fflE MlLY EVENING TELEGRAPiEPniLABELPttlA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 1806. 8 NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. rift Appearance of W. F. Wallett, the Renowned Shakesperlan Jester, on Monday Evening, January 29, 1860-The Croat Event of the Season. MR. W. F. WALLETT Has had the honor ol being presented to Her MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, And tho ROYAL FAMILY and COURT, and la thP recipient ot ttio following Marks: Golden Mpdullioti from Her Majesty the Queen, at Windsor Castle. GoWen Cross lroua the King of the French, at Claremont. Silver SnulV Box from Birmingham, at tho Gem Tavern, StoclhouHC Lane. Diamond King from Suetticld, at . the Amphi theatre. SiUerSnutf Box from the Flvlnir Horse Hotel, Notjnchain. Maeslvc Vase Irom Nnw Orleans, elven by DAN. IilCE, the pri'Rt American Clown. Splendid Service of Silver lrom Birmingham, at Binglcv Hall, John Tones, Esq. Diamond IUnir, at the Oueen's Theatre, Hull, Messrs. Wolt'enden and Melbourne. Had the Honor to be made a Member of the Corporation of Hammermen, l'nislcy, Scot land. Silver Cigar Cae from Bristol, Two Trees Tavern. Marble Busi, by Subscription (see copies), null. Missive GoKl Cup, value X1U0, Lion and Lamb, Leicester. And Golden Opinions from all sorts of Teople, etc: etc. oriMOXS OF THE TUESS. AlK Waliett at Hull. 1 he warm irreotinu wiin wnicii Mr. allots was welcomed last oVdoiux, on the occasion ol Mr. Heavier' b'.'iit'Ut, noiu t ie large ntd ai lonub e assrtrub v present, warraut us o naim oi.o exception to i lie hard rule no nonor at lioine. lov hero could lie have btn hotter re o lved The liO'iso was tt'l carlo his jes, aud it was not alpaDnointe. Mm joies htld tho ''" ptnulno humor, and tho etami of real wit ills a liLcaiots ot the characttrlBtios of manhood ana womanhood, bo hood aud g nliood, were si true to naturo that thcie omed no room lor mirth, and yet so jrrotuMiue that tiiure mijbt have soemed no truth. Tho little lollies, oddi tes, and conceits of bnnan character aflord nun a inud ot real shaka apiarian .test Mr. Wul.mt's benultt U to take place on Friday tvenmp, on wh'cti occasion tho entertain ment will bo under he patronage of Lord aud Litly LoudBboroUKn VTo tinve no question tiifl cirens win be crowned every evoninir Uurinor his e u casta moi.t, which win without doubt bo ns briUinnt as the one lie has Just concluded at Scarboroush. Hull J'uikct, fiovembcrl. " WJtLLtTT is thk CnAtn." All who w.'lhln tho last week or bo have visited Mr. tlvuirler' uuserretily popu ar Circus, know how rrcat Wallott in in tae niif, how cievr are his speeches, how spiukliun his w.t, and bow happr bis jokes; but the select fow who hud tho pleasure of toiuii present at the social muiitiriug 01 I be pei-ioruiois connected with tho (Uicus. at the Vutoiia Hotel on Friday uiuht, know that Mr. allett m tho chair is lar mean r tttm Wulletr in t e riuir. Jhu meotins itoe.i was very interesting, at the (.income of the eeucrOus aud treiitjciiiaulv leelinnsaud conduct 01 the several per formers, aud as it became an illustration ol bow weu Uiey stand in the estimation of Mr Uoutrlor bimeoll, who wus pio.-ont, and ot tho publio ot Hull, uiouHl horn they huvo sojourned lor some months. It was. however, treuly in"ercstmfr in icing pro sided ovor by to neniul and uble a man as Mr Wal lett. it was. indeed, a treat never to bo lorpoiteu, to henrtno speeohe ol tho chairman. Tkoy were lemaikably clever, but not more clever than wise. As ho pourod out word of wi.-uom and eloquence nuder the niinuluo ol bis lartro, irencroua heart, one becanio puzziou which most to wonder at aud adniite, his yrt-at kuowiedge. his remarkable triltot expn-siun, tho vast resources ot his wit, his wonder tin tact, the glo vimr at undone of his lancy, or waimth aud heartiness oi his desire to see otbors hai py. A, howevi r, rocdneHS precedes eroatnoss, as the heart is better than tho tonruo. and a) like befrets like, 1 ihinx tuo stroueth ot his wido human g input by and kindness secured tho warmest bomafro, but at the eaiup t nio that his cenerous heart was honored his , lomtid lutellcct and great learning were coiuially admired. Air Waliott's uccen as chuirmau on this occasion was as thorough as any success he ever iieluoveiJ in circus or thoaire, and as they were not blockheads, will not bo for gotten by those who, as tho pbraso frees, had Vab happmosB to "it under him " The vice-chairman, Mr, Krvolti, and others wno too't part in the proceed ings well rosoouded to tho stronger and more bril liant displays ot tho chairrr.au, woo, boing uoton y genoious and witty hiuioolt, put the cause ofeene roBity and wit In others. All wout "as merril as niairiaeo bells," and tho mooting throughout was one of unnual Interest aud pleasure It occurrod to me that Mr. I3enlor mar, in concluding his season at Hull, without the slightest Bhade of astrological superstition, "thank his start," not that his catering bas been more stood luck on the ooutrary, his fare bas been substantial, aud certainly well Cookeo. I understand the last boncnt Is to be for Paor-al-aid, Hull Herald, November It. 1'RiCE'e SPAHisn CiRoo Mr. Wallett's Bemuvit. First plainly a circus; afterwards a cirque; at present a crco; (next we suppose a dr eam) this wel -conducted place of amusement con tinues nnht:y to attruot a numerous and deliehted atWndanoe. Amona the novelties lately Introduced by Our old friend and entertainer, Mr. l'rtoe, have been the two American fighting pontes, which bid lair to rival and ochuse the more common, although similarly risible, performances of the "eduoated mules;'' and an accomplished equilibrist, bisht l'edro Ramon. The great attraction, however, dur ing the past fortnight, bas boon the renowned saw dust philosopher and wit, Mr. W. Jf. Wallett truly "a follow ot infinite jest," whom we havo been glad to have with us in Glasgow any timo these well, longer years than we care to reckon. Mr. Wallett aeemB to have lost none ot his old wonted tire slill unapproachable in bis own walk, in spite or a host of weak and thowlesa imitators-and, last night, on the occasion of his benefit, when a brim ming house assembled to do bun hoi! or, he htera'ly kept his auditors in "a roar." Perhaps we ought not to sav bo much lor our good friend wallett. Why has be taken such an antipathy to our countrymen f He almost, be said last night, begins to bate them. Call yelihat, Mr. Wallett, a backing of your friends T "A Scotsman Is to bo bought in Edinburgh lor a penny. Always, cannily, lond ot the bawbees I And m oltiaen of Glasgow la purchasable any evening lor a ha'penny 1" Too bad; however, treedom of opi nion is a Briton's busf, so we will lot our Jocular friend away to Manchester with itt Those who beard the ''election speech" last evoning have some thing in connection with the farewell appeaiauce of Mr. Wallett to remember. But we have eutirely lost faith in farewell performances ot public per formers, and f.o wo hope to see aud bear Mr. Wallett train Ms lonp. "Will ye no' come back again f" Glasgow Herald. UEtiOLER's L'ibquk Mr. Charles Henglor, the enterprising manager of tin's uniivullcd equestrian establishment, took bis benefit on Monday evening. The bouse was crowded to suffocation. An oxcelleut programme was produced, and the entertainment nasseu vtf most sstistactoriiy. Of oourse, Mr Yt, F, Wallett, the renowned Jester, was tne principal at traction, and well did be sustain tho high reputation which he has so deservedly achieved. It has been aaid that a person, be be novor so clever, is rarely ever appreciated by his own count ymon, but tliiB does unt hold goon with rogard to Mr. W. F. Wal lett. This talented letter is a native of Hull, and his townsmen on all occasiou render to him that honor which is due. - he received quite an ovation on Mon day night, and the warmest plaudits attested how deitgmcd the audience were with bis performance. un r ntiay evoniug be will take ms Denetit, aud we Dreuiet tor linn a ho inner. 1 lie entiirtjilmimnr will be under most distinguished patronage, and we ro- oommeuu men per ons as are uosirous ot being present to provide themselves with tickets ear.v, otht 1 wine mey may uoshiUl.v. uu nisappomtod in ob taming even BtandiuL'aocommnda iouiu the spacious building Hull Adctrtim-r, A'cv. 8. Hkkolbu'B Ciucos Mr. Vv'alletl's benefit last nk'ht drew a lu.l liuuw. Everv nvailable Inch ot the large building wus crowded, many oi them far too crowded, iho perlormance were ull verf clever. Mr. Wallett wus lomarkahlv liatinv. and drew forth cheer upon cheer by bi witticisms aud speocuos. liis jusuuenuon oi ine c.own was admlra' b!e In substance and admirably spoken, iin ilius tiations of co e Lira tod Ureclun aud other statues were true, and marvellously iiKe marble he lookod At the close Mr Wallett, without bi cap of follv ilianked the audience lor tuelr patrouao. whicli was now, as it had been on termor visits to his native town. mtiBt liberal and hearty. Mrs, (Jltarl. n Hmiir. lei's benefit Is announced to tako place on Monday evening. uuu, jjecemuer n, iooa. Wallett, thk Qitebn b jesteb. Amongst the wearers ol the cap and bells oi the preseut time moat diHtit-.miiKlied l.luce mui-t be a-signed to Wat lett, the yueeu's Jester, who made his first appear- ann.tluu a... ., not timrrllltl'a fMrlllA AlllkatTttt r.,.,f- lie Is DAtarally a hnmorist. and his fun is genuine tid mont mirth provoking. He has great versati lity and a quickness ot perception, and powor of adaptation that makes the sources trom whence he Derives bis pleasantries a'l but inexhaustible. There is no bnfToonery or vulgarity in his Joaes or manner, and thoM bo can relish a good, hearty langh.tre qnently repcatod, should go to see and h" " lett, the Queen's Jester. Dublin Evening Mail, rfElMLKR'B ClKOTTS MK. W. F. WALLETT. The erowocd audiences whicti havo flllod llongier s Ciroui this week fully testify t . at so lar as Hull fs coneerntd, there Is no truth In the trite saying that "a man Is never a prophet in his own country. A iter a somewhat long absence Mr. W. F. Wallott bas arain appeared in this his native town, and re ccivrd is enthUMast c a w:ceme as his greatest admirers and fnoi.ds could wish. On tnls occasion hetniade h B flint bow to a Hull audience at Mr. iienglor's lenstit on .Monday night. He has earned the right lo be considcrot the b.sr jester ot tho day, and is universally deemed so. He Is a radv. onin nalvnt. Ilia witticl-m. are not mere meaningless abturdlties, which croai.i Uurh er by reason of their bung sheer nonsense lone, but they ate charac terized by good sti.se and some dogroe ot truth, li s wit has tl additional merit of boing levelled at abuses and to lie which really exist. His delivery lias imoroved since we heard him ist, and his droll sayings lose mine of their effectiveness, through inoistiuot ut'crnneo. Uis populaiity, it seems, has not keen im, air-d bv time Our towns people do not "scorn the office ol a Jcstnr " but take Just pride in tho knowlertgo that Hull has pmduoed the best of the age. 1 "-night Mr Wallett has bis benefit There cannot be a doubt that be will have an overflowing "Iioufo." A diversified and geuora ly good titogramme is published for the occason. Mr. Heng'ei'f present season is drawing to a close. It has been a post successful one, and should he again visit Hull we may safot) predict that he will havo no cauce to repret taking ?ucli a stp, which, consider nig tho encouragement bo has rocoived, we have not tbe slightest aoubt tliat ho will do to. Hull Times, Avvember 10. HlHOLER'B CIRQT7K. IlCLL WALLETT, TUF. Qukhn'b Jibtkh. Uijilor tlio immodia e and oiiitinguished iiairom'o of tho Hilit Hon. tbe Karl of Zetland, the Kin lit Hon. Lord and Lndy i.ondesborough, Col. of tho First East York Kitlo Volunteers; Lieut. -Col. 1'case, Major Binuisr ter. Ofiiecrs, Aou-Coniiiiissioned Ollioors, and Mom beta ot the above Coips; also, Lieut.-' ol. llroos chooft, Cfliccrs, Noi'-Commifsioned Officers, and Membors ot Hie Hull Yo tintcer Aitillorv vorps. Mr. Kinntar, Secretary for .he ' Queen's Jost-r," begs to fO c t the honor ot a vimt Irom the inhabitants of Hull to Wallett'S BiMiPiTon Friday eveuing. ' "A fellow oi infinite jest" i ''A native and ro themauot born," On wb:ch occasion (here will be a eo'ect and ashionble piogramme W. F. Wallett appo&ring in if ig ciascica.1 jepre-ontation ol - 'llaphaol's Uicsm;" ' I lie Grecian ta ues.or. Living Jlodols ot Antiquity," as represented betorn tuelr Koyal lliglirefsos tbe fiinceatd Princoss of Wales, on the Lawn in front ot Sandringbam Hall Hull and Hornsea Ktulwayt Excursion to Wallett'S Heuoht, on Kiliij.-rHuU Atlverttstr, XovemOtrli. Pocial Gathehikq ctt Mr. Hemoler'b Tnoupa. Alter a succetutui im'oii, Mr. ileuKier's tioupe ossembli d locether lusi evening at the Vittoria Hotel, in social inlerco iro a ad iho interchange ot good teeling. Alii&to ius Buppcr was proviuud by Sir. Iiaintor:, to whirl: ncary forty persons did ample justice. Amour? tlie guests presont wore Mr. Aid. Aoloy, Mr E. Devs, Dr. Browiindge, Mr. J. hohinson, Mr. G. Leii.'ott, Mr C. li. Walker, Mr. Cooper. Mr. Lewenoeu. Mr. Laccv. Mr. Cliao- pell, Mr. Wahaco, jlr. Hairieju, Mr. Hey worth, Mr. W. lluu, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Medd, A1r. WhittQlter, Mr. Farmer, eto. etc. Mr. W. IF. Wallett oectn it:d tne e.bnir. and Mr. Felix Kevolti tho vice-chair. Alter tho toast- of lite Queen" had been nulv honored, tho Chuirmau roposed "Tlio Mayor uud Corporation ot iiul;." coupling with it the uui;;e of Mr AlUurmun Aub y. be Aldern an, in redpeneing, rolerroa to tho duries which i hat body had to i.erform, and concluded by roposlbg the health ot Jilr. Cburlos lieuplur, a gen ciuun ot excceuinp U tiaity, as was ivlnoed bv bis doubtuius to tlie charitb,.:o institutions ot tno coun try. (Liear, hear ) Mr. ueug.er, in icspondiu to tho compliment, remurVed that ho cou d scarcely nun wtiitiB tu cAi-i'Bn i' KruiTiiuu. ms name iihu 1 een mentioned most houorablv. aud ho wai thank ful. As to his liberality, all ho coultiay was that. I.e thought it tho duty of every nuunc man who bad been so greatly btipported as ho hud bou, to contribute to the cliuiitable insiitut'ons oi the town, and whatever donations ho had givoa was (lone in this splnt. ( Hei r, hear.) Ho had bcou m ist liberally patronized in Hull, and lie could assure them it a (Voi ded him Uie greatest pnsiblo pleasure in conirinuung as ue nau uone. "William . Wallott, the rciiowioi-i Jester," winch was rospondod to by that pentlcmau in a very facetious manner. The (. bairmas, m a augliab o speeoa. gave tho "Sawdust Comedians, Messrs. Williams, Barry, Abbott, and Doughty." Tho toast was acknowledged bv Mr. II. V'i, lis ms ir, E. Davis, in flattering terms, gavo tlie "Vice Chairman " Several other couiplimonury toasts having beon proposed, the rotnainder oi the small honrs" were spent in conviviality. A'astem Morning Mews, November 11. CUiOLiF.Ni's Grand Cirque It is rarolv oer- baps that ev u what is commonly termed a popular entertainment has bot-u ante uj le'ain its hold on public lavor for so len;tnened a penod as Ouag- lieni's circus. Mow, just as six months ago and upwards, w hen lis novelty lormed in some degree a portion of the attraction, the building is uiehtiy crowded, no matter wbat the state of the atmosohere or how varied the other city amusements mar be. Hie latest accession to the troupe, however, is, we venture to predict, one of tho best made for tome-' timo, ana we win bo sadly disappointed It Air. w alien, so well Known as the Queen's Jester, do not succeed in winning a like tavora- ble notice that bas already marked his visits to other towns. Mr.' Wa lett is a person oi conside rable ability one who evidently has courorsed much with the world, studied not a fow of its pecu liarities, ana maue mem sunserve tne purposes oi his profession. In the programme ass gnod to bis special eate, a noteworthy leature is the total absence ol vulgarisms and pointless nuns, whiou. under similar circumstances, are but too gonerally uuoigea in, to tne great aetrimont oi their expo nent. His reception last night, on wnioa occasion he made his first appearance, was very enthusiastic, and may be looked on as a pood omen of much that is in store lor him. Irish Timet, Aot. 21. Hbhgler's Grand Cirque. Who is there taat cannot rememter the timo Honored Queen's Jester, n anou r n aiieii. wno nas raisoa nis profession to classical entertainment, showinor what education mav do to elovate and adorn a colling, and drive the ooatse saying of the "Jaoit Pudding" from tne ears ot the younger branches ot our families; teaching, morality by his wise sayings ; "Holding as 'twere, tlie Mirror up to Mature, ehowing Virtue her own Features: Boom her own Image." Warwickshire gave birth to the immortal bard Shakespeare, Ayr shire to Kobeit Burns, and so did Hull to Wallett. Hull ought to be truly proud of her Wallett. "a Ma ive and to the manor born," "a Fellow of in finite Jest," "who was wont to tot the House in a lfoar." Wallott is the admiration ot all benolders. Wallett is the Household Word Wallett mav be termed the Dcmosthones of the nineteenth century, and tbe modern Catorteho ot pure whims, ouirxeB. and oddities. Visit the cnaue. and see Wal ett in all his pristine glory. A'usrern Countiet Herald. November 9. Quaglieni'b Grand Cirqde. Wallett, the Queen's Jebtkk, will continence a short enga mo ment, introducing a series ol Hhakespeanan leotures in me aoore cuque, vu uonuay, November ZU, isdo. 'Holding, as 'twere, tno mirror uu to Mature" W allett, the "modern ltuiosthenes'in conjunction with tbe scenes m tho l;n uo. will render iIiiiriiiush. nients of tho evening one ot the m: st interesting en- lenaiuiuuuia over uuurcu lOiuepUDUO. "A follow of infln te Jnst, A gentlemun uud a scho ar." Wallett maybe Just y t imod tho "Modern Cater- telto" of puns, whims, quirks, oddities, tho Kaues- trian Scenes the Moblu rtud ot Horses, together with tbe renowned Jorter Wallett, will tend to make this a nipht of mirth, coi.il luingintellect with recrea tion. 1 he 2 ', Bpeakiiig oi "Vnllott says: There cuniiot be a doubt nut tins follow has studied iho el aracter of men aud mauuors in all tliebtiuo Jorms. His imitation of t he Involities of the a?e is a true semblance oi our tune." Wallett will appear nightly about Ualf-piat L.cht, "Showing vico tier own linage, ficoin her own features." In the States of Auierlta, Australia, and tha Cnnit.il ot France, thousutids I uvo flocked together lo givo W allett a beartv wtlocm, ,lublm Freeman' t Jour rial, Dectmler 10. QcAcu.iKNi'a ( mc;ri: Ddulin Wallptt, the Quixn's lesier. niiite n s uiipearuuce last eyemng to a crowded house, en wl lth occasion ilie p.:iiorm neo went oil' iu lirht-iiii order. Wallett of coumo was the magnot, uud a nnue amusing actor nov.-r uraeea the bhwi imi : a In nw Willi an abundaiiai) ot wit, a great flow of Inn juape, bis sham puns and tallies on ilie sudienee were indeed tuughable, his wise savings wou u have i'oho honor to the greatdot Oi our modern lili'loson ioi s. He is not drossod a thereuular clown, bu. ui Uie . tester of oldon tunes an extended iigtiro, a Ifiiuiiful lnlellectual citunte nance, ull ef which tomi io make him tlin admlra tiou ot evoiy t eho e'er. T'ie house was an excellent one, despite the coui.tor at 'Motions a t'ie Hoyal and Uu en's Ibeatrer to ecu loole and Brooke Wo beg to remind our renders that Wallett will become an immense invoiiin niu the Dublin audience. Ji uh Times, Auvembtr'JX I li, I II IMtfl I III LATEST FROM WASHI.IQTOH. Our Bpoolftl Despatclios. J WAHniNoTON, January J7. A Nad rass. James Teyton, formerly of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and worth, before the war, over one hundred thousand dollars, was yesterday sent to the Washington Almshouse, having lost all his property by the Rebellion, aud being too old ntd feeble to work. (Secretary Reward The return of Secretary 8eward Is expectdd by his family at any moment. Tbe IaUlaaa. Advices from the Plains to the 18th Instant at the Bureau or Indian Affairs, state that three scouting parlies sent out on Republican lork of the Pawnee river on the 13th Initant, had re turned to Fort Laramie. They were attacked In two instances bv the Indians, but suffered only the loss of a few cattle. Tbe Indians are reported to be gathered in considerable numbers in that country and are very hostile. The weather is inlenaely cold on the plains and the snow deep. ' Mew Apitiicnnf for the New York Col lertorfttilp. , Among the new applicants for tho Collector- Bhtpof New York is lion. Edward Ilalght, , who bus strong support, .-. i . i . , COHtented Seats).' ' The Committee of Elections having finished the consideration of the i Indiana case, Wash burne against Yoorhees, will tako tip the c.ise of Dodge vf. Erooks, of . New York, on Monday rnornlncr. Pnta His Oar In. Governor Orr, of South Carolina, has sent an agent here to remonstrate againnt the passage of the Senate freedman's bill. Mr. Trescoit, the agent, will appear before the House Freedman's Committee on Monday, to state the objections to the bill. . ' Cone resmlonal, 1 , 7 But little business is doing in Compress, as a large number of members have left town for two or three days. ' 1LIT&BT REVOLT 111 SPI1. General Juan Prim's for Liberty. Ccupj, TERRIBLE ALARM AT 31ADRID. Marshal O'Donncll has an Inter view with Gen. Prim. OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE RE- MARK A BLE EVENT. What la Thought of it at London and Paris. IKTLINQ IN TAR1S TOWARDS THE SPANISH BETOLU- TION. Paris, Janunry 9. The treat absorbing ques tion in the political circles of Paris at present is the extent and probable result ot the revolution or insurrection in bpam. The telegrams relative to it. coming entirely throuph the Spanish Gov- . . L L , t. ernmeni. hiiibi pruouui.v uu uiKeu cum, grano Balis, and, when they inform us that General Prim and his adherents are fivlnor fucltlves. Dor- hnps their statements may be as dubious asthoso which have been made so long by the French Government relative to Juarez and his followers. At any rate there is no doubt ot the fact that this movement, coming so soon upon the Em peror Napoleon's expressed hope lor a year of pcuce, la a source ui uu lime uneasiness 10 xue French Government. The example ot revolution is a dangerous one, and European Governments tremble at the sound ot it. The object of the jrogtseive party, of which General lrim la the eader. Is not probably at present to destroy the dynasty which occupies the Spanish throne, but simply to obtain sufficient strength to demand and enforce, if need be, the resignation of the present ministry, and in this shrewd thinkers here, familiar with Spanish politics, believe they have good chances ot success. Official lit story of the Movement. ViLiABEjo, January 4, 1'30 P. M. The enemy. discouraged, and seeinar that it would be impos sible to escape the pursuit of the royal troops, has destroyed the suspension bridge of Fuenle- auena. 1 lmmcaiateiy aespatcnea some stan officers to examine the crait lying at Estremora, VmamanriQue. and miena Meson, it these ves sels are not unfit tor service, and the passage of the river does not present too great dlulculty, I shall croes it by this means. THE MILITARY GOVERNOR TO THE MARSHAL MINIS TER OK WAR. Zamora, January 4, 6'20 P. M. The Avila in surgent advanced about one thousand yards from the railway station where I-had taken np a pobition. Immediately I became aware of their movement, I marched against them with the Airicun battalion under tuelr colonel, ana a tew national gunrd collected from the locality. The insurgents had cot out of the train and were in line on each side of tbe rails, forming a sort of advanced guard. But immediately upon perceiving ns they re entered the train without waiting for its to come within mui.ket range, and retreated. Ttto tog whs then so thick that it wus impossible for me to obtain more information; beside which the encuiv lelt us no timo.. I learned subsequently that tho insurgents have destroyed a purtlon of tbe railway track, but I have already sent a loco motive down tho line, aud ahull act according to circuaist'tuccs. THE CAl'TAIN GENERAL TO THE If AREHAL MINISTER . , OP WAR. ' 1 Valiadolid, January 4, 0 P. M. The insur gents, repulsed from 'Zamora, weie at Foro at live o'clock this cvenlm.'. Tho column pursuing them has arrived ut Slealna, and I hope that this detachment, or tho ouo that has lett Zamora, will veiv speedily, ciujn the Insurgents; 'hroitgho'ut the rest of thn district perfec trau quillitv prevails. The royal troot s ouly await un opportunity to prove their loyalty. Tho Captains General of Catalonia, Arraon, Valencia, Kavurrc, Granada, and Seville report that their respective dittiicts arc per:ectly tran quil. ' It now appears that there are 1 wo insurrec tionary columns, one under the- orders ol Gene ral Prim and lirigndier del Bosch, consisting ot tho Bailen and Calatrava regiments, tho other under an oilicer named Cam pai. lormed bv tho Insurgent garrison of Avila. It is asserted that an engagement has already taken place between the iiifciirumU and the Civil Guard, at Arganda, the result of which was uulavoruble to tbe lat ter. No oflieial Intelligence has been received of any such engagement. Th AvVla insurgent nm being TurseJ. by thiea tolumnB, despatched respectively from V lladolld, Zamora, and Salamanca. At Araniuez arms were distributed among the reaf ants wbo joined tbe insurgents. Tho distri bution (00k place under the portico of the palace. General Pilm is stated to have addressed a proclamation to the insurgent troops, and to nave given promotion to all the oflioers under him. It is also asserted that he demanded a thousand rations from tbe town of Villerezo do Snlvanes. It Is seml-officially announced that Eepartcro positively declared to several friends on the 4th instant that he would never sanction any attack ui on the constitutional throne, which he had himself contributed to establish. Troops have been despatched by the Govern ment, by Bca and land, for Tarragona. The telegraph wires at Tarrancon have been cut by the Insurgents. The Avila insurgents hare destroyed much of the railway track in that province. , Senor Uselctl do Ponto, Private Secretary to General Prim, has been detained in Madrid by tbe Government. . 1 , Oueen Cnriatina is semiofficially announced to nave defetred ber vlttit to Spain, her Ma'estv having determined to await in Paris the issue of present events. . The presont Insurrectionary movement is con nected by many with the declaration made at the preat progressive banquet in the Campoa Elisco, that the progressist purty would be in power two years and one day. It is thought very probable that Goneral Prim will endeavor to gam possession of Maestrazo in the mountains, a position ot great defensive strength. TO THE MARSHAL-MINISTER OF WAR. Barcelona. January 6. I860. According to the last despatches received the Avila insur gents, ri'pubed at Zainora, are marching in the direction of the Portuguese frontier closely pur tucd by three columns. The division of Goneral Zavala commenced moving at daybreak ia pur suit of the two ievolted cavalry reelmcuts. I These two regiments ere quite demoralized, and their force is constantly diminished bv desertion. They are marching towards the mountain? of Cuenca. Perlcct tranquillity prevails in all tho dnstrlcK The troops are animated by the best spirits, nnd are lull of enthusiasm for the cause of order, , Aktonio Hurt ado, Governor. GENERAL TRIM'S PROCLAMATION. . . , Madrid (January 9) Ccurespondtnce London Timet. Tbe following has been handed to m as Gene ral Prim's proclamation. It circulates secretly tiDout Madrid, out 1 nave no means ot ascertain ing its authenticity: i ,,' . , "Spaniards I We have arrived at the terrible moment in which revolution is the only resource ot the nation, and the Tun In duty of honorable "men. I am nt the head of considerable military forces, and a great number ot armed country men hasten on all slues to faght under my orders lor tne cause ot lreertom anil our tntheiland. 'lily banner is the last manifesto of the Pro- greeH?ta (jcntrai committee; witn it in my hand 1 will fipht with wonted va or ugninst tlie Gov ernment which disborors us abroad and ruins us at home, to the point of i.ltiking us a laugh ing stock among foreign nations, and brini Ing us to the verge of a shameful bankruptcy. soluter. who nave already lought under my orders you who are aware that I have never lor eaken vbu; and that if you stand by mo in this enterprise I shall know how to lead you, liist showing you the path to victorv.' and next remunerating your endeavors! Fellow' citizens, men of honor, aid me, you, too, to bring to a narpy end a political revolution wmch may do away with the necessity of that social revolution with wnicn we nre threatened Spaniards, hurrah for libertj ! for the programme ot tne central rroeresBista committee, tor tne constituent Cortes ! J can Prim." GEN. 1IILANS PE BOSCH AN ACCOMPLICE OP TRIM. Madrid (Jan. 10) Vorrefjwndence of the Paris SiecU Admitting tho insurrection to be suppressed, Trim taken prisoner and BUot, as well as his ac complices, Brigadier Milans de Bosch and Gene rals Contrcras and Novdas, would the Koyal family be 6aved any the mrre ? I think not; tne diecontent 13 too general tor the present move ment to remain an isolated fact. .The revolution, If deleated in one part of the peninsula, will appear in another, until t he day of its complete triumph. Within the lat month especially the conduct of the Government has excited extreme dissatisfaction. The speech irom the throne, from which so ronoh was hoped, deeply disappointed tho Spanish nation Instead of the ri lornisimpatientiyexpceted.it only round vngue phraes and Illusory promises; when it ielt entitled to demund the liberty so olten promised, it saw its hopes indefinitely postponed. ' The Spanish Government, therefore, haa no reason to be surprised at this insurrection, and if it has the good lortune to get sate out of the present crisis, it must not slumber over its first triumphs; for, without a radical change in the home policy, not only the O'Donnell Cabinet will be overthrown, but the monarchy of the Bourbons will nave maue a rapid advance to wards its ruin. GRAND BILLIARD TOURNAMENT or THE ' PENNSYLVANIA BILLIARD CONGRESS WILL BE HELD AT ' 'CONCERT IIALti, COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, Slsf instant, AND E1.DISO MONDAY, FEBEUABY S. Fxbibltlon Afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Evening at 1H o'clock. The tollowlng membors will contend tor the Prize : B T. HYALL. E. J. rLUKKETT, JAKES PALMER, JOUST D. BRUCE, HEN BY A. BE WES, CHARLES A. STINSM AN The Committee with great pleasure announce that M Fhelan, F. Carme, D. Kavanagh, J. McDevltt, W". Qo:d. ihwalt, Cyvllle Dion, Joseph Dion, E. H. Nelms, and many other celebrities will positively take part in tUeje tlK"it ExbibtUons. biiiKie 'I itkelH. ISO cents. Reason Tickets, admlttmir one seiitif man and ludies. J 00. To be had at tbe llil larj btt.oouK aud Conllnennu Hotel. 1 i 4t u , : J?0 YE It ACADEMY OP MUSIC. j CARL WOLFSOUN'H , . SERIES OF ! TEK BEETHOVEN MATINEES. ' j rOUSTH MATINEE. I MONDAY AFTERNOON, January SO, 1 At half-past 4 o'clock. ' Wr. Wolfsobn will have the amlstanne of Mulame FAMNY KAYMOr UuTEll c.l jsew York, wag will sing Atlas end U.anslc Sinus, by Gluck, Hand 1, Liszt, ana J-ciiunmun BINGLB TICKETS ONE DOLLAR jTo be had at the Music Htorra anl at th Donr. It TTON GOODS. WIDE CHINTZES, 31 cents. CALICOES, best makes, K cents. 10-4 UTICA SHEETINGS. 10-4 WALTHAM SHEETINGS. 0-4 FEFFEEILL 8HEE1ING3. NEW YOLK MILLS. WAMSUTTA. "WILLIAMBVILLE. 8-4 PILLOW MUSLINS. FIVE BALES ol 4 4 UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, at 11 cents. J. C. ST1UWBRIDGE & CO.. 1 a 3m N. W. corner I'.IGUTH and MARKET. Resolutions of the Philadelphia Coat I Exchange ON TnB CONTRACT BETWEEN TUB PHILAnilLPHIA ASO REAPING RA1LROAJ) COMPANY AND TUB AT LANTIC AND OBEAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Chtap Food from (he WtiiSafl Goal to the Eart jew zraae to tne city of rnUaaeiphta. 1 (OFFICIAL COPY.)' ' Officf of the Coal Ewhanat of Philadctvhia. No. 206 Walnut tirert, Philadelphia, Jmrmarv 23. lf.66. At a special meeting, held to-dav. tho greatest ever held by the trade, nearly all tho large operators being represented, the membors present producing over nve Bullions or tons ot coal er year, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: 1 . 1 Whir eat, 1 he Atlantlo and Great Western .Ball war, the taut Penmylvanla Kailroad Company, and tbe Philfldolnhi and Heading itailroad Company have entered into a eontraot for the construction of a through line ot railroad man the Went, through tne coal rr mnsot Pennsylvania to the cities of Sew York and l'hilariolpnia; and Whereat, 1 he line ol road to be constructed nndor the raid contract will furnish cheaper lood to onr workmen and additional markets for our produo tic Lii therefore, Rtsoivfd, That the proposed railroad connections wiU of rroat advantage to tlio coal tt ade, and cannot fail to add lartrlv to tha commotcial orosDOrity ol rnlladt'ljihia. Ketoivtit, That tne connection onora nv tnn pro posed railroads be' ween ton rich arrlonltnml dlv tilcts ot the ttreat Went ana the coal t olds at Penn sylvania, carrying provisions at Mew York rates per mile, and charging only for tbe actual distanoe car. nea, win secure 10 me mining intercsu s new ana valuable source from bich to derive an abnndant lupplT of cheap food. , tienoweu, mai tne opening and nevo opmoni or the arcal bituminous cn&l rnmnn nt Pennsylvania bv the construction of the proposed rai road through me counties 01 centre, Clear ne a, letlerson, ana Cla rion will add greatly to the nronneritv of the Htato. and to that of the city of Philadelphia, by strength euiiig us present position as tne great coal market 01 tbe United States. lletoived. That it is the duty, thcrofore, of this Coal llchaueo audits member to lond all aid in tiinir power to the proponed enterprise). Keioivea, 1 nut a copy ot tueso reiottiuon he fur nished lor publication in all the daily newspapers, nd the United States Jtailroad and Minim Rvaister Of this cuy, and tne Milters' Journal of V ottsviile. (Attest) A. U Uokoab. 1 . t . Socretary of the Coal Exchange., Among the persons nresent at the meeting that passed these perspicuous, positive, aud sig nificant resolutions we observed, among others, the individuals, the firms, and the representa tives ot coal companies whose names here follow, and which we give so that our readers may Bee ana know tuat tne proceedings were participated in by the coal interests in the Le high as well as the Schuylkill region, the bitu minous as we 11 ai tne anthracite trade: Van Duscn, Loohman & Cain, liecter k Cook. to. Le vis Audentoid & Co. Day, Huddtll & Co. ' IHitklston, iTia' ff & Co. ' H. L Cake J. Sfl EiDROr & Co. W m lluntor, Jr., & Co. I nomas Hull k Co. Il nev F.rooi i:onl 1 o. Duvih ft. Kruram (Represented by J. B.jKcw York and cuuylklU Met tear y. Coal Co. (Rep o.oot'd datloway C. Mori is It Co. l'l welton Coal and Iron Co. iKoprciX nt"d bv I. V. Morrff, Jr) Mammctli Vnn Con Conl Co. (Keprestiitcd by James Js'hiIi ) Ov u W . uuviB, rresi dent ) Quintard, Sawyer & Ward. ' rmo Knot Coal Com pany ( Represented by H W. iuilrr. Uoston Ceo W Uuntz'iiHOr to Co.. Ruucrolt, Lewis. & C'J J, U & it. B Kt pp i r. K. noi'ioimol. M'ay, l itt ereon & Bro . ,C airotHon. Ulin, i arbou coal Co. J. M neck & Co. ( ttci restrted by Slo ! l Garret on. waid l aticiuon.) .lot n J. uovey & Son Ce- rce ,s. l'attcrbon. WiliamV 1'otUrson. liumttido Ct.i: ann Irnn Co (Uo) resound br A. C. V Norton I A Citv Director In the l'ouuiyl- vauia ti. K. Co.) II tram Focnfc iyCvt Rothermol. Jtienrv iieil. Kt Mntinhm Coat Co. M. rtitwi:k ) f-innickBoii & Co 1'ayiB riurson & 'o. lli it i, iiiacll & Co. Aitbouse & ocht. ' T or & C o. (Roiiro'eutod bv John ,uona uson, rresia ThCFC resolutions have three strong points: Fin t. The Conl Trade recognize that it win do immensely to their advantiuro to have Western lood at New York ratrs tier mile, and at actual distance carried. bcHovina that this wltlprO' vide tho cheapest possible mode bv which tlio coal trade can be fed. Abundant and cheap food makes abundant and cheap labor, dd that pto ouccb cheat! c al. and that, In turn m.ikca a Inrtrnr t.rnrin unit mnrfi nrotit. Becond. They recoeuize that tbe union of the bituminous coul of Central and Western Pennsylvania with the anthracite coal of East ern Pennsylvania, upon the same wharves at Fort Richmond, Philadelphia, will benetltbot'i partiec, by bring na there more buyers and mor3 vessels. Third. They pledge the Coal Trade to lend all tho aid in tneir power to tne enterprise. DRY GOOOS RETAIL. 113 PRICE to WOOD, H3 K. MHIli STKEIST, AIJUVE AHCII. Have Just openeu, from New York, 300 doa. Linen Nan kins, from 2 M up to 6 a doz. A cheap lot of Linen Doylies. 1 20, tl M, SITO. and i a dot. 200 dsz. Linen Huckaback Towels, from IS ots. up to 91 8-4 double Damask Table Linens, rower-loom Table Linens. Linen Table Cloths. tcotch Diaper, bv the piece or yard . ' Flrd- eye Linen. Linen Huckaback, by the yrd. Best makes Bhlrilng Linens. Russia Crash, by the yard. Just opened, 1000 do Linen lidkls. Ladies' Linen HUkls., IX, 12H, 15.20, 5, 88, SI, M, and tlH cU. 1 Gentaf Linen bdkfk., 24 up to 75 ots. One lot of Ladles' Tucked lidkls., all linen, 60 cts. One lot of French worked Hdkt's., 28 cts. Ladles' Linen Hemstitch Hdkts , 25 ots up to 80 CM. Gents' Lln?n Hemstitch Hdkfs. GenU' Hommed Hdkts. , Gents' colored-border Hdkfs. Ladies' Linen Cuds. Cue .lot of Black Lace Veils, new style, fit), very cheap. a very ebeap Jot of machine-worked Band, nearly good as needle-worked. W hite Gooes. White Goods. . A new lot or White Bril iauts, very cheap, 28, 31, 37H 44, 60. snrtdiH cis a yard. Jaconet and Cumbrlo Mui Ins. Pott flu inli Cambric and Jaconet Muallnt. Nainsook Muslins, very cheap. , Vlctnr.a i swns. Salnsook Piald and Striped Muslins. ( am brio Flaid N Ufllim. , W bite '1 ariaians and nwiss Musllnk, Eto. Eto. PHICE Vs WOOD. No. ll N.MNTUStroet, above Arch N. B. Best makes Hlcarhed and Unbleached Muslins I'illow csee and hheetluft olunllns. ' 1 antou tlauncU 3U 34. i, 4S, aud t. , Au-wool aua Uotnct Flannels. Heavy rilisker Flunnels. ' , Red and grey plain and twilled Flannels. Bi'St uualny American Friuis and Ginghams. Black Alpacas, a veiy cheap .oi, 31X, Ik, tuX,7S, tl and tl a. li HfyiNTER DltESS GOODS j , AT LESS THAN COST. I CLOSING OUT., ' 'grBAT REDUCTION IN TIIICES. ! ' -. NO ItEU ABD PAID TO COST, ' Aewe are doiormined to cloao out the talanoeol our well-as-oitod Btoctof Winter Dtun Ooodi be foie the scaton o otes. t ' , SILK. OF EVERY; VARIETY ' 'At low prices now Is the tune to buy Silks, as tboy ill bo very much higher. ilUbLlXS AKD CALICOES At Iiee,s than Wholesale Prices. LAD its' CT.OaKIN i CLOtH", and ,'ASfeI MLliLS lor Meu and Lov' wear, at reduced uricet, II. rriSET-. c SOIV, 1 22mwi ' Koi . 713 and 716 N. TLX! II ST. DRY GOODS RETAIL. JjAIlGE LINEN SALE 1 AT MILUIltEIS S, 1 No. 823 ARCH STREET, I Just opened, direct from Europe, the following BARGAINS IN TABLE LINENS. Heavy Table Linen, unbleached, at 750. pot yard. Ixtra heavy Lower loom do., yarn bleached, 11 per yard. Vfctra qualities and widths do. do., IMSHfti S5. Kew styles bleached Damasks, irom tl 28 up to M. Fatra qualities and Widths, tor large extension tables Beal Barnsley Double Damasks, very scare. Heavy Scotch Damasks, In great variety. Fine Irish Damasks, In rreat variety. I TAHLK t LOTUS AMD NAPKINS. ' Every sue, from IK yard np to t yards long. Borne beautiful Table loths, Just opened. apklns and Doylies In treat variety, irom tha Uweat up to the nnest productions of the Damask loom. 'IOWJ.I.H, SEW STYLES. Bath Towels, from 25o. up. ' Bed Bordered Chamber Towels, fromlso, up. Heavy IIu k Towels, wide red ends, at JIXc Bloom Damask Towe s, handsome, Wo. Fine Damask Towels, 87Kc, tl, tl 13. Turkish Towels, several sizes, - RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. A very handsome Hack TeweL with the National colon Introduced In stripes in the border,- not to be round in any othet store m the city, 87 lie, tl. and tl IS. LIJNKJV SIIIUT BOSOMS. Tlie best Linens only are used, and as no Imperfect stitching h passed Into our stock, onr customers may rely on getting the best Shtrt Bosoms possible for the drlces. A bio, Wristbands and Collars. , , LINKN HANOtfRHCIf IEFS. . Ladles', Gents', and Children's Linen Hdkfs , In every style, at Importer's prioes. BiCilSKIlV AND JJIUD-EYK DIAPKRS. ' A full assortment ot all the widths In .Nursery Diapers. These Diapeia will be iound heavier and bettor than usual tor the prices. Bird eyes, a'l qaalttlett Ltaen Cambrics and Lawn. A beautiful soltLlnea Cambric for Infanta' Underclothing,. irem eJiic. up. MILLIKENS LINEN STORE, X 18tbstu2m Ko. 828 ARCH Street UOilA8 SIMPSON'S SONS, ' Kos. 922 and 924 PINE Street I BLANKETS. . ! ' : , , BLASKETS. ' BLASKET9. tflll..lMAT11hnv.l. ..... 1 1 . . - i , r WJ" .hiidui l,inil.rin. rum IVLC1,UU, IV HflU IUI VUQ- ' liiliu lean lijnii iiiv U9UHI (tries ' I cats beautl ul all-wool Blankets for W JO, asual price 1 esse 11-4 handsome all-wool Blankets for only t7 00, sunt Drlcetifl O. . lease very I si go Bingnlflcent Blanketa for flOOtper pair, u ui m rlue til Oil 1 i(,c ock ot L'ueu Damasks and Tojie lings, Jat re ceived atiowptlces 10 nieces tiNUtliiil black and wbiio stripe Mohair Skirtings junt tlie good lor tlie present ioasun. hew open a tul u&iiorinieut til liluck Alpscas and i!oLstr, at ow orlccs. Whl e and colored Moliuirs.and a I ytcul Helultie- JC.8C, and 4u Spring Skirts, of the best shape, both, while and coioieu, at low prt. es. ' ' THOMA- HVP'ON'S SON, XUmws Nos. '22Hnd 924 MSB street SKATING PARKS. yl ft t t r - i -T T t n tt rrv tljj IV A i JJ .U U U 1)1 11 1 U Ut , ' CARNIVAL AT EASTWICK'S SKVTINO PAEK AT OKAY'S FEERY. DECK'S EAXD- ENGAGED FOR THE OCCASION. TICKETH 50 CENTS. For sale at Continental, GirarJ. Motchanta', and Ourai's; ulto at the cilice ol the I'ark. J. MOOItE, ,127 , SECXtETAttY. Due rot co will bo given of tne ovcnlafr of the Cwri.ival. " g K AT I N O-SKATINO. SKATING BY MOONLIGHT ON TILE iPHILADELPHIA SKATING PARK, , TI11BTT-FIB8T ASD WALSCT STBEET3. Take Market Street Cars to thlrty-Orst street, and then COi'D k'lank Wa k to Park. L OLhl ADillSSlON XIUKETS BOLD AT EN TBAMih,, AH who are desirous ef seeing the wondennl opera tion of ock paten r icn plane (WPICH is NOT In use In ANT OTUEa P ARK In THIS clrv) in making the lee as sUOOTil as OL.Vdd, can do so by a visit to the P kK TU-iM Y. Park open until 10 o'clock a, nipht. Full Band of 11 nnlc A'ternoon and Evening. 8K A'l Lb 'lO UIUE AM) FINE KE8TADBA1TT AT PA UK. . . . It g K A T I N G P A R K. GRAND OPENING OF THE EASTER HILL PARK, SECOND 6TBEET, BELOW MIFFLIN 6TKEET, j ON MONDAY NEXT. " , The Park will be well taken oare of, and every ar. langeuicnt has been made for the comtort of those whp may patronise It it . ADMISSION, IS CENTS. CILUBEN, 10 CENTS. gKATING, SKATING, SKATING. ' CENTItA L SKATINtr PARK, I FI1TIEENTH ASD WAILACE STKEET3. PXTRA NOTICE!:! t Contrnrr to anticipation, tood Skating It ALL BAY ARD EVENING. i . ' ; " 'KATINO TO-DAY! SKA'i'ING- TODAY" t I ' THIS liYVNING BT MOOSLIGIIT. NATIONAL SKATING PARK, j TWESTY-FinST Btieot and COLUMBIA Avenue. plendld tkatlnr, with an entire i' ew Sheet ol let. t I ilunlc tills i vonlng. ' '1 ako the Rid go venue Cars. SINGLE ADM1HKION 25 CW& . It 'orATTvni cr t tthui wrrATrvnf THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING', - AT KEYS1VJSM -I'-a-a-a, TllIKD ANJ MOIilMS Krui'.TS- MUMO AKDJLLIJMIN-ATIO.V. It - . pmc i a p.i ducfd. Dea'crs suppllS'" lowet rutef,. . .f II T M T T- 1 C73t r" A I S2S. FKllllilllitroet. E N I N E S, T AT lOWFST l'l'.TPVS :n nifjii. r?.; Tbs beit t y ti lu tbe uiurkct. W TtT.T.l.'lt, 1 27 3t No. 32 I. VO I LI U . treat.