it 8 (Svcninrj clcjtapli SATVUDAY, DhCRMREU 31, mi. AMI sr.M RITN. New Chi.khit SrnrKT Thkatrk. Tim fascination fur the stiitfc Is thought a itrange one, jet, wlirn It Is cnnlrtorc1 tin: tit tiring all tlio higher ijcuilios of the Intellec t into lila.v, that It nqitlrcs !op frnslhilltv ami pusion, ill it it tllonls cnic fur frclirs nn -I rr.i itlons wlil.'li In our trtrj ilny worl.l find no fops. Mil, a'love nil, that t: hririr" a snptvasfil ariitu aa nitrb aa a linnl-tnilins: a n mstrras osn enrn In ajrar thr- UnipuiionB nro srei, nnd even rea son Ktlll I'imiBlOU SOliM! rati S.lth tiorj t tl tl X Woman - sphere of work is no ciu'ii.ii'Crilictl. n i-p,iid. til xl w w mdrr not tint slit) ahmi (1 s'rm- nt uro huiiml io provi le In lrpotMlinco I t Inmc'f, oiu in r lor tin o Urur to hor. Aa ihu aiivat ihi'x am p 'U'l. ri d on tnc iiiilirtult't's seen to riirapp ar, ntnl the rrilt sonnis cav. A pir: lo lrir'i, a drca tn p-ovido, little fm:lit to on-qiii-r prj only iiiiiMnR wlim co nn iretl with tl lM.tiii: mid of the ri'xult. lien o lio nutnli -r n( de' iitniiii'n uoiuliiod to the p'ttivr.t uml cour- UOns p'ltiiir. We wc uUl tlrlrrt to pe't with Rcnt'cncjs anil lmliti'-v of the ilehutuntit of 1 it itiKht, Miss At Bin 1) Arrv. llcri.v shunM eve" tvuiper jus lira, I ni jii'il Tim-t I e J me lor tbr sake ol those who n ine nttrr Mho have merit, ami fur the saLc ' loi i-e a'l in' cu artists r.ho Imre n llu 'il unci Inert nil tbtir la'cnls y deep and on mtieil .HOT. 'I Iiiii Misn ll'A iy 'lunl 1 drop her v il c lit th" er.d ol hi r ei trnn-s, th it ho Hhuitld lott iniivii will, eii' e, thut Him s''i n it prn;oi 1? in ilil'ms hvr voire, w ihink portoctlr nnur il in a none. , anil pi rteitlv c-uip i I i e with talen'; rut tint she should ri a I wi'tniu. iii"."ilij? ,'iirv or fi ellne th it die sbmltl he Mirny ln ml of ini i so, mag m tism, nnd rnilm-i.'.Mti. tt.a:. h" ami n J drop l ir A , ii what mnno( fo tiven. M i 'Ar)'s voire is thin, and trained to (ire it p v.i r. hfce in tall and well formed, with a li unlsoni", arm, i.i.d youth and K""d lk4 su'll ient tor mir. e, had ho,il the tnto1 lo.'tu 1 re gainment. We i jiinot think that Min D'Arey ba any reipilHite for the dtaiie, exei'p in? ilia wt'l lo (Oeceed. Of Mr Mordauni' "M ner Walter" we have aluaily epoken. lie ma'nre ic each time he playa It. lo hlin earuo tho hunom of the plav. lr. Jlonloch read bis part "excellently well," ijf coutsa. lie (lia nor look it. Dor is hi- Ilroid wny lounge t ail miiteJ to trapdy. Mis Ward wki Miilieioritly pond and viva. ious iib ' llilen." "Modus" wan played with bumor and dii rotnm ty lr. Wiird This evening MI-.S D'Arey will piny 'Tauline." On Monday the fine Warren Coin'ilnation will ap, our, aid we may be nuro of u few week', thorough and Juaiiiiahle enjoyment. Mr Warren ltbe moat tlnl.ihed arti-t wo' havo on the s aze; alias Oiton unapproachable In some parts ; Mrs. McMaierthc Mich-bred old woman of the anw, and Charles llarron, who caii, if and wha be lik I , he excellent. Waikit Svbfbt Thktrb. Wo suppose t!ie inclement weather will not materially interfere with the a'tendnnco at this popu ar theatre tj lit lit. We but yet to know the occasion when the popularity of Mis vrcTOnr, witb. 06r al tract Itc I'liHrtniiimeuts, would ot overeoma tho inlliienic of the stoim kijtf. '1 ',, bill for to-ulKht is Oner 'J'tntt, In which Miss Western will nrptar as "Nincy PyV.m," for the last time. The perforuiaiim wiVii eluse with the favori e duinia of the iichien t'armrr. lio.U pieces ure tlleeilvcly tnst. On Monday next Miss Western commences tlio la-,t weik of her great enpaKcnient, rcp atinir Jludime Celeste's oiltiinal military drama of tho J-'fiuh ;iy,'or, y'Ae lai of Ujeir.i. Ancn Pthket TiiHAiRE. Next eek will bo Mr. C. nrke's latt week, ilo has sacrificed this wick to the holiday people, ai.d wi.l give us his le-t choice of pieces. a CITY INTELLIGENCE. Gk wr Lonan op Pennsylvania. Annual jrraml coinniimication, St. John the Evangelist's Pay, I'hiUilelphia, Docember 27, A. D. ISM, A. I. 6SG4. The following named brethren hiving ltn elected, December 6, ISG4, for the ensuing Masonic year, wcro this day installed : Brother Lucius II. SjoU, H. W. O. Master; Brother Johl L. Goddard, 11. W. D. O. Master; Brother Jlichard Vaux, R. W. 8. O. Warden; Brother Hubert A. Lanibeilon, E. W. i. O. Warden; Broiler Tcter William.'on, It. W. O. Treasurer; Brother William II. Adams, It. W. O. Secretary. The following brethren were alno elected on the 7th instant: Trustees of Oirard Bequest Ilrotheis Samuel II. 1'irnos, Juies iliaciiin-o.i, David lljyd, DbvIU J ay ne, (o nrfro Thomson. Trunin i of Masonic I.o.n. Brothers William lludxer, Juiues buielils, Wiiliam Diixer, Joiin U. sliilif r, Alexai tier Kirkpitrick. lu eouuc ion with Ibe E eeiivi- Grand OtUcers TruttotsGratidLode Chai ity Kund. Bro.hcra J in-1 h 8. Kiley, William S. Black, Aug is fi. lai pherkuD, Jacob Loudenslager, Ueorgo Uri6 coin. Among other business, the K. AV. Orand Mas ter wus pleaned to announce the followiug ap poln nit nts tor the year : (irand Chaplains. Her. Brothers John Cnam i is, Henry W. Ducachet, William 6jiI Urd', Danhl Washburn, Kingston CiodUard, Johu 1'. Lunoj , and Auan John. benior Grand Deacon, Brother Joseph F. I IiOuiii ; Junior Grand 1 eticon, Brother r'raujis II J.ickton; (imnd Mewarus, Brothers Alun and Jatm s Knrgmon ; Grand Marshal, Iln iher Henry J. While; Gr.ind Sword Bercr, Itnthir Juiiita Knn;i-oii; Uruml Pursuivant, Jitother (Korsc H. Ashtou ; Granu Tyler, brother Vi I m B. tichn;der. CoKiuit e of Finance. Brother William Wn.t.n-', H (i.M , Clark, Michael N,s Iiet J nn C. Yeiger, Fr incis Bla :K'iuroe. C unite' on Corrwpoudeuce. lirothirs Sam uil C. l'erkins.Geornu UnL0ai, K. F. Chase, Daniel M. ox, 1). niv.l Itritiaia, Conim t ee un I.annmaiks. Brother Josiah Ranufcll, 1. G. M.; William Barir. r, F. O. M ; l'eter W lillaiiikon, 1'. li. M.;wiih the K. W. Or. mi Ma-lti ui.d It. W. 1. Grand M ister. Comiiiilfee uf Apiea h. Br Htn rs Ja'm s P ig3, I'. G. M ; ll-nry M I'hllnps. I'. (;. M. ; Jomi Thi tnpiiolj, V. U. il. ; Wi.liaui Curtis; and Juhn llieulcD. Con nuttee of By-Lw. Bro'hers RoVrt Fra- r Will am II. Adams, Jornvh tl. Uedjies, John ltotberiord, Jr , J. llonry Broan. C niminea on Pruning nud Puhllshinir. llrotl ers Joseph f. K'lev, R. l.l.iyd late. U. Th n pauti. Char s I .i-liinuth, A. R. Putter. II ill ('oinniitiui. lliu hui Al. K eha'da Jluc.le, Ji hn Bolt, Jiiines Hutchin-on, P.O. M., Jnhti L'.G IIi r, Jame-C. Adams. b rwiiros ot f. Girard lie uet. Bros. Sainu 1 Fiiiyd, l.odpe Mo. 'J; Thoinus U. VVattson, 3; JCd. Hi ndi rson, it ; Addison lime", Mi; James II ii( nun, 61; Jonn M. Davenport, oi; J ha Wnjiner, (.7; Kdward B. huhnidcr, 71; Joel Tl on an, Tl; Richard II. Conueily, til; James Moi nil, Jr., 114; John Beenken, lb); Francis U. "Warner, 121: Churl, b Peiiler, 12j; J. W.-sl.-r Miller, 12b; F. iward P. Lecur, 1311; John II fi :mre, 131 ; Peter A. Kevser, 131 ; John M irtm, lriA j Francis Funk, liS; Geoigo P. Little, 10(1; W. c. Paisnns, 1:17; Jonutoan Di :klnon, 211 ; Kdwatd C. Giaetr. 230; Alfred T. Jones, 2 Id; A'f xanihr R' 1 isilne, 'J'iX ; J ihn W. Horner, 274; iahr;el Ph'lli 28 ; L. R. F'etrher, 29j. Almoners of G. L. Charity Fund. Brothers "Kdward Wiler. Ludne 2; Charles Padm im, 3; ftamucl L. Dufflold, 9 ; John McGinnis, l'J ; Vf. L. TITC DAILY FiVKNTKG TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, Marshall. .',1; John Wilson, Sr., 52;0-orol I a lor. ft : llsrmnn Hn'i:ti. In ; li.ivld 1". Jones, 71; Alfred It. Putter 72; fJenrirn N. Marlln. Ill ; Willlm S. etukli v, I I I ; Washington lli'mhitr ger, ll.i; Allifirt 11. Fu rlng, 121; John r.Tiatj, I2A; Jsmes I.anlng, 1 2h ; John I.. Young, 13(1; Armstn nir liper, 1.11 1 George J. Becker, lit ; Jowph Megarr, l-Vi; ,1. R. Mumlerflclil, Jr., 1W; Josrph 11. Hosweil, JK ; Thomas 1.. Simpson, 17; John Dorian, 211: Daniel Brlttnin, 2W; Gu.ree K. Bnndall, 24'); .1. F. Neal,27l : Ssmuol H. Pedrlck, H74 ; Thomas B. Simpson, 2a9; Henry L. Sli exon, 2.ij. Gtam) Hoi.y Rovai. Am.H Ciiaitf.h of 1'snnsvi.vsnm. l.lecteil and Appointed Ollicer for lsii.'i. Comp. G.orfc"' W. Wo mI, M. O. G. III;h Print; Comp. S .inuol C. Peiklns, M. F,. G. King; Comp. Oemg Griscom, M. F.. O. Ssrihe! Comp. IVicr Wi'lisniFon, M. K. G. Treasurer; t'einp. William II. Adams, M. E. G. Secretary. The M. K G. Ilh;ti Prl st niado the following appointments, viz.: Conpanions Pcier A Kevscr, Grand Cipialn of the lb st; J scph II. Hedge". Grand Principsl Si'journir; Heniy J. White. Grand It. A. f'ap tsin ; Alfred K Potter, G. Captain Third Veil; 1 uwird Mas-on, (I ('apt un ISi eond Vc il ; Wil 1'Hin M. Irelam!, G. C'apta n I'i r-t Wil ; llsrman 1 iiuell, Grnml Mnrshnlj John I, Youn, (Ir mil Pursii.vant ; ( hsrlcs 1 iih ninth, S.G. M of Cere monies; Jamrs Palmer, J. G. M. of Ceremonies; AV ill am B 8. hnliler. Grand Tyler. Grand Chaplains lice. Comp. John Cham 1'i'is, Hev. Comp. H. W. Diicichet, Rev. Cnuip. Jin;h J. 1 I'i goi fl, Rev. Conip. Daniel Wash bum. Id v. Ci nip. Josenh Cdrle, K'v.Coma. Rolitrl W. Oliver Rev. Comp. John F. Wil iur, lit v Comp Jamis M Goaii, Rev. Coinp. Riln. II. IVttiai n. 1 1 miiill'i e of Corre'iioii'Vicc. C. nip. William H. Allrn, Cclnp. Cl atles Gilpin, Comp. J. Alex. Sin p'un. ( tnimi tec on By-taws. Corap. William II. Admi s, Con, p. George 11. Asliton, Cjmp. J0L..1 Ri tl.erlonl, jr. Coimiiit re i n Finance Compan'ons Jospa 8. Riley, Jami s S inpson, Thomas D. Wattson. Ci nimiitt e on Win k. L'ouip .nious Joseph S. RI ey, David C. Kkerreit, llsniol Tho'iipson, Robert I rner, John Thomson, II arman Bmh. Tiik Dhait AND Its Ri:ui iiikmknh. Tho Bounty bill which bus been pissed by both branches of City Councils, proposes paying tho sum 100 toonc yenr recruits; $22.) to two years' men, and $ldO to those who enlist for the full tetm, three years. The city lias a surplus of ovir i 0 men, which will be credited on the pmcnt call, leaving our quota about 4000, which lumbi r, if not furthcoming by tho loth d iy of February, lShfl, will be lurnlshcd by conscription. Thobe who are drafted mnst cither shoulder a mutket, or tomlfib an acceptable substitute The commutation Clause, by which a person who was drultcd might be rcituscd upon payment of three linnoied ool ars, was jcjhmIc'U, Willi a single, exception in the case of pcr:48 conscientiously opposed to bearing arms, who Pay commute upon paimint of three hundred dollars, or mhrrwite he coi-iJcrid as "aon-coiiibatitnts," and it oral'led be held to service for hospital du'ty, or in the care of frecdrueu Person physically incapable of duty aro exempli d upon suriticul exiiimtation. Tho division of citizen into two clasps, the second class not being liable to ser v cp until the tlrst cluss was exbuusted, was also abolished, and all citizens liable are enrolled in the same class it in) in be held to similar ser vice. The ' e of liajii'ty to ilie ilrafi is between twenty tnd lorty-Ilve years. Volnntcers may received who arc between tno ages ot eignteen and fortv-hve years. Youths between sixteen and eighteen years may be received with the consent of their parents or gu irdians. The en listment ot buys under sixteen years ot ai is a niiiitarjr offense in the cltiocr who recruits them, who Duty be punished therefor. Vrtnntcers receive the Government bounty ac cording to the time for which they ugre-- to servo, tor ono yoar, jlOO ; for two yesrs, $:J00; for three yiars, $300. These amounts are paid in itrlntaents. To a one years volunteer, when n listen d In, $tt3'33; to a two yeurs' recruit, (ir. E(i ; to a three yeurs" recruit, 100. Two other tijk'aiiiier ts are to be pal I to the vulnnteer, or bis reprtematitos, during the term of Service. Tuo monthly pay of a private, either volunteer, sub stitute, or drafted mm, Is sixteen dollar a Dionih. Non-commissiomd nnd commissioned oflicers receive an increased pay beyond the rales which were allowed before the last session of Congress. Drafted men receive no bounty either fro-n the FiCeial Government or the city neither do sub stitutes lor dratted -men, or for men liable to draft furnished in advance of tho draft, receive bounties from the Government. Representative substitutes for persons not lianie to uratt are con sideied as volunteers, and receive the Federal and municipal bounties, und whatever their principal Bgnes to pay it em. Representative luhstitutes lor those not liable to draft may bo persons Who ure liable. It should be borne in mind, however, that substitutes for persons liabto to draft, fur tiisbed before drafting, must not themselves bo liable. An enrolled man furnishing an alien as a sub stitute is exempt for the lime of service of the substitute, un ess the alien bi comes a citizen, or decluies bis intention to become so, in which cise the substitute is liable to draft, and his principal likewise. A man may enlist In the- army or n ivy lor three years aa a substi-ute. If lu the nary h must be twenty-three years old. Since ibe B mt.ty bill has passed Councils, a number of tbc Wards are taking the necessary steps to fill their quota. A meeting uf the citi zens of the Seventh Ward was held last night, at Btuud nnd Lombard stieets. Those interested in the diutt should pay particular nttcnttnn that the names of all those not liable be stricken from the enrolment lint. Fiery name taken off reduce the quota of the district. Ksch of tho Wards, while they appoint a committee to collect funds to furnish volunteers, should also appoint a com in i lu e to liui taip all the exempts ot the district w bo may be enrolled, and C-0 that their names ate dropped. i A Patkr for tiir Ttarj, One of tho most investing and valuable papers on our exchange list is the Sunday School Times, published by J. C. Carrigucs & Co., No. 148 8. Fourth street. Fur a religion" family paper it conld hardly be exccHcd. Its list of nble contributor Is nnusunl'y lurge. Tbc Rev. Dr. Todd, who is known the world over ns a wriier lor the young, is a weekly contributor, ns a'so iho Rev. Dr. Hewion, rect ir uf the Fpipbany Chun h in ibis city, who has an equal reputation as a children' preacher. Pro fessor John 8. H'.rt, the senior editor, Is well known as fi rmer principal of the H gh School, and as an educator of the young. The '.Tim Is an able, interesting, and instructive sheet, that woind, we arc sure, be helpful to parents and teachers. The subscription pi lee is but SJl-fi'J a ymr. Send for a spe, l ueu copy and introduce the paper into your humu. DoMisTiu Maiikhii'. The ruling prices in our domestic market this morninr, wero as follows : Apples, .'I5to4o cents per half peck; buttor, (i.'i to 7o eenis; cabbages, 8 to 15 ccnte porheid; chio-e, 30 io 35 cents fur pound; eggs, 50 to 6) cents pir dozen; laid, 28 lo 33 ccnls; onions. 35 to 4o nnls pir half-peck ; pila'oes, 22 to 28 cents pr bull peek; poultry, 2J to US cents per pound. The pike uf meals remains unchanged. "Hui.' Last Fast "The fourth grand soci able of the Pns-mcn's (Feeder) As3clitijn of this city will tukc place thi evening at Assembly Buildings. Tbo knight of the "Inky keg" and f the "midnight music of the morning ptpcia" will be on baud and iu their glory. No class of new-paper pjjp'e are more deserving than the jolly uiuctui of "der mashecu." DiHTmiu no or EttKAD. The third annnal distribution of bread, consisting of A00 loaves, will tuke piece at the toal yard, Broad and Cailowbill si rents, on Monday morning, January 2, at o'clock. . ' IioiLi iiat bi'oktation. nunngtne past week 35.024 ton of coal were transported on the Thi Jatlclpbla and Reading Tin Aob of Invhntion. While a Inrge nnm. br of SUcMnra bn offi rM to th pnb Ic, km of which ai points off xisalh are sea ai-ktKKrlMir'd msrtt w hsvt km rlt,wlmtotbsra haveeipirla-1,Ui mmi altr nr Muihlna mo- perfect In Its nuckanaeal ilraetnrs, srmblaln, In IS Kighut tlegret, tlmpHttly wHli Hunt biHty, and wall capable of dolna a grenitr mgt awi, on thai envM b. cull uaderstood and umarhDiti4 b all. This, ws ara harpy lo ssv. hai Iti-en urnmnlusa.1 , iiu. riHKraJ ixpmditlr of capital, aid U pallonl, anttrlnt iiir m jcara. Pton Ha Arat IntroilDrilon lh "Fl oiireK" has Fln4 host ol rncnCs. and la mrnritod br our nrit fsmlllaa aa a hcvuhiM tie.-. .fy ronola.hnj proTlna. what ars mnaihanpr waMnowii'im, ihn the pnnlie futivappr HK llr wnt.'v. fofitry, nl ditrafntitu r.imtilnfsl in Oj hioiissi iMionn" H.,lil i No i; mcnesmil sunt. I nr tha Im i 0i or our reailara wi n III in-nllon om nt the an mnt i i i am lint rovsineiita of tha ruiruui a our alt ot'ors. mntet four ,hTrrrnl iHlfhet. the Inrk tai, douMe in .,M"i- oi. no nvr aoo tlie sa nr nia-mn: i.i sot. Ii tx inr o oe vn mien of the fatirlc, and neither of tin-in wih rutw. ! haa Ihf rrt ertil r freil molten, and hf almplv tnrn'ns a ttniiuh irtrw the pnik v u, run i ilher to Ihs ritinl c left, ornai am earl of the. annic.or tttati n tl.a v ails of l'i snn.a wlihout turn nj 1,6 lulTie, Uun liy a. iiuj ham! lalior. I'hans'lnir th net o'tho fttlfrh. and from in Mnd of st4 ! In aiiini.i r. ran reatlh br ilone wuilo II HUculnc la In ii nt oi . A rni ttifrfl it -rrert in iltrl, milking tho "earn aroarfl at d nnl'orm tl is a moil noitelet, and can bo assd whsroqutat la nersary. in tot into are all O'Si'ir.- ttirro are aprlnea to pel out ot nritei. an" im slniilltlly crialilea Iho ui l inexpe rt t r.a to op. rale It. ji ml net ml ifn. ilrrtt of tho opi-nftir, aa all machinery la on the top ol 'he tatiip. It i Me t ur'it ii'trtrin the troeW, making flvs aitrha to each reioliithn. I- ti'ri roll hini a rlti iirifi, 'en'A, and fi'-i'ira. i'..t thr hrnrtrtt or linr't r,-ce with e.pml laellltr, Ul'l'it'tt thattar of tri tier! or tiiurtilnfrt. Kvrrv Mar Vie hit can of Jen'Ss pat -nt hrmmrr Itlarh (1, enatiUiik' th opei utar U turn any vi.ttli tt ken li.IH'l. Ii oi as pot require finer thread on the under aide than ft i!rrq O i the U i m Il r l;l sew at r" lha hrarloHt seams, or Aom ona to mare thrkni a. of el "Hi. waroot ri,iio of" U-iialoa or, brinMm ot threait. or akliilnK alilehes. It fan a unlfurm anil aelt-'C'ulatinu tanslun of ll.raad A Hrrnntr 't ,sv ,Srirr." which ymt?i the ire Disr Is ern.hi il wl'li in h niai'ti'na. vefi )r pimseshuiK tin- ahove and ninvntior arvanta'as, tVo ll itrnra i at eerresiioUinK prleea wlui oiia r first c'nss irhtvM. 1 ha: a ia no rh-k In bnylnf tha Klorenra, aa Tary starlilne In warinnti d to irive entire aiiilnrarUnn. or tlio nioory refurilei). No rhare hell ir maila for leirnliitl to opeia'tlt. We ern llml at) aimney Inr Iho na a of tle-ai ,,i (letttil Mai tiinrs Is Blioin beins eaiatilmhaii In all the priori) el clora nnil liiiens In the lojul Hiaies. anil we inlM-r our rea''era f if they eannot call al he aalesns itu, Na flan rhcsnui atriet; u aeuil for clrculara auU aainpira vl aew lug. rvicHAswns may rely npon getting tha best Fare at Ctartae OaitorJ Son s.CoaUnautal Uolal. Rabi ANt F.iarisiTU CosrairrioNS for the noiiilaya, now read at K. O. Wlillman A Oo., Ko. ,'iis CfacsLDt ill ai t. New Year's Giieftino to Ot n Pathons. BT TI1R BARP OF TOWr.B nALL. Fatrons of our Industrious art. ntl fnemis by whose bonlioisnt aid AVe thrive anil nourlah In our tralo. Our wish cornea ireahly trom ttio heart H at honlth anil Joy. nut to d"pirt, 'i'oeach of you may be conveyed. .These ohjccla In the past we've aoititht, 1 or vihen a man somo cash has ape it, ad on trun Dm lenee la Intent, It ver Is a pleasing thou.'ht 1 hnt th it which 1th It he has bought Ilrlnt:a him aaen comior: as be meaut. Ai d health, too. la most ll io to hl-a TiiS "ii", aa araaoua veer aruuml, Are always, to their oreillt, found ('frthoi In a aoasonahle dress, So that cold air Hum no hiKross Qbe lmvard sprlnsa of Hie to wound. 1 ha chanitea ol the partlns year Have maite no chnnpe In Tower flail ; apMu.l.y stands ha structure. tall. War haa not made Its prices dear, J And ainpledoea Its stock appear, l.vcn to salt our pa. runs all. Jnl long wo trust, It thus will ilo, Plnce our philanthropy must g ow At benetltirlK others so, Tiv etieaply clothing them anew. Aid what advantage 'ila to r ' lopatronlza ua, woll vou knowl Tvwaa Hall, Ho. 919 Mar'iot strnH. l,aNssrT A Co. fclOllISIANA. BT A FRLI.OW (NOT lONO). The slialca of nlsht wero tailing fast, Aa a l'i ae boss shay" wentdrlvlug past. Which horj rdoft a youtn so nlco, 1 erchid on a book with this device, Stokcalaus I Tits brow was gay, his nose beneath Jhloemrd llko a rose between his teeth, Anil aa his ch wheo a rati cd on 1 Le book shone out w lta the name apon. Ntokealaual In driving on (bis load was lmht), A I'rovo' Alarsha' caught biasliiht, While gatbereo round were w!t-aiosBCilfolk4, And be let 'Jrlvo" bis poorest Joke. htokoslanal "Try not that dodire " the Provo' aald, ' "( rack jokes at mo, I'll craek your beat. Hub I What's that tnlug you an astride?" '1 he youth w ith tremu lug icar replied htokoslana! "it atay ! hold up I" cries the roit, Wl en we want Jokea we '(let the best." i:e slackei hla ate.-d, and drawing nigh bbowed ibcm a page of tokos most dry, tstokeiiaual "Beware the Htatlon House, my lad! l'eware such Jokes, they are too sad;" Tl Is waa tho l rovo'a last "beware." She j-vu b repllod with stupid stare, Mokesianal "Next morning. In the alar lght groy, l'cship nn "S. T. (Xi' ho lay.) . ) Is "shay" waa smashed, his horso tuoy stoll, And be Is "lett out in tbe co d." Ftokeslanal "Notk. We would Inform the public and our patron? that wo liavo Issued no "Aimana.:" lor ISiA, but bave pi.b.hb id a sraull book with tbo Ut e of uHtoke.laua," wl.tch m y4ie had gratu.touaiy by caiihig at oir store, u. S'2S i beeuut street. ' llcspectiuCy, f Htokrs A Co., Clothiers, under tbe Continental, rarlles Inclosing a two-cent s.ainp can have a "htokealana" sent by return mall. Gimtlimen's Hats. All the latest stylo at Ctarlaa Oakford M Bon a, ConUaaatal UolaL Roaited Almonds, Cbocolale.and Cream Cara mels, aaportor quality and flavors, manafac.arnd by IL U. Wlittman k Co., Ho. SIS I'besnut a mat. Bi t Your Coal of A. 8. Dottbr, Northern Yard, ltorthwcst oornur rr r;llith and Master; or, Yard, Bo. lot . Broad above Vlue atroot: Vary btst nuaitty acid at both jaida. Try til Ladibr and Cuilmhbm's Bats. Latest .yle atCkauu Oak turd A Sou's, Continental UoteL rnoioouApiis of superior execntion, tine stle , iJ taatc in finish ara niado at B. F. lielmr a nai lery, o. ?4 Areh atroot. Fattons will plea C0ui4 eaily. The -flaya a:e abort. IIumisall'b Arnica Liniment An infallible eta for burae, aealda, aprahia, rlaintuauam, (ua.ahot woanda.Ae A ilnaje application allays toe pain trout a bora 1h lust hi It is applied, ho faaiiV ekeulib will eat II. CoMri.iMKNTAnY. M)'sair Is no restored to tta outhtul color, X have not a grey hair left. 1 an aatia flad that the preparation la not a dye, but a-t In th sacreiUaa. Wy Satr erases to fall, which laoertainly an advastaaa to me. wtno waa la danger of bee -ruin bald. Ihialatho la alimony of many who have us?d aire. a. A. Allaa'a Wi rid a Uair leatorar and Xylobalsamum, or llair JUioaalng. Evary druggist aalla tham. Ladies' Fibs. An elegant assortment at Char: as Oakford M Bon a.Cont aantal Holal. TJo Toe Know Dsan ha removed lo No". 413 Chrsoul sttaet 7 lie sells Tobaeeo, Cigars, Pipes. Ao., Oily Mr ut. lasa than any other man ia tola city. BeaemlMr , Ko. tit Cbetnut atreai. OIL PROPERTY FOIl SALE. OHIO . OIL LAND LEASES. 9.1 Acres In Tears, one. firth Riyahy. ON do 8.1 o do do NO do Jl do do do 311 to Hll i, oo do 70 do 1.1 do ' do do en do KO do do do 10 do ftn do do do '4.1 do HO do do do OHIO FAEMS FOR SALE. IKS ACHES IN ATIir.HS COt'STT. ftO do do do 130 lo do do KO do do do 13l aki WASHINGTON COUNTY. OIL LEASE3 IN WKbTtHN VIHOINIA. 130 A err. '40 Years, en lllth Boya'ty. 11 do MO do do do 'ilMI do 140 do do do 1 no ( do do do 100 ilo !40 do do it 300 do do cnr-lburlh io 700 dj fio do do 4 FARMS FOR SALE. 430 Acrca TtJHKKT KCN and WIM.OW 1HLAKD. 10'4 do PAKTllFK ltt'H. !400 do do do 301 do do da SOI) do BID RASPY. N7 do PANTIIKR B'7N. 8.1 l!o POINT rt.E4AXT. IIVHXKTT PROPEltTY On I'alut Creek, about two mtlea from Its mouth, on the Clarion river. BAW It II. L8 on Oils properly, and heavily covered wl:a white pit, and other timber, which alone would pay a dividend on S',0n,n)0. Also, coal in abundance, one large vein bow being developed. At ths prcaent price of coal In thla ciuHty, a large aum oould bo derived from tide branch alone, 360 acres. KANK FAKM-IoOacraa.on Clarion river, 10 mtles above Clarion town, and 14 mile, from Brookvllle, tha caplul of Jefleraon county. This territory baa one and a half mile front on Cla:lon river, and aar.'ac ka dlcatlona there la no better oil lands In thla Stats walla are now going down on tho adjoining propcrttea, with good ahow of ell. This land can be bought at tbe low pries of f 100 per acre. 3i:no acres on Cherry Trasjprun, a moat valuable p'eca f oil property, sunounded by large flowing and producing wella. TLlapleeoof land.ouce deroloped, wdl prove aa remuncrallve aa the entire territory of the moat farjred oil companies, and can be bought low. I'M aerea near Franklin and noar French oreek. Thro'igh a portion of this land the is ejal, varying from two Jo five feet tlilek ; also, in on end Umaston, which I now BQU'jh wanted In thla legion, can be had In abidance. About 30 serea of Oils land .Low. the moil favored proi pecti for oil dluoverod on rroae'i creek. This eutli piece ot land can now be bought for $25,000. 118 acre, valuable cod land near the Allegheny rlv-, bell g directly In the tear of the Roberta Oil Company a property. Three-faet coal valna now opea and wjrk'ng. This f leoe of land could be m ado to pror atost profl tabls If In Oje band, of an encrgeli- company. Ko acraa band near Eaat 8 andy, In Cranberry township, beailly timbered, and underlaid with many lar.e veins of oca), which woald pror a a treat taring to any eompary whopoaaeAed this territory About eUhty acre, of Una land la adapted to boring purpiaea. ahowuig tka a am a aur race Icdicatloua a. are to k touud on OU ertek anl Cherry ran. Tr ee $2o,ooo. Iho acres of .and In Jclferaon county, Ta , near th great oil reglea of the Clarion river. On thla property ih-rj - valuable timber, and underlaid with heavy eoal veins, a few of wh eh have already been opened. Th oil tlont ar very aimllar to thoae met with on Chei-rj ran. This place of pr ip:ty can now be purchaied at a r.ry low price. Aa yet, thi re has been but Uttia a'taotla raid to thla region, but, from pre. cut Indications, the lan I la thi rrg'on will abortly command aa fabuloua pricea aa lant a OU creek. The e al aloue on Ihla territory, c t culat d ai two etntapor bushel, will mora than pay for Ihswiiohi property in eife-h'een montha. 1' 6 aerea In Cranberry townahlp, Venango ecoa'y, b lai Ba- East Sandy, and not far from the Allegheny river. Will am. run goea through th a emir property. Kaar by Uier ara aaveral rana. ona of which la bow fro.luclug largaly Coal la found oa adjoining trrritory. Proapectt of lid landpiovlng largaly prouuetlre, either for oil or anal, are no; aurpasaed by anr laud la this eeun7. Ihla farm can be bad for IICOuO. 1 aero and W perches, being a small pleet or vil iabl borln land In Venango county, which ean kt haiel.ber n leas , or csn be purchaaed lu f a aimpl. Thar art few oppjrtunltlwa for purchaalng aueh a siaall pies af land In thla county. Can be boagkt cheap. .KAltRl-Sl salad on th nerthwait or Patched run, Vaoang county i ona-ioanb tl this land la good boring unitary. Coal alao on tk a laad, and Join, lha Bcott Farm, which hat ka sold Bad Ii Bow being developed. 100 acres. ls4 acre, hi Craaberry townahlp, Venango county ; thy ar alnking wella sn adjoining lands, with good ihow of IL TO icrrt In Ingar Creak township, county ; thi. Imd Is well located, sad fully one-half la adap.ed for bor ng purpoatt, several wat new going Bown an adjoin ing lands. DECKMUEI. HI; 18C-1. ltan ao-ea of land la lha Vaaa-n on nmn of iraHla. This territory is l, sted near a M Is siayr iui lrd by aa nr I the snout vahiau'e ofl territory In tti'a Hale. Caaba boutht either In part or the whole fraot. OHIO OIL LANDS. IIAIIT PA RM-r aerea In Marlon township, Morgan oonaty, Oalo. CRAY TAHM-!0 aerea In Hoa.r township, Morgan c ant). Ohio. II Raj II YVA It SI an arras in Brrna township, Athena County, Ohio. M I I.FIIKRII P.tRvi-4S arrt. In Marlin town ahlp, Morgan eouuly, Ohio. DA IX FARM 40 acres In Homer townahlp, Morgan county, Ohio. rOM'.Y KAItM-H a.-rea In Homr township, Morgan etantr, Ohio. IlOII.KAli FARM -SO aare la Boraa towawhlp, Atncia county, Ohio. IIOASI.T FARM -127 acraa In Homer towoaMp, M'.rgsn connty, Ohio. VOH K F A RM SO a. it. lu Uomrr towuhlp, Morgan rr anty, Ohio. 4ROY AMI II ABJY FARM -9h aerea u Homer township, Muigan county, Ohio. riRMEM Kit FARM-Itoacrea In Marlon towo- hlp, atorwan county, Ohio. R. F.I.I.IOTT FA RM-I.asraa hi Berne town-hip. county, Alhlo. J. F.I.I.IOTT FARM-lns area In Barn I iwn ahlp, Atl rna county. Ohio, I. H A V FA H M- 40 aerra In Barton tt wn.hlp, Morgan County, Ohio, KIl.IlTO FARM - gerea In Benie townahlp, Melsan comity, Ohio. I'OfLICAC FARM -210 aerea hi B -roe township, Athtt.a county, Ohio. HART FARM-SI teres In ft. .mar and Marion town ahips, At organ county, Ohio. B1MPS0K. JANHET h CO., M oi -rptf Boom 17, Ko. 400 cnBSNOT Str. (J I u c y L a it. TUB McClintock Eeserve Oil Company, YKNAVtlO COUNT!, VRNSSTLVAVIA. Ctipltul tKlO0O.M0, 100,000 SHARKS OF STOCK. rr Viilue 910 ptr -tiara. Bubacrlptlnn Price t per aliarc. "VorJtliiK CapHnl. I:M),0(M. No. 4M WALNUT BTKI-.ET, rillLADBLPHlA. TRFBIDKNT, james McMillan. r rjai TART AND TRRA8UKBH. J. D. REINUOTH. Tt developed prorerties of t'.iU Comptny are on Oli croik. He portion ImtiieilUttlj prnUuctlve uom tho Urpc-t iravte li a trod cf about four acres on lh John aU-rllniork farm at the Junction o Chorrf run anil OH Cietk. I . it well known that the lands apon both thcic atreiaii are the moat rortaUi acil rclfable. If not the 1 rnct, innrcta of nupp'yof oM anywhere knotrn. Th) cumtriKMion f wella in a l the netghborbood la geoeraui rciMrt'ed with iucoeg - aunPilmcn rery largely ao a tbe Itced, the AnJtrion, the Exoalnlor wella, and the rich aud productive property cf tha Curtln Company. On tha-Iuhn McCTiut 10k frm (of which the lUcra ia a part, aid In lt rery centre), nearly every woll la a aacceia. On tl e Reservation there have been live leant?! made to reliable mm, in aucn manner at nut tointerroro with the m an ali n and Rroands around It- On iheae aevoral lcaaca theie are hmr wtl a completed, and two In a forward ataia of conntmc'lon. o. A (the baini well), a pumping wo 1, wlikh, at the time of the Committee's vie t to ttio property, 14ovtmtrW, was yielding frum 80 to 00 barrels per clay. lan lncicatml to Its barrels at lat measurement; and It In Lf ilt-ved will scon become a la rye fljin wey. It la UiiUrniuiiii liitii uia umi ui iiiia nets, miu uittl, luO, 1110 vit king half, wan ftold recently fur tl75,(4K So-X well i iViw ing 14) barrels dally when the Committee iwre on the prciuUea. o.8 will la puuiplun and flowing about r.'o barrels per t'ay and proiuioa to fluw over barrels per day In a very shrrt time. Ho 4 well lias c-mimenceU to punip oil, aud promhea to be nearly, it not qulto etuul to Kq. 3 1 ho two wells, N'on. 3 and fl, now conntru tlnjr, must add lankly to the Income of tho Company So. 3 only waliliiK tubing, aud lSu 0 in pit cosof bfirtnK. The ititctent oC the Currpaii In the Jlc'ltntock Rexor- Tailon is vne-fcurlh of all the oil proilueed tterefrum, free of expense In tie eilatlntt five kaita, aud abuudint room In a(l r did for elhl or ten aCt'itional well In the territory embraced iu these leabea Those now prod'iciiiR furnlth a boot li 0 barrels dai'y, nr an income of any IliXX) pur day. 1 he Company own, In fee simp e, txe half-acre on whk h the mansion stands. This will be developed as rapidly as possible for the benefit of the stockholders. It la bilitved that the production of tbe well or wells which may be put upon thi a portion of the property will add lerijel to the tucomo of theCompary. Tbe Company have alo puiQuasid one-third interest In three and a half aciai ou Oil crek, ntstr the li AluC'l-itoik fHrui, tt ne miles of the Kservatlont, aud opposite Ui Krbert taroi, where are tea tardea veils of the neighborhood. On this proiertj ouly one will has b"en completed, and la now producing 30 barrell dally, thus giving to the Company an income of 10 barrel char. Anotlior well la In proems and much roctn exists for ythors, wbicti will aooa be cornDtitucH U. 1 r.v enure preint Income of tho Company Is, thrfora, taii.p4b It J tarrels pr .day, which, at $10, maka an A toal rt venue ti tvt(t,(i00. At a i ent nieetim? of tbe Corporation It wa a-rreed to re eut all the onproilucihe propetty rr nt'd In fielr I an liU-t, except the va'udble iiact ou Pa Hole creel, of 0etra and ubxtl.ue theitiur a worklnt; eip tal of IjOuin i by nlikh ihanice tha iuuiests of the siutlth jlders YiU be A,iu.t a ibeervid. Htncv ibepuiehiae of tUo property aMd tho publication of tbe Ccmpai: a frui3C(ua, tiie lucrea.e lu the yield j oil haa itarij doubled. It caunot be roaA.ed thu lew i ompanleti prf nt ao large au immediate profit ; and wiib all the v.elitotupetcl h'cli ara now In progress. It will Compaie fav-rbly with the mot,t sue lessiul ot tha organ l.ed companies, 'lhe parties eutraued In tha orgiulxttlon hic aMii d to ni e t tha stockholders the l.irKet possible li.dictment to tike 'ba stock ai'fled taemmlvei, with tlu- Btoc holders, to participate lutboie cert a n to be produced- by bnn.lnj the price of stock asnvaras pi.nlb'e to tha coat of the property. fiutn the MC'ommtrcal List and Price Curreu." of Ue c mrm,lHi,t. ", n (ha e dny of the Peiro eum mania, when the peblio mind Is bewildered and confuted by the thotnan-i an 1 one i tw corporations teeMug p'dcet in the market, aud It it neceftary to di cr'miuute cl.acly b.twvet. Vie ledtimii?e ana t) b gus cum.-ai lea li Is a 1 lmpor ant io thoae do llroua vf tr It g t elr tortures i- '.b j oil caa.e to know tha tnen who a:e ti u ana e t .eir iiitTcutt ; ai.d we are plautd to be au e to s at .Jia ih mD igt-men' ot the McCiiutock KerveOll npany in pjlot t f respectability and aecartly, lecond t j Uia: ot no oil aaaociauov in our com munuy a ''Wlentha lifting Hint omes for oil companies, and con i Ii nureiy will, we prvdettbat the shareholders of tbeMcClinuC U aa TeO.I Company wia have no reason to re(ei tucir, as will, we tha caaa with too many " l', 1B, 12-31-stu1h3t AMUSEMENTS. jkw citr:sxuT st. theatre) t iin.M"i-bi nr rrr, a no v in tweuti I'hlll I li at HIJ, I.KBSIL1CS AhU MAaAUCB. 1IIIK (Aalnrriay) CVENIlilt, Torakarll, HFfiMi AMI I.SHT API'rRANrr--a . VJ KarnM. am I.ait aI'i-kahancb" HH MI AMI l.HT A I'i' C a K A NCR tA w rtfcCo.M) AMI LAST AITEAKANi B . I ATvrvtu rv 1 1 1 AlNftllJ I A1K1V. IVAUCV, ICAHY, IVAUCV, rort nalnu. ilUiut iataanlna waa noi r miivMsvrri.. mosi si rcKiifl'l,, Mio-r i I't'Bisfl'l,. BUM I' NO'. KS-if L I.. 8he will appaar tioon th nrrpion as I Al ' 1.1 N K, I At LINK, In liulwi r'a ahaorhlng flva a-'t I'lay, IjAIIV OP'ljVONS, 1 AI)Y Ol' J.VONS, anijinrtrrl t,y 1K r. MOttllAI NT n. ( f.At HE MKt.NOTr, aim ii. e mil siitDKir oi tta Tlia avanlna'a ai.iri-l,, ,.,,t K ill ,'n.l,. Ad V truly lAbal.ahlr Kan r. 1IIU ARTFI'L DOUUEIt. ,VT.ll warehrj MONIIAT AFTKltNOOV, .Tinnarylt . linANIi Hill, IMV Mt'llNKN.C- whrn,by psria-utar ri-,,in'.i. ihr sv,t iiopular i- above I w ill be presents . " ' MONDIT F.Vl:M.N,, January 1, 1111' ,II'NIM.,V r uiiiijiT-iiii''i inr WAKKB.N CUMEIIY COM 111 VATIOS. OV PATI IilUT ArrKHNOiV, rirftr.har SI, IWf.MlBlll bktMi rs.MILV JIIAl:NEg, wlian AlAHHlia ' will baprrsaa'cd lor lh la ,l limr positively. MliS. JOHN DKKW'S NKW ARCII 8T. 4uEAIhC NEW 1 KAH 8 EVE, l ast Ills i I hut six of kill J. ft CI ARKC. CLMKB AS A.S liiEM'lllllli. lO-JKlflT (Biitnrilav), llarainliar JI. . OLIt A.MKIIK AS COLMIN. As Trarrhrd j, clajm locmoii.oe with "M Al I, TUAT OI.1TTEK8 U NOT OOf.l). Toby Twlntl j. , CLARKE hrals Bacuier ill itay in aitianro yALNUT KXia.lil' 1'Ui.A.XillS. A Kl' TKAH'B flf.A. THIS (Salnra) Hfc.MNi., Uecrnioor JI, the charming. yourg,anu veraaille actrass I I'f It l L' nL-Lri-nu ffor po l"voty thn last iinic' as ' u the ci'iabraiiHl piayof Charles lllckeue' plcturoflSnr listi lii. antiiu-a ' Oi IVHI 'I VHsr ;on, TIIR P IRISH flOYS I'llOORtSa. luconcluoc wltn tha ti.m ollrimn of TllK hoi.ii;n r iitsrii, Post, may b aavureil at ilit Hoi otllco from till I o c oca M JASl' LYNN II MATlNfcE. OH fUTttKHAY AyTLIlNdOH Nlfxr . . i"tr L,M "a.v 'a PnlUili'lpi,,.!, MISi Lie l I. i, r, rt fill ISBN II I. AI-1T.AK AT TI1H ACAUEM I OF MUalC, EAST I.YN.VE; IB T n E ELOPEMENT. CBV.AT NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUP J Htiaal. above RUlMTfl rnr,-tr.. -f-. uAMiaa . jrm.w!y Mrs HANBli K). ' 1 T" UAL llkfc AT lllK fin is W.KINIJ CUatlBTWAS Th gfaat Sagrlraa laii.ily.'he Xlcolo Tranp. Tonnt Blrolo, la'laan Hiolhars, lr. and Al-a. T km, Ma. era. lout g. Charles Ktad, K II. H.'Sstor, K. rnedj, Kaaadara. Ha- hpior, and in entiro troope o, artiste. iioaurlana. arrohata, aiuinaats., ivai, wUI fimj. .i.i'B, irivm, g.unoua, graiiiytag, gro- - a taniua. foryaoos, p ouant p. rtn t, pa, uliar., ' ' " , 't pici'osaasall-g, p'ssaiim aranaa of la (l.llaht. aatonUl.nil'ni. and lov. brlllulna tha laaeinatkm, If :h aarb na i : a , j lapalinag ta . . I ., AllXtKVBV ""' ai t e' A torr mnacita Into lull play, anil fully dlapeli lllhOUIICE9 EVEItT AFTEKNOJK SINU rfnrtr Ih Cbrlalmaa wrvh, commencing at Itf JOCKO; OR, TIIR BRA7.ft.TAK APE, 4 ' JL will b produced upon u. atage on Tueadayavenlnf, tf, !J -' t , Amiainn.-rira nr, (0 mm Isamo Tlar. ansa. Prraala Howes, J and IS, aa to alze anil loaatioa. Oat yo" tltkela dnrttig ihe day ai all tltnot. A ESEMBLY BU1LD1N03. J.X. KATuVKK. M'-fllCALE IIT TIIR PUlLADlLPm rr.ABsicAl, QriTETTE CLUB. tVtliV Wf.DNESDAY, At S I' at. TleVa ta, at tha door. Futy Centa eh. M 80-amtu JH1UMT KE.IECTBD. Thla arhnbalile Plctar, lha greateal arejootioa afBS palatw WUT, ta now on nhlbHtoa at th acadfut or ring, abti, X. H'JCIIKKKttT IHrwat, "j Togatbar Witt tha entire aoll.oato of th Inarfrtirfotk Admlttajea.TWBKTY-rtVK LIST. U-K-tao ' I, XBIBI I ION OFWOEKBOFAar. VOft J the BBM KIT wlb. camsriA" covmiasioit. ' , at tta ACAIiEfl OP F1NB AK'I'B. 'v., An FiUliltlra of a Prf'atr CiUcilon of Works f At, tr I'alsllcts, beulp'ar. Wi ar Col. r, and other Urawhsra, EngraalRsa, Ao... Is now o aa at the Psansylvanl Academy of FlnsBrta, No. InV, CllKRMI'T 8ltaal front AM. So 10 P. M., for the bcnallt of a Ghrtatlan Com. nlaaioo. Arltal-alop 16 tenia; geason Tlrkta SO eantt. ll-MS-l-l A: N. ANNUAL PRESENT. Which wlU remind THE I! E O E I V E U o TI 1 11 CJIVEIt ' : ' ETEEY WEEK IN THE TUB, - Buhactloc lo , . THE SUNDAY SOHOOL TIMES. .. . A FIR8T-RATB Family papjsr. ' a BriilOK EDITOR, FB0FE8HOB JOIIX . HAST,' (Formar rrlnclpal of 111 Cealtal Olgh Sohool.) Anton onr regular e-atrlbutors aro Ih Rav. JOHN TOW), D I), td Rev RICHAKD KEWfON, D. D.,' both having a world wide rcpuiallon at writers' and ' ptechrs to the young. t ALSO, . i I A MONTHLY PAPER ' 10B THBal.lTl'LE KUl.KS, J a' Beaullrully Illustrated. '' Cpeclmo Coplst Free 11 39-thatt ' No. )4H H. l'OUKTH Hrr. .t. JJOLIDAY lUllSENTsS. FAMILY Il-IMLESpi "Wlioloejulo and Iletall. TOE CHEAPEST AMD BEIT Prayers, Hymns, Family and Pocket HI HLFH. I'lieTOORAPH ALBUMS, EW AID BEAUTIFUL BTTLEB, Klch Turkf r Morocco, Antiqua, Rulief and Oold. VIIIIAM W.HAKDUa, If AHCFACTUUEE, No. 336 CHKSKUI STREET, U IS tr ' BELOW 1 OCKTH. iOUTH UDM, ! Kid 4- aW.' t.. t rsa M 7 VEH.fc li nm , :ni I. ry s I lit (on . tn-i i i ai bi ii I v" i VN J i bwon' ina and BlBtf -stti