Albany, UniUti sati kiuy, nr.cp.Mr.j-n .ii, i. ETON i MAN AND BUaERIDoV T Wr In Nmuhnrairrn Iriclnla Uonrniiiii nt ilM illi -III A re mutt of the Ur m KHil-lrlfi ..I tlie Kehel . tenia In.,, lln-rklnrlilicn Driven Into North I nniMiiit- InniM iiar -tiirr nl, Horse, ami Miln.-r.ur Kel.el I'rlnlliiif lrrei HUi'd- l lii, r Srnl l l'nrn llronn- t Ion Mxnl lirlNiniHK 1'rrvrnt I'.IkIiI Hurt. r dri 1 nntl Slaty .nitty l'i Imnu r 4 up I it real Ki.l Ti'titii'sa.' I'm fronti'lols. AFIITII!K, 1I0. o".-tni.irt.e I M M.INKMAV. w io arrived in tht.e.iti l4. niunt iri.m hi" ai. :,t raid in Kant ToiMiosrce ami West Virnniiit. Iiiruislii'i tho liillowinir ucc tint nl his oxi"ililt,ni 'holnroo cm si-ti il or r.i'iiiiiiiiiiiK M iriiiin ami l m'k Fa t Icm.i -m i) iiii..,i., all'i thcc.iin- mtlllll of MH.t.r-lif lll'inl STilMMA. I hey lelt himxiil e on 1, hi, ami the movement was not il'scmcn .1 I .y l!i(. ltil,ols until nlicr throe tlnys. At kilu'i urt Jiim-.h' riniiiiiiml Mas utturki il, SoliaialilK Hi lllliill I liVII 1 1 1 1 11 1 i 1 1 I ill M'HIIIAN'H o il coninaiiri. Tin' lorco wus killiil, nnl Captured. Next tlio It, I.. I force nt Vai'iiiin was iliMMivn il at l aiiortoMTi, in nr ItrMol, tryiuir t i i-il' i-l a unc turn with ItiirrKiMtiiiOK'N tin nt Sallvi lo. Our loru a p rsm il li ni to Marion, hero an i'iiiriiz"iiniit Olisiicd, tesllltn," in a Iiim to t h- l.'i Lois nt ,n t,, r form ami urtilli rv i'xc (it nlMiiit 2'i,-wlio n tn atcil towards l.i ticlibiirL', Va. Hum KIMlli.liK R cnlnl'iHIiil Inn Inllt.ucl (;,.crill S'TiiNrsiAN, with the hm-os ol (.attnkii. i unsiir and Withkuh uml tlm lu unci, ot Imki.'h ronniiiiinl, who hail been on tl,. triune r ol Kentucky wuitiuij to io-o urate with tin cuvulry. (onnral wm; uiliio.if.1 tin. f .roo nt Marlon, and drove tliutn over the inoiintuina into Noil li 4 urolma. Ilm ciuimnml ihcn ultin-kcl tin- unit work', which wi n- ileioiiilj-.i l.y a' oui s.von li.iu ilrod men, who worn cither ciiituroil or ilisperai'il. I'lm Inn br Him laid tn the l(... .Is i. mnii-iHo. All Iho rai'rnail brni"i s hum .Now Ifivi r, Vin mm, to Inn Toiiiiiiskit 1 , mi ilo-triiie.!. i'hirlcnii railroad trains, wth l,,c,,m,.lm . sovituI trains an. I extra txira w it Imii t oi.khio wire inp: u ic . I and ili'strnycil All Uio di'poU in numilii'H in xmtli i'mIitii irifi nla, 1 1 road (lopni.nll Iho iiiumlni'i, mills, factm in, utorohouaci, wa'ons and iiiiihuliinrr trnin, and turn Tiko briiliroa worn dinlroyud. In addition. wi cn. tun d twoiiW-IIro liiindrril rnuiiiN ol nrtillcrv am innLiHoti, two thiiunan.l park midnli'i, and a lnrt'o aim. nut ol harm., a gri'at iiiafitlt v ol mnall arnr, Iwo thouBiind homiM, and ono thousand iiitilon. Amoni; Iho cnpln leu with two KiIh-I fdiiorsand lour ,s ciwuii.n . rilli ng pn nm -a. 1 ho latlr-r wi re wut to J'an-nn Ilitowxi.ow an a htintiiia iri mit. . 1 tie rnvrroiit lonw to tho Iti'lmln wort' tlm dintruc lion of the nail works at hallrillo, mid tho load woika at l.i'adT.llo. llolh woro rend rod valwlim. Our loimoa wore very miiill,' not i xoii iliut; art) kil: d, wouinli d and mnmiiif;. Auioiik thd killed i..i Col. llovt.K, ol tho Kleyenth Ketiliicky larul. ry. Our cnpnfred lid ol priaouern uniouiU io 'Jl m and HI.", men. Kim leni.mpee la now (Vpo trotn any hiiilv of Jtebnia, and Kenlui ky in uiX iulested hy ( onteilc nitov (iiueral Stiinkvas held the Ki-bul leloarniih line lor oit'litoeii hoiiin, ilurinir w hich limn ho uis coyen d all th il plum and nioveuii utn. LMnloinutic 'orM sponilcnre on Iho ' I'lo ritlii" Seiurtu Wahiiinotox, Dip. ao. It apiieorn from ufllcinl correaiioiiileiice that on iho 11th oi Novonibcr Xeeretnry kwamii wroto to Minis ter Wins that llii. c.oyoriiini nt lind just board of the capture ol iho fhtriiln by Ih4 Vvlmrtt, at .'.ulna, ami of the mient huli!itic adopted hy tho Dramlian loreee In tnui port, and ihut in ! . thin ataico ol tho n.altcr the I'reiiiilent IhoiiKht It prnpor that Mr. WEnD almuld infnrra tho Mounter Inr Kureiim Affair., that we are not lndls poaed to exuiniuo Iho subject on lta merit ciro lullv, and to considur whaloynr queation may arise out of it, in a becomitiK and fiieiully Hjiirit, it tliat apirit ahon d bo adopted by his Imperial Majesty 'i iiorernmout. On tho 12th nl December Mr. IIaiiiiosa, rhm . !' iiiMr.i ml n,f. ,,, adilreshod Ns:ret.iry Skwaiiu a in reti'ruiioo to iho aeiznrn ol tho h'tnrhhi, eulliniC it an a t ol' Iho most irausceitdntit iriavitv,' whieh Intro yed a muuilest violui 1011 ol Hmj terri torial jur.adolion ol the empire, and an oir-uae to ila liouor anil aoven iiruty. lio enuua in o tho par. tieulaia ol the reizure, and couelniies by auvinir. "on Una occasion, n nieinl erm? the I'nitod .Siates, whoso anleiMKienta am well known, and u.iteilin history by the ci oivtioiletcnseot and ropecMor uoinrai rights Ol Iho o uiishukeu priuclp'i tho iinders iriiode in uoi oonaiiler iho ovont winch occu red at li.ll.ia ol In than as the Individual ait ol tlie Com inanilor of ilio tV'whum-tt not auHioricd or appioiriid hy his (,oyeriiuieni. and that it will cineillontlv Kiye to I he Oowernm HI pi Ins Jlajusty tho Kuipeior, tho exiilauntioiis unit repmat.ons wlneb, in coiiloruiiiy with iiitennitiiuial laws, are line to a power whien inaiiil inns irieudlv and pticilic rolaiiona with the l:nnod Niatea. "I ho just riiclamaiiou o;iho Imperial Uovprniiieiit la iinr Urns piesi i li d, tho iiiiil' i -irneil awaits tho reply ol t Mo Hon. Mr. .Skiva iti. and limy eoniblunc in Ins exalted wisdom and in tho jintuv ol tin. i.o vei linn i.i ol tlio I nited Siutes, Ud has not ovun lor a moment ooubied hut that it w ill be us satisfactory as Hie ilici.Illeslil.le rilllt whieh unl the eiu'.iiro and llioya't iriuvity ol the ollenso wntcb was dune to it mat leiiiire." hi i retury fKWAnn, In hia reply, aaya: ".lealousy ol tnieu'ii iliteryi utio li 111 every loiiu. and ali-nl ile iion ii.terveiitioii in ihe iioiuestie utlairs ol fuieiim natioiis, ure cardinal piiuoipl. a in the policy ol tho l lnted Slates. 1 ou liuve then lore Jusi v expecteil that Iho I lesidi lit would illsurow and n iirut tho liroeeouinaa at liat.ia. Ho will usa-iid t aptaiu coi.i.iaH, aud direct him to appear bcloru aComt Martia . "i ho t'onaul at Itahia ndmilsthat he adviaed and lliyiied (be capture, and wua aetivo in Hie ploeeed- ! inn. no win. ti.ereiom, lie dismissed. itliifaf liiaril will receive from the l iiiled Mate Navy the h" i or cnaiomary in tho Intercoiirso of ineudiy l'""J'". jn ui,i in utl UUIlCnil HJU, IIOW- evoi, i hat una tiovcrinuVui udmlts oi mvos credit o thocha.eoa ol lalsohood, tieueiierv and deception trhicli are bromjlii uKaiual the ( aptuiu an I the ( on- "I'beae cliarirea are rlenieil nn In.. ..e oll't era aumsed, anil the .secnitar. also takes ogca- I sion toaa.i that Ins (overninent disa.lnws the as. ami plion that the inaiircuuia ol tins country aro a lawful naval I ellmeri ut. ami, on the contrary, it i niaiiitaiua that the ascription ol that charm- ! lor oy tlie l .ovenimoiil nl llrazil lo insiir ateiit cltirena ol the Initial Males who have biiiierto been and who are atdl Uostduie ol naval Inrvna, polls and conns is an Bet ol inioi ventinn in flerniratii u ot ihe iawa ol nations, and unli ieu'd y anil wrong, ul aa it la maiiilestly injurious to tho United Hiatus' Alter iiiriher remark, lie .ays: ' It doei not nowerer, bcloinr to iho captains ol ships-ot-war of Uio l.nileil Mutes, or o tlau couiinanilors ol tiiair arnilea, or lo Ibi ir consuls residui in toreiiru poria aotmif wiihout the authority ol ona-rosa and with out eieii I'.xecuiivc uireoiiou. ami ciioosiuir ihir ow n t me, ii aimer mid oeea-ioii. lo aisurt the rirfhta and ledieaaihe wionva nl the cnuinrv. i his power can t.e lawiullr exercised only by llie Ciovernueul ol the I n ted istates "A.thoiicti tho ctew wareTciiemioa of the United rilntia, and. aa thei coutend, tumines of thchiiinan race, yet the oil. Minis were liev.'rtliplpas unlaw, luny brought into the custody oi this tioyeruineiit aud Iheiemre they could not lawiullr be Mibiecicii lieie to tiiif piiui.hiui'iit whn li Kiev deserved, nor oouid they, nonnr euomiea, ou allowe I to enjoy tie iroteclinn ol Iho luilod Mules I bey will thrruloip bo aei at liberty to in k a reiuiro whorever thoy n.ay it, with tho hazard ol recap turo whou Ix T ud the Jurisdiction nl tins l iovi riiineiit. 1 he ' nine corre'poudeu will purer be otll iallr prciuulxa ed. A meoiber of General Moudo's stafT recently air a ragged boy with an uncommon large uiuf. fler about bis neck. He asked wbut was the realtor with him, aud he replied that be hud got the itch. Tbe cdlter Investigated, aud found iniorUuI despatches' to General Lee. An I.'iploeiou ia tbe fcontli. T1IK DAILY KVKXINTr TELKflRAI'IT. I'HILADKLrHIA, SATntlMY. I.i nnnl Tlmmna nl l'iilnlil llood not n Arm i,,. TetiiirnviT llnr I liin-hiinln Mil'lliinj M Aintoimv l.'rnnBel n ml MllMlil iii nn nn III" Kluhl. ' Aii-ii li- i l i.nllr.l Irani throi jli Irom hntinni era ainyed 'irre lliin'i i'iiiinr I he i nlnind ri'niiiiiii.lentton Hill row ly re"iiim v ki' t up. Li in nil i I'mum ah' head iiartei . woi o at I'lilinki lat in tit imr nilvniii'. nut rlim lv lol low imr Hoi. 11. who. Il l hel.ile.l, I. (r ilm to e;o.a the I ell- ne. llinr (i'.am.ii: aim vi ka km a arn nn hia i i-lil ntiil II, e .iiii. ,,i, are ahelijii... ina pout,,,, vl.ieh l.e hni , i , naMe tiiYro, nuoti. I in riTi r i n n d .-ln.ii i inllm ah.wly. He re am i n it a :ei!.iy ram n't flu .'lull;' l)i-i 'liiujrf t) ll.i- cliiinliiii ( o. I on-piriilors i ilAHiiinit nil. Hee. mi -iv , irf j tinier, it will be v.. ii t ,:,t Nrin r K. t ot i ky and I I 'A Ml l Mi II m . iwo I ..limit, men. in' v prKonera, I l.ioe I.e. ii ill-, bare 1 At the el i.iii .,t lh,. ean' j ''"1", Tour e,irr..p.iii lout tep.irteil the ii l n 1 1 1 1. 1 n Ha mm. .Mi ll km:y : II Aii-ijr ai.i t na LiKfA in t I'N r rip Vknhyt.. ' VAMA. 1 llll.A HKI 1IIIA A , Hi r 21, M.',t . Sj." nil ! rubra No. ill I Kliet- 7.. s run K. tn i.KY, a j eitien nl ( oiiitnb.ii loiintv, I'a . buvinir been no , iiiitti d I emie a M i lit n rv I (miuii-nton novail:in ; tn llnir,.l lira, I'a , w ill be re. a-i .l irom nrr..t. ' I In Ijinii ti l iniiHti t 1 1. . aril. lent w ill the , reei Miij tiiii,- uitul 10 l'.kiotii-biir,;, 1'. iin vl- , Mllilll. j 1 1 e M ilitarv I i.niiini Inn nmv in a. inn In liar- r 1 1-1 n tk I'n., hiuin,. ariinfieil Hami i. Mi-Hkmiv, a i oil yen (it I in uml. i.i rouniv. I'a, the eimiiuiiniling ! nl! i-ei nt llnrriHbiir..' will fornai-d him under proper ' eiiiinlto 1 1 ii . I j ii ;i r t . r It., ai d ol I . n nil i no t, I , , t r. ! In nth Hi-iiii'i, l'i LiiavlTiinin. at I rov, llradiord ri.iinu , I i ini.- liatun . ai a limited man. Hy rutn inin'il nl' Mujor t .i nerui I aiiwai.aiikh. .1 mi. (. Si urt t r.y.A A. Ii. 'loiul'l II. I.. Jiiiinhi.k. , linle Advoejte. Tlm irnn who miinki d in lied on Ins weildinir ri-'lit, wiii suriasncuily irfnrniid bv lim liri.lo Unit "tin (.'entlemiin ever lighted his tiigur at thu tinih ol II y n ivij." l..ri l(ui)i-, It rt.ay nut be iiicially known that thoe familiar linen, ' ...I'.l u-nrcc rv peel en., i.f m ni-o. 'J II sM ak III .ll!.. ..ii u, ma, ,' ,v,;., liad their origin In JSew Ipswieli, New Ilunp. flnie They wire written in l.'lil tor nnexbi'ntmn, by Ihivid Ivintt.ol I but town, who, d nt nam, omit in 17!'.'i. l lmv wiro lir-t spoken hy J..lirniin II. l annr, jount-'i iitMin ol ld-v. Stephen 1-nrrur, lirat minister . .New Ipuwieh. At tho f. titetmiiil fc eiiriiiion, in l.s.iil, Mr., then nn aneil man, was called on I'm a rpeeeh, and riaiDK, imply repented Iwo lines, "Von d ai-arr.. prect one of mt ni:e, To Aiena. In liulilie en the .tai;o,'' wliirli c niiM d con.lilerublc mi rriment among tho atiiiience. SPECIAL NOTICES. i;;u- OHICH OF TIIH CITY TKEA V Sl'liKU. 11111. OKI I'lIM, lleeellllicr J3, lsiil. "KOTfCK ID LOAN llnl.tiKU.. The City Treasurer will pav Ihe luter. si ou City Loans due Janunry i,on and after January -J. Iiit. JIKNHY III SLM. 11-94 fit i lly TrcssTirur. KZtjr- I'NIiiN I.KAf.LK J10U.SK.N0, XJ Clir.HNLT street. 121U Pun Alifl imiia, IlerpmSer ?1. An Ad i, urned M.ennt; ot tin- I MnS l.KA'lt K of ITnldel. his w ill he I.e., I at ! iNC'KK I' II AI.I., on t Kl ..lunu.i y i'.l h - at 8 .i . l...-k I' M , In racial ve and ait oil II. e Ke.i.rl0t tin Cn.lulliftn nil Py-lni. TicKeta, B.lmlttli.ii ineiiit.erH niily. ran bn obtal ned frmii air C. at. wbii.iie, Alt.l.taut Heereturv, at ttie l.eairuo 11 ' . UKUUiik U. HilKKK. iv-jg-'l " S.'c,i.ry. KS'J- MTTSliURCJ, Sth l.KCKMBKR7lr. ' ,r"ITII'KNIl. 'Ika lliraetnrs of tli K)SM OIL, (e.MPAK r,iT ttna day ile. lared tlioir mini mnnllily fur Kureiiilirr, i.f TilltKK PliK CENT, on 1118 Capilnl aii.rk t,f (he Couipntiy, pnv.nle anrr the I'.tr. last, to the'a sul.M rltiers at the uillcc of Mcrutciieoa L'olllna.Ku. J4VS. ItilM Street. . , '. H'-CLTCIIEIX, President. B0I11M1T WHAT, Jk.. Hecretary. IJ-10 r;i- U I V III E Nl), " The I 'Ire, tors nf Iho "M'CIIANAN KOVAI.TV " oil. mui'ivv have tliia day declared a nmnllily illvidena ot OS A PEIt t'fcNT. on itie capual amek, pavnlile free of tax. at tho (Jltie. ol ti.e Company, Mo. Htl s. t OUKILI Slra.t, on ami atlur .lanuary J, Ihil'i. Iranslcr booka will be c mu-d from oeceratier .TO tn.Tanu- V iii.i tii n. LAMi. Wncrotary. t I'litA, Deceiiit.i r lft, lsiil. lli-17-2l-it-UO ' BITyNINO SPItlXO OIL COMPANY of Peniirylvania. A meitinu ol the Stock holder, of tho llurnlnir HprtiiK mi Company, wih he held at Iho olllco of J.C. t rjur, No Hi CIIKSNI T STIiKET, nil I I LSIIAY K.VKWlMi, January ii, l-i 0, at 6 o'clock, r. M. ... . .. . l.EnllliKO. r.VtKt, '-' "'''' President. 1ST OKF1CK l'HILADEU'IIIA OAS WOltKM. S'livcllitier Hll lsiil Prnnnaaia ill tie received at Una Oltlce un'll noon of L, ','"! 01 ''""""O "ixt.for tho asie to the Truateea ol tlia rililailpildua I, a. Wurka, of slock In Iho Hnulliwark and M'Jj'ainciiMUk'Um Work). tiermaiiliiwii co alalia) link ijo And liictiii'ind do wurkit "' 'nvc,mcul,or tins sinking fund, of aula WILUAM FeSYK.l.r, l'J-y-lra Crtslner. Jr,-7- OFFICE OF TH K ATLAS OIL COM- P.iii.Ai.n.i iii.i. li. ceiuour -s. HIVIIiENI) MiriCK. I he Heard of luroclora have day declared a divi dend of THUEE I'KKCEN't . (14 cent. pfr.l,arei,.,t,rf the Boti ariiiin.'. of ihe Cmiipan. I.,r ihe u..nih. of Ho. m. b.r and l.c.inlir. pay able clear of Stale tan, on aal after Jaauary In, 'la.:, . 1 ran.ler Books cloae oa January 3, at 1 P . M ..and open January 11, . Miickliiild. r- w ho have not called f..r their certlncatea are re.lield to lie .o prior to clnnnir of the Imi.k. ' I' t. W . yVTLfUANK, Secretary. IS OJ'KICK Of THF. EL DOllAno OIL Oomtauy, N. K. corner 1THI1 and WALaUT T tie r Irrctoral avo (his day declared a dividend of ONK ir.Kl KM on the capital snick nut of the prntlia of the '"'P"- clearn Stale tax ;i.ayable on andahartlie 6Ui f, V.T i .v ... . . . na er Vi du" 0,1 " il,t l"t'' no''" 00 llh nroxlann. Tl.e dividends of this Company will hereatler be made payable quarterly. In accordance with a reaohiliuu of the lloard adopted this day. B. A. V1TCHELL, Treasurer. rllll.AIiBM'lllA rfi.smber 'in, lHt.4. li-W it p-Tiif- OFFICE r-3-? StihKt:. OF TH K CITY THKA- Pllll.AIII'l I'lll 4 . 1 lecan.nnpOl lu.'l ... , '"TH'E TO LOAN HOI.HElm. T he Cftv Treasurer Is prepared to pay luaiia matmlnir January I. Im'i. and the holdera thereuf ro re.iuesied to piesi'iitthtu at tills oilice on and after thoJd day of January. 1 UENItY lU'MM. l-24-it city Treasurer. 12? f- MEMOUIAL THE CJItKAT CENTH lj b' A I It rou ma U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, HELD IN PHILADELPHIA. JUNE, 18lit. 11V CHAItl.ES J. BTILLK. fiiirn ni a n.,i laiis I'm ri t. Hta i es H s-iTAi:r Commission. ) Pllll AI.LI.I'IIIA AcK.SCV, Ho I S.; ClIKSM T Si I'.KBr, ,, , lieeeuilier I.'., ISl. Tn (. Mrmlni ofl.t Yarlmu Vomiuutcet ut the (ireitt iHilt ol .nr .- J TtietlANITAlty COMMISSION beys to ann -ince that the 'lll.trulit OK IHE KA I K," prepared by Mr HI II I. K, at the re.iiieit of the Executive Committee ia tow ready f..r delivery. It f..rrna a very elenunt iiuart.i Ti.liinio ..I mure llian lwnlitin,lr, ,1 pates ; Is printed oa the tliiell paper at llie "I axtun I res." ol .Mcsara. Rlwruian . ( i,.. and is illustrated ulih iiliiitouranha. of aome 'nl tho nii.relntere.llnuiiliieetsot'the Exhibition. Il contain, an aeeniiiit ot ttieoriuln and proirniNh oi Ibe Fair; a descrhi Ininnf II. diltei. nt lii'panuicicN: a stnciuent of tue Bii.n. lal lasiilt; a full list m ail Ihe ('..mmhlees. eic etc Aa tin. work 1. ile.limed prlinaril) for the luournorsni lie ull..iis I'limmlllees, .ml a lunlled edition only ha. been ha. been tl,oiiKl,t nest lo plaoi It In dibw'rv' ilr JMK8 KW1M,,N.. tl'ooialautnt ftir Its aoe ho desire ro oles will p'.a.ectll on hi I.1S.I -iS M TII N reel, -.c ud sb.ry. isr a.i,,t, tsiii o,n iun ihBc wlio ni.iy uut be able to Culnii.uiiii ;.le v. Mil l.iui. . N. K. u fce ready for dellverv on WEUNEIY 51 .tim.t. lx.u . . - - - . ffw . e as) weysMeamw 0L TUHlelt nd marriage as unpardijimble, was of course iiiiDoasib e : am in tn. lini. ..if.i.. r . . jKW TK.AKVS (ilKTCAMr LTKIt A III KS. T- l ulled Hl,t Comml..len, lu r.,p,.n. to i,om.te, .,, ,. ppe, t,turtMt ,.,,,. Lini. i.a flr; w, rt(. ,tmhr,K (d ,,UtB miliar the rirr of ri. . r HbrarliiM, onk TiiiiisAt.r) i oi r iii niiitr.i ash ronrt CAMP AM) Cil'MiiiAT I II1KAKIRH f ma ami UCiy folum.. , . ir th. ,i, , onr ...Miera .ud .alio,. ,U ,,., ,. , orlotli, ('mini llfflre. ,o., ,he hallriaM. Ila hut mall Bialirr Kir ( h pi, ret aaer nl hu Idir Kirta for frli ndi, at t tny a lnnriKomij anJ ,,.! ,k f9r B, fi kind. In ( nip or ln...lal, n tff I. In name In II, ami .liro. t the lK,k,lor to it lo ,h. Cm,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,, Wl , , pn.ltlai,l.nii,e t h,d,, fwlT ,, tnIPr, , Uie down tl,. rlnci ,.i,M r,,ra u,eir h,..i o...., ard .uif tlo m ttrna, th.-lr l.irml .no. r,n e,,,,,, lh. fieaiarc a d prollt of ,.u, them. Hrn.l nane t,! tl.e ben ; oar .oldi.ri d. Ui. he.t. Tli. at.nd.iril e.aar bta. liliwrl...blir,hv, trav.l, ..lea.'., poetry, m ... am... aiaiid.rd work, of HuII-mi, whuevtr, In atinrt, y.m Wf.Blit nnl loin II., - r . '""'""" "' ,'"ir own nn v .r, cu- nnwl with at.rnk.n bnh, will ha atoninahl. a. well ... iTlteKma werka. r. rwm.l thn uarral, mark. 4 CKWf kAKT, In anr of th I rimrh.. of U. Ohrt.ll.n ('.mi- mlili.n, or tit K-lt-tial troacK ii. HMunr, rhairmna CbrUil.n I v.ninil, .in. Ko II nAK Miret, l'hlla,l,.li,ia. OJ. 1 1 a v i it i i : rv ih D. W. CLARK. No. fi2 ClIliSNL'T 8TKKK1-, Has now ,.n hnrnl a verj lare stock of w A l (.11 JEWKI.IlV.and . .. SILVER Pt.ATFio Wall?!. Hs e. ted for tho ri.ii.uia; JblblDAY TKAtis;, a 'ml. are IhIi-k io!d at ex ii .or.lli.srll low prla.s. We laic a lao-e of the imluwinif Kods; II. .1.1 Walrli,... " Hllter atches, La.lieft W .Iclie., I. , nt. Wan ti. ., II. .. tValciic, Am. rlcnii a.chea, Em lll, a'Ohes, llss Wn', t l.n 'I est I l.allis, l.n!,l Ciiaiel.ili e ciitlua, liol.l Ne, k Cliam., (.old I'encu Cibiih, I ."Id Pen., I. .,1,1 T.sithplcki,, I.. 1,1 lh ml. I.., I iin.l Armlet., I. ..1,1,.i hliics, I ;n,, sleevr llutfns, ("'d V aid. hevs, l.o'.l I'. II., Cents', i.nlil Phi., Ladles', II" HI Pins, Misses', t Pins. Chatelaine, (I .1.1 Ear Minna. (."Id f Inter liiiiKS, Cold -rai! Pins, I. ,1, 1 llracelcta, (I..I.1 L'skelM, l ii.l'l i harma, Col, I WalH, Hooks, diver Thimbles, Silver N-ni-k'n Kings, Silver r'rilll KtllK's, Silver fob Chains, bllier 'l st Chains. HII.Yt II PLATED W AUK, atid on genuine Albata metal, and warranted i Tea Rets. Cake Itasketa, Fiuli flasket., Card kceeivi rs. Itutier lushes, Hrrup PltcliiT., Snasr, Br.-akfs. Csstora, I 'inner ('a. tors. Pickle f-asl'irs. Spoon Holders, w allots, lirns. Hall Stun. la, Oohieta, Cm), a. Call Pells, Napkin Hliif.., :sh aviilvea, Vie billies, ' re Cresiii Knlvoa, Cake Klllvea, Crumb Knives. Children a Knives, .Chllilren'a Kirks, chlhlren a Aioons, Oyster Lndlca, sioiiii Ladles. Table and lies.ert Kpoona, Tea. Snjiar, and Walt hoons, Tea and Jilnner forks. PLATED JKWKI.RV. We have on band a laraa lot of line plated Jewelry, winch wo arc rl. .hIiii; oul at cost price, to make room I.. r othir foods. T hose w ishliif anod. In our line would do well lo call and examine our stock boloro paiciiasluu'. All liOod. warranted aa represented. I. W. CLiRK, - Tfo.r.tMCHESNUT Htreet. . II. w niche, nnd Jewelry carefully repaired ov ex parieueeil workmen, and arrantod. Ensrravliar neaiiy "cutea. 11-iii-tli n JJ E V IS L A D 0 -AI U S , DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELER, No. 802 CHFSN UT STRKKT, Has on hand a large and splendid assortment ef DIAMOND JEWELRY, SUITABLE 1'OR HOLIDAY HIKSENTS. A'ao, a beaallfnl asmrtmcnt of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry.&c. Silverware In treat variety, suitable for Bridal and Holiday I'ri .enta. . My asaerliuenl of Diamond Jewelry Is somnhte, and at leaa price than can be lound In thia city. Old Gold, Silver & Diamonds Bought for Cash. J) I A M ONDS. I'er.en having Plamonds or other pre.ioin rones to il.poseof, will do well by calling' on LEWIS LA DOM US, IllAMO.ND DEALER AND JEWKLEIJ, Ho. m CUESNL'T BUset, "ho wni give the cash prices. 12-6-lm ALSO, Old Cold and Bllvur Bought for Catih. l i:3 13 JOHN BRENXAX, ' DEALEU IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND bILVKll W.-Vlili. Diamond Bins'., Etna Enameled Bracelets, Dlamead Plus, Fine (lent.' Chains, Diamond Ear-Rlngs, Viae Ladles' Chains, AmethystandDla . Kirul, Heavy Lon( Ouards, Fins Seal Kings, Amethyst and Tearl Seta, flue Pearl King., Coral Bots, 12 C lnt Oenta' Dlam. Scarf Ptoa, Ladles' Chatelaine Tine, EKOyzE A'U FANCY GOODS. No. 1.3 H. KIOHTJI STUKKT AS nNE TTATCmiS, JEWELRY, BILVEIt A'D PLATED WARB, CORNER ARCH AND TENTH HTH. Brooches, Sleeve Buitens, Armlets, Bracelats, Scarf Plus and Klnm.Tia Sets, lue Pltehers, Walters, UokleU, forks. Spoons, Ac. Walcnes repaired and warranted. Old (iulav niainuada, and Silver Bought. ll ia .lm HARRISON JARDKN. UIlM JOHN A. MlIHPiriH'V D TouwigQTO haki; ApREi:.wTi?i IK) T'l HAEBAOU BK0THER3. N. :u; n. I it. in n ts i j , Vot- wit t. i in, rnK n.Ni;sT an ii t.AHfii:sri A.ellHI Ml nt (IK STATIONERY, rnoTojrAni alroms, an1 TANOY G0T!)3 Irv Tin; CITY. WltlTlfO TM-.SKs-m .,, Mahocaay, and Wl- lit s henniiliil H,..,ri,,,i t ' Sly e .1,(1 n 1 entry I t ItshK with HUk and Steel (ihain ye . Pi-un and suteuie i , hi M.'r.ire.i, VH- j TIII.IV slVUSiirciilu CASKS low IHI..UI fi I .sib fn.. I A 1 1 1 K v ('('Mr IMiivh the nil'sst, a '' d 1',., In M.i'eo and Ka.mol, 1 K.t F.IJM, ,u hiiorTI.M) SArcilKI.-AII slses ar il .srtp.a ,K.VV ANr) e" M or nn. nn.llty. A H I.L LINK UK Toy tonus, i'.n, ami in I'aoar .(Il'.l.le for rlii.ilree '4 i.ei .,. (i.Mlis. ND l AI'l u noi.Ls In tr et variety. Many enl r.J. n.w. CAD I'lioro.iv.M'iis: (' ( hid 1 nut 'mil .nisi Wr hare a sp ei.di.l si,., l; f MIOTOdllAI'lI , I.IUIMS. acllln al ie lnw rates. Pp. r nl alien kn I. c.tli d to tti. M.W MOKOCCi) lll.Mii: A1.1IUM, Lsis terft-rlly whou ..psn. ralloa IIUlltliH ItltOIIIKIts If mi want alitu.l a, mi or n.i fi.iaitmle tor a I'llI-ljal'irVT. IVt ot ,1 ot eur NMW a I lit yn. I irse, lor lb routs 1 or (lle'd .iui (,ol..nd nclur.s. Mi ci n.i, HAKIUOH BF.0THEH3, 11 M s7t No. .'ill N. WliMTII STKK.Kr, J UOIIS FOR T!1K 11(11 .IDA VS. I.VSit.NSI. BKDOCI'IO.N IN l'HIl.'K or WATCIIKS, jrtVll.liY, SILVKK-ri.ATKI) W.MtK, a. I .ttes' "nli llntillrir ('.set lver W alerra.paaiil It'll I rom y) lo !0'1. ei.Bisvi d ami eiirtui. lied, ( Cent, Heavy (J lid J Wiirtlne ii'., 11- Krom tanto $.vi. vrr W atrl ea. Miner Uiintu.K Ciiho W. for j .M . VII . il . Jk . . ltd full jevrellcd l.e.ors . Hold V-sl Chain., from lft In 7H. I.cjd Chat, lan.n (itisln.. from fin to fM. 11 pre. 1.11a n. in-ni ro s-vv. t Olllerwiit siybts line lioid SslH, Pins, and Kar Rlin, all Die Jauift and uio.l tniliinualile de,bin.. fr.ilu li tu ;' riNB HOLD ."'. Sl.r.rVK rtl'TTOMS, UOSiim STt'l.S. (II slit riNS. lh .TS' TINS (.DI D I IMMMLKS, BII.VKK THmilLEI. cm,'s. 1.'TK1S. CIIAKMH .Ncil.s, rr.ns. c e. I vrry vsraty i,r Hirer and BU ar-l'lated Ware, at n nniii.Triiirer . prleo.. Ikksr.iH, CAKK tlAHKSTS, CAkll llASI KTsi, RI'ir lUskKTS, Ut't'll.R IHSIIKS. SI li.R DISIIKS, RVI.TP I'l 1 1 TlaiKfl, HIIKAKf AST CASIORU, IIISNkK ( AolOUrt, SALT STANDS. oit.i rr.s. otirn. TVAlTKKI, UlcS, CALL Hr.l.t.S. HAI'KTX RIBlrS. t HI IT KNIVKS. An, o.!.. and ever, vaiietv. ni.A4 Mn genuine sll.ata. ai one-half the am. I on... a larse slcre. Willi a n nl sad Laavy aipana.s every way, I. not the place to hue K"ode alieap. 1'UurHlore, If y..u wonli) aindy your owa Interest aud want greai bar- L'niiiai v i a 1 1 nut- lili 1a Mo. 10-A', MAHKBT Street. W. L. Cl.otlK. H tu. 8t HOLIDAY TRESKNTS. SCUliKLI.KkMANM Jk CO., - . N. w H. KlUHTH Streot. an. now aiTerlnir. at irreai Svrsani.. a fall and .plemlld PuViIk'S'ts uOi'DB, suiubie for holiday BLANK IT and BROCTIB SHAWLS. DltLHS tiisilis, iii every variety. b'KSIKIIINil ociiDH.ln every varletr. n.o m I Sin r-r i .Tn. ... .... ' Ono onto more of thoae 4-4 e.itra liaev'y iiieaol JM nslliis, rsi e uta. tine caso inor. Mew Torli Mills Rlearb.d Mualla. Oue ease eura heavy rlbl.esl Shaaor Klaunal Una eaae line Shaker Flannel. ar"!"1". H ""1 f,1'1 'oplhis, Morlaoas, lluw - . " ,u , u. ,w ., at 111 10-17 IM lll Ho. V, H. MUHTH Street. 0 DKSIUAl.LI-2 rilKSKXT.S 1 O K Til 10 HOLIDAYS. lLI IIOLDKN Invites an easalnatIon of his beautiful and varied collec. lion of AM Kit I CAN and IMI'iill I'Kll WATCHES, FINK Ol.wr.l.HV and CLOCKS, which kavu boon niauufuc tured and arranged with much euro, IVo. 7S. aiAUICET street, li.' ."J-thstiiilm PHILADELPHIA. No. 520 ARCH STREET, JIA8 A CAniiFl'LLT SELECTED STOCK OP WATCUIOa, FINIS JKW10L.UY. tSlJ.V101i-l'L,AT10U WAllrO, KSl'KCIAI.LT FANCY r-iHVj:il WAIIE, Suitable for li U HOLIDAY AND liKIDAL TRESEXTa. J A M KS LARllER'S " Vholksai.i aan rktail Clock Ititnlillialiinonte S. E. corner SECOND and CUE .NUT Streets, Phllad'a. AORKCY TOR TIIS PATKST EQUALIZIMU TI1IRTY-DAV CLOCKS, A very desirable article for Churches, Hotels, Banks. Parlors. Ac. A iso, at AN CFAl'TL RKR OF FINE OOLD rr.NS. CLOl KS ItKPAlltED AND WARRANTED. Uotk Trlniminn. of every de.crlptlom 1-It ly J0L1DAY GIFTS. ISUltSIlNG MADE IOVSY. JiKOWN'S PATENT BABT-TENDEB', OH, MAGIC SI'lUXG CRADLK, The tuo.t useful and drUu-htrni Murscry Invention of Ike ana. Froaa a Vertical and Nolsei.,. Cradle It is Instantly eon vrud Into a Spring Chair. Rectinnt Couch, Baby-Jumper,, I'aby-Walker, 111k. Chair, Hureery Chair, Ilohb) Hone, and Ottoman. II enectnally ebvlatea the vile of the rock Ins moUna adoidi n at relief to tuothers. and deiUia enll dn n, and aava. li e exi.i me ot a iiurae. Ako a Ure variety of i'ANCY JIOI.IUAY (JOOlJH, v AT TIIH HOUSE FUKNIsniNG STORE. J.O. U CIIKSNUT BrilEK.!. litla JOHN A. MUjtl'HliY. IwrearlkUng,, Coral Bets, 11 -lat DK0KJIUEI5 SI, 1MJ. ti, holiday imskshxts. t.Al I"" 1 ' ' I t I '' I.AI'li .- Hill I,' 11 i; ll.. it . .1", TV VH I II It l. i.rMi f.M t-.ii).l HUH, I'INt (,, AMI Ol Ol II OWN M VMTACI llltK, Itr 'I in I r s. I'd K fM I . II. It, I.- II. r II. I r l . A If ii;.- nl" ) , 1 1, 1' n ii I T II. rK i, I' Ml I I 1 H" ii a-iil ri ..r .r I r.' em.. ill. In Hi. ilA.M I - i; " lilts v, TI:l.'K AS i HA, I M VNt'K.v , I'll It li, r.... jdk en f.M.vt; r mi , li 11 Im Oi.p .sl'e M.t nl 11.11. WINOTTEiaLU ft CO., No. 7( ('IIKSXHT HTKKKT. In.lte al'ertlmi to aeti.itoi- il.til it miAi'i'i-its, f lKKItliK. I'.I.ANkKlA, CAltl.l IAN JAI.'K K'l e, SCAftrS AND TIS. Blir VKTA.ST J ACK a TS. 0I.OVKS AND IIANDKKK,:ihr Kn. S.MtiKIMl lAIM. If a Ira 1 Whh a .opexhs; assorment of other (1 mds .Dltal.l.- s PRIEENTS TOP. GrNTLEVfEN. "TL.SON'S SKATE DKl'OT, No. 409 CIIE<UT ETEECT. Jnt received, a full .lork of I mlicti" Pkatcs, l'ltilndclplila Cluh Slcttos, (.(Tils' Skull's, Jl iston Ko.'ki-is, To y siijiui ior, liojb' hkaics, New York I'luli Skates, Ami I'arlnr Sluites, ail sics, where .11 ran be neeommoilati d with a suiorinr o ial,f li.iiu a choice acleciion. I'llII.Il AVIl.KON Ar .. 12-101in 4il CIIKSNliT Street, I'ltlladelnM J) 1 1 1 L.A 1 U L. 1 J 1 1 A. ri Ji .A. Tl K I) io i o rr . LESLET-4 CO., No. (K7 MAUKKT STHICKT, SOLK AGENTS I'OU Osborne's Challrnce Steel Skates, lielcher's Improved Ladles' and ilonts' Sltatas, H. Clark's Patent Ladles' and dents' Skates, Plympton Patent Eccentric Floor states. Shaler's Patent Floor Skates, I he American Patent Floor Saute. A full assortment of all the above styles constantly on baud, as well as all the other varieties of STKKL AND WOOD-TOr SKATKS. I. ovatt'i Patent Rolf-rationing- Skatos-faslen without traps, j, j4, FOR 8ALF, WHOI.KSALH AND RETAIL. ORIGINAL SKATE STORE. SMITH & EIOHAEDSON, feSllfii of tlio ''Hkato llov." No. (ill lAUKKT HTItKKT, : ' llave for sale, Wholesale and Ketall, the largest and b;s Stock of SKATES In this city. Their stork comprises every possible yarie t v. and at the lowest prices. l.ndtei' and (,'clits steel Skates. Stevens' Sk.-ttei Clark's Skalea, Holits' Skates, Philadelphia Skates, Hr.idlurd'a llostou Skatus, "Morwlch Clli.por'' eikatea, Parlor Skates. SKATE PLATES, SKATE STRAPS. In sbort. every thine pertalnlnc to Skate., anderery varletT of Skate made, can lie procured at ihe s an of the "Mania Hoy,' tto. till iLALKLT Htravt, tbv OidiMt Skate tltoTji thu city. SMITH .t lUCIIrVliDSON. N. B. SXatea Nround and Itcp.ilrcd. Il l 1-U To THE rUDLIC. Thankful to our friend, and the public for the liberal pationape brabiwed upon ns, we would Inform them that having maiir extensive altera'.lona In oare.tatillshuent, we arc now prepen d to execute Pictures to the satisfaction afall who may favor as with a call. IlavhiK now at onr ei inmand Inorrastd facilities, we take pleasure In soMoitlng a discerning public to compare the execution of our work with that produced at any oilier eatabllshmait la tne lulled States. Wo would also ute tha. our GALLEltY IS FBEE TO ALL, ft the examination af apeslmens. Nntwlth'ataadtag the advance of material used, ana wanes of bauds employes!, we are yet furnishing riCTUREg AT THE OLD PRICK8. Thote If lalatares. Ivorytypes. I ife-si.e Heads It Crayon, on, and Pallet. ( abinet sire heads in (,'ra oil, OH, and Pastel. Imperial, Plata end Colored. IS It, K-10. 4-4. and 1 -1 lines. Carta da Visile Tigncltea, full-eUe, J-4, a).., J M nor do7n. r Atahrolypes. from n eents upwards, rerrotypes. i pur, Ac. 4c. On head and for sale, a large lot ef Copies of Rare JUiiif ravlntf rHOTOGBAPHS of all the PUOMI.NkiNT OF.NEKALS sad DlSTI.sOL-lsukiD AIEN, As. Ae. Oatidde Tlewi taken at short uoUcs. IIEN8ZKY afc CO., 1 It otos ra ph e r , 1 ls-lm Me 811 ABOH Street. QO-l'A RTN EHSIII 1' NOTICE. The nndcrsbjned have (his da' formed a Co-Fsrtnershle under llie style aid title of ADAMM .Vi XIVIO. For tbe pnrpoee of transacting a general HANKING ANT) STOCK-lJIiOKEUAGE BUSINESS. OIL, TKLl OBAFII, And KXPBP.KM COMPANY STOt'KS made a Specialty, (iovcri.meiit Loana aud Specie Bought and Sold. THEODORE ADAMS, OEOROE H. LEVIS, 1'J l;l'f Ko. H 0HF.HNDT Street. AI.F.XAMDKR 1. HARPKK, -FINANCIAL. Q . V OL I, J o ti 1. ftlLVKlt A SI) HANK NOT KM WANTKD. DE !AVEB & BROTHER. ' ' tf o !' a, THIS!) STSCST. AltJIi:jt, Dl'llNliY fc CO. , BANKERS,. T00K AM' LXOHANGE ER0KER3, a. K S "1 lllltl. KTKKKT, PblllJeltnla, SioeH snd laian. twni.r.l on Comnilashss. Ua current Hank Nun cnit. Ai , Ik, e'tit and .old. apeoial attention paid tn r.e purchase ard n.le of oil Suroka, Deposits received, sou Interest alluwed. as per aaiwa- "'" U-l Jas gPIITH fe ItVlNIIOll!!, ' No. IP fs. TIIIIU) STKKKT, ' LIANKIOliS AMI lUHlKKUS. Slasth;, Slocks, (in. alt (Jov.TT.e icnr.sati".' Vonrhrrs and f'hei ks, aai nt s ci riti... It...unt an t Sold, (mhl N t li V LOAM), !' U r. s. io-nr. .JAY Milt 13 ft CO.. Cl Hill Foil MAl.k TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LdAN, I.P.AhlNIl UTL 1KB CKNT. INTKltl'.Sr IN COIW. reiliv inaHn any lime after TliN Y K lt at the pleasure ot the Oovernment. e.r.d payable FOIlTy YKAItS alter date. DOTH fOf.'OM AND liKUlSTLIlBD IIONDS are Ifsued for thl. L....'i, ..i same uenoiain tilon aa tne a Sua. The interest on "H and Hlia paiahle yearly; on all oilier dea. initiations, nlf yearly. The 111-40 b inds are dated March I, lot-l The half yearly Interest lalllna doe ScutrmUcr 1 and Karoli I of eamyeai; antll 1st Neiitaea bir. tne accrued um rest from 1st of March Is required la b, paid by purchasers Inc. us or In i.anai. cuaaaaor, add "" n") percent, lor premium, until further notice. ALL (JTIir.41 (ioVI.KMHKNT SfloUKlTIKS HOffUHT ASH SOLD. JAY 000KE & 00., No. lit 8. Tllllll) STUEET. nihi-tr QOIOINX;!. M. lilNMTJBIlV, STOUli liUOKEU, No. 7 l'ARQUHAR LUILDINO, 11 W-rrn WALNUT HTREET, BKL0V7 Tai!tr, BL'TINd AND FK.I.LINO 8TOCRS OH COMMLHSIOsI. Jl-.AJ.iItf-sOIV eftr CO., liANKKKS, No. 1141 8. THIRD STREh'T, PiilLADKLI'DU. OoTemment Sccnrlties of all Issues Pamfcased and for I Sale. Stocks, Bonds, aud Hold llousht and Sold oa Con." " t mission. IKTEBEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. I Collections Promptly Made. foA-4 , J QaTFlCU IPOll THE SAL,I0 OF NATIONAL, LOANB, No. 114 8. THIRD STREET, PniLAHKLPIUA. NEW ' UNITED STATES 1 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. The S ibicrlbers having been the successful Bidders for a portion of the M:w ft-Kii SIX I'Elt CENT. OOLO. Br.Ar.LNO LOAN, arepieparod tootler It on OtTorakia terms to their euitomcra, In Urge or small amounts, la Bonds of denominations ef Ibs, loos, 6no., and lutloa. both ri'Kf.tered and coupons. Thelntereit commoncos on the 1st of and Is payable In gold, semi-annually, on tha I .tor u.. and November, , sVUoiber Oovernment Securities on hand and foraala. and Information given concerning Investments, at aur oil Ice. JAY COOKE & CO., . Jfo. Ill 8. TliiltD 8TBEBT, Philadelphia. 11 Is QI1. STOCKS BOUOHT AN1 SOLD OS COMMISSION, By ULOKME i. BOYD, Broker, No. 18 S. THIRD direst. 10-M 1SG4. ' 1SC4. OLE N N. ECHO MILLS, ' GERMANTOWN. McCALLUM &. CO., WHOLKSALsl CARPET HAIM:U0IJ8E, No. B09 CHESNUT STREET, PMILADELrHIA. 18(34. " istjl MoCALLDM & CO., KETA1L DEPAUTMPWT, No. 19 ClfESNUT BTUEBT, 11- -11 Cl'POSITI rX.lKI'CNDKNC'E HALL. J pOINltY Al'PLB, ' GAUGES AND COOPER, No. y05 B. Wtsteir SJarMt, txilow Walnut, 1'un.Apai.ruiA. Imitation Brandy and wine Caiki.and all kinds of work saadeof eld and new stuff, always oa bund or mails te order. Coal peeked In hogsheads for shipping. All kinds of trtmtuloKS punctually attsndsd to. ll-ti IN-NE-NO-NK-AW " I INDIAN SHOKIM) TOBAOCOI lais workl-reoowued Topucco Is mauufaotured front the F1NKST LF.AF. And earnestly recommends lfelf to an Uentlenua ol Luxurious Taste. Bold wholesale and retail at lib. ST b POPULAR ClOAR STOHB , 0.U CII-NUT hireU, 10-4 ami peoslveatata lieuae. ()()f CANS PEACUE8. VERY SD. ' perlor. putuo byll. P. Morton Co.. at tbe llotlnd Top I'eai h Farm, Mil,, now arriving, and tar sale by it. K, KtFF. Ko. loti S. WbABVtS. M iJli,. f) IH). a jtn.'ii. SAU3pl A ia f 'nd 1 ' f I t,.l i bid iu1