THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 18GG. TIIE NEW YORK PRESS. Editorial Opinions of the Leading Journals Upon the Most Import- ant Topics of the Hour. OOWPILID HVEllY DAY FOR EVENIWO TKLKGRAPH. The War tor tlie Union and the War Against It. From Vie Time. Mr. Thaddcim Stevens and Ills radical friends are uot unlikely to overshoot tbeir mark. Their fiery zeal will In due time defeat Itself, and bring upon tbelr own Lends tlio punlohment with which they threaton ethers. For all this nota tion in Congress, this piling up of amendments to the Constitution, this denunciation of every nian vho diilers from them, this anxiety to dis able and jmniiih our fellow-citizens in the Southern States, is in Hfrnngo forgetfulness of considerations which the statesman who would live mwt ever keep in view. It presupposes the continuance during peace of a public opinion which acquired force uuder the excitcmpnt and perils of war. It makes no allowance for the abatement of leclinga which derived their strcneth . from a conflict involving the life of the 11 u ion, aud which are naturally modified, it not eradicated, now that danger has given place to triumph. And it mnorcB the fact that iniitiy of the measures urged by radical'sm, and which the radi cal leaders would lain push to completion be tween the rising and the setting of the sun, can not acquiie nny gimrantee of permanence, and may be annulled without ceremony by another CongrcP3, liven with regard to constitutional amendments, it takes for granted the concur rence of the requisite, number of States; although the known weakness of the radical element in (several of them renders such a result extremely improbable. There is folly, there lore, as well as mischief, in eome of the scenes now beiDg exacted at Washington. The idea of stibiugating the Southern States and reducing them to the condition of conquered provinces obtained no favor during the period most likely , to fostrr It. True, the Wendell l'hiliipseti on the platlonn enacted tbe same role of characters notf placed by the Stevensos of another place, but the pieat body of the people repudiated U unqualifiedly ami always. The Copperheads, taking their cuo from the Phillips school of, radicals, opposed the war under the allegation that it was awurof conquest. Hut tbe people, from whom men and means to carry on the war weru derived, never regarded it o other thau a struggle to preserve the national intcerity. All their plans, all their aim, were tredicaicd upon the contiuued existence of the fnioa in itb entirely, and consequenU.v upon the continuance within the Union of the Rebfl States, throughout the whole term of the Rebel lion. The entire policv of tbe Government, foreien and domestic, proceeded on this hypothesis. The proclainaiioi s ot President Lincoln, the cor re?poudence of the State Department, the legis lation of Congress, the efforts and aspirations of the Northern people all were in harmony upon this point. It was this and only this wftich jus tified the war. It was this and this only which sus tained the North under reverse, animated it when things wore their gloomiest aspect, and gave unceasing vigor to the spirit which led to victory. The States were held to be States all the time. And tbe close of the war was held t3 imply the resumption of former relations o be tween tbe Federal Government aud the several States which had been concerned in tbe Rebellion. This proper appreciation ot the question is of more value, lor most practical purposes, than ihe abstract arguments of publicists on either fide. As the subtleties of the secession problem have been blown into nothingness from the can non'.! mouth, bo the theorizing of Messrs. Ste vens and shellabarcer is blotted out as of no ac count by tbe deliberate judgment of the people We have the testimony of General Grant to the good faith with which the citizens of the South ncquicsce in the verdict of the war, and resume their allegiance to the old Hag. The terms dic tated by General Grant, with the full knowledge of President Lincoln, were calculated to briug about this happy condition of ali'airs. The great soldier who guided the struggle to its end dreamed not of arrogating to himself the functions ot conqueror, or oi imposing upon the South terms of vassalage They who did the tighting felt always that' they were fighting, not to extend a conqueror's flag over alien territory, not to add provinces to a republic and make us glorious symbol ,-a Haunting lie," but to put down Rebels and restore the authority of the Union over all its component parts. The armies of the Union foucht only lor thai. And when that was accomplished, soldiers and peoolo alike felt that the workol the war was ended, and that nothing remained to keep the Northern and Southern States apart. The Union was re stored, and with the restored Union came back the equal.ty of the States and the lull title of each o the privileges conferred by the Coi eutution. The Northern people have gone yet further. From tlie moment when the Rebellion, was known to be suppressed, they have striken to heal the wounds occasioned by the war, and to reaspure the South in every respect. They have established lines ol steam communication almost without number. They have provided the means of reconstructing' railroads. They have luruished capital to cultivate plantations and to promote industrial nnd commercial enterprises in every Southern State. They have settled liberally with Southern debtors, and have sent on credit goods to supply the Southern market. In this manner the question of the Union and the relations of Northcra Stat3s to Southern States have been virtually and satisfactorily settled by the peoples ot the two section-'. Southern people come hither and tlud friends and follow -citizens, instead of aliens aud subju gators. Nor.hern people go there and tind, in the varied resources of Statc3 now freed from the curse of slavery, tresh grounds of coutideuce in the power aud prosperity ot the Union. It remains for men like Mr. Tbaddem Stevens to declare the work of the Grants and Shermans of the army unnu'shed, and to condemn the magnanimous spirit of t le American people. To a man w ho had dared anything or doue anything befitting a hero, we might be disposed to listen with respect. Rut tbut men who never shoul dered a nnifket, nor exposed their precious per soim to danger, should now scold and hector, and talk about ternn which a conqueror may dictate, is i-irpply Intolerable. And when Mr. Stevens, 'who duilng the war attempted nothing more formidable than drafting ot absurd gold bills, spits bis venom upon the President, and impugns the sagacity and patriotism of Andrew Jonm-on, the people will not be long in deciding to whom their confidence should be given. On one hand, they see the type of a class whoso radicalism years ago afforded Southern lire-eaters the means . of fomenting sectional fct)l e, and whoB zeul to-day smacks more of Austrian absolutism than of rational republic anism. On the other hand, they have a Southern loyalist who risked life and every thing in the cause of the Union, who did more than any other single man to organize loyal sentimeut in the border States, and. whoso policy since his elevation to power has beon marked by con summath skill and lodgment and by a disin terested devotion to tho restoration ol national peace and unit y, which entitles him to the co operation of tin country.., It is against this patiiot, tried, and true aaainst this states man, endowed, . so t-uuueuMy . with quali ties peculiarly suited to the crisis that Mr. Stevens-premmptuouslv and insolently p opoBes to arrav tho groat Union party. What good can possibly be effected by these repeated displays' of the radical temper, and these renewed developments of tha rndieat tactics f Is it imagined .that by bullying, aud threatening, and inputting, Mr. Stevens ean drive President Jobuoou from his position? Is it sup posed that a paitv may be overlastmgly fright ened by the ciack of aii oveinoer's wh'p, or per petually misled by cries devoid of reason, and anpeals y. bleb, though full of feoiiud and f ury, signify nothing f If those be the expectation!", we tell those who cherish them that t ley are doomed to disappointment. Andrew Jjhnsoii stood firm In tho Senate with traitors around him; firm In Tennessee, when tirmnesB for tho Union exposed him to trouble aud death; and we are confident that he will not shrink now, with the public opinion of the nation overwhelm ingly In his favor. As 10 toe Union party, we are not loss iiij that its usefulness to the country, and tne pro longation of its power a a party, depend upon the restraints which it shall impose upon the schemes of the radical Bection. Its wort ene mies ore of its own household. If those assault unon the Constitution and the Executive are to be continued, tho Union will be In greater danger from tho do'ngs of professed friondi than Irom. the machinations ot its most mausnant enemies. The time calls for forbearance, moderation, magnanimity. The country stands more in need of p-aetieal Iegi.sla Ion than of "the previous question" and the prescriptions ol leulslative quarks. HDall ft Iip said tnai mo union party ia unequal to the exigencies m tne Kuuauou i The Distuibcd State of Enrope -Danger In Every Country. From the Iltrald. There is hardly a tranquil capital in Europe. Madrid, the capitl of Spain, is revolutionary, tumultuous, dangerous, and under strict military rule. The people shout cheers for the men who are in open rebellion against the Government, and tho Government dares not trust tho very soldiers with which it would control the poople. The capital of Ireland is und( r martial law. The capital of England is In an uncomfortable state, ond decidedly nervous about certain great flrjj attributed to tne outerness an a revenge 01 tne Fenians. It is equally uurointorUble at the apprehension of a Unsocial disaster. Tho finan cial writer of the Loudon 'Times, whoie name appeared lor a good round sum in tho Rebel cotton loan list, is trying to prove that this dis aster will come because the peopte trust tne United States; but the people kuov well enough tnut li it comes it win oe tne result oi nngiauu's immense and ruinous luvestment in the Rebel attempt to destroy tho United States an invest ment which that financial writer encouraged and wrote up, because that was the way In which he was expected to earn the sum for which his name was set down in the Rebel cotton loan list. Paris is also uneasy. It has a financial dan ger, it Has Mexico, ana t na-t uoine. ail these trouble the political atmosphere of the city, and it is hard to say how long the weather will be fair, and Horn when quart' r the storui may come, win the country endure the continual wate In Mexico ot French men and French money in a scheme that caunot possibly bring advantage or honor to France ? What new cuients of political force may be brought to bear on this question by the development ol freat monetary trouble? Ho is it about innie? If popular sentiment in Spam force! a solution of the Italian question there against all the wishes and pre) id ices of the Spanish monarchy, connected by closest ties with tho Holy See, wdl it do less in Fraace 1 Is France less free iban Spain, witn Spain still under a liourbon t Have the tuuiight ami spirit of the French people less influence ou the Government than the thought-- oi the Spanish people have upon a Bourbon monaichy? Will uot the late Spanish example mleoi Fraace, and stir thoughts like these to a dangerous extent? Brussels is torn by a storm ol parties that may upset the new King at any hour, and read the kingdom of Beleiutn into a French halt and a Dutch half ; Italy has just had a stormy dissolu tion of tbe ministry over the very serious ques tion of taxes; Prupsia has t,ie old trouble ol an ambitious minister at war with her people, and her Scheswig-Holsteln indigestion; Austria, though doing very well in many respects, is far from easy in her Italian possessions. Alto gether Europe is in a Bullicieutly uiiquiet state, and her danger is that if any one of these many dillicultlcs should suddenly become great the storm would spreud into every European coun try, and break up the whule" present political tvstem. Napoleon's Dilemma la Mexico From the Herald. The news from Europe by tbe Africa, arrived at Halifax on Thursday, points, though not very dilinitely, towards tho solution of tha Mexican dilliculty. Probably tbe most Important indica" lion of the turn which events are about to take Is the statement ot the Paris Presse that Napo leon has sent & messenger to Mexico to arraugo fof the speedy withdrawal of the French troops. We are not informed whether there Is still in volved m Buch arrangement the apparently ex isting condition of a recognition of the Mexican empire by the United States Government. Pos itive assurances have teen made by Prouvn do Lb. ins that such are the only terms upon which tho French Enipeior will torsent to recall his troops from Mexico, and Mr. Seward has already announced that those terms''seem to be imprac ticable." Tbe Mexican "dilemma" is bow forming the subject of serious consideration in tho French Corps Legislatif, and our Paris correspondent sas that the opposition is divided upon the matter, one branch the Republican wing being disposed to throw no obstacle in the way ol a withdrawal of the troops from Mexico, a ill permitting the Emperor to extricato himself de cently from the trouble in which he has in volved Fiance. Perhaps they are prepared to give the Emperor rope enough and let him work hi3 own way out ot the difUcultv or fall with it; the latter result probably being not objectionable to the republican wing of the opposition. The London Tunes, wl ich some time ago ad vocated the wihdoui of Napoleon's withdrawing the troops, now endeavors to show that the dilemma w hich the French Emperor has reached is too painful to admit of such a solution. It argues that it he backs out he will be lost, by, subjecting French urms to the charge of recoil ing from a contemptible enemy; ana if he holds on to his support oi Maximilian he will be lost also through embarrassments arising from American resentment. This is very poor conso lation. ' The Times, while congratulating itself that England had the discretion to retire from this Mexican intervention before it became too hot a subject, rubs it in unmercifully to Napo leon by reminding him that ho Is in "a most painful dilemma," from which there is no extri cation. Profits ol the Coal Dealers From Vie Herald. In tracing a long ton of two thousand two hundred aud forty pounds of anthracite stove or egg coal liom its native hills in Pennsylvania to the dealeis' yurds In this city, we find that its value increases in its transit somewhut as follows Btarting at the low price of twenty-live cents Worth in the mino SO 25 Out of the mine 1 Oo Prepared for uso 1-85 In l'lil adelpbia 8 00 At Khzaketiiport, N. J 9 60 Al the flow York dock 10 26 At the retail yaids 18 96 It will 'be seen that between the mines and Philadelphia its value is increased six dolHrs and titteen cents,' which amount is divided be tween the transportation companies and the dealers in that city, and that after it arrives at the New York docks it very unaccountably be comes enhanced in valuo nearly four dollars more. Pei haps somebody in the business can show a cause lor this sudden Increase. ! At Last. Frtm Ihe T ribune. The Committee of Ways and Means yesterday reported to the House a bill to enable tho boor tary of the Treasury to fund the demand and early maturing indebtedness of the Government of the United States, This bill provides: First. That the net enti led "An sot to provide B) i aud means to support (lie Government," up- rroved March 8 18P5, shall be extended ani con strued to authorize the feorctarv of tne l'ran.rv, at liia Ciicretion, to receire auy Treasury notes or otlior oh (Radons laaued under any act ol ( omcrpas, w lioiiKT bearing mteret or not, inexoliane for any dpttript'on ot bond authorised br the act to which thsia on amendment; and a'ao to dnpoae ot anr dfr.riition ot bonJs autuonzeii bv said aor, either in the United htntet or eUowhorn, to rnoh au amount slid in euc.i man tier a d st suoti Mtoa at tin mar Ihiiik aaviFRtue for lawful, inoueir of ti.e United Mate ; or lor aur ireufturr note, oeitifloate of ia ilclittdnRM, or certificates of doposlt, or otner ropre rentatm a i f vaius wi.ich have been or may be isftued under aiiy aoi oi oarron; the proceeds t ieroot to Lo used only lor tef iring 1 roufiny notes, or other ob ligation ia ued under any act of ( ouirmss. But notion? hciein contained slia i bo constrim l to au ihonzo any tiicmnse of tbe public debt. J'ruyldod that tbe Londa winch may bo oitoosml of e sewhme than in tho Liiiiod btaies may be made payable, l oth piincli al and iuieies-, in the coin nnd currency of the countiyin which they are made tmvaliio, but rhall not bear a iatr of interest exceeding flye per centum per nmii'm ; ai d provided further, th it the art lo which lo winch this is an amendment ohall continue In lull farce in all its pruviaions, excovt as modified Dy I his act. This bill is simple but comprehensive; and we do not see ho it could bo improver). It is said that part of the Committee stood out to the last against the di-crction tomuke a foreign loan; but a our in large amount already are and will continue to be held in Europe, this Fecms more nice than wise. We heartily wish these securities were all held at home; we wish our people were prepared to pay them off, or buy tbein up; but. that is notoriously not the cote; so what is to be gained by shutting our etcs to tho most palpable facts? Wo ate now paying six percent, on mill ons which the holders would gladly exchange lor long live per cents printed in their own lauaiiage, snd payable in their own cit eo. instead ot in a loreigu country; nnd wh should we not save the difference? VVe Gannot itiiOTine. The nuked truth is that the opposition to this as to other provisions of the bill Is impelled by hostility to resumption at all that is, to an early resumption. Every one verbally admits that we must resume some time; but a good manv have lit'h' operations unmatured whereby they hope to n ake theirpile out of currency in flation to thev are irrepmsible in devising firetexts ond dodges for its Indefinite maln euonce. Uut for this, the above bill would promptly paes by a unanimous vole. And now let us entreat Congress to act decisively on this nieasuro forthwith. Industry nnd business have too long awaited the issue. From nearly every city, we hear a complaint of toe scarcity ot dwellings; but whi will erect housed when one that costs $1600 to build now, will be worth but a $1000 when we return to a par currency? Mautlestly, the country should know what to depend upon forthwith. Bents nro rising liKe balloons; office-holders are boring lor higher salaries; larmeis are asked wages which their crops will not pav if they have to be sold at specie prices; and there is anarchy on all hands, which only a return to national solvency can terminate. Gentlemen in Congress I be good enough to let the people Know wnat thev may depend upon with roarard to the currency, and ut the very earliest moment MEDICAL. JJEDICAL ELECTRIC IT 'y:I :t'!-" WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVER! Dlt. S. W. BlfiCKWITJfcTS ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE No. 120 WALNUT Street, Electricity in nil U Yarlou for in s Auuiiulhiftrt'd for the iure of Within the past Cvc years, tJunwands of patients have buu treated at ibis ollico, Bufloring from almost ever; turm and conaitiou of disease common t ) tnanity and in nearly a 1 case a benolit or portoct cuie hat been effected, l'a sv, doul'nuss, o inuuess, tbtunintism, dvsi epsia, cai cer, and all the o d knotty c in uses i but are a physician's curse, as it proves Lit inubiliiy to eradicate, are bv our method com paratively easy of cuie. (Specimens of tumors ol laiie growth ex.rautpd b' tueaus oi Alectrioity aloiio, without pain, without the use of the kuiie, lituiurcs, or any other means, may be soeu at our cilice by those interested. We are w:l!iiig io under take any ot tbe lollo iujj diseasg, with every hope BLd prospect of success with ry m&uv o.uers not here enumerated: 1. lHaeuges ot the Brain and JVrrt"Ms Siitem. Epilipsy, Cl'Oiea or S. Vitus' D.ince 'Paralyse (licmiiiepia), Mcura cia, listeria, .crvousuoss l alpitation of the Heart, l.ockitnv, uic 2. Organs and 'i ttsw.s connected with the Dge$ five oysttnt Sore llnoat, JDyspo,)sia, Diarrhoea Dj-MUicrv, Obstinate t oiiBiipatiou, HaimoirhoMei or 1 iles, Bilious i iatulent, and l'aiutur's Colio, aud all uflectious ot the .Liver anu Spleen. 8. Kexjiiratory Oiyatit. Catarrh, Cough, Itiflu eiza, Ab'linia (when not caused by organic disease of ti e bean :, Lit ilis, 1'leunsy, N eurodynia or Lbeumatism oi the Chest, Consumption in the early Btavts. 4. Fibrous and Muscular System - Rheumatism. Cout, Lumbago. Stiff eck, Binal Curvuiuro, ilif Loscatrs, Cancrrs, Juniors. 6. Vrinai y and Geuital Organs. Grnyol, Diabetes and Kidney t on:plaiuis. Impotence and Semiui! Weakuiss. Tl,e lutter couij.luiiiu) never fail t yield rapidly ;o this treutineut 6. iHteases J'eculiar to Femtiles. Uterus Cora plnlnis, involving a mal-positiou, as 1'roinpsns, An iroverston, Retroversion, Inllamuiutioii, Ulceration, and various other affections of the Womb and Ova ries, l'uiulul, Mispressed, beauty, or Froluse Meu. s ruatiou, jeucpiiuu-a. IO LAI1 IKS w- can recommend this treatmont ae OLe ol LKVAlilED bL'CLKt. A most inuume ruble elites lmve come under treatment at our ollict who can testily to ibis lact Mis. 11 LCK Wlf ti bus ettire chnrue of the Luak-s' Department ltLtEhtKCLo. Ihe diBoaseu aud all interested are reieried to tho following uuiuud gentlemen, who buve been treated and wituessod oar treatment on others at No. 1220 v ALMJ r Street :- A. J l'ltasoutou, iSniiatlier-Goiiornl, No. Oil S luce street ; a. l leasomou, liriKudior-i.oiieral, St. Louis, iMiBCUri; Jao b Yam., Odcssi, Una ware; It A. hemp e. thiuad uianuiac'urer, Jtlouut Holly, Key Jersey; W. B. Smith, Iron louuder, Ko, 1U22 Hanover street, I mluile'phia; Ceoruo Douglass Local Kxoiess om-juuv, I hila dtlpbia;J W Unidlev, publisher. No. G A. Fourth street; Ifobert oik. No pl N Third strict ; Colouel 1'. N', Sweeney, atsissor, Second District of Thila dilplna, Wolnut and Klghth strouts; George O Kvuus. So 418 Arch street, below Fif h; Wnllam l'eiouse, type loumler, Ibird aud C'husnjt streets; Kd AicLane, mauutaclurer oi cotton roods, with very many othois. l'hymo ans or studen's desiring to have ins" ruction In the coircct application ot Electricity lor the cure of disease can apply at the Ollico.- , Consultation tree. Descriptive circulars of cure effected, wiih numerous lelerenccs, can be bad i t application at the Ottice. All letters address' d to DR. 8. W. WiOKWITH, 2 lsmw No. 1220 WALNUT Stroct, I'hila. (jAKPETINOS. a large stock of PHILADELPHIA MANUFAOTUBE, . In stoie and constantly receiving, AT VEUY LOW 1'KICES. (JEOllGE W. HILL, 2 1 thstu3m No. 121 North THIRD street. (Jn E E N TrEA"s CB1 F.N CORN, JfEESU PEACUES, FKESH TOMATOES, PLUilS Kto. AL13EIIT O. IiODEUTS, DEALER IS FISE r,R')CKUIK3 9 22 4P COE. ELEVENTH AND VINU NTS. HATS AND CAPS. T M OF FASHION. Small rroflts. Qnlck Sales. HATS AND CATS. NEWEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES IN THE CIIY. I30U11NK, 118fuihf3ra No. 40 N. SIXTH STliEEr. IYllil'S PATENT AK0MA SAVING AND CONDENSING COFFEE BROWNER, FOB HOTELS, GROCERS, HOSPITALS, unitary Barracks, and all other establishments using quantities ol Coffee By this Machine the Coffee Is SWEATKD brown, lnsiesd oi belnR BUHNKD brown, thereby sav;n? from 40 to (0 percent more AK03IA than when done In the umal way. A PATENT TESTER Is attached, which enables the operator to see when tho Coffee Is done Brown. CAN BK CIIANOICD IS A MOMENT INTO A Fll AKKI.IN OR AIlt-TIOIir STOVE FOIt 1IEATIXG Pl'RPOSHS. They work like charm, ALWAYS giving entire SATISFACTION. For particulars call or send for a circular, which con tains testimonials Irotn muny of tho t'nlttd Mates Uospltals, Flut-clQss Hotels, and tlrocors K ow having them In use. Also, HYDE'S PATENT AE03IA SAVING AND CONDENSING FAMILY COFFEE BROWNER, On the same principle, helng In tho form of a STOVK COVKK. Will suit any STOVK orRANGIO. The Coffee is browned PERtf'KCTl.Y UNI FORM In a FKW MIXUTKS TIME. ONE 1'OI AD BROWNED In this Machine has about the SAME STRENGTH as two roasted lo the usual way. IiESIDKS giving the Coffee In ALL ITS PIKI'IY and FRAGRANCE, ftir sale by JUDWAEE, IIOUijE-FURNISIIING, AND STOVE STORES GENERALLY. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY HIDE & TLXCLEY, No. 15C5 Pennsylvania Avenue, 1 6stutblmo PHILADELPHIA J) TJ It E K A! TIIE INFALLIBLE HAIR RESTORATIVE THIS IS NO HAIR DYE. TB F. IMMRN.SK SUCCESS with which this nrconra tlou lias niut (luilnK the short time It lia been beioro pun' ut, nas inuuceit ine tiuiuxnndM ana tens oi tnou sanuswho Lf.e used and attested lis virtue, to Pro nuunce li ti.e USLV ai'd I (il l: llalr litfltn'atlve The Kureka has hi e" In reduced Into all the principal cltlm both a id W en . and haviiw mlttiliil.y ocnormed all Ibat Is chinned lor It, ban sudi reied al ohr Hair I 're in ratioim 'llie iireka reHturi a Grov llalr 'o Its oiliilnul co or; prevents the Hair Irom tahinii on-, by onuHing a healthy condition of tbe si-aln iinnartlnir to tbe hair a solness end iom and y uthlnl appearance that no oilier Hair Preparation can produce. 1 he r.urekn Is ttee Irom all Impurities or polnous drugs, be used witnou: s li'iin Fcaip or nanus. Manulacturcd and sold, wholesale and retail, by ROBERT FISIIER, Sole Agent, Ko. iS if. FIFTH Streot. St Louts. Mo. sen's for Pennsylvania. DYOTT & CO.. No Bl V, ELIU.SII Mrcct, l'liiiadelphlo. 1 20smw3iu A T I E 11 M A C II E GOODS I'Al'IER MACI1E GOODS. TARTAN GOODS, SCOTCH PLAID GOODS. A f re assortment of I'apfor Mnohe Work Tables, Writing Peaks, Inkstands, ond Scotch l'lald Goods just recoivcd per the steamer "St. George," too lata tor Chris' mas sales, Bunablo for Bridal Gilta, etc w ill be sold low. ISAAC TOWNSEND, IIouho Furnishinir Store of iho late A MUKfllEY, No. 022 CUESNUT STREET, 1 24 Below Tenth street. 1 GOFFERING MACHINES, GOFFERING MACHINES A lareo assortment of Goflorlna; Machines JuBt received per steamer "St. George." FOB SALE BY ISAAC TOWNSEND, House-Furnishing (store orthe late JOHN A. MITR' PHEY, ' No. 922 CUESNU1 STREET, 1 24 Below Tenth Street. c,' AND to, FLOUR, " Pride of the West." " Mussulman." Eagle of Fort Wuyne." " Lebanon Choice," LewlBtown." "Alternate." BROOKE & PUOH 1 6 lmo Noa. 1781 and 1733 MARKET Street No. 1204 CHESNUT ST., Hiv justiecelvea Oil) OOVEFN MKN'f JV1 I 'Of FEB, XTA EI1W11 11 UK A K If A bl' TEA, pt'l'VK SIAKVI AMi A.MS, KIN DElll) UK Elf AVU 'iOSGTJKJ. 0 18 flm f AND H ' $ d?ea dealers,! WATCHES AND 4EWELRY. ( WATKIIM, JITM.RT Ml.TEn WAIIV, . J WATCIIE3 and JW2Li:7 r.ill'AinED. VChflstntit St..ri'.-v WATCHIS AND CORAL GOODS. A larvo Invoice of Ladles' and Gents' Watches of tbe best makers; and FINE CORAL SETS, To which the attention of those aboat purchasing Is In vited. Just received by LEWIS LA DOM US, Diamond Dealer aud Jiwbllkb, 12 50 Ko. 802 CEIlSNTTT STREET. 1U0GS & BROTHER, Chronometer, Clock, and Watchmakers, Ko. 244 S. FRONT STREET, Have constantly on hand complote assortment of Clocks, etc., for Kail roads, Hanks, and Counting Rooms, which they offer at reasonable rotes. IV. It. l'articular attention paid to the repairing of fii.o alehcs and Clocks. 1 6 lm CHOICE HOLIDAY GOODS. Large and handsomo assortment of COLD AND SILVER WATCHES DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, EILVHIl AND PLATED WAKE CLOCKS. BKOSZES, ElC. CLARK & BIDDLE, Kuccossors to Ihomas C. Garrett, 6 2 lvrp No. 712 CBESHUT STREET. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL DOXES. A full assortment ot above ooofls coiistantlv oo band at mode, ate prices iho Muaical tloxcs playing li om l to iu Leauuiui aits. FARR & BROTHER, Importers. No. 824 CHE&NUl' bTKEET, j llntitMjrp Below Kourth. 11 I C II JEWELRY. JOHN BItENNAN, DEALEB IK DIAMONDS, TINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Etc. Etc. Etc. 9 20 ly No. 18 8. EIGHTH SI BEET, Fhilada. HENRY HARPER, No. B20 ARCH STREET Manniacturtr and Deal or In Watches, fine Jewelry, Silver-Plated Ware, AMD 8 801y Solid Silver-ware. COAL. nn a t . n ri t . BEST QUALITIES OF COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, AT ALTER'S COAL Y A II I), NINTH 8TKEET, BELOW CIRARD AVENUE. BUACH OFFICE COKNK'l OF SlXfll AD fintlJSG (JAEDEB JSlllkETS. 21 JAM E S O'BRIEN, DEALEH IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, DY 1UE CARGO OR SINGLE TON. Yard, Broad Street, telow Fitzwater. 11 a oonsiantlj on band a competent supply ot the acove superior (.oai, suitaoia tor ianmr use, to wblch lie calls the attention of bis frionda and the nubile conerclfy . Oldors lelt at Mo. 205 S. Finn street, No. 82 8 fceveiitoeuth street, or tlirouKh Despatch or ifogt Office, proniptly attrudod to VlUAUir OF BLACKSMITHS COAL. I BIT TVTIL1TARY AND NAVAL AGENCY tF MATHEWS, POIILSOir & CO., . ATTORNEYS, No. 808 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia Box 28C1. CI alms for Bounty, Back Pay, Prize Money, and Pension Claims, promptly oollooted. E. T. MATHEWS, (Late of Treasury Department, at Washington, D. C). B. POULSON, (Late U. 8. Pension Aseut). A. TRUMP. 1151m JJ A 11 N E S S. A LABGE LOr OF WEW U. 8, WAGON 11AR NESS, 2, 4, and 8 horse. Also, pans ol J1A11- NEfeS. SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, eU, bouht at the reoeut tioverntnont sales to be sold at ft srvftt aaoriuuo. vt uuionuiu ur jwuiiiu. aukuu Kith oar usual assortment ot SA DLLER YAND SADDLERY HARD WA RE. WILLIAM S. IIANSELL & SONS, 2 1 ly No. Hi MARKET Street. M II K STAMP AGENCY, NO. 304 CHESNCT J tillin'l, AHOVfcTlilBD WlLLBlCONTIiiUi.D AS UK. HKTOKOKE. HTAalPS ol EVKRYDFSCRin'lON CONSTANT! ON HAND, -M IN ANY AlliAM. U FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES JIIE FIRE IN CIIESNUT STREET Letter frcm 7clls, Fargo & Co. 510,000 SAVED IX HERRING S TMEXT SAFE. rmtJtbKT.FHiA. January 1, Messrs. Fabkfl, IIfbiiibo A Co. Oentlemen: W bava Jut opened our Cafe, ons of your manufacture which passed through the destructive Are In Cbexnnt street, last night. The flafe was In our office. No. SOI, wbkh bulldlngw as entirely destroyed. The flat was la a warm place, as you mavwell suppose, and was red hot when taken ot t of the embers. We are well satisfied with the result of this ti ml. and find our books, papers. and some ten thousand dollars In money almost as per fect as wti en put In the Fafe. Nothing Is Injured, It wn except O leather bindings of the bock, wblch an steamed; tbe money and papers are as good as ever. Truly yours, WELLS, FARGO & CO., Per J. n. COOK. Agent The above Safe csnbe seen at our store. FARREL, HERRING & CO., 11 So. 629 CIIE9MTT PTBEET. gEVERE TST OF MARVIN'S SAFE At Charleston Fire, October 18, 1865- "After rrmoTlnir mr af rone of Marrln A Co.'m Paleriti from tlie rnln', bcro It had lain tor rirrr- -ThBKRnnuri .(, menr hi at, I onnd mybooka in a prri?c. aiaio oi prHcr,arion i fipr mr n iut and entire fa naiartton with the irault and beartllr ait- vlM all to piiicuaat Marrln A Co.' ome. (Hlgneaj "W. . C11AFKE. v A full asKorrmcnt of the above SAFE!), the ODly iter- foctlr dry, an well aa thoroughly flre-proof onoa Id the market, for tale by MARVIN & CO., Ko. 721 CIIESNUT STREET, (Maaoulc Uall), rhlta , No. 205 BROADWAY, N. Y. Dwelling House Soica. oranmcntal styloa. Cafes ol other makes taken In exchange. Bend for descriptive circular. 1 29 Ira ANOTHER TEST or HEBBTKO'3 riBK-PBOOT 8AFE8. THE FIEBT ORDEAt PARSED TBI TJ lirH AJTTL Tf 1 lie nriimK nwu nr.. . i a iiiu uiuvv vi wua f.nniu un. , dratroved by the dlenstioui lire ol the night of the 6t& mutant, wan nubjected to aa Intense heat aa probably ' any rare wui ever ue ,uiiectea in any lire no inienM thut tbe brars knobs and mourning of tbe exterior ot itme were melted off. and the whole surface aottled and blistered as If It had been In a furnace, aud vet whea nnenrd tbe contemn book! and aanera weia foana t be entire and uninjured This i-ale is now on nxniDinon in our warenoaseo Seventh street, wl h tbe books and paper, still remain . li'K In it JuM as It was when taken from the ruins. Hit chf.ntn. Bankets, and others Interest l In the protectiosr ot their books and papers are Invited to call tidiii amine It J. P. BA' THOLOW, Airrnt tor Hemns's 11 No SEVENTH 8U. Washington, D. O. TEAS, &o. H'EAS RFDITCED TO $1, AT INGRAM'S 1 'l ea Warehouse. No. 43 S. SECOND Street. KOASTFD COFFER REDUCED TO 30 CT3. at IJiGBAil'S lea Warehouse, Mo. 43 3. 8ECONO Btrect. ArC. BEST MILD COFFEE, AT INGRAM'S flU Tea Warehouse, Xo. 43 8. SECOND Street. rpEAS AND COFFEES AT WHOLESALE 1 prices, at INGRAM'S Tea Warehouse, Mo. 41 a. SECOND Street Try them. RE EN COFFEES FROM 22 TO 28 CT3. A f pound, at l ouud. at INGHAM'S Tea Warehouse, .No. 43 8. SECOND Street iryinem. in JATAXESE TEA. F.XTBA FIN DU JAPON, TIIE FINEbT EVER IMPORTED, l'ut up orlglnallv for the French Market For sale by 'JAMES B. WKBB, 1 13 lm WALNUT AND EIGHTH STREETS. il y 'ii MAN UFACTURER, AND DEALER IN BOCKS. BISLCS, PRAYERS, Kagariuea, Novels, and all the Now Publications. CARD, llD!UM, AND IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. SlcwosMjies and Stereoscopic Views. ridur.'B cf all kind Framed to order. J, 803 CHESTNUT 8T. 808 J3 R O W N & MAOEE, MAN CF ACTUR ER3 OF TKIJNKS. VALISES BAGS RETICULES, And all stylos ot pood suitable for Travellers and Excursionists. A large stock of MOKOCCO TRAVELLING BAGS AND EKTICULK3, FOR GENTS AND LADIES, Of oar own Mauutaotnxe, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 1126 Ko. 708 CHESKUT STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE-STONES, Etc Just oompletoil, a btuuil ul variety of Il'ALIAN MAKBLK JiOKUilEUrS, .1 TOaiBS, AMD ii It A V E-ST0NE3, Will be sold heap tor easn. . . ' .. . . Work sent to auy part of tbe Cnited States. . ... . t HENRY H. TARR, - M A RULE WORKS, v. 1 24wfw Bfo. 710 GBEEM Ptrwet. Phlladeipasa. , "OEIDESPURO MACniNB WORKS, J i urrttiE, ' 0. ti K. i hOST STHEET, 1 t VHILADLi-HlA. M- ' We are prepared to till orders to any extent for oar MAChTnEKT FOB TOTTOW A XT) WOOLLBS MILLS, lnclnillD( all recent Improvement In Camlug, Spuinlmi. and W eaving. . We invite the attention of manufacturers to our extern artworks, ALFBED JtnS 80S. W MUSIC STORE. WILLIAM H BOKkU CO., i , v nrh riHEBNlTT Street. Dralen In Ad trioin and Foreign Mumc: Pianos, Melo ilci'i B, and Mukk'uI liihtruiiieiitsol a I k. IiiJj i Jo, aauue rlor quulit) of buluas couslautly on Uuud. 11 1 3ut