The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 30, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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)AT, DK0EMI3KR .,0, 18C1.
dF.MlHIR 30, 1BC.
rnml Muiii'imtii' Oprnf lon4
a t Inlnia una i iunt hp kiiii-
V. Sittrr' I'nvnlr.v Operation
inrrMoniMir; i no hvjii
fwork ('miliirril iii.d l -Mm mI.
AV istnt Vifi'itsu, ! i-rrnVf 2". rni, ill
daily nnd hv nil mnml from the lino of the ir
finis nnd 'l emit's-ee lUilm-d. ut the nenihln r
lioodpf the jti lift ii ,n (if the mv and ktttitutit
'riTi..', He c o 1 1 1 1 1 . i t'i em. it oiiic a liiiti' n il
facti In r0i.ui il to tlie n, crai'.oii. of ttie troop
under Hie d n maids nl ft iie'Hs Uurbridk'o sit
Ptomnmn, firm ull of whl- h it ppe us, wli"tii t
llreckinriilee Ucis or dues n I drivo lirkour
forces, Hint the r.dd li;i lie n a or,- consul rn'ilo
Hirco'd in t tic capture of n ou s, roiling stork, and
Tinrticu'aHv in t tie ite-i i in t i ,ti "f ttie. nil ra..-r jih
Lriiipi s mii(: tlii' lino of the rni ruid.
Our tiitorniiuit e.ys .Tin o k of dcstrti ti"n,
a'OT'tf llie railrouo iiT'iC, rh tar up us l'o.ik on ok,
J im I n n tliofoii'h und n;id I'. r tin- ln"!i nf
Hit mil' li nf i he pork puck i iitr, 'ile'i iv; vol v
poiiiK on, will Iiiinc to lie ni-e"iitiiined until -u h
tune it ratlrniui communion ion is reopened with
tlie salt works at '-atvi lo. N;.n, nl-ittim are A
work 1'iiviiiL" nn mlt nnd M rin . it, m the expo:'
tntion ot a greni scarry ol the e. 1 no lt' hel
(ioTcri miTit lm Hlrencly nriiir.d to In! scicd
Jaro iitiinilitlcsni'sult thus st. r, il.
TliC raid lift- rr.'.i'cd Croat M'iia'i in I.vir li
1'tit. 'lo it luive r.soil'd i.iiiiiS'.t nl tituo
jfat li orori, i jUar'c ru ft-torn , co'iiun-innes mi l v
Ilons iitln r oiliC' r-i of Hid l . .v i n ni'Tit, wli i es
caped Ironi posts taken l.y the I ll HI tr.iops.
I (IM I'M II 1 1 I S OK KHIIt. lilgl'KS.
An order imivcd from Kichiuond at I.ynch
htirc to MTid all AT.iilnMe trows- lorwar.l lo t'n'
lino of New ricr. nnd tlu-te la.ikc n stand. To
do il.l. Intttr, foriifV'tii? Ind oomnienoed, ..
corilmff to latest report?.. Keii.tnr. euients were
fxpci'Ud from Karly's nnny in tho Sliotmndo:i!i
It Was tlioni'Kt that HrerkinrnlBe could iiinstor
n force of ten tlinukiml iii'-n t iroe tiioui.iii'l of
them I'cinc moiinte i, hut'i T poorly s i. Kroin
tie hospltuU nt .yn"li 'tir'.' end other poriti,
rni.vnleoi riti iukI i tnorn w. rf v' icod on the cars
and eir.l 1:1 iho due -lion of .''. river.
i n i: K1I.T w OlthS i t HI T,T i I.I.K.
The ohjocl wiii not alone to , aCi'k the raideru,
lint tilso to prevent them from i-t:in Into the
salt woiks and cestrojuit; th; kottlos.
llll.MUMKNT Ol' WllsT llil, MIA, D 'C lllhor
2'i. VeM rOay at an curly hon , (loticnil Miori
dan ri coived a brief U.:p'iti li annoiincinif that
ioiJiTiil Custer hud found and ( nyt o.'ed a portion
ot Komi( r's ' rniinatid, nine mil.i this siduuf liar
rininlmrp. In consequoncc of Custer h iviiibT
reached the locality named, W" are led to infer
that Kni ly's nrmy hi- hoen weakened to reinfor.:o
iHimi diatelv threatened point-, uud that wlut
remains of his army, except tl"- ou'p'ists and ad-
vaiiced jmiMS and cavalry, has onc lm 'k t)
Mount Ciaw ford and the lines of ttie North and
Middle riven.
This heiru bo, -:nr'y la in n p iitioM to receive
rather ca-ily Mipplii'f from Ma in'on, to protect
htaunton liom rui'diiif? parii' , and to retreat in
the event ol the advance m' it superior force to
either fcwiti run or liruwi.'s ( ips, in the liliie i
Kule. Some time uko we ;ot il report that
J-.arlv intended to do this. IV naps it inty he
that I'.arly ha- gone entirely oi.t ol' tlio Valley ; i
liut, us as I c:n le irn, no inform I'ion has as
yt or up to this lime tieun rcce.veU leading us to i
tic'lit ve to. l!v ( ii-ter ic ich n.: the point he d d, '
we see thet the Iletiels have h ii the strong posi
tion of Hood's Hill the next stronKcat oue to
Fisher's Hill In the Vn'ley an I f-'one lic k, with
the exception of llrown's tJap, to other deters. ve
It may not he (jonerally knoni, hut it is never
theless il fact, that the Hehel U .'nenil linger ft
few days ao moved in pers in, and with tho host
part ot his command, to mtucl. ( iiuitierlan 1, M l. ;
hut, having received ho coald
not nurprlse tho place, as Ueiural Kelley wis
btinn reinforced, and besides having to cross
ninny little creeks aud streams ::ui' had suddenly
and greatly swollen, und also on account of tho
viiy cold weather lor no dou'c, he hud not lor
f!( tien his fruitless raid of I ist winter, whyii
umic of his own and s ine of l''itzliui?li tee's
n in weic frozen to de nil In the r saddles lie re
tired without havimi ii'-c uup is'ied his prpiiss.
KOhSKlt HK1I1UTM1 11 1.1 V I OKOt II.
We hear that Hossir's l)ivi-ion has been rein
forced l.y another eiuira hiii,ade, undur com
niiuid ot a pcmral heretofore n .crating in Texas
1 his lieniK so, Ho-ser has now lour brigades nad jr
his contiol.
It is vrry protubly correct that Mosehy has
been pr rented to the urade o'
in the heuel Army. List uioi.iU wo heard that
Moscby wi s to It.ive the pani-n serviee on tho
lAthot this mouth, and It will bo retnjmli 'red 'iy
the readers of the, ton In u provi.ins
dcupttch, was nn count ol l iptaiu Cu ip im i,
one of Mosebj 's olllci is, haviio: addressed his men
to the ellect, that they were to bo sent to tlio
North! rn neck, during the to niiig winter; and
that all of tin m wou d, alter the 1-itb, go b.ick
again into tho regular Kubel service.
tKIAL 01' t'OLOMKI. 1.A1 HAM 10 !i IHI NEW tllEKK
This cmirt-iiiftrlial is bjing p ocoeded with, mil
tho tcslimoiiv lor the pros, on '.ion has about nil
been taken. The following osh.-cri constitute the
court :
l'le-'i'f nt Colon'l Thonii.- I. Hu'ibnrd, 3 i h
Maine Vo iii.te is; Colonel w u. It. Drown, I'Ui
West Virginia Volun'oers ; Colonel Thouip on,
1st Ni w Hampshire Cavalrv ; I . eiitenant-Colonel
V. 11. l(lijuiiu, H li New Yo k C ivalrv ; Lieu-teiium-Culonel
Win. II. M t ueniiv, l.i'ttli No
Sork Volunteers ; l.ieuteauni Colonel Ju. M
Cuiii'v, 33d Ohio Voluno ers ; tnjor J S. Carroll,
1st Viign is V.'crm I .f.o, v; Major 11. V.
Kn.lth, 1st New York Dragoon ; I. eutotiant K hoi
l'ur-oiis, Jr., llsiu .Mu- , "ti i-etts Volunteurs,
Judc Advocate .V. 1'. u J.
Fxtr.'iiirilliinr.v lit
It is not often that we arc e
so extraordinary a cireum-w
persons of standing and i din
and it Is not an a :ri oatile t i
lie i lv 6 Samuel Huvliss iiri'is (
er t oitlz tis of th
tf s ealing, lie had been w.
mints for some time, den-en
"ed upon to ratord
eo us the ari'e-t of
uee tor shoplifting,
k. Yesterday H i
i the wives of two
city on a charge
thing their movo
I thoru in thu aor.
and found llie stolen in open v uaon their persons
It c nslsted of thn silk Or patterns that Ii id
bti-ii stohn from Shillito's, n-. 1 we beliezo a ime
table been belor ging i 1. C. Hopkins, which
thev hnd taken away and no otcd to pav for.
The 'allies we lie tho r ' r : " e hcouu-e they ftre
de( mi d such bv their nc(i dno ices, were ttkim to
the Ninth S rei t Stu'iou II u--; tint as Mr. II ip
1 ins r, fused to make a en.i go a. ainst tlcin tlcsy
were subsequently refused. Thoir po It on in
socie'y and thiir good nam . -vliti-h has hitherto
I ecu, like tha' of Co s ir's i'", above susp lei ii,
alone, saved them from loo pasure their c ,n
ilini merits.
l'or reasons that are p itoi t to evervbody we
withhold tticir iiuuius Tu - piroal exio-aini
and their arrest ni 'V. pern . s, bring tham, to a
realizing scu-e of the di.sui-: abyss from which
ihtv urn saved fir the in nt only by tho
leni' i cy of ihe law they have
ri form that vould bo hroti.t,
way. ( (,ic .i.iiufi t'ii-ce,
u'ruged, a id work
' about in no other
The New England railfoa I eompaules are ho
etnning to use wood actiu on account of tho high
price of coal.
of rolurues wliich tare lieiu w.liifcn oa tlio eaiuu
ulijirt I'V less tlisuiect und tkllful pens, lis
ss thnt lie reci'lvt-s tlie itjdress witti sal Ulan-
A Cruel John on Hurdle Wolrott
Tlirnahr Colih nnd I tie Mllitlst.
An army correspondent of the Cincinnati Cum
miTiiii writes from (li-or.'l as follows :
After literally riding over a brigftd" of Il"l'l
rsvalry. at Jone-hom, ((cnerl klipatriok, with
MX thoii-iind Iioims, went to 0 nihil, wmro ho
found the te Ck'raph lino in woiking oolor t
Maonn. Impiovlmr ho o iportunity, ho sei.t his
compliments over the wires to 11 irdee, wuh an
nssursnee tl.ftt he waild ho oimppy t,,
bn aktast with Mm, next morning, in Mac in."
linrdoe rop ied, inviting him to coins nn. i lie
had "had the pleiisuie ot making tiencal St ine
niiiu's Mc.uaitrnnee at the ssn e plai e," and pro
niisinc him Stone nun's cell, ns it w is iioa' i niptv.
"I'll ive lluidoe one ot mv s, l,-t" tlioiurht
Kiljia'iicK, so it liAopouod, that at (Insoids
vile, on the 2.M ot liovrniber, when llardc
( rdi n d the niililiu to att o k the S'ankee cavalry,
K Ipatnok ipiiotl v withdrew his tore, s, uno .v.'r
inn Wood's ldl-l nof the loth Corps, nnd t h it
d. virion OoOiipie l a eliimp of woo is t'a.twni.d
not I e ea-ilv taken by th" enetnv,
rngailier'-t.cneral ('hires C. WoVott's Il";
pade, la nn in the advance, uud benind has i y
i i i.mi no,, d r ill birro' oies, received the a-siil.
ai d repulsed it hstid-onioly. 1 mi Tint of the
row, the nn ilia under (ie: cral t'oii , of Ala
bama, Inrm r.y a ii.eniber of th" 1.0 e I Slavs
Sitiaio, bold y made tho ntt.i' k, and f.oni t vo
o'clock in t! alternoon moil dink tio Initio
Tai;i'lw;th tilmtl.'s iruclty. il o , u
1 1 lo-, fttid in tlnce diiioreiit col'imns. the niibti I
charg. d iii less than -i t.iuo-, in Iho vain in loa
Vor to occupy the wood-.
WoH'.tt'.- lligide were armed w-'th -ix'"on
shooti i, I. ad aiiiplp prote ti " . a large mark, and j
s'i a !y in ivc-. an 1 all they liad to do was 'o
puii.p into ti e Kobe! ranks a sunn of loade i nai .
l.ooki is i n were tin ro troin ; n ir - ol Siiorin i' ,
I'.rinv, aint they universallv deelire they no. or
saw su. Il ii t'gtit in he world. The en my to in '1 ,
h's lb es w ith nil t: o pieels on i f P itta ion ilril', '
and tlnn tVy moved fo.-wmd like so iimeli .
n aehirn ry. I i.,oors sw to ; men cheered ; drains
beat ; bai II rs waved ; bulk's w lilstlo I ; omvanli ;
Pi il ; but, a! la-t, w In n tins Cobb h id b en well
shelled, ami Ins meal rouuhiy gro ind at his own j
mill, he "aokiioAloiliro.l the com." uud left the
fund to plhot on his lo-s, twelve linn. Ire I 1
wounded, three hundreil killed, and one huiidt. I
inissme! '1 he It. b, I General Toil i, s was knio I,
and tfineral Smith was wounded. An a'.vtu;
poi ue was that gory Held, "id men, w ith he i Is i
that Lad hi en snowed on, and young t . wi-h i
y. uth's frouncss s'lll vi-itiloon their up-tnru.'l '
fin ( lav sale by sale, ri-hlicd with tiullets,
1 1 i
ll"ru ft heail, there an aim. yonder u lei;, an 1 the I
woiiiabd pih (i up with a'ld iiinong the dead.
War seldom pro-cuts a picture fri'!itiul.
Woicolt's loss was imly loui'eeii killed and
forty-thr. e wound al. His brigade, tho second In
M ood's Iiivi-ion. behaved nubiv.
The ( was severely wounded In the, leg
by a Ira'-'incnt of a shell, and has aoeepte I leave
oi ftbsi nee to go north. Ho is a li Hire of Colli n
bus, Ohio, is about twenty live wars of ago, was
lormerly colonel of the loth Ohio, an I is pr i
nouncid bv (,eneral Howard to bo "ft bravo an 1
excellent commander." Ohio 1ms res-on to be
j proud of lliigadicr-ticncral Charles C. VV'oloo't.
j When Cobb reported th it Iie Jiad ' fought infa'i-
try instead of cavalrv, and ha lie en c 'inpl.Holy
1 used tip by the nil-take," General Hirdoe fully
j appreciated Kilpatrick's "sell."
Iteliel I.oxveis In llilillo leniio.seo.
The following will be found u nearly aeoiira'
estimate of tho wholo Kebol loss, including the
battle of l'ranklin :
K il It t-1 and wounded ut battle of Frank
lin ( -t: tements ol 1' CliLUthiinl,
and! others) V'M
Killed nnd wounded before Nashville
on tfco 1 ith lnt loil )
Killed und wounded before Nushvillo
on the Kith inst -'o n)
Killed nnd wounded stihse uontly. . . . '.'on S7'.)d
l'risoii. rs taken a', battle of ! ra'ikliu..looo
l'risomrs tnk.n on the 1 ',th In-t '-'noo
l'risiiiiois taken on the Koh inst -Ihon
1'riaonirs taken subsequently.... l ion 7V"I
Total Hehel loss K.J
There have Ih'CU -" 10 wounded Rebels tak"n
at l'miikiin, which swells our list of cup.urcJ
men to
Koiisscau claims to have killed and wonn led
3tM) ut Muifrtc-boro, and captur d l il. This
swells the eiiiire Kebol loss to Ul.jni).
lit NS CAI'Tl UK1I.
Cnnin n captured on the loth Id
Caution captuicd on the HUh '.'
Cannon captured at Muilreesboro -
C annon ruptured subsc uen ly )
Total pieces 1'
Hood has al-o lost during his campaign seven
teen gim rl ollloers killed, wounded, und miss,
ing, as lollows :
KWtil Ma,ior-(ieneral C'eburnn, Urkhldier
Geneials (iiuuberry, Oit, Stahl, Willi. mi-, a. id
II (,io.irr Major Ootienil Ibosrii, llvigidior
fli in ruls Carter, Monigl, Quarlcs, Cockreil, and
J'risnn- ci Maior-Cicneral Johnston, llrlgidier
(li nerals l iekson, tsinith, Kui ker, and (iordun.
The l.chcl Gem nil Quarlo-.w ho was wounded ar
1 rat, has been taken, wh cli swells tho list of
general olliccrs captured to six. 1 will give the
f ederal losses in my next.
ptvn A si r. i..
Colonel T. 1'. Andrews, ruyraustor-Ucneral,
Laving been In active service tuoro than forty
years, ut his own request has been placed by tho
President on the list of retired ollicers, and Major
11. W. Crlce.of Ohio, succeeds him as Tuymnsler
(ienernl, w ith the rank of Ilrevot Ilrftadior-Clene-rul.
It has been determined by tho War Depart
ment to confer the rank ot upon
the incumbent ol tUs cilice, but an act of Co: greitf
is ri quired to authorize it. General llriee is a man
of supeiior ability ; and with his large cxp -ri
i-nce in the pay department, as well as in vario is
other of the si rvice, ho will uudouh'edly
Ml the important idUcj to which he has bei-.l
culled with equal honor to liuiise f and tuo
(ieiicral llrico graduated ftt West Point, and
was coiiimis iontd in the Ul I'nited States 1 u
lantry iu IMi'J, resigned Irom tho urmv lu lHi ..
was appoinnd A'tpitant-General of Chio at ihn
breaking out of the Mexican War, and subse
quently pavma-tc.- iu tho army; served in I'm
U'ter cupai ity till the b uit'Diugof the Itebedion,
when ho was made niKriiit.Hiliiig pay mister in
thedistrioi ot Kansas; afterward-, in tue spnngot'
was tiausf.rred us sup riinen ling punna-.
tor at l;a uinore, w here lie remained ml cane i I i
the cLaige of this othce.
This Tnx on MntelieM
The New York y.'reioi; J'vs', disTis-ing t'ii
tux law, suys that somo of tho am n Inieu' s
ndoptidat the last scssi ui of Congre-s exhiin;
tho lolly of hasty legislation. It in-tancs, ai
one example, the section regul.ving tho tax. "i
friction nnilches, tire peculiar cb natter of wh: i
it exhibits thus:
"Those (mat'his) made In ttio ernip'rya i
taxed, by staiiins, over two hundred per cent, on
the co-t of iniiuufai turc. Hut at the same sessin i
u turill act had bei-n in-sed imp i-ic r u du'y,
iiiiie nominal iu comparison, on foreign ludt 'tn s.
Now, Mr S'ovens' act exprssly provides, th t
(section lt'i'.M when any Imnortcd artioles re
quiring stamps shall be sold 'in the original an 1
iinhioken p.ickuges' In which thev er p leko l
by the nianiiiae'iirer, no pena'ty wn.i ever shall
be incurred by selling them without sumps ! Of
course, iiianuf.unurciH iu Canada aud loiropj
have on y to pack their goods iu oneirafcv
boxes, for fam ly nse, and they sive tha tat.
Mutch factories were at once removed Intj
Cansdu, nnd for.iines hae been ma le lu li'ni
ninn'bk' rtvess of Congress by shiinlv a Inpting
the means which our law took pains lo provido
for di dealing its own objects and ruining our own
atiDoiiiirctl th it only eight liuadiid ami Ave men
uri required nf MassncUusett umler tlie I'rcsi.
dent's Intt cull for tlrce linndred tU'iiinuud tuso.
Ihs lrlh In I H.
An Importiint adverse Inftnrnce was the exioV
Irish, who might lie hum I everywnere in ttio
I'nlted Suites. Ti e Brl isli ambassador, j-nt re
uirncd then' e, declared in I'arliainent, that "there
wi re no fewer tlmn six I hin d Irishmen in the
American Congrc , icn.atkable for their in
viteralc Hostility 1 1 this country, fir the war with
which tiny had all vo cd." Tnere were others
fiom Ireland who wiro gu 1 less of all political
i ffCTi-e, hut more to stile 'to I'nglml than anv
native-lorn Amen. an. l'or one insHnee, the
wire tie sort of a r c rg man w ho was .tu;ot T
"Id to loive "lust his lite in the rebellion of 17 'H."
Thi- clciry n:nn, a man of learn'Tie, w ir, Hnd giv
spiri's, wss a neighbor of I, rd l."'ico merry, aad
a i ' v i Ten f iie-t at u. i.iinc.
He was charged, en t.y, with hnvin; writ'cl
ot'e cr more jatriota snn-'s foiind iiino-ig thj
olunrs. He was seiul a' his parson igo,
dragi'til bdoro a tew otli'-crs. wao s- aicly pie
tt n.ied io ole i' the forms of a tri il, nven bv
I nmrtial law, and nr.'iernd hi:n iinmedia'ely to tho
gdib. t. J o his w ile s ci trca' !', lor time to bring
ev iilf in r, the i,nwcr was, that the on!y favor
liny c.iild grant her was to allow her to a! end
1 hei'lmsb mil to Ills death. She did so. He wis
In nn d ii'. iy Large i in his ow n pii i-li, with his
( w fe nt the loot of the gallows. Hue suiwaia
i g ow trg v oiith ; another w as tour ye irs old. lo
eon d not think what win tho m nicr wirh bis
. niotlur that inght. She sa1 . n gin l.o-i.l" the
Ico, on which lay soine'.iniu: coMTcd wiiti a
i si (it. Her (yes were my wide op.m, id sho
I lat a I it ose hours w i h a Uicp, tod spat on ua li
ch i k, -on n-g at t',e w.i il.
1 1 lie obi d il.oi d 1 (i no vo, but sat o i his so ,
; in ii con i r, wati hiiii; his mother. I
I li wi d his bioti.i r iii ii g ilia' he would never
! 1 ciotig to I'.i.g nnd. Their iinol er, surro'ind d
' by InoLoiioi! oloioreii, cueourag i tlieui m t'i s,
I nnd -' M t ack, w uboir mi s- ige, the ol ahe- oni
n. or oy whnb her gre it in loiihors I, ft at n r
ih or. The i bb t s u went imui-'Mutic.v to Am i
ru a , ar d was an in live . itieii there whtiO l.i.d
j t u-tii ti .;gli iwhoni bis i.iilur finl kti iu s,
. we i) wii- ei iiilii ting ttie Auier.e in war.
I This i.iiiu: iinin, iitiiiiia'ed oy hi-burninu' Iom1
i i t lielai d, wi In- mother, an 1 of th" i-ieaiorv of
Ins tat' cr.un'.l In- line laoiiun s noil, and it. aaio
rot . lily ti, e wi a.thicst e.i!, n cf 1, iti -i u.a, tint
. In. Igo o the suniciuo l oii'tof that s ate, and
nr.c of tin! most import lot in,' T' ' 'Ts ot tue Senate
at W i,sh:iig'oii , in tiat p isifou lie had nio-e
pow i r in anv tiuostion bo'weeu Great Iti itain and
the I iii'i'd State- lli. ill anv man on', ol tie ( a'i -
. , ii,.....
" "'"r(
u our -ide the w tier. He invited
our ti e rist of tho bum y as bo Leonine a'du to
m'er th in n vociiio'i mid a Inono ; and that
laniily is only o-c spceauen of a 1 nco cl. . of
hu'e s of l.i.g and ('he I',- g uud of the 1'it s. S d
inoi.tlis, mid Ca-ilcroanh-h who wore pi mted
down in all (li-tnoi-alio -c.ittered turoagh nil tho
pn.iucal couic'i - of the I nitod suites Uii.itig the
wurtf 1MJ. llis'itl ' nt' (.',,- V.i.o.
A "Work and Aid Society" has been organ
ized in New Haven, Connecticut, to relievo ex
treme povirty,to prevent s'roet b gging, toexposo
inii osune, to toi ido cmployiueiit lor, and other
wise to look vagrau's, ili-chargcd or con
victed ( rimitials, and de-'raded children ; co-opc-ratit
g in this wink!i tho civil authorities,
Iicik volent associations, uud chiiroh so ioiii s.
rUUl'I.AMA'lloN IIY HIKl.OYi:UN(i,.
i stf r nii'i, ?. : ! n tin' mi:nr il Iiv tin1 mi
tl i(v ol (lie nimn.mvi I'luth nl 1 :i t: - v lv iiu:i,
Amhkw t fi;i i , i . (iviTiinr ol' lh" r.nd i uia-
IliOliHt'lllt il,
A ritOt'l.AM V ! I"N'.
U'f'f r- i , lit nun lv nn int nl' tin- ( ii'in-r ,s-p,n-h'V
ol tlil- I (i M i IihiIi w ni i 1 II , ttir t-l I.IV nl
Jlliv. A . I iilii- tliouitiul ci hi h n lul l - .! lumI Hit'
liimv rn;it ni nn Acl i inlin In Mm clt -' i n h ol i
I oidiitohWi'Hil li, it is linn It- t hi' (I iii v ol ilif (.mmor,
I'll lirncf'ipi ol (Ik i tiirn-s l li (! ' 1 it'll t t the
liicinl i r- ot tin1 lion r ol i:i-.irf"hi.itiw-t ol Ihn 1
I it, tt'il Mnto-s dv tin-XTft'lurv ol iln'1 ohiim.ii i ;i t -i
to i.i t iuii' ly liii t'liiniiilioii lln iitiui-'.- iii tin n'ir inn
r timiril n v fcii'il in tli.'ir cfoptrtivf ili-lnr,!-;
Aii v ' ii. 1 In- r l in it; ol tlii- i ii iiil eN oti-m t
In Id on linxltn , tin' imi'Vi n:li ;av ol Oiuli.-r lu"t, !
iti in l li r Iho -cvi ili'ric tor M'shImth ol i v
House ul res iiiu'iven ol tin- ( eiiir.'-t ol tin I
I ii tel Mm i h tor tin tiTtn ot two v'iiit. trom ami
tiller ihe totirtli in v ol .Niuu'h n xt. havn In- n re
ce. i (I in tlit vt.'- ot I f ccri'tai'V ol tin- t o i Hum
vtrnh!i, HKiectil'iv 1 1 pri.v.'s i'Iip Ml" the ft'iovc rc
Citi il net. wlit'iehv it up ai'ft t!,ut in flir h ir-l H
ti ic; , nmijioHi ti ol the S.' oihI, lliinl, l-oitrih, linh,
ixili uixl KIi's'iith V unt-'. in tin -ilv I'hituilrl
lli tit , Sam ri i, ) , I,' a mi a i i. Iiuh i v u duly ceil;
in ll.r H.Htrirt, euini o vil ol the Kitst, .e
vi'Mh, l-jfinh, rs t ii 1 1 1 uii'l lentil WitnN in Cm
eily ul' J Li udelpi.iu, ( haki m H .Ni.11,1' li:n
In ii duly t let tnl; In tne lltinl H .-tlrji-t,
rt n 1 1 ;i '1 ol ili. I welHh, 1 hirhi-iii h.
Mktet-hlil. Seventeenth, ljlileeii t II llllil N Hietevu! h
i.rtls. in the my ot rtnU ieiiihiii, a iti Mvim-
In h I et-n duly eleeu'ii ; mi lint I -mirth i. strict, imiii
ii m d ul tic 1 tair enilli, II ten til. 1 wen :eln,
1 V eniytir't. li lid I eiit -toiiri t) W iriJ , ih tin1 t'Uv
ot l'l.ilui.t ldiut, Ull il am l. Ui:i.t.KV Iilm hen
tin elt cMMl ; iu the I iitli litl i it-t, C'tiiinro-l ol i In
I wel.t.i I'ol.O, i Ut V-t iiil il a. nl TwtMlt y (itl !l I
W mi, in tlit it v til rii)!inlel;iluu, ami the countv j
Ul i' 31 T.t -1-1.1,1. 1 IIAVKII i ftM l-i eu (Jul, i'lf( --
vti ; il. tl e.siMh 1'islrtet, t'oni'to-icd ol IIH' r hiiImim
ut AloMiioti ci y Bui l.elnt.'li, H. M A UK ut: v ltt Kit
lu,n I ceil flee ted : tn I hi evenlh I lm i ir , c.iiu-.o-en
nl tli e count H h ol 1 h'-sler itti'l Oi liift tttt .l"HN
.M . ll.i't JU A II. 1:he I 1'eit dill v elected; iii .u l.i.'iuh
I,ftrii't. romi o, (.'t ot (lie county u H.'rk. v-
1 K. HAM K A M'ON A htlfl tie. 'II dhl O.ected ;
in tl.u Mm h I 'Miriet, ('nniinittt'tt ol" th"
futility tt Lit i muter, 1haihki'h Tl.VKN h,n
l- n umy eiec en ; in un' iimiim oninri,
ft mi unt il of the fountif.- ul Schuy.Kill und K -luiiou,
My Kit MtttiL'SK liu.- hfi-ii duly elcef4Ml ;
in llie l-li venili lisiriet, fiiintiorti'il ol ill Ciniutie-i
ul oi l tin in t u , ( iiiljon A.oi.roe, I'ike and Wuvue,
1 Iiil il JtniM-ti.N lias leeii duly elccl' U: in mv
'Jwell-h 1. strict, coiii)i)M-d ut tin cotinin a tol
Italic mni MiHUiel Hiina. i Oknmhon
1, tut tn n i u 1 v elt tit tl; in ih 1 hutemith DiHinet,
ciuioMid ul llie tuiiulleHur t ruwntrd, Wyoninit.',
Milmaii. uluud":a aitti .Montour, I'i.yhhi n lKitn ,t
In k Uiii iii'y iietti d ; ni tho touite-'iiUi Hit rici,
f inptiKeil ul tl.e counliei ol N ort linitil it html t'nion,
hi.ytjer. Juiiiuiu ami la iihin, tii-.imiiK K. Aliij.ictt
Inth lieeu only eleitoo; in tlio I iHeontli Ditrit",
ciniixed oi tlio ol i uinU-i lantl, Voik
Uldleirv, Al'AM .1 . 1 liHi bH'll dlllv
clttied; mid 1 ou tunlier deeluto thtt no iuc i
leluiirtto, Iho t'leiMiou in the hixtouili o;nri'!t-
f i Hill IHrtlill llUVf UM'Il Kent l the M'Cn'lUlV
tilth rninoiiivea th. an woiiht, under tin at!, of
At-M n bl ul 'Ztl Jui.v . JSft. nulhtnizo me to oroc.iini
tl.e in inn of tiny jn i:;on utt huviim heun tlulv u'ii:te.l
a li einl VV Ol tl O I1.jii.-u Oi KepieHelitU.ive Ol IhO
I i.itt d Maten lor Ihul d.Hlrii't n thnMvi'hte. nth li inp Kin oi tluTouiitiettoi umbi ia, hia r linn-
lillit.t II Itlltl Mitlllll, A It 11 A H A M A. li A (K KK llU! lli'i'h
i.tilv t lecled ; iu ilio Kivlneeitili DiMinrl, coiupoHi'tl
ot ihe eimiit-e- ot ei tit', i hiiton, J.vicHiiii, lioi t
HHll 1 utter. MKPllkN Iiimn liun Deeii dmv
i lt :led ; in the N tiieiei li-tnr:, coinpiwed ot Ih
coi.niiert o. Kiii', Wairen, MeKi'.m, KorifHt, Kik,
Hint ion, Jt llerH nardt e riield, i knm VV. Snio
KiKiithun I ee l duly tdeekd ; in tint lAtenlietti Ow-
II iet, COIi,(ieht tl nl the Cohll lert t l i I UW Ol d, Vellilll ''o,
Mem rat d ' lantm. iiaiei.i:h V, 1'i.vni iia-4 tevii
dnlv . leelt d ; in ill" I weuiy-ilrst liitin t, twuii 'd
ut the muiith ti of lutliuua, We-timonuiid and l a-
e'le, .Iiiii.n I. JiAWHuN Iihs ht'tiii tlulv olec t'.t ; in
the I weiilv-"" ei-nd i.-t"tet, eoini twil of thai ).in of
A lej lto iouiitv r-nutli of the Hint) and A l eli-'itv
Itiver, iiiciudui!; Nevil Nuim,.) K - Muliih a i nr. ,
Inn tl ii . y ihe nl; in tho Iweuiy-ttiid 1'Mnri,
c ii'i'OM U ut Mud t'tirt n Ailei'heuv counlv itorin ul
li e 1 1 1 1 1 u uud Al e. limy Kivi i.h. and oi tho oinilt'-t
ut l.i.t it aiirt Aniulroutf, i 1 1 1 i a s Wii.mahh Uh
lien duly eittitu; in Ihe iwntv-loiii'ii 1 ih net,
rttiiiiMil ol tl.o foiintna nf Lawt'-neo. He.ivt ,
u-hiiitffou und itfiiu, OttniuK V. jLaWiIKm :
t un h' t n duly eleeled.
Nt W tilt U'lO'e. I, ANUHFW (.. (TITIN. (iOV(T tor
UN uh r 'Mini. 1 a.o iuetl tins inv rnK'unm ion,
In -rem liulilirihiuir and tie -hinn-,' lh it S.tuiu tl .1 IC m
t.iill, li ' I let O'jV'i I, l'oi.ttid Mt!rs, V iliiaui 1.
hei.ev. M 1 UMit'll ihut r.Jt. Mi'iklt Toy. r, -lo in
SI . It'ooina.i, vdel:tl4lu K. Aiuioim, lintdtlem
Mevi'in, 51 er Mr. ew, I'hil'p .lolinrt n, tinirt-t
Iei it ton, rivTC Mi reur, i.eor :o t . M.lier. Ad:i n
,1 ( i In-ft. reiiner, Ai-'ultMii A. Hiirtei, Sioheii t
ilMir, t.liiiniU. Sehoiie d, lurlen V. t uiv;',
Ithit L IhiwMHi, .1. K. -M iieh"ad. llioini Wli
Itun t su : ( iir :e V. l.-iwieu.e hnve lieon ro' unit I
h duly v of It d in their 'even: tl lrJi:u heiore in",
nn i.i'ireentiitiveH lu tlio ''on"ro-tot t io
t n.ied MHle.t lor tin term ol two v' rtiN. to (' n-
fi.-1 vv irom nnd alier llie tunrt ti day oi Mareh in't.
i.. h J t.ivi n ui.uer inv Ittiinl autl iho r.u teal of
tho M:ite. a' Itair.-h.i v. thin I'W'n'y-sixHi
dity of Iiev-einlier. th tlio vcar of otn Jwnd, onn
II (iiifiiml fi-jrht linndreit and nixiy-tmir. uud of
(he oinn oiiwcal.U the tl 'Idv-ii'iitli.
l V tljfCiOVtTUOT: kAA
HccroUiry of tlio ' oitininiiHCiUli
assembling of the Court, yestsiduy mornln'!,
sealed verdict, nssrssiiijr tlie duini;es at sU cents,
in favrH- nf Ihr nlnimirV. -m t,r,,l '...
C A N i
Fourth Slrcctd,
ft Is ItOMK rOVrAST; snit er.,1f dlvt1 sit,d,t1t,
trn, sidiriir Of as-tireJ to pr rumrQ irtnnuiui l.ail
d,vaf! i.d 4u yr ceut.
oaih or TiirsTani".
Alfxsniler Whllht o,
lli,,- J , tin I oiiiKk,
AlbrnC H',lrt,
listi url T llooiDS,
..rvr Si'-r-nl,
,1 K-lrsr Ttirm..l,
Mnn i se y Aim n,
It si ry k. Ilemiett,
F'nilii . Vlivlo,
j.,hn Alltmsii.
V i.usui J. IPiiisrl,
l-nse Uaxletairtt,
Pimti(l W.,rll
I.FAMs It " lilt, t.t'lf, P'cMt.
Ml II, Wi.llK M, i' I'n s' t. it.
It 17:1 JUIIM H. V ll.HOM. Hie r and Tretiirr.
CAl'lTAI, STOCK. Hf 1 .( x (,' H)(
ilnii, tilio Muir H l"r nl ne,
It. AN tl ,Ksi )N.
A. Sott,
S . 11. h Ill's. I,
W' dpsni a I rsp,n,
Bel lot I', kins,
J, l,r M. K ley.
1 Loth lit Hli.rr,
T C. M-limill, H-r!hnTf.
JthiW.IUll, do
W. w. Wli t,nriiv.r.
, W iltlaro U. Mtiulu, Ctilorido.
D. 1'
PfcrrU'T tit rreuiurcr.
KHM Am. .
A nfvr,ft'1'"Mr'' ppohufnn hav biTit prrwurM ff-im torn
of tl f- Ct tnj uny loiirt, And hnve bn afKAfi'i) bj i ro
Wperv t- "th n J iitrrH with tl mol (fTAUfj tnc fwnllw.
Hi.h-fTiptinn li-ti arc now n n Ht tltr Otllct' of itm l'"ia
An. ti t at th Trfa-'Otf'! O0)re ( Ititirnai Recnn),
hn AT, ( Hit M;T tttrft. KtmitM-j and Mrh.uuYr hnl To irtK'inal inb.ortWti -i ' yur ahar fur a
iMnhi-it nnnitxtr ut hr.
( vJiU t, or IrfrtnAtln tan be cM:nM at
it oiticf or Uit Coaitanr. atvir flu? I7tii Lnt. 11 U im
rj' ii i: ic i: r i r w o v i t v
0 V V I C K U S .
Yx t.ii.riKr.Tfcru.n Voltm-k. IHrtvtnr V S. Mint, rhlla -'
1, Lin . linn W (i Mi rtirid, I'rt'nUflnt I'hili J -IjiMn And
It Km, 'om A- y, C. B. Wrtutit, d . II.
Wnwht I n , UnnkiTH ; Hfiirr Slu'Mmi, Ki , of Bt union,
M't-ltJon A io, Nt Vmk ; W. H. II.n. h, Kh ., of Kitlr
ln.H .t Co., Kcw York; T. H. Hnnilior, Ki-i.of T. II
I'tinhm' k o,, Ni-w York ; I. K. Oilf.1 rut. n, Iat Ki'tiUter
1', K. 'I ri uiy.
ft' ff-0 HIIArtKH AR VAI.I'E, f 0 K tM.
bl,IHi KIl'lh'N I'llH K, ;iO.
rroi'trtv, 1 1,770 AtTi's, all Ktittwqtobo Rich iu
Jn.Cio Sliarcs of Stork OiLrctl for Ruhooriptl n.
.VO oupt't't t.f pur tlOI.D tr-im the rompany's iportT
iiinv It- mm n i in aiilleitln at U. Htheo eft'. It. Wiivbt A
i'n . Nn. 1 '2 S. '1 hlrd ntiPit,whorf tn proupccUiHi', ai d
all hil. iDt.itl n niv be had Tte l;i't report from tho
tito'.'j. iMof the ( . nij Any iiii"iiiH 'i tlie Jltcovcry of r"l Vtt
new and very rtrh unartz Unlei.
1 lip OfVt fit Kvport of the (iol,t (Vtnimlititoneri nf Oannd
aMI iHn l ttitiUalird. iltowhiK' ovt-r fit1 '4nt'cii'tl
. Ihiuiamt loHart,n mio raiei.of Hold has hi a
rt-t i titly kinu d In the ('hati.l.tiro Ihitnct, prlnolnully upon
the C'tiinp'iiiy'h proiicrtT.
A hiuiird iiaii.h' r of llie aliarr of tln Cnpltal Sto''k tu.iy
be suU'-utMd lur t the Oitlc- of
15. WHKfl UT Mr CO. ,
yo. Ul TlllHI ret,
1'.' fntwit ' opi'oitlie the F.charjK.
TAMV.32 TOl'M, AO. .to.,
No. li:s: CllliSNUT STKKIVr.
li 8
C 1, W
V K A Li
i: a t i rv (i nous 12
U 17 3m
'111JIV 1 A.. MOUni'Ul A CT1..
LmjCK WTllh.i;T WH AUK,
PwrND a. sirpis.
ll'.l ll..Al.l I
ai kin i-
. lnl'llKI
la ti
V V bUufiad in IbOU.- (iiportrantJ ' AUir m
f'lna I Das, V hum, aud Utiora.
Choice Havana rtarit.
rot k A ltla k wt 1'kkles and Maiicei
rnKMsf" and Hcoteb Ale ami t'ortur.
Canned Meat I, Krulti. rtoup, A
JiA- letes nut up with cum,
Al So. XI HKfV)NI t:et
1-88 ly JUKUl-A U. (ML'rTT.
10.10 Vo. 1 rj I N. HEL'OND Street. rhllsdnlrhlA.
So. CiN KH M' rlTttl'.ICT,
fin,..' kl.i'iil.
We ir. prepared to OU order, to ny tor oar weD
Inel'dinrll recml ImpruveuieiitJ Inewdlng, H.nuali.g.
suit wMvlnn
We Invite tlie HtnUn of mAnufsctarert to oaraxien
Ive work..
tL IU' ' leu Ha.'., lu H'T'' .ml for idle hy
la-S lia .'liruijt.
the ieopic oi tne t onuot rrtte Mutes, and espe
ci.illy lliosit of .Sou'.lijCHrtilina, ever known Had
fcttuLut lh peuplo of Georgia kumv imj leel
8. fit (oriis- tnd
OrnCE, No. l i!) S. FIFTH ST.. rmrADA.
r0XV. PHARIM, A T fin F. A"M.
i H:Riri iom nut k $'."mk h ih pid sro k.
lttNcivca cniitui. fj.tMMi.
rtlHHl 1KNT,
tMRFt Tons,
A. K. VrfirtF, j,,v M. r it ll)Y
nnMM a. si.irr, kmhiia w. imvh
I. K JAi K.MAS, I'K rf.if, t, t V Al 1
JAMF.S M. SKLl.r.ft.
Tit V A a V It F H ,
Tliircrrrany linn three diiUTent irai-tn nf land r. .w
j.r i i C eil, nnd ample icvuitt to L"iarne ra.ular
il.vnli nl.
'Ihe ihr-f trirtu Willi np!li,n tl:"m a-n cipV'lr of fi
tenlr di le"ii'-nt, and the ( otn'ny have five en in i
ami tl.e rutin rtidy to iroi- nte the wcrk.
It I nk 1." a rn ic fo on A!rlu lty ri r or, hum 'dUMy
v polite OiH hy. itti Hfl ruilt riTer fr.att and r -di
freiit en Lay ' Kun. Thie tend li now worth $I(0,iK0
chiMVf cf lie OW nuM.
It ha 10 errwi In fi e In the Crurry Rtin dltrlrt, Imme
dialt-iy ai'.ulnlnit Ou-rry Hon r'trUyin ( ompunv, antl
leitjiri 1 r al ut:t to he exeenietl i ItTi two itmnn partirn 1 1
n.k w eli in Itaie en thli fact, the ConipAivj to receUe
lialf th
It tutu two trm t of lend on oil t'r 'k, each vrod tiring
over l'n harn te per t!y. and one tract on the Allttfln ny
rWrr piiHliifii i; ten bafrtN of heary Oil, wnrtii f M per
barri'1. Allef l eo tra'i will be proniplly d'Toloit,
rd tin y ate aU tented (Ml lauds.
It U o ti' tliztd on a certain ban1! h p iy itirfd, -nfi fro
ihe H'irt. lie reiiMtnee fit in Oil a'ono nra more than
itirt f t r et'.t. ; t annum on Vtt cApt.nt; and new
w 1 ll are ahowt to he mnk n leftue, ithout oot to tha
r.m pany, ai.d out hail tlic.pic4 wi.l buloiift to Uie
1 he Cotnpiry Iwiit $.''0,nt 0 of tie awn rapltal hi reern
hilonii g to tiir Bic4)i'd,ler, and takhi r It altunother Ut
rowrft'l . r certain dtvuln,U ir not npinmiHich-i hy
any vther flit itvck notf 111 IAt mnrlW ot even double tf
original . ott,
1 hr oitn ei n of Company niran ta proeeonte Uie tie
veiepment of ilwtt landi mo it rnerti. t'c ill v. and they hiv
entire onfult in c Uiat Uiey will jUld very liUk'c JlvlJt adi
on tl cr.plint itorlt.
KuIim Tii'tioni will be neelri d at the uiflrt uf tins Ottn
Phiij. ti n tl:
a ii r a 1; ii 1:
l-'Olt KAI.K
0.e half the fund lnt rest on Hnyalty, bfflnjr one eiphth
of a 1 the U produce on a tr.ioi of hind cotitnlninx rlhty
el ht in ici. and located on the went eide nf the Allegheny
tivtr,. lt atliii below thu town of 1 1: ASK1.1N, In Venango
cuur ty, rennej Ivanla.
On thii.tand there are now Four PumpiriK WelN, pro
tlitcliif.' Vily ltarmlH of Ol! per day. Thre are now F iur
Niw M't-IU (,'nlnK dowu. No w i' 11 boied in thisviclclty
ban yet p'oved a failure.
Tt-ern room on this land for Sixty more Walls, and
tVre will pttibb!y ho Ten v.f w Wollt bored ou this land
tluiit g the tt intiitf pr!nK ; from all of tht'ir the pur 'bttscrs
df the iilme Interei-t will receive one e'glith of all the Oil
proflnet d, m ItJiont nt.yof tho work tut; expinsei. Thera
liavt-bi't'ii e ;ht new em 'ncs pnrt lout d for working till
land, Ae. Apply to
No. IOI) CM I-3-JNIJT Ht.,
1J VI- ' KOOM N.i 17.
II I C h t) I' S T () N
Ou. of Uie bii.t sod uio.' promising Invi'ilnirnU hefurn
IS,. l ul.ilc- r vl f.,.nn Kill KUKNISU SI'HINU KUN,
KM.1IT IS' Kl.l.fl an lhin, some prtitfiirlng, snd g.tod ihow
of Oil In Ih.olheri. AK1KI1AN I.EASKlt AND WK.I.l.N,
us lii.ndtDR sfne cte.A. 117 sere, in fve, noir the Hhl
llll MM. fl'KIN .. Alio llov erren Iii fee, known
the SAHAll rMOVIMK rAltM.oa Vffluw .reek, trtlm
4ry el linen, rlv.r, .Uio arre. tiitum IsiiJ. Tbe ('nmiiauy
I. (eitii s Tn f niy Utrreli sir dsy, hevi. four Engine, nm
cn tlie, sid icven Wells sluiu.t couipleted, will,
.how of i ill li, all of Uiem.
AU of Uie nbove proertf la In WIRT (.'ll'JSTT.
full t the nfflre nflhe III.IUS CKBKK Oil. CJMI'ASV,
ho.tl7 WALNUT Htreel, sliI get a prospoeiiti.
mo.roo siiAiass, rAit tio.
1 m tmHf
(wacoHb FLOoa).
11 17 tl- fiecratafy and Traasarw
pan ht tnpatled at lrwett eth prices wtth
CKsarM1 CT. If RTlM'K,
TtlAafhR lUMiKH,
ItJ( LklMlPRH,
A ftaB ateor mem ot ssuhisIn on hand f -r nurc(ta-nr to
avluat from. Mtylauir ? Uvtlsflvul;ori.naaUaof 8uck.
W. Q. PERKY, Manulioturhig f Utioiaer,
U-tt ew i.W.coeutrf rOUUTlI and KICK flti.
Ljn"iw.sft ,..s r sl ir. i'.is c & oi r...u L.U 1'
'jra ON TUB LAKt.s.
T' BV lllPiB'MKST.
UejeiubiT'l, lis.L i
Ol' rilll.ADKIJ'HIA.
CAPITAL 81,000,0110
$.",0,800 Cah WorfclnR Capital.
HUUSOlliniON PBICH. f t 50.
'l.t of o.e Calan U.a Kallread Company.
,M! rHKainiii,T,
Of tte .a,dw. tt.m ot Tr t . g ,
04 Work, MeCouei. A Co., Banker, ho. K S. Third .Htt
TIldMAi P. WArTfl'J.H,
Itirtt ARPi,
ol ruiantown.
WM. T. RIIKUHKHD, Insurance Aretu.
oi lata Dry Uood ilin of J. T. Wmj A Co.,
A. w. i,p.fsRrtiff;a
t aslUur Much Chunk Hank,
IDWiBD HtlirrKM. Km.
Th property af tho Pmke fetrtiletun rempany oons'eli
nf to trjtcti of land, one of two bttnilred and flfty-iavaii
are and one of two hnndrek aid eixty-flvaaoraa, makrnf
In all ne aiiadn d and twoWa acres, ia fce, utha'Cai4
weMHranrJi ofODCrefk.
The property his tcen arltleUy onamlne4 hy ft Com
mtitea appolntid a-r Uiat purp", and Uia Icrrkory aro
owreed. to tkelr Ji.ta-iiHtnt, to he fully in a! lo that ou (H
Oak, aloDff whlab tlie largott oil wella evur dtaeoTaratl
havt baea fraud.
The land retemhle thte on Ol1 ererk In orery p art a
lar, and It Is iillered, from the Urie niniier of all
Ssyrlnts ta rkta proaliulty, Uiat valuahla wall will M
ovaad on both tiaa tracis.
Th nianiiif meat h.kvQ already soenrd it mI nw'ni
and att m J a on tt?n-. uptirlntt-adont, with tww io
liumediata aad aiieriteilc develop nant.
A larj portion ot these tracts la bottom, n adtnlrably
adapted ftir boring
tiWTaraJ eouipan es are orfinlrM on lands homdlatty
adjolnlof this tarrltory. Among which ara tha BiiKgi aad
Craaaaat OU Cotupanlea or Philadelphia.
In prsctiuii tha liraka I'etrolrum Company to fk
puhit,Uia Mractors ana mat Uielr schatna thonld bea
amlnod.and olicrl(Hiie made to tha Stock In fntl faJlb
aa lo lu pratant and prospective vaiaa
T. HASKIN'8 UJ CUT, Tmstduii.
TlliiMAH I) WAT rSOM, Vloa-rrosldont.
BAML KL WORK, Troaaurar.
8oba rlptlons will be rarelved at the Bauklng lloaie ft
IS T tf
ho. M A, THlskU atrvat
Capital, $300,000, - Shares $2'00 Each.
WorkliiK Oapltal, "iO.OOO,
Hv en hundred arre ti ltind. of which alotit tlva ktindrerl
ar' In ire Miiipi, and the tl.tliy prudtict is more than aiH-cli-nt
to pay a mom hit tltvnlinii ut Two pr rant, roaiity
eUht biineis ii f t II per tiny to this CttTpany from iba
Kowlry ils, on IHoim Yrin Knum woramg lotarnst
la a wril bi ing hrt d on ihe ' aou Kunu. Lvam of
erren on 1 'Uta tteR, Ohio l,, ii.of Ul acres on IJlUa
MntKiiiKnui, Onto, y id a rrn In if on Wit IlKaory arv4t
1'a. 1'.h acres In It a on Ktdnul ctek, Uhio.
Atient for l'lilladelphla,
ia 27 !t No. atJ WALNUT Hi.
No. an Wiilnut Htroet.
FOR P.A1E-AI1 llie livlluir dirldcnd pajlng Oil,
tVANTEt)-rrtle with rnira 1 to IJtlCOO, to forss
oriyinalnr. In a t'on,any, who.e art receipts, at the pra
eut time, pa; filly per cent, on the purohaae money.
ALSO OKK.IN L Sl'BSCIllPTION recalled lor ,h
greater part of Ihnjlie.t Comianles now organlilar, nnder
Ihe illres-tion of gentk'iuen of rxiJerleuoe oil unduutited
tundlng Call and get a circular. U4I Si
of riTrsiii'KG,
Thf Ir propertk. ronslftt cf olio hlf Ihe nil of Ihe D'xlo
uril en the llix.Tcr lm in, proiliicluK l. n u trrel. pr day of
1 uiirlci tl, M I'll. se'ltt.K u, llie Hells at lli, per barrel Tho
'oiii'.p tiais e au et,K III e. &u., t-ouiplelu, and Tikjid 10 liiro
tH, more uell. n'.Ti-r In a lenso on Home Creek Kdile, o
ns 1 1, o i. one well, prii.lucing vliit bane-l perd.j, wlta
ei..' me. t'xil. A 0
line bininied and eleven aere. In fee on I'lthole run.
Cue-luuith ol lea.u on laud tn Cuexrj run, t'eatial
c- utv.
On, half Intrre.t ofa'eoeon I. unit' firm, on fhorrr ron.
Oi.e Ml lilh liiirii'.t In a well now being .uuk .n Unog
fn, in, on l'l.err run
hole "k' in lot fulled, Iphla,
1Z. A
11 27 Ct
M AltHIIAIvr.,, .Ir.,
No. -JU WA1.MLT Street.
We aia prepared lo fumlnh hew Corporatlom with
the Hook, tlier re.iulre, ai .hurt notice and low prloat, of
fu-.l ,ial ty a II at) Ie. o, Itliidtng
OKU, FI.A ' K CKltTI'll ATKH OF ST00 .
1,11 UiKiltAellKII du Oo
Usl r. H HOIK
ri i.mrKU or capital mooK.
Al ( III N r Oi' H A LE.A.
Blank Rook M.nuf.etu'er. aad rtuitmnrg Do. U CUUtlMUT StreM.
70K0 llltITM.S U01.lli.iY