The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 29, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    , f '.ik, jZL 'dL
THE DAILY EVENING T E L K ( f 1 1. A i 1 f . P 1 1 1 L A 1 ) 1 1 L T J 1 1 A , THURSDAY, DKCHMKU 29. lSlii.
, i
TUT IiKiJAY, DKCKMHF.ll 19, lttil.
LeidtnK FflKo l.iN froK1 the Nov
IMrr Till Murxli'K.
Tiii.;hii .m.ivn I hum
- ! 1 SI'S I t .
Vm (fie llH.
The nrws fr in Wilmington iivli.-al a tint
.ur optrntious H ire, i 1 Im rro'nfil ivlili '"'
ion. I'p tn laVst xlvi-c" tverj tiling n A Cifg
on well.
The o't' r-.'iip imJ l-i' i rxp'o.loil witVn
tllieo llll Hilled J II. Is (if I'm t l'i-ln'i . nil till' '-' H'l,
nil Was I ti'loii'.t. '' the '-cartrni.iaKe" 1 iwr l at
fse.Wlirrn. Ncwtl-ltl is' t .an si'y mile
from Wijuiniton, in 1 1 1 - Mm! iiu's; mi.', ,f a
tnv rlcr-ci ip, ciil".l''il on tin' nti r, him- m I Hn
catthiiiiHht'. ti tiiuM'
I im!, at t,i it il i:h'H'",
I tu luoit: viiliui llitvo
what nmiit It liavo ,-tin
tiiimliiu yar.i.i nt it r
I..iiiit. s- It niii'te tl-o il 'r.n.ori f ttm f.rti
phhl-ethiir Mrairiiv at I lie roi-it. ratiuii
hut I'tirlc .sni wmii il il'i wIhmi h.n nail'!''!'
tip. In U'I-'mii'm tu wii iS'V. r iinnvii'i1 iimir
kave lunii il"ii'.i liy the .. -a il r sh'p, ti:e nro ot'
tha Hi i t li' I I" en i.o-t i II t.r, una Uh' v i i ioin
ol I -'or; lili. r wa. cr.n.. Im 'o h in Io I Ih 1
guns anil hirl I.i- i" :!'' 'i mi1' roi:.
'J in- n'ntnn.' Dt ill it tur: i I tvn l.T the : ue
ol I'Ott t anu I, mi i he ti her M le nf Cipo I e ir
river, a ci mp r.i i e y e iv m att r. at il ni'ili"!
the po-ilion nt l i.rt l'i-her tn'iim m. Is it, an. I a
alsu i. i I ijive rea; r taeiiiiy lor tliu in ivo-nent
ttt the "I ip. 'A i' i til" iiip iiie nl' t lie t-o torn
our tl. v i nun n' f inp-wi i conpt!. Ctpo l'ir
riv. r, anil the p'r; nt Vil.i,i'a(to-i I. a, so 1 1
ah linn kuile r.i: ui tot1-. "'.." ' er thi
(triiml mi ei -n nur peo;. e w 11 p - i li ips r. i ; in
a very fn ilavs: aim then 'lie ronn.l nt .iii eess.'i
will bme mini.' ih-: eir. , from N iMiMile, in I the
fon'-s on the. JauiOi) ill he the imly ouo le.t to
m h evo.
Dckpiitchi's from Wilmington ate.;'tvf
anil inconiplete. New York wa a little j-iart.eJ
ycsurilay nl'tornonn ty a report from the nRerit
of thn Associated 1'ie-n th it the nttaek nn W'.l
Diinnton ha'l b 'en ah iticiniied, anil that 1) ith
naval and milit iry fon os had arr.ved near F.T
troKH M nroe. Two hums luter thin sta'eiuent
waa cautlouBly enntrailieted, nnd the Washington
telegraplmr dvcinrus that lii" first repnrt wou'J
seem 'o lio a miAlnko. Instt'ad of tho whnlo llei t,
a B.nele vg-sel, and i tint a lie-patch boat, hud ic
inrnvU to Fortress Mnnioe.
Hut If this h trr teieu'iain, which appenrn in
our cnlunins thm mornini:, he closelv s. annc I,
tho prtininff of the censor's knife will ho (lis
covered. We quote, marking tho lna'ua: "A
detachment of tmopi lainleo on Sunday after
noon. The skirmitilior.s pi Bin d up gallantly to
the tort, under cover nf uur lire. Smin of the
more daiii.k' aitual.y entered the worlm, and
brouitht i IV the Ihi The lioro'iai'ilnieiit of tne
licet continued on Monday." Anil we presume
our special despatch from vVashiny'nn, d.ajs, in
atibntanee, cnriei tly I'll that yawning Rip. The
force under Unarm liiitinr, woi-ti laruan on mo
Fort Fisher peuiiiul:i, was notoriously iua ift
quate to content tvitu the coaihined furccit under
lirag. . , .,
There were at w il in iniaotl not ninreiy mo
Ufnal garrison, hut tlic two divisions which
sent down when the sailing of Purler's fleet was
known. These troops bad time to arrive Ion,'
before the licet which had bulldied the. Atlantic
storms tor a week, and which bun concentrated
at last with weakened n urn tiers asd B'r.ngtb.
lteekonlng, therefore, all the reinforcements
Which llrsgg had been able, to gaihor, it is safe
to say lie considerably outnumbered the expedi
tionary corps of General llutier; and we are en
titled, if not compelled, to infer that when the
first assault ou l or: Fisher had failed, it was not
found possible to maintain the hold on the land
which Lad J&cen gained by the landing of our
(leneral llutler's troops did all that such a
force cnnld have done. They established them
selves on the peninsula In itself a triumph ru
sisted an immediate attack by tho forces sent
down Irom Wilmington to Tall upon their rear;
then moved against the fort, carried an outlying
earthwork, pressed forward against the main
work, surmounted it parapet, hauled down its
flag and then alas! then, outnumbered by the
reiutoreed garrison, themselves attacked bv supe
rior numbers, wire compelled to relinquish all
the? had won, and t seek again the cover of tho
ships. That toeir lOi-se nave oeen uejr i. Iu4
. . i ... ihut thn ',-nin:inta" n
p iod In the statement that tho remnants oi
them re-embarked protiauly under protection of
the firo of the licet.
It is plain mere was neroisiu eiiouu on
utof the troops; skill enough on tho part of ..minium der : hut the o'd. old story of insulll
cient numbers is more rehearsed. Wilming
ton and its defenses were known to lie garrisoned
strongly, known to 1 capa'de of quick reinforce
ment from Hichmond ; proclaimed on the highest
official naval authority to be impregnable against
si naval force simply ; and yet the land force seat
to eo-operato with the tlcet seems to have been
wholly incoinmensurato with the magnitude of
be enterprise.
Later, brnxton Uragg's despatch from Wil
mington, December '27, is forwarded by Mr.
Stanton, and confirms the foregoing. Brags;
ays -."The enemy has re-embarked undor covur
of his fleet. His further movement is not de
veloped." There can bo no doubt, therefore, that
the particulars furnished botir special corrcs
poidenl ure in the main correct. The re-ein-barkauon,
moruoTi r, we interpret as equivalent
to an abandonment of the enterprise for the pre
sent, since our forces would have held their
around on tho peninsula had they been uble to,
or had they seen any pio-pect of operating elll
cirntly against the fort. They surely would not
have gone on hoard ship for the sako of haz
arding tho perils of another lauding on the same
The pnrsultoflloodis continstcd by General
Thomas wiiti characteristic caimon. l)e-p.u dies
from his beudquaru rs at l'ulaski, seventy miles
south of Nashville, are to the 2oth, Monday last.
jt the decisive liatties in front of Nashville were
Slight ou the loth and 10th, Gon. Thomas snb
qui nt advance has not been very rapid, tor
hu h, wl bout douiit, he has go al reasons. It
siveragcd about seven miles a day. We have re
peated accounts ot the disorganisation of Hood s
army, and it is snted that his corps commanders
ha 1 orders to get themselves out of harm's w:iy
as best they could.
The la't despatch from General Wilson,
Thomas' Ch ef of Cavalry, reports toal the
people say the Kcbcls are suffering immensely.
They were beyond onestion divided, a part
making straight tor Florence, Al a., andapirt
moving on roads further to the west in order
ft protect the pontoons at Florence, and probably
(ilso at Muscle Miosis, from an apprehended
llank aud rear niovi mi nt. It iipneaia runner
that each a movement ou Thomas' pirt
was in progress. While Wilson has pressed ttie
..r.,.r,l nf llond. an infantry force un der
JSttadwan, Thomas tills us, disembarked his
i, irom the cars at creek, seven
miles from Deeatur, and was marching on the
i ni..a..n H.e iiniriiluir of the 2oih. Tho
object ot sueh a movement tan be only to close
rip all eastern avenues of retreat to Hood, and to
ciiforce against the remains of bis army the ne
cessi'y of a southwestern, instead of a south.tast
etn retreat from. Florence,, supposing that army
to reach arid ctobs the Tennessee at ttiat point.
Hood's position Is cleurly one of extreme peril,
and his retreat is capable of being converted into
a lllght.
The movement of Shermun, hinted at In Beau
regard's despatch ot j ebieiday, is now dtviued by
Ulllll ...... u . ...
wai suae is will 00 mcitlVCCl 10 1116 l lllteU SU'l'l
as a ruof of t lie Irieuoly iaterest tuksn tty a eou-
aiitorntilo nortinn nf Ihn Itritisti rosonlo in thn nro-
t?i ttli! rffrtrl f M"" " T'"' of the
. r i n ri hn vvr sent I .to Sini'h.rn'i n
( h'(ii; ;a .Siimn in's a,-i ovh I Siv-tvu'i.
Hut I'.rnrRrd t atr im n' tint lU.-.leo lil
ill t.n h il a f'.'ro to crn'ck .ibcrinau's etpclitl'ri
Is tiyotrl rrMi-l-m. Muni 'r, with In" r-f pr I
army! nmlini: the lel 'c M way north v ir I,
nrnl has no trooi a ti waste In the otln-r ilirvitl .1.
I St mi n l.a r all t tr h rn c: -.linon,
P'P''tiori,pM.n loMi'piif it will lie r--ft ! i .
Win thtr it will overtake tin) j risoi.cis it imlti-T
n alt' r.
1'ii.allv, wo hsvp 1)0 It-rail ennf. ss'in thai
.Knl ilii , In We-lion Virainla, Ma liccn I'ttitu rc I
l St n mati. 1'wai In lii hm e rniv'li io en i
IcC I tm to ill tf o the cMi nsive silt wm k r nn,
I IcteU . ar.i! re so lotn: as to r'.s nis a re r tir
n i nt the o' ,ii rt nf i lie exn'ititiou V m; n't it'ie i.
As I t i' j.!r. is t r rhic f tn t munuf riot v of the
( 'i iift'irirry, tho Amount if uiim'Ii ''" in intut
liHte I'fi n i n. miioi.h ami ttie pi i if .)'. v. i I io
n i uiii n item tor IL n xt li wi'rk- In t!iu
I! 1 1 nmnd p.iprik.
wii.Tin'ijrov i
I i n I St T ri
'lie de-piic(.es n'Mit tl.f Wilmington evpe- J
li lli ti sic not very easily rrtiprel en ! '. I'irst
cine one yestrr Iny ufl'-in ei fnon FiMtress
Monroe, which Tins puHlishi'l in thj evening
pu cr, nnd profen tri 1 1 lio iip.ii of! I'll a
ty, arm urn irir tbil both tho hind and ntval
frtcis Fd ictitined fr ni Wl'mi' C'on f F Tlress
Mi tin t , and conv. yins tho iinpr'-sion that the
e xprilri. n had MinOnly end utie ".-te l y
piuved nniici e. s'lil. It did to: seem p'isM'cp
thai ibis iie'-pat'-b coul-i be correct, as we were
iviieiwise ii.f.'nne'l that operations were' still in
pio; less on Monday I .st
lie fr-t I'l'spani! was to in folio v.-d hv an
o'her IrnQk Waslnrgton, sivitn,' "fltat itwoi.d (
hi ni to be a mis'a' ;e that the naval iri.l military I
Heel had re urm d ;'' ttiftt t,. N ary Detisrtniei t
led no si 1 1 i'1i iiHcllic?ti?c." a. 'I Bivm some de'.a'ls
1. 1 ii'ovcinents. In the c air e of t tie nii; it Sc. r-'-tiuy
rtai ton's -rlii li'ille in rane to himd ; tint
n U it i (it ta lini reitaidiiic the Wil iungion expo- ,
iiiln n w-.san cvthc timn the Kiehnnmd t.a;iers
of ) i steroav. v. hu h aveired thai .Vlmit' i! I'oi ter'
r.inul t nnitiardmnt had ilnne v. ry li'tie dainnto
to Fort Fisher, and thst llutler's troops had le
i ml arUed on Moi'ilay niKht. We shall h iv to
v. a t for later advices I etore we can comprehend i
i the situation at Wilmington.
I M WH IH.1J1 msiiHi.i.v.. i
N siivii i r, Pee. mli r '.'.'i. It is known in olll
liul ciri is Importaiil inoviinc.its are tin
u king place at tho trout. Uf courso it would be
iinptnpcr to speak of them lunre il. liiiitely until
II. ev ate fully developed A day or two may
bung decidedly agrcva'de news.
'1 he am., lis slid I eyond Coluniliii, and tho
rivalry dniiiK impnit.nit service. Ouneril I homas
V, id certainly interest tho North du'ing Curist
nias week.
( i lot cl .Inhnsnn, of tho 1'1'h IndianaCavalry,
arrived la-t night from .Nnrfreesbnro. He was
ormrni on a scouting expedition when the bat Ic
was priuiri sslnc; tin re, but wa-cut nil from tho
army while in tho vicinity of l.iveigne. lio
crofscd the country to MurOi eshoro in time to
ti ke part with Iiiiiissiiiu in tho light at that place.
Willi a command 1 1 to bundled men, bo l ist
It is known that wc have eaptured .VI pieces of
nrtillery unit t. 'K.'j prisuneis -ince tho loth instant.
Mine of the latter me on tin ir way to tli c.ty. A
ureal many stragglers are being brought in.
nrilMI llllSI'ATOH.
Nasiivii i.i;, lb ci ttiti r 'J-!. There is no news
from below, licnerul Thoiius' hi a;h(U triers ure
nl J'ulHski. fitir Inn es ate still in pursuit of the
cnemv. The weather is somewhat niiliivoratile.
( hrisimas day passvd off plea amly m this city.
We liuvo no rdironl c mmunlca !on with the
Nnr'h sr. t.resi nt. Ttie dumiiktes lire in the nelifh-
lairhnod nf Nnlin, and are still unrepaired. We !
Lave mail ci inniunii ation with ('iiat'.anooita.
1 be dan. ages on the Nashville and Chattanooga
llatlroud are being repaired rannllv, and by
Thursday next trains will run through from this
city to I'uatianooga.
Inipwrtnut ieva Iri ulor from fuienvml
"City ToitsT, Deicinber 21, 1R'"i4. Major
General Meade: Copy for Corps Commanders.
The following despatch is forwarded for your
consideration: U. 8. Grant.
" 'Hfaducaiitkiis AtiMY ov thk Jamkh, Do
reniber l!.'l, 1 HO t. l.ieiitenant-(ieneral Unmt:
A telegraphic operator from the Hichmond War
(illlce statc9 as follows : Ilrngg telegraphed vtry
ettcn from Wilmington to President Davis for re
inforcements. " 'The United States fleet appeared ofTWilming
tonon the ltith, 17th, and lhth. General Hiuuer
telegraphed to Davis that Fort F isher was cup
tu red ou the night of the 20th.
" 'lteaun ard bad telegraphed that the capture
cf Savannah, by unconditional surrender, took
1 r,aie on the morning or the win. itienewswas
riceived in Hichmond on tho night of the iMth,
but was not made public. The f"ice in Savunuau
vas nrtlcisny reponi'u io dc ia,nuu w i.'m mvu,
wllb Hardee In command.
Gilmer, t hief Knitinocr of Defenses, ten days
ago reported only five hundred thousand rations
of meat In Richmond.
"lieiiera: lieauregsru leiegrapneu .
" 'E. O. C. Oai), Major Gcneral.
( liarlrntnn 1'repurallon lor Mhprnimi.
The Charleston Courier of 1'rid.iy eonUiins the
following order :
OK Sot 111 CAU01.INA, 1) HI'AHT M BN f Ok'
finl'Tll CAIIOLINA, (iiaillOIA AMU 1'l.OUIIlA,
Ciiaiu.kston, fc.C, Deeeiubcr 14. Special Or
ders, .No. UK. 7 On no account will non
enm biitants be allowed to enter the city of
Charleston, except in passing through to the more
Intel lor portions ot me mine, aner me piuuiuni
liou of this order.
.Second All slaves whose owners arc- now liv
Ing beyond tho limits of Charleston, oxcept one
lavs to take ch 1K0 of real estate, whicu such
owners have left unprotected, will be at once re
moved from the city, it in lilteen a lis utter mo
Issuo of this order, uny sucn are huh iouihi in uie
city, they will he at once arrested aud sent out of
the city tn seek their owners.
Uy command ot mujor-itcn. imskub.
YY'm. 1'. Acl, Assl-tant Adjt -Uenerul,
l'nrniiK Itlril-stuas;.
Colonel Cobnrn has called our attention to a
fact that is worth perpetuating. During the re
cent advance of Sherman's army on Atlanta, and
while that eiiv was being invested, the troops
were never outsjf hearing of the varied lay of the
mocking bird. Wbeu heavy skirmishing was
going on, and even whin a general en .'aiti'iuci.t
was 'raging, these little warblers, unmindful of
whistling bullet and shrieking shell, never
checked their song. At intervals between the
rattle of mnsketrv and the boom of cannon, the
music of these feathered favorites s mnded straugo
and saect, us "the still small voice" which hiij ah
heurd on lioreb, between the thundering tread of
the earthquake and me rustling 01 iuu 11111117
"lio'w wonderful, and how sad It wonld be, if
these melodious imitators could catch and repro
duce the sounds of human coullict, and the groans
of Lumuu ui-'ony I We uie glad thut such an
achit vi inrnt is bevond tneir power, aim iovo iu
think of the mocking bird singing only his wild
woodland btrains, lu his sunny Southern homo,
when peace shall have healed the ravag js of war
Further Arrt-at or KMem.
At the moment of putting to press, we learn
that three more of the raiders have been arrested
in the parishes below. This makes six lu all
that have been captured, so far, In this vicinity.
QutUc iknurij.
tU WU UUo.b.-, - .p,-.- -M- ISO lUUt'lS
are Oi tlci' ut liy this numbitr. Kvery other ills
triet In tint State is out of the dr ift. Tlie record
II,,. sat .'tin l-i. nl for Mnjnr-liPHT ll
lrt ivar- l'ril1iir ir IHerpriif llenil
- l.rHMv1 .vtait'll A-nasi Itic t'nrwllnna ti
It l liinnni'
V asiiimjion, 1' ' tnl'cr 'S. The c ipttiro nf
fi.iviit.t.ab, lih h f tl.e brill mt cu' miuatiou
(f fir.r can ps'n. opi lis nn .ih. r csmpaiin, the
n pjnt c ri'llli.i s nl !.Vti n ust lo m utiniiths
n h'd of fii' I' t' 'i' jt-1 s'nitfO! of the rullit.iry
r ep.. The msti h ft. in At at.t.i to the seaYnrd
a n i-'ch f Itc ; s ! cf N -polcon from tha
Nil men to Mr- ne- i. iii-prniTC rattier on ac
count ot the wnm'.-niil Kill iiud sueecsi with
phifhan rnteri't ise n n rmiur1 dilli. ulty was
Vf.oikcd out, th ri Irotn any p n-'tivc mat 'rial
HO.ults apiiiigitig ,,r, -. fioni it.
llr. fore 8tii rirMii e. ul i 'i j; n etfective w.a k, it
v us a'l'i "-aiy t in :. 1 1 r -! d ireiire a 1 tt-iil
j nn, I it '" : 1 I" "1 my. and in the execution
vt ton p.'and f. ni, 1 e tiiii ly posli.oned all
rritii t n ti i pt i.-i s t''.!t! !.c .si: on Id have achievcil
Now of all'nlil. n i'i'.iry lines on which I
r'ablish a t'sse (or iri 'inT npriiii..ns, tin of
the siav-ii. i Jib nier is ;',e 1 1 ry In sr. 11 tiptyiii'?
Inn; i lio Aiiai.t'C, Us l.m !-'Mi' is t.vnii tae ei. ai
ci nt.-sl iiiouiiniin nite il, ?.dii !r the eastern fr mi
thcwfstiru the. lien nf "a'1. A 'i' at t'n-
map vit. si ow ih it t' c .i,s:
H'lers rv iy In e of ri lw .i
twu n t'ic A luiiiic e li 'iir i
i" v.on ot ttiis river
I'ointntini 'a'.ion he.
'tales and ot'
ti e (.int. .Mti'.-h Im" i"
! nl the Con '' t in ; b'
Ll n I'n nti ton-", t i" S
n i. aS-nit t'j ; i.n -'i
t nil ll :l;'s Pile was lie d
eitli Id hardly he s.nd
, to he lenliv r tit In twe.i.i
! (ii m i al : !i cttn.ii lo i I inf. d hlnvelf on t'rs
lite and i-exui'do,!-Im I. '.'.-t. 'hoi I, oceaer
I ai d p- ssess ' it. To ill. :i t'n- nee.ts hat tho cap
ture of Alib is a, nn-l it mil, do ilc'i.s-, bo fjand
tl at tbi-i is b.s btut n'.ec ii.c Tlie iosesion of
Anrittii will cotnp!.-te Ink i omnia ol M the I no of
tin-favann.ih. I" ' it' give 1.1m the itr.e
r nr iadi i s.l, i hiie i s T..-t n.aeiial nipoitinv
as the p' inie ce itrc for the matin i ic'.iiro of all
mini turns ot war, will make its lo-.s an trretue
niable blow to the roenr. .
I Given the i-niii.ili thm nf these prel'iiiin iries, it
' lii swi'h ti lit tic il ten ilnyr, an I Slii rinan, tiirn
i Irghistaec nr rlhward, bus 'iciore linn a su ces
i s.i B nf ii 'tiq nfi ts dit.iing en nigli to lire tli; m nt
; aiiibitioiis iinag 'tnitioti, and whwi are .In.iiurd to
t.nihnatc the ai nn il (oiee i,( the U' tuillim.
II M.ei niati's t "i "i"ir p'eet ts nothing less than
Lie's at iny, now held light In Richmond by
i Giant, lint iK'twecn bis .resent position ii'ui his
i, tin itiou lit fie ' -ib s of IsouHi an I
Ninth Carolina. No v iv'iat. icr in these s ip-
ports the iielmilion w'j rther a"aporls thnugh
j which contrnbat.d of war fo ils entry fr nn
abroad, or dipots of s ipp ics f ir feeding the
Id hel for a iD V iigiula, i r rallconds and rollln
stock lor the transportation of men and mu'er.e,
i cr capital towu.i who-e lull ili-'r -tiou,
I dunnraiiatloc, an 1 d.a' my to the rctwl i uis
j pnpuiatimi. nr in groos wi. ii h forra the wo -king
I sinews of the Rebellion a 'I lioaprey lo his con
I qucr ng coiiituns.
Fioni Augusta- ho can swi.iii down on Clnrles
I ton, cutting every r -iiro id on which it de lends,
! and envelop. ngu" ns be has enielopod S.ivann ill.
; will l e a porient jiis Most at the
llebi llioii, for it wnl brui-o tins head nf fie
' si-rpi nt of si c smi n in its homvt and batehing-
nliiie. Hut it wnl me tie all; he will hsv.i bis
i iieil nn that hacih y State, nnd cu the stiir necks
ol its rebellious population, who will lie hiiinliicd
: aid brought !i'v. It our nrisomtrs are
still adowed to rem iln w ithin ttie con
i tines nf this St.,tc, 'hev w ill 1.0 iel "-eii ;
it ihcy ure trnnslorri'd fnriher iMilh, t ic Keoels,
i la'i'UUiini: iiuahle to bed iheui, as they are
i prtssi d li nn by Shertu ill's a Uhiic, restricting
I the area from w't.-irh they now drsw sitbsis'ence,
will bare to lit them go. Nor does North Caro
lina lie less open lo our arms, nd hero wo may
mnhiUntly hope not im iily for military run
ques's, tint fur moral triumphs. If 1 oner an I
llutier do not meanwhile take Wilmington if
they arc able to do no moro than reduce the forts
at tho entrance of the water highway on which it
stands, w hich will of itself be a great gain in
staling i' ''P fr bloeaudc runners Sherman will
oertamlv give it the ciup iir vtirt.
liut there Is the best reas m to believe that with
the capture of tho cn hul of North ( arolin i,
Knliigti, which Sherman will take en mi'r, we
shall witness n powerful spontaneous Union re
action and revival, more fatal to tho Confederacy
lliaii any feats cf arms, however brilliant.
Finally, from North Carolina Shoniinu moves up
into Virginia, whore ho joins Grant in dealing
the death-blow nt tlie Rebellion, tho head nnd
front of which is Luc s army at Hichmond.
This programme may to somo seem ra'.hor a
wild (ally of speculation than an outline of opera
tion, actually to be realized or eve in serious
contemplation. And yet I venture to say It is
neither more nor less than what will be done this
winter neither more nor less than what will lc
an accomplished tact by ttie opening ot spring.
In justification of this anticipation tho two fol
lowing rnnslderuiinns may be presented :
1. What adequate military force can the K&lvls
rpposc to the advance of Sherman over the lines
imliiatedJ Within a stretch of several hundred
miles there is absolutely no organized military
force that can ofl'ir even a show of opposition.
11 at dee's fucilive force numliers but littcen thou
sand men, whereof nine thousand ure raw militia
,v ,h this force added to tho six thousand which
still be too insignificant to do more than cumpel
a temporaiy halt before Charleston and perhaps
at VS llmltlglOtl, llicnco ouwaru ,uo iuuw m nw.
llehlnd htm, throughout the vast stretch of the
central military 7.0110 lying between the Allegha
Dies and the Mississippi, be leaves nothing that
can harm him.
Hood's forces, thanks to the succession of tell
ing blows administered by Thomas, has ceased
to be an army, ceased to he tit for aggressive
action, any considerable remnant of
it shall escape the tenacious and remorseless
clutch of 1 liomas, it will still ne no more than the
Kcbels will need to cover points now menaced
by advancing column In the Southwest, aud
towards Mobile, etc. What remains in additioii
to this enumeration ? Nothing but the army at
Hichmond, which the powerful force of Lieii'on
autOeneralClr nit holds lust there. It is clnsr,
therefore, that Sherman, so far as military oppo-
iiion la concerned, lias "all the world before tli tn
w here to choose." If he h is some work to do, it
will be only what Ins sruiy, "spoiling lor a ugni
and jubilant over the uninterrupted marcfc
through Georgia, is mosieager for.
2. rutting a-ide, as settled, tho question of op
position from the annus of tlie enemy, is un ad
vance from tuc .-avannau mcr, ii'i'isi '"
Statisof South and Noith Carolina practicable,
simply ss a problem In logi-ttes r In ottier words,
is It leastble as a tnaich ? llefore Shorniaa made
his inarch from Atlanta to the Atlantic, is 111 ght
have been hazardous to answer this query in t ie
sfTrniiitive. Hut the master-mind that in the
month of December conducted bis army from the
hnirt of Georgia to Siivcnn ih, a distance ot three
hundnd miles, without the loss of so much as a
waon, iB equal to the task. It Is the prerogative
of genius to shau. e old impossibilities by u-w
arldi veinent". .t'in oyibi' uu.lrm-
Viipoleou, discussing ihe proposed passage of
the 8pluaeii,aiterwardsoi.ri:ilntiye.seeuieu ny
Macdoriald, declared that tho globs presents no
ddiicultiis which man cannot surmount. "Iell
Macdoi.ald," said he, "that an anuyean always
and at all seasons p iss wherever two men can set
their feet." This Is the spirit that animates Sher
man, whose mind has, In many rsnpects, an ulli of genius with that great commander. He
has practically ilemonstrmed his anility to per
form a task of equal dill'n ulty with that assigned
him in the programme of operations above indi
cated, and mciony laseu ojuu iui u auwioaa
ful execution of what remains.
It is clear from this outline of the grand
sehtme now being worked out by Sherman, that
the military situation In Virginia assumes a
wholly new aspect and relations. The expulsion
of Lee's army from Riehmond, so far from being,
as hitherto, a desideratum, is now an event to be
ptevcuted. ludvtiUi U is prcsuaiuble thut It will
York Wori-l.
The white-lisb tnitla is growing Into an
for some time he i.'eutrnsnt (t neril flrn's
chief sim to ho d I ce i u tniinnd, while Khnr
n an prrni-s forward in t?'l i xei u ion of ,;, Kr,.!,
i is gn. Viewed in its gediVal a-p'et, Kiebinonit
ectr.e the har.icti ' nf a 'v ', t iwards whien
Minmiii is swe'p n.f, in arf imniene drcun
fen m e.
It Is a cnlos-al eotivptlon, an-1 oi that wtnst
rivet the atteti inn ol evi ry intel'l nt nun. II 1 1
nine audacious prophet "ventured th prediction
ilia an Bimy would be led from re'Tennent-e
ricr to Atlanta, from A'lauia to to seacoist,
aril from the s s-i osst up to Virginia, thronirh a
tlimi-iii.d ml'i s of h isti c tcrrit Ty, tse pre lietiori
r nulil haiefi''n sc mted as the ildt' S sally nf
iniemsi late sprciiiiitinn. Vet we liave to-rly,
tx fine our rvis, t';e sue f -still execstlon ot one
full this n h-iue ; nnd this nivonipllshed fact is
the hcM siiaianii e nf f il sncee-s in tha' p rt oa
ot tl o tniehiy work j ft lef re lirncral Shernnti.
Wn tiM SuiMiiiN, in Nev York I'lmfm
u llii'.mnii TViKi ianT iv J iivist. Thn 1'ir's
(.ri. , it.,i, o lias received n letter fiotn llallon 0
tie i licet that the Pr.n f of Negi'.o, haviti
lefusid to pay the war indemnity stipul ited In
tl c tn sty of pence s gned by hlni, ttie ciini-tal
tribunal nf Ycddo hid de Med that h'S two
pslaei s should lie ra oil to the ground and his
trrv.-iMs put to de dh. This sinnuln irv semen -a
was appioM il bv the M'kitlu and Tycoon, tun
spiritual and temporal sover -tittis of .lap in. T ie
nnti lcr of srivsnts l.i'Icd in th execnion of tlm
si iiiene whs 12U men and '.lo woui -n ati I
ihil'iirn. The rrln-e hues-If had bci ou ht t le
I'.tgli-h. French. Amencin, and il-i-si.i'i Mm s
lers to In'erenlc wnh the Tienin In h.soan
hi la.f, l.e having decide I to pa? an sums dui.
Several pctsons are tlh'ging for yo'roleuai in
the c ui tiy back of llol oken. A spring three or
loor mill s Ifnm llnbnken is llumglit t ji ull -a e
the cxliteme of oil. No petroleum br.syellxcu
N A N N V li 1' It V. S H N T,
W hi li
I n-'iun.l
'l 1 1 k. i; i ; ; i: i v i ; n
t' tlllll KittK I M THE V f. t It
Hut . n i.' In
nR.f.vk' i.nrroR, PBiiiKssmt .ioiim a. tmir,
Former Principal of the l Vatmi Iflli
Atntns nur rtculsr r in'ritniti'M am the tt". JOUsi
IiiHI) 1. I) , suit ll.v KI 'II A It It HKtvruN, 1. .,
Uth hivtn- a werlil v I d , riimttiti'.ti as wrin-rs au.t
pli hsri to tin yiuK.
A I. so,
Ilusuliriilly, it-. I.
ispi'i-ltrwn Velfi h rie
11 ) thsJl
No. 1 1 h. rouivni
f j01.11 y nuisKNTs
m 1 jl, v 11 1 is li: is:
Wliolcanlo unit ltot-iU.
Till; tlUKAms.' AM UK8
Frruerf?, Hvnma, Family aril Pocket
Rich Tarkey Moro.-T, Antlqas. Relief and Oild.
11 IM if tllAW ForjJlTH, ROVJTH WDB.
N i R D I N A N C V.
J 'loMaWaau Appro;r'ation to thn I -aw DsrA(rillt
(er the lear IS'v, anj f..r SW rurst,es.
Sci llun I. Tna Hli-cl ani 'Viainim I oanells of IIik City
I'lnlidali.hla ilo urdaia. I hat Ilia amu or fdiia'rui-lliciti-
aiid llil l.iiinlrril ami I ftr 1 l i,s.ol dollars t a an I th
aouii' Is herohy apin.rlat.N. tw U10 Law Li'liarltuisit ror
thaiiar lsi. na lutluwa:--
I fr Solativs, lilliL tt.nuaand fosr hundraa t dH)
d lara. . . .
a. tor Adssttlsius Llini, eaa luousnna 11 va nnn iraii
Iti&i t )
n lor I'r.anunutary'a t'atui.ene tliotina.sJ five hundred
(Sl.'sto dellara.
4. I or aConti, twt theuiand a0 l.undn d 1 $."eJ0l
6. Kor Ulank Iloi.ka and rutloimry, fear uundrp.. I WO)
1I1. liars.
n Kor Taptr Itailii and Ulanks, fuor handrei ami liiy
(SlIiSI dollart.
i. lor lint sirvlca of Htib-j.i, N'oUcvs, and ftr.C?ii7
llif , Inreo bimdred . i(si ooilai a.
S For h i 111 1'MViini'Ssua, CVri'ileil Or V's of F'ans and
l'api-M, and t'T lii-HiTli'tioii ot tToportie; lor Stisn.I s tals,,
llitri' liui.SrtilllW ilellar-i.
II. I'ert aro andClcaniiih' ol OftVe, and 'orOflkn Fcrul
tum, Ihreo liuiulri'tl iS 1'SO . ellaia.
10. Mct'llanaooa taiietiass, threo hundred (S-Isi;.
dUrFor AdverltslriK. snd Poatinu N.tSitoa of 1 lulls of
Biirvi-ys, to hundrrd (t-'is.) d nam.
U. tor Law Hooks, oua huudred anil fluj tlt t)
"li'"ior I'eplfsof Lawa, two hundrod uod i:fty(F)
"isKor Alilirinnn'a Tosts. two hundnsl ( Jil) d..itirs.
lii' I'l imoaii. Ins'. Inauruuca, and Kiwordius.u.-o tlioa
aaud 1 Ills ") d'dia. s.
Itl. l or in jr. . ite of Falary for Ihe year 1M. aa autlio
ried ov Orainancs. eleven Innidred ISUIS'I d illji-s
And Wariama sliali be drawn bv n,e ' 'ir i,':
I'roaidsul 0 Cuuiraoa Caauoll.
Aasiaiual Clerk of Common rumen.
Trrslilent uf K"le-a 1 'ennct'..
Annrovi'd this t wanly -d'unli its) of Itecsinlmr. a tw
rtoiiiiiii en" tuoiinund aishi k'ludrad and lii)-..-r
(A. ll. ISO I).
Mayor ri f .
N O K 1) I N A N
1 Al I ,.!, f. r Iho Krt-itlu
To Aiiil.'-n1 im Atiii'tt.
Iln Ue AcrojiB the SuliHvUuU. Ml ClslllUUt
lion I Th .eH" t III! I &m'ntjn wniiicnswi iimi.uj
01 i'li-nnif-iihw !.. ia.'. TitAt ii.f Mi- f ui r;i.ia.. ...!
f laliO It I" M'H y iMItlKirU" li Hi uurrtiw, un utr 1.1 sin ui
tl.- i-ity I'rtJtu imu- t- iliim. sui-li uuinCk immry - i3i He
itfvr to piv fi-r tl t-.n-iriuti u hQ'1 ervticu ot &
l,n'r- 'vt u.e rivrr H. hcilkili. nt rht i.Mt iir.t. n i
uxiMdinR.n th w!ioli tni mm of tidily -live
iluiliir., i'ur whica nurrfsi, not io i ina lti rt f m
ir f.nt ptraunuiu. h bi- ul ymi, tn.tlit ilrit
tiayn of.iunuarv rtiiil-July, a, il.tfvm.-e of tl l' v trt-mii-.T
'! '. pil'.i,'l 'f I" ' M P''l
p ml L Uif i irttLtnii 01" ll'irty rr fmm tlie tittle ol t'i
i.tiBtMtiid not 1- 1'iie tin con.ent of the i. .!
it iit oi ; Hi'- curtiilcitu iLt-r-'I'ir. i Hi uKitiii t' nn of
cr'-fH stcs of I-c:t'i, tihiiii bi- imim il In r.c!i snoitnii
a itjf i net if niay c ucum. but not t--r uny irswili.u! rt
(.louc Iiuiidt-ctl d liri. or 1. n.mrrl. In numuiiti 1 !.
nuti'Tii or i.m- iLsiii-un I U-.lrs , Mnt.t tliuil be .xrtAiri
Ui n I rertttt' .its tH I t-.e IB' I hn thtirv'in ni' titloflfil,
uikI ttie iastwem ihefuvi ttrtj pstyttbl Iree itvui all
B. tlon 9 V.inTfr any loin h4ll b tnd nf virtue
tlii-rvi'f, lii' re nhaj .. bv lurce o Hi'" uruinai.. r , hqbuu.i
n.r.riatst.lfiiitnr Ittft ItlCOmt' ill til CUri'Iat flstnti',
u. a. hum r.iin d bv (Hiatiou. a -din nnrticient tn
..n kliiii asrfiy. ftiif.: autl Liu-tui tberiuiu
uf lli'te tt uilts nf oiiu pff c- nunn oil li e pi' value uf
m-ih ii tttti' itli n, aoliMUtHl. M.ull Ut a,"i"anri'
,...1 nf a.irl inruwiio ftfl I Inxit tO aailik'tllf t N nil i W li li 1, ui.'t l ui- uiiiiilaM'iiii. rtn- Cn-rat y MM'f'l-il' plt-dra
for Iho red. aioJiia au.l A'J 'liuX.
Prasldsut ol Comuaoa Council,
wiii.iau r. aunt,
t lark 01 Common Counrll.
J A M Est r.VMO,
rraaldfaitof hf lct t'oancU.
Approved Hits twatily-foiinli day of lieoioiitiaa, Anns
n. mini one tluiiisniid I'lsiit Uuudrad and amy tiur (A. U,
AXXkS llTIR lir.KRY,
tlayor 01 I'liiltUoli.Sat.
tactril wulls of Sumter. I am willliiR anil reaily
now, as 1 know my fjovcrnnieut always lias been,
i,, ,.nu r at niiee into hiiv fair exi'liaiiita of nrisou-
it 'iiiiwrvirr Htrsst.
orrsas m str.i
J,lINjUrf JlANlHiJlUJlllirji.-K,
la all it Itths.n,
Obristmwi and Iljlhhy PreaerrU,
Ladiof Hits.swtiaS lUkni.. all liasst. .Wt. ssa spwaras.
Map's f
l.'hlilrtw's u to
riila HaaSkuruSlsi. all Ham, HOo. an UFWardi.
J.aist llandarsthlefa. fl t f
Ifailiroldi aeJ UaaiilnroliUfi. St IPfIS
Hon a.WcmiT'l.aiid Ohll.'wn slUnilHrTtil.' kinds
and al pi leas irj mull bal .w tin oiil rild basis.,
LACK Oi'ODS, F.MHROIDl.ll'l.a,
WI1I1K G()()l b' ALL KIN t H,
HiiKiMe for rnvisnit. at
15 17.Ut "miiiy uif rt:i.'i:n -
C;jL.IiCi OUT,
Noh. 405 aad 407 H. BeconJ Street,
(Tnuld fall tb s'tentlns or ta FaM:f lo Wl spta'tlil
SUM if
llomp rlalnj a fall Mnn of avery varlalj of
.joiiih yv. T1HIA.,
is -is lettf
Baa. MB and 0T St. HBr.'ORD sirart.
SV.Kl'L HOLIDIY fit Hfl'.N TS.-Ics" DIIT
1 Hied. 1 ari rn. ml rl.iths. and W 01 to Silia.lsa.-v.
V.. A Hi II A It ll r I 1', K. K. r..rnr ana
HAhklll SO.KI,. lll npi"n rm'rilllis rrnill aue l m,
Insiam I'trisua. a l w,;.-. In $1 si; niurain i:re''ta,
w. el mill's. i-1 tasTe ; Kntry and Htair rrp. ts. i. le. lo
SI'S", Is or mil lath. 7. --o. in SI '.; i-lll're.l Win low
HI a-tf Sl'to to $ ti; I'liristmn I tmit'Os, .' to inc.;
I lialalnea, only i-V.; Mararillea limits. ' to
SI.I - lilai.kla. $10 to Sin; 1'iano and I aiao ( otoia. i ta
l, Alparai. ail cukira. one. to SI.'O. Uses and Pop. us,
t titi la tl W. Hhirlliis snd Sin .'tun; sloilina. I'll-- lo ime. ;
nlaln ai-d fancr 1 axlmrrni, ;... I" l jil; n.-w slslo nal
n.oral Sknta, tl t t" : rasmre alls, 1 1 lo t.i. Msi at)
ttlrta aa.l Itrawera, 1 1 '), L oin's anil ilnals lllosea. in.
Ic. tl; ll,laa. Hoinass, nrraMa-l Hliawls. Ho ids aunt
(ana '. n.fl: tires. Iliittoo-, III in u.v. ; s) ml tVittm,
lie.: Halrt llrald. Ilx". Waler pnsjl and manor l.lois
' iakina. tl la to tl ,'i0. Wnot.'al" and Usull sirs, is.
K. aarnar I I S.VKN1H aad MAIlKr.T Bi.aota. is as-ut
Ta fxtvoT tho Uudable practice of mnkln;
Green Baize, Brrjche Sliflvrls,
Skating Mufflers, Wcollen iShawlB,
Clin Plaids, f ilks,
Skating Skirts, Si-'i Toplins,
PromenadaEkirtSy fiep Poplins,
Motirmcg Skirts, MorinoeB.
Skirting, All Wool Plaids,
Shernard's Plaid Skirts, &c.
Hn. 7fH ARfH "ITKriRT.
EtnUCTIOM It MH Ft OF l)r UiA)le).
A Hpli-ndlS Variety far
Cob. isllns or SILO' Uoaaa.
Trenrt Mrrlaooa ant Poplins,
l.aam a Situtia and U :bn Widta. Blaok Dala-BUV
1. Hfluht Wo'l Ptalda.
t.uoln a Fine tonality Fronch Ma-Snoaa.atgA,
Uaavy tibbad Woof Poplins, tl Ml.
Clay and Plain Htyle Couoa and Wool Ilata
toon ya da Callcoaa, from .11 Si tn SOo.
Plaid Hhawla nai and llealraWo.
Plain Shaw. a for teisksi.
f'hiltten'a Ana la-Long aad asaara.
Ladlea'.nenta', aa Childroa's io-.
Idlaa' ant Oan'a' Linen (taaiSna UAaJS.
Ladlea' H,M Rt Khad Udlfli.
tHaia'Sila lldan.
BaJtaoral (Sllrla I.arrs Asaortamaat.
sSMidsi Connutrpane., freaa A a ouo a.
t laiinela W kilo aad Oolaaod.
HaitlalTa.S autUian.-r.
lies yarda Crast, at Me.
IT Ladlna will asaaalna tin. stack tner wal tint (nod
sooda al tbs vary tovaal ptisaa. Ko iraakl I skow tKenl.
Ooana sad BisiulBa, st
rfittl W n. ni'-nnn,
M fan Xb. tut AS'-H tstraM.
101,4 ttllEtNTT HTaKKT.
anally xicooivlnar
"OVII.llKtl IM
la every variety aad st
"lO'it C1IEHNIIT 3TfeF.P.
UO tlaBBfaclory.No. His AMI II R'r'H, U.wO
Atioia Hmh sitreat,
HulaJ. iplil.
WhnLMale and ttail.
Tkamaat aa.orlmi at ef Ladles', Mlss'. and
f'alldrin'a Hot Skirts la every respeal Ural
eiasa.wlilok lor alyle. Bnl-h, daralillHy, and cAeapaoaa
have uo e'lDnl lu the market.
Bkh-'s mate Ut order, aimed, aad repaired. Wt. T. HOPKINS.
t. rapntatloa easnot be aurpBaeel. Ho. Uiu KAltfe,
Httesv Ordaii tiruaglly aumnlaU M. 1J IT '
-i nut..
M. ViiVHAV. Ihe n.tnajy m ja unirv lies', lor tl.e roti.
auiiallie tnneer tier Kl v.N I r. H I kl AM lU IT Kits
( siile-w t.cel) lor the uepvr Uaea, and oue or wore lor
Lake Omai st.
A( Kl Y S AlTTlOrs
NA, kK.l
1100 M i, No. 346
C tl' WAriiY. Anailon-sr, aoiiHia oonsanmsiasa sf
IMaill-, .IV ISKS, ami MtHiHIlMlll'stt,
Oi rat Inmli.far . ssnc aalr ai hla turn. in Hintata, and as
-. .,id ;;0 . ,0.
A,"r,""'H'.t.SKII 'D FfllNmiHtt
""""IV";rn," Nr.m tlAt.ti.HK
Al th" nt4-ft. oi If ftvn-r , ,
lutt wHi ivt- ) ttl when CMr(I cuolf;nMnt
ltvaf fW 1 nsvue ia.
a m r 1 a t; t ii
(lit Frtt?tT ttl'irnlT.a.
Atl'n'rt ck. mn inv-Mr'of I.-. ttmtOrvOsHV. ltUsr
I'ur-f . 1 v''a'i'i, K -rliist, f &
Al--. Win hanifHi I.nti.llr.f iii-h- .. Vyi. f
th ATK-v -ik A ' V.
Alo, finr r-svattv air otm And omrn.
5. IAy.A.R, NIMTll AND 3 ANMt)at
Al t-vtiiN Ni.a ov tioitspsi, final ii"1, tit.,
it lnnvik-i natos-hsv MlirBInf Heal,
OT".'Uiim.i, , ,.
,um.d to k.,, J,''v iiotiMK.
h.n',",.rr!."I" 7l'!':.r,'OB " '''" " " "n-
J; u:rtc":i: - ..r..e..
Mtr"rho'r.'e'io''Ul'',"",,',Mai"',,r,l,'M' '1"M
Alc iirivioiia 10 ilia hnrsra atmniiM,,, ,n.uin asria-
fl a , lol'i ii.sir. '
Ka pofiriioiiainetit oB afi-oni't o" walln,,
li an ot Inn a. tic ,mi'-- lay.
l ai Isata aatl la-nio ai pr.-vati- ssla.
IJ l-tt AI.IUKIt tl It'fcKk ri S.aa, Isig
y a T, u a i; ii v.
l OK ts'AI.IO
Onr Inlf tp land Int-rr.t on Boyatty, hv.og .wb sntirtt
ota I Uia oil i-rodiica o a tract of land com itntnaj .h'F
amtit ansn, and k and on Iha wfsl aids of fsa JlaattieBF
rlvar.'.", n Ilea tl rw tin. .,w not MlAMKI.IX, In f ouanta
roiicly, Pf nna Iraala.
On tlila land th.-TO ari now lour Tumplrt Vfells, tr
durlnR 1 irij Harrols of lilt tr Say. Tlifraara now Foar
Nsw Wfiia'K down. .So wall burad ta tats vioislir
has yet proved a fait irs.
Tbtia la nsiin on tills Ui'.l for sixty tiinra Wotla. a4
iSioe will pioliahly na Tan now Wells bora d ta this hu4
Jiirnif Uia ccinlas airl:ar ; from all of linns too tarctiam
oC the ilwva liitenst will reif Ire on plRhtli of all Uie CM
prodnrrd, without any i1 tlm worklus esix'inrs. Thorw
liave tiren eiittit, new rn tines punihasad for vtortlBS Ihul
lant, Ac. Apily to
No. UK) I'tlEPIlUT fWt.,
I js). IIOOM No ir.
Vdcabic Oil ard Coal Company,
HP WF.r VfltUlA.
N.t It 11 :,nu,Ti' kvi'llil
Pnn. siovi. i iiiA, tipuuuciic t ts l
The VOIA'ANIO nil. AMI ttOAI. I'liMPAVl r of Waat
Vlrionla. lorn.e.l on .sin aeus ol nil. l.'inias . uian ise
"i.rirt l i'l ! In IVi'sn in Vlrnlnia.lias t oianla
as flijwa:---
wit 1.1 iM c srii K. i.
A. I. MA.S.SP.r,
Wltlam ('. atllai, Jr., I L"wls firsiiwr,
.1 te Kt.
Koaerl iu Lull.
Wli:iam p. snctor,
Tlie stitisnttiars totho t'upi.ftl RtoeX of the aliavo Oaa-
tany am fieri hy not. tied to pav ttieir aHbeorlouon on ur
etore tli otli diiv ot Jnnnsry, fsil',.
A imlt d nnmlKirof sli.i-os. not exooaitlns His Thoa-aaud,arii-o(H-rt'd
lo tliu ptililio at aiilserlillon prli'o, tl por
Kh.ri',iii to the .'.th oi January, afti'i wliijli time ao auk
r.ilitloua will bo taken.
COOl'Klt & 1KVri'',
1'2 r.3trp No. 11 UBUOlUNrB SWIUANUFl.
I 0 1!.!!
Vi bioe property embraces .wuio of the flneat OIL TRIM
Tl'hY ON OIL CUKKK, just ntfcire
Also, iW) aaes on srcAlt ( Kl.Kk, Venango county.
For lofonnalton, apply intil Jsnuarj t , I.SG5, u
1( S. TIIIUD Htroot,
iv 2s-atiT
jtioit; n.ijr i:, or
Tkla sreparatloa la uue.iiallsd as a AaJuveuatiaT aud Hav
aterer af waawd or inert functions.
The uad akoaid ke eartala to uiakotke Biokreae s house
hold sod, Inaimaok as It will reader thorn youthful la feel-
and hi atrenstk, and enable thirn to live over atala Bus
days of thalr prlatlne Joy. It not only ailiBaralaa bat
evraaejsMBB, and la really an Invaluable bleaatng, eipeotailw
an atwt.e who have been reduced to a conditloa of servufcy,
U akaia.mlaSjrtans, or ordinary auknoas. Na maUsr
what Ihe caase of Ilia tmpoteuey of any homan ornia, tula
esiaarfc proparaliva will riiuove toe ctfaot atones and fkc-
I'araa Impeteacy, tieneral Debility, Iiyspepita, Depres
tloii. Lose of Appetite, Wtakncsa nf the Onrana of
Uoneratlon, iBibtcthty, ImactaUou, FdlBUl.
It has a aioat aolishxful, dixlrabla, aud anal effort apoa
Ike (.arsons DystaBii aodaUwko are Iaaay way pros
trated by sarvoua iliaabiauoa are earaoatly adtued lo sastt
a eaie la Uila most uioilient and unequal lad praparatlu.
I'Mtons who, by Inmrudaace, have lost thmr natural
vlfssr, will fled a speedy and Betmanenl sure la the
It will be found totally dliTertat fom an other arUelet
far the aame purpetea.
TO rrttAI Bi. This preparation Ib Invaloablejn ae
Tosu TiaeAueaaoa of all kinds, aa It will restore tlie Waal
slreatrlb with wonderful perDiuueuce.
It ta alao a fraud lontt, aud wlU give relief ta Dyspepsia
with Ihe aral dose. A hrfcl persistence In Its use will reno
vate the stomach lo a deyi ve of perfuct kealtfc, and binlsk
Dyspopsla naasisi.
One Dollar per kotUe.or sU bottlos r M. 14 f
Drasgute generally.
Beat by aipreaa anywhere, by addrasskaf
nUTCUlNGS 4 1ILLLYEK, Proprietora,
Ve. 81 CKUAR Street, Nsw Tors.
.. K. u ui.-,, o , ... t I'tOlailftltililm.
UII-luthJia-rp X
I I ' l UftiiiirA.-i.if- K(l CvH If I'M RfvM llill