THE DAILY EVENING TELEG R AFII PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, lEBRXTARY IS, 18GG. CITY INTELLIGENCE IFor Additional City MeUiqenct tee FipJi l'agr. Botjntt Equalization -Meeting of Soldiebs, Sailors, and Marines. The mnss meeting of soldiers, tailors, and marines held on Saturday evenirjp, In front of Independence Hall, was very laraely ultended. Colonel Wil liam B. Ihomas prclded at the meeting. Gene ral Meade wrote: "I have no doubt or the Justice and equity of the claims of the soldierssailors, and murines, which you advocate; and I sincerely triiBt your meeting may have the effect to increase the Chance ot cuccessful legislation. General Geary, in his note, suggested that "In the parable of tho laborers in the vlneyara it is stated that those who labored but one hour were, for reasons pood and sufficient to tho mas ter thenJwf, made equal to those who had borne tho bent and burden of the whole dayj but in no place can we find that Inflnlta Wisdom has de clared that those who labored during the whole day received less than tticy who cauio in at a later period." At the clow of tho reading of the letter,!, Col. Thomas stated that Governor Curtin was pre sent, in. order to testify by his presence his ap preciation ot their services in the held and bin hope that what they linked would bo granted. In answer to repeated cries of "speech" Col. Thomas ead that the Governor was unwell, and his physician hud forbidden nlm to speak in the open ut. There were still cries of a "'low words," until the Governor came lorward nnd said, "I with 1 was able to speak to you to-night, but I am not tble. I am no: nblc to speak in the open air. Col. Thomas has truly said I am here to testify by my presence that I wish the object wb'ch broupht you tot.ctuer ohall be accom pished." (Cheers.) The following preamble nnd resolutions were next Bubinit'edr Whercc., To conprcgato ia a canse like this, which has compelled i.s to axsemDle this even itp, Is cue ot rare importance, lrora the lact that circumstances ot a like character never before arose in tins great Republic that ot suppressing; ticuson ami traitors lor the maintenance of the Government Jind as thousands forfeited their lives, their limbs, ai.d their property, leaving; their families in very destitute circumstances in consequence thereof; and Whereas, Tho Government has been restored ' throup-h the patriotic sacrifice of the loyal sol diers, jeampri, and marines, who are ever dis: .poeen'io maintain its uiteprity, whether from domestic insurrections or (Tom foreign invasions; end believing that the.v should be entitlel to a gratuity in the way of bounty from the Govern ment which hfivo to giorijusly and nobly sustained; therefore bo it Iksoived. That wo call upon the members of our National Legis-luiure to use their eU'orts in advocating and voting lor the passase ot an act equalizing the bounties of those who tendered their services to the Government In its darkest hours ot dancer, and who sacrificed the com forts ot home aud the pleasant associations of their lamilies to go lortli to the field of strife in defense of their country's liberties. liisoiwd, That we call uyoa our fellow-ioldicrs and seamen and marines thioimhout our com mon country, to meet in mass meetings, and urge upon their Representatives in Congress to lavor the passage ol an act, having for its object the purposes above mentioned, and we pledge our hearty co-operation with them in aiding and use isting in the pa-saga of the said bill. Mesolccd, That the soldiers, seamen, and ma rines now in mass mectiug assembled, utterly repudiate tho idea that the Government cannot pay the bounty u.skcJ for by our friends aud ourselves: and that we believe this money, dis tributed properly iimoa.' the war-worn veterans, will be the menus of giving an impetus to busi ness and employment to our country's defenders. Jie.olttd, That our thnuks, as honorably dis charged soldiers, seamen, aud mnr iies, are emi nently due, and are hereby tendered lo those whose voices and labor have been given in our hehalf; and we shall ever hold in sacred remem brance thore who, while nimble to .join us in the field nnd upon the sea, are anxious to place us on an equal looting with our younger com rudes. Orit Insurance Business. The follow ing statement sho as the amount insured in the various insurance companies in this citym 1305, and the premiums paiu: Name ot Company. Amount Jnn. In8. Co. of North America. . . SS4 027,4'j'J Delaware Mutual SaL-ty in surance Company 47,050,103 Insurance Co. State of Penn sylvania, t ire and Murine. 87,720,870 Franklin 20.038,5 13 lioynl lnsii' unco Company. . lo,34S, 430 American Firo and Lile lu euiunco Company 14 626 380 Enterprise lnsu'auce Co 11. Oil 7 013 Reliance insurance Co (S.HOO.flni Union At muul Marine 8,704.327 Anthracite 6,4X,U05 ' JiKBiiix 5.878,8:i2 Jclleisou Insurance Company 1,0'JO,22S Premium. SC33,3'J3-0a 105,89132 257 1S3-15 170,435 15 17 1,520 00 83.053 03 llo,272 i 41 0)5 11 145,012 02 72 570 47 5S5I4 02 9,010 40 rne Hire li.siuanee Company ol County ol riiitadolpiiin. . Munuliictuicr.;' lusurunco 919,310 7,173 31 Cuwi.auv 0S8 307 American iluiuui Marino.... 089,145 Mutual lira lusurunco Com pany 1,109,231 Kensiuutou l ire and Mariuu. 1,427,008 ' fame Insurance Comimuy. . .. 1,5U0,(J13 Homo lhBi rauco Company... 1,514131 Philadelphia Fire aud Liio . . 2,157,187 6130-87 10.5U1 01 5,825 52 21, 008-80 13,808 73 9,242 55 25,715 H iqunuUlo Insurance) com- tauy Thn l'pm.hvlvauiii F,ro li.- 2,627 878 87,540-37 surai ce Company 9.852 875 Firo Association Jus. Co.... 8,3iUj,83l Girand Fire uud 0,505 000 1 Mechanics' Ics. Co 002,840 United Firemen's Inn. Co. . . . 287 925 Tho Phil, i ,'ontributiousUip. . 276 555 Mutual As.surunce Co 300,70(1 ' people's insurance Co., com- nienced in August 176,650 Rcpublio, conmieiiceu in No vember 472,110 70,25 1 25 97,097-05 100,797 Oil 6,007 08 8 828 40 10,099 85 , 7,112 25 4.622-08 1,093-30 Interesting Sabtsath-Sciiool Meet- inu. The exercit-es at the North l'resbyterian Church, liroad ana urteu streets, yesterday at ternoon, were ot the mo.-st impressive character. At an early hour that larjre edifice was crowded to its utmost capacity by persons anxious to hear the address ot the K"v. i w. Van Meter, and the singing ot th twelve little girls from the Home lor Little Wanderers, New i'oric. Alter the singing of several of their choicest little hymns, iho children vero withdrawn, in order that Mr. Van Meter nniait relate to the audience some of the puinlully iutcr'.sting incidents con nected with their history. He was listened to with the most marked attention, his pathetic and poweriul appeals in behalf of the poor and neeleeted children awakening tho deepest sym pathy on tho part of all present. An interesting feature of the exercises as the announcement bv notice from the Rev. Mr. Simmons, that ho had rcolvcd to adont one of these "little wan derers" as his own. When the little adopted one was again brought before the audience, their pent-up feelings found expression in sous and tears. The scene was deeply affecting, and will lone be remembered bv those who witnessed it. A collection was then taken, which realized a larce amount. It will be remembered that Mr. Van Meter. and the twelve little girlii with hiin, are to take a prominent part m the exercises connected with the formal inauguration of the Homo for Little Wanderers, in this city, at Concert Hall, to-nleht. We hone the unpiopitious weather will not be allowed to prevent a lnrge attendance, a the ex ercises will ue oi xae mobt impressive character. Counterfeit Currency. A man named .Ttenh So;lar wai commuted in tho sum of $15 00, to answer the charee of passing eounter feiv fractional currency. The accused is entraged In soiling meat in the Second street market, and it is allowed that he nas neen giviug the traiii in change to persona who chanced to purchase of him. Delegate Election. The Union party n-iii meet in the several mvciuots ot tuo cicv to morrow evening, for tho purpose of appointing nfliccrs to conduct iih election for delegates, to be held on Tuesday evening, 'Oth inst.; the said lfli-cratps tj meet in convention lor the nurpoio of choosisg delegates to the State iuoiumaUug convention. RuNsura Caes os Sunday. A meetinjr of citizens lavoi able to running cars on Sunday was held on Saturday night, at Mechanics' Hall. The meeting was called to order by Charles Iiorn, Esq.," President, when Mr. T. Jagodo, Secretary of the meeting, read a preamble and resolutions in favor of the objects of tho meet ing. The resolutions were as follows tiesolted, 1. That in order to afford an oppor tunity to the laboring people to pay visits to their friends and relatives to enjoy tho bcautios of nature to aid the cause of real and substan tial morality and welfare of the people, we re commend a law allowing tho City i'ossonger Railway Companies to run their earn on Sunday, and to make it a penal offense for any person or persons to prevent or attempt to prevent the same from running. Jletoived, 2. That the attempt of the clergy to force upon the people their peculiar views and doctrines, and thus establish a hierarchical power, In violation of tho Constitution of the Str.te and of the United States, should be met w ith proper rebuke on the part of a free people. An amendment was adopted to the effect that tho Senator and Representatives in Hiirrlsbursr from this city be requested to offer. In their respective branches, a bill by which the wishes ot this meeting are guaranteed and carried out. F. Uittman, Esq., then addressed the meeting at some length upon the subject of running cars on Sunday ; after which a petition to the Legisla ture was circulated for signatures. Thr Northern Home Yesterday. The twelve little singing girls Irom the Home for Little Wanderers, New York, visited the Northern Home for Friendless Children yester day morning, and the interview between them aud the Inmates ot the Northern Home was highly intere: tinir. Atter first taking a pep at tho beautiful Christmas scene which remains untouched in the parlor, they were introduced Into the school-mom, where they sang several of their beautiful songs. Thctc were responded to by a spirited litilu hyma, "Come bovs, come girls, won't j on volunteer ?" by tho children of the Home. They were then addressed by Kev. C. W. Van Meter, and took their departure highly pleased with their reception. The appear euco, conduct, and singing of the children of the Northern Home was creditable in the extreme, and gave our New York friund3 uu opportunity of seeing how the homeless and friendless ate cared for in our city. " Sunday School Anniveus aby. Tho twenty-third anniversary ot the Sunday Schools connected with the Zoar M. E. Church (colored) Drown street, above Fourth, was held yesterday afternoon. The exercises consisted of singing and addresses. The superintendent of tli schools, William II. Thomas, read his annual report, which presented Hip following facts : Number of children in attendance at the present time. 92; admitted during the pact year, 32; average attendance of scholars, 50 ; amount collected for school purposes, $15-08 ; amount appropriated lor the relict of destitute children, 38-32. Hon. John G. Sinclair, the Democratic candidate lor Governor of New Hampshire, is an active, energetic, wide-awake politician. His selection is an indication that the party mean to make an eilort to carry tho election in March; but thu Uoton Truxteller (Republican) thinks their prospects ol success are not very nattering. SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFiCK OF TliK AND ltLAVAllE FAIRMUUNT PARK K1VKU FASSENUKlt KAILWaY COill'AN V. l'nii.iDw.riiiA, eoruoiy i, it,i. TO THE STOCKHOUIH.llS Notice is ticrlv Klven tlmt a mooting oi the bt icklioldi t of this Company will beheld at the otllcc, .V ('. comer oi THIUl anJ dui K streets pecomi gtory, on tiiik.-iax, -e.urunry 15, n-Oti, te ween ti e hours or 11 o clock M. and 2 o'clock I'. M , to tuke into conrulerHiion the arueuient: ma 'C this day bolweon tlie llrcc on anJ Jlauarcrsoi tlin Geimimtown l'ug'iinter hallway coniiiuny," ana tho directors unit M ainniem ot' tuo ' Firiuouat l'ark aud lioiuwuro River roKuen(:cr Katwav t'ompauy," tor merger and cnsolldatlon of thj corporate rejhtH, jiowert privile)r'-ii tinnclilHes. mid property of the Kalr mount l'ark and Delaware Kivor I'uiiseuirer Hallway on,p;iny lnte and with the Uermautown PaasaujjiT Itai.viiy ( ompai.v. and to vo e lor the adoption or re jection ot 'he same, lly orcr of the Hoard. I iiinwti.i dotiA i. Latvia .-ccroiury. Ot l-'ICH OF THK WALNU1" ISLAND OIL COAjI'ANV. ruiLADELPitiA. January 3. ltju A Poccir.l S'cetlDB i,t tlio hlocklioidcva of tin Walnut Is aud Oli C'ompnnv wl.l he held at tho otiice ot ine compnnr. No 4.'5 Cfl KsNITT stroet l'hlla dcli liia, l a., in I l l'-HDA Y . the l;ith of 1'cbruary uext. usi:U', ut Vi o c ock, dood, to act upon a proposition to reduce the cuphal stock ol the Company to Two llun- urcd Thousand noilors. A c. i:a i i t l.i. . I WILLIAM OKTTT, J JOHN J ARUKTT, : p- DlroclofV M. It STUOUD. I 1 31 2 17 8 12 W M. M. 11 A K LOW, J - Ol'FICK PENNSYLVANIA. ItAIL KOAD COMPANY 1'iiiLADr.irniA. January 30, L'66 NOTICE TO TO( KHOI.KKKS. The Animal JhleotiiiK of the Ktocklmldi-n ot this rora- peni win be held on 'I I'EHDai, the 2ut h dav oi Kehra arv. Ihfcti. at lu o'clock A. M., at tho SAlvHOil HlKKlii' HALL. The Annual Flection lor iMroctors win De neia on J!OMA Y. the 5th dav of JIrch . MiB, at tho Ollice of tte Company, o.iW S. TlllliU Htreet. 1 50 25t fiecrctary. OFFICE OF THE VOLCANIC OIL and COAL C OSIFAInY. No. 11 Merchants' Es change. Fiiilaoelpiiia, January 2ti lstib. i lie jMiiuini mcetngoi tne i-iocKiioioer win oe neia on 'I I'KhDAY, the lath February next, at 4 P. M. 1 in I t I I A. 1.. ii ao i , .-.eurouiry. S?- A PIIYSIOLOtJICAL VIEW OF MAR- PIAGE : Containing nearly 300 caeen. and 1)0 fine Plaien and LnKraviuioi the Anatomv oi the Human Orana In a Mate ot Healtn and Ditteaxe, with a Treause ou V.arlv irora, ita Deplorable Conaetiuences upon the llud and body, with tne Author's l Uuot Treatment the only rational and successiul mode ot eure. as shown liy the leport ot canes treated. A truthful adviser to the ninrrh d. aud those i contemplating marriage, who entot tam doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt ot 'ii centa. in tamps or poetal currency, by addresalnif lr. LA CliOli, Ho. 31 V A1PLN Lane. AjDany. M. Y. 1 he author niav ho consUited upon anv ot the diseases npou w hich hia bcok treata either jxrc-ntW'lf or by mail, ai.a menu inc. tent t uuy part ol the wona. ii biu t&2 JUST P U B L Br tie Phvelclniii of the I S II E D NfcW YOlUv UU0ECU. the Slnetieth Edition ot their JOUR Lfc-CTCKEB. entitled riiu.uisui-Hi or makuiaue. To be had free, lor lour stamps, by adaroeaing Secretary IiCw York Museum of Anatomy, 1 17 It .i. hin ukua I) w a i. now i ore. D1NIMG-ROOM. F. : LAKEMEYER, rAHTKR'S Alley, would rcnectiuliy iuiono the Public ceneiallv that he has loitnothina undone to make this place comfortable in every reapect tur the aceoiu uiodi.tlon ot quests. He has opened a largo and com inodious l)lnhi(i-Hoom in tho second story, liia KIDE ItOAUH is furnished with hltANlMES. WLNKS. WHISKY, Ete.. KtC. ot KLPEKIOU 11 BAN OS. 1 1 V. TT T It A It P J ATTORN K Y - AT - LAW. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE. NO. 116 N. HI VI II B1 E1 Debts nromutiv collected in any City or Town ot the Unfed f tates OM'VTENT AND LI A II EE COUBESrONU- Ili'id EVERYWHERE. 1U THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND RE MEDY 1- DB. J. W. rOLAND S WHITE PIKE COMPOUND Is now offered to the afflicted throughout the country , attox having been proved by the test of eleven years, In the New England States, where IU merits have become as well known as the tree irom which, In part, It derlres its vlitucs. THE WHITE PINE COMPOUND CUBES Sore Throat. Colds, Coughs, Dlptheria, Bronchitis, Spit ting of Blood, and Pulmonary Affections generally. ' It la a Remarkable Remedy for Kidney Com plaiuts, Diabetes, Difficulty ot Voiding Urine, Bleeding from the Kidneys apd Bladder, Gravel, and other complaints. Give It a trial if you would learn the value of a good and tried medicine. It Is pleatant, sale, and sure. Bold by drufgitU and dealers in medicine generally. GEORGE W. SWETT, M. D., Proprietor, 122uiw!3ui i BOSTON, Mao. AMUSEMENTS. TIELEY'S CONTINENTAL JL JXC1IAKCE. t hotrfHests to all p arrs ot Amusement PO tot o'ctck onTfnlnii NEW inaT ballad 1 11 ly ADMISSION 8. r O'nrrrR. Tickets can he had a tfS I HIK.RAM MR 50.4X1 ( HIKM T Mlr,t finnnnllK tht PftS tOfflee. lor the ( lifurmt. Arch, Vflnui, and Academy of Mn-le, bp to t o'clock. evrT ertninn. II if MEW CI1ESSUT STHEET THEATUE.- CIIKPKUT street, above 1 welflh. LKOA6I) UHOVKB WILLIAM K. 8LNN. Lassoes ind Alauayeri. 111!" FVFKTNO, THIS H.VEMNO. iKD FnK PO lilVF.LT HX M1GUT4 Oi LY. Tem Tavlnr's dramatization, In five acts, of Hits Brad den's celcbra'td uove, : II K Mi Y DrNBARj 11KHNY IM'MMAHt 11 EN BY DCSLAiij OR. in Oil! CASTS. 1 UK OM(,Ars, IUk, ODTOAHTJ". With Miss osle Ortm, r. F.Montnnnt. O. TT Clarke, J 1 Wad. C. Lewis, r Faster, Miss Annie Ward, Mm. . F Keaeh, and others In the cast. Vt EUNi-KOAY AFirKNOOS. Kohrnary II, GRAND KXT1H S4.'l IN f.E. t Nl LK TOM'S CAIilN, PNCI L IOM'8 CAUIM, for the last tlma this season. feAlliKDAY AfTl KOOV, February 17, HUHTYSIN III )RAD FAMILY MATINE, O It Ml FA M I LY MATIN El-;, when w l I ho ulvrn the flirt day performance of HKMiY I'UNBaK i OR THK OH 1CA"JT3. M'NIAr LVfcMMO, -ehraar 111., first time of the BornPoun sm ciauuinr Uraina, 1HK ICE WITCH. Admission to Matlnm-t. 30 conta to all parts of tho House, t hlldren, Tj cents. Doors open nt iTs. t unsin rises at 2-11. Admlariou to evening pcriora-auce), 'lb cents, 50 con s and 81. Loorscpcn at 645. Curtain rlfos at 7 45. w ' ALNLT STREET T II E A T It E. N. E. corner MMii ana walnut streets. FOl H I 11 WEEK ot ttefcichly incofhsiul engagement of All. JOHN rt. CLArtKE. I OT.A!;KE IS UKEAT COMIC CtlABVCTEBS. Dlckev Mmrp A!r. J. 8. tl.UKK I LrthKK as Druiilio 'I HIS (Monday) EVENING. Febrnar 11, Tvlih appropriate costumes and care a I inouu.liig, Shake speare a great creation, the COMEDY OF ERKOBH. (Kir. t time hero.) Drotnlo ot Myracnso Mr. J. S. CLABKK To conclude with the tew and highly suocejsiul Comedietta, called DICKEY '8 WOOISO. BlekeyFharp Mr J 8. CLARKE lo commence w ith the caudal Farce of 1HE lOLTH Wllu EVtB riiWAWOMAN. Ml JOHN DREWS NEW 4 ItCU STREET IlKA'i BF. Begins at IS o'clock. LAST WEI K. OF EMM A WALLER AND UK. WaLLI K THIS iMonday) kVKMMl, 1 ebruary 12, OIHELLO. OIHKLT.'i. OIHELLO. OTHELLO, lapo Oihe.iu I lIHHil Branaiitlo..... linderlKO Vi eademuiia... ticr which, .EMMA WALLEK .Mr Wai. leu McKeu Kallkin Mr. F Mackay . ...Owea,Mariowe MhiaE. Price AN AMPLE APOLOGY." Stuart Hohsnn Fpoo.'i a..... FiLLA AY. BBNKFIT OF EMMA WA LLEB. J.O.NDAY, ( IlANFiiAUVi SAM." A CARD .NEW AMERICAN THEATRE.' WALLETT THE JESTER'S EEStFiT. FRIDAY EVENING, February 10. NOVEL PROGR.VMUE. WALLfcTT AS TUB STATUS. WALLET'1'8 LECTURE OS ME8MERI-M. WALLETl'S SHAKESPEARIAN BLADINGS. The w hole Cou pany and no'olo tttud will be called Into requisition, to form a srund phalanx of Equestriau wooden seldom seer. cover exoelled. Boe bllU of ihe day BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY. ,. h NE W A M.E R 1 C A N T H E A R K GRAND NATIONAL CIRCUS. WALNUT Street, above Eighth. EVERY EVENING. AND OH WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER NOONS. POWERFUL ATI .ACTIONS, TT'E ( I-LI BKlTHi W. F. WALLETT. Ihe C hild Wonder. MASl'EltSLlGKlSl', only tlx and a halt years of ag. THK hOCTIl AV Ettu'AS DROTIIERS. MONrt. FBAaCOJS SEIGUlSl', and his 'trained KPLEMdD STUD OF HORSEI. A MLlilCAN ACADEMY . OF MUSIC. J.JL. COMBINED EFFORT OF LITERARY SOCIETIES. 'public meeting OF THE ' LIT! RaRY UNION OF PENNSYLVANIA." ON THURSDAY EVENING, Febuary 15, 1SB6. ddreses, Recitations, Debates. Readings, cts , fy , K Ml KDOt H, in. K. 1I1C11 AltllS'J Cil II' UBOt KE. and speakers irom the diiiurent soCletioJ. Aiuslc bv the ueruiama urciiosiru. Tickets 60 centa; reserved seats 7 ) cents. For sale nt T. B. Pngh's, S. W. corner of Sixth and Che-nut streets. 2 111 51 JOY E It O i'1 A CADE M Y CIIAS. II. J A II VIS THIRD MATINEE, AT FOUR O'CLOCK, Thursday, February 15, ISC'J. MINGLE ADMISSION ONE DOLL1R Tickets and 1 rogrammcs at the Music Ht jres. 2 10 4t PSEMBLY BUILDINGS. CORNER OP r 1VNTH nnd CHESNLT Stroota. roHi.iviI.Y '1 HE LAfT WEEK M iu,niiicui l ill. baai M 1-1. IV T., ,Cr I TV k' T V 'I'ttV 1 OT, TirT'..TT Ob' 11113 PEAK FAMILY SWISS BELL BIN HERS. MO.vDAY, February 12, and every evenlun through the weca. viv iikK i iiANf:K. OF l-ROOKAMMK! E .TIKE CHVNOK OF PROGRAMME I SATCltOAY, LAH I tllJNl J1T1.EE. Admission, !6 centa. Mecureu neaH, ou cents, cuildreu, cents, .ho nan price iu occiiieu m-uin. Doora open at 1 o'clock, 'lo coiimu nce at 8. Jlatinee admittance, 3!) cents. Children. 15 cents. iUitinee Doors open at J o'cloc k. Conimnce tt 3. 2 12 lit C. C. CHASE, Buainess Agent. N ITROUS OXIDE MATINEE. I.AD1EM (oni.v) A LECTURE 'th an EXHllu i Kis: of tho delightful inlets ol LAUOHINO gas, J.-llXitVJia U-YIUi or Tl'l1T.,,u . . . . . . AT CONCERT II ALL, On TEUBSDAY AFTERNO'lN. Fehrutry 15. At least twelve ladles will Inhale tho gas. close, iccth will bo txuaoied for eerai ladies, pain, and ihe process fally explained. Doors open at 2 ' o ccmmenci" at 8 o clock. J12 3t ALMIHSION, FREE. At the without A CADEMY OE FINE ARTS, CIIESN'UT X Street, above Tenth. Open irom 9 A.M. till P.M. Benjamin West's (treat Picture of CUKIST li EJECTED still on exhibition. 1 1 r - E R M A N I A ORCD FSTRA.-PUBLIC RE 1 hearsals every TIKHAY A 11 EH NOON AI MUHK'AL FUND nALL. 3 o'clock. Knanemeiits niaurby adtlreailiiirUEUMUJii had i r.ur. ageut. No. 1231 MOMEltEY Street, uetweeu auu iuu. I Itj 3m PEVENUE 8TAMTS, REVENUE STAMPS, Of all descriptions, Ot all desoripiioua, Always on hand. Always on hand. At EVVNS', No. 6 0 CHE-VnUT Htn et, At KVAX B , No. CHE-NUT Htrtet, Oui deor below Seventh treet. On eeor heli w Sevenih streeu TTie most liberal dUuount allow -d. The moat liberal dm, oi'iit allowed. J 5 rrilE STAMP AGENCY, NO. 304 Oil ESN CT J BTKEF.T, AliOVE TUIUD WILL BE CONTINUED AS IIEHETOFOHK. HTAWF8 ot EVERY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY "5 r GOVERNMENT SALES, IAKGE GOVERNMENT hALK OF OCEAJT a AND Rl VElt KTEAMEUS, 1UGS, 8CHOON. LItS, JEKKY-BOATd, K1U 0FICB C'HIR) QDARTFRWAflTKTt. 1 Military D'.vibiow ob tiui Gulf. ! Klw ORLKAR8, Lm.. February 7, 18G0.) . The tollowlnir-named yeascls belonfins; to tho Qnartcrmaatot's Dopartmont, United HtiU-s Army, will be so:d at rub'ie Auction, to the lila-heot biildor, on the SHtb day of February, IRtiO, at the oilloA ot the Chief Qnartormuior, Lalaette sq'iare, Ho. 118 Catnp street: ISteamebip ' Crescent," reglstorod 1219 tons, Iron rsfol. btconvhlp "St. Wary," rejristcrcd 1218 tons, Iron TCSSOI. e'tom&hip "Clinton," rreUtcred 1239 tons, iron osel. Moamslup "Alabama," registered 630 tons, btoainsliip "Ucoreo Fcabody," rei"tored 1018 tons. Kteamplilp Convoy," rolstorod 425 tons. Suainlup "riautor," registered BOO tons. I'ropi-ller "Corinthian " rcciKterea 3.10 tons. Propel er "SUn'on," registered 8f0 tons, l'ropeller Foote," rem.tero 47U tons, l'ropelicr "i'.xact," rociaeied 2d.r tons. rropoiler'"r'orter," ierisiord 4V8 tons. Fropelli r "Htifj:ar." ree'siered 4o0 tons. liopt'lier "Allianco," regisicred 8u8 tons, iron Tupel Bide whcel towboat "St. Charles'" roRlstoied 608 tons. K'dr-wheel steamer "J. W. Hancock," roi(Istorod CS0 tons. Bide-w hcol steamer "Diana," retriRterprl 700 tons, hide-wheel steamer "Col. tialcouib," registered 220 ioii. hi do-wheel steamer "Mustanjr," reRlatorod 178 tons. Mern-whcol steamer "Altamont," rogistotoi 232 tons. syiiitfjj 'tmgt Mcrn-wliool str amer "Emmu," reiaiviod ls9 tons. Mtrr-whecl b learner "(Jolouel Jionedict," m'is terediatous. i SaiQfclGQl V htm in leccss steamer "Tainaulliiua, ' rox-aiutua 8C4 t ns, iron cssel. Vi hutlin reed's Bioamor ".Matamoras," reflate red 3G4 tons, iron vusecI. Cciitrc-whccl steamer "Colorful Colburc," veg's tend 125 tons, lare railroad Itrrj -boai. C ti'ro-w heel steamer '-iienorrtl Hansom," rcgi tcrcd 104 tons, lnrc railroad li rry-boat. Ct'iitrc-w heel stenmer "Kopper," regUto.eJ 270 tons, larte railroad lerrv-loat. lun "l'crry," registored 105 tons. Tun "Jonnio," tenh tcrcd 14 totu. Tun '-Cleveland," registered 87 tons. Xuk "Hello Darlington," rti-terod 95 tons. Bcliooncr ' Elortnc," rcgistoiod 147 tons. Schooner "11 1) Adams." reci?tored 112 tons, Kclioouer "."-cout," rovisU-red 12b tons. Bcliooncr "Ui'iou," reuistored U8 tons. tcliooncr "V inona," rcistorcd 117 tons. . Schooner "Ai.netto," ristorod.la5 tons. Schooter "llidhluudor," roiristored 810 tona. Model bargo "Colonol Huiliirau," reziatorod 120 tons. llireo (3) licrhters. One 1( ) (latbeat. cn (10) small boats. 1 hrec (8i barges.. Kine (U) yawis. A lull ue.-oitption of tlieso ycsols can lio had on ap plication at tho olllco ol l!rcvot Lieutcnunt-Colouul 1-:. S. ALLEN, Assiaiant Quurtcrnmstor, TcUonpitou lus sticot, xow Orleuus, ana most of thoui can be seen at this port or vicinity. lerins cash in United Mates cttnency, or auditod trarifportation vouchors; uTioeu(lo) por cooi. of tho curchoso monov to be paid on biUdiui; oil each bout. ana the baluuc"to be i-uid williluumJl(8)uay8 ihcrv- alter. Jiy order or tho Ouartormastor tjpnorni. C. G. 8AWTELLE, Colonol and Chiof QuiirtormuMior, 2 1214t Military Division of the liulf. TTXl EK&1VE SALE OF OOVEKJiMENT CLOTil XLi lAti AMI tV(Cll'ACil!,. CHIEF yOABTKIlMABTKB'S UFPICTS. I. FniLADtn-uiA Depot, February lu, DMJ. ) Will bo sold at Fub lo Auction, at tho SCHUYL KILL ARSENAL, l'hiladclphia, on WEDNESDAY, tho 2 Int. ins. nut, ac 10 o'olock A. M., a croat variuty ( Vl.1V AVIl W , 1 1 VIIPI'l.Tl,-'.. Axes. Jackets. Boots, Knapaackg, Koitlos, l)0O' OCR, Buttons, C'cuts, Ctnt Strap", lffHlS, Mittons, Mess Fans, Numbers, l'illow Ciisos, l'omi oug, Shirts, bookings, Scales. .Son (1,8. camp Coiors ana cases, taps, Cup Covers and Capes, canteens, Drawers, Epaulettes, Flues. Coiters, .Loonier and shovels, Ctinvu?, Hatchets and Handles, Sweat leathers, silk BIuo and -carlo', llavercacks, leuts about 0000 Cot, on Hat Omaincnis. anil Linen Tent Flies, lainms. Iron B( dstcuds, lion l'ot.s Topotlior with many other arae'ea not tnutuo rated in this advertisement. Mnny of tho articles are now and In oxcollont condition. tataloi?ut'8 statin;; quantities, aud do Fcnbiu tho property, can bo obtained uc this Oilice. . llio articles can bo seen tor two aav s provious to tho sale, upon application to tho Military Store keeper at tho Arsenal. lorms cash, in Ciovernment tunns. W1LL1A.U V. McKIM, Colonel and Chief Ciuartormai er 2 12 Ot 1'hi a n-lph a Depot. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. TVTEW YORK PYEINd AND PRINTING ll EST A hLI SUM EN I', btatcn It and. Ho. 40 .N. E1CHI 11 Stot- This Ccmpany, so lonir and favorably known In few York for tho past torty-nix ycats, have opened an oitleo as above Ladies' and xeiitlcnien's sariiieina and wear ing upinirc) of every kind Dyed and Cleaned in tho uio-t inn 'eet manner. Stains and spouj removed irom guruieuta w iihoui being lipped. iierehauis having poods of undesirable colors can have them red cd in puiicrior atvlo. 1 20 mwiUui DEVENUE STAMPS. REVENUE STAMPS X i:H.VE.NCE STAMPS, tlf all oci-criptionii, r all descriptions, Alwavs on hand, Aiways on hand. At I VANS', So 630 OHKSliUl' Street. At EVAN', No. ;io Cln SNUl' Mtieet, One door below Seven h street. Out door below Seventh stieeu The most liberal discount allowed. 0 ho moat liberal discount allowed. 2i r A PIE II M ACHE GOODS. PAPIEIt MACI1I3 TAETAN GOODS, . GOODS. t. SCOTCH PLAID GOODS. A Crie SBsortment 0 rapier Macho Work Table, Writing Desks, Inkstands, and Scotch l'lald Good, Just received per the eteamor "fit. Goorpe," too lato lor Christmas sales, eunubio for liridal Gilts, etc., will be sold low. ISAAC TOWNSEND, Houre Fiunitliing Store of lho late JOHN A. MDIU'HEY, No. 922 CITES NUT STHEET, 1 4 Below Tenth street. QOFl-EUING MACHINES. GOFFERING MACHINES. A lareo assortment of Coflerlnn ilrchinos just received per steamer "6t.leorge." FOli SALE BY ISAAC TOWNSEND, Houfc-FuiLlsLing btore of the lato JOHN MCK- riiEY, No. 922 CUESNU1 STREET, Below Tenth Stroet. I EVENUE STAMPS, REVENUE STAMPS, Of a'l descriptions, Of all deauilptioua, Always on nann, Alwavs on baud, I yto, 610 rUEK NUT street, i o. hJD OH ESN (IT Hiroet, At FVAVH' At F VANS', On door below Havttnth street. line door tie ow heveutu siruet. The nio.t liberal dincount allowed. 1 he uioat literal ducouot allowed. 26 GOVERNMENT SALES. ALR OP MEDICISI-,8 BKLONGIHU to the A1LDKAL UEP4KTMENT OK I HB AKM.X . v. MBDIOAL I'0RVYOR'g OFriCB, I WABHiBOToit, I). C, Feb nar? 9, 116 I An auction sale of valuable Medioinos no loneer rrquirfd by tbs kledical Deiiartmont, U. 8. Army, will be bold In this eity on THU US DAY, tie 1st day ot March next, and succeeding days, If nece-s.rv, at 10 o'clock A. ' . at ti e Warehonnes located on Judi- arv Sonare. Fifth and it, streeu. back ot the City Unil. Ihe Mcdiclnra are In the orloinal packsues. and the attention of the trade is invited to this tale, which will embrace tne foiiowtne principal art!, clfs, Et! er, holphuric, 6X0 lbs.,1 Dover's Powder, 250 lbs , Alcohol. ft,0 bottles. ,Cod Liver Oil, 1000 bot- Comnonnd Spirill of tics, Lthcr.600 lbs.. Camphor r li s, 1000 do.. Simblo cerate. 1000 lbs , Compound Catlianlcl'ihs, ninrototm, bW bs., uutiu uozon, inia extract ot liuchn, (pim i 'ins, iiujo anzen, 00 lbs.. .Iodine of Fotassiuin. 200 Fluid Extract of Cln-1 lbs., choro 600 lbs.. i Rhubarb. Mm lbs.. F uid Extract ot Ipeoacu-l'owdcred Rhubarb, 2i0 mi's, V&U lbs., lbs.. Fluid Kxiact ot JRhubarb, Symp of Pqnil's. 600 lb , f,0 lbs., iCompound spirits of Lav Mans Hyararp, 200 lbs., I eiuler, 0U0 lbs., itcsiuo o ner arucics. Upwards of ixtv nrtic cs of the Materia Meillca, In lota similar to tho above, will be oQurod lor talo. Cata'oeues containlnir a comototo list, with lull particular', will bo ready ly tho 17tn inst. leiniA-casn, in oovorrmoni luuus. Five dav will be allowed to purchasers in re moving their propoity. Vj. DOIIILItl,AJ1i;, Surccon U. 8. A., Modica1 Purveyor. C. W. BOIELEK, Jit, 2 9 17t Auctiouocr. OALE OF COMEMKED OR V NANCE Will be told at PUBLIC AUCTION. AT INDIANAPOLIS ARSENAL, 1NDI ANATOLI 8, INIL, ON FEBRUARY 20, 1808, at 10 o'clock A. M., a large quantity, cous!sting In part of the following articles, viz.: 974 Carbines, various kinds. S6.0C0 lluekets and Rifles, new and o!d United States and iorclyn, of various calibre). CCS btarr's Army Revolvers, serviceable. 270 Savaee's Navy Revolvers, now, and othors, with a Inrfto lot of hpnro parts, for the repair of small arms of various patterns. 4S0 Cavalry 8abro Bolts, worn. 724 Cavalry Saddle, worn. 1,090 Cavalry Bridles, worn. 288 Belt Holsters, for Pistols, worn. 200 Cartridge Boxes, for Tisto s, worn. 1,153 Cartrldffe Boxcb, lor Carbins'. worn. 8C0 Slings, for Carbinos, worn. 158 sots of Artillery Harnoss, worn. 47,000 sots of Infantry accoutiemoms, worn. Also & large lot of atpendagos lor tho various klndB of Muskets and R.fles. Samples to be scon at tho IKDIANaPOLIS ARSENAL, and at tho UNITED STATES ORDNANCE AGENCY, No. 45 WORIU IsTUEEV, NEW YORK CITY. TERMS OE SALE-CASH. J AMH.S SI. WHirnViOKE, 1 8(2 0 Copt, nnd Bvt. 3Ii;j. Ord., Commanding. 1 EXTENSIVE SALES OK GOVERNMENT hOLUN-i STOCK. JIilitauy Division oftite I knnesske, ClIUJ' yrjABTEUMAPTl.U'H OFFICE, U. S. AllLlTAltV KAILKUAO, KAsnvn.LE. Tenui-ppco. Jantmrv 9,1S0G. Will le Bold ut I itDiio Auct'on, nt Uninpiu, len Jieifeo, WEDNESDAY, Ktbruarv 7, 1S03 tho tot liwiiij describcd I'o.linir Stock, viz: iour (i) Locon olive Kumiin, live foot gaue Hire, old and oiinnni:eri, one rriiuiinblc. Sixiuen (16) Eox and ijilo (0) Hat Cars (more or or ies), lue ttet puugo. ISnmo tune and plnce ' Cm; (1) Locomotive Engine flvo feet gaugo, lyir.f In the oitch on the Jmo oi tho AlieniHsippi Central linilroad, twelve mile north ot (.land Junction. Af NASHVILLE, I ENN., WEUNEiDAY, 1-EB-Itl'ARY 14 18U0. will be sold tho lo.lowm? described Roiling stock, all oi live loot gaugo, and in good running older, viz. : On i (1) Locomotive Encino, Lyman & Souther, builders. Eighteen (18) Locomotivo Engines, E. Norris & Sons, builders. Oio (i) Locomotivo Engino, Rodders' L. and M, orks, tiiildrrs. Or.o (1) Locomotivo Engine, Swiubourn & Smith, buiioers One il i Locomotive Tender. I wo Huuored (200) Flat and Box Cars, more or less. Same time and place : ive (f) Loccmouvo Engines, unserviceable. Boikrs and Itunnimr Gears lor Two (2) Dummy E-n, unserviceable. Five (G) (150 fect each) McCallum's Truss llririee Two (2) Spans Bridge (50 fect each). Ore Hundred and 1 hirty-three (L33) perch of first and tccondtcluss Cut Stono, comprising louuda- t on of Round llou.-e. Wiliaieo be ild on above-mentioned dates at MEM 1'lllS and N AbUVl LLE, the baluuco of MI LI 1AKY RAILROAD l'Rul'EKl Y remaiulug undi. posed of at that time. sales will commence at each place at 10 o'clock A. M., ai d continue until-all the property is disposed of. 1 ERMS OF 8AI E Cash, iu Oovernmont lunds; or when purchased by railroad companies, on credit lif dct-ircd) of not excoeoing two years, payable in monliuy Instalments with interest ac the rate ot 7-fcO per cent, per annum, seemed by bond satisfac tory to the Government for double the amount of the proi erty purol axert. Full descriptions of tho Engines can be obtained on appbcation to Captain b. K. HAiliLL, A. Q. M Ntu-hvillo, Tennessee. p CHILVY, llC2Ct Brevet Major and A. Q ll., U. S.U.. Q.OVEKNMENT HARNESS AND SADDLES. AN IUMENSE STOCK OF BADDLK8, BBIDI.KS. COLLARS. ItEINS, HALlERS and CHAINS, BIIELBY TENTH, W'AOON OOVEB3, i-OKTABLK FORGES ETC. E1C. Much of thla Harness Is new a'l Inspected work, and suited to all kinds of city, truck, or larm purposes. WboieialecrEetail. GKKAT BARGAINS. PUKIN CO. 2 1 Im No. 339 N. FKONf bUeet. 3 H rj O P4 6s B I S o n 0 GOVERNMENT SALES. G OVEllNMKNT S A L E Large bale of fink surgical instbu. m en rs Will be sold at Auc'lon. at the Medical Purveyor Warehouse, TUBLIC SQUARh.. NisHVLLK, TFNfT . ON TUFsHAt, FEBRUARY W, 1868. ' J 200 Ceneral Operating tares, " 86 Minor do do 26 Ejecting and Irephlnlnft Cases; CA Fet Mortem Cases, large; li 0 Dispct1ns Cases; 200 I'ockot Caes, two folds; 2f.O do do tbreotolds; IfiO stomach l'umps, pari flute-koy valve; SW Teth Fxtractinir Iustrumonts; 600 Davidson's Soil-Injecting Syrinees; 1.000 Scarificators; 12 OU) npping Ola-e and Tins; , 1 600 T'Usses Binglo and double; 1,4( 0 Scissors; " 6 PfO 1 ouriiiqurts, all patterns : 1,600 Hard Kulibor yrinire, assorted sizes; ' HO0 Sots splints, all sizes; Stethoscopes. Tongue Drprsors. Rvrtniros hvrw ferni e Eto , Ob tetrical Caws, Spcculums, Lanoeta Etc Eto Eto. A portion of the foregoing articles are spoond band, and will te sold snara'oly. Ihe balance in entirely new. The gncrul 0)oratm? cases contain instruments for amputations, exsections. minor operations, aud sets ot Catheters and sounds. AT SAME I'LACE ON WEDNESDAY, February 14. WJLL BE SOLD, A SKK'K OF NEW BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, WRAP FLNU TAPhR, AM 8000 bTANDARD MEDIC A. L BOOKS, Conslstins' in part of H0 copies Cray's Anaton v ; 60 do Dunglisoii's Medical Diefionary; 20 do 1'ractice Modicino, Woods', Bonnet's. Watson's, etc. ; CO do DaltonV l'liysiology ; 60 do Virol. ow's l'atholOL'v ; 130 do Surgery Gross, Erichson, Farnji eon, eto. ; 400 do t). b. Dispensatory ; 60 do Beck's Jurtspitidenco; 60 do l'arrish's l'narmner; 40 do 'therapeutics, v ood, and Still e 00 ro Minor surgerv ;' 6X5 do Surgical Anatomy; 70 do Chemistry, Fownos; 20 do Webster's Dictionary, eto.' to eto. J 060 Blank Hr.oks, 4 quires Cup I bound llCO do do small quarto; 26 do do line, who e bound 6l'0 Reams Writing Taper, cap, lcttor, and note)) 70 do Writing 1'apor, assorted; 1C00 InkMnnds, various patterns; 200. ('( 0 Envoi, ipes. aborted; s.fOO H!a k Books, miscellaneous; C0 Torttolios; l'eneils, l'eu, Ink, eto , etc., etc. Some of ih Medical Books are second-hand, and wi 1 be sold separately. The Books and Instruments can bo Inspected tJj dnv before the sale. Catalogues mav bo bad on application. ROttERF F Lbrc HER. Snrt eon and Brevet Colonel U S. Voluntoors, 1 4 16t Medical Turveyor U.S.A. 1 U B L I C AUCTION OF SUBSISTENCE J 81UKES AND l'KOl'EKTY. Office Dkvot comiiishauy of Subsibtence, I Washoton, D. C., February 2 181.) Will 1 e odered ac l'ubuc Auction, at Sixth streit tvl.uri, In this city, at 11 o'clock A. M on TUEi. DAY, February 2o, lHOil, tho loilowinir articles: ALout li head ot excellent work Oxen. 2 Cows. 0,000 pounds of Corn (lu tho car). 4S0 W 0 pouiids of Uruu. . - . 117 0C0 pounds of Hay. 2,210 gallons of Extract of Coffoo. A so, tho following concleinuod Subsistence Stores, viz : . ' Atout2C00 pounds of .'alt Beef. OKD pounds of Smoked Hoof. 8,',17 Coxes ol 'smoked Herring. 1600 j ouues of llutd Broad, lfbtj pounds of Corn, Mpui. 4S00 pouuds of lined Teaches. 2000 )iouiicls of llomiuy. , . (Kit) I'tmnas of Ilesiccatod Totatocs, 1 ' 1740 pounds ot Mixed Veiretab.cs. t " 2CC4 pounds of Beans, etc. eto. Also, tho loiiowiiiK articles ot Commissary Tro neii : Iron Safes, Pinchers and Adzes, Buke Tans, Trucks, Wheelbarrows, Field Desks, , Coileo Mills, l'umps, .Axes j Axe Handle", Cooking Stoves, Breau I roughs, Letter i'rtbtes, L sks, 'lai ics, Cliaiis Camp Tables N) rn g l!niances, Beam t-culca, Tla.ioi in Scales, Counter Scales, Meut Suws, t oiuniicsury Chest, lino .scow, L nuid aim Dry Measures, ( nuldrons, l-tiiicctts. I'lrobricK, Cooper Vices. I amps. etc. Also, a lot ot Coffje and Salt Sucks, Gunny Bags, Ran", eto etc. 'Itrms Cash, in Government funds, G. BELL, 2 6 8t Major and C. S., U. o. A. UKEAU OF ORDNANCE Navy Di vabt.ment, I VAemx(,TON city, juntiarir 13. loG6. I Sa!o ol serviceabl- auo uus'-rv ccnblo NAVY lOVUbKS, at the United Stntes Nnvv Y'ard, Norfolk, Virginia. 'ihete villi be sold to the highest b't'dors, at unbliO auction, a noon ou tho loth any of jilaiou, 18u0, ia the cilice o! tho Inspector of trdianor, at thoiHor lolk Navv Y'urd, by g iwpv live hundred auil 'lurty lour iliouj-and lour hundred and throo (531,403) pounds oi Iavv Towders, as lollows: l-2,8o0 pounas, ervioeoblo. 7 877 " coi demned. 19618 damaged. 4,018 " comprtscd. 34.403 as only about two hundred and sevontv-two thon eui d three bundled aim tiltv-Uv- (272 b6Si pounds of theso powt ersaie in barrels, purchasers must pro vido barrels into which the remiuoer oi tho powders mav te emptied from the tanks. :or which a period ol thirty (SO) days will be allowed Tho powder ia barrels, however, must be rcmovod within teu days from the day of sale, othorwi-e thoy will revert to the Government. Tcinis eush, in Government funds, ono-balf of tho purchase monev to bo deposited at the completion of thesa e, and the remainder before tne powders ara removed. IL A. WISE. . 1 22 mws f 3 U Culef ot Bureau. 1 lUREAU OF ORDNANCE, NAVY DEPART. JJ MENf. Washington Tity, Jan. 10, 1S1J3. Sale of a rout one thousand (10;0) tolis of Wavy SHOT' and SHKLL at the Forts near tno entrance to Cape Fear Liver, North Carolina otice is hereby given that on the 15ih dav of Feb ruary, 1860, there, will bo sold at publio auction to the highest bidder, without reserve, and in lots to suit purchasers, about one thousand (1000) tons, more or less, ot SHOT and Sll KLL thrown into tho Forts at the entrance of Cupe Fear Rivor, N. C, by the f avy during thoir bombardment. Terms cash in Government lunds, one-half tha purchase money to be paid by tbe purchaser on tha estimated weights immeuiatoly npou the conclusion of tne sule, and the remainder on tho actual weights upon delivery and removal, which must tuko pluee within teu days eltor the sale, otherwise tho prejecllits will reveri to the Governraout. U.A.WISE.. 1 27 lOt Cldcf of Bureau. s ALE OF MANURE. Assistant Otjartervastkb'b Ovucb. I rniLAPEiPuiA Dkpot, February 9 18Ui. f Will lie sold to the nighes: bidder at l'ubh6 Auc tion, on TUESDAY, tho 13th instant, at 10 o'clock A. M , at the Goyernuionr stablet, T WEN I Y tllKIJ and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. I'd, thirty (30) wagon loads of MANURE 'ierms C'ah, in tiovernment funds. The Manure must be removed within three days after sale. Br orde r ot , Chief Quftrtrmastor, I'hiiadiphia Dupot HENRY BOWMAN, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. 2 9 8t SALE OF NAVY POWDERS AT THE NAVX HARD, PORTSMOUTH, M. H. BUKKAU OF OKDNAKCK. ) . Navy Dupaktmunt. I -WABiintOTOif City. Jauuaiv 22, 18:53. f ' There will be sold o the highest bidders, at nooO of tbe fourteenth (14th) day of February, 18 SO, in tha oilice of the luspeotor of Ordnance, at the Tort, mouth Navy Yard, by utmple, live thousand barrels ol NAVY l OWDEltS. Terms Cash, in Government funds; ouo-'ialf to te deposited at the end ot tho sale. and the reuiatudar within ten dais afterwards, during which tiuiethti rowdors bo removed from tho Portsuiout!) Magazine at tbe Navy Yard, otherwise they wil( revert to the Goveruiuunt. II. A. WISE, 124wfmt214 thiol ol B-iroaU,