THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1836 5 THE SABBATH QUESTION. The Sabbath a Moral Law. To the Sdiior of the Evening Telegraph: The next historical notice of the lav la In Exodui, xrl, li "Tne children of Israel came onto the wll dernost of "in, which ii between felim and Slnal." Thl wm before the Riving, of the law at Sinai; lor we learn In Number xixill, that there were lour removals ot the camp, tIi., Dophkah, Alnsh, Be pbldlm, and Binal, before they came to the Mount It wm here in the wlldornesa of Sin, they murmured for broad and the manna waa Riven. Just one mon'h panned from tlilr departure from Ramesos see Kntnbor xxxlii, 8), on the 15th dar of the first month, and on the 15th day of the second month they came into the wilderness of sin (Exodui xvl, IV And, "In the third month, when the cbllaren of Isrse! bad rone forth out of the land of Egypt, the aame day they came auto the wilderness of Sinai." Exodus xx, 1. The same day, that is, the fifteenth day. At the very least, therefore, the ram of manna took place a month before the thunders of Sinai were beard. Ot this bread trom heaven the people gathered an homer lor each perse n each day, except on the sixth day they rath red two homers for each person. The rulers reported this matter to Moses, "And be said unto them, this Is that which the Lord bath said, to-morrow Is the rest of tho Holy Sabbath unto the Lord ; bake that which ye will bake to-day. and seethe that ye will seethe." Exodus xvl, 23, 23. "A nd Hoses said, Eat that to-day, for to-day Is a Sab bath onto the Lord; to-day ye snail not find it in tho field. Six days ye shall gathor it; but on tho seventh day, which Is the Sabbath, In it there shall be none." On this remark 1, In tholr bondage condition for two hundred and ten years, It Is notconee.'vablo that the people could enjoy tho.r Sabbath rest and keep up tne regular system of worship and instruction which belong properly to "the Sabbath which was made tor man ;" those sweet rests and Joyous songs of praise, and heavenly instrnotion br tholr Elders dor t hoy had Elr.ers even in Egypt. Exodus ill, 10. "Go and gather tho Elders of Israel torothcr;" and xll, 21; and xvil, 6, etc), Tbe oppression which doomod a 1 their male children te death, likewise tho oppression which dooms man to work in a printing offloe or on a railroad car seventeen hours per day for seven days in the week, mutt have well nigh crushed out all knowledge of the holy day, as it cut off the poor people from all opportunity to worship their God and to receive instruction from their Eidors. 2. This miracle of the manna is manifestly do signed, as it is admirably adapted, to teach the peo ple the blosscdness ox tbe Sabbath day. It teaches (1), That they have a right, a franchise trom the (iod of heaven, to cease from labor one day In seven. Mo Egyptian taskmaster (no printer or railroad company) may stand over thorn to enforoe labor on the Sabbath. No dire necessity any longer to toil all day at the brick-kiln, the prlntiug-oilloe, or the can. Total abstinence from toll is required. "Bake that which ye will bake to-day." Evidently the Hebrew in the wilderness was a fro'jr man than tbe bakers are to-day in Philadelphia. Freedom trom labor, and liberty to worship God unmolested, have made so little progress in 8757 years! Such is tho despotism of Mammon 1 (2) That the people are not to sit in idleness, or run wild in excess of plays nd sports, "see, lor that the Lord hath given yon tbe Sabbath." "Abide ye every man in his place; lot do man go out of his placo on the seventh day. So the people rested on the seventh day." They kept the day ''holy unto the Lord." The only sonse, as we have seen, in which time can be kept holy, is the performance of holy exorcises of God's worship. "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath day." 8. This transaction, a a whole, is not the enact ment of a new statute, but the resuscitation of an old one. Our statute book exhibits an analogous case. The act of 1705 was cal ed up and re-enacted in 1794, and again in 1846. If we had only the l x nun scrijpta, tbe cases would have been more alike. Tbey are, however, alike in anotaor respect, vis , some ap pendages are added, as we shall boo in anotber place. ' Now, we insist that this has not the torm and appearance of a new law. "This is that which the Lobd bath i aid, To morrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto tbe Lord." If a colporteur take, his station near some dopot, where the crowd Is hurry ing off to worship God in the country, and should raise bis voioe and say, This is the Sabbath to be kept boly nnto the Lord, and bore are little books suitable for the Lord's day," would ho be considered in tbe light ot a legislator enacting a new statute? Thus our Lord himself speaks: "A new command ment give I nnto you, That ye love one another :" but John I, Epis. Ii. 7, speaking ot the very same law of love, says; "I write no new commandment unto yon, but an o'd commandment, which ye had trom the beginning." Bore is no inconsistency : "lie that loveth not bis brother, abidoth in death." 4. We must remember this transaction ooourred a whole month before this same Sabbatio law, but with more detail, was enacted again at Sinai. So our Legislature act continually. A large amount of their acts contain, and are an enactment of some principle or the Decalogue. They can decree no penal enaotment but they borrow tholr principle trom some one or more of the Ten Commandments Ihkophilbs. Photographic portraits of the late unlortu nate Sir. Uoraon, ot Jamaica, are ex Dibit .-a in the shop windows of London, t.nd find ready sate. In a church of Nottingham, Eneland, a few Sundays airo. an insane man suddenly left his seat, lumped over the chancel rails, and be?an addressing the congregation in a wua manner. He bad to be removed by force. The Town Council of Doncaster, England, have received as a tritt trom the building com mittee the church of St. Georce, one of the most maeniticent of recent English ecclesiastic cal structures. It was begun in 185S, and cost 43,128 15S. (id. The organ cost iibW. Fourteen thousand and Fixty-two turkeys. eighteen thousand seven hundred and eight geese, one thousand six hundred and one ducks, and two hundred and eighty-three tons ot poui try. were delivered during the Christmas holt lavs at the London station of tbe (Jreat Eastern Railway. Each of the five great confectioners in Paris sells on an average lour thousand pounds worth ot bmibons during the last week ot the year, lor the confection of which delicacies no less than twelve thousand loaves of suearare melted. and ninety-five thousand kilogrammes ol pista chio nuts pounded. Brigandage in Italy is becoming much re duced. Only two hundred and ninety-two Dr eanda now remain In the southern provinces, .and of' these one hundred and City are cooped up in the province of Terra di Lanoro, abutting on pontifical territory. Of the seventeen pro vinces in tbe South, fix are quite free from brigandage, and in three the marauders are ibut ten in number. A few weeks ago a Mr. Leonard Dufour, residing in London, gave a party on tbe occasion of the marriage of bn daughter, and about nine o'clock Mrs. Dufour was wal'zlnt: with tbe briilo- trreoin, when she was observed to laugh in an hysterical manner and make tor an ante-room the entrance to which nbe had lust gained wlieu she fell lifeless into the arms ot her daughter. Her death is attributed to disease of the heart. Marcello (Duchess of Colonnal has lately executed a bust ot tbe Einprens Eugenie, oi derail by tbe Council oi the city of Pari, and Intended to be placed at the Hotel do Vlile. The Duchess had several sitting from the Empress during her recent visit to Conipiogne, and the result, it ia reported, "even exceeds in purity of outline and boldness of design the tJoraon and the Bianea Cupella, wbieu are bo well known in the world of Rrt." MATTERS OVEE THE RIVER, TnK Watkr Wouks Qukbtioht. Tho purchase of the Water Works by the city la tbe all-Bbftorblng; topic, and public sentiment is being extensively canvassed. Next Thursday evening the Ci'V Councils will meet to receive the report oi Mr. Berkenblne. who has been em- I plovt d to ascertain the value of the machinery. ana to give snr.n cauer intormanon as may mail to a jtift valuation of tbe property. The Original cost of the machinery, iron pipe, and all other articles necessary to a gopply of water can scarcely be a correct basis upon which to decide its present valuation. Hinco the work have been in operation, real estate, machinery, iron pipe, and all other implements have 'nearly doubled in value, especially iron pipe, which is perhaps three times more costly. Bo that' as it may, there seems to be a general desire to place tbe works in the ownertfliip of tbe city tor various reasons. Tbe growth of the city demands a larger sup fily of water than heretofore lurni?hed lor pub ic and private use. While (bo domestic wants arc but poorly supplied, the fire Department li rendered danprorouHlv inefficient. Our costly steam entrlnes are really no additional safeguards apuinst the destruction of property without a bet ter supplv ot water; and the annual appropria tions made to tbe different companies must, in a measure, be thrown away, unless the city furnish all the necessary facilities to enable the depart ment to meet puDitc expectation, wo nave an active ana energetic Dreuien i organization, second to none, and none are more chagrined than they wben their best efforts are rendered futile at a tire. Nor Is it likely, should the Water Works be retained by its present owners, that they will make tho necessary outlay to im prove and enlarge tne works to the extent de manded by our rapidly increasing Donulatlon. If vested in the city, every voter would have a voice to enforce such imorovempnts as would satisfy the needs of the city; anl tho taxpayers could thus exact supplies, and make their pub lic servants adopt such measures for purification as wouia meet ineir epprooatton. A Pleasing Change. Travellers oa the West Jersey railroads cannot but notice the pleasing change effected by the tine improve ments projrressina: throughout that whole sec tion of country. The present Is a busy time w lib many, who are clearing dubu land, and fell ing trees in the extensive forests, where trees were suncred to rcacn an enormous growth, tor the want of facilities to bring wood and timber to market, W bile making a recent trip to Salem. we noticed many "boys in blue" wielding the axe and gruDoing-noe, clearing ana preparing acres lor spring cultivation, while carpenters were framing houses, and farmers were ditching and tiling tne low lands, immense piles ot cord wood are to be seen . on tbe route, as well as at the different depots, at most ot wnicn new Duudincs are going up. At Salem the spirit of improvement I- . - - A a . . i .1... !. J.11. a 1H I11HUIICHI lUlOUUUUUl lilt; UIIV, III tlUUll IU'1 IU the new crlass works which will be built the coming fpnus.nn oil cloth manufactory and other business establishments will Do constructed. Several new and attractive residences will soon be finished, and the whole c'ty gives evidence of rapid improvement in business and population. TMm niKiinnnn Afv Von iMnooolitAti ltst ttnnnK. cintiiruvj a iiljl y cu ii' uonaiaivti tut; o'tpui- intpndent oi the West Jersey Railroad, anil Judge Yorke, the Treasurer, has inaugurated a dis cipline and luruishea facilities which make it second to none in tbe State for public accommo dation. Tbe diUercnces between tbe present evidences ol prosperity and past stagnation can not escape the eye of the most casual observer. Jantjabt Finances. -The financial col lections lor January were as follows: North Ward school tax. $104-85; special tax. $48: city and watd purposes, $S44C6: leaving uncollected, sit. 147 niti. juidaie vvara school purposes, $73-35: city and ward, $Gul38r balance due. $626081. South Ward ichool purposes, $6610 ; city and ward, guwiz; uncollected, $1)522 '17. Centenary. The New" Jersey Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will hold its Inaugural meeting in the Third street M. K. Church, on tne 7th inst., on the occasion ot the Centenary ot Methodism in the State. AD'e and distinguished divines will be present on tha occasion. Tavern Licenses. Samuel VV. Thoman, Cleik of Council, colloett-d $104 lor licenses during the month of January. CITY INTELLIGENCE For Additional Local Items see Third 1' age.' Recipbocal Kindness. About a week ago tbe proprietor ot one ot our most promi nent silk and dry goods stores on Chesnut street was united in the bonds ot matrimony to an accomplished and highly attractive vounz lady oi unaware, xne laay employes ot the esta blishment, previous to his departure on his weddding tour, presented to him. as a congratu latory token, a maimiticent silver bowl, aonro- pnateiy inscrioed. JNext day the gentleman. through his cashier, confmunicated to the lames a request that each should select, as a present lor herself, the handsomest silk dress she could llu in the store: and the ccnclcrnen were given carte llanche each to order for him self the finest broadcloth coat he could pro cure, with instructions to send tbe bill for set tlement to the cashier. Much cases of reciprocal good leeiicgare worthy ot an commendation. Arrival of Regiment b. This morning the l!)5th Ileciment Pennsylvania Volunteers arrived in this city from the South, and pro ceeded to Camp Cadwalader, where they will be paid off and mustered out of the service. This regiment was organized July 25, 1864, for one nunurea oays. inev were uuaer tne command of Colonel Joseph V7. Fisher and Lieutenant- uoionei imam u. .bear, rne regiment was mustered out on the 4th of November, 1864, whereupon one battalion re-enlisted for one year. The 2d Pennsylvania Heavv Artillery. Colonel Strawbridge, arrived yesterday aiteruoon, and are now at Lump uadwaiader. t o lice statistics. The tallowing is an exhibit ot the number of arrrests made m each Police District dunnc the mouth of January : Diitnct. N, 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 it 10 11 (if Jrrrft.Diitnct. 18S 12 , 883 18 , 830 14 2ti7 16 Ao. of Amitt. 112 07 2 151) 16. . 77 . ...l'Zo Koscrve Corps 105 ....107 Harbor Police 43 ....112 Park Police 2 . ...l-'JM Hay Sorpeunts 14 ....V2H Kepirar Detective 88 .... 79 lhennt Hill 7 The National Seating Pabk. Thia fine place ol entertaiument. located at Twenty- first street and Columbia avenue, is daily and niemty crowaea witn pleasure seeKer-i. .ur. Thomas F. Bwain, Jr., ot New York, appears to- niLht, and is said to oe "a big thing; on ice." 11a c-uts what was known in oar youthtul days as "didoes," and performs nis evolutions witu pecu liar trace. Tho park is easily accessible by the itiuge avenue cars Building Permits. The number o builJ- intr permits issued tor the oas: mouth, altaouvh small, is an increase over the sumo tiTie lu-"t year. For the month ending yesterday the per mits issued were as follows: Dwellings, to, of wnicn nine were turee-storv. elchteon two-storv. and Ihree ont-sory; dye-house 1; factories, 2; otnee?, i; sued-, 2; stores, I; stables, :t; altera tions and additions, 85. Total, 7ti. The total lor 18U5 in the month of January was only oU. Pick isg Pockets. Georgre Shaw and Michael Nupent were arretted yesterday upon the chariro of picking the pocket ot an old man ot a gold watch. The accused committed the act at Water and Market streets, and were fol lowed to Beach and Laurel streets, where they went Into a bnrber sbop, and wero arrested. They had bid the watch away in the ghon, where it 'as recovered. The accused were committed for trial by Aldcruuiu Dealer. Iloaonsor "H." However cockney misplace it, II." that letter so neat. Has always possessed, to grace it. Honors hard te be beat. Home and Ileaven are words most blest; Honesty does well suggest How prospers Tower llall; Here eaon one who Clothing buys Hopes most glad will realize Happiness awaiting all. . We hare bv far th $tork nfMen'e. Tout lit'. and lioye' Clothing in J'htladctphia. Our prifet are guaranteed lower than the loweit ehewhrre . TOWER IIAI.L, NO. 618 MABKET OTRIICT, Bennett & Co. The "FLORjcTsnit" SawihO Maohtwe This nonu lar (-.cwinv kiacine bas no rival In "he world It pcrfoimstbe fluest and best work with the rreatest ease and facility, and every machine sold is war ranted to give satisfaction, or the money will be refunded, i'be rooms of the agent Tor this excellent machine aie daily thronged with customers. Call and examine. No. 68u Chesnut street. Bob. Is that don a hunter?" "No, be is half banter and' half etter ho himti bones wben ho is bunery,and $et by tt-e tire when be is satisfied." It you desire a good Are to sot by. purchase your coal from VV. W. Alter, the renowned dealer, at No. 967 N. Ninth stroet. You there tvl the best varie ties of anthraoite at the lowestprlees. Call either at tbe Yard as above, or at tbe Office, corner or bixth and Spring Garden utreots. Wintfb Cloth i no at reduced prices, at Charles Stokes & Co.'s, under ihe continental. The Tbappiiiob. We call especial nttention to the card oi Messrs. Tinnen & Co.. in anolner column. Ihese eentiemen are enrairea in tne naaaie ana Harness business, at No north Front stioet. ana as i hey are now repairing a larce lot ot oia uovorn ment stock, it is only necessary lor us to say, that their esiaD isnment is tno piaoe to get great oargains. Go and see these gentlemen. Wb would direct tho attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. J. U. otrawbnde Be Co. Ihcvwiil oocn this day five oases new stvie spring calicoes of best makes, a' 28 cents per yard; also a large lot ol wide cmntzos at Zfr cents. Fkrrob wishing to contribute to tbe sale of Oil rmnt nn to take d ace at Hoott's Art ttalltrv. No. 1020 t ht-slnut street, on Wednesday evening, od- rtiary 7th, most have their t aintings in store on or be lore Saturday next, m inst. it. bcott, is. A Good Cioar. Flaiherty, No. 837 Chesnut street, is sa'd bv connoisseurs in such matters to kccD some ot the Dost ci Bars to be naa in tne city. Ho ess all varieties ot brands, and invites the pa- trouage ot the public BcPTURiproicsHlonally treated, and correct trus ses applied, t.y C. B Needles, corner ot Twelfth and Kace street; ladies' department first door below, lull line of mechanical remedies and supports. Wk invitk attention to the advertisement oi Mr. Joseph A. frteffarlen. No. 240 N. Third street, who is agent lor Cotton Lais, and who most cordially solicits the patronage ot our readers. I. E. Wai.ravbn, Masonic Hall. Window Curtains, Window Shades, Window Shades, Window Curtains, Window Curtains, Win low Shades, Window Shades, Window Curtains, I. E. WalraVkn NO. 719 Chesnut street, W. & B., Good Clo'binc, Oak Ball, Sixth and Market. W.&B , Good Clothing, OakHal, Sixth and Market. W. ft B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W.&B.. Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. V. 8t B , Good Clothing, Oak Ha'I.S Ixth and Market. W . A B.. Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market MAK1UED, CUNE MILLER. In the city of Cnmilen. Janu ary 22. b Kev. e. Parker. r. JOSEFU CLINK and Miss EMMA MILL.KK, both ot Camden. KEIGIILET TOLBERT. On December 80 1806, by tho Key. Mr jrernley, WILLIAM J HUltli- J.KI to HISS MAI! I V. JOLBU.KI , all Ol l'juiadot- phia. DIED. BALL. On the morning of tne 1st ins ant. WIL LIAM BALL, in the 3Jt'i year oi his age. uue notico oi tne luuerat win oe given. CROSBY. Fell asleep in Jesus, on tbe 80th ultimo. 6 A K All wileot l nomas urosDy, ageaoi years. i ne relatives ana menus oi tne mmiiy are roioot- fully invitud to attend the funeral, from the residence ot her husband, No. 226 N. Twentieth street, on Fri day. February 2. at 1 o'clock. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. CROWELL Fell asleep in Je-us, on the morning ot January ai, dAJUio ikuwkul, in the Vinu year oi nis age. Bis friends and Ih' se of the family are respect- tuny invited to attend bis luncral. on tridav after noon at l o'ciock, trom nts late residence, no. 624 hcruce street. Sorvices at ttie Church on Washing ton bquare at 3 o'clock. I)OCGHERTY.-On the 28th instant. DANIEL DOUljHEKl Y, In tbe 63d year oi his age. ine relatives ana inenas oi tne lamiiv. ana tne members oi the Hope lioe and Steam Fne Engine company, no. t, are respeotiunv invited to attend the luneral, from his late residence, No. 1639 S. Front stteet, on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with out lurtber notice. FUUCF1'. On the 29th instant, at th resldonoo ol ber brother, Stephen Furuet. No. 1828 Arch street, Mrs. KI1AFUUUEI t,CILLON. HAINES On the 30th instant. ID L.. daughter of Edwin M. and Mary F. Haines, in the 18th year of her age. The relatives and lriends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her fuueral. from the residence ol her parents, No. 1234 S Sixih street, on Friday morning, February 2, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Union Bunal Ground. HAMILTON. On the 30lb ultimo. Mr. HAXSE HAMlLlON, iu tbe 6"th year of bis aire. The relatives ana mends of tne tamilv. also tne Girard Maik Lodire, A. Y M., Meridian nun Lodce, No. 168. A. Y. U., and Philadelphia Lod?, No. 13, I.O of O. F., are respectfully invited to attend his luneral, from bis late residence, No. &61 8. onrth street, above Carpenter, on Sunday after noon, February 4 1860 at 1 o'clock Y. M. To pro ceed to Laurel lilll cemetery. VANS ANT. On the 80th instant, of scarlet lever, UO-VAKD SHALLCKOSS, son ol M. L. and Amanda D. Vttu?ain, aged 3 years. The relatives and trlenas are respectfully invited to attend the luneral, from bis parents' icsidence. N. 42 N. Ninth stioet, on Friday, Februun 2. at 1 o'clock To pioceed to Cotiur Hill Cemetery. THE 1 Its DREADED WASH DAY MAY HAVE dUuomiorts ameliorated and shortened by tbe uho of a Cok wh el i 'lothes-wriugur.lwinch wo aincere y tiellnve will be found to pay lor lue.t' in lis aviim 0'' wear and tear of Clothing, niu-K-lr, and time. For salu at TRUMAN A SHAW'S o M8 (Tight Thirty-flve) M AKKKT Bt . below Ninth. CCRF. r itwl :AM TILL YOU AUK HOARSK. ANTD t ill not brim; you aid so soon, nor le heard so ar atnUbt, as a Watchman Kattle. livervbodv knows wlieu one Is surunti mat lie D ' needed. While bun; im are ubout, housekeepers sliou'd have one rca ly tor mo. rlu by 1 1: i .via a Shaw, no. s (JKignt i nirtr-nve juiihh m., biqw mntn T7XTRA SAFE DRAWER, CLOSET, AND Xj t heat Locks. , liavlnK from one to throe timbln s to each bolt, and an aaaor.ineut ol' the rouu ar kind, lo; aaebv TKUMAN & Ml A W Ho S6 (Eight Thlrtygve) mitKtl St . below Ninth T H E O . H . M'CALLA FA&HIOVABLK HATTER, AT HIS OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, No. SKI CUK!NUT SfKEET. l'Jtt II A I! X V- A I.AKliE LOr OF NEW U. h. WAGOV UAU XKSS, 2, 4, and 6 AUo, pans ot 11 Alt NEhS, SaLl)LE6, (,Ol-l-K, 11 A LI E KS, oto., bought at tbe recent iioverum9iit sale to bo io d at a great sacriHco Wholeale or Ketail. Toetlier with our usual aaiortinuut of SA DDL Eh YAND SADDL ZR Y HARD I VA 11 5. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SOUS, 2 1 lv vo 114 M ARK.E V Strost. Hi ANTED A SUITK OF KllOMS FOlt A ff gentleman and lamiiv in a private board'ng liome in a Central nair 01 me uuriwii, aiaiiuu ittruia ttc, ltoa No. 1VI, PUI adcli'lila Pi.nt uttice. i HI bi SKATING PARKS. U P E R IS SKATING!! AT Tn NATIONAL SKATING PARK, Twenty-first St. and Columbia Avenue. A Itkough the Ice thaws and the streets are sloppy In the city, the admirable situation ol the National Park enables the proprietors to furnish really splendid Ice. There has been, positively, NO BETTER SKATING THIS SEASON Than that of last evening on this popular Park. Tbe ladles and gentlemen thenptesent ware SURPRISED AND DELIGHTED By tbe unheralded and unexpected appearance of Mr. Thomas F. Swain. Jr., of New York, WHOSE MARVFLI.Ol'8 RVOLCriON3 Drew from some of our best judges tne opinion that his ws THE MOST WONDERFUL SKATING EVER SEEN IN PHILADELPHIA. TTnless some unexpected circumstance prevents, Mr. Swain WILL BE PRESENT AGAIN THIS EYEMNO, When onr experts will find that ttey hava Soinetliina vet to Learn In this beamlful art. TAKE El DOE AVENUE CARS. SINGLE ADMISSION to CENTS. It gKATI NO-SKATING. SKATING BY MOONLIGHT ON THE PHILADELPHIA SKATING PARK, THIRTY-FIRST AND WALNUT STREETS. WITH ALL THE ATTRACTIONS AND ADVAJi TAGES PECULIAR TO THIS PARK. There was SPLENDID SKATING on this Park ALL Of YESTERDAY and LAST SIGHT, widen can ONLY be prodnced. such mild weather as this by OUR PATENT ICE PLANE. SINGLE ADMISSION TICKETS Twenty -five Cents Kacl, To be bad at entrance. Its gKATIXG! SKATING!! SKATING BY MOONLIGHT THIS EVENING, SKATING BY MOONLIGHT THIS EVENING, A T UNION PARKS, FOURTH AND DIAMOND STREETS. The EAST PARK has not been Skated anon until to. dat. THE ICE IS in SUPEB1JLY EXCELLENT CONDI TION. i ome end see the Bccomiillsh'-d and expert Lady PKaters oi riiuaucipma i nis am ciiauua ana lv f- I Ml. look ont for the GRAND MAfQfERADE AND FANCV JKK8H AK1VAI. to C0ID6 OB HOOD Full particulars In future notices It TRA1Y SKATING PARK FIF1IENTH ASD WALLACE STREETS. GOOD EVENING SKATING AT THE It CENTRAL PAI?K. LA COTERIE BLANCHE THIRD ANNUAL FANCY MESS HOP AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, February 7, 1866. S ECUEED S E A T S IN THE FAMILY CIUCLK, TICKETS FOR THE AMPHITHEATRE Can be obtained bv the Subscribers for their friends on application to WILLIAM H. BELLOWS, Secre tary, at fio. 630CHESNUr STREET, between the boors ot 11 A. M. and 2 F. M. 2 1 8t PRICE ONE DOLLAR EACH. a M M rV M P 0 s rJ H 0 H H C3 CO H bO H w M J (3 oi W H (A o 9 a w a 5 2 I: 5 u o O US SSILBKRMAN & CO., IMPORTERS OP FANCY GOODS, o. IS N. FOCBTH Sweat. PHILADKUHI Portemonnales, Pociet liooka Purses, Travelling Baas, -(iicite lremn t aura katiies companions, writing l)ek, Portfolios. Work Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Pboo- Hraob Albums, opera M asaes, rieia uiasses npeetaoies. Razors Comba BruaQea. Pcritiiuerv, Hoaos Fans, 11 air Nets, Hair Ornament. Sleel Jewelry. Jet Goods. Cor nellan Gooas. Hraceleis, Neck acei. Be t Clasps, R'Dds sleeve Buitona Hoarf Plus. Scarf Kings. Ntlk Watcb Guards, Leatlx'r Guards xtoel and Plated unaina, Watcb Revs. Fhawl Plus Violin StrlDKf Beads ot all kinds, tolls Buober Ball, ltouiluoea. lllce. ( beflimen C'hwa Boards. BacSiiammon Boards. Hlaylna; Cards. Pocket Klanka. Drinking Cupa, Tobaooo Ploea, Tobanoo Boxei, rohaooo Pouobea. Mated Bozua, Ploa Htema, Cinu Tubea. Clsnr Cares. 1 IB ly T O IRON FOUNDERS MANUFACTURERS. (Mil) TONS LEHIuH AND SCHOVLKILu LUMP COAL, In store and for sa'e low, at . OHINV'S TOAL DEPOT. ELEVENTH AND WILLOW !t 1 BEETS. OFFICE, NO. tn WALM'T VH,E'. Family t'oal at areutl reduced prlc . t Strp DRY GOODS RETAIL. 113 PIlTClii & WOOD, H3 n. main sinhftr, aisuvk AKUII. riave Jnst openea. trom New York . 10 doa. Linen Htm- kins, flfom M-M up to H l do. Achsap-lotof LImh Dotllrs. f I SO, tl ISO. ti7k. and i a ooa. tKl do. Linen 11 ockahack ToweU, tnuM ets. up to l S-4 double Damask Table Linens. Powr- torn Table Linens. , Linen Table Cloths. Hootch Diaper, bv the piece or atd. Ptrd-eve Linen. Linen Bnckaback bvtheard. Best makes Sblrdng Linens. ftnstia Crash bv the yard. Just opened, 1000 dox LlBen ItdkAj. Ladha' Linen HdkB.. 11, 12 X, IS, 20, 25,. 'is, II, y and. 7H U. Gents' Linen Bdktk., 24 up to 75 cts. One lot or Ladles' Tncked IfdkfM., all llom, go cts. One lot ol French worked Bdkrt, 28 els. Ladles' Unen Hematltcb Hdkta , 24 cts up to 80 cts. Gents'lJn a Hemstitch Hdkis. Gents' llrmmrd Hdkis. Gnta' colored-boruer HdkAi. Ladles' Linen Cull One lot f.r ltlaa k I.acn Veil, now atnin ) cheap n s ' '"' A very eneap lot or machlne-workedi Bands, nearly good aa Dpcula-norked nniieuowi mniteuoois. Anewlotf White Bnl lAnl. tMt ph. la. i itu 44,80.ardzicia a yard ' ' " " " ' Jaoonrt ana Cambric Mus Ins. 8oft finish Camlirlo and Jaconet Muallna. INalnaook Muallns, very cheap. Vlctora ' awna. S alnaook Plaid and Striped Muslins. Cambric Plaid amMm. W htte larlauuis and dwiss Muallna, Eto. Etc. 1'UICE V; WOOD. Ko. 113 N. NINTH Street, above Arch. N. B. Best tUllini Itli arhoil anil TTnhlsa-lia,1 U...l.n. Pillow cane and hhcptln M usIIim. i anion jt lanneu ss . 40, 4.1 . and 60. All-wool ana Dome! Flanuels. Heavv hL.ker flannel. hed and uny plain and twilled Flannels. Best iiuellty Amenran Prints and Glni;hamj. Black alpacas, a veiy cheap ,oh .lX,Jv, biM, 1 ftDO oet T 11 0 M AS SI M rSON'B sons', NOS. 922 AND 924 PINE STREET. A re now offering at mlured prices the tollowin? 1 10- 4 Blunkois, ait Wool. M 60. worth at. 11- 4 do. do. a:, worth aid. 12- 4 do. do. sio worth 14. Aiso. a full assortment 01 Crib and Cradle Blankets, at low prices. LINKN GOODS. 8-4 Barnslev Table Damaxk. all oualitle". Wblieaud Vnbeacbed lab.e Llutns, all widths and patterns at reduced prior. AlFO.alarpe aFsnrtment of Towels, both white and unbleached, trom Inc. a piece up. apklna and D jylles In great variety, aheap. Wecsnoflcraareai bargain In Llaen - heel Inns and Rhlrllnn '1 be beat makes ol Linen Shirtings 10 4 wide, lor 1-641 per yald; cheaper than niusiln Bussia Diapers, a.l widths, from 8 2 '60 a piece no. We have an excellent assortment or Linen Lawns. Csmbrlvs, trom tbe coarsest. 10 the finest number, at a very una II advance. rblri Boroms. .row 20c up. W hite Marsel.lea, 87Kc worth SI 23. Vt IIITK tiOOOs. We have Juit rr oelved a lnrno assortment of White Gcoda, at a ery itreat reuucllnu. Brilliants all qualulcs and styles, from 40c. up. Cnmbi Ips, dressed und undresHed. Swles and Krench Muslins, IStrtpvd MnMlns, Nain sook's Plaid Muslinfl 2u per sent. U thun lormvrty. D.ti HS GOODS. .Inst rece Ived, a full and weli-iielected assortment nf Poplins, Kerinocs, White Glace Mobalr, lor evening Alpacas and Helainea. good nualltv and colors, cheap Black and while striped Mohair hkirting. Ba moral f klrtiug, ,bc. a yard up. Alpo, a tull a- for imcm of Kkirls. Piain Blitck Alpaca 31c ut. a Icoes. lBo. no. Glnabnms. chean English ana French cbint.cs uud Perculs beamlful patterns, at a very small advance. HOMtHV AKD lib. KINO GOODS. We have a lare slock ot Hosiery and are anxious to ell It oft. We there lore, have refuoed tlie prices to a very low flinre Ladlpa' white Hose from l:io. a pair up. Gents' White and Unbleached Hose vood qua ttv. an sizes. ni.uren a niie ana l noieacuea uoae,cneao. A cood a-sortn ent ol' Woollen Lose. Merino Shirts anl Drawers, iu great variety, at low prices. W e bave all makes, widths, and qualities of Muslin, uom wiiiiv uuu unjivu. SbeetiiiK" and piliow Muslins, at reasonable prices. A reduction made lor Dorcua or other Benevolent 80 cletles, at THOMAS SIMPSON'S SONS, 12Smws Nos. 022 and 024 PINE Street DllEIFTJSS & BELSINGER, No. 49 H. EIGHTH STREET, EAST BIDS, Have Just received a large lot 01 HAM)-MADE WOOLLEN GOODfc, LADIES' FANCY GOODS W I'l l E GOiDS, LACES, EMBROIDEBILS, VXlu HA1B NETS, And a full line of LADIES' AND ClULDltEN S KID, SILK. AND FANCY GLOVES. 1 Also, a large lot of . j CltOCIIET LACKS, W hich we are offering at reduced prices. 9 12 ly No 1024 t'HEf MJT 8TKEET. E. M. NEEDLES. Laces and Lace Goods, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HANDKERClIIUt'S, KECK TIES, VEILS, LIS EX SLEEVES, COLLARS, ETC., In all tholr Varieties. 628 " nopoPKiV s' 628 II Manalactory. Wo. S'H AKCU Street, Above Sixth Hijwt, rtiiiudelphla. Who:eaale and ltetail. Our assortment embrasex all the new and destrable styles nnu sizes, of every length and size waist lor Laities. Misses, and Children. 'Jhoseot "OIK OK'iV MAKE" are superior In finiih ane durabilvy to any other Skirts made, and warraated to aive satisfaction, bklria made to order, altered, and repaired. i 4 ly QOFFERING MACHINES. (j OFFERING MACHINES. A large assortment of Goflerlnc Machines just received per steamer "t. George." FOB SALE BT ISAAC TOWNSEND, noufe-Forniililng Store of the late JOI1N A. H0K- No. 922 CHESNU1 STREET, 1 24 Bolow Tenth Street. pAPIERMACIIE GOODS. l'APIEIl MACHE GOODS. TARTAN" GOODS, . SCOTCH PLAID GOODS. A fine assortment ol Papier Mache Work Tables, Writing Desks, Inkstands, and Scotch l'laid Goods, Jnst received per tbe stcame; "St. George," too lata tor Chrfs'mas gales, sunablo for Bridal Gilts, etc., will be sold low. ISAAC TOWNSEND, Houi-e Fumlfhiiip Store of Hie lale JOdM A. MCIU'IIEY, . No. 022 CITES XU2 SIREEI, 1 21 Below Tenth street. PRY GOODS RETAIL. ( A TL I C O E B. FlV"E CASES. TIIIRTEEN THOUSAND YAKD3, O A L I O O, BEST IfAEES, AT TWENTY-THREE CENTS TElt YARD. AZSOi A LARGE LOT OF WIDE CHLNTZKS, AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER YARD. J. C. STRAWBRIDtiE & IU. 181 N. W. COR. EIGI1TH AND MARKET STRRETJJ. LARGE LINEN SALE No.. 828 ARCH STREET, Just opened, direct from Knrope, tht following BARGAINS IN TABLE LlNEJfS. II eavy Table Linen, unbleached, at 75c. per yard. Ixtra heavy 1'ovter-loom do., yarn bleached, tl por yard. tztra qualities and widths da do., tl'l2Xl 25. ew styles bleached Damasks from (1 23 np to M. Fxtra qualities and widths, lor large extension tablet Beat Larnsley Double Damasks, vary scarce. Heavy Hcotch Damasks, in great variety. line Irish Damasks, In roat variety. TA1JL.K ( LOTUS AND 9TAPKIKS. Every size, from H yards up to 7 yards long. Some beautiful Table cloths, Just opened. Napkins and Doylies in feat variety, lrom the lowest up to tbe finest productions of the Damask loom. TOW1XS, SEW STVt.ES. Bath Towels, from 2Sc. up. Bed Bordered Chamber 1'owe's. from2oc. np. Heavy Huck Towels, wide red ends at STXc. Bloom Dauiass Towe s, bandsome, 68c. Fine Dan ask Towels, 87Mc, 1, 1 25. Turkish Towels, several sizes. niSD, WIIITK, ASD BLUK. A very handsomelluck Towel, with tbe National colon introduced In stripes In the border, not to be found many othei store In the city. 87tc., Si. and al is. LINKN 8I1IHT BOSU3IS. The besi Linens only are usod, and as no imperfect stl chlng Is passed Into onr stock, pur customers max rely on getting tbe best Shin Bosoms possible tor the dilcrs. A lso, Wristbands and Collars LINKS! IIANDKEUCIIIKFS. Ladles'. Gents', and Children's Linen Hdkfs., In every stvle, at Importer's prices. NL'KSKKY AND HIRD-EYK DIAPICRS. A lull assortment of a'l the widths In Nursery Diapers. These Dlapeis win be found heavier and bettor than usual tor the prices. Bird eyes, aJl qaalitler 1 Linen Cambrics and Lawns. A. beautiful solt Linen Cambric tor Infanta' Underclothing, lrom 6Kc up. MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, 1 18thstu2m So. 828 ARC B Street. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. NEW YORK DYKING AMD PRINTING KSTABLISllJlESl, btatcn Island, Ko. 40 N. IIOH I H Street. 1 his Company, so long and favorably known In New York for tbo past torty-Hix years, bave opened an office as above. Ladles' and nentle men's, sannents and wear ing apparel of every kind Dyed and Cietmed In the most pet lect manner. Mains and spots removed irom garments wilboui being lipped. Merchamx having goods of undesirable oolors can have themrcdied in superior style. 1 29 mw:3in e AND jf. 4r. FLOUR, " Pride of tlie West." " Mussulman.'' ' Eagle ol Fort Wayne." " Lebanon Choice." Lewistown." " Alternate." imOOKTC & PUG1I 1 6 lino Nos. 1781 and 1733 MABKKT Street. PINE OPERA GLASSES. .4 VERY LARGE VARIETY. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. 1 1 Xo. 924 CHESNUT STttEKT. M ILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY OP MATHEWS, P0TJLS0N & CO., ATTOKSEY8, No. K08 WALSCT 8ireet, rbUadelphU-Box2831. Claims tor Bounty, Back Fay, Prlzo Honey, and Tension Claims, promptly collected. . T. MATHEWS, (Late of Treasury Department, at Washington, D. C.L e. FOULSON. (Late V. 8. Fenslou Agent). A. TROUP. 1 191m QUEEN PEA S, GBN COKK, yRESlI PEACUES, . FKESHTOMAIOKS, PLUMS Bro., ALBERT O. ROBEltTS, DEALKU IN FIKK GROC'KltlES 8 221p COU. ELIVEMH AKD VLXK 813.