The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 31, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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(hunting Sclcrjwph
PAT I'll!) AY, DKCl.MI BU 31. 1S04.
nose .
It will be net n fiom the extract from Kebcl
paperi, tlmt tlio rumor of ih nomnlini; of
JrloictiT, wbirb wc iiiM!!i. d ft few d is hfo,
prove! t te true l.!!c Mm .n, Anderson, mid
otbtr (tucrillai of like char.M ti r, Mnselir h ih met
with dou'i death. His cr. or, like tlicir, hm
bcrn fhnrt itti'l iPiil'Tliiue. lie ridded noiliinc to
the caimo of the Kel el ion by liis coiiUt'st-. lie
1 M 01 lycrvoil ti illenii i' tue country un I de
grade ilio pnifc yn ol urine.
Join Sinffle'iiu Mom Iiv m horn in Virc'mw,
In 1H';'J. Nothinit im k'itin ot Ms youthful r inn-r.
lliacitr!y mhli eno nts to itta wur wnc of an
insiiiilL.tnt t'liiirav ler. Urn operation' t u r h i
the winter of i h. i-t :!, In rmrtinfr our tro-p
et)(-aiip (I ntur 1'ieilei iikrtn wrioiiipriiTt'd hv
(it nen I l.tie in an i.lliciul ic, i t of the winter'
opcrntion of his Hnny. In i i menui'iiee ot itn-m
teivlics l.ittiirrnint Mnvl'v win i roinoted it
nmjt r. In M im Ii, 1m, In cipture l (icncrnl
Btom liton, al I'ltMn ( i tirt '4 nic, mid K'imt'.l
bin tint; wni. liicy at the North. In ll'C riniiinn
Ant-uit he s'tacKi'd the J1 M jai'tiii-rtt (' ivii'iy
at Co b 'c tttvern, Iiear l'u rtn, Va , atid nveivtjd
a "'ii ful woiiinf. Ho w;i- unn'i c to rtHurm
art e duty until January, when ( 1 inuai y
10) lie wan ri'puUed in an m'i.u k in ule up n one
if our rmi'ps at l udon II thtn, V.i. U.iKfli
rn ry l.'l, Im.I, lie amluKbed i in.ill toree iiii.1t
Cnptain Kiiil, ticur ville, killnii,' mi l
ounoiiK twcii'y of our i. mi. lie w.m iin?
rooiitliM afier (Aucu-t '-"( a iu wounded, and
reniuiticd idle UMll Ot'ioicr II, lrnl, when lie
aivain made bliiifelf tunmu-i u: lonir the U rticlii lV
an altai k on tin: Ilaiiimoic an I Ohio It tilroaJ, at
Hrw Creek, Va., for whlrh a ilevcment, on Lee's
reroiiiiiieiniiitlon, he wan promoteil liruti'iniut
eolonel. On UciHber 1 1 hi c imp m ar l'leiluioiit,
Va., wiih Fiiit prised by Coione O mevoort, of tlio
l:ith New York Cavalry, unci his fonr dispersed.
During the enmpaiyh in the Valley, latweea
Sheridan and Kariy, .Mom'iv liiriirc.d extensively.
November 1 ho a routed re ir Salem, tin the
21ft t the ime month he aM.u ked a eavalrj
e cort nmr Munrht-Mer, and van airain wounded.
remler 1 in l.n I mond, miryin hit
wounds and bei'dn for pr-i:notiou. This e.itno
on Decern her 10, m d h'1 wa ri'-' oy the
lit b I Gotertnient ai a full olonel in Itsanuv.
The partu'ulitra of tun ki lit ure given in the
It. bel ncoiiut tH
The tollnwlns (n'er opted Rebel lettor will piva
some idea i f theluioiis ol t:ie man and of his
mode of warfaie:
Takih, Virginia, November iS. The ennmind
of which Lit uieuant Coloiiei John. S. M jiuDv ii
the rici ini.ed U ader is divvied into a x parfi,
rifpecllviily c ui in i .! I ai follow : C.ipt im 1).
Jii. fards, Captain Muuntj , C'ap'iun Vihiui
t hafin-an, t'aptnin S.iinii' 1 C'hapmiin, t'aptun
l'ett r I-'iiinkliii, l.ii iiti nmi II in hi r. Tho whole
ft rco is rei ;n;zi d in a battalion. Willlo
Mo-eby, n p e iMiiR youiis m in of nhout twenty
cummers, and alirotlur ot John ti. M use by, is
adjutant of the battalion. W illie does not. o on
mi-Is. l.icuicnam Walter Franklin is the ptesitut
conin IdMiry ot tho lia't dion. An mil 'er
"familiarly styltd" Major Hi'ibs is said to be flu)
quartern) Htcf. Lieu enati! Jotm Kussell is
Mo-eby main scout for the valley.
Mos'thy, when out up ii a raid, wears his uni-J8.'i-the
mars upon the cottar id' his cot and a
fold lace brant upon the id s of bis pau'aloois.
Lc swears a gieat deal, and docs not, as a ircn
erality, treat his men kindiy. At Holland's
tory is where Moseby "tays bimacrf.
lie boards at liiek 'liiii-kiinr'a. His wife also
boards bere. she is a nud tle aed iwiniii, and
rather liandsome. Mose'jy Is with her utten.
lie carries a sm til pewter whistle with
blm for tiKnaliiiK. It is fi '.etietl to a i;u.ird
placed around bis neck. Wen his men are con
cealed in the bu-hej a low whUtlo Is Kiveu to
"rnuke ready," and u ke n whistle to "charge. "
lie lately received a battle IU and bugie, and
tbe repi rt 1h his eomtnaiui will go into E irly's
rrynlar cavaliy service duiiuit tlio winter. He. Is
well off for greenbacks since be raptured those
fiaymsa'ers on the Ualtiinore and Ohio Kailr ud
me. 'SVhcn the plunder sicured on that occnioti
came to lie divined up every olliecr and man who
assisted got jft l'.rJ.' Ail.
A good deal ot this money you havo already
got back. I will tell you how. Old men and
women, residents in the neighborhood of Upper
Hie, who have gone within your lit! 'S and taken,
tbe oath of alliyi.uici', b ive tieen sent by ty
and uiany ot hit utun to 11 rloi to purchase goo Is,
iui b a hats, etc nud have paid for these in the
captured greenbacks and gut the goods out to tho
Mom by lias a sutler who zm-a quite often to
Alexandria to buy goods for his c unuiaud. He
is an lri.shmtm by birth. Ho has brought out,
among other grants, white tons, with loag black
jilnntps attached.
Moseby rides a blooded sorrel, and sometimes
a big bay. Tne sorrel is the swittest animal In
either army. He noes not drink any whisky. He
does not allow any of his mn to drink whisky,
lie sent two men off into the regular service for
bting intoxicated on inspec ion.-
An omer from a l udural funeral reiehcd Cap
tain M-.unlioy at llemvdte. The order is in
relation to tbe Winchester Railroad. Mo-in joy
read the order to his men, laughed over it, and
put in hi" ticket with the remark that he would
show it j the colonel. The order re-iched him
last Sunday morninir. He was surprised utiout
noon of that day. 1 do n "t ihink M sehy will
interfere with the railroad, out of regard to the
propi rty of the citizens livii ' ailjaceul to it.
MoU'by's commuutt is n it iked by the soldiers
of the rcgulur sorviee, but both
Must by and his men stand high at Hiclim mil.
They are armed only with -pistols. A I of
Moieli '8 men have i icir regular lnr.litig
boun 8 among the farmers Two aud three of
tl i m not unfreiinently loird at otto bouse.
Whi n the federal scou'ing parties come nlom;,
the Cotitetlera es lake to t ie tiuintains. During
the time that (leneral Augur and his troops
were upon the Pit diiiont It i Iroad line, the t' in
fiiicratus of Moseby's comtiiaiid spent mo-tof
their time in the mountains.
It k hfl riusoMiia. N j i ll'ort will bo mule to
exchange the prisoners emtured by (Jeneral
Th.iuias south of Naabv 1 e. Ueneral llotfinaa
ha- oru reil that the cupt v be trausuorteil lu
prison-North, and there p' iced in confinement.
- They have Ix-eu detained in N ishville, iu onler to
Cive tbe autboiities timet in large prisons North,
and nnike preparaiions lor il.eir reception. Tun
arrangements have b-en pe iceted, and tbe IteO-il
piiKoi.ers will again be st r d northward. Seve
ral ihousaBd are Hill at Nil- mile.
The ii por' o! Chief Ku. tnctr King, upon tha
TJtivy yards of l ump , w sent to the Hou-e on
1 hiirsday. He de-cribt h at miiicU length the vast
depots, "docks, and caim -d consiruetions of
til land end upon tbe (' nti ent, and cone udt s
by a irg that we have no such dock-yards as
are found In Kngland or l'r..uce, nor such a col
lection of irt'ti ship building yards as there are
in (ireat liriiiin. The b- i ..f our private ya-ds
. could not cnu-truct one such vessel as the llr usa
fi iga'e Ailulirt within Hi ret or four years. On
ar cunt ot our low titles, as compared with those
o( Kurope, we need wharf to mi In-tend of b isirts,
wli ch are the most, expensive of all Kurope iu
dri k-yaid conMructions. ri' those there are on
the Mirt-ev alone eight dot ! of upward ot four
hundred fee' in length : seen of live hundred,
and two of sevin hund'cu 'ml bfiy the U"or
capable of takiig iu two ssels at once. The
Interestirg fact, to ship-' u fling men is sta'ed
that, in the estimation o' 11 ti-b cngtueers, tifty
ja r w iit is saved over what was expended in
construction twelve ears ago by present lin-
fircved systuns of biiiblln.'. separa elv and e il
et'llvelv Hie protaM ad pta ioo and distiihution
cf mscliinorv.tiola, and app'tanccs, and the coo
Tiniences within and witho ii tbe docks, building
lips and buildings.
A ptofc-H'rof natural hi'ory name 1 WnlVer
writes to the 1-ng ish pipers tlio t'h mticl
Islands arc f'r-tdiinliy sinking into th.' sen.
A pa'r of swsii" li t ly n.ade a voy.iga from
Scil y to the Latol's l-'.n 'i,wliiiiiunj; on the Atlan
tic, a distance ol thirty niilct.
A company for ib ep se t lishing. with the aid
of the elictric li(Jit, lias just been tontided at
Tho rhoitpanres in the Zoological Oar len :n
gt ut's l ai k, I omlon, has d el. 1 l.e l.i-l'l m
nine Aimrican c cr-vnieu wh wi-h to go to
1 ui.-ie. he was ailiu'tcd nilU ttr jncliitii,
Thi re b te Pi rn bi-tweert threo and four
tl i n artl eartlui cakes during I e prt'sent ct nt ir.1.
ot which one luindtf d nnd ten ttajk place in
Grtat Itrita'ti and Ireland.
V nrl r-rir' r lias olTcf J to the pconlo of
I.t ntloii. gratis, for a pu'die pui's, n yn;inii nf
"iV'inl'U tlon Ct'tiinntn, ineliitlit g seven uu.nlie.l
acres, and wott'i L tt,ti" i,
A lineal ib seen laid of Martin l.u'ber Inn
brt n in t icrmany late y to g.- his fa'iii'y froTi
Si honi c take t'letn to this country, rthcro
be Is a chaplain in a Federal regiment.
Two hundred and sev. nty-' o million of
cegs l:ae been imported ino Kntrbind in the
nme months of the year ending tlu tnth ot ti- p-
teii.tii r.
' An extraordinary meteor was obS'Tted at
j I ccd I il nioiitli. It npia areil lirit in the l'.rm
j ot a lli h Ol lightnint; from tbe wet. an 1 i:i
S'antly burst like a l a 1 of blue fire, illui.tin ilin
tlie hole district.
I The Ibik ' of Stiun r-et ba i ghen to C ip'ftin
' Coles pernib-ion to construct an cuiir'ty netv
.-b p on his rui ola pri:i i(t, and thus a t. !ti-t'.ic.
! tm v coiulusion itl probably be arrived at in
about eighteen months ti'ion this time.
His Buhl that petroleum is likelv to put a
I ship in a ti. a' mea-nre, to tl.e m iti'tt.iftuio of
olive oil iu Italy at least the porti in used to-
' luliiuaiiiig, illuniinaiitig, and househ old an 1
I mtinutaciuring lurpo-es.
I A priest of Noto, in Sicily, of the ti niiti of
, (liardltio, has ju-t bet n arre-ied at N ii!es on a
I charge of having in IStiii.italncd a monk to death
at the moment lie was descending troin the altar,
lifter saying ma-s.
Not fewer than six churches a"p at the pro
, srtit ni' mi nt in course of erection Ir. l'.iri
namely, at Montroiifa, at Menibiionttint, hi the
lliiiilevard des Invalldea, and the ehurclies of
Ste. Augustilte, the Trinity, anl St. A'n'noise.
The contribntlons to the lVter I'cic e I'un 1 .it
Koine produco It ss ati 1 . -s. At the. cotiinieti -o
mi nt the produce w is about P"' K nit in cr.iw iis
a mouth ; it afterwards fell to 'JiitW, and goes on
li wu'' init. N' Vembcr oniy gave 7od, incltitlitig
c.K rings from Tus any.
The arrangements to holding an interm
t'.niiil exhibition at Ibiblin next year are pro
gnsiitig in the ino-t sutistaetory manner. Tho
Unci n lias (urmally exprcs-cd a hope tint the
uiiili' which is to enjoy h.r patronage,
may re-ult successfully.
The Infant T) oi llonrltiuez, who Ifu 1 been
sentenced to be kept lu forced rntntenco at tho
Canary Islands, fur an inultinf letter to the
Uuccn of Spain, had escaped from bis esco 't. at
Alic.iiite, and found means to ipiit Sp lill. He is
expected ill i'aiis or l.omlon.
Tbe dwelling bouse of Melanfhon, In tho
Grand Ibichy of batlen, has ju-t been purchased
by the I'.vancelical congregation of that vltiaeo.
It is inlt liilc.l to ilcvote Hie h uise, tor the future,
to the purpo-p of an Institution for the niainte
nance and education of poor orphan children of
parents of evangelical laith w ho ate natives of,
or nsidents in, that part of linden.
A pretty kettle of tish lately visited the Iri-li
coast. It Included a white seal, two and a half
yards long, catignt on Diilky Island; two im-men-c
whiiles, seen off Knkee; and a blue sh irk,
utiout seven feet long, and, judging from the
rows of teeth, nearly three years old, c ipiurod in
a hening not oil llray. On being opened a dozen
j otng tish were found in the shark's Interior.
Ai St. Maurice, near Lake Oeneva, latelv, a
bny who had been -ent on to the mountains with
two go. its i.i a tether, to allow them to gri.e,
was ultcrwarilB found lying on the ground
strangled, with the cord around his neck. It is
supposed that he had fastened the cord in that
tnaijiier In play, and that the irons having run
away with htm, bo fell, and was unable to extri
cate himself.
The financial position of Turkey, as shown in
the i llicial report of income aud expenditure of
the past year, is now in a far more healthy sure
than it fas been lor many years past. The great
Increase in the production of cotton, as well as in
trade general y, together with a more useful cur
rency, have produced not only gic tier confidence
amongst the commercial and iu;r. cultural classes,
but likewise a considerable add tun to the
T he statue of Hercules, found at Rome, docs
not prore.-s very ii.piil'y towards its ion.
It it ut picpent reclining on a green tilde in a
lui(.e room, where the pro. ess of drying It goes
on, the metal being saturated with damp, in con
scipicnce of having been s mail ages iu tbe
wuter. A pan of charcoal is Inserted into t:ie
hero's bead every morning, and communicates a
gencuil warmth to his wholo bronze body.
A Hpanlsh paper states that Madame Salvl, a
rope-dancer, who has recently In en perl inning
with grtat success at Iblboa and other town in
fspatn, met witb a sad accident last week at Bur
gos. After walking along a tight rope thirty teet
from tbe ground, with a cannon ball a'.taebd t
each leg, she lost bar balance when in the act of
tun. lug to repeat tho f at, aud fell with great vio
It nee into tbe orchestra, her ho id striking against
a music-stand. Tuough she received two contu
sions she was not icriously hurt, and will soon
resume btr performances.
The Danish Government hi busy n organiz
ing its army and administration. The dismissed
otlletals ot the 1 uchics are sending in their claims
for pensions, tbe army is placed upon its former
peine footing, tbo general command is sup
pressed, nud General StcinSiininn, who com
manded the army at. Duppel and Alien Is now at
the luad ol the 2d Division. The 1) inisb minis
ters at Vienna und l'rankiort bave been relieved
ol their Until s King Christian has announced
his inti nlion to visit Jutland, and has eirnes ly
rrqucstcd the inhabitants to incur no expendi
ture u on his reception.
A novel method of killing whales is by the
screw of a steamer. When the steamer Si rein
wsb entering the Straits ot Mes-iiiaon tne litti of
Octolier, a strong shock was felt by all on board,
and a most unusual acitation was noticed in ihe
water near the screw. The enginss having been
stop) ed and a bt at lowered, it was found th o a
whale foul got entangled with the screw, whi h
bad inflicted a deep and mortal wound just be
hind tbe bead. With some dilliculty Ihe dt id
uioiotir was extricated and hoisted on at k,
wren it was found to uiea-ure twenty-oue feet
four inches iu luigth. with a uiiixiinuiu girth of
thirteen let t nine inches.
s-Tbe perils of diligence traveling In ltalv at
the pn sent time are thus described lu the N i :e
coirespouuent 01 the London Turn J of the 1st
iustaut :
"Last Monday came tbe news of a sad accident.
The Keturilay before, in the evening, tlio di i-
fi nee coming from (icnoa alien pled to cross the
.oiiuo, Ixtwecn Albenga and Finale. The stream
was t rribly swollen by the late rainst and in the
middle, the great beavy vehicle ramii to a stand
still. Tbe postilion, feeling that the horses were
'dnfting towards me sea, tried to en', the tra. el ;
be was swept away by the torrent. In the
tortWe a passong r, unable to open tbo door,
escaped by the w indow, was carried out to si a,
and finally readied land, but two others were
druwiud. They were Italians. In the mem
time a csribiniere bad succeeded at grc it per
sons) risk in letting the burses go; aud afiei a
wfirk of manv hours the neighboring villager
made a rough bridge, by which the remaining
patsengers were salcly landed ; but f ur men bad
perished, tbe three already mentioned, and one, a
native ot l.osno, wbo, in striving to save the life
ol another, lost his own."
P-nrtf'mi'i, pn: In the niimtt at.d hv the an
tlio ttv of the i "oinmnnwi'ailh ot I'ennsvlv-Atila.
Asm tvr o. tt'itrih, tinveruor of the ssid i oiu
mouweslth, A 1 'ItOCI.Atf ATION.
If hrrta. In aim t y an act of the l,eneriil As-em-Icv
ol tlii- iiinri'ttnwealtli. .a-s,-, tlio 'ZA due ol
Julv, A. I. one tliiaisnml t-urlit hmiiln-d nnd tlortv
lone, emit ett nil Act toiittinu to Ihe eti-ctnius ot this
t owiinonwctiitli, Il 1 niHtle Tlie iluiv ol the itoveruor.
on 1 he rcecild of itu- rt'iurtisol ihe eli-ctiou of Hit'
lnclti ers ot the llon-e ot Ih'.iri-cnoiroes of 11m
I loletl Matrstfn Ihe r-.-fti-lti, v ot lliei otutnollwealtU
to tuelnie hy tiroct.i mat lull the nani.-s ol th tti-tiiiu
rt tuna tl e-eet' 1 1 in tle'lr ri-pet'liec il .-drifts;
'.il H.rn't, ll.eri turns ot Ihi' firt-nrral eli-fflnn
b' Id i li 1 nt , il,,. i ;. v, ii t li oar ot 11,'Mili 'r la-t,
lit ai il tnr ihe -ei"rtil distric lor t.-inb' rs o! : e
lloii-i'ot Uteri - iiu'sir ut tie-, i onreivs o: tin
I it to.l tfi ' t s tt tr l In- t n it o t t ! ttats tr ni mxl
slti r tin-titiirlh ttav nl Match n r. bate Us u nt.
ei-o , tl in tlo i-tl I-.- ut r i' .-f. ti'ta v ot tlif l o t tin ni--tiiilth.
lien t-'t'lt In tin prt.v - i.i.- of Iti.' above n
cittilHet w lit-rt Iiv it ap pt ai s t Im t ;li the l-Tsl I -tut:.
ei'Hipo-t. tl ot Ho- .-.'. iiul, llii-il I-I'tirth, I i'tti,
Satlt niul t.'io I'litll W arils to the eo v of I liilutlt'l
I hill. SAM'I I. .1. I: A Ml A I I tins i ft I! tllllv e 's'b t ;
III ll.t- .-t t in it I i.-tr.ct, rt.iui-i' . tl ot tin- I IM, f
moiIIi, I i I . ti. N i i,i ti ai.-l li-tith Wards in Ibc
eitv ot I hi inli-lpliia, i iiAi;..i.a tl'-Nioi.t. nas
I cell duly i-licliil; ill till- I hint I t I i.-t .
rt n pe-ett ot llie twePth, I lorbs'iil Ii,
Stxtri-til.i, Si-ti'iiti t'titti. Kiflitrintii itntl N iiii'tfcnt li
t ul il-, in t lit- en vot I'liilinli-: I'li'a. i.t us A no M vi.iis
hi,s le. ii ilmv ebs'teti; in ibe I ointli Ibstiiei. et'iii
I i 'ol nt tl.e ttitir ei-lltli. liti-'litll lw"ii,i':ii.
J w eittr-lirsf ami I etitv-toii ' n W . r. -. tlitneni,
ol 1 Inlat.i'liiliia. V ii mam li has Ifi'ti i It ei i d : in the 1 ilt h ! s-1 jt-t. i , i mi iso.l ol ill '
I i l.t -M Coild, I wi niv-l on! anil I weiitv-tittti
sttl-. in tic i ttv ol riii.iol. -.lua, ami tlio e.tinitv
ol lbM't M l:rs-i i t. I iiAvr;: i s-I t-t-n ln v oti-'t.
eil; In Ibe ?-ixth I'isliit-t. eiiiiibtt-eil ot tlif etiitntu s
Ot .tl nlit w nil I'l J ,t liudi llnwc
I.; s 1 i ii di lv t-li-eti'il: ie tin- t tt-litli ib-ttift, rono
p. i -co ot 11 c ei ii n( it ni i in-.ti-r a in i I ii law .ii .-. .1. ui s
0 I m t'M.t i t I n 1 1 1 ii 1 1 u : i-'i t, tl; tu '..- 1 i i 1 1 : : i
I'l-tricf. t'tiln o-etl ot the enmity oi H,'ik.. sv-
1 i.MIAM I. AMOXA Iius li II link e.tftt.l:
ill He Ninth lb-trit-t. e.'itiiM-n-tl ot' t'l.
eiaiiity of l.ui eiisttr, I u a oio.i t mkvkss n
h-en dnlv eiec't tl ; iu Hi.' It-ntti ib-1rtft,
eitntiisid of tlie ctuintii'.t ot Schiirikill nnd l.e
I HI, till, MVKII M liol si; has I e n duly el. t leil ;
ill Ilio Kt ti nth IbstruM, ftiinittMi'.l ol th counties
ol Nor I l.ii in( ion. i in I. on .bun roc. like a nil aviif.
I nil II' Jomxson lam t ,t ti liiliy elei-l'tl' in toe
'Iwellili J'.iliii't, rouipoi'il ot the et'tnitii'S ,ot
J.I'Zclllt Hint Ml-iiui'liiilllltl. ( IIAUI.C lt-XMSot
lots lii-rii i 1 1 eli rlt it; in tin- 1 hirti'eiitli llittrtf t.
ei le ost'd hi tlif cniililli's of I raw lord. Wyiiimiiir, I
Sullivan, id li in toH nnd .Mtiiiluio . t i.vssks Mkuitii
bus t-et ll duo- eleeti'il ; in tin- I'lUlltet-iilli llts'ricf. !
eouiposi'd nt Hie cniililli's ot Norlliiiiiiberlalld t linm, j
s i- i i-r. iliitouta and tianiho1 Iicouok I-. Mil lout
has t.ei'll Ultly ele.'teil ; ill Ihe Httrrnth Histrit", I
ci lh c-eil oi the t''-lillta-s ol I ll-nls'i lali'l, ork
lliilli-irv. Al'.t.M ,1 lit in lu:l M it has boeu ilulv '
eli i'tetl ; niul 1 mi tlirtlH-r dt-ehirti Hiat no sio li (
itliiiu-oi Hie elei'iioii in the Mxtcriith inurri-s-
siol al Ibi-tiiet have teen "i tit to the ."-"cu'larv .
ot tilt' 4 't liniiiciwea lh. lis wtilllil. nutter Hie Set of ,
A -im in ti y ot 'tl Jutv. 1 -.t. an Ho ii ie iih' to nroc a on i
the inline td imv l' rson an liavm teen ilulv i-iii'ti'd
a li'i-iiiher ol Hie Utilise oi Itt prt-st'iilatives ol t ie
I lilt, d Mati-s tor that ihstru-t oi the Seveliti-tlth In-.
tiiel.eitlnit si-it ot itic rouutit'S ol ( ucihria, Hlair lluii
loioon uml Mitllin. Aucaiiam A. ItAUhKii has I n
duly eleeti-i1 ; in ihe hif litis it. h lli.liit-t
ol I lie eolilitte- ot I ei. tie, I linloli, Lvcoiinn.?
I l"K
and 1 tittrr. Si i:ihi.n t . pas Im-ioi diiiv
elietrd; in the ,x nioiot-ii , u ii-tnct,t pus.-, I oi tn.i
coinitii's ifl taiti, Warrt-n, McKi-nii. torn-st. Ktk,
( iimeion. .ft tiers u iititl l .enrtirltl. I . m W. Scno
KIKllihus I ii'il duly eleeleil; lllthe i'aelllietli lbs.
ti let, eoininiseil id tin- emiuiii's in t taw lortl.V enanc o.
."Vb-tci-r ami I lanou, t iiAKi-i.rt V. i iti.vr.ii has tat,.u
dnlv ilerteil; ill Ilio 'I W"tlt V -llr-d lllstrict, C'ilupos"d
ot the t-iilllitit s ot 1 li tl I li Kit . t'Mlllorelallil ami I a-
vetle..ioitN 1. liAWsnts lius I ti duly I'lreb'tl; in
Ihe '1 wciity-si'ciuid I list-ji't . ei,iiiiost-il of thai tuirt ol'
,- ili'fhouv eolllitv south if. Hlf llhin aiitl Ablvlcuv
Itiver, ilielntlllig Nevd Is Rlid, .1 l. Mokkhkmi has
been dmy t'eead; in the I wcii.v-lh rd llistrici,
ct nipnst tl of that part ol Ailerhenv eounrv noriti ot'
tlie Ohio nnd Altei'henv Ibveis. anil lit the count tes
ot 1'oilier and AruiMroin;. Iiiomam Wii.i.ia.vs Im.
la en duly elected; iu the 1 wi-litr-lourtti llistrtet.
fo.iipostd til' the colllilieH ol' J.awi'i'UCc, Itt-.ivei-,
W u-hlltutoll Ulld I'lfflli', (iKOKOE V. X.AWUK.XOK
lias hrt'll illlly elected.
Now, theieloie. I. A NiniFtv ti. I i'r ri n, lioveraor
as ah.resnid, have iued this mr 1'roehiinatitui,
tierenv im til i 111 ii tr nud de laniiii th tt Saiiiuel .1 It.iii
unll, I harles U'Nel'l, J.eouard Slvers. W illiain 1.
Keilev, M. lillssi ll 'I hater. It Marklev Hover. John
M. Hrnoniail, Svdonliaui F.. Aneona, Xuaililciis
Sterens, .Mtcr Strouso, I'lollti .liiliiisiii, chares
111 meson, I'lrssi'S lereur, t.eor're k . Miller, Atlum
.1 (.IntrTeiiin'r, Abraham A. barter, Stephioi b
Wilson. U'li ii j W. Heliolied, I harlis V. t'slH'f.
lolin J., llnwHon, ,T. I. Mun liead, I'hon.aa W il
Han sand deorge V. I.awience havti been rtniirni'd
as duly e'ecteil iu their -'everal districts beiore ineu
tioned, as Jtcpresentativas In tlie 1 nioo'ess ol tlio
I'ntted Slates for the term ol two vears. to enin
lui'lieo iroui ami atler the loiirth dav ot March in-xt.
iis.) Civeu under uiv htinii aud tl u ereal seal of
the Stale, at llainshir ir this l wetity-sixth
day of J leoeiiilair. In the year of mil Lord, one
thousand eitrhl liuiidred anil sixlv-lour, autl of
the I ouintouwcahll the cle htv-lliutli.
11) t ht Ooveriior- .i.i si.ifhii.
Siern'tnry of the CoiiimonwoaiHl
A.Ul'lillV A. IN 1 COLiOIUWI
900,000 Nhiarrtt Par VIn, 5.
Pi-..i.tBiiv-JOHN It. ANDEHHON
Thomat A. feott,
H. KnitaaS.
William . . oMman,
James R. Mam,
T O. Hi lhoall, HarTiiourj.
Jnha w. lull, do
Jolin BraCy, da
W. W. W) ll, Lan. attar.
ViUUam H. Hauls, Colorntlo.
Botittrt P. King,
Julia II. Kll. y,
I'barlea Us 8ll.r,
V. V
K.IIT1I WOlM'll,
Bscretar tud Treasurer,
KOOtt No. 3,
AathentlciUd ipclmni hve bon pmcured iVnm mini
of tli Company lodes, nd have bt-en ny(Ml by f ro
frroiort ltooth ndCftrreU wltMhenutirrAUrtnures'Hti.
fiubtt niitlonllftts are now niuii at th Office of tlieCom
pny, ud u tta Tr'iiror 0(11 e (Int rnttl liuvenau).
No. if! CI1FM!T Htret, KurniHri' ana Mechanic lUuk
btilloliitf. To onulnal tubacrlUiri $J W fehar for a
limited muiiibor ol ihiif e. i
C'lxcularf .panipsiiletH, or Information can b obtAlnfd al
tbotlic of ikt Company , alter Uie 17th iiiut, ll-U-'.'a
TA1ILK TOl'H, AO. tc,
rillLAJiELt I1IA. 11 S
lnv aiaiml HfOO JOHKI'H Mraf 11I.I.I N, daruund,
willaiiaM sav or brMeait Um atua ut Ilia tmdaraatiH
li.oiii.ra, HJJ.I.liM Kil.K iNt,
Ku 7i US I So.-et.
oriibdk o. rv tna.
onnn bkcond-hand cotton seam-
) III Isu llm, iu an"' ant for sale
juim i ntn.r,r .
H.i-llg N.niuNI Mlrt.
auads tti ordsr, at .,. wi m
M V iinitior.n " iw,
A M V. H I C A N ,
8. E. t'ornrr Walnut and Fourth Streets,
tt la s ItOMF. rflMrANT, snil erollta dirt ti anunalt) ,
atilTg tlis -iired t pj nitoro rrtniiinas l.aii
ilu tUrnS 00 sr crat.
HAn or TrTa.
AITaat1ir Whll'diB, , ,s r,tV-Ar Tiiflmiin,
Mn- .j4n'il olli.vk, tlon. J Al is-.n,
Allien V hft-rrta, i ll-nry K. Hiti,i(ii;,
HiininflT hoenit, rrllip It Mbi;la,
lift ris Viijsnt, J.'fii A Ihrusii.
Wilaaaii J. Howard, l.ste Llasiv tiurat,
Hatmirl sr. irk.
At. FX MiKlt W HII.1.P1J. r'liilit.
UMI'H, WuHK. VI.,' l'r.-al,V"il.
H I7tl JOHN a. II. HON, Hn y a.l TrrAaurft.
l ran hi ictti txsi mrr
I'UMPANY,, o.x s.
W tl.l
I s M w M.I.KN,
t .l NT,
WAt.M f HTkl'.KT.
Iniurast-1'fff-o.n In this I'miiesni ai aJntt
Ai IHI tt ia OC K MU IM, si ktll'TIOM.
Tra It t'l.rlt les will h' tant l rir a rremlutn ot
n i: i iili.. vita,
gr. iiitln iii.Ttriinfe n- tit. iti..i.iu ff
HV V. I Ions t Xli
ncsiti.t itf. lili'iaul ic-ati ut lllv tni tiat t-lbn liy ajij li iti
I lit- mnx itiit c.
TI'.M ftOI I l:s rttWMl I'M
tiri t
1.i,. I
tit ut in
bllRlllt Si.
pti'lt t,.r liT.' 'MiMti-anti HolUrs, aM a ss
i- 1 1, -'l r - 1 1 r wfk t ntn ,ist ion I'T i'l r.mml
ai-ACitst 1IV4 Uie a,nrt-d irttiu bla t'rillnr
1WKSTV rtK l '! I. tits IM1I MlfM
ttK-tifS'" n tint I'.i lr v ;,.r f :o. ana S.' ' I'fr we'iK r mtrari
.Mili.ti lur all and i'titr n .eni'luia ol a t liteiit, Iravi i.n
fir ot ti' r u i.t-
1'i.t-c t tnr f'.si n ith $ l p(.t,f, ftimp' nsa'ton fan ha tri S.t po in a n. ot hiit tutitT butn bt'Lwt't n S.mki and
f.ltlut lirtiyiorll' nsts lati-s. ,
JIMI 'i. II M l F.KtlV. PrraiiltMlt.
liiiUNI V litSMt, Si'tj-narj.
IIT.NRY A. h Mt.U.ii- rsl AKuiil.
l'llll.APKt.l'ltM lltiMtll (if ltps:l!F.Vt K.
F. Itm-lit. rit -air, l'ri'slilt-ul Eutrrpriiu luMir.uioa tna-
psnt . ( haii tnsn.
InitM.- t" ll.ikiT. llrm ct C.rnt'llin Italcr.
M W. Itaiilwiii, itrm of M W llaMwnt A t'o.
1 snitirl Ct tlln. t'rtti ol I'tttt-n .1- Alo inns.
It. 11. i 'i'!tiri:v.,r,lilrr I'lil aSt-ti't-ta Hank.
It'-n tlt lo r rv. Msv.'r ttr oi rtniailtiplilA.
Win.ll Mruit k. tltru ft Mt'rri.-k I N.tnt.
J.'it pli raffrt'in. I'tr'-ldi-nt rt i"tOrn Hank.
Hun Janus I'titltKk, ll-m, u.r t am'a Mtatfa Mint.
Tltonnti I'tttti-r. iu.t-l am.
in- rn- II NtiiAt, itrui Minn A llrt'tti'-r.
.lotia 1 ltor tlrta I AMt.t , lllil.-fw A 'o.
J. ttluar 1 hi rusoa. freintcat ratiiiHlvauls RidlpnAd
.lu 'iti! v.
Jamrs ftot. rri'sitlpnt KlfUl and Sllth 9trtA rairiitf,T
itailroad ti.lnpi.ii.
K'THll.n AND roi.ictF.H
Wll.l MM W. Al.t.K.H.
o. tol S il.MI T
11-1? Mutl t.U
ornoF, iio. im s rourvrn street.
Jf.ltn Kftehnm,
hdu.i M..i.ri,
Mark llalttvrston.
Itwutas W.llall.,
MaoiUAl A HarrbMMi,
J"lill Olitaon,
W A AriMld.
hat ad A. Woaippsv,
Ji'tltO. Natrcrr.
C APITAL NTO(K, l jOt),m0.
f ,00n nhnn-N at $1 ah. ',t0 Nharea resorrod by
IJir Ymiafy ir a work'nK raoltal.
Thu Cooiiaii7 httvo t-cureU In f' ihaplo one of the
Bipt valiialito oll-protliiciiik' parcel on tho Rlicrta Fario,
ei r rrach craak, Vaoaiigo county, Pa., atout four ml tea
ftcm rranHiB.
T.i tract c'ntli.i at'"ut 03 am i, with a rlror In fr n
of iifuriy 0 i't. and htut mporlur railriil fmilltlca, the
railroad frntn McadviJle o Oil City ni'iiilitff throtili ttie
pfluprtr. tpon 11 thrre It a elohntU'd Oil Hiring, tha
proJuot of which wa formerly umcil by tK ludiana lir
tuciiiciiiAl ptiroita. t
Tlii Compuny havo ono m fret tJi'f p, prodncln? the
hfavirnt LuhrlcutiiiK Oil. Mitch la w.trth at the prvrnt
llnif p'f liantl ; and at tlmv are now prvparliiif tli
nco ttaiy nitclilticry for wt.rkitv ibla and other w l a, It
U nthtrn'ly eptrted, early In the y :ar, 'pyatark(
nontl ly dlvhlt-nd lu tlie HtiTahol.h rt.
A lltiutfd BiiDibt-r of tt itrtt will be Id ft the orlliml
prtce 1 Ono l'ollaf per tiare.
Util trrihers, on nti-rhiii iliitlr nam, will l e reiolretl to
pay Uj pvr rent, of tlie tu:iM.ritiuii prrc', and tn b.ilanco
tii trie dtHrcry of tl- cort i (It a't, tar January 1, jssf.
J.'i'iUaii"Ut fir Htotk uiay te mtd at the otllce of the
Cmnia!jv. Ku 12 8. I'ol'Kl U Hlrnvt where, tpecliut'iii
cf Oil fn-m Uilt Crmiany a mil mty he ten, and
any Itfbrmailun rulaUve to the iiropocly may he b
Iviiiid. 1'2-ln-mwhlit
y A L U A II li i:
One half the land Infc-re't on K"jally. being onu eightli
of ail the OH produce on a tract of Und oontAlninx elht
tyht acrei, and leeatrd on the west aide of the Allegheny
river, Kiln below Uietowuof i HAMKLIN, lu Vermue
oohaty, Penntjlranta
On thlt land there are now Four Puinplnir Wells, pm
duclBK Fifty Rairclt of oil pur day. There are now K ur
Kiw Weill going down. 'o wt-11 bured In thiavictaity
hat yet proved a failure.
There U room on litis land for flinty mre Wotit, and
Out will probably be Tan new Welti hored on thlt laud
during the ec mlyg irlng ; from all of ta'i tbo ptircliHtert
of the abort! Inteieat will receive ono ehlh of all tbu Oil
nrotlaced, rtititout any of tho wording expvntet. Tliere
bare lwu eifcitt new enuea purt hAtvd fur noratug thlt
land, Ac. Apply to
1M. 1(1(1 ' 1 1 JE1 IN I IT Ht.,
(hmohd floob).
11 17-ll- Maorot&rT and Traaiurar
rtoAii oin,
Mil h taatpMrO at lrrwat flafb prtcaa with
UAIW 'I'll r LI RliX'K.
mui i.iitoriil,
MVItebMH BOOKS, Ac. Ac. Ao
A faV aaaorinaflt f aawilUea an Baud f aurcbatara to
aalactBom. tiiaaaif Uala1artaitrUlaalial atwuk
W. 6. FERS7, Mannfaot uriug EUtroser,
U l I. W. Htm rOUKTH txl BACK Bit.
11111. ADKI.rillA.
Capital Ctcck,
WM. M. RAWnAI.!,, C, RIlMlWAV,
WH. Y. MeUUAm, IT 1. 1 Mil A W. I'A VIrt,
w. n. KKuni.B.
J. K. KIP'iW'AY.
numit Rifnows itBamvRD at tiik orrit r or
TIIR COMf'ANY, Ho. . rolTRTIl HTKKltr.
ll.vlilitl into One llundrctl ThotiHimd Sliaro of
Ten ($10) Dollan each, of wliirh Twenty
TlioiiM.m. Bharfit Arc cut apart to 1 sol J
at '2 - pt r ktiure, niftkiiiK' S "0,0 0
Working CaiMlul, to Iw expended
iu devetupiD tha lamli aud
paying the iiccriaary e
jnin of tho
TY fr-Terty f lbf Cotaptay pnnilti of th fee nlmple
r.ntl p r'Ctual toane of tt-tweta l(0 and I IW atrut of laud
m Wocil ai)4 Wirt cmnitiVi, Wett Viriflnla.
Kt 1. 1 and 2 are In fee t Imp to, and contain about 170
acr h, tit tinted at K uiawlia Hiat ion, on the Noribwititero
jKnilroitil, about 10 mllft abuTo ParKr rutiur, Va., wh-e
ti e huniwlia rlvrr. thn rai kenbiirit and Hunntoi. tuni
jiitr, and the JiortliweiUrn lUllruml t imipan' ihiob to
g vi bur.
rprn lids rnrlT U alt into 1 tbe Ktnawha Station of
tbi1 vsicrn kallrond t'oinpany, wtikh It tbe ratdt
advantaijt -Qk --tut of iMpiuent tor Die oil produced lu the
region uf the Kanawha ami Iti irlbu'arka.
W-. .1. I tract of !eat! perpetually b'mied frsm Jaun'i
Pfbtnen, and C'liimat nut lest tbati 6c0 arret acul ad
otut hot. I and J.
No. 4. It the relobrafci Koblnnnn Uact, nnJer a perpe
tual leae, and coo taint acr-t, tltuated in Wirt coonty,
about K iiiliat abore the fnnnrr tractt. on tbt touch aide
of Qit Hutn nrrr and ttfar lie confluence with the K
nanba. and Laa a borliiAj frunt on Jtockruaof about two
Tl rya!ty to be paid on Ibaae lt atei li oae-elsbth of
tbe lift itnfi idt aOir the Compear bnhiK rttiinburiod ur
expenttt and outlay In producing the oil. 1
Ahorr the tacA, on tbe Kanawha. It tbe celebrated lluni
n( Hj rltiir, and nt ar tbat on ue Ilnyhw are nmay pro
ductive wella.
At tho junction 0f ttafto two ttruanat will be lieu nd tha
b(itoll-in4ui-lns torrltorj Ui Wett Virginia.
The elliible tltuatlon of tblt land afford i a tvirlnff tcrrt
puiy of at leatt Ten iulle on tbe two rlrrra and thaur
trlbotatb't. 13 30-tt)tln.i;j
J) o x a l n s o x
CAI'ITAIi t$300,000.
100,000 Chart's nt V-r 00 each Hubacription prioo
fully paid.
JAMK8 KKIX, York, Va.
if. L. ttC Hit.
j. a. iuvix.
Office Kos 333 Walnut and 336 Harmony StA.
Twinty thoutand iharei bave Lra n ierr4 for the
woikirijj; capital, which, by a rem'tillon of too Board of
Imectort, DQuet be told before cvrcirlcaiet can lasiiu to
urrt-1 al lubtcribert; touie of tliuae abarei bave already
btrii toid at a conMdiriible advance.
Tbe Company own and hare a per OH title In fee
e'niple, c.ter of all locumbrancoi or leatea, fifty four
a rt-i of ell laud In ibe heart of huat oil region, In
Itfckiand Towutbip, VentiiKO 0 unity, jentity)rola,
uliuatc od tbe ratt bank of the AUigbcny Uirer
about fle nll-a below jYranklln, hating- Hi ty fire rodt uf
froi.tiu.e od ibe rivtr, ail of wbicU U admirably adapted
rrtcriOK ptirpottt, and aiTurditig tacilltti for cbeap and
eaiy trantportatb'tu
Ibc-re la evidently a Juqj h tt rein of coal running
thiou .h a part ol Una trart, ae o.iu has been openui on tbe
alji tniug lamia botind.nK It on tbe north and totitn. Coij
It In urtat demand at tbft point, and at preautbrliugt flfty
flve per bnthel.
1 be oil niilliattont on this territory are of the moat flat
U'tinn character; anatural uli tprlnx rltoii on It and Uowt
Into the rtvt-r, fiom which oil can ani hai Ixen nathtml oy
puimnt In the rlt lnlty, for many years, tor mellclnal and
other purpovri.
One ufLbe tlrtclaia 1 al r ennejj )mi been ordurcd,
aad It vxpecud to be ready fur thlpmunt wltlila two
eki,and upon let coinpli-Uon it Ii pnrK)eU to contract
lor ai other, with a vlw ol duraloplnjt the Und tiiorouUy
ana enerKttn-al y.
Tbedl ecton hare e?ured the lervlcctof a retpontt
ble, pract ce, and reliable uau to tuperliuend the d
volfpmrnt of the land.
V e bellre ibai tbe property of the Dona Id ton O'l Com
pany otlcrt Inductnenta e.nal. If not tuperior, to any now
In the maik.'t,aid In Uial heilef we confidently eubmlt
the ttock U tM Company to all tl.eae wbe detire muh
The n port of the oommlttfet, and aurveyt of tbe land
tan he tern, abdUe jlp:lona taken at tbe odhe of the
Compaay. U-a-tu-tUi-tf
p R O
;a imtai. i,
100,000 ?riAi?Es, vn na
$iO,(HrO fiuh fforklnx Capital.
rrxldant cf lh Catawliaa aUllrn.4 Ompan,
tic ii riiwiirrmT,
Of tlif Hardware Brm at Tnallt A Co., !tt.M9 MwkMIt
Of ert, MaOt.u.k A Co.. Baolnra, Mo. Xt R. Third itrMt
T. unmix iv tvt,
B. mrnAHin.
Ol UlTDialltOWn,
Wal. I). R1IIUHI3HD, tnanriuio. A)rnt.
w:nK(ir. p. wat,
vl lat Uiy Uottdi Ann oi J. T. Wv A ik.
i'aalilur Uaura riinnk Ruk,
T)ii prnprrty of Ihe Iirakr Vr tnileum CompaMiT aXMiatotl
of two tract of land, one of two nandrad arul itlj-mrtm
aorM and tna .two liimdrak .nd alxly-f va .oral, making
an all ftv. au.drvd and twtdra acres, Ja faa, ill. Cold
well llrtnek of 00 Crerk.
Tae eniiieii haa liaan erltte.lly examined br . Coad
mitt, appotnu-d r Ui.t purpttae. arid Ui. Icrrt o 7
aowrrod, 1. liidlrj.ilcnwnt, to be full etjti.l hi tkat Of
Ci.k, aloog whlab Uie laigeat vU walla vr dlaovrcrf4
have beeY re.od.
Tb. landi ri'irmble thnae on Oil erei k tn overj partfnu
Ur, and K II belU'ved, fTtMii tbe Ure nnmtiw ot 08
aprtaga hi ekiie proximity, tlial T.hiabte welle will b
oveoad 00 hiitb lrana.
The uianaivmeat have already ine'tretl aevnnt) rii4h
utd eeiaaied . etimtt teut etiiierintt .dent, wltb . viw bp
luimedial. and eiieriietlo doTelnpaent.
A larne ptirtl'n 01 iliaa. tracti U bottom,!ui .duilraiblAf
adapted fur boring
ahivw euaipan ui are oranttfd on landa Immediately
adjoining thla twrltorv, among which are ih. Bnioii aJlw
CreeeeatOUComrtanlva of Phiadelihla.
Ib prtiientkig the Ilrak. Petroleum Company to the)
pnhne, the Mrectnta aik tbal Uielr achem. alioald be ea
amlned, and aabacrlvlliina made to th. Btoek In ftill cutk
aa to Jia present and proapcettw ealu.
T. 11ASR1NS BIJ PUT. rreetdant.
TIKUIAH D. WATTHON, Vtce-fre.ltlt n.
BAML'KL WOUK, Treasurer.
BntserlptlMia will be recotred at the Banking Home a
WOIaK, MclXinCH A CO.,
14 T tf Ha. M tl. Till Hi) HlrM.
Capital, $300,000. - Sbares $2'00 raoh.
Worklim Capital, tK5), ((.
flcven bnnilrrd ai'rea land, or which almnt flr huadr4
An lit mi ainiple, and the t!alpruutirl la more than auift
t'tt'iit to pHy u ninitiiiiv iliviti, nd of rwo per cent.
ntlil litirtrla uf ill per titty to thla roBpeny frtni ili
lltm It-y Wail., on HIikmI Kami. Knllre wuraing lriiersf
In . v. il In lug litiri'tl on lite ('.am, Karm. Le of 141
at-rea i'U hut a Cieek. Ohio. !.iae of I'Jl acree 00 Ultli
MuaklliKiitn, Onlii, fcld nn-i In ft on Witil Uickoryoreew
la. l'.u acrea tu Ire on Fvdttial ciek, Ohio.
Anent forl'lillatlelphla, '
li-Vtt ' No. 313 WALNUT Su
INo. aiy Wnlniit Htreet.
F(B BALK All tha leaillng dlvldood pajlng Ola)
8101 KB.
WAMED-Parllca.wllh Imm fl to tJOOOD, lo fbrng
orlginatori In a Cmnpany. whoie net rec.lpta, at the yt cw
lent tine, paj filly per cent, on the purchaae monej. 4
grttater part of theTbeat ('ompnnlea now organlatm. under
the tllrwlion of genlleuieu of exptrltinoa and nuduabief
itaudlug. tall aud gat a circular. li il
UA8 1(10,0110 8U.ABE3 AT 1 KACII-PAB TALUK, H.
Their proitertloa ronalat of one half the oil of the nlito
well on the tttit Tt-r larin, prodiifing ten b irrel pvr day in
I ultrior til H nil. it'llmy al lite wt II. at lit; p. r barrel Thar
.'nniian have an eitalue, Ac, complete, aud room 1. bur.
tvtti uittrt Hrlla
A leu, hall tiiten-lt In a leaae on Home Crwf k Vtltlv. oai ib ont well, protluctug uiaul barr.a par day, wiui
eni'iite. totiii ae
line bitntlred and eleven atm In lee on Pltnole run.
(.lie loullit ol icaao on laud 111 Cherry rea, I'cniral
Out' half IriUTeet ofaleiltion Lamb firm, on Phorry ma.
Gin' eiKhih inifreit lua will uttw being a.ak ou klooar
fiiiiii.ttiii'li'rr run
Mule oaltl for Philadelphia,
13. A. MAKHlIAITi, .lr.,
H J7 6t No. 'Jill VVALKUT HireeC
We are prepared to fumUh Haw Cnrporatloaa with
th. Botiki tier letiuu-.. al ahon notice and law prircj, tt
trot ouaKry. Al atylea 01 Hlmllug
BTIt-I. Pl.A' K CERTl'lDATEB 0 STOm. aVi ate
TW All! ER P.O"K
idtii'nT or HAUL.
fAuuit Book kf antifactarara aad tut ,nav
H-lo-U ho. iSI CUKBNVT nl-et.