T1IK DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 18G6. NUMBER LT. DIET FOK MRNTAL DTSPEPTICfl, AMD A CUBE FOB nY-rocnoNDMA, HY-POCRIST, OR AMY COMPLAINT OF A HY ORD8B, IJY OUIl 8EUIKS EDITOIC ALDIANAO AND IIA&T. SBOBT OTntK-ILLOaiOAb on8EnvATl02I3 FOR TIM WEAK February. Hsjnflny. 12 Freshet In the Sohnvlkill. Chssnut Street Ilrnlee safo. Having withstood so mnny attacks from the land forces it was impervious to an assault by water, and tt now stands an tee blockade to all travel in that direction. TnBly, IS.-fJeneral B. K. Butlor buys trronnd ontlioJamos river to oroct a mill noon. It is believed anions sporting circles that, as he is down thoro, and i.cnoral Grant in Washing ton, the "mill" will be between him and toe Lientonani-Genoral. lVdnrlny, 1 1. Fornoy's Stnqe unset by trvln to run over a Mill corner of .Ninth and Walnut streets. Jhe name of tbo Hill torriOed the driver, Hemp lldi, Tbnrn(in.y. id. Rac of the Winoolci and tho Alfioiiquin acain on the carpet. Alter plaving 'pufy wan's a corner" around Faulkner Island tor tbice davs, both boats returned, ou tiruly putrflid that it was tho best boat. Trlclay. Petition ofGeiman name, hoalod by Frof. Bimlrr. one mile lonir, presoutod to the Pennsylvania legislature in favor ot Sun day tars nnd hunday Carnivals This l the commencement of the real "Rindor-Fost" among tbe horses. Satnrtlnjr, 17. Series Column Day. The Editor f aviiur been absornod by reading the Consnes slonal Dot ntes on Constitutional Amcnrimonu. bas neglected liis own Constitution. He now protnsex, as an amendment, to g.vo no more serious attention to CODgrets. Proceedings In Congress. TUB CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Recon. Btroction of the Capitol, reported tho Hot Joint Resolution proposing ail amendment to the Con. stitution, with the Amendment bo as to read as follows: Resolved, By tho Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the ULited States in Congress as sembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring including the Rotunda, that the following articles be proposed to the members of tho several States as an Amendment to the Constitution, and shall pe valid as a part of the saitj Con stitution, viz.: Representatives and Members of Congress shall, on leaving their seats, go straight to their Hotels and Boarding-houses, (as nomes they are supposed to have none), and not linger around the restaurant of the Capitol; and there shall be neither Cakes or Candles sold in the Eotunda or involuntary servitude behind any Candy or Cake stand by any party, without dis tinction of race er color, except as a punishment lor crime, whereof the party Ph" W9 been duly convicted. Provided, nothing In this clause shall exclude Bootblacks, Italian or African, nor Indians, untaxed, from their Ubual avocations in the Rotunda; but shall refer particularly to Americans of African or Irish descent selling things that are at variance with the American and Human Constitution. Mr. Eldridge (Wis.) inquired whether the words "nothing in this clause" referred to the claws ot the party dealing out the candies, and il so, he would propose an amendment to the amendment to refer particularly to Molasses Candy, that no claws should enter into tha article. , Mr. Stevens replied that If the member had paid attention to the whole sentence, he would, see that the claws referred only to the half breeds, whether Africans, Indians, or Irish, for to the "pure (breeds) all things are pure." Mr. Wright (N. J.) suggested that probably the repeated visits to the Rotunda accounted for the Rotund-ty of most of the members. (Ap plause In the galleries.) The Speaker said he should have to clear tho galleries il any joko or pun made by ths mem bers was appreciated by persons so far above them. (Repeated cheering, during whlca the Speaker took bis seat.) Mr. Raymond (N. Y.) said the Times has changed (cries of joke! joke!), and tho radicals are moving heaven and earth, and be might say, things under the earth, tor no liter than yester day he saw four tables, that looked like peanut stands, brought up out of the cellar and carted away. To carry out their Abolition notions, they abolished tbe cake tables and slavery, but failed to stop tho cultivation of sugar or mo lasses, and now, in their rage, want to abolish Molasses Candy in the Capitol. He concluded by saying that it would be im practicable to carry out the resolution through out the District, that the excluded race would make a eland at evory gate of the Capitol and down the Avenue to the farthest end, and within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty on your Rotunda would be candy models of that figure be sold, rivalling in sweetness the patriot's swtetest dream of Liberty. I mean to be can died in my remarks, and though I speak for no one in the molasses interest, yet I do say tbo Amendment Is not Accessary ; f or in my city, where perhaps more of these articles are con sumed than anywhere else in the United States, the report of the Health Officer shows that they are not unconstitutional. Mr. Stevens (Thaddous of War caw's). Mr. Speaker, all I shall attempt on this occasion is to place belore the Home distinctly, and I hope intelligibly, tho true moaning of tho proposition submitted. It Is true wo have been informed by 4'the man at tho other end of the Aveuue," who keeps a stand, that if trade Is abolished here, it must increase there, as visitors to the nation's capital, as well us members, find it cheaper to buy cakes and candies through ti e day and pay for lodgings, than 'to take uo with repuliir board at the present pneet at the Hotels. Kow, sir, I think very differently myself. It so happened that when our Fathers formed this Government, bonrd was two-and-a-half a week, and In many instances this sum Included "wash" lng." At that day butter was a levy a pound, and everything else In proportion. Then hotels were scarce, and booths and cakestands were allowed around the Capitol, with the hope that thej pro prietors would see themselves, that they were taking the members' spare change, and the evil would cure Itself by the dealers getting rich and retiring from business; and it was also thought that with Increasing boarding-houses tne.rlyalr.y would be so great to furnish food in accordance with the principles of the Constitu" tion, that members, owing to a press of matter, and remembering the admonition of the Father of their Country, would refuse any foreign Influence to woik in their internal aflairs. (Immense cheering.) Bit, sir, what do we see f (Hore a voice in the gallery cried out "Board six dollars a day.") Yes, eir, and I contend that it is owing to these Calte and Candy stands lessen ing the appetites of the members that keeps the landlords in such a prosperous condition, for I believe, sir, that if members would let their full appetites out tit their boarding-houses they would burst up every boardlng-houso keeper in the District In lees than a lortnieht. Forbid that I should ndopi the idea of the gentleman from New York, that tho excluded race would establish a cordon of stands around these Cn.pl' tol grounds. I kcc 110 dancer to members from the stand of "the man at the other cud of the avenue," or of BLy outsldo of the buildings, as the rain on stormy days and tho dust in fair weather would make the condiments bo unpalat able to everybody that they would eventually dwindle away lor w ant of patronage. At the conclusion of Mr, Slovens' speech, Mr. Raymond made an explanation, faying that he never bought anything of the "man at the other end of the avenue," and did not know so much as he was yet in business, and it must therefore be conridcred false that he had received a ginger-bread horse to advocate his ink-rests. The House then took a vote on the amend ment in its original form and as amended by Mr Eldridge, and with Mr. Raymond's objections embodied In It, and carried It by a two-thirds' vote, so that it was not necessary to refer it to the "man at the other end of tho avenue." Manatunk, February 14, 186G. Mr. Series Editor Dear Sir: Going up Ches nut strep.,, the other evening, I stopped into a bftttement Concert Saloon, and I found abasement all around (if you think this pun can be im proved, pleast do it). I waited through two or three songs, when my curiosity was excited by their customs. But as I am reckoned a poet in our town, I will put my musings into verse. M TJ8ING8 IN A CONCERT SALOON. By a Young Man from the Country. When a man sticks a hat on the back of his head, Tell me. O Editor, why do thev roar? And. then, when ho pushes it torward instead, Why do they scream twice as loud as before? When an elderly eentlcman rumples his hair, Why do they all so delirious as well ? When he uses a handkerchief out of repair, Why do they ! why do they I why do they yell r When a vulgar virago is singing her song, wny must sne oner nerseu as a w no r Why give applause about ten minutes long, wuen sne says this is tne "nappiesc nour" 01 her life. What does a singer intend to imply liy "WbacK lol the larlty, laxity, lay?" W hat can he hope to convey to me by Kinging "Hum ti-id-uy, ui-uy T" en? Yours out of the Saloou, Tom-ato. FORNEY'S DRBAH FOB 1866. A Sunday Passenger Car, drawn by a couple of Bight-mares. The Contrary Sex. The girls at the High School wish they had two birthdays a year. After they graduate they wish they had one every two years. gELLERS BROTHERS, No. 18 II. SIXTH STREET, Having added to their former business that of MILL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping a full assortment of everything in that line, which they will leU at the lowest rates, Including Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Belting and Steam Packing, LACE AND PICK'S It LEATHER, BAUD A?D HARNESS LEATHER, . HOLLER CLOTH AND SKINS CARD CLOTHING, BFLT HOOKS, RIVETS, ETC. AUo continue to cmulacture as heretofore, WIRE CJid'J'H. SIi:VKS, SCHEENS, Htc.t Of which a lu.l utroitincnt la kept constantly on LuIiU. 1 SUlUlUIuri REVENUE r-TAVi'S. REVENUE STAMPS, L Ki-.Vl.Mili BTAMfB, or all dfKcrltn!i. tit all dubcni) I"" ., . . Always en nana, Alwuv ou Imuil, Atr-VAAP. V"- CHKSNU I' street Atl VANx' o.BU t HK8NUT Street, ( in- dour bmow f eveuth atteet. ne roor i-eiow -eventh street. The most Mh-'i-I fl'nenuut avowed. The uiott llLem il.m-ouut allowed. 1 ft T"VEAFNtS, LUNDNEES, AND CATARRH. I J. Ika At H i," , Froienorot the Eye and Kar treats all dlnunr. i.rterUinlnK to tbe abova member null tbe ulimiM rucveM. Testimonia l lrom ilieuioat reliable rourte. In II e city eau be aeon at bUoffloa, ho. 6 10 1 IN K Mitct. T'.e Mcdlial Faculty are Invited to aecrmpany tbuirpa-linta a ha kits no lecrtts In bis practice .101 FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 S. THIRD STREET, BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES U. S. to Or 1881, I 20s, OLO AKD NEW, 10-40SI CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, 7 E0 S OTE9, 1st, 2d, and 8d Series. COMPOUND INTERES1 SOTEa, WANTED. INI E BEST ALLOWED OS DEroSITB. Collections made; Stocks Bought and Bold on Commission. frpecfal business accommodations reserved for LA iau. rmi.APKi.rniA, Fehrnary, 1866. 2 7 8m U. S. SEC U RITfES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 S. THIRD ST. THILADELPHIA. I 3 NASSAU ST. NEW tOUK. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. IK IEBEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 2 1 jvviiss BiiOTnEKs, No. 225 DOCK STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS, ' BUT AND SELL TJSITED STATES BONDS. 1881s, 8-20s, 18 40s. UNITED STATES 7 MO. ALL ISSUES. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS llercsntlle Paper and Loans on Co laterals negotiated. Stocks Bonglit and Sold on Commission. 1 31 ly IAIirEE, DUItNEY & CO., BANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 55 S. TniRD STKEET, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks and Loans boupht and sold on Commission recurrent Bank Notes, Coin, Etc., bonjrbt and sold. Special attention paid to tho purchase and sole ol Oil Stocks. Deposits received, and Interest allowed, as per agreement. 1218m IIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HAS 'REMOVED During the erection ot the new Bank building, to 1174p No. 305 CJUESNUT STREET yoiiK, Mccoucn & co., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 30 S. THIRD STREET GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Bouqht and Sold. STOCKS Bodght and Bold on Commission. INTEREST allowed on Deposits. 1311m4p 5'20s- 7'30S, WANTED. IDE HAVEN & BROTHER No. 40 S. THIKD STREET. X-T G OLD AND COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED BY P. F. KELLY & CO., 10 6t THIRD AND CHE8NUT STREET. FURNITURE. JJU Y FURNITURE AT GOULD Sj OO.'S UNION DEPOTS, Nos. 37 and 39 N. SECOND Street, , ((Opposite Cnrist Chorcb), And Cornerof NINTH and MARKET. Tbe largest, cheapest, and best stock or FURNITURE 9 Of every fleycrlptlon in the world. t) 10 ly TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I h t a large stock of every variety of Furniture Which 1 will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MABBLE TOP COTTAGE 8TJITS WALNUT CHAMBER SUITd. PAHLOK SUITS IN VELVET FLUSH. PABLOK 8 CITS IN BAIB CLOTH. PABLOB SUITS IN BEPB. I Bldeboardt, Zxtengton Tables, Wardrobes, Book-cases, Mattieues, Lounges, Eta Etc. P. P. GUSTINE, 1151m1 N. E. Cor. SECOND AND BACK 8T8. HATS AND CAPS. E OF 1 ASIHON. Small Proflts. Quick Sales. HATS AND CAPS. NEWEST STYLES. LOWEST PBJCES IN THE CUT. BOURNE, No. 40 N. SIXTH STREET1. 128tutbfl?m CARPETINGS, &o QAllTBTINOS. Jl LAEGE STOCK OF PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTUEE, In stoie and constantly receiving, AT VEET LOW PEICES. GEOKOE W. HILL. 31tbett)3m No. 120 Nortk THIIiD stroot, AROMA SAVING AND CONDENSING COFFEE BROWNER, FOR HOTELS, CROCERS, HOSPITALS, Military Barracks, and an ether stablKhmenta naliut quantities of Coffee By tbto Machine the Coffee la SWEATED brown. Instead of being BtlRNED brown. thanbT sarins from 40 to SO per cent more AKOM A than when dona In the ninal way. A PATKJST TESTER la attached, which enables the operator to see when tbe Coffee Is done Brown. CAN BE CHANGED IN A MOMENT INTO A FRANKLIN OR A.IU-TIGIIT STOVE FOR HEATING PURPOSES. Ther werk like a charm, ALAVATS gWlne entire SATISFACTION. For particulars call or send fbr a circular, which con tains testimonials trom many of the United Mates Hospitals, Flret-class Hotels, and Qrtfw.r. Now tiaTlng them In use Also, HYDE'S PATENT AROMA SAYING AND CONDENSING FAMILY COFFEE BROWNER, On the same principle, being In the form of a STOVH C OVER. Will salt any HTOVR or RANGE. The Coffee Is browned PERFECTLY UNI FORM In a FEW MINUTES' TIME. ONE POUND BROWNED in this Machine has about the SAME STRENGTH as two roasted In the usual way, BESIDES (tiring the Coffee In ALL, ITS PURITY and FRAGRANCE. For sale by HARDWARE, EOUSEFURNISHING, AND STOVE STORES GENERALLY. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY HIDE & TIACLEY, No. 1505 Pennsylvania Avenue, S 13 Imo PHILADELPHIA COAL. QOAL! O O .A. Hi!! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S COAL Y A It D, NINTH STREET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BEAKCH OFFICE COENEK OF SIXTH ASD 8PBIKG GAKDEN 81R1ETS. 21 JAMES O'BRIEN, DEALER EST LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, BY 2HE CARGO OR SINGLE TON. Yard, Broad Street, lelow Fitzwater. Has" constantly on hand competent supply of the above snperior Coal, suitable lor family use, to wliich he calls the attention of bis friends and the public generally. Orders left at No. 206 S. Fifth street, No. 82 8. Seventeenth street, or through Despatch or tost Olllce, promptly attended to A 6LPiOK QUALITY (TF BLACKSMITHS COAL. 7 81y ROBERT P. BENDER, COAL DEALER, S. W. C0KHER BEOAB AND CALLOWHILL STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. None but the btst WEST LEHIGH, all sizes, from tha Greenwood Colliery, on hand, and for sale for CAbU ONLY. CJ10 6ia Also, EKGISE, HEATBB, AND FCENACK COAL. AA w..- -v LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, ' PHOTOGRAPH, AND PICTURE FRAMES, AND GUT MOULDINGS' No. 929 ARC H. STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PAINTINGS, AND A GKEAT VARIETY OF ENGRAVINGS ON HAND. OLD WORK RECILT EQUAL TO NEW. U4m EEVENUB STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS, IHRVEKCE BTAJiPS. Ot all descriptions, Otalldeacripuona, Always on hand. lwavt on baud, At E VANS', N0.6:iO CUERNIU' Street, At t VAN8'. No. M0 CHKSMJT Street, One door below Seventh street. One df or below Beventli street. The most llheral discount allowed. The moat liberal dlaeount allowed. 24 THE STAMP AGENCY", NO. 304 CHERNTT HTREKT, ABOVE THIBD WILL BE CONTINUED A MTaVpB of EVERT DESCRIPTION CON8TANTIT ON LAND. I IM A AMWV'NT U . INSURANCE COMPANIES. QIKAKD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. . OFFICE.No. 415 VFALNTJT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CASH, 3fl0,l 00. l hlaeompapy eontlnnesto write on Fir Riiki only Its capital, with a good surplus, Is safely lnveated. TOI Losses by Are hare txxn prompfy paid, and more than 9500,000 Dlsbnrsefl on this account within tbe past few years. For tha prasent. the ofice of this company will remain at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, Bnt within a few months will remoTe to lta OWN 1UTJLD1NO N. E. COBNER SEVENTH AND CHE8NTJT STREETS. Then as now, wo shall be happy to Insure our patrons at such rate s as are consistent wltb sale ty. DIERCTOBS. THOMAS CRAVKN LFRFT . tJILLETT, V KMA N FrlKI'PARD. 11.08. MAt RFLLAlt. JOHN KUPPLKE. JOHN W. 'LGUOBl, SILAS YElUiLS. J a.. X" . r LiA T IV SL. V I', HABLE8 I. DUPONT, II K N ItY F. KKSNK.V, JOSEPH KLAPP.M.D. XT - T A UT D B- V I L LFRFD 8. OII LFIT. V. President and Treasurer. JAJni.8 B. ALVOLD, Becreury. 1 19 ly IM B E INSURANCE, . THE HOME tSMTtANC'E COJUPANT Of PUILADM.PUIA, KolWS. FOURTH Street. Charier PeriietuaL Authurlzed t'apltal, ajOO 000 l'ald-np Capital, alOO.mio. Insntes afralnst lofS or diirnue hv t lRW. on bnll llncn, either permanently or tor a LI.VlITh D period. Also on i tK( II AM1HJ generally and Household Furniture, city or couutiy. niHacTOKH J tries Brown. '1 bom as Klmber. Jr.. Charles A. Day, m. 1). I ewis. William H. Ilullock, " V ni. i. eedlea, JoUnD. Taylor. Lemuel I'ntrin, J. lllllborn Jones, John Vi oodside. Km, C. Lunestreth, J. N Hntcliinton, BKOWN. President. JAMES tllAH A UL'T. vice President TUOiiAS NEILSON, Secre.. SHIPPING. f-jfffV NOTICE TO NEW YORK SHIP- istiilisa.PERS.-KXPHBSH STKAMSHIP COM trAS t -The steamship WAsniNO'lOii is receiving freight at flntt T han below Market street, and win saU on SATUKDAY, lith. WM. P. C'LYIE & Co.. . 1 No. U 8. WIlAKVK.i THE OLD-ESTAT? LIS II K 1 IXDK- PENDENT OrTHIDE LliiE FOB NEW I UK ft. Is rcclrinft FrelRhts dnll at low rates. SECOND WriARK BLOW PRDCE STREET, and v 111 insure at low rates. ., . M P. K CLARK, Agent, 2 8 Ira Nos. 814 and 316 S. DELVVV ARE Avonue. HAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. 'ANCHOR LINE OS HrRAMVTM HTBERMA ." "I'dl lTulilA n -vai.tuu.-MA." "CAMBRIA,." "BRITANHIA," "INDIA.' ' Steam to mtKlOOLLONPONDERBY. BELFAST. DUBLIN, NEWKY, COilK, AM) UL&UUOW. B.TJC- OF PA-8AGE, PAYABLE IN PAPLU CUBHKNCY. CABINS ,30, t(j0, and 70 bTEaBA.UE , a 10 Steamship "UUJEBNIA" leaves BAXtBDAY. January 'Q. T THE PAID CERTIFICATE Istned for bringing out passengers from the above points at LOWFB RATES THAN ANY OTHEB USE. Also, to and trom ALL KTAT10N8 ON THE IBISH BAILWAYfl. SPECIAL NOI'ICE.-Passengera wlJl take particular notice that the "Anchor Line" is the only line wanting thiough tickets at the above rates, from Philadelphia to the points named above, and that the undersigned la the only duly authorized Agent In thlladelphia. Apply to W. A H aMILL, , Sole Agent for "ANCHOR, line," 115 No. 211 WALNUT Street ,. , - . ' . STEAM TO LIVERPOOL. f. LLikjC Calllne atlOUEENSTOWN. The Intn.n TJnn. SBnuig SEMI-WEtKLir. carrying tne United States CITY OF CORK, Wednesday, February 14. CITY OF WAbHINGTON. Saturday. February 17. CITY OF L1MKP1CK. Wednesday. February il. CITY OF LONDON. Saturday. Februaiy 24. At noon, liom Her 44 orth River. BATES OF PASSAGE, . . PAYABLE IK 60LD. First Cabin..., auo no Sieerase. aso-09 First Cabin to London. Steeraso to London... 34 00 First Cabin to Paris. . .105 00 1 Bt( erae to Parts 40 00 Passengers also forwarded to HaTre.Hatnburg.Bremen, eie. etc.. at moderate ratea. l'as aiJe by tha Wednesday steamers: Cabin $90 00: Steerage. t35 Ou; payable In United etates currency. Steeiage passage trom Liverpool or Oueenstown, 30 gold, or its equivalent Tickets can be bought hereby persons sending fur their friends. For lurther liUonnatlon annir at the Company's vi.'vvo. U VI II V,. Tt .TV A . ' 1 SO No. Ill WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. FOB NEW YORK. DESPATCH and bwiltanra Lines. tU TtAiawar .nH Atuiiiau 1 anal. The steamers of tbeie lines are leaving dally at 111 o'clock it., and 5 o'clock P. M .. ft-nm thirl pier above Walnut street For lrclght, which will be taken on accommodating teims. apply to WILLIAM H. BAIBD A CO.,No.U4S. DELAWARE Avenue. LIQUORS. J W. II A M M A E, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In Foreign BRANDIES, WINES, : AND TINE OLD WHISKIES, No. 620 MARKET S1REET, If m PHILADELPHIA. NATHANS & SONS, IMPORTERS OF , OF BBANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. No. 19 N. IE0NT STKEET, PHILADELPHIA. DOSES NATBAKS. HOHACK A. NATHANS, OKLANUO S. NATHANS. 119m FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &c. rt J. M c G U I G A N, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In , FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, EtO, FIREWORKS. FLAGS. Eto HATCHES AND BLACKING, NO. Q BTRAWHERUY STKEET, First Street abova fcecond between AUrketand Chesnut. Si PuiLAPBLrnia. (HEAP-ONLY TEN CENTS FOR ONB OF J. B. CAFEWELL & CO.'S CELEBBATED WISD-CUARD AND AIK-UEATERS FOR COAL OIL LAMPS, Patented October IS. 185. CAPEWELL & CO.'S Wind Guard and Alr-Hcater for 0CeIUie' Patent Wind-Guard and Air-Heater for Oil Lamps. TtM Ciktsoklv Fob CAPEWELL A CO.'S Piritrr Wiud-Guard and Atr beater lor OH Lamps. It you warn to save oil nt-e the Pateut Wind Guaid and Air Heater, tor Oil Lamps. Great saving tluM Chimneys. Use CAPEWELT, CO.' lattait Wintt Guard and Alr-tluater, as itkeops tbcm tTom break Injr , , lAPEWtLL CO.'a Patent Wlnd-Ouard and Alr Houler saves one-ilurd more oil than any other lamp. Trr one tli ev cost but ten cenia. Great mduccmeuts ofleied to agents. bold wholtaale enly by J. B. CAPaWELL A CO.. Flint Glass Manufacturers. Woetvllle, K. J. Office, northwest corner ol SECOND and BACK Streets, Philadelphia. CA FEW ELL'S PATENT WIND-GUARD AND AIR HEATER FOR COAL OIL LAMPS Sent to any part of the United States, post paid, on Ibe lecelptof 'iwenty Ave cents. 'Jbey use oue-ihlrd lens oil tbBO anv other Lamp now In use. 'ihev prevent tito lass trum bieaatnii O'-the lamp trom smoking. J. U. tAPEWEuL 4 CO., Patentees, 1 M 1m o. SK X K ACE SUeet. Phllad'a, fl'HE STAMP AGENCY, VO. SP4 CITESNTLT X SIRfcr.T. AHOVE TiiIKl, WILL BE CONTINUES A HtKhlOFOKK. STAMPS of EVJB YDKSCEIPT1ON00N9TANTL1 Oil UANDi AN . ANYA40U ., U II INSURANCE COMPANIES. "TVELAWARE MDTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE INCOBrOKATFD BY TUB 'LFOISLATUEK ' OFFICE B. E. OBF.R 1HIRD AND WALK FT, Dinrr.in, rm i.n imm.i-hii. MARINE JNU&AC ON YF8SELB,, .. CARrio, To all aarta of tha w FfiElOIIT V I It LAND I5mtANCFB On Goods by Blver. Canal, Lake, and Land Carries as) all parts or the Union. . " FIRE 1H8CEANCES . . , Pn Verehandlaa senerallv. On Stores, Dwe.ling Houses, eta. ... i , ' ASSETS OF THK COMPANY ' Ssvfmlwr 1. IBM. - 100 COO United States ft per cant loan, 71....M ,mn 1opfO " 6 " " '8l....lli IIMIOO W,0W 7 s-10 per cent loan Loan..,. ps (u. 84,000 State f Pennsylvania 61x Per Cent. ' Loan a ui. 12MO0 City of Philadelphia But Per Cent. Loan ,, in an HO 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First atort- ' u Six Per Cent. Honda as OBS-M 28.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Alort. ' finite Six Per Cent. Bonds..., 23 TfiA-OI tS 000 1 est An Pennsylvania Rat road atort Ccmpanv. principal and Interest guaranteed by the City ot phila- i,i'v iw ru.ni oiutii i eunsvivaL la nail rosdiompany g sno-0 5,fpri ICO Shares stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 8, 230 -Of i,eC0 Depotlt with United States Govern- n rea B.mcnt' ,,Jt'nes i nays' can 40,000'M 10,1(0 State ot lenneesea Five Per Cent. Loan... , 18 900-Aa 110 700 Loans on Bonds and kiortgaxe. flist liens on City Property 170.700-0 1,06,860 Par. Market Yalue......996 .S60-00 ReairstBta.... jfl.,00 00 Bills receivable lor in- orancea made. la,13 tt Balances due at AKcncloa,,Premlums on Marine Policies. Acrtrncd inte rest, and othet debt due the Com- ' i 40.811-44 Scrip and Stock or sundry Insurance and other Companies, $ las. Jttl- mated valne... , J ,010 00 Cash In Bank 58,Blfi S9 Cash In Drawer KlS iS 86,633-31 l.d3,6J018 S'lNECTORS. f Thomas fT. TS . - John C. Davis. 1. dm nnd A. Ponder, Tbeophlins Pauldinr. John h. Penrose, James Traquair, Henry C. i'allett, Jr., James C. Band. William C. Ludwlf, Joscpo H. Seal, Oeorse C. Lelper, HuJth Cral. ' samuei e. stokes. ' J. F. PenlsUu, ncorj niuao, William ft. Bonlton, Kdward DarUngtoiv H. Jones Brooks, PdW.nl I .a mi, rf mAet Jacob P. Jones Jamaa B. MearlanA. Joshua P. Eyre. upencer nctivam, J. B. Semola. Pittiborv. B. BerKer. P'ttsbunr, JohnD Taylor, THOMA H 'c'haND, Preaiocnt, Dksbt LxtBcim, becretarr .-. v. iiaiib, vioa-i-ieaiaenr. Uli 1S29-CHAIITER I'EIlPETUAIi. ." .; FRANKLIN ; FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1, 1800, 62,500,85100. Capital. Acciued Surplus 40D00W 44 M3 15 1.1W.S09-BI INCOME FOB 1S3, 310 000. rremiums LN6ETTLED CLAIMS, 11,46783. LOSSES PAID 8INCE 18SO OVER 65,000,000. r Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms, DIEEOTOEfl. Charles TS. Bsncker. Toblaa Wanner, Samuel Grant, Oeome W. kichards, Oeorne Fates, Alfred Filler. Francis W. Lewis, M. D. irewraicuan. PIT 1 TIT T7a V u. v j . i.- . it T i . a jn To- x.EDW,A,RIli; IALE.VIca Presldent. JAS. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary protcm. a 3 tliM JORTH AMERICAN : TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 S. FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies Issued against General Accidents descriptions at exceedingly low ratea, Insnranoe effected r one year, in any sum from lot) to S10 ,008, at a premium of only ouo-half per oent, sees ring tha full amount Insured In ease of death, and a com. pensatlon each week equal to the whole premium paid. Short tune Tlcaeta for 1, , I, , 7, or 10 days, or 1, 3, er 6 months, at 10 cents a day, Insuring In the sum of B300 or giving 915 per week ll disabled, to be had at the Gene ral Oflce, Mo. 133 B. FOURTH Street Philadelphia, or at tha various Ball road Ticket offices. Be sure to purchase the tickets of the North American Transit Insuiano Company. . For circulars and rurthor Information apply at fit Ceneral OfBca, or of any of tha authorized Agents of tk LEWIS L. HOUPT. President JAMES M. CONRAD, Treasurer. J. HENRY C. BROWN, Secretary. JOHJS C. BLLLITT. Bolloltor. r DIEEClORS. ' L L. Bonpt, late ot Pennsylvania Railroad Coir Dan v. M. Balrd. of at. W. Baldwin A Co. 'a. 7 Samuel O. Palmer. Cashier ot Commercial Bank. Richard Wood. Ke. SOS Market atreet James U. Conrad, No. 621 Market street J. E. Klnsaly, Cootlnenial HoteL H. G. Lelsenrlsg, Nos. 2J7 and 239 Poos street Samuel Work, ot Work. Mcl ouch Co. George Mardn Ke. Vti Cbainut sbeet I II I ly JHE PROVIDENT Life and Trust Co., OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania Third Mont m. IH0. lKSlkLSLIVFS, ALLOW' IfcTEKEnTOJt DEPOSITS, iXU GBAHT8 A8NUITIE8. V CAPITAL, &15Q.OQO. smKOTOBS. Samuel B. Shipley, Richard Cadbory, tfert'iuiau cacaet, Joshua H Moiris, Bichard Wood, nenrr uamea, T Wlsiar Brown, William C. Loniutrath. i nane 8AMUEL & biU 1' LET, President Bowlasd Fabbx, Actuary, osFioi, 7 381y No. Ill S. FOURTH Street. PHCENrX IN8DEANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. ISCOkPOKATED 1H4 CHABTEB PERPETUAL. i0. 3'i4 WALMJT Slreet. opposite the LxchanreT In addition toMAKlXK and I.NLA1.D INoUKAKCB thla Company Insures irom loss or aamage by FIRE, on liberal teems, on buildings, merchandise, rarnltura, eto. for I tin I ted periods, auu periuanenlly on buildings, by OepoUt ot premium. The Comrany nas been in active operation for mora than HlX'iV TBaRM. during which all lottos hare scutt promptly adjasted and paid. , VWIUU. BautOTona. ' La w ranee Lewis, Jv Davtd Lewis, benjaula Jcttimr, Thomas II. Powars, A. It UoHenty. F.dmond Caatlliea, John I. Bodge, M. B.'Maboney, Job. T. Lewia, William a. Grant, Robert W Learning, II. CUrk Wharton, Bamaei wuoox. JOHN W UllfDVUVD Dm.Hm. ILuiiK c. jvorria. BmuEt, Wrxcox.herrejT:' " wg FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THB P EKHSTLTAMA FIRE INSUBaAcE tOMFANT In eomoratod 1W Charter Perpetual o. 810 WAL M T Htreet opposite Indeaendeao ttuuare. this Coaipanr.iavorab.y known to Oieoommunlty fa over forsr years, continue to Insure against loss or damage by Ore oa Putiie or Private Buddings, either permanently or Ur a limited tkne. Ala oa Furniture, htocks of Goods and M erehaiuhse generally, en liberal teniia. l aoir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, as Invested In the moat careful manner, which anablttg thetn to offer to tha UMurud an aiiduubtd seeontyl the case ot loss. , mbbotom. ' ' - Daniel Bmltb. Jt, I John Deveremx. Alexander Beoaon, I Thumaa Hmlth, Iaao Hazlehurst, I LenU, . Thomas Robins, I J. tdUinghau Fell, Daniel Haddm if , Jr. DAitlrU. eisl'l'H, Jg., President, WliUAM O. CBOWiu., BeoieUu-y, 901 f