THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPn.-railjADELPIIlA, TUESDAY; FEBftUiUlt- G,' 180G. . The Lait New Dla6. f-prn ttw. Ltmdim Lnnctt. V hat lately had to refer mor than once to the prevalence of raraitio diseaso in Germany, ariwnff Irom eating pork infested with the newly obferved trwttina ppirati. Dr. Thndl chum addresses u with the following particu lar of the outbreak at Hedoreleben: Reliable account ot the epidemic of trlchlnla sin at lledcrslcbcn. in Prussian Saxony, abor it to nave been tho moat extensive ar.d latal of all outtuealis hitherto recorded. While the Hett atadt outbreak canned severe sickness to upwards of one hundied and flltv persons, and the death of Iwenty-eifftit out ot this numbor.tho epldemlo ot lledersleben has Hln-adv (op to December 21, 1865) produced upwards ot ninety deaths. From these t'ures wo may fairly conclude that the total number ot persons attacked amounts to several hundred. All this liavoc has been caused by ono trichinoM pig I The butcher, having recognized the abnormal appearance ot the meat of tbil pip, bad carefully disguised it by mixing it with the meat ot two healthy pls, or added it In small pieces to larger iotnts of pork to make up weight. He made this confession shortly be fore his death, which was caused by triohiniasii contracted from his own meat, Jiii wife also died of the disease. The most lamentable part of the history of this outbreak is, however, the circumstance that the practitioners resident at Hcdersleben failed to diagnose the disease in tho early stages of the first cases, when thero would have been tltno to selW! ond destroy much ot the taiil pork then exhibiting in tbe butcher's shop. Tne sudden and Mmuitaneous seizure ot many person with vomiting and purging, with griping, spasm, and collapse, effectually simulated a tonruenciug epidemic ot cholera, and ooiutu was usca freely to arrest the symptoms. When the course and fatality of the outbreak at last led tu a correct appreciation of its nature, tbe tune tor preven tion, mitigation, or palliation had passed by. A any physicims, Irom all parts of German, have gone to Ilederaleben to study tho disease. The public have been roused once mare to a sense of the danger. Panic impels to unreason able propositions, and reasonable measure are neglected. Ignorance and folly form a grotesque background. At Berlin a meeting of town councillors, butchers, doctors, and a sprinkling ot the geu rl public wa9 held shortly before Christmas. Protcssor Virchow addressed tbt meeting, and urged the necessity of instituting a micro scopical examination of all pork. At tbe con elision of his speech he luiuded to the Presi dent a pieoe of smoked sausage and a piece of m?at Irom a pig which had been recoguized ai trchinous. Thereupon a veterinary practi tioner named Urban rose, and combated all ttat science hai- acquired during the pait five jeare as an unfounded illusion. "Trichlnie," te said, "are the mobt harmless animals in the vorld. It is only doctors without practice who nuke a noise about them, in order to create wine occupation lor themselves." etc. (Great interruption; the President is oolite i to stop tbe veter.narian). I'rs. Virctiow and Mason d'mand an apology from M. Urban. Dr. Mason mallenges Urban to eat some oi the sausage on the President's table. ('.Jreat applause.) Ur ian wishes to explain. The meeting calls upon lim to eat. "lie hud not spoken of Berlin doctors ('eat, eat'), but of those at Iledersleben. (Eat.') He would first see whether the sausage tontained trichinir." (Urcat laughter, aud con tnud shouts of "eat, eat, eat." (Whereupon II. Urban suddenly seizes the sausaero on the President's table, bites otf a piece, eaU it, aud paves the hull forthwith, amid the applause and auchter of the asbembly. About five days Inter (on December 23) the h'.zcitunn reported that the veteriuarian.Urban rasill. Ho was confined to his bed, and hia .rnis and legs were paralyzed. A hope was 'X pressed that tbe illness was not caused by richinne contained in the sausage ot which he lad been badgered to swallow a piece. Yarn hope l The Beilin butchers, finding their trado ex tinguished, held a meeting on the 30th of De cember, and resolved, with two hundred votes against niue, to make arrangement for the microscopic examination ot all pork. They have petitioned for the co-oppratiou ot the munici pality, and desire to make the examination obli gatory upon all. The butchers in the exporting towns of North 3ermanv also instituted microscopic examina tions, thus we learn that a butcher at Kleus- burg, In Bchlcswig, who kills 15.UU0 pigs per annum, tbe meat ot wmcn is mostly exported to England, has adopted this measure of precaution; bis islaudable: but no one should rely upon suca xamination exclusively. All pork should be nobt carefully cooked before uao. Trichina: in nan are prevented with certainty, only by care ul and thorough cookintr. Some sav. "We in Ensrland do not eat raw neat, and therefore the danger of trichiniusis loes not aflect us." This is an error. In at east one county the agricultural laborers do eit aw bacon, liut tne btronecsi prooi ot tne poB' ibihtv ot tnchlniasis breaking out am oil'' us it any time is the circumstance that the com non tapeworm irom pork, 1 tenia solium, is il waj s infesting a number of pewous throughout .he kingdom. Mow, n measles survive sailing, mokimr. and cojkinc (so called), and, attcr ngettion, becoano tapeworms, a fortiori it is lear that trichinae will survive these procesFes, lecuuse they are much better protected against heirinfluence than measles. The trichina has een discovered in this country: cases of trich niasis have unquestionably been observed, and nstances ot encapsuled tnchinie are constantly )einsr discovered in .our anatomical ineaires, Inlv laat vear a subiect with millions of tnch me in its flesh was dissected in the Middlesex .lospital. Why, therefore, disguise or deny the ianger ? Let us prevent it. Let us be ready to neet it at all stages. Let us search lor the ource whence the pig receives the trichina, and endeavor to close it up. 1 he Newly Opened Ports in Japan. The London Pall Mall Gazetle of January 6 jlvea th following Interesting account of tha .wo Japanee ports lust opened to fordn trade: tub free roars OF JAPAN. i "Tie telecrram from Galle announcine that the Hiktdoot Japan has given his sauction to the opeiing of the porta ot Osacca, or Ohotaka, aud lliaro to foreign trade, is iinportaut. These, which are only about a dozen miles sepa rate ailord the most mipor.ant commercial nosi tiot in the land of the Rising Sun, and aciwls- s.o to thorn may be expected to rosulc in a very coisiderable increase of our trade with that cuntrv. Indeed, it is likely to be of more con- aqueuce than all the other privilege which our tt-aty comers. "Sir Harry Partes is a very ereriretic Minister, sseivedly popular with the. British community n the tar EaBt. and his action in tea matter may nve bad some Immediate etleet; but the opening of these two ports liiaco as a port where fereien shins mieht lie and foreigners reside. Ohotaka as a place where trade mitUt be carried on without the privilege of residence was only a Question ot time. In Lord Klein's treaty with Japan it was stipulated that British subjects were to be admitted to them in lbt J: but in 1U0 J the Taicoon and Japanese ambassadors to Eng land prevailed upon Earl Russell to postpone the carrying out of this arrangement by grant ing other privileges, kuch as au open port in the island ot xsusima, and uy urgently representing to him that novel intercourse with strangers had brought their country to the verge ot a revolu tion, and that the Government wanted time to deal with tbe disturbing muuences thus intro duced. It was understood, however, that the original arrangement was to be carried out as soon as the Japanese authorities could effect it with surety; and il tne telegrams cau be trusted this is now done. "Ohotaka is a very large town, covering a semi circle of nearly ten miles at the eastern end ot tke Su-Wo Nada or inland seaot Japan, aud at tie mouth of the river Eueawa. which runs dwn irom Miaco, the residence of the Mikado oi Bpirituat fcmperor. i.arge wuue palaces, surround tid with trees, aro scattered through, it. ad the thick tine of junkf constantly pressing iito the river indicate that it trade is already wry great. It is the Dort of Mlaco. and by tar tie largest commercial emporium in Japan; but lirte vessels would have to anchor a consider able way otf the shore, and would be exposed to the wind blowing up the Inland sea. There are too many daimios residing in this city, and the native population is too dense, to render it a riesirablo place of residence lor foreigners. Hi ago is situated in a small protected bay at the teet of some One mountains on the north shore of theSu-Wo Nada, and about twelve miles dis tant Irom Ohotaka. Large vessels can anchor on it, within biscuit throw of the beach; and were the bay only a little larger, tew places in th vforld would be more oonvoniont for ship ping and transshipping goods. The climate is ex ceedingly healthy, and the beautiful series of sea lakt-a if) the neighborhood will afford fine opportunities for yachting. British merchants in Japan nave rea-ion to congratulate themselves on a port being open lor tuetn where the atmo sphere, the scenery, and the opportunities tor making money aro all so good. If only dis contented Loonins can be kept from occasion ally cultinr at them with Ion? swords, it may be ta d that their lines have fallen to them in a pleasant place." The Columbia correspondent of the Charles ton Aran lurnlshes the following list of legisla tive wagperles: Hie following list of committees was prepared by a member of tho Senate, and handed around among the members of that venerable body, much to tlieir metTiment: Committee on Drinks The President, Mr. Porter. On Birds-The clerk, Mr. Martin. On Scottish Population Messrs. McDuflio, McOlutehen, and McQueen. On Cllies Mr. Townes. On Suburbs Mr. Towns-end. On Agriculture-Mr. Tillman. Or. Spoiled Meats and Cheese Mr. Stepper. On Roofing the State-House Mr. bhingler. On Children Mr. Brat-ton. MEDICAL. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY .i . w f ''5 T - -i 1 '.ca i t W0XVE11FUL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY Dli. S. W. UECKWITU'S ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE No. 1320 WALNUT Street, Flecirlrlly In all It Varlona Forma AOutinltier! lor tne Care ot Cliruulo 11sch a. Within tbe past five vears. thoiuatuls of natlents have IjHB treated at this oiiice, sufloring from almost ever' lorm and eonmuon of disease common to humanity and in nearly a 1 cases a benefit or perfect cute bai- Ween cflected. Pa'iv, deafness, b'indnoM. llitunntitm, dyspepsia, cancer, and all the old knotty o mates that are a ptusician's curse, as it nrovos bit inability to eradicate, are bv our method com. tarativelr easy of cue. Specimens of tumors of large growtn ex.raoted Dv means or lUoctricity alone, without pain, without the use of the knife, likstures, or any other moans, mar be neon at our oflice bv tlioBe iDterosted. We are willing to un dor- take any ol tbe lolloping dino,', with every hope and prospect of success, with ,ry many Outers not Lore enumerated: 1. JJtsauti ot the Brarn and Ntrvou Stiatem. Epilepsy, Cl'Oiea or 8f. Vitus' Dunoe, Paralysil (lleniipieria), Aenrapia, Hysteria. Nervousness. Palpitation ot tne Heart, lockjaw, eto. 2. Vrgant ana l uitiet connected with the Digit- ttre byntem Sore 1 hroat, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea. Dyscn.ery, Obstinate C'ODStipation, Hawnoi ruo'det or Piles, Bilious Piatulent, aud Painter's Colio, and all aflectioDS ot the Livor and Spleen. 8. Henpiratory Organs. Catarrh, Conch, Inflo euza, As'bmafwben not caused by onranio disease ot ti e hcari :. lironcl ltis. 1'leunnv, 1' ourodvnla or Jilieuniatimm of tbe Chest, Consumption in the early staires. 4. I'tbroui and Muscular System - Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff eck, Sinai Curvature, Hip Diseases, Caliwrs, I umors. 6. L'miat y ana (Jenttal Ornant. (iravol, Diabetes, and Kidney cottplaints. Jmpotonce and Seminal Weakntss. The latter comoluiiiui never fail U yield rapxiiy to this t rest men t . JHteaxet j'ecuitar to f emaiet. v terns com nlainui, involving a mal-position, as Prolapsus, An troveislon. Retroversion. Inllamroation. Ulceration. and various other affections of tbe Womb and Ow ries, Painful, Suppressed, Scanty, or Profuse Men' s'niaifon. Leucoirtioca. IV uv l lhs wo can recommend this treatment as one ot l AVAlUKL) bUCUU.S. A most innume rable cases have come under treatment at our ollloe who cau testilv to this lact. Mrs. U ECK rt'll'H has entire charge of the Laaios Denartment kULHUitKs.-llie diseased and all interested are referred to the following named gentlonmn, who have teen treated and witnessed our treatment o others at No. 1220 VVALNU f Street: A. J 1'ltasonton. iinicadser-Geueral, Ho. 1)18 Pi nice street: A. Pleasontou. Ttrigadier-tieuoral, bt, Louis, Missouri; Juc b Vandoghft, Odessa, Dela ware; R A. Semple, threud manulucturer, Mount Holly, Kew Jersey: W. B. Smith, iron- tounuer, no luzi iianover street, loiiauc.pnia j liporse Douelass Ixical tx proas omranv, l lilia delphiat J W. Bradley, publisher, No. 63 N. Fourth street; Robert Work No 61 N Third street: Colonel 1 . N . bweenev, assessor, becond District or runa- flelDlua. Walnut and Eighth strnols: tioorgo O. Kvans. ao sis Aroti street, dciow rum: wiuiaiu Polouso, type foundor, 'third and Jhesnat stroets; Ed. McLane, manufacturer ol cotton goods, with very many others. I'll v sic ana or students oestnng to nave msrrucnoD In the correct application ot Electricity lor the cure ol disease can aim v at the t mce. I on.Hultation iree. Descriptivo oircniars oi curea effected, with numerous references, can be bad by application at the Office. AU letters addressed to DR. SS. W. BECKWITH, 2 lsmw No. 1220 WALNUT Street, Phila. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WT 1 L L I A M S . G U A N T, It COMMISSION MERCHANT. iso. b. ullawaIiv Avenue, ruuaaetpma, GKxr rou Doprnt's Gunpowder, Umlned Nltrt, Chareoal, Etc. W. Uttker A Co Chocolate. Coooa. and Hruma. Crocker Bros. & Co. 'a Yoilow Mttru bbeaihlns. Bolts, and -Nulin. l i l LEXAXDER G. C ATT ELL & CP., l'KODUCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ho. 26 NORTH WHARVES. AND No. 27 NORTH WAT Kit STREET, riIL4DEU'UlA. 22 ly ALEXANDER 0. CATTKLL. ELIJAH G. CATTKLL s. SILRKRMAN & CO., IMPORTERS OP y ANCK ooous. . ho. 19 n, i'jlkih street, PHILADaLrlllA PortemonnatM, Pocket Uooki. Panes, Travelling Ba Hutche Iireuinn (a LaUlea' Coiunaniom, Wrltini Desk, Portioiios. Work Boxea. Jewel Boxes, Phoio Rraoh Albums. Opera U iiwi, Meld Onuses Huectaolea l ra cases t'hlna and UUt ornamenu, rocxei cuiirr, Razors, combs Bros net, Perfuinerr, Hoaps, Vans, Hair keu. Hair Ornamt-nu, Steel Jewelry. Jet uooas. cor nelian Ooooi, Braceleis, heck ' Be't Clasps, Studs bleeve llnitoiis Hearf Pins, Iscarf Kings. Hllk V atoh Oaards, Leatbur Uusras Hue) and Plated chains, Watob Keys, Riawi Pins Vlolm Btrlngs Beads ot all kinds Dolls Rubber Balls, I'&mlnowt, IHoe Cbessraen Cbesa Boards, Backgammon Boards. Playing Cards. Pockil f lasks, Drinkinu Cups, Tobacco Pipes, TobaocO Boxet, Tobacco Ponchea, MaUB Boxes. Pip (items, Clsa Tubes, Cigar Cases. IU17 ILEY A BROTHER, IMPORTERS AND DFALFRS TV HAVANA CIUARh AND MK.KSOHCM PIPES, N. W. Cor. E1UU1U and WAISIT dtivcts. We offer tho finest Havana Clpar at prices from 20 to 30 per e nt. below the regular rates. Also, the celelnate't ' LONE JACK" 8MOKINQ TOBACCO, which la far superior to an jst brought before the public. Motto oflooe Jack; "SEEK HO Ft'ltTUEU, KOK No BETTER CAN BE s"OUND." 110 3m THE STAMP AGENCY, NO. 304 CHESWUT BTRKET. AHOVE Till Hi), WILL BE CONTINUED AH nr. H r. lUrOKE iHHI U V 'I OkIIH K HTAVPIt ofKVKRT DKRCRIPTIOV CONSTAV'Tr.T 1 I'lVf ON UAND AHU IN Ail If AMOUNT. 11 II CITY ORblNANCES. ANi o k u i n a n : a To Make an ADDronriation to the Iparniont lor fiuDDlyiug the Citr with Wawr for the Yoar 1806. eclon 1. Trie Beloct and Common Con noils of tbe City or Phi'adelphla do ordain, That tne sum of ibree hundred and iortv-flrn thousand lour hundred and twenty-Are (C846 426) dollars be and the ssmo is ueroov airupnaiea, to ooirav ine expens a oi iiib Uepartment lor tsurmvina- the Citv with VTater for the year ItMMJ, as Ibi'ow-s : liera i. r or salary of C'bier Englnear, twcnty-eient hundred (2800) do.lars. item 3. or aaiarv ol Keciator. two thousand (t20t)dol ars. ltro 8. For salaries or Chief Clork and seven Per mit Clerks, elgnt thousand two hundred (S8200) dol lars. Item 4. For atari of etrht Insncotora. six thou sand lour hundred (S04 Ki dollars. nam o. for salaries ot lour purveyors and one Messenerr. four thousand (4000) dollars Item 6. For salaries of Clerk and Iraugbtsman ai Kngmeor'a Ollloe, two thousand 1 92000 1 do lar. Item 7. For saiarei ol two Engineers at Fair- mount Works, nineteen nundred i $110) do' lars. item . or salaries or four Assistant cna-ineers at Fairmonnt Works, two thousand four hundied (24O0) oollars. lt.m 0. J or salary of Watchman at Fairmount Works (f000) dollars. Item 10. For salaries of two Englneorsat Dolaware Works, two thousand ($'MM dol ars. Item 11. For salaries oi six Firemen at Dolaware Works, three thousand six bundr-d (83500i dollars. . Item Li. For salaries or two waionmen at JJola- are Worka, twelve hundred (f 1200 1 dollars. Item 13 Forsaanesof two Kngineera at ttcliny!- kill Works (with bcuacs., one thousand eight hun dred i 1600) dollar. Item 14. For salaries or two As-istant Knglneeri at fcchuylki l Works, twelvo hundred dol lars. Item 15. For salaries of eight Firemen at Scliuvl- kill Works, four thousand eight hundred (S48O0) dollars. Item 18 tora'arvof one Watchman at Schuvl- kill Works (with house), live hundred ($600) dol lars. Item 17. r or salaries or two Eneweers and four Firemen at Twenty- otirth Ward Works, four thou sand four hundred (94400) dollars. SIMfkAt KXPKNSKB. Item 18. For books, stationer , advertising, print ing, and posting, twenty-live hundred (2500) dollars. Item 19. For fuel for offices, gronnd-ronts. cleansing. incidentals, etc., fifteen hundred ( 91600 1 dollars. Item 20. Porooalat Fairmount Works, ono thou. sand (91000) dollars. itemzi tor coal at Delaware works, thirty-one thousand five huudrod ($31 60G) dollars. Item 22 For ooal at echuyikid Works, twenty three thousand 1 823,003) collars. Item 23. For ooal at Iweniy fourth Ward Works, ten thousand five hundred (810,603) dollars. Item 24. For wood lor all the works, one hundred and flitv ($150) dollars. item 26 tor tallow, oil, and gas, at Fairmount Works, two thousand seven hundred and llur (f2760) dollars. ltimzu ror tanow, on, and nuio, at Delaware orks, seven hundred and fiity 19760) dollars. Item 27. For tallow, oil. and gas. at bcbuvlkiU Works, one thousand ($1030) dollars. lum zs. for tanow, on, and ttud, at Twenty fourth Ward Works, four hundred ($400) dollars. Item 29. For small stores, tools, red and white Jtnu, U 111 , ucuiy, SUiCli CIV,, inVULT'CIKUl UUU1UVH (92800) dollars. i. . .i m t,nn.n n , . . . , . t , . i. .. h iiemao. for repairs at fairmount works, seven thousand two hundred (97200) dollars. Item 81. For repaira at Delaware Works, thirty two hundred (98200) dollars. Item 2 For repairs at Schuylkill Works, sixty- eigii hundred (t800) uouan. ltcin 83 For roc airs at 1 wenty-fourth Ward Works, four thousand ($1000) dollars. ' Item 81. For keeping grounds in order, twenty three hundred (92300) dollars. Iicra 86. i oi keaping pines, pluca, stops, and fix tures iu good order, seventeen thousand five hundred (917.600) dollars Item 80. For keeping buildings, grounds, and re srvoirs in good order, nineteen thousand eight nunureo (tfia.BOU) aoiiurs. Item 87. For the purchase of iron nines, fire-plugs. stop-cocks, lead, brass castings, iron castings, and oilier fixtures and materials connected with the laying ot pipes, setting of plugs and stops, one hun dred thousand (Cltu,LUJ dollars. Item 3. For labor in laying pines, setting and fitting fire plugs, slop-cocks, etc., fifty thousand (860 030) dollars. . item if,). Jor drilling ana mating new atraon- ments, titty -Lix hundred (food J) dollars. Item 40. For iron railing at fcairinount, one thou sand (91C0U) doliais. Item 41. For euonlving water to plugs In German town, two hundred and seventy-live ($276) dollars. Hem 42. For carriage nire, one nundred (iiuuj dol, air. 1'rovided. That the coal to be furnished to the Works other than tbe Delaware Works shall be Schuvlkill. t3 be nuroliaied irom miners or shippers only: And provided further, That tbe contract lor all Buppiien shall bo awarded to tbe lowest bidder, alter advertisement! ior proposals; sou mat an ex penditures lor repairs snail oe made w,tn tae ap proval ot the Committee on Water, and warrants shall be drawn by the Chief Engineer in conformity with existing ordinances. YVlliUAJU a. Fresident oi Common Council, Attest- JOHK ECK8TKTN, Clerk ol Common Council, JAMES LTND, President of Select Council. AnDrovcd this third day of February. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. D. 1806). ' - juuiwui AicuiriACUi 2 0 It ftiayor of Philadelphia AN ORDINANCE J To Make an Appropriation to the Inspectors oi the Countv Prison for the vear 1886. Section 1. t oe RO.eci and common councils oi tne Citv ol Philadelphia do ordain, That the sum of one hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and one ($112,101) dollars he and the samo is hereby ap propriateu to tho Inspectors of the County Prison, to deiray tne expenses oi tne year iouj, as ioi lows: Item 1. For wheat, rye, and corn flour, fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixty ($14.7tiOj dol lurs. Item 2. For beef, mutton, and pork, sixteen thou sand eight hundred (91,800) dollars. Item 8 For sugar, rice, molasses, ooflee, tea, and other provisions, six thousand three hundred and flftv.Lve (86366) dollars. Item 4. For oU and soap, one thousand two nun dred and serentv six (912(0) dollars. Item 6. J) or potatoes and vegetables, fourteen hun dred (91400) dollars. item 6. For drugs and medicines, nine hundred (JD00) dollars. Item 7. For hay, feed, and straw, five hundred IfMXIl dollars. Item 8. For railroad and omnibus tickets, two hundred ($200) dollars. Item 9 For stationery and printing, including annual renort. seven hundred (9700) dollars Item 10 For brushes, brooms, and combs, throe hundred (9300) dollars, Item 11. For milk and iue, three hundred and snveniv (tk70) dollars. item 12. For hops, malt, lime, aud buckets, two hundied and ten (9210) doiura. Item 18. For discharge prisoners, in accord' ance witu law, two nuuuroa uu uuy (3moui uoj lurfl Item 14. For hosoitai, six nunarea and nicy (9U60) ftollurs Item 15. For furniture, shoeing horses, sneds, and miscellaneous expenses, one thousand (yiOOOj dol Inra Item 18. For fuel, ol wmcn an coai purchased shall be Schuylkill, aud shall be purouaiod of miners and shippers only, seven thousand nve huu- dred and ton ($7610 dollars. Ttnm 17. For ciothiiiB and bedding, eleven thou ami one hundred and seventy ($11 170) dollars. item 18. For lumber, trass cocks, tin, paint, glass Iron, hardware, aud repair generally, oue thousand eight hundred and Ulty ($iHbU) aonara. item ID. ior rag. one tnousauu tiwi uonars Ham 20. For salaries oi superintendent and deputy, two thousand nine hundred aud tweuty-tlve iv(iyf.i dollars. Hem il X Or HlftIT U vuv ,UVU,BUU VUV hundred and twenty-five (91125) dollars. Item 22. For salaries ol pDysieian ana apothecary, uwamami hundred and flit v 191760) dollars. Item 23 1 or sala-ies ol superiniendeut and keeper of shoe department, seven, een buudred aud ulty (91760) dollars. . K Item 24. For salaries of nine gatekeepers and assistant in coiton factory, eight thousand tbree liniirlrert and flltv (9830) dollars. Item 26. For saiarie of baker and cook, twelve himrlrort and rll'tv IC1250) dollars. Item 20. For salaries ol rive watchmen, tuiity-one hundred aud tweutv-five (Wiai aonara. ltm 27. For salaries ol uieasenxer ad flieuien, eif ht butiored and twentv-uve i"joi uoimra. Item 28. For salaries of two matrons, eleven bun dred nd fluv 111601 dollars. Item 29. For salary of prison agent, one thousand aud twenty-five (9lt6) dou -ra. , niKTHUS' APAMtJlENT. ' ' .Item 80. For salary of aeeei, eight hundred and twenty-live (4826) collars item 81 For tuol, three hundred ($i30) do' lars. Item 82. For gas, two hundred (200) dollars. ItemfiS For tupplieaandiabslsfniee, levett hun dred (9700) dollars. item 84. For repairs, one nunarea iiuu aouan. HAKTVACTtTRIRO) DXrARTMBKT. Item 86. For cotton tarn, seven hundred ($700) dollars. ' Item 88. For pay for overwork of prisoners, six hnnnrari (iWIOk rinPara . Item 87. Fot leather, seventeen thoasaad ($17,030) aonara. item 88. For shoe findings, lumbr for boxes, broken a-lass. ale., anvnn hnndiod (9700) dollars. lt ra 89, For repairing looms, five bundrod ($503) uouars: rroviona, l nai not nioie luau mreo uuu, of the aonropriation contained beieln shall be ex pended before the 1st day of July, 1806 na warrants soau oe arawn ov am mip-cmra, WILLIAM 8. B1U14.L1CI, Fresideut oi Common Council. Attest A bra ham Stewart, Assistant Clerk of Common Council. JAMES LNU, President or Soloct Council. Approved this seeond dav of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six (A. U. I860). . A1UK1UN MCMlCHAtb, 3 6 It Mayor ot Philadelphia. PROPOSALS. LKKAfURYbEPAKlMENT, OFFICE LIbllT IlCtbK l OAKD. Wabbimotow City. Janaarv 6. 1806. Sealed Procosals win be reeeivedat this otQce until 1 o'oiock p. M., on FRIUaY, ,Uie 9th day of xturusrr, a "jo, jur BUipiving iue A,iiruL-uoue jti- PliHlinient with sixty thousand rallonif of tho best I. . T t If ... - . . 1 1 . , T . . . . . aualitv cure Winter Strained Oil. eithor Lard or cpcriu, to re atnuea into tour lots, ana to ne ae llveied at the times undeimeutipned, alongside of the Government supply voase a, or at the waronouse or other place of deposit, to be designated by the Inspecting ciuicer, or other auti ortzed agont ol tbe LlgbMiou.-e Hoard, in strong, tigbt, iron-bound, we,i-made casks, suitable for shipping, in eood order. ol a capacity each ot from fifty to eighty gallons not to exceed the latter, the U l may be delivered at Boston or New York, at tbe option Bf tbe bidders. Hie iilace of delivery in each case annst be di- tinct y stated in the bids, and will be embraced in the contracts. The four lots will be oollvercd as follows, viz. : Lot Ko. 1. Fifteen thousand (16.0001 aallons on the 2d day ol April, IBWj, or as soon therealter as the proper tests and gauging can ve completed. Lot No. 2.-Fifteen thousand (16, (XX)) gallons on tbe 10th day 01 April, 1806, or as soon thereafter as the Drooer testa aud pausing can be commoted. Lot No. 8. Fifteen thousand (16,000) gallons on the 1st day of June, 1806, or as soon thereafter as the pro per lots ana gauging can oe conipie ea. jM)t jo. r ii teen tnnusana (lo.uuu) gallons on tne m day oi Aupust, imw, or as soon tnereaiter as uie prot er tets ana gauging can oe completed. separate proposals whi oe received at tue same time tor 6000 gallons of Colza or Lard Oil, to be de livered as above stipulated, at Detroit, Michigan, on the 1st aav ot aiav. isou. No bid will be considered unless item a manufac turer of tbe article. No nart of the Oil proposed for and to be embraced in tbe contractu under this advertisement will be accepted, received, or paid tor, until it shall have been proved, to the entire satisfaction ot the person or i ersons cbaraed with its examination, test, and inspection, to te of tbe best quality pure Winter 8 rained Oil. and tree from mixture with other or interior oils and adulterations. J be usual means tor determining the oaracter and Quality of the BrermiOi will be employed, viz. : spe cific gravity, burning, tbe amount of residuum, aud any other proper touts io arrive at correct concin sions mat may oe aeemea necessary. 1 be Lard Oil will be subjected to special tests, and will De rejected unless tound to De, in regard to Durn Ing and fluidity under reduouon of temperature, and in every other respect eoual to that of tbe standard adoptod by the Board, ol which a sample will be fur nished on application to the Light-house Engineer at no-ton, juascacnusetts. i be casks must be guaged, under the direction and peisonal supervision of tbe Inspecting Unicer, by a custom house or other legally autnonzeu ana sworn pauper, according to the Ciuted Slates standard, and must bo marked and accepted before they are re moved irom tbe cellar or warehouse or tuo contrac tor. The temperature of the Oil wdl be accurately noted, and the measurements reduced to tbe standard temperature ot 60 deg, Fahrenheit, by tables pre pared lor the purpose. Proposals will be received and considered for each lot separately, or lor all ot the lots, at tbe option of tne Didder: Dut no Did win oe considered ior a less Quantity than that specified as one lot. to be de livered at one tin.e and place, iwicn Did must s'ate explicitly, written out in lull, the kind of od offered, the number of the lot or lots bid lor, and the place of delivery, coniorming to this advertisement. Bids subnitted by different members ot the same firm er copartnership will not be considered. J be Light-bouse Board, under the authority oi tne Department, reserves tbe riubt to reject any bid, al though it may be the lowest, ior other considera tions than the price. No bid will be considered ior any oiner xina or description of oil than those specially called lor in this advertisement. A bond, with security to the satisfaction of the Department. In a penalty equal to one-fourth of the amount oi eacn conn act maao unaer ineso pro posals, will be required of each contractor, con ditioned for tho faitblul performance oi tbe contract, to be executed wnhm ten days after the acceptance ot tne hid. Facta offer must be accompanied dv a written guar antee, sia-ned bv one or more responsible persons, and known to ine uepariment as sncn, or cerunea uy a United States district mdee. attorney, nayy agent.or collector ot tbe customs, to the enect tuat, u tne oia be accepted, the bidder will duly execute a contract in good laitb, according to the provisions and terms of this advertisement, within ten days alter accept ance; and that in case the said party ouering snail tail to enter into tbe con t wot as aforesaid, he or they guarantee to make good the dillerence between tbe offer of the said party and the next lowest bidder. Ail bids must be sealed aud endorsed ' Proposals ior oil lor Light-bouses," and then placed in another envelope, ai d directed, prepaid, to the secretary ot the Lluht-house Hoard. Washington city. All bids will be opened, publicly, at mo nour ana on tbe day specified. Pa ments win he maae ior tne several tots oi on within thirty days after they shall have been re ceived by the United Mates. iJy order oi tne ugui-nouse tioarn. 1 11 25t ANDKEW A. HAKWOOD, Secretary, GOVERNMENT SALE OF SURPLUS 11AKD yj BREAD. . iSUBSIHTEKCX CFFKICE, U. O. A. NO. 8 &OUTH UAViSTRKKT. Baltimore, Md.. January 81, 1806 Staled ProDosala iu duplicate will he received at thii ollice daily, and opened at 12 o'clock M.. on Wednesdas and Saturdays during the month of r eoruary, ior tne puronase oi surplus uuui usuu 14Kt.AU, on napu at this depot. f ine oreau is in ooxes oi nut w wuuu eucu. All the bread offered under this advertisement has been careiullv and thoroughly inspeoMd, each boi havinf been opened, examined, and then re-coopered, and no box allowed replaced which did not come up to tbe standard for issue to troopB. No proposals received lor less than twenty isoi poxes, i-urcnases will be delivered on board ot transports without exrense to tbe purchaser. ravment renmred in tiovernmenr iunus on notifi cation ot acceptance of bid. Twenty days allowed purchasers to remove stores. Should navigation be closed durmgthis time, tbe time so loat will not be considered. Proposals to. be endorsed on the envelope, "Proposals for Hard Bread." and addressed to THOMAS WILSON, isrevt. Lt.-coi. ana j. o u. e. a., 1 31 2 2C Brevt. Bri. Cenl. Vols. SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, &o J. W. SCOTT & C SHIRT MANTJFACTTJB.ERS, O. AND DEALERS IN TVIKN'S FURNISHING GOODS, No. 814 Chesnut Street, 1 OCR DOC R8 BELOW THE "CONTINENTAL," 8 261yrp PHILADELPHIA. "PATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIIIT MANUFACTORY AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECT FITTING 8BIRTS AND DRAWERS made from measurement St very short net Ice. All other articles of OEN 1LEAI EN 'b DRESS GOODS In lull variety. WlNCIIFiSlTKR & CO., 8 241y a 708 CHEUNUT BTREET ri'HE STAMP AGENCY, NO. 304 CHESNUT M hTKI F.T, ABOVETMiJlJ', r liu, nt, uuaiUiUEU Afl IU UkTOlrilUK STAMPH of I VERT DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ANU a AN I AMWUJii. Iiu E A D I N ( B A I I, II O A I. (JRK.AT TBI) NR. Mtlr. VBOsf PHII'ADhLl'HIA IO Til K INTRRTOE OV rt .Miin A.tu, tujb hi iiuyunu.. BUSOU K H A N A. t 0.MUKK1,A1I, , VINTrU At BAr- OhBt Kr-r OF PAft"KMOKU 1 KAlNH. i.inf tne CDmpmi 1 Depot, at THIRTK.KN1B and ALLOW Hit, a 0 treats, FtdladelDhla at tha iuhw. Ine hoars. . MUXNIHQ MAII, I AtS'OO A. V. for RpwIiflL' l.ftltknnn Ruh.,. tn, . yil , M'mesToye, Taniaiina, Hunbuiy, Wllilainsitort. auuiia Rochester. Mavara Fal s Hu.T n AI nk.iv Wlkesbarre, I'ltlston, lerk, (axllsls, hambenbari Bsrerntovin etc. eta. I his train crmnMti at RRADTNa with 'ha K P . - 3ylvania Kali ruad trains tor AHemowa. xs. and wit the Lebanon Valley train for llarrtahnra eici PORT CLlSlON with Catavlssa Rallroa " tralno wiiiismsport. Look Have". K.iml a, eto i at H An Rls-BI liU w th Northern Central, t umherland Valley and Hclinlkl I and Husquebanna trains (or iiorti. umheiland. WllllauisDorL York. Chaiuoenhun. 11a. grove, eio. f i r iu.gtjsr r.xrKKfMs leaves Phllarlnlnhla af a la V M . inr Baailbia nU. Vllle, H-mabnr, etc., oennect'ng with Heading anfi Colombia Hailruad train tor ( olatnbla. etc.. aad wiU larawlasa Bal.road train for AUlton, WUM.anispert Elmira, Uaflaio, eto. KKAIIISII AHUMMODATIOlf. Leaves Keadlns at 8 JO A. M atnnnhiiF at all stations, arrivss la rhllalephla at I'M a. M. w unung, leare rni aueipnia at 4 10 P. M arctve hi Besding ai 7 SO I M. 1 rains lor Plillaifetnhia eara RarrtahnM at T4 A V end Pottavi le at 8 30 A. M., arriving In rbihideiDliia ai 1 ill P. it. Afternoon tialns leave rlirrlnbara at 1-41 F M.. and PottsTllla at a .k uriin. .t i-hii.. delpblB at 7 OA P. M. " uarnsDurg Accommfxiation leaves Keadlai at 7 M A M. and Harrlsburp at DiiO P M. Market tra.n with a rasserger car attached leaves Philadelphia at 12 4ft noon tor Kradlna and ail n ii. Hons' leavea Reading at li'SO A. M., and lownington at 1 a 86 I . fc: 1 In adelohla and all way Stations A II the above trntna rain dally. Kunriat s executed handav trains la&va pAnavllWl at N1U M. aiu! Phlla delpbUatl'lftP. M. (UMK VaiiliEl HaILKOAU, Passenfrpra tur linwninirtown and In.ermediate nnln tnketheS OO A. M. and 4 341 P.M. trains from Phuadel tIll. retarnlna frnm DownllKton at T OA A. Vf . .nt in noon. IW JOUM. EXPRESS TUB IITTHBCBQ AND 7KI WST. . i.eavea Kew York ata-iA a. at. iii B-ftft 9 if n.ui.. SeadUui at It A. A... and I-4S P. M . onnnMtina il nniriBuura "nil reunsyiTania ano inerttiera tianumi Kiillread Morees Trains lor Pituhiiri,. I htpim wii. iinuiBitii .iuiiTa, caiiiDiurc, e.o, Ra umtna, Kxnress Train lpaves Harrtahn ram arrival Of Pennsylvania Kxpress irom Pittabarg, ai land 01 A. M., pas-irig Keadlna at i 41 and 10 62 I. M . anivmc atewlorkat 10 A af. and 'J -Ail' M. MmiIikcu avium pan- m ti irnins .nrong r. el Ween i Vsa um aoa rittsnorg. witnoot charye. it ail Train for New lurk leavea Harrlshunr at I 41 P M. Uall Train for Uartlsbutg leaves hn kork at 19 a ooa. Bt UUILKILL V ALIiE X RAILROAD. Tialns leave Pottsvl le at(i'4& and ll-oo a. m and T I fiF' 'Htaruillcftom Xamaquaail U A. M. audi -40 au ht BlUKILl AJIi BUBOUEHAKN A RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 1 sb A. M tnr rMim a rut Banlshurg, and at l ftfl P.M. tor 1'lncgrove and Iremonti returning irom Harrishurg a' 4-fO p. M.. aad bom Tre montat700 A M. and 6 0 P. M. ' Tbrnuch first class tickets and 'emigrant (Icketa to all the principal points in the North and Went and Canada The lollowing tickets are obtained only at the OfMo ot 8. Bradford. Treasurer, 'o. 2?7 8. Fourth s'reet, Phlla- deiphia, or oi u. A. .JSlcolls, General Superintendent. Reading. At 25 set Cent discount, between anv nolnta daairad ior lamiues ana nrrim UILEAUE TICKETS. flood for 2000 miles, between all nointa. at a.Y2'M eark ior iamiues iuiu nnns. oKAoON TICKETS, For three, six. nine or twelve months, for holda only, to ail point at reduced rates ULl KUIHtS Residing on the line of the road will be furnished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half- lare. EACC BSIO N TICKETS. Prom PhradeJuhla to ntinclnal stations, arood for flatuiday, r-undify and Monday at redaned fare, to ba bad only at tbe Ticket Ollloe at Thirteenth and Callow- am streets. . rKEIUBT. Goods ot all descriptions forwarded to all the abort points from tbe Company's Sew Preudit 'Depot. Broad ano vt uiow streets . vKEiuni inniss, Leave Philadelphia daily at S-ilO A. M.,12 4Jnoon. sn4 (-00 i M . ior Reading. I.cDxnon, llarritourg, Pottavllla, fori Clinton, anaau poin a novouu. imiu) Close at the Phl'adelohla Post Office for all nlaces the road and its branches at A A. M. and lor ail principal B unions oniy at i ior. ju. ai i OK NEW YORK. THE CAMDEIs AND Am boy and Philadelphia and Trenton Rallxoad Company s imes , FROM PHTLADEf-FHIA TO NEW YORK and way piaces, Irom Walnut street whari, will leave as follows viz. t raua At via Camden land Amboy Accommoda tion At 8 A. M., via t amoen and Jersey City Express... 108 At2P M. via Camden and Amboy Express 2 'IS At 12 M. (noon) and H r. M. , via Camden and Am boy Accommodation (Freight and Passenger). . . . 2-2t At and 11 all P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Ao- commouation (rreiaui aaa i-asseuueri. 1st c ase ticket 2-2 2d Class Ticket 1 M At and 10 A. M-, 2 and S P. M., for Mount Holly, jtwantvuie, rtmmran. ana vuiceiuown; ate A.M.. anrl 1 P. M.. lor Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M., 12 M.,1 30,5 6 and ll'Wp M., for Pal myra, Kiverton, ueianco. tseyeriy, tugewater Bur lington, Florence. Bordentown etc. The lu a. M. and S V kl. Ilnra run direct through to Trenton. LIS EH FROM KEJ.Slr.GTON DEPOT WILL LEA VI AS l ULLUnn I , . 11.,, A U A .OA .. .1 t J . II I , T7nn.,nn.. and Jersey City Express S3 04 At 12 P. M. (Mttlit) via Kenslnctun and Jersey City express x'Zi) 1 he 6-45 P. M. Line will ruu dolly. All others Sundays evrrntrd. At 7 SI and 11-15 A. M., 3, S to. 4-30, S and 6 49 P. M and 12 m dniant. ior jsristoi. Tnnton. eto. At 1 A. M.. 10 80, S, S, and 8 P. W. lor Cornwella. Torrls- dale, riomesouig, taiony. v, lssinouuntr. uridrnburg and rranxioro, ana at r. Ji ior uo.mesourg ana tutermcaiate nations 1KLV1DERE PKLAWAHE RAILROAD. For the Delaware River Valiev. Northern Pennsyl vania, and Mew York Mate, and the Great Lakes Two through trains aatiy (suudays excepted; rroq Kensington uepoi as iohowb: At 7-30 A. M. and S'.IO P. M. L1.NEH FROM M)W IfORK FOR PHILADELPHIA. win leave irom root oi cortiana street At 12 M and 4 P. M.. via Jersei Citv and Camden. At 7 and 10 and 11 A. M , 8 P. il. and 12 Mght, via Jer- se City and Kensington. Front Pier No. 1 North river, a' 8 A. M. and 2 P. U via Amboy and Camden. At 12 la. t and 8 P. 11. (Freight and Passenger), via Amboy ana Camden. Jan. IS. IB06. WILLIAM H. QATZMFR. Aget r EST JEIiSEY RAILROAD LINE S. From loot ot MARKET ytreet (Upper Ferry). Ua) except rninom a 'FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. n u vi 1 rlTEDM ComnicncrngTrEDNEhDAl . November i5 1W. For Bridaeton. Salem, and ail Hta'loiion West Jane) and -al'iii Railroads, at 9 A.M. and 3-30 P. M. Fo, Millvlile and alimtermeoiate stations, at a. at and 3 1. M For Cape Way and Intermediate Stations at 0 A. M.ts Millvlile, conseetlng witu Freight 'fntlu Passenger Cat attar bed for (ape May, due Sli P. M., and 3 P.M.. throash rassenger oue a r. m. ..... For Glassboro and Intermediate Stations, at 9 A. M (.1 d ISO P.M. ..... ... For Woodbury, uioucester, cio., a a. m., 1, t i and SO P.M. .... , , . ... A Frelirht train will leave rni aueipnia, irom oanaiora 1 whan , at 10 A. M , and Camden at 12 M. u VAF i-r' ctan r. 1,1 rxv, c3u,Tiiiuuucab i THE WENT JERHET EXPltr.M.- t'Oaal'AAV will attend to all the usual branches of express baslneas. receive, deliver, and forward through other responaibla Fxpresa Companies, to all parts 01 the country, auj article intrusted to tbein.' A Bpeclal messenger accompanies eava lurounu rmm Oflice. No. 6 Wainut street 9 16 9m lOf.'fc. PHI LAUKLil'IU A AMU Uilt ICSOO RAILROAD. This great line vrarvrava uie urxiiern auu avriowm counties ol Pennsylvania to the citv ot r ne, on i,ai File. It has been leased and it la operated by tha Pena- TIME OF PAoetEN GtRTK AlN 8 AT PHIL A DELPHI A Bvivsnla Railroad company Arrive Eaatwatar ne asan 1 rain lwr, a. Erie Express 1 ram. 11-10 a. at. Leave Westward Erie Msu Train, 7 -no P. M Erie Exoress Train, 720 A. M. Viunnf ears run throuvh on the Erie Uall ana Express Trains wlthoat euange, both ways, betweea Philadelphia Md Erie x.v.-,Tn, Leave New York at 8 OOP M.jartve at Erie at l7 A.M Laave Erie at 11 P. At .. araJJe at New York 1 1 P. id. No change 01 cars between Tale aud New York. Flegant Mleeplng Cars oa all Night Trains. v. ln,rm,Lltn v.,u(kitn, I,, . nnumnuar bUSInSSS, aPBlr i iiiK-fi iMlt and ma uu avf KtvtwUt. Philadelphia. ; i. tiirltrnluht bnainnaa nl the onipany 's lAgenhM B. B. Etagston, Jr., oorner TH IRTai b n i h sno aja n- EET Streeta. jfblUdelphia; . w. aseyuuiua, bhoi ttu lain tirown. Agent, . sj. wi.ii..i..i. 11. ti. hoi'si u.N.uenerai a,nl0-"Ti," ry '.1 .r H. W. GWINNER. General Ticket Agrtil.PhiladalliU JOS. D. POTTS General Banairor. Wllllatnsport AT F FED L. TYT.VH IK-naral ffnnenntendent J. C. PERKINS, LUMBER MERCHANT Bucceeaor to E. Clark, it., No. 824 CHRISTIAN STEEKT. Constantly on band largo ud Taried assortmen f Building Lumbar. 1 jtiAKNKBH, ULlNDNKt-sS, AND CATARRH. a 0 J, lsi its, a. V.t rniionur ur we tjo with the ntiuost aut-ceas. 'resilmouials from tha most reliable sources ia the eltv can ha seen at hla office. No. no biwv Tha atadlnal Vmi-nltv era luvtted to .1, . u.uu iniMiiAuimi u, 1 im i Hiiaiimurau accoimnuiy their patieuta, aa ht kua ui socrots Ui hui tuctloe a RAILROAD LINES. PQlLAnKI.rniA. WILMINGTON, AND DAT 11KOHK bAll.MOAit. TIM K lAliI.K. toinmriielng MONTAT. Janaarya. IK .'1 1 rains w ( I leave Deput, ooruer st BKOAD ntraet and WAdlilMllOM Avenue, as lollnwat fipress 1ra,n at 4 Oft A. M. (MonAaisexernteil), for Bslilmore and Washington, sionpin at Wflnilngioa, 1 Perrynl a, liarr-io-Airnoe Aberdeen, i'errruaaw, liapnolla and M nimer's Run T leawaro K-1 road I ram at I U A. W (Sundny e reptedi, for Hallsbt ry, Ml ford, and Inurmedlat stations. Way Mall Train at 9 IS A M. Cunrlajt excepted), for Clavmont, and ail stations between Wl.tnlngioa. aad IlalUmnre. lnwi Train at ? 45 r. M. (Sandavs exoeptedl, (b rattiinore and Washinaton. alunnlna at. i'mmim Cla.vmont, Wlmttkton, Newark, a. ktun North-eaat PirryytiiH, llavrean Graee, Aberdeen, Perr; man's, Msu jo Is and summer's Rub. Mgiit express at 1115 P. M. for nalttmnrs an washlnatoa. stonplnv at Chester I hurlow. I.lnvmit. Ctaj moiit Wllroliikton. Newark, Klk.oa, Notlh East. Feny-vl le and Havre de-Oraoe. PSMrntrera hv lfnaA tnwn Italtimnra tnr futtui Monroe. Nonolk. I ItT l'.,liit anu Kli hinond all, tika the 0 1SA. M. Tr. ln. As an additional aeeommodatl on for those hold lag InruUfrh Tickets lor ha tiniure. Waslunfton and oa b ern rxilnts. a HpaHal Car wl I leave the Phllalelubta Iepot at 111 A.Ai., connecting at Gray 'a Ferry with me m ommg t xpre s'l rain irom New Vork. Wll.WIMiTON ACCOMaOO V1ION TRAINS, RtOOnlnff at all Htatlmia hfn.i1 Pli1laili.liihl& HtJ TI,l.i. . . r u " I.t ave Philadelphia at S 15 and 11-15 A. and t M. 0. and 7 l V M Tbe 3 .) P. M. train connects wlUt leiswan natimaa ior All 'torn anil Intermediate stations. Leave W I Mm nut on at 7 0J S 1ft. and B 30 a. VI and oa sad 6-00 I' M '1 ra ii tor New ( astle lcav) PhllaIelphla at 8 U A. M.. J 80 and Mil P,M iiino tin tkhm?1 rnoivt haltimorr. Leave V ilmlnnton at 1.-0D M .. and 4 30 and 9 to p. It. )11H.FK FOR riIILI)KLPUIA. Leave Cltrr at 8-01. 8 6s. aud U 14 A. M- and Il ia S U. 5 01 M4 an.llO-OTP. M. rm at iu imukk -iu i iiiLAtKLi'niA. Leave Halt, mora 8 24 A.M.. Wav Mailt 110 P.M.. Express! ; r M.. x press-Vis P M Express. An Accommodauon lialn for llavre-do-Urace an1 In. tcrmedlate stations wl I leave Us timore at 4 10 P. M. 'I RAINS FOR BAL 1MORK 1 eave Cbrstrrat 0 52 A, M. 3 23 and II MP. K. Leave Wimlnatiin a, I n K'll anil 10 31 A. M . aif 4 P.M. ' ' pOPAY 1 RAINS. Exnreta Train at 4 -OA a u u,r Italtimnra anil nr..k lnrion, stopolng at WOmlnirton. Perrvv He. Havre-da-(race, Aberdeen, l'erryuiaa's, Uogao U, and Stommar'a Run. Night Express II IS P. M , tor Ba'tlmora and trash. Ington, stopping at Chester. Tliurow I In wood. Clar- mont, Wilinlngtou Newark. Elklon. MorthaaaL Porrr. vllie, and ilavn-Hle-firnce. A special train wl I leave Philadelphia for Wllmlntrfoa tor luterniediate statu ns at 0 P. M. HAL'lMOKh FOR 1'lllLADF LPHIA. Leave lialilmora et tt'li P. M.. sUinninu at Rnui.. Grace, Perryvtlla. and Wllmlngmn. Also stops at Kik ton and Newark (to take passeuvers -or Philadelphia ant irnve paxsengers irom wasuington or naitimore) an4 ( heater to leave oassenaera irom Baltimore or Waak. liifton. A special trnln will leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and Intermediate stations at 6 30 P. M Freight train, with passenger oar a tarded. will I eara Wilmington for PcrrvTil e and Intermediate a atinns a U4 P. AI. II. F. KINNJi Y, (superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD WINfrK ARRANUEM EST- Tue trains or tne i-ennsyiTania central icarroac leavaj the New Depot, at 1 II 1 Kl IK 1 11 and MARK. CT KareeU. Tbe cars oi the Market Street Passoiurer Ralluar rum to and from this Depot 'I bey leare Front street every two minutes, commencing one boa- previa is to tne time ot ueparture oieacn Tram, ana al ow aboaa SO mlnu ea for a trip. Their cars ate In waiting an Uut arrtva. oteach Train, and connections are made wtib all roads crossing Market street. On Htimia,-earn save (4td n ana m arkst streeisj atS'iiP M.. tocoanectwlth Pl.'sbuig and Erie Mail. and at 10 2S p. M. win rni aaeinhia r.xpntss. Mann's Bsc mire Express Is .ocawdai no 11 S.lllevenHi street. Parties desiring Daggage taken to the trains oaa bare It done at reasonsDie tare upon apt) n ation to air l'HAINH LEATE ANDARKIVE AX DEPOl.iaOoi Frle Fxnresfl at 7 It A. If. Mall Train " 8110 Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 18 00 M Fast Line " 12 08 af. Parkesburg " l ot p. Jf uantKUurg Accommouation a av - Lancaster Accommodation " 4CS Paoll train. No 2 ' 8 SO Pl tshnra and Frie Mall " 1M Philadelphia Express " 11 10 " ajiiuvK. Cincinnati Express at I'M A af Phliadeltihla KXpress 7 10 ' Paoll AccomiiKHlatloB, No. 1 .." 8-) Parkesburg Train B3U m Erie Express .'1124 " Lancaster 1 ram MI2MP. It. Fast Line 1-18 Paoll Accommodation, No. 2 M 4-44) Dayhxpreas 145 Uarrlsburg Acoommodailou " 8 48 I'hiladerphla Express leaves dally. Pittsburg anal Erie Mall leavea dally (except Haturday). AU other trains dal'y (except Hundav). Tbe Pennsy vaala Railroad Oomrany will not assume any risk tor liagvage. except for Wearing Apparel, anal (Unit their responsibility to One Hundred Do lars la value. All Bavgage exceeding that amount In va'aa will be at tha risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract THOMAS H. PARKE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. Ah Emigrant train runs dahy (except Sunday). Far full Information as to tare and accommodation, apply ta FRANCIS FUNK No. 137 Dock Htreek NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson. For llETHLEHEM, DOYLhSTOWN, MADOH CHUNK, EA8TOM, WILUAMSPOltT, and WlLK.Es! BARRr:. At 7 30 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, Hazieiou, VSilliauupoit, and WUkoa barre. At 2-30 P. M (Exprese), fcr Bethlehem, Easton. etc. reaching Easton at 6-4) P. M. At i 15 P. M., tor BethTefanm, Allontowa. Mattoh Chunk. Danville and WilliaitMport. For Doylestown at 8 So A. M., 2 30 and 4-15 P. M. F01 Fort Washington at 10 A M. and 11 P. M. For Lansdale at 6-16 P. al. White cars ot tbe Second and Third Streets Line City Passenger Cars run direct to the depot , TRAINS IOK PHILADELPHIA, l eave Bethlehem at 8 25 A, H. aud It 02 A. M., aad 6 15P -M. , I-osve Dor estown at 6 30 A. If.-, J-IS and 8 30 P. M. Leave Lsn'dale at 6-10 A. Al Leave Fort Washington at lu'&o A. M., and 219 P. il. ON StUhDAVS. Philailelnhia for Rptniehem at DA. M. Philadelphia tor Doylestown at Sf.U. Doylestown for Phi adelphla at 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. T brouirh Tickets must ba atoouted at tbe ticket oftleaa. THIRD btreet orBEHJSS Mxeet. so l.l.ia CLARK, Agaat T7KEIGHT LINKS FOR NEW YORK AND L a 1 Uie Stations on the CAMDEN and AA1BOY and connecting Railroads lucreased despatch. 1 THE ( AMI ES AND AMBOY- KAII.ROATt inn TRANSPORrATION COMPANY FREIGHT LINEa) tor New York will leave WALNUT Street Wharf at i o'o ock P. M., daily (Snndays excepted). Frelsht must te delivered be' ore 4H P. il., to be fbr warded the same day. Returning, the above liuaawlA leave New York at 12 noon, and 4 and 8 P. II. Freight for Trenton, I'riiioeion, Kingston New Brana) wlrk. and a I iminta on the Camden and Amboy Rail- road; also. n the Belvtdere, Delaware, aud Klemluaw ton; the ev .lersey. tne freehold aud Jauiwburg, an the Burlington and Mount 11 oily Railroads, received anl forwarded up to 1 P. M. Tbe tteiviaere lie aware nanroaa connects atPhn .llpsburg with the Lehlah Va ley Railroad, and at Manuar kacbuuk with all points on ue Delaware. Lackawannau and Western Railroad, forwarding to Syracuse, BaOalOk and cher points in Western New York. TbeNew jeney nanroau connects at Elizabeth wit the New Jersey Centra. Rshroad, and at Newark witta the Morris and Essex Railroad. A skp memorandum, specifying the marks and num bers, ahippess and consignees, must, in every instance, be sent with eacti load of goods er no receipt wiU ba given. Increased faculties have been made (er tha transportation ot Live Stock. Drovers are Invited to try toe route When stock is furnished in quantitiea of two car-loads or more, It will be delivered at the foot of Fortieth street near tbe Drove Yard, or at Her No. 1 North river as the shippers may dtw,gnate at tha time ol shipment. For terms, or other Information, apply te WALTI-R FREEMAN. Fielght Agent, 11 1 So. 226 b. DELAWARE Avenue. PlUladelphk. "PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND 1 iosiuAiuwn nflii.iiij.iif. On and aiter WEINEHlAY, November 1st, 1865, untU i unuci rutn o, FOB GKRM ANTOWN Leave PhlladelphU 8,7.8, 0, 10. 11, 12 A. M., 1, 1, 3 10. SH,4,6 B!K,8, 7, 8 8, 10, 11, ia F M, T Leave Uermantown 8, 7, 7X, 8fT3, 0, 10, II, 12 A. M , 1,2. 8, 4,4. 8 , 7,8,0, 10, lfr.ftk Tbe 8 2i on train, and S and 6 up trains will not Btop on the tiermtoitown Branch. ON HUN DAYS. Leave Philadelphia 910 A. At., 2, 7. 10i P. M. Leave GeimanUwn8 A. M., 1. 6. OH P. M. CHESNL'T MILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8, 10, li A. Al., 2, 8, H 6H, 7, 8. and 11 P. -M . Leave t besnnt BUI 710 minutes, 8, 9 40, 11-49 A. M., -40, 8 40, b 40. 8'40, 8 40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 910 minutes A M., 1 and 7 P. if. Leave ( hesnut 11 ill 7'40 minutes A. M 12 40, 6 40, auj t-'ii minutes P. M FLB ONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN". Leave Philadelphia 8, 8 85 minutes,, 11-06 A. M., IX, S. 434, oh, X, 8 05 minutes, and 11 P.M. I. eave N ornstown bH . 7, 1 50. , 11 A. M., IX , 4, , ant 6 P AJ 1 be 6X P- M train will Btop at School Lane Wise, bkkon, Uanayunk, florin gJtfiU.od Conshohockea only. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,tlH. and 7 P. M. Leave N orrlstow n 7 A. M .. and 6 P. M. FOR 11 AN A 1 UNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 86 minutes, 11-05 A. M ., IX, t, 4X.6X,8.-06. andllX P. M. Lrave Uanayunk 0)t , 7. 8 20, OX, 11 X, A, X.. 1, S, 6X, 8J M . ON 8UNBAY8. ' Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M., JX, and 7 P. M. Leave Alsnayunk 7X A. at , 5X, and 8 P. M- W. b. WIL-ON. fieneral ISnpailutendent, Dapot MM 11 andOKEE tiUwiUl