THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. I'GlLADELrniA, SATURDAY, JAARY 27, 1806. 5 FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Xxeltlnv Nrrnea tt Annapnllt Mont gomery 111 air nil "hln t'rlaoil," Ho. Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph, ' Baxtimokb, January 27. Montgomery Blatr, heading a committpo from the Anll-rejrWtry Con- Tcntlou, visited Annapolis yesterday, and asked permission, which was granted, for Mr. Blair to present the grievances of alleged disfranchised voters of Maryland before the members of the Legislature, which he did In a long speoch. ,A resolution was offered characterizing hlu course 88 Acceptive, Impudent, and .impertinent. This caused a very exciLlog discussion, In which Mr. Blair was roughly handled. It was charged that he had Bprung a trap upon the Union members In their absence from the House attending lm- , portant committees, by which al no he secured a vote allowing him and hla committee to bo heard. i Spa(n and Chill Proposed Purchase of the Iron Kara "Unnderberg." . We have receivod, from a well-informed source, a report to the effect that tbe Chilian Govern ment has made overtures to Mr. W. II. Webb for the purchase of the ram Dunderberg. It is said that he will dispose of her If be can obtain the consent of the United States Govern meut. By the terms of his contract, the vessel belongs to him until the monev for her Is entirely paid by the Government, New York Evening Post, January 26. , Financial Strength op the Rebellion.- The largest number of bales of cotton ever produced In one season, in the Southern Hutcs, wns the crop of 1H59, amounting to 4,675,770 bales, which brouahtlOJc. per pound, or $223,560,253. The crop lor ln.r9 wa 3,851.481 bales, and sold tor 114., or $1911,314,190. The crop lor 1RG0 was 3,6t9,2( bales, brimnng lie, or $183,146,337. The total for these three crops was $600,020,780 nearly equal to the aegrepate for the five year preceding 1859. These extraordinary crops, at the high prices they brought, aro far to account for the n nancial strength of the Rebellion; Oub War Commerce. For the four years from 18(52 to 1805, botn inclusive, our war commerce .mounted, in aold value, to $1,092,179,676 of im ports, and $892,211,393, in gold value, of exports, showing a balance against us of $169,968,283. This balance has been chiefly paid, it is supposed, in 6-208, to the amount of $350,000,000 in our currency value. For seven years, from 1855 to 1861, both inclusive, our imports amounted to $2,256,900,000, and our exports to $2,21)5,600,000 showing an cxccbs of exports of $39,700,000. AMUSEMENTS. Arch Street Theatre Mis Qosmer'a "Lu cretia" has the defects of bor "Bianoa:" it Is too artificial and exaggerated, ilor style is decidedly bad; instead of being forcible or earnost, sho has re course to runt. Of all she did we can but dwell on her readirg of the letter. It is all very well to talk of ills h Hosircr as a debutante, but she U deftteto an actress of considerable experieuce. Theso very parts she tilays now, sue played in tfte West, where she was leading woman for ouo or two reasons, some years airo. It is two years since slio aupoarod hero, and she has made no improvement, all the ohange In her bciiig that she has exaggerated hex dofecta. We cannot soe in her any special talent, nor has she, either in her readings or her acting, manifested one spark oi originality. Ibe "Duchets do Torrenueva" requires grace, elegance, and coquetry, all eotlroly out of Mis Hosmei's power. She has not the slightest concep tion of the part. Mr. Rankin played "Gennaro" with care; but he, hko Miss Uosmer, has the terrible habit of expressing pasion by rant and noise, in stead of by intensity and power. His "Ray Goinoz" is stifl and bard ; in all lively parts, too, be hesi tates as thourh he did not know his part. He is not yet sufficiently at big ease to play "Mercutio" acoep taily. Miss Hosuier, on the occasion oi hor benefit, had a full house. Lucretia will bo repeated this evening. - ' New CBE8NUT Street Theatre. Arrah-nxr Pogue will be played this evening, with Mr. Glenner and Miss Orton. Die matinee will iutroduco, for the last time, llie lied Hover. Walnut Street Theatre. Mr. Clarke had a most crowded houso for his benefit. He appears this evening in two oi his lavorlte characters. ruRKLia's Or era Season. As the time ap proaobes lor the commencement of Terelli's Season of Amateur Italian Opera, the interest attaching to it steadily increases. The initial performance of the season comes off at Concort Hall, on Tuesday even ing next, wbon tbore n ill doubtless be present an audience so brilliant and distingue that tbe hall will hardly know itself. The great attraction for that evening will bo Ferolli's flue opera of Clarissa liar- . lowe, which will be brought out in the boat possible style. A f u 1 orohostra (the Germania). a chorus which bos been trained by ilorr Engelke, the Satter lee Braes Baud, and some oi the most distin guished of Mr. IVrelli'B pupiln, will all take part in its production The sconory will be the rust Uerxei's best, and the drupes Dy Desmond wl 1 all be appropriate and unexcopti maula. ' Mo wonder that the fashionable and musical world is in such a staio of pluasaiu anticipation, for the rendition of siuhan opera Dy amateurs wi.l be an event long to be r numbered and ta ked of. Me rejoice mat Mr. l'i rolJi bus received uc i encourage ment as tbe size and renpeo ability ot hie subscrip tion lift evidences. Ibe li-t will remain rpen but a short time ongor.wheu all means ot tngress to (Joucert Hall will be necessarily cut off to those "poor uiilor tunates" who mall nave uegieoted to provide tnem selves, in advance, with the "talismans pastboards," that are obtainable, we boheve, only at Air. Perelu's rooms, No. 1228 Ciiesuut street. William F. Wallett. On Monday evening next the Groat Shakespearian Jester, Mr. Wallett, makes bis fiist appearance, alter many years abscnoe, at the American Theatre. Mr. Wabott is one ot the devotees of Momus who understands bow to be amusing without outstripping the modesty of nature. Tears ago, wben the old National Theatre occupied the site ot tbe pr eut Continental Hotel, he was the lavorite of the ring, ana we remember, wben a hoy, to have laughed uproarious. y at his jokes. If we remember aright be was first piesented to too American public uudor the auspices oi the veteran manager, General Rufus Welch. He returns to us with a European reputation, and from present indi cations, bis engagement at the American will bo an Immense success. , MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Odd Fellows Hall. This entire build ing is now In the po-sessioj of Mr. John Mor gan of this cuv, who has added to it the two fetorv brick adio mug on the east. He has fitted up the lHige hall on the sec md story in magnifi cent stvle, for nails, parties, exhibitions, publlo meetings, etc. The addition leaves the hall un obstructed, aa ante-rooms are made In the rear. The third 9tory Is arranged and splendidly furnished lor the Masonic Order and Odd Fel lows. The lower or grouud-Qoor is occupied .iik'aoTornl stores anl a restaurant. Mr. Mor gan designs to extend the building, at no dis tant dav so as to make the hall 120 feet deep on Market street. This will give it all the capacity v,f will he needed lor many, years to come. .v.. wtnroA. concerts, etc., it possesses every convenience, including private apuriinents, or saloons, for laaies nuu The Late Ariiebt. Injustice was inad- . j...,,. n iI.b nnrplhl watchman at tbe Coop"' To.nt Ferry, a day or two since, in ffivrng an account ot an arrest for larceny ot Articles from tbo boats. The poods were talma . canal boat ot the Point, and the person .rr1ed WUS 'trOlll riUSOUIV. "" J" - Ked to Tatch tbe boat. We cheerfully make this correction. . CHANTiitRnrKB. A large quantity of new lsnd will be devoted to the culture of cranber ries In and licsr Vinoentown, early in the spring. In that rich farming district thee are thou sands of acres of the best cranberry land unde veloped, a large portion of which will be put under speedy cultivation. Young IiIrn'b Christian Association. At the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association of Hridgeton, held a day or two since. Samuel Applcgate was elected resident, Joseph T. Brown, Jr., Secretary, and Truman Chapman. Treasurer. This woolation has an excellent library ol a thousand volumes, which is open every evening. Baptism. The protracted meeting still In progress in the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Camden, seems to have caused considerable excitement and interest. To-morrow evening seven persons will be baptized by Immersion In the church. Fingers Sawed Off. A roan named Martin Bowen, a hand In onu of tbe steam saw mills at Brldgeton, a day or two since had all tbe fingers on his left hand cut oir by a circular saw. CITY I NT ELL I OE NUE For Additional Local Items tee Tfurd Page. Garhotid and Robbed. About 10 o'clock last night, an old gentleman, named Daniel Blackburn, was attacked at Nineteenth and Shippen streets, nearly opposite his own son's rcsidt nee, and garroted and robbed. One of the attacking party seized him bytne throat while the other rifled his pocket of a watch valued at $75. During the sc utile Mr. Black burn's own son came out on tbe step, but sup posing that it was a drunken fracas between the men, paid no attention to them. Finally he re cognized his old father, and made after the vil lains, whom he pursued for several squares without being able to overtake them. Judge Thompson's Successor. It Is stated on good authority that Judge Allison, associate on the same bench with the late Judge Thompson, will be elevated to the vacant Dlace thereon, and that William 8. Pierce will be ap pointed Associate Judge. By this arrangement it will be rendered necessary to elect both a President and Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, In October next, as the appoint ment of Messrs. Allison and Pieroe will only be until an election Is held to fill both Judgeships. The Accident to Hon. George Thomas. Tbe announcement In the House of State Representatives, on Wednesday, that Hon. ('eorge Thomas, of this city, had met with a severe accident, which would detain him from his seat, elicited much regret among his col leagues and friends. It appears that Mr. Thomas was in Baltimore, when be slipped ou the side walk, spraining his ankle ana receiving other severe lnluries. After receiving medical atten tion, Mr. Thomas was removed to his resldonce In this city, and it will require a week of repose before he can resume his seat. Third Annual Hop of "La Coterie Blanche," at tbe American Academy of Music, will take place on February 7, 18(16. As yester day, tbroueh some awkward tvpocraphical error, a mistake was made in the names of the managers, we give a correct list below: Q. 0. Evans. Ed. Marlov, W. Stanton, John R. Eyre, Crus Lukens, llarnianus Netf, W. II. Bellows, Henry It. Edmunds, Nick H. McCoy. New Music We have received from the publisher, Charles W. A. Tiumpier, the Coterie Cnrnlval Galop, composed lor piano by Adolph Birgield. It is a brilliant composition, und willdoubtless become very popular. Pat Your Tasks. The City and State taxes for 186(1 will be received at the oilioe of Receiver of Taxes on and after Tuesday next. Advick. If you don't wish that rogues should ro'j Tou of the cash you prizo, Don't trust It all within your fob. Though close unto vour eyes, Nor think you'vo hid it safe and snug In an old stocking or a jug. But greenbacks that are wisely spent ' Are eaio from thievish power, Atd real comfort and content 'I hey '11 buy at Bennett's Tower! We do not profess, for any real or imainam cause. to sell below cost, but are sellina raitiillu oar stock of good, frtsh, fashionable, and bound Clolhmo. at prices guaranteed to lie Unnir than those of any other iivuse m una rtiy. 1 n e mive fie lurncsi unti vest as sortment of Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing in Philadelphia, Tower Hall, AO, 019 HIAUKKT 6 TREK?, BrjiMBtt & Co. Carnival. YOEMJ MEKNERCnOR, JAN. 29, CO.MTOSKD BT A FKIKND. Tis the Carnival time! and old Winter, arraved Jn earnicDts of white, snoaksof aue and decay t Yet a hoary old prophet he stands undismayed, . Ana tuns us oi spriDg-time, oi ttre ana ot day. We ruupt soon say farewell to tho feast and tho cong E-a ting our thoughts to the true and sublimo. Bu lie joys of the past, that to mum'ry belong, Aiiure us again at mis leauvai nine. Then hsste to the Carnival, revel awhllo Witbfancilul toy in us noliduv dream: Till tho rapture ol youth, its aHuremeuis, its smilo. ' I'ass oeiote us ana e en a reamy seem. Ob I come, joyous ma'deu, thy beautiful smile, TLe gay ioLe ot lancv unfettered by care: Thy glad song ot joy shall the hours beguile, Ana love be tne guoraon awaiting tnoe inure. Ohl liasten, brave jouth, clad in the armor ot light, wnn siueiu ana wun Duckicr prtparea iortne strife. Hope and joy fill thy breast, and thine eye, sparkling ongui, froclaim tbee success in "the battle of light." Fair matrons, adornod with the err cos of home ! Coine snow us the pleasures taut uuver cau clov. Bring bright muling children oh, hasten andcomo, luat child-voices g'adly may eouo our joy! Fond lovers botrolhed to tho bauquet rcpa r, lo tne oowcr oi roses wuere rove reigns su creme. Hand in band, heart in heart its delight ye may snare, And prove to tho world that true love is no dream. And (bus, while the "ay witching scene we fnjov, juay we cull tue iair nowers oi iiove, Jioue, and Truth. And learn ail tho seasons ot lite, to employ 1 hat they yield us pure oma, oom in ugo and in youth. Farewell then to pleasure- t!iat. t ide and decay, And welcome tae time oi aevououai love! Ibin each heaven-sun' joy, as it pawes away, A lorotaste snail pe 01 "Hiiygium" above. Machinery I'brvkctko In all tbe wide range of tiuijiun inventions the genius ot man b ts nover uuuu inure usuiu iy cauou miu upumnuu iuhu m brioplng to perfection a durable, choap, eihoient,and simple Sewing Machine Applying those essential qualities i f wood Hewing Machine to tfjo F'oteuoo, soiu at sso. iu (Jhesnut street, we cousioor mat its projectors have a penect right to claim for it, in tbe btgliest decree, simplicity wuh durability, aud tno further quality ot doing a greater rsupe pt work than uy other compeiitor, whilst it can be ea-ily understood by ail llemdm mnbodvina all tbs advantages oiMhermacluues tho Fioionce possosaus many improvements over any mid all ot them such as maun lour ditiurent kinds o' stitches, a tell-adjUftlDg teMiouaduptud to all kinds of work, never tailing to give the amount of tension always in exact pronoition n tlm mn or the tobbln, the peculiar method of tatiug uiiihesiack thread, tbo excellent aud exo'.umvo li-ainrn nl diini- ing tbe luiigth of the stitch, and tue direotion oi the same, tlem uiniatcd the reversibU lett-motiou, which enables the onerator, by tiuiniv turuimr a ihnmh. screw, to have tbe work run uthor to the right or lelt.tomiy any part ot thp team or tasten the ends oi soma wnnour tuiniux tie iuorio. A cirotul examination ol thecoutuution and workinv ol tho i lureute Atacb n will couvincu any one of its su periority, and we wou d ndrue our readort who are dexiroux of fuyingfi gitt thut win be most acnentablb to the wito, daDghter end iriend, to buy a Fiorouet Sewing Machine a'gil' ot bcancy and utility mat will last lifetime. Every machine Hold is war ranted to give satisfaction, and inxtruotlons given without charge. Call turly to secure uromvit de livery, as the Company are now behind tuuir oiders. For a Sttjdbobh Couon lite Dr. D. Jayne'g Expectorant at once ft mar save you from Con sumption, it w III certain ty ctire the most Inveterate Coughs and Colds. fob BBitoonrni, Try Jayne's Expectorant. It will subdue the In flammation, relieve the cough, pain, ana difficulty of breathing, and produce a speedy euro. BAVI TOO ASTHMA? Jsyne's Expectorant will overcome the spa'modie contraction of tbe wind tubes or air vessols, and cause the ejection of the mucus which ologs thorn, ron FLBunisY. Take two or three large doses of Jayne's Expecto rant in quick succession, and covering np warmly In bed, the disease will be subdued at the outset. IIAVB TOU THB OONSUMPTIORf Jayne's Expoctorant wilt give yon immediate re ' lief. It cleanses tbe lungs from all Irritating mat ters, while it heals and Invigorates them. Thousands who have been given np by their phydcians have been restored to health by Its use." WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, And all Diseases of the Lungs or Breast, tue effbo tuallyand speedily cured by Jayne's Expoctorant, It is no new remedy. For thirty years it has boon before the pub'.lo, the demand for it constantly in creasing, and the evidence ot its great curative powers accumulating in our hands. Why not give it a ti loir The Expectorant and all Dr. D. Jatnb & Son's FamilyMedicines are proparcd only at No. 242 Chcs nut street. Reasons Why thb Pboplk Buy Tbbib Cloth- lko at Oak Hall. 1. Jt is the chkapkpt place to buy in Fhiladotnhia. Tbe bouse doing such a large business, employs a large capital, and gts Its goods from manuiacturers ana importers, ana imports lor ltoolt. 2. It is the rest place to buy. becanso the Clothing that comes from Oak Hall is really lirst-cloas in style wane, ana trimmings. 8 Because thore is no disappointment. Every thing in as represented. If an article is rooommoned, it can be fully relied on, and tins feature, to those who are not judies, mvaluahle. 4. Becan-e the utonk comprises such a splendid vabikty, that any one can be pleased. ' Instead of a dozen styles tl;ere uro Hundreds, and any size or thape can be titled. b- lSfonuse the clerks and salesmen are oentlr- STANLY, AND POLITIC ATTENTION 18 GIVKN TO ALL, rich or poor, quick people or tedious, wbethor they wish to purchase or not 6. Because of tbe cukerfulnkss with which an article is exchanged it "it does not please the folks at home," or another "ty'e is prefeired. 7. Bi cauee tne custom Depautmknt is tbo best organized establishment in Philadelphia to get a car.neut made to order, to pit, and numbed at short notice, and promptly Bout honu. 8. Because the assortment ot goods in tho pleoo, in the Custom Department, to select a suit lrom, suu- PASEKS ANYTHING eTOT known IN PlIILADDKLl'lItA, comprinng as many goods as a scoro oi ordinary tailor stores eomblued. Let the people ol Philadelphia come and see what INDUSTRY, ORGANIZATION, Blld CI.OSK APPLICATION to BUt-iNtss can do in prepxring lor tbe wants of tbo community, and how careful study and economy m purchasing raw materials can chcaoen an article to the customer. Orders bv mall have the prompt atten tion ol a speolal cle k, and where the article is unsatis tactory may be leturued and money reluuded. Wanamakkr & BllOWN, Popular Clotbiux House, Oak Hall, 8 E Corner Sixth and Uarkkt Streets. F. S. We have a tnl line of Boys' Clot oi no and GXZtTS' FURMSniKQ Goodb. A Letter prom Frkehmen's "Bill:" On Dk Kun, Washington, January 27. Mr. Editor: Bies you, dis is de fust imo 1 was ctLer in l.'ougress.and as you may soo by do papers, me and Judge Kollov have bo IT been frn de Hou.-o. 1 net ter tbouirbt when do .ludge fust took hold of me dat I would be here, jes waitin to go fru de Se ra tc likewi.-e, und don up to ilossa Johnson to take his ) and at d i White House.' eonie ob do white folks sav 1 will bo sent buck to de White House au altered and improved Bill; but, btess you, houev, I don't see how they could do much wid me. But I'm in do bands ob do Judge, and bo savs he'll see me fru. Secretary MoCuiioch has a ftill dat he wants to put lorward like me, but dero's uo use ob talking, nullin goes hero cept don's a little black male connected with it. Dat'sa.ioke. I learned dat trem do Judge, and be lamed ii,be told me, lrom reeding de advertisements of llassa Charley Htokei & Co. 's One i'rico Clothing House, undor Uo Conti nental, printed in de fl adelfy papers. , You is sure, Bill, Boys' Clothing at Ubkatly Keduced Prices. Slauy ot our readers are aware, aud for tu i bene lit ot tbote who are not we wi I stute, that lor some vears past oro of the most popular Bovs' Uioibin? es ablishment in Our city has been conducted lu the second story ol their store, Ninth and Market streets, by Messrs. Cooeer & Coriard, iu conucction with their trade in dry goods. They have now a ba'ance ol lishionabie readv-mado slock on hand about six hunercd aud lllty Bos' Suits, Coats, Overcoats, oto , which tboy have determined to close out at a great n (taction trim the regular pries, la fact, they have resolved to soil every fall and winter garment in their stock be ore tbe 15th da of February, toaeoom plish which they will necessarily be obliged to favor purchasers in point of prices. Habheebh Candy. In spite of all prejudice and opposition on tho pait of interested parties, the ro murkab'e cures eflected by the use ot this remedy, as almoxt daily test'lied to by many of our well known citizens, will soon displace some ot the nauseous drugs and doubtlul nostrums so often forced down the throat ot Invalids. It is aimost a sure cure iu all ca-esof coui'lis, coitls. asthma, neuralgia, nervousness, loss ol appetite, low spirits, and all throat and lung flitil cultii'B. Its general influence on the miud also hug a wondorful mtlueuce on the physical system. 1 rice, 61) cent and 81 per box. Hold bv the drug gists. ho.esaie by Job anon, Uolloway & C'owdon. Cogd foti thb TnnoAT. Rohblns' Pectoral Troches quickly euro Sore Throats, Coughs, Colds, etc. etc. 1 have known Robhias' Pectoral Troches to procure ertnc restoration of tho vo ce Those usiUtf one box come bac torunore, staling "thov are the host I ever w-.ed." , H. E Ahhmkad, Apothouary, No 3.iU houtli beouud eirout. bold by Drupglst. 26 cunts a box. OfficeuS and Mkn of tho U. 8. Steamors "Mal vern," Jsarutunza," " Wilueriuss." '.Vaus mo.,d," Launch o. 6." "Advanco," und "Alontioollo " and all othois interested in tho ' Stag," Cbarloito," Kelma," and "tJoruubia." wi.l near ot something ftieatly to their auvun ago bfoailing or wrinug nt once to l lie .Military and Naval Aeucy, No 427 Walnut Street, I'hliaUoh bia. Josph E Duntt & Company. I.ove and A Good Dinnku ore said to be the only t 'O thiuirr that chango a man a character, It my be so; can't say. Bur il you want a supply ot good Coal, we would unhesitatingly direct ou to W W, Alter, tho great coal iiiMobam, No. 057 North Ni'th stieot, below (iirard avenue. Alter Is u mau oi ths strictest probity, and his tob always in -ans 2241 lbs. Orders may be loit at tbe ottice, cixth aud fcpring Garden siroi ts Paulub, Paulub. Tb!s comiomeu, which is so pot mar nud well-known as being sigmUcant ot liu" Lais and cuj ot evory desoi ipiiou, und wbioii is so luignly imt, ouized ut tho lasiiiotiub'e hut ouipoi'iani oi i harles 1'ou u. 8 E. corner ol Second and o it;i street- tl.ould be Immediately resorted to by all in lu stock is lur Hupei- oi'. both in price and quality, to any m tlio o;ty ut ti e present timo UahiDykI Haib DykI ltalche'or's Hair Dy is tbe best in tho worl'i 'l'hd ouly true ar.d purfeut d-o Imrin'ess msiuntaneous aud reliable produce.) u siih niliil I'lnck or naturm brown rdiniuius tb- ill otlpfit. ol bad dves. onu freiiU'incly restores tlio on. i , imil color. Bo a bv an diunvists. The t'rnuiu.i is ngnrd vv. A. uatchelor, No. hi Uarolu struct, liewlioik. Oi'PiCERB and Men oi' the 43l Ro'.'imont Unit d fela e Colored iroous will niease call or sond taeir Btioicsi to tbe Military and Navai Ag noy, No. 4J7 Walnut Btreut. Joeph K. Devitt . Com;iauy. Persons nbout changing their residence can Invo their ui bolstering done bv practical workmen, at ti e (.liortcst no'loe. N. B. Carpe s altered and laid, at W. Hknby Fattan'b, No 1408 Chesnut street Disabt.vd OFriCBM and Soldibbs d'soharrsd from the Veteian Krerve Corps, are Invitod to call at the J'llltarT and Nsval Aceney, No. 427 Walnnt Street, Philadelphia. Joseph . Devitt k Coin Pnf. Window PnAPEfl, suitable for Parlors, Dining. Rooms, Chambers, etc, put up by W. Hbbby Pat ten, at tho shortcut notlew. No. 1408 Chesnut street. Wdxn yon ieel a cough or bronchial aflootion creeping on the lungs take Aybr'b Cherry Pbo tobal, and cure it hfrr t tweom" Incarable. Window Wbadrs at reduced prices, at W. Ubnry Pattbn s, No. 1108 ( hosnut streot. TBicitfl TtEDUCKD. Splendid pictures those made at U. F. Itelmer's. Pentona desiring will And tbem most saristaotory in style, quality, execution, and prices. Gallerv No. 624 Arch street. Church Cushions made to order in tbe best man. nor and most reasonable terms, at Pattxn'b, No. 1408 Chcsnnt street. ft, FnoBVAXBR & Co., N Oi.4 and Not th Eighth Htreet, have on hand all tne latest st)les Of Chil dren's ClothlDg. Furniture renebolstored and varnished In the best manner, bv sending it to W. Henry Pattbn's, No. 1408 Chesnut streot. I. E. Wal&atbn, Masonic Hall. Window Curtains, Window Curtains, Wlndew Curtains, Window Curtains, Window Shades, Window Shades, Window Shades, Window Shades, I. E. Walbavbs No. 718 Chesnut street, W. A B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market, W.AB , Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. It B., Good Clothing, Oak Uall, Sixth and Market. W. k B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W.fcB,, Good Clothing, Oak Hall.Slxthand Market. W . A B.. Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market MARUIED. BIERBACH FINK.. On January 18, 18(18, by the Key J. N. Crowell, FBANCIS UltKBACH to KMMA A., youngest daughter of Julius Fink, allot this city. 1BY CUDKNECHT. On September 17, 1865, br the Rev. William I. Eva, Mr GKOK'tK KKY to Miss MAKY N. H. GUDK.NECHT, all of this city. DIED. BARNES. On the 2M InsUnt, ALBERT C. BARN Em, in the 88th rear oi bis age. Ibe relatives and mends of tbe ramily, aso the members ot Meridian bun Lodge, No; 477, I. O of O. F., are respectfullv invited to attend hli funeral, from hla mother's residence, No. 419 Dauphin street, on Sunday afternoon, tbe 28th Instant, at 2 o'olook. To pioceed to the Odd Fellows' Cemetery. BEG LET. On tbe 26th Inst., Mrs. CATHARINE BEuLEk, daughter ot the late James and Eleanor Collins, aged 88 years. The relatives and mends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from Mrs Cul lion's, No. 1219 Market stieet, on Sunday atternoon at 1 o'olook, without turthor notloe, lo proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. BRACELAND On January 25, JOHANNA BKACELaND, aged 75 years. Ihe relatives and triendsaro respoctfully invited to attend the luneial, lrom the residence of hor nioco. No. 1519 Ogden street, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. BRADY. On the 26th Inst., PATRICK BRADY, agedCOyeais. ills relatives arid the friends of the family are re spect tully invited to atiend the lunoral, from his late r s donee, No. 1523 American streot. above Jefferson, on Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Servicos and intetment at St. Michael's Church. CLAKK On the 22d Inst., GEORGE W. CLARK, in the 47th year of his ago. The friends and relutives of tho family, also the Twelith V. aid Domociatio Association, are respect- iu:iy invited to uttena tne tunor&i, lrom nis late rcsidonce, No. 826 Julianna street, on Sundav after noon at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. M1NSHALL. On tho 26th instant, ROBERT W. M1NSHALL. son ot the late Thomas and Maria J. MmshaU, in tbe 19th year ot his age. line reia'ives and trieuds oi tue iiimiiv are invitoa to n.tend tbe funeral, without further notice, troin the residence of G. W. Ehawn, near Fox Chat,o, on i ufsnav tue HOtb instant at l'i o'clock. 10 proonnd to Cedar Bill Cemetery, Frankfoid. fcMITll. On tbeevenlnz of tho 24th instant ac tbe icsidcnco of his brother, U. K. Smith, No. 1124 Wallace street, WILLIAM K. SMI Id, ot German- town. 1 ho relatives and friends and those of the family. SIfo the membors of Lodge No. 81, A. Y. M.. and v amor .Lodge, I. u. ot o. I . are invited to attend his funeral, tiom bis brother's residence, ou Monday next, January zsi, ut iu o ciock. XT E HAVE NINE STYLES OF PATENT ASH Sitters, by using wblcb you wiv raatBrially re duce your coal bills, also Ash Meve Mbeet Zinc. ,-tove Jllca or Islnglara. Hlova 1'ellsh, Pokers, and other seasonable Hardware, for sale bv IKt'Jlll 8, BltAW, No. &15 (Fight Thirty-rive) MAUKt r t)t . below Ninth. CASH AND WINDOW FASTENERS, BRASS and Iron Bolts, Door Chains and other fastenings, for sa.e bv TKUM AN & SIUW, JN o. :i (Eight Thirty-five) MAKKET St.. below Ninth. CRATES AND SKATERS' IMPLEMENTS, IN j eluding aeh'-fastenlng Hk&tcs, fine Steel ekatos, Imitation Steol Skates, lilon iln Skates, with ankle supporters, aud a variety of other siyles. iSkiters' (Urn eta. Patent htrap Pullers, anil lleol I'Utes. fckuies sbarpenod at THUMAH & SHAW'S. Ho. 88 (Kinnt i blrtv-nve) MARKKT St.. below Ninth. TIIEO. n. M C A L L A , FASHION ABLR HATTKR. AT HIS OLl ESTABLISHED SfASD, No. 804 CIIESNDT 8IKEET. IStt GREAT BARGAIN, CRASH ROLLERS. 2S00 CRASH ROLLER TOWELS, BOUGHT AT A GOVERNMENT SALE, SLLIING OFF FROM 31 TO 45 CEN23, At Millikcn's Linen Store, It'" Vo. 8T? AltCH 8TKF.ET. 'PI! E T II I K D ANNUAL II ) P . or LA COTEI5IE lil.ANCHE WILL TAKE PLACE AT TilE AC iDEM Y OF MUSIC,' February 7, 18S8. Ibe Eectetary, WILLIAM II. LELL3W8, will bo at No. 630 CHESNUT Street, between tho hours of 10 A M, and 4 P. where thosa deslrlug to aubcrlba can do so ul Jict to the approval of tbe Atsociutlou. I'emons having tickets, and wishing transters made, musiDoth'y thn Secretary, so that action cau be ta'.ton prevlmu to February II. 1 27 1 Ot TO IttOX FOUNDERS .V MANUFACTURERS. 1 m TOSS LEHK.H AND hCIJUVbKILL LL'sr OUAL, In stors snd for sale lew, at tthlNVH C.n.l, DEPOT, ELEVENTH AND WILLOW SlKEETS. OF DICE, i-o tii WnlNUl' MkrEI', Kiiinlly "o 1 ai (jroatly reduced rrlu8. 1 11 .Vrp j 8AAC NATHANS, AUCTIOXUHB ' AKD MONEY 13IIOKKU, . S f . COUKEB Or TUllID AND 6PB0CB BTBEET9 Only one Square below the C:xctinng. Sa 1 11iNS1 l'rfocfai on e eitabilhind for th laat tori' itoii kione.t to loae In larva oi nnmi auiuuuu t ilif iv est rates on Disnoniis.hiiver I lata. W ate ho. Je. ir. lotuuik'.KDUirooits o;vtf decni,uon orbut hours irvia M. tUl If M. 4 1yrp En'AMEL OF AMERICA.. 1IIS WXLL INTEREST OUR LADY ItHAJMCRg, i . . ,i I TIIEBB HAS LONO BOTCH FELT on tbe part of ur . LADY PATTIOWS ! desire to procurra article ( OF TOHJH1T' to which the COULD P-ACE COSFIDBtrCK, ( and which would supsrsede th many Injurious Toilet Powders and Pastes which, for want of better, tboy were forced to use, t ' - ' r . THE INJUnT 1 THEIR COMPLEXION AND IIBALTIt. NOW, HOWEVER, WE ' .:' HAVE ' THE PLEASURE TO PLACE BEFORE THEM t article which we know trom personal experience to be Just what will satisfy them in every way. It is Perfectly Harmless to the Skin. WARRANTED TO BE SO. In fact, so well satisfied have we become from ions and pa ties t INVESTIGATION t hat It will sot Injure, but rreatly Improve the skin, AND REALLY BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION, THAT WE WILL EEFUND TO AST LADY, who, after giving our preparation, THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED ENAMEL O jj1 AMERICA, A FA1K TRIAL, THE MONEY PAID FOB IT IF IT FAILS. IT IS PUBELT VEGETABLE IN ALL ITS COM PONENT PABTS, -AND CONSEQUENTLY IS HABMLES8, ONLT TO IMPROVE THE APPEARANCE OF THE KJN. It will rc i ly remove FRECKLES, MOLES. llACICWOHM, PIMPLES, and tv cleansing and the skin, give It a BEAUTIFUL VELVETY APPEARANCE. It will conceal th markj-of SMALLPOX, AMD IT WILL 1NSTANTANEO 1SI.Y REMOVE A I J. I ROUGHNESS 1 KOM THE SKIN. FOB chapp;:d hands A2.D i I At E IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL, making the skin as white uudsinoo.h as IVORY. LADIES WHO HAVK CHAPPED HANDS. or skin made tough by exposure to tbe cold winds, are Invited to CALL AN D TRY IT, and satisfy yeurself befoi, rou rune, a ask it. A Bottle ALWAYS OPEN V.'itN THE COUNTER, ' 'FOR LADUS TO VSE, WITHOt V CHARGE, AT PRANC0IS GlGOlTtE & CO'S BEAUTIFUL UTOIlE, s. vv. cor. eigh; a and locust sts. Il'ICE. Slng'.e Bottlo ...SI 00 Mx bottles ,' soo voi. . vxe nr DYOTT Si. CO., JOHNSTON, HO:.LOVAY& COWDEN, R. &, O. A. W vitiHT, GLENN A. HINT i CO., IIARF tiOS &, ARMSTRONO, Diogglsts, Ilair-i makers, and Perlhmers. FRANCOIS G .KGOIltE fc CO. are the sole Agents for t. e VERY I ,.I,IGHTFUL FRENCH I SEPARATION ron ti:;- LIPS, LA CHEJIE EE Fi I CR DE LIS AND L CREME DES ROSES. FOR SAJ K ONLY AT 2Smf8t S. VV. COR. EIGHTH AND LOCUST STS. AUCTION SALES. PHARLLS C. MAC:.':V, AUCTIONEKR. NO. V.' 3i6n.Al.KEr Street botweon Third and Fourth. THEOLOGICAL, HIST "itH'AL. AND MISCtLLA NEOI'S bOOKS, On ilor iay I yeninu, at sharp 7 o'clook. eta ,iie are ready. Books uiy ba eximmcu ouatonuay from t A. M. t il 4 V, M. HARDM'AUE. ETC. On 'I'ue 'lav Morning, i at sham lOo'clock. Filer, Augers, Bed Castors, Solves and Forks. to- CBOCKF.RY AND OLASVABF. and a variety of White I ranlte aud '. V. Ware, Olnsn ware. Laiup Burners, LiukkUjU' Jars, ilmturd Bot tles, eta, 1 'il 'H THE LATE GREAT FIRE IMMENSE BARGAINS OFFERED. .BOOKHILL & WILSON, PR0PME1 9R3 OF TUE Bro n Stone Clothing nail, No, 603 tund 605 CHESNUT ST., HATK aa BIR STOCK OF GOODS FOB GEITTLEHET AND YOUTHS Now Arranged and tfcadj for Sale, AT ASTOUNWNGLY LOT -JUICES, WITH A VIEW TO CLOSING OUT THE GOODS Rescued from the Late Conflag, Tation, AMD OV rsSPASIIHTBIB spring stock:, the customer departmbic M NOW UNDER WAY Otf THE SECOND FL00U, 122Ct4p ENIK ANCK ON CUE3KUT ST. f 11 A N l v L I IV SILVER WSim COMPANY. PARTIES WHO DESIHE TO BECOME IN TERESTED IN A LEGITIMATE, PRACTI CAL, AND PROFITABLE SILVER MINING ENTERPRISE, POSSESSING SUPERIOR MINES NOW IN PROCESS OF DEVELOP MENT, ARE INVITED TO CALL AT THE OFFICE OF THE ABOVE-NAMED COM PANY, WHERE FULL INFORMATION CON CERNING THE SAME MAY BE OBTAINED OFFICE, No. 432 CHESNUT STREET, (UPSTAIRS). SILAS BETTS, 1 20gwSt4p TRASUB K B. (JOOl'EB A C O N A R D, NINTH AND MARKET. 35 cent yard wide Rood Bleached Uuiliu. H cent heavy good Bleaobed M oslln 40 CiDis lor best makes B eacbed ilusliu. f 48 cents tor Wllllanisvlllei. 63 Cents tor beaty 5-4 Bleacbed Sbeetlnr. 457. PIECES Bleact ed and Unli leached Mua'lus selling bv the. piece at lowest wholesale pi Ices. 35 cents for good Ginghams. al cents lor Merrlmac I'rUiti 0 for boavy largt Blankets. ' 4U cents for (tood buck trluged Tqiwels. tl'15 for heavy power-louin Talile DamaHk. CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES. "W inter Ooodi greatly reduced In prlco. Tial y receiving bprlng Stock. One cae best ater proof CloaUlngs. Beaver t'luaklniia aud Overcoatings low. Wo advise buying now whilo they are cheapw SPRING FLANNELS. Complete Stock flora 40 cento up. Best Xivklnijs made for best custom. I 25 6t4p JJU. IlLNTKli, No. 44 N. SEVENTH eiTIiRf T, ABOVE FILBEHT, FH1XADKLPBIA. Acknowlitli'ea bv all par'"' tifr''tr,i bT ,llr ' in ti e treatment ft l) $ras in his specialty. QT7IOK, THOUODUH, and prrmnn -nt cures guaranteed luevfrf case. Keuiember DK. Ul'M'I F,K 8 I elebrated Kernedle cen only be bad genuine at bis oid efltablu bed Ofllce.Mo. 44H,btVJ!.ViUeUMet, aUnaiUberV IIW 5P S