Death ot Rev. C C. Iloflnairj. Wo take the lollowln Irom the Cavalla (West Africa) Metsenger of December 1, 18GS. It i from the pen oi Rt. Rev. Bishop Payne, of the African Mission: "Died, at Capo Talmas, on Saturday. Novem ber 26, the Rev. Cart walader ColJen Il jifman, in iuu iuhj-jiiui jear ui uis me, ana ibo six- i teenth of his coDnt-ction with the Protestant i,pwoopai Mission at Cape Palnoas and ports adjacent. . "This event will!en tho hearts of thou sands and tall like a thunderclap upon the Church, as il did on the mission and community which he bo much honored, and in which he was so ranch belovd. " 'Our beloved Earnnhaf,' the wise, ready counsellor, the constant Ijvios; triend, the per iectly consecrated Chrisinu minister, the zealuiis, ever-active, able, siuglu-miuded missionary, the dear fellow-laborer in the srospcl; deliehtina;, above all thines, to 'sound it out,' accordmac to the grace given him, to every creature. We, as a mission, mourn a lots never before expe rienced. "During the past t wo years our elovcil brother has been so constantly occupied in dolni the work ot an evsrgeliht in the heathen trbes around Cape Palms, and sixtv miles interior, nnd apparently with bo little sacrifice of health and strength, that it seemed either that he had become wholly inured to the climate, or that a Proviuence had susoended or modified the law of climate in his behalf. But, indeed, this w as only in appearance. Whde laboriutr so cheerfully tor love's sake, that to out vard seem ing it as only Joyful, few ever felt more 'tho burden of tho Lord' on his soul, or more keenly the physical suffering entailed by traver-in tin pled forests, navigating rivers n miserable, preaching in t wns or small huts, tinker a t epical sun, pent, up by fences from the breeze. "Bern t comfort, not to say aflluence, in the city of New Yoik, with t-nuiiy aud other con nections which in a worldly point of view pre sentca the strongest attractions, he renounced all to become and remain a humble, and tor the most part despiced, missionary to Africa. "Our dear brother in d-ath as in life, wai strong in iaith, animating others in the work o the Lord 'Do not grow weary,' hesald, 'remum ber who hath promised, lo I am with yon alwa' s;' kt not the church go back, but rather incieae her efforts more.' "No more kine testimony of thee timatein which this good man was held co lid be riven, than that presented on the dav ot his funeral. On this day all other religious services were suspended, except those which were to take place here. Methods! and Baptist ministers, with their con gregations, and all the benevolent socleues of the county were present at the tuneral service. Nearly the whole colonist population, with heathen relatives to 'lie number of tive hundred, joined in his funeral procession. May the 'corn of wheat,' thus tallica into the ground and dying, like its great protatype, bear much fruit; iiippir na with lite, light, hope, and salvation surviving ministers, catechists, and Christians." John fl. Whitt'erhns anew poem in pre?9 entitled "Suo w Bound." It is uudemiod that it is partly autobiographical, and that the scene is laid at the poet's home. The Chinese curlosil ies of tho late Due de Moray, col'ected by M. de Mon'igny, formerly French m'nister in China, produced one hun dred and riltv thousand Irancs at the end of a sale that lasted eight dav... Captain Clute, of the West Troy Police, re turns the number oi drinking places in the vil lage at one hundred and dfiy-thtee. Of those -eleven have no licen-e of anv character, and thirty-eight are without excise license. Monsicmor Darboy, the Archbishop ol Paris, and M. Troploner, the President of the French Senate, have withdrawn their candida ture tor the French Academv. The only candi dates are now MM. Henri Martin and Amedee 1 Merry. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. The City ToiuiMt-sloner Cae. ' Coubt ok Common Pleas Preiddent, Judge All son, and Judges Ludlowjaud Pierce. Weaver vs. Given. The evittence taiten before the Ex aminer in this case, in regard to the allercd aimy vote, having closed tome tune since, the case came up tbls morning for argument, upon exceptions to the answer to the petition tiled by tho lespondeut, Civen; and also incidentally upon the evidence to iar taken. All, or nearly all, the speciheations in the answer arc excepted to, as beintr vague, imprecise, and indefinite. II. M. Ph.: 11 fs opeued the argument for the contestant, and vpry thorouguly analyzed the various specifications of the answer, and said that, throwing out the army vote, as, under the evidence, the Court must inevitably do, it having been proven to be a gross, barefaced fraud, and allowing to be deducted from Weaver all the votes which in Given's answer t the petition were alleged to have been lra'idulently or im properly counted tor him in the general return, still he was prepared b the tigures to show that Weaver was still elected. . Mr. 1 hillips then eutered into a calculation, as follows: He sa d that by the general return it appeared that Given had received 43,731) votes and Weaver 43,417, leaving Given 322 majority. In that vote for Given was' included !)20 alleged aimy votes. Deduct these from his full vote and it would leave him bnt 42,810, which, deducted from Weaver's vote, 43,417, wou'd leave the latter a majority ot ti()7 votes. ! In Given's answer, Mr. Phillips said it was claimed in thejvarious specifications, from the 1st to the 14th, that Weaver had counted tor him improperly 482 votes only, and admitting that for the purposes of the case, though he did not admit it in point of fact, and allowing to bo de ducted from Weaver the votes thus enumerated, it would still leave tho latter elected by a ma jority ot 125 votes. I Mr. Phillips was followed by D. W. Sellers, Esq.. for Given, who characterized Mr. Phillips calculation as a qver calculation, and tending to confute I, the case. As a seto-tf thereto, Mr. Sellers made a calculation by which he claimed that Mr. Given is elected without the army vote bv a maioritv of 06(1 volen. Ibc case whs being still argued when our report closed. Ouabter Sessions. Judtre Ludlow this morn ing adjourned the Court till to-morrow, because of his necessary presence in the Common Pleas in the Contested Kiection case. : The Supreme Court did not do any bubiuess. MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Final REroBT.On Thursday eventn?, the City Council will meet to receive and a.t upon the hnal rpportof the Committee appointed to negotiate for the purchase of the Water Works property. Mr. BerkinbiLe, the engineer ap pointed' to assess the value of the property, will have an accomDBUvmir renort The question is one ot great importance to our citizens, and has given rise to considerable diversity ol opinion in recard to the nurchase of the property. Some are opposed to puyinsrany more tlr-m the propor- . tionate value ol tne siecK, wnicn nas always lioon Vi.tvr rmr rfmnlno- from RPVPllt.v tft seveutv- live cents on the dollar. Others are willinc lo take it at its assessej value by the Committee, which is claimed t be a deel Jed advantage to the c ity. All agree, however, with tew excep tious, that the city fhould own the properly. CoTJNTEBF UIXEItH SENTENCED, TWO men nampd Brown and Iletler were sentenced. yesterday, to Ave years in the Ktute Prison, for parsing "counterfeit money. The Court seems determined to visit the extreme penalty of the law upon all such offenders. Our citv and the inland viltiiees have long been the cho3cn fields of operation lor thote who "shove, the queer ;" aud so much conntoileit money has been passed, that suspicion often clines to genuine notes. Poor bhon keepers and country dealers ' suffer no lutle lot lrom their visits, whbh have Wn so repeated that the public have become incensed. No mercy will be shown them herealten Fport at the Takks. The skating parks in Middle and South Wards are tho sceues of sport and gaj cty, to which large numbers are THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRtTAIlY G, 18GG. daily attracted, not only from Camden, but from I'biladulphia. Citizens lrom the latter can reach tl.e Middle Ward Park by the Market street boats in a few minutes, and the lower park is very near the South street leny. Thro is tine akatini on both, and our Camden beaux and belles are having a good time. rci.rrr Supplied. The Rer. Frank B. Rose has been called by tho congreeatlon of the First Papt st Church to supuly the pulpit made vacant by the resignation o," the former pastor, Rev. Mr. Heddine. who has recently taken charge of a church in Philadelphia. Mr. Hod dine wa parted with reluctantly, as hi was not only an eloquent and cfllcicnt pastor, but had endeared himself to the entire community. ; j Revival, Protracted meeting are beiwr held In the Methodist Episcopal church pf Atlantic City, which give rromiso of large acces frions to the Church. The zeal of the pastor and the labors of the congregation are niahly commended, and the Happiest results are. antici pated. ' Expired is his Cuair. An elderly gen tleman, named Rlehsrd H. Rush, while visiting a relative on the Burltnirton turnpike, yesterday morning, suddenly expired In hi? chair. He was engaged in pleasaut con vet-Fat Ion, and feemed to be in the enjoyment of pertect health,' when he suddenly expired. ( CITY INTELLIGENCE Fcr Additional Looal lhms tee Third Page. Tub Haunted. Douse Humbug.- The Inquirer startled the community yes teiday morning with the announcement that house on South Fifth street was di'covered to be haunted by disembodied ppirit3. A number of marvellous manifestations were recited, which, however, were all reducible to these: Dinner plates flew off the table; window-panes were smathed unaccountably; combs, brushes, waterfalls, etcetera, were thrown on the floor; looking-glasses jumped to far corners of the loom; the mantel ornaments reduced themselves to atomic particles against tbe walls; tumblers tlrw violently against a servant girl's 08 frontis; the door keys flopped out or the locks; and the ancient Henry, generally, was to pay. We quote a paragraph or two: , ".An attempt was made to set the table for the Sunday dinner, iu vain the plates Jumped off the tab e and went to atoms arainst floor and ceiling, to the hapless family ate their fcabbatical ulnucr irom tlieir mpa. A daughter ot the family, on her return lioin churcn, ent rinir tne parlor, nad ner bible tora from ber hands with such force ai to tear the eovors entiiely oil. lcu the bread became endowed with life, aud went spinning over the table In the most eecenlno manner. During t' e afternoon there was comparative quiet; thi le weie r imbung noises but no moveueels or inanimate objects. Several bpirilualist visited the house and expressed them- selvet confident thai evil spirits were at work, th ju 'h who invoked taoir powor iliov weie unable to toll. None of tbe mediums scorned to bare sufllolent power to lay the disiarbiug spirit benath tho waves ot the Red rea. "Tho master and mistress of the family beina com- n unicauts of the iJapust Church, iimmtte the oir- cuingtaiicos of taoir strange visitation to iheir t'astor ; una on eaiuruay evening mat aeiiutinan, acoom panied by another clerjrvman, went to the haunted aweUiDg to pass the night. With one of these clori cal gent'enen we had a protracted interview He is a very clear minded scholar, has teceived a co'lcgiate tiDiuiiia. aud during uis studies naid considerable attention to tbe seeming phunonnna of natural phi losophy. He assures ua 'bat be entered the haunted dwelling with too deiief that tho inmates wore tbe dnpB ol tilekerv, and be leit tliu bouse yesterday morning perpkxed in the ext-euie. 8oon after be euteied the panor a hyuin-b.iok wa pro;ectod from a table ana tnrown witn vlo.euce bkoiusi tbe door. With his own bands ho riekod on the boob and re placed If s before Ins eyes the volume was seized by an invisible lorco, and lor a second time tbrown across the room, and a testament sent to keep it company." ' This morning onr contemporary devotes more than halt a column to the marvellous phenomena. The excited reporter tells us that he visited the house yeeterdny, wont "upstairs, downstairs, aud in the lady s chamber," and besides hearing lou 1 noises, saw just nothing. The real truth ot tne story, suteo out lrom the mass of exacrseration and fabrication surround ing it, is simoly this: A family living in an un pretending three-story brick house," in "the ld lhstrict of Southwark," happen to be in the retail dry-goods line. The retail dry-goods trade is not as brisk as some other trades at the present writing; but advertiin is the soul of business, and a ghost is a capital advertisement. A ghost doesn't cost ten cents a line, or more, lor its "displays." a ghost is never liable to be crowded out." but, on the contrary, thrives best when the crowd is blgaest. A ghost can go in among the reading matter, with startling heud-lines; while another form oi advertisement would be excluded from the local columns. So, in every way, tbe ghost, even if he smashes mockery and furniture, is the cheapest and most preferable advertisement. Mill there is one marvellous teature ot this ghostly sensation and that is the conduct of the reporter, ror instance, ne tens us, this morn ing: Shortly afteiwards. whl'e several ot tbe family and our reporter were seated in the kitchen, waittne lor develoi merits, a heavy orasb was heard up stairs, accompanied with tbe violeut screams ol two or turoe young iadie. Here was something, t.louifht our reporter. Up stairs everybody ran and mot the creaming young ladies running down, with unutter- an e liorror depleted on tneir countenances, iiie iront tbirdrstoiy room was entered a?ain, and it was found that a large wasbstand, containing wash basin aud various other articles, bad been thrown violently to the floor, and th basin broken Into a dozen pieces, ibe young ladies Btated, as soon as they recovered from their apparent fright., that the wasbstand was upset botore their own eyes." It would have occurred to almost anybody else, that the young ladies with horror-stricken countenances were themselves the authors of tbe crash, which they "saw with their wen eyes 1" If not, what business had they up-stsirs alo e, away from the bosom of their tamily, with 110 one to protect them acainst Hying wath- Dasins ana lurkine devils, especially when ian interesting reporter was down stairs, striking :up an acquaintance with the family? Supportiko a Falling Max. A new and novel way of supporting a tailing man, tar superior to that illustrated by" Clarke in his play ot Toodles. transpired last night. A trio of tier man citizens, on their wav lo the to purchase masks. At Sixth and Market streets they came across a store, and oni of them being slightly mellow, his comrades being alburn" I to take hun in. buttoneo him to an awninu'-pos: by his coat. An officer coining ulont, de.xriod the individual making laughable pantmiiime; ".Move on." said the officer. "I ca-ennt,'" hijoupped the Teuton. The ouieer giving mm a snove, a-S' covered to his amazement that the fellow wa& buttoned around the pot. While unbuttoning him, aud giving him some saluturv advice, his two menus came out ana rooir nun a way. , New Maoazineb. Mr. A. Winci, No. 505 Cbesnut street, has sent us the usual budget ot good thinss in literature, embracing tne latest received numbers of A'.l the-iear-Jtomd, Punch, Onue-a- Week, Caf&eKe l&ulruted Fo.iAVy Paper, etc. John J. Kmmer, So. 403 C'nesnut street, sends ns Le Beau Monde for January, London h iA, fortnightly Itme'jo, Argoty, etc. A Nuisasce. High. Constable Clark has notified the occupants of Dremises along Dock Bireet, irom Second street to the w fiari, that thev cannot store lumber on the bichwavs. Converting the public streets into a lumber yard is a decided nuu-anee. . . Arhest of Vaoraxts. TbSs morning twent.v-tlve vagrants were committod to prim from the First District Station House. Tho par ties were all lodgers, some of them having been in the habit of keeping In the Station Houses for the last ten years. Awaiting an Owneb. A handsome Fraoking cap, found in the possession ol a thief, and supposed to have been stolen, is at the Central cvallon, awaiting anown?r. ABSOCIATIOlf FOB THE BtCLIKF OF Dt8 ablkd if ibrmkn The 31st annual report of this institution seta forth that during 1864 the appro priations for the relict of sick and disabled fire men, the widows and orphans of deceased tiro men, and persons lnlured while aiding in the extinguishment of fires, have amounted to the sum ol $1G!)5 -68. This was distributed among filty individuals, of whom sli were widows ani orphans. The expenses paid for funerals were $li)0. The entire amount expended in relief since tbe institution of the Association is $2rt,3!)W2. 25 new members have been aded to the roll since last report, 13 of whom are life members. The Trustees are glad to announce that not a single rame has been erased duilng the past twelve months tor non-payment of the annual dues. At this time there are 273 life members and 010 annual members, making a total of 1 183. The cash balance on hand Is $646-39. The capital stock of the Association la $32,980-80, an increase of $124285 over the previous yuar. The receipts were $513323; amount expended, the same. Donations to the funds of the Association have been to the amount of $179"60, as follows: Messrs. Aoolpb A Keen, $100; John D. Brown, $50; Washington Fire Company $12 60; and from Mr. William Winterer, $17. From David M. Lyle, Esq.. Chief Engineer Fire Department, has been received the sum of sixty dollars, being for penalties imposod by him on various lire companies for violation of city ordinances. There hai aho been received $1325, being tbe balance remaining in the hands of the treasurer ol a Firemen's Convention called for the purpose of arranging an escort for the Good Intent Hose Company ou their return from Pittsburg. Other conventions have or dered a similar disposition to be made ot their surplus funds, Lut the4 money has not yet been paid to tbe treasurer. In tbe last report attention was called to the immoderate speed and reckless manner in which some steam fire engines are driven through the streets during an alarm of fire; and it was hoped that the companies owning i-teara engines would regard our notice and remedy the evil; but the Board regret that such has not been the case, and on almost every occasion that calls for the services ot our tire department, the drivers of some cneines allow their horses to dash along at a fearful rate, imperilling human lite, and to the frequent injury of the apparatus and the ijuujc miliums wuicu arag it. On tho Kith of February, 18G5, a law went into operation compelling the closing of all hatch ways in stores and warehouses after the comple tion ot each day's business, in order to prevent the frequent accidents to firemen entering such buildings in the dark. Besides the preservation ol life and limb, a strict compliance with this law win prevent the spreai ol many Bres, ana the destruction ot much property. The law has, however, been greatly disregarded. At the great fire about a week since, at Delaware avenue and Vine streets, and at the one last night in North Third street, the hatchways were louca open, in Dotn cases Bremen were very seriously injured. The Association intend to commence prosecutions immediately, and here- alter in every case wnere the law la violated. Tl' offenders are subjected to a lino of $50 for each offense, the money to go for the benefit of the Association for the Kelief of Disabled t iremen. Pbobablk Homicide The Captain of British Bum Supposed to be Mortally Woukded Onr of his Cbew Charged with tub Offense. This morning an outrage occurred upon board the English Drig lheodurus, lying at the toot of Dickerson street whart, lust below Itcea street. As far as wo could learn, tbe cir cumstances were these: An Irish seaman, giving his name as Morris Abrahams, or Morris A. II earn, one oi the crew of the Tneodorus. went aboard the brig at an early hour. Captain Joseph H. Cox was on deck at the time, and ordered Abrahams to go to work. He imme diately discovered that he was disposed to give indications of insubordination, ant made due preparations to entorce obedience. Abrahams Lad been locked up for several days, having been suspected of an intention to desert. Angry words and an altercation followed, when the seaman drew a sheath knife and plunged it into the leit side ot Captain Cox, and also cut him on tne cheek and forehead. Unicer Jolin crawtord, Constable ol the Fifth Ward, who was at hand, assisted by Officers John O'Donnell and James Nolen. went aboard the brig, and arrested Abra hams, and brought him before Alderman Dough erty, who committed mm ana two other parties who were present to prison, upon the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill, to await the result of Captain Cos's injuries. The brig was preparing to c.ear irom tnis port for Gibraltar this morning, and preparations were being made at the time the assault was committed. At the time the assault was made tbe offender was entirely sober, and the attack entirely unprovoked.- lie was very boisterous in his action, and was exciting others of the crew to riotous conduct and mutiny. The iu- luries inflicted upon Captain Cox are of such a chararter as to produce death, in tne opinion ot the surgeons, and but little hope is entertained ot his recovery. The accused has a rather vicious countenance, is evidently without education, and gives evidence of haviug led a dissipated life. He was taken to the County Prison, to await the results ot the case. HoHHiBLE Accident. This morning, about halt-past 8 o'clock, a most shocking catas trophe occurred at Alexander's eaw-mill, Nos. 336 and 5'8 New Market street, Eleventh WarJ. Edward Gray, aged ao vears, was ensracea in oiling some machinery, when a large saw was started in operation bv his brother. The latter occupied such a position as not to be able to observe Cray, and tho saw in descending came in rontact with the head of tho unfortunate man. A huge bolt in one end of the saw was driven into Gray's temple, causing instant death. The saw in ascending raised the dead body, which fell to the ground with a terrible thump. Tne brother of the deceased was almost frantic with grief when he learned what .had happened. The deceased leaves a wile and several children residing in Camden. Elegant and Bkactipcl. We learn that l.a Coterie Blanche Association have nov completed their arrniigumeuts tor their select liop lo-morrow evening, and will give their sub scribers a arand surprise. We leel assured, lrom personal acquaintance with the manaj;eri of the "lilanehe purtv," that their third annual Hop will be ine tmest atlair ever triveu in thli city. The So retary, William II. Bellow, will remain at the Florence oflice. No. Chosnut street, until to-inorro v 'i P. M. Subcniers and their trienns can be accommodated with re served bcut-i in tbe Family Circle, or ticket- for the Amphitheatre. j LToNOBii to a Philadelphia Officer. The 6th United Htates Itcgulur tVwalrv having gone into barracks at Nashville, Tennessee, an order has been issued by Lieutenant-Colonel K. II. Leib, commanding the regiment, direct ng that ihe encampment shall be known as KAx Barracks," in honor of Captain Joseph P. Ash, late of Philadelphia, who was killed In actioa at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Virginia, May 8, lbtil, while gallantly lending a charge against the enemy. In a circular letter communicating this order, A'llntautCooley, on behalt of 'tho' commanding oflicci', tvrites: "H was thoughi a fitting compliment to the memory of that gallant and heroic oflicer. who was endeared to all his brother ollteers by his .'many virtues. We feel proud that his name is borne on the records of this regiment, knowing that his example is one that all would do well to lollo." , , Violating the Sundat Law. lo men were arrested in the Twenty-fourth Ward yesterday, upon tbe cbarire of having violated the Sunday law by selling cattle. They i:re drovers, and had made the sale on Sunday at the Avenuo Drove Yard. Tho acoused were lined $7 each by Alderman Allen. The sale ot cat tle on Sunday ia becoming quite a general thing, although strongly protested aguinst by tiie nialonty of butchers and drovers. Violating an Obdinanck. A woman was arrestad yesterday, in the Sixteenth Ward, for throwing ashes on the public highways. Boxwi rnou a Saw ruT. Mn. Prim. So, Mr. Blossom, yon have juit come down to breakf .st Ibe ooflb and ths beefsteak both are oold, tho bat-. lor cakes not Hi to eat, but yon have Just yoarself to blame I'lls Sunday moralm?. too, bot 1 loppoio yon don't Intend to go tocharchf J3lasicm. Madam, 1 4id intend it, but 'tis the shocking truth that I wai forced to stop and mend my "fnexprciMuYea" berore I came down stairs; and they bran new ones, fool To-morrow morning my first move shall be to ao and get a real well-mide pair from Tower Ball, where they have tbe lareet and best stock ot Clothmr in Philadelphia, soiling at prices guaranteed lower than the lowest else where. TowbbIIam.. No. &18 MARKET eraarr, BaawKTT fc Co. A Card o 1b auks The Florenoe Sewing Maehinf Company tender their thanks to Mr. G. W. Eddy tor aavertisinp, at hi own exponse, their ulaoe ot business, and Invitinr the public to examine the Florence before pnrchasioir e'sewheia Mr. Eddy does the public, aa we. I ai the if lorence Company, a rreat kindness, as by his advertisement thepibtio are led to make a comparison between tbe Florenoe and other sewinc mac nines, wh'ch comparison Iwaya ie-ohs In favor of tb former, and thus tne sales of the Company are Increased, aud tbe pnhUc are provided with the bent sewint maohlne in the maiket. lho office of this Company Is at No. 630 Chranut street, where all persons are Invited to ca'l and examine the Justly celebrated Flormoe Sewing Machine, whether they wish to purchase or not. The MoroDoe is guaianleed to give satis taction, and is kept m order without charge. GnEAT Advawtaoxs are oflnred to the citizens of Fhtlailolphia by the opening- of the Market 8'reet 'lea Honse fir the sale ot Teas and Cofteei ezo n sivtly, on the southeast eornor of I we fth and Market. The house la conveniently located in the central part of ihe city, opposite tbe prinoipsl markets, and eondneied by Messrs. Boyd k Co., peiitiemen whose e-cpenoncA enab'ei thorn to o eet the Lest eooda in the market, which they oiler at tbe lowest maiket orices. We rolicit for them the liberal patronage of onr readers. 'Everythiho bitter is hot," -Mid a doctor t- a young lady, ' "t'ou will exept a bitter cold mora ine, won't yon, doctor?'' was the rejoinder. There is nothing like having a supply of rood coal those bitter cold mommas. It is, tbf refore, of interest to everv-lonsekeeper to know that W. W. Alter nas constantly on hand the very boot varieties of anthra cite, and that he sells at the very lowest prices. The card" are located at Ho. 967 M. Ninth street, below Girard avenue, and the branch oihoe at Sixth and Spring Garden strcts. Oil FAnmwas. There is now on exhibition at Peott's Art Gallery, No. 1029 Chesnat street about 176 line framed Oil Paintings by celebrated Ameri can and Flemish artists. Fersoas doetrous of ob taining cood palntinis should call and examine them. ' hey will be sold pesitively without reserve ou Thursday and Friday evenings, 8ih and 9th lust., at 7J o'olock. All Books are sold at usual rates, at tbe Evans Gift Book Store, No 628 Chesnnt street, and a irilt worth from CO eents to $100 bestowed upon each nrchaser of a book. Tub "Book of CcTriwas," by our "Head Cut ter," now to be had gratuitously, at Charles Stores & Co.'s "One Price," nndor the Continental. "Wr advise all our readers to call at the Kvaus Giit Book btoie. No G28 Cbesunt stteet. Books are sold us cheap as in any oilier estab ihhment, aud a valuable gift presented with each book purchased. Superior Photographs at prices reduced to suit tl.e times, unsurpassed inoxccution( styio, or fiuisn, lift-like expression. See specimens, li. F. Kunnor's Gallery, No. 621 Arch street Wi arc plad to know that fie Evans Gift Book Store is permanently e talriPhed at No 628 Chc.nut streut. Costly gifts are given to all cutomers. Rupture professionally treated, andtcorrect Tme ses applied, l.y U. ft Needles, corner ot Twelfth and Itace street; Ladies' depurtment first door below. A full line of AlechaDical Itemed leg and Supports. Thk Evasb Gilt Book Store is now permanently established In our city, at No 628 Cheanut street. I. K. Walkavkn, Masonic Hall. Window Curtains, Window Shades, Window Curtains, Window Shades, Window I'niiAins, i Window Shades, Window Curtains, Window Shades, I. K. Walbate.v No. 719 Cbesnut stn-et. W. & B , Good Clo'hing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. & B , Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. fc B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. ft B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. ft B , Good Clothimr, Oak Ball,SlxtbandMarkot. W. ft B.. Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. MARRIED. FRTCK GODHALI.. At Fhiladelphla. Satur day, Febiuan 8, 18H6. by tbe Eev. I L. Gear, at bis leaidcnce, Mr A A HON i. FBICK, morcnant or Fhiladelphla, to Miss SUSANNA A. GOD3HALL, of Franooma, Montgomery county, l'a. KALE WOLF .-On Februar 1. by Rev. J H. Kmnnrd, Mr. WILLIAM H. KALE to Miss KATE 11. WOLF, all orrbiladnlpbia. McN FJLL BILLMAN At the Parsonage of the Mariuei's Met lie 1 M. E. Church, No. 121 Almond Htieet. by the Kev. William Mullen, Fobruary 1, 1S6U, Mr WILLIAM McNKU-L to Miss HEafElt ANN UlLLMAN, both of this olty. DIED. BAKER. On Monday morniue, February 6, SAKAH f.AKER 1 be relatives and friends ot tne tamily are respect fullv Invited to attend the tuneral. Irom her late residence, No. 488 N. Fourth street, on Thursday morning, the 8th Instant, at 10 o'clock, without fur ther notice. . To proceed to Gcrmantown. BELROSE On the 4th instant. In the 13th year of bis age, HAKHY BELROSE, son of Louis and Julia Beliose Tho relatives and lriends of the iamilv are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday aiternoon, the 7th mutant, from residence. No. 2003 Green utroot, at 3 o'clock. BENNETT. On the 6th instant ABBIE, daughter of Imvid . and Elizabeth J. Bennett, aged 1 years ana 2 month. 1 bo relatives and friends ot the family are respect fully invited to attend ..ho luiieral. Irom the parents' r Hidence, No. K40 . beconU street, ou Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. BE MM Suddenly, on tbe 4th instant, Mrs. HAN NAG ISC MM, in tbe "'J Hi ) ear of ner aero The relatives and mends of the family are rospect inv Uo to attend her luueral, irom her late residenob, No, 1111 Marlborough struct, ou lhurnday a ternoon at 2 o'clock, without further uoticu. CON -Alii) On the 3d instant, ol membranous croup, MARY ELLA, on y dauahter of Joseph aud Marv C. Couard, aged 2 vears. 1 bo relative anu irmuda of the family are re-mect-full v Invited to attend tlio lueerul, lrom the residence of her eraiHtmuther. Mr. Miry Fearou, No. 1706 Cox street, on V edneiday aiternoon at 1 o'clock, without lurther notice. To proceed to f hilanturoplo Cemetery. tOXNOLLV. On the 4th instant, JOSEPH T., son oi l . b. and Mary Ann Couuolly, aged 2 years, 4 months, and 10 days. , '1 he relatives and lriends of tbe familv are respect fully invited to attend tbe funeral, irom the resi dence of his parents, No. 1004 Market tret, on Wednesday mornm at 8 o'clock, without further notice. Topiocoedto St. John's Cemetery, Mana y link. DILI. IN, On Second-day morning, the 5th Instant, MAUY R dauchter el Fli and Kluabcta U. DJlin, ajied 19 yeata and 21 days The luneial lo take place from the residence of ber parents, s. W. corner of Ridgeaveuueand Green streets, on Filth-day (Thursday), the 8th instunt, at 2 o'olock F. M. The lnuoial service to be considered over when tbe body leaves the house. RAU. On the 8d in'tant, Mrs. CATHARINE RAU, wiaow ot the late John Rau, in the 60th year of her age the relatives and frlendi of the family are respect ful y invited to attend tne funeral, lrom her lale rel deace, No 1416 IlaiioooH stioet, above Master, on Widnesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to American Mechauios Ceme tery. RUDOEF. On tbe morning of the 6th instant, altera lingering lllnws, ELI A W damrhtor ot Heury and Elizabeta Rudort, iu Ibe 10th year ot ber age. Tie relative and Mends ot tho familv are respect fully invited to attend tho funoral, lrom the residence of her parents, No. lOMti Leitbgow droet, above Georno, ou lhiirsda1' atiernoou at 2 o'olock. Fune ral to proceed tobt John' M. E. ChuruU Yault. RKATEfl BKDUOKl-WB HAVB PUT DOWN onr prion far fcka m at aad lif 'vw who wale rt. We aluo kave fltate straps llsel-platM Hktr' I'ookAt Gmlela, elo. And bare ckatnt ground a la acorreot Dinnr. IRtlM A BHA W, 10 aH(lhtThtrTy-rlTti MA HKKT at.belew Wlntli. VEAPLT A DOZEN PATTERNS OF DOOTt J t-pr-iffR uar be lound. whh a general assort raent ot Hardware and Toe. s, at TllTMAN SHAWB, No. M (Ffght thlrtyflre' MARK T fft btlow Moth. FIRE! MURDKRI Oil THIhVES! IF wrramed from the window, wl'l bring ami -no sooner than wou d a Watohman't UalUs, If nsed by a housekeeper, lor sale at ' ' TRUMAN SHAW'S. No. 8 (Eight Thirty -iTe) MAHK.KT t . bflow Mtnth. 8 TDEO, n. M'OALLA, rAhPIOSABI.F BATTER. t AT HI8 OLD EUTABMSHFD SfASD, No. 804 CHESTNUT 8IRKKT. lit! SKATING PARKS. SKATING! SKATING! SKATING! GOOD, OUB, OLA8SY. GLOBlOTM, BCPKRBLY EX( ELLEN T.INDE8CUIBABLT BPLKNDID, ' AND lJNPH.lXllDt.NTLT SCFEKIOR SKATING ON UNION PARKS, FOURTH AtlD DIAMOND STREETS, THI8 DAT, and BRIM.IAHTLT ILLUMINATED THIS KTEMNQ. Lork ou fnr the gtand and novel ipctete and repre sent ion ot the Aurora r horthern Llybta. to-morrir iv.ntnK. weitbrr permitting. Tke ihlh, Eighth aud Union cars. it gKATING-SKAT SPLENDID SKATING ON THE PHILADELPHIA SKATING PARK, TI1IBTY-F1B8T ASD WALNUT STREETS. ( WITH ALL TRE ATTBACTIOS8 AKD ADYAN TAGE3 TECULLVR TO T.-1I3 PARK. There was SPLENDID SKATING on this Park a t of )at week, OAT aid NIUU r, wbicb can OX'.Vbe pro duced by OURPiTBsr lot. CiiNK which IS uoi in ne In anv otbrr PARK IS Tills C'lTT. Dpen onUl 10 o'clock P. M Sli OLE 4HM18SI0N ilCKETS 2 CFNTi EAC't. To be bad at eu trance. It CKATING TO-DAY I SKATING TO-DAY! NATIONAL SKATING rARK, Twenty-first St. and Columbia Avenue. BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED THIS EVKSINQ. DOUGLASS BAND IS ATTENDANCE. Teke Sldire Avcnae, Heron eenth and Nineteenth Btrret Car SING LI. ADMISSION V CKKIS. U QKNTRAL SKATING VA IK, FIFTEENTH ASD WALLACE STREETS. SKATING t ALL DAY AND EVENING. AUCTION SALES. 13 SCOTT. JR.. AUCTIONEER, PIULADKL- rUIA AKT tiALLEKV, UM CUEsSL C atrett. . C0MBINATIOV fMLE OK OSM HUNDRED AND EVEN'1T-EIVE MM Ol PAlNTiN'lii. i . On Tburaday and Friday Evenluui uezt, Pth and 8th lust , at 1 o'clock, l Scott'n Art Oallerr, Ho. IWUCIiesnut Street wi.l be Hold, without reserve, about one 1'iindred and pevcnty-llvo line Oil Paliitlnnn. mbra'lng Mountain. Hive', and l4ike Scenery, figures, Interiors, etc., fto u the mot eminent ar bti ot tbe countrv. Open lor oxamlii -tton wlt.i Ukta okucs on 'juesduy. " 1 F1TZPATKICK & CO. AUCTIONERS. U hew Auction House. No. iUT .( IlENVT Street WANTS HOUSE WANTED. AT A LIBKKAL KENT, t"!i! tin mntiT nald. n Matktt o Pine. Mxth t ) TTiKlitvtnth. or boanllne til. Uny and rural are atoraice until arpieuiner. -tt " lPJi, rout iniice iv AX, ANTED A RUITE OF ROOMS FOR !A V V gentleman and laioliv In a private bonrd'ng hoo-ie in a Cfn'rai part oi me rnv, .nursis niaunt; lenni etc., Ilox J0. 101, Phi. adelplua Post Ullloe. , 1 31 6i FOR 'SALE. O. sipi'i'iaiu, .T.ti. ii'ijiir.irj. Ko. 1M0 I'dplurKtri'Ot.lota.'l by !i0 to u hack atreot (now vacant). EULW.fc.LL SON, No. 19 N. M-T1I t treet. CORNER PROPERTY EOUR-STORY Stoie and DweHina. S. K. corner of ElitnentU and .ace streets: lot lot) teet deep to a back street. Pone- H.on soon. lOLW J'.LL oOJS, .No. li JN. M.N1U. bue;t. l tff STORE i'ROPERTY, No. ill X. lil'wHTH Street; latere Property Jio 42 K. Filth 8'rcctj HUre 1 roperty, o. 152 HUth Ktrret Dwelllnir, no. tOJJ ( rease street ivith large lot. hxo clear. uWLL bv.i, Jno. 1-9 M im it Bireev. 1 CALL OR SEND FOI. FOLWELL'S LIST of Properties lor mile. Odlce.Ku. VMS. NINTH 6t NO. 1510 TINE, NO. 1717 PINE, NO. 1.!U ! Pine. No. 11)11 Vine. No. 7KI t oaten, No. 1(114 t berry o. 712 lirown. and No, 15UH Pnnlar, lor nam by r'OL WELL it tSON, No. 12 N. NIN'I'U ju-et , STOPES AND DWELLINGS, NO. lStlfl JJlPopiar, No. im Poplar, No. iSOi oat.n. No. 1114 Milppen. No. 218 S. TeutU No. 24K Eleventh. No. MlU 8. Flub. No. bit) Cailowhtll. No. 4tl Race. No. 71 Race. No. H'4 M. Seci,nd, and No. 2 :6 N. Heenutl, tor naltt by FOLWELL hON, No. !! X. NINTH ft. 23f COPARTNERSHIPS. I1M1TED . PARTNERSHIP OF CHARLES J II. H.VMRH K. We, tli i unilers gued have iornied a limited or special partnership nndm the prnvlKlonHol Ike Mveral actR ol' AK.'emliy of Per. niy I ran la rtdatiax lliereto, upon the lol ewluu terms and cond'tlons I Kirst. Tbe said par.nerniin w to Ik- conducted atider the name ol CHAKLbM II. HAMRIt K. i Second, The veneial mitiiru ol the buslnesa to, be carried on la that of Irapor iixti. buyini:. and so.lini; tiy wholesale, Hosiery. Olovt -. and Faucv linudi, anT tlie plucu of biislnosn to be wltiihi ilie citv ot I'lil.a lelplilk 'Inlrd. Ihe general purn.ei' is C'llvKr.l'.o II. 11 i it. Bit K. resliilni: at No. l.H . HcVEN'lU stieet, city 01 plnlade'pbla Fmirtli. Tho gpeelnl partner Is HART V I.E VVfjl'T, reHldlntr nn West Wa'nm. nno. (iermantown. Twenty Micond Ward of the city of Phllade phia ho box au tuallv contributed anil pu into the common a o of naid partnership twenty it.ou-iunil dollur.t In nooiU and nierchanolse, contistlug o liosierv (llures. and Funey (Sooil. appralxed at saul value, bv an aporuisar U ily appointed aud iiuulitled inr mai purpose hy tlie l oiirt of oiiiiuou Pleas of l'li.ioileiDUiu county, uucordlut; to law. . ' Filth The wild partnerst'lp H to cominenno on the first day ol January eU-ieen iuiLdred and suty-sls ( 8 iii, and to terminate on the ililnv-ilrst dav of Ducemher, eiubteen huudred and ixt. seven i llMit). IU VH. II RAMRIOK, ticnera' I'ltrtner. 11. A. LBtVIIT. 1 2t'iBt Special Partner. I REVENUE STAMPS. REVENUE STAMl'S, k KK.V.NU1. SI AJ1B, ot an descriptions, i Ot all description, , Always on hand, A I ways on hanl, At EVANS", No. BIO I'HESNT I Mtr.ot, . At EVA8 No. WW t'HKsNIJT H treat, One door below Seventh street. j One ooor hulow Heveut'i stree.. The moat liberal dlacoiint allowed. i The meat liberal discount allowed. 2,1 yALi 3NTINES. FLSI1ER k BBOTUER. VALENTINE.. Comic Valentines 6 urfi,atl different. i Fancy Vaieuliu ie, trom one cent to live dollars, f V DESTINES IK LOTS. ti, 10. all, 20 cheap now, and beautiful, supplied to th. trade onl,. FISHF.R A BBOTHER. 2 3 3t No. U N. 81X1 11 ttlreet EEVENUK STAMPS IBEVEN ri Ot all deacrlptlons, Ot all descriptions. REVENUE STAMPS, stamps, ; Always on banl. Iwavs on baud, At EVAN 0. 'I0 CIirHMl I' .-treat At EVANh'.No. bSUt'HI rtNUT Street One deor bolow Mnvmith street. One d or below Hoveiitb btroef. i tie most Hhra) (llacount allowed. Its most Uberal Uiscouut a owed. at 5 ENAMEL OF AMERICA, t JHIS WILL -.INTEREST Otill I.ADT READKRg, TIIBRI3 HAS X.OKO BKKK FTELT on the part of our ' IiV PATUOBC9 f dnlre lo procare an article , OF TOILET In which they COULD PLACK COSKIDEJICR, . and which would anperscde tbo many lnjattooaTo'tet PowcUrs and PaDtei whkh, for want of better, Ur were forced to use, t THE I9TJVRT or Til Kin COMFLF.TIOW ASD IIKALTfl, now, HOWEVEB, WK IIAVB TIIM PLHASURK TO I'LACB DKFORB TlinW article ith'ch we know Irom peraoaal expcrloaoe ta ke Just w hat wl.l tatia v them ia every way. It is Perfectly Harmless to the Skin. WARRANTED 10 DE SO. In faot, ' ao we 1 MUvfled have we become Iron loan and patient IN VE8TIOAT10M t bat It w 111 not Injure, but f rcatly Improve the akin, AND KKAI.LY j BinirriPi THK COMPLKXIO-f.. Til AT WE WILL KEF.SD TO ANT LAl)T, who, after giving our preparation, THE JUSTLY CELEB BATED ENAMEL OF AMEItICA A FA1B TBIAL, THE MONET PAID FOB IT IF IT FAILS. IT 18 PUBELT VEGETABLE IN ALL ITS COM PONENT PASTS, AND COXBEQUENTLT IS HABMLE-S, ONLT TO I-PKOVB TIIE APPEABANCE OF THE SKIN. It will really remove 1 FKEtKLES, JVIOLKt, UliACKWOKIW, PIMPLHU, and I v c leanskig and oltev tug the skin, tire It a BICALT1KUL. VELVETY APPKAKAJVCH. It will conceal thunarks of SMALLPOX, AKT IT WILL . IKSTANTASliOCSI-Y KliMOVM Alt' , ' 110V4JI1XKSS FKOM Til K 8HI.V. ... . . i . . . ,f FOB ' CHIPPED HANDS' FACE IT IS WITHOUT A HIVAL, making the fkln as white and smooth as ' IVORY. LADIES WHO HAVE CHAPPED HANDS, or akin made tough by exposure to, tbe culd winds, an invited to' CALL. AND THY IT, and sutlsiy yonrself befme you , PlBt llASE IT. A Bottle ' i ALWAYS OPEX VPON THK t'OOSTKB, 'FOH LADIES TO USE, WITHOUT C II A It (i E,' .1. ; 'at 1 ; '- FRANCOIS GEEG0IRE & CO S SAUTli'OL6T0RE, ; S.'V. I OR, EIGHTH and loccst ts PKICE. Single l.oitle blx rlotllea trOK SALE BT f DIOTT &, CO.. ' JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY At COW11EN, It. 6o ti. A. WltlCHT, , OLENN A CO., ' HUNT O., HARRISON Sl, Alt.n.-iTUONO. iTuutlhts, HalrDiusxers, and Porfuiuers. FRANCOIS I .REGOIRE & 0. " mt the sole Agents lor the (' ' VERY DELIUHTFt'L J'.NCH PREPARATION i roK THE LIPS',, LA CHI MK DE KLEITI E LIS AM) 4 LA C HEMIC DES ROSES. FOR iALE ONLY" AT ' 12Sms8l g. W. COR. EIGHTH AND LOCVST STS. REVENUE STAMl'S, REVENUE STAMl'S, BEVEKt-STAMPS, Of a 1 descriptions. Ot all descriptions, ' Alwavn on hand, A Iwavs ou hand. At I VAN No. I0 t 'HEN NUT Street. At k VANS', No. M0 CUKSNBT Street, On door below Seventh street. One door be ow Heventb street. The mot t liberal discount a'loweo. '1 lie most liberal discount allowed. t tTU 1IUNTEK, No. 44 N. BEVENTS RTBMr.T. IROVR FrT.TRF.HT. PHTLADB T.PIT1 A. Acknowledid ey all parM$ nHrtttd aa by lar Utt MOHT 8UCC-NNFUL PUYSICTAN In the treatment tt JhMtatrt in Wialty. QTIOK, THOUOUU11, adprrvuinnt rurr$ guaranteed Iu vrrf case. Hemeinber DR. UIKTF.K 8 Olobrated Kemedlcf can only tie had senulno at his oid eatablu feed Otllce. No 11, tiit&'M btrtt iUUitt,