V) THB DAILY EVENING TELEQRAHI. FmLABELrniV, TITUrtSTHY. nKfihM1"'' ai- 1flnl- 'EOSE BLACK ETT AMD EES LOVERS. C(itl7MnV?. ollif r (lotici hti-ldo Hie una i f the IiusTmiimI ; anl It Ibo wurst ihrre are frieml." " r'rlrnila !" she sulci, srornfully ; "wlm. fjoo'I re friratls one f" "You think so r I ha.1 hoped for a dilTVrcnt Verdict," ait lWrvcy. "Ch, yoa re D"t n irn-re frii'iiil," cried Itiso; "at least, not Hie Kind of f r i- n.l I meant," -tin added, and a'iiin itie bliiuli' d lo the very roots of ber hair. "No; I am more the lirotlir than tlio mere, ar. maintain e," llarvi'y an. I, in a low voire, . altered, too, in it toiu , and dei'p nnd mollow "your 1'nmrn liiiitianil's brolliei-fiiind ; 1 11111 yours also, am 1 not ,;" "I upoi so." lie answered, coldly, nnd tamed away from Mm, as if oil, n -led . holm tiling not ipine so liirv ns wrath, n ir so happy a mirlli, came into H.irvey's eyes ns lie watched her mote awiir (liscontuirrd y, parlispf more hurt than annoed; hut he did tr f !! her, and in a ttnv moments she. iMtne back to him, . smiling aa usual, a- if sho hud done hit le ii'j the evil spirit within her and had driven him on'. Hut when Ilarvrr parted w ith her th it d ir. sh Went into her own room and wept 114 it' her hunt would hrrak ; ntnl he. tor tho lirst time in hi it'e, felt Inclined to hat 1 rod YV hitiield, and to e'lioo hn lilimlnes nnd fatuity. Hud it not heen for the ToiittK do.-t r, Mr. Whlltiidd'i 1 1 to wunld not have been worth mmy hours' pun base. Mora than on'-c dunni; her ill ness he had ilnir'C''l her out i f the very j wi of death, and had now so far recovered her tint thu wot1it'i?-lav w.i aifiiin il wn.rl, and only walled Harvey's BAnrtioti for the invalid to rim tho fHtii;uelnnd excitement con ,e .iiient. "Oh, hotlier the iiiarrlaKn !" said I' red, hiking his mother's hand. "Ko.-e in A dear, Rood girl, nnd will wait till dooms. lay, ra'her thin you sin 'ii Id risk a in thing, mother. There is no hurry, and we can wait ijime well Until yuU are strong; can't wc, Harvey r" "Very well Indeed, I should think," II irvcy answered, with an alinott imperceptible it ish ol an asm in hi) voire; "but it is not good for your niothor to be ariM"us; and she seems to be anxious to conclude this alt dr. Of course, it can tie nothing to me," he lidded h.isti y. "I have no purpose of my own to serve in the delay or tho conclusion." lie had though. As it was t i be, it was better concluded witu all decent speed, lie stial to hitu tdf ; and then he, at least, would be out of danger. Hie, perhaps, needed no such precaution; and yet those blushes ol hers, at i that eairor trcln l. Ions face, bad wakened str.inire thoughts in him. Hush ! he must not dream auch dreams. Wh it would ho think of himself, a poor, pannilesi, country doctor, if he camo here as his friend's almost brother, nnd, In return for his love, broke oir hit marriage w ith an heiress, nnd secure I her fir himself? The thought brought the blood into his face, and niudo hi in loathe himself, as dis honored In soul, for even harboring such a son. No II was arranged tbat the settlements ihould Tia signed, and that the next week the marriage ho u Id actually take place, Mr. W hittieid s health not pieventing. Aud w hen Uase was told this, alie wept again ; and, to her mother's ititenso idisuiav, burst out with "Mamm i, 1 will not marry ) u !.:: l.i I ..... ... . i.,.. cu vv miiitiu . mi minimi!1 uiuciib w unit uitai fine lady put down to insanity, us tho mildest term. The day following this derision Fred could not go over to Lisson ; he was detained on some busi BCts or other at home ; so the young doctor rode over, with a note containing a rcpic-t for the two ladles to dine at the Uawse in the evening, seeing that on that side one was di-ahlcd, and tho other detained, and no intercourse possible unless they would kindly come. "Certainly," said Mm. lilaokett, a little ner vously, glancing at bcr daughter, who, with her bead thrown up, stood sideways to her. "And you, Miss lllackctt P" asked lUrvcy. "Oh, by all means'." Bald Misi Koso, not quite pleasantly, at least to her mother's cats. "I want to ipenk to Fred very crlonslv." "My dear!" remonstrated Mrs. Blackett; and then she left the room. "What has happened .'" asked Harvey, impul sively. "Oh, nothing," answered Hoe; she was stand ing now in the buy-window, looking out Into tho garden, so that her face was not seen. "I have only told mamma that I am not going to marry lr' red ; and she is put out." Harvey reeled like one struck. Had his sense played him false "Indeed!" he then said, after a long pause; "your determination i sudden, Miss Blacken." "Yea," she answered, with oasumed careless ness; but her quivering voice and ba hful eyes belied ber assumption. "Now that it has come W,v' J, I feel that it will not do; and I am sure Fred will feel with me." Again Harvey was silent. What could hesuy ? That ho thought Fred would consent to give her up, being utterly unworthy his good fortune? that he hoped he would keep her still to her word, when he hoped just tho reverse? that she wis doing wrong to be honest, when ho loved ber for it more than he had ever loved her before ? What could he say ? Truth and honor were on oppo site sides, us sometimes happens in life; ami if be said what he thought, he would say what he onght uot to say. Ho he kept silence, and llose Wa not quick enough to divine why. While- they were standing In this awkward posi tion, both too much moved to speak, a carriage dashed up to the door, aud "Mr. Norton" was announced. Mr. Norton wa Hose's trustee and guardian, in a way ; though that young lady hud lull power over her own funds, and did not in general cither ask advice as to what she should do with her own, or defer to It, if given. And being of the school which "goes in" tor a great many things better left alone, she "went in" lor speculation on a tolerab.y large scale ; so that, since she came of age, she had placed mo-t of her money out at nurse, she said; but she hud chosen, unfortunately fur her, the most capri cious nurse of all mining property. However, she would do it ; so she had no one to bluine but herself. Not even smooth-spoken, cleanly shaven Mr. Norton; who h td helped her, hy-ibe-by, to more than one "good thing," in which ho himself had taken (hares that ho generously handed over to her, utter privute advices received and pondered over. And when Mr. Norton came Harvey left, bearing with him the promise that the two ludies would come to dinner at half-past six precisely. As much beforo as they liked, but not a moment after. When they can.e it was easy to see that Some thing bad happened. Mrs. Blackett was de- Ercsfcfd, tearful; her eyes were red and swollen, er face pulled and pale ; she spoke as if she had violent cold, and in every other particular of manr ar and person showed that she had been weeping bitterly, llose was flushed and excited, with certain bravery of manner which trembled too nearly on bravado to be quite as lovely as it might have teu. But she looked beautitul perhaps more beautiful than she hud ever looked in her life before; and even lazy Fred seemed strut k by ber, and warmed up to un wonted feeling. After dinner she asked him to go with her intc the library ; for she was utterly unconven tional in all iih did, and would not have minded ask .nir a prince to tie her shoe, or anything else that sue uilfht utire, being just a little touched by die teif-will belvnging to the heiress; and )rcd assented, wondering what wa up, and what 'he w anted. When she had shut the door, "Dear old Fred," she said, in a coaxing voico, "I want vo l to do me a kindness." 'lam si. re I will, Rose," said Fred, naturally, n 1 without Bis drawl. "You do like mo. don't you. now ?" "Why, yea, ol course I do. 1 think yon the lies! giA ptoiiisr," answered Fred, opening his eyes. " Mid mould not line to burt or distress me .' 1 n v J , re '. no," he cried. "I should think not, !n1-,t'-, ;; ,- -,, s standing by the tire, leaniug one band oii the iuntT-pusce, wilti lac Gtuer just lilting iut., .una i win oe recftivca in toe L'uitod St4iri I " - ai-wp -.--. imo iuwi Ma proof of Oiu I'ripudly iitercbi tuketi by neon- r Ot fio! ut by tbit numbtsr. fever other aU iderahle portion of rbe liritibh iveonle in the pro- lrU t In Ktttte 18 out of lU6 dr lfu bo record her durk blue gown over hrr ankle, her foot on the fo uler, ihowing her pink silk to:king, hrnnro slq p.r, anus, bit of broad needlework as a ilonnre above "Well, I will take you at your worl," siid Hose. "I want you to give me up, KroJ, and break off the marriage. Com', now, are yon a good enough old fellow for that ?" very cosxinfly . "Break olf the nmrrlsgc. itose!" cried Fred, all in amaze. "Are von dreim ng?" "Nut a bit of it," sYto answered, laughing a lit tlo hy sterically ; "quite serioas and whir awake." "But I cinnot give you up, Hose," (aid Fred. "My mother has set her heart on the mtrnai(e; an i it Is so tiCfir, too, now; and 1 do love you a great deal more than 1 have sal I or -howii," lie a do!, stirred out of his ailectu iou. "You know, lione.h' Wl hate the iih a of .s-ntimenta'ty or spoonctm with nny one; and I have f nghioif that ns lontrnnl a-well as I could. Bui 1 am not the iinlitferenl beast yon may ibink tin1. 1 do lot c inn, iiose, and I i an not give vou no." Hie had Mimed quite pale during ber 1 irsr's speech. "Well. Fred," she then said, "of cm so I it m very much obliged to you, and all that; hut 1 lave not been placing a part, and Id) not feel a b.t more than 1 havo shown ; o that we aro not on equal term, if yo t love me as dcey as you say ; an I 1 am duply la the old way of good tcl'owship. M nd Ilia', and never rSjiroa h me lurrafter; for I live tod you the tr ith, ri nn ii ber. And as for your la.lv mother, I don't think she will make much objection wh oi she knows all, because, dear oi l Fred 1 am r lined." "(iood Uod.'K ise!" cr.ed Fred; "wait on e irth do you mean '" "Mcil you know I hare been going in for 1 eeu anng ; and so M r. Norton enme down to tell ine to-day that ail my great expectations are c in e to tiothici; ; the Bulla Jaanti mines are orowmd ; and 1 have not whit will realize to Inn die. I a yrur in-teud ot two thousand. And o I think the question of Mis. Wnitlizl i's coti sei l i si tiled, Is it not ?" "Now, then, Hose. I will no' give ynn up for tiny one in the wund," s uit Fred in a deep o. e. "My nio her may say what she likes, an I yon may say what you I ke the marriage ska I go on; this day week you are mv wile, come what may I 1 never felt how much I loved you bcloiu to nay, lioc, when there has lueu just a chance of losing you." "But if 1 don't want to marry you, Fred?" urgid Kose, tnurhed, in spite of herself, by the unusual warmth and chivulrv of the man. "Oh, bosh !" said Fred. "You aro not tho girl to have been engaged for three m onths coiuent eilly enough, and turn round just at the last moment, and say you don't care lor the fellow. I quite undcistaiid you, Rose, dear old lassie' You. think that my moih. r will not like the match so lunch now us w hen you had money, and thai you me not the catch you w re betoio you h i t losi it ; au l so you thought you would rele ise mo. But 1 mil not bo released, Kosey, an I so I'll t. II my mother w hen she speaks to uieaoout it, if sho tahi s that tone at all." I pon w hich Hose did what w.i a most extra ordinary thing in her to do what Fred had never before seen the slightest Inclination in her tow ards him she thing her arms round hi- neck and kissed him; and then burst into a violent Hood ol tears, w hich soon passed Into hvsteries; when she was obliged to cull the servants und Harvey Wynn. So now the wholo thing tamo out, both to Mr. Wh ttlcld and to Harvey; Fred hid no ilea of making mysteries snd keeping secrets unnecessa rily ; but he noticed two things as the result of his communication, that hi mother looked de cidedly di-pleased, and as if she hud made up Jier mind in a dilleicut direction to his, aud, perhaps, with more stability ; and that Harvey, whose faeo had lighted up with strange passion, suddenly burnt himself out, and became cold, and ashen, and "odd. But r red v uuueld was not remark able for penetration ; so the coil coiled itseif a turn tighter, and no one seemed likely to get out of the round, or to be free of its strands. Kose rou id do no more than she had done; Fred could do no less; and for once In her life hi mother was powerless, and ho ti illy relused to obey hor. Hi nature bad been ploaghed up for the lirst time, and the weeds had been cat down and the good seed had sprung up. Hose Blackett. how ever, und Harvey Wynn, wcro as rniserabio as II often falls to the lot of people to be by the virtues or anotner. ii cieii wouia only nave Deen eiiisti and narrow-hearted, bow many days and nights of suUering would have been laved I I he time was coming very near, now; it wanted only three days to tho wedding, and none but Fred was content. Mrs. Whitfield was coldly savage, and declared she would not appear at tho church or breakfast cither. Conditions wcro changed, she said, since tbo engagement was iiiude; and Kose lllackctt, w ho bad once been well enough, was no fit match now for the owner of the Ha se; Mrs. Blackett was in a statu of chronic tearfulness, which made her poor eyes very bud ; Kose was tiroken up out ol all likeness to her former solt, and her atieiiipts ut tho old high handed "fastness" failed signally ; Harvey was moody, irritublc, feverish, uncertain ; and the whole octave rang with an undertone of dis cord, which no one saw any means ol preventing; it not being always possible for one's lingers to strike the true key. 1 tie three lriemls were riding along tho lane leading up to Liison, Hose and Fred in front, and Harvey at some little distance behind the lane being too narrow tor three abreast. Fred wa talking ubout Thursday next (it was Monday now) and talking naturally and lovingly for komchow he had forgotten his drawl ot late when they beard a terrific plunging in the rear, and then a heavy full, as Harvey horse a wild, licry, nervous brute flung him suddenly to the ground, takiug him at a moment of luattjntlon whenhewas riding with a alack rein and his mind Ur away ; so that ho wasibiowo in a second, almost t the lirst start and plunge the terrilled brute hue made Iriglitened at an idiot lad of the place stardng up from behind the hedge, yelling and flingin; hiB arms nbroad. In another moment Kose Blackett, throwing her reins willly to Fred, was kneeliug by his side, holding lis head ugainst her bosnm, and calling hlin hei "Beloved Harvey ;" which he, stunned as ho wis, and unable to reply, was not too insensible to lar and understand.' The carriage wasient for from l.isaon, und the poor feilow, bleeding and terribly shaken, was taken to the house to be set to rights as soon as possible; and while they were carrying him through the hall Hose turned to Fred, who stood leaning against the lintel of tho door, und nearly as pule as the wounded man, but a great deal liiore wi etched. "It lias come out, Fred," she uid, laying her hand on hit shoulder, the tears iu hor eyes, but with a more contented expression of laeethau she bad of late. "1 am very sorry for you, especi illy us you have seemed to like me so much more reullv than you did ; but I cannot help it." "Y'ou are a dear good girl, Kon,' said Fred ; "und I have been a fool. It serves me right. When I was master of the situution I fooled away my opportunity ; and now when I would die to be loved by you, Hose, you have gone oil' to another." He tried to smile, but his bps quivered, and he was obliged to tur away his head. "Xcver mind, Fred," said Uoe. "You will find some one else better suited to you, and more worthy of you than I am : und perhaps you will come to me some day, and say, 'Hose, you have been the best friend 1 ever had in my life,' when you have a sweet Utile wife that you adore." "1 don't quite think that," said poor Fred; "but if you are happy, that will be something. At all events you are a dear good girl ; and 1 love you more than you know of, or would perhaps lielieve. But that is nothing to the purpose no; 1 have lost you, when 1 might have wou you if 1 bad been wise." They shook hands cordially, and parted; and the next day Fred left the Hawse, and soon after went abroad. Hose and be did not meet again till many years after her marriage with Harvey; and when they did, Fred was reully married to the "dearest little womun under the sun," and Rose wan a handsome matron, superintending her nursery instead of the kennel, und finding her children rather more interesting objects of care than Fan's puppies of olden time, hho hud saved altogether about four hundred a year out of the wreck of the grand Bella Juaniu silver mines ; and so OB the whole did not do badly in life. Happiness has been found at evcu a lower "figure." JMiUllJU YOlTIl L1PU IB Till A. JSl 12 H I C A N 8, K. Corner Walnut and Fourth Street, rHILADKI.PHIjt. T In novr f OVf JINT. nmfltf 4to1A4 TtnnnF, ihnn Min ih Amrir1 f fj ftitur prfiainmi. Last dividend pr ecu.. ro.Rl OF TKrTFH. J K-W-nr Thrtmsvi, All'frt KoUrti, Hrttmifl T I'OOibu, 1 rnriip M iMituia, I - r HaAinuurtl, Wiuisua J. Howard, AI.FV4MU K WHM.M'Iff, PrMni. Joi'M n. Wli,HON. (too r ami Traurtr. unti INMJHANCH AOAINST ACC1DKN THA RI.EUT TKrit Nl'K (JOMTANV, HARTKOIilt, ( ONS. CAI'ITAI WIU I A M W l M.F.N. Ko. 41 WAI. M' HIUKKr. lnmrrr"''f'' rf1 n tM C-ni!m aitnf At ( nn a i n m kw.ky ih.m Kiri'MM. i ft'l I'oUi rn will k" mtpil for a rraralutu of HV K I Ol.l. US, RT.tntlrt; hnn.nr ii. ti a:tiMiiii( uf fai'nt nr--Mi-Tit.it log ot il.e w lulu tta t'Uui4 by any pi.ti- ilC tt'lMJUUC. TKN POM.AKH rillMH V ifr'tir! a pn!ii', t.ir Kir. ih 'iiiti.) I.t1i-n, awl a'rt 'Iw.hu fiv- 11.,1'nr- rr wwl . omi .iatiHi for i.To-mJ in nrv in- a.-m. urn idj U.e mih J ir.nu tit.t ur-Uarf bllSt lit' !t. TWKMT KIVF 1,1 I'lirMTt'M I'-dirt' ri i m 1 1 l'. It t-.i f -jm. .in t .' I't-r t" ''''mi'in. Mttl-iti for Bit ami rvry Ceii:n,tioD ot a - I'tont, iravcl iiT tir wli- r it l't'lc lor f .'i0 nth $ i p-r wc k ri)mp-,iin'l"n ro ba hml irr 1 1 prniitiin. or ny otlnr mim In'iwot'n $ kh) it ml -tHJAl pr-Tpurii- nt'f rat'-. .MMMii HU'lKKSnS, lsi:Jmt. liiM'Nl.Y HKSMS, Mf.j-cUi". Ill-SKY A. I1Mt,t.. 11.TH Astui.t. PHM PKI lim lu i Mtl iK itVKllKiK. F. Urn t.f- rd 'nrr, I'icii.i.-nt Hiitt-rprlto In ur nice Cvia- jutnv, t'htlTtnsin. I-iH.- K iin-r. firm ff f.rn Ilnn linker. M U . Iti lw ,n. nnn ol M VV . HuMwin A Co. I niurM '.tlm. Dnn ot C.lVn -t A itrinm. Ii. U. i uint'v. 1'iMt ier Vhi ail-'M-',l.i Hnk, It'-n Mt. ll--nr. ,Mmr i 'ttr M riillH-lrlprita. Win. II MeiTirfc, tlnn ot Mfrrick A Noim. J.m')h Paffr-xMi. I'ri'-lt1i'ni WrlTn Bunk. Hon. Jauif n 1'ulloi.k, l.re tor I nilua SiaU't M'nt. TIioiumi 1'i.ttcr , Mi-.cl Ant. i; ir.f II. Htuart. ilnn Mnirt A llrofhor. JoNi l littr itr-u i it l.r. ntil.-fr -V J. V iWt Ih. tumvn. rrcftltleiit l'enitsjf i . vnla Ttallrnad f iiiit!tnv. Jutnv w. t. I'n-mlrt)t I-1 fill an J Sixth Strsta PaMtispT kaurosttl i oinpttiiy. AITMCATUiNA RKt'KIVKft A SO rOMCIKtf wii.r nv v. ai i km, No.4tH WALNUT Sirtt't. ll-I2ntutht.il MANUrAOTUEraO MACHINIST AND UNO I N KK It, In. IS Ko. iri jr. RICCONn Su-Mt. rntlal4vMa. 1)KIDESBU11U MACHINE WORKS, I onK, Xo. 61 K. VKJNT street, muiBi.1 cm. Wi an pnyarad to DJI uraars to lur satont for oar wall MArHIVatV FOB COTTOW RT W0OT.!f MrLLfl, Ineleilia ftH rvwuu invruvtuaauU lattardinjf, Stitinoliif, ami WfiYtDK We tnTK Cm auaoUaa of maiiaaw!tnrcs to oar tales flv work. J-H tl.rRH) iflWKH M 1 OfVH BKOOHD-HAHD COTTOI SI1M- -.11 V7 toM frw, hi r. as it for iU Sjr joim T. bii kv or. Ho. us n.ruotn sna. 12-J lm g WRIGHT & SIDDALL T No. 110 Mr rl.ot. Street itnwrmi rnonT Aim miookd mnwt. 0. W. WUUT. . L atwOAM.. dru gqistsTThtsicians, OWHHKAL SlOKKJkiarKHS, Can tndai arokti.bu.huioat a fuU aiiortiuntaf Imported aod Pouottle LlrnHi, Fopalar fatmt Mrdluteot , JtUrtl, Coal Oil, WMdow UU, rrwerlptlon VU1. Sm., at a tow tlo u seimluo Ar,t-lMf re oaa K ioM. I1NB MMHaSTIAk OIIJI Far fv4odnnrs, fal rati varietr, and of tha boat 1V&V CoablaaaJ, Kangal UHtm, Maitdar, I'm. Aah, OsAmt, Krata Aah, Alnoi.Oll of Vanui.aanaltn, Ooooraa, Salrul af I.oiwnod, , FOR rTKSM' a, aJwaji oa tuu. at towaat aat afk rlouo rnxH annul for family chr, Onmnd axprv.atv air onr siUes aad to wfctoa wa torrtta tat attantloa of Shoaa la waut orallaaiu artlitog. Ao, UllieO, STAKCIl, AIC9TARI, aw ' Ordara by mat, or oltr foat, wfR aaf4 with ptra4 aa toaikn,orpM9iaJ eaatattoas wlfl Sa raralaawd wbaa ra ouaaled. WRIGHT SmnALL, WMmU Drwt Warehoaaa, )all V No. 119MAHKBT iWraat, Ooy, raoat. jj ii n o w rr ' h AMTI-DYSPEPTIO POWDHS, Aa aaoaaBt bcovouMt fur tbat amt dl.lraaatnf camalatoi DVBl'Kl'SIA. la Biaay caaaa of Iocs taadiag It has aSJordad tni woa darful rclaf. IT IS PURELY YEGKTABLK. PRKPRED ONIT IT HlliDKKIOK KROWN, Uracsliit sad (amlit, .i Cor. fikth akd anmavtr km., rn.d.tatJa, H-yiM Aad Sir aalo br kraaKtot (oaaralar. rT.ArNK9, BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH. a ' . laaAC. m. D., rrureiior ot ua aa mm aaj, Wwal, a dUaaia, aaaartaiaUic 10 Ihaaaor. aaaubr wMa Uta auauat ,aii. Ta.uaa .a.al, ftoai Una aat raJiatito aioa la too Kt aaa ba imd ai bla Sh, Va. !S PaWH iraat. TbaMadt.al Sarallf ara invlta,! ha atnoaapanv atatr OUlaM.i.a. ba aaa ao laartu an bj afaolina. ttsT rmLADRLPlUA 8DIlf.l0NS' PAM-Ai.k. IStiTirUTK. No. 14 Kortf K1KTU airaat. ,.avo Markot. Kaoluroi raolcalrj Oarad bp k C. EVl.itr.TT H framluaa rauaa railuatlfif Pran,nro Tro,i. fforlof Klailta Slalto. Kla.u kiaiktocs. aaaporurt. Baoaioat Braaaa, Btuswi ontt. Oroia,,,, . La41as atooadod U Hn B. C. BVERBTTT. aarM-ttr WKALT1I, 11 E ALT H, AND MCAUTY. If a iota adralrlnt ryn : li a r aula invlttioua aia. , If t bo a bibomlits duwor, radui, dylns" busr Haae-ii ! If toiiar a hoal of frlfa.ta ; If forvloa lo laako amanda; Ifwlkt hlf b boru bloud to wad: Ifa marble aloaa wbo daad-WAlal If to Saa Irirocsaare and ton, Wlihiaallio aa loaa ataia, If lo bvaa lua ol earoi IflotloandsoU irnuo BaALW ! If job wUh B Ilia of pl'a.ar. ; If ynfl aalar thia world a traBaaras ; If arory aatafert yoa wnald aaa. TaAo air BdTlea, Bad wlab mil MrM. Tbaa. banal llaallh, Wf alto, said Boaai loa Sba piaaiod lor ovary aaw. ByaoBrflparialof Br. WILLI AM YOJ(J'i fo Biok. 1UM alAa-UIAQH UU1UB, wbicb afeoald lio root iocn-a omoo. no. na arnuos amaur, mn tl I oaaua. Yurk WorH. Th white-tinh trade U growing into an -lyniTK tiroin war of antili,, t. Oa.a.a.1. ... .. MYjjJZ .la ar bra.a a. atuaatafcarT lh.lt la, aalM n ax,f, JJJ U-.wnHnlnf , and prflflai .rod fraan oata wnna -Um fcr arai.-rvlu tho Bad Iraa.parmt. It It aaott oMblna trim ,k,.w. ohoad sand! d lli, rraaoraa olmaiaa. blaua.,' fraiM. ar aunbura. aad aaaans a aai aa a m ffeio, arri. and arM. fVrt it, a, tad Ta aanai. Ult A i O ,b.lJ S.aAun tl Srat,axda,ti t auiri W-S-Sto SHIPPING. -f, BOSTON AND rniLADF.r.PHIA 0fV aa, Htaain.Mp I. Ine, aalllnff frai oaab port oa t iTkL "" 'Kr' auo riN airaat.Pbna- d'h a 1 Rn.toa. Frana trot whad ,UT. pi up' t'tsoar.nn HAla'dar. li.Aamhar SI . kwM. Iha 'an.K o 8 A X o N . HalUicwa. will aalll ram PM1 dh fuaf' Ktx''on '''ur,'. lc.mhr .H. a- 10 o'el.xik A M ; and lha a! anianni NoKbt AN. llakar.fruBl Boalo fur l ljiailrlplila.oo ."""a dav.ai 4 p. M. Uhi flaw iri in """1 al.amiajoa SVra pafatof aw. aa lana fron. aa.ll , n Pnlallv ra SatacJara. biiaiaaras aSaatod U ooa hajvbo prooaaoa. aaarsad oa laa aaaala. Frauhwa tabaa at Sair ratoa. Kh,a ara raauaatad to adv'S Sfp 0!ipt arid Bnw IjanialtfUMtpaai. ".r Fioaatii or Faaaaato fhkaa -ommosaSarns a .r to rirwut im i to. jaa-ar aro. wj a. u " """ VOU NKW YORK. ONT-ll.r MIR. coaafwisr ai i ammih' iviP.tfTI 1 rKamiir tisa, OK S l TllllK. an,l iin.llu r all Nortbaia aaj Bart, a ollaai and t'W ihlaant, t.'.ina ovary 1 l , ni-A I , TBI at a. PAT, A Vll P Tt'ltt-t T. fr. m the OnmpAn t a warf. flr, I a'w.-T ft a lrrn, ad N.w lork, Item t'mr 11 . North Kivor. ao aauia daTa, al 3 PM. t .ir r.Bbrht, arMrb a-tl' ba mlvoj dally. ha-1od ka tSa m.a' aa n.il niaiitirr, a d ilWltarrd aiib UjO araaiaat daa .uh, a', lair raua. ti ll tn WH.IJAM 4 TATM-H M 11-10 Iw b,n. 'i,0 Nurth "i liannd. --f(PfT, aaUwaaf- fHKAM WKF.K I.T TO LIVER oo I. vo.at hair at UutriMt. an. (irtrk Harbor ii.oan iaau,revfliia I.Ivati.,..' Na Tirh. and PbiiMnrlal la Ataamahip 1 oaiBaay aro laAnuaod fee Bait a S.llft a KANUAItOO. Salnrduy. Oororar.ll, l'1'V Or M A M I. KM IK aa- at.lar. .lannniT 7. pi'lTY (IP IaiM.ON, RaiB'dav, Jannav 14. AJd avarv aaanawdJiu Haluraar. at aooo. rrfira riar Nf M a.T'h Klt K.-ir. of r a aa ii ritiaii re tn'RaFNTrr Fail I at. in lfl;fl aioaiano .'.v Kira- I'al.ln Ut j nd..a 1711 tai l-uarua h 1 Aa,loa.,, Aa- Flrat aura to I atia.. U"im .iu.u nmi .... fViW Plial f'aUa to Hamnr'al1 Of Hia-r. u Hftntrjr4. 74. IX ra.atfnir.ra also foTwanla to navra. hrouaaa, 1WV taf .lain, AniH-ra. Aa.. at CHialiv k.w ratva. Farw fr aa l.nara.w,! or Unwiuian :- Flrft TaNo SIWI, I70, stlfl ai.raa from l.lvriool and Qat.Ana bvwii.SI. Thao wrtu wlab to aond ror Uialr fhouda oab bur ilwurta hor al limi raw. For fuiUior lukrniotha apply at Uo Oorapanr'l offlfloa. jdlix . I'Al rf. 4aat, Fa Ul WALNUT Rirorl, PkiladalBrilB. --T N FOHNRW YORK. DKSPATOH Jaauaavbabiw7'. and Hwartaiaro Liaaa, via Irolawara and a.' ma ' aaat. Ta. alaaaaara of kn.ao hnoa ara loaa-p daila a. 11 . alrai M., aad to oloak P. at., froaa tbhxl plor BlH'TO W ahaat atraaa For rraiaht, w-iiah arr-I bo takr-n oa Bermaedofrn ('w.a. apply lo WILLIAM at. BAikLU A OO., Ro. lid v OK LA AKR Avanua. RAILROAD LINES. lt:M ARRANGFMFNT8 OF Ifji-i JO)"4. KKW (RK l.laM. lCMHa 1 K I'lmilra aavtl Arabey afi.t Fbftaaarpbta and Tvonarta Ballt.mil C'f mpMitea laana fluau rhikuloa.tla to Mow York and W ay I'la. ra FRUM WALRTrT RTRKKT WHARF, WIN loay, aa ft.anwa. via. : FAaa. At S A bl..viaCaaoVaii aud Araboy, O. and A. Aa coauun.lalkiB 13 f t Ai A. M , via C'aiudaa anil imij ' at, aaumlnai kUpraaa.. All! 'Bu M , via ,C. odfn andAiatMy,C BndA.Ao- oonoaoaaiann Al J P. M. lia Camilaa al Aailmy, C. and A. tta- pria At H Ml P. M.,vtaraaraila aaut Arabov. Aooninrao- Amnnm (Vroiirht arul paafvattfAr) Al P. Al., aka I'Btaduai and AiuUiy, AoCAtfaiaoialioa (PrWalri bb,1 Paiaoiifur) I at t-laaa 'liokut 1 71 f-W VI llaaa mm 1 to All l. P. M I.. vlaflAUutflai aad Aanboy Aoroauonraa. la-tlaud l'aarwi), III LUaa TioAot.... Unit CFrc, Sd -Maaa d. t-l la.) For Haiyktoro, Kaau, I.amtxvlvina. Fkuu-nvtMi, ac , I'Dr. M. for I.arabortnna end Intx-ttMiUavU. autloai, at I P. H. Fja H.hiiiM HuBy, Kaaatlto, I'lHiiaarioa, aad VlAoaa towa.at A. M.. 1 anil I r. M. tor Frvaauld al A. M. anj P.M. For I'Bbmyra, hiyartw, l.oianon, nernrtv, K.li-walr, Rarih Rt- b. rijrajiao, llm-diaiwwa. Mr., at S aa.l I Sft A. al.. IV M :m.i. and HW r . M. TUe 3 AD and P. M. llaaa ron diraal throuirt toTrraton. F.ir Palmyra, bUrorum. Ooiamoo. Boyorly, Bad flarttaf ton all P. I.1NF1A1 FRIM KRkAirtrTOM DRPOT WID taaye aa Bjlluwa At H IS A. at., tib Konalnart-ai as4 Jaraay Oily Ra Paa ..... Al I P. M., via Roaaaniruia aud Joaior .tktty.Ita " m Al P. , via Kaaatrmton and Jmnmy OHy, Waahbsrton aad Srw Tora Raoraaa Al II P. M. (nuilitl.yla Kanalaartoa aad Jorauy Oily, IN I'M I'M l-tt w awiHtaruia ana aaw rora... Tliof. 40 r, M.Uno will mil daJly. AU o'kori hVonday aaoaptcd . For HiiffaWi, Dunkirk, KlmtrB, Ithaca. OwraM, Rnchoa tor, lllniampiBn, UroAt hand, Moniroaa, WrrkAaOarra arranioa. Strnodvbura, Watar llap, Maitrb fthtkak, Alloa, town, Hoibataam, Ralvldara, ttaaloa, LantliarlTiUa, Ftoro laaytoo, Aa..7l6A. M. Tbla hn. atincof a wakaV braan laa lna Saatoo Aiaook relink al 4 . P. M. lor lnibortvata at A P. M. on Haliir1.ia only. I nr HM.lol, Trrnion. Ao.. at 7 Li aud II U A. At , and I ami P. M. . and I J mi.la tnl. For Holraoal.Hnr. 'lacouy, Wlialnonilnd', Brtdab-lrf , aant Fraf..rJ at 11, M ,4.1 and S P. M. tf For Mi-w Trtrk andWaylJnoa bay1na Ranarneton Iapot. taka Iha oara od Filfb atrOflt, ab.iva Walnut, run an bour ltau daparlnra. Th. Cara run Into tlio U.pul, aad on arrival o oacli train ran from tho riapot. Finy pound, of bncf a,a only aRowod oaoh paaaenxor. 1'AiRMiHora ar protttHtnu from tnkliif; anytt.iup aa Iibiija but Ibair waarlng aitarvl. All baairae uyor fifty poun.to to bo paid for oitra. The i'ompaiiy llaalt irtah raitMiaal bony f.r bMvor. to Ono Irollar par pojnd, and wlal uol bo babio lor aay auoaait bayoud lluu, BaoapA by apoolal ooa Uaol. Urahana'a Bairvaiiro P.irpraaa wfll raDfor and VUwr baa Saaa at lbs liaoola. Ordol a lo ba loft at Vo :i WAI.NQY alioot. VI. 11. OATIMI-lt, ASUL luronibar 1. 14. L1MJI I ROM bKW YI1!K FOR PUILADKUTHA a Will. I.KAVb From root of Coortlan.1 atraai at 11 M. and 4 F. at., via Joraoy ( My and (tawdan ; al 7, 10. and II SO A. M., S 1". M.. an II bimi, via Jaray CUiy and Koniiiigion. From a.al of Harrlay itroot, at A.M. Bad t P.M., via Aoib . and Camdan. FroiD I' .r ba. 1 Nrth RWor, al It M., 4 and I P. M. (I rwlybt and 1'Bkaeuaar) via Arul.ov and Uandoa. I ".EIGHT LINKS FOR NKW YORK AND l bD thr ataUoaa oa bt.oCtauidos bb Aiaboy aad bob Bocauia Radruatl.. IblKEAHP.D nEaPATCin. TbB Oaaadon aud AialH.y Rark-nad ard Traaoaortatlna Ooauiiauy a rramkl I iuoa Air haw Took will laava Waloot Hml wbarf. on an aracv Jansary a, daAI i4unuj aa aai ia-t ) al 4 0 elook P. M . briawtiiiiaf, ibo auwva Ltaai wta loayo Naw Yurk at 1 Bed 4 P M. Fralvht noat ba dorr a rod befura l-i P. M .to bo Air WBrdod Iba aanta day. Fraijiat bw Troaioa, Prtnaoloa. Klantna, New Bnuia wioa, aad all poanoa on too Caaadaa bb1 Aui'.oy RaUioad t Blao oa Lbo llalvlaaro, lawawAral aad FtoaajoifWa, tba blow J.rtay, Ibfi Freehold and Jara.ll'Orff, anal kho HBriltiKtotl aad Moaiti llody Raliioada, roooJTOtt and Parwardad au to U'.o.l.-at P. M. Hiu uaakat-ai fur Houal II. ruol&d BP to 1 oriock P. M. Tbo Halyiilero t'cawaro Hatlna4 onanoou at nnapa. bar Wllb Sba l.ablub VaRay Railroad. Tba Raw Joaoay Railroad rwaaiaeui ax RiuabaUi wilb Ilia .Naw JerMu; ranrral Rauruad, aad at Mawark with bb kVurru aaid Ralaa RaurwBd. A aap utaaiuranitnaa. apaidfyln fba atarka aid aaiav borl. ohapaia and cobiuiiiih a, mill ta avory lualanao ba aaut wnb aacb load of sooda.orao racaipt wlUbaalvon. laoraai,.l larlluin blnk baaa ml' lor kha rxBiupnrla tioii of I.IVF. b1u(-K,dyora ara Invlaod lo try una ruuto. Wbon Hi a nock la rarulabod to ouBntillaa of TWO OAR I.i.allH 14- mora. II will ba O.Urorail at lbo Axil of FunlKb airaol, n.ar tho Iiravo Yarua, or at Pior Ro. 1 Murta. Blror. aa tba aaJiwari miay duauraata at ll.a lira a of lad abipauonl. WAI.TRS PUkrMAN, Fra irtilAfvut, Xu ns, f)alawara avauna, 1'ktlaJo.ptua. UF.U. B. KATSIONII, Frolalil Afoul. aA tf 1'lor ato. I borib aUvac. stov Yark. -rtTBST EKSEY RAILROAD LINKS f Y Row Amine, mriit.-l.-o and artar ltaWDAY, Royoobor 1, laut, uailu wall loayo Sroaa Walauat A Hoot rial aa a.uuwa : lor Jpa May and all plaoaa aotauk af MUMBo at t A. M and I P M. For Mm.SiH, Brtdcotna, Batom, Bad BR laUnaoJIato plaraa aoato as UloiabMo at I A. bf . asd I P. Sd. IwUlai.liuNiin M. II M., and I P. kt. For Woodban, M0BCOaM, Aa , at A. M.,11 11., I au it. IB. BETTrRPrTHfl. Laara Taoa May at i A. M aad 1114 A. M. bliilyDle al S'lO A.M aad I P. M. - iwtdcaoai Bl7 to A. M .1 IfP.bt - Haioaa al 7 A.M., and I P. M. woooVaaryat7,li7.aadlMA.Bf..aad4'lP.at., and I ts P. M. U. ( Bnoan only. TUB WBHT JRR.HRY R.XPRIUi OOMPART WU1 auand to BB tba Biual brannuoa of aUroia hB-rf-aa.a, aooolyo. dabvor, and Aa-ward Lbninub i4bor roapoa. Biblt1 Kxproaa Cnanpatiioa to all porta of iba iioiintr Aril aiiicla BBlruatod lo uaon. A gpoulal alaaaouor auooiu aauiaa aacb lArriutrb train. 1. VBN KRV3MRI.AIIJL, Bnpani.itondBot. FtiUaaaibbta, Kuyoaabor 1, tooi. UH fiticrrd walls ut Sumter. I am willing and now.aH 1 know my Qovomnient aSw.ivH hut ioa- k' MLROAD LINES. . .17 L. 'tx. Ptri ptT.wi. a a twin. awVi,r" hTi. m' Wiw LtLAjaaTiasiT. ' "roKHRm. wiu l.a.o Ih. b RW lBOu T, Til I All airaw. alioaai mvZZr 1 bBBdotoakv oaiy 'Bdayt saoaplodl, aa Attr M A M ,,,"1WT- Wllt1stArvtA, At I h r U 't T'vn,w,d tnr IV-fti-Av Al I tf P. ilaiinn Art rM Wm. ''rtsisaU nra -ua wirb uia N.. ,V'A r- "..and A w nla 'nnotiiD wua ui. Ni. , . ' ai 4 b p m. (Mam :,rS":. t4" ,w Alt IIP. bf (A.'ooayiiaodaaoal ml -,-. P M I Ai.BioiodatloBl w lanadaWt Tnp.i'KB iiianitunn. pmr. ftl Tlliall Nirow. or IIF.KIn UOo.ln o,aw St'TTTl L... riiM of Br. aacoya aao Ltaia raLa. af Akro TRAIRR T1R FFIIT. ATlRt J-ltlA IAan PtaUU.aoin at S aad ""HA U j'oylralown M W A M , and I 4j P M , aiJp.a Aa-nailato at 110 A kf Fart Waahuifb O al I ff P at. OH Rt'bllAYR. Pbtladi lpM Ihr ta ay.iown a- II A. M and t il F M, KorlaKown f a-Pltlla. alphla at 7 A M aml lP. M. II IS in an ' rtaa-.ajro F.ipeiHii will oall I -r aad layr baaraao at tbo uoooC Ur4twa may bo lof al Ro. Its R. THIRD bHrrot. P IS F.IJ. II CI.ARK, Asr.it 1)iin.ATKi.rfn, of.kmantgwn, anjj jiubbmotuwr RArjanaiv Tina t a ii La rva and artar MOKHAY, May IS, Wil, oat Sjrtuor aouoa. FOR (IKKMtRTOWR Uiti rhiladaaMa 6, 7, b lu. U, II A kf . ; I. f , 1 1 S. 4.1. bi, . I. i. 3, 10. II. IV 7 M L.'He I'. niuiiHewa. ,!.: H. . t), FO. It, rj A. S. l.i.n.i. .m. a. as. ;.., mi n. .i 11 p. m. Tha-. Ut down, arid iha i and 14, traana an, do aot ib an ttio uannart Hrajiich. 1IFRl' l IUI.I. R VILROAtl. tavo PMladolrluB. i. I. WI. U A. M l 1. IV.Ik.M MXl II P. M. la..( oo.iit Hill, T K.A.I 4S, ll'tf) A. at. ; I'lO, -S, I an. r. a, s ), and in o p. m. ro tyiniii.-',hpa am woKKinnwiy. W.. P(,u4..iph, S.I ba. 11 00 A. M.. lla.S.4V.! eS.S '. and II a r. M. Iava N.frtiujwn. IV. 7. 7 00. and II A. kf. : IS. 4 S ami I P. M. rr..s train an. win if al wnnhvua, Manarual and -loaabockon e ll FOR M 4 "AVI TfK . I.ava Mil.B.Ilil .S to. II tv, A IK. $. 4 Si. IK. ,.b lanl 11 J r M. l.aa0 Miuaauub,-k, 7-a.STl, -, liv A.M.I.S, T, Bi.d I'S ' M. U. K . smith, (oinral Seawwir tMidraai. dj1 1-oiait. -I I N Til aud lilUtHJI Airotda. J) K A 1) I N O RAILROAD. (IIIF.AT TUI NK I.IbB lUOIt PflT AHH. 'Ill TO TH K, IVTfen OF lF.NTt,AMA.TIIK HITrtTlJt ILL, L . Vjlr.ii.vv a rmnrKi ami, A-iu VirOMlSU AI.IJiT, A Xl NORTH, NOHTHWBHT, ANBTIIK, CANAUAR. lAMKffllK THAIV Tai tba O.'Ji.pai'! a ll.pil. al Til I IITF.BfTTI MK ('AI.I.OWIIU.1, butota. rbiia.lulvliia, al too f.AkwU houn W'lHKIln M ML. At I 00 A.M. for Rrailiaa, loanon, Bohrata, I.Ula rninanoia. liarlitiurg, roniylila, Pinaro.a. laraatna Runbury, W kfliatn.porl, Kimlra. Rorhaator, braaxara Fat., liiitlaio. AUantown, V. I kribarra, PlltatuD, York, C'Btuuo I banibarihiirr. Hai;.ratoa n. Ar '1 hli tram coanarta at BRA 111 Mil with Rait Panaiyrva nta RaUroad iraana tor Alloatown, Ac. tlio Raadlas and dauiutua KaUrona lr Kphraia, I.HIt. aad Colombia, aivl with tbo llianon V allay tr mil for llarrl.burp.Ao. ;at PURf ItLI MTOM Willi (vauwlbiaRailiriAd train, tur Wllkeaiarra. Wiuiainiport. lo.k Haven. Kimlra, Aa.: at IIAItltllt RliKilwIbh "Nartkorn t'eiitral," "CtimlrArlaad Vallay," and "SohnttkiU anil NuMjiiatiauna" tralm for rf.irtinia borlABd.W llbani! Vork.t'lianihrliirg,FaaadnJvo,AM A FTC KM ION KM'liriN I yil PhBn.!, Iplua at i M p. M. it Roadln. P.dta vUlo. 1'in.frovo, llAirlaburK. Aa., onaBoyuivv ai ila.ru ban; with poen.yU an'B r.utral tralBi for Pltlalnarv, AO., ktortliam (vjiuai llallroad traiita for Hunbury, Rortbuta betlaad. F'lroira. Ac, aud at rort -Unloo. wttb Oatawbrad Railroad trajai fur Milton, Wubatuuon. atluilrB, llullato. Af. RtAnlNU AfWlNTVOnATtn!!. Tatoi Baatlio at A.M., atoniaui ai aj way ata I h in. arm lot In 1'lilla.li'IUa ul )HA.M. Kalununi. I. area Pblladalphla al 4 HO P. M. ; arrlyoa FA It.a.lbi SI ; P M. Tv aim for riuladi-lr-rda If avo nArrlalMtnt at l-tin A. M , and ruAoyllla ais IV A. U , arrivim In PlJlH.laavrua a I M I. M. Afiamooa iraina laoyo llArtlaniirc M 1 4b hv 1'olt.yltlo al 1 Av p. M , arrl.lni: In HblUtdalnhla at 7 P. M. Markal trainl. wHh a paaaongar rax Btlar4v1, Inay FlulaiWIplila at I P. M , b ataa.Vui. and alt way autthwiai Utatr R. admj at II, noon, aad liowalnMbownai kw4uF. 14. for Phlladriphla and aU way itatluin. A J Iba abnva tralna ruu dally, StimUyl taoop-od. Raaday traloa Vtaa 1'olUyRla at 7'SU A. M., aud rhila dalpbJlal3J r bt rifKWTRR VAM RT R41LROAB. Faiaorferi ar liowulhirlown and lula ma aato pofnat lako who a IO A. M. aad INF. M.tralni fjvoa Plutadalohia ralarninf hvui liowrjuatown ai 7 04) A. M.. aud II M n..oii. . RRW YORK FXTKESg TOt rrrTSUirRQ) ARD TltB W K AT. Li avoa Raw Torit at 9 A. M. an .17 r.M.,pAlaliui Roa,1hat at ITmldnurlil and I'lb P. M., anil oonneallna at nana., burs with rvtUMytvBBla Railroad Kaproaa Uaina ar Ptua bura. ttbk'asn. and tho Waal. ki'luonffiB Kaprcaa train laayat HarrtabcaTiroa airrval of ibo PooTiaylvanla Ftpraia front PillaUurp ai I tai and b 00 A. 14 , paiiluc Raaduil al ID and U) 71) A. M , and arrlyfna al baw Vnrk at 1 A. H. and 4 40 P. M. Mbtrav irg Can Br'-ooapany thoto traloa tlrrousll,bolwa Joroof tity aad HtlalHirir, w ithnof ohnniia. Hull train 6r Mew Tork laayof llaminwa; aa ran r. at. Atad UBla llarrlahard laavaa Raw Yuri at II SI. fit 1 1 1 1 I J 1 1 I , VALIANT RAIbKUMl Trabia toayv Puttaytlla al7 la A. M. and IKP ..! tarninK friitu Toiramra at S 10 A . M. and 4 3A 1. M. hoiiinr i.k n.l, Au Hi aoi aw a mis a KAiH.jiirair. Tratna laavo Auburn it IU A.M. ir I'lnvkTovo and rtam-bnrk. and at I MP. M. Air Puioroo only; ratara- H'u iraoi Uarriabunr ai 1 M P. M., aud rroia ruosruyaM J to A. Al and 4 t. ml. II. naii.. Throrurh flrat rtaia tiri.l. BJid omlrrBnt tMkata to all tba pnrrial point, in Ilia hortli ami Wial arid Cana.laa. 1 ha lollov. ln Ueketa aro oblain uib'onlv at Urn .mlraal R IiltAliFiiltll.fraaJurar. n M H. FOUKIH Hlroot, rtillArtp.pl la. ar ot O. A. .S IC01.IJ. Uiltaral lajwlulaa- dvau, KcBdlnK ,.... IU Til MIT tTUI n liinr-in, At ? per eon t. discount, botvtaaa Buy point dealraA. fur farDAUAa and flrrui. btll.KAnr. in nr.n, rtpodowTOfia aniloH. bolnaoa all uoinla, at SA3 10 oath, to faiulkaa and uraai. HKAU'ri Tiiy-r.ia, Fro- throe, ary, alua. or t waive umalba, for boldora oaly, bo all puinu, al radaoed raloa. Ll.inu in. ltaaldliipMi tho flae ofkno mad witl ba ftimlahod wltk earUa, culituj Lbeii.aelvea Biid wired to Uckau a tiabl Sara. FinrFTrTWlW Tl h BTB Fvnra PKlladJal a to orlnolBAl alalinaa. Kood for Ratuv da. aunea. nod Momlay.al roduod fare, to he bad ouiy ai ibo I UtkotOISoa.alTllliirKKli IU aa CAJ.LU W1UI.I RlraatB, r n y. M . it r. Rooda of al doarrititli.ua foi watdod to aQ the above) po'nla. from tha Companj's Raw frolwbt depot, FJiaOAO tul Wlia-uw Birrria. rilF.lflHT TRAINS I.aava Fbtladolpbla dally al C A. M , 1 P V ,an1 F M, t r kasdUn, labanou, Harrlabars. Potuylll, Fort Oflov. Bad poallU boyoud. CVoo Bt tho PhRadVFakla Foil Office Bar all piaooa on Sad road and aa bram-bee at s A. M., aa fuff tao pruaoiSHM Btauona OUy at IS r. M. 1HnTArEi.PHiAANn Baltimore crn THAI. RAILROAD. OPaJI ft) OArCAkUr-aj'RlNO ARRANtlKMF.hT. Od and alUt FB1DAI, abtr l, atAM, tao iraaa wm mbvs aa AAoam : UlVI KAtrrWAJlD. i UBAVR WRTTWARD. aivaVKikB. A.M. . M.1 TAriotS. A.M. r. Dakvrd k B0 1 15 nuia.lelphia.... S IS) 4 an Waatuaoye SW s w enl inoavfir... j ao o w Aaoadaka 7 0S ill w. c. Juwm,. I a Al B. tniiMt 7 W 'U Omenrd M e H IViaud Ford... .' 41 4 41 Obwld'a Ford,... I 41 I II (loaanord D OS Roanntl HI D S 117 W.C.ImetioB.. b 111 A'oiMail vni mat FkJlndi btua I H I M Weal Orovo I0"J 7 fJ V...M lle.l.r....S W 14 Oafurd Ul Ad 7 Paaietiaar Input kn Ftaladalaiila ana boon ohunirefl from Klablaomb and MarkM au-eela. to THIRTY FIRST and H A Kk BTT rHreete, Woa4 PkMadalphia. kfarkat Htrol Faaieneor BaUwa taw I oeaniey Faeaansv to an Im BtoUaavot. raiieaaen ro bLroavrh wltrxwit rhanRO af aara. toA MKRRI Wtul), SopyrluletrAoot. TO.T1 PUnTADXIPHlA AND 1Q(! loO"5. B.RIB RAILROAO. lOlH. This rroat M trayeriee too Rortkora aad Morabwoat aoanuaa of pMiaaylyaaia to wta aay of Brio on LaAe FVta. t l.a. loaaad by tba PRR NaT l.VARI A Jt A1U4UAU COMPAM Y , and ondar thear auavwea Is baOof aavldAF ociaBAd tbroaabt.m Ha oiaaro loaMA II la Bow In boo kir PaiaoTMar and FrolirM bourkOM tnw Hamab.irr to Kluueaiam. Il adua), no Me Faitam Irlyt wn. and trota auoJaold to Hrto (7 mvaj,on tba Aviatora Irtvldloa. tihb ray rr. aaa anna TairbsAT rwn.AivBa.rmA. Mall Tram loayo. !- A. M. h.vn-oaT-Taka kavra mVtU F. M. Co. a ran tbrweb wn nnpv m A too b.aaiayaofl thoao train, batwoua rMtodolphkaaad LooA Bayaa.BAd botwaaa iiarrrauo'e arid l.i'k llavi'tj. KievaBt Riooiiing Care oa tho VJiprone Traba bo lb wajra. Fia- InrorBtaoatia roapi-p'.ltia PaAi nrer krauinaia. apply at tuo M. B. earner of RLRVrtXTH aj ,1 MAKKR1 NUaola. Aad fur Frumhi bnabnooa oftbi. LfieioAny a A a, a. H. B Knoroo n, Jr .otrrnor PLXTKK.'Vrl aad MAbkttY trot ta, Fkuailwrabla. J . H'. Kuniu'u, Krk Al. Ibya,. AK..I, M. . 0. ., B.l.K.ns..onsToij Soaeral FreH-b Aamit. PhrUdorrAra, I.FW1S L. Hiruvr. Soooral Tii-kil Aonl, flilli.Joli.lils JilHKPH IV PoTI Ja4-tf laaral Haiia,vr, WfUiaaiev - tint. M. M(iNlAY, ma Hitn nay jarnuirt n'f, fur th co?i atr nation ot tharr f ar lil Vfc.M K H 1 t A.M v U 11 Ki;f ( aKio-Y tifal) tur tba upur btkta, aud oue ur mora tur l Hk- oihhi a. ready beon, RAILROAD LINES. L alAXl'IMiiKF. Rtl R.AI ' Ulu"i AND 1 IMC 1 All! .R. rommanrlnr MflN tl M rio. .ml.ar 1. IA Tri'ne W1R l ai.ra., l,n at I OS A kf (M.A,y, ,,rrt, Fa" u" 4iop.in al WuiatoaT lainiiii. ' " -'' -Abordoon, l erryraiiil mti i;:d":,v;n,rl;,:t;i.r,:','" -. I a pre. a lo nail 14 p. m f lenoaya o.yt.A) a,r BaU )vr,,oiy and Waihlnnoa. i.ppln, at - bailer, WilaaatioaT. llkuia, Farryatllo. anr llayredn.raao. ' ' I I iprr.a rram al 3 r M. inundav a eiraptoA) Aw Rel llu) aioand aliliKlon l'oppln al Wllaiiaauvn. Fowark. t.li. w, H.rih pan, Parry. u,e, Uaira da ur.aa, Fonri van'! ami Manoha. ' b.lht 'P-aa ai II II F. M. a,, nallm-vr, aad Wa.liinm n. 'ippmi al t nea a r (only lo take Haitlmor and Wa.hl I''"" l anenrar.), Wllmlnntia, hawark, RIB' Ion bow, r 'a-l, I'arr villi-, and Havre do i.rara. I'aiif ugiri .Vr Fortrrn Afouror will lAla ike s-1 A. af . Train. A0':lMM(inAT1OH TRAtRH totrj1 va. Uuoa lialnora rinlaJalphla and WI- T 'Vp U M " A M , 4, ) ant II P M. bjiilhrd a7drl;:", "I " "llh I'olawar Railroad for .aV. ta .T '" 'aiail.iae P'M '"'""' 1 " ana pjiA.M . I 10, and I 4 Ti'itoit.'.n Tanwa rnoM niTiMomi e W tii'di on aviv M lit V., " . 1 1 b r k run ruu ...l'.." '. -M Leave "ir.'I'LMir:", , ' CbolM at I V 11 A.M. 1 .a .. . a... - ! Btul llsV F. M. " J . 9. i wa I urn nAV TnMvi, I Riprfm Tr-1a at 416A.M. ft .' mtv- . Imviwn, Biopatat al Wliminifan. '' '1 Wt, :'3fr. Al'rrli'?i. 'pTTTnn nnd tf i..in ' ""a d hijBfil itmi at II I r M. ir i.-alaimoF s liKicn. o(.pii, r rhftief (Iir lialili i,ti itfjrif.rw 1, W liminbilofi, Nfwarf kUtiMi, m,,' e.t l''Tyviil, inrl llntrf ilf t,r r-e. Ar.o.iiii"iaiii n Train at loV. .V. fr Wllinlrigtoa an WbI Htt.1i n". It A I TTMOKF, F'H riMLA PPIi'HTA. 1,av i it 1 miii tf at 9?I'.M , itptii m Marra Aa Jfai . Pfn vMft, ani U n.i -i. A f-Fp at Kit ton aad H wnrh (t tnkr pi-nrTa r rh'trHllfiltta and Irat aas-.f-ni, r fr-'ni W r.'nt.tAii nr lUrn-i' . af 4 heftier to tavu aaAnHa.a fruui liaitinrti Cbrar Ii iain. i,,af Wl'mifn;rn r plit;r''phla at 1A P. M. KftV (AIT(M()KK l' VHI I.A lKl.f ;ll A. tM 'Uiflm-Tr H 'aL' 4. M Wnv Mall; I IU r M,Kc ftrt., 4-f Ji ., Wv' ti Ain ; . 3 I. M.. K&frrnan, Jt 1 M , f.trtta THKIHH FOR BUTTWRK IHfurRU-ri.K.V A t H ni ll'W) P M. I V i, a niftdii at l.i. V 40 . hi , 2 H, 4 -i and It Mr r m. Frfl,.-M TrAtn w'lh Pi-nf'r far a ichrM will laar WciiiiiibrMi r 1'mrji l ie aaJ m.rrranili niauoiia tat :;.. r. m. U ) II. F. kF.XSKT.A'iarlnteniloai. HAN(.K OK TIM H. TiiK I FNN-yi v.VNU rr.sTHAf itArruo,r TKS lAl. THJ.IHW: I'ltP AUKI.I'HIA I v I'l 1T-hCKU-Oi. af I LKS : ThaTl.lirt OfTca V hu V r. N HYT.T A M I A (TTUAL It l I ICO A I la uor lnf t(1 at tha New a nv.tr rfat of U.f. ('..ntnaiiv, 7 II. i 1 1 Til and M AUK II T 0irai. run, i'Ki nn . 'I MB 11111. AhKl I HI4 KM'ltrna. IravM dail TIIH KlilK M A 1 1 . Irav.i d.iil rxr.'.il aSatuidar. All atuor tin Hit- leave dallr. rt cpt Wun.la. on Knit afior MONDAY, Iiavrmbfr ft, IMi, Ualna will laa riiliaUWpQia aa f.-llnw: N llO A. 11 . MATT, Tit AT H, I'J iha lollowinir eonnaant -Ar-rlvu at HV-. aa I" ri,Fl k.K I NTKuHO I IUN W Ot Au M.i and rnntiict with Wait CUitv KiOmt.1, nr rllfi at Went ( liitar W .. M. At HOW NI Mi I O W ! Ha a. M ., cnnv(Minjc wttti trala fur Wanashuritp, ant reachli.K tahevr I I'lO A M. At -M.lU!Kl.t U W A. M 000 nar ting witb NorUifrn i'aii'.ral Kaiiru..l, ani reantv itw 1 01a it 5 JO P, M . IUn..rr Janctia n I ? 1. llnnOMT 4 4 . p. M., and i;HTbiirK " U r. M . Alaa with train 00 Kndiiif and Ooinmhia Halrond. laaHa: al 9 P. M. Arrive at IIAKHiN'U KU l )u T U aoivn-aUtv Willi Northam Canrral tramt North, Rati ' J,ae Hanta hniK 1 .P. M., aiTia at suti'viry 410 P. I., aliiaon A (ta P.. M., William port C I P M.. ;.H a Havffll 7 X) P U (Paav Biti-r fur l-'Jaana, Hoi hantac, UanandalATiia. MlteV-aam. FaiLa, .e , rrarh r.imtra a' U 4. P. M., and BiatiWlo at 1 A.W.I I'akieanw for luntlla, Knp-rt, Mlonuiburf, Utrwlf k, flrvrb Havrn, Shirk shlnnf. Ply rnotttUi , K itMaUwi. v Tombif, I'Miatnn and Heranton, inkn Wia l.aekawFtnaav anil ItltbutnitburK tralna at Arthuin'ji-r.anA.I At MAtt KtMfll U(i. fr (i'.iit P itthtin ytHlnurn Cm (raj KiHwaj. laaa at I P. U , airtT Tork J'9 P M , llrkn'vm Jiina-li-.B P. W . H.nnov.M- 4 tl P. IT, and i.PtAr'f-irir 1 P. M. At HAVsKHKCKO. d-r pel la in rtMrUfiiiiHI ValHiy, laavlntt af I 40 V- M., arrive t'ati;! 7 IK p. M..4 anih.ra-l-i, rf 4 Ut P. M . and Uaifrtn-t3 f Ii I', M. AlTVKISB H P. M . nMinrttiff with l aLtl Pa Vallay Tra.aty lavlmrai 7 P. M ,and arnlnit at Htlltiitmm at t P.M. At AM'uON A 7 40 P. M , e-mrva-U r with Hrana train '-r linalldajahiirfi raacliiait ma H 16 p M. AL rtKHt-N 3hf M cinnarilr wttb .raii(-A triiin f ar Bi fimhurf . arr1tnc tt-r- tf 40 P. M. At I'lt'TIUTIaU I to A al , and ikMrb o.iin.njiVxsUl putnU VVMUMrta tfi'l, nud Suutiiwvwt. 1000 Mm M. PAOl.1 ACCOMMODATION, N5. ), ftiTlTln, at Paoli tat- II . A M lsi'Ot) n. FAHT I.rNE oonnacta at LANniWlT I P 140 P. M... witti train (an HraduiK and Coltntl.la Kaiaroail, aniviarc at J.Ujx 3 It P. , Kphrata l P. al., and Wa4 i $ at4 V. U. At HAKKlMtrita, with an Arrcmma--Oatrunlratn oa iSnrthvrn aural Hallway, tor Sunbary aiid liHtTDiol-'aia l'iU, rtraouuisf Run'nirr at 6 aw P. al. At HAHKI-HliUKi wiia tram on liintiotland V alley aar Carhala, amTinK thr at A la P. M. Arnva at Pituibura? 1 ( A- ! . ind Uivra uakui clnat cunuetioa lur al Waattfii potaU. I'lO P. Uf . J'AriKF.m RO Art OM-.oirAi lON.arrrvaf at Parkaav Ihitk at t-'ti P. kl.,lupptrji at luti-iracd.atatiati'iitt, HMO I. M UAH1;,H1U R1 Art OMMn ION. niakta wana tlt n at (Mivninbiion at 4 m 1'. M., vltb train utt Waynaa bur(t llramh, 1W'ik at 4 .IO I. H , and arnruaA Kaynt-bniK at fc W P M A. t'H Mlll A. at P. M., witn Nnrlhern Ctuural luUtfcy for Yaik, Iav1na; WrtoMiT-m 7 v p. M . and ai fliii at lark 1 44 i 3kU Aime at llarrliturit at 7 6 I. 41. . M, FMTOKANT ACOM MOUATin M, torn No. 1S7 la alrewi, da Is, cxcipt mindH.- Arri'fla al H arrfnlmnu, 4'Xi A. M : knThn. 147 A. M ; AHnatia, :t p. U ; and I'litaburtf, 1 liO P. M. I tie ca'a aru co.isJhrtnble, aitd tniiram. ir ainiiin aoitiif Vat, will find tlm rata kw, and liare tKvir I'lviriiii1, frir .Thich eluH aru flivra, fnrward-'d )y vfce naun train. Por rur-h"r pariiniiwra attj.1 to FKAM'in l l'SK, hmlfiTiint. Annt, No. IDT J autt. M'lwwn tlamlFurn and PHUmirn a Or at elaaai ciU is attached to Lhla trum tor l travel. I AN''AWTKTC AC OM MODATloK, raaaliaa luajtar at 1 JO P. Al., a 'iJ Csjlumb. at S UP. At. RMII l. M. PAOI.I A VOMMOUaI 10.N, No.at.rttachaaPaollatiiN r.M. h3 p. M. riTTHuntn avi f.kib mam., with tha eu- lowii fr cuiint-i ilons - Arriv flarrhbiuit, 1M) A, M ; Sot. bury, 4 la A. M ; Northumbanarid, 4 it A. at.; atil'.on.4 Sit A. 11 ; 'WiHUraiitort, b tu A. al ; lk Ma fan, 7 i A.M.; l'.miarium,ll-Ori p. M ; Ht Mmy f, i uh P 44.; C'rrf.. ;.flP.M-; and Una, r.HP.M. (At 4rry olom cor.ncrU- p n uiadr wllb Oil t'rn K. K., tor lttttvvllla and Phatioi i) a praarnt term inn i4 the Raad, kivnoa by Vtaw br t Ar Oil Crtr and rriUikUn-1 I Pd.auktr tVir I)Kii llr Kiiwri. BJuo-'iaiijurkt Hrrwlck, BaucJi itaan. fcliu kkUiiiit-, ri oinulh, KniRstun. vt'jominf. Hklla aad Kcrantiin. taka ta- Lac-kawam a and 1U.hiu tim-g uam at Mrttinuiar d 1 ( raati;ar fttf Kinilra, Kofffieir., ('nn an latb.ua Niagara H lic,cir., rM Klmtraai 1 1 JA -rta. and Hn"a at Al P. M.j At H A It it I Htil Hi, with Hitrth arn i roual Kailwar, for tra s.iutri, l"avtnn M. arrivaa Yark , 410 A. kt : atannvor Juuo J -n, 4 A. M. ; ittaTta Hauar J uuci.ro u Sf-ilA. M.; ajiivna l.suiovt-r, UHiA.M .and (.attvabtirif, 1 A P. M. At HUairiNt. yiON.ti il A. M , vlfli liailn on firoad Top R. U , arnrloaT I)u)ew.rl -- . M , alt. balUi, A. M . imiJoii ntctUii U.tntm r, MukH'T huJvird. At T K'N K, H 'J9 A ai., caiattujk, nit traiu uti liaid lUtrUt VaiUy ktnad, leaio( Tvroiie at '-O A M.,arn-a hllt'1vnt. U IU. BJ .aUtd Howard. l'i 'JM I. JK. Li.vii.cTroneuo Clirneta. at.K ath -iA M . and arrU hw Ph lllniiirK. ll (W A M. At I 'KKSSOh, K 1 J A. M , rt-nar-i-.inu wHh Uraifh trataa tor t tU n-ttirK. and surh hir ttura, I'i 'J- P. M. At ItLAlKSI Mllk. IN'll,KKt"llOh, ! -Jti A.M. tunnUii with branch train which arrivas. ItiatrivlUt, lu 4t A. M ,aai4 Inr lrtaa j V I P M fl tuairivn abio ri anveti at ItLawa villa wrth Wnt Pi nnj.vlvj.tiia U It., arrh fun haltabasTft, llt.s AM 1 AnhM PITT A Hi K(l at 100 P. Al. aad OkBlowX U kit all pot la WU P. M. Pfni.Al'VI.PHTA KXFKrhM, itnpi oi!y a Down InrioB. I uatvcr, ha it-bur;:, Marcvi)la, H'm- yuit, Uiitltn, lwikiOr. u, Hniitlni;i1on, AJliona, MXj.m,bnd Ctmt-triuiiia. At Ml N Ti M 1 IO N , w a Hroid Toil It. R , U-ftMiiv th" at s t A. M.,iud arriTtntt at lui.llfT A.M., air, laliaa A.M.. and iiiA.tea bv atatt? tt Hfdiuid. Al A 1. 1 U N A. at 1 Ut A M.. im rbt9rtK la mul" witn trin t-r nHHa. itinr. rafeia4 Uiffitli .'' A M.,and ll.vn 'o by back to Hdri. t mi at Ptltstvii'.lt 40 P. M . making aJiMa rnam'c'iusji ' wllb tbrotikh tiainavnFU th Uirtina rotd f.oin tliai pli.t Nurtb W Ui l.aHaa, n 't to tha MuaiaH'n " na MtfkruTi rlvaa, and nvtuh aad Houtuwattu all pomu a-aRili)f by rtMinsad- or fnril.cr Uikjrin.itN.n. apnlr at th PatRav Auitot Ctfrucrof 1 UlltTlhl II and MAKKCI Kuana. PIlUa. JOHN r. S A.SLXit, Jr., r.4-aK Aj.nt. VliW RAILROAD LINK NORTH. ll PHM.ADUI PMIA TO HitttOKLYM, TIijUOLIrII IS IIVK haClia. FA RK M. PICVIt.WH TTfKKTrt l,(.tKH KOH THRF.w DT8 aa-t nnr MOM. , An. u it I, I-, hr ana will lara tA of Visa bu-vt. PhildMtW'pt-la, Tury uMiiut, at A A . M. (Sun.layi n-pto ). i.-aai ra b tt. Caincaiwi and At bsatJ: and Kivntail nnd llawar-a Itay Kadruada Ut Port Mfinuuiutb. and by flu 'imjieaiu- a'taaiaf r Jt- HiaV, U toot nf Allantlr bUttet, l.rooWjn ; raiurnuiB, lara At lamia Ucl Wlutrr avaryiUy t,diuiUa aauoptod). U U A M. TravtVasra tj ) city 6f Naw Tar ara nirtlnad not la) at'ji fvr paii.Kata ' ti Hit, tha dtata ut Now aferao- barvMitt MTanud to !' CaimUn aud Auih-iy mnnot. l tbak eivclrnii-a) piiviURH A cairjiiut p.i.'art. t.i.d fruaajtit ha iwt-vna IV r4lrk oi Ph'iiirt -phla an-. nw Yaik. ry t W. If. Uiiii-rtrrH, Uattarai naUA4cbaui-4, too noop SKIKTS