhia and v linntur on. 1 rave. Thl phla at 1.1 and 11-15 k. H., and 3d f-td and 7 00 1" M Tbe 1 3.1 P. M. train connects Willi Delnwarn Railroad mr MMont and Intermeiliate latiimi. 1 ruvo Vt llnjiDKtun at 1 0u, B 15, aud 8 JO A. M.i and J 00 ar d f l I'll ' ra ns lor Vew t astle leava rbiladelphla at 8 15 A. U ., a tin sua n-t'u f, ni IIIHOt till TB sINf FBOM BaLTIMORF.. Iti ve V limlntiion at uo v . and 4 30 and s-.vs P. M. I 111 i i R FOB PHIL DKL111I V. Leave Cl.ester at 11, S fin, and 10T4 A M., and 12-38, i U 101 644 ,nil uri'W. u. IK l PALUJIOKt TO nilLADFI rillA Leave Baltimore 8 lb A.M.. War iail 1 -10 P.M., Ehprosi b ; I W. axpress-ft 21' M Express. An Aecnn modailon Tialn for Havr-de-lrann ant In Urntedlate stailonii wl 1 leave La tlmore a. 4 10T. M. IBAINM FOKBAL lilOlli-. 1 eave heftrr at 9 62 . It . J 2i and 11 MP. jr. i eve w i mlnxton at 1. il, 6T. and lO SJA. M., and PTJNPAY TRAINS. Fxprefs Train at 4 ( 5 A. M ior Baltimore and Wash irii'n.ii. stopping a Wdmlng-on. Perry lie Havre-ite-t.mce, Aberueeu, l'errymau's, iligno la, and Stormner'a Bull. Nliihi Fx press 11 15 P. M , lor Ba'timore and Wash Iniitim, stopping at hester Thurow i In wood, riav uiont, Vtllinlniiton Newark klkten, Northeast, Perry vile. nrt llavre-dc-Oruce. , A special tram wl I leave Philadelphia tor Wilmington tor luteruiediatesfatii ns a 0 P. M, . , IlALi IAiOBK FOR PHILADELPHIA. ' Leave Tallin ore rl O Vft 1'. M. alonnlnu at Ma-vraia. Grace, Perryvlllo and W'llmlng on, Aiho stops at Kik ton and Newark (to iake passenrera or Phliai.eiphla and im.e poFsenpers irtm n annnmon or itaititnore) and theater to leave oaksenuera irom Baltluiora or uttaii. Inptnn. ' A spreia train win leave wi'mington Tor Philadelphia and Intermediate staffons at 6 3v P M Freight train, wrh passenger car aitacbed, will leave Vi l n.lin.tou lor Perr) vil e.nnil Intertnedlate a atlans a 04 1'. l. 11. F. KrNNkY, BuoerlntondonL IIENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD W IN Tl K ABRANOEM KM The irairfa ot the Pennsylvania Central Batroa4 leava tb At-w Depot, at illihllK H and MAHKI T Slreeta. Tbe cars o the Market Street Passenger Railway run to and from this Depot i hey leave Iron' street every two minutes, commencing one boa previous to the time oi departure ol eacb Train and al ow about Hi niliia e lor a trip Their ears aia In waltins on tbe arrlva oi each Train, aud connections era made with all roads crossing M am e atreet. . Un Sunuax, can. .eae even h and Market streets st 6-461' Al. to connect wltb Pl.iabuig and rrle Mai and ai 10 25 V. M wl b Phi adeiphla txpres. ' Alann's Kaiigage Express Is ocaieaa .1o 31 8. Rleventb street. Parties deslrlns Baniag taken to tbe trains oaa OBe rtdone at reasonable late- upon apo Ration tohlnw tB.Alb L:aVF A NO aRRIVK AT LEPOj, iHOoi. Liava. l rle t xpreas at 7 30 a. M Mull Tram .... 8-0tf Fo I Acuouimodutlon, Mo 1 ; " 10 00 H Fast Line " li 00 M Parkeaoarg ' Too p. vt Uarrisburg Accommodation " l i Lancaier Accouin.odatlon " 4 Or) I'eoll Train No I "50 Pi tshnrg and Erie Mall " 7 so Philadelphia Express u 10 ABBlVa Clnclnna:! Express at I SO A at Phi adeiphla r xoreaa 719 ' Paoll Accoirmodatloa, No I g-Ai " Parktsi urg 1 rain jv trie Express ' 1120 t.ancas ei 1 rain 30 p. y, Fesi Lloe Paoli Accommodation ao. i 4-40 u Day 1 xpreaa "145 Barrtsburg Accommoda Ion " 8 40 M ihllwefpkla Expreaa leaves daily Pltisburg and Erie Mail leaves daily (except Saturday) All ether trains dal y (except Sunday) The Feuusv vanla Railroad Company will aot assume any risk orBageaue except lor Wearing Appare,, and linift their responsibility to One Hundred Do bus la 'nlue. All BaruaKe excee'tng that amount fn ya at will be at tbe risk of tbe owner, artless taken by asexual cod tract iHOMAf1 H. PABKfc Ticket A gent at the Depot An FnKgrant Irain runs dal y (except Sunday). For full lnoimatlon aa to tare and accommodation, applv t FRANCIS FUNK .No. 17 Dock Street VORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. A. Depot, THIBD Siieet above Thompson. For BETHLEHEM. DOYLISTOWN, MAPCH CHI NK, E ASTON . wIllIA MHPOBT, and WILKES BARRr . At 7 30 A. M.(Fxpresa), tor Bethlehem Alientown, Maucb Chunk, Bazleion, WUllarnspoit, and WUkes barre. At 3-30 P. M (Express) lor Bethlehem, Fasten, etc. a reaconiK r anion at o 41 r. m. At 6 15 P. M. lor Bethlehem. Alientown, Maaotv Chunk. Danville and Ullamsuort For Dovlestown at 8 35 A M., J 30 and 4'1 P M. Foi Fort Washington at 10 A M. and 11 P. M. For Lansdale at 8-16 P. .V. White cars ot the Second and Third Streets Line City Passenger Cars run direct to the depot ..TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Bethlehem at 825 A. M. and 10 02 A.M., and 8 15 P M , Leave Doy estown at 8 30 A. M., 8'18 and 5 30 P. M Leave Lanrdale atb'10 A. M Leave Fort Washington a 10 50 A U , and 315 P M. ON SUNDAYS Pblladelpbia lor Beto enem at f) A M. Philadelphia tor Do.viestowo at 9 P. M. Doyleslown for Thl adeiphla at 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem 'or Philadelphia at 4 P. M. 1 bmugh Tickets most be piocuied at the ticket offeea. THIRD Street or Bit RES Street AJ.LIS CLARK. Agent L' HEIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND A a 1 tbe Stations on the Ca MDFM and aMBOY and eonnectltig Railroads Increased despatch. IHE CAMIEt AND AMBOV BAILROAD AUD TBANBr-i.B ATION COMPANY FREIGHT LisTeS lor New York will leave WALNl'T Street Wbarf at f o'o ock P. M., daily (Sundays excepted) Frelsbt muat be delivered beiore4H P M. to be for warded the suit e inr. Roturnlng, tr-e above haea with leave New York at 12 noon, and 4 and 8 P. M. Frelirht for 1 renton. i'rincctan, Klngaton New Brnni wick and a 1 points on the Camdea and Am boy Bali, road; also on the be vluere Delaware and Fleming, leu: tl.e New Jersey iha Freehold and Jamesburg, aa the Turlington and Mount Holly Hal roads, reoeivadand firwarded up to 1 P. M. ' " Ibe Lelviutre De aware Ballroad connects at Phi Upslurs wltn 'he Lehlth Ya ley Bailroud, and at Manun kachunk with all pomiaon tl Delaware Lackawaana. and Western Ballroad. forwarding to Syracuse, Bona o and O' tier points In x estern New York. ' ' i he New Jrrrey Bat read connects at Elizabeth with Ihe New Jewey ( entra Billroau. and at Newark wlta tbe II orris and Essex Ballroad A stp n en oramiutn specli.vlug tbe marks and nam tiei sbipptr. and consignees must In every insiauoe, be seat with eao1 load oi goods or no receipt will t.a vivin Iiicrenaed facilities have been mode lor the tiansppr ation 01 Live Stock. Drovers a e Invited to try ihe route Wben stock ia tarnished In quantities if two cai-loadt or more, II will be delivered at the loot ol ror lelb streo near the Drove Yard, or at t-ior No. 1 01th river as the snippets muy des gnme at tbs time 0 1 shipment For terms, or other inlonnatlon, auoly to W B FREE i A N F.eliiht Agent I) 1 No. m N PI La WARE Avenue PhiladoipinA 1) 11 1 L A D KLPH 1 A , GER MANTOWN, VarVTltO'l(lsa1T'lkiTl. AND On and a ter WEDNESDAY, November 1st, 1805, nntfl . rur'iiei une9. 1 FOR G I RM A M OWN Leave Philadelphia 8. 7 8,0,10 11,12 A.M., I 2 llu. S, 4,6 6,8 7.8 0,10, 11 tl F M ' I.euve Germuntown 8, 7, 1H, 8.8 20, 0,10, 11 1J A. M . I, 3, 4, 4K. 8 bH 7 8,11 10,11 P. M. Ibe 8 21- aown train, anil 3 and bV BP trams will not stop on tiie Geroiantown Branch. UN SUNDAYS, l eave Philadelphia NT0 A M.,l 1 10S P. M. Ltavu Geiuianbwn8 A M. 1 8 OK P M t I'ESNUT HILL HAILROtD. Leave I'hlladolpliiaO 8.10 l2 A. U.,2, 3 th. 1, a, si 6 11 P. M Leave ( hesnut Hill 7 10 minutes, 8 0 40, II 4o A. M 40 9 '0. 6 40. 0 40 H 40, and 111 40 minutes P. M. ON SUNDAY . Leave Philadelphia (fill uilnutos A. M., t and IP. m ' Leave 1 heru Jt Hill 7'40 mlnutea A. M Vi 40. 6 40 and OKu nnnii es P M Fi R I ONSHOHOI KEN AND NORKISTOWd Leave I'h lui elphiu 8 8-35 nitna es, U-U5A.M.. IB 1 IK tH, (' 8 (18 ii inuiee.and im P, w I enve Norriitown 4H.7. 7 60. 9,11 A. M. 1M,4,I, an4 8PM. beiM P. M. train will stop at School Lane Wlsa. Iiickou Vauayunk. Spring Mill, and ( ouahohux kea nnl'. ON M'ND Y8. LravePhla"elphla9A M, iiH nnd7P. M. Lae Norristown 7AM, and 5 P M. FuR VAN WI NK Leave Philadelphia C 8 36 minutes, I. -05 4.M.IH 4)1 6), 8t, and HHP ai lae aianaunk )t 1H. 8 ' 0, IDs A.M. X4 3W. H V L . OS Nil AYf. Leaye I hl'aiielnlils A. M. J4 and 1 " M 1 rate atri.vunl. 7H a . at t, an'iSP. M V. s,-V)L ON.Oenerai Sunetlntendeni I 'epot MNTH and GltEEW ftreet. noiulraie a caud date for Governor.