The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 31, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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5 cuing .Sclcrjvapli
f tVUVkf, DECBMBKR 31, 1864.
J f'anWwrff
t jiionornbie inemlicf tins promi1" 1 to'tnrn
ji wi st he in plcnseil t' rill Insminil."
' ni rabla scnllxainn lift" trcatcl it suiiiprt
be kuowa no'.liin. in tiriii (XT of nun 1
fculri lnta,mctiite dim from tru.ttltii; cilnf
50 of Mch ho km w niurti.'' TlH'se lira
Jot' thfl ftmrrittiiM wrh whl' h hrrivii.T
Ji.nn irrita iti the Imver house ; hut iliu
uriilis lords were sliocl eil fi'id -n n l.t 1 -V
In the ritlme on tl.o s.ilniou IWli rv
nrped a numt rous lurid of ln rcili'urv
Ini'liiiCm:; rrthitit't tninKtr'rs and us.-V-,
wf'h dixiriiics S't'ivers ve of lliu in st
jr of property. Ho nttrrs tliosc ttidus
f evenly. baliini'Od. hliinil tone of v.'i'-e,
' t yt.e sniaile-t symptom of mar; an', lie,
8 A very little gull in In tlispusi'.iuu ; Inn
f not ilie lc9 irriiniiiiK on Hint ii'r unit.
J urolonfjcd clircr wMi nhith I,ird Cnn-
(' rati. .La taB l...ih .wil.l
jf fluted or quelled bum men, but it li lt
,-'cMbury apparently tnn'msliul, alilunili
.-4liiipii, eventually unimproved.
urlotis tli at thiM ireerid 1 Inn lo whs
a 8 Hil ar episode. Ho 1ml spiken ion
arr ptntiy, v. It. n trio D id! ol
a.lvintaju nt liis te npir iry tin
him with hi lium'.lt) In Ii
ln'cof his pci'i.f'fl. Writ' til-
by Mr. Clmrii- ll.itler In liis
Tlmrlotv ruse from the wu d
ed slnwlv t'i the pltt-o Irons
iici llnr nui.illy address ' the
unmeil, he I, in a low tun or
aitiu k Ihe n duke lias made
my ord5,"'otistd r.i'ily raising
mil Mliirt -il ill li.s urn.'., n Kit II
J ' iMo duke i-annm look beture lum, beti'ml
I Itr on either side ot liim, without seeing
f Joblc pfcr who owes his M Ht in this hon e
t lonunti'le ( in the proleion to
i il beloni;. Does he n 't feel that it is m
P-' 1.1.. 1. ... ... .... ... I. ....
nuir iv i.wv i i mim; lis iu uciu ine nu i-
( n arciiletit ? '
all these noble lords the lancunce of tho
duko is as nppllea'iie and is as intu'tlng as
.i mytell. Hut I don't ft ur to meet it aii.iCiu
lone. No on -Ti nenites tha peer ;e m ro
I do; bn', my lords, I must sny the poeniiro
b'd nie. not I the peer.ieo. nr, m ire, 1
D ay and will uv that, n n peer of prtHU-
nent, ns a speaker of this rinbt honomble bouse,
il keeper ol the prist seal, ns of Hi.s
)etv conselctu-e, ai lora iitpn cnanrollornr
uland nay, eren In that iiltiue in whliii the
oble dnhe would think it an atlront to be eon-
iired. at a man I am at this moment as
tspectable, 1 beg leavu to add, 1 nm at this rao
Kint as mui h reDeeted. us the proudest necr I
Jktx look down upon."
ri, nuuer says mat me eneri ot irns spneen,
'Vh Within and without the walls of l'arltainent,
is prodigious. It Ravi tj Thurlonr an asevnd-
In lliji hnnm wlitfh nn l.n ni'lli,r Itn.l ur
tiira nOKSefisi.
It Invested him in public opinion with a clmr.ic-
r of independence and hoimr ( very lll-niunted,
v.the way); ami this though ho was over upon
ie nnpopuUr Hide in politics, made hlin always
pillar witu tne people. i.ord w estbury did not
kcai himself by a blow onnortnnelT and hau-
. Ely struck, but ha bai air.ply redeemed liitnsclf
T?S hie labors In jurinpruilence and legislation.
,'iihh give weight and dignity to his elevated
Hv an odd coincidence, one of tho greatest In
, leeifril display! in the llouseof Commons wai
i, en he was acting in co operation with Mr.
idstone', and tha dialectic contest In which ho
nbe e rentes t risk of a damiiKinit discomfiture,
s when he had that consummate master of
M for an antagonist. Tbe intellectual display
.u carrying through the clauses of the duty
mccession bill; tbe dialectic contest was
n, in a debate on the divoree bill, the quon
n allies differed aa to the orthodox doctrine
Lcbing marriage and divoree. Few disputants
I vj.ii be better matched on such a subject : in
V loledge, subtlety, readiness, and command of
Vffnp"ik.t ipv were on a nur. tint on its homi?
tie ioreisic enumpiou uuu nitsrea l
n- which the dispute turned, tbe
ictovy was awarded to the eloquent lay
xin of too establishment.
on the most of Lord Eldon's tenure of the
teal, he bad no assistance but tho muster of
oils. Ho bad to act as equity juditu of tirst
anee, equity judge of appeal, and president of
wppollate jurisdiction ot the House of Lords, in
,:h capacity he practically reviewed bis own
ions wheuan ill-advised suitor was notcon
jwiih hi judgment in Lincoln's Inn. The
fTice-cbaneellor was cjented in 1S13. Two
1 were added in 1841. Tbe other additional
!v judges are tha lords justices, who share
pellate jurisdiction with the lord chancellor,
e two jointly form an appeal court, but tbe
tncullor, if it pleases him, way sit atone to hear
eals in equity, or may summon thera to Bit
o mm. a late chancellor nuving exercised
privilege oftenerthan was deemed necessary,
d Wrubury accounted for his excess of
tion thus : " Poor little fellow, he does not
to be lett alone in the dark.
ine obvious consequence of theso changes Is
i.atttc judicial capacity of a chancellor is less
frequently tested, and is, in fact, of much less
Importance than when. Atlas-like, he bore nearly
rtie whole administration of equity on lib back.
livV hat we hope and expect from Lord West bury
fn not that da will rival Nottingham or Hard-
': jklcke by bis decrees, bnt that he will far surpass
j he most enterprising of his predecessors in wise
v4md large measures of law reform.
I (There is yet another meuil.erof the Judicial
s Jkody in whom Ihe public have a vivid personal
"merest, ana or wnom we must conseauont v sav
iJimetbing, although tha recent ditto of his ap
itjlotrneut will not justify us in saying much. Ua
ir Creswell cressweu lamented death, tho
ench and the bar were carelully Hcauued to dis-
over a fitting successor. A sensible man of the
orld. silted with the faculty of fathoming tha
Murines of human nature, and of RDoreeiatimr the
Varying social relations of persons in the differ
Int walks of life, nol merely an accomplished
lawyer, waa required ; and when the choice fell
pou Sir James (lately ll.iros) Wilde, it was ruti
r Bed by public and professional approbation, lie
ad mauiiested, Dotu as a, practising barrister
nd as a judge, most of the desired qualiiiea-
ua, while bis personal position was in keeping
th them. Ha ia a 'nephew of the lata Lord
Vro, and waa educated at Winchester, and
-inity College, Cambridge. Called to the bar in
iu, na went the nortnrn circuit, until tie was
ade a Baron of the Kxcheqner in l;o. Ho U
airicd to a daughter of the Karl of Radnor.
:T1n Bight HonorabU SUphen Lnsbington,
'J L , judge of tbe Archaa Court, and judge
1 tha High Court of Admiralty, is-oo eminent
, , raemlier of tbe judicial body to be passed
IfiX, although tbe simultaneous presidency of
. he two Courts by the same person is a clear
; fcdication of their decline. The truth is, tha
Host important busiucss originally belonging
o the Court of Arches has been transferred to
be l'robata, Matrimonial, and Divorce Court;
- ind the Court of Admiralty languishes from the
inevitable lack of employment during peace.
Tot we well remember a pamphlet iu which the
, ' lous wri er, the present queen's advocate,
taintained that its unimpaired jurisdiction
' s essential to the well-being of tho naval
ervire, and was connected, by no very ex
i nfled chain, with (.lie gloVies of Trafalgar and
a Mile a theory probably based upon the fact
;at Nelson and other naval heroes hare ex
ubited a natural but most prosaic attachment to
Vie money. A civilian may also be excused
;r wishing to avert the rude bands of lonova
jpn from the sacred prcsineu of this tribunal,
when he rafli'cts that from il issued those mas.
d" expositions of internal law, Lord Ktowell's
) jfj.meuts, by which, and by which alone,
v jUglish Jurisprudence is known aud honored
ft' Voug bout tbe civilked world.
Dr. Lusbintou was bora in 1783, the son of a
ine. Y f
baronet. He was educated at Kton anil 0ford,
and began life with nil the toc al Vdrantnges that
condition and ronni ttion could comer. His
lastrs and bnhits lieuis? eminentlv Intellectual, no
one In bis day conti iluited more to dill use tbat
opinion of professional society which Ind bron
formed, as we have i.n, by Lord Orenvllle and
Sir Waller Hcott. He was appointed Judge of tho
Consistory Court In 1NJS, nnd Judge of the Admi
rnlty in is M. He sat In l'arli imcnt from lsju to
IMI.a cs.nsMi nt Whig, aclng Sind voting with
lliougbnui. Di riman, and MacMiitosh j aud bis
t ame Is honorably assocla'i d with theirs in the
gn at liberal movement ulected by tiV in in na
tional education, in toleration, and, above all, In the
iil"l,lion ol s avery tbioiij:hnut tlio Hi Iti-h domi
nions, lor which lie toiled uriceasinu'l y till it w is
done. His elocution was marred oy bis v. nee,
v. hu h ns high and slm.l, a most shricl.lug :;
m in ins ol i i In n: lit ; I ut Ins speeches com
manded attention by h t Ik lit ol in it er, force of
iirgiiini nt, and i sinc-tiiis. of purpose. It would
be fhittciy to ad blni a treat imlee ; an I s"t haps
b is fortunate lor lis I .me tint the A India ty
Court no long r challcng. s t!ie unit" amount lit
critical intention whn h itromniande I under I. ird
i-taiwell ; tor he is said to pi me himself on tho
jnstmss of his tirst luipri ssions, and generally to
act upon them. 1 iillcvrand's cinicul maxim wn,
" Hist t us' youi lirst impulses because they aii'Coui
lnonly good ;" but the r-ver-o in iv be predn- itcd
ot lost impulsions in a la unless we pre
suppose a 1'i'iiip'ite liiustery of lis legal relations
e' J analogies, us wi 11 us an Intuitive ktiow fdge
id Hie laci-. Ir. I.tisliimrton's ailunnistiati ia of
just cc, however, bus not hen utiMi itactory on
the whole; nnd the la-t important iiidgment do
lueied by li in shows that his judicial powers
aie itt'dccai i d. He is another nist.iu?c of tlio
w niuls it ii I examples recently aecumul t 'I of old
n i n n -ire supi i ior to the right ot years an I
ni)iidly (lit It g tiitic. That juogmentj In vol vug
Hie most t in ii.irinssoig of pro ilenis, whetuer a
large section of theClmrch i re or nro not Hying
In the tine ol lis articles, has been partly nn
liullt d on iipta-a, but il is a metnorsble ex uup'o
of the intellectual poweis of a jurist and llieoio-
glMI ! list I ilTll'V.
Ti e Judicial Commit ec of Ihe I'r vy (' mnr.l is
n court ot at pial compescd of ti.o principal
jmlces nnd evjudciB of ilie superior c nuts. It
is little known io the pub ie, except bv its j'uK'
lot ins in lmiiaii cms between p irllcs witu un
pronounceable names, collectively pronounced,
nnil it lias no distinct pcr-oi.aliiy to be skutctied.
Iu coiisf quenco of the judinnent delivered by
ti e lord cbiinceilor in the Williams and Wilson
ll'ls-'ijs nnd Kevicwsi cases, the compi teoev of
His court, ns ii court id' appeal in eccU'si.tst'cal
mutters, has been vehemently asul!jd, cSjieem 1
In the (jtwrlty ,Vrotc, In w!ii. b it is c intended
that the clergy should be absolute, judges ot doc
hilie in all c.iscs. Ilutyi seems tobe forgotten that
the clcigy do not constiinte the Chinch; iiinl
most ri as . nable people will be of opinion, that
the lay element is especially required in a tri
buuiil which decides, in tht last resort, an ecclesi
astical question, involvingjnot merely doctrinal
points, but temporal rights. It will be an ovil dav
for the clergy when tho majority are left freo to
persecute the minority.
A distinct personality is also wanting to tho
tribunal which rinds on appropriate place among
Mr. K. Doyle's humorons and thoughtful illus
tration: of "Manners nnd Customs of ye Kug.
lyshe In 15l." Na. Io is bended " Highest Court
in ye Kingdom: Ye Lords Hearing Appeals."
It represents the timet saloons in Kuiope, with
the lord chancellor on the woolsack ; the counsel
addressing him ; one lord reading a "lllne Hook ;"
another, with folded arms, asleep; and a third ia
striking likeness of Lord Itrouuham, in plaid
trousers) in an attitude of mingled weariness and
irritability. It i,- undeniable that this is hardly a
caricature of a court which can overrule, trie
alter the other, if it pleases, the judgments of too
highest tribunals in Kugland, Scotland, und Ire
land respectively. Four pears being a quorum,
three lay lords and u bishop arc regularly told oil'
to make a court : the aggregate is the "Highc-t
Court of Law In ye Kingdom ;" and (woudsr of
wonders!) all who take, or have taken, pirt iu its
proceedings maintained coniidently that it works
These sketches, however slight nnd Imperfect,
may help to verify or correct the popular estimate
of the bench. If it can boa-t of nu brilliant con
Mclliitlons or lumlnarias, it is marked by no
positive specks; and we should be pu.led to
nume a period when Its members were less o;cn
to grave criticism or reproach. The want of
polished demeanor in two or three is not
peculiar t the judicial body of our time; and
far worso blemishes arc suggested in connection
with illustrlflsis names by the most cursory glance
at our forensic annals.
Lord Mansfield, us may be read in "Junius," was
plausibly accused of exalting tbe prerogative of
the ciown at the expense of liberty of the subject
of undermining the common law, and of mis
directing juries lor personal or political objects.
On his retirement, Thurlow, then chancellor, said
that he "hesitated long between the corruption of
Duller and the intemptranco of Knnyon," a Id
ing most gratuitously ns regards Kcuyon, "not
but tl.ero was a d d deal of intemperance in
Huller's corruption in Kenyon's intemperance."
Tbe prime minister, Mr. I'itthplaced a veto on the
nomination of Ii u 1 1 er, whom ho himself, while
traveling the circuit, had seen try a case aileeting
political rights in a close borough belonging to
bis (the judge's) family.
Kenyon has let t a great and well-earned name;
yet he indulged many peculiarities of opinion,
nay, many strong prejudices, which worked
injustice. His parsimonious meanness in dress,
vquipaze, and style of living was proverbial;
and Ids fondness for introducing supposed
quotations from the classics ludlciously mis
understood, was so invetera'e as to provoke
the rebuke of Ocorge II. 'Tray, my lord, keep
to your good law, and give as no more of
our bad Latin." In the amusing miscellany,
entitled "Westminster H ill," he is represented as
addressing the jury. "Having thns discharged
your conscience, gentlemen, you may retire to
your homes in peace, with the delightful
consciousness of having performed your duties
well, and may lay your beads on your pillows
and say, "Aitl I'tisar out nullua " In Coleridge's
"Table Talk" he is stated to have said, "Above all,
gentlemen, need 1 name to you the Emperor Ju
lian, who was so celebrated for tbe practice of
every Christian virtue, that he was called Julian
the Apostle." Granting that sundry baroriB of
the exchequer need Latin authorities to be trans
lated for them, they do not puradc their iguorunco
in this fashion.
Lord Kenyon's undue partiality for Erskino is
fixed by a happy quotation of Law's (Lord Kllen
boroagh), iu reply to an angry explosion of tha
favorite :
' Non me tua farvida trrsnt
IMcta, Term. 1II me lermit ul Jupltur hottli."
Lord KUeuborough, on succeeding Lord Ken
yon, declared that no gcutleman should be sub
jected to tbe indignities which be himself had
endured from, or seen Indicted by, his predeces
sor ; and with rare exceptions, he kept bis word.
Dut with all bis high qualities he had his faults.
A political opponent like Lord Cochrano (after
wards Earl of Dundonald j bud small chance of
justice at his bands ; he would fain have silenced
altogether tboso charged with ollenses agonist
rajigion, like tbe publishers of TomJ'aine; and
In his eyes a libel against persons in authority
was a crime more daugerous to the public peace
tbuh housebreaking.
Talfourd introduces an amusing anecdote in
his "Vacation Katnbles," in these words: "Lord
Kllenborough bad come down after an interval,
during which bis substitutes had made slow
progie-s, and was rushing through the list like a
rhinoceros through a sugar plantation, or a
common sergeant, in the evening, through a
paper of petty' larcenies; but just as be had
nonsuited the plaint If In tha twenty-second
cause, which tbe plaintiff's attorney hud thought
sale till ihe end of the w eek, and was about to
retire to his turtle, with tbe conviction of having
done a very good morning's work," ate. This
somewhat diminishes our admiration for the
exploit (mentioned to his honor in tbe House of
Commons at the time), tbat be hud disposed of a
Guildhall cause list containing live hundred and
eighty-eight causes.
His lordship's promise of civility to tho bar
does not seem lo have implied suability. Lord
brougham was told by a learned sergeant tbat,
at the table of Sergeant' Inn, where the judges
pine with their brethren of the coif, tho ouauutta
was never to say a wo'd after the rhlef justice,
nor ever to bruin any topic of o nvcrsatlon. "lis
was trcnted with lully more than the obssqui us
deferincc rfcown nt court to the sovereign him
self." It must be itdiaittcd that his surliness
wm rcdienii d by humor ; its In his encouraging
rtmaik to the lyro who stammered out, "Mr
lords, nir innominate client my unfortunate
ciitm " "tloon, sir; so f ir tbe court is quite
with jou." Or his reply to Mr. I'reston, who,
alti r occupying an entire day nmtd the yawns of
the court, np calcd to know wh-n it wool I be
their lonlshii a' pit n-iire to hear the remainder of
bis ursnn.ent. ' Mr. i'r. ston, we are bound to
hear you. and sli.ill do so in due course; the
conrt has no plmsuie In the mailer "
it mm lairly be inferred that other judges (lid
not tliir.k it nicessaiy to listen, or pretend to lis
ten lo nil ihe.tuas tornoi Iv aildres-ed to them,
when we b am thai Lord Mn-ln Id, the prince ol
ii uitcsy, was in the habit ol reading newspapers
and answering li Iters in c jurt. Lord Klib n dni
sot. o; iiiol l.or.l Al.inger won,, I do it ostenta
tiously and i lirti'iv y. to mark hi- c mt nipt tor
the advocate. laini Clare, wtio bad a li'c-ioror
Itnd with Ctirran, In cini.ii. g with nduel.onco
bicnght a New fo'imliend dog into court, and
cave it Ids CM-liisise a lemion while Ctirran w is
sptakmg. The c uiim I paused, "i'rocci d, M r.
Cnrrst, ; pi ay proceco," said (bn lord chancellor,
b i Is ii g lip, w it li hi- hand on the he ol of his
ciii.ine (oiiipai.wm. ! will inceeil, my lord,
when loni lordships h.wu concluded your con
sultation." AtUTiio'cs c 1 i und of Ch'cf Justice. W. lies'
gallaniry, in t to - ( irt.ngai y, which wo cannot
veti'iirc to ii ; rtiduC" ; and lloswed reports a con
m i union w ilk Johnson, in 1 71. which appears 1 1
I. hvi hi en niL'uc-tcd bv some ju li i il irrc.'ui.erity.
' ( in ti e sen. e cvcnitii?, he w ould not allow that
the pinatc life of a judge, in llngiand, was in
cur, dm i c so -trii tly di e rous a 1 supno-e l.
'hy,tl,in, s r.' ssni 1, 'according to your ac
eotirr, an 1 imllb itinge must ve like a geu'ic
niHii.' .lot ni n ' t 'ir, i; he can.' "
When 1 old North): gt on ( liealcy ) was mister
of the io'I-. he n qi esn d Icaw of tiic king lo ins the iv.iiif sittno's ot hi-eo ir : and
being mlUd on for a rca-on, icplie l, "II atie,
pli a-e your ni.sjesty, I nm a'ways (tiniik alter
dinner. " '1 he speak" r, Uns'mv. w:is e tuiplaming
that he bail bieti stoppi d in rar.iiitneiit street
II. ioncli the i'b-tinai y ol a cabman, and w is told
that the lord chancellor t Nor bington) hud ex
pencilled a Con-uler.ililc delay tnuii the same
cause. "Vt ill," said the s e.iker, -"did not bis
lomsbi' show bun Ihe mace and strike him
dumb:' "Mo, he did not; but be swore bv (iod,
that it he bad been in his private co.tch, lie w.iu.d
have cot out ai d beat tbe it d rascal to a jeby."
When Done, un. er trial lor profane parody,
was quoin g lasfiues from skeptical w ntcrs in
1,1s il. fi use, one i f his judges was overheard iv
i i ur In a eollenttiie that he would bo d d if he
wiuild sit there and iienr tbe Christian religion
abused." It shiiiid be reniembcred in mitiga
tiou, Ilia' swearing und drinking wero then not
deemed Incompatible with the habits and mm
ners of gi d society. Kven tho pious Lidon was
frnineiitly guilty of nn oath.
ithin" the memory of tbe senior members of
tbe profession, the Court nf Exchequer was sta rd
to be composed of one judue, who was a gentle
man and nn lawyer; n second, who was a lawyer
and no gentb man ; a third, who was neither ; and
a fourth, who was both. This description, in
width stilct eci noiny may have been sacrilieed
to antithesis, rccnl s Charles Lamb's jocular re
inaik on his four frlonds ol the Lake school that
mo would tell n iie, but would not pick a pocket;
another would pi. k n pocket, but would not tell
u lie ; il thud would do neither ; and a fourih
would do both selecting, of course, the professed
moralist for the climax.
I he gcullemuu Judf,e, not a lawyer, was Huron
( ; und souic anions siories are told of his
unitorm politeness on the bench. In his day, it
was n-nal to suspend judgment in the criminal
cases till the conclusion of the assizes, and de
liver all the senti nets in a lump. A name bad
been accidentally omitted iu the list of capl al
punishments, of which he wtls reminded on com
ing to the end of the list. "Oh, yes, 1 see, John
'Ihomp-on John Thompson, I beg your pardon ;
you also are to bo hanged by tbe neck till you
are dead, and may tbe Lord have mercy ou your
miserable soul, too."
Th s is not so bad as the banging judge, once
frequently discoveiable ou tho bench. Ono of
the most repulsive specimens has been handed
down to lusting ignominy by a couple; of
lope's :
"Siftmlsr or p-lsin dread fr.un Polls' Mrs,
Haul wore ir hioitnuv, ii'yoarjiule b Pas."
Johnson records that at the trial of Favago for
murder, Huge concluded an inllarninutory address
to the jury In this fashion ;
"Gentlemen of the jury, you are to consider
that Mr. (Savage is a very great man, a much
greater man than you or I, gentlemen of tho
july ; that bo wears very lino Collies, much liner
clothes than you or 1, gentlemen of tbe jury ; that
he has abundance of money in kis pocket, much
more money than you or I, gentlemen of the
jury ; but, gentlemen ut the jury, ia it not a very
hard case, gent'enien of the jury, tbat Mr. ISavaitti
should therefore kill you or me, gentlemen of the
jury ."
The testy judge has been most effectively
Inughtd djt'jwn by the inimitable sketch of Mr.
Justice Starleigh, in the l'ickwlck trial; and we
should not be sorry if the same powerful satirist
would deal in the same summary fa-hion with
Ihe joking judge ; although, if learning, capa
city, and accomplishment could ever redeem tbe
character from ccn-urtn it would have been so
redeemed by tbe late Mir James Al.lerson. Hut
we may safely trust to public opinion and the
press to apply tLe corrective to all these excep
tional blemishes. H gh tunetionaries en nil kinds
now set too much in the open glare of day to take
liberties or indulge humors; while tbe dispen
sers of promotion are too sure of being called to
a speetly account to risk a bad or even a fairly
questionable nppointment. While feollng and
lully admitting, therefore, that there Is room for
improvement in the judicial body as they stand,
we really see no immediate reason for grave com
plaint, apprehension, or regret concerning them.-g
'rrurr'ji Alauavit'.
i; N T H A L
M 17 Sat FIHLivbltl.VHU.
DMUND A. IrSOll li:il 1 OU.,
WOurrtB A. sort. it, )
St IIIBA1D :sttt.
arai asa r. swubss l las-tf
MlslloS ill MOO. Importer and twaltr I
r loss laas, Skhias, and Uqaora.
Cwolaa Havana ripars,
- croos a Black wo, a Hckias and aancos
Btnsllah and Aeotcfa At mil ronar,
Canaod Moats, Fruits. Soup, St
liavy af astcs put up with caia.
At no. 11" is. ni.Mi,
josiiiLiA u. couarr.
QXaOllOJB htjtuh, ait.,
o. K?l S. RBl'Otil) au-Ml. FkUadclshla.
urricit, X. ritoVT STRKET,
W are prspared to OU ortlois to auy teat tor our well
known .
luclntlirif all recant Imprtivaments inCardUiSt BpUuiUif,
and VVaavlna-
We lnli i as attsntlna of manufactrmrs to oar sxtoa
slvo works.
If 7 los I'lnlsitDi'ttsnstir bas no filial fer tKS'itiy
Ira . whltst'lnit, and In e.tmpkslpn II Is pr
s own pm whit was. henes Its t ttrannllnftry im!.
ill for rresorv'as tl, skin, ntsslni It son, fair, smoih.
nd Iranit.srrfit. tt ! most soethlnf aftsr shss lint, rurM
charid hands and lips, renin, pmipSss. bliiis, tan,
frt'iil's, or sunhnrn. and Imparts a parl tint lo ill
ra . Derh, ari.l a-nts. I'rire ;i( , .'.e, amf ;i ronis. lll'NT
A I (., Jlo.lMH.HKVKMTII Hlrret. and No. 41 a KtoHTH
Mrsst lO-S-Sia
mf. -Tlr nretrrvlKmd h;tt i. It a-sd IheKKNaiM).
It'.N .scltS.W ItiM K. Ivs 10 ltnrin Sis rrii-iids and rh
J. sir. Usui ill iork,tl nt he is pieeare.1 wllh lncrsa,-d
Ikc.l ti! tn ac miu...l.s ttiete latvlnk- v. t.els lo be raised
rr tfialrs.l, and Nlnii a pra.-o. sl sMip carpnO t and
rsnlVtr.wl.l rlt attt-ntHin to tha vetsrls ea
tri stil to l.ltu lor r. psiri.
aetslns or t,. t,lp Carpentstt, and Machinists
1st n s vr sBt io reprttr. aie -li -Itrd t. rs'U
1 1 H v ill I Ihe saeec y .,r Ihf Sa of " W f.) nsrstrdl'l ratrnt
W ullir i ompes ti n,' or 'i'P r I'aint. !.-r t" prs,-rva-n.
p oi o,.u l.ien.ins. lor t' i elij, I um p.t'paie. to ftir
n.sti the same to fat urable o-mt
Kfnlr.-t,in H rt-.s lv.wV,
II IRt.A W.tRI Avenue, atsirr I. M Wilt. Mlraet.
I stons.lsrvs slafl, In nrt-rate Of-ifer. Applv at this
ol-t-a r US
5a li flel
t TSlll.K I IHP..
' C0AS1 Wl.-n HI SAM-llli' ciMI'A.V'l
M W KHI lllll 1' LINK
nm ss.vv vontt,
nt-.! f'.tn. ctlnt: r, r Mll Nyitliern an.lKsitrrn cities aad
... Ol .'NOIS. MtlilHy UVt'lV
It l.s.A,
lilt IIHOAV,
fr. mi li e Cisierso' 's rf. not a:.-vi- li t. e or4, and
N't- Itrk, tier 11, htilh Kitrr, on s.out it. its, a'.
:t p M.
tor netitlit.wMili wilt h n-ealvnl d tUt . tinn,l:rd In th
p" ' 1 1 tesi'-.- r, n- -I el lit eu .1 tt u tt ins sro.tu-st des-
tair rao s. a;r t v ut
Vll.MAM .1. TAVl'Ht ti..
0 o ' - i'.-.'.it Sur'li Wliarvio.
- I , 1M i. klonil slfrl'IH TH III I' l i-1 i . Sw tr
and I'tif hi. in, 4 ui.ip aia imvuiiJ tc
IH 1 ft" toll'
1 I (M MNint-ll.K h'in,lHV .Twm'ii y 7,
OK I,1N, A.!iM.Uy, .Uuirv II.
AinMnr MKvct'rtii),: s.llu, oi n mjii, iTum rinr No
hai i m i.t iah?a;r rAT.vHt.r. in ci'iiurhrv
r'ir-t CftMn fifi) StirKt f n-rt
if I -.''lf' to I i fult i ? ;i sjr.ito t' I wi.loii. .. t
t lr-t nFi n to l-iirn. . 1'nmo H.'i'ivitn 1'irU M'M
I- Ir - 'ni.t, iu lUmiT k'W1 "I' Hlfs r wt In U. i:it.iri(. VlHf
i tifc-fiiijfis kImi t.rwHitlc1 to llvr, . ivn, iiot
torilmn, Aitri erp, , nt f'"llv lt-w rn'i't.
f m'. fr tTt I iTi'iin or Viirrniili'wn ; F'-nt friMi.
f1'". fl"'i, fiti H'i-orn-'' fro.u l.inKl :.., (Jih'i'mi-t-ii,$ru
'I niis -t ii w nh t infiij lof Uicir Jneiulicali
buy ti l't !mrt nt hf ruit-i.
or titiliivi itMt'iniHLlon im 'v nt th r.-nnmm i cftVoA
.IDtlM O. h M.K, ri.t,
Wo. Ill WAI. M l Htrf,'t. riii'ftrl,-lh(.
sAsWsvV mill HwiftMir Iiinci, via bulnwara u(
iir,iiiiif iiiinl. Ttif rten(fuTB of ili.-Hrt litii'i ro loftvini
tinih nt VJ m !iek M ., tui4 6 o'clock l M.,irom third pier
tu. Y 'InitV'ttrrrt.
ffsf frtip.lita which wf'l bi tftltcn on arrrvminodistlni
tciiiiB. api-1 toWIL1,I,M U. UAlKl) A CO., No. Ii4-i
DKIaAWhR Avrimia
1 In- ('Himls-n ami Atnh.y antl Phi.a.lelphla and Trent-. o
KftMr.'riil C nifHinoi Llm lum I'iiiUilcllua tu ow Vurk
an 4 a Tin. n
Will If ne folu'tss), u. : FAR.
Al ) A W.,ii'iiiidn and Amboy, C.and A.Ac-
c tniiM'iiiittfn $2
At . M , via CtmJtn aiul Jvrmy CUy, Moroina
Kir"!"1 f
At II'." M., via .Cntndnt and AiniK , C anuA.Ao
C'nrnv'UalUiii J ;6
At ' P.M. tiaCmuJin antl Auilvv, O. anil A. B.-
pr.M 2-a
At 12 ;-0 I'. M., lii ('iinntt n at Aiulmy. Acc uim--
ilatlon rfljht Htul iMs-uik-cn I 75
At i P TM ., vlr ,'arnitfn nutl Atnlov, .tr''nitn.lathn
( I fight ami l'ait,ii(,T) 1-it Oa Tu ket V3I
SlM lMIIH o 1 il
Atl hi P- M., via (tiii4cn bih! Aini"y Aft 'Mini'.Hla
tton i r'n-Mit nd i'ajti. ntr), 1st CUn Tu ket..., tH
3d flftH d 1
rcr ltolvlderv, Kaston, Lamtiertvllle, h'letutntrton, Ac.(
8:si'p. M.
fur Lamtwrtllla and Int'TmrdlAtr Station, at P. M.
r.Mi'iiut4 II-dly, K atiflvfiie, lViuticrton, and Vlnuvo
town, at H A. M., 1' and A i M.
ot Kr.fti.ld nt ti A.M. and' P.M.
K-T Palmyra, Hlvtrtun, linanco. HoTorly, Kdat-vrater,
PurttKt'L floreiicr, Hord-iitwn, Ac. nt J an t .; a.
M., V2 :;i4 ;at.JV, ii. and IIS P M. Tbo J iH)aod h P. M. lliiei
run drfct throuiit to'I rrnton.
Kt Pami?ra, Klverton, llanco, Bevt rLy, and Burllng
tUu at 7 P. l
Will lavr an lollnm : f
At H it A. M-, via Kvnslntfton and Jerao City Ex
)!"" I'M
A14 ; P.M., vU KcnslnmoD and Jursry .CUy.Ki
yrvuB S'OI
At l, M.t via KermlnKton ai:d Jt-rftty City,
WrUhhiK't"n und Xim York Kinrbif t1 00
AtlVP. M . iilpjitl, via K'ii .liiifWii and Jom.jr City,
WaililiiKli'ti and Ntw iork 3" 21
The ti p. m. Uno will ruu dally. All u.bcri tiunday
uic?itt d .
t ur ItiiiTulrt, Ixmklrk, Flndra, I'haa. Oivcffi, Roohi
tr, ltiiip.b'tintnn, ttTrHt Hen 1, lotitriHe, W itkeabm r
HtTiinion. NirouditiurK, Watt'r iup. Miuu-h Chunli, Alien
town, he'hlhcni, lU'Md.-it1,, l.t.m.H'rt villc, Klein
inpTtoti, A c . ai 7'lft A- 51. This line i-.-iuii'i ti with tiie UaJa
lviivlny Frt-ms f r Maiub Chunk t 4 P. M.
For LaniUTtviiif al & P. St. un A.ittinUva .-nly.
f-T Hri-tol, 1 r-n'on. Ac. at 7 and 11 16 A. M., and I
and b P. M., nnd I.' innluiuht.
I or Iloiiuekinirtf, '1 ai-nny, Wlnnlnomlnff, nrhVihurg, and
Franlnnrd nt 'J A. M.,t'.6 nnd P. M.
liThif N-w vrfc and Way l.ln UavlrisT KnslniTtrtn
P.''it, ImH- Ihr rv "n h'Mth .tre- t. atovj Wairiut, tiuii an
h'Hir ln-tora dt-)iartiiTj. Thf Cats ruu tutotlia ivpot, aud
up nn1-"tl ..tii:li train rtiu frotja th l-'pot.
trty jMnindt uf niisKftse only alluwed each paHionkrer,
Pa" nttrrtt are prnhiiiitc.1 fr m t;itni anyti'iitsr nn im-.'tiff
bin thfir HOjirtnu ai'pirrl. All b.'s,'iu'e vr ikftyH)urtd
to In- jtald inr extia. The t'omimuv limit tlu-lr rHiniil
billty tor tp.'kiim' t On (dollar p-r pound, and will not fe
liable iorui amuunt beyond $UU, except by ipoctal ooo
trttt. Graham'! Hat." a e Fxprtfti will rail for and deliver bn
Vftt-K at tbe iH-pots. Ordvr t be leit at NoltWAI.NUl
lUh't, Wi, II. GATilhlt, Aent.
Uf. i-rubrr 1, llo4.
Fmn foot of Courtland itret at 1".' M. and 4 P. H rli
Jamey t lt and Camden ; ut 7. lb, and II ;(0 A. M., P.
M .. and l"2 NikiiIi via .bTey Cttv and krntlngtoii.
From foot ot Har lay atret. al t A.M. and 2 1. M, v!
Atntxty and t nuntt n.
From Put hi. 1 North River, at 19 M., 4 and 8 P.M.
(1 itdjaht and Pa ae nuer) via Ambo an 1 CarudfD.
.1 all tbe itatloni uu the Cauidea und AuiLki and con
necting liallxoadn.
Th.) Caiudrn and Ambuy JtailMad m d Trananortatloa
C 'Dijauy 1- reiabt L1u"i lur N w York will h'tive vValnm
tni wharf, on an.' attvr January a, dally (Stmdayi ex-C'-i'b
c!) at 4 odoH P. M.
jicturniijjf, lb abov t Llutt will leve New York at 1 and
4 P M. muit be dcUared bafor P.M. to be fr
warded tbe laniu day.
Krtltbt for Tn-nmn, Prlnwton, Eln.'iton, Kw Bntni
wirk, and all poiiitfi on t 'te Cauiden and Amtn.y Hailn.adt
alto on the Itch lucre, Delaware, and KIm,nwo, tne Nett
Jctiev, tbe r roetiold and Jameaoiirvf, and tite HurMnKtna
aid Mount lloll Kailroadi, received and forwarded up te
lSocloik P.M. MiitU yacktmut furUuunt il-Aly received
up to '2 o'clock P. M.
Trie Iteh M.-re ijelaware llallrnad connects at rblltlpi
burv witb tbe lhipvb Valley Haliroad. Tbu New Joraey
kailmad (xnnci'ta at Kbatih w:tb tbe Nw Juraey
f 'eutriU luilroad, and at .Nuwurk with the Morna and
A llp ui-DKirandiiv. iperlfylnif tha aoarki and nam
kera, itiiepem and coimlwiieti, niuat in evary Initauce tt
tsrnt i:h a b load of Kudi,urno retcipt will tMitven,
Inortftafd in bltlea havlnv; be n uiMdc fur ttt tranMrta
rn uf l.l VK K I OCK, (fcvfrn are Invited to try tlna rout.
w ban Uie atork la fiinitahedln iuaiititiea uf TWO C48
L'tAliri or more. It will be dHlvVed at the to-.t uf Korih tO
etreet, n ar tSe L)rove Vard, or at Pier N- I Nortk
Jti.v-r.aa tbe tblpittra may deilxnare at the time of U
ftuaiuent. A AI.TKH KHKKM AN, Krelttlit Aifent,
Ho. -Jim 8. Ielawar) avenue, PhlUdeiplda
O,0. H. KAVMONH, KivIkM Av-itt.
Ja tf Pier Ho. 1 SorlU Ulver. f York.
TT ew ArraiiKviiitnt. Un and attcr 1 UKHDAT,
NdvemtMT 1, iHt, traiuk will leave fruiu WaluutHueet
pie 1 aa H'Uowi :
for Cap- May and all places aouth of MUlvllle at I
A. M and 8P.M.
Fur MillvUli, Brtdseton, Salem, and all lutaraaadlato
iftce iouili ol t-iUHrsboru at w a. M. and ;i P. M.
Knrf.iBn-lforo at 9 A M .. U U., und a P. M.
For w oodbury, Ulouceeter, Ao , at A. M., lvf M.,3 aid
CP. M.
Leave Tape May at 0 A. M. and 11 4 A. M.
Miuvilicat H-ln A.M and :t P. M.
Itrb1i.eb.nat7 tf. A. M., J"P.M.
iSattfiD at T A.M., and l P. M.
' Wuoiibury at 7,tf 47. and 9 47 A. M.. and 4 43 P.M.,
and 6-1" P. M. to Camden onlv.
Will aitend to all tbe nmal brancoea of ipretabut
pdM, receive, dfllver, and forward throuali oilier reapon
Hblt fcxprrea CuupAtdt-a to all parte ui thf country anj
artlclo eutruntftd to tbin. A 8piMjil Measeii'cr aocoui
tauiei tacb train.
J. VAN ItKSHSRr.AKS. Btiperintondent 1,'levi. 11-1
mil BKTiil.nir.v. . V V,, k ran Akiti' wn '
ecu cm k, iiA.i.r.nk hiakiii'., 11,.
Onandatsr MiiNI, N (mis,'.' !'-r."
Trims t- III Ira's His N K.W UK:' r.
OIRO Mtreei, alH,va
llimiipton, I'lillailrlpiita', dan (Bi'iiKla " "copied), as
At 7 :1 A M. IFirrr..) fttr riMhtshsv Allcn.'Wa,
Wain h CI unV, WHS. nharr. W ijl'.iitt-.atrt.
At t'-ro A. M . (Aicoiento'lstioiil lor Is,- loslm "n.
At I I'. P. V. i i i-.tiinsla-l.n i f r ln-l rt a-iiH.
AltlolMM iKsprr..) fjr H1'ihe.n, r.."i'l. - "
1 1" train read s Ks.t ni at" . 1'. M.. and niska.""'0'
Coin a.:', n v .(, o , fs .ler-tiy t tin al l-i eT 1 11.
Al ri.'. P M. i Main t t !. .wn
At f, ).'. f. M i A.Totn inotl alloli ) tor llsthlchsns, AtUsa "
ttv n. and Mam h Clitntk. y
S t-'. I" M ( Ac,'Uttni fn-tun.ltts.
t t r-'i sh I ii k Is noi-l h pr..rnre. al 11, a Tleket CHTlro,
Tllllili Hne.1. or llt.lm.s ttiioet. in ord.i to sicttn tha
lott t--l rait of tsrp
1'HAINM (1H Pntl Mil l PH1A
I sr I. niiii t il stand n -' J , and S Ii F. M.
l'. tlssl .wn t. so A M.,and a l V. SI.
Lsiool Of nt " In A M
on asl'inston at .' vc p M.
rtiltsil. -t for t-.s a.tot, ii st nil A.M. and I'll P. It,
Ji"t Ir-tots n f. r I'll da- i-l is a I 1 A M aim 'J t. M
llilln, an'. )lst;.nk-e Kspiess w.ll tall I r aatl 'lellvar
l' nt the tlcp.'t. Orderl Uis.v tti lei, al No. 119
h. 1 limit Street.
1' -If F.l.t.M CI. ARK, AtrsnL
ifiui.Anvi.rniA, ovum antown, and
X hol'.Kl.t IOW K H It tin l.
i imk nun;.
On and after MOMiaV, M.t Iti, Wit, until Sirthor
nm critM tKitiwN.
Lsavo rWlsititpi.ia 0, ;, B.n lit. 11, li A. M.; 1.1,1 II
:i'., s, r. r.',.(t.;,K, !i,i(i,ii, i7i- M
b'-itse iu rnitiiiiott n, ti, ,', i sc. e, s -jn, ti. in, ii, ia A. M. i, , :., 11,10,. 7, s. 't, In. li. and 17 I'. M.
1 1 s .'.I ,i m ii, ue.i lit. : I 4 atttl : li am. up, do not sto
on tt.t lo rinst.i- w n Ilia n n .
I lir.-M I IIIM. It t 110 A'.
I.-hvs Vl.liiid. iplna, i, , 1 ', IV a.m. i 1. .IV.f'V, T.
Bll.l II V. M
I. -in Cn-stoil Itlll, T-ln, s,9 tl, 11UI A. M-i lon.JIO
5 St'. 'Ct.'.s p., nn. I lo lo P.M. '
ion OSHlloiltn h I N A Ml Vitltll I illVS.
Leitti l'ioi,t, Ipt.ia K,s Ja, 11 it. A. M.i li,l,4a,tt
6l,,s it',, flu,! ii4 . M.
late Nor-iiiuitn, b, 7, 7-f, 9 and 11 A. it. ; 1, 1-4
6' I'M-. M.
I . i' ' , ir i n ni'. s l.l stop at V insaLl. kon, Manaruek
antl Conshi-t fcoo eel r
I nit M IN t rSK.
I. avr PI I'n t. V ., s i'l, II, '.A M., IS. f.lS.S1
IO.. : ,l'. IIS f. M.
l.tiite l ina)uiik,l,,4.t's.N"i(l. KS.lls, A.M., t, i, 7,
am: :, I . M.
II. K.NMITn Crni-rsl Hi:rrlrten.1ant
n: 1 In let, MM II a"d M KM s'rt-its.
(ill K AT Ti;i K
1I.CM rUW.MM.I. 'Ill TO TilK isnniH
1'1'N S LVAMA.l IIE H ' ' ' II ' V 1 , K 1 1 . 1 , , HC8
til v. l MI'EI;i.N!, AMI
KoiiTii. Nuii'rnwr.Ki, and the cakauas.
'rave Ci niianv'a l- pt, nt TlllItTEKNTH and
CAI l.oWllil.L biri-uta, Plula-.i Ulim, at Uo iolloin
A' H-00 A. M., lor Kva.linK, lbntmn, Eohraa. Mtn
Colombia, llarrUbnikC, 1'otHvilio, Pinvr.
HiiiH-nry, Idmintport. Elinlni, KmMieMiT, NlHi-'arn K if .
HuiiHlo. Allontown, I k-tiario, PlttFibin, York, Carilala
Cti.imlMrnbiirkf, IUic raiow n, Ao.
'1 nit tram conned at UK AluNtJ with Euat Pnniytra
nla Kaih'ofld ir.inia mr Alicnum n, Ac., tbe KfAtllng and
t .'liiii'bla Itdlltoii'i for Kphrft'. I.lti, and Cnliiiii'ita. and
wl;h ibf Lehanon Valli-y tram tor 1 WrrUburK. At. ; nt PNK f
CLINTON Willi ralnnlsia Kalli-.nK train's lor H'ilKiirarre,
V illlninhpurt. lock llavrn, E'-nirrt, Al-.; at 11AKKII4
M l!i with "Northern Ci'lltrnl,, "Cumberland Vallfy."
and "frhiivlklll and Ham',,.inna" train b-r Northum
berland ,N iiitamMV1' t ork.t'l.aniu r-tur, Pmcptrove.tko
AH Kit N ii iN I. u-Ii8
T ravoji VMIisd. Iidun a M) P. M. f.r Heading, Pottj
v lllc, I'incKmva, unrr'iitnirif, ponimittmc nt I'arrla
btirt: v. Irh PennyU anta (Vntrnl train tor PittwinirK. Ao.,
h r;l t'tu ' ntt a! Ivallio 1 trtuin I ir Suubmy, Nurtbuai
brriarl, f tinirn. Vr , hik) at P in t'tlnton with CutHwInrta
b nil road trains for Mdion, VYtllfamiiinrt. Eliolra. ltutlalo,
I.ciiTi Ri';i'!n.; at it' vO A. M., )tnii;int; al all way sta
1 loi'ft. arnv lipT In PMIitib-lnbla at i '.'A A.M.
Kciurnlnpt, Icivv-s t'btladvlpuia at 1 su P. M-i arrivea lo
Ri-itlinK nt TV." P M.
1 nil tutor t'iiiladilpb!alf are'On A.M ,and
PottvMiie at Hs'tt A. M . arrh,n in pbiUdelphia ai 1 0
P. M. AiU-rtiison tniina leave llnrrlitnirn at 1 4ft P. M.,
potts-vlliv at P. M., urilMii; In Pbl.'udolnbia at 7 P. M
Miirkct tiatm. with a r,,,ri,sf,r tar attai'lKnl, lav
Ptiilaiit'ipMa at 1 P. M . for Iteatliiik-and all vay ntnUna;
b-avc Kt-HdniL-at ) noon, and vnlnrftowu at U JU P,
M. br PtilUdflptila and all way Ullnt.
A il tt.e at ovc trnlna run daiiv, Sund.ivi rrceptod.
Hnuday trnlna I a e 1'oliBvUie at I'M A. M.. aud rblla
dcliibiaatVJb 1' M
Pftenk;ori hr lowiniit.'(iwn ami IntcnaL iIate point,
laku Un- MUA. M. and 4 :to I. M. train from I'liiladehthla.
rctnrnli.g from lowidnjtown at 7 Ot A. M., atid IJ itO
I.ravctNv'w York at OA. M, and 7 P. M., pilns lleadtn
nt PJintdniubt an'' V. M., an 4 connci'tlnK at Ilarrli
biirK sMth Pi-onsylaaMla Knllroad Kxpreaa tralus tor Pltte
bttrK, CtiicattO, and ttie Wet.
lit tniitniu Espn -s trHln leavei llnrTlahnrjron arrival nt
tho pi-nil) Ivtuila Evpreng from PltHhurg at ;t ou and
N'Ob A. M , pa-MiiK Itriidiutf at 4'4' and bvAi A. and
arrlviiiK at New sork at In A. M. und 4 -fi) P. M. Nt-,p.
1- ft Cut atTouipMny tlirte tralnr through, betwevu Jerae;
thv und I'lttnlMirt-'t witboiii oliapc".
Mull trnin lor N-w York b nvea llarrHburjr at l'4-t P. M.
Mail train tor Hurrl .buric b-avet Now York at 12 M.
Trains b-avc pottaviite at 7 1 A. M. and ' aP. M., ra
tuinii) trout TiiHoaroru nt H In A. M. und 4 IA P. M.
HI ill IK I l.l. AND HI not KHAN N A it AH.ltOAD.
'I mini leu Auburn til li 4' A.M. fr l'lne.rovo nnd
lliiiiir-tiurf, ami ut P"-t P. M l"r Plmvrroe only ; rt'tura-
k frctn H:irrlhb'irn nt l-;k) p. M.,auJ irum l1nogi)ve at
7'4 A. M., and P. M
Tbri ntrb flnit r'i tbhi'si ami rmlrrant tickets to aQ
tV.f piliTi ni juilrrt! in tli North and Wt'st an. I;niui.
1 lie toMw Inif tlcki t" are o1tiil'iH,'lo onlv at the oil) re of
B ItHAIsKoKlt.'irraatirer. Ni Vi7 M. rOhKilf Htrel,
Pbbadi j Ha, or of ii. A. Mt'ul.lM, fti n. ral Haucrlmca'
dt-ut, IC?adlur
At:'b rceiit. Ui-fotutt, btlv.teu any polnti de tired,
for uuiibca and Hi ni-.
C.nod for -00 nitlfn, between all pointi, at $j '2 60 eack,
for lamiliet nud tlrm.
For three, tlx, nine. or twelve munibi, for holder! only,
to all polnia, at rt duct d rairt.
Jl.'ldlit(f on tho line ot the road "ill be furnlnhad with
card , tniitbin iheuiBajivvt aud nivei lo Uc net a 1)U
From PlilladelpMa to prlm-lpal ttntlona, Rood for Rfttar
dav, fr inula v. ""d Monday, at rethic d tare, to be had tmi
at tho in'lUllklJlLNlU andCALLyWElLi,
doodi nt all deorlptiona forwarded to all tbe above
prt'iii, from tin- I'onipany'a uvw freight depot, DUOAU
and rYILl.On btrr. t.
I,fnvePLIIadi1pbl daily at fl A. M , 1 P. M. .and 6 P. M.,
lir Ki-adlna-, Lebanon, liaxr!burg, PulUviile, k'jti Clia
ton, and pulau buyond.
Cloie at the Philadelphia Ponioiflr for all places nn tha
road and Itt lirmuhfi at 6 A.M. .and fur tbe prtuelaai
UUonaonly at 16 P. M.
On and ullcr 1 Ml DAY, April 1, 18C4, tht train I will leave
at lollt.wa
PI ATIOXH. A- M. 1" If. I b ' T K'NS. A. M. P. H.
OKor.i .;) PhHa'itlihia.... fUO 130
weittirove 6"7 a '-'i Wt at etieatar... 1b 4 41
AondaLe 7 4 Ol W. C. .luncuon,. H i 6'4l
K .Elicit 7 W) 4 -17 Cone rd 9 a ,6 ?4
Cbaud t Ford. ...7 Vi 4 41 Chn ld Etjrd.... It Al 014
Concord iriO 6i"0 We in 'tt 10u6 6 .t?
W.C. Jimcttoa.. ''5 6 16 Avonnle 10 21 6 M
Phlladi Inliia 9Ti W WVBf.rove lo'S 7W
Vat beter....9.a .!) OfmiX loM TM
Paaaeniter Drpot in Philadelphia haft ben cbttneed froa
F..tfht..tMith and Market street a. to 1 llKTY-KlltT and
MaKSET btreets, Weat Philadelphia. Market Biroe
PaaweiiMer Ballvtay Cars oonvey paaenKera to ant iroas
tbe tiitptit.
Paaattucfk ! UiTOOkib without rhanire of cars.
j4 UEJiKT WwoiHnpjendit.
Itl). EhlE HAILKOAO. JO' 14. i
This prrfat luie travaraea uie orniern ana normweit
oinitkn er Pennsylvania to tbe citv o( Erie on Lake Erie.
It hutb'Tn leaved by Uie PENNH. I. VAN I A UA1LKOAD
COklPANY, and under ttmtr amplcos Is baiug rapidly
opened tbniUsfhont lla entire length.
It la now In oe for Pasnenc-r and Freight haitnen from
Haniaburpf to Emiorlum. 'A miles.), on tbe Eaiiern Hivb
(ban, aud I rota bbaOiaJd to Erie i; uulosj.on Uia Westers
Mall 1 r.lri leavei H 0(J A. M.
Eaire Train leave P. M
Cara mn through witiioi't rn anhk both wayi on tbeat
train between 1'biladflphtaaad LikW Uaveu.and ketweus
llaltiiiiore and l-cfc Haven.
Elfnu( (tift)iii Cara on lbs P.ipreaa Train both ways.
For InittrmatViu renp'c i'aariHer biiNiuuHi, aiply al
Uie H. E.i-orner of ELEVENTH and M AliKE V riuueia.
And lor Frpiftl.t tmnln-nia of the ('nmi'rtnr'i Ah-entn
H. H KlnKiion, Jr., corner BlX;Et,ATU aud MAiUCEl
Struet, Philadelphia.
J. W. Henoldi, Erie,
J. U. In ill. Afctiiit, M. M. 0. B., lUltlmore.
Ouueral Freight Ascnt. Phlladeiprda.
LE A' IK L. r,
Qeraeral Tlckft Asent. PblNWelphia
tjkasial Uauatfur. WUilaicipa
-- KAl.tlMlllik. UilltovA. ,U1U1'
?S3i!$i V' TratMwn,
I spr.. 'irain at 4-na t w ,
Ilslonto,. an.t V snn,in v"l) tt
AliiK'ii.tia. a.uw,iMn, l'errrnin- aa
Wrtt Msll Train at Sa.w ,h.
iNdawan. R.-.lo -ad ,.t It ll,Uinu?0 n ,";,'.r"n?-'" H
I mi IIHt'iHifumir .IHTJ"T1
... ..... - - . "Sii uiu, aaaii-i...--
t Mt-m I rani At 1 I. M i'rtn,ftT k-' f,- n.i
Ignore and U Hhink'tin.
.n, utoi'pl.iu at '.Piter, Wuiipii1,
1 In ton, Perr (lie, nn lla vro de linc.
prrtf. Tiam ai -i' r a. (Mm bv a ooe(drn fr n.
tun.. to ard a-hi- wf'n -.lopidn l vVilmifut m, tf-wrt
HMon, N't rth Kst, ivrry. ibe, Havre do (brace, Perrj
nian', n' ! Uim. iia.
,Nif,lit Expnis) ai 11 -1- P. M- f-r Ttn'rimore aM
W l ii .-ton. oppiiTs nt Cnea or mil t.i tkn Itftitlniorw
and W -blfu'bn -n-nrri Wlliniru.'ton. Nfwark, Elk
ton, orth Eai, I'ei t ill', nnd llavte de uraci.
Panst iiu loi Loitit-ss Miiroe will uke tne S 14 A. M,
Tiaiu .
HtoprtnsTat all Hta loiia b.MweiO I'lniAdelphia and HH
m ritton,
Uhvp l-b'lat'elpbla at 11 A M., 4, i) and Id p. M .
The 4 P M. IDnn ontu'.-tt lb llnwrirs ILulroad (or
MiH"id 4 lrieMU'tl i'c t tilt Is -ns
l.a iiuiii)t.ioiiai ; Liana :'.!'" A. M ., 'J ID, and 6 W
P. M.
Tt'l'fU t.H TltMVH l irov ftMTIMOftPI
l.ravt V' no "i," on at M . 4 ', m ;u, iml , . M.
( HI l I K Fillt lHli,ltKli tllA
1 faro i h. -ivr ni s ,'i, i u 1 4 A.M., Ik-, ti, a LI,4'M, 7 TW
and ! ub P. M.
Kprr" Truln nt 4 A M.b-r ItnlUnore an t Wh
Inkioii, toM'iri: it vVl'inliiLi'on, IVr; v vtiie, Havre d
) nrr. At" r b i ii. Pi'TT in in a. and M -uno'ta.
hiint's ni ll l'r M. lft Uuiinuoie and YYaah
Iiil; t n. l"iiiM. n( Oicnr (l'r Ital'itn n and vvhIioik
t.'n i'n i, W hni'twli n, Newark, ElKtun, H trtti
tii't I erf)nlo, und II ivn- dc (ir.i'-c.
Act ' i iiam.ji 1 rln at lo I'. M . fr w'ilmliip.'ian aivd
Way Mali ri
Li sve Lai' tu .rt nt '.''('. t , no luiog at Havre da
lltsi e, I't'iii lie, ntxl i i niitu'ui. A Htofi at Klk
ti r mi ( N( ;n k i to t ii..- t'.i---n .t-rg tor liitiintfl)iina and
leaia pn-nriL'- Ti ir in v .,riink!t,n or, iri )i
i f4t r in U avo pavttue tiont lialtim re or W.iaii.
li K'on.
Lt.4V Wiini'iK't n fo' PhlU N' l'hU at f. tu r, M.
Lcae n.viu.T' . a. M., wv m i; io r y,,Fv
pi.'-: .'' M.,Way il.n; ti .10 P. M., Kaprt'it ; !
P M , rpn.
I It INS poi: It ALTI M utt;
I,, avo ( )'et. r t .1 . 7 A M . , I i ' and I I'. O p V
I v nt M lliuiiikHn at irl,'. 4" A. M . , 'J 2 P t and It ?
Kn-n-M Train with Psioo-nL-or Caf mt irhid will laava
U tiiiili'kl.'ii ior I'ei r v Lie tin J lli,cmieiliate Mallona at
7 ... P.M.
I a' II. F, KKVNKY.HudorlntendciiU
11 AN(iK OV TIMI'.o
TEN HAII.Y THA INS! pflil !iKLt'lliA To ril'1'9
l'.l Ittl-ii-si. MILLS!
TleThkel OlhYrtof the PENNSYLVANIA CK ST It iL
TtILlC(Al la now loriiied at the New rais-imcr lci' :
M' I lie CiinHrinv, IIIIUUKIH and MA UKE t HlrwU.
HIE I IIILAhLLI'llU EXI'liESS leaves dully. TH
FME MAIL leavei dullv exn-pi Saturday's AU other
tittlhn leave dullv, except flnmlav.
on and after MoNHAY, le-emier 2d, lsrtl, trains win
leave l libadclpbia a tollows:
.MHI A. M.
MAIL TH AIS, with the mrouinir eonnoctlon Ar
M., and coninef v it tt West Ctieatt-r Kallroad, nr
rMnjc at Weat Client tr P-;lfl A M. At l W NI N-i I O W S
HM6a. M., runnect'MK wlta trum tor Vayrebur, anil
rearhbn there IllH A M. At ( Ml I M 111 V 11' oo A . M.t
i-onnct tliikt with Northern Central l:mlroad, and reach
Inir nrk at .'.'-. P. M . Ilunover diiiuiln K -tu P. M.a
Ilmiovi-r 4 'I."- P. M., und i.ett.turi i Li p. aj . Alan,
wltlitrNlnon Itondinir and Cnluiubla K iilroad, leaving at
5 ro P.M. AiTisiit connecting
v lib Norilivin Cent rjl ti Ami Ntrth. tliu : Leave II untn
buif: 1 I-. I". M. , airvsj ai Muni. my 4"A P. M., Milton .( P.
M., Wuilumfport i.lf M .. Lo, i Huven 7T''i ' M- fPaa
ai vuvrtt lor Kinnrn, ItiNi.eirer, Cauandabrnn, N'liKara
Ki.ll,Ac .team Llmtma bu.i P. M., and tluihtlo at ti u
A.M.I i Ha-eentri fir 1'anvdle, Kmurt. lilimnhtirKt
Iti rwb k. lie n llavcn.Hliii kililitny, Plymouth, khipfston,
WyomlHkt, f itihtoii nnd hcritnt-m, take the Lackawanna
alio lu.HJiiKtnitp: tralra at etorttiuniicrlaniLl at HAK
lilsRI IUL tor polntk ttithon Noiuu rn Central Kailvvny, ,
lea at I ,:o P. M . an f Yora .,. 7 IV M , Han iver Juno
tion .t .-o P. M . NanoviV '46 P.AI.. and tri'ttynhitrir bV P.
M. At JIAV b'LshLKtsVior ii-dntH l0 Cmnl.erlanJ Valley,
balnptat 101. M..nrrie Cutllabt 2 H P. M..I baninum
Imrn 1 .w P. M , and lliifrto ti i. l.'i P. M. At i' KiN
6 6s p. M . roniiet tllipt with lUld Eace Valley Train,
liavlBp; at 7'o P.M., and arrivlnti at Hclletonte at tt tj
P.M. At A L Ti Kl.N A 7 40 P. M .omntitl k wttli Itranok
train for llo.i ldtt 11, re.viiinK tiiere H 2h P. M. At
CHENM)N f.'x P M., coTiiieetlng with It ranch train ftr
Etnibtirtf, atrlvlnk. lVer IMO P. M. At PII'TSHIJIUl
I it" A M , and thert coiinrcUnu for all point VTusUorUt
avesi, aud buuibwett.
10- im a. M.
PAOLI ACCOMMOItAiiON, o. 1. arriving at Paoll At
II bo A M.
I'fl'OO M.
T AST LINK connects at La NHISVILLE 240 P. M".t
with train on U( tiding and Coluinida Hanmad, arrlvina
at Lit), i !' P. M , EpbraU ;i :til P. M., and Kead
tlip si 4"2' P. M. At llAHHl.sitCfttl, with an Arooimno
dution I ruin on Norilieni Central ItalUay, for Sunbiirv
nnd Inli nneilliie polhta. leuohniR Nnn'mry nt ti 60 P. M.
At DAHlilhlit Hi. wlia train on Cuuiboilnud Vahor br
CarllHlc.nrtiviiiK thure at sj'l-'t P.M. AnivnK at Piunbar
1 A. M , nnd Uie 10 uiakua close connection for all
Vi citt rn points.
I'lO I. M.
PAItKF.sltl ltC, Aft tMVi!AlHV,srrlvoB ntParkoa
burj; at i -l P. M.( stopjjii.g nt hitrriui'diatiiUUons(
!4:iO P. ?l
HAItltlSItl RC, ACCuXMiiHAMON, mnkoa ronnoo
th n at Howiiiiigton at 4 04 . M.t v.ltn trnm on Vuvna
buiH Hriinih, ii-nvlng at 4 y p. M ., ifid arrivniv at
V avnefsbiirp.' at i.txi r M At CuLl MlU A, at ut, 1.
M ., wjtn Nurlht ru Central Huilny for Yoik, leaving
W rl;btnvllh'7oo'. M . ami itnlvlji at York 7 Id P. M,
Aim en atllurrbburx at 7 4& P. M.
I-Hll F. M.
FMItiPANT ACt'OM.MOM ATltiN, fmtn So. ITT Hork
Flrei-t, d'i'b , '"pL hiimbi. . Arrlveii aL I UrrMiurn,
4li: A. M ; M'l'ln. !li; A. M ; A'toona, H 2 P. M ;
and I'l'laLur'f, ll io P. M. Tuo arn roioTorinblo. and
( initial. 1 or amllies fcotitK West, will Und tbu rates
low , and ) avo ll.ilr bam;, ice. for hleh chtrkn nro ui . a,
Inmard' 1 by the hatne train. Lor further particulars
apply to Fl! A Ni 'IR H NK, E'niprr.m Au'etit. No. li Hock
Sit'tt. lit 1 win ilMm-lnirpf ami PittiuurK thst t.laa
lux Is atlauliud to Una tialn ior Ux il travul,
I'bti I. ill,
I AWAHTEK ACt OMMUDATioN. reaches Lamaator
at 7 '2'.' P. il ., and t'Oiotnbta ar 6 lb P. M.
.v:m I. RI.
PAOLI At 'C0MM lfAl ItN, bo. J. rrachrs Paoll at 6 tt
P. M.
h'Au p. M.
PTTTPltCUa AN U EKI MAIL, with Uie fbl
Jowlifr oonni'i-tlona:-Arrivu-llrirriobtirir, l 'Ml A. M j
rtunbuiy, 4 Id A. M Northnmtieriantt, 4 14 A. M.
Miilon, 4 !& A. M ; Willlamipon.ii t A. M ; Look ilivon,
7 2 A. M ; Einporinni, hn p. 1 ; m Maty a, IJ u.i I' M.t
Corry. 4 P. M. ; and E. ie, tv. p. M. At Cany clone
coii nen li 1- 1 mado with Oil (i'te K. K for 1 Hinvllle and
rhaiier k. i present tertnlnu of tbe Koad.l'ienoe by
BtaKeor 1 ti lor on City and rrnnkllu. IPaanenLera for
landle. tviinrt. iSloomHburK, Herwli-k. lieeiii Haven.
Hlilcktbiiiny, Plymouth, KinuHtoii. Wyoming. Plttton nnd,
Horanlon. take tht Laclvawanca and Blooiiubuitf tram at
NortbinnbiTlaiid 1 I Pa usonwers for Flnilra. Locheitur.,
Cannn )alua Niagara I,(c.. reach Elmlraal ll d-A- M.
and hntiadat H v) P.M. Al lUKKISIil KU, with Hortli
ern Central Hallway, ti He Month, lavbiif it. A.M.,
airhei York, 410 A. M t Hanover Junction, 4'4'i A. M. ;
leaves H ii uover Jtiucdon U .AI A. M.; arrives Hanover,
JIlHi A-il . and Cwity .lmrtf, I'J.'i P. M. At HINllNi
IH1N.6.IJ A.M., with tv tin on Itroad Tup It. U, arriving
HopewisU A. M , Mt. hrtllun. A. M . und cni
liectlnx U .t'nra b Htntte tor tiedlnrd. At T St'N E, J!.
A M.. comievtiiitf with tram on Uald Ealu Vadey Hoad,
traving Tvione hi H .'.ii A, M., arrive llelic(..nto, 11 Li A.
M . and Howard. 1'2'M 1. M. LenviinrTvrone on CWrHeld
H.K atb'.AA M , and arrlvInK Plulllpihurpf, il'iHi A M.
At CKEELON, ti l.i A. M , connectuirC with brunch train
tor 1- dennbiiru, nnd ai rL in tbore, 12 Vt P. M. Al OLAlIti
VII LE IN ILItsKLI ION, In -.1) A.M . count-CtlrifX with
branch train which arrive. Ida. rpiville, lu 4t A.M., and
InobtnA Li'lo P. M trim cram also innret) at Hiaira
Till with Wist Peniinylviiiua ti H., arriving naltnburs:,
1115 A M Arrlvei PHTiiiCUti at ItAi P. M., an4
Ci'Diliit u lor all points We it.
11- io P. M.
PHILADELPHIA EAPltElSH, anps only at pnwn-
InKtow n. Lum a tor, Uutnbijrr, Maryville, ew-
ori, Mltlilu, Lewmtown. hiiutuipidoii, Albiotia, (iaj,andt oiu nmiih. At HI N UN' UtON, with Itroad
lupK. K.( Icavhiv there at ft 00 A. M., end arrtvltiK at
."Udli-y A. MMMt. Daliair A. M-, and tbene
tl atai: to ilcdfonL At A I. i"N'A. at inn A M.. 00 a
uectlon Is made with train for tl illldaysbiirj. rea.rtinff
I her at 9 A M., and tbu nee by hick to Hedlonl. Ar
riei at Plttbn-r.1 e P. M., inakinsi rloos eonnectjon
with tlimuKh tratnaunall ihe Uivmirioit roads Irom tlial
iioint North to Uie Lake, Went lo the MlMltkippI and tu
iiifsioiiti rlers. and Mouth and tfouibwavl to all poluta
at'rt'irie bv ruiir-ad.
For further iiuonimilon. applv at tbe PaitetiKS- Rtutlos.
corner of TdilKTlETH and MAltKET Htiets, Pblla.
JoMN t . VANLkJult, Jr., 'litkoi Aent.
in and attor MONO A Y. August 1, 1h.4, tmlns will leave)
foot of VINE btivet, Pldiadv pbia, every uiuniing at 6 A .
M. (HundMr exci pteo). ihence by lUv Jtiiiden ann At
lantic and it aril wi and Kiaware Lay Katiroodn to Port
Monraotitlt. and by thf1 commodious st'tajner .lemp Uoyt,
to toot of Atlantic auett, Hrooklvn i i wunuiiK, le a At
lnutu tsirt'et Whsir: avery day (Hundays aaixspied), at U
A M.
Travelsrs w the city of ?wTnck ara notified not U
apply K-r pttiaMp.e !. thl luu, tbe Htaie of New .leruty
bavhip.' t. rati led tu the Cattiileu aad Auibuy monopoly tb
exelimlve prlvlli-(ie of earrinif pt.iieuKeri and tivitibt ba .
tWsin Hit riMet 01 PhilHdfh-hia and New Yotk. I J tt
j VY. r. UUlHUTs, Ueueral HupsjilnttttulMl.
isssinai. f.