EYENIN -1 urA LI A LP A nil - ics- I i tli 1 ,vy . f x aplll 1 an . . , jL I DOUM.K SHEET THREE THE " NOHTH AMEBIC A.' Additional Particulars of tlio NEARLY TWO TTUNDRVJD SOL DIERS DUOWNK1). 'HEROISM OF AN UNKNOWN DANSEUSE. ir Incidents of the Fo.mdcriax. Inking of t!ic s'eamship An .1 men, vj. r voy.gc fioni KtwdilijiHn Nov York. Ith nearly two hundred of sin' brave soldiers on ourd, is a caasttopbo which tills ho national Brt with mourning. Moi-t of the .-old! iTS WITH turning home on pick leave a lo-v having re ceived tfieir Ul-cliarge from the I'll: l ante service. Il li h hid reflection, to th: .k t tat in' n Who (or several iinn,tliti hcrohullv bare I their breasts to the common enemy, an ! end re I so much in dtfeme of the country, shonld suddenly kave met wilh a watery grave while, on thoir re turn to home and kindred. But no hopo soctns to lio now r itortnlne.d of their safely. The Xarth Amrrim fomdered w.th M hundred and ninety-seven soldier passengers D board, and no tiding !ia yet been given as 1 wleihcr a single one of them survived tao torri kle catastrophe. Burguoo K. McClintock wan in large of the soldiers while on ibcir dip troin X Orlc ins to cw York. The decnpive lists cuit lining nil their mum s were lost, s t iut it is Impossible to make public those who went dow.) vith the uu foilitnaio vessel. It will probali y lio a imi d avs befjre tbe-s) important fuels can in published. Tboo wlio weio positively known us buying mot w th a Wat. ry grave, together with the saved, wore mentioned in yesterday's llrruld. A I'AHHFNfi K It'H KTATKHIIST. rrivate Charles T. Vowler.of the 11th Saw York Cavalry, was one of ihu p.sscmrors on board of the Aoi'tVi Ament a. ' i-iim Met a, glean tome of the details cornice ed wall the cm aslmphe. The tit.mil terror noticeable on Occasions Of this dcBcrilltlon urn llilt h..r.l , Kn 'und. At. least there Is p record of men scenes un 0tn tlm lima ll,.i I..- I..... I...' ..... , 1 v ..... . .u.v i. i, iuu miiri I illcicrt. On Jrridnv. tbe Kith of I). r th.. v..,,i. i America Miled fr,,in New Orleans. There were Sn hoard two hundred and thret kf.-tr ani,urj LtweUee, ..iTincfsengcrs and h iti w consisting of lory-tonr. Ihe solul.rs wcro ta', in from the different hospitals in the vicinity o? VcwOneans though principally lioin tlie one at iUtm House! aijoui one huudtecl of them tie I 'tii'd to urn lliliHLd 14th New York C ivilrv n-iunmitj urhiin tbj remainder were ait.iche'i 1 1 vn. .us U'ostern rK'Dienti wbieli ennnot Ht nrevfnr u ar...;...! Teei . fn iuhieil witli n 1M -rn nf 1'i.rtiin comidertd to h- very vulualile. ' I. Vor the tint three dava after h .i 'jf Hem Orkan. tlio neither mm iU lC favoraii'e. ju.mn una time no inenjeuta ot uy descriutlou Ceenm-d to dimurli tn n.n.i ... ,,.,...,.., r .life. On the '20 h, hixvevcr, a tron ttale sprunir pp from outb.suu'hwebt. Tue He. bjcaincx- .a eoinply rrtuh. 1 his sort of weat'.er c mtinued inline riii. when it beitan to mi.ier.it,. n,, niortiinfi, at eleven o'clock, the vessel was n jMiit. 0 an le iklnu badly. J bi leak wan dieoven d in the b i. ami vnr xeriion made to prueut it Rininir, but all to no ,Tiirpoe. Uianketsanu other articles wore brought i' Mnieruoiiia, ino crew unit paseiitfors nei "'. out meir enor-s proved ui.ava He. At o'eloek a Tessel hove In slcht. wh ich nr.ivi.il the harqne Mary K. Libhy. K'ie wm iin ne. i.ly Mgnabcd todraw muraud he ivo.to. ivi.ifi. igrrKwae at once retp nded to. L.plwia Mar-binun. of tt... ,-ih !,...... .v.uB Micro were no nopes ot saving his it.el, then gave orders to lower awav the imu. o that all on board miht lie transferred to the ia'y. ioay. i nut gentleman si., id at ttie snl.j t Ihe vessel and threa ene l unv ni.i .n uit.m,.,. ing to' enter the bouts witiiout his orders wi n i n mediate death. Tub-bad t ie ell d of keeuiuir perlect quiet on the decks of the .Vrth .Ln-nr ? and no timidity or contusion of a iy desert ti jii ivftexuiiiitea. 8t close did the Mir I' l.ihhu enmn in ti, inking TOcl tbnt t iey - b ih ruu int.) o io nother, but no dainaue of unv cnii.innii,.a uttnlned on cither .i.Jt). There w ire iivu lu'li -s ii board, ami Captain Marshnia i ana nr,i :hat they should be tirst put on th'i barjuo. A I1KKOI0 INOIllliNT. 1, Among tno passengers was M 'n M il lio Fowler, Ui ur ot our iulormii.it. When req.ie-te i to ficcompany the four other ladles iu -he u.iat, M.sg Uir'owler eueruetieallv rcfnHed t,i i,. ........j ? 1 1 j .uij.,1 in l. t.ii. i ... ...vnvu .w u.iug uui uioiuur uiou vim nor. stje ,u-, mereiore, coiupeili j to rem .in until t,i eeona ot at. nils aciloii nad the result of savin ,h r brother's iile. VVero it not to' this in Lien might not have beeu punmtt i to enter the eiimipout, llin Fowler is a native of Serai u-A In ti.ia i,,t. tie la-rs home some w, eks siaeo. r,.i orn,.i...,l.i r,. i-cw vnraiis, wuero ner nrotuer n is tlieu in h;s- iibi, akiieinig ironv chroiiie diairhu'4. W'lule n n is dick otu siietenhd hi:tl wi i m,trlv Vhen threatened with death. ili t I I.V tiirn I,. re mat.; nn.l llinugn Ilerown III.! .. ,1,'ht 1)0 Sicn en, sua o ill not shrink in w,it in r lir hi si le nut the moment niie when t .ci wore b.itb la " Ktroi oLeeunu watery grave (Ju theae tacts hemtf kno v i by he aaved pas. iey were transfers 1 on tin: J ' ), :i n tue of "II UUBUKtU aUU lit IV l u kH . nn,i,.l,l ... n urave g.n us a miiull les.iiu ,i il in token of u cvui .ueous emu net. H ' THK "M1HI U AKHllICA" I' I. . DUUS. Il.filx lioatn. oi.tainlnir i i-k,!m ..r,. .c..i- Jietd ou iiout.1 of iho bartpio. ' I) i of the b i its. Litn ere tue purser aui b-iitul steward never seen, and it Is snieins ,1 i ,ar .h. d. Three hours wore ocemi i tiv tim L.-t in rcachiint lli.i iir, .' ,;,a j ,i, VI t bad t in, renderiuir it i no nible to m ike y liirthr excrtlous at rthutiifl. The mure crew of the ,Vu-'A mrien. with feir mptain, es-earu d, togotber w, o lif'B. a en iea men end tiv ladv p i .m.' . Ona tititi. rJ and nine'y-soveii soldiois ere drnwaed. be teuru IL remaineil in me vicinity of ie Awwi Aim-rua all ni;:ht,sh Having reinai'u'id iloat ntil an hourafur mid-i;; it, whnn sn I-i-oly she rippe ired. Next m irning, at day -.fht, March win ina lo for ti - missiuif vessel. ,,i uo ir.ice of her c ui'd bo f.iun.1. NCKNK PHEVIOI S 10 TUB KOI' s DERINO. It is a n niurkable fact that ihe, a at a Nnio n. 'i lo lonfu-ion on board of ihe w th America soma X j w houra privioua to her f.uin i ring; that is, , t f bile mine of tbd nassenirera wnr.i h in t,.n. M riftl it) the baruiie. i niu i W .M.r irr.ti.l' tl.a l... .t... . . .. i ' 'v tun reii ..nnif aoltliers ere. not wire of the terrinia .1 1 J ti iar Raited them. Tbey flcntlvbeiieved the rih A n..v, ,r.t,i !out the night, when they would be rejeivel hoard of the Aury E. Ubby. But their atiliei l(irii were doomed to bo wofully dissipated. ,t ihe poor fellow. iuel with fearful tad. CENTS. MoliK IN' Il'l NTS It Is st.ilrt th ,lhiwpl'a'.sieiird H T) W .lk.T, w ho is one m ihiwn iniionn. oil as lost, was to he 11 arrhd in this city 011 l,i.- return Icnie. What a si tick rt ids the heart ol one who so fondly awaited t is ( oining. I'lir-rr IMtn was not the regular oTIcer on toantoftlie orrl, Un ,i, a II- had lien in duced 10 go on th s last trp to New Orleans a a nilmi 11 e lor nioth-r. 'Ihe Snrth 'tt,j,i,-,i was a new vessel, hiving I'd n bulit hi i'lii.H elphia this year for ihe New Yurk ami New Orl. an Uto.unship C im.H'if . Hie was a prop - er of sixteen hnnilrcl and Ii ty Ions n gi er, built ot oak and hemlock, wis tw.i Inn. die.l ;n, d 11 iny c gilt fctt in len li, thirty i"ght li t t In width, and twontv-i igut feet deep. Her cylinder ns li tt v inches In tlla'iieter, with three feci BUoke ol p ston. .V. 1 . Ilnuhl. AllJIIKtl, I'll II I I K'S OltllKil TO TIIF. n.Kir. N011111 Atianvc Situiuidx, I'Ntrnn Sttks l'l AOMiic M i.v Klin, lltm-ruN R iaiis, D ice ti t't r 1U, 1.101 The chart p an ot tlutpi.M, nel a tuck in the baueriis of the iicint a'. ."S..v luet, mouth of t;ape I tnr river, will epli.u i self, but the oiilt r of taking lais.iiou Is as loliows : It is tirt,t propicd to end avor lo para y.e the tfirrisi.n I v an explosi in, all the ves-cls rein lin ing twelve milt s otu from ihe bar, an. I the tr sips in trttnspiir h tweive miles iimvn the itjist, rea ly to sti an. up ami be prepared to take tlio worki by asault, in case the huu r me tiisulile.l. At a given Mgti.il all tlio bur ve-sels will run ofT ehcre iweive ml e, when tlio vessel with p d. r will go in under the torts. When tue ' Xpl i.i i.i bikes p'aco all ihe vessels will stand in su ire, in the order nmrkeil on the plan. '1 he At tc 1 rtiii.i,lt! will stemn along shore, mining trom the eastward, until the II igs all' on I on K.shtr hears sou;hvest by w st nalf'-srjsr, and anchor (chain ready to slip) with her nrtni side btuiiug ou tlie largest of the enemy's ir.is, und ( pen lire without Uelay. Tun montors wnl come up astern, anchoring not more than one length apart directly iu lino alorT the sti,r,, having spaco on.y lor a gunboa' to lie outside of iiitm,nu lire between tn. in or over tiiein. I'ue - rir hunule and monitjrs will lie in int lest uiun inrte ana a unit fathoms w.itcr, wnieh w in place them about thn-e-lourths of a mile fruit on ! i.-ner, nnu a lutio over u .piartcr of A luik: Ironi the beach. in the meantime tho lar-e ships will lie form "d in line ot nattiti to the c inward of tan irci-cl nls, mid heading parallel wlih tho bind in a sjuti! hit t west coime in live fathoms water. When tho signal is made lo ''take nuiti in " ii. .intJ'iui iiuo sturiiinosi vej-el will gi iihesd iiowly and iinchor about a mile fr.ini Fort r inner, opening Ore tno moment sue pss s tua Xew Iron-ides, and aneboriiig so tli it h tr stern ftuti will lire Ju-t clear of that vessel. Tue .M i iucan will then anchor ahead of tho Muinesott, Coioruiloaliead of ihe Mohican, f iiiuaiora ahead of C'olora.io, Wabash ahead of Tusearor.t. Sus- tticlianna ahead of Wabash, Hrojk yu iihen l of r.uttiieuanna, l ownatuii aneail of llroiklyn, Jnnutia ahead of IVwIiitan, with thair cable, ri ady to slip, und with not m ire tnan tiiicen fathoms of chiin, tho liueou fathotu shackle inside the haw.-c-uole. Ihe yeiicea, Shenntidoub, Tawtuxot, Tie inde roga, Maekiiinw, Mauuiee Yantic, and IC in,ii will uiko thilrpo-iuous oe wem and out Ido the (iilleiuit vtsaels as maikcd on plan, anchoring With thtii eatilc- to i.ly to -lip. When the h.rge ships aa.l Intcrtnediato ones get liiirly into pot-ition, the Xy.uk, Unt.lrli, Huron, a-ul lV iiiot will tal.o p ism m between and outsid.- tl c lu'initors, in fie oider imirked on the plan, keeping up n rajud lire wfttle tue m mitors Hie load rg. The following vesila will next take their p sitions i.s inaiki d on the plan. tomnieiiciug with tl.o Fort Jackson which vessel w ill anchor nbead of tue Juniata, leaviutfa sa.co hetwieu of three leiigtn, .S.uiiia.'o uo Cuba, lacony, Osceola,' Cniniewa, Sass.ctus, Murtitanz.i, KhiK.'e lshunl, M mti tello, M.ntnt Vernon, Moutgoiiiury, It. K. Cuyier, Qu .ker Cny, and loseo, w ill pass ou slowly, uom uou tug ivi h ti e rear, until they torm tlio Hue marked oa the plnn. Tbo rese.-ves of each division will form In lma as per phmj out ot gunshot, rea ly to act as oe msion may requite. This is the main plan of tlio bat le. Circum ttunces may require some dcviition from it; tucli us a parual a'taolt (noiore going eeri m-ly to work), to teel tlie enemy's sti-cugto, ad ot which will lie regulated by signal or by ord era. U.eat Caie aijd Coolness will bo ic. i red ti drop tno vesMda rn their right places, ami a too early c im ii.cnieineiit of lire on the part of those go u' mto poti ion h.ay cicte eonlusion. As we know but litt.e ah nit the ct'i'irean l niiiiibcj'ol He be I gum, the vessels must conceu tiote iheir hie on tue heaviest batteries; but get tue range betore lin.ig lapidly. F.,r is,;anc;, ihe largu vessels and ron-cla.ls c iiicintra.e oa Fort ! i-hi r, while the Vauderbilt, Fort Ja lttou, and the vei-st lslu tho line with tho Fort Jackson, will in en on ihe fur's with u their roach between Fort Fisher and tho M , und. Ail the teerve voiseis will prepare to attack et k's Inland Batt. ry, by taning a p isition who' u ll,y can cnlilsde It. which is wuen the f.i. t u. ars nnrthwest. " Vessels drawing fourteen feet cin go within a ndlo and tliree-.piartera wi h period suleiy, and use their rifle guns with g iod ettjet. 1 Ley can also reach the loits ou Federal I'oiut, and prevent their tindg ac. urately on the oilier I ttlioLi ol tho Meet iu closer ruugo. Ail tho movements of tlie UiUercnt liaon will he tiade by smiling orders in a tug, as signals w ill not bo seen in the smoke. As it is deiirai.le not to have superfluous diroc i.uur, cueu eouiuiBlluor w ii no lurunuc I with a plan, and the unit ei lully discussed, and p uuu "r'.a i a gt ucrai un eting o: colu mn ers. Vessels iu di-iro.i and ti niing it necessary to retire fn m battle will steer cut southe is , exeoot- ii g tne hiuUiiioBt vessels Iosco, Quaker Ci y, " ei, etc. wiiieu niu uet'str keep ou itiutiiwe-t hall son h course, until they clo ir an ci,dit tout shoul (at low wutei ) outside of them. it is not disirablo tha the ve sols of the niuiiuron should show themselves t,j the enemy nii'll the lime conies for thetn to a ;t, wild th -y w ill ketp oil -dime about twcniv live ml es, or far enough rn, t to ho seen, wun N -w Iu;et bearing west, in about the la Itude of 33 .VI, lo i-itu 0 (7 20-that will tie the remit .tvous. C i.nni m lers ot divisions will a s. mi.le the visels of their dnisictis, get them into lire, and keep them so, iai h Uivisiou lieing Iar ennugu from tlie o her to allow thriu 10 mtn.cuvre without intirferia. N hen tha s pu.il is until n given to form in line ol batilo, evuy vessel w II take !n r s all hi in Ii 10 acionlliig to iht p an ou the chart the First Oniion forming bet and the others dropain in in order. yy 6 As only low ttcaiu will be re i iif. d, those ves. 6el that move and w. ra I. .n il y wiui h f th ir boi.ers will only use ihote on onu side, ketfiin the boihrs (on the side near the enomv) full of wuier and without steam, with water war u unly, and reauy to make steam In ctse of n -cussity. blow, iicliberme tiring is desirables there will be nimke enough an, how. Ht;iij and iu lis. crimlnato Ik lug will amount to littio or nothin,' 1 hope no shot may bo ihr two aay. David I), l'omnn. H ar-A i nlral. ComuiauUiug North Atlantic sS.iJadion. Tho Ashland Manufacturing Cotnnaov has nearly completed one of the tnest co:t in mill, la New England, at Jewett City, C m ie tlcut. The mill is designed to accommuda'n tiftji.n ti,oUJ.i spindles sad Iwo bundled and forty looms. The Providence Journal states th it Mr. R ie ell Coggihall, woo recently died at Newport, left o0.000 for the po ir of tout ci'y, and $ 'J ooa to the Woman's Aid Society, besldos sums' for otber charitaule purposes. rillLADKLI'JIIA, SATURDAY, DI-CKMIWK :', 18(11 I ato Cavalr? Reconnoissance Towards QorJontville. INCIDENTS OF THE MARCH. RL1DRN OF THE CAVALRY. LIST OF CASUALTIES. Kir., Kir.. I'.tr,, Kc, Kto Wivciii -ri:H, V n . , 'I liurs.lav, Dtectn'tT 'il. As the la, I Is g. in ru 'y know n, pant ala. Iv nv tt e rnru.y, that our cavairi h i. recently in t le a ii'.i.iiiioi-mi.ee to ihe vteii.lti (ii O ir l.itc.vilk., (liiinie county, there can bo no harm in giviug si tne I the tit tails .. thai movement. A I a rule j t s'enliiy upon tl n leturn of the 2 I lmion, (li in nil I'owi II, tlie l-t Divtsi m, u w in tkr the einiiiniiiiil ol lln.;adier (iaiicr il 1) vin, ruuiiiiil lining tie duv. I'ue nvo divisioas, li t.dt r (lent nii I,.r ,ert, iett camp on M i.id tv, tin lliih msl.j tliu' night th'- c iinmnid naitc I In t'lcsi.r's O ip Toe-tiay night at Flock's, ne tr IV errs viilr ; Wcilia sdiv night on Hughe's road, l car Maditiin Coiirt-lloii e ; I hare, my u g'u ju -t n rnss the liupi, an, near llioik's f ir.lu'id Jack's shop; Fikiay nl.ht n ios-c i tho Hapldan an I Itobin-nn's rivt'is; 6aiiirday night on lla.el nver : Minoay niiiht at Vt uito Suluher Springs Monday nlghi near I aris: ami ou I'litwlav maut tbo 1st liuisioii at Millwood, the ill Divin m itaciiing ttieir old camp that day. uud the 1st yen may, as stated above. With the exception of a few skittering shots t xi nargtii wun guci iiia.1, there Was no tiring uii.n me cominauu nail ttir vcd o?i tile llapi 1 in t- uiv e.in unit's iru n ti.rii"iisvdio. Hero was lounil strongly posted on tho oppo-its nilllR J.OIIIBX s division ur CU lry Wlttl v. rai pice s of nitliery in p waioii. T.iwtrds l igt.t, while the s.rcon 1 Divisio i, ticn. I'owell tt oii.nei i spenari t it-iK ,iie un Uif leu), wis put loiwaiu iticiiter a n ins eii' uiv ou tne piltuaul Bouuitii ii iiir is. iiiviMoii.tiCii nev.n wctittjtii, iiLht, i.eai Wiiliaiu's snop, at Kay's For I, a iout in u nnu a nsii mii. s iioiu tlie pike, wtnru tue .ii nrigaiir, ctiiiiutniud tiy Ookint Kelioj rrossed, and by a sudd, n dttsli il mked tho euoiny 'ith -neb promptne-s wa tlio movciuent cva i uud, and ihe enemy to completely taken bv sur- piu-e, uiut im y leu preciiitatelv, abandoning to pit cs of aiti.leiy. It is believed that then t:io ci'iiiiiiniiu c nnu nave marched into o ,r.ii.. M ie with but little opposition, but night cuminur . w . ..,.. nn- iu,iu luima man to secure tue position attu ned 1 he briflgc across the river at I.ihor y Mills lud oe, n nurucd oy tne enemy, urn! fie roa t lia I uii.n wise ni rii oiisiructcd. In crossing the river iiic.o n i eiinsy ivania cavalry, M ,jor rhorpa had the advance, leu by I.ieii'enaii 11,'uut, ol Oeue.al l)cvii's s'.sll ; in this Hank niovemctit tharcamo upon ihe enemy lit the junction of 'be Mtdi,ou -un eniii.tiMa io roaos, in ar Minier otijiiurcli. in me enargo a lieb I c.ni'ain, surgeo a, and seven non-coimnisfioned cfll ers ami privates were captured, most nf whom were left bhlnd whm ihe Command returned. Tin re was same tighiir.g up to nine o'clock this uignt, wlioa the iirmn eciistai on no:ii noes. Tie fo lowing morning (Friday) the 1st It. i gade, Colonel Mugg coiiuuainlini!, which h id li giiuniii g the cross-roads, was moved for ward id where the t'liarnttesvlllo and Xlr.ngo r.nid crofes tho (iordousv ilie pike, and lue H llrigaoo was theioupoii i.rdcred to advance to vt inns (Jorili'iisville us far us posstilt. 1 hero was but llttleopptisi ,,n uiilil tho brig vie lisd arrived within two inkes of (kirduo-ville, where the pike passes thruugh S niihwest M juii lam. Hero the road was barricaded, nil I tlie hill sides were found to be well arranged, tii'ur illy as well as nruil ially, for drlciisive operations. More than all, the Worki, such as they were, wcro occupied by iiiluu.r) . aHa-iues tbo cavalry before metitioied, Ker sbsw's Divi-uin ol infiniry was develope 1 here. Mtcr feeling the works for s v.ir .l hours, the ( nnu and was crdete.l to retiro. I.ieuleu int (.'o.onel AndcrsdB, of the 17th Pennsylvania, be i avid with distinguished gakaotrv, leitling his men in two se arat,- eliurgoi, one on foot aud tho "tht r ou horni. a. k. Colonel Nichols, of tue u h New York, took a prominent pirt ou the extreme rjj-h', in a HauK movement. on the rctii'n, hciring that Mosnhy wn vvoiinded, and at a Ik iisc near bv. General Oilitu. ecminuiiiln g Hex ne Brigade, sent out a dot tea. mint til ike 1st Ilrigoons und. r Cuutain Cm. pingt rof Cicneral I'orbcrt's stall', to tiring him y in an ambii ant e. Thn ulaca n.nl m . Donnau's Jlids, near I'pperv iile, but too lite. Moscby had been removed, und was dangero isly wound! d, arcorcing to tho stateiuents of t.iu piople residing Iheie. 1 kei neniv gave 'ho 1st Division a few nirtlnir slu is in Ashiij's Gap, tiring at le ist a h uidro 1 slots id tin command while passing through that place. Hcvcra! hundred h ,r-es and ci tie were npiurtd and driven iu, nut :liere was no sv-ifcvn- aiic tempt mndf, lo capture or du-trov ortportv, uve iu nne Instan-'i', where C .p uiu O ivor, will) ihe4lh New Yoik. wont out, hut, gmtin.' I ist n the tig, aiid,surrnuuded by an invisible foe, thu command did not do much damage. Antexed will be found a list of casual-ins : "f.VUMHSNTII rKtJNrtVLV.VNIA-Oilt, AVIIKHSOV. Philip Kilns, II, killnl gt ,.rri,, :,mtr. ,.. n,. Kyi hey, r. (1, tlCvU il,,ti..Fi.v.l... inerta I. Alhr.il meant! .;. tlmiitder Wa-liiavt in s 'Hit. tl, ,r,n (.nil, r., W U.,w.r. knui ,i:,.rHi. Sua iter, ll.ln. l ekr llrrni.si,, II sua I ' lici -y l.wni.C, nu i.'".-),Il,oli H II a s-, II, hlu .lot-ati. silcl.s.'l I. b.ssNt ll.li-'it l,.e, K l.tek in .rtsllv i i.i ii lirnj t ii,s.?.,.r,i; s, k left at ila n.ua l oji-t Abiat.aui hnn-ci vr,li.lliiht'r II .ins K.e Vt iii.au t,it ;Kiiiinu"l Auburn, II, sliiiul- .Isei b Ciilerrn I , Klltt'd ' .ler inula li.'.eri.C.buei Vi.ru frank llaussr, I, head 1WVMIKTU t.NNSVLVyNIA M ..lull riMltaE. a. In) lliuilv, a. kllltd .Iniai llraat.. It. kl ltd 'I raiat il, Ion. I Sit w s si'k li, i... t s I uhiiil- g,-r, li. ih.vh -i la II li, axi.lt I), curat I Nul-) Il l.ral-ril In eh, 'St i'.ti' ( ' f kin iiw, B aukie I r) I lank., F, in; .1 111 ey, K, lisinl in, I arm in Herat II I I j t-'iira .leiiii Ku ni.ll wounded urnl -uis.in A I'll lo 1), l I anrn left near Inrilit ntvi Ih, in ,rtl Vt'iu -uli. rt . M, hi( aai aral II Sa.el K, dlnloiiiua 1) llird, I), inisains The Boston Liberator contradicts tho repor hat Ihat parer and tho An'i-Sl ,rrry StinitrH are to he merged on the lir-t of January. Mr. Garrison as: ''Such a union has, iudoed, been under friendly consideration ; but n i tu b ooci clu ion has been reached. If possible, it Is de--Irable and fiblng that both journals should c m i In uo until the Jubilee bell is rung in the Ian 1, pro claiming freedom to all the iuh ibltauts thereof." Tbe shoulder-straps of, a It tir-A linlral, by tbe pieient regulations of the navy, are decorated with an anchor iu the c u'.re, and tvo stars at eilhir end. Tha strlpo npon the sleeves are eight In number. The straps for tha Vice-A ltnl ral will probably be decorated with an anchor and star in tbe centre, and atar in each end, an 1 ihe sleeves with nine stripes. The cap front of a Kear-Admlral is decorated with two silver starst be vice-Admiral will probably wear three. Tic TI1111D EDITION TO-DAl'S WASHINGTON NEWS. SpiTln! PpMputchin to KvimiIus Telosrniih WAsutNo ion, IleceiB'ior ni. Hip "I 'lorliltt" It Is iitiderstncd ihat the llr.i.ilni'i Miuiiinr is ferf. ctly sstllnil with the decUiou of the Uov eri nient In tho '(.icii.'.i ease. I t'll, r Krllv. ry Nyvlrm, Tlif Icttir delivery system is found to work lis. Hy, and It will bo gradually limited to the huge eiti.s. trvr Year's !''. New Year's 1 lay will be kept universally here us a In liday. sss or f (tniiittttlorr Wtlktt, The Piesideni's r mission of a portioa of the rntcr.co of tl inmoilorc Wilkes was in He in ft ni tirreuee uud eon il lation with the Se rctary ( f Hie Navy, end lit tho time of its taking ell' 'at (li signiti tl by l,im. Ilitm'Oi-li riiriis. The llr' regiment in Hancock's 1st Corp, will be aruitd with Sharpe's rilles. I'rtmrrss til lt"crtllllt.-, l(i turns rect rcl at the Pr ivo-t II irsh il-'int'e-rnl's llurean show the number of men raised bv recruiting is larger now than at any period during the present y car. It ttrs Ahoul Klrhttiniitl, It is reported on the authority of deserters that tloHeliels Hreongigcd iu n miving tho heavy machinery from the arsenals and other public woiksat Hichtnond further (south, prcpurutory to an evacuation of that city. -t ( Kil l A III TKttJIIS. l,oi isvn i k, December 30. On Saturday Inst (ai plain Samuel Taker, of the II nne Guards, an I Lis nephew, a Ind of lifteen years, were sur round' d at his residence by seven of dipt tin Praf's llehel gang. Taker mid his nephew liro.l upen them from the house, killing Pr ut and three t.t liisroiinades. The remainder est aped with the less 1 1 their horses und guns. Msjar John L. Shirk, Surgeon, and C tptain U. M. Meinherwick, A"tlug llrig ide-Inspector or tho 7'h Pcnn.svlvaiiia Cavalry, wcro murdered In the puilor of Mr. (Iribsy's house, ne ir II irdstuwn. Kentucky, by a party of sixteen of Magrudd's guerillas. I'rinii New Otleativ. XiiW Y-oiik, December HI. Tho I'rniinj Star, from New Orleans on tho 'Jlth, via II tvaim, on the 27 h ir.stant, bus arrived here. She brings no news. Further Particulars Concorn- ing Mosoby. HIS WOUND NOT MORTAL. LATH'ST FROM WILMINGTON. r.tc. Kle., Kl., Kto., Kir,, Klo. Mors, til Mttstrby. 1ABTI1 1 I.AUS OF Ills MOVrtl. WOf N III Nil. r hi in, un Ksinitii, un ember 2 1. Tuo gallant i...,.s,. .cieivtu u nangeiou-i, nut llitmona! wound, lust Wednesday, lie is iu our hands, n,,l ' PM II .1,1, A ruiding nirly of tho enomv lniiiln I In wst. u,ureii'.iiii on aioini iy, committed a good many s.. i,iii,i,u,f., ani.i itit-u leu. Till. Man " It I- (IF MIS Wdt'NIl. Frtm fttc fit. htiiunit f: rn ninrr. 0tcemtir l'h. 1 lias la i n known In this eitv for several ri I uui i.oiiinei ai .seiiy w is w iunded seriously . . . 1 "uiimstiu in raii'iui-r, on Wi (it enley last. The D.rticul ITS. NO far .j t ti ll inn, rrpriseut uiut ne wa ana ked hi- a n.. of the t ntniy at a private house, whUhcr he h id r. inncu to aviuu tuem, where Ihoy discovered He, supposing that thev would know him. enin meiiecd snooting at them, and, alter killing and wounding four of the assailants, ho fell, serl mslv wounded, the enemy having immediately re turned bis tlie. It appears, however, that they did not le-ognlzn hini.un l suppodug that be ws tiinriuiiy wounneii, tiny Iett nnu. lie I now Iu a sale place, nud it is thought will sjon on tun ui uanger uom LI) wtuinu. AIlIllVAL OF t NITKU STATUS OFI'ICSni! AT LIIIHV Mltsu.V. Fran tit n;-mon l Ktnmmr, DcetmbtrlH. 1 lie leliowing Yankeo coininiHi onod o'llcers. ap'iireii tt various mini s, h ivn hi nn rei ji..r..,i nie Liooy since ,-Miiulay lus' : Co onel .1. s iiuu on, ,i,;i Ke tiici,y M iintod Hitlus: l,,i,..n, f'..l...l II fl ..... H"..iqi.,., ,vl II. tl. It ll'llll.J sj.,,u ors t.avinv: tJl',tn O. N. 11 mtill.l,l ti ll iii.io l avalrv: (.'amain J M w ,n... a i piini, 2d New York Mounted Hides; 1st l.ieu ... K,n,t'ii ; i.i l.ie'UtCtllInt I'. 11 Tr,,.. it unto vaimii r-vans, a, in rvov v,,, k I A iiwnk. tSuigeon-in Cninf of ih 4,1. ii.,.i..l Division Sin rnlan s Army of the, Valley. in a luiiiuu to tbe above, lift v Yankee i.hu,.i. TT V V 1' (mtvivw. Ttll.TIIM.ro. TKl.li(iXlll TO TUB UI01IMONI) I'AI'KRS. l't.w,r v ... ...i..,ii,u.,p jecem-ier ill Ida cneniv's fe.tiirew up in linn of ba tie in fruit of F,jrt . i.i.t., un.i oi eiieii on mo lort ul half-past one o clock, P. M , lo-dav. 'lbe Iromi.lf came llrsf, and (ltv othars fil lowed, it is rcporti'd. Keverai niui.it irs ami other lltiu eiaos itie iiuioug ilium, ihe ligut is Sllll lirngressmg ut three o'clock. , AVilminuton, December 2(1. Our line of c im i nicuiiou with Fort Fisher bus bsen re opened . me two or three nssuulis have boon made on the tort, and all wore repulsed with loss tj tuu enemy. The tight appears to be still going on. The ei.emy are believed lo be retreating. There is uo cause tt excitement or apprehen sion. Wn.mNOTOH, N. C, Dscember 27,-Qoneral Brugg telegraphs from below that he has re opened communication with Fort Fnher, and that there is no occast m for alarm or excitement. Tho enemy landed with only three davs' radons. 1 Two feeble assaults ky the enemy's tossoIs were made last night. There is bnt littio tiring on Fort Fisher to-dar. The fleet Is reported to hare hauled oil'. B tl fTI nt n a urn se as DOUBLE wel'els negro il v slon forms part of the ft'fnty s Irnr on tho Nort1! Csrolinu cuas. T' tir nt iko ett niv's ve-s. Is have certa a'j , en m a -i' o on uie iioanotc rive ". PilKiners admit a lo-s of three gunltoats on th ll""iii ke. Wii mimiion, Drcemlier 27. The sltualio i is ni" i. iigeu. t'i'miiitinic dlou open to Fort F. slier by Inn. I nt,'' null". i t o iii"iny still hold their p .si.Ion on the nc'.i n, t'liiier rover ot ibcr tl et. The ii'tnck on Fort Fls'u r bis not been netvcil. The f r1 l nnirjiired. tiur loss or men un h r fifty. The Fed -als sum riai snncn. Fvi-rs Iking looks well, vVn MtMiii.N, December '. fictiera' f! r.r, te'tetaphs from Muw Hint Iho encnv hiv. Hi.at tinned their posiiiou above 1'ort Fi dmr und re-i iiicB' hi'd. Onr troop, und ofil-ers behave 1 well thro r'h out. 1 ht enemy has been defeated at all p lints. Till K CIIANIK OF I'll I so 1: 11H TO HVYE llKliSt Kl SI Ml II AT II. MINI. TON. F'om t . A,K,ti, A'iflni.nrsr. brrrmhor .'s. All that is known of allairs near V i Im in-'oti is eoiii.uniti in our telrcranhlcilcspafhes from that i" .ii.. a very lar-e Idea or the geography ol tli I l'l" "'" io prevail Willi some ciltl'e.npnrtry I' liiiinis, nnu a gn ni neat morn import in o has ... i u B iiicnco nv rncm to tlio landing ell 'ctcd bv ihe enemy near Fort Fisher than the matter in i rvcu. The exchange of prisoners is about to be iv snnicii a' Wilmington. It is singular ih..t the etii'ine has t ern allowed to ch mseeverv portthev a ' i m attack as tne point, orexch ingii. II it w ilh the t'l'llllllissioncr of the Conic, lent,, si,te.. they have always appeared to dd as they pleased. CITY INTELLIGENCE. I'm- Ailditionul Locah, 4'-e l'.ighth Tue. Sta u: or Tn cRMoM KTUtt To hat. Site A. M.. Ilk. Nocn.,'i7. Ono P. M..H7. Wind V i,v v Tii a Nf.w Yf.au. The year is very noar its close. Hut ono sunset more lies between it a id the daik gate out of which It will pass Into obli vion. Then tho purple dawn of a now year will bteik upon us-a hulo und lusty traveller, witti walk t upon his buck and the light of morning on his young face, will uppesr upon tho highway of Time, trmdii g with buoyant feet where tho wan "Id pilgrim, now so near his end, has gone bef .re. I lining tremblingly upon his broken stuff. The days and years puss more swiftly thai, wo think ; and with nil our clutching at their robet. we pan. not stay their progress. It. set mi hut yesterday that tlio brave year 1M'4 came knocking at our doors; its bright f.tco beiui ing kindly salutations; but puns ng 11 mo ment now in lllc's busy round to look anout us hrhold! this bravo yenr is bowed and broken, the snowdrifts if age lying upon lis furrowed torehead, und the light almost faded from Its m n ken eyes. And whut, since It came and has passed uway wi h noiseless footfall, have iett been rk ing I in what have wo grown bettor and stronger? what st ry of triumpns won or victories shamelessly lost will it, boar of us to ihe As-l.t whi'bir it is Minim, mod f Wnat record has it lelt in our lives? what memories, whett it has gore forever, will it leave In our hearts ? Iluvo its spring smiles und summer rains grown (lowers there that shall bloom through nil coining jrurs, or nourished only pestilential growths? Dees It leave there affections p trilled and matured, with Hopo still undimrued, and Joy still vi.cal wub psalms ? Happy thev, tipod whose lives the year in going has left no sh iduw; who, steing it pass into the night that is sUrless and eternal, can say, 'Tt was unto us a ye ir of fiiitLtiil p. rloruiiince, and we fear nut to meet tho record it may write among the stars." Ft f.i. Savi.no Sot if.tv. This Institution has commenced Its good work for tho season. Tho Fuel Saving Society was established in tho your 1S2I, and received its uct of Imorpiratlon In tho year 1X37. Since its comment oinent it has been going on with varying success, but on tho whole piogressiug within the last ten years rapidly. The object especially which promptel the organ!, i. tiiin Was that of assisting the Industrious poor to purchase their winter wood at less rates than were charged by dealers when winter caino. Tuo Such ty bought weed In the wa'tu soison at sum mer rati s, nnu furnisher! It. to tho-o who were en tilled to it at the oilgi inl c ist. The- ro i no its eniiiico menisciu's lo the fu. l by paving in tie apru g and summer such small sums from their t urnings ns luey could we'l spare, the anion its i paid being pjuced to fheir credit in pasluoiis nil Ilinut'U infill. The attention of the Society at tho rtr.ssenl tl.ntt unci un io tue purchase or coal i'lstcal of n.'..,niiu uniiirreu not so proar a i i 1 u-eii nciwt en slimmer anu w liter Dr cus. t in uniei,. i t oiiitacreu ror iu tno mil, und liirnlshcd ti da. p isitnrs at tiliy cents per ton below the contract price, n enn scarcely no sua that this 8 iciety is I assd nnon charity. Irs chief ohinet is tn,,..i.i the poor to help themselves, in leaching th in h .tuts of care, industry, and economy, by giving tht 111 a lli-cet ObieCt and a certain r. tii,-n I'... It The Moekiy bus dono an immense amount of gtioii.niio its uso uiness is steadily iucretsing. Ii has claims that should arrest tho attention of tne industrial classes. A small am it paid weekiy during tho spring and suniiit r will insure a hanpy r. turn lor tha Investment ut ,... inosi un icuicui season ot mo your. Staiuhno ApFAtn. Tills mnrulng Elward Burgess was arraigned before Alderman Milkr. of ihe Twenty -fourth Ward, upon the chargo of iiavmK sniiiiiou jvnen.ei itib y. Thn latt.-r re ""in a revertj nun uaugerius wound w l'i a knife in the stomach. Burgess wis held to lillSWlT. w hat W a I'.at. The numlicr of beeves. sheep, swine, und cows sold at tho Puiladelphi i move Yard during ltiol, and slnughn red In this ci'v, is as to lows: Beeves, luili;.); sheep ;iu2,27.); hogs, l l.a,d7i; cows, 8i7l ; making a giaiiu total ol ,)k(,,)du head in a population of ti tt nun A'.ni, , Damauk to Tk.i.kiai'H Wilms. Tho tclo- gmph wires between this city and New York hae Inen deranged kv the storm. It Is sup posed that tho wires have beeu so burdened with sleet as to cause them to break down. OltOANIJATIOM OF TUB NTF.wClTV Cot'NCII.8 Tho new City Councils will org ini.o ou Monday morning nex', New Year's Day. Dr. Ulfler, of the Twenty third Ward, will nuli-A- nl... tt..,. Ginnodo, Weaver, Paulin, Barren, Ilaird, Croc' keel, and others. AssAt'LTtD and R ii iiKD. About 12 o'clock hist night, Mr. John Specht, Uvern-keper at Washington lane and Ridge avenuu. was ass.iu'iii.l and robbed of a gold watch and chain, by two men in bis fcar-room. Paymkbt of IirrnRF.sT.-Tbe City Treaiuref will commence paying the interest on the city debt on and after Monday next. Ha will also redeem loans maturing ou and after tbe 2d of January. Fkub Cotton. The cargo of the prlzo stoamer .ilium, consisting of 1117 bales of cnttiin mr,n nr it in a damaged state, took nlace vnsturdar. It rougUt iroiu Hi cents to 11lisj per pound. SHEET THREE CENTS. An Ivi'Iiovfmfnt: PRKVFNTATtve Astrt Rw-I mi i, v. A few days since ono of tho steam-cars on the most popular of our Toads w is fil ed to sntl, cation Willi Mio fumes of sulphur, all tha aim! s - .ws wire riiisytti, and tho chilly draughts of a rainy day f ,nmd the hunted p- r.-ons of Ihe iMTupunts. Sudiicniy, an old e. ntleman who had been mot iiiTI ii-tcil with spasmodic fasp ings sprang up, thin f his b inds Into his , 01 kets, anil dr. w iir ti o ir astonishod g.se ihrec In xes nf Incjif r m itches, all Jn a stale of i tic n tiiilon. The llieot ihe hol.irr of these i uissncts, the health of nil the passengers, were bus oiidangeii',1, and the c ir undo disagreeable a. i ovt r sn hicr. Ibis tun bo prevented. The introduction of 'I e patented mm, Iu s so gme rally in use in Groat llriiiiin h is jusi lieen ell. eu d, ami our poopie are I ovt pit sent, d wlib a match which will only ignite when struck age lust a ehcMncallv prepared plate attached to Hie box. They contain no -n i-hur nr phosphorus, and c n be used with -attiy, i on. ft ri, and eiotiomy. Tne introduction i t tin in into our land is ono of Ihe greatest blcs. u.gs in domestic cconomv ; nod not ou y the In ti el.eep. rr, but also all "lovers of the weed " will bait with j .y the arrival or the "Vnlversiil 'lately Match." They have long nern in use iu liieat lintHiu und ihe Ucntinent, and in in tsiof 'le c .untrcs of K trope thev are ttieonly form ..I mutch a'lowid hy law. In tm lr m.sniificture the Inghllul loss of life und lemble attacks of iicctosis, or loss of lower jaw, rcsiiliiug from II haling thu fumes of sulphur or ph i.i.tiurus, in the safcty -mali Ii, are ail avoided. No peinuioiis subrtance is allowed in the f innatiuu. t kemis ry bus lent her art to pcrlcct the little ins rumen', so titling in Is imp arm 'o, so k ruble In lis influence. The ilr ti-h Government m order lo testily their high opinion or the Inven tion, nllowid them to boused iu the International Kxhibition, w here property- to the amount of mil Il ns nf dollais wns lying around. An Invention In seldom como to ns more strongly Indorsed. Ad Knrnpe acknowledges its eilicicncy, and we tioubt not that America, that most progressive of lands, will at once seize on the Invention and ap pn piisto it to her use. Let every family buy a box, t'V their illleieni v. and iuilun r..r ti. ...... Klves. Mr. George U. livuus, Nj. 03) Cicsnut street, Is tho General Ageut tor Peiinsylvauiu. v Tt u Mkkti.no. Tho bad weather will noi prevent a full attendance at the watch meetings to-n ght. Tiny aro iilways visited by solemn throngs nnd animated with Impressive Si ones. lo-nigbt th.'y will prukably be of mora than ordinary interest and si leiiiDi'y, bee.tu-e they Villi usher the first day of the week wi Ji the tirst day of another year, und beeaifse wo have so much to remember ami be r.itciul for, to antici pate und exuit in. l,et all who love to witness lellgloiis lervor, even if they do not possess it, be ou bund. ANo rui.n AutirsT.-P.itlck O'Rourke has been arrested and held in the sum of k), by Alder man Cloud, to answer tho ch irge of oeing imnli- catid In the recent riot at the Richmond coal w halves. Tlicdefcnduni.lt is alleireil. was nmit durii g tho row, und olf re I to net one lino Ire 1 dollars that his sou c mid whip "auy mau of bis weight and siio iu the crowd." Hi sioNKU. Wo learn that William M. Bull. K'ii., Commissioner of the Iljnrd of Enrolment of the second draft district, hus ton lored his resienu'lon to the Secretary of War. I n eons. nucrico of having been appointed S die, tor to tliu newly elected 'lux Rcceiver.Cliai les O'Neill Esq. Mr. Bull's resignation takes effect froat the hrsl of January. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. O nes or The vrtsivi Tai.r.tiBAPii, 7 Hiu day. li.orDih.r at J Tbo Slock Market is dull and stealy this mi ruing, with the exception ol Coal Oil shares, w h ch are nctivo iA about former rates. Govern ed t Bonds aro rather iiiict, with sales of 6-20s atltlekj; (Is of lfsKl at l(lj, coupons rifTj 0A0 ntldli; and new 7-oOs atauj; New City 6s are soiling ut 1)9. Hal'roud shares are inactive. In City Passenger Railway shares there Is little or noililng stolug, Bank shares aro flrm'y held. Cmi, nl stocks continue dull. Coal 0.1 sti cks are actlvo, but prices are Irre gular. Atlas sold at 2 j ; Com Y .inter, 7 j Cald wuld, Mingo, 4j Dalr.ell, HJ ; Olmstead, 2J; Pciry, 4A; St. Nicholas, 4 ; Hlbbard, 2 1-16; Ex celsior, ): ; and Cherry Hun, Ml. I'UH.ADKI.IMIIA HTOCK KXI'llANUK HAf.Uft, DKC. II. iteiiorteC hj Clarksull A Co., broker,. No. Ut s. Ihlr J Ht. lle.l'OltK HISIIIIK ino ,h Kl. Nleholaa. c ' InOsUOUOkAJhH., tuiti Vt'aliiUt I....c a-ul nitsT no aud. SlO.l'Hlt'R S-91S) ins'i. iMI.IlClldwrll . 4 il Cklil II I hi.s.'Nl. X Cl...le!l frl.isH i' h in --tn,,.it.K.lM V tri ti st 7 ;m tiiiv, n. n i ft v as tc, .' i isi do lilt..,, n.1 S'l.ilHI Uo Hew... till lml do new.. , lift, '.' I UO Am h s.l tld.llll 1 f ' Ml, I'lelu.V lint i,,.c.li lIH'ili Alius '',' f..ra- sit di '2;i-iti It II h Com Flam 7 , I " th txrt'lainr Villhti di biK! I'j' 1111 sh klnk IH( hh do... 4J,( snith' d l,:io 4', 4Uilb du b.RI 4'. ... ru truiiNinan SlUsh Olllk At,' 11 K., 4'. i"ili d-i twin. 4-.iI 11 sh do h.1 4V4 '.,lll do bit) 4V H'.H sb ItalsaU oil.... !is ytsi ,h un uiu sv Mi sh Prrry Oil 4',' ,'si h J, i,ed,in Oil... S tl'si an Si. .Vcllilaii.... 4 xf 'J'sl sli rnrrlltiiiis.te.ti 4V b sh II bi.ard.... bi.il IS 20 s'i Far a Al"0 Ilk (il J ,h Msnu A vlttcb II tin 4111 sli Su,,, Cansl.,.. Ilk a() thl'inu. A Am....ll'lk4' lev ,11 K..lius...e Ap il , . (Jiioi'itlons of the principal Cool and Coal OH stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : Alti Ait. ftaa a.a nut sionniainuoai li li.', lllhliard VJ liiaitT (as t'i ii' IH H', .. II v.le Far m. 41 t'lliutin Cosi ( 'nnnectleut Illllllll'llll Coul... t U li.il UU.I (lri't-11 Mi. Ci'Sk. Mi.uneuey ll.'l). N Y.AHlitl.C.ai S (.'Hrbtur'aJu ., New Creek ' Si '. ';. 4 . J, Irvins Oil IDs) ; Kersloos Oil IU IS', Krotr 11 .. 1 SI sola Kha.lt. Oik. 34 4',' Wel.'I Dioek OU.. .. ',' Jlo. Mineral On 1-, ',, kll iuu 4 '4 .. MeF.nanv b'- b ill. l'l H I'ri l.Vlierrr't . 1 1 Nat,l,s,ui'.r. in 10 it Allin. t 'I .1-10 Oil Ort ak..., IV a Allt'r'l.t'lijr ii Tiac I lsi .1rva1.U1 oil I I K IV Hill 1 anl. Ill aiii.pu Island. I'-riiht-r I'-uli (reek Urifsa (i.an iienlal Crtset'iit (Illy... Cuitln Coin l lartcr. ... I E"Ifi'll Ciw Crtk ( la-rrv Ilea Inn, Kurd (Ilk.... 1'iinl.aidCrkOll llrlituiiite Ilalzr Klif . 4 ., I'.msiraii ... ,', , l's V Fsiiaar vauia Fal.. I I.',' I'. Carry On S 4',' .. s :i Pops Krnl Oil... ', .. , 4 ', I'.lriileuai Itautra. , 84 fl' . 'J: I', PbilaAoilortsik.. ls li . '.".' V(. Itevi'nue a .. IS . 7 lb I 'lonertli- Oil S K"i k Oil 4 1 1(14 . 7V . ..ik y t-i i Ita'lii.ona 1 rt.,t,riitaii W !() V" . i'O saun a DU , , 8 ;, I siorv Kami I1, Hrt.utl AUU Cr,.k I 'V SH, , i ti. Pamela. s 4a . "V .. Slur, ('fiiiru 8 . 1 HH .. Ihuiililirv , .. .. 3 til 4 JTarr larin ft KjerUiur OU...., Fibril lildorsilo , I srreil , . -i ituiii,'...au .a , . .. .. .. S I'tnon I'airnaiita.. af-t81sl' .. S ' t'snrr Beanomv... ., I 1 Is ., IV '"'-11 V'ai.atiKO Ml 1 (,ri'iil Wetleru lirnt.sr.la (II,. lie (III. .1,1 ID 1 ai tsaluut Ulaud...s S'SU .. ,. 1 !.', Wanna k . Uuwa s tdJ011. Unoiatlons of Gold at tbe PhlladelDhia (iMc Exchange, No. 37 8. Third street, second auiry 10 A M '."2ili 12 M hr, 11 A. H K2A 11 P. M 'Uia 111 A. M 224, Market dull and weak. llAiii in, Dtt(i,NKY 4 Co., No.SS S. Third street. quote as Hollows ; American Gold 22) 'tliX American Silver. A s and Pa 219! in Dimes and Half Dimes. ,. ,. 208 212 enn. Currency 8.10 JL ii Mew York Exchange l.j i.fo " 31