THE' DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 18GG. FOUNDERING OF THE imiTISII PACKET SHIP GRATITUDE. The FMMgerftftal i!rw nMend by turn Itarqti FrtulosilA. Terrible HntTortag Born KttHonttJ i iuir i'it r tVHtr ad Two BlKcnlm (ha Wail Allowance Qf Eneti for Nearly Two Wwki The British barque Fredonia arrival at Boston yesterday morning, from Fayal, having on board two hundred and Bovouty-thrce of the paBcn gers, and thirty-three of the crew of the packet Bhip Gratitude, which vessel was abandoned at sea on the 3d instant, in a sinking condition. The Qralilude, commanded 1y , Captain Mo Btockcr, left Liverpool, bound for Jew York, on the 19th of last November, with a lare comple. merit of passengers and a valuable cargo of assorted merchandise. She had a very tempos tuous passage almost from, the time Bbo left Liverpool until after Christmas, and it Is sup posed that the ship was badly strained during the heavy weather she encouqtered. On the 1st lust, while in latitude 41 30. and longitude 63, 4ue Gratitude wa fallen in with by the British barque Fredonia, Capta.n Burke, from Fajal, bound to Boston, and which vessel, at the request of Captain McStocker, remained near the Gratitude to render any ostintauee ibat ' might be needed. Captain Burke, of the barque Fredonia, soon ascertained that the Gratitude was in a v ry critical condition, and was fast tilliuir with water. He immediately set to work to rescue tho.;e on board of the Gratitude, ai.d it In mainly owing to the assistance thus oppor tunely tendered that the most ot them did not men with a watery trrave. The Ft edonia lay by the sinking ship Gratitude for three days, during which tune the passeu jfera, two hundred and seventy-threo in number, and thirty-three of the crew, were safely trans ferred Irom the Gratitude to the Frcd-mia, and the ill-fated ship was resigaei to the winds and waves. In order to make room for the unfortu nates, Captain Burke was obliged to throw over ' board a large portion of his cargo, consisting of whalebone and oil, and It was with the greatest difficulty that they could even then all tinJ a place to' lay their henils. Atler havine this larcc number of'pprsons so unexpectedly added to his own crew, Oapta'n Burk" was obliged to place all bands on short rations, and the sufferings liom hunger and thirst endured by them lor more than one whole week can better be una gired than dr scrib-d. From the 3d instant until yesterday morning they subsihted on nothing bin water and biscuits, and even this means of sustaining life must have soon given out but lor their icrtunate arrival at Boston yesterday morning. livery day two biscuits and hali1 pint of water were issued to each individual, and they were obliged to live upon that lor twenty-lour hours'beforo receiving any more. Had there been a suilicient supply of provisions on board of the Frcdonia to have allowed tbe Issuance of larger rations it would have been done; but ns that vessel was already short of provisions when she tf 11 in with the Gratitude, the short allowances were necessi tated through sheer force ot circumstances. As soon as the nbove facts became known after the barque was telegraphed below Borton, a steamer was despatched to tow bcr up, and on her arrival the survivors were placed in Kid dell's Inrue carriaee hall, and had all their wants generously attended the city authorities Captain Burke, of the barque Fradmii, is de serving of ptaise for the manner in which ho lay with his vessel alongside ol the Gratitude for three full days, and lor the sailor-liks maimer in which he rescued so many uufortunate beings Jrom inevitable death, and the unselfish motives that prompted him to throw overboard a laree portion ot his valuable cargo in order to make room to accommodate them on his own vessel. Captain McStocker, of the ship Gratitude, is at present quite sick, his illness evidently being occasioned by exposure, and the worrying con eenucnt upon the loss of bis fine vessel. The Gratitvdi was a vessel of one thousand three hundred and ton tons burden, and raced A l.J. (She was built in this city at the well known slip-yard of J. A. Westcrve'lt, in the sum mer of l-55, and was owued in Liverpool, Eng land, by J. Farmer. She was one hundred aud ninety-five feet lone thirtv-eiht fcl brain. twenty-eight feet depth of hold, with, tnreo lull decks, ana was copper nna iron fastened. iv. r. ilirald. . The Express Robbery. From the New Haven Journal, January 13. No further particulars of special importance have been developed since our last report. The two thieves arrested ut Nor walk ou Tuesday had a partial hearing on Yvedueadav, aud were re quired to cive boudj in the sum ot $25,01)0 each lor appearance next Fa'iirda.v at Xorwalk, to undergo a lull evnminarion. Thev tailed t.i pro cure bonds, aud were brought over to Bridge port on Thursday morning and loo ;ed up. Tuo etjtije amount of treasure recovered, including that tound os Coscob Bridge, amount? to J. 215,1)00. Bainesmoro, who was arrested in jS'ew loik, has not hud a hearing as yet. The MicEissippi Congressmen. DEtrATCU FROM WILLIAM YERUEB TO COViSBNOR EU MFD BEYS. The Jackson Missisaippian publishes the fol lowing . Washington, December 22. Governor B. G. Humphreys: I had an Interview with the Presi dent yesterdav, aud without definite results. I received your telegram of this date aud will see the President about it to-morrow. General Grant recommended the withdrawal of the . colored troops, and pays where any troops are left in the South tbey should be whites, and mat acquiescence to authority or the ueneral Government is so universal that the mere presence of a military force, without regard to numbers, is suilicient to mainta n order. Con gress adjourned to the 6th ot January. 1 am satisfied the SoutLern members will be admitted as soon as Congress meets in January. Wm. Verger. Brigands in t'eivia lately flayed ono of their captives alive, as a hint to the others to hurry up ineir ransoms. Sir Charles Eastlake, who remains at Pisa, is in a very low state. Hardly any nope is en tertained ol his recovery. In Japan ou can buv a Qrst-clas house for $30, and live comfortably in it for two cents a day. Servants charge fifty cents a mouth. Let us all go and live in Japan. Malibran's only sontby De Berto, the violin ist, d ed recently in Paris, in his 31st year, of phthisis. He is described as a charming lellow, ana uriuiuui pianist. - An English company, with Sir James Hud eon at its head, contemplates building a railroad between Switzerland aud Italy by way ofthe St. uotnara ruse. Two children, a boy, and a girl about ten ycara old, fell one morning la3t month from a high clitl ot the haxon mountain, on the Elbe. near ireuueu, aim were uuaucu u pieces. , Do Qulncy some where tells an anecdoJe of a man, who, on being threatened with an assault by eighteen tailors, cried out, "Come on, both of you." The annivercary of the death of Thomas Sut ton, founder of the Charter House, in London. was duly celebrated on the 12th ultima, in that city, by a dinner ana speeches. The Kluer of Holland has ordered M. Hogeard, editor of the Rtve Gauch, the sensational ladical lournal. to leave Luxembourg, where he had taken up his refuge. The new Klmr of Belirlnm. who was thlv yeaiB old last April, has throe children, twog'rls and a bov. The latter, who is heir appurent to the throne, is about six years old. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS. Financial Condition of France Report of M. Fould. The repcrt of M. Fould, Minister of Finance, In publish) d. It states the deficit of 18iit at about fifty million francs. Notwithstanding several miscalculations, there Is reason to expect that the budget for 1865 will be closed with an equilibrium. The rectified budget for 18GQ is not yet fixed, but its amount will be less than that of the preceding, year. M. Fould has pre sented to the Council of Statu a plan for the reorganization of the sinking fund, by which thirtv millions of francs will, tur the first year, be applied to the reduction of the public debt. The reductions effected In the public exponso amount to twenty-six and a half millions, of w hich fourteen millions are in the war budcret and seven millions in tho marine. By those measures tho ordmnry budget lor 1807 will show a surplus of ninety-two millions, ninety millions ot which will be applied to the extraordinary budget for 1867. which, with twenty-five millions from the Algernn Company, will form a total of 125,000,000. The present amount ot the floating debt of the State Is 772,000,000, against 8(i8,00l),000 in January last. New taxes on doors and windows and upon grindma corn have been proposed by the Italian Minister of Finance. j HATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Mean Gab. For a week past the jras la Camden has been of the most disaarreeable quality, filling the rooms and apartments where it is und with sV'stonch that is perfectly nau seous. The Company would contribute to their own ard the public interests by remedying the evils complainod of at once. The price of gas is siiffirlantly high to warrant the use of pood coal in the manufacture of that article. As Jt is, it is deleterious to health. . Excellent Pork. The Steward of the Camden County Almshouse, near Black wood town, during the past season rai?ed twelve large hogs, which he has just slaughtered, the heaviest of which, after dre-sintr, weighed 698 pounds, the lightest 448 pounds. The whole number aggregated G044 pounds, giving an average to each of 503 6-12 pounds. This is doing wolL Religious Excitement. Quite a reli gious excitement and revival is progressing in the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Camden. Last cvenins the ordinance of baptism was adminis tered in the church. Tub Grand Jirav. Tho grand jury for the January term ot the Camdeu County Courts n'MouruedAfm Saturday, having investigated a laige nunfocr of cases, and found about lifty Jrue bills. Painful Accident. Mrs. John Ross, re- tiding on Fedeial stroet, met with a severe fall on Wtiturday, by which one ol her wrists was broken. CITY INTELLIGENCE ftr additional Local Items sec Third Page. The Gehmantown Tragedy. A lot of ilver snoous were found on Saturday last on the line of the North Pennsylvania KaUrond, near r udier's lane. The spoons Dore the initials ot Miss Mary L. Watts, who was murdered by Christian Bergcr, at her residence in German town. They were found by a man who was passing in the neiehborhood, and were scattered around as it they had been thrown away in a hurry bv some one. These spoons were undoubtedly taken by Bereer at the time he committed the murder, xne murderer is now in moyainensing ITison awaiting his trial, which will probably be commenced this week. He appears rather broken down, and has but little to say. On Saturday last we visited his cell, and in reierence to a remark dropped by us in reference to the horrible tragedy, lie replied: "Yes, 1 don't know what cvsr induced me to commit such a ciime," although in the same breath ho further stated that he had no recollection of cuttnar the old woman's throat. One ot the party in attendance at the time remarked to him that such deeds were only committed by those possessed ot tbe Devil, to which the pri- foner replied, mat ne supposed tie must nave been possessed by that noted iudividual at the lime. As we were about leaving him ho burst into tears, 8id t-nid he wished he could be removed tinm hi cell to the one overhead, on the second floor. We wished to know why, when be said, 'Ob, I could then be so much npurer my Lord." Since his confinement he appears restless aud nervous, although be eats heartily and seems to rest well. Tho prisoner has quite a youthful appearance. His father during the examina tion before the inquest of tho Coroner, testified thr.t his son was only twenty years ot ae. The old man wus much egitnted nt the time, and evidently mndc a mistake. W e have been informed from other ot his rela tives that ho is about twenty-two years of aga. lie Is ot medium size, ami about one hundred and fifty pounds in weight. In general appear unce he much resembles young Armstrong, who was executed iu Moynuionsiiig Prison a few years since for the murder of Crawford. Berber ince his confinement has been visited by uis lather and other relatives. Ilia wue is still extremely '11, aud may never recover from the terrible shock. The spoons were found not far from where the razor with which the murder was comnntled was lying. The prisoner has not. since his arrest, alluded to taking the spoons. His state ment is, that alter be had got about a mile from the house, he put his hand iu his pocket, and drew torth the bloody razor aud tlie roll ot greenbacks, about $53, in tens, Uvpb, and ones, taken liom Miss Watts. He says he threw the razor away, and this part ol his story is no doubt true, as the razor was found at the place where he stated. If the prisoner was crazv' then,' as he con tends, it is sontwwhut singular that ne did not throw the money away at the same time. Tuo teciet of the whole alfair U, that ho knew the razor and the (silver spoons would be strong evidence against him, aid tearful (as all mur derers are) that he mielit have been men and arrested at any moment before he bad a chance to dispose of these two articles, be dropped them as soon as bo was out of sight of the house. The fact of the irhding of the spoons will, it is thoujrht, be admit'ed by Berercr, when he is questioned in regard to them. Time mav de velop that he has taken many more articles than those which have been tound. A Debpkbate CnAKACTEB. Frank Mor ris was aiTC6ted on Saturday upon the charge of assault and Datterv. the warrant tor his arrest was placed in the hunds of an otlicer, who went to tho defendant's residence, at Tenth and Phippen streets. Morris rushed up stairs, and got on the roo . o : the nouse. me ouicer tot lowed him. and after a desperate chase, with the chance of both lulling and breaking their necks. the -prisoner was secured, lie was neia tor trial by Alderman McMullin. ' Me. James IT. Utans. whose premises have been recently burned out, has reopened lis store, at No. TM South street, and is prepared to lurnisn me u&uat sporting: materiuis to toe .Mm rods ot the present age. lie has determined to dispose o his injured slock at reduced prices, and persons desiring to purchase will rind this an txcctient opportunity, we commend Jar. Evans' stock to the consideration, ot persons contemplating the purchase of sportins ma terials. Applicants fob the Pot.icb This morning the oftice of IBiyor McMichael was be sieged with applicant lor appointments in the ponce iore. xne ciowa was lor wen in line, nnd one person was admitted at a lime Into the presence of the Mayor, where he f-tftted his case and nursed out. The list of urmlirantx i far Greater than the number of pliices to be uuuu, E EDUCED PRICES. A Mketino of the Corn Exchange Asso ciation was held this morning at their Hall, comer of Second and Gold street. George Cook man, president. George L. Buzby, Esq.. made a fow remarks In reference to the proposod agreement between tho Philadelphia and lead ing BHllroad and the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Companies, and its importance to the trade of the city. The followirg resolutions were adopted with but two disoenltng voices: JieiolvtdH i hat we hare read with erHt satintae lion tilt contraot Utelv entAred fnto bntweftu the Philadelphia and Kcadln Kaiiroad Company and the AlUntie and Great Western Kulway Company, ty wliloh the advantares of the construction of tnis preat hue to the West are to he iconred to the city of Philadelphia. 2. that we consider the contract m one of the most important ever made for the luicreau of Phi ladelphia, l bat the auortor diutance, and that pro vision in the eontrtct which secures at all timos as low a rate per ion per mile to and Irom Phiiadol ohla aa to and from ISew Yoik, with the right to the lieaoitiff liaiJrond Company to tlx oven lower rates on westward bound froifit from Philadelphia, are advantages which, if properly appreciated and osod, cannot lad at last to tecum to onr city the commer cial position to which she la entitled, and for which ho baa so ionu struggled. 8. That the istablishmont of a line of steamers between the cit y ol Philadelphia and Ens land, con trol eo. by the companies owulng tho rai. roads eon ncotmir the cur ot Philadelphia with tho West by a route nearly sixty mile shorter than that to (he oily ol ew York, is the bent security the city ot Phda oelpLia can hare tnat she will receive her share of tte lureipn commerce oi the country, and that it fa the dutr of me citizens of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania at odob to tate meauros to raise tno one half ot the sum necessary to build and equip such line of steamers, so as to secure the benefit of that provision of the contract uy wluoh the Atlantio and Great Western Hal way Company and the Philadelphia and Heading Kai road Company are to provide the oti;ei hnll 4. That tbo tracks of this As, oclatlnn aro horobr toiidervd to the Managers of the Phi adoiphia and heading liontoaci Company lor the broad and com preneiiBiTo poiicy adopted by them in spcui-Iiik to Philadeli hia and Pennsylvania the advantage re m tiim Item tho exueniiliure of the irroat capital of the Atlantic and Great W estern Kail way Company in the development of tao va-tt agricultural and mineral renourcc of this State. 6. i'hat we recommend the hartr co-operation of the citizens of Philadelphia in aid of this great enter prise. 6. That a committee of three be aopointod on be half of this Association to center with the Pnilatel phia and Itoaaim? Kailroad Company and tho Atlan tio aud lireat Wcs crn Kailway Company noon all matters concerning the interests of the city of Phila delphia. 7. Tnat these resolutions be published In all the (laity newspapers ot the oily of Philadelphia, and a copy tboreot furnished tho Presidents ot tho Pht a deiphia and Heading and the Atlantio and Groat Western Companies. IsBUitANCB Against Accident. A ne idea, perhaps sueeosted by the frequency, of railroad casualties, has been developed by some ehrewd business men, and an aeency has been established at the pension office of Matthews, Poubou & Co., No. 808 Walnut street. The scheme is to Insure life and limb against harm In travelling. The investment will repay, as by th? investment of a small sum, serious maiming and disaster may bo provided for, and the care lessness ot railway employes, if not avoided, at least mitigated. The project hi a good one and deserves attention. Chicken Stealing. This morning at an early hour, two colored men, giviner the names of Abraham Jackson and Thomas Johnson were arrested at Sixth and 1'ino streets, each having a hag in their possession. The bags were found to contain a lot of chickens, ,1ust killed. The prisoners stated that tbey were employed near llestonville, and had received the chickens in payment for their services. This story of course didnottuke. The men were locked up, and the chickens are at the Fifth Ward Station House awaiting an oener. TIoebible Accident. Patrick Darley was tound lying in the passenger railway track at Broad street and Geruiantown road ou Satur day night, tho cars having passed over both of his legs below his knees. Ho was conveyed to tho Episcopal Hospital, where it was found ne cessary to amputate Doth ot the injured ninos. InjIjeed by A Blast. Robert McFarland was very seriously injured about the face and hands on Saturday by the explosion of a defec tive blast. He was taken to tho Hospital, it is feared that he will lose the use of one of his eyes. Heavy TtoBUEBY. Frank Morgan, Con stable of the Third Ward, has beeu held by Alderman Tittermary upon the charge of having robbed ex-Alderman James T. Ilarmer ol hju The two men were ou riding together, when it is alleged that the then was committed. Leg Broken. This morning Michiel McUibe fell on the sidewalk in Jlaiu streec, tier inaiitowu, and broke his leg. Ho resided m the city. Clothing Stork Bobbed. The clothing store of J. Kz.ekiel & L. bhumpp. at No. 311M Market street, was hoken into uuu robbed of a lot of clothing on Saturday night. A Touch of Astuohomy. Quito pretty does eaoh twinkling star Appear, whon It can shine alone, But, when the moon arises, far Th little orb is then out bono ; ' And when the sun eouos, elothed in light, Both moon and star shrink from onr sight. So, when to clothing stores you go, Each in its sphere oan make a show, But oh how pa es their lustro all, fVhen ODce yon stand in Tower Hall ! Gsxxs', Youths', amd Boys' CLornisa. Towku Hall, Ko. 618 AlAUKHT IirUKET, JiE.NJiBrr & Co. Pricet greatly reduced to suit the time. Cuodt toiti at lower pricet titan for several years. Ecoitomy should be practised by everybody, in a' I things. One dollar expended now in purchasing a bottle of Jayce's Kxpeclorant, by those troubled with a slight Cold or Hoarseness or Sore Throat, may save the expense ot a doctor's bill. A neglected Cough flea ends in Consumption. A slight iufluin- mation of the lining o the wind-tubes, the uual symptoms of which are a sore throat and pain in the breant will soon lead through wan to attoution, to Bronchitis. A day' delay may entail mouths of suffering. Let the affile tod try at once Jayne's Ex pectorant. It is a standard remody, and its curative properties hare boon tested by thousands of persons who have recovered thoir health by Its us). Pro pared only at No. 212 Cbesnut street. Des. ilBNTjtn & Ramsay were the Founders o the Inhalation System of i'raotico in this country and have now opened a permanent oilioe in this city at No. 1318 Cbesnut strret, where they can bo con sulted, either personally or by luttor, upon all affec tions ot the Throat, Lungs, and Heart. By reducing medicines to the form of Medicated Vapor, thoy act locally and directly upon all dixoasen connected with these organs, aud thu both soothe an hea tho Iq. flamed and ulcerated mombraue. Thousands of cases can testify to tlie ellicacy of thU troatmout. COSSUI.TAT10N AMD APVICK HKK. JSote. Letter ion Consumption and its Cognates appeared IsSatuidar' "Tkwbbapb." . 'FINE CLOTHIriO. Tim A cms or Fkufbcttost. Thf fa the nntvwKBl verdict ptreit w the Flotenee Hewing Machine whewrer Introdnood. The objections heretofore to other Mrst-olaM Hewing Machines hare all twa over come In the Klorenoe, and everybody is deiiirhtod with the beantr of its work, as well as the alnvphclt t and ease of its oprratirns. It makes no es ihnn fnnr separate and distinct stitchrs ni t Loo, knot, double lock, and double knot. Kaoh stitch alike ee both shies of the fabric It also has the rnrerib:e toed motion, enabling the operator to fasten off the ends of scams or stay any part of a seam without sloppinr the machine, thereby sarlnr much hand labor Besides, it has a uniform tension or thread, and does not require alteration in chanmug from one kind of work to another. The agent for the Com panr, at No. 630 Cbesnut street, challenges compari son with a 1 others. Indeed, when such comparison Is irade, the preference a'waya go' sin favor of the Florence. Erory machine warranted to glre enure satisfaction or moner returned N" charge lor In struction, whether ytm wish to purcnaoe or not. C irculars and samples of work soul br mail on re ceipt ot stamp. Cilice, No. 630 Cbesnut street. , AflTnMA A spasmodic affection of the bronchial tubes, which are covered with a dry tonaolnns phlegm. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" will In some cases give Immediate rolief. For coughs, oolds, and throat diseases the Troches have proved thoir etticacv. 'An old lady friend haying trlod many remodios for asthma with no boncflt, found great reliot from the Trooho." Kor. JJ. Letts, Frankfort, III. I) 1TLKB. We are happy to be ablo to anaoucce thai the engagement of Robert Heller, the nocro manecr, magician, and musician, which terminated on Saturday has been re-entored upon by that popu lar conversationalist. Ibe crowds and enthusiasm with which he has been greeted compolloi him to remain. All shou d go to hear his jokes and see his wonders, as ho will not remain lougor than two weeks. Vcioar Fastes or Faints. The most roflnod ladies now use Email de Paris. L' Email imparts a beautiful ivory-hko comploxion to the roughest skin, without the vulgar glare that attends the ubo of pastes and j aluts. Jouin, No. Ill 8. Tenth street, below Cbcsnnt, soils it, and all first-class dealers in toilot articles. Ksndall's Ahiiolini is a scientifically com pounded artlo'e for tho Hair, which, while It beauti fies and keeps in perfect order, adds to its gloss and vitality. Tho remarkable popularity of the Ambo line is thus accounted for, for it has no superior in the world. We advise you to procure it at ouco. CoalI CoalII Coal!!! Tho cold woatherof the past lew days has caused an increased demaud lor lnul. lliose wno wouia purcuasu eouuuiuiuaur chou'd call at W. W. Altor's Family Coal Yard, at No. 967 N Ninth street, below Oirard avenue. You there get the best nut coal lor oignt i ) ooiiars. ana stove aud heater size at nine ($9) dollars per ton. This is a great loduction on last year's ra'es. Orders . . . . . i m i . ... may aiso pe iov at me orancu ouice, oia.iu aim Spring Uarden streets. "Do you foel prepared to die, Thomas?" said a worthy Iriend by '1 om's bedside. "Yos," said Tom, "1 think I do; but I'd rather tav where I wa hotter acquainted." We all liko to bo whero we are ac quainted, and the reason is that wo want to bo thought of, end thought well oi; aud tins latter is accomplished by purchasing our Clothing at harlt's btokes & Co.'s oue price, under tho Con tinental. Pualon'8 "Night-Blooming Corous" wondrous scent! Fure, rich, refreshing, healthful, pormanont. Sold cverj whore. Window Shades, Curtains, Curtain Goods, and Bedding, at W. Heney Fatten'b Old Established Houpo, No. 1108 Chosuut stroot. Havana Cigars and Lynchburg Tobacco, best inihecitv. at moderate prices, at rlahertr a. JNo 837 Chesnut, oppo-ito the Continental. Notico, Store doted on buuday. Customers ploaso purohase taiuraay uiyut. B'.attresbes and Beddiag ronovated and made up equal to new, at W. IIknuy Tattbs's, No. 1108 Chosnut street "PnABAon's 8erpeiT8." A Scientific! Miraolcl Astonishinir evervhouvl Amusement for all. Bowel's Laboratory, Sixth aud Viuo stroots; 50 cents; Muil, 65 cents. Lacb Curtains, and Vestibule Laoos and Bods, in great variety, at W.HMiRY Patten's, No. 1408 Chosnut stioot. Trusses. Braces, and Mechanical Eemedles ad justed with professional skill by C. 11. Noodles, corner ol Tweltth aud Raceotroct-'. Lndios' entrance on 1 wolfth btrect, first door lo ow Ivace. fnuDiis'B Clothing. Bovs'. cirls'. Infants' and Mlssex' Clothing, in endless variety, at M. Shoe maker Co. ', Aoe. 4 and OA. u until 6irei. Old IToKisiTDHB overhau't-d, mended, and ro uplioltleicd. at W. 11BI.BT Fatter s, Ho. 1408 Lhoauut street. I. K. Walkavkn, Musonic Hull. Window Curtains, Window CurtaiLs, Window Shados, Wiudow Shados, Window Shados, Window Shades, Window Curtains, Window Curtains, I. K. Walbaven Ko. 71B Chesnut street, W.iB., Good Clo'hing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Markot. W. & B , Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Markot. W.ltl)., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. A B., Good Clothing, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market. W. k B,, Good Clothing, Oak Hall.Sixthand Markot W. A B.. Good Clotliicg, Oak Hall, Sixth and MarKot. MARRIED. Fi W1LHLLM. On the 11th ins'aDt, at the teeidence of the bride's parents, br the Uoy Morns, IPWAKU W. OA to MA KIT A., daugh ter! Jubn L. VY lluolm, boih ot Philadelphia. WEIGHT NAG LB. On the 11th instant, by tho Kev. .r. Bomberger, Mr. JOHN K. WUIiiUT to Miss MAKY OUSEI'UIME. secPud daughter of Xr. G. U. Nagle, of this city. No cards. DIED. BANCE. On the 14th instant, M.S. SOPHIA HAiNCE, in tlie 77tli year of her age. i he relatives and frionds ot the family are respect fully Invited to a'tond her luneral, from the iesi tlence o lher son, Mr. Anthony Banco, No. 70S S. bixib street, above FUzwaior on Wednesday morn ing a ocloolt. borvice and interment at tho Cliurch of the holy Irinity, Sixth and Spruce streets. LUCKENBACU. On the 13th instant, Mr. ANNIE LLC'&liNBACli, aged 81 years. Ibe relatives and mends are invited to attend hor funeral, from tbe residence of her husband. Mr. F. A. Luckenhach, No 1UVJ Green Btroet, on Wednei). day morning at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Mt. Ver non Cemetery. WILLS. On tho morning of the 15th Instant, MAUI LEHMAN daughter of Thomas Edward aud Maty Louisa Wills, aged 6 months. YEWDALL SAMUEL IE WDALL, on the 11th insiant, in tho 40t.i year of his age Ibe relatives and friends of the family, also tbe member of the sons ot St. George, are respectfully invited to attend bis lunoral, from bis late residence, near Hestopvillo Twenty .fourth Ward, on Tuesday moruinir a tin o'clock, without furtbur notice. To proceed to l.aure jUill Comotery. GRADUATED POCKET CALLIPERS, FOR measuilng Inside or oatalde diameter without oslng a rule, and whlcb uiJ be eaully correced, wlieu uu or wear ban mude them lnaocurate For rain, witli vitrious other oattenis by TRUMAN A SUAW, No. IUb (H.'unt lutrty-nve) MAKK.LT Ht.. below Ninth 1RAS8 BOLTS OF A VARIETY OF SIZES. I Bras Hllverplatea. andiron Door Chains, and ttronu wrontbt-Uon oo.ts, for outxlde Doors, for tale by ' TKUM IN 8IIAW. No B3o (Eight Tblrty-Bve) MA.ltK.ET Ht., below Ninth. CASH L1 varll AND WINDOW FASTENINGS. OF A variety ol sti les tor sale bv ' TRUMAN A HHW. No B'JS (Kilht Tblity-nve) MARKET ut.. below Ninth. VERY LOW rRICKS. T II K O . n . M 0 A L L A FASHION AH f,V. StATTfR, AT HIS OU) K-vrsnLlUHKIi STAND. So. 004 CDKSKtlT 8IKLI.T. 1XU G 13 T THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION, BT A1TRNDIXQ Bryant, Stratton & Kimlicr NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE AND TELEGSAPHIC INSTITUTE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. Corner Tenth and Chesnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA W. R. KIMBERLY, A. M, Frlncippl. The Philadelphia Cclleio, an important link in the Great International Chain of Colleges, looatod in forty-two principal Cities in tho (Jutted states and Canadas. EXTENSIVE ltOOMS Fitted up with Banks and Bueiocas Houses. JUKORY AND PKAV1ICE COMBINED. Jhtreby bringing into use all kinds oi Business 'aper. Pcnmanslii p. The Sponccrlan trystom of Business r""",,,ah,.n taaght in its purity. Telegraphing Taught in the mott thorough atid practical trr.tvr.'r. EVENING SCHOOLS. "l onng Men who are engaged through ths da? can acquire a thorough knowledge ot Kit, PING and BUSINKS8 by attending Eveniugs only. Students roceivcd at any time. Diplomas awardod on a satisfactory examination. For further partieu ars, ploase call at Collogo Booms, or address BRYANT, STRATTON & KIMBERLY, llBStrp PHILDKLriIIA LINEN GOODS. LINEN GOODS. BAEHSLIiY TABLE DAMASK., H2H anl 11-23. FIXE WIDE TABLE DaMA.SK, b1 50 anl 12 00. ICO doien KAPKI SS, at SJ'88. KED-BOKDERD TOAV1SL9 AND NAPKINS. EHEETLNOS AND riLI-OW-CASE LIS EN. BIBO'S EYE LINEN. Iu flue qoallUos. J. C. STEAWBRIDSE & CO., N. W. Corner of EIGHTH and MARKET Stroets. TO BENT. TO LKT. WITH 1MMKIMAT13 1'OSSGSSION, u hauJsonie ttosidonce on tlreou reel, abi vo TTon- iicth. to auv ono Durclinslui ihe r urnlture loiniil ij. winch In nil new and ltrst class. A kW inimeiiiut Jvio K. WKIOLEY. tc CO., No. l.'l S. FOU 111 Sine t. Jt TO LEf. A LATiti K 1I0UK ON BKIDtJi: riiiHtrcet. near TUirty-llrst, fouttecn rooms, wlthxtf He. i la m J. T SCuOjL. VANTS. WANTED A SITUATION AS BOOK-KEEP-V V er or Assistant Hook-Keeper and tialesman, by a Young Jlun of exuerienee aud good tiuilnefis qaalltloa tloiiH. W ill be (iiuenitauod on 1st Fcliruary. A ilrin doing a country bus ues will Hnd It to tlielr advantage to kuuresg ju. t . u., i i.lki.uai u ouiue. jivot AYOUNO MAN, O'TT OF EMPLOYMENT, would be willing to ac. ipt of a Doslilun in a store where lie uilijbt team t ) tie huiexuiun. or as Assistant Book Keeper. He can bruic tood reieeucei. I'iease androssZ., at th's OQlce. 1 15 Ut LACk S I L K S . B BLACK UBOS DE ItniNES. BLACK IIGUBED S.LK9. BLACK CORDED SILKS. BLACK TAFFETA a. BLACK UBOS GRAIN i:S. Bought low and will be so.d at a small advance. J. C. KTKAWLiUIIKirK & Co., Sm N. W. Corner EIOUTa and MARKET. JO SPOIITSME N. JAMES E. EVANS, Gun Kaker, lias resumed bn lines at bis old stand, , No. 230 SOUTH STREET, Where he will be pleased to boo his old patrons aud the nubile Kencrally, SPORTING ARTICLES, damaged by the elic.will be sold at a sacrifice. 1(1 ti J E N B R & D A V I 8, LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE, No. 13 S. TI1IKD STREET, MERCANTILE CLAIMS COLLECTED, And Law B ashless of all kiuds attended to In all parts of (the United t-tates and Canada with fldollty. MATUBING PAPER COLLECTED AT USUAL BANK RATES. IlSHtrp w ILEY t 13EOT1IER, tunnni'irnii wr OUALERS TNT HAVANA t 1UARS AND Ml-:RC'H VU PIPES, N. W. Cor. ElliHlll and WALNUT BUTvcU. We offer the finest Havana Clwars at prices from 20 to 20 per Of nt. below tbe regular rate. Also, the celebiate't . r,n "LONE JACK SMOKING TOBACCO, which Is far superior to any yet brought before the public. . . Motto of Lone Jack; "SEEK SO FURTHER. rOK SO BETTER CAN BE rOUND." 1 16 3iu DR, IIDNTEB, No. 4 N. SEVENTH fcTBKET, r, ABOVE FILBERT, PHILADELPHIA, edited bv all purtif murritti as y tax the do"? BUCCtWSFUL PHYSICIAN Acknowledi i. .. ..,..ot ttKttatrt ia hit spftialtv. QTJIDK THOUOl.tiU. and prman-nt curt I guartmletd Inevtrt csiu Reileiuber Da. HUNTER 8 Celebrated Retnedl.i can onlv be bo tenuina at bis id eaUblubed OUtce. No. 44 N? BlCVENTH Btrtet. aboe Filbert 11J0'.' WHOLE SUITS, J20, SKATING PARkS, UROItA II ( It G A L f t) At i?n BORAI I, AUROR A HO KH. A Lit, AURORA ROUKAK1H, OK. NORTH KRN LIOU-T8. JitlHTIIfcKN liuiifl it O R I H K R H Mimit H; AOUTUKRN LIUUTK. TO MOHT, TO-NIUHT, 'IO-NltlHT. CAMfltKI.I.'S t AMPrll LI.'S OAKPIIKI.L'a , tTNION l-KATINII KARK, UNION 8KAHSU 1RK., UNION bKATINO PARK. FOURTH AM) 1) AMOI. KOI Kill AND MA MONO. FOUR I It AM) WKOND. NiV-LTy OF TIIK flf.A8i)!f. NOVELTY Of TUB REASON. NOVKLtr OF TUB 8KA90N. IU SKATINOI 8 K A T I N (1 ! H K A T I N 0 GOOD. OLIll, OLASHT. OLORIOUH HKATINO. HUPKHli .Y 1-XtKI.LKVT HKATINO INIO- SC- IBABI.Y HI'l.t NDID fKATIVO. lINl'RJiC'JtDfc.NrH)LV HUPKRIOR 8 K ATI NO. AT UNION I'AiiK, AT UNION PKK FOFRTTI ANI PI A MONO STREKT9. FOURTH AND DIAMOND 8TKEETS. Kitaant Hrx- Hand hi altnnilance. Km Dram ltnnd In attcmlnnc. ThlH Atlmnnn H-hla Afnirnnon Plumlna ihh, Evening. Illnm Dated this venl ig. g RATING SKATING rillLA L P III A SKATING PARK, TH1BTT-F1B8T AND WALNUT 6TBEEV8. ICE RPLKK DID, Op a till lu oVlock, aad BrllhanUy Illnmlnntod. Wrshlniton Band Afternoon aad Evening. tKAT).S TO II IRK. blDKle Admission Tlekrts sold at Entrance. Take Market street cars to street. Good Flank Walk to Park, li g K A T 1 N G O N N E W I C M. hPlATISfJ AND GOOD MCSIJ BKA1INU BT GA3L16BT. AT TBB CENTRAL SKATING PARK. (BiiNTRAL, BKATINO PARK, CKNT11AJ, SKATING PARK, FIF1EENTH AND W Al LACE STREETS. BplonSld t-kailng all dny and evenlnp. 1 a gKATING! SKATING! SKATING I BUTERBLT EXCELLENT SKATING ON UNION PARK. INDESCRIBABLY SPLENDID SKATING ON UNION PARK., FOURTH AND DIAMOND, THIS DAY AND EVu-NINQ. TU18 DAY AND EVENING. CU ILLUMINATED THIS KVEN1NO FROM 7 TO 10. ILLUMINATED THIS EVENING FROM 7 TO ltt. gKATING TO-DAY! SKATING! TO-DAY, NATIONAL SKATING PARK, TWENTY-FIRST Ftreet and COLUMBIA Avenue. GOOD MUSIC. GOOD LIGHTS THIS EVENING. (JINGLE ADMISSION 2S CENTS. Take RIDGE AVFNCE and SEVENTEENTH ami NINETEENTH BlREET CARS. U O KATES. STEET. SKATES FOR C KNTS AND KJ Ladles; common Skates 'nr Boys una Glibt. at JOHN a. NKFK A UO'S. 1 15 6t No. 261 N. TUIkD, one door beluw Vine st. LAD 1 N ( RAIL GREAT TP1INK LINE. R O A FROM PHILADELPHIA TO THE INTERIOR PENMSYLV NIA. IHH 8 HUYIK ILL. hUSOt r H A NNA tUMBt RLAND. . AND VvYOM.NG VA1XKYS. AND NORTH, NORTHWEST, ANU THK CANADAg. W IMi K Ai BANUtH IH OF P.t Hst NOKK TRAINS. LetiTinv the Couipani's Depot, at TH1R r i KS'IH mid Al LOW HULL btteets. Philadelphia at tlie loEow. lor hours. MORNING MAIi. At6'0a A. M. tor IteauiUK. Lebanon HartHbnr?, PotU vlle, TiiieRiove, Tamaiiua Hunba.T, W II laiusport. Ein lia Rotbemer. Niagara Falis. Biu'sio Alientoira. i kerbarre, Plttston, York, ( arltale '.'tiamberiburs: Uut ervtiWn etc. etc i bis ruin connects at READING with 'be East Pen oylvania Rat road tialns lor A lemown e o. : and wit ibe I.elniion Valley train for HarrtHlinru etct 1'ORl CL1MON with CatalHsa Rallroa- truinc W ihlnuisport, Lock Haven. Kiwi a, rto t at IIAR Rlsltl RG w'th Northern Centra., um her I and Taller and Pcluij lid I and Huscjuebanna trains for Nertb unibeiland. WllliawsporL, Yerc, Chamberslianr, pla. grovu, eic AFTERNOON' F.XPEESh Leave Phllauelpbia a' 8 3n I . M.,,or Rending, PorU ville, Hnrnburir, etc.. conuect'iiK wltb Rowling and I oluuibia Railroad trniti lor trolam'Ua. etc.. and wit ( aiwls.-a RaJ.roau train lor Hilton, Wlll.smspart. Eiiulia, l'.ufaio, etc. " M RtAlUNtl ACi OMUODATION'. Leaves Reading at b 30 A. Al., stooping at all war statinui), arrivrs lu Pbllude nlila at 9-iifi A.M. H turning, leave- Phf aduinhia al 4 30 P. Ji- arrives 1st I catling ai 7 i P. M. Iraius lor l'blladelptila :arn llurrlsburg at 7-21 A H., and I'ottsvl le at 8110 .. M., airivinr in Philr do, ohla at 1 '.0 P. M. Altertieou lah-a leave Banlnburu at l'4i P. M.. and Potmvllle at 2 P.M.; arriving at PnJU Uelpbl at 7 05 P. M. li art ixburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7 34 A. M. and Harrlsburv at 0 00 P M Maiket tra n w ill a Passei.rer car attached leaves Phi adelpbla at 12 45. noon tor Readlnir and all way stations- leaves Reading a li'3M A. M., end Dowmngioo at 1 2 DO P. V . tc. i lii utlelubia and a. I v. ay sutlous A II the above trains run dally. Nanda) s excoptod. Sunday trains leave Pottsvllle at H'Oj A. Al.. and Phila delphia ai 3-5 P. M. til ESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Papsrngrrs lor DowninKtown utid Inierineihaie polu take tbe S'tiO A. M. and 4 ;n P.M. trains from Philadel Vbia, returning from DownlngUia at 7 Oft A. M. and 2-tu Noon. NEW YORK EXT&ESS FOR PITT8BIBU AND ISM Wkr. Leaves New York at 8 tO A. M. and 8-00 P. H., passtor Reading at 10 A. ., aud 148 P. connecting a4 llnrrini.urg wltb I euntylvanla and Ncrtliern Central bullroau xprets Trains lor Pitubnrg, Chicago, liuiuaport. Floilra, Baltimoro, o'.o. Re urning, K.xprens Train leaves Harrfsburgoa arrival 01 Pennsylvania KxpivHS iroin PittHhurg, ai Sand !0S A. M., pushing Steading at 4 49 and 10 52 A, M ,amvuiff atNewYorkat 10 A. M. and 2-48P M. Sleeping Car accompsDviugtl ese trains :broug cetween Jrey City and Pittsburg, witbouicbartie. Mall Train for New York leaves Ilan-lbburg at 1 4 P M. Mall Train tor Uanlsburg leaves New York at It K011' SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Potisvl le at 6'45 aud 11-00 A. 11., and 71 P, M., tt turning ft om Tamaquaat7'35A. M. audi -40 aa S UlI.KILL AND SrraOUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7 35 A. M. for PiDegtove and FlanlHhurg, and at l-6 P. M. tor PInegrnve and I remontt retunilna iroui HarrisburK a' 4-00 p, M., and firom Trec uiontat 1 00 A. M. and t IK) P. M. Hi K.h .S. Threugh first class tlrkecs and emlirrant tickets to alt tbe principal points In the North and West and ( anadas. The lollowliiK ticket h are ontained on y at tlie Oitlee ot b. Bradford, Treasurer, No '227 S. Fourth street. Phlla delpbia, or ot U. A. .Nlcolls, General buperlntendoot, Reading. COMMITTATION TICKETS. At 25 per cent discount, betwoea any points desired, for lanulies and tinns MILEAGE TICKETS. Coed for 2004 miles, between all points, at WM eaoh, tor lauiLiea and amis. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six. nine or twelve months, for hold only, to ail points at reduced rates CLKROYMKN Residing on the line of the road will be flirnlsbed with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at haU- ,ar' EXCURSION TICKETS, From Philadelphia to principal stations, good fer Patutday, Sundny and Morula v. at redu-ed fare, to be had only ai tbe Ticket Ollice at Thirteenth and CaUow- biU streets. FREIGHT. flood ot all descriptions forwarded to all tbe above points irom tbe Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Philadelphia daey at 6 30 A. M., 13 45 noon. an4 I1IW i M . tor Reading Lenunon, HarrUourg, PotUvlile, Foil Clintoa, andallpula s bevond. mails , Close at tbe Pht ad el oh la Post Office for all places M tbe rond aad Its braiicbe at S A M. and lor a l principal Stations wily at 1 Hi'. M. H ft W ILL OPEN. THE MARKET STEE1TA HOUSK. 1 nil M a KK KT HfhEEr. WU lepeaTOstOkROW. luesday, JauuarvH WANAMAKEIl & BROWN.