1 VJ! (J '7 IV isrfrs l,t J.I J":- -i,i' a Unlet, Albany, CniUti liuo liut apt, rtntiii.J. rituouu ouniMMiUK too 8 Vi1 nilDAY, DRCF.MBFR 30, l.V.I. LATE GOUUICKN Altfttk on ;nrlonIM-A Kalil on Pol- lurrt, riorldii-TIi Kehel I'oiiif rr Tlio llnlrn orpin lrai-n-Th- DnH li ..fip I'nnnl. Vm Af Ki hmo.t .mHr9.l": 21 f mm (.itrtliiii illi. 'I f:c d "ow.iu f'tl.f i'l tf1 : ;un if r" o;V "I ;tt (he nr r irf mi i.t f iintd..y in t lit : li i All t-r A l, n It: AitM V , A., li'(V 21 llnil J.tv A ) I ii fin. c n l u ll itl in k. i h'M .1.1. ifn:rt-i Unit . ' - ''i i i v c li i v. iy , in. -I' r t. M ' w i li. ; ul till" i ll Mi) i .,;lirl.r II l.f'M A II I r. I- ' 1 ' :il 111.' M 1 li-MI r.t'nvitl.- At i II I' .1-1 II. I In 1 ' 1 i I' llll I' I 1 1 i Ml 1 1 1 v .1 t- ( till I 1 lie 1 Urn' I.I r v 'Irh tin-ir r- In 1 " i 1 hi i ii i.ti.ir.-ii l. m a xV N w n "" 1 1 1 . ; K l.u;, Tlie Hnnl on I'tiM u d, Mi-mi k, ic 1 I in- u.ik-c r:iid r Ir'im lVn- pim-hiii in i iii iiii ii ih'-i rm fii ii 1 1 intii-.e inul coin nn- Tutu lui.iiiii", u,. in i ii llii' Ul-it tl.e In 'tun un r iho Iv. P1 1 I . U pi Hill III MtV I ! CH -m.h "l. A .1 w l.r.'iui i i u,. hi i ii t)n; r.;ii imi-uii-i.I.-. hIhv 'wo ijn r iho 1',-riin -ta w.n i-jrilv ilo- , '.ll.irl.'l :il.i-.iT, u.n Mil Juiim.- J lif-il- il t tlt'lll. m il lii.n i ui iimnn wi u Mnwii with tin-ir at .hi (I'M I M itl III 111- "M M t-UtuitMl. I )a nt i-i w.i!t 1 i l tf A- . II rv In-'-.' ul-" nt.. i (.1" n-Hlthr I i 11 r u li 1U u ;i.Mi Li i K v t ! i" li ill ( ii)iiini 'mm i Kl.iui r, vnt .ii'.a onl.i A rrm l:tiiiiif ion hv .It I'K I'A VIS llH it. - ll il ;i t)i;.t IH..NM 'IT f . IU lil.l . UIIIUl Kill Ull.l'T H ji-iiiniT i BLHi.u t . r liH' l-liucv mi I. iL - 1 1 ilitcr ol t ho Nuvv i't tin' t oiih"!i In- mi- Hlltiioni it tn t'ii;.trilt the I II I'f Mn ln'nH llli'l Ii'li'H r lli li' '.nt . i Aci iii : I " HUM H (' I- Jl'tlliMlll'fl Ulllllll, 1111(1 Itiut tiiO i Ullt'.'ll T.ltl' Sl(U(M at-hi iiii-H ilii- ii friiiihi.itv ol inhuiTin,' irr hi m-i.i. oulrtlrrule t'ouyrcNn, Occciiibrr Z 1 -il.ibcu lorpiiM. 11 r. .1. M I.FArn nfli'ml a noolntion di r!nnn flint ll ii ii r: I i I Mil t uh rot us oti.-iit not to in' hhjm'H 1im f X ( pt in ( xiii'iiti! c iw, wlicm tin' public tut inmi Iii.Jm lutivciy Uriiiaiiil il; liuu ibi .uio urn ;u Uin in.. t o( iiriiut ti i ii i'r .e lor hln-rlv , unit ili.it no tA t'llUI'M I'Xl-lH jlH ll ttlK itf BUp.-llHl.i. I III' Jilts II IK I r WIT' l!'lil,lllil -i . 1 Itf ruii iw tuilril una the vuto ncnnl d as follow- K S -Mcrii AmliTPon, A'khn. Aver. I-i' lwl:i ll iv. I. ruin li, i i.iiii. i o viir. i rulkiiiunk Ij.ir n 1 i liu h, 1'iiiriw. h'-HT (tiin her. (.irtiinl llntily, Mr k r ,1iii an, Lumpkin. I, -l-r. Mjir-li-i i, .Mi-h-.-s, MiIi-h hin I -i ii .1 M. huil It W I MMttii Mniijj (,la , iuiili i r i, li kiiiiui. muiI V'i lii-rMixM'ii ,U SAV l i'.--r-. Aik'-ri, LarKHijuti', Jiiitson, Hlaninrl, E M. liriu-f. H. W. limn-, i hi nxi. i hnnim'i, r ur, l luky, i i.t r. (I, i ontuw. iHrki iiHoti, luirii!X l.lhit , K Willi: t'uilh II, .rn Him. linoilc, llttftriil, U. Ullft'inT, liu luiiy . Ji'Ln-o:i, Koch i' Ki-niiiT, L mi. Mu.-iti-n, nun, rirkhif I'uk'i, f''xtmi, tic. hhmt. -it 1 , h vi iiii 'l i li'lt'd, Vent, 'ii ( rt. V l-IhIi, Wilki'U.i on uml Mr. fcj ukei- 41. Duii'li Jiti I n n n . from tfit flu hnwmt iStntmrf, '11. c li iitii tinit tnc iitinoutt Ihircli (inp TuimT. fur h vlt i wur.ti iniH I'l't-n wuihii lor .oi.in immtliH, S.ii mti hi'rt cunt, ti-linn. I he 1 ' hnvi; hIiuwii tin ineciM .-4 on t uc 1 1 k- or w u 1 ii'i. ui t lie upper tinl ttt tin' i nt lu ke p uitt t'tu i iHT. I hi t h- y hid rotuc in tu tl.t) wuh'i i-ip'd. t tir i mi- Hi na n ih Lrtiij doiit nt. tho io-r tlkr. 1 his iliiui', tno r njniiiii'K (ur.iuu-) aru tu In- bJotv.i out with uuii It tore Ttiu.'v diijn wo nmy fxnect to Inur tlto ex- (tH-i ii; uiiij )- wlll in xt t iNot iiiurh. wv think. I m tl.o JJ.i ill Oi "lllIV lliaillite tiy th-murt li.'- n inovai ol Hi- m-iU Oi h Jr H" 1 ,r ,i!t lU Inuctpal c;crutioiifi uri? coiKiTiteil, iMihbf el,u',, ,1 ; lou' tMiLy Krpururt ilI,'',t' li vh8 rf portnl on the MriN'td yifih iday t. ,a dun iff mm iiiMtitiiiishO'l uiicrmlu Ciiift', oloh John .v MoHtiiv, hml Ihmmi killed hv thiMMtt'iny. Ibo sioiy wuh tl.m hu nail ti't-u Mil rounili'ii whiltt (iiiniij at ii.o hi.u-u ol a rn-im l i ( uiiwper, unit ouhtri; f to sunci.drr; t: at ho mew Iiih pitl uud liiud upuu tl.f ciii'inv. w In n hi- u- hhot Ui-ad. lti;t a telegram Imiu ! rnJiTickuburK. d:ifi-d tho 2T-th. wurt nt ivoii vu-t'nluy luoruiinr, h cli con truiiiftfd tho rtpnit ol Inn dra.h, aiin that hi tiuil twii shut, but tint moil:: Iiy woiiudrd, aud Wat in tho ImiiiiH lit hi- li icini.. Tho ipu-tioit ol bis CJi Uiimii m. bowt'vrr, hot ,yii dt'lii.ileiy UBUiTluini'd. it.i ttuuntd I)i i(t h, Jhr 27. nuudinic ol JIoiby. It wim rnporied lust evi-min? that ( o.'oni'l MoHKnv liud Lii-n v.ry wirnaiHly wi-uinU'd in uu (-iicuuiuor Willi tno i'lii-my in I rinco illium Miinly. llo tu A.ud to huvi' hi'i-ii shot Ihr irH tuu hoily. W e cnuid olitiiiu no puriio i)ur 01 tlin nfT.iir; but fttt a ruii.iim parly ol i!u; ciii'iiiv, eompos d of winter ami 11c ir r 1 !(-. writ1 in IMnnini1!! on t o.lno day, it m jnoi ui it that .NiuKKUV t'LCJUUtorcd taum ou lUrtr nluru to Mt xanilna. At Lniiturii's tin- lutdorfi ca:duiod privatos .Tefp. llAltl.lMl. M (ilt.AV Ul.ll W M lltiAWNEli, Ot HlO i oii-iiiUtU Vir-inia linantry. Kxmmin.r, Jj.c. U7 EEBEL MOVEXINTB IK KLHTUGXY. Altnt'k ou Itnrithuro tf ov.'ii.unt of irral !.iu. From the Loulsi.lc Journal wo learn tli.it tho Ileljtl lurcts of livutrnl l.you wero ropurtcd tu liave been irossing the river ul Cromwell, Iv ii tuik, goinK outli,in Tliur.-,il:.y uJul FriU.iy, but nothing definite could be ascertained. Tho lUJjkls hud burned the Court IIouso at llariford, and ommkte J in iny wtatua dviieda tiona tbrou'liout the country. On Saluiduy, us the hlujrnta piscd down by lwisjiort, a cunsideruDle nuiuber of "gyrnlU" Were teen on the river bank. The Louisville Journal of the 2flth lias tho fol lowing relative to the operations of a portion of Lyou'it mn : Capiam Scott, of the k ',4 Indiana, Lieutenant Allied 1 'ui bull, nl tuo Uiu liinmm, and Lieu Ui.hiiI K. 11. Uinnnju, of me u'Jil V jr -ouiii, left Jturtiville on the ..id m tiari.e or a detachment ol two hnudreu nu n tor Mi ruiau's army. Ann icn abcui ilu-k, ut .Nolau'a Station, iu.- roa l was fomd 10 be obti ut ted by irons. ties piled ou it. '1 lie tiij-'iie iliro n I ft mi ibu tmcK, and ttio tmin luiini iii .iny utLi. ked ny the torees under Hi i; mi:iT-( J uer.d Lynn. Our puny only iiiu. titled i out t'.cu'y-uvt) elleetive uiea, out tuey held the heliCii, ut ii.iy an hour and a halt'. At the exiiirittiou of ilii.-. iiu.e .1 11. of truce wis at nt id, uml the I', ueral iietAi liinent, Ira nian til. t keur.y tloe-; thousand men Mere OjipoMin? thini, vith tour imi.c, ol aitillery, an t iirin tuni'Uiidi d, dei iii' u 1'u'ther ru iaaco ageless, and iolc udt d to Mirieuder. '1 hey wire nuuetiCil oy iti.i enoiny about three ipiiiro is of a mile I , it rhiiico, an I lure p irokd. The Hi bels d,-.ui:ed duiiiiff toe liiilet. Uur nun It it lie i.rxi mori in , 1,111. inc. tin wi.U a train iili tu Bt ven un e. troiu Kl ii.eilitown. arrived here lam t mu. Our ins. wu.s on'1 ini.in a'id lour weuudt d. l'lio ls. ot the llti'iei, as re pined ly ilieuin lves, was one killed und four w, uiideil. Our 11, en were Htunrnd ot a I lioveru uni.l pro,fily iu llnir ,o.e.Uiii, private prj peitv I emi; re-pctc! ; it bein too bii.iuluted in the S 'lr, ml. r. Lyon wuli his force ia-,M.U tin e'b HiKteenvil e yest,. rd,iy, where he in quired tlie oe,t rond to tr.ivel !i (ireeashuri. On tundny last a ltuhil t, r u uud'jr Wa'ker Tnylor n.'piarid In liout of the lines at Owein 01 10, 1 lid att'T'lie pieiicts bad been driven in, tent In 1, li m of truce deinauuiux the suireuder ot tffi place in h riy ini'iules. I'ieket ti inp eontinued uu'il 5 o'cliH.k,at which time ti.rfe gen emru cr ..cd the river in a sailf, and c line down on tho le oner. Oneimburo is gn ri otied 1 y a sma'l force of rob n d tiohps, und there is fc.ir.'ely a douot that tiny ill light to the Utexreiuity. The Hiclitnonr K.raminrr sayi that from the 1st of Jaruaiy to the l'.bh of December l this year, 31.S31 "'Yalikee prisoners" have passed the doors of Libby Prison, auil lj.WO siuco tho txinmrj of the war. j Ad l.'inli..i nn In W k sV' a s . sr W3 CTVUU1 7 THE DAILY EVENING TKLF.flKAPlT. FIHTiADELPIHA. Fill DAY, DKCKMKKU :.o, lPH-l. Thf Pnlr or Norf.lnn. l or ecm ml iDforinatlon we publish below the dates of secession of iSoutlioru States from tin Inlnn South Carolina. .PcreuYd lccembtr. ...20, 1M0 ... is ;i ...II, ls;l ...II, 1HC1 ...I'l, lv,l ... 4, ixill ...'2i, ....Jl, H ll ... '.), In ,1 Mi.kis ppl A'abi.n a.. .hfceilcd .lanuarv.. ..scredrd J innary . .. . .seceded Jiniiary..... .serfded .finusry...., ..seceded .1 mufiry...., .seeeded Jlsrch r lot 'di..... (ici'rr'la . . . I niii'imia. Texas ..... Voir Ma... .seceded April '"rtii ( aiolinii. l'eniitMe ( led M iy edi il .luiie I ro.n St. Itomlnuo, till. Hliolnin HI IIM Isio!( 01' TUB INC'linRC 1 IONIH1S. 'Ilii'l'cuiBWK,',, l i,, 1 of r.irfo Rico, of J)o c' in' er !i, niys th.it a iiicrelnmt ol I'orio Kico linn re, cived a lefcr fioio St. '1 homas, stirieg tout the in-nrreeiioniBts in St. liorninpo h ul sub nuttei! to the S;inii (invei niu.'iit, but the trutu tnluevs ol uu h nripoi taut lu si was doubled. The Indi ins in M;i,ie sotn h ive cxtnn lo sue tot peace, und h;ive pivna up Mrs. Kelly, who is tiiken Vy tin in In Mini esota in 1 at the time of the riittaere, and win s,, f.fctc has excited so ii,m h interest in (be country. AMI M.Mr. J IS. Ai ammv or Mrsic Io-iii,;bt ham,,n and J'i,M'' is antioiinced loi Mr. Forrest's benefit and last uppeairnec this season in riiiiuilulphU. This tine piny Is seldom presented to tho public, though no incident In history has been more frc 'iiei,tly the suhject of verse and recital. The plot Is cue whl h c.iiinot fail to strlUo t tin sym l a'hy ot all, rii.I Forrest's icudiiiou of "D. 111,011" is soirctliliiK to be long r, m inhered ; In w t'ness li a his bf, -like portrayal of the devoted and In roie trier.d, one can i uily see tin" can.!, of his bold on nn aiulienc- , aud the masterly irenins that bus ina.le him, by nniverMil accord, the (in litest llvinj; tri'i-'e, linn. The drama is 11 li'tinit close to the brilliant season novv so near et uu end. The conany is compose i of chosen artist ol acknowledged ability, and several of jjr,.nt niciif; MiiiIhiiio l'otiisi. Miss Vr,y, and Mr. -Met ulioiifjh ate to well known to require co mnnt. I orrcst s roxt nppearancu will be at J' old s I lieaire, avhlnirtou, January 2. Wain it Smr.irr Tiii.atuh. Miss Lncillo Western appears lu two characters to night, on the occiiMon of her bcuclit; both tragedy and comedy will he submitted, nnd both plays of an unequivocally popular character. The, perform ance commences with Victor Hugo's l.urrl,a Jii.niia, ar.d concludes with Lemon anil AXcckctt's serio-comic drama, hun lUmar tie ..,iii. Miss Lucille uppi ars tioth as "Laetetitt" and us "Don C.i sar." 'ike. present engagement el M ism Western (the most sueccsd'111 ever per lornied in l'hiladclpiiiii) will teriiiiuao wuli tho incoming week. To mm row-night (Wrcr Tirmt w ill be given for the last lime, uud oa .Monday The li tin It Sjnj will be updated. Nkw Cin.sNir Stiihut Tiieatkk Tin: W.MII1IN CoMl.lJV CoMMINATIOH. This telO- braied troupe of "s ais" will mako their appear ance nciiin in our city on JfouJuy cveuinc; next Aii excellent bill has bum chosen, and tho cast will be admirable. Wc hojie the public w ill give the "Combination" a grand recctiWe.n on their nturn. Mr. Warren and M;ss Orion , have been most successful cverywin re, but their greatest triumph was in I'hiladelphia, w here the tastes of the people favor the Kgi iina'o drniiii vartica liuly. The entiro rrwrlmrr of the "Co.nlnm.tiou" will be exhausted during the present enaiteoieut, and the whole stock company will assist g.icU evening. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Taxes oh I.tTEliATi ur. Tho book publishers of riilladclphia, New York, aud lioston havo held a meeting and appointed acommittco to pro cure from Congress eliher the repeal of tho direct tax on books, or such an equalization of the taxes, that printers, bookbinders, and nil others concerned In the production of a book, shall pay their sharu of the tux 011 the complete volume. As the law now stands, bo oks, bound and ready for sale, ate taxed five per cent, ad valorem, l'tevious to that, there have been taxes on paper, on pasteboard, on binders' hoard, ou gold leaf, on glue, on leather, on engravings, ou everything else that enters into tho com position of a book, besides licenses for various persons engaged 111 tho manufacture, thereof. Atop of this comes the general tax of hve per cent., which the publishers think is piling 11 011 a nine 100 miicn. 11 is a met, to ue proud ot, that while the North is carrying on the great est wnr of modern times, its citi.eus mill tind leisure, and have tho inclination, to wri'o, pub lish, und rciul books on every couecivablo tonic that ever interested a highly civilized race. Tue nle of books, on the who'e, has not been so g aid as it was betoie the war; while the scale of prices, uu'il quite recently, baa but little more tlinu ul tii i d to remunerate publishers. It is rot on the ground of an appreciation of th ir deserts that the repeal nf the general tax on books should be urged; but simply because it would to some extent increase the publication and sale of books. It is good policv.as a gen ial principle, for liberal Governments to place uu more restrictions than are ubsulu'ely necessary upon the dissemination of knowledge. MvMTKHiKa op Tim InvombTax. Few persons appreciate the hollowness of the boasted wealth of this great city, nor can they fully believe it until they peru-o the ictiirna to the Commissioners of Internal Itevenue. The intelligent conductor of a peanut stand and thcenterprlsingindiviJnal who sells twelve sheets of mitintr paper for four cents, Will be surprised to lind that iu substantial pecu niary resources they s-and on the same level wi'h many ot our millionaires. We find opulent lanil lies liviig on ii n inco, 110 which would not pav their servants' wa-es, and Individuals high in eoiLmen iai und lii.uti, i.,1 circles conducting an tippnrenily prosperous business for a net prolit wh en would not pny lialt'thi Irodico rout. One man, who was supposed to have an income of ovi r one hundred thousand dollais, from un ineiimbcied real estate, lives like an Knglisa nobleman, on 11 bout twi nty-elg!:t hundred dol lars per year ; and another supports a luxurious 'own-house and eoiinii y-pluce, on the prodigious Incime of iiinety-eilit dollars and two cents, doni which is to be 'hduced the su,n of two dollars and ninety-four cents lor his bleeding cm n'ry. HueiithiMt und executive capacity are nisiiipasrcd in uneient or moderu times, and liny jlaee n uny of our frlluw-citUen hiith ui ove lliut ciichi aid individual of antiq'iity, who w,,s detected Miying a parasite tr ins 011 ngini us deposit nn l cuticle, i besy records of 'be Commissioners of Internnl Revenue are like tl.e giave ; th, y me great levellers: 1 1 t,e; sdi by Bide, Tl-e poor nun, .o;J in tun ut prid . Lie eahu m,ii .1111.'' (b cnsiorally one s. es a c ncicntlons mnnn rnoil 01 allluence, but the great bulk are there buried with a stakn at their head, unrecorded uml unknown, except with tho brief inscription of "not a cent." Sklmnu Lhji'ok ok Scndays avd to Minobs. Otto Go ttkcn, the proprietor of n tavern at LrldeJ-burp, bus been held to answer the chargo of si I ing liquor to minors, und also with selling fri" same on eiindxy. Foi ndlinh. A mule Infant about two weeks old was placed on Hie doorsutps of a dwelling at No. 1313 S. Third street, last night. Rkatino. The cold tnap of Inst night made excellent skating this morning nt the Philadelphia Ibkatiug I'nrk, Xhiriy-lirot aud Wuluut street. and tnarrisga a.'u'nV.Tde,;,;!,),',-"; ""'' impossible; and, in the little anllglTtonod ,ui of people s nilnds at that time, tlie Tun DllAlT-TlIK IioiMV 1', I I.T. I'ASSI'.I,. Hoth brandies of City Councils htvo passed tho bounty bill, and all Hint is now nccdod to' make it a law Is tho signature of the Mayor. Re cruiting should now progress rapidly. The Com mission for the payment of tho bounties will bo at once organized, and nothing will ti left un done to 1,11 our quota under tho last call for tbreo hnndrid thousand volutin cm. The various wards should set themselves to work the. same as ns former occasions, nnd wl h n determine ! pull the city can be rdlrved of the ni nl'y of a c 111- n-ription. The lime is short, an I tho mutter should not be delayed a single day. 'I'm: Noi'.i iif.itN SmwS ii n.TV. 'I'liis cx eellint -sDciiilimi riimineuci'd its oisration. fir the s, mon jcslenlav in,, mini. 'Hie Soup IIiiiko is lor 1 ci I at tt;p , nrtier of l'et,., '. Alley nnd Fourth sto et, above llniwn. Luring the iirevinus year llw imk' ety wns li,"lrnnient:d In eci',,tiiuii.hui,' a vn't an nut ot i;i,,'l, tmviiig ilstrihutcl to the e,r rMrtliiitcnsIv htr e y ot S',lip. 11. tie ir s v. ral Cll'ts li,liie. Ilv I lie exerl iois ot t lie In.'l ul T, lei'ltv lbs, IVO, IlinoiieH well' Sllpplieit ', i li el , Hell If, ( li ven! t flu irolll inllril hotlllv stbti r 111 1- I DM 1, III,, V w lis I hi t he eioe ivlicie Me-i . were t, inul mi. llll eliiMbin I , 11 1 ill r sjo',' al nt'e n'em. I 1 e t,. lo Me.' nunieil ft lie . ,1- ti .; n.,, tic ,tl,"ei , I I l' H I'dlhnll nt til" ,11 'I M.'iT.;-' in. .1. Sen M, lie.nl, nt ; SAMf'll, I. linti, Seen'tnlv; I. Mou nts I 1 1:0 r. I rein in, t : S ,s .i n j. 1. ,1 sjr.s. lion ai 10 '. Wi no. John o. ,Iamk- Ho iiaiii, W Haiiov. 'I I e ii.ii mi L',-rs will l.e tieoiK .1,1 l,r c olli ribi it ,011s in li.oliey, Hour, incut, vegdnlees, coal nii,l elothinir. (AMP I jl 1 1 It A H I OH TIIK Slll.tit'.lt. It Is cintilyou; tn know Hint the nppen! of tU'' t'litO'd .suite. ( hrisliim oniirii'sioii lor hook, to ed.ih'i.h rillllp ill, nrlis, in the iillnv. Is beititf reinoiiie' to so gen, r 11 -1 v . laite a liunilj -r nt books have already fi 11 leerived, uml the nppenl ot l,,., I otuiiii.jitn is still b. lore the pil1 li . I'er-ons who hiivean ulam li pee ot be, ,ks, lino llll nthios wirhl lo aid in Ilu. li'Ml'M.' tnoveiuciit shmi'd b.-e in, Ion io dr wet, Inn' tle ir purc'ls ,,I l,k. lo the nlli ;., ul the I 1 u. 1111 -I, m, ) It.mk hlrc. t. 'I in: Iluitv lli.owi its. 'I'hn prnt'licn B' ei inn'on nl lute on the retinnot Diet lirist inns and iViw Viar lesl.vities anions ina.iy vutiu 111 u nnd sepetiiucs voung women ol tins citvul piiiadiiig tl.e sire, ts with tioiiis. inul niuktinr n lomi noise by I lowing thtotlL'tl theril is ubout lo he eheeked. I 'luff lil'ooi.KH will eliuse llie arrest ot pusnus foliii'l t'lnhv ot this on.ieet i"liabli. (.rnetiee. Yesterday iiieriiiiiK orders were inrited to the Lieutenants ol I'oliee 10 1, ut n sbai lo this nuisance, anil a shnrti lookout v. lit be kept iu liilure lor violators ol the law in tins respret. Annvai. Watch Mf.ktiso. The Twcnly flllli annual watch ineetiiiir of 1I10 Sotitli Street Pi-es-bllerianl hiircli will be held on Saiurday evening. 1 he services will be of a mo.-t liifnrestinw cliarneter, tliu uu' (lie past enr this church lias Increased 111 nun, b, r uml prosperity, nnd llie i.ew year will i c ut-hered lu under very liivor ible ci rcutu. lances. IIf jkival ok thi: .Mkhh ai. Dmitciou's OFfn i: Tim Medical Director's Office nnd hoad (jiuirters, 111 Walnut street, above Ninth, will he re moved ntier tho present weec to the K. corner of Itionil st.d St, nice streets. Tiir- property at present oceunied by the .Me, I eal llneetor bus been sold, in coiisetiueiice 01 which the removal has been made liieessary. I.ahchny. This morning James I'. O'Danlels was arraigned before Alderman HoliueSof Frank foid, nion the c barge of stealing a lot of rojio. The rope was nttai bed to a cnnnl-boat, und was cut off, sending the hint adrift. Trie rope was, lift, r being sbilen, out into small pieces uud sold' The defendant was committed for trial. JIiouw av Ii.011111 iiy. This morning Miclinol Kclley was committed by Alderman Tbomns upon the charge of being Implicated in tho rob bery of n sol Ih rut (.'hesnut Hill. Tho soldier whs knocked down and robbed of hLs watch and other articles of small value, nono of which were recovered. Tub "Florkncf' Thu mi-hast. AVUy the Klur.'nro" is MipiTlnr to nil otlier .Seirinrj Machine! ConpHrr, reffert, tl i-n purthatc : 9 Jit it. It rcveritihlr! ft-il, K-uillnff fithfr to the rlifbt or kh; lit perfect relhihlhty, nsvor nYlwIti stli.-im, and tl.e mnklt.i; vi lour ilfVftfjit aii.ihus for im various kinds ofnork. ,Sifon7. It 1 a'mnit noUflrsi; runs very fast; the rhai tee ot tin: lt'Cd and atitcli U made whilst the mm Uiuc It tn motion. Twt. It make! tho lock - stitch, hich has bif n con elih rrd hi r tifori- ilic tiit In use. Wc add to thut the 'di.'-blo lock," whit li makes tt doubly mire; tho half and full knot ailttli be I or a jt'Tiort kiKittoeveryftltcb.whlch it inure duratilo limn can be nmilu by any otlmr nuctilne, or by hand, and In till canes leaving tho atUchca on both l Id on ci tlu work alike. The ff'd may be revenetl at any point without (.topping tin machine. Clian for Uie arloiia klnda of 8llt li ar inaitr whilKt the mnchine li In motif in. Itf ntltcli'a, br bt'titity, Htn nis'ib, ami elatii Iiy, are the wondur of all. The hi aaty of It is miijurpAShPtl. No other covers so large a runted wuik. Bens liU and htavy fab-leu with equal f. llity, uml without chanumf altrratloo of tension, tiin ail or needle. Kr:ry family should hare a "Kloreni-e." No w Ire springs b jet out of ontt r. II na a hemmor turning any width. Tl.e liiexprriiic'd find no diflicultj- lit using it. Office, So. &;0 Cboinut street. Havimo Detfrmined to Clorb Oct onr Win ttrfttck of Rady-uiAd Clothing we are SfU'ng it In rirge aiiMtunts, i'.lly, at reduced rn, nw A twlott pre sent ro t of productivn ; our purvhaMi having brcn made for cih,attfn Uu4tt prirct tf the $ tat on we arc enabled to ofTr cuHlemnrs U e advantage thereby secured. Our tMorttninl Is fall ami uumpleiu, oor goodn nnr, fresh, and fathionul 't, tqus. to auy made to order, and unld o mucb Uiwwr la rice as to aatonUh those who DirnuUy procuro their wloihlng La Uut w ay. Aa eaamlnutioti Invitod. Tiiwbk Ham., No. 618 Market Btrm t, UuNNaiT & Oo. Tub Ci.ohk of tub Ybar. Those who havo it auhsenhed to u of their oil stm have a short time to finbh ap.ei there will noon be no more to well this year. Tlior-e who havf an thing to do this year must be up and dolncfur, hi they say la the pr)x ring, "tlinu upt" coiise 0,'iently tverjttiii jt must bo done beloro old Time "tlirows tip the speage." how Is the btt time to rUit charlus Htukfi & ".'s one price Cloth ng Htore, und' r the t'ontl- m Dial, a 1 k'et a choice suit of dotbdig beforti their c inn trrs arc too much depleted. KvcryUdug must bu cto&(sa this wttk- except our tmbn llas. Ciin.bHi'N'a Clothing. An eleffftnt asort aacot at at. tthiruLker Co.'s, No. 4 S. EUhtb Street Uoltimt AVkf.k, IVrsona in want of Vhv)t firaph Llkemsses should embrace tho opportunity. a0 eu'lyln the day, at the days are brief. 11. r'. Keimer'a, No. b'Jt Arch stri ct. liy Yoi n Coal ok A. S. Pottkii, Northern Ti rd, rthweit crnr nf Klghtb and ataur; or, 'Jtntr .l Yurd, N. SOt N. Brosd atove Viae street. Yoiy btbt guality sold at tiihardn. Try Itl Himnn all's Ahnica LiniwRnt An Infallible rure for burns, si aids, spratns, rbenraatUia, gua-iibut wuonds,Ae. iliifle appheat.n allays tbo pain Irom a burn the lmtaut It li a)illui. No laiuiiy slioiillbti wtUieutlt. 1at Pri.TCACY. Ttio friends of those who are troub t'J w'th bud breath, and, throu.h over-rKineaia-la!ins, diti.ke to refer to It, c .mmlt a punitive a'.d cntd m ftuke, c ethtMy If they arc aware ol the m;rs and gnat efllrary of tho Fragrant Hoodont. This 1m fie fue and onl icinedy fo' tbo CiOicdty, thejre tfl uu valid ex cu.'e for a bad hreath now. Bo d by all Diuffciflis. GftouuK 8'n.Ok 1 Co.'s Tianos and Mason & II Mt IN FTAvO I CATllNKr (JKUAN1. CAfUVET roit'l Ki. Ove WXx.f eaeh of thao flue In- OitilvNS . r"IAM , lUnioenta have bien sold by Mr. (wiiiNKr I-1 ltd V.H.' (...nod thecemaud la cosiaLaur OKU N h . MA NO j ereailinj. tfiUISKP WOVTV.H.I ursalonlvby UKUN-. flA NO I J K iTT.n. k'AUlNrt'P rOft'lHi.l BuveuthaudChMuui stresta. I OiluAE- Do You Know Dban hai remoT(l to No. 413 Choautrt etreet? lie sells Tobaeeo, Clears, Pipes. Ao , flity per went, leu than any other wan iu this city, lteweiuber A-'tiiui, $4t, Clietuut ttrtvt. M Mss JOUN A. MUIU'UKY. n i:s 11 ma , 1: i ' a i-T 1; it i:s FINE CONFECTIONS, i ion NEW YEAR. 1 STLTHEN F, WHITMAN, T'. lttlO MAUKKT Htroet, l.'-.'li 4t ! J ()I,I DAY I'llKSKNTS. 1 lAMii.Y is i it 1. 1 :h: WliolcNulo and lletall. j TIIH CHEAI'EST AMD tlTMT Frayers, Hymns, Family and Focket j JIIIILIH. lIK)TO(lltAIII At,l:llJ.tS, MtW AVI) IlBiL'TirCL 8TYI.KH, PlI, h Turkey Morocco, Antique, Relief and Ould. I "WILLIAM W.nARDIJIG, MAVl'l-ACTt HKR, j No. 320 CIIKHN'LT STREKT, 1 is in tf bki.ow rouiiTH. aoiTii m:b. ! fT, 11 JsiN II V IlAIll'Iill, fs lTo. 520 AE0H ETSEET, I HAS A CAIlFl'fl.LV BKMICTED 8T0(K OP j WA TCI IKS, I I-INK JKWKI.UY, i HJI.VIOn-ri.A I Kl) VVAItK, 1 I KM'KCI ALLY FANCY HiIL.Vi;it WAllK, Bultahle lor :itl HOLIDAY AND I1IUDAL TUESKNTS. JtMNK JHWKMIY I'OH THE HOLIDAYS, a t hi. it n i: rv a n Ptsv nnit lOlouunt Htore, So. ao.l N. EIOIITII Btieet, atHivo Ituco, rhllailet')iia. A hope anil sn!en,tul st,-k nf all ttu: latvat ami most ele gant (li'.ilfciis, ruic prising tu part JINK AMKIllCAN, KNUI.HH, AUD (iENEVA Watch its. riSE COM), CORAL, AMRTHYSTS, AND OTIIKIl BiVI.EU Of JE.VKLKV. A luinilscrue variety of Eolid Silver aid Hated Ware, DANDSOMK BRONZES, &c, ic. We Wnnld rennectfulW Invltn ntir rVlrniiR ftntt (Via nnMlf to call fcnd i-xittiniie t r tr eniKt'lvea previous to inirchtuing iiH nriu, rii-t.'B wry jufT. IJ-1-1IU IU i:j iu JOHN lJUENXAN, DEALER IX FINE WATCHES, . JEWELRY, AND HII.Y1.H WAHM. IHaniund Itlngq, Fino Enameled EraoclftJ, Dlamor.d l'bn, Fin. Ucnta' Chains, Diamond Kar Itlnga, Mae Ladles' Chains, AmethjltanJIHa . Ulrica, Heavy Long Guar Ji, rtn Heal Itlntta, AmeUiyat and Pearl Seta, Fine Pearl Kins., ( Coral Sell, 13 0-lru Gi tits' Dlam. Hcurf Pina, i I.aJloa Chutolulnc Flna, BRONZE AND FANCY GOODS. No. 1!3 S. KIOHTII 8TREUT "USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS. LATIE3' SliAVELINtJ BA(I9, LAJlltM' HIlUI'l-INi llQR, UiMB TKAVKI.ISU IIAl.t, OENT8' KXCUUB105 BAQS, FINK QOODI, AND OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. RFTICUI.FH, 1'Of'KKT-ROOKR, PORTFOLIOS, and crt),IHK ttavtul for tho Traveler and EicureloiilbL A larb' stock, iiiltaele fr fresvnta. JAMEH U. 1IIIOWN, TKl'hK AND BAG M ASL'KACTUHF.R, INo. 90H CHEHNUT St., l'.'M lm Oi'iioilte ktusoiil) Hall. JJ0L1IUY GUTS. linowN'a PATENT B AE Y-TENDEQ, OR, MAGIC SPRING CRADLB, Tlie most usoful and dellxlitnil turcrj InTontlon of Uia From a Vertical and Kot.eie.a Craille It In instant! 0 n Terted into a Hprlng Ctiatr, Kei'linlng Couch, Htitty-Juulpor, Bnbj-Ilorie, Habr-Walk.T, llla Ctiair, Kuraerj Chair, !I)l,tj Done, and Ottoman. it cir,xiulb' i.Uvlale. tho evil, of tho rnrklnr motion auord.11 grcut relief to mottieri, exerclae. and deUUti chil dren, and saves the exnt se ol a Aursa, Ali.o a targe varietjt of I'AINCV HOLIDAY GOODH, AT TUB HOUSE FURNISHING STOI1E, Ko. 04 CUtS NUT 8TIIUET. lilm JOHN A. MUItl'HKY. pHARLES RUMPP, J 1'OIKFT HOOK andHATOHEI. MANt'FCrUREl, ho. 47 H. KIX 1 11 Kirrrl. Iieloo Axeb, 1'liJl.A DK.l.l'lll A. rortf'illos, liressiini cases, Ciar Cases, docket Hooks, C'atiaa, Batiti.'l., Honey B, Its, Work Boies, liuiik. rs' Coses. Whoealesadr.taU, JJ 7Tm I npitin,, corauw,. 7iw OcUts' Tlt.m ft. a - 4. AUCTION SALS. 1. Kl V' At t l'H.'V !'jO, Nr. .ii ill .MAIIhhV Nir, et. C. V. WAIJiKV, Anetl"n.r, sitl' ll" enynnrvrit, ot IK.nll-, ltKM, Nr MFIittU NI)IK, Of all trtvil. . for piiMie ale a hi. Au Mn Homna, and as 1. HI st,n4 rr .rtj.i v Ut . .1. ol kKAl. K1TAT1S iO SIOCKI At the Fv(Shob 11 csKtiot n n-iim t ir r. rt Al lwt-iiii,F, ai,S srui'Ra or Mr.sK'iiAMinKf, At the M'.rs 1.1 tlie .wn,-r. i will le .,t ed hen dslr d on eoii.'i'awvH sru ti. foi !.(' ft ti g . liA.'AAK, NlNl'II AM) SANSOvJ L) v Sin ai t. rtu.s si.ff ok nniisFR. c,Rnt(iF., kic.. On .t- l,'a Vornl, g n, xt, at Id ,, elock , ciinprllnr .limit K'.r r IK III M, snt'fl to I nrtie,. a il llie aio.l c. Also Isnye i,.,,t ''n r d. ul.!e new and ..-on't hm,n ratnnt... 11,1,1 wnpiii, d it'Oums . etc ., with wtj :h tie ,a Ml eotMi.wir A.,o. lira, hs i loui.le harness, saildi... brUlles, w'ita. coi.r. ti n iter , 1 . .aim .r. r on. ir. , t,o h.-rr. a nn nil,, r of .1,1!,., .1.1,-h- hfl'. l.ltfc.e'r. ht. P'f oneliieiil on HOfVinnl of weallr. H . ol Ik. i s, e'e , on A ,1," ' ,Mjr. I uf 1.,.., I n t , nt lf . ve to 1- il Al.flll'DM II r.HK K S, A i'i I e-r. OI.l DAY IT. ESENTS. J. It U H H K I, Ti, No. n N. HIX I'll Htieet, Won'd lovole attention to lit. stork of Doe American aJld ill ". Ill ii NATl'lir.S, Iii i.old ard lllver. (i O 1. 1) J E W E E U Y of ti e latent slylt HANDM-Mi; Hir.VKH WA.HK, wnrrunti d j. ,p- c-in, A r., stilt able for Holiday preientf. O. Ut'SSKLL, 1'.' 0-t.;l Wo. N. HIXTII Htre.'t. D. VV. CLARK, No. mi CHKRNCT 6TKKET, lla-- now nn hafd a very laro stock of y Ait iikh, Ji-.WULllV.and ctiAT.u Pi.ATrn w.i?f;. 8e)et' d exprronly for tiin otxmii IHM.IDA V TUAI'K, wnrtiare tn-teK o,j nt extraordinarily low prices. We lm c a Uu ke ntoek of Wit' follow. litf ijoods .id ttl. tii H Htlver ati hi n, I.Hiefi' V a'f hrs, i ienta' W'hIi ti q, ll. V meM ii, Atiii'Hcrtn Bicliefl, Kili-h Waiclieti, tr-n Wii'eli.--, 'o d N i'flt ('Miint, (.old t'l.iiie iiii e Ciiftlnt, ;..ld Ni rL.iiiis,, tl'ilj t'ciit ij t uiea, c. l.l foiia, li'dil Ti.ttiplelin, l.tii 'Mi inl.h'O, sO:t ArruU'in, Onid ll.nt.jn Htnd. ti 'Hl -li eve Itiitton!!. tiold W arch Kt.vi, (soul riii, ieotH', ielll Pll.l, l.ttdiev. Ould I'lim, Ml1e', ;..iti fms ( iititflairie, ti'iid Kur lln rh, (i.iid I-Inter twin KH. lnid wi hii I'iiii, t U id Urate. em, .t': 1'iUetH. (i. Id Imrnii, )ol Wuti 4i ilnoVn, h lvi r TiriiiltH-M, Hilvrr hi k n ttlntn, a IMiivt r Ki ui! KiiIm-h, Sll ve; K' b I hit iih, rilt.iT Vt v rimmi, Hil.VHt I'L A IE I) WAI'.B. XUtcd on genuine Aibttta mMa), and warranted: Ten Hrt. (nlvo Hif-Kefi, Ft ii Ir ttst-ketn, Card Kecrivers. ltutier IHhI i-i, Byrnp I'ltclien, N i Hf nt- hii-hea, KfeaKti.t t'ttitors. Innner Casio's, Pickle C'HKtorji. Hpo n lloltlcie, M ttiteis. Vriin. Halt Ntnadi, t diets, Cm s, Catl Itellfl, 'HpkHi Itinfts, trh Knives. Yif Knlvex, Ji e (;remii Knlve, I'al-e Kii'vi i, ('run h Knlvet. ('htldren Knives, (li.lihen'. 1-nrkH. t'hddren t Hooni, Oyter l.ndlea, Hoiip l.adlfH, 1 utile and lioasert Ppoonft, Tea, Kiiaiar, tti d Anil Houunl, T ta and l'inuer Korku, M.AThl) JKWKI.RV. Ve have on hand a lar.e lot of line plated Jewelry, which we are cloning out ut cost prices tu nmki toum fr otinr ootr. 'I b -ie wibhuiK Kootls In our ilao would do well mm till nnd exiimii.e our utoclt buture parch a sing. Ail ko-jda warruultd as reprueeuted. T. W f'LAKK. No. COSCIIW.SNLT htreet. V. II. Wntehen arid .Tewelry srefmlv repaired nv ex-pepjeii'-ed wtiiKiaen, and VMixrauttid. KuKravlm neliy executed. 11-aU-tU dl JJ E W I S LADOMUS, DIAMOND DEALEE AND JEWELER, No. 802 CHESNUT STREET, ' Las on hand a large and splendid assortment of diamop;d jewelry, fcl'lTAELE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also, a beautiful assortment of Geld and Silver Watches, Jewelry,&o. Hllver Ware In great variety, sultaMo for Bridal and lloiloay 1'it uents. a: iism rtineni of l)li,nioed Jewelry Is oompleto, and at less piice than cnu be lound in this city. Old Gold, Silver & Diamonds Bought for Oash. J) I A M O N I) S . Femora having Diamonds or other precious atones to dispose bf, will dw well by callinj oo LEWIS LADOMUS, DIAMOND liEAl.FK AMD JEWELER, So. H CUES.NI.T BUoot, Who will give the hlclxst rasti prices. 12-C-lm ALrfO, Old Gold nnd Silver Btyijtit for Cash. HUE WATUHI8, JEWELKY, BILVER AND PLATED WARS, COHlsKR AUUH AND TKNTII STf". Brocuhes, Hleeve Buttons, Armlets, BracOtj, Scarf Mns and Itti'Ks. '1'ea R.ts. Ice Pitchers, Wallers, Collets. Forks, Hpoons, Ac. Watrties repftlri'd and Ha'rauted. Old Ould, Dlumoti.ls, aud M.lver BomliL 11 W-Um HARRISON JARDE.V. JAMES KAItnER'S WIHLtHAI B A I'D RfTAItt Clook l:atiii miNtiment S. X. corner BitCON'D and l'll (NUT Hiroets, PhlUd a. ar.KNi'T rna the iaticnt EQUALIlNtl TlllKTr-IAT CLOCKS, A very 1i nimble article for Churches, Hotels, Banks, Countln-Hou.,'!, fwrlorH. o Aiso, MAM ht-H OK KIVK OLD PF.Mfl. C1AH KH KhPAlHKl) AM) W'MlftASrtI) Clock Tnujuiiiit; of every desoriptlca 1-13 It 1 lOAUDINO WANTED IMVTEDIATRLY 1 for a lady, cltlld, at.d nurse, Two furDlniind rooim on the nie' iid Hour, wiri Ore, hoard, Ac, iu a pleasant jmrt ( the eliv, urcef'tde to itrevt tars. AUUrt'sa C li. AT.FTAIfDKR J. RABPRR, t'rMideul vl Cuiawva CvuaolU AMUSFMENTS. X.X ril!rT ST. TIIKAT1TB, lIKJ.MTHMtffrX AHOVK TWKLFTH. wf(U i ii v I1HKKH AM) M A. Ai,.V.R. 1 IIM (KniUv) P KN'N-i. Miremh r3", :hi;t KK.NHVrHIX. w a i "i N. t a; i:iiiiiATi'r Tilt" ho III iiniki- nr.R atit. i: srr. li,.'T. Sl.i.,r THIS n'iMvi h KMN'i, I I I I , !n Mit i ! !an K ii'.w'' t ti' til l',v, Till. IU M l!itA K, --iij'l "r"' d hv At K V. Milrl.l M'aOl IKR WALT Kit nnd ll e ti J -"ii' i-kiti . tr 1.1 Ml li.NT !:i.i.K' AU COMPANY. ( AM I I ' M UK Ot It' MNTK. - , iiii. ii Hud l.e-. wn fn i-avp roil. hi ii.- j,'!1,! , i m -i h- ti nn i i m i ti'i. - K.lil .; ) W (rr tl u; i.t Mi.. n w n ui Mi'i Alt' )- I .!!! f. 'MHii.; to ) m i ilic v i t i.- i ,t t in li nil'' h heeil I A ' ' ". lTntct nnUf .1 i'tIi a r(x.rt la tnr nii I luriMtT, a 1 11 to i f I'l I. 1 in i-ii ir i li I'll' I' tiki i', I I li .I i r'i t i h'ft ) , ti a- tii-i A r.'e t n n'e, ii'. r lm .. ii,8 ail-oft r-r niiM'i-Hi in my ;. i'i'i- nfiv nt c i- no 'rued to i i N'h.p . to n. I a 'i ni M 1 I -i v r i . , ii,i W m'pvi r with. I' ( nil. ; H, ' I t f I ! M i t !,ni- la r 1 h i, fM-,l r t. d I" ion. ii I- I'hil.td.-lph'R pub- . jL i lie, hit nn m ' t!'i' Miriiiit will I... n.v flrtt at- t- n pi nt t n aov hif He cm; ib m n r'-u-rnini pnhllc wuJ Li aM j. tin wt"-r . r. il i.ii.- I su ,M:nl..' ntm lf I J 'I tn ir iiioti ol.i iJk-tjf yct .nil, AN Mfc t AKCV. (, j(l0 i).n, Hftween ti e plr. r M' 't K 'KVf r.H ' -HI danet I I'M f I s i I ( t 1 1 I ' J'. i , Tlie ef r In. s ei.teria; f.j.oude wiiu t:'r.,IlCh glia)p7 a I lUl'M-llllllil. tnr A KIPH IN MIK I A It K. S!im r-'trih-'tii' Wafer fnnl. S lo-i'l;lli' ( !ut,U;) I,t.MMt, Sf' Olid nnd I ant a I'l ' .i kin v t ANSI t. H 4 !!('. ui "Ti w hii h n;c.iv,ir ) w II i a m HiUver ' the liAHV 'M' .MH OS" HA I I KHAV aH UN" l en rQliT tl, IKKMJfclM KO.I f'MiLY ilAJ'lNWJ, wn At AI'THS W'li Leprtfin'f .1 for h- I hnt - p.ittvolr, MUMMY i. ,M s . Jmiustry 2, first apj ea-an- e nt th ai:hi-..n c jvi:iv roiiii v rn)v, j r i;i;v. A. A. VILLITS, I). I)., Will deliver Ida iimun'ne le Hire cn H U IN H II I IS 13 ; O K, T 11 F. SEI'JRT OF 11 A T P I N F. (t 8, l'ef. re tho Young Mix's Christian As.oi lntl n of Phllad'a, On KIClIiAY EVKSINi;, ::h Inst., AT Till: MUSICAL I'UNI) Il.VUU. Til KF.T8 T AT. NTT-FIVE UKNTS. To tic had at M,inlcu'8, Ho. I",',.', Che. lint street, at th llo k Hi, re. Ac. A IIlLlteli numl,er of Ticket tor Resorvcd BoatsranbS had at .Martion's at Htti Ce .ts each. 12-119-Jt A Ml. KIC. VX ACAIIUMV OF MUSIC. I eseo r nil Mimacr. rUKe alanui,er I'lllN T. F')ttD. ii.m 11. Witimir FltlllA Y, lire, nn, III. M i l I' AMI I.AM 1CIIT op FDWIN K, ,tHK.-.T, I I, WIN Full I, T. i uu in fiiki:, sr, MlW I N FIIHtl!: . Fills i 1 1 UK Tills KASnv. t I KM' I J.Ml; I lll.i Hl.An,'.N, Till: IIM V NIl'.IIT 1 Ml. II.NI.V .MlillT He will iinnenr lu lm I MllVAI.l I) KtiM N I II MtACI'Ki; er DAMON, I)SI"N, IN rnnlin's eel, Imitnl ttl.iv of liA.MO.N AM) 1'Y.IIIAS, Rupported hv AIAD.l-ME l-iiMSI. Ill.-S AI.KT. C.RAV, A? I jiiiin jtci rr.i.oroii. Poora open 6H o'clock. Curulu nsoa 7 4i o clooa. M RS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCII ST. TilfcATkK. . .1 ClIIIISTMAS HOLIDAYS! IIFNl.H' nt JIU .1 CI.AKKE. Cl...l:KE I T'UliKK P H'W. TO-Ml.lll' iFrlilsv), Heceiiil,.r 00, (ILK AMtltlCAS Col N1N. A Trwrtsnl J. 8. CLABXB Tu be lulloncd bv 1 1,. I oiuclvof m niiLN nun uiirs. Jack Ciitibimo j. s. CLARKE. 'lo concii-ue , itti I'. I'. Oli, TIIK MAN AND TITFIt. Foh litiiVHu J. (J. CLARKE. h, fits k cm eo , m us iu ailvsuce. rALNtT SlhKEr THEATRE. MvMrFIT of the ehan iltu.- vonnv. and vcrsatllo aotross. I.t CII.LK Wfcall BN', . Who will Hrpear Who wtn nppear THIS It-riOHv) EYENINO, Decembur M, 111 l,er trciit characi, r of l.l i liKTIA llOR ll V. THE. ITAl UN PulSDMin. Aftorwhlcli, Aihr Hh cii, Afterwhlch, 1.1 ( ll.l.fc V4 tM EK V Will appear i.s Will appear as 1 ON CVS.lt DP. IIAZW. Reals nmy bo secured at the II i Olllcu from 9 till 3 oc'oik I ''BEAT NAllO.VAL CUtCU.S, WALNUT J air.vl, ahv. KiuMl H Utre. rrH.s, Mrs. CUAK1JUI , W.,Rim (krn,.HT Mrs DN au'Kl. (.ALA 11E AT llll. I IK L'H DIJKINO CIIHIHTMA8 LKk. Tl'O great Pairrlree rauuiy, ,ho Xic,, to Troupe. Young; Nieolo, la leen Miolhers, llr.aiiit.ll i T Kln, Me.sra. Y, ut g, Churle. Kl ed, F II. It- sston, Kel.nedv, fMund.rs, Ha, iielor, ami the cut'ro troii,e i arttats. .,tie.u-uiris, aciuhitts, su.&ast., hxr.e., s, me., poui. a, Ac. fco , will apptar In Ka, gr.nd, vic.t. floiiotis, it'.tliying. gro i, s,iue, loriie' Ds, p , plant p rlect, ptaulmr, P'ctiires,iio, piepoistssllig. p'e.stm. glviuK scent, ul laseinailon, (l,lihl, astoi.l.Vnii'ti,, and iov. bnmlnK tho eiienina tory inusciea Inlo lull play, ai,d fully dispelling thv spier n 1'g.lliOUMAKCES F.VEIIY AFTP.ltNOON AND EVE M.N',1 .Inrlrc tho Christmas week, enmmeuclng at 1i and 7 0 o'Uwa. JOCKO; OH, THE IlltA.IMAN APF, will bo irouueed upou uie sia.e on Tuesday ovunlnir, 27 In.tflot. Al MIRSKlN'.-rtrM Tl.r. 10 oerto; 8eannd Tier, to em,... I'rlvai. Htuse., Ii and a. I size and localtott. (jl yop. u.k.u dur ii the uay ai all iluu-a. A6f-FM1!LY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND llll.BMJ'r Strict.. FltlllA Y I'l THE I..81- NiOIIT. NATISFK UN H , II ItDAj, Al a O'CLOCK. The accot, , isi el iirttts, MK. AMI MLS. lUhltY WATKIN1, are colntiel,e,t lo aniii unci- iheir Im-,1 two pert,'rinanca, It l,eliiK Inipor.'hle lo pr.n ure a i,a.l. T hose who are do itroi s oi v unc.slrig his level. Ml Hli AL, AM- III Miittul s F.N TF.IITAINMF.NT, al lib is vMled by ti e e it,. ,,t l'h:Liiti-li,t,ia soc.rty. should not n 1 1 ol i his oi p tin tt v of se-!!: w li.l e O'ylMxty I.Al l.HS, Al" I AI DS. NO TAI K AlluUP. Vr ai d Mrs. Wutkltis tin, rf-pcr-e ttu-lr enieriajuiaent W I II pi.tlll Of SotlllN. IMIK'CS.OI ,1 c, mien Miles. ,,ois open at 7 oclock, bealnatb. TukeU '.'6 cents! re,cr cd sea s ..0 cents. ii A EKKM11LY RDILDINOS. MAT.NFB M' Sll'AI.B r. run rillLADILPm. CI.ASHi'Al. Ol-I WTEl TE CLUB, 1.VKR1 WF.MNF.SLlAV, At II r al. T'e.els, at the ilmr. Fillv C. 11 eaali. 13 SO-sintu 1 jn m i ht ii :.! iicrrxo i. TMa admlrahle Picture, ike sToasBst production of tk,S palnMr Wkarr. tt now on eilohsioii at the acadicmy or Piatt arti. Mo. IreCUKajniTri, ToAVhaT Mlk ti. .ntira wlkot, of tbo Insflttsttoa. Atfsuinaraaa.TWiUITr-llYB ctJKTS. U-lt sar EXHIBI110M OF WORKS OF ART, F03 iLstlliriTirii, chsistiasi covvrasiow. attho A(ai,ai or pinn ittl. Ail FahRltiea ol a l'rt ate C,S (ellon of Works f art ti, I sI.ihjss. Scnip are Wa'w ( l r. and ote.r Orawlnrs. Enaia.His. A... I. bow open at Ik. Pennsylvania Arad.D.y of PI.. Arts, no fa CHISMI-T Hlroal, frois, a A at. to .I p. M.,tor U,e bea.tii ot ue CUruuaa Com Bil.siian. Admlrfloa N eeau ; I,is,m Tlokots SOcrata. U-Mt-I-I TAEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, ANT) CATARRH. ' ' -J. Iaa( 8, M ,Proiess,.r ol the Fve and Far, 'icitts al) diseases appertn oinu io 'he aoove tnemlers wltb, 'I e utn osl sue, i ss. T.-llm-mal, linm'h. moat rellabia sources In the cllv can be seen at hi. otltco, No. oil, PINKS nlreet. Thelledlcal Faculty are Invited to accompany unit ktlu.,u lie has llo terms lu Ids practice. WM Kiur nuiiurea and autwj-saus aoLtars au eisastuui1 r Amy Traa) 1 raia isi. i. .... . I 12x14 e-inrred. it lu iijcii, l'W u- m '9, In pkklo 1 1 neN, 1 7V kc. rl.io I riillre.la? mi. y 1 alra-t' Ran iptlreP" 'liieu mpl- 8amp j rti-a. ..... .r I", ounce sr. I. Willi I ZlDhheJ. iple ro- I red. 0, 409 J, .4 do ' in pie iVbj ro- fd Kli Wi I itv, an . I oa li loltvery , uud tu . S will If kfdir r . get nlv.. I i.wui.f