lupod m ry Ui eliro. i Force, the land ft. al lIuri.Kit, . Iweuty-tiUh, luof elooorjil mum gtopj flFPTnTATi WAR GAZLIIij- PROGRESS CF THE rxrfoTio.v. Eenorla from Bear-idminl rortor and Mnjor-Genoral iutor. ... iw at rncf j tin, iilli'ivinif ly a ncia thin nffornoon rewire! TrrATTA rAnnoN, In.tko Statm MAO-KHIF 'WAIVKKI." AT SKA, OFF NlCW INI.!-'.-. jv the 2d. S'r:-I va in hopr I nIhuiM hTf fc'" 0 U' P''0'11 tj the Natinn Krt Hln r anil nurrouvti ng i t us a( lirmtin:m oflcrin, hut jam (utrry W'V t not bc-ii tukmi yet, I at (ni,k'f,fon '"''lflt m?t , with the mn-ihfri, Vtnni 4U, Jtf 'f" ""' M-"i'"hih k Min ta,c,,,,rifi, ,V . fitrntt. 'i-r inni, H'.r!ih, Sittju-hunuii, Hnx-k fnt t',rH'l' tl'tn, JUi'fthl, Sh IffU't-xtfi, ' tW ltnft Tu rfl!.T.'i, M nk iiu M nimr -. Y-mti--, h'i.i, is, ,,, IfmtLrr ( itt, M,ntiv,fh. ., IJ, ,,,!, .V (!., i f't ;f" M', O 7''''' !, 'nnttin-tl-', S I ii li i to 0'' ttti, t'ort ,1 f h.nn nn. V in f-T?t'tt iiiiv.n n rn scrvi ol' mnutl vos. el cmisiti i t i tlio A- u , I! w yiui. 11'Uih-wsH. Vh.'r.-K: ,t A. li. Yr, Arwth; '.'u, f.'7;- A' ih im-t ' Stnf, , It ft t.f ,, inw i J, it , Trt-tum Simif'ii, Hn(utnii, (1 v. Hn ki"jlt'W Hint A"'f i. mmt'i . J'k v onfi to n akinir thu ut ack a torpcdii im a in T-pi h I ' , Vi itli mi nnioinit of powder n t)'Hrd ui jmimm! to lie MitluMfiit to explode tlio powder inu paiiif ol thf tnri, was prepared with irre;i. cure, and ploci (i under the cotiimaiid of ( nmmuiidrr A. c. 1'mim, who liful noMiitel with him on thi- p rilh.ii" wrv e, I,K uteiiiint S. W. I'li'.-Mtis, ee.)inl Ahm'iii t I ii u i i ( r A. T. K. ;ri,!..x, ol tin- V'nueil Stiiti Meamor A-i'nr im, niul Aeliiif; Mater'n Mu'e rilll, 1(A Yl'l-N. W,tll Heveil IlUMI. So much had heen iaid and writtnii ulmut tlie terril!e i lli ct. ot jiuiii owner in im ejip'iiHii.n thnl haprpnnd lately in t iiuiand, that, reiit rebu ts were exptH-ted from this tiovl mode oi ma1 iiiir war, Kv rytldnr that inie 1 1 u 1 1 v rould de ise whh adup ed to m:ike the experi ment a Huw.p s. J lie vii-scl who lirniijilit round trom Moriolk with irieat euro, and williimt accident, m tow ol t. el id:ed States Sieumer ,SW a.m, Lie ul o liatit Commander .1. L. I'avi. who din-eied Ins whole attention to the matter in hand, and, though f litM-xpitiieiiced Hinno tud weather, and lo-t onr of ld mdders, ho took tier aa oty into Heauiort, whero i wo tilled her up wilh powder, and poi .cct 'd all tho j maclunorv lor hlowinir her up. tienorul Hi'tlku i had arrived at tho n iidrzruua before im. and I ha;- i tened muttoiH all tliat I could so that no unnocoa narv delay mnrht he laid to nn chai tfo. j On tho lHth hint., I mailed fiom linanlort with all tho r omtorn, New Ironside, and small vessels, in cludiiiKtlio Louisiana nisjfuied as a blockade run ner, tor tho ren. tvouH, twenty nule eat of New Inet.N. ('., and found all tho larger v.-sm lt" and irnmpiTts a!semi)!ed iht re.tiio wind bio Ainir hi'ht from tha noriheam. On tho 2 tli a heavy tfalo pet in Hem the nouthtveH, and not iteth able to muko a port wiilumt scattering all the veieh, 1 determined to rido it out, which 1 did a it l out any ai-cident of auy kind exeept the lusa ol a few ancU'ira, thn innnitora and all hrlinviup heantliu ly. Only two yr-Hsels went to ?oa to avoid the rale, and In rod no hotter than tho.sp at aut hor. 'I he triuipmiti heintf Hhort of wa;er put into Iteaufoi t, N. ( ., and were not suitnblo fur lidinii out at unclutr mcii hoavy Weather. Alter the nou'istur the wind chopped an ntid to thowe-twurd and uavo u a heaaninl fpetl ot woaltier, which 1 could not afloi d to Io.ho; and i lie transport with tho troop.s not making their api oaranco, 1 delriniuoil to tako advantage of it and at lac Fort Fntirer a id tin out works. OntholWdl directod ( "oinniamier Uiiino to pro ceed and explode the vessel, right under tho wall of Fort Fi.-Jier, Mr. UnAimmis ot tho t'oa.H Survey, having pone in at liiuht, und ascertained that wo could pi act a vt'so! of sevmi teet draught, ritjlit on thcodtrool the Leach. Lieutenant K. il. Lamhoji, conuiiaiMlinir tho 'Vef , volunteered to sea m in tho H'tt'l' im Act mr Ma tt i liKMtv Aiiky, In coiiiiuaiiti, and tow the L"ui.i't)ii into position, liavmff aKHiHled in tho yalo lit taking care of tho, a ter sho and tho Xins mmttl , tho vo.iel hiivin her in low, had lout ail hiir auchui-rt. At liad-paMt 111 I. l. tho powder vo-e started in tosardn the t ai, and was lowed by the Wi''h rn n until ttie embrimiie.s ol tort Finher were plainly in Htfht. i l.o U H'1-t in then oust oil, nud tlio L-ti-hi, 1 1 .( pifcrcded under Hte.nii until w itliin two hun dred vanls lnmi the heat-ii and ah .ut lour huudi-"d troni tho ion. ominander JiniMi anchored her BeciJiely there, and coolly wont to work t make ail Inn uriunu'-nu nih to blow her tp. '1 tils ho v.i-. in tiled to no, uw to a h otkade-: uniiff uoiu in rtht aiiead ol lit in . the fort nui.nwtlie hlockidu ' runner m ana s, w Inch thev aNo old to I he L tti.-ii'twt,, 'i he pa'lant pait, alter coolly nuking all their ar lafieenientfl lor Hie cxhhsnm, lelt the vert-el, the lat thine they did heinr to set her on iiio under the cai in, theii to their hoius, lien- made their ebcupo oil' to tho Wil'l- 1-nt-H.H, ui close py, The j M i'i'' rn '..a then put oil' shorn with kooJ sped, to avoid any ill ellecttt t J at 1 iniyht hapneu liom the ex p!olon. At turly-live iiiimr.e-t pa-t one on I he iiioru in? ol the 11th tho exph'Hion toid;, biii the shock was nothimr Id-r ho seveio as wan experiod. Jt shook tho venhsls Boino, and btokuoiie vr two la-.sort, ; but nothing more. 1 At davhuht on tlie 24th tho flfet got und t way ' and In line of latile. At 11 A.M. the annuil w lniide to eiiiiU'e the Ions, the tnmnl , leading, and the M")i(uin k, i a mum uh ami Al'ilmm,- ml ouiiij. the irwiMti' it took her t'Odilion in tuj in r,t lu'.uiti tu n-i d seaman ike manlier; ;tt herpnu out and opeiiod (iehherato lico ou the lort, winch wa-t at ; or with a; I lis awn, winch did tut setou iiuiiut oiis iu ti o northeast l ice, Ihouti wo c JituleJ wiiat 1 poured to ho hi voiiieeu miis. lut hnr or livo ot the o were lired iro-u that directum, and t iev wro silei.cod almost as toon ;is too Jri-uni'l- .i opoue I hur ten he I anery. ' Tho Minnmittu then took her'podllon in luvt'J aoiiu- stvlo, and her mma, alter (lotting tlio rail 0l weio hied w th rapidity, while th" .lc'i-ci, ( ,f0' "!' and t ho lariro vohoIk marked on tlm t an vot to their stations, all Jiruitr to uov -i theins dve.4 while anchoiiiifr. Jty the tnno tho hud. ol thelai0Ves e s uiichoiod und Kot tlieir baliericH into niuy, b it one or two (runs ot th" enemy worn fiivd. this j, a ti' j-;?- nriving theiu all to their bonib protds (he si. .all puu-bouttt K'HimiA, i'li-niilhi I iit.i,ti s-'iK-ii i i.tmmu', X ant ic and Iunn taking a portion to' the north and eu-t of tin monitors, ami endiudmir the works, llio Shnimn!ih, 'J iriif- n,it ..(rj V"ir, 'J'-tmtit and l -nnh rtuit toik elf.xtive poii tions, as miok'd on tho chart, and added their tire to ti ut already i oifiin. I ho .si,,r ,,,,,, ,. c,,,, rrrt Jttrknn, Oso.a, f'li't' Wt, St.-.'triti, fili .U 'tttulp M,.vt4i.-tit, Quaki-r l itti unit J dropped inio pis.tion uccuruinif to order, uiiu (hobai lebu CHine uoin nil. ' in oi.ebour and til'teen m;nu!e after tho first tdiot i wjis lireil not a ahot came troni the tort. l'Wo nu 'a zn es had hem mown up by our slu-lis, uml tlit .ort act ou lire tu several plac n, and such a lorient of ie!.--jlos wore utlliiiv into :ind l.uistniff ,ver it ihat it 1 was .lupossihle n r anv;li 114 human to stand it 1 ! iiuliiiir that tie? hrtieile- wero Hileiuvd com- p etely, 1 di ted the lnpitukee up n mod r.iie tiro in hopeM ol at t rat Miir the ntieiilion 01 th,. transpurta and bnnt'inK tiiem in. At sun-ollieneral IH'tlku tuniiMii in Iub tluiT-hip, with u lew transport th0 mil ot having a rived irom Ih-auiort. It m Moo lute 'o do n thiuu uioru. 1 i "nalt-i 1 he th e fi ru ! tiro (or the night to u Hate aiichorji , which hey 1 tnd ivuhout beinj inohNied by ihe en"inv There were some miMnke made tliis day when tho vessels 1 vent in to hike position. ' ; 3J j lun i f battle beiujr based on accurate c ilea la-tion.-, and made trein iulormat 'on lohereiedou ' w-h placid in the I und td' imoIi coinnctmh r and 1 it 1'ieiiioii impo-odjo to uo at rav if it w h sineily III ."Wl d I reilllied those VIMW..M U()t . todmu dU chJtto v to get under way and a sumo th"ir iror .o-n 01m, wtn -li wiw ilono promotlv 1 ai a w Uiout t-ohfUMiun. ino ven-eU were umeeU wm.ewhaj inarer to tho worki and wore mm. to I tin. w in Iheir i), which wue beioru tuiliu int ' t; o water. One 01 two lending v.soh tiavui mad- U o mistake of a choriug oo far oif cau-ed tmno ! ct mil p utter them to commit u like error, but when 1 ti ev a'l not into place aul c-nmueue', work in i iiiem, tiiesl.oer ol sln'il, one huiiiiied and lift evil , p c uiu ule, Wi- iiroi&tii lo. 1 ny rf,ort except tho tolcgrinu of Geei Bukb'! TIIK DAILY KVKNING TELEGRAPH. FIIIL ,, ii,P(.npini'a run. sllo-icii. lit t limn n' Hid"-"""'- I re 'ivl lliiw- i ,o quirk T Wt ' ill, I.IT'I'IT l I mi iiii n " , ' i fii.ii , , i i,y cm Iimnl'i-il !' Infill, ritn- I iiLfiim of ' 4 mi liimnl III" '-"'i'-,',,.. I, Kill.Ilif ,i and '""l""' S"vi"i lillli'i A,,. (,t,- I'll'. ('" in,l ilifi t't'iff, Kilmer i,m tilli,, t 1,1, ,1 te 111'11 Annllier "H th" .I t., l-i 1 1114 tw.i ii i , u,i iuiiifii i ", ll r Aimui'T on lh t,ln I ,111. flollHll'T. ' "' ' Ti, ,, lill,-,, All.ltll'T i ,,i, ilic A" V"; k'Hitii! "! wounding I ll,,i,k tin- I ii Mine ,,i ih , ,. H,x ( ,,M'.ilir,'ilt ll Miv CIVlis , ,l0 vcasnN lion t hi ,,, I,, nu mi ll, li ml Kiivn ,, iU,,l all ajrivu iM. hum ill the liuriitt,! pniinil -r, m,, n. iit-(-illi lit fvpiiIi nrovril. Ilii'y weir mini P.r . lo mm ('iilcilliili d to kill muni r mir n i'ii limn 1 Mn.kttuitc h: d her ooiler peiloiared w dh a shell, I nt ti ten or twt Ive petsmit were had v se tided. 'I he I OtrWff wii- ntiuck w ith a "iicll ncir h"i- iiiuriin', and wiih at one 1 inm in a of n king rondition, b ti Imt j el). c enl coioiennder stepped tlto le;ik winie till) Ahf kiiifiv hnii-ht out ilie battle, ii'twi;lMt.inding I thf' dull a'e sue had received. ' he X'H'ir wax the only vecnol thut left tho line to 1 to; air damnfe". omniHiid -r Joii.n diiKr at th" ensi end 01 ihe Ime, Hhnwerl his iwul mteilii nc" in k Ii chug his position and direclnii h'- itn. I ic) , in 'iins cut down the iia"-staif on tlm I.uik It n j t rv, and l,e silenced 1 he j1111 ther In a v 1 y snort ; tiu.e, Hie A' ifoiir Si'id and V'ov r i.itif co- iper.i.'- ing ifh(-iiiei. Lieut -( oniiinmder .).' It Own, ! w ill) botri rudd'Ts d;thled. rot li ves-tri, tlm V .'( utt, 11. to clou artion, niul tits i ted in:i;ei iah v 111 f-neiieiiii' he wmks, ai d the s-mti'tiri ' n t and ' I in t .Uh I. 1 11 ti ( k Mien js.t :otl as t in-v could If '1, : oujiij to oilei ves-els not lorm im pr.iper tin-s ait : (blew ii:g lh -in iii i id phi'"-', and lo jiii iii,wr um . II. 'J he tiikmg of a new portion while uid -r tiro, hv ; the ."(.,,,,,( 01,, ( was a he:iutnu si.'riit, ai d i hen ihey tot. into phiee both shins deliver.- I a I hie thut nulling ciiii withstand ihe fii .!' -n I vi h M' d Imt proud name, under her ! on u u i iter i ptain .1 a m ls Alokm, Mint t no ' '" : i-e'.i jive evidence thut her eomni:idder, unniio I noie II. K. I iiA'ri iiKk, lully uiHlri-io -d tlie du.i s j ot his po-iiioii. Ihe ii ' tj ii' h-1 ii it -1 w m niu,t e.l-j'- j ivi hi hi i hie. ii lift wa- it ut u Ma t eumi : i to nn iiu i t tie i lull I i sil m n , 1 hi 1 1 1 l' 1 1 lii lie h I ol h erei 1 ny a v e - m-I ne;tr her that hud not loin d her phief I'ne .i ln'-'iit hi nt udo the halt :o taiiiiui ,v. and lired i IMpiOlv HUH Wllh t fleet, and When till 'ir'ni-i. j 'J ii i in ili i'i iijii nud Sin ii'im'f'ih wot into lneir pos.lnms il.ev did vood so, vice. 1 lie i' i ir it re.' li ll tiaiid xiinelv into line una did good service ltd tn" re-i, Olid llie I in,,,, rt.,'1 took pos.lloil 1M11I til" .1 ail- J '.' i uijd threw in n sph-ml d hie. i l he lu-iiig ot t he Monitors w as cfdlent, and when their flie is shuck irient ilmn wo was, : and the ut, lit eui.-ln u: - tna, (' ivei id ilie n k u,) u hie nt to di-eoi.iert the e.iemy's ai.n. . lie Kehels tired no nmr ih.e;- tii ve-el-i all ojeiii d on them, exee;)! iux a h:v-mioIh ho u tno 1 luoiii.d nud upper niitwi irs, wnnli tiie Ji--iiud : ci.n.ierti ci on silenced. I Mir men t re ai w 01 k al tho gnus lh e hour.;, ami I radio f t a little r.i. 1 hey ci-uo out ot ai.'tiou with latiier a con empf lor tteiiel hatienr-, and I uiixiou.) ti rei ew the hutt.e in Lie morning, j tin the L'.lii (t hristniasj a I the iransiiur.s' had a r . I'll . Hi ll t ell. Jit I LKll .-cut i .en. W Ui JV.Kt, to si.'O 1 me, uiiu arrange lie- i-rocruumie. n.i toe it.iy. ll was oeeuicd thut we shoii d ai tack tin) oris again, 1 ihe iiin.y otiuieo aiid as.iUned tlicui it possioe j 111 der our beavy lire. 1 sent wveuieeii i;iiii-o nits, i ui.uei comiiiiiiid 01 Ciipt, O. S. i.issun, to cmer j the trnop and assist with the r ImiuIs hi huidii)( t e Ho diers. Finding tho siua .or vessels k -pt too nr j liom the beach, w hich was bold, I sent in tlio j JinHiktjfn to set thorn uu exu.npLo, vviiicii that v-el did, reh iiiir, as evorv coiomander snoiild, ou tm1 inioi nial.on 1 ave lum in to ation to the nouudr.i. ! 1 o this mi m her was muted a I the small vew s that were covering the const aioii, a. id li.ntllv I sent I si hum nJit 01 nine osi is tuat went aodinr und.r j t oinmitMh r Ol'K.-T, iu eudeuvoiMig to lind a wav acres.- the I ar. I his gave a hundi od small boat .4 ! to hiiui the tiooj s with, bes iIlm thine ihn army wero 1 ui'iuU pro idi o wiu about 1 weely nuiro. At 1 A, ou toe 1 made signal to k-'I uinlf-r uu., ano t ' rut in hue of bailie, winch wits qi rkty llol.O. I lie 01 t.o l 1 1 1 unack '.viw !f. ven, ami the, l, n mih s took pi si, ,011 111 her usual h.indsonio st le. 1I10 iiie.nitois billowing cloe nl ir le-r. Ad IrTe vc-ne I 1 dli.wi d to oider., and toik p.,ihon j v dhout a shot be ng lired ut them, exeeotnu' u ) ,y , shots tired at t tit? tour last vessels that "ut uio tine. J lie ii n 1 v tins u.iy , fiow, (u !y Mthnn Mil 10 uimUm; the eneiii w hilt; the ami) huide I, wh.cU they V el-.: ilo,lir live iirlts 10 the en t ot ihe ih-t, 1 suppose ahoiil three thousand men had huul"d, hi n 1 win- not lied Unit they wero,irk.u. J ct.u d tee our sohheis mar tho tons reconnoitring uiiu sharp-: hooting, und was in hopes an ii.-s.iuh was mimed piacticid. Oem-rul itnv.j.i, in person wiu iimkinu ohsi'i vuiioi.H uhout s.x niiiidieii ya,ds oil", unu the troops w. re in ami around tho works. One puhaut othcor. whose iiainu 1 do not know, went on the paranet und hrotciit (lie ite -el lluu'we had knocked down. A sol lierweut into the works and led out a horse, killing tho orderly mounted ou ban, and tukiu his despatches 1V0111 the buoy. Anothtr bolo er fired his musket into too homb-piuoi auiuiig lae ih he s, and eiglil or ten 1, tin rs, w ho bad ventured near tiio forts, woro wounded by our shell As tlio uinmuuiiiou gave out, tho vessels retired from action, and the iroieclads and Miiuirnnt'i, ( uit'ntiiit ami JStisiw lum int wero ordered to open mi inly, which they did with kucU elloot thut it bienad to ti ar tho work a to p.oces. VVeorewoil ut Miiihi-t, Jeuvnig the iion-i-la Is to tiie th.onjfh the niht, oxpocting the troops, would ailack 111 too uiuiniiiLr, when wo would cjiirnenoo a;,a.n. 1 leceived word irom tienorul WiiirtiL in li.rndi.K 'ie thai it was inipracucat 0 to unni, amt eiewith inclose a letter ii.mi oeueral Ittrnti: a-nigi.iug bis reiiiions lor withdrawing too troopi. I aim ii'0lo:e my answer. in tiie bon.baruinunt of the 2 j! h tho men wero euj'ugcu in in4 sl"W ly lor s-ven hours. J'ip- lie be Is kept a con) le ol guns ou the upnor baiferuH lin.i on 'he vessels, hntiug Homo oi them several liuu-?, without doing much damage. 1 ho It' ah is ft and j't-uiutiui being within lneir ruuo, tu - ojj.ot sei nietl mainly to uisunlc them, biil a rapid lit 0 mju-i Closed tht in up. Lveryihing was eooMv and sysiem.r ici ly d ine thiouetiuui the o ay, and 1 witnc.i-u i -o ao be.i Miul I tartico. ihe commenced lumlin r about t.vo o'clock. Cupiuin CiLissoN, in tin- ,S-uitivii it. t aint, having shi 1' .ug i'ond i'.aiu ry to inoiro a saie aindin, and theycoiumeuccd tore-emhaik u!out live o'clock, the weather coiniur on thick and rainy. Aoo.u u, t r.l'ude were led on tho Leach during the niIit, covered by aim-boats. As onr troops landed, sixty-llvo Kebot soldi. r.s hoisted the white flax und delivered thorns dves no, und v ere taken prisoners by tho w ana u binding teo trooph, unu conveyett to llio tinitnt-it ( u',,t I wo hM.uied and eighteen more gavo I lieinsi-iveji ut to i tie leeuiiiiuimng any, all being dort.rji rf toipta the vttir. J do not j roipnd to nut mv ojiuuou in on pesition to i.eneral Weitzkll, who is a thorough suleier und an idde eiorineor, ami who-o busiuesi"it is lo know nnoro id assaulting than l do, hut I can not he p thinking timt it was worth wlnlo to inako , the attempt niter c niing so tar. ALotil twclvo oMock 1 sent a d-'tachmeut of doutde-endors, under Couimuinior Joii.v o I'ivsr, io bee ll I coutd olh Cn an cntraiico thro.i"ii thoeimu nei. 1 henat numherol wrecks in and about tho t ar lias changed tho wludo torui.itiuu, and wtn-ri! the onrinal cluinu-l was we found u shallow bar. sent Lieutenant W . li. ClJHuiN(m to sound and Luoy out a channel if nocou d find one. wi h orders to t oinmaiidci- mi lst to lra tor torpedoes, and t o leudy to run in by the buoys when ordered, uuo t oai Lelonyiii'f to the 'J'nnuii was sun!: by a who' , and a mini had his leg cut oil'; still ihey suick to their work uinil order U to lorotmu duty. iu coi c.usjoii, alio m,! lo dru.v youi atten;iou to theeoiu.uct ol i oniiiiuuder iL(iM und Lietueuunt l'tiimo.s. i ltey eiiifgcd iu the mo-t pemou ud Vt; li m re that was perhaps ever undertaken, ami though no inateriiil lesu.ts have taken iU:.u boiu the etSrctM of I In exp oh, on that w e know of, still it uis llut their fault. Asuu inccutiveio others, 1 beg h ave to neon mend them tor pieiuotiou; a so that of Lieuleuant )!. li . La nihon, who piloted theiu in and L ion-id ihem olf. No oi o iu tho spiadr.n C n aidered that the r lives womd be saved, und Cupnun liiitNb and 1 ieut mint l'KLtvrii.N had mauo an ar rungthieta to saciilice ihoinsWves in caao iue ve.sol was i oitnlcd, a ti lug like y to happen. 1 inclo-e hen with tho rej ort of Cnmnnnder i;niM, with Ihe iiamos ot tho gallant fellows who voiunti eied lor the Uesperato service. Allo mo to uii-nt on also the name of Mr. Hit ikuiu ot ihe toast Suivey, who went in and sounded oat tho plwce when tho msok wan to go, and has always putit iuly performed evoi v ouiy tie I. us been call, d on to cui ry out. My thanks are due to Lieuteu mt t on iuantler h . it. ltin:i .v., Fleet ( uptain, t ir car rvn;ir about mv order io tlio tleel during the action, und tor bis -eneiai uetulnoss; to Lieutonunt-Com-mniidir ll. A Adams, tor his promptness in sjp ph Ai.- the th-ei witli umuiuuition; Li uteiiaut M , "AMhih Higiifti utlicer. who-e w ho a time wasoc eup eti in muk ug sinais, perforuitMl Ins duly well; and my aid.-, I.ieinenant S. VV. Ikuuv and L.ou-h-nitiit S. , I'ui.hio.N, aflbrdcd luo va uublo uh siKtMice. 1 bae not yet receiver: a list ot the casualties, hut beleyeihey mo verv tew from the em-uiv's iraiH. We hud killed und w ounded about lorf y-livo oorsons by the I urstintr of the 1'arroii yinis. 1 nn.-iiot omit to pay a ti ilmie to tho officers and en w ol the monitors riding out heavy galet, on an oi en toast, wuhout nun inuring or cnupiainiiw of the want of comlort, which must have beau very nons. I hey nave hIiowii a deijreo of fortmuin and peiseeranco s. hiom witnotsed. liiijuaily bravo ui jfuyu I doiined.ln tie teydiy of lltcilr joutb,'tiia iafiTlIy I vet,. ,,1 ,!, Us,.,, ,'ul. ,,.u,i tlwr tHkn flip rl,,M, m v .,,.. ... liml r i'i' -li ,11 I'l 11,1' i I fi t i,l thi'ir fhi' l. i ion 'liii I in, t.'liMO'in tl'i' uninm i,i thn i umipiiiMii'i... ,,',, i . l' 1 kll I ,,; mill, f J;, y V',,1,, J ; I I. Hill, Hl,l,( r ',. (,. li;!,;,,,' , M. ,,,. ; i ll. II ,11'lilU' ti.i'ii .ii'lin ' S"H'H.1. I leutettnnt-f mute iiiif i he K. It. (AI.II'IO. II ininriiir I.K'i. Iv Hi. I. knap, ii, mi Lieutenant-' onoiiiindcr K. L. I'orrt-;;:, eoimu uid- II V ihe M-i'i-f""-. Ihtienie uhout one thou -n't l men b-fr ox ' no tv the nriev. wholetve imh born tot nil" vol ini ie. Co not o, I he Mil I ou I lie hi iic'), c r will t - "n n ,f it. ih" nu ruing, nml too midi-MM wi'i lh -n Ii sr .ii ho'ee I ire o e the i" ord n ,or f lie attii it. I a :n, sir, verv lenoi-o m ! , our oh" dent. "-va t, Oa vio O I'oiii j, t K( .u Incriil. lion. ( iiH.oN VVki.i.k-4, S.'cie.ary of the Navy, usotierton. I. i . M.N. i l.Lli'H Oi l K IAI, IMilMIKT. It I AO ljUAIli K.IS I l.l'AlilWI KN ' ,,K lit l,.MA A I) i At.oi.i.NA. Dee. 2., I I A 1 1 iii I'll : - tJ noii luni.iiig ihe li-nod ui.d nail imr n thou ugh i-ee -11-i;oiMiiice ol ton 1-isiier, boih ironeiul VwrKi, unu ln si If an- lully ol the omnion teat Hie p u -e con d net lo eiirrn-d by iish.iiiM, im it was left stio st;ti, hahy uninjured as a deteiHive wor by (he u ivy Hi". We loiioil sevelileeu (fltns lrot'M',le I liy t va vi rse, two onlv ol w Im ti w,-re deumintle i, b "ir,ng ui on tin- bench and covering a sirip or land, tue oniy piactieiihle route, led more than wide enough tor a thoii'uiid men iu hue of ha'i e. llav nr c i,e fined the thij nf the I'ond 11 ill Hatterv, tho inrrum ot which (.Mv-livo men ami two eoinmiseMioJ idl'eei) were taken ell hy the mivv, we u,M ea,i .dooti Lattery, With seven oll'u; -js nnd twohunori d and ei-d -en men ot the J nud Nor h t iiroliuit .1 tin or Ke-orve. inc I inline its eomm m hi, t.oiu wi.inii I loirned that a portion m tlnK'M Dive-n n, c ot Kmiii.AMi's nud II v,i mh h 1 1 1 ade, hiei been i nt Irom tun hne hcoiie liie i moi d on iiu-sutiy lu-.l, auiwn at v ilninigio.i on i i'i ay n-ght Lem-ial :ir.i, advanced his sUmi's'i lino W I'll HI li 11 V VUt d- ol 1 he hut , while he g ir. o i wis lo J t ill t In ir ho m h pt ifof hv t in' fito o I lie ll 1 W, Mm so elo elv thai three or tour men of th pi Let hit. veiemed upon tiie paiupet, and tiiroth'li toe Mi!l-pin td the woik, capturing a horse wlneu hiey i i ought oil. k i ding tiie m M-riy , who was t Ii be n er el a (li'.,:ihli Irom I lie met oi A i Idler v ol lien ral i , t i i :.u. to br.ii" a l.t'ht an iiiery bat eiy w i li n 1t.( i m t o m 1 ills. i brought, away lioiu t ie par.iot t he tlaur ol 1 he I or I ; this w uh done w hi e t ie sln-i of the mtsy wi re ia hue uhout tne head-t ot the d uiu ; lie u who enteied ihe work, mid it was even.- it. u-i m i n as the lire ot i he navy ceased, i ecaino ol tho u:u k n , that the lot t w a- i n lly in.uihed ii'iiin. and 0 ii ned w ith "rape und caiiiier upon our pieket Inn-. 1 1 lining that nothing hut l he o,,"r it i oh o, a r u - hir siee, w hich dhl not come w ithin my in true lions, would reduce ihe lort. and in vie.v oi the t hi eu ten in : api-ei or the we.n her. the wdid ariMii-f In-iu tie south wi st, rendering it impicMhle to in ike 1 u linir tundliig thioiiii t nu biirl, 1 cms -d (In tioo,s, miIi their pn-oin rs, to rr-eiuhark, and see i -niliing tuitlier culd lie done i.y iim and forces, I shad, then-l', re, sail hr ila upt m 1 -oid- a-i mioii n the transport th-el can he ot in oid -r. ; chg iieer- and otlicers report Fort 1-rdier to me us mu s.unltaily uninjured as a deh usive work I have the honor to he. very resit ct in ly, your obedient servant, 11kn.ia.min F. I'.Jtt.Ki, Majoi .(lenerai ( oniuiuiuhug. I'enr-Aflnhral Fohtku, t ommumiiug N. a. ihoi l ndinu SiUiii.roii, Noi.TM- ATI, A .NTTC StTT A ItlON, I'NITKI) STATIH ll. AO HUM' AIA'KKN," Ol'K NlAV l.M.Kr, Ooo. li'). I ,ene al : 1 be leave to aekuowiotlge tlio le vipi. oi y-.ur ener ut tois tlate, I no sunst'iuc 1 ol vr a eouiniuiiica.od to mo by tieneral VViiiTZKr, last night. I I I live on'.erod the largest vessels (o roeeo 1 oil I Itouulor, and lill up w ith ammunition, to ho read v lor ! liie. titer Eit.ucek in cubii it is deeded to nvroeo id i with this unit ter by making ot her arruncuietiK ; We have noi conimeuceo linn rui)idy oi, and I could keep any Ki-eis in.ide I rum ..uowin fm-ir ( bri.ds until an a-'s.;ulti;i; eoluiu.i win within tw'uiily niil- (tl the woiaS. wisli some more ol your gallant fellows had lol- lowed the nii cer who too:,, rho ll ur tr tm the para- i el and Ihe bravu iellow who brought ihrt imrs,; j t ui Irom ihe lort, I hihk tlu-v woul i Iriv-.- found j it an erv-Ii r compiest t lum is Mippo-ed. Itlonot, j how . vei , jo e end lo plan- mv opinion in onp .si -i in n to to neral WHizi.i., whom I know lo he an iU''oinih-heil soldier und en-; in -r, and w ho-o i iiMii'iui has ureal veight with me. I will see th it. 1 ile 1 1 oops aro all oil in s.tlet v. We will imv" awe t, j wil d tiieenlly, and a smooth le-n',i about t!tre: ti'cloek, wln-n sullioieut boats wid he sent tor tli"ui. I I'ht) lirisoners now on h iurd the s n,i,.i: t f V'-i w di I o neliM'it-d to the I'lovo-t .vturshai at !or re-s M i HI oe, Unless Mill V, iSh to t.lUe I ll 'III till ho u d ou t of the Iran -peris, w would be iiiconvemeii: just i.ow . I remain, (ieneraV r Mu-etullv, your obrl foif Mo vant, Oavid O. I'onria:, If-'tir Adiinral, .Mujitr-tieneral IL F. Luti.ku, &c. &o. fiFFXIAL NOTICES. tjrr 'i- T11K ANNUAL MKK11NO OF TIIK -' SkioHkiI.1i r.- "f llie -VVII.I.llW lil.BN I'l-'.rKH-I.H'V ( UN I'A N ," will hi- h,J in Ihe o,;i . Nu. M! w a i.M T Miroot.oa JdONUAY, .Uiiiury 1, nt li ocinkM. i-.-:r-.-,t ciiy TRK.V- 81KE1I. PlIII.AIiKl.PHI , Doi'f inht-r : Kill U K 111 LOAN UIM.UKU4. I he rity TitftMiri r will I,, the lutiiri'iii ou (Jlty LniMH, di,e ,iinii,.r 1, uu Hlid ullcr ,lanuur '2. I,-V UKNl'.V III: MM, V2-1 HI nJJLl ''' K?jf- 1'MIIM I.KACi L'li I10USK, NO. 12 111 -Jt-' CUKKNU i' Mri'd. PlIII.Al'I'l riiiA, T.poinbiT VH, lM'lt. An Aitlnurni'il Moilnx ot l In- I'Mns l.l-.A'.l I-, nf Mill Hll,hln will b" In-Ill nt (luNUi:itr II.M.I,, mi Mil. I'A ,J annul lilh. HI ,,'cl, ,,-k J'. .M , tn rocuive hd.,1 ;u:t nu II. i Itf.nrinl (li Cnunnllite nn r.v-luin Tichi-u, n,liiilHii,K niMiilirr.i mily, i-iin b obla' -ti-il frui Mr C. h. Wlnpiile, Asiiittaiit hivn t.irv, at tli.- I.yn,;un ll' MM'. t.LUIii.i. It. H iKl'.i; li.'Vi-ll(i Hiwtnturjr. It'Sf" riTTSHUJKJ, 8th MX'K.M HICK, lhUI. -DITIIiKNi). Th lilre,-l,,i-i uf the HOSSOli, COMPANY hure ttni il,iy ill", nt' A ll,oir ihlril moiitiily e.iviilrml. I'm Mnri'iuuir, r Tilltt 'K l'l:H rir..NT.nri lau t'uptlnl HtnrK i,t thv (Yuipany. jmvable sflwr llto l.,th lintt. w tlie I'lillaiii'lpli a ul,M'rt,"i m tin: ullk-e of Mel 'iilrnunu CullllM.Au. 2iJt. 1 1,'ONT Striu-t. WM. Mi t; roil COS, rrai vnt. HOllWIT TTPAV. ,1k Hiirinry. IJ-W 2rT" 11URNINO SI'lUNQ OIL COMPANY nf fiiliimi IvmiU. A nit'i'tiug ol li. 8-ocV.holili-ri nf llie Iturnlm SprliiK "ll C'ciDipoiiy, will he lulii t ih mil u of .1. C. l rjr, Ko IW CHKSNIr HTUKUT.i Un I I Knll.vV K LNIMi, Jimuilry II. lf. t 6 o i lui'k, V M. O. I V AS-!, n '.'"-i;t i-i, .lii-",.. tf-fe?" OKI'ICK l'illl.AULLrUl.V OAS B-cv WOHKN, hnveiiiln-r 3", s,u. Prnpniula will lj ri'ci ncil at linn Omoo un'll H i ,n of tn- lst oi .luniiary next, lor tin' mi,, to tlio 'i'rujtoo. ol kUe PIiiIhiIp'IiIhi (,uk Works, of Ktni-k tn tlio Houilina'k nud iiojuicul!i Um Wor&i. (ieiri,Hiiti,wn rto M.inu, link do And Itlrnnonil ilo ' to lo into an invecttiu-iitsfbi the .inilng funili of ar.ld wvrka. WIl.f.l.VM KESVR1.I,, li-a-im . ciiamcr. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY TJU:.- Sl'hKii. Piiii .iPi.eiriA, lleefltiiht-r lNi.4. M I It K I D t.U.N liOLIiKKH. 'f lie Oitv 1 rsimurrr ip urt'imri'd tn i.hv liinim ni'iti rin-r nuary i. I ami the ho Th there.;!" -ro r-inne,tel to loeM-nt tlmti Juunaiy. ut till 0'IK ou auu aftur the 1 day o IIKNUY HtTYISf, t'i:y Tr-'aoiier. V-i-tit M1IK CiirWAT CENTlUIi KAIK port tub V. S. KANITAIIY CjMMISSIOX, HELD IN UH LAnBLrrilA, JUKK, ISM. BY CHARLES J. 8 I I LI B. ritU'K FIVE Doj.j.At: t'iTt.n Sta tks SiMrirv mhi-ov, 1 Piui.Antr.imA Aohm:, Jio. l;a7 Chi.-m r s:-i:,t, -heeeuitier I'i, N4 In tht Mrmtfr of tht Yariou VtHniAititci of ttm tivti'U t't-ntral futr : ThcHANITKY COMMISSION!,,. I auuenn th Ihe "HMTOltv Of 'J 11 K FAIR,' prp ired I.y Mr. M 11.1. K, at thf r"iiiMt of the KxeeuMve Cjnuaiitfe. i low tca.jj for dtllvery. It lorm a vorj elka-t iU.i' to vuliimii ot ntore thin iwo hundred pfcre; ispriot.d oi ilio fliiti-t i-pi-r at tt:t "nftxinn t resa" of MeHhrn. Sii.rnmit . Co,, nml ii lllrstraied with phoiorniili of nmiui of t more Iritert-Miiip ehit'eti of ih riKlill'itlon, dn au of tho rivin and proinen of tb fair; a ih'-tviii-tioii i.f tl.a dilteient Heparin iiU ; a st:i'o,.int of lUe njooe ial lazuli : a full Hit ui ad tn CionuhtuvN, etc, elo, A MM work l dudttru4d primarily for ihx mi'inhw g et tt e larleni. CtniuihtM, and a 11 on Hod d tlou out? h h bn pru-ie l, it t tn-rn ihoiflit Uvsl to plus It ut r ut Air. JAUK8 K.HIM ON, at special auout for im 0 ll ITV. '"no who dfbir eonhei wilt pVaieadl t or addrei id at No m H. hl.MH H reel, ec,.iui btorr. W. hiinon l 1 i-Hli ujon tho who in a not be aS w to boniiuuidiiitf ntlli lilm. N. li. Will t reuy for dfliver.r on WKDNKSOVY, 21-1 umt. l.'-i; AT TH lpt'lr A DELIMIT A , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 18GL CLOAKS. &o. (jl.KAT Ki;)!'('TIf)N IN TIM-; At ,V CO3, N o. 2 S . MM II S I' K V, K T. tn iV,'f.rf;ilM Of ths frtlfvn inH, tVKSM ,V t'l. r. "in . u ti r n. ? f-ooi . o, j, ,.r ,;,.nt., n- fc;,v,. n wr O', -im .) fl rt. AP, :r. tl'ifi, of ci i k ill- h'.if nr t(," re '-t nMI fTni'i if win w-Mr'i t'." a' Cc-f-iiriiei O i t.l ftt 'l ' - tlir'i 0,1;. tnl 1 m ort lb' I'D . :h-r. Lpi'ki. will rln- Ml" 'tii'lr vhio.i jM Hr4 r,i oi l-ii i- iirut Adlu Kc i,m R. niiliulier I .l.hS A i O-'H OIJi TH I AIM JMUKH 'LA C flfORK, No.VH M. MN1 II Sti.-ei.rnai.-r of ,liiyn. 1.' 7 tl J'KW YFAUM GIFT rM LIUIIARI tvS. TIip t'nir-d H'itrs Chrlieliin Cui:ied ,,l. u, tu re p-msn n niiuirreui anil epjuniit tippe) fn.-u B'irt'n..iin eti iji lalni, arid tit-d f ltirern, wdl t- rlve, I. r ward, aihI i'U' t ninfei thf nTi- of r-roi't-r t hrtrliiM, osr TIHLSArt rot n ui'Mkieii ai kiuty f'A.M" AM)tlfXH(HT 1.1 Hit UIIU, of i ne TifiiMlrcl ami fifty n lum'-i Cfteh, If lh-fri -n Is oj oer ..n!'1lera anrt sidlors IU ferwnrtl tl.em t It br.nifttis, or to thp (' i ti al 'Him, do tng iho h .lirta' h. It Is nut a in all iratter i.r ea-h pir-,' a-'-r nt' let '.Hv Ufu fnr lrh-nri , at h nu to luiT a tnindfnin-fl n'irl p n.-en'it hn.k for hit I fi u(u In raotn tr m hat. wri o -il iiimfi to It, and -lirpet tl, bo-. w.ltr lo h o , d it n tHo (-inim,.!ou. tl w ji hn a posltlvo rk-smiip h nidrtds of wlTf and mUto-rn lo tuki dwn t'ao cho fint vohim-'S from tl'Oir t.iK ai'd hi llrt If Ull) If, UH, wild r V t ItfVi'd !;. c-ifl i-n;o il-,o f Ira-iini ft- prnlt nf eprioih-g th"-'i. S-- , n u hut t'io bt'fil ; tnr loM en dt;rre tli - 1 In' it-;iitliiil ri'. Ut. lilrtoiliM, biography, trnvli. sei'-D'-e, i.ieiry. nee I'm', (dmidiutl workn of flu'hTi, v h on, tu ttiort. voij v.onld pot Into ttm thaiu'ter u : jetir own br. tfi, on-flp-d wllh ahrol.ou linb, will ho Aotjcp'able, ah wrll ;i ri-,ltfl',iiiR Afurkti. 1 rwii-d tlm imrctd, inike, (.'A M I LlltRAKT, tho frauciot of thuOhrl Usn ('in. mNMon, or to (iK'Hihlt H, K t'TT It I', Ch ai noun t'lieitljo iVmioiii nn, n l'idjai o, ii hank str-w-t. rmudviiddt. 1801. . S(5:) WIInCEE-ILR i; CO., u. '.'ne. ciiiosNiir si'inTirr, Invite attetitbii to a :,.,:t-v ,tnf k of WHAH'KRH, CAKKIAISK UI..KKF.1;, CAKliItiAIf JACKK'I, BCAIIKH AND TM'H. niiBAKrAST JACKtl S. Of.OVKll AND HANDKlilt JfjiK.ri), BMOKINUCArS. 12 3 1m VV Hh a inrlor aRnDrlinoi'. of ntlior dorn'.g 4n!talilc ai PELrEKTS rOU GTJSTLEVEN. r'() T J I ! l'UJiLIC. Tliaukful to our frlonilR and the public for th" llboral patrnnHj'n bestowed upon aa, we woitlj inform thtvn that in'0 liXtt iihWa altera Ions In our cnU ilishmeni, we are now prt partd to cM't' ito Idctnrcsto the natlntnettoD of all wliu may favor ui w ith a cad. Having now nt onr oi inmand liHTtHf'd larillttei, we tukeph?Bsure In nollolting h dlbcernh i,' puiillc. to compuro the execution of oar work with that prodiicad at any odier ebtubtlslnuoot la tna h ulled Statett. W would utate tna. our GAlI,IiY IH FKlFi TO ALL fnr th examination of specimens. Notwithstanding tha dvanre of mat'-rial used, and wa es of handi emplored, wo are yet furulshhiK riCTUiUiS AT THE OLD TRICES. Photo Mlnlaturei. lMr t. pes. I.iU'-M.o Heads Ir. Crayon, OA, and Pufthd. ( lib net hire heads tn Ora on, an-1 I'astol. lmpt-riiil, fin n nnd Colored, l;i-U,s to, t t. und U1zm, 'arie d" Vnilte V gm ttes, P;U-ize, a 4, At-., $J 0 per (loreii. Auif.rtjtypei, from 7 conts upwiird. terrotpt.8, $t per dozen, Jtc. ,tj. Ou l aud and Tor Hale, a lark'e lot of Cop! e ol" Hiiro liiy;ra.vlity;H J'ilOT()ttAr'llS of all the IBUMINUNT flKXF.RALH ani ilHTlN;risui;i mev, Ac. &q. Oun'e view a tnken at b'urt not loo. jii.iyiiv t Co., Iliotp;raplier, 1." l.'-lin No Mi ARCH 3lroet. ( J )-IA WIS K ! ! S 1 1 1 L N OT I C E. T he uudt r dynrd have this t'ay r.irnied a Co-l'rtnei ship undfir the stJe and title of A1AMM Ac LKVI, lor the )inrpoee of tram-acting a Kener.U J NKING AND STOCU-BliOKEUAOE BUSINESS. Olf,, TKLMlUAL'Ii, And F.PMH COMPANY 8T0CKH made a Spcllty. teat iuinei t Lurvii ami Hjh cIo Houytit and Sold. TSIKODOitK ADAMS, GEOKOE II. LEVIS. 12 l!ff Ko. ft CUKSNtJT Htrett. TO SlfU' CAPTAIN'S AN 0 OWI7SK3, aaAiaLiTi"'Hie uiidt-rslK'ied havim; L .ihed tho KKNHI NIL nt.N HCKfcW Jint'K. bcs to i-donti hht IVIt-u'lH ami tbi patreLsot t)m )nck,t!uit ho is piooitrcii wl'.li lncreun-ii lacliitie to aei'omino.irt'i) thoie having lo b rai-od t r repaired, nud heltnf a pr.e-tn ul .Hhht-o'u'penter and e mil er, will yve piT-oiial uLu ntion to the vo-ihoIi ea triihied t" liliu tor it p:iir. i aptmiis or A-m tt. .shlp-Cfirpcntera, and Maehlnlata hftvnifr vcKhtls to repair, are mdud'od to c itl. Hu ir-K the aury tor ihe of " WeuorHft-dt'a Patent St i tidfe C oiii;.i -Hit ion," or Cop;ior Paint, tor tlio nn-ien a ilon i it' vi-nm-'h hotti.uiM. Tor tM eity, 1 am piejiareii to fur n sh the tamo on favorable ternm. JOHN IL ll.AMMITT, Kuuilnton Her-v Dock, 3-11 DKLAYVAKF Avenue, ftboe L4L V.LL Streot. I IS H1K ORrilANS COURT FOR TUE 1 t itv nud ,'oiintv of flrla' li,lna. K'maicol StMlf.l. IjEIIIIK KSON, iln-oaii'd. The A iiilitrtr aiip-iifcd hv llm ( :ourt lo aii'lit, -sot-ie, nnd tdiliht t,c uccnul t , T A I'. HAM It. flKKKK IKSllN. Kri;u- torrtli ! (f HAMI'KI, IIKKKIi'KMON di" "aod. f ud lo ii'iiorl illHlrllintion ol' th" l alam-e iu tlie liantf of tl,e ai-i oiiiiiani. w ill uiei-t tlio iianira Iii:ithci tor tlie l-iirpo.i s 01 liih :l),ioiminilil, on Mommy, January 'J. IH'i-i, H,ir,'k I' liinolliiii'. No. '.'0 8. .-tlX I H Slmol, up 6t Or fri tl,e rity ot li.i!:iiti'lpU li lo.-i: A. lUtOl'SIE, Au litor. C Alt ATT HAIll'KK A'JAINSr VII,I.rM k HAKI Kit, tl. I1. I' , J. T . ll; No 111. In luvnno. And now, ln i'i inlxT 17, 1ii;4. on tuotinu ot 'I Ii,,iii..h k. 1'iilotli r, Aitnrnoy for lil'ell,mt. nil, tiranti d in tho abnvo cii-p upnii reniniiili'tit to fch-fiP r.iiMt, whva ili'crce of ti vnrct- a vuu-liln iiniiilinonll. oli iul,! nt liw oiiteii' in the fctim e fiih,-. rotiiiiiiil-l- s 'l'l'(tl)AY, the third d iv of ,lnu I A. I). lOo'i-kKa A. M. Vi JJ-thl tt pOL'NTING.IIOUSE AND SCHOOL DESKS V made to order, it Ho Wf!RTKR H'reM, 11 -a CihOKl.K I'i.OWMAS. I TpOK PALTC. TO FIUSTKRS. IMPOSIXO - .iviie, if;e iibo, in nni-iote priur, AP.iy ion Olllc. U( DlamoBd Car Blots, 'Ftas Ladles- Okalus, JJKNPV ItASKi:, n i vv f u h a t ori;, .'i7 Alien .-'J i.'kkt. Tt p p r-lp-f'd!y Inf -nn hU put tl me! tht ed Mr tp jo pf ral. tf'l hw lia new 0(.o:M hi iJie a'invimtre an ft'dertirrtii of Ladips' ami Chihlron's Fancy Furs, W Mrh, fer VArtP' nnrt oti1"'. fi oi' t Ip mr;.(iii" I an four In the l;nttPl HtaO'S. f. tie; Hip nrufsrt-irrr of ah hid Fura, and lotviiij,' un;iri.'d ail Ins tr k won p'Ort w an much low t r tlmn at thp pre-ipnt ripi, h ca otltr thi-m to ol iiatreiif a t ie tn.v-t i et-..n;iti:i- anr-rn Aid. f-t'PH madu to order, and iflpamiu d ine in tho 1, it uinnpr and Utpnt hi lo. , 1IENIIY UAWK K, In:por or pthI Mautificturtir or LAWKS AM) Chll.lUlK.N S Kl it, 11 it 1m No. ftir AKiWl .HlRt.KT. I A l I JL KAl JVr Fr iltN. JOHN t1 A K E I R A , No. 7ia AMCII STntET, AII'IVK ss'-:V.N 1 11. AT MIK lll.ll l;1 4 ni.ltiH 1. 11 NT'IUH. hit putt it find ijaim-'ncUii'-r of I. aphis N P run. iii;:'! My'iriina 'A t scj TO itt- ."! r.iviij a:;j ', . -?r. If, mew uicpM-te, emblazing I.VKKY VAllll-.iy TII AT Will, til', WuitN ut;niNo i n k comi.u .-,ivsi):i tt'-r.i-n,l,rr lne rume and naihftr, JOHN F A ft E I ti A , No. 718 AKOll rt'L'REK'L', Alurte Sovoilh. I ft AVE hO TAIllMtK OK CO N N KCT i 0 S Wr.'H M OLlf STOI.KIN 1 UK. CUT V. K .lll 1 a ythSO.VS SKATE DEPOT, No, 409 CIILSIiUT ETEYltJT. ,1iihI rrcrivod, a lull nloi-k of 1-Mllt-s' Skates, T'hilndelnlilti Cluli Skntei, (iciitf' SKhii's, II'iHtun Korl:er, vo y supei lor, 1'iija' bkuit'H, New Yoik Clul) Skntt'g, And Parlor Sluttes, all si.os, vl'(re all ran tio ai-ronimodati d Willi a superior ijtial' Hum a cliiili-t- i-'ei-tliui. WII,S11V CO., K'-lO-liu ,ii iff.) CKKSNUT Hlrei-t, riilladclphli JI llliAl intjlI 1 1 A. H Jv T K 1Z 1 O V . LESLEY 4 CO., No. U07 M A 1 IK KT STlilCF.T, KOLE AGENTS FOli Onhorne-1 Olirtllcnuo Htcel Hkatel, ItelclK-r'i Improved I.adloa' and tloutK' Skatt-i, H. Clark's Patunt liadk'i' an-1 Cli-ntl' Bkatcs, Plymptnn 1'atcnt Eccentric Floo- SUatci, Hhalcr't Patent Floor Skates, The American Patent Floor Brate. A full assortment of all the ahove styles countlyon band, as ell is ill tlie other varieties of STEEL AND WOOD-TOP S HATES. Lovatl'l Patent Self-Fattening Hkates fasten without stiipa, li H-iw Full BALK, M IIOLLKALE AND KV.TAIL. rlIE OlliniNAL SKATE STOKE. SMITH & EIOHARDSON, HJn or tlio HUuto Uoy," No. Oil MA11KKT STlllllWT, Have for sale, Wholosalc ami i: ot ail, the larput and boi Mork of SKATES In Uit city. Their tock oinprlaoa evcrr noaslblo variety, and at tho nwet prices. Lndioit' imri JontH steel MttHirs, Rtpvona" SkatP.Thirk'n Hkau H, Ito.'.t-ra' rtktiten. i'hihidelphla MkatPf, Hradtord'i Loton b Kates, ''or ich Clipper" tikutea, i'arlor SKATK TLATES, 6KATB STRAPS. In'ihort.cvon thintr portainliut to Skates, andrvorvvarlpty of i-tkrite uniUe.ean ho nrjcured-tit the H un id' llm "Hiuiiu Loy,' Wo. Oil ALAitw.LT btreot, the Oldcut hkutu St.irc iu the city, SMITH iV; TUCIIAltDSO.V. N. B. Skates Ground and Repaired. li-l !-tl 18(34. 1SGL Q i E N N ECHO MILLS, GERMAN TOWN. McCALLUM A CO., WBOLKSAtB CARPET WAREHOUSE. No. 000 OHRHNUT bTKKliT, my aui-.lpiua. IS04. 18o4. McCALLUM dc CO., iiurA-ii'Mli?'x, Ko. 19 CHESNUT STREET, II- -tl OTrOUITE rSDEPB-HUBNOB HALL. IJ" 1N-NK-NO-NF-AW IV IMDIAX HMOKINO TOBtCOOl 'luis world-renowned Tobiu-ro ls mauutainured from thi FINEST LEA1-. And earnestly reciniimoinl. lt,-ir to ill Oentlemca ot Luxurious Tiste. Hold wholele snri rt-tall al Ut.NT t) PUPIILAU fMOAR HTORB, ' 0.ell CMK-NUT Hiruet, I 10- l tml opposite tate iloua. onn imn CANS i'kaches. very su- " ' imrlnr. I ut uu hyu.P. Morton ia tio.. al j tho llniii'd ''',,p IVai-h Farm. M,l,. now anlviiiM, indlur tile bj It. K. .NKFl'.jlo. 10(18. VVUAKVES. U 10 lm" I ri;i""ouiTirF'und.for tlie-emcleiit perform.nci of tho I JE'E TAEMCRS' AND MECHANIC NATIONAL IIVMIC of rnir.Ai'Piii'iiiA, Financial mnlti,l l)i- oil siy nf tt o t'ni'.vl lsis, r,lee iilctl,,:i.i.s f.,r llm MIV TilRtK t KARS lTew 7 S' -10U TrKa.sury Notos, WMi-h a-i- i nn'ie at inaiurity Into SIX V E li CENT. 5.20 BONDS. Al.i'1, For l!m lll-ll) llniidrt, Intrr si on 11,,'h ruialilo In llo'tl. v.' m x! rrorv, . 12 11 mflm ( ' J'luW l-.Pi. ZSl-.W AIM. 1 . s. io-ur. ), l . I. I ni. ."Al l.. I I'h NLV7 C-VIR.VMOT LOAN, , IK i;ini. fivK mi' irM, ivir.i:i if in coIS, ri'l.ii'in er tn," i:,.r i'i !..( ihi pli.a.url n Do-iio,'rni!i,'i,, ni p-,,,i',;i rM:rv VK-Mt-t altar d tie. Hi-Hi tcii i-o. ami -u.-iiMTi it k i itovnt an li-,in-il l, -r Hit. I,, ,1,. ,i .in. 'Mi-mi il i lull n, thn -J-la. 'liie inti-ii-Hi ,-n s.,,1 M.'i (., iiiii yi-iriy; on all o.tii-r ili-n-.iitl .Uu ... I, ,11 i- ar-y Ti'. UM'. Onnrl, ar dni' d Mnn ti I, v i I'ln h'r v - nrlv ln!ii e.t tailing du. St'1,1, lliln r 1 .Il'l , ir, ll I nt ,-'rn vi-ar; I'lilll lt .SHptiTO b.r, ti e ii i.-'l Ir. A t Ir, mist, if M,ir-n ll re-ili'ri-d to b" pan! hy iin l ! ,-,i .n o-,in or in I K,. i. ort'Wt.M T, add Iiik 1'iti, p,T i-rnt. i,,r pp'iiiiiini, n mil f,,it ii,-r nnti,:e All. HTIlr.R t,HV I I: N Ml' NT MKOUKl I I KM KOL'UIIT AM) ,s(I.I. JAY COOKE h 00., mhTI-tt No lit H. Tlllltl) STItBCT. OLONEI, I. IJltN.-fl-iJlN, S'l'OCK linokioit, Ko. 7 I-AUH'I1AK mril.DIMG, ll-IW-Sin V ALN I'T Hl'KKKT, HKI.OW TJHtl, llL TlSd AMI RF.I UNO STOI'KS ON C'O.MMHSI'lll . A. i X. J. t Tj , OOL I, It eilvel: and bank notes WANTED. DI; HAVES & H ROTHES, Ul-tf Mo. J 8. TUIKU TRBr. Aiiijt;i:, iuiirvjv co. BANKERS, STOCK A1I.D EXOIIANGE B20KER3, Ha. K 8. BTKKF.T, rhilidolunii. Hlocks and Loan. br.iiK'ht and sold on CioramlHslnn. V7n c.irrcnt Hank Hons, Coin. Ar , bouulit and sold. Hpeotal attention paid to tt,o pun liujo and Bale of Oil Htoi ki, In-puHlts rcc-lved, and lutcrt-ut a,lowod, as per aiirei inont. ll-liJi y'rO A?J 1 I2CUlilTIJKa E0UG1IT AND SOLD ' ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, - No. ttO 8. TIIIKlt STK 'lET. yMITH aSc UAMDOt,PII, Ko. TO S. THIRD STUEET, UANKlillS AND liKOKKKS. Specie, 8tocki,Qnartoruias'.ort' Vi'uclicrs and Clio-l and lUOovciruieiit Mocurltles HouvUt and Sold, inhl JXiVllICHOIN A CO., IJANKKKS, No. 121 S. TIIIIID STREET, PIIILAI'F.LI'UIA. OoTurnment Srfirltli'S of all lsiuou t'urahassd ind for Hale. Stocks, buuls, and Uold IJoUKht and Bold on Uoai Uilsslon. INTEBK .T ALLOtVilO OX DEPOSITS. Coiisctlons Promptly Made. f4-t QX-'lflCXi t'Oll 'X'JlliJ BALK OK NATIONAL, LOANS, No. 114 S. THIRD STREET, VlllLMilXl'IlIA. IN K VV UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. The Subscribers paving boon the successful Bidders for l portion of Uiu NEW &'!) BIX l' CENT. OOLO- HEsKINO LOAM, aie prepared to oiler It ou faTuriu.a temisto their cuttonen, In largo or small amounts, tn Bonds of dccoo,..,ailon. f ;10s, Iocs, (vos, and luoOt, b"th rcifUtcred md coupons. The luterost couimeuces on the lst of Hovomber next and ls piyible In Kold, seml-innualli, on tho lstof Mix And November. All other Government Securities on hand And faraila, and Informitlon iveu concernJug lurestmenls, it our cilice. JAY C'OOKIS A CO., Ho. 114 8. TUlltD STREET, 11 1 Philadelphia. OIL STOCKS UOUCUtT A!TO BOLfl OJt COMMISSION, By U.OUUE J. BOYD, Broker. U-M Ho. 18 8. THLUO simt, 1 JJENKV Al'I'LE, G AUGER AND 000PER, No. !05 8. WsitBr EilrMit, lielow Walnut, miLSOILI-UIA, lnitatloo Brandy and Wlna Casks, sn1 all kinds of work nade of old ind new stuff, ilwiyi on hand or mull to order. Coal packed In hogsheids for .Lipping, AU kinds of trluuilug. punctually attended to. il H 1 'rr ,1u.r,"u ",u ST k wi.uial 1