THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY G, 18CG. UNITED STATES 17AVAL ACADEMT. Rf)pH of Alafri lorlir nnd sHafT bj ti nrj I Mud a.eiclalMtar. from tH JBaHnur$ Commercial of Saturdaf. AiAroMH,I'Y'brury 2. B Invitation of th General Assembly ol Maryland, communicated In a Joint resolution ol' both Houses, to Rear Admiral Porter and the ollicers and Professors of the Naval Academy to visit the to Houses of the Lee Mature, the iolntComraittee appointed for that purpose received their distinguished truest uud hm staff to-day at 12 o'clock, at the State House. The Admiral, with about thirty officers and Professors, all in billl aat unuornn, were invited to the Executive Chamber, where ttu.y were ror dlully gicetcd by (Jomnor tSuun. KKUEPTIOH IN TUB SCNATB. After the ceremony ol personal Introdnc.lon of thcdiiTereutotllcen to the Executive of the State, the diRtiufruished visitors, accompanied by the Governor, were escorted by the committee to vhe Senate Chamber, w here they were received with every demumitratlon of lespect. Senator Bullngely. of St. Mary's, to a graceful manner, in troduced to the President and niemlters of the Senate Rear-Admiral Porter, and poncrally the ollicers and professors accompanying him. The President ot the Kenate, Lieutenant-Governor Cox, then addressed Admiral Porter substan tially a followa: REMARKS OF Lttt'TEN AKT-OOVIUNOR OOX. Admiral : In ootuulUiico o.tli joint resolutions ef both Houwsttl the '-onorai Amoinoly ot Jtary land, auopted with cunts ouan:inur, it becotnei inv afrreeab a daty to ext nJ to yon, and tlie uiilcors of your s aft, a cordial welcome tj this hall of legisln tiun, a ayut vet oitble in atioo a'iontor tho vast, but ebietlv a silnmsh"d ri the o ne of that t arly Con jt.eta at which toe Father ol bit Country relinquished the scaloi i.nblio cliico lor thu moie auiai pursuits 01 pitvate life. To lino hlstoucal groan noon the lU bt wall ot the aiiaiitvr ropresent.i tho august occasion while the portraits lu o her parts ot the hall point tie memory of those d'atinguished me a, who giaoed, at that oarly day, llio Rood old eotn roonwoaiih o; Maryland. Jt is fit Ing that amilsiiou associations, and snrouDdod by art-subjeo's like these, tbe ceiemony of rncoptlon sbou.d ho dispensed to the biave and loval men who have so rtcontiy iliuairaiad the valor and v.riues ot the iuthota The patriotism which luapircd the si jut Well ington to deeds of heroism in tbo cause ol' human iibeity Laind as briirhtly in the bosoms of the nob e eommandeis under -whole gni.aiice tbo army and navy achieved a lasting tur.mph over tbo euotnlc.i of thu Union. Juthlsioilot tho great cap ains ot tin aire, you, sir, occupy nounonviab e position. vVlien the events of thu Jaie war shun be tacod by the im partial pen ot other times, there will sppoar upon the blsiono paire no proudnr record than that ol the nnlaUorn r 10) elty and daring courage wbioh have rendered illusu.oui, In one day, the Hero of Violin burn and fori Fisher. Your nsuio, s.r, will bcoomo a household world erou' d every American hearth stoLe, and tbe gloriou. deeds ou have wrought out for the Kenub to bo embalmed in ibe (tra'oiul recol lection ol oor oountiymcn for ages to come. To which Admiral Porter responded as fol lows. RNSPONHn OF ADMIRAL POBTBR. Cent'onan of tho Maryland Assembly :' I take gr at p caauio lu expressing my thinks, and ihat ot tbo c tli cor ot t .e Aavul Ackiiorav, tor the honor yon have conferred on us, and tor the kind greeting you have yiven um to-day. I should consider mysolf dehcieut in common ictolluenco it 1 could not find lanenafe to express what is due D yoa on this occa sion, i tiMt, tboufrh, that you will tike the wi I tor the ocod, sndnot oxpoctme to express what I tool In a very luut tny speech fspreeti-maiiint is not my vocation, and 1 very ranch lorr that it 1 a'tampted any extended remarks 1 should subjoot my Bull' to tbe crltio Bra of the intelligent pent ernun who are now listening to me who are accustomed daily to hs'eu to moie oloquout orations. We have oomo to live amonpst yon, and I trust that our associations wnl be of the niost agreeable Character. It it is decided to locato the JNaval Aca demy permanently at this I am sure, from all that 1 uave Been and board since I have been here, and since the Legislature hai been in sc3e!on,that you will do all in yonr power to ufl jrd us the advantages we so much require to oiaii this institution what it should be an honor to the country. 1 hope veu will pas laws to protect the young midshipmen fiom the temotatlons that bo Jot tuom on every side. l'her tutnro success in life may d pond in a ereat me ure on ' ho action ot this Legislature and the laws it may enact lor their benefit. J he discipline of tho Maval Academy will provide for their weliare irslde ot the wain, but th re are cer tain allnremonti on the outride over whica we have no control, wbich are beneficial neither to mmhood nor youth, and tliece can only bo controlled by the Leg slature. 1 can only say- In conclusion, for myself and in b'halt of all the oWcera in the Acadomv. that we shall take great pleasure in receiving the rntimuoi-j of the Legislature and the otlicerj attached thereto, at our houses, wheix the latch-string will alvvaa oe lonnd hanving on the outside, where one and all wid receive that welcome due to tbe repreientatives ol this time-honored hlato. a Mat a wiiicii has shown such a noble example during the licbeuio", and sow shines lortu as the biigbiest star of the Union. Admiral Porter was then Invited to take the chair of the President, Governor Swann beint; seated on his loft, and Lieutenant-Governor Cox on his right. The Senators, ladies, and a larga number ot visitors present were then presented to the Admiral, the band in the Senate gallery perlormiuK insphiur airs in the meantime. Alter the ceremonies of introduction had been perlortred, and an interchange of courtesies had taken place, the Senate, on motion of Mr. Ohr, took a recess. DECEPTION IN THE DOUSR. Admiral Porter, accompanied by the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, and the ollicers of the Academy, were then escorted to the House of Delegates, when Colonel Billingsly introduced him to the Speaker oi the House and tWe mem bers ot that body. Speaker Fiazier then wel comed the Admiral and the officers of the Naval Academy to the floor of the House, where seats in front of the'Speaker's desk had been provided for them. Mr. Frazier referred to the successful naval engagements of the Admiral, which gave him a passport everywhere. Admiral Porter, alter expressing his thanks for his reception, said, In reply, that he never appropriated to himself the compliment! that were addressed to him, but he accepted them in behall ot the navy. Alter a few other re marks, he repeated tbe invitation to the mem bers of the House that he bad given in the other branch, to visit himself and other ollicers of the Academy, wa.-re their presence would be always welcomed. Alter music lrom the bond the House ai ioutned, aud tbe guests retired. KCE?TI0N IN THE EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. The Admiral and his ollicers were then in vited to visit the spacious Executive Chamber, .as the Biiest" ot the Governor and Lieutenant- Governor. Here they were bountifully enter tained with the choicest chamDaene. the mem bers of the Legislature and many othci visitors uring present., uovemor Dwann welcomed ui distinguished guests in a lew br,ef remark: EEMARKS Or OOTKUN0B BWAN1, Of nth men of thelegislature'and Kellow-cizons: You are here to-dav to do houor to on of tha moot distinguished and gallant oflloers of our navy m ujhu wuu, m iuo inuuuy siriio wmon nas so re ceiitlf terminated in the restoration of this Unvorn me nt, reudi rud unmistakable service in thu defense and maintenance of our glorious Union. He ib here by the invitation oi tbe legislature; and let me tall you, my iritnds, that in honoring him - lu exkmdiug to him the hotpi' iliiies of this anolem C'omuaou weahb, you honor oursolves and the people of the whole State ot Maryland. It would be inappropriate at this time andrhis occasiou to refer to tbe bril liant record which be brings with him. Thatieeord um become pan and parool ol our common renown, As Uaryiaudurs wu claim a participation in tha iriorv of his art it exuiolrs. The names ot Grant and Sherman, and Farragut ana rorrerwir be bold lu gratoinl rouolloct'on, wiien yon and I, and those present shall have passed ay ay tend been forgotten, if you duaire to estimate the vaiue oi moir services in putiiuc uown the KebellioD to sever this Union. Ut me noiut voutothe svmool of our nationality which floats over us to-day, with not a single star blotted from its flittering folds standing firm In all the grandeur of its power and iiiuinpu. veu ime iuue mo sluts oi Maryland de light to honor. We stand heie upon ground ennsecrad and m ade lorever venerate by the most stirr ng reminlsuenox ot ihenast. It was nudor this rnnl' nnH alinnnt In tie very spot where I now stand, tiiat tue Father of bis Country laid uown his sword after achieving the liberties of an oppressed and down-troddou people It wa here that the men of the Hevoiution, in ttiati times that tried nieu-s sou s were wout to aise-nlil It wa here that Howard, and Willlam-i. nml Fhil pot. and tbe represntatiyes ol the Old n.l Line hackled on their armor to go lonh upon their jteat xuifsion i human ireeuom. I ron l, however athflr nrsneiatlens tnnst 'prove ti 'Maryland, and patnotie men lrom whatever section, ibey verve tto he gniSB rather than diminish; by the loyal impnlses wlinh ihey 'tnsoiro, the lustre Whicli is thrown ri Hi4 this cM laaemtirkof the heyolutlon, by the preirnee nt ear diitlniruished friend hore to day. If it were possible tor the Kxeoutlve of the State to give increased emphasis to the proceodmrs which havo alieady transpired, I would beg to avail myself en tnis oeqtslon to extend to him my heartfelt eon gia n I at ions, snd to bid htm weloon.e to the State of .Maryland in tbo name of her admiring and grate I ul iceplo. The1 Governor then proposed the health of Admiral Porter. Admiral Porter responded in brief and appro priate terms. Addresses were also made by Lientenant-Govcrnor Cox, Adiutant-Gcncral Berry, and others. The band ditconrscd its music. Many lively toasts were drank, and an hour was rmWd in a very cheerful manner. The Admiral and his oflit rrs then took formal leave of the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, and withdrew, expressing their e;ratificat.iou at the dlRtinguihcd couitesy with which they had beea honored. 1IST OF OFIMCKUa KAVAL A5T CIVII.,ATTAOm?T TO T11R FAVAL AOADKMr, ABRAKOK1) in THUH PIFMBXST BEPARTMXT8. ftear-Admiral David 1). Tortar, superintendent; Lteutenant-lommanning K. It Urees", aa-istint to snpeiintcndcut ; l'aymastrr Charles V, Abbott, pay masltr; Surncon K. ;. Uian, sarocn; Atustant burgeon. Itamsay ; Captain MoLaue Tilion, executive officer; Chaplain C H. Mmith. chaplain; itichard M. Chaiio, secretary; Carlisle P. porter, aselslsntsecrrtury; Uwou L. Kobb lstc!erk; Henry lionet, 3d clou: Kicbara c-wan, commissary; Rover beilis, storekeeper; U. L. Harris clark to cominanaant ot midshipmen ; J II. Havens, clerk to a master; William 11. Harris, do ; A. L. Barker, o ; J. H. (iiianlt, captain's c;ert, Bin toe; w. u. bare, do.. Constitution; J. M A. den, assistant librarian; Lieutenant Commander fi. B. Lnce. com- n anoerol miusnipuen anu iniructor oi roaman ship, laval tacticM, oiduance, naval gannery, artil lciy, and infuutry tactics. Jh fiiatntiittrttp, unuor coirmanaaoi ot m cisnip- mrn, the following assistants to oommandants: iltutenant-C'ominandnr K. F.H. Lew.s, senior In structor; Litutenaut-Comniander H. W. aload, I hemss u. ollrlnge. jonn o. uarnos. in indnnnet, Miivnl kunnerp,, ana jn fat. tru Tactiet.- Lieutenant-Commanders h. M. Itamsay, Mont. Sicard, L. O. Matthews, At F. Croieninn. ii t.rcuttve Lulu.- I , C Johnson, commanding Conshtutlon. In Jixeruttvc IHi'v . In obarge or practice chip; Lieuleuant-Coiuinandi r J. A. Grier, assistant to cenimaudant. Art J)i fume JmWn llonnnfons, bead or depart ment', Ihiodoro iUuiice, A.J. Corhoner, assist ants. Lieutenant t.ommandants W. P. McCann, exroutivoluly;0. h. titauton, commanding eanteo; ;.K. wa.iace, const it unon ; a. urcen, uousiuu on: II. W.Miller, Santae: N. II. Farquhar, Sun- tte: T. F. Kane, Hantre. in Department cj Mathematics. rrotesBor ot Mathematics, W. H.Wilcox, head of douartment, atsirted by the following: Chaplain U 11. Hit- bou. L enteoant Commander H. U. lodd, is. V. Ureene, Ames, W. W. Johnson. C. F. Johnson. In J tvartmtnt of steam hnaineerina. Chiel Kn- gincer, W. W. W. Wood, head of depaitment; Chief Jiii ginccr, l'vben tt:yt,a-8istaiit. rirst Assistants II. Mcllvain, John Hawkins, J. . Vauo ain. Second Asustnnts K D. l-eavltt, Jr , 11 EL. llains. Jr., 1'. loopor, B. C. Oowlng. On board ti e practice steamer, in charge of en gines and prae ical msi ruction, first Assistant Engi neer, U- L. bar.y, V innipce Tlnrd Assistants W. C. Bcichonback, do. ; A 11. Henderson, do.; K. P. nuns, Mercury; vv. j. aien'zcr, do. assistant f ro ll ssor Oito fuchs, teacher m uraugbting. Third Aseistant Lngiuiers Al. K. Stevonson, Phlox; J. G. Litt g, do. Jn Astronomy, ftavinatmn, ana Surveuma. JLleu- tenant-Commander It L I'hythian. head ol depart ment, assisted by the following: Lieutenant Cem mandmg. Ls Koy Fitch, assistant instructor of topographical and hydrographio drawing; Lieu- enant-Commatuler A. i'dCook, assistant; Assistant 'roiessor, c. L, White; assistant x roiessor, U. A. Ceborn, assistants. in Natural ana Jlx. rntionopnu 1'rofes'or A. w. Smith, head ot depart in nt ; First Assistant En gineer it. n. Thurston: second do. do. remberton: tmrd (to. do., K. M Brm ; ana Assistant i'roiessor, John W. Itice, assistants. Iithics and English Studiet Liontenant Com mander J N Mil er, head of department. Assistant Protess rs Thomas Rcainey. T. G. Forde. H. T. Mackintosh, It. u. ray, J, ri. Dixon, C. r. Hyde, It. Little French Lanauaoe. Professor A. N Girault, head of depaitment. Ass s ant Prolessora J. L. Da- villiers. Charles Magrau. A. V 8. Courceile Siamsh Lauauaoe. Professor E A. Boeet, head of department. Assistant Professor II. M. Uon sarto. Department of Drawing. Professor m. Sea tor. beaa of depariment. Assistant Proloasor iiitcbings. Da Cbailla on tbe African Pigmies. M. Du Chaillu publishes the following inte- rtsting letter in the London Times: To the Editor ot the Timet. sir: as i nna that tho report of what Mr. J. Crswfurd said in reference to the small and peculiar tribe of natives which I met with in the mountains of Western Eauatoiial Africa, between one deeree and two degrees south latitude, and about twelve decrees eaet loncttuae, nus occasioned scepti cism, 1 now copy from my original note-uooK, which I have shown to Htr Kodtrick Murchison, the following details. I further understand from him that Mr. Craw turd had no intention of dis paraging the accuracy of my description, but simply wished to have such an explanation as l now oiler : "These little people, termed 'Obonogo,' may be considered the rtpsies oi ine region, ruey are of migratory nauits, and ciianse tneir tern- noraiv shelter tinder trees from one olace to another. I'hey gain their livelihood by trapping same, which thev exchange witn tne settled vil lagers for lood, and, like fcome European gipsies, if this method fails, they steal and decamp. While the inhabitant of this mountain region are lighter in color than those of the sea shore. these Obonogo are still less dark. They have only short tuits ot hair upon their heads, and ere thus strikluglv distinguished lrom the set tled inhabitants, who wear large turrets oi hair upon inelr beads, xney nave a wna, anxious. and timorous expression in their eyes, and althonch I gave many beads to entice some ot them to remain, aud was brought to them stealthily by the natives, all the men, except a voune adult, disappeared, leaving a lew women behind. It would appear that my visit alarmed tbem. lor. althouen l staved a weeit in tne ad- lacent village, the Obonogo were no more to bs lieara oi. "The following aie the measurements I was enaUed to make: 'The only adult male measured four feet six inches: but us one of the women reached five leet one-quarter inch (she being considered ex traordinaiily tall), I have co doubt that some of the men are equally tall, and some perhaps taller. The other women I measured had the lollowinsr heiybts: Four feet eight inches, four feet seven and one charter inches, four teet live leches, and the smallest four tout four and one- quarter inches. I thought, after looking at the whole gioup of tho adult women, that their averese height was troni tour leet Ave inches to tour leet six inchc. . The smallest woman bad the largest lieud, viz , one foot ten and one-filth inches in cireumimcnce, the smallest was one toot nine iucbes round. "In the Volume which I propose to -publish more details repec'tri these little people, with a short vocabulary of their language, will be given. I am, sir, vour obedient servant. "P. B. Du Chaillp. "No. 129 Mount street, January 1C." The Countess Milleflori, known by tho name of Rositia. is ocaJ. Some years ago the news papers announced, it will be remembered, the tuorcantic merriao of Victor Emmanuel with the Countess Milltlori. This news was not con- trndicted. The Countess Milleflori leaves tvo children son and daughter. They have re ceived the titles ol count und countess, mo one In Italy is ignorant of the influence exercised by the Countess Miliciiori over the mind of the King. People acre.-, however, in Baying that she was very chantiude, and olten gave the Kiug better advice than Ms ministers, fehe had for a . lone time hesitated to no to Tuscany: she, how ever, decided to do ro. and a splendid residence was being prepared for her. Bha died aged forty-two, of a cancerous tumor. It was lor fhe purpose of heina oreeent at her death-bed that Victor Emumr.uel left, in the height of the ministeml criu, lor Mandna. The Countess was the daughter nt drum major, who became an oflieir .n the et r;s of the Ki-nr's GuardB. Victor Emir niiiiel tuid to be inconsolable lor her losf. FINANCIAL. Jl E 31 O V-A. ILi I TO NEW OFFICE. On HONS AT. Sth Inst., we shall remove from cor temporary Office, ho. MS 0HE8NUT Street, to oar eld .ocatioa. No. 114 S. THIRD STREET, With greatly enlarged facilities for the rtlRCHASTC AND SAl.U or GOVERNMENT AND OTHER SECURITIES, And the transaction of a general Banting business. JAY COOEE & CO. Philadelphia, January 1. 1846. lslm nOPARTNERSHIP JJOTICE. FROM THIS sto. BESBT D. COOKE, HABRIS C. FAHN BTOf K, TlTX COOKE, JOHH W. BEXTON. and UF.OBGE C. THOMAS are partners with ns In tbe Firm of JAY COOKE A CO., Philadelphia. JAT COOKE, WU. Q. MOORBEAD. riiiladf lihla, January 1, 18G4L 161m XJ. S. SECURITIES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, IC S. THIRD ST. 3 NASSAU ST. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YOliK. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. IKTEKEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 2 1 TVfWIlDS UROTIIERS, No. 225 DOCK STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS, BUT AND SELL rMTED STATES BONDS, 1881s, 8-20s, 10 40s. UNITED STATES 7 8-10s. ALL ISSUES. CKBT1FICATEB OF INDEBTEDNESS Mercantile Paper and Loans on Co laterals negotiated. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. 1 31 ly JJARTER, DUIINEY & CO., BANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 55 S. TD1RD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission TJnourrent Bank Notes, Coin, Etc., bought and sold. Special attention paid to tho purchase and sale oi Oil Stocks. Deposits received, and interest allowed, as per agreement. 1218m 5 '20s '30s, WANTED. HAVEN k BROTEER' No. 40 8. THIKD STREET. IDE l-T COAL. COAL! C O A. LI! BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S COAL YARD, NINTH STKEET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BRANCH OFFICE CORNER OF SIXTH AND BPR1JJG GARDEN &1EKETS. t 21 JAMES O'BRIEN, PEA LEE d LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, BY 1UE CARGO OR SINGLE TON. Yard, Broad Street, below Fitzwater.- Has constantly on hand a competent snpply of th above superior Coal, suitable lor famfiy use, to which he calls the attention of his friends and the pnhlic generally. Oidea left at Ho. 206 8. Fi'th street. No. 82 8 Seventevath street, or through Despatch or Pest UOIce, promptly attended to A SUPERIOR OUaJJXY OF BLACKSMITHS CHEAP-ONLY TEN CENTS FOR ONE OF J. B. CAFE WELL A OO.'S CELEBRATED WIND-GUARD ASD AIR-HEATERS FOR COAL OIL LAMPS, FatenteO October 25, 1865. CAPE WELL A CII.'H Wind Guard and Air-Heater for OH Lamps. use tbe l'atent wind-uuara ana Air-ueaier ior uil Lamps. Tua ( kmtsoijlt Fob CAPEWELL CO. '8 PATENT Witiri.HiiMf-rt .nil Alp anterior Oil LttniDS. II you warn to save oU. nse tha I'atuut Wind Onaid and Air Hester, lor Oil Lamps, tirvnt iKVInu hi Class Chimneys. Use CAPEWELL A CO. 'a 1 stunt W inu Uuard and Alr-Hoater, as It keeps tuem rrora Drrsklng . (A Pi. WILL ic CO.'S Patent Wlnd-Ouari and Alr- Peater saves one ihlrd more oil than any other lamp. i r ont tnev cost hut len ceai.. Great inducements offeieJ to agenii. boidv.hole.l0cnlyby CAPEWELL 4 CO.. Flint niiu Manufacturers. Westvllle. N. J. Offlre, northwest corner of BKlOMD and EAC'E Btreets, Philsdulpbia. CAIEWELL'S PATENT WIND-GUART) AND AIR HEATER FOR COAL OIL. LAMPS Rent to inv nar nt the United States, post paid, on tha receipt ol 'twenty five cents. They use omt-Uiird lesa oil than any otliur Lamp now In u. 'I he prevent the lass lrom bieaaipg or the iii iroui smoaing, J. U. CAI E L A CO. Pa entees 1221m o. 211 lUCE tieet,Philad'a, HATS AND CAPS. J isr FASHION. Small fronts. Quick Sales HATS AND CATS. NEWEST STYLES. LOWEST PKICES IN TUE CUT. BOURNE, No. 40 y. SIXTn 8TREET. l!3tnfh(3m JJYXE'S PATENT AR03IA SAVING AND CONDENSING COFFEE KROWNER, FOR ' HOTELS. GROCERS, HOSPITALS, Military Barracks, and all other establishments aslng quantities of Coffee By this Machine the Coffee is SWEATED brown. Instead of being BURNED brown, thereby saving from 40 to M per cent more AROMA than when done In tha uaaal way. A PATENT TKSTE.Il Is attached, which enables the operator to see when tbe Coffee Is done Brown. CAN BE CHANGED IN A MOMENT INTO A FRANKLIN OR AIR-TIOIIT STOVE FOR IIEATINO PURPOSES. They work like a charm, ALWAYS giving entire SATISFACTION. For particulars call or send for a circular, which con tains testimonials lrom many of the United Mates Hospitals, First-class Hotels, and Grocers Sow bavins them In use. Also, HYDE'S PATENT AROMA SAVING AND CONDENSING FAMILY COFFEE BROWNER, On the same principle, being In the form of a STOVE COVER. Will suit any 8TOVU or RANGE. Tbe Coffee ls browned PERFECTLY UNI FORM in a FEW MINUTES' TIME. ONE FOUND BROWNED In this M acblnfl has about the SAME STRENGTH as two roasted In the usual way, BESIDES giving tho Coffee In ALL ITS PURITY and FRAGRANCE. por sale by ABDWABE, HOUSE-FURNISHING, AND STOVE STORES GENERALLY. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY HYDE & TIXGLEY, No. 1505 Pennsylvania Avenue, 1 estnthlmo PHILADELPHIA Jj) IT 11 E K A! THE INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE THIS IS NO HAIR DYE. TBI? IMMKN8E 8CCCE8S with which this nreoara tlonbasmet duilnp the short time It has been betore the pahllc. nas Induced the thousands ami tens of thou sands who have need and attested lis virtues to pro nounce u the ONLY and I HUE Hair Reito atlre. The Eureka has been in reduced Into all the pnnclpa1 cttlei both East aid West, and having taltbluliy onrtormed all that Is claimed lor It, has suDt r.eaed al o bar Hair Pre parations. 1 be Kureka restores QrevIIalr to its original coiori preTeniB ine liuir irom tailing on , uy causing healthy condition of tbe soalp. imparttnr tothehmra soilness and g oss. and ycuthtul appearance tli at no otber Hair Preparation can produce. I he t urcka Is 'roe from all imparities orpolsenons drags ana can be used without si U'Dg scaip or nanus. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by ROBERT FTSHER, Sole Agetd, So. 25 N. FIFTH Street 8t Lonls, Mo. Airents for Pennsylvania. DYOTT A CO.. No 232 N, SKCOND Htrect, Philadelphia. 1 20smw3ui pAPIERMACHB GOODS. PAPIER MACHE GOODS. TARTAN GOODS, SCOTCH PLAID GOODS A ne assortment of Papier Mache Work Tables, Writing Desks, Inkstands, and Scotch Plaid Goods jnst received per the steamer "St. George," too late torCbrls'maa sales, suitable for Bridal Gilts, etc., will be sold low. ISAAC TOWNSEND, Honte Furnishing Store of the late JOHN A, MCKPHEY, No. 922 CHESNUT STREET, 1 24. Below Tenth street. a Q OFFERING MACHINES. GOFFERING MACHINES. A large assortment of Goflorlng Maohines just received per steamer "at. George." FOR SALE BT ISAAC TOWNSEND, Iloute-FurnishinK Store of the late JOHN A. MUR- PHEY, No. 922 CHESNU1 STREET, 1 24 Below Tenth Street. No. 1204 CHESNUT ST., Bave Jnst received Ol T OOVEBNM EST J AVA C'OFFEB, XTA 1-Mil.lHH BHKAKKAbX TLA, StipKK MAHYLAND I1AM8, FI.N. DKiLl) BLKF AMD TONGUES. 915 8m TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. THE nnderslgned having leaaed the KENSINGTON SCBEW LOCK,bega toiuibnn his fnends aud the patrons oi the Dock that b ls prepared with Inoreasea taotiltlea to acvoinmodate those having vesse a to be raised or repaired, and being practical ship-carpenter and caulker,-wl 1 give personal attention to the vassals eu trusteo to hint lor repairs. , ...... Cantatas or Agents feblD Carpenters, and Machinist! having vesrela to repair, are solicited to call IlavTna ibe agency tor the aaie of 'Wetterstedt's Patent .flelullic Cuiuposttion iun Pir "r pieservation ot vesselx' bottoms, for tills city, 1 am pre pared to iumlsh thessma on lavorahle tonus. licu Hiiuruuu uica.iu. JUHN 1L HA -VI MITT. Keus ngton "crew Dock. 1 11 DELAWAKJ! Aveuiw, above LALitl-L Huvet. K AND rA W V1 TEA D33ALEKB, COJVTPANJES. AND MARINE Q I RAUL) EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 0FnCE,Ko 415WLSCT8TKEET,PnlLADELPUIA. CAPITAL PAID IN, IN CABU, 2M,iOO. This ecmpary continues to write en Fin Rnkt on t Its capital, with a good lurplos, la safely Invested. 701 Losses by Ore have been promptly ptld, and mora than 9500,000 Disburse! on this account within tbe past few yean. For the present the of this company will remain at No 4ir WALNUT RTUH13T, Bat within a few months will remove to its OWN BUILDINU N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND CHESSBT STREETS. Then as now, we shall be happy to Insure our patrons at such tatta as are consistent with saiety. DIKKCTOaS. THOMAS (RAVFN. ALFREDS. OILLETT. fCKMAN Hi E I PA BD. V. . LA WR K.N UK. t HARLEM I. DUPOST, HKMtY K. KENNr Y, JOHU H K.LA1T. M. D. 1 I.Os. M At KFL1AU, JOhW bUPPLI E. JObN W t L OHORN, 1 liil Q X A1A O.Xr. w n. THOM9 TRtVEN, President ALFRED 9 flll.LFlT. V. President and Treasurer. JAMLH ALVOUD, 8ecretry. I ID ly IKE INSURANCE, t PUIIJIDS LrnIA, No-rltdS. E LltTll Htreet. Char er PeiretuaL Authorised t apital, Xv 00 Pnid-un Caul al. alde.liUll. Insnies acalDst lots or dsmaat by F1RB on bnlldtnn. chher pern.ancnt y or tor a LI MITED period. A!mo on r ki. it t mii Hie generally and House hold furniture, HIBKCTOBS. Jsmes Brown, Charles A. l)uy, Vir. i. I ewis. William H. Bullock, V m. . heed es, John I) Tavlor. '1 bomas Klmber, Jr., xemuei uonm, J. lllllborn Jones, John M oodside. Woi. C. LunBtreth, J.N Hutehin.on, BROWN. President. JAM Eh t'llAh, A VVY Vice President. TliOM aB NE1L80N, Becre SHIPPING. ifKPf TUB OLD-ESTABLISHKI) IXPE- Vi1 'ri-'n OUT8IDK LINE FOR EW 1UUK. la reclvlng Frelchts dall' at low rates, tttOAD WrlAKF Bl LOW PBCrTl STREET, and will insure at low rates. P. K Cf.AKK, Acent. 8 61m Now 814 and 316 b. DKLVVV A UK Avenue. ftff UAMILL'S PASSAGE OFFICE. asaiti'Mt "AM ll01tLlN OF Bl EA U FRS " LUEBMA," "OOLUMniA." CUtliOMA." C A BlllA," LKI'l AiiNIa," "INDIA.' Etetm to L1VEK1 OOL I.O TIONBFRRY, BELFAST. DUBLIN, jiinni, ;vniv, axu yi.n pnL w. W TE - OF P.SAOt PAYaBLU IN l'Al ER CLKBIONCT. CABINS ago, 8(l, and70 tlErRAUR I0 o esniship "HIBtBMA " leaves SAIORDAY, vauuary -ii. THE PAID CFR'IFICATE Isrned for bringing out passengers lrom the above - points si LOW! B R ' TE8 THAN ANT OTHER LI E Also, to and Irom ALL KlA'l I09 ON THE IRISH RAILWAYS. rFEClAL J OriUU. Passengers wl 1 take particulsr re. Ice tl at the ' Anchor Line" is tbe only line rranting thioutb ilukets at the above rates, from Philadelphia to tbe point mini d above, and tliat tbe nnderslsnea Is tho oniy ui iv autuorueu Agent in ruiiauopnia. Apply to W. A IliMILL, 8ole Agent for "ANCHOtt link." 1 18 No. 817 WA LN UTStrect. 8TEAM TO LIVERPOOL. Calling atlOCEENI'l OWN. The Tnman I.lnn. suiting DtMi-tttthii, carrying the Unhod Htaiee Mans. 1NA, Saturday. February 10. CI I Y OF MAvCHi s'lEK, Wednesday, February 14. 1TY OF WAoHINOTON Saturday. February 17. CITY OF CORK, Wednesday, February 11. A noon, Horn i mr it orin niver. -BAIE8 OS" PA-SAGE, FATABI.E III OOI.O. First Cabin l)0 00 8 eerace tSO OO First I ablntoLordon. 95-tO Steerage to London... 34 00 First Cat In to Purls... 10MI0 st eraie to Parli if- 00 rssseniiersaiso lorwarded to liavro, Hamburg, Bremen, etc. ic at n.odtrate rates. las ape by the Wednesday steamers: Cahln S90 00; Btct rano. (55 (Kit parable in Cnl.ed states currency. Steeiaiie paf.sag irom liver pool or t,uenstown, (W gold, or its eiinlvalent Tickets can be bought hereby persons sending b r Ibolr irteuds For lurlher lulonnatlnn apn'y at tbe Company's 125 No. Ill WALMl I Stieet. rhljadeiphln. .rlCTja FOK NEW YORK -DESPATCH aWaVi 1 1 am lii and ewhtsnre Lines, via Delaware and liuiimn ( ana). 'I he steamers of theia hues ara leaving daily at 12 o'clock and 5 o'clock i.U., trotn third pii aoove v a nni sireet 1-or irehbt which will be taken on at eommodatltu teims. apply to WILLIAM M. BAIBD A CO., No. L14 a. LIQUORS. J W. HAM M A R, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign BRANDIES, WINES, AND FINE OLD WHISKIES, No. 15 3m 02O MARKET SI REET, PHILADELPHIA. U NATHANS & SONS, IMPORTERS OF OP BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. No. 19 H. FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BOBACK A. M ATHANB. OK J. AN DO P. NATHANS. 11 &m STOVES RANGES, Ao. ( TJ Tj V E R'S New I'atent Deep Sand-Joint HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANGES OF ALL SIZES. Also. Phlegar's New Low Pressure Steam Keating Apoaratus. OH SALS BT CHARLES WILLIAMS, 6 41y No. 1182 MAEKET STREET. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, Ac. T J. M c 0 IT I G A N, Importer snd Wholesale Dealer In FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETO. FIREWORKS. FLAGS, Etc MATCHES AND BLACKING, Tsrn. 12 RTHAWltKKHY STREET. First Street above Second between Jktarketand CbesnuL ft 4 run.iai,fBxt. HAIR ESTABLISHMENTS. T)AKEH'S POPULAR HAIR ESTABLISH- J w EN T The assortment ol Braids Wigs. Toupees Kanrieanx. Fanillons. Hnuloaux. Tonduea. Frlses Crimpses. Corls, Illusive Seams tnr ladles, cannot be equalled by any other l.oune In the United Slates, at prices lower limn e'aewnrra 11 3f 3m No. (CO CHLSNCT Street, Philadelphia. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. have a large stock of every variety of Furniture which 1 will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MAF.BLE TOP COTTAGK SUITS WALNDT CHAMBtR SUITd. PABLOB SUITS IN VILVET FLUSH. PABLOB BT ITS IN HAIB CLOTH. PABLOB 6UITS IN BEPS. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Book-casoa, Matuassea, Lounges, Lio. LVs. P. P. GUSTINE, 1 16 m K. F. Cor. StCOND AND BACE BIS. INSURANCE r INSURANCE COMPANIES. TKLAWAKE MUTUAL 8AFLTI INSUP.ANdS I ' COMPANY,. INCORPORATED BY THK LECIIULATITIIB PENNSYLVANIA. lS-lft OFFICE It E. tORNER 1IIIKI AND W4LNCT Bl KEF. I f . rHILADELriUA. . MARINE 1MISUH.VNCB ON VKSSLLS,) CAROO. To all parts of the w FREIUIIT ) INLAND ISMTRANCFR On Ooods by River canal, Lake, and Land Ca ' nil par.a ' in. I'nniu. F1RK INSURANCbd On Verrbandls On Stores, Due ling Houses, etc ASSETS OF Tllf. COM PANT November 1. ltxtt. lien WK) United Stater per cent, loan, 71....tloMH 1opio " '8i....;liS lOOBO SIKl.CW " 1 -10 Per cent. loan. Treasury Notna iaa ITS-M 100 000 Stata ot i ennsylvanla five Per tent Loan to ja- K4.000 State of Pennsylvania hlz Per Cent. Loan M8J0- 125 ( 00 Clt? of'a MX Per Cent. Loan 112,812 JO 20 000 Pennsylvania Ral road First Mort gage fix 1'orOn . Ilnnds ao,000-a V,0CO Pannsylvanla Railroad kecond Murt- ssiie Mx Per Cent Bonds M ti COO W eslm Pennsylvania Ral road Mort gsge HI rer Cent. Ponds J3.7C0-W 15.000 Si'U Hhares HUh K mnnantowo (ius C'cmpanv principal and lnterent Smronteed by tha ( lty ol l'hlla ol nh la . g,5,?J5t 7,15014 hbarea Stock l' Ball rot d omnany 8.6h0 9.0C0K0 Shares Stock Noth Pennsylvania Railroad Company , 2600 40.0C0Dei.of It with I'nlled States Govern ment, snbjeet to ten days' ca 1 40,0O0Ua 30.1 00 State ot Tennessee Five Per Colt. Losn 18.900-4)0 170 700 Loans on Bond and frortgaae tiist llcna on City Property 170,700-1 1 1. 03ii,g&0 Far. Market value 9)S .W)0 Heal r state M,i OO-OI Bills receivable lor in nra ii c made. lii.OU J7 Balances due at Agencles,-Preinlnnis on Marine Policies Aciiritcd Inte rest, and othel debts due the Coni- Pny... 40.811-44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies. las. Esti mated valne : 2 910 00 Cash In Banks $55,51.) W Cash In Drawer tilH'48 C0,635 tl 1 268,(1 -ll DIIUCCTORS. Tlfms r. Ttanit ssmuot e. stokes, J. k. Panlstan, John C. Davis Fdniund A. Sonder, Theonhl ui Paiiiifinff. rienry .-loan, William (i. lioulton, Kdward Darlington, H. Jonvs brooks, Fdward Lniourcads. John U.PenroM. Jsmes Traquair, nenry c. ua iett, jr., James C. Hand vVil.iam C. Ludwlg, Joepa II. Seal, Jacob P. Jones James I). McFarland, Joshua r. v.tb. ' Spencer Mcflvnin, J. 11. Bemnle, Plttsburt, B Herger P'ttburs, T). T. lMorsaa. Plttanartf. ueorae i;. UCIUCr, Hngh Cratg. Roaert llurton. John D Taylor, iiH'.nAH c. himi rresicent, JOHN C. D IVI8, Vica President Hknrt Ltibcbs, recretarv. la 13 IS 2S CHARTER PERrETUAL. Fit AN KLIN FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY OF I'lIILADELPIIIA. Afssets on January 1, 18GG, 83,500,85100. Capirnt 4fl0 0n0(W Acciu. d Surplus 44 MS 15 I'reiniuais ; I,ltf2.308 81 1 K SETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOB 18 310 000. ' 11,46153. LOSHES PAID SINCE 18GO OVER 85,000,000. Ferpetnal and Temporary PoUclcson Liberal Terms. DIBLC'l OI18. Charles w, nncker. 1 dward C. Dale. a ULina r. at uur, Samuel Grant, Ceorge W . liicliards, luauc Lea, tleorge Fales, Alfred Filler, Francis W. Lewie, M. D. ' ireter Aicual. N. BA.NCKS.Il. President. HAUL, IS "J EDWAHD C iiii.E. vice rresiaent. JAS. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary protein. 2 8 1!2?1 NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 S. FOURTH Street PHILADKLFIIIA. Annual Policies issued against General Accldonts descriptions at exceedingly low ratea. Insurance effected for one year. In any snm from 1M to 10 000, at a premium of only one-hair per cent. sea ring the full amount Insured In case of death, and a com. peniatlon each week equal to tbe whole premium paid. snort lima i ttkets fot 1 J, I, S 7, or 10 days, or 1. 3, a ' 6 months, at 10 cen a day, Insuring in the sum of (3000 or giving IS per week It disabled, to be had at the Gene ral Ofiioe, No. 133 8. FOCETH Street. Philadelphia, ara tne various Bahroad t Icket offices. Be sure to purchase tha tickets of the North American Transit Insurance Company. For clicnlars and further Information annlv at i Ccneral Office, or of any of the authorized Agents ot t& Company u.wis l hoc IT rresvswnr. JAMIS M. COKAD, Treasurer. BFMIY C. BHOWN, Secretary. JOHN C. BULLITT. Solicitor. DliiF.CiOR3. L L. Uonpt. late ot Pennsylvania Railroad Cotdaet. M. Balrd. ot M. W. Baldwin & Co. 'a. " ' Samuel C. Palmer. Casbier ol Cominerolal Bank. Ulchard Wood, Ne. 308 Usrket street. James M. Lonrad, No. 623 Market street. J. I . Klnnly, Contlnin al HoteL H. O. Lelsenrlng, Nos. 237 and 230 Dock street. Samuel Work ot Work Woi ouch & C'u. George ManJn No. 32. Chesnut stieet. 11 1 ly J HE PROVIDENT" Lilo and Trust Co., OF PHILADELPHIA. . Incorporated by theState of PennsvlvanlaThlrd Mont fid 114, 1NSI KLS LIVhS, ALLOW IMEKKoT OH LKPOhlTS, AND t,ENT8 AM. LIT If 8. CAPITA!-., 10O,OOO. ' snucoTOB. Samnel B. Shipley, Jert nilah Hackei, Joshua H jaoirls, Klchard Cadbury, Henry Haines. T Wlaitir Brown, uicnara wuou, William C. Lunuatreth. . uanea r . I Oinn. SAMl'KL a bUIPLEY, President. Bowlakd Pabby, Actuary. ovficb. 7 38 ly No. Ill S. FOURTH Street. PH(FrX INSDRAKCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. INt OIU'OUATFD 1S1I4 CHAKTFB PERPETTJAL. No. S.;4 WALNUT Street, opposite tha Kxchanva. In addition to MAM Mi. and INLAND INSl'KANCB this Company insures ,rom loss oruauiage by FIBK oa liberal itims. on buildings, merchandise fumlturw. etc., for iln l'td pt rlooa, and permanently on buildings, by deposit of premium. 1 he t omiiany nas been In active operation for mora than six x YF us. outing which all losses bar beta promptly adjusted and paid. DlBBCToaa. John L Hodse. Lawrenoe Lewis. Al. B. 'Mahouey, Job- T. Lewis William S. Grant, Kohert W Learning, n. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wlloox. 1BT1U uinrii, Beujnmiu Firing, Thomas H. Powers, A U Mclienrv. lEdmond Caatlllon, 1 i.oiiia i . x orris. B. W UCHBB. President Bamukl Wilcox. So. retarv, 3261 F1KB INSIIRAJSCK EXCLUSIVELY. THB P .ENNnYLVAMA KIBE li SUBANCE COMPANY In eorporated 182a ( barter Perpetual Ko. 610 WAXc M T S rert oiiposite Independence Situate. This ( ooiianv, lavorab y known to the community for over forty years, continue to Insure against loss or damage by ttre on Full lc or Private Buildings, either cnininnent y or lor a Umlled time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods aud Merchandise generally, on libarai terms. heir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, la Invested In the moat oorelUl manner, which snahlea Uk id to ofler to the ondoublad seauntyl Oio cast oi loss. Daniel Sml'h. Jr, John D vers ax. Alexander Benson, Laso llaEiehonC, j U'iniaa Nmlut, I virv Lels. J. Cillllllul.M.n R-all. Thomas Hobins. jjbdivi nauaix.. jr. DAMiy. SMITH, Jg, Presldans. William 0- Ciowsill, Sacietary. 3Xily