8 THE DAUiTi $YENING ; TIMGIlJU,n4---!PIlILADELPniA, ' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 18C6. THE SjEIVGERBUND IIVLL. AMedley of Masks, and Musio-The Perfumes of Fountains and Flow ors-A Mirthful Motley of Mas-quers-Tho Animal and Vege table Kingdoms In Full Regalia-Cucumbers Waltz ing with Dead Beets-Potato e 8 , Promenading with Parsnips' Tne grand Masked Ball of the Sirngerbund, at tbe Academy Inst evooincr, was really a most brilliant affair, and though her al 'Jed with little cewipnper notoriety and blowing of trumpets, vac, we think:, in most respects, il not all, tbe finest afl'air of the Benson. . Fo far as the attendance, too variety and oddity of costumes, and the spirit of jonullty characterizing the entertainment were con cerned, it was ss complete a Kuccese as could bae been desired or anticipated; and in no par ticular were those participa.lnf; doomed to dis appointment. The instrumental portion of the music, by Birgfeld's orchestra and m litary band, and the vocal music by the S i njurbund Society, with Carl (Jaertuer as director, were bot' excellent, as ama'terof course. The pro rran.rue of aances was as follows: 1. lolonaise 2 Waltz, 1 lain. 8. i i, ficho.t'sche. 4 tuidnJie. l'lain. 6. Wi liz, 1 o ka. to Galop 7. Vuudnlle Foika. 8. Ma tz, Main. 8. Colon. 1 10. Waltz, Uazourka. 11. j Anoers. 12 Walts, So , ottixehe. . 18. Walir. piain 14 Quaiirill", MozourVa. 15 Waltz, Polka. Hi. Wl'z. nam. 1 17. Uulop. The costumes worn by the members of the Bnneeibund, more especially those worn by thofe performing the more prominent parts, were e xceedingly neat, well fitting, and dosizned with taste. Ihey were furnished by Mr. Charles Becker, o'f East Broadway, New York. To bis establishment and that of Mr. Des mond, of our city, especial commendat on is jii6tly due. The drcese3 we e universally ad m.red, and contribute 1 materially to the gran deur of the occas on. The decorations of tbe Academy were not over gorgous, but appropriate and becoming in ap pearance. They were entrusted to Mr. Christian Crelner, one of the Board of Managers, who was ably aspitted by Mr. John L. fcmith, of thi& city. They were arranged with precise uniformity, and deserve favorable notice. The only slight discomfiture experienced was at the ladies' wrdro)e, there not being a suf Hcieiit rwr.ber of at endsnts to wait tipofl lc vatt ftsicmbiafce. When the ball exercises tor. minatcd, the incident rush at the narrow pas. eage created considerable confusion, and although the squeezing and roueh elbowing both males and females experienced fivjm the waving to and fro of the clamorov multitude was anjthiog else than co!r;fortayei it WB,( neveitheless amusing; an rte e,iacte(1 8cene8 at tunes produced bois croug laugh1ert millslcd who pieauicgs anu ,cquc8t8 iu vam. The docorano-a of tu0 baihlmgwas as Cnc us anything we jiave t,ver gn0n( American flags bd"ap placed at every loot or two over the cnti1c edifice. In the middle of the floor there Tas a fountain of scented water, surrounded by bouquets, and as the ladies passed, thousands of handkercn'efs were wet wUh this delicious per fume. The expense sustaineJ by the Society in erecting this marble basin was exceedingly large, the cost of the perfumery alone amount ing to upwards of $'200. The grand feature of the whole ball was the opening crJree ol all the various characters, and which represented every imaginable beast and reptile, from bears to bull-frogs. The line of the procession as formed was beaded by Birg feld's band, and was immediately followed by the personations of the newspapers of Phila delphia. Among the most prominent could be seen The Evemxq Telegraph, with the latest news posted on lis back and aides. Next came the polar bears, peacocks,'' ostriches, whifky, champagne bottles, foxes, etc. These were immediately followed bythe "Prince Carnival" ith the "Princess," who seated themselves on the throne prepared for the occasion. As the procession had gradually passed the whole length of the stage, and had taken its place on the left hand, the signal was given, the curtain at the rear of the stage went up, and a grand German chorus, embracing many voices, could be heard; and gradually rising above the scenes, Apollo with his golden harp, and Poly hymnia leaning on his arm, attired raost magni ficently, had apptared among the clouds, where they remained until the chorus was completed, then descended and were presented, with nume rous other characters, to his royal highness the Prince of Festivities. Of all the numerous masquerades that have been given in the city during the past five or six winters, none were attended by such innumer able varieties ot beasts, reptiles, Cub, and birds etc., of every description. Tbe number of clowns, also, last evening, was astonishing, the fascinating character of the fool being repre sented by many on the floor. During the evening a new impersonation of "Waddilove" could be seen strolling through the darkened ecenea with the ever-popular "Daughter of the Beglment" on his ar.ni, which impersonation was assumed by about fifty of the fair sex. Chinese, Japanese, negroes, patriotic Irishmen (Fenians), and Indians were also in abundance, and their hideous contortions and awful attempts at the various lan guagca were most distressing. "Richard III" was at the ball, having on one arm the beautiful and magnificently attired "Queen Elizabeth," while on the other was resting affectionately the loving form of "Lady Anne" Occasionally the " crooked-backed tyrant" could be heard repeating, "Was ever woman in thla humor won," as he went striding over the atage, and elicited considerable admi ration 'Charles II" also figured conspicuously, and -was attired In one of the handsomest suits on the floor. He wa escorting a beautifully dressed lady, whose attire was entirely of silver cloth, and who presented a moBt brilliant ap- pearance. ' His BaUnlo Majef.ty," with horns of every color, was also present, enjoyiug the festivities of the evening. One of the prettiest features, as well as most patriotic emblems of the entertainment, was a company of children dressed la American flags. They were received in the grand enlrtt with loud ovations of applause. ."Jeff Davis in Petti costs" was also impersonated by a popular char, acter, and was seen a greater part of the even ing between men whose names we believe were "Maximilian" and "Louis Napoleon." "Lucretia Borgia" was also graclnir the floor, being escorted by a popular young broker as "Uennnro." "Corlolanis" and "King Lear" were walking arm jn arm, and appeared to be greatly perse cuted by an expiring "Harlequin," who ever lastingly ininted upon punching them with his magic wand. The inimitable "Toodlcs" and 'JKlng Henry VI" appeared to be on intimate acquaintance ship, as wc noticed th;it "Timothy" still retained his weakness of indulging in beer, and, in fact, contaminated the morals- of his associate, as both were decidedly lunny in the latter part of the evening. A character that represented a whlky bottle, and had that name printed on its bock, was one cf tbe beat impersonations of the evening, and stagsrering across the floor, was received with considerable applause and laughter. Ihe refreshment rooraB tiie Foyer of the Academy were under the especial charge of Colonel Joseph Steppacher, an.i the supper was the best arranged of the season. The tables were tastefully set, and were literally loaded with tne choicest coii cuts, turkey, chicken, tongne, salads, piittw, game, pies, cakes sauces jellies, preserves, etc. At proper intervals bouquets adorned the table i, and lent an ally pleasant fragrance to the rooui9. E.tellen'. coffee, tea, and chocolate were served to order, and were of better quulity than usual. There wesbut one door kit open for entrance, and another for exit from the relreshmcnt saloons. At the first mentioned each per on purchased a ticket for flT.O.J.nd parsing in, regaled bimiell or herself with everything edible that was to be found on the bill of fare. This ar raneen.cnt gave general satisfaction, as every one received what wa desired, as much as they w ished, and were not annoyed by the pre sentation of checks bearing monetary characters of alarming significance. The eupper-rooras were crowded from balf-past 11 until after 2 o'clock, and the profits of this portion of the entertain ment must Lave been considerable. The bar in the basement was manuccd in the same btyle by Colonel Steppacher, tickets and not money being given for beverages, and although the crowd of bibbers wa9 evr exten sive, yet every on seemed to be satisfied. The police arrangements, under Lieutenant Paullin and his assistants, were as perfect as usual. Officers were moving about in all direc tions, but we observed no incident to mar the enjoyment of the occasion. New Cbesnct BTafcfff Iheatbi. Mr. Wool! has erred m his judgment in solcotlntr tbe play which lie calls tbe Hour of Ten tot translation. It is un worthy the adapter and trms'ator of the Glass of Water. Tiie French play fiom which It isUKcn, is taken from a novel ot Frederick Soulo'e, which bM a title something like ' Uae Ma'san de la Una de revenco." The plot is exceedingly obscure, tbe two first acts are lntcnso'.y tiresome, and mean nothing. 'J here Is a Utile interest in the third act, and a fine situation at the end ot the fourth. One Kicat iault In the play is that the Iautos have scarcely anything io oo, ana are even very itue seen. mr. iioiduuut baa apart exactly in the style in which be ixctlf a coo1, oaring villain run a bruibo a ihj "Usurer" was excellent, and the whole Of his mil er oration artistic aud cltvor. Ihe other nam are al) iuripmflcant, even to Mies Orion's. Mrs. Reach did not know her part, aud lur the eatielachou of changing ber dress occasioned a iOiia slape wait. 1 he other actors made as much oi thfir parts as eouid be made, with the exception ol Mr. Lewis, whose intentions may be food aud OBiiuU'oug great, hut who is inteus y awxward and yio'y- a.i. wool!, in two noui soenia, ua iniro buced a little bit of low comedy, wi.lch told wed tilth ihe pailonpg. inn nay condensed io in roe aos would be very effective. The scenery was effective, espt c ally the " oid curiosity shop," whose moBt admired d sorter was natural and ariiftio. We nonce that A.r. Fotier unlove moat rapidly, and is evidently in earne.-i. Arch Struct Theatre. Mrs. Waller made her appearance last evening before an onthu.siaatic audi ence. Tbe Ducheia of Mai II was admirably per formed. Mr. Waller wag called twice before tbe curtain. This great ar ist, we are glad to see, will le thoroughly appreciated. VTALBtrr Strict Theatbh. Mr. Clarke plays this evening "Cousin Joe," and In the Kn.trlttt of the Hound Table. No natter what Mr. Clarke plays, he bat alnajs lull housta. New American 'Ihkatbx. Wallott's fun still fills this large and beautifully appointed theatre. Tbe equoatrian and acrobatio leats are very admi rable, and are nightly received with rounds of applause. Tbe management have made soma en ragements with well-known performers, whose names will be announced in due time. Pxbklli's "Clakissa Hablows "This splendid opera, which achieved such a marked anooess last Tuesday evening, will te repeated this evening at Concert Ball. Its rendition to-night will doubtless be even moie periect than tnat of last week, and another deUgbiial musical treat miy be anticipated. It is a decided novelty to see a grand opera pro duced for tbe first time in America by amateurs and led bythe gifted composer himself; and this fact lends additional interest to ferelli's beautiful pro duction. In Vienna its mocess was great in the hands of Medorl and other celebrities, and It is much to the credit ol tbe performers here that its fjorformance on Tuoaday evening last was fully suc cessful enough to satisfy one of the most brilliant audiences ever assembled in a publio hall in Pbila delphia. TbbFkak Family. These exquisite musical per former, both instrumeuial and vocal, are nightly greeted with crowded bouses. Their management of the bells, from the tinitst toy to a good sized church bell, is something wonderlui, and the delightlal har mony which they produce calls out peals of applause For tbe past two weeks they have crowded the large ball of tbe Assembly Building, and there Is no appa rent diminution ot the interest wbloh they have excited. They continue during the present week and introduco some novelties that will be worth teeing. Lictubis A course of lectures is to be inaogu rated ; belore tbe Association on the Statistical Civil, and Social Condition ot the Colorod People of Pennsylvania. Tbe first will take place on the 8th of .February, when Fred. Douglas . will speak. The course ought to be a comrloto tuoooes. The Rev. C. W. Dculson, 'of Philadelphia.' United States, lias recently arrived from that country. Oar readers will remember his visit to Manchester In 1863, in connection with George Griswold. ArrantrRments are beiner made, we understand.- tor. him rt.anaak on the nresent aspect of affaire in America. He is to lecture) in the Mechanics' Institution, Bacup, Wednes day evening, January n.UamhtUsr Examiner, ' The Cavour canal lu Italv is now completed. The waters of the Po have been admitted into the channel, and now ell its whole extent of , nlty-thiee miles. - I M T O R T A N T it r r; , : , tat; .:, i 1 xociciipiiiiirtB . Of TBE REVENUE EXTENSIONS SILVER MINING COMPANY . or i .IS .XS V .L I A. CAPITAL. foOO.OOO, DIVIDED INTO 80.000 8 n Alt Eft. Par Value and Subscription Price, $10 Per Share. The Directors having secured the following vain b'e properties sit a a tod open LANDER BILL, Lan der County, Nevada, to wit : ON LANDER HILL, Bit BAUDS LEDGE : 2000 FEBiT, W. B. JOHNSTON LEDtiE 2000 " COrPJtR HAKBOE X. 8. TENKOCK VAL1EY VEIN TAYLOR FARKELUL TTSON MACKINAW MINER'S JOT IIILORINE f tarn TJRET UNION TRUST MARQUETTE BOIGLTON QUAKER CTTT ASSOCIATED A3SNA SWAN .....2000 2000 2000 2000 2400 . ...2000 2100 2400 .... 2400 2100 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2100 40 400 Consisting of Eighteen different I -edges or Mines, and amounting in the aggregate to about 40.000 loet, together ulth the HOPKINS TUNNEL. Which Is already opened about 200 fi ft Work upon this Tunnel is now being prosecuted with the utmost vigor, and will CO IN ITS COfJRSE ALL THE ABOVE-NAMED LEDGES, and also the Jlevenue, Providmtia, Savage, Morgan and Muncey, Hooker, North Star, n& in fact all Ledges situated upon Lander Bill. Ihese properties have been aocured from the original locators, and only could be done by giving them a large interest in the Company. Uniting these properties with ttie Revenue Exten sion without increasing tbe Caj ital Stock, or the price per share, stamps this as one ol the best enter pi iscs ever ofli'ied to the public Samples of the Ore and Maps of the Property, and for fLrtlier particulars, apply at the Office, No. 65 S. THIRD 81 RKET. 12 29 4p KEGISTEK'8 NOTICE. TO ALL CREDI tors. Lenatees, and other persons Interested. Ii olive is nercov given inai me io luwuig namea per sona did, ou the dates affixed to their names, Hie the accounts ol their Admlnlntiatlon to the estates of those persona deceased, and Guardians' and'lrus ees' accounts nose namea are unuermennonea, in me omce oi un Register lor the I tobate of Wills and grant ng Letters of Administration in and forthe City and County offbl a deipbla; and that the same wil be presented to the Orphans' Oourt ol said C.ty and Countv tor continua tion anu allowance, on the third FBIDAY in February next at 10 o'c ock In tbe morning, at the County Court uonxe in saia city. Sec. 20, Jane E. Mason, Executrix of WILLIAM Al AP-un , ueuvattvu. " 30 James Bell aud hoburtll. Logan, Execatorsoi KOBl-.Kl LAUtjiliLIN, deceased. " 30, Thomas C esbitt, AdmUus.rator of WILLIAM A. J A 1 1 UCVVIUOUt 1866. . Jan. 3, Ellen Barron, et al.. Executors, of GEORGE jjakbuj. aeceasea- ' 3, Hannah Uadders, Uuardlan of JOHN M. HUD- 1-kB, late a minor. ' 3, Wiilltim Mmon, Administrator of DENEY 8LMUN deceased. ' 6, Jane Mlieapie, Administratrix of WILLIAM UILLC8flt. deceasea. 6, James T. Black, Kxecutor of THOMPSON BLACK, deceased. ' 6, Blmon Amo d and H. Dettlebach, Admlalstra- iota ol I'UlLIf AUN OLD, deceased. ' 6, Ceoige H. Bobensack, Executor et HANNAH WILLIABU, oeceaaed. 6, John Wo Arthur. Jr.. Executor of WILLIAM DEhMSY. deceased. " 6, M'iilism Yorke and Wll lam TJpplncott, Execu tors ol 1'hTfc.K L. YOKKE, deceased. " 8. Wl llam Farves.t Admlnlsuator of BABAH a. OuKE, deoeaaed. " 9, Thomaa E. si cG I reran, Jr., Administrator of '1HOMAS MoUlVEHAN. deceased. M 10, George W. Dedrlck. Uuardlan of ELIZABETH AM1KEW J., and WILLIAM B. MOTT, mmor children ol WILLI A 44 JJ. MOTi.de- sstt " 11, Henrr 8. Hagert. Traatee of MICHAEL D. H AhBlGAn. deceased. " 12, Beroard Baflerty, Guardian ot DANIEL CA- illLLandMABY CAU1LL, late minora. " 13, John W llcock. Executor or HANXEu WIL- CO( K.. deceaatd. " 13, Bcdman Cooper, Administrator of ANN CAH- L18UC, deceased. ... " 13, Daniel U. Fox and Alexander T.elmer, Jr. Executors ol ALUXANDEB LEIUEB, Br, deceased. " 15, Harriot and Elizabeth Eaaby, Executrlcea of JOHN EASBY, deceased. " 15, Henry Jieore, Executor ot BEBECCA BUY- HON. deceased. " 15, F. B. Fontauges, Executor or M AEG ABET tROl'BlLLAT, deceased. ,., " 16, Thcmas Fobes, et al.. Executors ot GEORGE W. KOBE deceased " 16, Adolpb E. Borie, Adunnlatratoro.ta.of BC8AN GU1BEB1, deceased. ... ' 17, Charles W. Harrison, Executor and Trustee of CHARLES V. BUPFELU, droeased. " 18, Joseph A. Hall, Administrator ot W ILLIAM P. HALL, deceased, " 18. Bobert D. Morris and Edward Armstrong, Executors of AUK a C. HuPE, deceased. " 18, Philip Cenway, Executor of JuHa AtoCAB- BON. deceased. " 19, G. Boberta Muitb, Executor of BENJAMIN GEEHAKD. Deceased " 19, G. Boberu bmlth sod H. Dupont. lrusteetof BENJAMIN GEKHARD. deceased. " 10, Bobrrt C. Davla Administrator d. b. a. 0 t. a. of JOHN L. -Mi l tl. deceased. " 21, William J. Kelly, Aamlolslrator of EVANS BBINTON, deceased. . .. " 20, Bobeit MeFarland, Administrator of HUGH MCBPHY. deceased . . " 22, Isaac Craft, Administrator of MABY K. W0H1HIG1UN deceased. M 23, John I. Eoulke. Gnardian of CHABLtS L. FOTJLKE. nilnoi. deceased. . " 24, Joiepu W Hbarp, et al., l'tuatees for BENJA- MIH SHAUP. M 24, Samuel Field and Bobert Patterson. Executors oi MAKUoBE'l' DA VIM. deceased " 24, William K. Fry, Executor of FBEDEBICK 8. " 25, Danlef 6. HUner. Guardian of ANNA MABIA COX late a minor. " 25, Samuel Wainer aud Toblaa Waimer. Executors and Trustee oi fcCbAN BYE KL Y, deceased. " 25, Samuel a. Bispham and Charles Koona. Ad- miulstratora ef ISA AO KOON4. deceased. 25, William U. David, et al , Execntors of JACOB davim!eehick m. admh. I26f4t Beslster. II E G It, EAT , ; STRENGTHENING TONIC, IHst a Whisky rreparatten), IIOOFL AND'S GERMAN BITTERS, t WILL CtlvB DEBILITY! DEBILITY! iteoollliig from any cause whatever. PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM ENDCCEB BY THE BEVBTRB DARDSmPB, EXPOBCKI, FEVERS, OF Diseases of Camp Life. 8CLDIER8, CIIIZEKB, MALE OR FEMALE, ADULT OB YOUTH, Will find In this Til' tern a pnre Tonic, not dependent on nau nuuors tor ueir aim.ei miracmoos etlecu. DYSPEPSIA, and Diseases Eesulting from Disorders of the Liver and Digestive Organs, ARE CURED BY lTOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. This Bitters las performed more eurei. (Ivee better aaiisiaction, oaa more testimony, naa more respectab.e peop.e to vouch lor It, than any other article In the niaraet. . , . We defy an; ono to contradict this assertion and WILL, PAY SlOOO, To any one who will pieduce a certificate published by us llooflancl's German Bitters WILL CUBE ET1 BY CASE OF CIJlOyC OR SERV0O9 DEBILITY, AtiD DISEASE a OF THE AlDJfEYS. Observe the following Symptoms, resulting from Die- oraera oi toe Digestive organs : Constipation, Inward Plies Fa ness of Blood to tbe iteau, Acluliy or too stomach, Nauea. Heartburn, lils.usi ioi Food. Fuiesa or M eight In the Htomach, Sour Kructstluna. Sinking or Flut tering at tbe Pit of tbe ntoroach swim, mlng of the Head. Hurried aud DltH cult Breathlm;. Flat eringat the Heart Choking or BaOocating fensationa when In a lmir posture, Din nera ot Vision, Dota or Weba btlore the Blvht, Fever and Dnil Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Ye lowness of the okin end t)es. Pain in the wide, . Back, Chest. Limbs. Etc.. Hudden Flu. bra Ot ticat. Itnrnintf In thn Kinfth (instant Imalnlnga of EyU, and b reat Depression ' of bplnts. BEMEMBEB, That this Bitters is not Alcoholic contains no Ruin or Wlmky, and cdmiot make Drunkards, Mitt is the Jiett Touic in the world HEAD WHO SAYS SO. Fiom Bev. W. D fielgfried, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist murcn, r'niiaoeipuia. Oeuilemen t I have recently been laboring tinder the dis reasing moots ol indigestion, accompanied by a pros tration oi the nervoua at stem. Numerous remedies were recommended by trienda. and aome of them tea ed bnt wi hout relief Your Huotiand'a German Bitten were reoon.menueo bv persona who had tried tuem, and whose lavoiab e mention ot these Bit era induceu me to try them. Imustconftfs that I bad an aversion to Patent Aledlclnes from the "thousand aud one" quack "Bit ters," whose only aim seems to be to pa m od sweetened and dratted liuuor upon the ommun tv in a aly way. and the tendency of which. I tear, la te make man? a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal preparation, 1 took it wi n happy eflect. Its action not only upon the stomach, oat upon Ihe nervoua aystem. was prompt and amttiytng. 1 leel that 1 have derived great and permanent benefit from the uae or a lew Domes. Very reapectmlly yonrn, W. D. 8EIGFBIFD. No. 254 tihackamaxon street A From the Bev E. D. Fendall, Assistant Editor Christian . nromoie, muaaerpnia. I bave derived decided benefit from the use of Hoof- lam 's Herman Blitera. and leel It my armiee tore commend them aa a moat valuable tonic, to all who are euflerlnir from general debility or troui diseases axlslng irom uerankemeni oi ino nver. Tours truly, E. D. FENDALL. From Bev. D. Merrige, Pastor of the Pasty unk Baptist i nurvn, rnuaoeipaia. From the manv resnectanle recommendations irlven to Dr. Hootiand's (Jerman Bitters 1 was Induced to give tbem a trial. Alter usina several Domes i lound them to be a good remedy ior debility, and a moat excellent tonic ior the atomacn. u. ai t.nniut From Bev. William Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vln- centown and AtiUvllle (H. J.) Baptist marches. Having used In mj laml y a number oi bottlea of your Honflaud'a Uennan bitters. 1 have io say that 1 regard ttum aa an excel. ent medicine, apeolally adapted to re move the dLea.es they are recommended ior They strengthen and Invigorate the system when debl.lUted, and are usetu in dlsoiders of the ilver. loss oi appetite, etc. I have also recommended them to several of my irlenaa. who nave triea mem aim iouna mem greatly oentnciai in tne resioranou oi urmvu. Youra iruiv. WILLI M PMITH. ho. Dei Hutchinson street, Phllada. D BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Bee that the armature of wrapper of each bottle. C. M. JACKSON" is on the PRICE, Slacle Bottle Osso Dollar, or Xiosen for 93. a Half r Bhonld your nearest Drnrglet nnt have the article, do not be put off by any of tbe Intoxicating preparatlona that may be offered In Its phtoe, but send to us, aud we will forward, securely packed, oy express. PRKCIPA1 OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, No. 631 Arch Street, FhiladelpMa, Pa. JONES & EVANS, SUCCESSORS TO O. M. JACKS0S CO.), PB0PBIETOB3. For sale by DruggUU and Dealen la ry town to the DRY GOODS RETAIL.' Targe l in b n sal e JLj .i i . pi "v , , i AT MILUICEN'8, No. 828 ARCH" STUEET, Just opened, direct from Knreye, the following BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS. It eavy Table Linen, unbleached, at Tde. per yard. Txtra heavy Power-loom do., yarn bleached, tl per yard. txtra qualities and widths da do., M2H1 15. yew styles bleached Damasks, from 1 25 opto $&. Fxtra qualities and widths, ior large extension Ublea Beat Larnsley Doable Damasks, very scarce. Heavy Ncotch Damaaka, In great variety. Fine Irish Damasks, In reat varte.y. TABLE CA.OTI1S AaD NAPKINS. Every size, from 1H yards op to T yards long. Some beaotlfol Table cloths, Just opened. Napkins and Doy lea In a 'eat variety, from the lowest bo to the finest prodnctlona of tbe Damask loom. TOWIXD, SKW STYLED. Bath Towela, from 28c. np. Bed Bordered Chamber Towe'a, from 2Ac. op. Heavy Hack Towels, wide red ende at 17 He. Moom Damask Towe a, handsome, 8c. Fine Daaiaak Towels, MX a, tl, tl 19. Turkish 1 owe Is, soveial sizes. Rl'.U, WIIITK, ASO BLUK. A very hanosomelluck Towel, with the Sstlona' colon Introduced In stripes in the border, not to be found in any other store In the city, 87Hc, !. and tl it. LINKN 8I1IHT BOSOMS. The best Linens only are used, and as no Imperfect stl thing Is passed into oar stock, our customers may rely on getting the best Hhln Boaoma possible for the duces. A Iso, Wriatbanda and Collars. L1ES HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladles'. Gents', and Cbl dren'a Linen Udkfs., in every stvle, at Importer's prices. MltsEUV AMU BIRD-EYE DIAPKUS. A full asaortment 01 a 1 the widtha m Nursery Diapers. These Diapeia will be lound heavier and better Uan usual or the prices. Bird ees, all qaalltler Linen Cambrics and Lawns. A beautl ul soit Linen Cambric lor Infants' Underclothing, IromUMcup. MILLION'S LINEN STORE, 1 lfthstulm Bo. l ABC a Suect. P It O S P E C T U S OP IHE CARSON GOLD MIXING -C0UPA2SY. C A PIT A L STO OK... .ttrjOO-OOO. NUMBER OF SnAR, 60,000. Far Value and Subscription Pries, $10. WOKKISG CAPITAL, $:)0,00C. OFFICERS: , PIIESIDENT, COLONEL WILLIAM B. THOMAS. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, pro WOi, J. HOrKIKS TAER. SOLICITOR, ' ' i WILLIAM L. niR8T, Esq. , DIRECTORS, . . COLONEL WILLIAM B. THOMAS, CHAHLES B. OGDEN, EDWIN MIDDLETON, ' . ' . .' ALEXANDER J. HARPER, WILLIAM BERGER. The Land of this Company consists of about 120 Acrea. In Mecklenburg county. Noith Carolina, about a mllea lrom the town oi unarioue. On thla propertv fifteen shaftaorplts have been opened and aunk to various OeMbs, irom l to fcft leet, deuion- siratiuii the exiatenceaVi tbrce parallel veiuaoi ore oi about I teel In width anu about 16 .eet apart, converging to common ceutre at Ihe depth oi about l&J leet, lorui- Ing one Immense mass or vein ot ore. extending In leuath through he propertv more man uau auine. i hB. tc also on tbls nrunertv oi ber veins oi ore uuex- nmrpA ii tnese ores are Known aa tne Drown urea. and are vrrv nch. Yielding an avera.e ol abouia00 our ton in cold itai- above results having ieen demon- atra'cu bv tbe rude working of the mines lor several win nast. ihe rli-k ol Investment In undeve.ooed tiro nertv Is not incurred, and by tbe app.lcation of modern mining anu is uciug uiaviinivi.r ud umv."' suuvipaiv an immeaiato anaiarge riuru iur mrw uiuusr, Ravin? an ore lhat readily vle'ds t200 per ton. some estimate can be made of ihe value oi his propertv. With t ha iirftarn. imnerlect t stem oi mining, ten tons of this ore ean De laaen oai ana reauceu uaiiv iruui every auait opened, at an expense not exceeaing per ton. .eav lng a net dally profit of 1TW for eacn abait worked by (be company. The lame working capital reserved will enable the Company at once to procure ano erect the beat modern machlnerv tcr manipulating tbe ores, by mesne of which the yield will De la geiy mcreasea. Theaa minea. whilst they produce oree richer than those of Colorado or Nevada, have manv advsntauas over them, particularly in an abundance . f iul and cheap labor, and the facility with which they ean he woraeu auring me euiue yeiu : wuiisi i'ose ui uuiorauo and Nevada can only be worked during the warm weather. A test assay of an average lapeclmen of the ore from the Canon Allocs was made aa lale aa the 21th of January ot the present year, as will apoear ft om tbe fol lowing certificate ol Pio.eaaon Booth and Garrett, tbe Assayersoi tne ruuaue puia mmi; Philadelphia, January 27, 1868 Dear Sin We have carefully assayed the sample o'' ore n om "(Jarson Mine " Norm oroiioa, aim una u ,o vl.Wl ten onncrs nlno Dennvweluhts ol Dure goia to tliu ton of ore. '1 be coin value la therefore (Jlli-02 per tjn oi ore. xours, respeouutiy 11UU1 1 (ic unnnci I. Dr. M. B. Tatlob, Ko. 404 Walnut street, PMlad. Subscriptions to the Capital Btock will be received at hi, i ih.o o lh CnmnHiiv.ro. i07 WALNUT Street. where samples ot the ore may De seen, sua mu informa tion given. SELLERS BROTHERS, No. 18. N. SIXTH STB.EET, Having added to their foimer business that of BULL AND FACTORY FINDINGS, Intend keeping full assortment of everything in that line, which they will sell at the lowest rates, including Pure Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Gum Belting and Steam Packing, LACE AND PICKER LEATHER, BAUD AND HARNESS LEATHER, ROLLER CLOTH AND SKINS, CARD CLOTHING, BELT HOOKS. RIVETS, ETC Also continue to manulacture as heretofore, WlliJS CI.OTU. BIliVES, SCREENS, Etc, Of which hand. full asaortment Is kept constantly on 1 SOtuths'iuirp THE STAMP AGENCY, NO. 301 CIIESNtTl I HTHKt. AB0Y8 1'IIIED, WILLBBCONTIilDEI is HkHFlnrouK HTAWPH of EVJB T IiFHrRlPTIOH CON8TA1STL1 oji liAAi. aa Ui aavu . ii i DRY GOODS'RETAIL. 113 PllJClu WOOL), U3 I N. MNTTT KI TtFKT AnnVH A RPTT Bave Just openea, horn Sew Tork and the late aactloa aales 1 ab e llnena, Bapktne end Towela. 7-4 and M bleached Table Linens. 7-4 aad M power-loom Table Llnna. Linen Huckaback Towels, U, 28, II, M, J7X, np to Me, Handsome Damask Towe a. - - TJ bleached Huckaback Towela, yard long, tl op to Mo yard and X long, tlHa. I.lnen Yapkms, tl'M up to ft per do&. Beat makes Bhlr .lng I mens. ' Scotch Diaper, by the piece. t argalna la Ladles' and Oenta' Linen BdkA. ' ladlta' and Oenta' Hemstitched Ildkis. Ladlea and Oenta' eo oied border Ddkfs. WUIi E UOODMI WHITE GOODS) I Boft finish Cambric and Jaconet Maalina. Hainsook Mnallna. from 24 up to Wo. yard. Victoria I awns, 4ft, Ml (.1, 60. and 70c f ambrle Vosllns from 11 to 75c. Salnsonk Flald Masllns, 31 no to (He. ' Ijrje Plaid Cambric i nd Narnaook Muslins.' White Tarlatans, fine qua I y, very cheap. WHITE KWIH MUSt NS. I White P birred MusIIds. very cheap White Marsel lea, 75c. yard, very cheap, A cheap let of Brilliants. 28, 11X, I74, 44, M,nd WHO MARSEILLES QUILT8I MARSEILLES Q0ILT81 1 Bapdsome II 4 and 12 4 Marseilles Quilts, at leas thai Imreriere' prices. eat makes Bleached and Unbleao"" uslms, at the very loweat market pricea. 1 Mow case and heel In Muslins. Ali -wool and Tomet Flannels. ill allied and Vnb cached Canton Flannela. Best quality American I'rlnls and Glniame. ' lIIIr'TT. a', urinn Ko VI N. MNTH Stre""bove Aroh. N. B.-Wui remove to the S W. corner of Ei.hth and FUhcrt about the last of April. i C Ij i c o k FIVE CASES THIRTEEN THOUSAND YARDS, O L I C O, . i . BEST MAKES, AT TWENTY-THREE CENTS FEB YARD; t ALSO, i ' " ' A LARGE LOT OF WIDE CniXTZES, AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER YARD J. C. STRAWBRIIIGE & CO., ! 181 j N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, JJ R E I F U S S . 6t BELSLNGERj No. 49 N. EIGHTH STREET, EA8I BIDE, Have Just received a lergs lot ol . HArD-MAPE M OOLI F.N G0018, LA I U 8' FAHOT OOlihS V. Ill 1 1 (,Uol8. La( t,.-. illiliOUDEKlEH. rHI BAUtJSbas, Ana a run line or LADIES' AXD ( 111! l)litN b KID, filaK, AKD facv o i,o vita. Also, a large lot of qKOCHET LACES, J Which w are oflerlns at reduced prioea. 9111 ho 1(24 t,Hi.HMJ'f SIKEEf. E. M. NEEDLES. Laces and lace Goods, EMBROIDERIES, " " ' WHITE GOOBS, nANDKERCHTEFS, NECK TIE3, VEILS, ItVTW CTTPTTO rVlT T.ATa HTf i In all their Varieties. XJHUAB tnsSaHO Ui oat o W E N E V A N 8 & C ., Ko. N. KIGIITH Street, urr.H iu-ii&i, 1 ' A lane and varied assortment oi aoods from the ltd HOCKI -ti. 15 io2S cenU. SISi. WUI1S UOODH. nnna ' I.I NEK OOODS. Kto. F.to. ' OWI-M FVAN8 A CO.. 2 SatuthSt Ho. 45 N. KIOUi U Btreatl tOQ . HOPKINS R9 DiO HOOP-SKIKT O-Q Manufactory. Mo. tun aUCU Street, ; Above Hlx b Sliest, Philadelphia. Who esaleand lletai . Onr assortment embraces all ihe new and desirable styles ana sires, of every length and size waist lor Ladlea. allssea. and I'Mldren. . 1 hose ol "OVH OWS MAKE" arttuptrtor in finlth ane durubi't p to any other Salrta made, and warranted to trive aatlsfaotion. . rJklna made to order, altered, and repaired. 2 1 17 1 J1 I N E OPERA GLASSES. A VERY LARGE VARIETY. JAMES W. QUEEN & CfJ 1 1 No. M CHEStfET STREBT. , THE COLTON DENTAL ASfeOOI ATION OtT Itnated the Ana a the tie uae of MTBOHH OXlftH OAS. lor Kxtraclluv Telh wllliout pain. H DO IO OTHEJB ; 1).M'L WOliK. OlUoe, Ko. W WALIOT fctiee , J-hllade'pbliW luf