1 :.:t y upotl wo SUA y U cliwun.it I Force. he laud foroo are noaer il Jiuri.EK, comuod of wonty-Unh. uikI H.mi.n.i TJIVRSDAT, DKCBMDjt jo, 1M4. EOSE BLACKETT t'SQ HER LOVERS. "Yen, I ftippoio It Is a gnoi thing, i!d I"1' Whitfield, jawing b Mule In.tiflbriTitly, consider ing ths occsmoo. "You str mv mHier ma le It up, to thai I don 'I take niHch rrnlil to myself la the matter. I (tore lay I iniKht b" fi-o In nd won on my w liook If I hud lil.o.1 ; Imt I loft It All k llic old l"ly. Sho likes manning. So slid -nil Mrj. lll.-kett laid tlieir 1-cadn toyothtr, and Jio.ic and I mid vfs." "Weil, Fred, to certainly r tho mot ottra ordno'y ti !'"w ""d Ins Irlcrnl. UiikWiik' i "I den t lliiiik many pcoplo would Imagine you wgro si'Ci.Mng of your marriagr." "IHUPHy It",, i,miiw; , f v v " ftir mcli a jolly lot of Imih on those o. casioiis. ; they c ai out urdi raiautl :h:it one xlmnld hmu any comn.on scnas in tl'O miltt r. Time d K'inc liy f ir bl SM B and kl-s, and CJupiito anil nrrow, and all that ruhlimh , ami it' a nil viry well, you know, to like iliepirl you u; roii r to m-ry hut ban; it all! one Tiftdii't nakuii lool ot onuV-scll '' I It! 1 1 ik 1 Ho'O Itlurkt'tt very well. Shu's a line f irl enMiali ; no m ni) aliort her; run rulo well, w ttii li m mn' ;hliik a'ld p.Hys cr iu. t lirii r.ar she i no'l-t in nil, ami, I am tlmnkti:) to say, without a -ntirn'iitaiity ; su neliititoil' rx actl) : 1 ut for It it g over lit a 1 andean in low, and all that luff, I'm tar too uvd up f.iranv. th. ut,' t t the kind, ami ttho iH too scud tie. Wo ninny lnntu.c our mutln'rH v. nil il, anil hcmima an tlity lh i' we nnht ns well marry earn other lis any :tu elso. 1 ean't any I pi lii ularly want to 11110 1-7 liny ..lie ; ticv 1 suppose 1 inut do my uuty ih.it way ; and o you 1 do it." "All ery will, M i-t. r I ii'tl ; hut I raunot any 1 th ) 11 k. you are in a tir.iin-r traine of mind," a 11 1 llarvoy V;nn, "and 1 only bopo that when t .'un yon I to hi" married 1 (-hall he over t ad and ' in love with my wile. I don't tbiuK 1 would let niy mother muke up a marrmge lor uic, however lenninle in ita outlined." Ah ! I ut then ymi are such a denied romantic fellow," liinRtied Fred. "N.iw you nee I have K' tie through ail Utat, and have eonie out oa the oilier fide ; and -0 1 nave nivsrlf no end of troulile and auiietv ; and let me lull you, thrt is no ton Knptililc thing hi do in life, if yu can." Just iio," !! Harry, "and hy that re.H'iti ing the more nearly we Ret down to oy uterdom the w iber our ptiloaophv. ' "Not a had idea, H.irvoy. An oyster must have a inllr time erf it till he's cuuirhl. And even thin, we are all caught some, time or other; to what tloen it ruatlor .-" "Mot nitii h. DerliupB ; but I cannot say I like cyater theory. 1 like to live up to tho fullest of my powers while i do livc.aud when 1 have wtirn m Keif out, then It is time to die. 1 ut vcgeUtiua, at,! ial or cuiotional. tloea not (uit me "All tho retiult of temperament and or(iiniza tlon, niy dear fellow, suid ried, languidly ; "you see you have a hiK heait and hi luiiirs and big mum lei. an J a hiw bruin, and are u bun of Anak alttigether. I htvo a weak heart and weak hinca, anil mure, nerve than mua. lt n, and an lrnuhlu brain which hits to he kept tjuiet ty tho never to Ije-iulHiKntly-piai-eil nuotine; iind bo ctnotinti and exciknieiit and all that aort of thing boro me to death ; aud In lin t, 1 am not up to them, and that tt j net it. "One would think you wrro a aior Utllo miser able starvcllnc to hear you talli,' r'liouted Harvey "A six-foot lit guardsman not 'up' to any thing! and the hest trickster aril ho dest rider to huuiiila in the county ! Who is talking bosh Bow. fnd : "l'ci haps I am, and perhaps you are; but it's too mucn trouble to decide, yawned 1 red niny And Harvey knew that when bis friend culmi nated to tbla point, there was no pood in talking to him any morn. I-red was on tho mi bono school; good hearted and honorable, generous, brave, uilcctionate in grain; but he had spoilt himself by the uilcclution of IndUrerence, by pre tending to bo so terribly superior to all the weak nesses of enthusiasm or emotion, and by making belli ve and it was only uiaho-bcKcve that thero was nothing in lile worth living .'or. In aid of which philosophy he had put mi a lazy, limut' ing, careless manner, inoxprcssiMy annoying to earnest nnd enorgetic people, maintaining that the coitus of nicotine, us ho called it, was the only thing worth a sensible men's ilevotion; though he added a kind of bye alter to il&se. His friend Harvey Wynn was a very different kind of person. Tall, muscular, broadly proper tinned, his fuce not handsome so much as honest and strong (Fred Whitfield was allowed tube the handsomest man In the county, and the m ist elegant In appearance and manners waen he chose full of life and spirits and animal energy and vigorous thought, impassioned in a strong manly way, and romantic too, always in earnest, and never frivolous surely it was only by tho law of contrasts that be was tho friend of lauttuid, used up, affected Fred only hy the theory of compensation that the conventional cluli-man about town found anything harmonious in the country doctor who luuk lile in heroic doses, and even then complained of inanition! Hut one does sometimes sec these odd friendships and P'red Wbitlield loved Harvey Wynn bettor than he loved any human being, save, porhaps, his mother; and Harvey loved him, hut with that sad kind of love which one focls for peop'c who might be so much better than they are if they would but be their truest selves. So it eauieto pass that Harvey, who was to be groomsman, was Invited to Fred's house for the few days now intervening before the marriage took place, lie bad onlv just arrived when they had the conver sation given above; and al yet had seea neither the old lady, as Fred irreverently called bis mother, nor, of course, M ea IHackett, who lived rather more than two miles from the Hawse the W bitfields' place. His Introduction to the mother came first. 8he was a biiiidsomo, stately wou.nn, with the mien and manner of a duchess a cold, conrteous, iron hearted kind 01 person, who wore rich black silks and point-lace nips, and disspised poverty us on a par with vice nnd crimo. Conventional, proud, raid, worldly Harvey understood now whence had come the flaw that run through, and so pitia bly marred, the heacty of bis friend's nature. Mrs. WhiluelJ was vory civil, though, to II ir- vey. Hue was in too good a humor uhont the marriage of her planning not to he civil to every one; lor Rose ulatkett was an ho'ress, owning now some thousand a year in her own rL'ht, with inheritance to come; and she wuh glad that she bad secured so rich a prize tor her son, when otheis, aud men of higher soi l il standing (nota bly my Lord Man y Musters and Sir James V'en touri, were pretcnilanU in the sarnu field; So Hint llarvoy only telt in a gen"rui w iy the ice and iron of her nature ; to himself Individually she was all gracluusness, of a mutely suit, not to say jrim. Hut one thing be did see, and that w is, that she was feverish and overstrained, and looked ill, and as If on the point of breaking down His profession taught him that; besides having by nature the lull use ot nis eves. "i am glad that my mother likes you, old fel low!" said Fred, when she lei C the table; " know her manner so well, I ran weigh to an ounce the measure of est. em she gives to any one; and I can tell you if you care for it that you are in class number on with her; which makes it more comfortable for me, you know. I hope that Hose will like yoa, loo, and then we ban be all right. 1 hope so, too," said narvcy, laughing. And then they talked of other things. The next day they weut over to Lisson, where me iiiacxetts lived. Mrs. Blackett was a meek, mild, inoffensive creature, with weak eyes; always dominated by the last speaker, and given to easy weepiug. She bud long been under Mrs. Whitfield's intluence, whenever that lady choose to exert it; though, since Hose had grown up, there had sometimes keen fierce collisions, when the poor lady had been put to terrific straits, not knowing which ortirciga to obey. Fortunately for her, Hose wat .eay-.-vaVAaVtBII C tIU IlialJ U I U ff,' Tbo Popartment Una not reooiyod lrom ttavauoali wy reiiortai MCffjt tho tolt'imiim nf r:nAMi tt,ii.n THE DAILY EVENING too fond of li"rty to he df-mlneering anil, so 1 lor ss people would leave her alone, was content to leave tit-m the name. So that, nnle-s when Mrs. WMttield annoyed ber rsnnlly, and sought tncnrtail her individually, bs she chose tt i.lirase it. she let her manft::e her mamma as much is she liked, and gave no heed to the direction which that management was taking. It was only when I n d asked her to be his wife, saying," You i.v, Ktise, the old ladies have madolt up between rtiem : but we can't do bi ttcr. unless you are not for it, that she understood tho meaning of tho lust tew years. "Mic did not care inircn anoni ine mat er 0110 way or the other, ' she said ; "she liked Fred bet ter "than either my I.o'd M irey Mastcrs.who was old enough to be her Uther, or than Sir J i'ti'S VcntoUT, who was halt a fool :" so she said, "Yes, very wi 11, Fred ;" ami then the thing res ed. And tlu.t w as about the ex lent of love-making that had been between thcin. While Harvey was "malting himself agToc ib!e" to Mrs. lilackett, 1 red YUntheld went out 011 a rovii K commission to look for Koe, who was never to bp found. Ike any other young lad v. in the drawing-room ; but always where she had no business to hi in the statue, or hy the dog ken nel, or h'otinR at a mark with a real pistol, as sheii'i d to suy, it practising cr"iiiet, or doing mi thing that was not needle-work or anything r'so i.'setitiiilly leininlne. A turn 01 mo scaio more, anil lloso v.oultl have been "fast ;" us it whs. she wns niy fiee. Fred found her, as usual. in the ard superintending some tremend us proceedings ennnet tctl with Fan and Fan's pup pu s, and after tl clr first oil-h ind greetings (they nut more like two young men than a lover anil his bitruhcdl told her who was in tr.o drawing room, and asked tier if she would go and sen him. 1 bits your friend come to no you turned ot) 'ho a-keii. And l-rcd said yes, it was. "Ob. very well! of course I'll 70, cried Mi Hose, with .iust tho shudow of ablush on her lace; "hut ymi know, 1 red, though I dun t rare about such things m' self, it is Krnliiy like being trotted out for show." "tih! n-imens-c, Hose," drawled I- red. "Har vey's far too good a fellow to have any surli (lis- agreeable ideas. And tliey went into the draw ing loom togeiher. Certainly Hose ll'uckitt vas a very pretty girl Tall, gracrlul, and yet with a certain l k of per sonal power alHur tier, which some men like 111 women, though others rcpadiatc ; with large dark eyes id iincirtnin shade, and tint k, ri. li, glossy hairof the brown that sits next door to black ; small hands, now thrust into dog skin gauntlet gloves; small Irct and dainty ankles, which the li oped-np purple dress and curt red petticoat showed to full advantage; dangling her hat with Its sweeping feather in one hand, while sticking the other into the pocket of her short jacket w ith tho big metal buttons, half blushing and half h tiiint, she was altogether a "girl of tbc period," alter tho best models ot htr kind ; just a little too jaunty, twrhupa, and a shade too indifferent, but evidently a fine natured, pure-minded, high hearted creature, as yet in the block, and un aw aliened. At a glance Harvey read it all. "She does not love him," he said to himself, "and has never loved." Tbe two young men stayed to dinner on Mrs. Iilackett's Invitation ; and at first amused, then surprised, Harvey ended hr being indignant at the cavalier indifference with which Fred treated his betrothed. Indeed, tho whole thing was really painful to him ; it seemed to he so little earnest, and so devoiu of the poetry and pasion of lovfi. And he, who thought of marriage as of an earthly heaven, and who would have given all he bad iii the world to be loved by such a girl as hose ! "How often it is that people have what they don't prize, and that others would give their lives for ! he said to Fred as they drove home. "Yes," said F red, woarily. ' Some men like love-mnkiiig and all that bother; I confess I don't." "Y'on do not give yourself too much trouble about it," said llarvi y, secretly nettled, but at tempting to laugh. "Of all the Indifferent lovers t! at ever lived 1 should say you were tbe most indifferent." "It suits Rose," said F'red, "and I am stiro t do the best I can under the circumstances. It is such a stupid position for a fellow to be In, alto gether; and even Hose, though not silly, and not a bit sentimental, dislikes it as much as I do. I) d you see bow she blushed when uhecame into the room to see you r" "I saw she looked very beautiful and rosy," replied Harvey; "but I did not notice that she was particularly embarrassed or blushing." "No, not embarrassed; she Is not the kind of girl for that; but she colored up." Which seemed to have impressed the young man as something wonderful ; for he spoke of it again before they got borne. woen toey reacneu nomo mey lounu mat irirs. Whitfield bad gone to bed, suffering from a slight attack of fever; by tbo next morning she was decidedly ill; and in a. short time dangerously so. It was an attack or nervous lever, and lor a thjie her life was despaired of. Uf courso the marriage was put oil indefinitely now, until she re covered ; and as Harvey Wynn was free, not having yet mdo a practice anywhere, ho agreed to remain u the bouse in close attendance, until she bad passed the crisis, either or li e or death. Aud this was bow it came about that be took np his quarters at the Hawse, and, by conse quence, became well acquainted with R ise. nose was rot merely "tbe lolly girl without any nonsense about her" that tfred proclaimed her, and that she ostentatiously proclaimed herself to be, in deed, at least, if not in word, llarrey, who bad no love for "fast" girlB, and who bad the power of truth to elicit truth, soon found her ont, and told ber plainly that she wus acting a part which neither became her nor belonged to her. It was all very well, ho said, that slm should like riding, and be fond of dogs and horses, and even enjoy firing at a mark though ho hoped she might never develop into a sportswoman, clever at killing pheasants or bares either; but it was nothing but affectation her trying to make her self into the bad imitation of a man, and pre tending to he ashamed of herself as a true woman. Women were women, he suid ; and not all the big b.-'.tonsor easy-going slung in the world could make them anything else ; and, whatever the fast school might say, tuero was a grace in softness, ana a power in love, and an ennobling influence in tnthusiusm, not to be had in stables and hunt ing-fields; "aud womanly work is womanly glorv, Miss lllaekett," continued the young doc tor, warmly ; "and home is not merely a 'place to sleep and Ned In, us yoa say. Dot the emblem and enclosure of woman's truest life. And all this you ought to feel strongly and enact steadily, because you are strong and steadfast." This be said earnestly, for Le was toothoronghly manly himself to uphold "as truly worn inly" incapable or imperfect women ; and tho thing he liked the best in Hose was ber power, anil the dash of manliness in ber, which might bo turned to such noble account if she would. "And when you have made me all these fine thmgH," she said, her eves kindling as she spoke but not with enthusiasm, "what will be the good of it? Much Fred will value me! Much the world will understand me! One gets no good by S'ich su' tittles, Mr. Wynn; people do not care for them, so what is the good of ineiii r "I am sorry you think so," Harvey answered, "I shou d have expe ted from one so entire as yourself, the recognition of a gootl, for its own sake, quite independent ot the sympathy or un drrstni.dihg ot Use world." "One must b understood hy somo one." she answered; "and the more one's nature-is called out. the more need of a response." Then she blushed cheek, neck, and brow, all one barning riiuxot; whilo her eves dropped, full ol tbougbt-s and feelings better left untold. llurviy foit his own brart heat with strange violence while be watched the lovely face before bun; but be was not a man to show what he ought to hide; so, with an effort, he drove tbe blood back to its calmer current, and simply an swered 1 "Tbe response always comes some time in life. Miss illackett." Hie raifed ber eyes to bis. "Is every one happy then i" she raid ; "is every marriage well suited i" "There are otln r means of bappiuess besides marriage, though this is tbe greatest," be said ; "a woman's borne has generally other lores and Cvmlutivn en Screnti Fayc have forgotten they werVmortafmoi wLTtTuier donned, lo tUe heydaj of tltuir juutli. tha tiiiiilv TKLEGRArit.VlLAl)ET,rniA, THURSDAY, DK.'OKMIIKIt i, lHti-J. BANK N'JTICES. NATIONAL DANK OF COM M K.KCE V All at.rr lilt, lr-rmhr 111. IM4. th Anneal Elw" hirrrlnr lll ! tedsts rtMli.u II. ....'. en un kIA V, lli t?l l day ol Jannary oil, uiwn ma kan St lit A. M ns I r. M. JOHN A. I.K'Tll. 1? 10 ttnth ;A cashier. if" HF.CON1) NAT ION Al, BANK. Or POILAHKI.l'IIIA. KmvKinnn, Trtmbf W.tsr.4. TY A Banal nation for Ittrrrtinii of Itilt hank will ha s d at tlf Hai klim ll.. on 1 1 KHUAV. Jauuary lu, lsl.'., krlwM-ii tao t'.url jl M M and I I". M 11 JO II il w. II. 1(11 A WK, C'Mhltr. 157", FARM KHS' ft MECHANICS' NA TIONAL HANK. y iiB.Ar.,t rtn a, Tsmfflr 1, IS'd. TN Anrtnal Wltl'a for rtirru-i m tins Itank n !S hft b14t at ia Hanking Home, on Wlnli1y, tnc IliS ilav 01 .'artnarT at, e.-twn tua aourl 01 10 o doca A. M. as 1 3 s cli ck I', at. 13 ! tj 1 1 w. Kt amnw, jn raahiar. tr Vn- RN BANK OK nilLADKL,- Pun O'Fi ni 1 A . rt.rpmt)r 10, 1M. Nfitlrtj ti hf rthy p(vn nut fftl. T to iritnn 1 of tin Aft nf thf ( rriMil Afnnl'lv fll tli ('iimininwrr(ri of Prnn M anla. riitltUd an "Art tmnhhT'K Uif Hunki of lh ( Vhii nrwiih to lr.imo iiil'n. fof the aurv"" of UnnkiTiif attur tti lain ol the I wtod Htat.' anitnTnl tt r 714 d ? of Aniuit, A. h. Hi at hura 4 t)i t( rn Itana fr 1'htl'U'litii liar tbli da oil to t tnf f rich an A ( i nil' in, anil that Ita Hr tora liv (iff tnfi ir , author Mr of tin oi'ri "f mo than Iwh tr Ud of tlie MttAl ihi k U) m tk' tha ''trfincAU nairt-d th-ef'.r y t) Lwt of ihc ' tt 'iti 13 )v lut CM. WET vAHiyr.Oayihtar. MILITARY NOTICES. ACHANCH TO AVOID TI1K TillAKT. Prinrlpl fnrnlh'l with lubitttutri at tlia iH.Ktt aetite aaS at low ilcfrl. JOHV MASHriKM', 12 W lm' ORIcf, No. 41.S LIIIIlAlir HUi I, a a.ory. POCNTT TOR MARINES. WrtTI'.n frrtta Itnltrd talaa Mirlaa 'rp. aaia tvTiicl mn lo parfnrTn lhi fittlM of a i.adlar al oar Wavy Yards anil cm boar VaHad Stales shipa-af-war on furtD atatlosa. Alan irrwil ftKil FUVra. A 1. 1. 1MB LccAl, holtNTTBi rald apon anlutnMot. 1 m 9f rvl. r.r Tarl. PHM nfnf,aatH taa tha arnf. MtrlHi ri1T rem Slnci4,y. A pi nrauvm r it aiiffw rratn B Army w III ot b at. if (IrS to. ror all rnrtkar fcalnmaUoa apaij at tha Baaraitlaii ftMUaavoBt, i Sit a. mnT Strt. katow Spraaa stmt. liBtataan Ojb aaraf and 8 o rleck O. a. WISUIT, II- n Maior VaKd fltaB at Uir. rl ouaus OtTtri and oHlttri vtilttiiglha eltyon rnrloiuhn. nMdtng CWCKD8 AK1 OTTtHK VII 1TAI1T P.vl'lPilESTS, At Invltrd to tha aaiBiiilve VAMtJl A0T1 Rl.tD ElTAUi.lSltHIT GEORGE Vf, SIM0K3 ti BROTHEB, HANSOM S TUKKT lIAlIit eAkBOM BTBRBT. ABOVK HIXTH. rRKSRNTATION HWORD8 Miutt to order at the ihrf teat aotlfH,wlneh nr rtohnnavand niaviOSoenre chllerir onupe'llloa. a-i other hBo In tho oowmv eon Diaimg the MAM nr ncTuai Mil jb wai.aa W1TU TUB rkAUTII'Al. awuiui-MAKaa. 10 CLOAKS, &o. QUKAT KKDUCTIOX IN TIIK 1'llICB Ol"" GLOAKH, At IVENS 4 OO.'S, He. 23 B. KINJ1I fiTREET. Tn foa'eoaereo of the fait la fold, TVF.W A CO. have ri-rtiicrd ttieir prln froio tb lo 10 ht ri.nt., and have n w on hand a large Bad well lelerleil slock of (.'I.OAKS. eillt elile tor the (.rt-afHt and cutuuin BtKon. whlrli UifV are deti-rmined to H1 at prlf f wSli h CAnaol fall to suit the l-an-hasi-r. I.Bdles will tied H ti tht-lr advantage ( gtre aa a aau b.ore pBrcbuuig alaawaera. Urmeaibor IVKffS A CO- S OLDINi l Ari.ISIIKU CLOAC STORK, Ko.M 8. KINTH Bareet.aorner ot Jayna. 1J 7 tl 1IJ EN IVY I A lll-tKlC, 7fo. Bl and 63 S. E. Corner NINTH AND AEOfl ETEEETS. WHOUIBALE AND RKTAIIj, Toa an obtala al OJi r.BtaliMabjaeiM, watt rt ntoor cloth ci.oais, IIIIVIS " " 5tOOT " " Mf AVY nnrmtn " lrttOHTBn MCAVKB " " cuiatciiiiXA " " ALL ltAll Uf FHTO TUB LATEBT 8TTIX and of tha very best niatarial . Cal and tee uit iWt beftm yoa punhaae. We ehall tax treat picas is la waiting oa yoa. 11 1-thavatm JTNE EIILET MABUrAOTOEY. The aubacrlberi would Invite attenUoa to thalr IMl'ltOVED CU T OF SUIUTB, Wbtoh thoy maae a specialty la their business. aUo, ookstantlt REoaivmo, NOVELTIES FOR GENTS' WEAR. J. VT. 8COTT e CO., OKXTLMtEN'S rC&MISUIMO STOBJA, No. 814 OUESNIJT ST11E13T, 11-10-uute-tl Fff txra below ronttaeaUl UoUL 1804. r 1S04. MILLS, GLENN E0H0 GERMANTOVrN. McCALLUM & CO., WBOLK8ALB CARPET WARCU0D8E, No. 609 OHKHNUX STllEET, FUrLADHLIIilA. 1SG4. lSlii. McCALLUM & CO., Ilirr-AILi DKl'AHTMF.NT, No. l CILESNUT BTRKKT, n- -tt orroaiTC rsrtiaTfitnvnrsrnj ball. 1LLC0X & 0IBBS' Sewing Machines, I li No. 715 0HESNUT I St., Philatla Qitovi:n A ItAUX:U'H HIGHEST PREMIUM igfiTiiwfetfl BKWINU MAOHINKn. 4- No. TAO OHEHNUT HtrU SALE. TO PRINTER3-IMPOSINa J aauaa.aaiuej Mae, la Sjsl-naty raVar. Ay fly al this JaV JtrAfcY IIOLIDA.V tiUOOH, .OUUnOBd rUlVlt M. HIIOKMAKUlt J., CEILDBEH'g CLOTHING EMrOPfljM, No. 4 N. kiohtii 8TnRrr( mti.AniciinA. t J - K - ' v. '.-.V v ;- i ' !l ( t v . ;'-' 'V " V. WBiripMtiU.jr MriH r'f.l(U aUftnti' to oar Ufd1 ftiiorimnt of CHII.DHKN H CliOTIIINtJ, t'oniprlstng HOVR', OIRL1', HVfANTH', and MISSIS' li.thk.s in every vai leij, la the la leal stj Its, and of supe rior workmanship. Hvmi.sJ auenllca paid to atfAB' H MOV Tbe public see aovHed to call aud eaasuiae. M. 8110KMAKKK CO., li-i2tnthm Wo. 4 h. utmrTH "rranarr. I.. CLARK'S BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. If N. KI.F VKNTH STRKRT, 11-Mtl Fmt.anai.rmA, CHAMI'LIt, CARTENTER AND Bril.DEU, o. 11 1IATT0 PLACE, Iw'weea Cherry and Baoe, Aboe Kiulith suoet. ft re PltMna and Jbeiui ut as klods prompfly at- aniW-d lo mab di-nnakh. 11 IMin" (i lEOKCiK rJ.OWMAN.CARrtNTKR AMI I.tiilthr, No. '?-AKTKI. HireM. and hn. 141 IW 1 Ntrrct. MarLiiiO Wuil and MliJwrirfiiUii pcump-iT aa teiitld to. LdUat -fit. TO SHir CAPTAINS AND OWVZKB. ThK nir1frBLvnMl haTlntr l4 tba R RNHI ' 1. i ii H MCKEvV ImU 'K , l4tv ) infurm tt (Yifada and iht patmna nf tL Ick,that hn la pinraril wt:h Inoratawt faaiittiM lo aajromuicila lhof kvn icU tn b rMt4 isr rilrvd, Bd tiehitf ft practje-al Ihlp crnti 4 aiilWr, will tiv paix'Bftl atUMUtoa to til wwiM m- Lruawi w firm ror ifiaim. aptatnuor AtfHtli. Ship firtsyifw, ana Matilnlatj liavint I u (a r.-nakJr. U lillcltad !o Call I. .vainic toe ant tor me aaie - wiiniaj. Ml.tfc Cyamixia Uon," or Copper TatBt, far th prirv lU m rf Mnttv bottoms. Tor tlu eitj, 1 am pttyaied Ut fur niirf. tha aiii on fayoratil t-rn. IMI N H . MAMHI IT, Kntfivtnn Hnrw I'V, I 11 irFXAWAUI Avenue, ftlKTL4l KKL rtirt. ILERK'S OFFICK, COMMON COUNCIL, t i Piiii.AMi.rrtu, iifftniinr i In puriiiantt or uaajiifxeu rwoiuuoa. uio pjyuwuif bill, D liita 'AM OHI'IVAKrB CHraTIKfl A LOAN TO PAY OCKTAIf DrfintRW VI KM IN THE 1 KAK IhTH, AND rKCV IUI H 1 EAM, Il harrhT pnMnhrd, In arcordauto w)U) tlie at of Aiaia bIj, ivr pDblie UUorBuoo. nrk of tonamoa CuaiiaiL AW OKhllfAtfriB Cltr.ATIK'l A L'AS TO PaY CFRTAIN DKHfll'.SC'IKfl rTIIK YKAK 1MG4, AMI I'ltKVKK H TEaIH. rWtlon 1. The Helect and Comiaoo Coanclfc of tbe Olay Of Philadelphia do oniAin That the A a. or or POi ado unia oe ana ne ib ncnnT in ttmnaed to borrow on the credit of tii eltr, (rem lime to time, larb aumi of ninn y ai tra? be neceiiarr fur tae payment of men tleflclenciea as now exist, or whirl, may eiiti on me nrm utj oi January, i, iu iue acproprnm tlom t the levtial driiarnnenU of the city foverntneet, fur the vear aWhieen hundred and aixtr-lour. or for pre- Tioiia j turn, not exceed I ntt In the whole tne euiu of two miiiiona nve nunoreo mouaanu aouari, iur wmui iui- rl, B't to rxe d the raie of tlx per veatam ier aunuim, hall be paid half -Yearly, on the Omt days ol tjauiiary atnti Julv. at th tifarm of the V.itw Treaaiirer. The principal of laid loan inau be payaoie ana paia at tho expiration ot thirty years from lae date of the lame, ana not oeinre wunoutine eHneni oi me Qoiaori Uiereof ; and theeertlflcatcM therefor, In tbe uunJ fbrm ol nag ecrlifleatra of City Loan, ihall be Isiard In suob on n 1 1 as the lenders may require, but not for any frac tional rjart of one hundred dollars, or. If rtiuired,li ajt'Ounts of five himi'red ur one th intend dollars; audit shall be ei.nraiaed In said eerti flea tea that the laid loas therein mr-nUoned, and the interest thereof, are payable free Irou all taxes. HectlonJ. w bfiieTer any loan shall be made by vlrtne thereof. n re ahall be bv forre of thin ordinance am. u ally appropriated out of the ineeme of the corporate eiUii are Iroin tne sum ranea oy axai.en, a anni anmciani to pay tbe liuereat on mid certinrates; ana me nirtner i ot three-tenths of one per centum on Uie par value of six h oertlfleaies io Isnued ahall be appn sriated ntiarti rlT out of said income ana taxes to a mil ng lund, wbitB rane, ane. us accumuiaiioni, are nreoy eapecialiy pledged for the redtunptiun aud payueutof aaad oeruncates. . nicmiiaUTiuw To nnbllnh a 1xan Hill to aay DeflolsnHei. Iteeolved. 1 hat thee era be anthonrad U utihllah In two dully newspapers of tbls oily, daily, for four weeks, the orfmanc preientea to i oaLmon ucsaui oa iqiuiqa iifu-mhtr i . m,4. tnui ea AJiOrdinanre Crtatintt a I an ia payuenavn uaneiftMiet of the year It A. ai a prrvians years. An1the saldClera. at tlie itattd meeUne of Ceuaefra a flaw t Vsat aavnlraitlftti nt fsiiir rlil a Srnm thai Aral dT uf fcaUal pnolirataOB, man pre )m io iris innri one oi hi aid nowipaiers lot evert day in which U-a same slat have been made. i w nOK66! HORSRSI HORSES! (fAJIItattMATrB-UB-lRVI,'a Otpktb. rilST UiTlION, WAtmitWTop. Deeetaher 1, 1HM. Uereaa. atrtfat Htr Cavatrv or Ariliiery iwvle, wid be larcrictd attiiesboro depot, sa opa Boajrae uu uavna- ber St. IAr4. Horsee wlD bo AeHTered to (HpteJe L. I-owrr Monro, A V- at .and be snhjertod so ibeUBiioveraueMl taiavoe- VTMt befcre bMe aeevttfCfl. I'rtteof l aTairy rinrkes sit atu. Proe of ArtiliT Horses i !. Suuetkt wUl be B.aic for at (6) aed more. J1UIH a. PIK1W, Oolonei hi Oianfe rtrat Wnt, la 1 Kt Quvterraaetnr Qenutai's UiUee. PROPOSALS. FflCE OF ASSISTANT QUART E It MAS- JaILITAUT 1MST1IMT r riiii.Ainu.rrna, Ho. VA Mahkbt Htiikkt, t'asmber2.1. 1m;,. P paled rmnAiall will be received al ti n Hire until nora ol HAT I K1A Y, Hareinber M. l-it for furuliUiiii and settl' v op oun plete fl-r u at rort Minna Fiftv it)) IKUN HL'NKfl. two itory. 1 KBniv iTIII ' linKle. Pri.not.au am it bo made out upon the retnilar forms far- hieht dat this oftl- e; iiiup-t stale the price per pound tor the bunks set np. complete, ana itieBiv rust time in wnicu they ran be dellrerrd. 'ILe I'nlted Htatt-s reseryea Ut tlyM to reject all bids dteuii-d objecuoiiauLO. .... ALBKKT n. AHIIVRAD, l?-?4 t3t Captajn and 4. tj C, FFICEOr AaSSIaSTANT QUAKTKRM AS 1 kit. MTI ITAliY UIMRI'TIT run ni'n.r mi. hO.T'i Mi E t iHtreet Ieeaaiter 'Ji, la- Reaicd Propoials win he reeetvi'd at Hoa ollce until noon ef hA U HOAT, nwfmbfr ;tl, leti4, for dtlivtri liiiBiedlnte v lo Canto William I'enn :- 41 piece, ,'ihyH. Ilenilorfc Keanllmir, lfl feet lonfrf. 24 piece , 4 hy K, Hemlock rU-autlii l- lo ter-t I my. fniit.Ai a i.v 4 iiiMniork R.-niitllns Ut feet Ittntc. lMKM.it, a bj I, iltmljt k erantlna.U leetloQK.raunlng IMni teet. lhy 4. Uemlock Bcantlln;, li foot Iodk.i not Intj llifi.su re. It- it iret Oak Lath, i,1 1 inches wide, 13 foot long, ma iW B.eaiure. Aooofeet tlilrd common Inch Pine Boardi.U fret, run niBlf uieaanre , , , , h Kire Ladders, 2 of JO feet eah, 2 of leet each, 4 of le 12 Foe Ilooks.8 ol &0 feet aehl2 of 21 fool each, 8 of 1( feet each. 4 keps l-lnrh Splkts. 1 ki tf vlid. Nails. 8 keui Kid. Nails. ke;a I0d. Wrouuht Nails. Tho Loinl.er to be well aaaHoued. and approved alter delivery by the l ulled Htntei luipertnr. opohals niuit as made upor tne regular forms, to h had alti,fc Lfllce, aid must itaie the shrtctl Une lor VheT:iiitd Rtafee reserves tlhe riant to liK B b'da deemeaohjecUouahlo. g 18-28-M CapaaiMtvad AuukAot rwiuesttr. PllM, rar Ulna tflno Gents' Chain, htng. Um.t -:shj,A l Pi'' mii a . . t - a i l 1 1 i c I ' a- r. - 2 ni'i len V I verity i-r V a fru r.i os, f Atiiwti.. ii. ,'.,.inrn7 , iii, Ap t"eaVes ib hrets. M arU wura l-etrhar, Ilar.Offl-e TireilMre, HnriMl, and Haedltry. are ref lied t lm4 Sj tlili or?' re. en toe MO UA . orae a wm. a fai'-n pr-- rial er Ht. im durlirataa.of the arue'ei tRef are prepifrv. lo farnieh to this ert at hort nntle, with tbe prtrn of eark n arsediB smi area, ie that, in ease ihei iiKeneJM ef tha net vice- reeaire l anteie r arucie can oe ov- self d wlThrt tely, at the lowest fries. pee'era wiatiie te ran te inn eeei wia nm n"iwir AirBleh the Hit punetaaily every Mondae mernlns i . n Kin nrm rrfcvale-Oeaieraa an4 Chief ','m irmaiter, 11 Ittof Waftinton. II A KT F KM A KR'8 OFUCK, TWELFTH afid O IRA It II Mi-tl. Piiii Aon rniA. T)ercinSrr ''!. 1-4. Hee'ed PropoM'a l'l he receiri-d at this otl'r nnnl H A'rlftrk M., HA It' KIA V, H-enoer HI. for tne Imn rdlatc (lellyrry at ti e I'nlt.-d htaies .yrrniaent Wari- r,.or. Hanover iuwi wfmrr. oi ue inimwii ui iauu i nirterniaKtrr'i Htore , via. HAH i arol cotl-iti anvaM inn, atn-g huhtw mm, i. duni ea . h ample rfiiiri'd fifi i anls Rnamfcied ( lo.h, 1. wide, 12 ounces. Sampie re'i'i'd. ;.r- I'mittd Tiirl' d HaK "ample rem're.l. .j") nnt Axle trie HoIUti il mi, for army Wnj.'i II M Jinn Aile trees and Ptorks, 2S Inches, lor army wat'"? s. lt Y a." n ripe Hi ff. 5' lnrhe, fr army vr"" 'Ji aon 1 etu ii rn I .toned. 2.1'l.n hfxrs, J' incnes al la'fe end, and 11 inches ;onir. (to Marine Man. for army wspons. Ia (i It' lv f iJtT (r army aK11!. td One' h' M' -"arti. All ua- at- i.i' )e. ni (! to he or the best final It v, and nh- ien f ide inp iii.B ol an int" ctor appotnieii on ir.e purl ul U.p 'soveriitTifrt huMrrs win natr prl'-e to Inciii'lf tioTes ani 'iciivery h..ih in wrlilnu nnd tifctiri'S lluvioaulily b.d tor, and tt t me rt d hfrv. I a h tod mint b- cuirnn'i rd b twor''poni"''e persont, hi .r iIl nutu-i n must bo appeMled in the if navrniei. and ei i-iiiIm) to a hf try Kooi a'-n sattu 'ept i-cirny lor Ut im-iirt Irvi-lMfl, ty the I nlied tatr ln-(not Jii't.-o, A'l rr v. or ''-11' tor. -r cher publu oilli nr. Otin-iwi-, l l.ul n Hi not ie i oniNlTed Tlie rlrM Ik rrm rvrrt to rein t all bids fleemen ion niKO, d no hirl (tora a delaulimx tonirautor will be riKiolvud. Ity order of Colonel 1 P.HM A M ftIO';S, Chi' t iiiiartiT'imntfj-. OP"Kt,K K. "liVtK, 12-77-41 Cantani and A. i. M. ASSISTANT Q L A RTF- RMASTJ.I1 S orntK. 'lfn ixnati. onto, iifremoer i.t, PrT'v,al will t'O r'-reivrd at this oflce until 17 o'clock. M , h A 1 I KUAV, I eeml-er M, W. 4. from ilealT for -u.'h f the t'lllowliiif aiilr "i hi tliey an fnrnih for the inar- terma't,r n ((rparlment, I'mted Miatea Army M Ho Hi k or Kow Moor Tjie to Ujre-Vi inoiiea. H do do do Aii1,' do B do do do 4114 do Hi tin do do bl do 4 fo do do 47't lo The ahoTe to be ftaiu-rd f d to .t In. heu thu k. l,ri'i'oa...ie ill ht r-.nl'l'Tci1 utr Tvrt-s mauv by other maniiirieturn. It einali aTv.reaMe 1U keRs ia. b iiiat prcasaU briars ruii, anu -t, Ineh. to Parallel I'enrh Vtrrs. M0 piind Bora a. It, barrels Coal Oil. IV.Of 0 Hickorv Pirn. Handler v,i Hh kt.iy Mpikt, Uiul Maedles. Mi Ffcf I fid, fo 1'it-i RahMtt. V.' hiahi 7.ip:,J.uw t-i rtafety Fuse, ktf do.eu Ainei o. 2 tflioveia, or an articlo erjna!ly an, d. WTteami r.inory rioth.eatO. t. jo (In I'ai er, I'MCh 0, a, 1, S. 2 harrelN bent f'opal Vat nlnh. 6 Co Mineral I'aint (ib ollj. When lamplei are furniibfe. Ho y mnt have tha name ofU hfudi upon theia.atid be numberiHl to corroipond ttti the but The articles bid mr.aad time of deJWerr, mill he "tated, ana (tech tne ibukI be ifnaranieed by two rciKini Ir suru tlt s suarajitt:eiiiK ovit their nw b si .natures tU the b a--t ill nater Into innd tor uic luiuinisut oi tits contraui, uyyuta obe be awarded h m. It ill will benpnrt at tne time aaove specinesa. aaa oin- ders ere invited to be preiont. Ilie riiiht tt leaervea to reject any oia aeemoa an rea son able. It otoer or i monei wm. w. ss' aim, i niei wu-ior- manter, Cincinnati Uspot. n, i. riiM.rt, 2-9 f't Captkln and A. 4 M. 0' f-FICR OF TUB PKPOT QUARTERy M AtTKK, Post l.ttwwftRTr?, KfM, JformlW lf. 1". PRiM'OHAI.N tilt ARMY 1 K A Sttl'OK I A I HM. "saitd Pioooia:s wUl be racelved at ihh ofB-e emit 12 o clock M. on the Mil day of liecemoer, 14. for the TraaponattoB of Mllliary tiuppLJoe during the year en tbe toaowiug reeta KorTB 10. 1 . From fens i-earenwenn, iirrnir, iaq Kiley, and othsr denits that may he eitubliihed durta the ahore ear en tne wsit tank of the MIhmouxI nvr, DbrtnofFon I.eaeeimorth, and south of latitude 42 da sraes north, to snv oosta orstatlrns that are or maybe established kn the TerrliorJes of Nebraska, Dakotuh, Idaho, ai d Uieh, south of latitude 44 day r res nortn ana ran or loeiKltade 114 dfRrees west, and In tho Territory of Colo rado iiorth ef 40 detrvvi north. Hlddere to state the -ate per 100 poind! per 104) miles at which Ueywill tun. port laid stores In ear h of the months frem AprU to Bpieiuber, lnelustve. ef the year Istb, floura Ko. 1. From Forts Leavenworth and Riley, fca the ntaie of Kaaka. and the town of Kansas, In the it ate of Ultioerl, to aayp-ns er stations that ary or may be esuoiishta ib tae Piaie ot naniaa. er ia e irruoryBi Colorado, loutb of latltade 40 d trees n rth, drawing stipplhs trom Fart LsaVeuw rib. and to Fort Vnton. M. M., or other depot that may he designated in that Ter ritory, te Fertt.arland a at to any other point or points oniberonte. Indders te stale the rate per 100 pounds per 100 ml es at which ahsy win transport sets. tores ui sarh ot the aneathsfiom April to Hspiemhai, mcluiiTe, of the year IMA. Holt a No IFrom fort rTnloti, or aarh other depot aa mav he ritah 1 bei In she territory of New M stiro, to any tMita er stadnai that are or may he estahlnhed In that Tsrrltorr. and te atich posti r stations as maybodesis; naled In the I erritfiry of Arizona acd 'ateof l eiaa weet eflengitnde 16 degrees weet. bidders to state the rata) per lit) pounds per luo miles al wikh they wlsl transport said s eras la ssch of the months from Juno te Moveairwr, lnritisiv. tif the ser 1W6. The weigei to be transported eaeh year wffl not eieoe4 10,if,itfl pouads on Route ho 1; l.'i.OOft.POO poanda oa Koste No 2; and fi.000.000 pounds on lUute Ko. 3. Ko adi'ltloaal psrrsntai; wiL aaid for art traasporta tlon of bacon, hard bread, pine la rawer, ahiegloa, er amy other stmcs. Hidden shonld glTi their names ta full, as wel as their place of reiitjenee, and eeh ninposal shonld be aceocn taaied by a boad In the sam of tea thousand dollars, signed by two er more responsible person) s, auranteelng that, as sate a coiitraet ta awarded for the ronte mentioned lu the proposal te the parties propo.lag, th contran wil or ao eepsd asd entered into, and goad and sarndent ssenrlty far aisned hy said parues, an aceurdanca wish the la sua ui Uila adeertiseiuecit. The amount of beads rsxtnlre4 wfH he aa follows : Oa houte No. 1 iOO,(aal Oa Koate Mo 2 ,o0,r-O On ItoBia Mo II ftattsfaerory evidence o 'the loyal y and soleenny o each biader and peeeosi ofTesed as tecarily wll bo re- qeirea. Freaosals tnnet be endorsed "Proposals Art Army Trana tvtria ioa Urn. Kuvte No. 1. 1. or H. as the ease may be, aid nne will he etalertaiaod aaleei thay faHy eusvpiy with ail the ioduJreaai.-e.tB or ta s aOTsntsrmnt raniaw tta whaea awards are mads mast b pretarrwl te axeeuie enn'raets at enee, aad to sive tne roq JMed bonda far the faithful perfo mauoe of the same. Costrat te wil be made insleec to the aainrnvaj ot she Quartermaster 4fteaeraJ, bat the right la reserved io rejoet auy er al tHds Uiat ssay he offered. t omrae' wi mast be m readkueas tar sarrtee by the fttal day of Aarli, iae. aud Uy wui te rrqniraa to nave i k.lats-4 ni ii-nrlM at or La the rlohultr of FertaS !. worth aia uaioa and othrdtjoe that may heeitabliihnd, at whtek Uiey may be eocuiauaieatoa with pcomjiu aa reafk'j. By Mderoftbe QtMiiemasyhor OooeraJ. ri. c. nonon, 11-19-rH Oapt. and A. 4. ht tf. a. A. OVAHTKKM ASTER'S OFF1CK I'imi .Aim 1 1'iiu. Ia.. Ilerember?.. 1W4 Healed Propn.alH will he rweived at this oftVa nntd 12 o'rlock M., WKDNKHUAr, January 4, IMA for line-e-l.ittr ileiiva-rv ai llo llmtril rtat4 a HTurehoiise. Ilanovur street whart, properly parked and ready tor transportation, of tnr toiiov. itiK oricrtuea quaiieruanwr a iwim, ti. lid Itrsd AwIh. HOC"! ar Amu. t0 Kroad Axea. n ratty make. Bample rciinlred. ' J (I CIHllllllMaf AlPl. dll dO 6o AiutiulHiiio Axles and Hoxee. l.enirth of box, 7 iiiehei: diameters. I1-, Ine has; 1 :-lh im-h luitil llli arobs Wire Horse shoe lluckles,2o ltdsh S, inch, 25 ariia. I lnat fJl Is Anil lU ifrniat 1 lllfk f conn Aiignr bits; lo ifi h. ft!f-16 luch, Al 6-10 inch in men, in mcn.-'i i uu-u. Hun.i.U r i, A 8 doeu Hptral Hus. Ko. 4, double cnt Bample n iiMirt ii. 60 sets nit snd Braces; fall set b't to each. Suuiple leoiortd. arifl TTnratss lllanbcta. Bamnle reoulred. t-K-O Home Huihbes, wot-Uta back, best art teles. Ram pie re(nTe.n. :k0 rrut) lirptihes. larsr hand. (Sample required. Mel. U'all ItillktisyBl It'll ll'.Ot iNfL't. all llO 1U0 Crra hrooius: good hay article. Bantplo re lulrrd. 200 Stable Itroonis; rattan Hitmpie r"(oliei. lcoo hiutd Buck len ; IS-lnul. aud 2-tacu. .Iial runnili U. tm A Iti.raa. 1010 Ui-m Uui-kets.gum bundles not fire), flauiple rs 2 Krons A-torte1 Paint ltrmhes. Sample racinfeed. ydoren iirin Itrut-hes do do 1 xc.ii ..iali np Tru.1 hrmhei. do do 616groi. Holler Iturkles. lft-lnch, 60 a Inrh.M) -lnch 1),' in..h frt'l Imh 3' OC feet (loll ctnuu, "O' lUat, lor cliin chalm. Sample required . , C(C0 Mailer Chain, heavy, and tesi each tnu. Sample rs j tiiiak.l. 2C0Oardi Kt ameMed Cloth, iVHnclies wile, foraabulanoo covrre. naBn iniuu. 1, r iriuer i hlf e , Ht 2 Inch, 60 l4nch, 60 li Inch, aain,tilH raUlllr(l. 100 Kraiuinx t hisela, W 2-iJKt., 60 I.1 luch. Bample squirt d. 'i' ,eTuuTarilTiierrK I Johiah saisteibock.Kiti., hlsanoclatu oomiuliilonora I a. a . f.. I r r N.le of " ontfe c.-ftm dti--, wh'e srn.v 'an:ird. S'lt lftfeetlng, . .m n a -r'el. wi-h f-ur hflp fords oa i i n oioj tl.rouaina h end. Sample of t t h ti- ni l re'iiirrd. li-.t, ri.Jfiiley mAka.' flamp1 .M1 Cimy oialu, he amp chtnintys. medium lre, for coal oil lampa, .40 .ui i V Mir'l.eTi.p t I' k. ;- pound Hed Lump l' a 1 .lorrn Itntrber t.aei, medifl-n amp.d n fiOCOjariia'cv'tion Onvai Purk. '2s luclies wide, Vot.lt and IV Samplr required, ? ht'eii ' elm r. I bhla fork llaKd'f FfmOr 1 ti' Hat Files, bastard, i l'i-n. RampM rt- i(ttir' rt , . 1 trt.-i hu t roni.d Files, adored, 4, H, and 14, Inea. NnTr.t.isa r ',ir.' eit. . lo Kro- Mar.l.n I n-.v it- - it eh.Jireosi inch, V cioi 4', ln.-r, -2 utoss .'- inch, 'at gross e-iuch. fan p;en r. ;ii r d. 10 dori'ti W-.oiI I ut B, 1 1 inrh, rt.rni!e re-iilred, Vi o i M,ndo tfiue. !' d fut v mduw i. 1st. Inn 6x1", l;:.0 10xlJ, if.V) 12x14 In- h. f. Ciif 'nt nod I. ftt'e. 2'-n r ir un r t;tn 1 Mainlloa. tUn p rt- jiitrtd. :.o cm w lUmioi" , o- d" Vi-. tr aiU v lian. li . hickory. 1 do If- (o A t- lUndie-. lm : ory do d" 4 .la k I'laiM' Mfifd . 1" erh. i!o do '24 Fore rian1 lliiioili-i, l et- . rto do o l ot v K'-rh Hrtini en, hf-ci. do do flfi Nl,i rt do l' bee- h. do do l e 1, -iik Miovi'l Ilftn-rc', fthli. di do lm Mt ..ft t'Q do kill, do du llni;i Aiuro 'aiK Uoor l.i-vks anil tlanHua. Sample re- nUirfit. ?ro Tl- k 11-incHes, a- h. HampI re-vilred. VM' s i-ok' "a'i nH r Hun- 1 , iio kory Nwiiiilo rinlra. :(ppirk IIiumIIi-, ii -h . Hrwti.' r'-inl'M. W Miiic lliuuiiit r Itiiiniltjs, bitkury, Hain. lo r iUl d. l-'-'d Uintic II Mapa, r Inrh. Buirple reijitlred. . !a o r,. do f lm h do do uo ril: Rirnp lliiia-". heavy; 201H Imh.Krt 10-lnCh, :.! t m ,.'' It IikIi. H-nup!e re-iolfi d. If (0 pahs " I lltnj..- : '" Inch, 1' OU I'J-lntli, VC0J3 'H ."r.ii.f irfPi'r.i, K'paim Wrought Hutt H uvt, J'.x'.'-lfcti. ftampld rt-.iuiti d " pontnl Curled If air f'HO'ple required. V'. Ka Hide, for roveniu.- M i Jinan Mauu.ei, in pi ai an. I T.iKht hurt i ii. U d"M n Houiile 1 isne lr-n ; 1 1 In - h. 1 '.",-fnrh, 1 2X( lnih,lJ' lm h, rj'.-lneli, Itun her s mako. Sam ple reiiirfd. fin Hittihi r Ktilvai. 12 InrliMadea Ramrle re'inln-d. If i h Knives and h i tk, eocli ktnie hau'llo nvcitd. Hata pit- r'iilred. lor (rr--si t ar riuif I noli, iapinin'-d. Hample re-juirea, j.Mi l'iaer Kn-t-s. U'-n il.nii. rni.ite n-'iulred. Ii M- Cf .ilK I.infB a to r ' I -1 t)'t ! nyTls. lii Thumb l.n'ch'. Sample ntnrcd. Cl.tHt l.orkn.21. and aj-m ii i oa article, nampif required. 31 It ran- I ill l.o. ki and In-h. Sample required. UK I ;ii! i.o ks , ;", no n, iu '4 inch, suu y m n, n.v US Inch Kit tuple ri qulrcil. V.'Carnentera' Tatc I. it pn.J-Oand hflfect. t(o Amh. ( urtetn Lifilits and rrauien. RamplO fC iinlrt d. 1,'Of kei-s Cut Nails--p. lod., 250 d., IV) 41., 200 CCd Htiuplc renum-d. STi poniHl Clout N til. Hutnpli l rfNmUed Itjuapi id lliark lit ad l iQiiii Kalis, Inch. Pampl r uuirt d. rtifrtnw Nefd'e am pie rrqutn A. mA' papers liariit sn nttuies, anitoiica iitoa. rUiiW rei.ln d . 100 Collar Vet-dira, Sample required. lOt-U ,oiin.l Kuts, 5i -Inco hole, 1;4 Inch, rtampl rrnnirtu. 3f barre l Hulled l lnieedOII. Bample re.alred. in do liuw do. ( o T.'i ponnds Kx atrheon iMtm : 6u T lurli. V-lnch. Ifo Ja k rianes, "louliie Iron.'" Huinpie refill td. 7n r ora ao on no MiMnoothdo do do ll0trinK do " lurh iHunict'T, inch dnep, and i men uiaiuetvr, tucii ui;ep, oaui.uo ro nulnd. T, rramt- Hand rnprr. Not. 1 ard '. uU fauilos, to bo made in the best manner, lrt-otinca cotton dtok, I" hi iulliv. army standard, with lyl.l.nira as 1 1 .rin.l miit Vlli al Isnl ul.i-u llSilltllit. i-aapirs of oui fc rr juired 1? Paiiuiakeri' I'aiuts. bample reonlrM. I IOim I n fiat. do an i rVMIOi linriiwiatt- H'T nM'lipir 1 r''UIVII. 1 Kroia Camel Uir i'unsilii lonK hair. Bample J.I HiilriMl. W Rahlr Hair Tenrll : lone hair. Rample reqnrred. lOu-' iKiunda Copper ft Ivrtv and turr : hit Vinci., 400 men. .ni "ii men, a-iin ii, i'v i-iuni. 4 dort-n Wood Ktii.H. It lin n, haruuie rr.iuired. Co Km- Itrrai-lili i Uiukn. 1 ' hu b. rtatnpio re' i aired 2 dozen Y huh ltliija, 1 aud 1 Vllut) , do 'li Hurkaws. do tin do do la 6 ( ToKii ut Haws, 6 feet, Co 2 doen ( huniols HkltiN, di V-ti fain hoa- hinic Hheara, do 4-'"'if urohs Iron tScrms, do Miyroiis each , incn, Koa, 2l do do 1 do do aiO do do 1 do do am do do l do do UdO do do 1 Hi do do Ml do do 1 'a do do lixi. do do 1 'a do do fit do do 1i do do C. 7.K.I. in, u, sa4 Is. H.IJ.anJ 1:1. In, and II. II, 1U. II, unci 15. II. li, and III. 0. in. an.l 11. 11, IV, I I, and 14. 1 '.1,1. 14.1... and IA. 8 0 Khort-haiiilied Miovels, best sample ri-iinred. du do 1. Urln un tones, liietiiaui klo. '2 doirn r uriers ncissors, no ao J!, Hnuke U navel. do do I 10UO pounds hpnnR Rteel CM0 bv 5 16 tncli, 604) by men; ; nanipie rnjoireu. UOjrrot Brass Hi rev a (?' No 7, 21 No.8,20lS'O.,20No- 7, 2i No. 8) : sample required 60 seta Baddiars' Tools, earh set to be in a neat box, Bp trie at ion to ho had at this office; t ample ri- i quired. j 100 icts Hhoelnn TooH. Field A Harille'i, each set to he tn ' a neat boa. Hpecltlcat.ent to be had at the odlcti ; sample regalrrd. 100 pounds rateut Tnn ad, 60 pounds lilaok,3G and 40; nam pie re'iuiretl 60 poundB WhitH. .'iti nnd 40; sample required. 6u0poanda Ilwuess 1 bread, H. ilM Hq. 10, sample re quired. 36 pounds (Saddlers1 Tluead, Orange; sample ro oaiied. 8W0 papers Cut Tarka (en 4 m., lfXJO fi-oj:., Ifjoo 8 or.,600 lll-OF., WI at., Z"U H O., -V atU-O.-J. 226 pounds Copper Tacks M S ln h. 7j tPt4 Inch, 60 7a-lf. b 60 I- ,i.ch) ; 6 n iii pie retutred. - . 200 papers tiimp Tacks, ii aud 4 ounces; sactple re quired. 40 boxes Tin (20 10 by 14, 2) 14 by 20); sam pis r qmred, 600 Two hone Whins, olaited ; samnle rooulrrd. JVi blacksnake Whips, all leather, lull siao and weight, ample requirro. 200ponn((B Chrome Oioto, In oil, 3 aud 6-lb. earn; aurup.4) rejulrtd. 6000 pounds White Lead, 25, 60,and 100-lb, keg l ; Bflmpl4 reiuireu. 60ptumln Dry WMte IeAd, la 10-lb. papers; eauirl required. 10 keys Futty. 6 ponnds Humlee Atone, ironnl. JWi pounds Spainin Wiiiiinif, dry, In 10-lb. p-ipera; fm-( pie reoulrrd. 1 ow puuiiiia ncu ijii, ury, ju '-iu . aea, aaujpie ra quired. 76 barrels Hpertn Oil; sample reiiulrod 76 il !iihHiII. do it ' 2b do Laid Oil, us da 6 do Olivetti, do de 6 do l.uibeeo oil, do de 3(0 peunds Aqua AmuiorUa. Wt'O do AihadtLiua. 300 do Alum. 60 do Arnica Flowers. aM do liarbadois Aloes, lit barrels Alcohol, i-ampie re-1 oired . Jo0 pounds luenwax, larfe,e aaskatj sample rsquire4 V t do Blue Sin 'tie. 6 barrels lleimue. sample requlrod. f'h Dounda l oiromvs aubliuiat. 4(l0 do Castile Moap ; Hamp'e roqolrcd. IlM do Copperas; buiusle required. 100 co Calomel 10 barrels f laxt-eed Meal ; sample reqnirod. lt,(y pounos freund timber; do do. l oarrel tilanb r Hh t. 2tMi poundb tamp fYii k ; sample required. It0 do Mer -urialUiutuiuui. ' 6 cress Masiang Lit iiueai. f :t00potiuia Bweet .Spirits of Ultra. t 200 do Jto.iu ; uiu pit rcuuired. ;0 do Baltpetre. 00 do h u t-ar of Lead. HO do Bulphate Magnolia. 400 de hpouito ; fcutopie rei,ulre4. luy do .Simple Cerate. a barrels Sulphur. .niple required. l(io pounds '1 aitar Kmetu-. luo at o AdhNie flay er. 2 poui di Hi Ik tor Ligatures. 4 do en Hall t'orceps. B do, Aiii'4htt knives, 2 blades. 2 do. fl prlii k l.aui-eti. 4 do. KutvelluK JSceJles. 4 do, Helen fl du. eh do. ' 2 do. Btiair.t du. Jl do. I. n; t'roties. , 1 do. bputulas. Hct't sltfos, . 1 do. Mratultt Miinuri. 2 do. Cork Bcre 8 do. Byrlntfrs, I uz , 1. li, 1 de, Trocans. do. '1 eaiicuiuB'S. 8 do. Briiisifs. S oz. , I R. All ot the atoe described te ho of the bet qnallty, and auti)ti t to tie liuput uou ui au luapei-lor appouiied on she part ol the on ui niueut . , 1 Hiddcrk will i, ate price to Include boxes and dollrerK hotli la wti'tLs; aud tituroa; the quantltt lad for, and thf tto.e of dellwiy staled: acd no acueduie prices will b rtcalvsd A i samples to bo snt to tha Oeyernmeat warehonteg Ilanover streetwhatf. j All r-ropoiaii Bin it be made oat ti prfoed hlHHki, whletj may be had un eppniauos. at this othce, eiherwise thtn. will be rejeeied. Kai h bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, when biKiia'Uics movt ho anpaudel t ma KuaiAutoe, ao, fmriyird i as being road aad Merttc eat s ci It tor Ui amount Involtid, by ihe United bta es Htitret Judite A Horn y, t Collftur, or other public orWr, othurwls the bid will not be ceiihiie-iod i he riKht u reerved t re eet a'l btde dtermed too hlgl f ftldi fn ludstaultiax couuaotim, and thoe that du a.. fui-y rotnt iy uuh tht t t-t.n aunt ol U.l aJtrerusotuoiitf liy order of Ctdjbtil Herman Rfarffs, V. a. A , Ufatr- Siivr ciuiavwr tsfcstJIUta. at. uKHls, 14-di- ViM aad A 4. U UMA Of the mcomo of the lt,acr of Oeorao Kml-a,. a . i .I..,, . .t..llara ami,, I rill cMtil IOA