The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, January 29, 1866, THIRD EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Mr. Wallett, the Groat English Jester,
his First Appearance To-Night.
The Cops and Hells In the Ascendant,
Hemhkr'b Cincus-Mn. W. F.Wallbtt Hall
may justly and proudly lay olalm tohaviiiar produced
the Ust prolesfiunal Jotter of the any. What (Shane
speare's Torick was tho "iohoar ot infinite jiisi,
w ho was wont to sot the table in a roar" to the
King of Denmark and his courtiers, Wallctt un
doubtedly is to tho Dntiah pubho In the nineteenth
century, There it thin difTuicnce, however, between
thtm; the lat er, unlike Y uricK, is cnablod to evoe
the loodO't lauenter not from a tew puesis assemi
Mod lound the fostivn bourd out lrom a whole com
munity, con-iilornble portion oi' whom protest to
be wit themselves Flashes of harmless, pure wit
and mernmeut are real 1 el Iris to ibe over-taxoa
Dd troubled brain. Thoreloro, we look upon a
ton of Uomui at a tort ot publio bonelaotor, and
while ourtowDtueoplo lauth at, thoy ouirht also to
feel a pride in belne ab e to call Mr. Wallett one of
them, This lamous joster, with hit witticisms ana
oddities improved by time, and hit popularity not a
jot loasoned, appears on Monday nlgnt alter a lonir
absence rom Hull, in what may be tcrmod his "pro
per Clemen','' vis. tho equestrian ring. Ue maket his
leappcaranco on the occasion of Mr, Henler's
benefit. We undei stand be will ttav the rema'ndor
of the week, taking hit benefit on Friday nrht.
'there is a lainiliar saying to tho ellect ihatamon
tonous man is never properly appreciated in his
native town. Let our townspeople prove next week
that this doet not apply to Uull.-iiui Jfewi.
MB Wallktt at Hull. The warm greotintt
with which Mr. V aliett was welcotnod last evoniug,
on the oocasion oi Mr. Hangier's bunetlt, lrom tue
large and lasi.ionab e asseinb v present, warrant' ns
o claim one exoention to ihehard rule no honor
at home. Nowhere could he have ben better re
o Wed The house wag aU ear to his josts, and It
was not aiHatpoiutx. Mis had iho imsot
r'ennine humor, and tho stamp of real wit Hisdn
ineatloca of the characteristics of mauhood and
womanhood, boyhood and girlhood, war si true to
' nature that tnere t emed uo room lor mirth, and
yet to groteque that tnere might bave teemed no
truth. The little tollies, oddities, and conceits of
human character afford mm a lund ot real shake
spearian test Mr. Walldt'i benetlt in to take place on
Friday e vening, on wbicn oocasion the entertain
ment will be under 'he patronage of t-ord and Lidy
Fondesborough. We have no question tue circus
will be crowoed every evening during hit outrage
meut, which will without doubt be at brilliant at the
one he has just concluded at Scarborough. IIull
1'acket, Hwemberl.
" Wallktt in ths Chair." All who within the
last weok or to have visited Mr. tiengler'a oeserve.ily
popular Circus, know how great Wallett is in the
ring, bow clever are bis speeches, bow aparkllng hit
wit, and how happy his Jokes; but tho select few
who had the pleasure of being present at the social
gathering oi the perlomiora connected with tho
Cirous, at the Vittoila Hotel on Friday night, know
that Mt. Wallott in the chair is lar greater thun
"Wallott in tie ring. Ihe meeting itse f was very
interesting, at tue outcome of the goncrous and
gentlemaulf toolings and conduct ot the several por
formers, and as it becamo an illustration ot how
woll they stand in the estimation of Mr. Ilenvler
bimself, who was present, and ot the public ol Hull,
amonst horn they havosojonrnod for some months.
It was, however, trouly interesting in teiug pro
sided over by to genial and able a man as Mr Wal
lett. It was, indeed, a treat never to be loreotten,
to bear the speeches ol the chairman. They were
remaikably clover, but not mora clover than wise.
At he poured out words of wi-flom and eloquent
uudor the impulse ot his large, generous heart, one
became puzzlou which most to wonder at and
admire, bis great knowledge, his romarkublo giltot
expresion, the vast resources ot bis wit, his wouder
lui tact, the glowing atundance of his fancy, or
warmth aud heartiness of his desire to tee others
hat py. As, however, pocdness precedes greatness,
as the heart is better than the tongue, and a like
begets like, 1 think the strength of bis wide human
sympathy and kindness secured the warmest
houiape, but at the same time that his generous
heart was honored his splendid intellect and ereat
learning were cordially admired. Mr Watiott's
success as chairman on this occasion was as thorough
as any success he ever achievod in circus or theatre,
and as they were not blockheads, will not be I'or-
totten by those who, as the phrase goes, had the
appiness to ""it nnder him " The vice-chairman, Mr.
Kevolti, and others wno too part in the proceed
ing, well responded to the stronger and more bril
liant Displays of the chan nan, wuo, being not on y
goneious and witty himself, put tho cause ot gone
ronty and wit in others. All went "as mnrril as
main age bells," and the meeting throughout was
one of unsual intorextand pleasure. It occurred to
me that Mr. llenler mav. in concluding his season
at Hull, without the slightest shade ot astrological
superstition, ''thank his stars," not that bis catering
bas been mere good luck on the contrary, bis faro
has been substantial, and certainly well Cookeo. I
understand the last benetlt is to be lor .Pustor-al-aid
Hull Herald, November 14.
Pkick's Spanish CiBoo Ma. Wallett's
Senkvit. First plainly a cirous; af crwards a
cirque : at present a crco; (next we supuoso aclr
cum) this wcl -conducied place of amusement con
tinues nieht y to atti iict a numerous and delighted
attendance Among the novelties lately introduced
by our old friend and entertainer, Mr. l'rico, have
been the two Amor can flxhtwg ponies, which bid
lair to rival and eoliuse the more common, aittiou.h
similarly risible, performances of tho "educated
mulos;'' and an aocomu ished equilibrist, hi 2 lit
l'edro Ramon. Tho great attraction, however, dur
ing the nast tortnlirht. has been the renowned saw-
duBt philosopher aud wit, Sir. W. F. Wallott truly
"a fellow ot infinite jest," whom wo have boon glad
to bave with us in Glasgow any time theso well,
longer years than we care 10 reckon. Mr. Wallott
teems to have lost nono 01 his old wonted lire still
unatiproachauie in bis own walk, in spite ot a
host of weak and thowloss Imitators-and, last
night, on tho occasion of bis benefit, when a brim
mine house assembled to. do him hoi; or, h literally
kopt bis aud. tors in "a roar." I'orhiips we ought
not to sav so much lor our good friend Wallett. Why
bas he taken such an antipathy to our countrymen f
lie almost, be said last night, bevmt to hate thorn.
Call yejihat, Mr. Wallett, a bucking of your frioudsf
"A Kcotmnan it to be bought in Edinburgh for a
penny. Always, cannily, fond ot the bawbops! And
a citizen of Glasgow is purchasable any evening lor
a ha'penny!" Too bad; however, freedom ol' opi-
monisa union s rjiast, so we will let our jocular
f riend away to Manchester with it I Thoso who
beard the 'election speech" last evening havo some
thing 111 connection wiih the tarewell appearance
of Air. Wallett to remember. But wo have entirely
lost faith in farewell porlbrroauces oi publio per
former, and so we hope to s-e and hour Mr. Wallott
again rr lomr. "Will ye no' come back again? "
Glasgow Herald.
Hknuler'b Cirque Mr Charles Hengler, tho
enterprising manager of this uiuivallod equestrian
establishment, took his benefit 011 Monday evening.
The bouse was crowded to suffocation. An excellent
programme was produced, and the entertainment
toaeil off most RatiuliLCtnrilv. Of coursa. Mr IV
wallctt, tho renowned Jesior, was tno principal at
traction, and well did be sustain ttie high reputation
winch be has so deservedly achievod. It has been
said that a person, be be nevor so clever, is rarolv
ever appreciated by Ms own count yiuen, but this
doet not hold goon with regard to Mr. W. F Wal
lett. This talented jester is a native of Hull, and bis
townsmen on all occasion render to him that honor
which is due. Ue received quite an ovation on Mon
day night , and the warmest n'auuitt attested bow
delitrhted tue audience were with his porlortnauee.
On Friday evening he will take bis benetlt, aud we
predict lor him a bumper. The entertainment will
uo under most distinguisued patrouage. and w i ro
commend such per ont as are desirous of being
present to provide themselves with tickets ear v
otherwise thev may possibly be disappointed in on
taming even standing accoinmoda'iou in the spacious
building null AiivertHt ', Aov. H.
Henolib'8 Circus Mr. Viallett's benefit last
niirht drew a luu house. Every available inch
01 the large building was crowded, many 01 them far
too crowded. Ihe performance were all ver-
clover. Mr. Wallett was lemarkably happy, aud
drow 101 th cheor upon cheor by hi witticisms and
upeecht't. Hit Justification ot the c own was admlra-
b'e iu substance ana auunrauiy spoiten. 11 n iiiut'
tiations of ce'ebrated Grecian and other statues
were true, and marvellously like marble he looked
At the close Mr Wallott, without bin cap of folly,
thanked the audience lor fieir patronage, wuic'i
was now. as it bad been on tormer visits to his naiive
town, most liberal and hearty. Mrs. Charl?g Uong
lei's bent fit it announced to take place on Monday
evening. Hull, Iteci-mber 11 1M5
Wallett, the Queen's Jehter. Amongst tho
wearers 01 the cap and bells of the present time a
most distinguUhed place nut bo a -signed to Wal
lett, the Queen's Jester, who made his first appear
ance last evening at (juagliein's Cirque. Abbey street.
Ue is naturally a humorist, and bis fnn is genuine
aud most mirth provoking. He ha tfreat versati
lity and a quicknesa of poroeption, and power of
adaptation that makes the sources from whence he
derives hit pleasantriet all but inexhansUb e. There
is no buffoonery or vulgarity in hit Joyces or manner,
and tliog who md relish a good, boarty Uuh, ire
qitently repeated, ihoald ro to see and hear Wal
lott, the Queen's Jester. liubtin Evening Mail.
nxBOLm'H Cntcus Mr. W. F. Wallett. The
crowoed audiences whion havo filled lleng er't
Circut (hit week fully testify t at to tar at Hull is
concerned, thrre it no truth in the trite saying that
"a man it never a prophet in hit own country."
Alter a somewhat long absence Mr. W. P. Wallett
has arain appeared in this his native town, and re
ceived at enthusiastic a we come as hit greatest
admirers and friend oouid wish. On this occasion
hetmaoe hit first bow to Hull audience at Mr.
ilenplor's benefit on Monday night. He has earned
the right to be considered the bjst Jester ot the day,
and is un versallv deemed so. Ho is a ready, onm.
nal wit. His wittici-ms are not mere meaningless
absurdities, w hich croate lau?h er by reason of their
bring sheer nonsense alone, but they aio charac
terized hv Bond son'sa and some doereo ol
truth. Jl-t wit bas the additional merit of bolng
levelled at abuses and follies which really exist. His
delivery has improved since we heard him last, aud
his droll sayings lose none of thoir tOcctiveness,
through inuistinct utteranee. His populaiity, it
seems has not boon impaired by time. Our towns
people do not "scorn the ollice ot a Jen tor " but take
inst nrido in the knowledge that Hull hnt produce !
ti e test of the age. To-night Mr Wallett has his
benefit. There cannot be a doubt that he will have
an overflowing "bouse." A diversified and genora ly
food inofframme Is published for tho occasion. Mr.
Ileiiglei't present season it drawing to a close. It
bas been a n.ost successful one, and should he again
visit Hull wo may safoly predict that he will have no
cause to rupret taking fuch a stp, which, consider
ing the encouragement ho has received, we have not
the slightest doubt that ne win ao to. unit It met,
A member 10.
Hekglbk s Cirque, hull Wallett, the
Qpemv'b Jester. Under the immodia e and
distinculshcd patronaco of the Kight llou.
the Karl of Zetlaud, the Right Hon. Lord and
I.adv Londesboroufeh, Col. of the Fust Kat lork
liiflo Volunteers; Lieut. -Col. 1'oase, Major Bannis
ter, Ctllcers, iKou-Commissloned Olncers, and Mem-
bets ot tie above corps: also, l.iout.-t ol. iroos-
clioolt, Ofhoers, Non-Cbmralssioned Officers, and
Members ot the Hull Voluntoer Artjllerv corps. Mr.
Kinnear. Secretary lor ihe "Oueen's Jester." ben
to so-c 1 the honor of a visit from the inhabitants of
Hull to W allett'b Behefit on Friday evening.
"A lellow ot infinite Jost"
"A native and to the manor born."
On winch occasion there will be a so'ect and
iasbionublo programme, W. V. Wallett appearing
in kit classical representation of ''Raphael's
Dream;" "The Grecian Ma'ues, or. .Living Models
ot Auilqulty," as represented before their Koyal
Hiehresseg the 11 luce aud 1'rinccss of Wales, on
t ue Lawn in front ot Sandriiighatn Hall Hull and
Hornsea Kaiiwav: rjccursiou to Wallett't Ueuont.
on riday. Iluu Aitvertuer, November It.
Social Gatfierino or Mr. Henolkr's Troupe.
Alter a tuccesnlui season, Mr. liougler't tioupe
assombti d togother last eveninir at the Vittoria
Hotel, in tocial interco use aad the Interchange of
good teelinsr. Afiist class suoncr was pruviued bv
Mr. Uaintou, to which nearly forty persons did
ample justice. Among the guests present wore Mr.
Aid. Abbey, Mr. E. Davis, Dr. Brownndgo, Mr. J.
Robinson. Mr. G. lx-eirott. Mr. C. 11. Walker. Mr.
G. Cooper, Mr. Lowenden, Mr. Lacey, Mr. Chap-
pen, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hey.
worth, Mr. W. Hunt, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Medd,
Mr. Whittakor, Mr. Farmer, etc etc. Mr.
W. (F. Wallett occupied tiie chair, aud Mr.
Felix Revolt! the vice-chair. Alter tho toast of
Ihe Queon" had been duly honored, tho Chairman
proposed "The Mayor and corporation- ot Hull,"
coupling with it the name of Mr. Aldorm 'u Aubtv
lLe Alderir an, In responding, referred to . ae duties
which that body nad to perform, aud concluded by
proposing rbe health 01 Mr. Charles Hon f lor. a ecn
tieman ot exceedinv liberality, as was i vlncod by hit
donations to tne cnaritable institutions ot tue couu
try, (Hear, bear.) Mr. Hcugier. iu responding to
the compliment, remarked that he con d scarcoly
hud woids to ex p ess his gra nude. Uu name bad
teen mentioned most honorably, and he wa thank
ful. As to bis liberality, ail he couldsay was that
he thought it the duty of every imbue man who
bad . been so greatly supported as he had been
to contribute to the charitable institutions of the
town, and whatever donations be bad given wag
done in this spirit. ( Hoar, bear.) He had beon mist
liberally patronized in Hull, and be cou d assure
tbcm it afforded him the greatest pnssiblo pleasure in
contributing a ho had done. "William F. Wallett,
the renowned Jester," which was responded to by
that pentlemnn in a very facetious manner. The
Chairnian, in a laughab.'e speoca. gave the "Sawdust
Comodiant, Messrs. Williams, Uarrv. Abbott, and
l'nugnry." tue toast was acknowledged bv Mr. H.
Wi.iisms. Mr. E. Davis, in flattering terms, cave
the "Vice Chairman," Several other complimentary
toasts having been proposod, tho remainder 01 the
small nours" were spent in conviviality. Jiaslern
juormng jtwa, jsovemoer 11.
Cuaslieni's Grand Cirque It is rarolv per
haps that evi n what iBtommouly termed a popular
entertainment bas been aide to tetain its hold on
public lavor for so lengthened a period as Ouaj
lien's circus. Now, just as six momhs ago aud
upwards, when its. novelty lormed in some degree a
portion of the attraction, the building is nii'htiy
crowced, no matter w hnt the state of tho atmosphere
or bow varied tho other city amusement may be.
The latest accession to the troupe, however', is, we
venture to predict, one ot tue best made lor some'
time, and we will be sadly disappointed if
mr. wanoit, so wen Known as tno ouean's
u ester, ao not succeed in winning a iiko lavora-
b.e notice that has already marked bit visits
to other towns. Mr. W a.le'.t is a person 01 conside
table ability one who evidently hag conversed
much with the world, studied not a few of its pecu
liarities, and made them subserve the purposes of
bis profession. In the piogramme assigned to his
special caio, a noteworthy teaturo is tne total
absence 01 vulgarisms and pointless puns, whicn.
under similar circumstances, are but too generally
nuuigoa in, to tne great detriment ot their ex no
nent. His reception lost niubt. on whica occasion
be made his first appearance, was very enthusiastic.
and may be looked on as a pood omon 01 much t'jat
is in i ore lor him.Jrmh 1 imes, Anv. 21.
Hekolkr's Grad Cirque. Who is there ttiat
cannot leinemuer the time tonorod Oueen's teeter.
W allett If M allett, who bos raised bis prolession to
a classical entertainment, showing what education
may do lo elevate aud adorn a cilling, and drive tho
coatse saying of the "Jack Rudding" from tho ears
ot the youngor branches ot our families; teaching
morality oy nis wise sayings ; "Holding as 'twere,
tne mirror up to isature, showing Virtue bar own
Features; bcorn her own Image." Warwickshire
gave birth to the Immortal bard Shakespeare, Ayr
shire to Robeit Hums, and so did Hull to Wallett.
nun ou gut to tie, truty proud 01 ner wallett, a
J.a lye and to the manor born," "a Fellow ol in
unite tiest, "Vino wjs wont to set ihe House in a
Roar." Wallett is the admiration ot all benolders.
Wallett is the Household Word Wallett mav be
teimed the Demosthenes of tho nineteenth oeutury,
and the modern Caterleltoof puro whims, quirtes,
and oddities. Visit tno cirque, and seo Wal tt in
an nis iristiuo glory. Actaect vouHties JJcrald.
jvoiKvnwr a.
Ouaglikm's CinouE. Duhli Wallott. the
Quixn's jester, inaue his appearance lost evening to
a crowced house, on which occasion the n norm
unco went oil' in lint-rate order. Wallett ol course
was the magnet, aud a moio amusing actor never
graced the sawoust; a lei ow with an abundance of
wit, a great How of lanuuae, bis shaiu puns and
sallies on ihe audience were indeed laughable, his
wise sayings would have done Honor to tho greatest
oi our ini.deru ph:Josophors. Ho is not dressoa as
the regular clown, bu. as the iosier ot olden times
an extended tnruro, a beauulul intellectual counte
nam e, ull of which tend to make him the admin
tiou ol eveiy lelio iler. The bouse wan an excellent
cue, despite the counter attractions at the Koyal and
Qui on't Theatres to see I oole and Brooke We
beg to remind our readers that Wallett will become
an immense lavorite with the Dublin audience.
. Timet, A ovember 21
Mr. W. F. Wallett, lias had the honor of
helne presented to Her Moat Gracious ilaiestv
the Queen, aud the Koyal Family ana Court, and
w tne recipient ot t he lol owincr Marks:
Golden Medallion from Her Majestj the Queen,
ui Windsor castle.
Gol'ien Cross from the Kincr of the French, at
Silver tftiutl' Box from Birmingham, ot the Gem
ibvciii, oiucinouse Lane.
Diamond King from Bhcllleld, at the Aniphi-
Silver 8uull Box lrom the Flying Horse Hotel,
MasHtve Vase lrom New Orleans, civen by DAN.
KIOE. the great American CI (I It' II
Splendid Service of Silver lrom Birmingham, at
Mingle v Hall, John Tonts, Esq.
Diamond Ring, at the Queen's Theatre, Hull,
Messrs. VVolt'endeii and Melbourne.
Had the Honor to be made a Member of the
Corporation of Hammermen, Paisley Scot
land. Silver Cigar Cae from Bristol, Tvo Trees
Mtirbla Bust, by Subscription (soe copies), Hull,
Mapsive Gold Cup, value 100, Lion and Lamb,
And Golden Opinions from all sorts of Teople.
etc. etc.
Beceipts or our Theatres What Tni Teo-
tlb I'at for Amusxm e&ti The following are
the tworn retnrnt of gross leootptt mads lo the
United State Government by the three principal
theatres In rhiladolphla for the twelve months end
ing December, 18C5;
Grots receipts, $166,058; Tax paid, 93,221 16.
Gross receipts, 994 390; Tax paid, l,837-&0.
Gross receipts, 9148,867; Tax paid, 83,178 21
The Chesnat, it will be noticed, makei the largest
return. That or the Walnut may be called the
second ; for, though it fool 1 up lost than the Arch,
thit it owing to the very small monthly returns in
the first five months made by Mrs. Garrettson.
Since Clarke and Boo'h a turned tho mnnsgomout
the flgurci are more than tripled. In September
the receipts of the Arch were 911,965; those of tho
Walnut, 920,909. In D comber the Arch returned
$18,208; tho Walnut, $19,6S3.
The management making the groatost profit it un
doubtedly that of ibe Cbesnut, which may he ac
counted lor by the lact that only ono third of tho
timo at this theatre Is taken up by "stars," while the
Walnut and Arch are essentially "star" theatres
and depond entirely upon that tyttom lor tuccess,
nnder which regime the principal actor takes the
lion't thare of the profits.
Arch Street Theatre Miss Hosmer will play
thit evening " Kvadne," in Shiul't tradedy of that
namo. This play wa written for Mhu O'Nell in
1819, and was played thirty nights in succession.
Mr. Rankin playt "Colonna." Mr. Jamet "Vicon.
2I0," llr. Walllt the ' King."
Walkct Street Theatre The Rival, with
full cast, and Mr. Clarke aj "Bob Acres." The
afterpiece will be Aic10as Kiclcleby, in which Mr-
Clarke will play.his fine artistic impersonation of
"Jiewman Koggs."
New Chebsut Strket Theatre. Arrah-na-
J'ogue will be played this evening, tho fine acting of
Mies Orton and Mr. Glennoy having givon quite a
new impulse 10 the public and to tbe piece.
JJkw American Theatre. The realization of
Shakespeare's clowns will be seen this cvoning. Mr.
Wallett, tbe most artistic of Saltimbauquet, will
make bit appearance, and prove that gonius can
exalt the ring into the highest rank of hlsttionio art.
La Coterie Blanche. Tbe approaching festi
val of the Coterie blancho promisee to b one of the
most brilliant affairs of the season. Great pains
have been taken to render the arrangements com
plete, and avoid the discomfort of an over-crowded
house. We congratulate tbe management upon the
fct of thoir securing the services of W. S. Turner,
Esq., as Floor Director and Master of Ceremonies.
His experience in such matters and hit suavity of
manners especially fit him lor hit position, and W9
have no fears of anything like failure when he hat
tho control. It lavish expenditure of money and
indefatigable Industry can tecuro a pleasant even
ing's entertainment, wo may reasonably hope for it
at the Coterio Blanche.
Fkrelli'b Amateur Italian OraRA. The
fashionable and musical world is in a state 01' plea
sant anxiety in relation to the performance of Cla-
rissa Harlowe, by 1'crelli's pupils, to-morrow even
ing, at Concert Hail. Mr. Perel'i, we perceive, hag
consented to disposo of a limited number of single
tickets for tbatopera ihe requosts tor tictn have been
so frequent and importunate. They can be had only
at his rooms, No. 1228 Chosnut street.'
Foyer Academy o Music .Mr. Wolfsoho gives
bis fourth Beethoven Matinee at four o'clock to day.
In addition to Mr. AVo fsobn's admirable, brilliant,
and artistio, performance of the groat master,
Madame Heller will sing two admirable classical
pieces. Those matinees are the most refined and
musically Intellectual entertainments now given.
The Fbak Iamilt. This flno troupe of mu
sicians and vocalists are making a fine reputation at
the Assembly Buildings. The r manipulation of tho
bells is something portcctly exquisite. As this Is tbe
last week ot the perlormances, every person should
make arrangements to to.
The New Fhiladelpuia Mubbuh . The curiosi
ties of this now plaoe of amusement on Market
street, below Ninth, are growing more popular daily.
Tho managers aro pro pi ring some novelties for the
coming weok.
Assault and Malicious Mischief.
On Saturday nii?ht a pang of rowdies visited the
loper beer saloon ot John Beck, iu Division street,
unci ni ado an unprovoked attack upon tne pro'
prietor, beating- uiin severely upon the head
witn Domes ana sucn oiner articles as came
within their reach. Not satisfied with their
murderous assault, thev made an onslaught uoon
furniture, windows, etc., doing scrioui diimaue
to many Household articles, some 01 which were
wholly destroyed. They uiauaucd to escape lor
the present, but Marshal Campbell and his o!ii-
cers win noaouot urni'' tnem to ltisuce. Tins
is a new teature in rowdyism, a-j tur as Cutnd 'n
is concerned, and should be promptly met with
tho most severe punishment
Ellwood and Weymouth Tubnpikk.
This much needed improvement is rapidly ap
pioncliinfr completion. Mr. Col well has nearly
nmshcu tnree ana a quarter miles. Tiie sur
veyors have stralghtcr.eU the road, making th
distance much shorter. The conditions 01' the
contract require that if the public build one and
a halt miles ot the road, -Mr. Col -veil shouia ao-
nale the three and a quarter tnile5: but if the
township tails to build tho balance, airl uses the
road, lie is to be reimbursed to the extent o
$2b(J(i, which is soniethiuar les than hull' tho
amount he will nave expended upon it.
Serious Affray. On Satilnby nb'it,"
al.out 1'2 o'clock, a diliiculty occurred betwevu
sofe young' men in the vicinity of Front add
Market streets, which threatened serious cou se
quences. Two young; men named Hoy weiv
stubbed in several places during the mcicej w hich
was kept up lor some tune. Ottieer Jla.-ion suc
ceeded in arresting two of the oll'euders, wbo
were locked up. Ltisl evening tho younvr mo::
who were iniuVcd f.eeined to lie suiler'un; a area'.
deal, and were considered to be in quite 11 critical
Firu Alarm. About 4 o'clock on Satur
day aiternoon an uUiuiot lire was caused by
siu'ok" i&suiuir lrom the secjud st.jry of a duell
ing 011 FedTul street, below Third. Considera
ble eh tiling and other arctcles were destroyed.
The Haines" were linallv suppressed by the in
mates and neighbors, without the aid of the Fire
Department, which was tpeedily ivpreieuted by
the apparatus of several companies.
Akiuved Home. Captain Absalom Adams
and family, 1 aken iroin the wreck of the s"hoo,e;r L. Day, of Cam.leii, by ihe barque .S-'
niloo, on the 'iuth inst., reached their residence at
Smithville, Atlantic county, 0110 day last
The entire crew were saved.
Launched. A line and substantially bui'i,
schooner was launcucti i i'on ueptioiie, on
Saturday last, His to be .brought to I'li'iluk-!-phia
to be rigged out.
' Immersion. Seven p.-rsons were baptized
by immersion at tho Tabernacle Laptist Omu'cli
hist cveniug.
Good Nkwb for Middle Ward. The
lonp-culled-lor public school-house, s much
needed in Middle Ward, will no doubt bo cfectud
the coming summer. The lioard of Education
have a bill belore the LepLslatura asking for
power to borrow $20,000 lor that purpose. It
is said the icquea will be granted, with littl? It
any opposition. This will jrlve to carh of the
Wards a large and capacious school-house.
Thofe In North and Honth Wards ure an orna
ment to the cite, and as the Public School Fund
in always kept in a healthy condition, a city like
inn snouia never do without tne Dest educational
For Additional Loral Ilemt see Third Pagt.
A Series of Larcejtiks. Between 11
and 12 o'clock last nitcbt a horse and wascon
loaded with live barrels of coal oil, the latter
stolen from one of tbe cars on the Beading Kail
road, was recovered by the police. The wagon
was stolen irom one place ana tne norse irom
another. The thieves then drove to the car. and
after securing the oil were seen by tho police as
they were driving away. Seelnat that they were
watched, tne thieves lumped irom tne wagon
and ran oil.
Danoekocs Customer. Henry Clothier
was arrested in Amner street yesterday morning,
upon the charge of assault ami battery and car
rying concealed deadly weapons. The accused
went to tne bouse ot his sister-in-law. cut the
pillow-cases, besides deraQllshinir tho furniture.
and then oeat the poor woman in asbameuu
manner. When arrested he had ajhuge "billy"
in his possession. He was committed by Alder
man Clouda.
Seeing the Elephant. A young man
from the country, who is stopping at tbe Conti
nental Hotel, made the acquaintance on Satur
day of two lcmales answering to the names of
Hetty Irvine and Margaret Leaner. A carriage
ride was proposed, during which "greeny" lost
his watch, lie accused his fair companions of
the theft. Thev were arretted, ana held to
answer by Alderman Jones.
Disorderly House. The police of the
Twentieth Ward paid an official visit to the
house of Elizabeth Fiss, in Carlisle street, below
Stiles, about hall-past 2 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. A grand tight was in progress at the time.
and the whole neighborhood was alarmed. Eliza
beth and seven other of the inmates were taken
Into custody, and all held for trial by Alderman
I Vagrancy. Seventeen discharged colored
soldiers, who have no homes, were arrested at
Camp Cadwalader on Saturday, upon the
charge of vagrancy. Four of theni are trom Vir
ginia, two from Tennessee, three trom Kentucky,
one from Florida, two Irom District of Columbia,
one from Canada West, one from New York, one
trom Ohio, one lrom Maryland, anaonetiom
London Papers. Mr. A. Winch. No.
505 Chesnut street, has sent us the latest num
bers of AU-the-Year Hound, Once-a-Week; and
Cassell'B Illustrated Paper, and other lournals,
received by the steamer Java, for which we are
under obligations.
Kroraer. No. 403 Chesnut street, has sent us
Punch, London Fun, Le Foitet, and the Beau
Daring Highway Robbery. About 0
o'clock on Saturday night, Mary Thornton, re
siding at Tenth and Susquehanna avenuo,
Twentieth Ward, was accosted a short distance
from her house by four men. Two ot them
seized and held her while the other two robbed
her of her cloak and two dollars in money. The
highwaymen escaped.
The Merchants' Fund. The Annual
Meeting of this beueticent organization will take
place at the Board of Trade rooms, on tho after
noon of the 30th instant. The annual report will
be read and election for officers held.
Accident. Mrs. Dr. Hartshorn fell on the
ice at Nineteenth and Buttonwood streets, last
night, and broke her ankle.
Ak Old I'roverh Newly Applied.
'Twas said, in sago antiquity,
"It in the woods yon chance to be,
Don't peal forth a triumphant shout
'Till you are suro of petting out."
So, when a suit of clothes you've bought
That It both cheap and atylish thought,
Don't into raptures fall
'Till you bave proved how long 'twill las!, .
And find that all the work stands fast,
Like that ol Tower Hall !
We do not profess, frrany real or imaginary cause,
to sell below coat, but are ne.llint) rapidly our stock of
good, fresh, fashionable, and SOUND Clothing, at
prices guaranteed to be Urwer thtn those of any other
house in this city. We have the largest and best as-
snrtment of Men's, Youths'
and Hoys' Ulothtng i
j owns HALL,
No. 618 Market jtkkkt,
Bennett & Co.
Cholera. In tho treatise of W. O B. O'Shauh
nrssy, i'rol'cssor in the Calcutta Medical College, on
the medicinal properties of Cannabis Indiaus, gene
rally known by thejlocal namo of Hasheesh, it i stated
I hut in many cases of clioluia, alter ballling tho still
ol the nhvsician, the disease yielded to tho myste
rious influence of this drug; and durin.; the preva
lence ot that dreadful epidemic, uo individual among
'ho Turks, Arabs, or Hindoos could bo louud with
out a preparation oi tne article, about him, its irou'a!
influence on the mind being the best safeguard
against the approach oi that fatal uestilonce.
ishould the chol-ra visit our shore the coming sea
son, ihe Hasheesh Candy, lecontly introduced into
this country, by the Sylvan Orient Compauv, ol" Baj
tou, may be of incalculable bt-nefit in our large cities,
where this dicadlul disease usually proves o fear
fully latal.
A Card of Thanks. Tho Florence Sowing
Machine Company tender thoir thanks to Mr. G. W.
Eddy lor advertising, at hi- own expone, their place
of business, and inviting tho public to examine tho
Florence belore purchasing e'newheie. Mr. Eddy
docs the public, as we. I as the Florence Company, a
great kindness, as by bis advertisement thep iblio
are led to nutkc a comparison betwoen tho Florence
and other sewing luacnincs, wh'cti comparison
always lei-ulis in favor of the former, and thus tne
sales of tho Company are increased, aud the publio
aro provided with the best sewing m idline m tho
maiket. Ibe oflico of this company is at No. 030
Chesnut street, wh re all persons arn Invited to call
and examine tho ce.nbrated F.oruoo Sewing
Machine, whether thoy wish to nurrhHse or not.
T lie Florence is guuiantood to give ratisincion, aud
is kept iu order without charge.
TnosKOT our readers w o lire fond of novelties
or good leas and C Hues, shou.d ca 1 at the Market,
S reet lea tloui-o, No. 1142 Market street, lately
opened bv Boyd St Co., wh'cu they will liml fitted up
in a novel and attraotivo style, and whore tlioy will
tind u larpe and varied assortment of Teas nui Cof
ices Messrs llovd & Co. have had twenty voars'
experience iu btiaiuoss, and can offer to the public all
ihe adyquluxes of l lie market
I.ove ad A Good Dinner are said to he the only
two thing- thut cliuno a man a character. It may
le so; can't sny. Bur it you want a supply of good
Coal, wo would unhesitutinirly direc' vou to W W.
Alter, the grat coal mnrchaut, No. 957 North N'i-'ih
ftieot, below tilrard avenue. Altfr it a man ot th
"trident probity, and his ton always menus 'Hi')
ibs. Orders may be lult at tbe oflico. sixtli aud
i-piing Garden streets
HaiiiDyf! Hair Dyk! Uatcho or's Hair Dye is
tbe best in the world The only true and porfoet dve
burmlcss, instantaneous and reliable produce a
ttpli ndid black or nutural brown romedi- tun ill
cll'ec'i id had dve. ami i'retiu"iiily restores tho on
trinul color. So u bv a" diuvrist Tho genuine is
i)rnd W. a. Atttchelor, No. 81 Bare-ay strejt,
The Evas Gilt Hook Stnro. at No. 628 C'lie-nut
s'reut, is now au established iustitutiou. A great
vune y oi Books are ulwmvs kept oil hand, and
valuable Gilts o with each Book sold. Orders are
tilled, no matter wnero s'lit irom, ana tnose at a
distance ciu rent satisllud that thev wiM 'et their
ltouks h cheap, and their Gi'ls will he of tho sauio
character us n iney were io can in perauu.
Wistkr CLOTniNQ at reduoed prtoes, at Charles
Stokes & Co.'s, Liider ihe continental.
i-vn sons rbout changing thoir residence can have
their upholstering dono bv practical workmen, at
tfie shortest vo'ic-e. N. B. Carpe s altered and laid,
at W
HtMtv i Attica d, xio i4ytj cuesnut siroei.
Excikpiholt Effective Brovn't Bronchial
iroches' are rxce lent lozenges for the relief of
Hoarsene! or Bore Throat. They are certainly ex
ceedingly efTbotlve. We have knowa soverat In
stanoot in which troublesome coughs have oeased
very speedily after one or two Troohet were takon.
Christian World, London, England.
With Half ah Ete tho difference may be seen
between a coarse fsbrio and a fine one, and any one
with the moiety of the tense of smell will find no
difficulty in telectiug I ha on't "Nlrbt-Bloom'nt:
Cereus" from ad the peitumei in the market, as the
moet dohciou and refreshing. Bold everywhere.
Wiisdow Shapes, instable for Tarlors, Dlnin
Rooms, Chambers, etc, put np by W. Henry: Fat
ten, at tho ahorn-st notice. No. 1408 Chenut ttreet.
All persons butiko Wobrb should call at the
Evans Cift Hook Mure, No. 628 hesnut ttreet.
Hooks so d at rrrular prions, and a Gilt worth from
60 cents to tlOO given with ech work puronastd.
Wiwnow SnADES at rednoed prions, at
W. Hesrt I'attkn w, No. 14ii8 ilhcsnut street.
TnE Evaks Gift Book Store, at No. 623 Chesnut
t'reet, it the place to Jtel Cheap Works, and valua
ble unit witntnem.
CnURCH Cushions made to order in the bst man-
ner and moBt reasonable tei ms, at
l'ATTKW's, No. 14U8 Chosnut streot.
Cmi.DREH's Clothing. All the new styles
at M. Shoemaker tt Co.'s, Kos. 4 and 6 N. Kiahtn
FuRKiTuitE reurholstcred and varnished in the
best manner, by sendinv it to
W. ilKMur i atten s, No. mm enefnut t reet.
I. E. Walraven,
Masonic Hall.
Window Curtains, Window Shades,
Window Curtains, Window Shades,
Window Curtains, Window Shades,
Window Curtains, Window Shades,
I. K. Walrayek
Ko. 719 Chesnnt ttreet,
W. & B., Good Clo'bing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Markot.
W. fc B , Good Clothing-, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market.
W. k a., Cood Clothlnc, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market.
W. & B., Good Clothinc, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market.
W. ft B Good Clothina, Oak Hall,Slxthand Market.
W. fc B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth aud Market.
TlTJItLET MONROE. In Camden, January 1,
WW, at tne residence ot the bnrto's the Kov,
W. Walton. Mr. FKANK. HURLEY, of Newton
township Camden county N. J., to Miss SALL1E
K. MON UOE, ol Camden, N.J.
KAMSDELL LAN ING.-In this city, January
15, 18ott by itev. Jame B. Simmons, Mr. UK.NKY
LAFAYETlE RAMSDELL. of Massachusetts, and
FACNCE. On the 27tu instant. ANDREW
JACKSON, son of tbe late Henry Faunce, in the
zitu year oi nit aire.
Tbe relatives and rriends, and Kensington Lodire.
No. 211, A. Y.M., Oirard Mark Lodee, Uelferoon
Lodpo, I. O of O. F., Camano e 1'ribe. No. 62, of
lied Men, and Kensmcton Hose and steam Firo Kn
tine Company, are respect (ullv invited to attend hit
funeral, trom bit late residence, No. 1125 Ous street,
on weanosaay atternoon at a o'clock.
MEG EE. On Friday evening, tho 20th instant, at
7 o'cKick, anera bnenii(riliu0, LOl 1st, h,V HIlvI,
aausnter ot ueorge ana lie en Me)rne.
The relatives and friends ot tbe lau.llv are resnoct
fully mvitca to attend the funeral, from the residence
ot her parents. Mill road, above Frauktord. on
Wednesday morninft at 10 o'clock, without lurthor
notice, lopiocoea to Monument cemetery, car
riatrtt will leave Human & Huirhos' ollice, No. 920
liuco sticet, at 8V o'o ock, b'bo, l-rauktoid at 9J
o'Cinck, to convey irlenos to tbe lesidcnce
M1NSHALL. On tho 20th instant, BOBEUT W.
M1N SHALL, son of the late 1'homas and Maria J.
Mmshall, in ibo 19th vear ot his ace.
Ihro relaiives and friends ot tne family are invited
to attend tbe funeral, without further notice, irom
the residence of U. W. Khuwn. near Fox Chase, on
lusday the SOth instant, at 12 o'clock. To proceed
to Cedar Hill Comoterv, Fraukfoid. J
BHEAFF On the 25th instant, alter a llneenntr
illness ANNIE daughter oi the late Valentine and
Susanna Dull, and wife ot ocorjze Aheafl, iu the loth
year ot her aae.
Tbe relatives and rriends of tho family are rer.eot
fully invited to attend the funeral, lrom the residonoe
ol ber brother-in-law, Mr ti W. HesKOlpoth, No. 985
Randolph street, above l'oplur. on Thursday aitor
noon at 1 o'clock, withoT lurther notice. Funoral
to proceed to Odd F'ellows' Ceinotcry.
Condensing Family Coffee Browner, ana other
styles oi' Collee Koasters, for niile by
No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five MAKE. hi' Ht., buiow lnth.
rind Curlintt Sticks. Curling Rodi. I'incliInK Iroas,
Carllnir Toniis a varlvty ot kinds and sizes for aae at
the Hardware store or TRFMAM it. SHAW.
o tw5(eiKht Ihirty-flvc) Ma UKiiTot. below Sinth.
and other styles, for su.c bv
TltDMAN & 811 AW.
No 83 (Eight Thirty-five) MAKKET t., below Ninth.
No. 804 CIJKSNTi' EJ IltKIiT.
Mrs. S. A. Alien' s World's
Jair Restorer and Dress
ing inviforatc, strengthen
and lengthen the hair. Tlicy
act directly upon the roots
of the hair, siiirplying re
quired nourishment, and
natural color and beauty
returns. Grey hair disap
pears, bald 2ots are cov
ered, hair stops falling, and
luxuriant growth is the re
sult. Ladies and Children
will appreciate the delight
ful fragrance and rich,
glossy ajypearance impart'
ed to the hair, and no fear
of soiling the skin, scalp, or
most elegant head-dress.
Hold by all Druggistn.
Depot 1S8 & 200 Greenwich St. W. Y.
Acknowledged bv aI par " tuhr tt d rs ot lor th
MO8I bUCfl. FUL l'HYbl IAS
m tl'e treatment t ll'S'at 1 m li s sreiwty OUIOR
TIIOROUUH, and yirtiwfl til 1 ur. t q varan ' d Intwn
ritHe. Veuf mlier On, UUN'IER 81 elebraied RemeiUti
can onlv I had lenulne a' bis c d elhli. Vti J'1 tc
44 N. btVEMU bircct aboe FUbeit, in U
Ui La
Commencing MON DAT EVENING, and con
tinue every, night during the week, weather per
For tale at Continental, Oirard, Merchants', and
Durar't; alto at the ofDce of the Park.
Take Market 8trrt Cars to Thirty-first street, and
then UOol) flsnk Wa k lo Park. '
TRANt'fci. All wha are desirous of wttneulnir the woorlenal ope
rntn.nof OUB PaTEN r i- t. 'L.hK
(WPIl H is NOT la use In ANY Ol Hick PRK In TH
Ultv) in msklnu the Ice ss SMOOTH as OLAS8, can d
so by a VLilt to the P UK TO-l) Y.
rull Band Aiternoon and Evening. Open till It
o clock a nuht.
1 he 8katluv asKant on Bnturday afternoon and
fvenlng. i he Onest Ice In the citj. Boow reniovKd aa
last as It falls. it
8hould the Moon not appear ti.e l'arkt will bt Urll
llnn'lv Illumlnatna.
8now no prevon atlye. It
at mi
TWENTY-FIRST ftreet and COLUMBIA Avenue.
KST.hLI8UMENl', Utatcn Island, No. 40 S.
FIOH'I H street.
T his Company, so long and favorably known In Vnw
York fur tho piist iorty-six yews, have opened an oftloe
as above Ladles' and gentlemen's armenis and wear
ing a parel of every kind Dved aed C enned In tbe mot
je. eel manner. Niahis and puj removed irom garments,
witboui being lipped.
M ereh ants having goods of unde slrablo oolors can hay
them redv cd iu superior ttvle. 1 UK mwi3m
In Older to insure the most perfect and comp eti suc
cess ol the (.mini JiusiuiTiide Dull, the iluuugera an
nounce the lol owing
and ti e entire Academy will be reserved for tiie moin
bcis and subscribers.
hubsciiotlon and Men bers' Tickets, as, will
APMli Oit L.i'.N'lLh.M.N AND UNE LADY.
Additional Ladis' lickets, S2.
'1 icke s can be subscribed ur lit
TnE youu ma;nekciior hall,
Norttuvert comer ei KoUHTU anrfV INK dtroets.
M. ITl'lG No. CI1EHL 1' Mreet
'1 HU..PLtR'.s, bEVEMHaudl 1IE8NUT Streets.
Iioors open at 8 o'clock. Xue Lull wi.l comuiuuceat
0 o uluck.
The iutrDee to
t ill be ircui the riyht, wliilo tho exit will beat luuie.i
s lie at lie I'ru-emum lloxe.
unMl the signal given to unuiusk.
No uerxon will be permitted o remain ou the dancing;
floor who Is not in luney dress, or wlili coununianuo
ei.lier v. holly or partially masked, until tiie uoimn ttuo
ot Arriiiigcuitnts ilenlgnuto tliu general pcrmiKKioii 10
dispense with llieeamo by a given signal. Until such
remission 18 vlven, those in laney dress may, without
niSHkeo countensnee. sit either iu the paniuei or circle,
or in any other par. ol the liouee.
Cornet fU'iiak will be given, trom time to time, for the
instmetii 11 ot the Floor ilaiisgers.
liie : . 1 ngers reiiiieet the participants at tne Ball to
cbnervi ...e lullowtng instructions:
At the ...uai given lor tne arrlvul I ol
nil persons are reiiues.edto leave the STAGE PORTION
01 1 be Dancing Hour. ...
'1 liis ruie is ueceissary In order to enable the .Managers
.extend an 0FF1CUL BKOEmoN
'10 II1K
CARRUCF8 will set down heads South and take up
htt.(lH N ol til
'He sub-c'omraittre of ti e f'ommit:ee of Arrmte-lm-nts
will be In sojs on at the N A HON AL GUARDS'
II A LI.. I (l-l)A Y. to receive communication:) and com
plete 1I10 arraageuirnts lor tue Ha l.
The Managers take pleasure In assuring thoir fiiendi
tLat as the
In number no uppiencnaloa iu'cu be entertained of
lncunvi iilrnve rosulling lrom a crowd.
K. lt.-JIr. bTOLI.Wr BK. 1 HE NEW YORK C08
'1 1 will have his unnieiiae stock ot Fane lres.iea
at tho YOl NG V A.NNultcUvU H vLf, FOVUl'll aud
V 1NE Mrcets, to-iiav.
FiiutT nivisioji.
1. '1 he Overture, pri cb-e y at 9 P. if.
i Vui lotis Dunces, Intermezzos ike
3. Arrival 01 Prince Carnlvai about 10 P. M.
4. 1 eieinouies attendlnv tho reception of lie Prlnco.
A. Formal opening ol I he Hall In hoiioi of Prinze Car
nival with 1' (iaunhauaer, It. Wutuor). Fol
.owed by tiie
. other dances of the Programme and Intarinezzoa.
'i be bail hi honor 01 I'rmce Laruiva. being eoucluueJ,
the curtain
I. Announcement oy heralds 01 Prince Carnival t In
vitations 10 bis Hosts to tae tiurt in tha Euteruuumant
and Feativa arranged under his auspices.
1 ' hu I ntertaininents 01 ttie Festival, Dances.
3 Depar ore of rrmce Ctrutval. ....
4 'Ibe Committee ot Arrangements announce that
mask are to bo uNpeu-eil with.
b. P.oinenade (iiunmsked).
6 Daurts.
End-54 A. SI.
FmLiHtu-bU, January 1, IDC6.